#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Full version of the Project Ethea Phase 1 credits used at the end of AtS # Episode 3. # # wmlindent: start ignoring #define CREDITS_BODY _TEXT body={_TEXT} #enddef #define CREDITS_LINE _TEXT [item] text={_TEXT} [/item] #enddef #define CREDITS_ARTWORK _AUTHOR _NAMES [item] author={_AUTHOR} names={_NAMES} [/item] #enddef #define CREDITS_BREAK [break][/break] #enddef music=everlasting_night.ogg pre_wait=2750 [section] title= _ "Story" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Programming" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Map Design" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Playtesting" {CREDITS_LINE "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Proofreading" {CREDITS_LINE "8680 (8680)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "nemaara"} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Unit Art" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Portrait Art" {CREDITS_LINE "Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Marcus Rosén (sleepwalker)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Additional Artwork" {CREDITS_LINE "Ben Wenzel (artisticdude)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Blarumyrran"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "doofus-01"} {CREDITS_LINE "Emilien Rotival (LordBob)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Erkki Lonkainen (Eternal)"} {CREDITS_LINE "EVILEST"} {CREDITS_LINE "Francisco Muñoz (fmunoz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "GK3"} {CREDITS_LINE "Hogne Håskjold (Frame/Freim)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Irrevenant"} {CREDITS_LINE "J.W. Bjerk (Eleazar)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Lari Nieminen (zookeeper)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Musketaquid"} {CREDITS_LINE "Neoriceisgood"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Reiner ‘Tiles’ Prokein"} {CREDITS_LINE "Richard Kettering (Jetrel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Samuel Wilson (megane)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Santiago Iborra (Quellion)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Shield"} {CREDITS_LINE "Stephen Metcalf (Neoskel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "VYNLT"} {CREDITS_LINE "Zerovirus"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Aragwaith Faction" {CREDITS_LINE "Astrid Halberkamp"} {CREDITS_LINE "Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Music" {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Aleksi Aubry-Carlson" "gameplay06.ogg,Orc Theme"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Blake Ewing (Ewing)" "The Gathering Storm"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Jeremy Nicoll (jeremy2)" "Lonely Snowfall"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Mattias Westlund (West)" "Ambuscade, The High King’s March"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Murilo Carvalho" "Everlasting Night"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Telaron" "A Land of Adventure, Climactic Contemplation, End, Harp"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Telaron" "Moleman, Overlive, Returning in Time, Western Theme 2"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Tyler Johnson" "Enchanted Forest, In the Land of Madness, One Thousand Suns"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Translations" {CREDITS_LINE "kabachuha"} {CREDITS_LINE "newfrenchy83"} {CREDITS_LINE "RatArmy"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Additional Thanks" [/section] [section] {CREDITS_LINE "8680 (8680)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Alexander van Gessel (AI/AI0867)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Astrid Halberkamp"} {CREDITS_LINE "Benoît Timbert (Noyga)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Derek Hoagland (Gambit/Grickit)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Dimitar Ilccov (Mythological)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Docrock"} {CREDITS_LINE "Elvish_Hunter"} {CREDITS_LINE "Elvish_Pillager"} {CREDITS_LINE "Mr. Fuzzy"} {CREDITS_LINE "Inky"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Konrad2"} {CREDITS_LINE "Layla"} {CREDITS_LINE "Lily"} {CREDITS_LINE "Matthias Schoeck (mattsc)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Michael (Mica)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "nemaara"} {CREDITS_LINE "Piotr Cychowski (Cycholka/Mistbinder/Mist)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Richard Kettering (Jetrel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "S. E. Brune (SouthernOracle)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Sergey Popov (loonycyborg)"} {CREDITS_LINE "solsword/pmworther"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Turuk"} {CREDITS_LINE "Zoltic"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Thanks for playing" duration=10000 [/section] post_wait=2000 music_fade_out=2000 #undef CREDITS_BODY #undef CREDITS_LINE #undef CREDITS_ARTWORK #undef CREDITS_BREAK # wmlindent: stop ignoring
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [about] title= _ "Creator and Lead Designer" [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" email="[email protected]" wikiuser="shadowm" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Campaign Maintenance" # # Current main maintainer # [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Graphics" [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" [/entry] [entry] name="Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)" [/entry] [entry] name="Marcus Rosén (sleepwalker)" comment="Demon portraits" [/entry] {CREDITS_SEPARATOR} [entry] name="Ben Wenzel (artisticdude)" comment="Improved Demon, Demon Grunt, Demon Zephyr, and Demon Warrior baseframes" [/entry] [entry] name="Blarumyrran" [/entry] [entry] name="Charles Dang (vultraz)" [/entry] [entry] name="doofus-01" [/entry] [entry] name="Emilien Rotival (LordBob)" comment="Faerie race icon" [/entry] [entry] name="Erkki Lonkainen (Eternal)" [/entry] [entry] name="EVILEST" [/entry] [entry] name="Francisco Muñoz (fmunoz)" [/entry] [entry] name="GK3" [/entry] [entry] name="J.W. Bjerk (Eleazar)" [/entry] [entry] name="Musketaquid" [/entry] [entry] name="Neoriceisgood" [/entry] [entry] name="Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)" [/entry] [entry] name="Richard Kettering (Jetrel)" [/entry] [entry] name="Samuel Wilson (megane)" [/entry] [entry] name="Santiago Iborra (Quellion)" comment="Wight for WTactics.org/Arcmage.org, used as a placeholder for Mal Hekuba" [/entry] [entry] name="Stephen Metcalf (Neoskel)" [/entry] [entry] name="VYNLT" comment="Chaos Cardinal" [/entry] [entry] name="Zerovirus" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Aragwaith Faction" [entry] name="Astrid Halberkamp" comment="Rebalancing and animation WML updates for the MP 'The Aragwaithi' and 'Era of Chaos' add-ons, applied on AtS 0.8.1 and later" [/entry] [entry] name="Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)" comment="Art, concept" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Music" [entry] name="Aleksi Aubry-Carlson (Aleksi)" comment="gameplay06.ogg, Orc Theme" [/entry] [entry] name="Blake Ewing (Ewing)" comment="The Gathering Storm" [/entry] [entry] name="Jeremy Nicoll (jeremy2)" comment="Lonely Snowfall" [/entry] [entry] name="Mattias Westlund (West)" comment="Ambuscade, The High King's March" [/entry] [entry] name="Murilo Carvalho" comment="Everlasting Night" [/entry] [entry] name="Telaron" comment="a_land_of_adventure.ogg, climactic_contemplation.ogg, end.ogg, harp.ogg, moleman.ogg, overlive.ogg, returning_in_time.ogg, western_theme2.ogg" [/entry] [entry] name="Tyler Johnson" comment="Enchanted Forest, In the Land of Madness, One Thousand Suns" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Translations" [entry] name="kabachuha" comment="Russian" [/entry] [entry] name="newfrenchy83" comment="French" [/entry] [entry] name="RatArmy" comment="Japanese" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Additional Thanks to" [entry] name="8680 (8680)" [/entry] [entry] name="Alexander van Gessel (AI/AI0867)" [/entry] [entry] name="Charles Dang (vultraz)" comment="Wesnoth 1.14.x support assistance" [/entry] [entry] name="Elvish_Hunter" [/entry] [entry] name="Inky" comment="Highly educational playthrough and bug reports" [/entry] [entry] name="Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)" [/entry] [entry] name="Konrad2" comment="Playtesting and bug triaging for Wesnoth 1.14.x" [/entry] [entry] name="Matthias Schoeck (mattsc)" [/entry] [entry] name="Michael (Mica)" [/entry] [entry] name="nemaara" comment="Playtesting" [/entry] [entry] name="Steven Panek (Espreon)" [/entry] [entry] name="Turuk" [/entry] {CREDITS_SEPARATOR} [entry] name= _ "You, for playing this campaign" [/entry] [/about] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define LOG_ATS_ERR _MSG {ERROR ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS_WRN _MSG {WARNING ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS _MSG {LOG ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS_DBG _MSG {DEBUG ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Naia library # #ifhave ~add-ons/Naia/loader.cfg {~add-ons/Naia/loader.cfg} #else #ifhave ./Naia/loader.cfg #define NAIA_EMBEDDED After_the_Storm#enddef {./Naia/loader.cfg} #endif #endif #ifndef NAIA_VERSION #error Naia or a Naia base library component is missing. Cannot continue loading this add-on. #endif # # Local library # # LD provides a simpler, shorter way of including WML files by using only # relative paths (to the add-on's directory). #define LD __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/{__PATH__}}#enddef {LD /mainline-strings.cfg} #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ {LD /terrain-graphics} {LD /terrain.cfg} {LD /terrain-virtual.cfg} #endif #ifndef EDITOR # LE includes WML files using paths relative to the currently selected # episode's directory. #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_I #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/maps#enddef #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/maps#enddef #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/maps#enddef #endif #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ # DIFF includes WML conditionally depending on the selected difficulty. I # prefer this to mainline's ON_DIFFICULTY macro, which has an exceedingly # long name for such an ubiquitous purpose. There is no whitespace (e.g. # tabs, newlines, blanks) around the inclusions in order to avoid issues # when the substitution is performed in middle of a string literal. #ifdef EASY #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_EASY}#enddef #endif #ifdef NORMAL #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_NORMAL}#enddef #endif #ifdef HARD #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_HARD}#enddef #endif #define PERSISTENT_NS_ATS "Project_Ethea.After_the_Storm" #enddef #define PERSISTENT_NS_IFTU "Project_Ethea.Invasion_from_the_Unknown" #enddef # NOTE: do not change the order in which these files are preprocessing unless # you are very sure of what you are doing. [lua] code = << PROJECT_ETHEA_AFTER_THE_STORM_VERSION = '>>+"{LD dist/VERSION}"+<<' naia_register_package { global_id = 'project_ethea.After_the_Storm', name = 'After the Storm', i18n_name = wesnoth.textdomain('wesnoth-After_the_Storm')('After the Storm'), version = PROJECT_ETHEA_AFTER_THE_STORM_VERSION, abbreviation = 'AtS', tracker_url = 'https://github.com/project-ethea/After_the_Storm/issues', forum_thread = 'https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=32091', maintainer_mode = filesystem.have_file('~add-ons/After_the_Storm/base-maint.cfg'), } check_host_compatibility('1.15.14', '1.16.x', {}, false) check_addon_compatibility() -- Load local code files. for i, file in ipairs { 'overrides.lua', 'segmented.lua', 'theme.lua', 'gui/character_action_dialog.lua', 'gui/combo_info_dialog.lua', 'gui/item_choice_dialog.lua', 'gui/show_image.lua', 'gui/top_message.lua', 'After_the_Storm.lua', } do wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/After_the_Storm/lua/' .. file) end >> [/lua] #endif {LD /base-debug.cfg} {LD /base-rc.cfg} {LD /macros} [+units] {LD /units} [/units] #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ {GLOBAL_EVENTS ({LD /global-events.cfg})} #define MAP __FILE__ map_file="{ME}/{__FILE__}" #enddef #define MASK __FILE__ mask="{LE /masks/{__FILE__}}" #enddef #define SHROUD_DATA __FILE__ shroud_data="{LE /masks/{__FILE__}}" #enddef # # Episode-specific data files # {LE characters.cfg} {LE deaths.cfg} {LE storytxt.cfg} {LE scenarios} #endif #else [editor_group] id = "wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm" name = _ "After the Storm (custom terrains)" icon = "group_custom" [/editor_group] # Get rid of this macro since it may be redefined by other add-ons # loaded by the editor. #undef LD #endif # EOF # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [color_palette] necro_skin_base=C5956A,A9794F,B17632,D4944F,F8C090,F8C393,F6D39B,FAF3C9,784838,7B4231,73432B,3A211C,4F2D29,FFFFFF necro_skin_devoid=AF6293,AF6293,AF6293,AF6293,E0919C,E0919C,E0919C,E0919C,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043 faerie_spirit_hair_base=104820,458967,8DCD53,E8F898 faerie_spirit_hair_gold=4E3430,9A7458,CFA87A,FFFFFF faerie_sylvan_wings=BEE0F6,77CBA7,61A280 faerie_sylvan_bright_wings=E8F898,8BEA75,4EBB81 faerie_neutral_wings=D0F4F1,87D5CF,47B8AF faerie_guard_wings=C5F7E3,60CBBB,45AB9E # The magenta TC recolored using the red color range. magenta_to_red_tc=FF0000,240000,360000,450000,520000,5E0000,6B0000,790000,850000,920000,A10000,C00000,D20000,E20000,F00000,FF3030,FF6060,FF9191,FFC5C5 # The magenta TC recolored using the yellow color range. magenta_to_yellow_tc=EEE000,2F2C00,3F3B00,4C4800,585200,625C00,6D6700,797200,847C00,8F8600,9C9300,B7AD00,C7BB00,D5C800,E1D400,F1E530,F4EB60,F7F191,FBF8C5 # The magenta TC recolored using the gold color range. magenta_to_gold_tc=FFF35A,A7661D,AE7122,B47B26,BA842A,BE8B2D,C39430,C99D34,CEA438,D3AD3B,D9B740,E6CB48,EDD64D,F3E052,F9E956,FFF370,FFF487,FFF59E,FFF6B7 [/color_palette] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Global events loaded for all scenarios # # Handler for UI logic related to character AMLAs {AMLA_UI_HANDLER} # Dependency for Elynia's AMLA tree as well as other units with the stun weapon # special {WEAPON_SPECIAL_STUN_EVENTS} # Dependency for Anya's AMLA tree as well as other units with the daze weapon # special {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE_EVENTS} #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II # Undead recruitment in Episode 2 {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA} #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III # Dependency for Anya's AMLA tree in Episode 3 {ABILITY_ABSCOND_EVENTS} # Undead recruitment in Episode 3 {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:IRYLEAN} #endif
# wmllint: validate-off # wmlindent: start ignoring #textdomain wesnoth #define TSTR_YES _"Yes" #enddef #define TSTR_NO _"No" #enddef #define TSTR_PETRIFIED _"petrified" #enddef #define TSTR_FEMALE_PETRIFIED _"female^petrified" #enddef #define TSTR_NO_OBJECTIVES_AVAILABLE _ "No objectives available." #enddef #textdomain wesnoth-lib #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_SHROUD _"Shroud" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_FOG _"Fog" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_VOID _ "Void" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CHASM _ "Chasm" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_ROAD _ "Road" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_FLAT _ "Flat" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CAVE _ "Cave" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE _ "Castle" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_KEEP _ "Keep" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_IMPASSABLE _ "Impassable" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_UNWALKABLE _ "Unwalkable" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_ROCKBOUND_CAVE _ "Rockbound Cave" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_STONE_WALL _ "Stone Wall" #enddef #textdomain wesnoth-units #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_DARK_ADEPT _ "Dark Adept" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_AUGUR _ "Saurian Augur" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_SKIRMISHER _ "Saurian Skirmisher" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_TROLL_WHELP _ "Troll Whelp" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_STAFF _ "staff" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SWORD _ "sword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_ENTANGLE _ "entangle" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_ENSNARE _ "ensnare" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_THORNS _ "thorns" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FANGS _ "fangs" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CLAWS _ "claws" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BEAK _ "beak" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TAIL _ "tail" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_RAM _ "ram" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BATTLE_CLAWS _ "battle claws" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_MORNING_STAR _ "morning star" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TENTACLE _ "tentacle" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_DAGGER _ "dagger" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CLUB _ "club" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_AXE _ "axe" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BATTLE_AXE _ "battle axe" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SPEAR _ "spear" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_PIKE _"pike" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BOW _ "bow" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CROSSBOW _ "crossbow" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SHORT_SWORD _ "short sword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_LONGSWORD _ "longsword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIST _ "fist" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_JAVELIN _ "javelin" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_WEB _ "web" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_WAIL _ "wail" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CRUSH _ "crush" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIREBALL _ "fireball" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_GOSSAMER _ "gossamer" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FAERIE_FIRE _ "faerie fire" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FAERIE_TOUCH _ "faerie touch" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SHADOW_WAVE _ "shadow wave" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TOUCH _ "touch" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIRE_BREATH _ "fire breath" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_NAIA_TOUCH _ "naia touch" #enddef # wmlindent: stop ignoring # wmllint: validate-on # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [terrain_type] id=overlay-fakefog editor_name= _ "Fake Fog" symbol_image=fog/fog1 #editor_image=tile-icons/fake-fog editor_image=fog/fog-editor string=^Zow aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] id=overlay-ground-cracked editor_name= _ "Crack" symbol_image=../scenery/ground-crack-1 string=^Egk aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] id=overlay-statue-xiael editor_name= _ "Statue (Xia’el)" symbol_image=tile-icons/statue-xiael string=^Ezx aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] # # These terrain overlays are intended for use in WML events in combination # with scenario-local terrain graphics rules. # #define EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY _FLAG [terrain_type] symbol_image= editor_image=tile-icons/overlay-flag-{_FLAG} id=overlay-event-flag-{_FLAG} editor_name=_"Event Flag"+" ({_FLAG})" # wmllint: no spellcheck string=^&{_FLAG} aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] {EDITOR_OVERLAY *^&{_FLAG} tile-icons/overlay-flag-{_FLAG}} #enddef {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY A} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY B} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY C} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY D} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY E} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY F} #undef EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm ######### BLOOD POOL ######### [terrain_type] symbol_image=blood id=blood_lake name= _ "Blood" string=Wwb aliasof=Wst submerge=0.5 editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] symbol_image=blood id=blood_ford name= _ "Blood" editor_name= _ "Blood Ford" string=Wwbf aliasof=Gt, Wst submerge=0.3 editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] ######### DRY GRASSLAND ELVISH CASTLE ######### [terrain_type] symbol_image=elvish-castle-ground-dry id=dry_grassland_elven_castle name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE} editor_name= _ "Dry Elven Castle" string=Cvz aliasof=Ct unit_height_adjust=3 recruit_onto=true editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] symbol_image=elvish-castle-ground-dry id=dry_grassland_elven_castle_ruin name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE} editor_name= _ "Dry Elven Castle Ruin" string=Cvrz aliasof=Ct unit_height_adjust=3 recruit_onto=true editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] ######### CRAP ########## [terrain_type] symbol_image=chasm/abyss id=starfield name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_VOID} editor_name= _ "Starfield" string=Xzsf aliasof=Xt editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Defines a special campaign menu entry for use with wmlunits, to generate a # single units tree for the entire three-campaign set. # #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ #error Invalid configuration set #endif [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_unit_tree {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES 0} extra_defines=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_I,CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II,CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III name=_"After the Storm" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/addon-icon.png" first_scenario=null description= _ "This is the unit tree for the “After the Storm” campaign." [/campaign] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # After the Storm # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2023 by Iris Morelle <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # wmlscope: set export=no # wmlindent: start ignoring [textdomain] name="wesnoth-After_the_Storm" path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/translations" [/textdomain] [textdomain] name="wesnoth-Naia" #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia/translations" #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/Naia path="data/add-ons/Naia/translations" #endif [/textdomain] #undef ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER #undef ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #ifhave ~add-ons/AtS_Music/_main.cfg #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #enddef #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/IftU_Music/_main.cfg #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #enddef #endif # # Macros used by the campaign menu entries # #define ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER " <span color='#a69275' size='smaller'>"+ _"Version"+" {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/dist/VERSION} "+{ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS}+" "+_"Feedback and bug reports:"+" https://r.wesnoth.org/t32091"+{IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS}+{ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS}+"</span>" #enddef #define ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS _ "for Wesnoth 1.16.0 and later" #enddef #define ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE _TEXT " "+"<span color='#f00' weight='bold'>!</span> <span color='#e33'>"+{_TEXT}+"</span>" #enddef #ifdef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #enddef #else #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS {ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE ( _ "Music add-on “<i>AtS Music</i>” is <b>not</b> currently installed")} #enddef #endif #ifdef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #enddef #else #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS {ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE ( _ "Music add-on “<i>IftU Music</i>” is <b>not</b> currently installed")} #enddef #endif #define ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES EPISODE_ID_SUFFIX define=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM extra_defines=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_{EPISODE_ID_SUFFIX},ENABLE_VERLISSH_MACHINE_NAMES {ENABLE_NIGHTBLADE} {ENABLE_TROLL_SHAMAN} rank=257 # NOTE: not the real chronology of these campaigns. year="9999 AF" {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/about.cfg} #enddef #define ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY _SYMBOL _ICON _LABEL _DESC _DEFAULT [difficulty] define={_SYMBOL} image={_ICON}+"~RC(magenta>red)" label={_LABEL} description={_DESC} default={_DEFAULT} [/difficulty] #enddef #define ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU _EASY_LABEL _EASY_ICON _NORMAL_LABEL _NORMAL_ICON _HARD_LABEL _HARD_ICON {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY EASY ({_EASY_ICON}) ({_EASY_LABEL}) ( _ "Easy") no } {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY NORMAL ({_NORMAL_ICON}) ({_NORMAL_LABEL}) ( _ "Normal") yes} {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY HARD ({_HARD_ICON}) ({_HARD_LABEL}) ( _ "Hard") no } #enddef #define ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND _IMAGE_SET [about] images={_IMAGE_SET} [/about] #enddef # # Campaign menu entries # #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/menu.cfg} #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/menu.cfg} #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/menu.cfg} #endif #else {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/unit-tree-info.cfg} #endif #undef ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #undef ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE #undef ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS #undef ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES #undef ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU #undef ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY #undef ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND #ifdef EDITOR #define CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM #enddef #endif # # Campaign selection conditional # #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm" [/binary_path] #ifdef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/AtS_Music" [/binary_path] #endif #ifdef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/IftU_Music" [/binary_path] #endif {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/base-loader.cfg} #endif #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC # wmllint: directory spellings Elynia Galas Mal Malin Keshar Argan Anya # wmllint: directory spellings Hekuba Kendria Nar-hamoth Ivyel Uria Zhangor # wmllint: directory spellings Inferno Wesmere demoness demonesses razerman # wmllint: directory spellings Aragwaith Aragwaithi verlissh verlisshi wyrm # wmllint: directory spellings rayblade shaxthal shaxthals faerie faeries # wmllint: directory spellings touchplate Kalehssar biomechanical stormtide # wmllint: directory spellings argazar Irdya Sela Naia Niryone Zocthanol # wmllint: directory spellings Yechnagoth Eloh Quenoth Ravanal Jevyan Arnesius # wmllint: directory spellings Tirigaz Kalari Zynavu Malal Elyssa Zynara # wmllint: directory spellings Asthorgar Xia'el Merthiaal Kalari Horo Kyara # wmllint: directory spellings lorekeeper lorekeepers Anlindë Quetor'el Inodien # wmllint: directory spellings Lédinor Iluvia Valthir Deniéth-Isal Raelthyn # wmllint: directory spellings Suthwood Valen Talwyn Dalbloom Allyna Durvan # wmllint: directory spellings Zynara Unarye Telchior Elorran Tara Gralseth # wmllint: directory spellings Arphalad Lorin Wylven Adavyan Danaerad Astar # wmllint: directory spellings Irylean Ergea Aran-Balgur Falrore greatbow # wmllint: directory spellings longswordsmen faeriedom demonkind Huldnyir # wmllint: directory spellings Bardyl Ixthala Torancyn lumeril Ethea nyx # wmllint: directory spellings Urvatha Norsula Irdyan Cron Valdir Kaarul # wmllint: directory spellings Shardia Luceith'el Kazith Yukiria Delethia # wmllint: directory spellings Yarae Yrathid Silida Ethealim Aradellys # wmllint: directory spellings Hemérilyel Kendyare faeriekind stormkind # wmllint: directory spellings Lyphanea Elynia-Thanadria marchlands # wmllint: directory spellings Mintha elvenkind spellcaster Daeira # wmlindent: stop ignoring # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA id=Kyara name= _ "Kyara" type=Quenoth Archer gender=female id=Kyara name= _ "Kyara" #profile="portraits/kyara.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_HORO id=Horo name= _ "Horo" type=Orcish Warrior #profile="portraits/horo.png" profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-5.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE id=Unarye name= _ "Unarye" type=Elvish Enchantress #profile="portraits/unarye.png" profile="portraits/elves/sylph.png~RIGHT()" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define RECALL_ELYNIA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_MAL_KESHAR {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR})} #enddef #define RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA})} #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_HORO {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO})} #enddef #define RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define AMLA_MENU_HINT {AMLA_MENU_HINT:BASE ( _ "Certain high-level units in this campaign under your control — such as Galas and Elynia — have special <b>After Maximum Level Advancements (AMLAs)</b>. You can learn more about those by right-clicking applicable units and choosing the <b>Unit Advancements</b> option.")} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define Z_DEATHS {A_DEATH_GALAS} {A_DEATH_ELYNIA} {A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {A_DEATH_IGOR} #enddef #define A_DEATHS {A_DEATH_GALAS} {A_DEATH_ELYNIA} {A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {A_DEATH_HORO} {A_DEATH_KYARA} #enddef #define B_DEATHS {B_DEATH_ELYNIA} {B_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {B_DEATH_HORO} {B_DEATH_KYARA} #enddef #define A_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... fall to the darkness..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia... NO!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Our mission has failed." [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_GALAS {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Galas) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... am finished... I’ll finally join Anlindë..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "No! You must resist!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This... this is a curse!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Mal Keshar) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, I can finally depart in peace..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "NO! Malin, we need you for this!" [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "It’s too late already..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Now we cannot continue without him. Our mission has failed!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_IGOR {MINOR_DEATH_EVENT (Igor) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I think it’s the end... for me..." [/message] ) ( {VARIABLE_RANDOM igor_death_reaction 1..100} {VARIABLE_MOD igor_death_reaction 13} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS igor_death_reaction 0} [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hm. Oh well, waste not, want not." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(glares)</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "All right, all right! But you probably want to dispose of the body quickly before his stench alone kills you. The little pest hasn’t bathed in weeks." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "That would be your fault for stalking him whenever he wasn’t with us two." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # po: Yes, he starts quoting Shakespeare before being interrupted. message= _ "Alas, poor Igor! <i>(conjures dark magic)</i> I knew him, Elynia—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Leave his body alone!!!" [/message] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE igor_death_reaction} )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_HORO {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Horo) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Ouch. I fall before accomplishing my mission!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The orcs are now leaderless, and won’t want to help us. We cannot continue without their help!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_KYARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Kyara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, it’s the end of the story for me..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed this to happen." # you don't say... [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, too bad for the girl. But she was indeed one of the best archers I have seen." [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I wish... I could be with you... now... Galas..." [/message] [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Mal Keshar [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "No, Elynia! Not you now!" [/message] [/then] [/if] ) ( [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Mal Keshar [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Now it’s up to me to put an end to this madness... I hope I can manage to do it alone..." [/message] [/then] [/if] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Mal Keshar) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I go to join my only true friend... now..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How could I let this happen? NO!" [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_HORO {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Horo) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Ouch. I am done for!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The orcs are now leaderless, and won’t want to help us. We cannot continue without their help!" [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_KYARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Kyara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, it’s the end of the story for me..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, too bad for the girl. She was indeed one of the best archers I have seen." [/message] )} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_I {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES I} abbrev= _ "AtS-1" name=_"After the Storm"+" "+_"Episode I: Fear" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-icon-episode1.png" image="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-logo-episode1.png" background="story/landscape-hills-01.jpg" first_scenario=01_The_Skirmish description= _ "After the Emperor of Chaos was defeated, the free civilizations of the Great Continent hoped that his followers would abandon the ongoing war. Meanwhile, Galas and his unlikely band of heroes head back to the northern lands to request aid for their next journey."+" "+_"(Intermediate level, 13 scenarios.)"+{ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER} {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU (_"difficulty_menu^Skeleton") ("units/undead-skeletal/skeleton/skeleton-se-defend2.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Wraith") ("units/undead/wraith-s-defend-2.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Banebow") ("units/undead-skeletal/banebow-melee-attack-3.png") } end_text= _ "To be continued..." {ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND "maps/background.jpg~O(0.2)~BG()"} [/campaign] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story={CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_OPTIONS_WARNING} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_SKIRMISH [story] [part] music=silence.ogg story= _ "“The defeat of Zhangor. The destruction of Yechnagoth. The end of the Chaos Emperor’s rule." [/part] [part] story= _ "I had hoped all such evil influence on Irdya would be over after all our sacrifices. For a while, I had the conviction that we could somehow restore our world’s past glory. But I was wrong." [/part] [part] music=knolls.ogg story= _ "I am Elynia, former disciple of the late Enchantress Niryone of the Ka’lian of Wesmere Forest. But many remember me instead as the Lady of Light, the blessed elf who fought along Argan, the Master of Darkness, and prevailed against the nigh invincible Demon Lord Zhangor. My love, Argan. Together, we wielded the legendary Union of Light and Darkness against the false god who nearly exterminated the elvish civilization, the people whom I vowed to protect. Our bond was unbreakable. Until fate forced us apart, and Uria came along." [/part] [part] story= _ "So strong was our bond that only the power of the Union itself could end Argan’s corruption and suffering. After so long, I was forced to kill him with my own hands." [/part] [part] story= _ "There was a time when I was said to be pure of heart, that I was fit to wield this staff that was once Niryone’s. But now, I fear that the evil I have committed could overtake my very soul. Ever since the Union left us, I feel as though I am not myself. I can no longer enjoy a gentle breeze, the taste of food, or fresh water. I do not think I could love again either." [/part] [part] story= _ "This staff has suddenly become a burden, somehow. Is it because I am allowing myself to be overcome by regret and hesitation? The oath I broke... What if by killing Argan I have taken the next step in allowing myself to be corrupted by this unfathomable force? Is it my destiny to become another pawn in Uria’s schemes?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S1 _"The Skirmish"} story= _ "The Vast Sea seems to be in perpetual unrest now. It was not like this back when I was a young girl. Perhaps Irdya herself is trying to communicate something to us through the changing tides. The war between the free peoples of Irdya and the forces of Chaos established by Uria and Yechnagoth continues. Unseen enemies of the ancient world, foes from a forgotten era, they threaten to end all life on Irdya through different means. And both bands are relentless in their desire for bloodshed. This is surely pleasing for the so-called mother of demons. But who is she in truth?" [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_HIGH_PASS [story] [part] music=nunc_dimittis.ogg story= _ "I had not seen the high, snowy peaks of the Heart Mountains in a long time. When last we traveled through them, it was with one of Uria’s foul henchmen in hot pursuit: Mal Hekuba, powerful undead sorcerer of the Iron Triad, one of those that counted themselves the leaders of Uria’s cult on Irdya, and the Chaos Empire in Argan’s absence." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S2 _"High Pass"} story= _ "Even then, somehow his power seemed greater than Malin Keshar’s own. It would be highly unfortunate for us to come across him now, of all times, as our own necromancer seems to have been debilitated by the ordeal at the Empire’s capital." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_CIVIL_WAR [story] [part] music=revelation.ogg story= _ "We rested for one night, and swiftly resumed our travel back to the Far North. With their most powerful overlord gone for good, the undead creatures and their masters roaming about the mountains proved to be little more than an occasional nuisance. A few cultists dared to challenge Mal Keshar on repeated occasions, but none of them were an appropriate match for his power, however weakened he might be after all these years." [/part] [part] story= _ "Naturally, their lives were cut short by their futile boldness. Some of those who witnessed our combined force hastened to offer us shelter and provisions to make it across the long pass. A handful of young acolytes even went as far as to inquire about joining Mal Keshar’s own sizable cult of followers. None of us particularly objected to the motion, but we all agreed to keep them under careful observation." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S3 _"Civil War in the North"} story= _ "After many days, our trip finally came to an end: we were back in the northern country, safe and away from strife’s grasp. Or so it seemed at first." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_TERROR_AT_DUSK [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "We abandoned Aragwaith territory as agreed, never to return. It was a just deal." [/part] [part] story= _ "The members of the Grand Council stated that no-one witnessed any elf entering or leaving Inodien’s tent. And yet, some people claimed to have heard strange sounds in the forest around the time he was found dead. But none of this was enough to extinguish the flames surrounding the elvish leaders’ exalted egos. Their brash and unrelenting demeanor disappointed me deeply. It used to be that only the eldest and wisest of us could rise to the highest ranks as members of the Ka’lian in Wesmere; decisions were made after meticulous deliberation and careful planning, always taking into account our needs, desires, and hopes as a civilization. Selfish interests, personal quarrels, and such were swept aside for the purpose of our councils." [/part] [part] story= _ "I cannot say that the current state of affairs has taken me by surprise. I had already seen our culture decay towards the end of the previous age. After peace on the continent was secured by the men of Wesnoth, our Ka’lian was gradually plagued by inexperienced leaders with ambitious plans, leading up to the greatest mistake of all: Wesmere’s alliance with Zhangor, in anticipation of the Fall of Irdya. Still, what happened in the northern country was my fault to some extent. Keeping our kin united under a single banner was supposed to be my mission as well. How could I be so foolish as to allow Galas to delegate leadership to such an unprepared handful?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S4 _"Terror at Dusk"} story= _ "Perhaps they would have fared better with the elf who led them to new prosperous lands in the first place." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BAY_OF_TIRIGAZ [story] [part] music=loyalists.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S5 _"Bay of Tirigaz"} story= _ "As it turned out, our arrival to Tirigaz could not be more timely." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_QUENOTH_ISLE [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "True to his word, the orcish lord gave us the fastest transport ship in his possession; he also provided us with an experienced crew and many select warriors, and enough provisions for months of travel across the sea. However, he adamantly refused to allow us to hear the news brought by the messenger we saved, and evaded our inquiries about what prompted the conflict between Tirigaz and the saurians. To be fair, there is usually no reason why that sort of trivial quarrel should concern us, but the circumstances were strikingly suspicious. With Mal Keshar’s help, I managed to pinpoint the approximate location of Zocthanol based on a faint, dark presence towards the southwest — surely a lingering remainder of Yechnagoth’s power." [/part] [part] story= _ "By the time Naia appeared the next morning, we had already set sail. Never before in my entire life had I been so far from the forests of the Great Continent, surrounded by an endless body of water brimming with all sorts of majestic and dangerous creatures. Aside from our loud crew, the occasional sight of marine beasts and small deserted isles was all there was to distract us from the overwhelming immensity and solitude of the open ocean. In spite of its alluring beauty, the large body felt hostile and menacing to me. Does that make sense? Admittedly, words to describe the incongruous feeling elude me, even now." [/part] [part] story= _ "My fear of the ocean’s mysterious nature did not let me sleep well for any single night since we left land. For much of the voyage I stayed awake late during the long darkness, guarding the deck with Mal Keshar, contemplating the ever changing mood of the waves, wondering what events continued to transpire on the continent in our absence... reminiscing of the past... pondering my mistakes." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S6 _"Quenoth Isle" _"Elves of a Different Land"} story= _ "After countless days, we finally reached our destination as it was lit up by the setting suns. We carefully planned our landing, and decided that it would be best to keep the orcs and the undead waiting aboard the ship while Galas and I contacted the elves and explained the situation to them. If they once had to survive in the wild, perilous desert, they surely wouldn’t have fond memories of such creatures." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_ELVES_OF_A_DIFFERENT_LAND [story] [part] music=snowfall.ogg story= _ "The elves guided us through the forest toward the mountains at the island’s heart, without saying a word to us. We knew it was best to not ask them any questions or do anything that could seem suspicious until we met their authorities. Their clothes, armor, and weapons seemed much more primitive compared to those used by Galas’ kinsmen. Apparently, much of our craft was forgotten by Quetor’el’s group and their descendants. As we approached the more populated areas, I noticed that even their building designs were much unlike those of their ancestors." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_SEARCH_FOR_THE_PAST [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "Beyond Galas’ and Anlindë’s second-hand account of the desert elves’ struggle against Yechnagoth, I had not heard the name ‘Eloh’ in a very long time. It is just one of many names used in old myths to refer to the Guardian of the Arcane Flame, a deity-like figure said to have given life to all faerie beings, including us, elves. Nobody knows exactly when or how those tales first appeared, but it is evident that the Quenoth elves have forgotten, misinterpreted, and exaggerated them over time. These people thrive and live in peace despite having lost much of our civilization’s knowledge and skills, but it was their faith that led them to challenge fate and build a new future — not just for their race, but for all living creatures under the suns. Our gratitude and respect will never suffice to repay that debt..." [/part] [part] story= _ "... which makes it all the more shameful that I couldn’t think of a better justification for our presence than “Eloh’s guidance”. I never really gave much credit to those ancient creation myths in the first place. And was it really necessary to boast of my past deeds to earn our descendants’ trust? Then again, somehow their head priestess did not seem to find a problem with attributing Zhangor’s downfall to a messenger of the goddess instead of the goddess herself... Again, I find myself reflecting upon the simple and idyllic lifestyle of our kin on this island. Perhaps it’s for the best that they do not feel the need to aim higher — those of us who lived to see Zhangor’s rule know well how dire the consequences of ambition and revenge can be." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S7 _"The Search for the Past" _"Resolutions"} story= _ "We were told Yechnagoth originally controlled a citadel in the heart of Zocthanol, where her body resided. Although both the body and the citadel were destroyed by Kalehssar’s people, we suspected that there was much more to find deep under the earth. On the next day, we descended into the caves nearby to search for more remains of the place. As I expected, we found some unusually clean walls concealing an entrance to a larger underground complex forgotten by time. As we proceeded further into the forbidden realm lying beneath what once was Yechnagoth’s throne, it became evident that Argan, or whoever first settled Zocthanol, had received some help to build it all." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RESOLUTIONS [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "Argan’s mention of ‘Norsulan’ technology in his records worried me. What if we are fighting for a doomed cause? Perhaps Uria’s influence has already caused permanent, irreversible damage on other worlds besides Irdya, and there’s nothing we can do to stop the enemy now? The information previously gathered by Galas, Anlindë and Mal Keshar seems consistent with what we have just learned from Argan... which he most certainly learned from Uria and her highest-ranking demon lords. We are not alone." [/part] [part] story= _ "The sole thought that there is a world out there more technologically advanced than our own is... overwhelming, to say the least. I wonder what kind of people live there? Assuming they weren’t exterminated by the legions of Inferno in the time that has passed since Argan encoded those records, that is. Are these ‘Norsulans’ a noble people unveiling the mysteries of the universe for the good of all, or wretched demons bent on destroying the creations of nature with their machines like the ruler of Inferno herself? Might they be aware that their knowledge has been subverted by this cruel demoness? Even though Uria’s forces no longer have a direct passageway between our world and theirs, as long as there are summoners on this side and Uria’s demon lords on the other, she will continue to hold our home in her grasp. But perhaps there is a way to weaken the Chaos Empire further. If killing the Chaos Emperor did not suffice, it might be because his direct subordinates still exist: the Iron Triad." [/part] [part] story= _ "But before we can even attempt to deal with them, we’ll need to deal with another problem. According to Mal Keshar—by means of that accursed journal—Argan abandoned Zocthanol Isle after Yechnagoth was vanquished, but not before recovering the creature’s heart. Although her soul was effectively destroyed along with her provisional body, her source of power—her heart—wasn’t directly connected to it, and Argan apparently ordered his minions to preserve it beneath the ruined plains of Wesmere. I presume that the biomechanical creatures we found in the caves there might be guarding it. With that great source of power still intact and on Irdya, our time is running out. We decided to return to the Great Continent as soon as we could to contact our allies and warn them about the imminent danger lying in the Shaxthal hive beneath Wesmere. We must not allow that power to be unleashed on the world again. I can only hope it isn’t too late already." [/part] [part] # wmllint: local spelling teleporting story= _ "I wish I had mastered the power of teleportation that I obtained from the crystal so we wouldn’t have to waste so many days on the Great Ocean. Unfortunately, my mind has been in perpetual unrest as of late, unable to focus on any advanced spell-casting. Attempting to travel such a great distance without having managed first to do as much as teleporting across a room would be reckless." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_FEAR [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "We finally bid farewell to the peaceful island. Once again, I was tempted by my heart to elude the call of duty and forget completely about the happenings on the Great Continent. It was the first time since I rejoined reality that I truly wanted to flee from it. Then again, that emotion is exactly what led Argan and me to abandon our guidance of the elves after the War of Wesmere came to an end. We ended an armed conflict only to get involved in another one, with each of us on opposite sides." [/part] [part] story= _ "I wish I could go back to the old times and prevent that disaster that ruined our beautiful world forever. Life was much simpler when the only forces threatening the order of nature were common necromancers who could be easily dispatched by anyone capable of wielding a weapon. At some point we thought we knew everything about our place in the universe. Argan’s appearance was the first event to challenge that vain pretension. Then Zhangor came. Now this. What other revelations does the future hold for us? When will my mission to protect Irdya and the habitants of its forests be over?”" [/part] [part] # po: The lines consisting of a single em dash represent a long pause. story= _ "— “Not everything went according to our plans. A storm caught us by surprise and drove us off course. The ship barely withstood long enough to take us ashore, just in time to be greeted by the setting suns and a thick fog enveloping all. Stranded on an unknown land, we found ourselves before a foreboding forest at dusk." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S8 _"Fear"} # This screen deliberately left empty. story="" # wmllint: ignore [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_TRIAD [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "In midst of the battle, a dark mist enshrouded everything around me. I tried casting a fire to help me see my surroundings, but somehow the flames did not appear. It was then that a tremendous force pierced my head, a force too strong to resist... Something was draining my life force, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Blinded by the pain, I attempted to strike out at whoever was standing behind me, but my body did not move." [/part] [part] story= _ "... A voice... I heard a crystalline and enchanting voice uttering words in a language I did not know. Had I heard that voice before? For a moment I felt as if I was falling into a bottomless abyss, plunging into the shadows below... The darkness... The fear..." [/part] [part] story= _ "— The strong pulling of Uria’s power had knocked me unconscious. I had been defeated, caught off guard. I had... failed... When I finally opened my eyes, it was already too late." [/part] [part] story= _ "My hands and feet were burning. I was chained to the floor of a pitch-black cell, unable to escape, screaming and writhing in pain. They had finally captured me, and subjected me to the customary torture employed on those of my kind; because they knew I could pose no threat to them for as long as I was bound by the cold iron. Such was the curse imposed at the beginning of time on faerie and elvenkind." [/part] [part] story= _ "My staff was nowhere to be seen, and the pain would not let me pronounce a single spell. Since I lacked the means to break free, all I could do was to wait. The pain. I know not how much time passed in reality, for the excruciating pain kept me only barely conscious until they arrived to drag me out of the dungeon. Was it hours? Days, perhaps? Does it even matter?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S9 _"The Triad"} story= _ "Finally, I was taken to meet my captors, face to face." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_TEARS [story] [part] music=returning_in_time.ogg story= _ "It is really hard to acknowledge your own mistakes, at times. It’s especially hard to face reality once it turns against you by taking away those whom you love the most. Galas was more than just a friend." [/part] [part] story= _ "I could never tell him how I really felt. I could never tell him why I <i>cared</i> so much. After Argan’s death, I swore I would not get emotionally involved with anyone again. There is no point in trying if this is the inevitable end met by all those around me. It has happened before, and yet... this feeling of emptiness... it is as overwhelming as ever." [/part] [part] story= _ "It’s evident that my heart had already gotten too close to him. Lord Galas of the Forest Elves of the Valley of Elynia, he who renounced to his rightful place amongst his people to die fighting for a hopeless cause! Would that his death had been as heroic as the short life he lived. Would that we could have at least retrieved his body, instead of it being left to rot in that horrid lake of blood. Now I am on my own again, much like I was for much of my life, even after Argan first found me, even after he secretly married me; for neither in Wesnoth nor the domains of the elves was it considered acceptable to get involved in any way with men like him. If I had given them a chance to discover our secrets, we both would have been punished... with death." [/part] [part] story= _ "I don’t want to risk approaching Mal Keshar. I know he had long since accepted Galas as his only friend. How am I supposed to face him when we both know this is all my fault? Because it was my reluctance that ultimately led to the young elf’s demise at the hands of the demoness. I don’t know what to do anymore..." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S10 _"Tears"} story= _ "But I do know that Galas would not have given up, no matter how great the loss. Not even Anlindë’s sacrifice was enough to break his conviction that our fate could be changed. I have to carry on and put a stop to the plans of Elyssa and the Iron Council, somehow. I have to — even if it might require a sacrifice of my own." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_1 [story] [part] music=nunc_dimittis.ogg story= _ "As I was his second-in-command, I know that I am expected to replace Galas at the helm of our group, but doing so is a constant and painful reminder of the circumstances of his death. I have to try to put those thoughts aside for now — there will be plenty of time for grieving later. We continued our march towards northeastern Wesmere. Along the way, I could spot a few familiar landmarks, ruined as they were, eroded by the elements; reminders of the past glory of the peoples of Irdya." [/part] [part] story= _ "Even though I was actually born in Lintanir, I spent all but the first two years of my childhood in Wesmere. Later, even if my duty required me to travel large distances across the continent, I continued to feel at home in Wesmere... for some time. By the onset of the end of the Golden Age, Wesmere’s trust in the Empire of Wesnoth had been breached; the humans’ unilateral decision to create a second sun was the trigger. Once the Ka’lian learned of my resignation from my position as advisor to the Emperor of Wesnoth, they considered me no longer useful to their ends, and made sure to inconvenience me at every opportunity. After some point, I simply decided to leave Wesmere and wander the earth with Argan by my side." [/part] [part] story= _ "Of course, that was before the dreams of numerous civilizations were shattered to pieces. After the Fall, we had no choice but to settle in Lintanir, where we would remain blissfully ignorant of the atrocities taking place in Wesmere. But in time, like many other forests did, Lintanir crumbled down, and we were forced to return to Wesmere and discover the dreadful truth. It goes without saying that my most recent memories of the place are particularly unpleasant." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S11 _"Return to Wesmere" _"Departure"} story= _ "Back to present times. The melancholic desert landscape was dominated by an ominous stronghold in the north, guarding the entrance to the infested plains. As our living troops were exhausted from the lengthy journey across the desert, we decided to stop and rest in the ruins of an ancient elvish outpost for a while, unsuspecting of our forthcoming final confrontation with the forces of Uria." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_2 [story] [part] music=weight_of_revenge.ogg story= _ "No matter how many times I set foot in this ravaged land, the sight remains as appalling as ever. Wesmere is cursed — no green life will ever thrive in it again, as long as the forces of Inferno thirst for revenge upon us." [/part] [part] story= _ "Now that we head back into these caves, I can’t help but ponder Mal Keshar’s words... Am I in denial of my own thirst for revenge now? Perhaps my quest isn’t as noble as I want to believe it is. “We aren’t that different after all.”" [/part] [/story] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=01_The_Skirmish name= _ "The Skirmish" {MAP 01_The_Skirmish.map} {TURNS 23 22 21} next_scenario=02_High_Pass {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING} {STORYTXT_THE_SKIRMISH} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {AMLA_MENU_HINT} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player recruit=Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Walking Corpse, Faerie Sprite {GOLD 140 130 120} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} facing=ne [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 recruit=Peasant, Woodsman, Spearman, Bowman, Footpad, Ruffian {GOLD 80 70 60} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Townsmen" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,archer,scout"} [/ai] type=Sergeant id=Morzey name= _ "Morzey" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] # South guardians [unit] type=Spearman x,y=12,26 facing=se generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_1 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Bowman x,y=15,28 facing=sw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_2 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=10,25 facing=s generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_3 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=14,29 facing=sw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_4 ai_special=guardian [/unit] # North guardians [unit] type=Woodsman x,y=10,20 facing=n generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_5 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=12,19 facing=ne generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_6 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=16,18 facing=nw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_7 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=20,19 facing=n generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_8 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=23,25 facing=se generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_9 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 recruit=Chaos Invoker, Chaos Invader, Chaos Headhunter {GOLD 260 290 320} {INCOME 4 5 5} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] # # These bastards know about Galas et al. # [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=15.0 # and want to get revenge on Elynia [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=12.5 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,archer,fighter,scout,fighter,scout"} [/ai] type=Chaos Magus id="Ilce'than" name= _ "Ilce’than" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 15} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} [event] name=prestart [hide_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/hide_unit] [capture_village] x,y=20,1 side=3 [/capture_village] [capture_village] x,y=35,16 side=2 [/capture_village] [capture_village] x,y=37,17 side=2 [/capture_village] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Morzey")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} # wmllint: recognize Elynia [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} facing=ne side,x,y=1,10,29 [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR} facing=ne side,x,y=1,8,28 [/unit] # for start move_unit_fake [store_unit] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] kill=yes variable=galas_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=yes variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] kill=yes variable=malin_store [/store_unit] {READ_GLOBAL_INTO_VARIABLE ending_stats_igor igor_store NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_IFTU}} [/event] [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Night falls, and the scouts reported at midday that those cursed soldiers were heading towards our town." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 # wmllint: local spelling Tyannes message= _ "It wasn’t enough for them to burn and ransack Tyannes... Damn it, why don’t the elders send us reinforcements?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 # wmllint: local spelling Meh message= _ "Meh. Ever since this war started they have cared little about safety — not just ours. It’s rumored that the country itself would fare very poorly against another foreign invasion." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _ "Well, I’ve heard that the elves have..." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "On guard! Three strangers approach from the southern road!" [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$galas_store.type image_mods="RC(magenta>brown)" x=6 ,9 y=30,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=galas_store [/unstore_unit] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$elynia_store.type x=6 ,10 y=30,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Halt there! Identify yourselves, strangers!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are travelers. We don’t plan to stay in your town for more than one night. You don’t need to know who we are." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _ "Sorry, but we were ordered not to let anybody... pass... She’s... beautiful." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 # wmllint: local spelling Wh message= _ "A faerie? Wh— what’s one of your kind doing so far from the northern lands?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "As I said, we don’t plan to stay for more than one night. Just let us in." [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$malin_store.type x=6 ,8 y=30,28 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store [/unstore_unit] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Who is that? Hey, the cloaked one!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Eh?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Aaah!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "A necromancer! A..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You are not alerting the entire town of his presence, are you? Such a handsome man could spend the night doing... more worthwhile things than fighting us..." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "Eh, I..." [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "I don’t know what the hell your purpose here is, but we do have important things to do this night, such as defending the town from your cursed henchmen!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Henchmen? Do you see anyone else accompanying us?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 # wmllint: local spelling uhm message= _ "Eh... uhm... well, no?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Well, then." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) 11 28} [message] role=guard_1 message= _"Eh! That you don’t <i>seem</i> to bring anyone with you does not mean you cannot somehow summon them later! We heard rumors of the cursed warriors coming to our valley!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Cursed, you say?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Clad in black armor, bearing flags with impaled skulls at the top, and said to smell especially funny?" [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _"Yes." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"They are our enemies as well. We have had some encounters with them before. Perhaps we could be of help, <i>if</i> you would let us inside your walls." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Let them come in at once! We are in need of all the help we can get if we want to live another day." [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Yes, sir! As you command, sir!" [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) (12,16,17,18) (27,25,26,25)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Keshar) (12,16,17) (27,25,26)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (12,16,17,18,19) (27,25,26,26,26)} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "a_land_of_adventure.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Strangers, please help us. I am sure the gate guards already told you of the situation..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"Yes, they did." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Well, well. I have heard of necromancers helping the northern country’s cause, so I... suppose you can be trusted. Although, if you turn out to be working for our enemies we would be doomed either way. I beg of you to aid us in this battle; all we have left nowadays is the town militia, for which we can barely afford proper weapons." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"We’ll help you. Just don’t ask names." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"That’s... a very dubious request..." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY igor_store} [then] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "There is someone else coming with us as well. I am sure you will tolerate his presence here." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _ "Well, I..." [/message] [move_unit_fake] type=$igor_store.type x= 6,10,14,16 y=30,28,27,26 [/move_unit_fake] {VARIABLE igor_store.facing ne} [unstore_unit] variable=igor_store x,y=16,26 [/unstore_unit] # If coming from IftU, Igor is going to be full of items, some of which may not have been # intended to be carried over past IftU's finale segment (S21 through S24). We need to remove # those. [for] array=igor_store.modifications.object [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_IN igor_store.modifications.object[$i].id "arcane_shot_amulet,s21_strength_potion,s21_deftness_potion,revenant_ring"} [then] [remove_object] id=Igor object_id=$igor_store.modifications.object[$i].id [/remove_object] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE igor_store} [message] speaker=Morzey message= _ "Ugh, a goblin? Riding a wolf? You cannot be serious! Your kind is not welcome around these parts after the poultry farmers’ guild incident." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "No, no, no! I mean no harm! Just passing by with my friends, that’s all! Willow is also a very well behaved lady, you aren’t even gonna notice her presence." [/message] [/then] [/if] [unhide_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/unhide_unit] [message] role=guard_6 # wmllint: local spelling wardrums message= _ "My lord! Torches and wardrums approach from the northern hills!" [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Blast it, they arrived sooner than I expected. To arms!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE galas_store,elynia_store,malin_store} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Morzey" [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We failed to protect the town..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id="Ilce'than" [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _"Curse you, heretics! The Iron Council shall punish you for your deeds!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Ilce'than" [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"I do not think so." [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"We will be eternally thankful for your help, travelers! If there is anything we can do in return..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"No problem; we just need provisions and directions for our journey to the northern country." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Traveling north, eh? There is a mountain pass to the northeast — it used to be a very accessible trading route before the war began. Nowadays it is plagued by dark cultists and their undead minions, and the Grand Council has done nothing to clean it up." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"Thanks for the information, we may as well take that path then." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Are you sure?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _"We <i>control</i> the dead. We need not worry about them." [/message] [/event] [item] x,y=17,3 image="scenery/signpost.png" [/item] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x,y=17,3 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" message= _"Sometimes, your loved ones must be willing to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh, no! We have run out of time, and their reinforcements have arrived!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id="02_High_Pass" name= _ "High Pass" {MAP 02_High_Pass.map} {TURNS 37 35 33} next_scenario="03_Civil_War" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg" } {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_HIGH_PASS} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes fog=yes {GOLD 320 280 240} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=undead user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit="Ghoul, Walking Corpse, Ghost, Skeleton, Skeleton Archer" {GOLD 170 190 220} {INCOME 3 4 6} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=10.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=3.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=6.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_value 4.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.30} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.14} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 0.00} [/ai] canrecruit=yes id=Mal Ciphan name= _ "Mal Ciphan" type=Lich unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [unit] x,y=24,13 type=Bone Shooter ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=21,18 type=Revenant ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=28,9 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=25,7 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=36,4 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=35,9 type=Banebow ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=undead user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit="Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Walking Corpse" {GOLD 160 190 220} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=3.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=10.00 # he really wants to kill Galas [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=6.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_value 10.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.15} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 0.00} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=sw id=Nyadien name= _ "Nyadien" type=Draug unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 7} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 27 7} [event] name=prestart [allow_recruit] side=1 type="Ghost,Dark Adept" [/allow_recruit] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION 4 16} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 3 18} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 1 17} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "This place gives me chills. Perhaps this path was not a good choice after all." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" # wmllint: local spelling Pah message= _ "Pah. Leave your worries behind, there is nothing to..." [/message] [sound] name="zombie-attack.wav" [/sound] [unit] type="Necrophage" side="2" x,y="6","15" facing="sw" animate=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type="Necrophage" side="2" x,y="7","17" facing="sw" animate=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] type="Necrophage" message= _ "Groaaar!!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "... and who called upon you?" [/message] [message] speaker="Elynia" message= _ "So it is as the townsfolk warned us — this pass is infested with undead. We’ll have to give them a final rest before we can proceed any further." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "Aww, this will be boring." [/message] [/event] [event] {SIGHTED_SUF_BY_PLAYER (id=Mal Ciphan)} [message] speaker="Mal Ciphan" message= _ "Ahhh, the traitors! Never again will you see the sunlight, for I shall feed your impious souls to Yechnagoth!" [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "The same old tune. These goons should seek a new job or something." [/message] [/event] [event] {SIGHTED_SUF_BY_PLAYER (id=Nyadien)} [message] speaker="Nyadien" message= _ "You, Galas! You abandoned us in the valley! You left us all to die!" [/message] [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "Nyadien? But..." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "Do you know him?" [/message] [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "He was the leader of the patrol group that replaced mine just before the Chaos Empire invaded our valley." [/message] [message] speaker="Elynia" message= _ "Elf, know that Galas did not have the power to stop that invasion, but the Chaos Empire no longer has a leader. There is nothing that should force you to roam this world anymore!" [/message] [message] speaker="Nyadien" message= _ "I will personally make sure you don’t go unpunished, traitor!" [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "It is a waste of time to try to deal with this pile of bones. The necromancer who raised him probably used some malign spell to infect his soul with hatred towards every elf who outlived him." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mal Ciphan [/filter] [message] speaker="unit" message= _ "I am vanquished, but I curse your race to never see a day of peace or joy again for the rest of eternity!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Mal Ciphan [/filter] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "So many times... I forget how many times they have said that." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 7 [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Honestly, with your fearsome steed you should be more than able to reach your destination without us, Igor." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "You’re kidding, right? There’s no way we’d be able to get past all the smelly skeletons alone! I don’t wanna become one of them zombies while I’m still young!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "<i>(snicker)</i> I could arrange for you to become a more dignified skeleton warrior if you prefer..." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Eeek!!! No!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Will you please stop tormenting him, Malin." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Fiiiiine. <small>Someone needs a sense of humor... <i>mutter mutter</i>...</small>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The ears aren’t just for show, you know. We <i>can</i> hear you." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 30 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is a storm approaching." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This doesn’t seem good at all — the storm has finally reached this pass and we’ll be buried under the snow. We should not have tarried here for so long!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=03_Civil_War name= _ "Civil War in the North" {MAP 03_Civil_War.map} turns=4 next_scenario="04_Terror_at_Dusk" victory_when_enemies_defeated="no" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_CIVIL_WAR} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes {GOLD 300 275 250} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define CW_WARRIOR _TYPE _X _Y [unit] type={_TYPE} x,y={_X},{_Y} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef #define CW_GUARDIAN _TYPE _X _Y [unit] type={_TYPE} x,y={_X},{_Y} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes ai_special=guardian [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef # # Northern elves. # [side] controller=ai side=2 team_name=elves_N user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves (North)" hidden=yes {FLAG_VARIANT long} recruit="Elvish Shaman, Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Scout" canrecruit=yes id=Celán name= _ "Celán" type=Elvish Champion unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 19 19} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Fighter) 10 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marksman) 19 16} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Hero) 11 11} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marshal) 18 10} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Marksman) 16 9} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Druid) 6 15} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Druid) 9 8} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Sorceress) 19 6} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Enchantress) 12 18} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marksman) 21 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 21 10} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 53 24} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 50 24} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 52 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 58 23} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 60 33} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 47 21} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 45 22} [/side] # # South-eastern elves. # [side] controller=ai side=3 team_name=elves_SE user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves (Southeast)" hidden=yes {FLAG_VARIANT long} recruit="Elvish Shaman, Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Scout" canrecruit=yes gender=female id=Unidë name= _ "Unidë" type=Elvish Avenger unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Druid) 26 11} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Ranger) 58 28} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Avenger) 57 33} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Ranger) 62 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 58 26} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 56 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 55 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 65 32} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 31 40} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 42 31} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 40 23} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 47 25} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 50 28} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 52 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 46 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 31 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 28 15} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 26 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 31 12} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 4 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 4 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 1 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Ranger) 17 20} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 21 17} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 29 16} [/side] # # Fort Eldáin # [side] side=4 team_name=player # wmllint: local spelling Eldáin user_team_name=_ "team_name^Fort Eldáin" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold=0 village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 30 34} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Footpad) 26 32} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 16 26} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 20 21} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 23 31} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 26 26} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 36 31} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 21 26} {FACING n} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 18 24} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 23 23} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 39 29} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 29 28} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 34 32} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 38 27} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 28 25} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Footpad) 23 29} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 29 32} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Woodsman) 33 25} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Woodsman) 36 26} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 34 25} {FACING ne} [/side] [event] name=transfer side 4 {TRANSFER_UNITS_FROM_SIDE (4) () (1)} [/event] [event] name=restore side 4 {TRANSFER_UNITS_FROM_SIDE (1) ( [filter_wml] [variables] transferred_from_side=4 [/variables] [/filter_wml] ) (4)} [/event] [event] name=victory [fire_event] name=restore side 4 [/fire_event] [/event] # # Council of War's messengers. # [side] side=5 team_name=player,elves_N,elves_SE user_team_name=_ "team_name^Grand Council" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold=0 village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} [/side] [side] side,color=6,5 team_name=elves_N,elves_SE,player user_team_name=_ "team_name^Grand Council" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold,village_gold=,0,0 {NO_INCOME} defeat_condition=never [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 15} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 15} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 17 36} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 41 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 61 8} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/grain-sheaf.png") 54 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 57 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 53 8} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 54 5} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 53 6} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png~FL(horiz)") 49 13} [event] name=prestart # # Initially disable AI players. We cannot use controller=null # on their declaration because then their leader units would not # be spawned. # [modify_side] side=2,3 controller=null [/modify_side] [capture_village] side=6 x=36-65 y= 1-17 [/capture_village] [allow_recruit] side=1 type="Vampire Bat" [/allow_recruit] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Galas, Elynia and Mal Keshar to Fort Eldáin")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t like this... There are signs of a recent battle in this area." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Quickly, let us investigate what happened here. I hope it’s not too late." [/message] [/event] #define CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES _ID _X _Y [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] kill=yes variable=temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES [/store_unit] {VARIABLE temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES.moves $temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES.max_moves} [unstore_unit] variable=temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES find_vacant=yes x={_X} y={_Y} [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE "temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES"} #enddef {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON "start survival" (side=4)} [event] name=turn 4 [fire_event] name=start survival [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=start survival first_time_only=yes # # Remove the ^Xo (Impassable) overlay without changing the # base layer. # [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain=*^Xo [/remove_terrain_overlays] # # Initialize enemy sides # [modify_side] side=2 controller=ai hidden=no {GOLD 230 270 320} {INCOME 2 4 7} [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai hidden=no {GOLD 250 280 330} {INCOME 2 4 7} [/modify_side] # # Remove shroud for side 1 # [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [redraw][/redraw] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "Who are you? Why, do you bring your unholy slaves to feast on our fallen remains?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are sworn allies of the peoples of the Far North, and the undead support us against our enemies." [/message] [message] type=Footpad side=4 message= _ "It is... it is the Lady of Light! I had heard rumors but this is..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This fortress barely stands. What vile creatures have come to plague the northern country?" [/message] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "The elves, my lady. The elves have gone mad and are attacking each other, laying waste to every settlement in their path. Neither faction is willing to seek a peaceful end to this conflict, and we don’t think we can withstand their siege for much longer. Most of our men have died defending the city walls, and resources are increasingly scarce." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Celán [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Unidë [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "We cannot continue without help, and the messengers we sent to the Grand Council for reinforcements have not returned yet. I’ll probably hate myself for the rest of my life for asking help from those who deal with dark magic, but..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # wmllint: local spelling Pfft message= _ "Pfft, we cannot waste our time here." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We must help these poor people and try to negotiate a deal with our kinsmen. We must not allow another civil war to tear our civilization apart! Otherwise..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Our sacrifices would have been in vain." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We’ll help you defend your fortress until those reinforcements arrive." [/message] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "Thank you." [/message] # # Since there are too few units in side 4, it's not feasible to let the AI control these - # they'd probably end up committing suicide or staying behind and being otherwise completely # useless. # # Transfer side 4 units to side 1. If they still survive by the end of the scenario, they # are returned to side 4 in the victory event. # [message] type=Footpad side=4 message= _ "Lead us, my lord." [/message] [fire_event] name=transfer side 4 [/fire_event] [capture_village] x= 1-54 y=22-40 side=1 [/capture_village] [modify_side] side=1 {INCOME 8 6 4} [/modify_side] # # Set the survival turn limit # {VARIABLE survival_turn_limit ({DIFF 15 15 18})} [modify_turns] add=$survival_turn_limit [/modify_turns] {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Galas 31 29} {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Elynia 30 25} {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES (Mal Keshar) 25 30} [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Igor 34 29} [/then] [/if] [scroll_to] x,y=31,29 [/scroll_to] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Resist until the Grand Council’s reinforcements arrive at the end of turns")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall the human defense in later scenarios")} )} [event] name="turn $( $turn_number + 1 )" delayed_variable_substitution=no first_time_only=yes [fire_event] name=introduce unide [/fire_event] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Resist until the Grand Council’s reinforcements arrive at the end of turns")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of an enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall the human defense in later scenarios")} )} [/event] [event] name=introduce unide delayed_variable_substitution=yes first_time_only=yes {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Unidë") sw} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Who is it that helps the human sub-people defend their town against the true rulers of the forest?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I am Galas, an elf of the Valley of Elynia like you. What is the reason for this unnecessary bloodshed?" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "We are at war with those who have taken the life of Lord Inodien and his successor! Are you supporters of their foul cause too?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "You know me well, Unidë — I would not support anyone, elf or otherwise, who would threaten the life of our leaders and our civilization. However, you are not doing any good by murdering innocent humans and elves." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There must be a way to solve this problem without resorting to fighting. In these grim times, with war already raging in the outer lands, the last thing we need is conflict between ourselves as well. It will be our definitive doom. The traitors must be judged by elvish law, not by chaos and death." [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Who do you think you are to give me orders? I am in charge of our people now, and I do not listen to those who ally themselves with this worthless human scum and their foul dark sorcerers." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Diplomacy isn’t going to work, of course — this petty elf has a death wish." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Avoid killing their leaders at all costs. If we want to solve this conflict, we’ll need the Grand Council to negotiate with the faction leaders, and without them, I fear that their successors may incite an even worse bloodshed. I only wish we could stop our kinsmen without resorting to violence." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "As it seems now, there is no other option for us than to hold out against their troops until help arrives. To arms!" [/message] [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE survival_turn_limit,survival_turn_limit} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Though our enemies will not die by my hand, my brethren will avenge me! May this be the last day the traitors live to see the light of Naia and Sela!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed her to die. Now it will be nigh impossible to put an end to this!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Celán [/filter] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "Alas, I have fallen before putting an end to this conflict." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Celán [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed him to die. Now it will be nigh impossible to put an end to this!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] canrecruit=no [and] side=2 [or] side=3 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I die... for our people!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] canrecruit=no [and] side=2 [or] side=3 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ahh, great. Now we are killing other elves." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=turn 10 [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "The situation is not improving. If those reinforcements don’t arrive soon we won’t be able to hold this place for much longer!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [/event] #define CW_CAVALRY _X _Y [unit] side=5 type=Cavalryman generate_name=yes random_traits=yes facing=sw x={_X} y={_Y} [/unit] #enddef [event] name=victory [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {CW_CAVALRY 43 5} {CW_CAVALRY 44 8} {CW_CAVALRY 45 3} {CW_CAVALRY 51 5} {CW_CAVALRY 48 1} # wmllint: recognize Arnesius [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ARNESIUS} side=5 facing=sw x,y=46,4 [/unit] [unit] side=5 type=Orcish Slurbow id=Kar-velgan name= _ "Kar-velgan" facing=sw x=45 y=4 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Unarye [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} side=5 facing=sw x,y=47,5 [/unit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Unidë") nw} {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Celán") ne} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Elves, stop this brutal bloodshed! You have slaughtered many innocent northerners; humans, orcs, and elves alike. This dreadful display breaches the treaty we signed with Lord Galas!" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "We do not listen to human sub-people!" [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Then you shall listen to your own authorities. I came as soon as I could to bring order to this chaos. You have not only disobeyed the will of your former leader, Lord Galas; you also ignored the advice and command of Elynia, the Lady of Light herself." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "In light of these events and the terms of the treaty, the Grand Council has decided to banish the elvish kind from the northern country. You shall put an end to your civil war and prepare to leave our territory before five days have passed, or we shall order our own troops to deal with you. We do not want to do this, and you are well aware that you are at a numerical disadvantage." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "Did one of your kind kill the puny ‘lord’ of these rebels as part of a ruse to banish us from the forests, then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kar-velgan message= _ "Listen, wose-born scum: Inodien was slain by no elf, human or orc!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "We have good reasons to think that the Chaos Empire sent forth their mercenaries for the purpose of causing this revolt and sending us all to our doom. But we are not letting that happen, at least not today." [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "This is not fair! Why should we pay for crimes committed by outsiders?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kar-velgan message= _ "Your hands are not clean, elf! How do you even dare to ignore that fact in front of the bearers of the law?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is true. We have spilled much elvish blood with this fight. Galas and I shall leave these lands as soon as we can." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "But my lady, how? None of this is your fault..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "What? And how are we going to travel to Zocthanol Isle then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "I swear that my people will never forget this, the most vile of treacheries. I shall withdraw my troops and my people from this accursed country today, but I do intend to return some day to demand proper justice!" [/message] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "If the Lady of Light is willing to depart from these lands to never return because of our own misdeeds, then we shall abandon the country as well. Come with me, men!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Keshar [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Elynia? Can you tell us your plan?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is a port to the west in the Bay of Tirigaz. It’s controlled by orcs, but perhaps we can find a way to bribe them so they lend us ships and provisions. It is the only port that doesn’t belong to the Aragwaithi nowadays." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # wmllint: local spelling Pah # po: Here Mal Keshar is supposed to be about to say something like "this is ridiculous" or such. message= _ "This is— Pah. We shall go to Tirigaz, then. But how will we determine the location of Zocthanol Isle?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That will be my job to do." [/message] [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Then... I suppose this is where it ends." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Are you really sure about this, Igor? I thought you would prefer to live among your people in the west instead." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I mean, yes, being with goblins is great! But I’m scared after what happened — you know, the whole Chaos thing? And it seems like the orc chieftains are still bad at guarding the land from invaders from the south. No, I think I’m done being village goblin. I’m gonna become city goblin now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hmph. How would a filthy runt like you survive the perils of civilization, I wonder." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Hey, I can do artsy stuff! Haven’t you heard me sing before? Ahem—" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "If I have to listen to that again, I swear to the Dark Gods—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It has been a long journey for you, and we certainly cannot force you to stick around considering all the dangers that await us next. I just hope we will get to see each other again some day. I think I speak for all three of us when I say we are deeply grateful for your help and support, even through the most nightmarish of circumstances." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We will miss you greatly. Best of luck, my friend." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Awww, you guys, I’m tearing up... I will miss you too!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Can we just... please. Let us move on already." [/message] # Force reset Igor's stats before copying him to persistent storage {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Igor} {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Igor episode1_stats_igor} [modify_unit] [filter] id=Igor [/filter] side=5 [/modify_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] #undef CW_GUARDIAN #undef CW_WARRIOR #undef CW_CAVALRY #undef CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=04_Terror_at_Dusk name= _ "Terror at Dusk" {MAP 04_Terror_at_Dusk.map} {TURNS 28 25 23} next_scenario="05_Bay_of_Tirigaz" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_TERROR_AT_DUSK} {DUSK2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {AFTERNOON2} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" fog=yes {GOLD 310 300 290} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 130 145 160} recruit=Shaxthal Drone, Shaxthal Runner Drone, Shaxthal Razorbird {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Assault Drone unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 130 140} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone, Shaxthal Razorbird, Shaxthal Drone {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Assault Drone unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 150 170} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone, Chaos Invader, Shaxthal Drone, Chaos Headhunter {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,scout,fighter,fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes id=Darglen name= _ "Darglen" type=Chaos Lorekeeper unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 5} {OBSIDIAN_BATTLE_AXE 11 5} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) se} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) nw} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia,Mal Keshar) nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That is the sound of those blasted creatures!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Um... that’s unusual. Could they be behind the death of Inodien? But then..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... The Chaos Empire must not be in disarray as we thought." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "They shall pay for the senseless destruction and bloodshed they caused. Let us get rid of them before they bring more strife to this country!" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Darglen [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Don’t die yet, vermin! We want some answers before crushing your useless skull against the rocks!" [/message] [message] speaker=Darglen message= _ "... And do you really believe I would speak? Heh... you can torture me as much as you want, but you won’t get anything from me!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Stupid..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let him." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Darglen [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That bastard... Hekuba... He and the Iron Triad must be behind this. But what are they trying to accomplish?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "They want to take revenge on us and our kind after Argan’s death, of course. It seems that as long as their cult exists, so will the Chaos Empire." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This was the last one, and it doesn’t seem like there are any more groups coming here." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Let’s not worry a lot about them. These pathetic weaklings are nothing compared to the hordes we fought before." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s proceed to Tirigaz now, quickly." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Why don’t we go after their leaders and put an end to this stupid war <i>now</i>?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No... That would be a highly reckless choice. We don’t know what kind of enemies we might be facing other than Mal Hekuba — you have not forgotten our last encounter with him, have you? We are at a disadvantage without more information about them — their leaders, their weapons, their plans. This is why we must find Zocthanol first." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> Very well, then." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We have wasted far too much time dealing with these pests. Look! A large swarm is approaching from the south!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed. This... this was not a very prudent idea." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=05_Bay_of_Tirigaz name= _ "Bay of Tirigaz" {MAP 05_Bay_of_Tirigaz.map} {TURNS 22 20 18} next_scenario="06_01_Quenoth_Isle" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {STORYTXT_BAY_OF_TIRIGAZ} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" {GOLD 320 310 300} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Tirigaz" # Deliberately weak. {GOLD 100 90 80} village_gold=1 recruit="Orcish Grunt, Orcish Archer, Wolf Rider, Goblin Spearman" id="Tan-Vatar" name= _ "Tan-Vatar" canrecruit=yes type=Orcish Sovereign unrenamable=yes profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-6.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.20} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Slurbow x,y=2,8 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Grunt x,y=25,8 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Warlord x,y=12,7 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Slurbow x,y=34,5 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] id="Chiis Kun" name="Chiis Kun" type=Orcish Warlord ai_special=guardian x,y=26,2 unrenamable=yes facing=se upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Knight x,y=28,18 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Knight x,y=24,17 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Rouser x,y=27,16 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Impaler x,y=24,16 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Spearman x,y=27,23 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Orcish Warrior x,y=22,16 facing=s upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Orcish Warrior x,y=23,24 facing=nw upkeep=free [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Invaders" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} {GOLD 150 180 210} recruit="Saurian Skirmisher, Saurian Augur, Mudcrawler, Vampire Bat" id=Rishix name= _ "Rishix" canrecruit=yes type=Saurian Flanker unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,scout,healer,scout,archer,scout,archer"} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=22,18 facing=ne upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Soothsayer x,y=27,21 facing=n upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=22,22 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=19,18 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Skirmisher x,y=24,22 facing=ne upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=20,24 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Soothsayer x,y=24,19 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Invaders" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} {GOLD 330 360 390} {INCOME 2 4 5} recruit="Saurian Skirmisher, Saurian Augur, Mudcrawler, Vampire Bat" id=Ishkaal name= _ "Ishkaal" canrecruit=yes type=Saurian Oracle unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,scout,healer,scout,archer,scout,archer,scout,healer"} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=13,33 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=12,30 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=9,30 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=3,33 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=6,35 upkeep=free [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=12,35 upkeep=free [/unit] #endif [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Sea Creatures" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] x=16-28 y=13-40 [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Water Serpents" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] side=1 [/criteria] value=9.9 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] side=2 [/criteria] value=0.1 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 40} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5 } {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 5 } # # Some location names # [label] x,y=29,5 # wmllint: local spelling Arthol text= _ "Arthol" [/label] [label] x,y=9,9 text= _ "Tirigaz" [/label] [label] x,y=22,24 # wmllint: local spelling Krisval text= _ "Krisval" [/label] [label] x,y=33,13 # wmllint: local spelling Burdyr text= _ "Burdyr" [/label] {ANIMATED_FOUNTAIN 29 5 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 9 9} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 6 10} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 8 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 11 13} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~RC(magenta>blue)") 14 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png") 5 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png~FL(horiz)") 12 18} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png~FL(horiz)") 16 9 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 35 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 32 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/grain-sheaf.png") 37 16} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 37 10} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 34 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 33 19} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 3 7 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 7 5 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 11 6 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 30 1 } # wmllint: local spellings NE NW SE SW [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,30,1 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: local spelling Bisbarl message= _"N: Bisbarl" [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 24 10} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,24,10 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: display on message= _"N: Bisbarl NW: Port of Tirigaz NE: Arthol" # wmllint: display off [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 11 40} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,11,40 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: local spelling Wyndill message= _"SW: Province of Wyndill" [/message] [/event] #define BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE _BONUS _X _Y [+time] image="misc/schedule-twosuns.png~CROP({_X},{_Y},125,39)~BLIT(misc/tod-bright.png)" lawful_bonus={_BONUS} [/time] #enddef [event] name=prestart [item] x,y=29,5 halo="halo/illuminates-aura.png~O(0.50)" [/item] [time_area] id=fountain_of_courage x,y=29,5 radius=1 {DAWN1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 1 1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 127 41} {SHORTDARK} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 41} {DAWN2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 1 81} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 127 121} {LONGDARK1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 121} {LONGDARK2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 1 161} {LONGDARK3} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 127 161} {LONGDARK4} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 161} [/time_area] {VARIABLE swam_in_fountain_of_courage no} # Must persist after scenario {VARIABLE undead_attacks 0} {VARIABLE fountain_checked no} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat both enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Vuruk or the ally leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "The port of Tirigaz or the town of Arthol are captured by the enemy")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {LOG_ATS_DBG "enter Tirigaz 'moveto' event generator"} # # Generate shipwreck treasure locations # [set_variables] name=shipwrecks mode=replace [value] gold=170 message= _ "170 gold! It seems it was a trading ship!" alert= _ "You retrieve 170 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=25 message= _ "Bah, only 25 pieces of gold. Better than nothing, I guess." alert= _ "You retrieve 25 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=2 message= _ "Two pieces of gold? Damn, this must be a joke!" alert= _ "You retrieve two pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=50 message= _ "Well, well, 50 pieces of gold can be put to good use!" alert= _ "You retrieve 50 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=locations mode=replace [value] x,y=14,16 [/value] [value] x,y=1,23 [/value] [value] x,y=4,29 [/value] [value] x,y=18,23 [/value] [/set_variables] [foreach] array=locations variable=loc [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($shipwrecks.length - 1)"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM image "scenery/wreck.png,scenery/wreck-2.png,scenery/wreck-3.png"} [item] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y image=$image [/item] # Generate the event [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name=moveto first_time_only=true [filter] side=1 x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=unit {UNIT_SPEAKS_FOR_UNDEAD_MINION (id=Mal Keshar)} scroll=no message=$shipwrecks[$r].message [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image="items/gold-coins-medium.png" sound=gold.ogg message=$shipwrecks[$r].alert [/message] [gold] side=1 amount=$shipwrecks[$r].gold [/gold] [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE "r,image,shipwrecks[$r]"} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shipwrecks,locations} [store_unit] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] variable=galas_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Ishkaal # po: The pointy-eared demons here are the elves. message= _ "You filthy soft-skinned beasts, this is your last opportunity to return our swamps! We are not planning to retreat to the forests of the pointy-eared demons!" [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "We care nothing for your stupid conflicts on the eastern borders. You trespassed our frontiers and broke our treaty, and now you ask from us the very lands you took by force; after raiding our southern garrison, no less! If you believe we will accede now—" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "To the Dark Gods with you and your treaty! The words of an orc are no more meaningful than his fetid breath! Maybe you’ll admit your defeat once we have razed every single one of your precious buildings to the ground. Go ahead, Rishix! Teach them a lesson!" [/message] [message] speaker=Rishix message= _ "We’ll make these puny dirt-dwellers rue the day they were born!" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=40,28 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] x="40,$galas_store.x" y="28,$galas_store.y" type="$galas_store.type" side="$galas_store.side" image_mods="RC(magenta>brown)" [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=galas_store [/unstore_unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 1 $galas_store.x $galas_store.y 5} {CLEAR_VARIABLE galas_store} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} [terrain] x=36,35,37,35-37 y=24,25,25,26 terrain=Ce [/terrain] [terrain] x,y=36,25 terrain=Ke [/terrain] {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "That city to the northwest... is it the port of Tirigaz?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes... it wasn’t so well fortified during my time. So many things have changed since then." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas # po: "Is that smoke I smell?" message= _ "Is that smoke I— Wait, I hear steps..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=Orcish Crossbowman x=32,33,34,34,35 y=31,31,30,29,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] type=Orcish Crossbowman id=Vuruk name= _ "Vuruk" {IS_HERO} x,y=35,29 side=1 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Hello, strangers! Are you loyal to the Grand Council?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ehm..." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, we are." [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Those vile saurians hold the port of Tirigaz under siege, leaving me unable to reach the city to deliver some important news to our lord. I think I speak for all of us when I say that your help would be very appreciated. I need to get to the city keep, but the journey across isn’t safe while those vermin roam about our lands!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The enemies of our friends are our enemies. We can help you." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) I am curious about their motives... Don’t you think your trust in the orcs could be misplaced?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We must stop and repel those saurians before they take over Tirigaz or the northern town that provides resources to the port." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Vuruk, what is it that you need to report to the lord of Tirigaz?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Hmm... I fear it is nothing I’m allowed to share with anyone but Lord Tan-Vatar and his trusted commanders, at least not at this time." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Fair enough." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 {LOCK_VIEW} # # Mandatory generic sea creatures' appearance. # No campaign is ever complete without this. # [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Come in aid of your kin, friends from the deep sea!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=2,16 [/scroll_to] [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,2,16 type=Sea Serpent facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,1,16 type=Cuttle Fish facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,1,17 type=Cuttle Fish facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, ha, ha, hah! They have the support of some wild creatures from the ocean! Nothing we cannot handle." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] race=undead side=1 [/filter] {VARIABLE_INC undead_attacks} [fire_event] name=remark on undead [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] race=undead side=1 [/filter_second] {VARIABLE_INC undead_attacks} [fire_event] name=remark on undead [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=remark on undead [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS undead_attacks 6} [/filter_condition] [message] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [not] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter_adjacent] [/not] [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] scroll=no message= _ "Where did all these damned creatures come from?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 6 [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "This is turning out to be much harder than we expected..." [/message] [set_variables] mode=replace name=serpent_locs [literal] x,y,facing=23,36,nw [/literal] [literal] x,y,facing=13,30,ne [/literal] #ifndef EASY [literal] x,y,facing=18,34,n [/literal] [literal] x,y,facing=10,24,se [/literal] #endif [/set_variables] [foreach] array=serpent_locs variable=loc [do] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes x=$loc.x y=$loc.y facing=$loc.facing type=Water Serpent side=6 [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] [foreach] array=serpent_locs variable=loc [do] [scroll_to] x=$loc.x y=$loc.y [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE serpent_locs} [/event] # # Defeat condition: village tiles in the Arthol/Tirigaz areas get captured by saurians # [event] name=capture [filter] x=25-34 y= 3-8 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Arthol is being ransacked by the saurians! Now there’s no hope for Tirigaz!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=capture [filter] x=1-16 y=1-12 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Tirigaz has been captured! Our mission has failed, and we won’t be able to reach Zocthanol now!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] # # Victory condition: enemies defeated # [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] # # Defeat condition: Vuruk dies # [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Vuruk [/filter] [message] speaker=unit # wmllint: local spelling uuugh message= _ "No! I’ve got to... uuugh..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Vuruk [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We let the orcish messenger perish on the battlefield! The lord of Tirigaz is not going to like this..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Ishkaal [/filter] [message] speaker=unit # wmllint: local spelling Eeaack message= _ "The treacherous ones cannot win! Eeaack..." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] [not] race=undead [/not] [not] status=not_living [/not] [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Damn you, dirt-dwellers!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] race=undead [or] status=not_living [/or] [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I have been struck down by the damned minions of a lich! This is not fair!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Keshar [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Accursed lich! May the Dark Gods smite you down for this atrocity— Eaugh!!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Cuttle Fish [or] type=Sea Serpent [/or] [/filter] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Noooooo! You’ll suffer for this atrocity!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] # # Defeat condition: Tan-Vatar dies # [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Tan-Vatar [/filter] [message] speaker=second_unit message= _ "Ha, ha, ha! Die, fool!" [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "No! The city will fall... without my leadership... *ack*" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Take that, orcish scum! Your leader is dead now, and your city is ours!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Tan-Vatar [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The commander of the defense of Tirigaz has been slain! The city won’t resist for much longer now..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x=1-40 y=1-13 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] side=2 canrecruit=no message= _ "Don’t get any closer to our villages, you vermin!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Crush their villages into the ground!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=capture first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x=25-39,1-17 y= 2-17,1-13 [/filter] [capture_village] x=$x1 y=$y1 side=2 [/capture_village] [/event] [event] name=capture first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x=25-39,1-17 y= 2-17,1-13 [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "These villages belong to the lord of Tirigaz! We must protect them, not capture them!" [/message] [/event] [event] id=fountain_of_courage:regular_eh name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=29,5 [not] race=faerie [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/not] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS fountain_checked no} [/show_if] message= _ "The fountain’s water is overflowing with an unusual energy. You catch a glimpse of a strange-looking faerie observing you from behind a nearby tree, but by the time you approach it she has seemingly vanished. In the hurry to return to the fray you almost slip on a puddle." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS fountain_checked yes} [/show_if] message= _ "The fountain’s water continues to overflow with an unusual energy." [/message] {VARIABLE fountain_checked yes} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] [event] id=fountain_of_courage:faerie_eh name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=29,5 race=faerie [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] {VARIABLE swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} [message] speaker=unit message= _ "(<i>jumps in</i>) Wheeeeeeee!!!" [/message] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount="full" animate=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modify_unit] [object] # NOTE: id is used in Lua by ats_unit_used_fountain_of_courage() id=fountain_of_courage duration=forever silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase,increase_total=25%,25% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] blade=-10 fire=-10 cold=-10 impact=-10 pierce=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] [transient_message] caption= _ "Shimmering Fountain" image=attacks/waterspray.png sound=water-blast.wav message= _ "The Naiad’s spell blesses anyone who takes a swim in the water of this fountain with newfound vim and courage." duration=forever [/transient_message] # This removes only the halo, not the fountain [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [remove_time_area] id=fountain_of_courage [/remove_time_area] [remove_event] id=fountain_of_courage:regular_eh,fountain_of_courage:faerie_eh [/remove_event] [/event] [event] name=victory {MODIFY_UNIT id=Vuruk side 2} [unit] type=Orcish Warrior side=2 id=Vitork name= _ "Vitork" x,y=11,5 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Yes! We did it!" [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "This is an important battle you’ve helped us win, travelers. The city of Tirigaz shall be eternally thankful for your assistance." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is our duty to assist our allies in these times. However, I believe this soldier has something to tell you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Vitork message= _ "Vuruk, brother, you made it! Did you discover anything new?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Ha, indeed! I need to talk with you about it later, but now I must report to the chieftains." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "I see you helped Vuruk return home safe and sound. Well done! So, what can we do for you to repay our debt?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Um, we are currently looking for transportation services. We must sail the open ocean to find a certain island..." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "I mean no offense, but only fools would dare sail the <i>open ocean</i>! Nobody has ventured into farther waters and returned in one piece, ever! Nobody knows exactly what kind of creatures inhabit the Vast Sea! Nobody knows for certain what lies beyond the horizon, but it surely can’t be good, you see! Why would anyone want to travel so far into unknown waters, when there are plenty of safer unexplored lands awaiting back whence you came?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We have a mission to complete, but much like Vuruk’s, it is not something we should discuss with..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We know the location of a certain isle where some people who once lived on the Great Continent went to. We need to gather some information from them — as part of a mission for the Grand Council." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Uh, huh." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "The Grand Council? Why didn’t you say so in the first place! We’ll do anything we can to help you in your mission. It’ll be difficult to gather an appropriate crew for you, but at least I can give you one of our fastest transport vessels." [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE undead_attacks,fountain_checked} [/event] [/scenario] #undef BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=06_01_Quenoth_Isle name= _ "Quenoth Isle" {MAP 06_01_Shore.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="06_02_Elves_of_a_Different_Land" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {STORYTXT_QUENOTH_ISLE} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" gold=0 village_gold=0 income=-2 # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader,hidden=yes,yes team_name=enemy user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=null [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png~FL(horiz)") 21 21} [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION 19 19} [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x,y=19,18 [/teleport] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Orcish Grunt,Orcish Archer,Goblin Spearman [/allow_recruit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Cutscene 1. # [event] name=start {MOVE_UNIT id=Galas 18 14} {MOVE_UNIT id=Galas 17 14} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 18 14} {MOVE_UNIT id=Galas 17 13} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This place appears to be abandoned... Are you sure this is the correct island?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Not completely... but it’s possible that the Quenoth elves just avoid these shores for some reason." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Let’s explore and try to find them, then." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Galas 17 11} [store_unit] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] variable=galas_store kill=no [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [hide_unit] x,y=$galas_store.x,$galas_store.y [/hide_unit] [set_variables] mode=merge name=galas_store [literal] facing=nw x,y=21,5 moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] mode=merge name=elynia_store [literal] facing=se x,y=22,6 moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/literal] [/set_variables] [redraw][/redraw] {FADE_TO_BLACK} # # HACK: this code is necessary to prevent the Objectives # pop-up from appearing at the start of side 1 turn 2 with # the "No objectives available" message on 1.10.x! # [lua] code = << wesnoth.sides[1].objectives_changed = false >> [/lua] [end_turn][/end_turn] [/event] # # Cutscene 2. # #define __UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES _SOURCE_X _SOURCE_Y _X _Y _UNIT_CODE [unit] to_variable=temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES {_UNIT_CODE} x={_X} y={_Y} [/unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES.type x={_SOURCE_X},{_X} y={_SOURCE_Y},{_Y} side=$temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES.side variation=$temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES.variation gender=$temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES.gender [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp___UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES} #enddef #define __MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING _FILTER _X _Y [store_unit] [filter] {_FILTER} [/filter] kill=yes variable=temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] x=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.x,{_X} y=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.y,{_Y} variation=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.variation type=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.type side=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.side gender=$temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING.gender # NOTE: this assumes that these will never get north-facing # frames. image_mods="FL(horiz)" [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=yes variable=temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING x={_X} y={_Y} [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp___MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING} #enddef [event] name=turn 2 [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Time passes..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=$galas_store.x,$galas_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] {FADE_IN} [kill] id=Galas [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=galas_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE galas_store,elynia_store} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Maybe we should return to the ship. I’m not really sure about going into the forest at night, it could be dangerous." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Why are you hesitating now?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) nw} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Do you remember when we almost lost you in the caves beneath Wesmere? I don’t want to risk that occurring again. We don’t know why we haven’t found any elves here and..." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) se} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Is there something you haven’t told me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Galas, I—" [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) se} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I hear something moving among the trees." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # wmllint: recognize Nion {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 24 3 24 4 ( type=Quenoth Fighter id=Nion name= _ "Nion" side=2 random_traits=yes facing=sw )} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) nw} # wmllint: recognize Valad {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 17 5 19 5 ( type=Quenoth Flanker id=Valad name= _ "Valad" side=2 random_traits=yes facing=ne )} # wmllint: recognize Hara {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 20 2 20 3 ( type=Quenoth Flanker id=Hara name= _ "Hara" side=2 random_traits=yes facing=se )} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 27 3 24 5 ( {CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA} overlays="" side=2 facing=sw )} # wmllint: recognize Yon {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 22 8 24 7 ( type=Quenoth Fighter id=Yon name= _ "Yon" side=2 random_traits=yes facing=nw )} # wmllint: recognize Ladien {__UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES 20 8 20 7 ( type=Quenoth Scout id=Ladien name= _ "Ladien" side=2 random_traits=yes facing=ne )} [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Who are you and where do you come from? You don’t seem to be of our kin." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are elves! There’s no need to point at us with those arrows and swords, either; we’re clearly at a disadvantage here." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "You do not look or dress like our people. Is this some kind of joke? We are pretty sure we’ve never seen your faces on this island." [/message] [message] speaker=Hara message= _ "They are probably impostors sent by Uria to destroy our home!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let us explain..." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Seize them!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Hara) (20) (4)} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Stop!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Nion) (23) (5)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Yon) (23) (7)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valad) (20) (5)} [redraw][/redraw] [fade_out_music] duration=750 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>spreading her wings</i>) How can you <b>not</b> recognize your sylvan ancestors, young girl? Have the Quenoth elves completely forgotten their history after all this time?!" [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>in a calm, sad tone</i>) When did you last see the essence of the forest blazing in the dark?" [/message] # Back up Elynia while we transform her into a different variation [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=no [/store_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=faerie_fire_cutscene [/effect] [/object] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] flag=cutscene_begin with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # I'm obviously taking advantage of the desert elves' lack of faerie fire-casters, # which is a consequence of their loss of affinity with the world of Faerie. # {__MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING (id=Yon) 24 7} {__MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING (id=Nion) 23 4} {__MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING (id=Hara) 19 4} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia held a small fire in her hands, illuminating the surroundings with a strong, azure light. The elves stared in awe at her subtle but effective display of the power of Faerie; some of them stepped back, alarmed, uncertain of what to make of the unusual situation." [/message] [delay] time=3000 [/delay] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] flag=cutscene_end with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] # Restore Elynia's gameplay self [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Come with me." [/message] [store_locations] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] variable=galas_loc_store [/store_locations] {PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST (id=Elynia)} [hide_unit] x=$galas_loc_store.x y=$galas_loc_store.y [/hide_unit] [kill] side=2 [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [store_map_dimensions][/store_map_dimensions] [terrain] terrain=Xv x=1-$map_size.width y=1-$map_size.height [/terrain] {CLEAR_VARIABLE map_size,galas_loc_store,elynia_store} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] #undef __UNIT_FROM_THE_TREES #undef __MOVE_UNIT_KEEP_FACING [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=06_02_Elves_of_a_Different_Land name= _ "Elves of a Different Land" {MAP 06_02_Court.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="07_The_Search_for_the_Past" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_ELVES_OF_A_DIFFERENT_LAND} {LONGDARK3} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" gold=0 village_gold=0 income=-2 # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on # It may seem silly to put so much effort into cutscenes that will be # skipped by most players, but I'm certain that some of those who care # about the history of Irdya will feel rewarded, even if I am unable # to guide them on their way by then. -- 2009-12-31 [side] side=2 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai hidden=yes canrecruit=yes id=Gaellis name= _ "Gaellis" type=Quenoth Champion unrenamable=yes facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [unit] # wmllint: recognize Kyara {CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA} overlays="" facing=nw x,y=23,17 [/unit] [unit] random_traits,generate_name=yes,yes type=Quenoth Fighter facing=nw x,y=23,18 [/unit] [unit] random_traits,generate_name=yes,yes type=Quenoth Fighter facing=nw x,y=21,18 [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai hidden=yes canrecruit=yes id=Maina name= _ "Maina" type=Quenoth Sun Sylph unrenamable=yes facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [unit] id=Ira name= _ "Ira" type=Quenoth Druid unrenamable=yes x,y=10,24 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Urédiel name= _ "Urédiel" type=Quenoth Shaman unrenamable=yes x,y=11,25 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Arandith name= _ "Arandith" type=Quenoth Marksman gender=female unrenamable=yes x,y=6,7 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai hidden=yes canrecruit=yes id=Inara name= _ "Inara" type=Quenoth Ranger gender=female unrenamable=yes facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [unit] id=Ainael name= _ "Ainael" type=Quenoth Warrior unrenamable=yes x,y=32,25 facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Remir-Taen name= _ "Remir-Taen" type=Tauroch Protector unrenamable=yes x,y=33,21 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai hidden=yes canrecruit=yes id=Lintaen name= _ "Lintaen" type=Quenoth Hero unrenamable=yes facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [unit] id=Del name= _ "Del" type=Tauroch Vanguard unrenamable=yes x,y=23,15 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Vardé name= _ "Vardé" type=Quenoth Mystic unrenamable=yes x,y=17,7 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Shin name= _ "Shin" type=Quenoth Fighter unrenamable=yes x,y=20,4 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Ji name= _ "Ji" type=Quenoth Archer gender=female unrenamable=yes x,y=28,4 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai hidden=yes canrecruit=yes id=Listra name= _ "Listra" type=Quenoth Sun Singer unrenamable=yes facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [unit] id=Nadia name= _ "Nadia" type=Quenoth Shaman unrenamable=yes x,y=26,8 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Belan name= _ "Belan" type=Quenoth Outrider unrenamable=yes x,y=24,11 facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Zarel name= _ "Zarel" type=Quenoth Fighter unrenamable=yes x,y=25,18 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Noran name= _ "Noran" type=Quenoth Fighter unrenamable=yes x,y=23,19 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Ivalen name= _ "Ivalen" type=Quenoth Fighter unrenamable=yes x,y=27,19 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Kal name= _ "Kal" type=Quenoth Fighter unrenamable=yes x,y=25,20 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Niemin name= _ "Niemin" type=Tauroch Rider unrenamable=yes x,y=29,20 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Leria name= _ "Leria" type=Tauroch Stalwart unrenamable=yes x,y=27,21 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 2} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith3.png) 17 8 } {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith4.png) 16 2 } {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith1.png) 29 7 } {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/oak-leaning.png) 24 15} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/slab1.png) 25 7 } {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/temple1.png) 29 13} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/mine-abandoned.png) 13 12} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/mine-abandoned.png) 15 1 } {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/mine-abandoned.png) 13 20} [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION 19 18} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Lord Gaellis, son of Kalehssar, we found these two strangers on the southeastern shores. They came from the northern seas, and seem to bring the light of Eloh with them." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message={ASIDE ( _ "Eloh? That name...")} [/message] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "No land dwellers have set foot on this island for a long time. The last recorded landing was centuries ago, when our own kin came here seeking a new home; they made sure no-one was left behind on the continent. Tell us, who are you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Sir, I am Galas, son of Valthir, and this is..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Elynia, daughter of Deniéth-Isal." [/message] [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "You bear a strong resemblance to us. Spread your wings, Elynia. Albeit unusually pale, your face is that of an elf; but your clothes, and your wings... they are very unlike our own. Where do you come from?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "From the Great Continent — from the region we call the Far North, beyond the tall Heart Mountains that grasp the sky and guard the green lands. There, the suns’ light has not been enough to burn those beautiful forests forever. We are different to you, indeed; we are forest elves, and we have come to seek your help against the great evil that has befallen Irdya." [/message] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "Forest elves? How is that possible? The last our people saw of the Great Continent were vast deserts plagued with foul orcs, necromancers, and human barbarians. There’s no green life left on it anymore!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Maybe your people didn’t travel far enough! Most of the central region fits your description, but there are a few secluded valleys where life has continued to thrive, and the Far North is vast enough to allow both humans and orcs to live relatively at peace with each other." [/message] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "That is—" [/message] [message] speaker=Inara message= _ "Kalehssar, the Blade of Eloh, destroyed the dark force that once reigned over Irdya and attempted to erase the last remnants of our kind. What new foe threatens to put an end to our peace now, daughter of the forests?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The creature slain by his hand was but a servant of a far greater power. The fight is not over yet, and although we have recently vanquished another... minion of hers, the influence she exerts on this world remains as strong as ever." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "harp.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I realize that this may sound overly dramatic, but I speak the truth, for I am the slayer of Zhangor, and Eloh guided me back to you in this era because you have the missing page of our civilization’s history: Kalehssar fought Yechnagoth, the Eater of Souls, and defeated her on this island nearly four centuries ago. The enemy we face now is none other than Uria, who has amassed an empire of human followers on the Great Continent. Even now as we speak, they work with the forces of Inferno and their unspeakable creations to destroy all that is left in the world!" [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The elves were left aghast by the mention of the three accursed names. They eyed each other nervously, as though they feared that rocks would fall from the sky in response to the bold revelation." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I cannot do miracles. If you need more proof of our claims—" [/message] [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "At the end of the previous era, you were sent by Eloh to protect elvenkind from the Demon Lord. Now, you have returned to us to protect all Irdya from the Fallen Goddess... Elynia, the power you wield has not been seen by our kin for eons, as much of our forefathers’ knowledge perished with them when the spawn of Uria destroyed their forests. You are a rare gem among the entire elvish civilization, and we have no reason to distrust you. We listen to the call of our forest ancestors, and we agree to help you." [/message] [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "Don’t we all?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "What kind of help do you need?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Necromancy is the least of evils now that Uria’s minions plague the Great Continent. In our long journey to this island, we have not only been assisted by the orcs of the Far North, but also by a lich who helped us defeat the Chaos Emperor. We will need his help here, so I request that we are allowed to bring our orcish and undead allies to this island." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "everlasting_night.ogg"} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Gaellis # po: "Why we can’t accede." message= _ "<i>(nervously)</i> That request... is very... <i>improper</i> for an elf, to say the least... You surely understand why we can’t—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is true that many necromancers have worked together with Uria’s minions to bring doom to the natural inhabitants of the continent, including your own ancestors. But it’s also true that knowing whether a creature walks the path of Light or the path of Darkness does not suffice to distinguish evil from good. As for the orcs, they have been our allies even in the past, back when there was only one sun and all elves lived in the forests of Irdya." [/message] [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "We shall allow the orcs and the undead to come to assist you once you tell us exactly what you are going to do, but beware that our warriors and priests are ready to take care of them should they do anything suspicious." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We require access to the place where Yechnagoth was destroyed." [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {ENDLEVEL_CONTINUE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07x_Resolutions name= _ "Resolutions" {MAP 07x_Resolutions.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="08_Fear" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg"} {STORYTXT_RESOLUTIONS} {AFTERNOON1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" gold=0 village_gold=0 income=-2 # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai canrecruit=yes id=Gaellis name= _ "Gaellis" type=Quenoth Champion unrenamable=yes facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Quenoth" controller=ai canrecruit=yes id=Maina name= _ "Maina" type=Quenoth Sun Sylph unrenamable=yes facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/side] {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/oak-leaning.png) 15 11} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/oak-leaning.png) 1 7 } [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION 17 7} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 21 8} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION 20 11} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION 21 6} {MODIFY_UNIT ( id=Galas [or] id=Horo [/or] ) facing ne} {MODIFY_UNIT ( id=Elynia [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] ) facing se} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Kyara) sw} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 (Quenoth Scout) 21 4 (Vordel) ( _ "Vordel")} [+unit] facing=sw [/unit] {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 (Quenoth Fighter) 25 6 (Naron) ( _ "Naron")} [+unit] facing=sw [/unit] {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 1 (Quenoth Mystic) 23 6 (Dela) ( _ "Dela")} [+unit] facing=sw [/unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "It is certainly unfortunate that you couldn’t find a solution to this problem. Everything seems peaceful and good from our current location, but if Uria’s minions win the war and take over the continent, it will only be a matter of time until they come to claim this island. And what if Yechnagoth is able to control the surface creatures of the continent again?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "At least we know that her soul is no longer in this world. There’s a faint possibility that they might be unable to use her heart for anything yet. We must make haste and instruct our allies to purge the remains of Wesmere." [/message] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "A few of our people expressed interest on joining your group to help you in this quest, and learn more about the state of the lands whence we came a couple of centuries ago." [/message] [message] speaker=Dela message= _ "Eloh would want us to help our kin in these dark times." [/message] [message] speaker=Vordel message= _ "Our numbers are very small, and we don’t have the resources to support an army, but we have the knowledge, and the faith to try to make a difference on the battlefield." [/message] [message] speaker=Naron message= _ "It would be an honor to fight alongside you, sir." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Fight, indeed. We have spent too much time far from ‘home’ — who knows what’s become of it since we left." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "The honor is ours. We appreciate and accept your help on this day, but we are even more grateful for the day on which you released Irdya from the eternal nightmare of Yechnagoth’s control." [/message] [message] speaker=Maina message= _ "Young Galas, what you three have done for us is no small deed either. Although your journey is not quite complete yet, by defeating Uria’s designated sovereign of Chaos, you proved that her forces are not invincible, and rekindled that flame of hope everyone needed. You truly are the heroes of the forest elves of this era." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Thank you." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Gaellis message= _ "Kyara is one of our most skilled archers, and she has expressed her desire to join you in your quest. Seeing as how you will need all the help you can get, we thought you might welcome her support." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # po: "I’m not sure that’s a good idea." message= _ "I’m not—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You can come with us if you wish, but you need to be aware of the dangers that lie in our way." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "I <i>am</i> aware. I’ve already talked with Lord Galas about it — I just want to be of help to our forest cousins in this struggle for our future." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Well, we must now prepare for departing tomorrow in the morning. A long voyage back home awaits us..." [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {ENDLEVEL_CONTINUE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07_The_Search_for_the_Past name= _ "The Search for the Past" {MAP 07_The_Search_for_the_Past.map} {TURNS 70 68 65} next_scenario="07x_Resolutions" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {A_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_deep_path.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "gameplay06.ogg"} {STORYTXT_THE_SEARCH_FOR_THE_PAST} {UNDERGROUND} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" {GOLD 300 280 260} {INCOME 3 2 2} shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=critters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Cave Creatures" hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 10.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=critters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Cave Creatures" type=Lesser Giant Spider canrecruit=yes hidden=yes gold=0 income=-2 village_gold=0 {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 10.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=critters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {FLAG_VARIANT undead} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 10.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=critters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Yechnagoth’s Guards" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 10.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=critters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Chaos Guards" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 10.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/trash.png) 29 45} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/trash.png) 10 44} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/trash.png) 12 48} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/rubble.png) 25 45} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/rubble.png) 25 47} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/brazier.png) 19 39} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/brazier.png) 17 40} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/brazier.png) 19 42} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/brazier.png) 21 41} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/brazier.png) 28 35} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/burial.png) 17 24} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/burial.png) 25 24} {PLACE_IMAGE (items/bonestack.png) 30 17} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png") 27 45} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png~FL(horiz)") 23 41} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith1.png) 18 29} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith3.png) 32 10} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 26 22} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 18 50} {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [event] name=prestart {DOOR_TILES_TO_UNITS 2} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Follow the path and explore underground")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 37 12} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 30 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 27 9 } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 28 8 } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 27 7 } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 {DIFF (Vampire Bat) (Blood Bat) (Dread Bat)} 20 8 } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 5 11} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 16 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Vampire Bat) 16 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 10 5} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 7 8} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 8 3} {FACING s } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 34 14} {FACING n } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 38 14} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Ant) 34 14} {FACING n } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 13 7 } {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 23 4 } {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 33 5 } {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 11 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 13 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 9 13} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Giant Mushroom) 39 18} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Leech) 30 15} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Fungoid) 36 22} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Fungoid) 40 23} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Fungoid) 38 25} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Walking Corpse) 18 50} {VARIATION bat} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Dread Bat) 13 1} {VARIATION bat} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Necrophage) 9 46} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 7 36} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 22 40} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 33 48} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 29 49} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 16 39} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 16 42} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Ghoul) 21 42} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Necrophage) 19 41} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Soulless) 22 32} {VARIATION swimmer} {FACING n} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Walking Corpse) 20 31} {VARIATION swimmer} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Walking Corpse) 24 29} {VARIATION swimmer} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Soulless) 17 28} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Walking Corpse) 17 28} {VARIATION saurian} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Soulless) 24 23} {VARIATION saurian} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Psy Crawler) 27 33} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Psy Crawler) 26 34} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Psy Crawler) 22 20} {FACING s } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 6 (Demonic Hound) 26 32} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Tentacle of the Deep) 3 33} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Tentacle of the Deep) 11 31} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Tentacle of the Deep) 20 32} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Tentacle of the Deep) 26 29} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Tentacle of the Deep) 34 22} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Water Serpent) 25 20} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 5 (Water Serpent) 30 23} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIABLE sighted_bats 0} {VARIABLE touchplate_38_18_used no} {VARIABLE glyph_7_37_used no} {VARIABLE glyph_9_36_used no} {VARIABLE glyph_4_45_used no} #{VARIABLE glyph_6_46_used no} #{VARIABLE glyph_8_47_used no} {VARIABLE glyph_10_48_used no} {VARIABLE glyph_31_48_used no} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE sighted_bats,touchplate_38_18_used} {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_7_37_used} {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_9_36_used} {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_4_45_used} #{CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_6_46_used} #{CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_8_47_used} {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_10_48_used} {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_31_48_used} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "I don’t like this place. It feels as if something is waiting to ambush us in the darkness." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Heh, darkness. These elves aren’t very smart after all. Why would they think that sending one of their sun-loving youths would be of any help to us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Keep your mouth shut, decrepit lich! We are being <i>far</i> more lenient than anyone would be with those who deal with your unnatural minions and these filthy apes." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "Who are you calling “filthy apes”, you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Calm down, everyone! If we are to explore these caverns, we’ll need to stay together." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "What are you looking for? Some kind of artifact? Rocks? Spiders?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We believe these caves beneath the dark citadel may have once been used by our enemies. If that is the case, they may have left behind scrolls, artifacts, or anything else that could provide us with hints." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This is no time to fight amongst ourselves. Just stay alert and let us see what we can find." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "We will help you as best we can, elf." [/message] [/event] {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON giant_spider ( canrecruit=yes side=3 )} [event] name=giant_spider [store_starting_location] side=4 [/store_starting_location] [unit] x,y=$location.x,$location.y side=4 canrecruit=yes type=Death Knight id=Firden name= _ "Firden" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [modify_side] side=4 recruit=Skeleton,Walking Corpse,Ghost {GOLD 100 125 150} {INCOME 2 3 4} [/modify_side] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 4 $location.x $location.y 8} [capture_village] side=4 x,y=31,17 [/capture_village] [message] side,canrecruit=3,yes message= _ "<i>Hissssssss</i>" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "A giant spider. Just a bothersome giant spider." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/event] {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON undead_enemies ( side=4 )} [event] name=undead_enemies [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Look out, there are undead sentinels standing in our way!" [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "This is impossible! Our druids purged any evil creatures left on this island after Kalehssar’s victory!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Above the surface, they might have been unable to detect these slumbering minions. Yes, it appears our presence is what has awakened them after so long." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Firden [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "There was very little strength left in this guardian. I wonder who was the master of these minions before the place was abandoned?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Argan, of course. There’s no doubt about it." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] level=2 [or] level=3 [/or] [/filter] [filter_second] id=Kyara [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Not bad for a sun-loving little girl." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Shut up, necromancer." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] {FIRE_ESSENCE_E1S7 29 7} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=29-35 y=15-19 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS touchplate_38_18_used yes} [/filter_condition] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=31,17 radius=3 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=31,18 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Now what?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "If our past experiences with this sort of fortress are anything to go by, this is most likely not the dead end it appears to be. Let us check the cave to the east." [/message] [/event] {ITEM_TOUCHPLATE 38 18} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=38,18 [/filter] {VARIABLE touchplate_38_18_used yes} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [terrain] x,y=38,19 terrain=Uu [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Touchplate triggered. A wall moves." [/message] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_GATE 38 23} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=38,23 [/filter] [terrain] x,y=30,19 terrain=Uu [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Crystal glyph activated. A wall moves." [/message] [remove_shroud] x,y=30,19 radius=1 [or] x,y=28,21 radius=1 [/or] side=1 [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=29,21 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y=29,21)} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x,y=38-40,28 [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hm... I don’t know what I was thinking; there is no point in following this stream." [/message] [/event] {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON sighted_bats ( race=bats )} {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON sighted_water_serpent ( type=Water Serpent )} {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON sighted_verlissh ( race=verlissh )} [event] name=sighted_bats first_time_only=no {VARIABLE_INC sighted_bats} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN sighted_bats 2} [then] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "These accursed bats are everywhere!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It’s a cave, what did you expect? Rabbits?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=sighted_water_serpent [message] speaker=Galas scroll=no message= _ "Those water creatures don’t look friendly at all." [/message] [/event] [event] name=sighted_verlissh [message] speaker=Kyara scroll=no # wmllint: local spelling Yec message= _ "These abominations look much like Yechnagoth’s true form did according to our druids..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=10-18 y=25-30 [/filter] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=12,25 radius=2 [or] x,y=16,25 radius=2 [/or] )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=15,27 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "It seems there was a cave-in here long ago. This blocked passage might have led to the citadel — let’s see what lies down the path." [/message] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x,y=23,37 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=24,37 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] x,y=24,36 [/teleport] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Door [and] x,y=22,37 [or] x,y=23,38 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=16-23,15 y=38-43,39-43 [/remove_shroud] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=19,40 [/scroll_to] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I suppose this is Argan’s old base of operations." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, it seems to be... Let’s get rid of its current residents and inspect those chambers." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Gather all information you can from Argan’s lair")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} [event] name=check_glyphs first_time_only=no [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_7_37_used yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_9_36_used yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_4_45_used yes} #{VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_6_46_used yes} #{VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_8_47_used yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_10_48_used yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS glyph_31_48_used yes} [then] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [/then] [/if] [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=27,45 [/filter] [message] speaker=Horo scroll=no message= _ "The skeleton of a human, it seems. Who knows how this poor bastard ended up thrown into this chamber." [/message] [/event] #define __MSG_POWER_UP_GLYPH _MSG [message] speaker=narrator image=items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png caption= _ "Crystal Glyph" message={_MSG} # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define __LIBRARY_GLYPH_BASE _X _Y _WML {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE {_X} {_Y} } {ITEM_GOAL {_X} {_Y} } # Step 1: remove goal marker [event] name=moveto [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} side=1 [/filter] {ITEM_REMOVE_GOAL {_X} {_Y} } [/event] # Step 2: show associated messages (may be triggered again if the player wishes so) [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} side=1 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {_WML} [/event] # Step 3: commit status [event] name=moveto [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} side=1 [/filter] {VARIABLE "glyph_$x1|_$y1|_used" yes} [fire_event] name=check_glyphs [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef #define __LIBRARY_GLYPH _X _Y _MSG {__LIBRARY_GLYPH_BASE ({_X}) ({_Y}) ({MSG_GLYPH ({_MSG})})} #enddef {__LIBRARY_GLYPH 7 37 ( _ "The <b>Verlissh</b> are a primitive Rythenian lifeform brought to Irdya by the <b>Argazar</b>. Under given conditions, these creatures can combine to form larger and more complex units, and even integrate themselves into foreign organisms, adapting to their bodies and augmenting them. The symbiotic relationship they develop with their host comes at a price for both, however — the host and the Verlissh become reliant on each other’s functions to survive.")} {__LIBRARY_GLYPH 9 36 ( _ "<b>Uria</b> has learned that the Argazar civilization used the Verlissh to enhance the abilities and strength of their <b>‘biomechanical’</b> warriors. There are ruins scattered across Irdya from which we could obtain samples to, in time, raise a whole army to put an end to the current Dark Age.")} {__LIBRARY_GLYPH 4 45 ( _ "The advanced <b>Norsulan</b> technology stolen by Uria’s agents from those working for the one who is rumored to be the reincarnation of <b>Valdir</b> has been very helpful for our ends; understanding the most interesting creations of the Argazar people would have proved nearly impossible without a better-documented modern reference.")} # wmlindent: start ignoring {__LIBRARY_GLYPH_BASE 10 48 ( # po: Note: Urvatha = Inferno. Uria is considered the mother of Inferno # po: in a strictly figurative sense. {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "According to some ancient legends of disputable origin, the <b>First</b> sculpted a <b>beautiful maiden</b> out of fine dust, and bestowed her control over the awesome power that flows through the veins of every one of her <b>faerie</b> descendants, including the elves of Irdya. Those legends also tell of one of her siblings: <b>Merthiaal the Ashen One</b>, who owing to her bold actions would come to be known as the <b>Eater of Souls</b>. Even after a cycle has passed, the oldest races of Irdya and other worlds continue to remember her, and avoid mentioning her true name in conversation. If they must, they will speak of her as <b>‘Yechnagoth’</b>. Now, Merthiaal fervently desired the First’s favor. Alas, no matter how hard she tried, someone with such an aching heart could not possibly manage to tame the <b>Aspect of Darkness</b>. She could never accept that the First only had eyes for the <b>wielder of the Arcane Flame</b>, and <b>Uria</b>, the Guardian who would come to be regarded as the <b>mother of Urvatha</b>.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Envy rooted deep within Merthiaal’s mind. In an attempt to prove her worth, she committed an <b>unspeakable sin</b> against the order of the Universe. Her control over Darkness was lost as a result. Her own world was destroyed, along with <b>every soul</b> on it. Any further damage was only narrowly averted thanks to Uria’s timely intervention. Merthiaal’s heart, soul, and memories were preserved through eons, but her body was not. Now we have the means to build a new body that may allow her power to flow unimpeded once again. If she can be convinced to accept Uria’s offer, then she shall have a new opportunity to destroy the descendants of her rival and allow us to reign over this decadent world.")} )} # wmlindent: stop ignoring {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 6 46} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 8 47} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 20 47} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 31 48} {ITEM_GOAL 31 48} {CONTINUOUS_SOUND_SOURCE power_up_glyph_sound_source 31 48 ("glyph-powerup.ogg")} [event] name=moveto [filter] x=31 y=48 side=1 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [redraw][/redraw] {__MSG_POWER_UP_GLYPH ( _ "This glyph may only be used by the true descendants of She who wields the Arcane Flame that protects Irdya.")} [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia x=$x1 y=$y1 [/have_unit] [else] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia, you should check this crystal; it may have information we need." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia to the sealed crystal glyph")} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Gather all information you can from Argan’s lair")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x=31 y=48 id=Elynia [/filter] {VARIABLE "glyph_$x1|_$y1|_used" yes} {__MSG_POWER_UP_GLYPH ( _ "Within this glyph is encoded a <b>Teleport</b> spell which will allow you to cross great distances if you let your soul travel unimpeded by your body. Gaze beyond with your eyes closed, and touch the existence outside your reach. Given sufficient focus, you shall be able to transport your being to any place from your memories and find any soul within your heart’s sight. Yet cautiously you must tread, for not all the possibilities are written, and those who stray from their reality might not find anything on the other side of the mirror.")} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That’s strange. Why would Argan keep something he obviously couldn’t use in his lair?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It could be... that he foresaw me coming to this place and wanted to help me, even if he couldn’t break free from Uria’s control." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "It’s more likely that he wanted to set a trap for us or anyone else who would manage to find this place." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t believe he truly intended to cause me any harm with his actions... I’ll take the spell, it could be of use later." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Elynia, don’t—" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "As Elynia approached the crystal’s surface with her hand, the glyph disintegrated into fine golden dust, covering her for a few moments..." [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] flag=shine_golden with_bars=no [/animate_unit] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [terrain] terrain=Uu x,y=$x1,$y1 [/terrain] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE (power_up_glyph_sound_source)} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "... And then it vanished into thin air." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t feel any different, but... I guess I need to figure out exactly how this power works, now." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hmph. In my times, you didn’t acquire magic abilities from a rock. Well, be careful if you ever attempt to use that spell; knowing who might have put it there, I don’t think it’s safe. And more generally, while it is known that powerful mages can learn to travel great distances like that, many of them also disappear on occasion and are never heard of again." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Gather all information you can from Argan’s lair")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} [fire_event] name=check_glyphs [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=victory # # Just to keep the cutscene zone clear. # {RESET_AND_SEND_TO_RECALL_LIST ( side=1 [not] id=Galas [or] id=Elynia [/or] [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] [or] id=Horo [/or] [or] id=Kyara [/or] [/not] [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] )} [kill] [not] side=1 [/not] animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES ( side=1 [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] )} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [scroll_to] x,y=19,41 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] {FADE_IN} # FIXME: This sequence actually unhides the units before we reach the # [unhide_unit] action. [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x,y=16,39 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) se} [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=21,39 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] x,y=17,42 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) ne} [teleport] [filter] id=Horo [/filter] x,y=22,41 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Horo) nw} [teleport] [filter] id=Kyara [/filter] x,y=20,42 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Kyara) nw} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "There doesn’t seem to be much more to see here. That’s unfortunate." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara # po: "Our priestesses won’t accept this truth." or something similarly terrifying. message= _ "What we have found here is... frightening. We always thought that there was only one world, the one in which we live. Our priestesses won’t... What do we do with this?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "This reminds me that the ‘First’ is also described in the ruins of a hidden city beneath the Heart Mountains. It is said that he created ten powerful demons, the Original Ten. All this would imply that all elves and other faerie creatures are descended, or at least created in the image of this mysterious wielder of the Arcane Flame, sister of Uria and Yechnagoth, and one of the Original Ten." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Eloh. That’s her name — a name that was seldom heard in my times, for nearly nothing was known for certain about her and the myths neglected explaining the origin of every other race on Irdya. I suppose that Zhangor’s influence upon Wesmere may have resulted in the reintroduction of that name to our kin’s lore. Regardless, even though linguistics are not my specialty, I suspect that’s still not her true name, much like the case of Yechnagoth." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What you have learned here about all this... it would probably be best to keep it a secret for now, especially the allusions to other worlds. In these times when demons roam and spoil Irdya at will, realizing that they might be more closely related to us than we suspected, and that there might be more awaiting out there... it could be devastating to our cultures, to say the least. Perhaps after all this is over..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "<i>(snicker)</i> And you say that Argan never intended to cause you any harm? All that we have found proves that he really wanted to destroy your kind after all! Using the powers of an ancient demon, no less!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t believe that any of this was done out of his own volition. He was... under Uria’s control." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "So, have you forgotten what he said? “I guess I had this coming ever since then.” I know, his last words were very vague, but it certainly sounded like he was well aware of what he was doing the whole time. Perhaps it was not his intention to cause harm to <i>you</i> in particular, but the damage he caused throughout the continent, in the name of Uria, to the things you protect... did it not affect you? Furthermore, it seemed like Uria felt his loss. If he was a mere puppet of hers, would she have resented his death so much?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 20 40} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 19 41} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia slowly approached Mal Keshar with a grim expression in her eyes — neither the lich nor Galas had seen that much rage reflected in her before." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 18 41} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You know nothing." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I saw enough. I heard enough." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "<i>(nervously)</i> We should return to the surface before we run out of provisions." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia... if I’m not mistaken, we found a journal in the Heart, and you have kept it all this time with you, correct?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I... the elf who suggested that we take the journal, he was under Uria’s control, wasn’t he? It might not truly be Argan’s." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I am sure it is. I knew Lédinor well enough, and I’m sure that was him speaking, not Uria. It was later that his face and demeanor changed completely. No matter what Uria said, I’m certain that Lédinor was struggling to overcome her control all that time, resisting it long enough to help us, even though he knew she would succeed in the end. If he had told us about it, he would have collapsed much earlier." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are descendants of Eloh, and as the Quenoth elves know, not even Yechnagoth’s mind control can work on us that easily." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I know you are probably hesitant about reading Argan’s journal because you fear to learn more about how much of a monster he became..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "If you prefer, I could read it for you, and keep any details besides what is relevant to our quest from reaching anyone." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(with a calmer expression)</i> Very well." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "In the meantime, perhaps you could socialize with the locals or something. Perhaps try to have fun and smile? It really helps when you’ve lived for so long — I should be one to know. While you do that, I’ll be <i>killing</i> myself reading a damn book; I haven’t found any good reading material since the Fall, you know? It seems like everyone suddenly forgot how to read and write after the Wesnothians singlehandedly ended the world!" [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "... You are already dead." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over # # I could not think of any good reason for the defeat on end-of-turns; the # baddies aren't going to invade Quenoth any time soon, but I can't let the # player milk income forever. # [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "We have spent too much time in these caverns, and many of my men are starving." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(sighs, staring at the ceiling)</i> Why do we always have a time limit of some sort for everything we do?" [/message] [/event] #undef __MSG_POWER_UP_GLYPH #undef __LIBRARY_GLYPH #undef __LIBRARY_GLYPH_BASE [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08_Fear name= _ "Fear" {MAP 08_Fear.map} {TURNS 34 32 30} next_scenario="09_The_Triad_part_1" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {A_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_FEAR} {DUSK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} {LONGDARK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {DAWN1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {DUSK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} {SHORTDARK} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT_SHORT} {DAWN2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" {GOLD 340 320 300} shroud,fog=yes,yes # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader,hidden=yes,yes {CHAOS_FLAG} team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" controller=null [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader,hidden=yes,yes {CHAOS_FLAG} team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" controller=null [unit] type=Shaxthal Drone x,y=36,26 id=event drone variation=surface [/unit] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore the peninsula")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "The fog is so thick I can barely see anything in the distance. It’s rather unsettling..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed. We should explore this peninsula carefully and stay together. Maybe we can find an abandoned castle or village where we can rest while we plan our next course of action." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "The air is unusually dense. There’s something more about this place I don’t like." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We may soon find out..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x=1-40 y=1-30 side=1 [/filter] [fire_event] name=start battle [/fire_event] [/event] {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON (start battle) ( id=event drone )} [event] name=start battle first_time_only=yes [store_starting_location] side=2 variable=sl [/store_starting_location] [modify_side] side=2 controller=ai {GOLD 150 170 185} {INCOME 0 1 2} hidden=no recruit=Chaos Invader,Chaos Raider,Chaos Bowman [/modify_side] [unit] canrecruit=yes x,y=$sl.x,$sl.y side=2 type=Chaos Magus id=Essornius name= _ "Essornius" facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Chaos Crossbowman) 11 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Chaos Crossbowman) 14 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Doom Guard) 13 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} # not guardians {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Chaos Cavalier) 10 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Chaos Cavalier) 11 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} #endif {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 2 $sl.x $sl.y 8} [store_starting_location] side=3 variable=sl [/store_starting_location] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai {GOLD 190 210 220} {INCOME 0 2 4} hidden=no recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird [/modify_side] [unit] canrecruit=yes x,y=$sl.x,$sl.y side=3 type=Shaxthal War Drone facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] # This is needed so the AI doesn't send the drone to # capture the village this turn. [capture_village] side=3 x,y=34,24 [/capture_village] {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 27 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 38 8} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 30 2} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {FACING se} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 33 5} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {FACING se} #endif # not guardians {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 29 7} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 31 6} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} #endif {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 3 $sl.x $sl.y 11} {APPEND_MUSIC "western_theme2.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "climactic_contemplation.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE sl} [remove_shroud] x,y=36,26 radius=2 side=1 [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=36,26 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "What kind of infernal spawn is that thing?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Shaxthals. We are definitely not alone here." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We’ll have to fight our way through this place then." [/message] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} {NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC} [/event] [/event] [event] name=victory [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] variable=malin_store kill=no [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [hide_unit] id=Galas [/hide_unit] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "Yes, we did it!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Let’s leave this land as quickly as possible." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [invert_direction] variable=malin_store.facing [/invert_direction] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [fade_out_music] duration=750 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Galas?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [invert_direction] variable=malin_store.facing [/invert_direction] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE malin_store} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "... Elynia?" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=09_The_Triad_part_1 name= _ "The Triad — Part 1" {MAP 09_The_Triad_part_1.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="09_The_Triad_part_2" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {A_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_dangerous_symphony.ogg"} {STORYTXT_THE_TRIAD} {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -30 -40 -20} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} facing=sw [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Mal Kendria {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KENDRIA} facing=se [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Nar-hamoth {CHARACTER_STATS_NAR_HAMOTH} facing=sw [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Mal Hekuba {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_HEKUBA} facing=sw [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=8 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {ANIMATED_BRAZIER 4 4 } {ANIMATED_BRAZIER 20 9 } {ANIMATED_BRAZIER 14 12} {ANIMATED_BRAZIER 4 10} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 10 3} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png 9 4} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 8 4} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png 7 5} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 20 8} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png 19 9} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 18 9} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png 17 10} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 8 7} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing-sw.png 13 10} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (side=1) () 100 ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS turn_number 1})} {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [event] name=prestart [item] x,y=15,6 image="items/staff-elynia-niryone.png" [/item] [store_side] side=1 variable=main_side1_stats [/store_side] [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] [disallow_recruit] side=1 type=$main_side1_stats.recruit [/disallow_recruit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) ne} # wmllint: recognize Elynia [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS elynia_store.length 0} [then] {RECALL_ELYNIA} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [/then] [/if] [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [value] x,y=14,6 hitpoints="$($elynia_store.max_hitpoints * 0.75)" facing=ne [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [object] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=chained [/effect] silent=yes [/object] # # Apparently the variation switch resets current HP. # {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia hitpoints $elynia_store.hitpoints} [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=10,6 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=11,6 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=12,5 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=13,5 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=17,7 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=16,7 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=15,8 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=14,8 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Razerman x,y=12,7 facing=ne id=Aethercyn name= _ "Aethercyn" [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Hell Guardian x,y=20,12 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Doom Guard x,y=7,5 facing=ne [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=4,6 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=14,10 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invader x,y=6,10 facing=ne [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invoker x,y=6,11 facing=ne [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Magus x,y=19,9 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Lorekeeper x,y=16,6 facing=sw [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Invoker x,y=6,6 facing=se [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Chaos Bowman x,y=17,11 facing=nw [/unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] kill,variable=yes,elyssa_store [/store_unit] [store_locations] x=2,10,24,10 y=7,13, 6, 1 variable=shaxthal_spawns [/store_locations] [store_locations] x= 24, 1 y=13-15,13-15 variable=chaos_spawns [/store_locations] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Galas... you too..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Well done, Kendria. Well done." [/message] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth # po: “master” here is feminine message= _ "I see that the little vermin fell into the master’s trap as expected. And they brought the Ruby of Fire with them! Ha, ha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "What are you talking about..." [/message] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] [filter_second] x,y=12,7 [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=melee [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=13 #experience=no [/animate_attack] [message] x,y=12,7 message= _ "Keep it shut, you fool!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Let him be. After all, it would be bad form to not tell them our plans before disposing of their souls, wouldn’t it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "We would have killed you on sight, rats, but our master greatly wanted to see your faces one last time." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You... don’t have... a master... We killed... him..." [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=$elyssa_store.side type=$elyssa_store.type x=23,22,21,20 y= 1, 1, 2, 2 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "We have reserves, my dear." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "You...?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "As you can see, I am in charge of this place and the Chaos Empire now. It is my intention to show you my gratitude for giving me this perfect opportunity to cleanse the path for Uria to do her will." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Irdya, like many other worlds, has certain anomalies which result in spatial connections forming between it and Inferno, where Uria and her subjects live. These anomalies are very well protected and guarded by ancient demons who do not allow anyone to traverse the breach in either direction." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Long ago, a group of sorcerers on this earth created a number of artifacts that could be used to open or close portals from one location of Irdya to another. Theoretically, those artifacts could also be used to create new, unguarded connections between Irdya and Inferno." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The artifacts were replicas of an original that was thought lost long ago. We learned that, after changing owners many times throughout its winding history, it came to be used as a symbol of the nation that would become responsible for creating Naia. At some point, somebody ordered its destruction so it would never again be misused by anyone in the land." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I literally wasted my life trying to find it. In the end, <i>it</i> found <i>me</i> instead, long after I gave up on my search! But of course, its bearer unwittingly brought it before my eyes while wielding a power I could not withstand, the power of the Union. Does this sound familiar to you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Had Argan known that the artifact existed, and that his companion had always carried it with her, we would have settled this matter long ago. There would have been no need to trace the rifts created by Naia and her fallen sister. Instead of searching for the Ruby of Fire, we should have searched for the staff that once belonged to the Enchantress Niryone of Wesmere!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Well done... then... It’s... yours... now... What are you waiting for?" [/message] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Now that we have the artifact, we can use it to merge this pitiful world with Inferno..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "... dispel the curse of Iluvia..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "... and reunite Uria and the other Guardians..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... to restore the Initial Order." [/message] [move_unit] id=Elyssa to_x=15 to_y=6 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Give me this." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=15,6 [/remove_item] [object] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=e2s12_cutscene [/effect] silent=yes [/object] [redraw][/redraw] [move_unit] id=Elyssa to_x=16 to_y=5 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Now this belongs to us." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (x,y=16,6) n} [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "Yes! It belongs to us! May I borrow it for a second, my lady?" [/message] [sound] name=magic-dark-big.ogg [/sound] {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM (x,y=16,6)} [kill] x,y=16,6 [/kill] # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 16 6} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) n} {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM (id=Mal Keshar)} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "This is not over yet!" [/message] [sound] name=magic-dark-big.ogg [/sound] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=67,67,67 [/color_adjust] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=100,100,100 [/color_adjust] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=500,500,500 [/color_adjust] #define TT_INFILTRATE X Y UNIT_ATTRS [kill] x,y={X},{Y} [/kill] [hidden_unit] {UNIT_ATTRS} x,y={X},{Y} side=1 random_traits=yes generate_name=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] #enddef {TT_INFILTRATE 11 6 ( facing=se type=Orcish Archer )} {TT_INFILTRATE 13 5 ( facing=se type=Orcish Archer )} {TT_INFILTRATE 14 8 ( facing=nw type=Skeleton )} {TT_INFILTRATE 16 7 ( facing=nw type=Orcish Grunt )} {TT_INFILTRATE 17 7 ( facing=nw type=Revenant )} {TT_INFILTRATE 6 10 ( facing=ne type=Revenant )} {TT_INFILTRATE 14 10 ( facing=nw type=Deathblade )} {TT_INFILTRATE 6 6 ( facing=se type=Dark Adept )} {TT_INFILTRATE 17 11 ( facing=nw type=Skeleton Archer )} {TT_INFILTRATE 4 6 ( facing=se type=Orcish Grunt )} {TT_INFILTRATE 12 12 ( facing=se type=Revenant )} #undef TT_INFILTRATE #define TT_WC X Y [hidden_unit] side=1 type=Walking Corpse x,y={X},{Y} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] #enddef {TT_WC 17 9} {TT_WC 9 8} {TT_WC 10 5} {TT_WC 8 5} #undef TT_WC #define TT_FAERIE X Y [hidden_unit] side=1 type=Faerie Sprite x,y={X},{Y} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] #enddef {TT_FAERIE 5 12} {TT_FAERIE 5 3} {TT_FAERIE 6 7} #undef TT_FAERIE [color_adjust] red,green,blue=67,67,67 [/color_adjust] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=33,33,33 [/color_adjust] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=0,0,0 [/color_adjust] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] hits=hit with_bars=yes flag=attack [primary_attack] range=ranged [/primary_attack] [animate] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] text="26" # wmllint: ignore red=255 with_bars=yes hits=hit flag=defend [/animate] [/animate_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE elyssa_store.hitpoints "$($elyssa_store.hitpoints - 26)"} [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("the_city_falls.ogg")} [object] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=none [/effect] silent=yes [/object] [item] x,y=15,6 image="items/staff-elynia-niryone.png~FL(horiz)" [/item] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "AAAAAAAAAAH!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] #define TT_ELYSSA_STEP_BACK _TO_X _TO_Y [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$elyssa_store.type side=$elyssa_store.side # NOTE: this assumes that she will never get north-facing # frames. image_mods="FL(horiz)" x=$elyssa_store.x,{_TO_X} y=$elyssa_store.y,{_TO_Y} [/move_unit_fake] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [literal] facing=sw x={_TO_X} y={_TO_Y} [/literal] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} #enddef {TT_ELYSSA_STEP_BACK 17 5} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "How did you—" [/message] [remove_item] x,y=15,6 [/remove_item] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} {TT_ELYSSA_STEP_BACK 19 4} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Kendria) sw} [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "Kill the intruders! Kill them all! NOW!" [/message] {TT_ELYSSA_STEP_BACK 20 2} #undef TT_ELYSSA_STEP_BACK # # Protect the Triad leaders from the player. # [terrain] x=14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 y=3 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 6 , 5 , 5 , 5 terrain=^Xo layer=overlay [/terrain] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} )} {RESET_THEME} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "By the power you have bestowed upon me, Uria, may the spells conferring life to the dead be canceled now!" [/message] {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP id=Elyssa _"dispel undead"} {FLASH_RED ( [sound] name="lightning.ogg" [/sound] [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] )} [kill] race=undead side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] animate=yes fire_event=yes [/kill] [harm_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] kill=no animate=yes # 75% current HP damage amount="$($this_unit.hitpoints * 0.75)" [primary_attack] range=ranged [/primary_attack] [/harm_unit] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "AGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What is this...?!" [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elyssa level 6} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Unbind the dust from this world and smite the unworthy descendants of Xia’el!" [/message] {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP id=Elyssa _"dispel faerie"} {FLASH_RED ( [sound] name="lightning.ogg" [/sound] [sound] name="magic-dark-big.ogg" [/sound] )} [kill] race=faerie side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [not] id=Elynia [/not] animate=yes fire_event=yes [/kill] [harm_multiple_units] [filter] id=Galas,Elynia [/filter] kill=no animate=yes # Deal 40% max HP damage to Elynia, 30% max HP to Galas amount="$($this_unit.max_hitpoints * if('$this_unit.id' = 'Elynia', 0.40, 0.30))" [primary_attack] range=ranged [/primary_attack] [/harm_multiple_units] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This... is this the kind of powers possessed by Uria?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We need to get out of this place, quickly!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Kendria, call upon our new weapon." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "But we... we haven’t finished—" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] kill,variable=yes,elyssa_store [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] side=$elyssa_store.side type=$elyssa_store.type x=20-21,22-23 y= 2, 1 [/move_unit_fake] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Reinforcements! Don’t allow them to escape!" [/message] [move_unit_fake] type=Doom Guard x= 1, 2, 3 y=14,13,13 side=8 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] side=8 type=Doom Guard x,y=3,13 facing=ne [/unit] [move_unit_fake] type=Chaos Magus x= 1, 2, 2 y=14,13,12 side=8 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] side=8 type=Chaos Magus x,y=2,12 facing=ne [/unit] [move_unit_fake] type=Chaos Razerman x=24,19 y=14,13 side=8 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] side=8 type=Chaos Razerman x,y=19,13 facing=nw [/unit] [move_unit_fake] type=Doom Guard x=24,19 y=14,12 side=8 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] side=8 type=Doom Guard x,y=19,12 facing=nw [/unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Kendria [/filter] kill,variable=yes,kendyare_store [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] side=$kendyare_store.side type=$kendyare_store.type gender=female x=18,19,20,23 y= 2, 3, 2, 1 [/move_unit_fake] {CLEAR_VARIABLE kendyare_store} {DOOR_TILES_TO_UNITS 8} {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 1 1 "items/gohere.png" ()} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "That corridor is clear! It’s our only hope!" [/message] [modify_turns] value=6 [/modify_turns] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Galas, Elynia or Mal Keshar to the exit location")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {NO_UNIT_CARRYOVER_NOTE} )} [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn end first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN turn_number 1} [/filter_condition] [if] {VARIABLE_IS_EVEN turn_number} [then] {VARIABLE spawn_side 8} {VARIABLE spawn_types "Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invader,Chaos Soulhunter,Chaos Headhunter,Dark Knight,Doom Guard,Chaos Magus"} {VARIABLE_ARRAY_COPY locs chaos_spawns} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE spawn_side 2} {VARIABLE spawn_types "Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Protector Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone"} {VARIABLE_ARRAY_COPY locs shaxthal_spawns} [/else] [/if] {VARIABLE_RANDOM spawn_count {DIFF 2..3 2..4 3..5}} [repeat] times=$spawn_count [do] # Somehow we tried to spawn too many units [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS locs.length 0} [then] [break][/break] [/then] [/if] {VARIABLE_RANDOM spawn_type $spawn_types} {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($locs.length - 1)"} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$locs[$r].x,$locs[$r].y # map center, unlikely to change so we don't need store_map_dimensions to_x,to_y=12,8 [/store_direction] [unit] animate=yes side=$spawn_side type=$spawn_type random_traits=yes generate_name=yes random_gender=yes x=$locs[$r].x y=$locs[$r].y facing=$direction passable=yes [/unit] # Don't reuse the same location in this spawn cycle {CLEAR_VARIABLE locs[$r]} [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_side,spawn_types,spawn_type,spawn_count,locs,r,direction} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=1,1 id=Galas,Elynia,Mal Keshar [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory [kill] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [not] id=Elynia,Galas,Mal Keshar [/not] fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shaxthal_spawns,chaos_spawns} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "More reinforcements! Strike down those heathens, now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We weren’t fast enough — now they are coming from that corridor as well!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=09_The_Triad_part_2 name= _ "The Triad — Part 2" {MAP 09_The_Triad_part_2.map} {TURNS 22 21 20} next_scenario="09_The_Triad_part_3" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {A_DEATHS} # # NOTE: the story screen does not have an initial music track # on purpose. This is intended to allow music to continue playing # as it was at the end of E1S9.1. # [event] name=prestart [music] name="the_city_falls.ogg" immediate=no [/music] [/event] {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 -10} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" color=gold {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} controller=null [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" color=blue {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {GOLD 120 100 90} canrecruit=no type=Shaxthal Stormblade Ivyel unrenamable=yes facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # # Glyphs # {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 35 23} # # Enemy spawners # #define TT_EASY_SPAWNS type="Shaxthal Drone" #enddef #define TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 34 28} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 36 33} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 31 29} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 31 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 7 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 33 34} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 25 27} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 25 29} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 9 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 25 31} #undef TT_EASY_SPAWNS #undef TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 32 20} #define TT_FOG_DEFINITION _FLAG _OPACITY {COMPOSITE_OVERLAY_PL *^&{_FLAG} 30 1 fog/fog1 ("O({_OPACITY})")} {COMPOSITE_OVERLAY_PL *^&{_FLAG} 43 1 fog/fog2 ("O({_OPACITY})")} {COMPOSITE_OVERLAY_PL *^&{_FLAG} 100 1 fog/fog3 ("O({_OPACITY})")} {COMPOSITE_TRANSITION_RESTRICTED_LF *^&{_FLAG} (!,*^&{_FLAG}) 1 overlay fog/fog ("O({_OPACITY})")} #enddef {TT_FOG_DEFINITION B 0.8} {TT_FOG_DEFINITION C 0.6} {TT_FOG_DEFINITION D 0.4} {TT_FOG_DEFINITION E 0.2} #undef TT_FOG_DEFINITION {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate an exit")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {NO_UNIT_CARRYOVER_NOTE} )} [unit] side=3 type=Shaxthal Rayblade x,y=29,22 facing=sw [/unit] #define TT_PALETTE_OVERRIDE [modifications] [object] [effect] apply_to="image_mod" add="PAL(shaxthal_drone_base>shaxthal_drone_brown)" [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] #enddef [unit] side=3 type=Shaxthal Drone x,y=29,21 facing=sw {TT_PALETTE_OVERRIDE} [/unit] [unit] side=3 type=Shaxthal Drone x,y=31,22 facing=sw {TT_PALETTE_OVERRIDE} [/unit] [unit] side=3 type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone x,y=28,22 facing=sw {TT_PALETTE_OVERRIDE} [+modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] #undef TT_PALETTE_OVERRIDE # Some extra anim # FIXME: dispose of the extra animation at some point later [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] [effect] apply_to=new_animation [extra_anim] flag=void_recruiting start_time=-300 [frame] duration=100 image="units/undead-necromancers/ancient-lich-magic-1.png" [/frame] [frame] duration=100 image="units/undead-necromancers/ancient-lich-magic-2.png" sound=magic-dark-big.ogg [/frame] [frame] duration=100 image="units/undead-necromancers/ancient-lich-magic-3.png" [/frame] [frame] duration=100 image="units/undead-necromancers/ancient-lich-magic-1.png" [/frame] [frame] duration=1 image="units/undead-necromancers/ancient-lich.png" [/frame] [/extra_anim] [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x,y=26,24 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=26,25 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] x,y=27,25 [/teleport] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG2 [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x,y=19,17 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=20,16 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] x,y=20,17 [/teleport] [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We must make haste before their reinforcements catch up with us. Which direction should we go?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "A slight breeze comes from the passage to our left; we should follow it." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "These passages are eerily vacant. I feel we are being led into a trap of some sort..." [/message] [/event] #define TT_REMOVE_SHROUD X Y RADIUS [remove_shroud] x={X} y={Y} radius={RADIUS} [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,*^X* [/not] [/filter_radius] side=1 [/remove_shroud] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-52 y=22-31 [/filter] [fire_event] name=gauntlet1 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] {SIGHTED_SUF_BY_PLAYER (side=3)} [fire_event] name=gauntlet1 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=gauntlet1 {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=34,31 radius=4 [or] x,y=40,29 radius=2 [/or] )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=36,30 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Mal Keshar, we’ll need some reinforcements to get through!" [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] flag=void_recruiting [/animate_unit] [s9_area_spawns] x=34-41 y=29-31 [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [not] terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* [/not] {QUANTITY skeletons 3 2 2} {QUANTITY ghosts 1 1 1} [/s9_area_spawns] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Things are looking rather grim... We have not fully recovered from that demon’s attack, and her guards are in hot pursuit. Our backup has most certainly been scattered or slaughtered by now. What do you plan to do now that this has turned into a suicide mission?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=21,22,23,21,22,23,21,22,23 y=21,20,20,22,21,21,23,22,22 [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "A gate! Let’s strike it down—" [/message] [sound] name="shaxthal-energy-prelude.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=100 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=30,21 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [sound] name="shaxthal-energy-fire.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {QUAKE "explosion-big.ogg"} [terrain] x=26,26,27,27,28,29 y=22,23,23,25,23,24 terrain=Urb^Es [/terrain] {TT_REMOVE_SHROUD 30 21 4} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name="ambient/shaxthal-roam-1.ogg,ambient/shaxthal-roam-2.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s an ambush!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Damn them all! I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep on with this for much longer." [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] flag=void_recruiting [/animate_unit] [scroll_to] x,y=26,24 [/scroll_to] [s9_area_spawns] x=22,23,23,24,24,24,25,25,25,26,26,26,27,27,27,27,28,28,28,29,29 y=23,23,24,22,23,24,23,24,25,23,24,25,24,25,26,27,24,25,26,25,26 [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [not] terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* [/not] {QUANTITY skeletons 4 3 2} {QUANTITY ghosts 2 1 1} [/s9_area_spawns] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] type=Shaxthal Stormblade Ivyel [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "It’s running away!" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] type=Shaxthal Stormblade Ivyel [/filter] kill=yes variable=ivyel_store [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$ivyel_store.type side=$ivyel_store.side x=$ivyel_store.x,31 y=$ivyel_store.y,20 [/move_unit_fake] # Ignore movement costs now [move_unit_fake] type=$ivyel_store.type side=$ivyel_store.side x=31,32,33,35 y=20,17,15,14 [/move_unit_fake] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ivyel_store} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I just hope it’s sufficiently damaged so that it won’t attack us from behind again. We need to advance, quickly." [/message] {DOOR_TILES_TO_UNITS 4} [kill] type=Door x=30,31-32 y=18,19 [/kill] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD (x,y,radius=22,20,1)} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=22,19 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y="21,22-23","20,19"} [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Door x=21,22,23 y=20,19,19 [/filter] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] {TT_REMOVE_SHROUD 20 18 3} {SCROLL_TO_LOCATION_AND_RETURN_TO_PRIMARY_UNIT 20 18} [/event] #define TT_FOG_STEP _FLAG [terrain] [and] terrain=*^&* [or] terrain=*^Zow [/or] [/and] terrain=^&{_FLAG} layer=overlay [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=50 [/delay] #enddef #define TT_AURA _X _Y _OPACITY [item_fast] x={_X} y={_Y} image="misc/blank-hex.png" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O("+{_OPACITY}+")" [/item_fast] #enddef #define TT_AURA_STEP _X _Y _OPACITY [remove_item] x={_X} y={_Y} [/remove_item] [item] x={_X} y={_Y} image="misc/blank-hex.png" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O("+{_OPACITY}+")" [/item] #enddef #define TT_ELYSSA_STEP _OPACITY [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod replace="O("+{_OPACITY}+")" [/effect] [/object] #enddef #define TT_ELYSSA_RESET [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod replace="NOP()" [/effect] [/object] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-22 y=1-15 [and] id=Galas [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] [or] id=Elynia [/or] [/and] [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [modify_side] side=2 controller=ai [/modify_side] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=side1_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=side1_store [do] [set_variables] name=this_item mode=merge [value] moves=0 attacks_left=0 [status] uncovered=yes poisoned=no slowed=no [/status] [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=this_item [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1_store} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 border=yes {MASK 09_The_Triad_part_2_1.mask} [/terrain_mask] [random_placement] [filter_location] x=16-23 y= 5-10 [not] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/not] [not] terrain=X*,X*^*,*^X* # neither hive cells nor impassable overlay yeah [/not] [/filter_location] num_items=6 variable=debris_loc min_distance=1 allow_less=yes # just in case [command] {VARIABLE_RANDOM debris_image "castle-ruins,castle-ruins2,castle-ruins3"} [item] x,y=$debris_loc.x,$debris_loc.y image="scenery/$debris_image|.png" [/item] [/command] [/random_placement] {CLEAR_VARIABLE debris_loc,debris_image} [redraw][/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} [delay] time=100 [/delay] [sound] name="explosion-big.ogg" [/sound] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=17,11 radius=7 )} [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] {TT_AURA $location.x $location.y 0.8} # No redraw, see definition. {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [delay] time=500 [/delay] # # Perform a regular non-warping scroll and display a character message # without scrolling. This is intentional. # [scroll_to] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar scroll=no message= _ "What the—" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Amidst the smoke from the explosion, a pair of red glowing eyes could be seen..." [/message] [hidden_unit] [status] invulnerable=yes [/status] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes side=2 facing=s x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/hidden_unit] {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.7} {TT_ELYSSA_STEP 0.2} [unhide_unit] id=Elyssa [/unhide_unit] {TT_FOG_STEP B} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.6} {TT_ELYSSA_STEP 0.4} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.5} {TT_ELYSSA_STEP 0.6} {TT_FOG_STEP C} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.4} {TT_ELYSSA_STEP 0.8} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("vengeful.ogg")} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.3} {TT_ELYSSA_RESET} {TT_FOG_STEP D} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.2} {TT_FOG_STEP E} {TT_AURA_STEP $location.x $location.y 0.1} {TT_FOG_STEP F} [remove_item] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/remove_item] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elyssa) 18 11} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You fools thought you could escape <i>so</i> easily from us, didn’t you? I have not forgotten what you did to me. How does it feel to be at a disadvantage now?" [/message] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Elynia x,y=18,12 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 18 12} [/then] [/if] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=ranged name=ensnare [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes amount=4 slowed=yes [/animate_attack] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "It doesn’t have to be like this. Just give me the staff back and <b>I</b> will spare your life like you did with mine." [/message] [remove_shroud] x=1-11 y=4-14 [not] terrain=X*,*^X* [/not] side=1 [/remove_shroud] [redraw][/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Keshar) 12 12} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) 16 13} [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=ranged [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes amount=5 [/animate_attack] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) ne} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia!" [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] flag=void_recruiting [/animate_unit] [store_locations] x=17 ,18,19 y=11-12,10,11-12 variable=spawn_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=spawn_locs variable=loc [do] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$loc.x,$loc.y [to] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] {RANDOM "Draug,Banebow,Bone Shooter,Bone Shooter,Revenant,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer"} [unit] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y type=$random facing=$direction side=1 animate=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_locs,random,direction} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 12 11} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) 11 12} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Follow this rail, quickly!" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) nw} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x=0-2 y=6-7 )} [redraw][/redraw] {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 1 7 "items/gohere.png" ()} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Follow the underground rail and locate an exit")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {NO_UNIT_CARRYOVER_NOTE} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [end_turn][/end_turn] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1 y=6-8 [and] id=Elynia [or] id=Galas [/or] [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] [/and] [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory [kill] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [not] id=Elynia [or] id=Galas [/or] [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] [/not] fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "There are more of those biomechanical creatures pursuing us now. Oh, well, this entire plan was doomed to failure from the very beginning — I don’t know what I was thinking!" [/message] [/event] #undef TT_REMOVE_SHROUD #undef TT_FOG_STEP #undef TT_AURA #undef TT_AURA_STEP #undef TT_ELYSSA_STEP #undef TT_ELYSSA_RESET [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=09_The_Triad_part_3 name= _ "The Triad — Part 3" {MAP 09_The_Triad_part_3.map} {TURNS 30 28 26} next_scenario="10_Tears" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} disallow_recall=yes {A_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 -10} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" color=gold {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" color=white {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (side=1) (id=Elyssa) 0 ()} # # Glyphs # # NOTE: These are the same glyphs from E1S13, with events added. {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 25 12} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 18 19} # # Enemy spawners # #define TT_EASY_SPAWNS type="Shaxthal Drone" #enddef #define TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef #define TT_HARD_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Enforcer Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Enforcer Drone,Shaxthal Drone") } #enddef # Initial area near Elyssa's chamber {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({TT_HARD_SPAWNS}) 3 31 25} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 39 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 42 21} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 38 17} # Central respawn chamber {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 19 15} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 31 15} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 31 10} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 25 7} # NW corridor adjacent to hive {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 19 5} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 10 5} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 5 5} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 4 6} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 3 8} # Artifical evolution laboratory - main pool (Kalari facility I) {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({TT_HARD_SPAWNS}) 3 10 14} {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 13 16} {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 14 16} {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 21 20} {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({TT_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 18 20} #undef TT_EASY_SPAWNS #undef TT_MEDIUM_SPAWNS #undef TT_HARD_SPAWNS {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gohere.png") 13 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gohere.png") 14 20} #define TT_ENABLE_SOUND_SOURCES {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} {HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] x,y=1,27 full_range=1 fade_range=30 [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 5 10} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 25 12} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 8 24} #enddef # # FIXME: Yes, the names are hardcoded because sound sources haven't # received enough love from the developers and there isn't a lot # that can be done with them in Lua/WML. # #define TT_DISABLE_SOUND_SOURCES {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_hive_noise_2_all} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_hive_noise_1_all} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_5_10} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_25_12} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_8_24} #enddef {TT_ENABLE_SOUND_SOURCES} [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate an exit")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {NO_UNIT_CARRYOVER_NOTE} )} #[remove_shroud] # side=1 # x=13-14 # y=20 # radius=1 #[/remove_shroud] [/event] #define ELYSSA_VOICE MSG [message] caption= _ "Elyssa" speaker=narrator #image="portraits/elyssa.png" image=wesnoth-icon.png message="<i>"+{MSG}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef [event] name=start [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "What now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Let’s keep moving. Hopefully there is an exit somewhere ahead. Elynia—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: The otherwise intended end of the sentence is "don't worry about me". message= _ "I’m fine. Don’t worry—" [/message] {ELYSSA_VOICE ( _ "You haven’t escaped, you know.")} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "MOVE!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 2 {ELYSSA_VOICE ( _ "It would have been so much better for all of you to give up...")} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=20-30 y= 8-14 [/filter] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) 25 14} [redraw][/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 24 13} [redraw][/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Keshar) 26 13} [redraw][/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=side1_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=side1_store [do] [set_variables] mode=merge name=this_item [value] attacks_left="$this_item.max_attacks" moves="$this_item.max_moves" [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1_store} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Uria be damned! It’s a dead end." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It’s more like a trap—" [/message] {ELYSSA_VOICE ( _ "You cannot blame me. I gave you one opportunity to reconsider your actions — I’m not giving you another.")} {FACE_DIRECTION (x,y=19,15) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (x,y=31,15) nw} {FACE_DIRECTION (x,y=31,10) sw} {FACE_DIRECTION (x,y=25, 7) se} {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [terrain] x=30,25,20,20,30 y=10, 8,10,14,14 terrain=Ur [/terrain] [sound] name="ambient/shaxthal-roam-1.ogg,ambient/shaxthal-roam-2.ogg" [/sound] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {ELYSSA_VOICE ( _ "You made a big mistake in leaving the safety of the Northlands...")} [sound] name="cave-in.ogg" [/sound] [terrain] x,y=25,16 terrain=Xuc [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE "thunderstick.ogg"} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "—I knew it. We are trapped." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Not quite — there seems to be a passage behind that crack on the wall!" [/message] [remove_shroud] x=17-18,19-20,21 y= 8-10, 9-11,10-12 side=1 [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {SCROLL_TO_LOCATION_AND_RETURN_TO_PRIMARY_UNIT 17 9} [redraw][/redraw] [event] name="turn $($turn_number + 1)" delayed_variable_substitution=no [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia, the teleportation spell you learned back in Zocthanol! Can you use it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I— I don’t know, it wasn’t really made to transport more than one person, and I haven’t had a chance to try it myself." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "This is probably not the best moment to fiddle with unpredictable kinds of magic like this. As I said before, many mages have disappeared attempting to master the power of teleportation." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "It’s an option to consider, nonetheless..." [/message] [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x= 7-14 y=20-23 [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} # # This is it. # [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] [kill] side=3 fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES ( side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} )} [hide_unit] side=1 [/hide_unit] [capture_village][/capture_village] [remove_item][/remove_item] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=6,23 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] {FADE_IN} [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x=8 y=22 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] x=9 y=23 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] x=10 y=22 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas,Elynia,Mal Keshar) sw} [unhide_unit] side=1 [/unhide_unit] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "This place stinks of <i>blood</i>. What’s with that water?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I fear that it <i>is</i> blood, in fact. Something is really wrong. No single creature could contain so much of it. Who knows what kinds of twisted experiments these fiends do in here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There truly appears to be no way out of this chamber. What do we do?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I’ll tell you what: we shall create our own exit from this accursed place by tearing it all down from the inside!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas # po: The otherwise intended end of the sentence is: "try that teleportation spell now!". message= _ "Or we could take the risk and—" [/message] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa [unit] animate=yes side=2 facing=sw x,y=11,22 canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} [/unit] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=melee name=sword [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount="$this_unit.hitpoints" [/animate_attack] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Galas [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="R(127)" [/effect] [/object] {MODIFY_UNIT ( id=Elynia [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] ) facing ne} [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=250 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {TT_DISABLE_SOUND_SOURCES} # # Give sound source changes a chance to kick in. # [delay] time=10 [/delay] [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "G—" [/message] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=melee name=sword [/filter_attack] kill=yes animate=yes fire_event=no amount="$this_unit.hitpoints" [/animate_attack] [if] [have_unit] id=Galas [/have_unit] [then] {BUG ()} [kill] id=Galas animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [/then] [/if] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "NO!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC returning_in_time.ogg} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You opted for doing this the hard way after all, didn’t you? The staff — hand it over now." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Elynia... we must..." [/message] {TT_ENABLE_SOUND_SOURCES} [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=1000 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—I... I damn you, Elyssa... I damn you and your kind... for this..." [/message] # # Give sound source changes a chance to kick in. # [delay] time=10 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "My dear, we were damned long ago by the First Gods. Your petty words are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Hand it over now." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message=_ "Elynia, the spell!" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Don’t you see? We aren’t that different after all. You just lost your new beloved just like you lost Argan. I lost <i>much</i> more than that long ago. You think he was important because you never had to endure the cruelty and ruthlessness of the beasts that dare call themselves ‘humans’." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Stop listening to her, Elynia!" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {THUNDER ( {PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST ( id=Elynia [or] id=Mal Keshar [/or] )} )} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "What a waste. Don’t think you’ll find anything of value in Wesmere." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elyssa) 14 20} [kill] id=Elyssa animate,fire_event=no,no [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That’s it. We are now utterly lost in these infested passages... and the worst part is that I was the one who devised this disastrous rescue plan." [/message] [/event] #undef ELYSSA_VOICE #undef TT_ENABLE_SOUND_SOURCES #undef TT_DISABLE_SOUND_SOURCES [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=10_Tears name= _ "Tears" {MAP 10_Tears.map} {TURNS 34 32 30} next_scenario="11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {B_DEATHS} #{SCENARIO_MUSIC "returning_in_time.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} # # NOTE: the story screen does not have an initial music track # on purpose. This is intended to allow music to continue playing # as it was at the end of E1S9.3. # [event] name=prestart [music] name="returning_in_time.ogg" immediate=no [/music] [/event] {STORYTXT_TEARS} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 recruit=Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Hound {GOLD 230 250 270} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=9.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=9.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.05} [/ai] type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Grulock name= _ "Grulock" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 29 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 21 2} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 14 4} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 14 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 17 21} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 26 24} {GUARDIAN} [/side] [side] side=3 recruit=Chaos Raider,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Invader {GOLD 220 230 240} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=9.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=9.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.05} [/ai] type=Chaos Razerman id=Zygred name= _ "Zygred" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_SLOW} # NOTE: deliberate choice for now; not a mistake! [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" no_leader=yes hidden=yes gold=0 {NO_INCOME} {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 11 22} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 29 26} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 11 8} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 30 3} {GUARDIAN} [/side] {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 4 1 35 1 38} {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 2} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} [event] name=prestart {UNMAKE_HERO (Elynia)} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Elynia) canrecruit yes} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} {VARIABLE_OP original_recruit_list_strlen string_length $main_side1_stats.recruit} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN original_recruit_list_strlen 0} [then] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=$main_side1_stats.recruit [/allow_recruit] [/then] [else] {LOG_ATS "Resetting recruit list to fallback values (did you use debug-mode to get here?)"} [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Dark Adept,Faerie Sprite,Ghost,Goblin Spearman,Orcish Archer,Orcish Grunt,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Vampire Bat,Walking Corpse [/allow_recruit] [/else] [/if] # Make sure main_side1_stats.gold is numeric even when it originally # didn't exist. {VARIABLE_MUL main_side1_stats.gold 1} [modify_side] side=1 gold="$("+{DIFF 240 220 200}+" + $main_side1_stats.gold)" [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE main_side1_stats,original_recruit_list_strlen} {VARIABLE enemies_defeated no} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 10 35} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) ne} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION 11 36} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Horo) sw} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION 12 34} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Kyara) nw} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia to the top edge of the map")} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] [/event] # # Since Elynia isn’t originally canrecruit=yes, we have to do this *later* # so village ownership has an effect at all. # {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} [event] name=start [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "She hasn’t wanted to talk to us for days. Is our destination...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Yes, I gather that her plan is still to strike at Wesmere before the Northlanders have an opportunity to launch a proper offensive or even hear of our situation. Damn, for all I know our messengers and their ship could have been destroyed by the enemy already." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "I heard that the Grand Council has been hesitant about pressing on this war ever since your victory in the Empire’s so-called capital. They think they’ve won already." [/message] [fade_out_music] time=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [unhide_unit] id=Elynia [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Is everyone ready for battle?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara # wmllint: local spelling Er message= _ "Er, battle?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Our scouts didn’t go unnoticed, and they found a couple of well-armed enemy outposts ahead. This will most certainly not be a safe journey across the dry remains of Wesmere." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] side=2 canrecruit=yes [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] side=1 canrecruit=yes [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Has it even occurred to you that our little struggle in their headquarters on that accursed peninsula has put their forces in motion again to protect what little remains of Yechnagoth?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Of course it has. But there’s no time to discuss this now. Let’s move out." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {VARIABLE enemies_defeated yes} [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "These disgusting demons are vanquished at last!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, but we must proceed quickly and cautiously to the northeast nevertheless. More troops will come if we give them the opportunity to regroup." [/message] [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia x=1-100 y=1 [/have_unit] [then] [fire_event] name=objectives completed [/fire_event] [/then] [else] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia to the top edge of the map")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=1-100 y=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS enemies_defeated yes} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Onwards we go, now!" [/message] [fire_event] name=objectives completed [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=1-100 y=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS enemies_defeated no} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We cannot advance without securing our path first!" [/message] [scroll_to] x=$x1 y=$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=objectives completed {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} {NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It’s still my opinion that we are running a large risk with your current plan." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Was it any better to not take risks at all in that fortress, though?" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I don’t know what you are trying to imply, but I may as well remind you that I wasn’t the only one to hesitate and that <i>he</i> would not have survived the attempt without his lower half like I did. It was <i>your</i> assigned task to practice that spell beforehand and <i>you</i> failed to do so — don’t involve me in <i>your</i> mistakes." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(glaring at Mal Keshar)</i> ..." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo # wmllint: local spelling Pagh message= _ "Pagh, let’s get on with this, everybody! We haven’t got much time!" [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1 name= _ "Return to Wesmere — Part 1" {MAP 11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1.map} {TURNS 34 32 30} next_scenario="11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1_cutscene" {B_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_1} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {LONGDARK4} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 360 350 340} {INCOME 5 4 3} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define RTW1_ENEMY_TARGETS [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] #enddef [side] side=2 recruit=Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Raider,Chaos Cavalier {GOLD 170 195 210} {INCOME 0 2 4} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} # # Targeting appears to screw up the pathfinding for this side due # to the terrain features found around their starting area so we # are not using that here. # type=Chaos Cataphract id=Mendryr name= _ "Mendryr" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] {LOYAL_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 34 43} {FACING nw} [/side] [side] side=3 recruit=Chaos Bowman,Chaos Crossbowman,Chaos Invader,Chaos Hound {GOLD 200 210 220} {INCOME 0 2 4} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW1_ENEMY_TARGETS} [/ai] type=Chaos Soulhunter id=Haldaran name= _ "Haldaran" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] {LOYAL_UNIT () (Hellhound) 7 43} {FACING ne} [/side] [side] side=4 recruit=Demon,Demon Zephyr,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Shaxthal Rayblade {GOLD 240 240 260} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Defense" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW1_ENEMY_TARGETS} [/ai] type=Hell Guardian id=Elgamal name= _ "Elgamal" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Doom Guard) 18 8} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Doom Guard) 26 8} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Doom Guard) 14 2} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Doom Guard) 28 4} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 14 19} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 27 19} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 12 6} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 24 7} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 32 9} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Crossbowman) 6 4} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} [/side] [side] side=5 recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird gold=0 {NO_INCOME} no_leader=yes team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.01} {RTW1_ENEMY_TARGETS} [goal] name=protect_location [criteria] x=21 y=3 [/criteria] value=5.0 protect_radius=10 [/goal] [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 3 12} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 5 9} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 33 4} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 36 4} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 10 1} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 12 13} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 24 10} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} # # The following are deliberately not spawned as guardians # {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 5 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 4 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 35 5} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 7 8} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" no_leader=yes hidden=yes gold=0 {NO_INCOME} {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 5 3} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 23 13} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 3 11} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 27 11} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 10 35} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 27 23} {GUARDIAN} [/side] #undef RTW1_ENEMY_TARGETS {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 6 1 36 1 46} {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 4} {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 2 "Chaos Cavalier" ({DIFF 2 3 4})} {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 3 "Chaos Crossbowman" ({DIFF 2 3 4})} {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 4 "Demon Zephyr,Shaxthal Rayblade" ({DIFF 3 4 4})} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) s} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Due to the Wesmere curse, the time of day is always chaotic during this scenario")} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "There’s an alarming amount of movement in the southern hills. It would seem an entire battalion has been following our steps since we left Kalari Peninsula." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Mendryr [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Mendryr # wmllint: local spelling Ænthal message= _ "The Council was right in their assessment of the situation. The elf witch and the lich have amassed an army of orcs and undead mercenaries to raid Fort Ænthal. It seems we arrived in the nick of time. To arms!" [/message] [message] speaker=Haldaran message= _"To arms! For the Dark Lady!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I sort of expected that. It might prove tricky to advance with those buffoons on our heels. On the other hand, the fortress ahead doesn’t seem to be very well guarded." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Very well, then. Let’s take them down." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I do feel something is amiss, though. We should be cautious... especially since our leader appears to be giving us commands without thinking things through." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If you think <i>you</i> could do a better job at leading the orcs..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It’s not my intention to have <i>anything</i> to do with them at all. I just want to make sure you keep your feet on the ground — well, whenever that is an appropriate thing to do, anyway." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "What did you say about the fortress not being well guarded, lich?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I stand corrected. We <i>may</i> need a better strategy." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mendryr [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "We have failed... H— how? *Ugh*" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Haldaran [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Forgive us, Lady..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Haldaran [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "You are about to find out that Yechnagoth is no more, fool." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Elgamal [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I depart from this world to embrace the power of Uria..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Not likely, but you will certainly embrace the cold touch of death on the other side, heh, heh." [/message] [message] speaker=Elgamal message= _ "You... You haven’t seen the full extent of her power... You haven’t seen the great things she’s done for us... You understand nothing... Nothing... at all..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Elgamal [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Now that you’re dead, all that has suddenly become irrelevant, hasn’t it?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} {NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC} [/event] [event] name=victory [if] [have_unit] side=2 race=human [/have_unit] [or] [have_unit] side=3 race=human [/have_unit] [/or] [or] [have_unit] side=4 race=human [/have_unit] [/or] [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s over now, fiends. Flee while you can, and make sure the Triad hears of your shameful defeat at our hands." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s over now. There’s nobody left to obstruct our path but those artificial abominations." [/message] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "<i>(snicker)</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "So, Wesmere is just ahead. What are you going to do now, lass?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I want to discuss some plans with the three of you right now, in fact. Come with me." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1_cutscene name= _ "Departure" {MAP 11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_1_cutscene.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_2" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "harp.ogg"} # No storytext, this is a victory cutscene {LONGDARK2} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" gold=0 {NO_INCOME} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 15 5} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) sw} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION 12 3} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Horo) se} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION 14 3} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Kyara) sw} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "You seem even more upset than usual, Elynia. What would the matter be this time?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t think I could bear more losses after what happened to Galas. My plan was not to <i>fight</i> in enemy lands, but rather to <i>infiltrate</i>. This battle was not part of the plan — we were to part ways right before reaching this fort." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Wait... You planned to enter the hive on your own, without us? That’s just... stupid! You don’t know for sure what lurks beneath besides the Shaxthal creatures we have encountered so far! What if that woman or Mal Hekuba are awaiting there?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I was hoping you could provide me with a few of your best undead warriors, in fact." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "Lady, that’s suicidal! From what we’ve heard, <i>nobody</i> could survive a confrontation with those horrors without support! Allow us to protect you until you reach the entrance to the caves at the very least!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I refuse to send any undead down there unless you allow me to go with you." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [redraw][/redraw] [fade_out_music] duration=1000 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What’s your motivation, Malin? What makes you want to accompany me now that neither Galas nor Anlindë exist in this world?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I have been tempted to ask you the same question for a while, actually. I know you cared about the boy much like you cared about Argan, and I have sensed your grief following his death. And yet, somehow you have been in denial about it — perhaps <i>afraid</i> to admit that losing him had a greater effect on your self than losing Argan. I suppose it could just be a matter of time, seeing as how Argan disappeared from your life much longer ago." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "But even though you want to pretend none of this is the truth, your demeanor makes it all evident to us. Now you seem to seek vengeance against Uria’s followers, especially Elyssa. What’s the point of wasting the gift of eternal life to pursue such an ephemeral goal, I ask?" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You have not answered... my question..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Probably because I don’t need to. I don’t have a motive to do anything anymore. My foolish mission to erase the orcish species from Irdya failed too long ago!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Is it redemption that you seek?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I don’t know! That’s what you asked when I first met you, remember?" [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "We aren’t accomplishing anything. My lady, please reconsider—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We’ll secure the hive entrance together, but from that point onwards it will be only Mal Keshar and I, and whoever wants to go with us except for you two." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara # wmllint: local spelling Wh message= _ "Wh— Why would that be, my lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We are going to need some capable soldiers alive to alert the Grand Council if neither we nor our messengers make it back. I want you to immediately head back to the Far North should we not return to the surface within one day." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "Very well, then. I am... unsure about what strategy — if any at all — you have in mind to defeat or destroy whatever you are going to face in that place, but... Your quest is noble. I wish you the best of luck to complete it." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "If I ever return to our island, I’ll make sure our people hear of your bravery and your many sacrifices. I am sure you’ll succeed in this last mission, my lady." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [fade_out_music] time=1000 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Thank you... It really means a lot to me." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_CONTINUE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_2 name= _ "Return to Wesmere — Part 2" {MAP 11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_2.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="12_The_Queen" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {B_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_2} {INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -50 10} #define RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef [time_area] id=surface x=0-24,0-23,0-21,0-19,0-17,0-15 y=0-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 {SHORTDARK} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -50 10} [/time_area] {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player gold=200 {NO_INCOME} village_gold=0 recall_cost=0 fog,shroud=yes,yes controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 X Y {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) ({X}) ({Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [side] side=2 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes color=orange no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,archer,mixed fighter,archer"} [/ai] {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 29 32} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 47 29} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 50 29} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 53 31} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 55 33} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 26 24} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 28 25} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 24 25} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 35 26} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 27 21} [/side] #undef RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 [side] side=3 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=no color=brown no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes color=black no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 27 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 38 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING n } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 15 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Walking Corpse) 24 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Walking Corpse) 29 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 25 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 13 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION saurian} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 23 36} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} [/side] #undef RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS # # Glyphs # {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 38 27} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 14 29} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 28 32} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 46 30} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 57 31} # # Enemy spawners # #define RTW_SURFACE_SPAWNS type="Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone" variation=surface max_moves=4 #enddef #define RTW_EASY_SPAWNS type="Shaxthal Drone" #enddef #define RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef #define RTW_HARD_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef # Initial area (surface) {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_SURFACE_SPAWNS}) 4 3 9} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_SURFACE_SPAWNS}) 4 21 2} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 2 ({RTW_SURFACE_SPAWNS}) 4 11 13} # A {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 27 13} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 27 14} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 30 18} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 25 21} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 7 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 25 22} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 38 18} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 39 24} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 36 25} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 24 27} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 26 26} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 9 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 27 27} # B {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 3 18 33} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 20 33} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 21 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 26 34} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 26 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 3 29 39} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 10 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 3 34 31} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 31 36} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 3 36 32} # C {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 2 43 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 42 32} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 52 29} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 52 32} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 49 31} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 49 26} #undef RTW_SURFACE_SPAWNS #undef RTW_EASY_SPAWNS #undef RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS #undef RTW_HARD_SPAWNS {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 28 17} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 26 25} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 10 33} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 25 36} [event] name=prestart [item] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] [and] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] radius=1 [/and] image="items/gohere.png" [/item] # # Remove Kyara and Horo from the recall list # # wmllint: recognize Kyara # wmllint: recognize Horo [kill] id=Kyara [or] id=Horo [/or] [/kill] {DISALLOW_END_TURN} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) se} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 10 4} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) se} [store_side] side=1 variable=side1_info [/store_side] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN side1_info.gold 200} [then] [modify_side] side=1 gold=200 [/modify_side] [/then] [/if] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] variable=malin_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE elynia_store.moves 0 } {VARIABLE elynia_store.attacks_left 0 } {VARIABLE malin_store.moves 0 } {VARIABLE malin_store.attacks_left 0 } [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1_info} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Recruit and/or recall six units")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You cannot end your first turn until you have recruited or recalled six units")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You can recruit or recall from your starting location (you do <b>not</b> need a castle or a keep)")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units later until the end of the mission")} )} # # Configure an initial faded hive ambience sound source. # [lua] code= << local w, h, b = wesnoth.get_map_size() wml.variables["w"] = w wml.variables["h"] = h -- The map diagonal used to calculate the sound source fade radius. -- We don't need an accurate value, so it's not a problem that we are -- ignoring hex ordinate shift. wml.variables["r"] = (w^2 + h^2)^0.5 >> [/lua] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_sound_source # wmllint: ignore x,y=$w,$h fade_range=$($r * 0.75) full_range=1 [/sound_source] {CLEAR_VARIABLE w,h,r} [/event] [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [gold] side=1 amount=$unit.cost [/gold] [/event] [event] name=prerecruit,prerecall first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [object] silent=yes # Necessary due to the transition to scenario 12. These units are # disposable anyway and are never coming back. duration=forever [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=prerecruit,prerecall first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS turn_number 1} [/filter_condition] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [/event] [event] name=recruit,recall first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS turn_number 1} [and] [have_unit] side=1 [not] id=Elynia [/not] [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] count=6 [/have_unit] [/and] [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=begin mission [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=begin mission {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find the Shaxthal hive entrance and proceed underground")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} {ALLOW_END_TURN} {VARIABLE elynia_store.moves $elynia_store.max_moves } {VARIABLE elynia_store.attacks_left $elynia_store.max_attacks } {VARIABLE malin_store.moves $malin_store.max_moves } {VARIABLE malin_store.attacks_left $malin_store.max_attacks } [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store,malin_store} [store_unit] [filter] side=1 race=faerie # If the unit is recalled it doesn't count, it just dies # underground instead. x,y=recall,recall [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] kill=no variable=faerie_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE faerie_found no} [foreach] array=faerie_store variable=faerie [do] [foreach] array=faerie.modifications.object [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS this_item.id fountain_of_courage} [then] {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE "$faerie.id" episode1_stats_fountain_faerie} {VARIABLE faerie_found yes} [break][/break] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS faerie_found yes} [then] [break][/break] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE faerie_found,faerie_store} [kill] side=1 x,y=recall,recall animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] {REMOVE_RECRUIT_LIST 1} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] time_of_day_id=indoors_hive [/filter_location] [/filter] # # Reconfigure the hive ambience sound source so it is heard everywhere # regardless of distance. # # FIXME: Maybe? It doesn't sound that good in practice. Better leave # the transition to the E1S11.2 -> E1S12 progression. #{REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_sound_source} #{HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [redraw][/redraw] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate Yechnagoth’s heart")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-76 y=17-39 [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This putrid place seems much larger than it was the last time we set foot on it." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Clearly, our ‘friends’ have been busy at work here — it’s quite a maze. It will be no easy task to find Yechnagoth’s heart, whatever it looks like. Of course, I imagine it must give off an evil presence of some kind." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m certain we’ll be able to tell once we find it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=24-76 y=31-39 [/filter] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [unit] canrecruit=yes #id=Central Chamber Sentinel type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone side=2 x,y=$location.x,$location.y [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [modify_side] side=2 {GOLD 140 160 175} {INCOME 2 4 8} recruit=Psy Crawler,Shaxthal Drone [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] side=2 canrecruit=yes [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory # HACK: workaround a warning about "retrieving member of non-exist WML container" # caused by the next [store_side] action on 1.10.x and 1.11.x. {VARIABLE rtw_end_gamestate.non_existent_wml_container_warning_workaround yes} [store_side] side=1 variable=rtw_end_gamestate.player_stats [/store_side] [store_shroud] side=1 variable=rtw_end_gamestate.shroudmap [/store_shroud] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=rtw_end_gamestate.player_onmap_units kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] side=2,3,4 [/filter] variable=rtw_end_gamestate.ai_onmap_units kill=yes [/store_unit] {VARIABLE rtw_end_gamestate.turn_number $turn_number} {VARIABLE rtw_gameplay_path yes} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=12_The_Queen name= _ "The Queen" {MAP 11_Return_to_Wesmere_part_2.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="13_Death_and_Rebirth" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {B_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -50 10} #define RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef [time_area] id=surface x=0-24,0-23,0-21,0-19,0-17,0-15 y=0-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 {SHORTDARK} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -50 10} [/time_area] {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player gold,village_gold=0,0 {NO_INCOME} fog,shroud=yes,yes controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 X Y {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) ({X}) ({Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [side] side=2 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes color=orange no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 57 19} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 44 18} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 62 24} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 63 24} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 68 22} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 69 24} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 72 13} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 69 14} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 74 12} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 66 15} {RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 71 2} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 67 24} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 71 22} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 71 15} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 54 3} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 49 7} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 55 11} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 60 10} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] #undef RTW_MATRIX_PART_1 [side] side=3 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=no color=brown no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes color=black no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 66 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 70 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING s } {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 74 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 68 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 72 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} [/side] [side] # Gates controller side side=5 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes color=black controller=null no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" color=white {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=hive user_team_name= _ "team_name^Wesmere Hive" color=gold {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes recruit=Shaxthal Worm no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=8 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" hidden=yes color=red controller=null share_vision=none no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] #undef RTW_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] type=Shaxthal Worm [/filter] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=b [/effect] [/object] [/event] #define TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT side=1 race=orc [or] race=goblin [/or] [or] race=faerie [/or] [or] race=human [/or] [or] race=elf [/or] [not] id=Elynia [/not] #enddef # # Glyphs # {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 72 17} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 74 1} # # Enemy spawners # #define RTW_EASY_SPAWNS type="Shaxthal Drone" #enddef #define RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef #define RTW_HARD_SPAWNS {QUANTITY type ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone") ("Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone") } #enddef # D {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 2 43 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 7 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 47 22} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 9 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 46 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 2 57 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 2 62 26} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 60 24} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 63 22} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 70 17} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 2 73 17} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 74 14} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 66 13} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 20 ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 2 68 9} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({RTW_EASY_SPAWNS}) 2 69 9} # E {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({RTW_HARD_SPAWNS}) 6 74 3} {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER ({RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS}) 6 75 8} #undef RTW_EASY_SPAWNS #undef RTW_MEDIUM_SPAWNS #undef RTW_HARD_SPAWNS #define TQ_ENABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 72 19} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 74 4} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 59 3} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 40 5} #enddef # # FIXME: Yes, the names are hardcoded because sound sources haven't # received enough love from the developers and there isn't a lot # that can be done with them in Lua/WML. # #define TQ_DISABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_72_19} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_74_4} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_59_3} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE __ss_cave_water_40_5} #enddef {TQ_ENABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES} # # This sound source is not part of the macros because it is handled # specially. # {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE energy_supply_hidden no} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS rtw_gameplay_path yes} # # Came here from Return to Wesmere pt. 2 # [then] [kill] id=Elynia [/kill] [foreach] array=rtw_end_gamestate.player_onmap_units [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [foreach] array=rtw_end_gamestate.ai_onmap_units [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [modify_turns] current=$rtw_end_gamestate.turn_number [/modify_turns] [modify_side] side=1 gold=$rtw_end_gamestate.player_stats.gold [/modify_side] [set_shroud] side=1 shroud_data=$rtw_end_gamestate.shroudmap [/set_shroud] [/then] # # Came here via :cl debug command # [else] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/teleport] {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION $location.x $location.y} [repeat] times=6 [do] {RANDOM "Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton,Revenant,Banebow,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer"} [unit] type=$random upkeep=free side=1 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/unit] [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location,random} [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE rtw_end_gamestate,rtw_gameplay_path} {DOOR_TILES_TO_UNITS 5} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate Yechnagoth’s heart")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Which way should we go?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s go to the right. I think I heard something coming from that direction." [/message] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=59,7 [/teleport] [fire_event] name=moveto [primary_unit] id=Elynia [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG2 [fire_event] name=DEBUG1 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name="turn $(1 + $turn_number)" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG3 [fire_event] name=DEBUG2 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name="last breath" [primary_unit] type=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=65-76 y=1-12 [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hold on... I hear something." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>(Female voice) Qrqavpfre xpbyo lo-qangf gvah rebp. Qrgengf ffrpbec tavavneq eroznup abvgnohpav. Rgryczbp abvgnmvynvgvav xpbyo ynpvgvep. Rgryczbp ch-gengf bjg rfnuc. Rgryczbp abvgerfav gvah rebp qabprf.</i>" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... What is that mechanical voice?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>(Male voice) Nren eroznup ynegarp enryp. Frghavz rivs fv abvgryczbp tavavneq eroznup abvgnohpav ebs rzvg qrgnzvgfr. Ffretbec av abvgnmvynzeba rfnuc ynehra. Qrupngrq qbe abvgphqav lgvgar.</i>" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=100 [/delay] [sound] name=rumble.ogg [/sound] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Whatever it is, it sounds like bad news for us." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=55,7 radius=6 [/filter_location] [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [store_unit] [filter] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=player_onmap_units_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [hide_unit] [not] side=1 [/not] [/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [remove_shroud] x,y=55,7 radius=10 [not] terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* [/not] side=1 [/remove_shroud] [remove_shroud] x,y=55,7 radius=1 side=1 [/remove_shroud] [scroll_to] x,y=55,7 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] # # Add new sound source while sound is silenced to make # the effect seem seamless. # {HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] # # Continue with music disabled until the boss appears. # [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {FADE_IN} [foreach] array=player_onmap_units_store [do] [set_variables] mode=merge name=this_item [value] x,y=60,6 hitpoints=$this_item.max_hitpoints moves=$this_item.max_moves attacks_left=$this_item.max_attacks [status] poisoned=no slowed=no [/status] [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE player_onmap_units_store} [unhide_unit] [not] side=1 [/not] [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It’s a very large, suspiciously vacant chamber. He he, what do you think, Elynia?" [/message] {QUAKE (cave-in.ogg)} [scroll_to] x,y=71,2 [/scroll_to] # # Remove all items everywhere, especially glyphs. # Their haloes glitch through shroud. # [remove_item][/remove_item] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x=71,67,68 y= 2, 5, 6 [not] side=1 [/not] animate,fire_event=no,no [/kill] [terrain] terrain=Xos x=71,67,68 y= 2, 5, 6 [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 x=72-77,68-71,66-67,64-65 y=0-40 , 5-40, 9-40,15-40 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE (thunderstick.ogg)} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "... And, now we’re trapped. How predictable." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I know. Let us be on guard for whatever those voices were talking about." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 1)" [fire_event] name=activate boss [/fire_event] [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 2)" [fire_event] name=reveal energy supply [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [event] name=activate boss {LOCK_VIEW} [set_variables] name=location mode=replace [literal] x,y=55,7 [/literal] [/set_variables] [scroll_to] x,y=$location.x,$location.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [terrain] x,y=$location.x,$location.y radius=1 terrain=Yhl^Kov [/terrain] [modify_side] side=7 gold=0 {INCOME 6 8 10} [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 x=0-40,41-76 y=0-40,18-40 [/place_shroud] # # Refresh shroud. # [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [item] x,y=$location.x,$location.y image=misc/blank-hex.png halo=halo/lighthouse-aura.png [/item] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # # Make a first living unit under the player's control face towards the # Queen's spawn location. # [store_unit] [filter] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] kill=no variable=living_nonhero_units [/store_unit] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN living_nonhero_units.length 0} [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM n "0..$($living_nonhero_units.length - 1)"} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$living_nonhero_units[$n].x,$living_nonhero_units[$n].y to_x,to_y=$location.x,$location.y variable="living_nonhero_units[$n].facing" [/store_direction] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable="living_nonhero_units[$n]" [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] # # Yes, the unit will not be shown changing facing unless the # screen is wide enough. # [message] scroll=no x,y=$living_nonhero_units[$n].x,$living_nonhero_units[$n].y message= _ "What is that?" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE n} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE living_nonhero_units} # # Make all other side 1 units face towards the spawn location. # [store_unit] [filter] side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=player_units [/store_unit] [foreach] array=player_units [do] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$this_item.x,$this_item.y to_x,to_y=$location.x,$location.y variable=this_item.facing [/store_direction] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=this_item [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE player_units} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] # # Enter the Queen. # [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} [redraw][/redraw] [sound] name=ambient/shaxthal-roam-1.ogg [/sound] [sound] name=melee-fire.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$location.x,$location.y [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] # # Spawn the Queen's assistants. # [hidden_unit] side=7 x,y=56,6 type=Shaxthal Drone upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=$direction [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=7 x,y=54,7 type=Shaxthal Drone upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=$direction [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=7 x,y=56,7 type=Shaxthal Drone upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=$direction [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=7 x,y=54,6 type=Shaxthal Drone upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=$direction [/hidden_unit] # # The Queen. # [hidden_unit] # wmllint: recognize Shaxthal Hive Queen id=Shaxthal Hive Queen generate_name=no type=Shaxthal Hive Queen canrecruit=yes {IS_BOSS} side=7 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=$direction [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} [remove_item] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/remove_item] # # Restore screen. # {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {BOSS_AMBIENTANCE} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—Uria be damned!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hey, that conspicuous glowing orb embedded in its torso seems important!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes. It must be the very thing we have been searching for. Our timing couldn’t be any worse... Destroy it! Destroy it at all costs!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {VARIABLE energy_supply_hidden yes} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Destroy the Queen")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} [/event] [event] name=reveal energy supply {VARIABLE energy_supply_hidden no} [store_locations] terrain=X*^&A variable=supply_locs [/store_locations] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [foreach] array=supply_locs variable=loc [do] [terrain] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y terrain=Yhl [/terrain] [unit] side=7 canrecruit=no upkeep=free {IS_BOSS} type=Verlissh Matrix Core x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y [modifications] {BOSS_BOOST 10% 1 0 0 1} [object] [effect] apply_to=attack name=hot goo set_range=melee [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_EXTRA_HEAL} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=halo halo="halo/heart-aura.png~CS(-80,100,120)~O(0.15)" [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] [scroll_to] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE supply_locs} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] scroll=no speaker=Elynia message= _ "We have found those things before, in the old capital! They must have something to do with the hive, and possibly this creature as well — perhaps some kind of power source? Try destroying them!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_second] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=boss damaged [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] [fire_event] name=boss damaged [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=boss damaged first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/have_unit] [or] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS energy_supply_hidden yes} [/or] [/filter_condition] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (id=Shaxthal Hive Queen)} [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/filter] # Increase the Queen's health pool by 16 for each energy unit up to a # total of 208 HP, and slow her down every time except the last. [object] [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=16 increase_total=16 [/effect] [/object] [if] [have_unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [/have_unit] [then] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] [status] slowed=yes [/status] [/modify_unit] # FIXME: see BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE #ifdef 0 # Block BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE from unslowing her if the player # attacks her during the same turn [object] duration=turn [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] [effect] apply_to=status add=slowed_by_api [/effect] [/object] #endif [floating_text] [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] #textdomain wesnoth text="<span color='#f00'>"+_"female^slowed"+"</span>" #textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [/floating_text] [/then] [/if] [harm_unit] [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] amount=16 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This appears to be causing some damage to the beast!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Very well — let’s do some more!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Destroy the energy supply units in the Queen’s chamber")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/filter] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 fire_event,animate=no,no [/kill] [if] [not] [have_unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_ABSORB_DAMAGE} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=5 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=energy burst set_type=arcane increase_damage=2 [/effect] [/object] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s working! Strike it down now!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Destroy the Queen")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} [/then] [/if] [/event] # # Verlissh Crawlers respawn logic # [event] name=side 7 turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/have_unit] [not] [have_unit] type=Psy Crawler side=7 count={DIFF 2 3 4}+"-99999" [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] [filter] type=Verlissh Matrix Core side=7 [/filter] variable=respawn_locs [/store_locations] {VARIABLE_RANDOM respawn_count {DIFF 1..2 1..3 2..4} } [repeat] times=$respawn_count [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM respawn_loc_index "0..$($respawn_locs.length - 1)"} {GENERIC_UNIT (7) (Psy Crawler) $respawn_locs[$respawn_loc_index].x $respawn_locs[$respawn_loc_index].y} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] animate=yes [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE respawn_loc_index} [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE respawn_locs,respawn_count} [/event] # # Mal Keshar deterioration logic # [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {RANDOM {DIFF 1..3 2..6 3..8}} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] amount=$random kill=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] [event] name=new turn [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar sound={SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT} message= _ "*Uurgh*" # wmllint: ignore no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—Malin? Are you all right?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "This... this place is not doing me any good... There is a greater force at work in here, pulling our souls into it..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I should be able to heal you, just—" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I don’t think that will help for long. I’m going to lend you a hand while I can..." [/message] {VARIABLE_RANDOM random_spawn_count {DIFF 4..6 3..5 2..5} } [store_locations] x,y=55,7 radius=4 [not] terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* [/not] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] variable=spawn_locs [/store_locations] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS spawn_locs.length 0} [then] [set_variables] mode=replace name=spawn_locs [literal] x,y=55,7 [/literal] [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] [repeat] times=$random_spawn_count [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM random_type (Skeleton,Skeleton,Skeleton,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Revenant,Deathblade,Banebow,Soulless,Walking Corpse,Walking Corpse)} {VARIABLE_RANDOM random_loc "0..$($spawn_locs.length - 1)"} # # This animation only works after scenario 9.2 # [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] flag=void_recruiting [/animate_unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 1 $random_type $spawn_locs[$random_loc].x $spawn_locs[$random_loc].y} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] animate=yes [/unit] [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random_spawn_count,random_type,random_loc,spawn_locs} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Shaxthal Hive Queen [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "The unsightly behemoth let out a terrifying loud screech with its dying breath. As the creature collapsed, the alien core in its chest shattered, and burst, releasing a great amount of energy that enveloped all in ghostly red tendrils..." image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] {FLASH_RED ( [kill] fire_event=no x,y=$x1,$y1 animate=yes [/kill] )} [kill] fire_event=no type=Psy Crawler [or] type=Shaxthal Drone [/or] animate=yes [/kill] [fire_event] name=begin final cutscene [/fire_event] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] #define TQ_PETRIFY_STORED_UNIT _UNIT_STORE_NAME [set_variables] mode=merge name={_UNIT_STORE_NAME} [value] side=8 experience=0 hitpoints=1 max_hitpoints=1 moves=1 max_moves=1 ellipse=none # wmllint: no ellipsecheck [status] petrified=yes slowed=no poisoned=no uncovered=yes [/status] [/value] [/set_variables] #enddef #define TQ_PETRIFY_ONE_RANDOM_UNDEAD [if] [have_unit] side=1 race=undead [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/have_unit] [then] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 race=undead [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/filter] variable=undead_fossil_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE_RANDOM fossil_index "0..$($undead_fossil_store.length - 1)"} {TQ_PETRIFY_STORED_UNIT undead_fossil_store[$fossil_index]} [sound] name=petrified.ogg [/sound] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable="undead_fossil_store[$fossil_index]" [/unstore_unit] [scroll_to] x,y=$undead_fossil_store[$fossil_index].x,$undead_fossil_store[$fossil_index].y [/scroll_to] {CLEAR_VARIABLE undead_fossil_store,fossil_index} #,petrified_label} [/then] [/if] #enddef #define TQ_PETRIFY_ALL_REMAINING_UNDEAD [store_unit] [filter] side=1 race=undead {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=undead_fossil_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=undead_fossil_store [do] {TQ_PETRIFY_STORED_UNIT this_item} [sound] name=petrified.ogg [/sound] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=this_item [/unstore_unit] [scroll_to] x,y=$this_item.x,$this_item.y [/scroll_to] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE undead_fossil_store} #enddef [event] name=begin final cutscene {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {TQ_DISABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg"} [if] [have_unit] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} [/have_unit] [then] [message] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} message= _ "The energy is filling the place!" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The energy is filling the place!" [/message] [/else] [/if] {QUAKE "rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg"} [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "... an energy of a kind unknown to either Elynia or the lich." image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] {FLASH_RED ( {QUAKE "rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg"} )} [harm_unit] [filter] race=undead [/filter] amount=8 kill=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] # # Disable background sound sources permanently, just for artsy effect. # The water sound sources are disabled only temporarily. # {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_sound_source,hive_sound_source} {TQ_DISABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES} # # Give UI a chance to run to update sound sources and stuff. # [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # wmllint: local spellings plural_you singular_you [if] [have_unit] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # po: Condenser/capacitor. message= _ "plural_you^... It’s clear now that those power condensers were essential for running something else here. All of you, make haste and return to the surface before the hive collapses." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>We</i>? What about <i>you</i>?!" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # po: Condenser/capacitor. message= _ "singular_you^... It’s clear now that those power condensers were essential for running something else here. You must make haste and return to the surface before the hive collapses." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>I</i>? What about <i>you</i>?!" [/message] [/else] [/if] # # Reset SFX volume. # [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {QUAKE "rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg"} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Surely you realize that I am well past my time to roam this earth — I am as old as a fossil, and our little fight with Elyssa and Argan in the frontier between Inferno and Irdya has truly had a long-lasting effect on my powers... The power that’s consuming this place now is tearing into my very soul... It hurts." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "But—" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "You and I... we have many followers from diverse backgrounds. I am sure that, should you need a new necromancer to help you, many will be willing to take up my position. Just make sure to not get yourself killed and don’t forget that you are here fighting for a greater cause, one that transcends the fate of Irdya." [/message] {TQ_PETRIFY_ONE_RANDOM_UNDEAD} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>in tears</i>) Argan’s journal... Where is it?" [/message] {TQ_PETRIFY_ONE_RANDOM_UNDEAD} {TQ_PETRIFY_ONE_RANDOM_UNDEAD} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Kyara—" [/message] {TQ_PETRIFY_ALL_REMAINING_UNDEAD} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_king_is_dead.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "transience.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "sad.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Malin..." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>(Tears.)</i>" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How could I let this happen? NO!" [/message] {QUAKE "rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg"} [if] [have_unit] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} [/have_unit] [then] [message] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} message= _ "My lady, we cannot spend any more time here!" [/message] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} message= _ "Lady!" [/message] [/then] [/if] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... Don’t forget that you are here fighting for a greater cause, one that transcends the fate of Irdya.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [if] [have_unit] {TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT} [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We must get out of here." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I must get out of here." [/message] [/else] [/if] [store_locations] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_loc [/store_locations] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN elynia_loc.x 50} [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 50 6} [/then] [/if] [time_area] id=surface remove=yes [/time_area] [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 border=yes {MASK 12_The_Queen_1.mask} [/terrain_mask] [kill] x=1-34,35-76 y=1-39,17-39 animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=37-52,41-58 y= 0-9,10-14 #[not] # terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* #[/not] [/remove_shroud] [redraw][/redraw] {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 39 6 "items/gohere.png" ()} [remove_item] x,y=39,6 [/remove_item] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That way..." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find an alternate exit to the surface")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall or recruit any units until the end of the mission")} )} # # Re-enable regular sound sources (not background ambience). # {TQ_ENABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES} {VARIABLE end_of_scenario_turn_number "$($turn_number + 3)"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_loc} {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # Make sure Elynia can't be hit, we don't want her dying at this point. # {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (id=Elynia) 0 ()} # # Elynia deterioration logic # [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN turn_number $end_of_scenario_turn_number} [/filter_condition] {RANDOM 8..18} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] amount=$random kill=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] # # Critters deterioration logic # [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no {RANDOM 8..16} # Visible units are animated and may get less damage, # but they may also die. [harm_unit] [filter] [filter_vision] visible=yes side=1 [/filter_vision] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=8 [/not] [/filter] amount=$random kill=yes animate=yes [/harm_unit] {RANDOM 12..60} # Units out of the player's reach are not animated but # may get more damage. However, they may *not* die. [harm_unit] [filter] [filter_vision] visible=no side=1 [/filter_vision] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=8 [/not] [/filter] amount=$random kill=no animate=no [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no {RANDOM 0..16} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN random 6} [then] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 1)" [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... I have always been alone...</i>" [/message] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [kill] animate=yes fire_event=no side=7 [filter_vision] visible=yes side=1 [/filter_vision] [/kill] [kill] animate=no fire_event=no side=7 [/kill] [terrain] x=61,58,52,58,62 y= 7,10, 8, 4, 6 terrain=Xu [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 2)" [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... I’ll be alone again...</i>" [/message] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [kill] animate=yes fire_event=no side=1 {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/kill] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $end_of_scenario_turn_number" [fire_event] name=the end [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=8 [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] side=8 [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/filter] kill=no variable=side8_store [/store_unit] [kill] animate,fire_event=yes,no x,y=$side8_store[0].x,$side8_store[0].y [/kill] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side8_store} [/event] #define TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP _RGB_SHIFT _ALPHA _MAX_HP_CHANGE [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod replace="CS("+{_RGB_SHIFT}+","+{_RGB_SHIFT}+","+{_RGB_SHIFT}+")~O("+{_ALPHA}+")" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=zoc value=no [/effect] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={_MAX_HP_CHANGE} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={_MAX_HP_CHANGE} [/effect] [/object] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef [event] name=the end {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {VARIABLE_DEFAULT swam_in_fountain_of_courage no} {GLOBAL_TABLE:OPEN NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} {GLOBAL_TABLE:WRITE swam_in_fountain_of_courage} {GLOBAL_TABLE:CLOSE} # # Store Elynia for use in E2. # {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Elynia episode1_stats_elynia} # These sound sources are only running when this event is thrown out # of sequence (debug mode)... {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_sound_source,hive_sound_source} {TQ_DISABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The spell... I must use the spell..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... I lost </i>much<i> more than that long ago...</i>" [/message] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... We aren’t that different after all...</i>" [/message] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... a greater cause, one that transcends the fate of Irdya...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I..." [/message] [harm_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] amount="$($this_unit.hitpoints - 1)" kill=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Uria" message= _ "<i>Do you truly think you can fight me?</i>" image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] {FADE_STEP 8 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -8 0.98 -5%} {FADE_STEP 16 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -16 0.94 -5%} {FADE_STEP 24 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -24 0.90 -10%} {QUAKE {SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} } [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Uria" message= _ "<i>You don’t have the power of the Union to help you anymore. Your friends are gone. Our power is unlimited. You cannot win.</i>" image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -32 0.86 -10%} {FADE_STEP 32 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -64 0.82 -20%} {FADE_STEP 64 250} [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -96 0.76 -20%} {FADE_STEP 96 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -128 0.72 -40%} {FADE_STEP 128 250} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... must..." [/message] {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -196 0.65 -60%} [sound] name=rumble.ogg [/sound] [remove_item][/remove_item] {FADE_STEP 160 250} {TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP -196 0.50 -80%} [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] {FADE_STEP 192 250} # # NOTE: This kills Elynia too. We don't need her anymore past this # point. # [kill] animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] {FADE_STEP 224 250} [replace_schedule] {NEUTRAL_TOD} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 0 -20 -20} [/replace_schedule] {SET_THEME {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI}} {FADE_STEP 500 250} [terrain] # Everywhere. terrain=Xv [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [modify_side] side=1 fog,shroud=no,no [/modify_side] [delay] time=6000 [/delay] [terrain] # Everywhere. terrain=Gll^Fp [/terrain] {FADE_STEP 224 250} {FADE_STEP 208 250} {FADE_STEP 192 250} {FADE_STEP 176 250} {FADE_STEP 160 250} {FADE_STEP 144 250} {FADE_STEP 128 250} {FADE_STEP 112 250} {FADE_STEP 96 250} {FADE_STEP 80 250} {FADE_STEP 64 250} {FADE_STEP 48 250} {FADE_STEP 32 250} {FADE_STEP 16 250} {FADE_STEP 0 250} [delay] time=6000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... Where am I?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE energy_supply_hidden,end_of_scenario_turn_number} [/event] #undef TQ_ELYNIA_FADE_STEP #undef TQ_LIVING_NONHERO_UNIT #undef TQ_PETRIFY_STORED_UNIT #undef TQ_PETRIFY_ONE_RANDOM_UNDEAD #undef TQ_PETRIFY_ALL_REMAINING_UNDEAD #undef TQ_ENABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES #undef TQ_DISABLE_CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCES [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=13_Death_and_Rebirth name= _ "Death and Rebirth" {MAP 13_Death_and_Rebirth.map} turns=-1 next_scenario="null" victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 -10} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player {NO_ECONOMY} controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" hidden=yes # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} facing=ne [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes # wmllint: recognize Mal Kendria {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KENDRIA} facing=ne [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes [/side] # NOTE: These are the same glyphs from E1S9.3, sans events. {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 55 12} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 48 19} {HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=ss1 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=ss2 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FADE_IN} [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Mal Kendria" image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>My lady?</i>" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=55,17 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=55,13 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Mal Kendria" image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>Where are you?</i>" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=38,4 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=38,15 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=37,23 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=13,31 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Kendria) 10 32} [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "My lady, we have been looking for you! We have just received excellent news—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "She’s not dead." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "B— but, the Wesmere facility was vaporized after the destruction of the core!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That’s right, but she is not dead. I can feel her. I don’t know where she is, but she’s certainly not dead." [/message] [unit] side=5 # wmllint: recognize Mal Hekuba {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_HEKUBA} canrecruit=yes facing=ne x,y=1,37 [/unit] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba scroll=no message= _ "But not in Irdya either, or is she?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elyssa) sw} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) 9 33} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "She’s not." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba # po: The lackey in question is Mal Keshar message= _ "Good. Wherever she is, she can’t bother us anymore, and her lackey was destroyed in the explosion. It’s a pity that we lost the experimental core units along with such a very strategic location, but we can do without them anyway. I feel the need to ask, however, why install the third unit on our new weapon when any of us could make a better use of it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I believe the Norsulans haven’t resolved the contamination issue yet. It’s not the best moment to make risky choices like that with our limited resources; we need to reclaim some land and complete the construction of the other hives." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "As for the original..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "She said we should not do anything with it yet." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "I see. Well, that’s all I wanted to know." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) 6 34} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Don’t forget that you have a mission to carry out, too." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Hekuba) ne} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "I am aware, <i>my lady</i>. I am well aware." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) 1 37} [kill] [not] side=1 [/not] fire_event,animate=no,no [/kill] # # Remove glyphs, otherwise their halos may glitch through shroud due # to a bug in the game. # [remove_item][/remove_item] [redraw][/redraw] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] # Well, no music fade-out because we don't even use music in this # scenario. #[fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects][/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE ss1,ss2} [delay] time=10 [/delay] [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_NON_LEADER id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN id=Durvan name= _ "Durvan" type=Poacher #profile="portraits/durvan.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA id=Anya name= _ "Anya" type=Dusk Faerie gender=female #profile="portraits/anya.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ALLYNA id=Allyna name= _ "Allyna" type=Civilian #gender=female #profile="portraits/allyna.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ZYNARA id=Zynara name= _ "Zynara" type=Dark Sorcerer advances_to=Necromancer gender=female profile="portraits/humans/dark-adept+female.png" #profile="portraits/zynara.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_TARA id=Tara name= _ "Tara" type=Faerie Dryad variation=tara #gender=female #profile="portraits/tara.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELORRAN id=Elorran name= _ "Elorran" type=Errant Executor #gender=male #profile="portraits/elorran.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE id=Unarye name= _ "Unarye" type=Elvish Avatar #profile="portraits/unarye.png" profile="portraits/elves/sylph.png~RIGHT()" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_IVYEL type=Faerie Avatar id=Lady of Light name= _ "Lady of Light" #profile="portraits/ivyel.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] #enddef #define RECALL_DURVAN {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN})} #enddef #define RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ALLYNA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ALLYNA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ALLYNA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ALLYNA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ANYA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ZYNARA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ZYNARA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ZYNARA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define AMLA_MENU_HINT {AMLA_MENU_HINT:BASE ( _ "As a high-level unit under your control, Elynia has special <b>After Maximum Level Advancements (AMLAs)</b>. You can learn more about those by right-clicking her and choosing the <b>Unit Advancements</b> option.")} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define C_DEATHS {C_DEATH_ELYNIA} #enddef #define D_DEATHS {C_DEATH_ELYNIA} {D_DEATH_DURVAN} {D_DEATH_ANYA} {D_DEATH_ZYNARA} #enddef #define E_DEATHS {C_DEATH_ELYNIA} {D_DEATH_DURVAN} {D_DEATH_ANYA} #enddef #define C_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... fall to the darkness." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define D_DEATH_DURVAN {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Durvan) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "No! My mission isn’t over yet!" [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define D_DEATH_ANYA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Anya) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Augh! Elynia, save me—" [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define D_DEATH_ZYNARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Zynara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I’ve fallen before completing my mission. Forgive me..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_II {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES II} abbrev= _ "AtS-2" name=_"After the Storm"+" "+_"Episode II: Fate" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-icon-episode2.png" image="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-logo-episode2.jpg" background="story/landscape-hills-01.jpg" first_scenario=00_Transience description= _ "Time passes, and the Chaos Empire still manages to make a stand against its enemies. While the Grand Council is preoccupied with more pressing matters, the fragile alliance of the peoples of the Far North is threatened by a new, mysterious leader who seeks to invade their defenseless lands."+" "+_"(Intermediate level, 13 scenarios.)"+{ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER} {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU (_"difficulty_menu^Footpad") ("units/human-outlaws/footpad-melee-3.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Trapper") ("units/human-outlaws/trapper-bow-attack4.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Highwayman") ("units/human-outlaws/highwayman-melee-5.png") } end_text= _ "To be continued..." {ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND "maps/background.jpg~GS()~O(0.2)~BG()"} [/campaign] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story={CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+_"<b>If you have not completed Episode I of <i>After the Storm</i>, you definitely should not play this episode yet.</b>"+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_OPTIONS_WARNING} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BY_THE_MOONLIGHT [story] [part] music=silence.ogg # po: The lines consisting of a single em dash represent a long pause. story= _ "— — —" [/part] [part] story= _ "— — “The light..." [/part] [part] music=enchanted_forest.ogg # po: Warm as in warm colors. story= _ "A familiar light... It was the warm light of the second sunset." [/part] [part] story= _ "Where was I? I found myself in the middle of a glade, lying on the ground. My entire body was in pain and my clothes were considerably scorched, but somehow... I had survived." [/part] [part] story= _ "It took me some time to recover from the initial stupor and remember what had happened moments before. The terrifying feeling of my soul fading away, the crumbling underground hive, my despair as I struggled to find a way back to the surface... and my only remaining friend..." [/part] [part] story= _ "Malin Keshar. His dark existence full of resentment and spite, an eternity spent as a harbinger of death and destruction... an eternity at long last come to an end, but not without first proving his worth against the Chaos Emperor and the creature in possession of Yechnagoth’s heart. Oh, who would have ever thought that I would grieve for he whom I was once destined to eliminate, or that his final death would be one befitting a hero?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S1 _"By the Moonlight"} story= _ "As my memory became clearer, I realized I had cast the teleport spell at the last moment, as if by instinct, in a desperate attempt to escape to the surface. However, a quick glance at my surroundings revealed that it didn’t work quite as I had intended; instead, it had taken me far away from the cursed plains of Wesmere. But how far, exactly?" [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_HEART_FOREST [story] [part] music=a_land_of_adventure.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S2 _"The Heart Forest"} story= _ "There were very few friendly faces amongst the villagers. From what I heard during my stay, they feel forsaken by the Grand Council, which has been kept too preoccupied by the war against the Chaos Empire to heed the demands of the civilians. The unforgiving weather and the growing scarcity of resources to sustain their settlement has made these men and women increasingly bitter about the state of affairs. I can’t help but wonder how the Alliance has fared in battle ever since we left their lands." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_UNREST_IN_RAELTHYN [story] [part] music=loyalists.ogg story= _ "This Allyna girl seems oddly over-enthusiastic about everything in spite of the difficulties she encountered before we found her. To say that it has been a long time since I last had the opportunity to talk to someone like that would be a great understatement. Sadly, her cheerful demeanor is not enough to dispel the shadows that have followed me wherever I go since Galas’ death; nor does it do anything to keep me from remembering Malin and his habit of trying to make the most fun of any situation." [/part] [part] story= _ "For somebody who has lived for so long, it’s hard to see the world in the same light as young people do. Nowadays I can barely remember those times of blithe disregard for responsibility, my romantic escapades, and the misguided notion that we had all the time of the world for ourselves. Sometimes, I wish I could get rid of this burden." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E2S3 _"Unrest in Raelthyn" _"Revelations"} story= _ "Before dying, my master told me that the true power of the Ruby of Fire would become crucial for the fate of our world, and that I must make sure it’s never misused by anyone again. It never occurred to me that her words could turn out to be more than a pain-induced delusion." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_SHIFTING_ALLEGIANCES [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "And so we left for the eastern marches, with a renewed and clear purpose. Surprisingly enough, Durvan and some of the other hunters from the Heart Forest agreed to participate in our expedition. Allyna offered her help as well, providing us with a safe route to follow, incidentally crossing through her village." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S4 _"Shifting Allegiances"} story= _ "We proceeded as swiftly as we could, hoping for an uneventful journey — given the nature of our mission, expending our energy before reaching the elves could prove disastrous later on." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_EASTERN_FRONT [story] [part] music=knolls.ogg story= _ "Had the circumstances been only slightly different, I would have been much more reluctant to converse with the outcast demon lord; in fact, I would have been more likely to attack without even giving him a chance to speak. That girl, Anya. It was her curious personality, and her sincerity and admiration for me that led me to try my late friend’s approach to dealing with a similarly unusual enemy. I thought that such a person could not possibly side with the cruel creatures working for Uria — not that faeries of the deep forest like her are known to side with anyone at all." [/part] [part] story= _ "But, did I make that choice for her or for me? Perhaps I merely wanted someone by my side to whom I could relate, someone who personified the bright and hopeful part of me that died with Argan. Perhaps... I didn’t want to face the possibility of having to kill that part of me a second time." [/part] [part] story= _ "All this seems so absurd as I write it. Sometimes I wonder why I let Galas convince me to write another journal." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E2S5 _"The Eastern Front" _"The Plan"} story= _ "After a couple of days, we finally arrived at the frontier. Unfortunately, we’d soon learn that the Council’s fears had become more than mere speculations." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_PLAN [story] [part] music=heroes_rite.ogg story= _ "Unarye told us to follow her guards into a nearby forest where some of the allied elves had just set up camp. I could tell by her grave expression that she bore bad news. It took her almost the entire afternoon to make time for speaking to us." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_VOYAGE_HOME [story] [part] music=knolls.ogg story= _ "I continued to feel uneasy about the decision for some time. Leaving both the Grand Council and Elorran awaiting our return for so long... According to Valen, the Council understood the urgency of the situation and the importance of our mission for the elves. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for the demon lord; it took Anya her best effort to persuade him to let us take the Ruby of Fire to enemy territory." [/part] [part] story= _ "It is decidedly not easy to deal with both the Council and my people without telling them of our pact with Elorran. What concerns me the most is the possibility that one of our men might accidentally or deliberately divulge information pertaining to the subject. This is not like every other time I have had to keep a secret for a greater good — alone. It does raise the question of whether I have chosen my allies prudently or am making a big mistake." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S6 _"The Voyage Home"} story= _ "Then again, Malin would insist that the existence of that accursed artifact is a big mistake by itself." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_PROXIMUS [story] [part] music=weight_of_revenge.ogg story= _ "After the events in Gralseth, the journey across the desert turned into a nightmare. We had to be wary of every single thing we saw, no matter how small or innocuous it seemed. Our enemies could be anywhere, everywhere. We were walking into a trap by our own choice... No, it was <i>my</i> choice. Even without taking our enemies into account, traversing the vast dry plains was a highly dangerous thing to do. While it wasn’t possible for us to lose track of our destination for long with our maps and Valen’s indications, the stifling heat during the day, frequent sandstorms, and lack of water sources could have resulted in catastrophic losses." [/part] [part] story= _ "Eventually, it became evident that our enemies didn’t want to take risks in the hostile sands either. Aside from a few armed encounters with the natives, we found very little opposition on our way. At the end, we reached a small oasis near some ruins." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S7 _"Proximus"} story= _ "We had reached the northern defense line of the valley Telchior named after me." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_AND_THEN_THERE_WAS_CHAOS [story] [part] music=underground.ogg # po: Condenser/capacitor. story= _ "The Ruby of Fire. A great energy condenser of uncertain origin, used by humans throughout Irdya’s history as both a symbol of power and a catalyst to exert control over all within their reach, and beyond. Through abuse of this artifact, our world was made susceptible to corrupting influences from other realms. Now that we are without a necromancer, using its dangerous power to command the undead minions left behind by Zynara is the only option we have left if we want to have a chance to vanquish the impostor despite our small numbers. But, who is she in truth?" [/part] [part] story= _ "Up to this point I have broken more rules than is acceptable for any elf, or human. First, the Ruby. Then I chose Argan, of all people, to be my ally and lover, and asked him to help me learn to use the artifact’s power more effectively. I asked him to teach me the basics of this forbidden magic, and only my fear deterred me from delving deeper — had it not, I probably wouldn’t be here writing these words." [/part] [part] story= _ "Then, I joined the Empire of Wesnoth as an advisor, against the wishes of the Ka’lian, who only realized the benefits much later. But eventually, I was betrayed by the humans; I turned my back on the world and unknowingly left my kinsmen in Wesmere to be caught in Zhangor’s trap at the onset of the end. Perhaps if I hadn’t broken so many rules before, none of that would have ever come to pass." [/part] [part] story= _ "Our alliance with Mal Keshar in this era was not my choice, however. Galas and Anlindë knew well what it entailed, and opted for a desperate solution to a desperate situation. But now... I appear to be following the same logic, commanding the dead with a power that was meant to be purged from this world long ago. It seems selfish, and others could misinterpret my actions." [/part] [part] story= _ "I no longer command the Union, and now I am about to confront our enemy while leading my own army of darkness. It would be no exaggeration to say that the true Lady of Light is, in fact, another impostor." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S8 _"And then there was Chaos"} story= _ "Some day all this will be over, and I will be able to distance myself from civilization again. But for now, I must fight. And afterwards, I must recover that journal." [/part] [/story] #enddef # # The lack of storyscreen text for the following sections is by design. # #define STORYTXT_NEW_HIVE [story] [part] music=underground.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S9 _"New Hive"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_BETRAYAL [story] [part] music=underground.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S10 _"The Betrayal"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_A_FINAL_CONFRONTATION [story] [part] music=suspense.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E2S11 _"A Final Confrontation"} [/part] [/story] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=00_Transience name= _ "Transience" {MAP 00_Transience.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=01_By_the_Moonlight victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING} {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 -10} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player {NO_ECONOMY} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" hidden=yes shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=yes variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [store_starting_location] side=1 [/store_starting_location] [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=$location.x,$location.y radius=10 [not] terrain=Q*,X*,*^X* [/not] [/remove_shroud] [redraw][/redraw] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {FADE_IN} # wmllint: recognize Galas [unit] side,x,y=1,$location.x,$location.y {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} experience=64 hitpoints=38 facing=nw [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar [unit] side,x,y=1,$location.x,$location.y {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR} experience=88 hitpoints=71 facing=nw [/unit] [unit] side,x,y=1,$location.x,$location.y {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_NON_LEADER} experience=112 hitpoints=59 facing=nw [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I remember hearing of the mandate issued to destroy the Sceptre of Fire back in the day..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "I’m curious about why you decided to betray your people by keeping the Sceptre’s core to yourself, Elynia." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That’s nothing of your concern." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "It is not, really? Because to me, it seems that you carry with you a dangerous artifact that these people <i>need</i> for some vaguely-defined purpose that will most certainly bring no good to this world! Destroying it would be the most logical choice right now." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I beg to differ, but with the Union gone it may well be the only great power remaining on Irdya that we could use to fight Uria and the Iron Triad, unless you know something I am not aware of — which I find unlikely." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This isn’t the best moment to argue over this." [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elyssa" image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>Where are you?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [kill] [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [fade_out_sound_effects][/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_sound_source} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {VARIABLE elynia_store.x recall} {VARIABLE elynia_store.y recall} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=01_By_the_Moonlight name= _ "By the Moonlight" {MAP 01_By_the_Moonlight.map} {TURNS 42 40 38} next_scenario=02_The_Heart_Forest victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {C_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "enchanted_forest.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {STORYTXT_BY_THE_MOONLIGHT} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {AMLA_MENU_HINT} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} shroud=yes fog=yes share_vision=none # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 controller=null team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Humans" hidden=yes scroll_to_leader=no {NO_ECONOMY} shroud=yes fog=yes share_vision=none no_leader=yes recruit=Footpad,Poacher,Thug,Ruffian,Woodsman # wmllint: recognize Aethyr {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT () (Woodsman) 42 19 Aethyr ( _ "Aethyr")} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} # wmllint: recognize Devon {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT () (Poacher) 46 21 Devon ( _ "Devon") } {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [/side] [side] side=3 controller=null team_name=bad user_team_name= _ "team_name^Invaders" hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes recruit=Footpad,Walking Corpse,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer [/side] # These wolves have less MP so the player can't be unwittingly attacked. # (Elynia's max MP is always 6.) #define PR_WOLF X Y {NOTRAIT_UNIT () (Wolf) ({X}) ({Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] max_moves=6 [/unit] #enddef #define PR_GREAT_WOLF X Y {NOTRAIT_UNIT () (Great Wolf) ({X}) ({Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] max_moves=6 [/unit] #enddef [side] side=4 team_name=bad user_team_name= _ "team_name^Animals" hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} {PR_WOLF 22 37} {FACING nw} {PR_WOLF 23 38} {FACING nw} {PR_WOLF 22 38} {FACING nw} {PR_WOLF 16 26} {FACING se} {PR_WOLF 23 25} {FACING sw} {PR_GREAT_WOLF 24 25} {FACING sw} [/side] #undef PR_WOLF #undef PR_GREAT_WOLF {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 4 1 60 1 40} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/village-human-burned1.png) 35 12} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/village-human-burned3.png) 32 27} {PLACE_IMAGE (scenery/monolith3.png) 12 15} [event] name=prestart # # Retrieve stored stats for Elynia from Episode 1 if applicable. # {UPDATE_UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE Elynia episode1_stats_elynia} {AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_2 Elynia} [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] hitpoints="$(0.10 * $this_unit.max_hitpoints)" facing=ne [/modify_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find a friendly unit")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There seem to be some hostile animals ahead. I’d better move carefully..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I think I can see a village to the northeast..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=2 [filter_vision] visible=yes side=1 [/filter_vision] [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [fire_event] name=begin regular gameplay [/fire_event] [/event] #define PR_FALCON _X _Y {NOTRAIT_UNIT 4 (Falcon) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [event] name=begin regular gameplay # # Uncover Elynia before dialogue in case she's on a forest hex. # [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [status] uncovered=yes [/status] [/modify_unit] {PR_FALCON 49 33} {PR_FALCON 8 17} {PR_FALCON 10 18} {PR_FALCON 11 16} {PR_FALCON 13 17} {PR_FALCON 15 19} {PR_FALCON 15 17} {PR_FALCON 29 6} {PR_FALCON 27 16} {PR_FALCON 24 21} {PR_FALCON 59 1} {PR_FALCON 50 3} [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain=*^Xo [/remove_terrain_overlays] [modify_side] side=1 {DEFAULT_ECONOMY} share_vision=all [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=2 controller=ai hidden=no {DEFAULT_ECONOMY} {GOLD 70 60 50} share_vision=all [ai] {AI_NEW_SYNTAX} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping defensive} # Try not to move units to the keeps reserved for the player. {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT_VALUE avoid ( x=54,55 y=18,11 )} [/ai] [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai hidden=no {DEFAULT_ECONOMY} {GOLD 210 220 230} [/modify_side] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=2 canrecruit=yes type=Huntsman id=Luddry name= _ "Luddry" x=$location.x y=$location.y [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Poacher) 50 11} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Woodsman) 46 14} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Woodsman) 47 17} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Footpad) 44 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Footpad) 35 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Footpad) 41 7} {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 2 $location.x $location.y 8} [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes type=Lich id=Daent name= _ "Daent" x=$location.x y=$location.y [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Revenant) 17 8} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {PETRIFIED} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Revenant) 23 3} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {PETRIFIED} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Revenant) 9 1} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {PETRIFIED} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Revenant) 3 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {PETRIFIED} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Skeleton) 35 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Skeleton Archer) 38 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Skeleton) 27 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Dark Adept) 34 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Ghoul) 19 5} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Ghoul) 21 6} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 3 $location.x $location.y 6} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Aethyr message= _ "Halt! Who goes there?" [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "Don’t pay any attention to that — it’s just another of those disgusting forest creatures." [/message] [message] speaker=Aethyr message= _ "But she’s injured—" [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "It’s a trick! They lure you into the dark to do whatever they please with your dead body—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I need help. Could any of you please—" [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "Begone, unless you want us to slice your throat open!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Luddry) 46 19} [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "What’s going on here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aethyr message= _ "Chief, this lass here, she—" [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "You look oddly familiar. What’s your name?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am Elynia, the—" [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "The Lady of Light, as I recall. You weren’t of much help to us in the country." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Excuse me? I don’t know you." [/message] # wmllint: local spelling Ardgam [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "Of course you don’t know me, because you and your friends were too busy battling the dark soldiers to help us civilians in Ardgam. That was my hometown, and my family was trapped, helpless, amidst the fire. What’s your purpose here, and why should we help you??" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Luddry) ne} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I would like to know where I am, and if it would be possible, I’d also like some help to get to the Grand Council. This is a matter of the utmost importance..." [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—Are you even listening to me?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "I don’t feel particularly inclined to help you — at least not right now. If you really need to get to those useless elders, you are on your own. We don’t have any time for this nonsense, as we need to defend <i>our</i> town by our own means right now." [/message] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Luddry) $location.x $location.y} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It feels like I’ve been in a similar situation before..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Aethyr message= _ "Can you help us? I know our leader appears to be very resentful of you, but it’s said that the evil mage Daent has returned from the land of the dead to get his revenge upon us, for banishing him from the village. The rumors of the power he has amassed since then are terrifying." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hm... Well, I may be able to provide you with my assistance if you would help me in exchange. Really, I’m not asking for much. " [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "We can’t make any promises, faerie. Our leader isn’t that kind of person — you’ll have to figure out how to solve your problems on your own." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So be it, then." [/message] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Elynia x=49-60 y=1-18 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 49 18} [/then] [/if] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] moves=$this_unit.max_moves [/modify_unit] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no {GOLD 80 70 50} recruit=Faerie Sprite,Footpad,Ruffian [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=2 shroud=no [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Luddry")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [redraw] side=2 [/redraw] [/event] #undef PR_FALCON [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Luddry [/filter] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "Argh! I’m done for." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Luddry [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t suppose these people would want to help me now that they are leaderless..." [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "<i>Thanks</i> for your absolutely <i>useless</i> help, faerie." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-21,22-23,24 ,25 ,26 ,22 y=1-16,1-10 ,1-8,2-8,2-6,14-15 [/filter] [message] speaker=Daent message= _ "Arise! Arise once again, fallen warriors of times long past! Arise!" [/message] [message] side=1 canrecruit=no message= _ "I don’t like the sound of that... not at all..." [/message] [unpetrify] side=3 [/unpetrify] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] [filter] canrecruit=yes side=3 [/filter] radius=6 [/filter_location] [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Daent message= _ "Ah, you have been sent by my brother to destroy me, isn’t that right?" [/message] [message] side=1,2 canrecruit=no message= _ "Your brother?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daent message= _ "Well, less chatter and more action, I say! You all shall embrace undeath soon, no matter whether you want or not!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Daent [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Daent message= _ "Ahhh, you think you can destroy me, don’t you? Well—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Enough of this." [/message] {THUNDER ( [kill] id=Daent fire_event=no animate=yes [/kill] )} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Daent [/filter] [filter_second] [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Daent # wmllint: local spelling MWAHAHAHAHA message= _ "Ahhh, you think you can destroy me, don’t you? Well, a few have already tried to vanquish me before to no avail... What makes you think it will be different this time? MWAHAHAHAHA!" [/message] {COLOR_ADJUST 67 0 67} {COLOR_ADJUST 100 0 100} [kill] id=Daent fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] {COLOR_ADJUST 33 0 33} {COLOR_ADJUST 0 0 0} [message] side=1 canrecruit=no message= _ "He’s gone!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated [filter_condition] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That wasn’t too hard." [/message] [message] side=2 canrecruit=no [not] id=Aethyr [or] id=Devon [/or] [/not] message= _ "Our village is saved!" [/message] [message] speaker=Devon message= _ "Heh. I admit I didn’t expect this to work out with a faerie leading those impressionable fools." [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "Well done, everybody. As for you, faerie... What is it that you needed from us again?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I also have a name, as I told you before." [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "I suggest that you get to the point before I change my mind." [/message] [message] speaker=Aethyr message= _ "But sir, her help in defeating the undead was..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I need to know exactly where I am, and I must also meet with the Grand Council of the Northern Peoples as soon as I may, for which I could need some help depending on our location." [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "I see. Well, we also need to arrange a meeting with the Council for our own purposes. Sending some of our most capable hunters with you along with our messengers might not be a bad idea after all, as you seem to excel in the arts of healing and the northern forests are not particularly safe nowadays." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: "But where am I?" message= _ "I’d be very grateful if you provided me with such help, then. But—" [/message] [message] speaker=Luddry message= _ "And welcome to the Heart Forest." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=02_The_Heart_Forest name= _ "The Heart Forest" {MAP 02_The_Heart_Forest.map} {TURNS 40 39 38} next_scenario=03_01_Unrest_in_Raelthyn victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {C_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "a_land_of_adventure.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_THE_HEART_FOREST} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" shroud=yes fog=yes {GOLD 175 175 160} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=bandits user_team_name= _ "team_name^Thieves" hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Thief,Footpad,Poacher gold=0 {NO_INCOME} [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=forest user_team_name= _ "team_name^Trolls" recruit=Troll Whelp {GOLD 150 175 190} type=Troll Rocklobber id=Reck name= _ "Reck" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=forest,bandits user_team_name= _ "team_name^Forest Creatures" hidden=yes no_leader=yes gold=0 {NO_INCOME} village_gold=0 {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 39 11} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 40 11} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif #ifdef HARD {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 39 12} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 2 23} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 1 24} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif #ifdef HARD {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 1 23} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 11 50} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 12 50} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif #ifdef HARD {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wolf) 12 49} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=forest,bandits user_team_name= _ "team_name^Birds" color=pink hidden=yes no_leader=yes gold=0 {NO_INCOME} village_gold=0 {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 17 41} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 4 30} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 32 14} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 26 2} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 5 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 17 22} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Falcon) 35 26} {GUARDIAN} [/side] {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 5 1 40 1 50} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} {SET_LABEL 17 3 ( _ "Talwyn")} {SET_LABEL 20 8 ( _ "Talwyn Bridge")} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png" 27 33} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png~FL(horiz)" 23 34} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png" 8 34} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png" 11 33} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale2.png" 8 6} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/trash.png" 20 1} [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE seen_bridge_town no} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN} [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Poacher,Thug [/allow_recruit] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Reach the top edge of the map")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Frankly, when the village chief said ‘capable’ I was expecting something better." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’d be a grave mistake to underestimate us, lass. Life ’round here ain’t easy these days, and we have to be prepared to deal with anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m well aware of that, having lived in the wilderness myself before, but these are mostly novices and untrained youths!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "The chief wouldn’t want to send off veterans on the chance that our home is attacked again. Anyway, we’d better get going. Look out for the trolls that control this road — they hunt unwary travelers and eat them alive." [/message] [/event] {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Durvan) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Blast! I wasn’t counting on this happening!" [/message] ) ()} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_adjacent] id=Reck [/filter_adjacent] [or] id=Reck [filter_adjacent] side=1 [/filter_adjacent] [/or] [/filter] [message] speaker=Reck message= _ "Reck don’t like humans on his base. We smash them!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Reck [/filter] [message] speaker=Reck message= _ "Reck dying... and don’t know why." [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE "items/gold-coins-small.png" 13 36} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=13,36 [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "That big troll was hoarding a considerable amount of gold in these ruins." [/message] {RETRIEVE_GOLD ({DIFF 120 100 80})} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-40 y=1-28 [/filter] [fire_event] name=allyna_appearance [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=allyna_appearance [unit] id=Dremorran name= _ "Dremorran" type=Fugitive side=2 placement=leader canrecruit=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [modify_side] side=2 hidden=no {GOLD 160 190 210} {INCOME 2 3 4} [/modify_side] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 2 $location.x $location.y 6} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} #define THF_GUARD _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} #enddef #define THF_NAMED _TYPE _ID _NAME _X _Y {NAMED_UNIT 2 ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y}) ({_ID}) ({_NAME}) ( upkeep=free random_traits=yes random_gender=no [variables] bandit=yes [/variables] )} #enddef # wmllint: whofield THF_NAMED 2 {THF_GUARD (Bandit) 14 3} {THF_GUARD (Rogue) 14 5} {THF_GUARD (Bandit) 21 9} {FACING se} # wmllint: recognize Allyna [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ALLYNA} side=1 facing=n x,y=20,25 [/unit] # Used later in an event #define THF_BANDITS_LIST "Cic,Glynvan,Quorren,Caror,Danon" #enddef {THF_NAMED (Thief) (Cic) ( _ "Cic") 21 21} {FACING s} {THF_NAMED (Footpad) (Glynvan) ( _ "Glynvan") 18 22} {FACING se} {THF_NAMED (Footpad) (Quorren) ( _ "Quorren") 20 23} {FACING s} {THF_NAMED (Footpad) (Caror) ( _ "Caror") 24 21} {FACING sw} {THF_NAMED (Thug) (Danon) ( _ "Danon") 23 24} {FACING sw} # wmllint: whofield clear THF_NAMED #undef THF_GUARD #undef THF_NAMED [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=19,25 radius=6 [and] x,y=23,22 radius=6 [/and] [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I hear some commotion ahead..." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Allyna [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Quorren message= _ "Drop everything you’re carrying with you gal, and we <i>may</i> spare your pretty neck!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We don’t have time for this—" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "We can’t just leave that poor girl at their mercy! We must help her!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>sigh</i>) Of course, that’s what I was planning to do anyway." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Save Allyna from the bandits")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Allyna")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Allyna) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas! I never got a chance to see the great towers of the capital!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "We shouldn’t have let this happen!" [/message] )} [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] id={THF_BANDITS_LIST} [/filter] # # TODO: We need a more elaborate mechanism to detect when Allyna is # out of danger. # [if] [not] [have_unit] count=3-4 id={THF_BANDITS_LIST} [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [fire_event] name=allyna_introduction [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=1-40 y=1-9 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {VARIABLE seen_bridge_town yes} [fire_event] name=save_bridge_town_objectives [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=allyna_introduction first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "Oh, thank you for saving my life, sir, I’ll be forever grateful! Is there anything I could do to repay you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Hm, actually, it is this lass here who is leading us..." [/message] [message] side=1 [not] id=Durvan [/not] [not] id=Elynia [/not] [not] id=Allyna [/not] message= _ "She’s the legendary Lady of Light!" [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "Oh, I see! I beg your pardon, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "May I ask what business brings a young girl like you to such a dangerous location alone? What’s your name, anyway?" [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "I’m Allyna of Dalbloom, from the eastern border. It’s a very tiny village, so you may not have heard of it before. I was sent on a mission to deliver an important message to the Grand Council of the—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Sure, we also need to deliver our own messages to them. I would strongly suggest that you join us — it’s a miracle that you have made it this far through these uncivilized lands in one piece. What do you think?" [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "Yes! —I mean, if it doesn’t bother you, of course. Sure it is uncivilized around here — I don’t think I have ever seen a town get ransacked like that before..." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS seen_bridge_town no} [then] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What are you talking about?" [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "The bridge town ahead was captured by a large armed band. I turned back as soon as I could, but some of their brutes chased me, and then I found you!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Sounds like we may have to cleanse the town a bit before proceeding, then." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Good plan. Gods, I never thought Talwyn would fall like that..." [/message] [fire_event] name=save_bridge_town_objectives [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=save_bridge_town_objectives {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the bandit leader in Talwyn")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Allyna")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Dremorran [/filter] [message] speaker=Dremorran message= _ "No! All our efforts have been in vain!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Dremorran [/filter] [fire_event] name=allyna_introduction [/fire_event] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Onwards we go, to the capital!" [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "So are you truly the Lady of Light? I’ve heard many amazing stories about you! Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE seen_bridge_town} [/event] #undef THF_BANDITS_LIST [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=03_01_Unrest_in_Raelthyn name= _ "Unrest in Raelthyn" {MAP 03_01_Unrest_in_Raelthyn.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=03_02_Revelations victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_UNREST_IN_RAELTHYN} {LONGDARK2} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on # Castle [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} color=blue {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes type=Aragwaith Greatbow id=Dethanel name= _ "Dethanel" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] # City [side] side=3 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} color=purple hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes type=Aragwaith Slayer id=Lord Durstrang name= _ "Lord Durstrang" #profile="portraits/humans/marshal-2.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] # Arnesius [side] side=4 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} no_leader=yes color=black hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Torancyn [side] side=5 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} no_leader=yes color=orange hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Valen [side] side=6 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} no_leader=yes color=teal hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 3} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 4} [label] x,y=33,4 text= _ "Arphalad" [/label] [label] x,y=29,9 text= _ "River Lorin" [/label] [label] x,y=17,26 text= _ "Lake Wylven" [/label] [label] x,y=13,16 text= _ "Adavyan’s Keep" [/label] [label] x,y=5,11 text= _ "Danaerad" [/label] [label] x,y=23,6 text= _ "Tower of Silence" [/label] {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/leanto.png 5 5} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/temple1.png 10 7} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 18 17} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 18 8} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 10 8} {PLACE_IMAGE items/archery-target-right.png 3 10} {PLACE_IMAGE items/archery-target-right.png 13 14} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/temple1.png" 30 1} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 37 4} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale2.png" 35 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/grain-sheaf.png" 38 30} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 31 34} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 39 22} #define UIR_HIGH _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef #define UIR_LOW _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT 3 ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN} # wmllint: recognize Allyna {RECALL_ALLYNA} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 26 22} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 22 24} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 29 16} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 29 12} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 19 28} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 14 29} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 4 29} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 4 26} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Guard) 2 23} {FACING sw} {UIR_HIGH (Aragwaith Guardian) 2 17} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Guard) 1 10} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 2 2} {FACING nw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Guard) 9 3} {FACING nw} {UIR_HIGH (Aragwaith Shield Guard) 17 3} {FACING ne} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 19 4} {FACING ne} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Pikeman) 27 7} {FACING ne} {UIR_HIGH (Aragwaith Strongbow) 17 12} {FACING se} {UIR_HIGH (Aragwaith Guardian) 19 15} {FACING nw} {UIR_HIGH (Aragwaith Captain) 13 23} {FACING sw} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Guard) 27 1} {FACING ne} {UIR_LOW (Aragwaith Guard) 28 2} {FACING ne} {UIR_LOW (Ruffian) 20 6} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Peasant) 38 29} {FACING se} {UIR_LOW (Woodsman) 35 28} {FACING nw} # wmllint: recognize Valen [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_VALEN} canrecruit=yes side=6 x,y=22,11 facing=sw [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Torancyn [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_TORANCYN} canrecruit=yes side=5 x,y=6,12 facing=nw [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Arnesius [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ARNESIUS} canrecruit=yes side=4 x,y=13,8 facing=se [/unit] {NAMED_UNIT 3 (Aragwaith Pikeman) 32 31 Darren ( _ "Darren") ( upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=nw )} {NAMED_UNIT 3 (Aragwaith Pikeman) 24 25 Aethyncyn ( _ "Aethyncyn") ( upkeep=free random_traits=yes facing=se )} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] #undef UIR_LOW #undef UIR_HIGH [event] name=start [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Finally, the walls of Raelthyn! It’s a pity it’s too dark to see the glory of the capital city!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I have been here before. Now, let’s move." [/message] # wmlindent: start ignoring {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) (33,33,31,28) (32,31,30,29) } # wmlindent: stop ignoring [message] speaker=Lord Durstrang message= _ "Halt! Who goes there?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I’m a humble messenger from the small village of Suthwood in the Heart Forest. We came here to meet with the Grand Council." [/message] [message] speaker=Lord Durstrang message= _ "You and who else?" [/message] # wmlindent: start ignoring {MOVE_UNIT (id=Allyna) (33,33,31,30) (32,31,30,28) } {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (33,33,31,29) (32,31,30,29) } # wmlindent: stop ignoring [message] speaker=Lord Durstrang message= _ "Seize the traitor!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Traitor? Who?" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Aethyncyn) 28 28} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Darren) 30 29} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Exactly what in the world is going on here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Lord Durstrang message= _ "You, faerie, are accused of betraying the Alliance of the Peoples of the Far North, leading an elvish faction found to be collaborating with our enemies in times of war, and disclosing vital tactical information which jeopardizes the safety of the Aragwaith country and our allies." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Certainly, this must be some kind of misunderstanding... I would never shift my allegiances against what’s best for the free civilizations of Irdya!" [/message] # wmlindent: start ignoring {MOVE_UNIT (id=Torancyn) (10,17,22,22,25) (14,18,20,22,24) } # wmlindent: stop ignoring [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Imprisoning her will not be necessary. Allow her to come to the Grand Council." [/message] [message] speaker=Lord Durstrang message= _ "But, my lord..." [/message] # wmlindent: start ignoring {MOVE_UNIT (id=Arnesius) (14,14,16,16,17,17,22,22,24,24) (10,13,14,15,16,18,20,22,23,25) } {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valen) (23,23,25,25,27,27,22,22,25,25) (12,13,14,16,17,18,20,22,24,25) } # wmlindent: stop ignoring [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "A trial won’t be required either. She’s been framed by the enemy." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Elynia, we have been eagerly awaiting your return. It’s been a long time..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Lord Arnesius, it’s good to see you again. Something terrible has happened..." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Yes, yes... Valen has told us everything, and there’s more you need to know as well. Come with us." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My Lord, I— our messengers were promised an audience with the Council as well..." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "That will have to wait while we discuss some war matters, but since you have come from so far protecting her, you may also come and listen." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Very well, my lord." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=03_02_Revelations name= _ "Revelations" {MAP 03_02_Revelations.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=04_Shifting_Allegiances victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} #{STORYTXT_REVELATIONS} {INDOORS} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} facing=se [/side] # Arnesius [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} color=black {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Arnesius canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_ARNESIUS} facing=sw [/side] # Torancyn [side] side=3 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} color=orange {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Torancyn canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_TORANCYN} facing=sw [/side] # Valen [side] side=4 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} color=teal {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Valen canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_VALEN} facing=nw [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN} # wmllint: recognize Allyna {RECALL_ALLYNA} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "We’d like to start by apologizing for our actions, or more accurately, our lack thereof. Had we understood the importance of your mission to Zocthanol we’d have sent a whole fleet with you, and Galas’ demise could have surely been avoided." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I... I don’t think that would have made a great difference. The storm that caught us was a trap set up by our enemies." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "As soon as we got word of your plan to assault the Wesmere hive on your own, we sent a platoon in your aid, but their path was obstructed by those Shaxthal creatures, who took over the Bay of Glamdrol to the south-west." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "By the time the soldiers arrived, it was already too late. Not only did we not find you or the lich Mal Keshar, but the plains had completely disappeared." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "But... disappeared?" [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Everything vanished at the center of the explosion from which you escaped. The hive, the rocks, the clouds — everything had completely disappeared, according to the reports we got. The area surrounding the massive crater turned into a vast ashy desert devoid of any traces of life, artificial or otherwise. They also said the air itself had turned thin as in the tallest peaks of the Heart Mountains. We could only assume you had also been caught in the explosion and were destroyed along with the necromancer." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "With the ongoing war, we couldn’t spend much time or resources in searching for you, so we decided to seek assistance from a seer who could tell us what happened and why. That’s when we found Valen, who has been of great help to us this past year." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hold on..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That isn’t possible! A year? But— it has been— it has been less than a month!" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "For you, my lady, time only continued to flow after the point you reappeared in our country’s borders, but for us, time has gone by as usual. It’s been a little more than a year since the destruction of Wesmere." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "We suspect you were at the very center of the explosion, which may have caused an anomaly that brought you forward in time." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Actually, it may be my own fault. I used a teleportation spell I had just learned, without mastering it first, just as I felt as though my very existence had come to an end..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "But the entire place vanishing doesn’t make sense... How could that happen?" [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "There are many things we still haven’t learned about our enemies that are, perhaps, essential for putting an end to this war." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Where’s Kyara? And Horo? We sent them to you after securing the Chaos outpost in Wesmere!" [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "I fear we have never heard those names before." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Assuming they stumbled upon the same class and number of enemies as our men did, it’s very likely they didn’t make it." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "If you can provide me with more information, I may be able to find out what occurred to them, but it will take time." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "While Valen was trying to determine your whereabouts, new riots took place between the elves in the lands to the east. There are rumors of a certain rose-haired faerie allying herself with the leaders of the Chaos Empire, which is why you and your people have become rather unpopular amongst our peers." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "The elves are once again divided and fighting their own kinsmen on the eastern border of our country, but one of the factions is clearly at an advantage thanks to their alliance with the Empire. We suspect they may be planning to invade us next, taking advantage of the tight situation on the southern borders." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Furthermore, it is said a great explosion took place in Glamdrol a few days ago. We haven’t received any confirmation yet, but we fear it’s of a similar nature to the one which destroyed Wesmere. If that’s true, then we have just lost our largest western garrison." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I see..." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "It’s of utmost importance that the situation in the east is cleared up. The friendly elvish faction has asked us for aid, but as it is now we are unable to gather the complete Council to come to an agreement. We currently don’t have many men to spare, so it has been suggested that you could lead a militia in order to assist them, and hopefully discover the identity of this mysterious impersonator." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I think I’ve had enough experience with leading militiamen in the forests for my liking, and I highly doubt they could stand a chance against those demons and biomechanical creatures." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Eh?" [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "It was never our intention to send you alone with barely-trained fighters. Amongst your messengers was one of Mal Keshar’s very own disciples, a woman by the name of Zynara. She’s willing to assist by leading a new undead horde against our enemies for you." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "If you agree to help us, we will also make sure to keep you informed of any important events from the main battle front, sending you messages through Valen. You’ll also be able to communicate with us this way." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There’s a very important journal we retrieved from the Chaos capital, and Mal Keshar told me before his destruction that he passed it to Kyara, the desert elf, in case neither of us would make it back from the hive. It is my hope that she and Horo are still alive somewhere, or that at the very least they passed the journal to another trustworthy person. I will agree to lead the expedition on the condition that you also do your best to locate it." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "That’s a fair deal, although I would first like to know what this journal contains that makes it such a great priority for you, over your reputation and people." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Mal Keshar didn’t get a chance to talk with me about the contents of the journal besides the location of the hive, where the heart of Yechnagoth was supposedly stored. Before his destruction, he referred to “a greater cause, one that transcends the fate of Irdya” — I have a feeling that it’s about something he read in it. The journal was written by the Chaos Emperor himself, so the information within should be accurate and relevant for our purposes." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That is, assuming the heart of the colossal creature we destroyed in Wesmere was truly Yechnagoth’s." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "I’ll do whatever it takes to find out about that journal, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Very well, then. Tomorrow we’ll provide you with further instructions for your mission. We’ll talk with the messengers from Suthwood now." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_CONTINUE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=04_Shifting_Allegiances name= _ "Shifting Allegiances" {MAP 04_Shifting_Allegiances.map} {TURNS 28 27 26} next_scenario=05_The_Eastern_Front {D_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {STORYTXT_SHIFTING_ALLEGIANCES} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 190 180 175} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=rebels user_team_name= _ "team_name^Demons" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=black # wmllint: recognize Elorran {CHARACTER_STATS_ELORRAN} canrecruit=yes facing=sw {GOLD 135 120 110} recruit=Demon,Faerie Sprite,Animated Rock {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,mixed fighter,fighter,fighter,fighter,mixed fighter"} # # Ignore Elorran for attacking # {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} # # Become defensive on turn 3 # {AI_ASPECT "grouping" ( [facet] value="no" turns="1-2" [/facet] [facet] value="defensive" turns="3-100" [/facet] )} [/ai] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Rayblade,Shaxthal Razorbird {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} # # This one is farther away from Elorran, so it can be allowed # to be fully aggressive. # {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,scout,mixed fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Rayblade {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=brightgreen hidden=yes no_leader=yes controller=null {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no } {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:WILD_GHOSTS_SIDE 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 8} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 10} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (id=Elorran) 0 ()} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 7 22} # wmllint: recognize Allyna {RECALL_ALLYNA_AT_LOCATION 7 21} # wmllint: recognize Zynara {RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION 5 21} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Allyna) experience 0} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Zynara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {ZYNARA_UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT_NOTES} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [hide_unit] id=Elorran [/hide_unit] [unit] side=2 type=Elvish Marksman gender=female x,y=12,16 hitpoints,max_hitpoints=1,1 moves,max_moves=0,0 experience,max_experience=0,0 facing=se [status] petrified=yes [/status] [/unit] [unit] side=2 type=Elvish Marksman gender=male x,y=16,17 hitpoints,max_hitpoints=1,1 moves,max_moves=0,0 experience,max_experience=0,0 facing=sw [status] petrified=yes [/status] [/unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] # wmllint: recognize Anya # wmllint: recognize Tara #define SA_HIDE_ANYA_AND_TARA [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [or] id=Tara [/or] [/filter] kill=yes variable=anya_tara_store [/store_unit] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define SA_RESTORE_ANYA_AND_TARA [store_locations] [filter] id=Elorran [/filter] variable=elorran_loc [/store_locations] [foreach] array=anya_tara_store [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=yes x,y=$elorran_loc.x,$elorran_loc.y [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_tara_store,elorran_loc} #enddef [event] name=start [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’s really been a long trip. Are we there yet?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No, but we should reach Dalbloom in the middle of the night if we keep our pace and don’t stop to rest." [/message] [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "Ah, if you only knew how to use the Ruby’s power to its full extent, we could have avoided all this." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Right. But—" [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(disconcerted)</i> You can’t possibly know about the Ruby of Fire! Who are you?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Allyna) sw} [message] speaker=Allyna message= _ "I’m sorry for lying to you. I really like you, but... I needed you to come here." [/message] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "the_dangerous_symphony.ogg"} {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM id=Allyna} [store_unit] [filter] id=Allyna [/filter] variable=allyna_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [unit] # NOTE: Her experience and HP are not preserved. This is intentional. {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} x,y=$allyna_store.x,$allyna_store.y facing=$allyna_store.facing side=2 [/unit] {NO_UPKEEP} {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM id=Anya} {CLEAR_VARIABLE allyna_store} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "An impostor!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No, I simply needed to disguise myself as a helpless human girl so I’d be allowed to travel with you and guide you to this place." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store [/store_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="FL(horiz)" [/effect] [/object] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 9 20} {VARIABLE anya_store.facing sw} [unstore_unit] # Undo image_mod effect. variable=anya_store find_vacant=no x,y=9,20 [/unstore_unit] #define SA_STATUE_SHAPESHIFT _X _Y _WML [scroll_to] x={_X} y={_Y} [/scroll_to] {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM ( x={_X} y={_Y} )} [store_unit] [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] kill=yes variable=statue_store mode=replace [/store_unit] [unit] x=$statue_store.x y=$statue_store.y facing=$statue_store.facing side=2 random_traits,random_gender,generate_name=no,no,no {_WML} [/unit] {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM ( x=$statue_store.x y=$statue_store.y )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE statue_store} #enddef {SA_STATUE_SHAPESHIFT 12 16 (type=Rock Golem)} {SA_STATUE_SHAPESHIFT 16 17 (type=Rock Golem)} #undef SA_STATUE_SHAPESHIFT [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elorran) sw} [unhide_unit] id=Elorran [/unhide_unit] [teleport] [filter] id=Elorran [/filter] x,y=10,20 [/teleport] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elorran [/filter] flag=post_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_TARA} side=2 x,y=9,19 facing=sw upkeep=loyal {IS_LOYAL} [/hidden_unit] [unhide_unit] id=Tara [/unhide_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Tara [/filter] flag=post_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "The Lady of Light." [/message] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "It is an honor to meet you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What do you want from us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "We just want your staff, or to be more specific, the gem decorating its top: the Ruby of Fire." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You already tried this once and didn’t succeed; what makes you think this time will be any different?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "Actually... I presume you speak of someone else?" [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, we are wasting precious time here! Let us purge the Northlands of this blight!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The power of the Ruby of Fire is too great and too evil for it to fall into the wrong hands. You fiends shall not obtain it as long as I live!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "So be it, then. I was hoping to achieve something with a more civilized approach, but I guess diplomacy has become a thing of the past on this world as well." [/message] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] #define SA_TELEPORT_BACK _ID _X _Y [animate_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [teleport] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [/teleport] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef {SA_TELEPORT_BACK Elorran $location.x $location.y} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I’m truly sorry. It wasn’t my intention for things to come to this." [/message] {SA_TELEPORT_BACK Tara $location.x $location.y} {SA_TELEPORT_BACK Anya $location.x $location.y} #undef SA_TELEPORT_BACK {SA_HIDE_ANYA_AND_TARA} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What... was that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m not sure. There’s something very... unusual about these demons, aside from the fact that there are two faerie beings allied with them." [/message] {VARIABLE player_ghost_limit {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:LIMIT}} {VARIABLE sep "• "} [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Ghost,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Walking Corpse [/allow_recruit] [transient_message] image="units/undead/wraith-s-attack-3.png~RC(magenta>red)" message= _ "You can now recruit undead units. However, because Zynara is not as powerful as Mal Keshar, her abilities have certain restrictions:"+" $sep|"+_"You cannot recruit Vampire Bats."+" $sep|"+_"Zynara can only control up to <b>$player_ghost_limit</b> units from the <b>Ghost</b> unit line at a time."+" $sep|"+_"If you attempt to recruit an additional Ghost, you will <b>permanently</b> lose control of a random Ghost line unit and become unable to recruit—but not recall—more for the remainder of the scenario."+" $sep|"+_"Ghost line units in your recall list also count towards the limit." [/transient_message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE player_ghost_limit,sep} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Did you all hear that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That’s the sound of bad news — Shaxthal creatures are approaching." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [store_starting_location] side=4 [/store_starting_location] [move_unit_fake] type=Shaxthal War Drone side=4 x=54,$location.x y=22,$location.y [/move_unit_fake] [unit] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal War Drone side=4 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 4 $location.x $location.y 7} [redraw][/redraw] [modify_side] side=4 hidden=no {GOLD 180 200 220} {INCOME 2 3 4} [/modify_side] [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] [move_unit_fake] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone variation=surface side=3 x=40,$location.x y=26,$location.y [/move_unit_fake] [unit] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone variation=surface side=3 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 3 $location.x $location.y 7} [redraw][/redraw] [modify_side] side=3 hidden=no {GOLD 160 180 200} {INCOME 2 3 4} [/modify_side] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "They have arrived!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "Curse Uria! They have found us!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 5 {SA_RESTORE_ANYA_AND_TARA} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Those metallic beasts don’t seem interested in us as much as they are interested in our foes, but why?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "Lady of Light, I’d like to call a truce. These creatures are our enemies too, and we don’t really want to get involved in a slaughter." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Why should my side accede? Don’t you all work for Uria?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We don’t! We are struggling <i>against</i> her!" [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, those demons cannot be trusted! They must be staging a trap, posing as enemies of Uria!" [/message] [role] role=doubtful faerie side=1 race=faerie [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/role] [role] role=suspecting human side=1 race=human [not] id=Zynara [/not] [not] id=Durvan [/not] [/role] [if] [have_unit] role=doubtful faerie [/have_unit] [have_unit] role=suspecting human [/have_unit] [then] [message] role=doubtful faerie message= _ "I don’t know, they do seem to have a few of us amongst them. I am fairly sure our kind wouldn’t ally with demons without a very good reason." [/message] [message] role=suspecting human message= _ "And what if that reason is destroying us? Your kind can’t be trusted!" [/message] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore # po: This line corresponds to Elynia's thoughts. message="<i>"+_"What would Galas and Anlindë have done in this situation?"+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, you must decide now!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let us cooperate with these strange demons and repel the Shaxthal incursion before they infest the countryside. We’ll decide what to do about them later." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "This is ridiculous! My master must have overestimated your ability to command!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Your master would have been destroyed if Galas and Anlindë hadn’t been at the command of the elvish troops. They gave him a chance to redeem himself. If it weren’t for that, none of us would be here today discussing this." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Very well, let’s do this!" [/message] [modify_side] side=2 team_name=good [/modify_side] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Repel the Shaxthal incursion")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Zynara")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elorran")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {ZYNARA_UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT_NOTES} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {SA_HIDE_ANYA_AND_TARA} [/event] {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elorran) ( [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "My people! Now that Uria knows we are plotting against her, they are doomed without my guidance!" [/message] ) ()} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/signpost.png" 32 10} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x,y=32,10 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" message= _ "Fort Dalbloom" [/message] [/event] {AMBER_WARD 41 23} [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory {SA_RESTORE_ANYA_AND_TARA} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Yes! We did it! We did it together!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Am I right in assuming that the village of Dalbloom doesn’t truly exist anymore, and it’s just the name of an ancient stronghold from the times before the Fall?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "That’s right. We needed you to come here, away from the Alliance’s troops, and away from the Chaos forces. Or at least, we <i>thought</i> they would not be roaming around these parts. It’s alarming that their war beasts have come this far within the human country." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC weight_of_revenge.ogg} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "May I know why you believe acquiring the Ruby of Fire will do good to your cause, whatever it is?" [/message] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "My lady, Elorran is one of the few demon lords who refused to heed Uria’s call to war against the good peoples of Irdya. He came to me seeking support for his mission. Our intention was to contact you and destroy that artifact you hold." [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "According to what Anya heard, you set foot in the Kalari stronghold once, and confronted the Iron Council. You know well by now that the Ruby isn’t a mere piece of magic jewelry, but you may still be unaware of the full extent of its power. Long ago, a group of human sorcerers created it and killed Irdya’s Gatekeeper, the creature that was charged with the task of guarding the entrance to Inferno. That disaster and the unexplained disappearance of Inferno’s very own Gatekeeper on the other side eventually brought this world to Uria’s attention." [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "The many Gatekeepers were created from the ancient Guardian of Secrets, Uria’s sister. They were assigned to different locations to protect them from external interference, preventing anything from entering or leaving Inferno. Uria has figured this out, and she wants the Ruby of Fire to create a path to allow her to enter and invade a world much like yours, called Ethea. We do not know yet what her motives are — there may be something there which she could use against the few remaining gods who may oppose her." [/message] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "To that end she is using Irdya to test her forces and breed a massive army of biomechanical creatures for use against those who will defend Ethea." [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "Although some of us think the right being <i>could</i> use the power of the Ruby to destroy or incapacitate Uria, nobody wants to run the risk and unwittingly deliver the artifact to her by failing in such a suicidal mission. Hence we want to destroy it." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We really need your help..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The Ruby of Fire— this staff, originally owned by my master, the Great Sorceress Niryone... it belongs to me. I have sacrificed much keeping it away from those who could threaten the future of the peoples of Irdya. Surely we can thwart Uria’s plans in a different way." [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "We aren’t the only group that has stood against her rule, but we are one of the few to survive to this day. We’ve seen her real power, and only the wielder of the Union could possibly stand a chance against her — if only that power hadn’t fallen into her hands following your short incursion into her territory." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What do you mean— she cannot use that power, right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Not yet..." [/message] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "What she expects to find on Ethea may be another artifact that could enable her to wield the Union." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m not convinced destroying the Ruby is the solution. What if there’s an equivalent somewhere else on Irdya, or on another world?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "That’s a risk we’ll have to take. As things stand right now, Uria <i>is</i> more likely to obtain the Ruby than any other alternative in order to accelerate her plans." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The elves... the people whom I swore to protect ages ago need me at this very moment. Let me use the power of the Ruby once more, and then we’ll make sure it will never be used again." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "My lord, we won’t be able to convince her to do otherwise." [/message] [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> Your tenacity has not gone unnoticed, Lady of Light. Uria knows you are a formidable enemy, albeit notably foolish at times. Do what you feel is right, and then come back to us as soon as you may so we can put an end to her plans together. Anya will go with you; her necklace will allow you to find us, no matter the distance or the time." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I will... go with her? Yes! I mean... if that’s not a problem." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We are heading towards a war zone and we welcome the support of every man or woman who can wield a weapon, cast a spell, or tend to the injured. However, I am... unsure about allowing a young girl like Anya to accompany us." [/message] [message] speaker=Tara message= _ "You might underestimate her now because making use of her magic before would have blown her cover, but I assure you, she is an excellent spellcaster under the right circumstances." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Don’t say that! It’s rather embarrassing..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Very well, Lord Elorran. I swear I will do my best to keep the Ruby away from our enemies." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Dealing with demons... (<i>sigh</i>) This can’t end well..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I would like to keep our pact a secret between us. Even if the Grand Council understood, there seems to be a fair chance they could fall and provide Uria’s henchmen with information about our plans. No-one should speak of this." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Understood, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Understood..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Well, let’s continue onwards. Hopefully we won’t come across any more interruptions." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store [/store_unit] [set_variables] mode=merge name=anya_store [literal] side=1 {IS_HERO} [/literal] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elorran message= _ "There is an army of hostile elves approaching... Things would have worked out much better if this Lady of Light had not turned out to be such a dreadful disappointment as a leader and a tactician." [/message] [/event] #undef SA_HIDE_ANYA_AND_TARA #undef SA_RESTORE_ANYA_AND_TARA [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=05_The_Eastern_Front name= _ "The Eastern Front" {MAP 05_The_Eastern_Front.map} {TURNS 32 30 28} next_scenario=05_The_Eastern_Front_cutscene {D_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_THE_EASTERN_FRONT} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 250 250 240} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Elvish Archer,Shaxthal Rayblade,Elvish Scout,Elvish Acolyte,Elvish Shaman {GOLD 180 200 220} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,archer,healer,fighter,mixed fighter,scout,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Elvish Mystic id=Telan name= _ "Telan" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Elvish Archer,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Scout,Elvish Shaman {GOLD 170 180 190} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] # Don't let the leader go scouting for villages. {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "healer,fighter,fighter,archer,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Elvish Outrider id=Ethanin-Adrael name= _ "Ethanin-Adrael" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Elvish Archer,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Shaman,Elvish Acolyte {GOLD 190 200 210} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,fighter,healer,mixed fighter,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes gender=female type=Elvish Avenger id=Unidë name= _ "Unidë" facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {ELVISH_FLAG} color=teal no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=brightgreen hidden=yes no_leader=yes controller=null {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no } {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:WILD_GHOSTS_SIDE 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 7} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 8} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 19 19} # wmllint: recognize Zynara {RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION 16 20} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Zynara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {ZYNARA_UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT_NOTES} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 19 24} [store_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] variable=durvan_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {VARIABLE durvan_store.facing nw} {VARIABLE anya_has_regenerated no} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "There are so many different flowers in this field! It’s beautiful!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed it is." [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$durvan_store.type x=22,20,20,19 y=26,25,24,24 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=durvan_store find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE durvan_store} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My lady, there are encampments ahead, apparently occupied by elves! This doesn’t look right!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=42,35 [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=44,12 [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=8,4 [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Certainly not — they shouldn’t be this close to Aragwaithi territory, so I presume they belong to the hostile faction. Everyone prepare for battle, and let’s hope for the best." [/message] [/event] {BOW_OF_KRYSVELEN 34 24} [event] name=side 2 turn 1 refresh [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "May the Lords of Light protect us..." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=8,4 [/scroll_to] [message] scroll=no speaker=Anya message= _ "They have assembled an army!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=42,35 [/scroll_to] [message] scroll=no speaker=Zynara message= _ "Not just that, but they also have support from the metallic creatures of Uria!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=44,12 [/scroll_to] [message] scroll=no speaker=Anya message= _ "My lady, what do you suggest we do?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I wish we could just entirely avoid casualties, but that’s not going to happen." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 2 end [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I fear for the fate of the elves who sent that call for help to the Council..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Telan [/filter] [message] speaker=Telan message= _ "Who is it that dares defy the power of the Lady of Light?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You, I presume. I am the only Lady of Light that there is on Irdya, and you have been deceived into fighting against me and the Grand Council of the Northern Peoples in favor of a dark cause, one that betrays the memory of our civilization and our leaders." [/message] [message] speaker=Telan message= _ "You are nothing but a blatant impostor working for the human bastards — a dirty, treacherous impostor!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Take her back to the encampment! I need to ask a few questions..." [/message] [message] speaker=Telan message= _ "I refuse to answer to the likes of you!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 fire_event=yes animate=yes [/kill] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "The traitors... they have slain me..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Those elves who willingly choose to support the forces that seek to destroy our world don’t deserve to live." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "(<i>mumbling</i>) That seems rather hypocritical coming from you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I can hear you, Zynara." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Ethanin-Adrael [/filter] [message] speaker=Ethanin-Adrael message= _ "I shall not fall today!" [/message] [message] x,y=$x2,$y2 [and] race=human [or] race=faerie [/or] [/and] [or] id=Anya [/or] message= _ "He’s escaping!" [/message] [sound] name=horse-elf-canter.wav [/sound] [hide_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/hide_unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$unit.type side=$unit.side x=$x1,45,46,47,48 y=$y1,13,12,13,13 [/move_unit_fake] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 animate=no fire_event=yes [/kill] [/event] # # The following three events are involved in the logic for # triggering a dialog sequence in which Elynia discusses Anya's # regeneration ability. # [event] # Triggers before units heal name=side 1 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_regenerated no} [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_state_old kill=no [/store_unit] [/event] [event] # Triggers after units heal name=side 1 turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_regenerated no} [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_state_new kill=no [/store_unit] {VARIABLE anya_hp_diff "$($anya_state_new.hitpoints - $anya_state_old.hitpoints)"} # # We discuss her regeneration ability when she actually gets to use it in battle. # Determining exactly when that occurs is rather convoluted, to say the least, # since we must account for several gameplay factors. # # For this reason we use a simpler logic here. If she has healed more than 2 HP # or cured her own poision between turn start and turn refresh, and there are no # adjacent healers or she isn't stationed in a village, she can only have made # use of her regenerates ability. # [if] # Not in a healing terrain or adjacent to a healer (which can only be villages and # Elynia in this scenario, respectively) [not] [have_unit] id=Anya [and] [filter_adjacent] id=Elynia [/filter_adjacent] [or] [filter_location] terrain=*^V* [/filter_location] [/or] [/and] [/have_unit] [/not] [and] # Poisoned status changed {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS anya_state_new.status.poisoned $anya_state_old.status.poisoned} [or] # Effective HP increased by more than the rest healing amount # with no leveling up or advancements involved {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN anya_hp_diff 2} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS anya_state_new.max_hitpoints $anya_state_old.max_hitpoints} [/or] [/and] [then] [fire_event] name=anya regeneration speak [/fire_event] # Prevent this from running again {VARIABLE anya_has_regenerated yes} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_state_old,anya_state_new,anya_hp_diff} [/event] [event] # The actual dialog sequence, provided stand-alone for clarity. name=anya regeneration speak [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How do you do that, girl?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Do what?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You seem able to heal your own wounds without any effort. I haven’t heard of other faeries of the deep forest having that power." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ah. Well, I have had this ability for as long as I can remember." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [store_locations] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_loc [/store_locations] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This conflict didn’t begin just now. When Galas and I last visited the northern country, a civil war was already raging due to Inodien’s death. The rumors pointed at the Iron Council’s intrusion in our lands and affairs, but we didn’t have the opportunity to confirm anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Ah, the struggle that resulted in the banishment of the elves from the country. I remember that." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Much elvish blood has been shed today. I swear that whoever is behind this shall pay with their own life — no matter what it takes." [/message] [set_variables] name=unarye_path mode=replace [literal] muf_x=26,26 muf_y= 1, 2 x=25 y= 3 facing=sw [/literal] [/set_variables] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_IN_RANGE elynia_loc.x 1 25} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_IN_RANGE elynia_loc.y 1 14} [then] # Use the default path [/then] [else] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_IN_RANGE elynia_loc.x 26 48} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_IN_RANGE elynia_loc.y 1 22} [then] [set_variables] name=unarye_path mode=replace [literal] muf_x=48,47 muf_y=19,19 x=46 y=19 facing=nw [/literal] [/set_variables] [/then] [else] [set_variables] name=unarye_path mode=replace [literal] muf_x= 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 muf_y=32,32,31,32,31 x= 7 y=31 facing=ne [/literal] [/set_variables] [/else] [/if] [/else] [/if] [move_unit_fake] side=5 type=Elvish Avatar x=$unarye_path.muf_x,$unarye_path.x y=$unarye_path.muf_y,$unarye_path.y [/move_unit_fake] # wmllint: recognize Unarye [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} canrecruit=yes side=5 x,y=$unarye_path.x,$unarye_path.y facing=$unarye_path.facing [/unit] {LOYAL_UNIT 5 (Elvish Hero) $unarye_path.x $unarye_path.y} [+unit] facing=$unarye_path.facing [/unit] {LOYAL_UNIT 5 (Elvish Marksman) $unarye_path.x $unarye_path.y} [+unit] facing=$unarye_path.facing [/unit] {LOYAL_UNIT 5 (Elvish Druid) $unarye_path.x $unarye_path.y} [+unit] facing=$unarye_path.facing [/unit] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Elynia! I’m so glad to see you again after so long..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Unarye, what happened? We were heading towards the eastern forest to meet with you when we stumbled upon this incursion. How could our enemies advance this far?" [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Indeed we owe you a few explanations, and I apologize for being unable to arrive earlier, but our forces have been severely weakened. Come with me, and I’ll explain all." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My lady, do you know this elf?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "She is one of Galas’ friends, Unarye, and she’s been collaborating with the Grand Council ever since we left to infiltrate the Empire. I know she can be trusted. Now, let’s go." [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unarye_path,elynia_loc,anya_state_old,anya_state_new,anya_hp_diff,anya_has_regenerated} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My lady, I’ve just heard rumors that the elves are already advancing towards Raelthyn." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That explains why they haven’t crushed us yet despite our poor performance. This was a foolish move. It’s best that we fall back to aid in the defense of the central region, quickly." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=05_The_Eastern_Front_cutscene name= _ "The Plan" {MAP 05_The_Eastern_Front_cutscene.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=06_The_Voyage_Home victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_THE_PLAN} {AFTERNOON1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {ELVISH_FLAG} color=teal hidden=yes {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 # wmllint: recognize Unarye {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} canrecruit=yes facing=sw {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 14 3} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 17 5} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Captain) 18 6} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING s} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 18 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 8 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 11 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Ascetic) 12 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Archer) 12 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Archer) 11 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Rider) 7 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Fighter) 6 5} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Hunter) 6 6} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Shaman) 16 2} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Elvish Druid) 8 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING s} [unit] type=Elvish Lord id=Lord Ardamién name= _ "Lord Ardamién" x,y=13,8 upkeep=free facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Elvish Shyde id=Miryath name= _ "Miryath" profile="portraits/elves/shyde.png~FL(horiz)~RIGHT()" x,y=13,6 upkeep=free facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 2} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 11 8} # wmllint: recognize Zynara {RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION 11 6} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 10 7} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Anya,Durvan) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia,Zynara) se} [store_unit] [filter] id=Unarye [/filter] variable=unarye_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Everyone here is restless, and the elvish leader is nowhere to be seen..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ah, here she comes!" [/message] [move_unit_fake] x=15,15,14,$unarye_store.x y= 9, 8, 7,$unarye_store.y type=$unarye_store.type side=$unarye_store.side [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=unarye_store find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "I apologize once again for keeping you all waiting." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s no problem, really." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "The reason we moved out of the way to the Aragwaith country is that we originally thought our fallen kin would chase us and leave the humans alone. As we all just saw, of course, we were mistaken. Our own people have managed to retrieve some valuable information from the enemy settlements, though. Listen carefully..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We are listening, my friend." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "The impostor who calls herself the Lady of Light has amassed a varied army of elves, humans, barbarians and Shaxthal creatures, apparently as part of a plan to reorganize the Chaos forces and strike the human country from the east while keeping their troops busy in the west. Not only have they gotten support from Inodien’s successors, but they have also made contact with elvish and human barbarians from lands farther to the east — peoples whose existence was unknown to us thus far." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Their base of operations is said to be located in Telchior’s Hold in the Valley of Elynia — the very place whence we fled under Galas’ command following the Chaos invasion. Something deeply wrong must have occurred there after our departure. As I recall, the last time we met you mentioned that Lord Lédinor was possessed by Uria." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That’s correct, indeed." [/message] [message] speaker=Lord Ardamién message= _ "The information we have could be a fabrication intended to mislead us into thinking the valley has some relevance in the greater scheme of things, but it’s not possible to disregard the danger this foul new alliance poses. If the northern lands fall now, the Chaos Empire will have won the war even without their Emperor or capital." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "We are in the middle of restructuring our forces to protect the eastern front for as long as we can, even if the Grand Council isn’t available to coordinate efforts with us." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Elynia, you lead many capable warriors and you have the support of the undead. If you could infiltrate the valley in the meantime and vanquish the impostor, we could put an end to the war on this front." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "But... I know nothing of the valley other than that it lies in the middle of the desert — fighting in such an environment could be disastrous!" [/message] [message] speaker=Miryath message= _ "The impersonator is a coward and she isn’t going to lead her minions on the front line. If anything can be done about her, it’ll have to be at her base." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "You are a powerful warrior and you have more experience in these matters than any of us present. You helped Galas and Mal Keshar infiltrate the Chaos Empire before. I’m sure you will be successful in this task." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Very well. We’ll travel to your old home to purge this plague and strike down the false Lady of Light." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Thank you, Elynia — thank you all. I’m sure that under your command the mission will be a success. Now, I must go to discuss our plans with our field commanders." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Unarye [/filter] variable=unarye_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] x=$unarye_store.x,14,15,15 y=$unarye_store.y, 7, 8, 9 type=$unarye_store.type side=$unarye_store.side [/move_unit_fake] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Anya message={ASIDE ( _ "But, my lady, the Ruby! What if it’s a trap?")} [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message={ASIDE ( _ "We’ll have to deal with the trap if that’s the case. This is more important!")} [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message={ASIDE ( _ "But Elorran is waiting for us!")} [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message={ASIDE ( _ "Please inform him of our next mission and convince him to be patient.")} [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message={ASIDE ( _ "... Very well, then...")} [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unarye_store} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {ENDLEVEL_CONTINUE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=06_The_Voyage_Home name= _ "The Voyage Home" {MAP 06_The_Voyage_Home.map} {TURNS 40 38 36} next_scenario=07_Proximus {D_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {STORYTXT_THE_VOYAGE_HOME} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 220 210 200} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=desert user_team_name= _ "team_name^Orcs" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Orcish Archer,Wolf Rider,Orcish Grunt {GOLD 150 160 170} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,fighter,archer,scout,archer,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Orcish Warlord id=Pigork name= _ "Pigork" profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-6.png" facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=desert user_team_name= _ "team_name^Orcs" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Goblin Spearman,Wolf Rider,Orcish Archer,Orcish Assassin {GOLD 140 160 180} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,scout,fighter,archer,scout,archer,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Orcish Slayer id=Bratar name= _ "Bratar" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [unit] type=Goblin Rouser id=Vultraz name= _ "Vultraz" x,y=47,31 facing=se profile="portraits/goblins/rouser-2.png" ai_special=guardian [modifications] {TRAIT_DIM} {TRAIT_SLOW} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Goblin Impaler id=Gargaz name= _ "Gargaz" x,y=57,31 facing=ne ai_special=guardian [modifications] {TRAIT_WEAK} {TRAIT_DIM} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=desert user_team_name= _ "team_name^Desert Creatures" hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=desert user_team_name= _ "team_name^Desert Spirits" hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no } {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} [/ai] [/side] {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:WILD_GHOSTS_SIDE 5} [label] x,y=4,41 # wmllint: local spelling Boombadil text= _ "Mount Boombadil" [/label] [label] x,y=52,30 text= _ "Fort Gralseth" [/label] {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png~FL(horiz)" 49 6} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bonestack.png" 51 39} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bonestack.png" 49 45} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bonestack.png" 41 43} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bonestack.png" 55 29} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bonestack.png" 47 29} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png" 50 21} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png" 38 12} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/burial.png~FL(horiz)" 40 16} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 50 27} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 52 42} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 49 39} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} #define TVH_SOUL _RESPAWN_TURNS _X _Y {TIMED_SPAWNER ({_RESPAWN_TURNS}) ( type=Errant Soul ai_special=guardian ) 5 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef {TVH_SOUL 9 22 15} {TVH_SOUL 6 21 16} {TVH_SOUL 10 21 15} {TVH_SOUL 6 40 4} {TVH_SOUL 10 35 2} {TVH_SOUL 8 22 15} {TVH_SOUL 8 48 18} {TVH_SOUL 15 48 25} # west side of the river {TVH_SOUL 6 6 30} {TVH_SOUL 6 7 35} {TVH_SOUL 6 17 32} {TVH_SOUL 6 19 38} {TVH_SOUL 6 16 40} {TVH_SOUL 6 29 42} {TVH_SOUL 6 27 43} {TVH_SOUL 6 2 21} {TVH_SOUL 6 1 22} {TVH_SOUL 6 19 18} {TVH_SOUL 6 22 24} #undef TVH_SOUL {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 8} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 10} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 3 7} # wmllint: recognize Zynara {RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION 4 5} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 4 7} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Secure the orcish settlement to the southeast by defeating all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Zynara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {ZYNARA_UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT_NOTES} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [hide_unit] type=Errant Soul [/hide_unit] [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "The desert... I never thought I’d have to see it again." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ugh. I feel unwell in these dry and bright lands." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It can’t be helped. Dark faeries are frail creatures that revel in the shadows of the greatest and densest forests. Really, the desert is no place for you. I am sorry for dragging you along." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh, my lady, don’t worry about me. I just need some time to adapt to this environment, that is all." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "My lady, if you’ll allow me to complain... we can’t just march across the desert without stopping to rest!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=52,30 [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [message] scroll=no speaker=Elynia message= _ "The scouts reported the presence of orcs bearing the Chaos banner in a settlement ahead to the southeast, in the Gralseth region. Stopping to rest here would be very risky with those fools around, but perhaps we could secure their settlement and replenish our supplies." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Excellent!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "A word of caution, though. Ever since the Fall, the many victims of the disasters which devastated Irdya have been endlessly wandering across lands like this, preying on the souls of the living." [/message] [unhide_unit] x,y=48,18 [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=48,18 [/scroll_to] # Oops, I forgot to implement a way to select nothing! #[select_unit] # x,y=48,18 #[/select_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [message] scroll=no speaker=Elynia message= _ "They are particularly weak by themselves and our arcane fire should be enough to banish them from our world. However, our less experienced fighters should not take their chances fighting them alone." [/message] # FIXME: not implemented yet, see above. #[unselect_unit] #[/unselect_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Understood, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Time to get moving." [/message] [unhide_unit] type=Errant Soul [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] type=Errant Soul [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter_second_attack] type=arcane [/filter_second_attack] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [not] race=undead [/not] [not] id=Zynara [/not] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=second_unit message= _ "I banish you from this world! Go now to your deserved rest!" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Begone, wandering spirit!" [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=no [filter] type=Errant Soul [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter_second_attack] type=arcane [/filter_second_attack] # # Bypass the die event defined by the SPAWN_CONTROLLER macro. # [floating_text] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] text="<span color='red'>"+_"banished"+"</span>" # wmllint: ignore [/floating_text] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya [filter_location] terrain=W* [/filter_location] [/filter] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ahhhh... There’s no feeling like putting my feet under refreshing, flowing water... I miss the northern forests..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Where do you come from, anyway? You couldn’t have spent your whole life traveling with Elorran and Tara." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh... Of course not. It’s just... it’s complicated." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If you don’t feel like telling me more about yourself right now, I can understand — I’m just curious, that’s all." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 [message] speaker=Bratar message= _ "Chief! The faerie! The faerie and her pets are approaching from the northwest!" [/message] [message] speaker=Pigork # po: "Necromancer" should be translated in a gender neutral fashion # po: if possible to keep their identity ambiguous (there are two # po: necromancers in the Iron Council, one is female (Mal Kendria) # po: and the other is male (Mal Hekuba). message= _ "Ah, just as the necromancer told us. Excellent news. More meat for our wolves!" [/message] [message] speaker=Vultraz # wmllint: local spelling Er message= _ "Yes, more meat for our pigs! Er— I mean wolves!" [/message] [message] speaker=Pigork message= _ "SHUT UP, you disgusting INSECT!" [/message] [/event] #define TVH_SAND_STORM _START_TURN _END_TURN [event] name=turn {_START_TURN} [modify_side] side=1 fog=yes [/modify_side] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=-10,-10,-40 [/color_adjust] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] [event] name=turn {_END_TURN} [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=0,0,0 [/color_adjust] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] #enddef {TVH_SAND_STORM 4 8} # afternoon1 till morning2 {TVH_SAND_STORM 20 22} # dusk1 till dawn2 {TVH_SAND_STORM 31 35} # dawn1 till dusk1 #undef TVH_SAND_STORM [event] name=turn 4 [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "A sandstorm! We won’t be able to continue marching like this!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This small inconvenience shall not stop us! Onwards!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 5 [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "My lady, are you sure this is a good plan?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s better than tarrying here for too long, so it’s good enough for me!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Vultraz [/filter] [message] speaker=Vultraz # wmllint: local spelling Eaaaagh message= _ "Eaaaagh..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Gargaz [/filter] [message] speaker=Gargaz message= _ "Argh! No!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Bratar [/filter] [message] speaker=Bratar # po: "Send our messenger back to the valley, immediately!" message= _ "They are more than we expected! Send our messenger back to—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Bratar [/filter] [move_unit_fake] side=3 type=Direwolf Rider x=54,60 y=34,37 [/move_unit_fake] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Blast it! Their messenger escaped!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Pigork [/filter] [message] speaker=Pigork message= _ "... useless... insects..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I wasn’t counting on that messenger and his swift mount. Regardless, our presence here was both predicted and awaited — this decidedly spells bad news." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But I told you so!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I <i>did</i> expect a trap from the very beginning too, girl. We— I have been in situations like this before..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message={ASIDE ( _ "But this time I won’t let them succeed.")} [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Valen just informed me that the impostor’s forces are advancing towards Raelthyn. That can only mean Unarye and her troops fell in battle. This is hopeless." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07_Proximus name= _ "Proximus" {MAP 07_Proximus.map} {TURNS 28 26 24} next_scenario=08_And_then_there_was_Chaos {E_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_PROXIMUS} {LONGDARK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {DAWN1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {DUSK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} {SHORTDARK} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT_SHORT} {DAWN2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {DUSK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" fog=yes {GOLD 200 190 180} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define P_TARGETS [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=50.0 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Anya [/criteria] value=25.0 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Durvan [/criteria] value=25.0 [/goal] #enddef [side] side=2 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Northern Defense Line" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Walking Corpse,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Ghoul,Ghost {GOLD 175 190 220} no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {P_TARGETS} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Northern Defense Line" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Walking Corpse,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Vampire Bat {GOLD 125 150 175} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {P_TARGETS} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chocobone id=General Lorelath name= _ "General Lorelath" max_hitpoints=52 level=3 max_experience=150 [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [village] x,y=29,30 [/village] [village] x,y=30,34 [/village] [village] x,y=34,34 [/village] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Northern Defense Line" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Elvish Fighter,Elvish Hunter,Elvish Archer,Elvish Shaman {GOLD 150 160 170} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.01} {P_TARGETS} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Elvish Hero id=Cithraldin name= _ "Cithraldin" [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [village] x,y=32,25 [/village] [village] x,y=34,25 [/village] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Northern Defense Line" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Hound {GOLD 150 160 170} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {P_TARGETS} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Soulhunter id=Gerumanen name= _ "Gerumanen" [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [village] x,y=26,26 [/village] [village] x,y=29,26 [/village] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] #undef P_TARGETS {RECRUIT_UNIT_VARIATIONS 2,3 "Walking Corpse" "bat,mounted,mounted,goblin,goblin,goblin,none"} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 28 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 33 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 27 23} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 33 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 29 18} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 37 35} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Zynara {RECALL_ZYNARA_AT_LOCATION 15 4} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) sw} [capture_village] side=1 x=18-26 y= 3-11 [/capture_village] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "According to the map Unarye gave us, the valley entrance is just ahead." [/message] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Good." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Zynara) 14 3} [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "Don’t you think it is unsafe to be here all alone, though?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There’s nothing suspicious around here, so... No, I don’t think so. We are both capable of defending ourselves against desert animals." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "I see..." [/message] [disallow_recruit] side=1 type=Ghost [/disallow_recruit] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Vampire Bat [/allow_recruit] {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM (id=Zynara)} [kill] animate=no fire_event=no id=Zynara [/kill] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 type=Lich id=Mal Zynavu name= _ "Mal Zynavu" gender=female profile="portraits/undead/brown-lich.png" #profile="portraits/zynavu.png" x,y=14,3 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM (id=Mal Zynavu)} [redraw][/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "Well, let’s see how you fare on your own against <i>me</i>!" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [message] speaker=Elynia # wmllint: local spelling Wh message= _ "Wh—" [/message] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=ranged [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=9 damage_type=arcane alignment=chaotic #experience=no [/animate_attack] # # Give the floating damage label some time to fade out -- the exact # amount of time required varies according to the Accelerated Speed # setting, though. # [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "—<b>Who</b> are you in truth? <b>ANSWER!</b>" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "It saddens me to admit that my master was a very misguided person — his destruction was only a matter of time. Uria’s power is the greatest force that’s ever graced us. We could avoid wasting so many lives all over the continent if everyone accepted her offer and joined her cause." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So <b>you</b> were in the country working for the Triad all this time? <b>YOU BETRAYED US!</b>" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "I am not the only one! Even those pitiful northerners have grown weary of this pointless war and seek easier alternatives. Now, give me that staff. Oh, and don’t forget you are not in possession of godlike powers anymore — I can and will kill you if you don’t concede." [/message] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [unit] animate=yes type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone variation=surface side=6 x,y=11,4 upkeep=free facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [unit] animate=yes type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone variation=surface side=6 x,y=12,5 upkeep=free facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "<i>They</i> are also willing to help..." [/message] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 15 4} [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE anya_store.facing nw} [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] flag=recruited with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS anya_store.level 3} [then] {VARIABLE anya_attack_name "noctum"} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE anya_attack_name "shadow wave"} [/else] [/if] [harm_unit] [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] [filter_second] id=Anya [/filter_second] [primary_attack] name=$anya_attack_name range=ranged [/primary_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=11 damage_type=arcane alignment=chaotic [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_attack_name,anya_store} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu # wmllint: local spelling GAH message= _ "—GAH!" [/message] # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 15 5} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Durvan) nw} [animate_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] flag=recruited with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [teleport] [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/teleport] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Anya! Durvan! How did you know? I—" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "My lady, we’d never leave you alone in the darkness. After all, it <i>is</i> our element!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "There’s a lot of movement in the hills to the south, my lady. The northern defense line is preparing for battle, and so should we!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 22 6} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) 18 6} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 19 9} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Elynia must destroy Mal Zynavu by herself")} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may attack Mal Zynavu only with Elynia")} )} [/event] # wmlindent: start ignoring {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( [not] id="Elynia" [/not] ) (id="Mal Zynavu") 0 ()} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( id="Elynia" ) (id="Mal Zynavu") 100 ()} # wmlindent: stop ignoring # # The following event handlers are wired into the victory event # as an alternative when using :cl or :n. # [event] name=prerecruit,prerecall,turn 2,victory [filter] race=undead side=1 [/filter] [fire_event] name=elynia_faerie_fire_upgrade_pre_speech [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=elynia_faerie_fire_upgrade_pre_speech [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I didn’t come from so far to the former home of my people to be defeated by a traitor and coward." [/message] [/event] [event] name=recruit,recall,turn 2,victory [filter] race=undead side=1 [/filter] [fire_event] name=elynia_faerie_fire_upgrade [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=elynia_faerie_fire_upgrade [message] speaker=Anya # po: The truncated word is "Elynia". message= _ "El— my lady?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I <i>have</i> done this before, thanks to Argan and Malin. Although I am not as good as them with spirits, unfortunately..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Your staff... the Ruby’s glowing!" [/message] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Elynia [has_attack] name=faerie fire [/has_attack] [/have_unit] [/not] [then] # Elynia somehow hasn't acquired Faerie Fire I (what are you # doing with your life, player??), so force-unlock it. [apply_amlas] id=Elynia {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L1} [/apply_amlas] [/then] [/if] [transient_message] image="units/undead/bloodbat-se-3.png~RC(magenta>red)" message= _ "Elynia can no longer recruit Ghosts. However, she still has access to Ghost line units left in her recall list, and she is now able to recruit Vampire Bats." [/transient_message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Gerumanen message= _ "I can see her friends there... he, he..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "Ignore them — strike down the faerie first!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Who is your leader? Who is awaiting us in the valley and who is my impersonator?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Zynavu message= _ "I work for the Iron Council! I have no idea who—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You... are... <b>LYING</b>!" [/message] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] [effect] apply_to=new_animation [extra_anim] flag=cutscene_burning start_time=-400 {FLAME_BLAST_ANIMATION} # Override stock animation offsets offset=0.0~-0.1 {FLAME_BLAST_AFFECTS_SELF} [frame] #sound=fire.wav duration=100 [/frame] [frame] sound={SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT} duration=100 [/frame] [frame] duration=200 [/frame] [frame] sound={SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT} duration=100 [/frame] [frame] sound=fire.wav duration=100 [/frame] [/extra_anim] [/effect] [/object] {FLASH_RED ( [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Zynavu [/filter] flag=cutscene_burning with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] )} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [kill] animate=yes fire_event=yes id=Mal Zynavu [/kill] [fade_out_music] time=1000 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How could you..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’s over now." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "My lady..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Just ‘Elynia’ will do, friends." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What should we do now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is no turning back, and the impostor must be preparing to confront us or flee from the valley. Whichever is the case, I am going to find her and burn her to ashes. You must contact Elorran immediately to notify him of Zynara’s betrayal. It’s very probable that he is in danger." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Very well!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Everyone else, prepare for what I hope will be our last battle." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Yes, my lady!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "The main troops are coming..." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08_And_then_there_was_Chaos name= _ "And then there was Chaos" {MAP 08_And_then_there_was_Chaos.map} {TURNS 42 40 38} next_scenario=09_New_Hive {E_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {STORYTXT_AND_THEN_THERE_WAS_CHAOS} {DAWN1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {DUSK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} {SHORTDARK} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT_SHORT} {DAWN2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN} {MORNING2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING} {MIDDAY2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {AFTERNOON2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY} {DUSK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK} {LONGDARK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 200 190 180} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Telchior’s Hold" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Elvish Acolyte,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Archer,Elvish Scout {GOLD 140 150 160} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.15} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,scout,fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,archer,mixed fighter,scout,fighter"} [/ai] # wmllint: recognize Lady of Light {CHARACTER_STATS_IVYEL} canrecruit=yes facing=nw {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Outrider) 18 27 Adel ( _ "Adel")} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Marshal) 26 33 Kethael ( _ "Kethael")} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Prowler) 30 28 Midnolan ( _ "Midnolan")} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Telchior’s Hold" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Demon,Imp,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker {GOLD 150 175 190} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,archer,fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,scout,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Kaerus-Aganan name= _ "Kaerus-Aganan" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 30% 1 0 0 1} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Base Defenses" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Chaos Hound,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker {GOLD 150 160 170} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,scout,fighter,mixed fighter,archer,mixed fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Gutwrencher Imp id=Galael name= _ "Galael" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 25% 0 0 1 1} [/modifications] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=29,24 facing=nw variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=33,30 facing=se variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=29,37 facing=nw variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal War Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=10,23 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Assault Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=19,23 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=10,30 facing=ne variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Base Defenses" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Demon,Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Raider {GOLD 160 170 180} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,scout,archer,mixed fighter,archer,fighter,scout,fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id=Mal Ryagath name= _ "Mal Ryagath" facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=chaos user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" no_leader=yes hidden=yes gold,village_gold=0,0 {NO_INCOME} {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 4 32} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 37 10} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Razorbird) 4 17} {GUARDIAN} [/side] {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 6 1 40 1 40} {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 2} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 7} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 7} # wmlindent: start ignoring {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( [not] id=Elynia [/not] ) (id=Lady of Light) 20 ()} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (id=Elynia) (id=Lady of Light) 100 ()} #ifdef EASY {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (id=Lady of Light) (id=Elynia) 0 ()} #endif # wmlindent: stop ignoring [label] x,y=27,33 text= _ "Telchior’s Hold" [/label] [label] x,y=36,16 text= _ "Belandras’ Bridge" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/label] [label] x,y=19,2 text= _ "Alenaril’s Pass" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/label] [label] x,y=24,26 text= _ "River Toldrin" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/label] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 18 13} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 9 9} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 32 4} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/monolith1.png") 22 17} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/rock2.png") 22 21} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/rock3.png") 9 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png") 28 34} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png~FL(horiz)") 29 24} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png") 9 21} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/temple1.png~FL(horiz)") 11 19} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/village-human-burned3.png") 37 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 30 25} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 28 24} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 33 16} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 24 18} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 22 3} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 18 6} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 15 19} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 17 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 9 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 29 31} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 31 35} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-uria-standing.png" 13 33} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png" 18 37} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 21 7} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 24 7} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Elynia must defeat the false Lady of Light by herself")} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all other enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "The false Lady of Light gets killed by a different unit")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start # wmlindent: start ignoring {MOVE_UNIT (id=Adel) (17,16,15,14,14,15) (29,29,30,30,31,32) } # wmlindent: stop ignoring {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Adel) se} [message] speaker=Adel message= _ "Sirs, the impostor has arrived with her army! The northern defense line is—" [/message] [message] speaker=Kaerus-Aganan message= _ "Ha! Ha! That is no army. I thought the northern elves would be more kind to their so-called savior! Ha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "Behold, the usurper arrived to challenge us in our own headquarters. What a pitiful effort! To arms! Take her down and bring me her head and the staff she stole from me!" [/message] [message] speaker=Kethael message= _ "Yes, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Midnolan message= _ "As you command, my lady!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message = _ "They seem quite loyal to her despite the state of their home." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed, something is seriously amiss about these elves. If only we could prove she is the impostor, perhaps they would then listen to reason." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What do you suggest, my lady... Elynia?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Stay clear of her and allow me to confront her by myself." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Very well..." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=22,17 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/monolith1.png" message= _ "Dedicated to Elynia-Thanadria of Wesmere, Lady of Light and Protector of the Elves of Irdya." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Kaerus-Aganan [/filter] [message] speaker=Kaerus-Aganan message= _ "Protect the Lady of Light! Argh—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] race=elf [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I— the Lady of Light... why..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] [filter_second] [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter_second] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [kill] id=Lady of Light animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "The impostor escaped!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This isn’t good. Since we couldn’t unmask her in front of her subjects, they will summon reinforcements and fight us to the death. We must retreat immediately!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL unit.hitpoints "$($unit.max_hitpoints * 0.5)"} [then] [fire_event] name=unmask impostor [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] id=Lady of Light [/filter_second] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL second_unit.hitpoints "$($second_unit.max_hitpoints * 0.5)"} [then] [fire_event] name=unmask impostor [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=unmask impostor [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "I shall never be defeated by vile impostors like you!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Do you truly believe your own lies? Why don’t you show these elves what you are capable of? Your great powers as the Lady of Light? <i>Who</i> are you, and why are you posing as me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "Your end is at hand. I shall not answer. Guards! Kill her!" [/message] #define ATTWC_GUARD _TYPE _X _Y _ID _NAME _GENDER _EXTRA_TRAIT [unit] side=2 type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} id={_ID} name={_NAME} gender={_GENDER} random_traits=no generate_name=no random_gender=no unrenamable=yes animate=yes [modifications] {_EXTRA_TRAIT} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef # wmllint: whofield ATTWC_GUARD 4 {ATTWC_GUARD (Elvish Druid) 27 36 Anariel ( _ "Anariel") () ({TRAIT_RESILIENT})} {FACING n} {ATTWC_GUARD (Elvish Archer) 31 34 Eldulas ( _ "Eldulas") () ({TRAIT_INTELLIGENT})} {FACING nw} {ATTWC_GUARD (Elvish Fighter) 28 29 Vinon ( _ "Vinon") () ({TRAIT_DEXTROUS})} {FACING sw} # wmllint: whofield clear ATTWC_GUARD #undef ATTWC_GUARD [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_location] x,y=27,33 radius=1 [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [if] [not] [have_unit] x,y=27,35 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anariel) 27 35} [/then] [/if] [if] [not] [have_unit] x,y=30,33 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Eldulas) 30 33} [/then] [/if] [if] [not] [have_unit] x,y=27,30 [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Vinon) 27 30} [/then] [/if] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Back, you fools!" [/message] # Back up Elynia while we transform her into a different variation [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] # # HACK: # # Because this event is thrown from attack end, it's possible that # Elynia is a dead woman walking after receiving damage from Ivyel. # We may signal victory afterwards, so her death events don't fire and # her unit is silently deleted from the map before the victory handler # is run, which results in unusual behavior. This is an issue on 1.12.4 # at least. # # The sane thing to do here would be to check at the very start of this # event whether Elynia must die or not and kill her accordingly, but # since completing this scenario objective is hard enough as it is, I # thought I might as well be a bit charitable for once and give her a # chance to survive (which may not work anyway depending on how well # the player prepared for fighting Ivyel and whether there are any # enemy leaders left). # {VARIABLE elynia_store.hitpoints "$(max($elynia_store.hitpoints, 1))"} # Force Elynia to be alive again before transforming her, otherwise # she's considered a dead woman walking and stops having a primary # frame for her standing animation as if we were handling her 'die' # event here (on 1.14.x at least). [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=faerie_fire_cutscene [/effect] [/object] # Reset her cutscene version's hitpoints back to what her gameplay self # has right now, otherwise she gets healed above to around 90% (on 1.14.x # at least) for some mysterious reason. Presumably she's healed to full # sans mod effects (traits, etc.). [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] hitpoints=$elynia_store.hitpoints [/modify_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] flag=cutscene_begin with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Eldulas message= _ "What is this? She emanates such a radiant light!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vinon # wmllint: local spelling Wha message= _ "... Wha— What are we doing?" [/message] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "Do not hesitate! Kill her! <b>Now!</b>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vinon message= _ "Who... Who should we trust?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anariel message= _ "My lady... Elynia! The Lady of Light! I remember you!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "No..." [/message] [message] speaker=Eldulas message= _ "... We have been deceived..." [/message] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "NO!" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] race=elf [not] side=1 [/not] [/filter] variable=enemy_elves_store [/store_unit] # # We need the TRAIT_LOYAL macro contents in a temporary. # They include the [trait] opening and closing tags, and # we don't want those below, hence this approach. # [set_variables] name="temp_trait_loyal_wml" mode=replace [literal] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [foreach] array=enemy_elves_store [do] [set_variables] name=this_item mode=merge [literal] side=1 upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [if] # Do not add the Loyal trait if the unit already has it # Note that we expect it to be in the first slot; that # is usually the case and allows for simpler code. {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_NOT_EQUALS this_item.modifications.trait[0].id "loyal"} [then] [set_variables] name="this_item.modifications.trait[0]" mode=insert to_variable="temp_trait_loyal_wml.trait" [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [message] speaker=Vinon message= _ "What have we done?" [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] flag=cutscene_end with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] # Restore Elynia's gameplay self [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store,enemy_elves_store,temp_trait_loyal_wml} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "This is <i>not</i> over yet!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Lady of Light) 34 31} [animate_unit] [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [kill] id=Lady of Light animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] side=1 race=elf message= _ "The false Lady of Light has escaped!" [/message] [if] [not] [have_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/have_unit] [/not] [not] [have_unit] side=4 canrecruit=yes [/have_unit] [/not] [not] [have_unit] side=5 canrecruit=yes [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We still need to defeat the other commanders!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all remaining enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Their reinforcements have arrived and they have surrounded the valley! This is hopeless!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "That fiend retreated into the Shaxthal hive." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Her crimes against the unity of the elvish civilization must not go unpunished. I shall pursue her underground if need be." [/message] [message] speaker=Anariel message= _ "My lady, we cannot let you go underground alone! It’s become an exceedingly dangerous place since the new hive was completed." [/message] [message] speaker=Eldulas message= _ "We haven’t seen him or her ourselves yet, but the humans have been spreading rumors of the arrival of a powerful ally of the impostor! They might be awaiting you!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "My lady, I— I mean Elynia, let us go with you, please!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vinon message= _ "If there’s anything else we can do to try to amend our grave mistake..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s go together." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=09_New_Hive name= _ "New Hive" {MAP 09_New_Hive.map} {TURNS 43 42 41} next_scenario=10_The_Betrayal victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {E_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "climactic_contemplation.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "legends_of_the_north.ogg"} {STORYTXT_NEW_HIVE} {INDOORS_HIVE} #define NH_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 120 110 100} {INCOME 8 6 5} shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on # # Recruiting team # [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes # leader should be spawned in a event hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Rayblade,Chaos Bowman {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.10} [/ai] [/side] # # Hive spawns # [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=white no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {NH_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] [/side] # # Hive worms # [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=brown no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} [/side] # # Door controller # [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR_WHOLE_MAP 4} #undef NH_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS # wmlindent: start ignoring #ifdef EASY #define NH_DRONE _RESPAWN_TURNS _X _Y # 1/6 sentry, 5/6 drone {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({_RESPAWN_TURNS}) ( type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone ) 3 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #endif #ifdef NORMAL #define NH_DRONE _RESPAWN_TURNS _X _Y # 1/2 sentry, 1/2 drone {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({_RESPAWN_TURNS}) ( type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone ) 3 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #endif #ifdef HARD #define NH_DRONE _RESPAWN_TURNS _X _Y # 1/2 sentry, 1/6 assaulter, 1/3 drone {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({_RESPAWN_TURNS}) ( type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone ) 3 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #endif # wmlindent: stop ignoring #ifndef EASY {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER (type=Shaxthal Drone) 3 20 3} #endif {NH_DRONE 6 13 14} {NH_DRONE 7 10 24} {NH_DRONE 7 12 27} {NH_DRONE 7 4 29} #ifndef EASY {NH_DRONE 9 8 25} #endif #ifdef HARD {NH_DRONE 10 2 28} #endif #ifndef EASY {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER (type=Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 3 23 18} #endif {NH_DRONE 10 21 24} #ifndef EASY {NH_DRONE 8 18 28} #endif {NH_DRONE 12 30 27} {NH_DRONE 12 31 27} #ifndef EASY {NH_DRONE 8 33 21} {NH_DRONE 12 41 19} {NH_DRONE 12 28 16} {NH_DRONE 12 30 17} #endif {NH_DRONE 6 30 7} {NH_DRONE 8 29 6} #ifndef EASY {NH_DRONE 4 27 7} #endif #undef NH_DRONE {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 20 8} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 28 13} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 22 15} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 6 12} {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [event] name=prestart [time_area] id=surface terrain=G*,G*^* [or] x=15-30 y= 7-17 terrain=W*,W*^* [/or] {DUSK2} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 0} [/time_area] [item] image="items/gohere.png" x=39,40-41 y= 4, 3 [/item] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} #define NH_WORM _VARIATIONS _PALETTES _X _Y {VARIABLE_RANDOM temp_NH_WORM_palette ({_PALETTES})} {VARIABLE_RANDOM temp_NH_WORM_variation ({_VARIATIONS})} [unit] side=4 type=Shaxthal Worm upkeep=loyal x={_X} y={_Y} variation=$temp_NH_WORM_variation random_traits=yes generate_name=yes random_gender=yes [modifications] {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () ("shaxthal_drone_base") ("shaxthal_drone_$temp_NH_WORM_palette")} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_NH_WORM_palette,temp_NH_WORM_variation} #enddef {NH_WORM a brown 11 6} {NH_WORM a brown 22 5} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown 3 11} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown,purple,cyan,base 2 20} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown,purple,cyan,base 27 20} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown,purple,cyan,base 29 26} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown,purple,cyan,base 29 25} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown,purple,cyan,base 32 13} {NH_WORM a,b,c brown 35 2} #undef NH_WORM {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground with Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What is this place?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "According to Unarye, the valley was only slightly habitable at first; the elves had to seek refuge in the caverns during the day, while they worked to adapt the surface land to their needs at night. It appears that the Chaos Empire saw fit to turn the place into a Shaxthal hive." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Although Shaxthal creatures are particularly weak against our fire, it’s essential that we remain together as we proceed further underground." [/message] [/event] {GATE_GLYPH 15 1 11 8} {GATE_GLYPH 4 21 15 18} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 31 23} {GATE_GLYPH 36 14 35 9} {GATE_GLYPH 25 3 39 3} # # Activate guardian. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=32-42 y=21-30 [/filter] [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=2 canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Magus id=Kaceldyn name= _ "Kaceldyn" x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 50% 1 1 1 0} [/modifications] [/unit] [modify_side] side=2 {GOLD 60 75 90} income=0 village_gold=1 hidden=no [/modify_side] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 2 $location.x $location.y 7} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] # # Clear the invisible barriers around the central water pool. This # is intentionally done silently. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=28-42 y=11-18 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain="*^Xo" [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=40-42, 39, 38,37,41-42,42 y= 3-7,4-7,5-6, 6, 8, 2 [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=time over {QUAKE (explosion-big.ogg)} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What was that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am not sure, but I fear we have wasted too much time in these caves. Whatever happens next is surely our fault." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=10_The_Betrayal name= _ "The Betrayal" {MAP 10_The_Betrayal.map} {TURNS 8 7 6} next_scenario=11_A_Final_Confrontation victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {E_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_THE_BETRAYAL} {INDOORS_HIVE} #define TB_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" # We're working with AtS E2S9's carryover here gold=0 {INCOME 4 3 2} shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Automaton,Chaos Headhunter {GOLD 75 80 95} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,fighter,scout"} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} [/ai] # wmllint: recognize Lady of Light {CHARACTER_STATS_IVYEL} canrecruit=yes facing=se [village] x,y=24,32 [/village] [village] x,y=19,32 [/village] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Chaos Invader,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Headhunter,Shaxthal Runner Drone {GOLD 120 130 150} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,scout,scout,fighter,mixed fighter,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Hell Guardian id=Stalygvan name= _ "Stalygvan" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Automaton,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Bowman {GOLD 140 150 160} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,scout,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Gutwrencher Imp id=Dorghazaquiel name= _ "Dorghazaquiel" facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Imp) 14 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Imp) 6 39} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING s } {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Imp) 19 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Demon,Shaxthal Rayblade,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Headhunter {GOLD 170 190 210} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,archer,fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Demon Warrior gender=female id=Elathea name= _ "Elathea" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 10% 2 0 0 1} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Zephyr) 60 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Zephyr) 55 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Zephyr) 52 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit=Demon,Automaton,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker {GOLD 170 180 200} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout,scout,fighter,archer,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Razerman id=Alareanthalcan name= _ "Alareanthalcan" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 10% 1 0 0 0} [/modifications] #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 58 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 56 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Zephyr) 53 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} [/side] # # Hive spawns # [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {TB_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 49 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 46 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 45 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 57 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 51 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 61 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 63 27} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Mindraider) 32 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 34 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 36 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 55 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 58 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Spider) 61 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Scorpion) 66 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Scorpling) 64 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Scorpling) 65 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Leech) 62 8} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 63 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 65 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 64 7} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} [/side] # # Hive worms # [side] side=8 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {IS_HOSTILE_NPC} [/side] #define TB_DOOR _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT () Door ({_X}) ({_Y})} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} #enddef # # Door controller # [side] side=9 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {TB_DOOR 63 46} {TB_DOOR 34 47} {TB_DOOR 11 48} {TB_DOOR 12 47} {TB_DOOR 62 12} [/side] #undef TB_DOOR # # Boss controller # [side] side=10 controller=null team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] #undef TB_SHARED_AI_ASPECTS {NPC_BIRD_BEHAVIOR 8 1 67 1 55} #define TB_DRONE _TYPES _X _Y {ONETIME_DRONE_SPAWNER (type={_TYPES}) 7 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 61 32} #ifndef EASY {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone) 59 35} #else {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 59 35} #endif #ifdef HARD {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Drone) 62 28} #else {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 62 28} #endif {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 56 21} {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 58 20} {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 62 36} {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Drone) 64 35} {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 45 25} #ifdef NORMAL {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 43 26} #endif #ifdef HARD {TB_DRONE (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 43 26} #endif #undef TB_DRONE {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 16 31} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 19 33} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 19 29} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 22 30} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 57 28} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/whirlpool.png 63 33} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/whirlpool.png 58 9} {PLACE_IMAGE items/altar.png 61 15} {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 57 9} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 62 27} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 59 36} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 48 46} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 62 52} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 38 50} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 27 53} [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE anya_has_mermaid_pendant no} # Must persist after scenario {VARIABLE control_glyphs_activated 0} [item] x=27,28,29 y=12,11,11 image="items/gohere.png" [/item] [remove_shroud] side=1 x= 0-11,12-15 y=17-30,22-28 terrain=Qxu,Ur,Rr,X* [or] x= 9, 7,11,13, 9,12-13,14-15 y=24,27,25,26,28, 29, 28 [/or] [/remove_shroud] [hide_unit] id=Lady of Light [/hide_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the false Lady of Light")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [deactivate_and_serialize_sides] side=3,4,5 variable=enemy_sides [/deactivate_and_serialize_sides] [deactivate_and_serialize_sides] side=6 variable=late_enemy_side [/deactivate_and_serialize_sides] [/event] [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 13 28} [redraw] # clear shroud side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 13 27} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 11 28} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Another gate..." [/message] [unit] x,y=14,28 side=9 type=Door upkeep=free max_hitpoints=8 [/unit] [animate_attack] [filter] x,y=14,28 [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter_attack] name=staff [/filter_attack] kill=yes animate=yes fire_event=no amount=8 #experience=no [/animate_attack] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=13,14,15 y=29,28,28 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw] # clear shroud side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 16 29} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 16 28} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) 14 29} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Elynia,Anya,Durvan) moves 0} [capture_village] side=1 x=14,19 y=29,30 [/capture_village] [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=19,31 radius=15 [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,X*^*,*^X*,Q*,*^Z*,*^P* [/not] [/filter_radius] [/remove_shroud] [redraw] # clear shroud side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Look! It’s the impostor again!" [/message] [unhide_unit] id=Lady of Light [/unhide_unit] [scroll_to_unit] id=Lady of Light [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "I have to destroy her... yes, I have to... I must not fail this time..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So here you are, traitor." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Lady of Light [/scroll_to_unit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Lady of Light) nw} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "I AM NOT A TRAITOR! I’LL DESTROY YOU THIS TIME!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I have had enough of this — surround her and strike her down! Do not let her get away!" [/message] [terrain] x=13,14,15 y=29,28,28 terrain=Uu^Xo layer=overlay [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_ASPECT 2 passive_leader always} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "No... Let me go!" [/message] # Stop any playing attack/defense animations [animate_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] flag=standing [/animate_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] flag=standing [/animate_unit] {VARIABLE lolx $x1} {VARIABLE loly $y1} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You and your accursed allies have been conspiring against us and the Grand Council of the Northern Peoples, sowing strife and destruction. Whoever you are, your heinous deeds make you unworthy of my mercy. You no longer deserve a place amongst elvenkind." [/message] [message] speaker=Lady of Light message= _ "... Elynia... please..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Leave this world <b>now</b>, and never return again!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Lady of Light [/scroll_to_unit] {FLASH_RED ( [animate_unit] [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] flag=cutscene_burning with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [transform_unit] id=Lady of Light transform_to=Shaxthal Infiltrator [/transform_unit] # wmllint: recognize Ivyel [modify_unit] [filter] id=Lady of Light [/filter] hitpoints=1 moves=0 attacks_left=0 id=Ivyel name= _ "Ivyel" [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/modify_unit] )} [scroll_to_unit] id=Ivyel [/scroll_to_unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>confused</i>) What is this?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ivyel message= _ "... Please... don’t... attack me..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "But... how... how is this possible?" [/message] [kill] id=Ivyel animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [move_unit_fake] x="$lolx|,24,27" y="$loly|,33,35" side=2 type=Shaxthal Infiltrator [/move_unit_fake] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This doesn’t make sense!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "(<i>cackling</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Who is that?!" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "(<i>more cackling</i>) <i>What do you think of our first complete infiltrator? It took us great effort to design and build such perfection.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>angry</i>) I know you... You are one of the members of the Iron Council, Mal Hekuba!" [/message] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=22,32 [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] # wmllint: recognize Mal Hekuba [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_HEKUBA} canrecruit=yes {IS_BOSS} side=10 x,y=22,32 facing=$direction [+modifications] [object] [effect] apply_to="image_mod" add="O(0.8)" [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Did you miss me, Elynia?" [/message] #define TB_FIX_ELYNIA_FACING {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Mal Hekuba)} #enddef {TB_FIX_ELYNIA_FACING} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I couldn’t possibly wish harder for you and your friends’ destruction." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Ha, ha, but that’s not going to happen in your lifetime, or is it?" [/message] #define TB_BOSS_TELEHIDE [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Hekuba [/scroll_to_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] kill=yes variable=boss_store [/store_unit] #enddef #define TB_BOSS_TELESHOW _X _Y [scroll_to] x={_X} y={_Y} [/scroll_to] {VARIABLE boss_store.x ({_X})} {VARIABLE boss_store.y ({_Y})} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$boss_store.x,$boss_store.y [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] variable=boss_store.facing [/store_direction] [unstore_unit] variable=boss_store find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] flag=post_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] #enddef {TB_BOSS_TELEHIDE} # TODO: move Elynia around as if she were searching for Hekuba [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Where are you? Stop fooling around and show yourself, you—" [/message] {TB_BOSS_TELESHOW 14 32} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "I understand that you must be confused and enraged after losing your friends to such a pointless cause, and traveling so far only to slaughter the same people whom you once vowed to protect!" [/message] {TB_FIX_ELYNIA_FACING} # TODO: move Elynia around, trying to attack Hekuba {TB_BOSS_TELEHIDE} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "It appears to be just an illusion..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Destroying you is NOT a pointless cause!" [/message] #define TB_VOICE _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Mal Hekuba" image=wesnoth-icon.png message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef {TB_VOICE ( _ "But of course it is! You cannot destroy us! Not without the power of the Union, anyway, which you left behind in Uria’s sacred domain when you destroyed your beloved Argan.")} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I still have the Ruby of Fire!" [/message] # po: "Argan’s treacherous little girl" refers to Elyssa. {TB_VOICE ( _ "That understandably attractive relic is not important for <b>me</b>. Argan’s treacherous little girl likes to think of it as if it were unique and irreplaceable, and convinced Uria of that — but in truth, it is not.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What are you babbling about?" [/message] # po: "Her finding out" refers to Elyssa. {TB_VOICE ( _ "The first set of replicas of Yechnagoth’s heart were lost when you and your pathetic lackey destroyed our base in Wesmere, but I have had plenty of time to create more here without her finding out. I am sure that together, they are as good or better than the original, and they might even be a superior substitute for your precious gem.")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Are you working against Uria’s will, then?" [/message] [store_locations] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_loc [/store_locations] {TB_BOSS_TELESHOW $elynia_loc.x $elynia_loc.y} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_loc} {TB_FIX_ELYNIA_FACING} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "(<i>losing his temper</i>) We cannot speak to her directly! We can only do so through that treacherous wench, who keeps the Dark Lady’s heart within her for her own purposes!" [/message] {TB_BOSS_TELEHIDE} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... We... We destroyed Wesmere... Yechnagoth’s heart wasn’t there?! What did we destroy when we..." [/message] {TB_VOICE ( _ "The energy that should have destroyed you was released from the <b>second</b> replica of her heart, and various experimental units stored in the same place. The third one still exists within our infiltrator, imbuing her with Yechnagoth’s grace and might — which is why your power is no match for hers.")} # po: "Argan’s pet" is Elyssa. {TB_VOICE ( _ "Nevertheless, I do not have time to continue talking to you. Right now, I need to go to tend to some... rituals. Ivyel was created to destroy both you and Argan’s pet. Take a good glance at her perfection once she returns, for it will be your last opportunity.")} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "(<i>more cackling</i>)" [/message] #undef TB_VOICE #undef TB_BOSS_TELEHIDE #undef TB_BOSS_TELESHOW #undef TB_FIX_ELYNIA_FACING [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What are we going to do now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Those bastards can’t get away with this! My lady, we must do something!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t think we have the power necessary to destroy the artifacts that Mal Hekuba is going to use to..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Of course we do! We didn’t come all the way from the northern lands risking that blasted Ruby for nothing! Whatever that lich is going to do, it will destroy us all if we don’t stop him now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The last time we fought against that power, I lost a friend, and the vast plains of Wesmere vanished with his remains..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Any course of action at this point will inevitably lead to someone’s destruction, but I’m sure we can do it this time! If the lich is going to create a... path to Inferno, as Elorran said, perhaps we can cause it to collapse at the other side!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I don’t truly understand most of this nonsense about hearts and Yechnagoth, but I reckon we need to destroy the lich and the impostor — and we can’t do that without your help, Elynia." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We don’t have much time! That thing we just fought could be back at any moment!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I appreciate your support... I don’t think I could have come this far alone. And I don’t want to force you to follow me..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Of course not! We are your friends!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s find that foul fiend and destroy him once and for all." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground with Elynia to find Mal Hekuba")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [fire_event] name=activate enemy sides [/fire_event] #define TB_GATE_LOCS x=23,24,25 y=34,33,33 #enddef [remove_terrain_overlays] {TB_GATE_LOCS} [/remove_terrain_overlays] [remove_shroud] side=1 {TB_GATE_LOCS} [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=24,33 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ({TB_GATE_LOCS})} #undef TB_GATE_LOCS [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "knalgan_theme.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_deep_path.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg" } {APPEND_MUSIC "western_theme2.ogg"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction,boss_store,lolx,loly} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] #define TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES _SIDE _RADIUS [store_starting_location] side={_SIDE} variable=temp_TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES [/store_starting_location] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES_OF_TYPE (*^V*) {_SIDE} $temp_TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES.x $temp_TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES.y {_RADIUS}} {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES} #enddef [event] name=activate enemy sides [unserialize_and_activate_sides] variable=enemy_sides [/unserialize_and_activate_sides] {CLEAR_VARIABLE enemy_sides} {TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 3 12} {TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 4 6} {TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 5 12} [modify_turns] {QUANTITY value 62 60 58} [/modify_turns] [redraw][/redraw] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=40 ,41-58 y=23-32,23-34 [/filter] [fire_event] name=activate late enemy side [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=activate late enemy side [unserialize_and_activate_sides] variable=late_enemy_side [/unserialize_and_activate_sides] {CLEAR_VARIABLE late_enemy_side} {TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 6 10} #define TB_WORM _X _Y {VARIABLE_RANDOM temp_TB_WORM_palette brown,purple,cyan,base} {VARIABLE_RANDOM temp_TB_WORM_variation a,b,c} [unit] side=8 type=Shaxthal Worm upkeep=loyal x={_X} y={_Y} variation=$temp_TB_WORM_variation random_traits=yes generate_name=yes random_gender=yes [modifications] {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () ("shaxthal_drone_base") ("shaxthal_drone_$temp_TB_WORM_palette")} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_TB_WORM_palette,temp_TB_WORM_variation} #enddef {TB_WORM 57 40} {TB_WORM 69 34} {TB_WORM 68 26} {TB_WORM 49 17} {TB_WORM 60 11} {TB_WORM 39 5} {TB_WORM 21 19} #undef TB_WORM [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=Alareanthalcan message= _ "They are getting closer to the control chamber! Get them, quickly!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I don’t like the sound of that..." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] #undef TB_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES #define TB_DETECT_GLYPH_STATE _X _Y [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] {VARIABLE_INC control_glyphs_activated} [fire_event] name=check objective change [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef {GATE_GLYPH 65 47 39 35} {TB_DETECT_GLYPH_STATE 65 47} {GATE_GLYPH 6 35 41 34} {TB_DETECT_GLYPH_STATE 6 35} {GATE_GLYPH 48 46 37 36} {TB_DETECT_GLYPH_STATE 48 46} #undef TB_DETECT_GLYPH_STATE {GATE_GLYPH 62 25 36 19} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 58 22} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 59 29} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 52 32} [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Stalygvan [/filter] [message] speaker=Stalygvan message= _ "You! You can’t stop our master! You can’t—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Stalygvan [/filter] [hide_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/hide_unit] # wmllint: recognize Kardas {UNIT 1 (Elvish Fighter) 35 39 ( id=Kardas name= _ "Kardas" unrenamable=yes upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Kardas) 36,36 39,40} [message] speaker=Kardas message= _ "My lady! At last, I found you! I know where the lich is!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Speak." [/message] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=35,35,36,36,36,37,37,37,37,38,38,38,38,38,39,39,39,39,39,39,40,40,40,40,41,41,41,42,42,43 y=35,36,34,35,36,34,35,36,37,33,34,35,36,37,33,34,35,36,37,38,33,34,35,36,34,35,36,34,35,35 [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=39,35 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Kardas message= _ "The catacombs below guard an artifact of some sort. Nobody knows exactly what it is, but we know the entrance is protected by a gate controlled by three crystals found near this guard post." [/message] [simplify_location_filter] x=33-44 y=31-38 terrain="*^Zz\,*^Zz/,*^Zz|" variable=glyph_gate_locs [/simplify_location_filter] [repeat] times=3 [do] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=$glyph_gate_locs.x y=$glyph_gate_locs.y [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=300 [/delay] [terrain] x=$glyph_gate_locs.x y=$glyph_gate_locs.y terrain="Uu^Zz\" # \"" calm vscode down layer=overlay [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=300 [/delay] [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_gate_locs} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s find those crystals, then." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate and activate the three control crystals to open the central gates")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Elathea [/filter] [message] speaker=Elathea message= _ "May Uria punish you all for this—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Dorghazaquiel [/filter] [message] speaker=Dorghazaquiel message= _ "Nooooaaagh... it hurts!!!" [/message] [message] x,y=$x2,$y2 [and] race=human [or] race=faerie [/or] [or] race=elf [/or] [/and] [or] id=Anya [/or] message= _ "The beast’s body is dissolving into slime!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Dorghazaquiel [/filter] [repeat] times={DIFF 2 4 4} [do] [unit] side=4 type=Mudcrawler random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes upkeep=loyal x,y=$x1,$y1 animate=yes [/unit] [/do] [/repeat] [/event] [event] name=check objective change [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL control_glyphs_activated 3} [/filter_condition] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground with Elynia to find Mal Hekuba")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Alareanthalcan [/filter] [message] speaker=Alareanthalcan message= _ "Even though I have fallen, you are no match for my master’s power!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We’ll see about that very soon." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON (found mindraider) (type=Psy Mindraider)} [event] name=found mindraider [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What in blazes is that creature?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Don’t meet its gaze! It will drain your life force!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] id=whirlpool_hint name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=63,33 [not] id=Anya [/not] [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The whirlpool is overflowing with an unusual energy. A dark energy." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=63,33 [/filter] [remove_event] id=whirlpool_hint [/remove_event] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Hm, what is this? There seems to be something at the bottom..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I wouldn’t get too close if I were you. It could be another one of those biomechanical abominations." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I mean, it doesn’t look like there are any creatures in the water anyway. (<i>touches the water</i>)" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Anya, what are you doing?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Er, ummm... nothing! I just— <b>AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!</b>" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store kill=no [/store_unit] # TODO: proper animation [kill] id=Anya fire_event=no animate=yes [/kill] [message] speaker=Elynia caption= _ "Elynia and Durvan" scroll=no message="<b>"+_"ANYA!!!"+"</b>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {VARIABLE anya_store.x 58} {VARIABLE anya_store.y 9} [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store} [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "No... please don’t do this to me—" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "I am all right!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "... Anya? Where are you???" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I don’t really know? The current dragged me into a small chamber that seems to be right below where you are. I think I may be able to get back to you? Good thing I can swim." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, you can swim... but I cannot. You should return to us before anything happens to you down there." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Nah, it will be fine. Don’t worry about me. I am just going to do a little exploring down here and come back." [/message] # I will be seriously disappointed if someone gets to this point with # Anya still under level 3. [transient_message] image=units/faeries/nightshade-fire.png message= _ "Anya can return to the main area by going back through the whirlpool, in a similar fashion to how units can teleport between villages they already control." [/transient_message] [tunnel] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [source] x,y=63,33 [/source] [target] x,y=58,9 [/target] bidirectional=yes [/tunnel] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=61,15 [/filter] {VARIABLE anya_has_mermaid_pendant yes} # You may have seen this name in a different game before. But where? [transient_message] caption= _ "Mermaid’s Pendant" image=icons/jewelry_ring_prismatic.png # po: The sudden shift to second person narration is quite # po: intentional. You will see more of this throughout Episode 3. message= _ "This beautiful pendant made from an iridescent conch shines all the colors of the rainbow under the light cast on the altar. The spectacle is absolutely mesmerizing, but you figure you need to find out what uses this marvelous item has. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing engraved on it or the altar that could possibly be of help to you. How disappointing, you think. Maybe this little adventure was an absolute waste of time. But something in your mind tells you that perhaps you are supposed to wait for the right person and the right opportunity to make use of the artifact. When is that going to be, you wonder? The answer eludes you. You should probably go back to Elynia for the time being." [/transient_message] # # Have Anya and Elynia converse next time they are next to each other. # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya [filter_adjacent] id=Elynia [/filter_adjacent] [or] id=Elynia [filter_adjacent] id=Anya [/filter_adjacent] [/or] [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So, how was your little adventure?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Well, I found this on an altar! It’s so shiny!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... A seashell pendant? How did it find its way here, so far from the ocean?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It could be some kind of keepsake the elves brought here when they first arrived?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That is the most likely answer, yes." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Do you think it has magical properties? Maybe I can summon water creatures! Or water... projectiles of some kind? Perhaps I can shoot bubbles!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No... I am afraid there is no magic in this pendant at all." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Wh... what." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Did I actually just risk my life fighting that... giant... spider... to obtain a completely mundane pendant?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So it would seem." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Oh well... At least it’s pretty! I’m going to keep it if you don’t mind." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Sure. Just... don’t do that again, please? You had us really worried for a moment there." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I know, I’m sorry..." [/message] [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=23-31,26-29,27 y= 1-10, 11,12 [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=time over {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} {QUAKE "explosion-big.ogg"} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "It is probably too late to stop that lich by now..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Make haste!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE control_glyphs_activated} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=11_A_Final_Confrontation name= _ "A Final Confrontation" {MAP 11_A_Final_Confrontation.map} {TURNS 36 34 32} next_scenario=12_Fate victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {E_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_deep_path.ogg"} {STORYTXT_A_FINAL_CONFRONTATION} {INDOORS_HIVE} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 250 225 200} {INCOME 4 3 2} shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on # # Boss controller # [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Mal Hekuba" color=gold {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,scout,scout"} [/ai] [unit] #ifdef EASY type=Necrophage #else type=Ghast #endif ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=43,38 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] #ifdef EASY type=Necrophage #else type=Ghast #endif ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=39,38 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Mal Hekuba" color=blue {CHAOS_FLAG} controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # # Guards # [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Chamber Guards" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} recruit=Demon,Imp,Chaos Headhunter {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,scout,fighter"} [/ai] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Azalia name= _ "Azalia" ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=36,40 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=male id=Rhadiarch name= _ "Rhadiarch" ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=44,33 facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Galaviel name= _ "Galaviel" ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=47,37 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Chamber Guards" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} recruit=Automaton,Shaxthal Drone,Chaos Invoker {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,fighter,archer"} [/ai] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=37,32 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=33,34 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=48,21 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_QUICK} {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] # # Hive spawns # [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 5.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] #define I_DOOR _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT () Door ({_X}) ({_Y})} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} #enddef # # Door controller # [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {I_DOOR 35 36} {I_DOOR 36 35} {I_DOOR 37 35} [/side] # # Dummy stand-in for side 1 # [side] side=8 team_name=good,evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" color=red controller=null no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] #undef I_DOOR #define I_DRONE _RESPAWN_TURNS _TYPES _X _Y {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({_RESPAWN_TURNS}) (type={_TYPES}) 6 ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef {I_DRONE 4 (Shaxthal Drone) 35 45} {I_DRONE 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 33 42} #ifndef EASY {I_DRONE 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 33 43} #endif {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone) 51 37} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone) 53 35} {I_DRONE 3 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 12 19} {I_DRONE 4 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 22 10} {I_DRONE 5 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 20 10} {I_DRONE 4 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 34 13} {I_DRONE 3 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 36 10} {I_DRONE 5 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 38 9} {I_DRONE 4 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 26 10} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 8 32} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 7 35} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 6 37} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 3 23} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 2 21} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 4 20} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 6 15} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 11 10} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 11 12} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 19 8} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 24 6} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 27 8} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 28 4} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 32 7} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 32 5} {I_DRONE 1 (Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 34 6} #undef I_DRONE {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 24 36} [+sound_source] id=water_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE boss_stage 0} # # Set-up boss unit spawning # # The population cap for a given spawn set must never exceed the number # of flags on the map for it. # [set_variables] name=boss_spawn [literal] # Next turn for spawning units next_turn=0 # How many turns to wait before spawning units again turn_delay={DIFF 4 3 3} # Population cap and types for mobile Shaxthal units (flag A) shaxthal_cap={DIFF 3 3 4} #ifndef EASY shaxthal_types=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Enforcer Drone #else shaxthal_types=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone #endif # Population cap and types for mobile demons (flag B) demon_cap={DIFF 2 3 4} #ifndef EASY demon_types=Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Spelldancer,Spectre,Wraith #else demon_types=Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Demon Zephyr,Wraith,Wraith,Spectre #endif [/literal] [/set_variables] [store_locations] terrain=*^&A variable=boss_spawn.shaxthal_locs [/store_locations] [store_locations] terrain=*^&B variable=boss_spawn.demon_locs [/store_locations] {DIE_ON ( [not] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL boss_spawn.shaxthal_locs.length $boss_spawn.shaxthal_cap} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL boss_spawn.demon_locs.length $boss_spawn.demon_cap} [/not] ) ("E2S11 boss spawn setup failed (map/config mismatch)")} [remove_terrain_overlays] find_in=boss_spawn.shaxthal_locs [or] find_in=boss_spawn.demon_locs [/or] [/remove_terrain_overlays] {LOG_ATS_DBG ("E2 boss: shaxthal_locs = $boss_spawn.shaxthal_locs.length; demon_locs = $boss_spawn.demon_locs.length")} # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 47 49} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 49 48} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) nw} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground with Elynia to find Mal Hekuba")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "This goes deeper and deeper—" [/message] {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I fear we don’t have much more time. Just where in this accursed place are you, Hekuba?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG0 [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=28,24 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] x,y=28,23 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] x,y=27,25 [/teleport] #[fire_event] # name=lift central barriers #[/fire_event] [kill] type=Goliath [/kill] [fire_event] name=moveto [primary_unit] id=Elynia [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [fire_event] name=DEBUG0 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG2 [fire_event] name=DEBUG1 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=boss stage 2 [/fire_event] [kill] x,y=25,20 [/kill] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=25,20 [/teleport] # Nothing important takes place here. #[fire_event] # name=moveto # [primary_unit] # id=Elynia # [/primary_unit] #[/fire_event] [fire_event] name=boss stage 3 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=boss stage 4 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG3 [fire_event] name=DEBUG2 [/fire_event] [kill] animate=yes fire_event=yes id=Ivyel [/kill] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Door [/filter] #define I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES _SIDE _RADIUS [store_starting_location] side={_SIDE} variable=temp_I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES [/store_starting_location] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES_OF_TYPE (*^V*) {_SIDE} $temp_I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES.x $temp_I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES.y {_RADIUS}} {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES} #enddef [modify_side] side=4 hidden=no income=0 {GOLD 100 120 140} village_gold=1 [/modify_side] [unit] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Jarlean name= _ "Jarlean" side=4 x,y=46,25 [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} {BOSS_BOOST 60% 1 0 0 0} [/modifications] [/unit] {I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 4 8} [modify_side] side=5 hidden=no income=0 {GOLD 100 120 140} village_gold=1 [/modify_side] [unit] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Arbalestier id=Terryl name= _ "Terryl" side=5 x,y=49,18 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 15% 0 0 1 0} [/modifications] [/unit] {I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES 5 4} #undef I_CAPTURE_STARTING_VILLAGES [/event] [event] name=die [filter] side=4 canrecruit=yes [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=5 canrecruit=yes [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [gold] side=5 {QUANTITY amount 110 120 140} [/gold] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] side=5 canrecruit=yes [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=4 canrecruit=yes [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [gold] side=4 {QUANTITY amount 110 120 140} [/gold] [/event] [event] name=lift central barriers {LOCK_VIEW} [unit] side=2 x,y=22,13 facing=se type=Goliath upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] side=2 x,y=36,20 facing=se type=Goliath upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] side=2 x,y=35,26 facing=s type=Goliath upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] side=2 x,y=17,26 facing=ne type=Goliath upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [/unit] {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} #define I_BARRIER_LOCS_NORTH x=40,40,40,40,40,40,41,41,41,41,41,41 y=18,19,20,21,22,23,18,19,20,21,22,23 #enddef #define I_BARRIER_LOCS_SOUTH x=28,29,29,30,30,31,31,32,32,33,33,34,34,35,35,36,36,37 y=31,31,32,30,31,30,31,29,30,29,30,28,29,28,29,27,28,28 #enddef [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The earth shakes." [/message] [terrain] terrain="Ur^Es" {I_BARRIER_LOCS_NORTH} [or] {I_BARRIER_LOCS_SOUTH} [/or] [/terrain] [remove_shroud] side=1 {I_BARRIER_LOCS_NORTH} [or] {I_BARRIER_LOCS_SOUTH} [/or] [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=41,21 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ({I_BARRIER_LOCS_NORTH})} [scroll_to] x,y=33,30 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ({I_BARRIER_LOCS_SOUTH})} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] #undef I_BARRIER_LOCS_NORTH #undef I_BARRIER_LOCS_SOUTH {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia to the central chamber")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_GATE 53 17} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=53,17 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=narrator image="items/crystal-glyph.png" sound="magic-3.ogg" message= _ "Access granted." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [fire_event] name=lift central barriers [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #define I_BOSS_LOC x=24 y=19 #enddef #define I_CORE_LOCS x=24,28,20,20,28,24 y=15,17,17,21,21,23 #enddef [event] name=side 2 turn refresh first_time_only=no {LOCK_VIEW} [animate_control_spires] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/animate_control_spires] # wmllint: recognize Mal Hekuba [if] [have_unit] id=Mal Hekuba [/have_unit] [then] # We are in the boss sequence. {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} [/then] [/if] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Boss sequence trigger. # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=13-32 y=12-25 [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 1)" [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/event] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Be careful. I’m sure he is in this chamber, somewhere..." [/message] {FACE_LOCATION (id=Elynia) ({I_BOSS_LOC})} [remove_shroud] side=1 {I_BOSS_LOC} radius=7 # The central block is Xu, can't use this without an exception! #[filter_radius] # [not] # terrain=X*,X*^*,*^X* # [/not] #[/filter_radius] [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Most likely on that tall platform at the center. We need to get up there somehow." [/message] {FACE_LOCATION (side=1) ({I_BOSS_LOC})} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What’s that noise?" [/message] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [store_locations] {I_CORE_LOCS} variable=core_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=core_locs variable=core [do] [terrain] x,y=$core.x,$core.y terrain=Cud^Xo [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [unit] type=Verlissh Control Spire side=2 x,y=$core.x,$core.y upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE core_locs} [scroll_to] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [animate_control_spires] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/animate_control_spires] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... That energy... It’s the same..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Elynia? What’s happening?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... A dark energy emanates from those spires... It’s the same energy that was released in Wesmere when we destroyed the creature within the hive. " [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "How should we destroy them?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Search the chamber — there must be some mechanism controlling them." [/message] # Increase turn limit. [modify_turns] {QUANTITY add 24 22 20} [/modify_turns] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore the central chamber")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] ############################################################################ # # BOSS FIGHT STAGE 1 # ############################################################################ [event] name=boss stage 1 first_time_only=yes {VARIABLE boss_stage 1} {LOCK_VIEW} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} {FACE_LOCATION (side=1) ({I_BOSS_LOC})} [terrain] {I_BOSS_LOC} radius=1 terrain=Yhl^Cov [/terrain] [terrain] {I_BOSS_LOC} terrain=Yhl^Kov [/terrain] [item] {I_BOSS_LOC} image="items/ball-magenta.png" halo="halo/heart-aura.png" [/item] [modify_side] side=2 hidden=no recruit=Demon Zephyr,Shaxthal Sentry Drone gold=50 income=25 [/modify_side] [store_direction] [from] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/from] [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] #define I_EFFECT_CANNOT_MOVE [effect] apply_to="movement" set=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to="movement_costs" replace=yes [movement_costs] shallow_water={UNREACHABLE} reef={UNREACHABLE} swamp_water={UNREACHABLE} flat={UNREACHABLE} sand={UNREACHABLE} forest={UNREACHABLE} hills={UNREACHABLE} mountains={UNREACHABLE} village={UNREACHABLE} castle={UNREACHABLE} cave={UNREACHABLE} frozen={UNREACHABLE} fungus={UNREACHABLE} [/movement_costs] [/effect] #enddef [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_HEKUBA} type=Chaos Cardinal Fused canrecruit=yes {IS_BOSS} side=2 {I_BOSS_LOC} facing=$direction [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Hekuba [/scroll_to_unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "in_the_land_of_madness.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {BOSS_POPUP} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Welcome to your end, heathens!" [/message] {QUAKE (cave-in.ogg)} {FLASH_RED ( [store_unit] [filter] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/filter] variable=spires_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=spires_store variable=spire [do] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$spire.x,$spire.y [/filter] [effect] apply_to="image_mod" add="R(128)" [/effect] [/object] [/do] [/foreach] [redraw][/redraw] [sound] name=gun-activate-2.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=700 [/delay] # Flash redder momentarily {COLOR_ADJUST 500 0 0} [sound] name=explosion-big.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=50 [/delay] [sound] name=rumble.ogg [/sound] [terrain] x=19-30 y=16-24 [and] terrain=Q* [/and] terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [foreach] array=spires_store variable=spire [do] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=spire [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spires_store} )} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What kind of evil magic is this?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Is he... fused with one of the spires?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: "Your leader" refers to Elyssa. message= _ "What do you expect to achieve by creating a new portal to Inferno with your new-found powers? Your troops are falling one by one under the might of the northern peoples’ alliance, while you decided to rebel against your leader in this dead land?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba # po: "her" refers to Elyssa, again. message= _ "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Don’t forget that your shortsightedness is the chief cause of your friends’ demise, foolish creature. The power I control now is too great, even for her." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What if you don’t truly control it? You said you cannot speak to Uria directly — what if her will is <i>your</i> destruction?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Insolent girl! You shall all die!" [/message] {QUAKE (rumble.ogg)} {QUAKE (cave-in.ogg)} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "YOU SHALL ALL DIE NOW!" [/message] {QUAKE (explosion-big.ogg)} {QUAKE (rumble.ogg)} #define I_RECRUIT_DEMON _X _Y [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] flag=recruiting with_bars=yes [facing] x={_X} y={_Y} [/facing] [/animate_unit] [unit] animate=yes type=Demon Zephyr side=2 x={_X} y={_Y} random_traits=yes random_gender=yes generate_name=yes upkeep=loyal [/unit] #enddef [store_locations] [filter_adjacent_location] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/filter_adjacent_location] variable=recruit_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=recruit_locs [do] {I_RECRUIT_DEMON $this_item.x $this_item.y} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE recruit_locs} #undef I_RECRUIT_DEMON [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What are we going to do now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Everyone, stay away from the spires and the portal! I must think of something..." [/message] #define I_PORTAL_NOTES {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The portal grows in size every turn, taking adjacent ground hexes with it")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Unless adjacent to a spire, road hexes cannot disappear")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Units incapable of flight over chasms will die should the ground below them disappear")} #enddef {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Survive until the end of turns")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {I_PORTAL_NOTES} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # On subsquent turns, increase the portal opening's size. # (FIXME: is it really necessary to check the turn number so it # doesn't fire immediately at the end of the current new turn event?) # [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name=new turn first_time_only=no # Only fire on subsequent turns [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN turn_number "$($turn_number + 1)"} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=portal crack step [/fire_event] [/event] # # Two turns later, stage 2. # [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 2)" [fire_event] name=boss stage 2 [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] #define I_EXTEND_PORTAL_TO _X _Y [sound] name="rumble.ogg" [/sound] [terrain] x={_X} y={_Y} terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] # # Kill present unit if it cannot normally move/fly # on Unwalkable hexes. # [if] [not] [unit_location_is_passable] x={_X} y={_Y} [/unit_location_is_passable] [/not] [then] [kill] x={_X} y={_Y} animate=yes fire_event=yes [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] [/then] [/if] #enddef # # Portal logic! # [event] name=portal crack step first_time_only=no # Each destroyed hex will cause the death of the unit on it if it's # not capable of flight on unwalkable hexes. # First, destroy one adjacent non-portal hex for each core unit. [store_locations] {I_CORE_LOCS} variable=core_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=core_locs variable=core [do] [store_locations] [filter_adjacent_location] x,y=$core.x,$core.y [/filter_adjacent_location] terrain=!,Qxua variable=core_adjacent_locs [/store_locations] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN core_adjacent_locs.length 0} [then] # Randomize choice if there are more than 1 remaining locations {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($core_adjacent_locs.length - 1)"} {I_EXTEND_PORTAL_TO $core_adjacent_locs[$r].x $core_adjacent_locs[$r].y} {CLEAR_VARIABLE r} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE core_adjacent_locs} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE core_locs} # Then, destroy one non-portal/castle/keep/road/wall hex that is adjacent # to a portal hex that is *not* adjacent to a core unit nor is a core # unit's location. Don't destroy Dark Hive tiles either. [store_locations] [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Qxua [not] {I_CORE_LOCS} [/not] [/filter_adjacent_location] terrain=!,Qxua,C*,C*^*,*^C*,K*,K*^*,*^K*,Ur*,Ur*^*,X*,X*^*,Y*,Y*^* [not] {I_CORE_LOCS} [/not] variable=portal_adjacent_locs [/store_locations] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN portal_adjacent_locs.length 0} [then] # Randomize choice if there are more than 1 remaining locations {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($portal_adjacent_locs.length - 1)"} {I_EXTEND_PORTAL_TO $portal_adjacent_locs[$r].x $portal_adjacent_locs[$r].y} {CLEAR_VARIABLE r} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE portal_adjacent_locs} [/event] #undef I_EXTEND_PORTAL_TO # # Damage absorption logic for control spires. # [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_second] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/filter_second] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (x,y=$x2,$y2)} [fire_event] name=spire warning [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/filter] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (x,y=$x1,$y1)} [fire_event] name=spire warning [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=spire warning first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There’s no use in attacking those structures — the energy they release in retaliation could kill us all!" [/message] [/event] # # Side 2 recruits become loyal every time. # [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=2 [/filter] {VARIABLE unit.upkeep free} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] # # Hekuba's infinite army of evil minions from the abyss # [event] name=side 2 turn end first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN boss_stage 0} [and] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_spawn.next_turn $turn_number} [or] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_spawn.next_turn 0} [/or] [/and] [/filter_condition] # Reset the event timer {VARIABLE boss_spawn.next_turn "$($turn_number + $boss_spawn.turn_delay)"} {VARIABLE boss_spawn_sequence demon} [fire_event] name=boss spawn controller [/fire_event] {VARIABLE boss_spawn_sequence shaxthal} [fire_event] name=boss spawn controller [/fire_event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_spawn_sequence} [/event] [event] name=boss spawn controller first_time_only=no {VARIABLE_DEFAULT boss_spawn_sequence demon} # failsafe [count_units] side=2 [filter_wml] [variables] boss_spawn_sequence=$boss_spawn_sequence [/variables] [/filter_wml] variable=spawns_current [/count_units] {VARIABLE spawns_needed "$($boss_spawn.$boss_spawn_sequence|_cap - $spawns_current)"} # Copy spawn location set into a new variable so we can remove any # locations used during one sequence in order to avoid spawning # more than one unit per location. [set_variables] name=spawn_locs mode=replace to_variable=boss_spawn.$boss_spawn_sequence|_locs [/set_variables] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS spawn_locs.length 0}) ()} [repeat] times=$spawns_needed [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($spawn_locs.length - 1)"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM t $boss_spawn.$boss_spawn_sequence|_types} {VARIABLE sx $spawn_locs[$r].x} {VARIABLE sy $spawn_locs[$r].y} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$sx,$sy [to] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/to] variable=d [/store_direction] [unit] side=2 animate=yes type=$t facing=$d x,y=$spawn_locs[$r].x,$spawn_locs[$r].y generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [variables] boss_spawn_sequence=$boss_spawn_sequence [/variables] [/unit] {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_locs[$r]} {CLEAR_VARIABLE d,r,sx,sy,t} [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_locs,spawns_needed,spawns_current} [/event] # # Damage absorption logic for Mal Hekuba. # [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter_second] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (id=Mal Hekuba)} [fire_event] name=invincibility taunt [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (id=Mal Hekuba)} [fire_event] name=invincibility taunt [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=invincibility taunt first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Attacking me is futile!" [/message] [/event] ############################################################################ # # BOSS FIGHT STAGE 2 # ############################################################################ [event] name=boss stage 2 first_time_only=yes {VARIABLE boss_stage 2} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The more time passes, the more energy fills the place and binds our worlds together. I must go and try to destroy that lich by myself." [/message] {FACE_UNIT (id=Anya) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia? No! If you go he will—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am well aware, but I’m also the only one who can wield this staff and not become corrupted by the power of the Ruby. Using it to vanquish this evil... if my own sacrifice is necessary, I will gladly accept my fate. There’s nothing left in Irdya for me now, and there will certainly be nothing for you all if this fiend succeeds." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I— I—" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Anya)} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You cannot go with me, for someone must survive the ordeal to pass the news on to our allies. You are a very smart girl, and I’m sure you all will be able to escape together with your power." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_LOCATION (id=Elynia) ({I_BOSS_LOC})} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I must go now." [/message] {FACE_UNIT (id=Durvan) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Elynia, my lady... Good luck!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>tearful</i>) Elynia! Don’t die up there! Please!" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>muttering to herself</i>) I can only try." [/message] [object] name= _ "Darkness Flight" description= _ "Elynia is now able to fly over chasms." image="icons/jewelry_butterfly_pin.png" duration=scenario [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=movement_costs replace=true [movement_costs] unwalkable=1 [/movement_costs] [/effect] [/object] # Switch leaders [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [literal] canrecruit=no {IS_HERO} [/literal] [/set_variables] {VARIABLE anya_store.canrecruit yes} {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store.overlays} {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store.ellipse} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [object] silent=yes duration=scenario [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store,elynia_store} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Attack Mal Hekuba with Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {I_PORTAL_NOTES} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia [filter_adjacent] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Mal Hekuba)} {FACE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "And just what are you doing now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m going to destroy you!" [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # Needed so Elynia can't be hit and killed before the next sequence. # {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (id=Elynia) 0 ( {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 2} [or] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 3} [/or] )} [event] name=attack end [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=boss stage 3 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] [fire_event] name=boss stage 3 [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [/event] ############################################################################ # # BOSS FIGHT STAGE 3 # ############################################################################ [event] name=boss stage 3 first_time_only=yes {VARIABLE boss_stage 3} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Mal Hekuba)} {FACE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "How pathetic." [/message] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=ranged [/filter_attack] kill=no amount="$($this_unit.hitpoints * 0.75)" animate,fire_event=yes,no #experience=no [/animate_attack] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Have you not learned anything after your friends’ vain sacrifices, Elynia? Have you not learned to GIVE UP?" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=no variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] {COLOR_ADJUST 63 0 0} {COLOR_ADJUST 127 0 0} {COLOR_ADJUST 255 0 0} #define I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA {FACE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Elynia)} #enddef #define I_ATTACK_ELYNIA {I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA} [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=ranged [/filter_attack] kill=no amount=$this_unit.hitpoints animate,fire_event=yes,no #experience=no [/animate_attack] #enddef {I_ATTACK_ELYNIA} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=no variable=elynia_original_store [/store_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] {I_EFFECT_CANNOT_MOVE} [effect] apply_to=variation name=injured [/effect] [/object] {COLOR_ADJUST 127 0 0} {COLOR_ADJUST 63 0 0} {COLOR_ADJUST 0 0 0} {FACE_UNIT (id=Anya) (id=Elynia)} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "ELYNIA!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Why won’t you just accept your fate and <b>DIE</b>?!" [/message] [repeat] times=3 [do] {I_ATTACK_ELYNIA} [/do] [/repeat] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We must do something!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "If Elynia herself doesn’t have the power to destroy that lich, I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it..." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Survive until the opportunity to destroy Mal Hekuba presents itself")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {I_PORTAL_NOTES} )} {VARIABLE boss_stage 3} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="side 2 turn $($turn_number + 1)" {I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "It’s too late to stop me!" [/message] [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="side 2 turn $($turn_number + 2)" {I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "There’s absolutely <i>nothing</i> you can do!" [/message] [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 3)" {I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA} [fire_event] name=boss stage 4 [/fire_event] [/event] # Continue torturing Elynia every turn. # # It's not currently possible to stop unit deaths in "attacker/defender # hits" event handlers by any obvious means (FIXME: bug?), so we change # her side for the duration of side 2 turns to a dual ally side (8) in # order for the AI to not attack her; then Mal Hekuba's attacks are # animated every time in WML. Her unit is switched back to side 1's # control in player turns. # # This mechanism is rather unelegant, but at least permits safely # forcing all AI sides to ignore her for target evaluation. # [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 3} [/filter_condition] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Elynia) side 8} {I_ATTACK_ELYNIA} [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 3} [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [literal] attacks_left=0 moves=0 resting=no side=1 [/literal] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} [/event] [/event] ############################################################################ # # BOSS FIGHT STAGE 4 # ############################################################################ [event] name=boss stage 4 first_time_only=no {VARIABLE boss_stage 4} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {FACE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Elynia)} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] [store_locations] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_current_loc [/store_locations] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( [not] id=Mal Hekuba [/not] ) (id=Elynia) 20 ()} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Elynia) 0 ()} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Have you had enough already?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "No?" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_high_kings_march.ogg"} [message] speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>... Don’t forget that you are here fighting for a greater cause...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Stupid little vermin..." [/message] [remove_shroud] side=1 x= 8-20, 9-11 y=21-27,28 terrain=!,X*,X*^*,*^X* [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai hidden=no [/modify_side] [unit] side=3 #canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Infiltrator id=Ivyel name= _ "Ivyel" facing=ne x,y=9,28 [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [store_locations] [filter_adjacent_location] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/filter_adjacent_location] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] variable=vacant_locs [/store_locations] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN vacant_locs.length 0} [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($vacant_locs.length - 1)"} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Ivyel) "10,12,17,23,$vacant_locs[$r].x" "27,26,24,21,$vacant_locs[$r].y"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE r} [/then] [else] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Ivyel) "10,12,17,23" "27,26,24,21"} [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE vacant_locs} # Force re-center [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Hekuba [/scroll_to_unit] {FACE_UNIT (id=Mal Hekuba) (id=Ivyel)} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Ah, Ivyel, at long last! It’s good to see you again... This pitiful creature is hindering me. Could you sweep her away for me?" [/message] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=250 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {VARIABLE elynia_original_store.x $elynia_current_loc.x} {VARIABLE elynia_original_store.y $elynia_current_loc.y} [unstore_unit] # Not removed now, we still need to restore her stats # before the end of the scenario! variable=elynia_original_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_current_loc} [heal_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] amount="full" animate=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] attacks_left=$this_unit.max_attacks moves=$this_unit.max_moves level="$($this_unit.level + 1)" [/modify_unit] {I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "... What’s this?" [/message] {FACE_UNIT (id=Anya) (id=Elynia)} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I cannot be defeated by the likes of you..." [/message] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to="attack" name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to="hitpoints" heal_full=yes increase_total=20% [/effect] [effect] apply_to="image_mod" add="CS(32,32,32)" [/effect] [/object] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I am the Lady of Light..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... even without my former power, I shall destroy you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "Of course not. TAKE HER DOWN!" [/message] {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Ivyel)} {FACE_UNIT (id=Ivyel) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What’s she going to do? Does she have a plan?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I am not sure. It appears she wants to attack the infiltrator creature..." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Destroy Ivyel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {I_PORTAL_NOTES} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Ivyel [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {FACE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (id=Ivyel)} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This is <i>your</i> end, Mal Hekuba..." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_sound_source,water_sound_source} # # TODO: ensure Elynia and Ivyel are in adjacent hexes (?) # [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_adjacent] id=Ivyel [/filter_adjacent] [/have_unit] [then] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Ivyel [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=melee [/filter_attack] kill=yes animate=yes fire_event=no amount=1 #experience=no [/animate_attack] [/then] [else] [kill] id=Ivyel animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Irdya is not yours to destroy!" [/message] {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} {FLASH_RED ( [harm_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] kill=no amount=$this_unit.hitpoints animate,fire_event=yes,no [/harm_unit] )} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "AAAAAAAARRGH!" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] type=Verlissh Control Spire [/filter] kill=no variable=spires_store [/store_unit] {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} [foreach] array=spires_store variable=spire [do] {FLASH_RED ( {VARIABLE spire.hitpoints 1} [unstore_unit] variable=spire find_vacant=no text="$spire.max_hitpoints" # wmllint: ignore {COLOR_HARM} [/unstore_unit] [object] [filter] x,y=$spire.x,$spire.y [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=low [/effect] silent=yes [/object] )} [/do] [/foreach] {FLASH_RED ({QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})})} [message] speaker=Mal Hekuba message= _ "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" [/message] {FLASH_RED ()} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=anya_store mode=merge [literal] canrecruit=no {IS_HERO} x,y=recall,recall [/literal] [/set_variables] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_original_store.overlays} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_original_store.ellipse} [set_variables] name=elynia_original_store mode=merge [literal] canrecruit=yes x,y=recall,recall [/literal] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [kill] id=Elynia [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_original_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_original_store,anya_store} {PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST (side=1)} [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Hekuba [/scroll_to_unit] {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} [repeat] times=3 [do] {FLASH_RED ( [animate_unit] [filter] id=Mal Hekuba [/filter] flag=defend hits=hit with_bars=yes [primary_attack] range=ranged [/primary_attack] [secondary_attack] range=ranged [/secondary_attack] [/animate_unit] )} [/do] [/repeat] [kill] id=Mal Hekuba animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [remove_item] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/remove_item] [item] {I_BOSS_LOC} image="items/ball-magenta.png~CS(25,25,25)" halo="halo/heart-aura.png" [/item] {COLOR_ADJUST 96 0 0} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [remove_item] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/remove_item] [item] {I_BOSS_LOC} image="items/ball-magenta.png~CS(50,50,50)" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~SCALE(450,450)~BL(1)" [/item] {COLOR_ADJUST 196 0 0} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [remove_item] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/remove_item] [item] {I_BOSS_LOC} image="items/ball-magenta.png~CS(120,120,120)" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~SCALE(675,675)~BL(2)" [/item] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {COLOR_ADJUST 500 0 0} [sound] name=break.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:EXPLOSION} [/sound] [remove_item] {I_BOSS_LOC} [/remove_item] [kill] {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] [terrain] {I_BOSS_LOC} radius=1 [or] terrain=Qxua [/or] terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:EXPLOSION} [/sound] {COLOR_ADJUST 0 0 0} [redraw][/redraw] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] [delay] time=250 [/delay] # # Fade to black # #define I_NOISY_FADE_STEP _VALUE _DELAY {FADE_STEP ({_VALUE}) ({_DELAY})} [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] #enddef {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -32 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -64 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -96 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -128 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -160 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -192 250} {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -224 250} [remove_item][/remove_item] [replace_schedule] {NEUTRAL_TOD} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 0 -20 -20} [/replace_schedule] [terrain] # Everywhere terrain=Xv [/terrain] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [redraw][/redraw] {I_NOISY_FADE_STEP -500 750} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [/event] #undef I_BOSS_LOC [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_spawn,boss_stage,elynia_original_store} [/event] #undef I_ATTACK_ELYNIA #undef I_CORE_LOCS #undef I_PORTAL_NOTES #undef I_NOISY_FADE_STEP #undef I_HEKUBA_MUST_FACE_ELYNIA #undef I_EFFECT_CANNOT_MOVE [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=12_Fate name= _ "Fate" {MAP 12_Fate.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=null victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {LONGDARK4} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" village_gold,gold=0,0 {NO_INCOME} fog=yes # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elyssa" color=gold controller=null {CHAOS_FLAG} village_gold,gold=0,0 {NO_INCOME} hidden=yes no_leader=yes [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elyssa" color=orange controller=null {CHAOS_FLAG} village_gold,gold=0,0 {NO_INCOME} hidden=yes no_leader=yes [/side] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_has_mermaid_pendant no} {GLOBAL_TABLE:OPEN NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} {GLOBAL_TABLE:WRITE anya_has_mermaid_pendant} {GLOBAL_TABLE:CLOSE} # # Store the heroes’ stats for use in E3. # TODO: only store the crap we actually need, i.e. HP, XP, AMLA hints # {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Elynia episode2_stats_elynia} # wmllint: recognize Anya {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Anya episode2_stats_anya} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Durvan episode2_stats_durvan} [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] {BLACK_SCREEN} {APPLY_INJURED_VARIATION id=Elynia ne} [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [lua] code= << function music_fade_in_fade_out(do_fadein) local function set_music_volume(percentage) wesnoth.fire("volume", { music = percentage }) end for k = 0, 100 do local v if do_fadein then v = k else v = 100 - k end set_music_volume(v) wesnoth.interface.delay(10) end end function music_fade_in() music_fade_in_fade_out(true) end function music_fade_out() music_fade_in_fade_out(false) end >> [/lua] #define F_CLEAR_SHROUD [remove_shroud] side=1 # empty SLF matches all locations [/remove_shroud] #enddef #define F_FILL_SHROUD [place_shroud] side=1 # empty SLF matches all locations [/place_shroud] #enddef [/event] #define F_SPIRIT _X _Y [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x={_X} y={_Y} [/scroll_to] [store_direction] [from] x={_X} y={_Y} [/from] [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] [unit] side=3 type=Fire Wraith x={_X} y={_Y} random_traits=yes generate_name=yes random_gender=yes upkeep=free facing=$direction animate=yes [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} #enddef [event] name=start {F_FILL_SHROUD} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Severely injured, Elynia manages to escape from the underground base as the energy destroys Mal Hekuba and his minions." [/message] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY} [/sound] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [/sound] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {F_CLEAR_SHROUD} {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit] id=Elynia [/unhide_unit] [item] # SE from Elynia x,y=18,9 image="items/staff-elynia-niryone.png" [/item] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Ungh..." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Just as she tries, to no avail, to stand up, Elynia senses the presence of creatures of some sort amidst the dense night fog." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {F_SPIRIT 17 12} {F_SPIRIT 14 7} {F_SPIRIT 20 7} {F_SPIRIT 14 10} {F_SPIRIT 20 10} {F_SPIRIT 17 6} [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "And then..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] # # Screen fade to black # [kill] # We won't need these again. type=Fire Wraith [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {F_FILL_SHROUD} # # End of fade to black. # [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] [lua] code= << music_fade_out() >> # 1000 ms delay [/lua] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "... darkness." [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>I cannot bring myself to kill someone so much weaker than I.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image=misc/blank-hex.png # po: The implication is not only that Elynia is hearing words she # po: herself uttered once (near the end of IftU), but also that # po: she is hearing them in her voice, possibly as a result of a # po: head trauma-induced hallucination. message= _ "<i>Are those my words?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "(<i>in a seductive tone</i>) <i>It would be unfair... and cruel...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image=misc/blank-hex.png # po: See the previous implication. This is why the line is "who # po: are you?" and not "who is there?". message= _ "<i>Who are you?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} side=2 canrecruit=yes #x,y=1,1 x,y=18,8 facing=sw [/hidden_unit] [lua] code= << music_fade_in() >> # 1000 ms delay [/lua] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # po: Take note of the description. She continues to do this for # po: the remainder of the scene. message= _ "The demoness stared directly into her eyes, with a deeply unsettling, emotionless expression." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia was still unable to stand up and defend herself." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "As Elyssa bent down to reach her head, Elynia prepared for the inevitable." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "But instead of dealing the killing blow, Elyssa stroked the elf’s hair — the expression on her face unchanged — and continued to speak in a soft tone of voice." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I don’t want to kill you." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: "He" refers to Argan. message= _ "You spared my life, just like he did." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: No, she isn't sorry. Unfortunately there's pretty much no # po: way to convey this in direct written speech, so we only have # po: the previous description of an emotionless expression. You # po: could say she is being sardonic about it all; after all, she # po: also knows for a fact that Elynia won't actually step aside. # po: Finally, the person who "didn't give [her] a choice" is # po: Uria. message= _ "I’m truly sorry about your friends. She didn’t give me a choice. Now, just let me take what I need, and die in peace if you need to — otherwise, don’t inconvenience us anymore and I’ll never cause you any harm again." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=18,9 [/remove_item] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia felt the exchange could have taken place at a better time, and not during such a terrible display of weakness." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # # NOTE: This line uses the internal monologue convention even though # she is addressing Elyssa. This is on purpose. # [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... Why... why do you do this...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... Because it’s all I have left, my dear." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # # (Sudden) screen restore, unhiding all units. # {F_CLEAR_SHROUD} {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [object] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=e2s12_cutscene [/effect] silent=yes [/object] # # End of screen restore. # [move_unit] id=Elyssa to_x,to_y=20,9 fire_event=no [/move_unit] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: Still sardonic. message= _ "... And thank you for getting rid of that bothersome upstart for me." [/message] [move_unit] id=Elyssa # NOTE: just a bit into the fog, out of the player vision range to_x,to_y=25,12 fire_event=no [/move_unit] [kill] fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {F_FILL_SHROUD} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... Elynia?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {APPEND_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] #undef F_CLEAR_SHROUD #undef F_FILL_SHROUD #undef F_SPIRIT [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN id=Durvan name= _ "Durvan" type=Trapper #profile="portraits/durvan.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA id=Anya name= _ "Anya" type=Night Nymph gender=female #profile="portraits/anya.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_IRYLEAN id=Irylean name= _ "Irylean" type=Necromancer gender=female #profile="portraits/irylean.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () white} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE id=Unarye name= _ "Unarye" type=Elvish Avatar #profile="portraits/unarye.png" profile="portraits/elves/sylph.png~RIGHT()" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_GENERAL_BARDYL id=General Bardyl name= _ "General Bardyl" type=Aragwaith Ancient Banner #profile="portraits/bardyl.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA id=Kyara name= _ "Kyara" type=Quenoth Marksman gender=female #profile="portraits/kyara.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_HORO id=Horo name= _ "Horo" type=Orcish Warlord #profile="portraits/horo.png" profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-5.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_CRON id=Cron name= _ "Cron" type=Troll Warrior profile="portraits/trolls/troll-hero-alt.png" #profile="portraits/cron.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ERGEA id=Ergea name= _ "Ergea" type=Demon Hellbent Tide #profile="portraits/ergea.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_DAEIRA id=Daeira name= _ "Naiad" type=Naiad #profile="portraits/daeira.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [object] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="RC(magenta>lightblue)" [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] #enddef #define RECALL_DURVAN {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN})} #enddef #define RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ANYA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_IRYLEAN {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_IRYLEAN})} #enddef #define RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_IRYLEAN}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA})} [+unit] side=2 [/unit] #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} [+unit] side=2 [/unit] #enddef #define RECALL_HORO {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO})} [+unit] side=2 [/unit] #enddef #define RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} [+unit] side=2 [/unit] #enddef #define RECALL_CRON {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_CRON})} #enddef #define RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_CRON}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ERGEA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ERGEA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ERGEA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ERGEA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_ELYSSA {RECALL_CHARACTER ( {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa )} #enddef #define RECALL_ELYSSA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ( {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa ) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_DAEIRA [recall] id=Daeira show=no [/recall] #enddef #define RECALL_DAEIRA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y [recall] id=Daeira x={_X} y={_Y} show=no [/recall] #enddef #define AMLA_MENU_HINT {AMLA_MENU_HINT:BASE ( _ "Certain high-level units in this campaign under your control — such as Elynia and Anya — have special <b>After Maximum Level Advancements (AMLAs)</b>. You can learn more about those by right-clicking applicable units and choosing the <b>Unit Advancements</b> option.")} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define F_DEATHS {F_DEATH_ELYNIA} {F_DEATH_ANYA} {F_DEATH_DURVAN} {F_DEATH_IRYLEAN} {F_DEATH_IGOR} #enddef #define G_DEATHS {F_DEATH_ELYNIA} {F_DEATH_ANYA} {F_DEATH_DURVAN} {F_DEATH_IRYLEAN} {F_DEATH_IGOR} {G_DEATH_HORO} {G_DEATH_KYARA} {G_DEATH_BARDYL} #enddef #define H_DEATHS {H_DEATH_ANYA} {H_DEATH_DURVAN} {H_DEATH_IRYLEAN} {H_DEATH_IGOR} {H_DEATH_ERGEA} {H_DEATH_CRON} {H_DEATH_DAEIRA} #enddef #define I_DEATHS {I_DEATH_ELYNIA} {I_DEATH_ELYSSA} #enddef #define J_DEATHS {H_DEATH_DURVAN} {H_DEATH_IRYLEAN} {H_DEATH_IGOR} {H_DEATH_ERGEA} {H_DEATH_CRON} {H_DEATH_DAEIRA} #enddef #define K_DEATHS {K_DEATH_ELYNIA} {I_DEATH_ELYSSA} #enddef # Anya can fire last breath events prematurely when using her abscond ability # in this episode. Let's avoid that, shall we? #define ANYA_IS_NOT_ABSCONDING [+filter] [not] status=absconding [/not] [/filter] #enddef #define F_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... fall to the darkness." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No! Elynia, please!" [/message] )} #enddef #define F_DEATH_ANYA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Anya) ( {ANYA_IS_NOT_ABSCONDING} [message] speaker=unit message= _ "No... Elynia... save me..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No... NO!" [/message] )} #enddef #define F_DEATH_DURVAN {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Durvan) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I guess... I will never see my home again..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define F_DEATH_IRYLEAN {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Irylean) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "It is over for me..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define F_DEATH_IGOR {MINOR_DEATH_EVENT (Igor) ( [message] speaker=unit # po: He's referring to Galas and Mal Keshar. message= _ "I couldn’t... I couldn’t avenge the elf friend and the scary lich..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I should have seen this coming... I’m sorry we failed to protect you, friend. I’m sorry..." [/message] )} #enddef #define G_DEATH_KYARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Kyara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I don’t think I— ARGH!" [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define G_DEATH_HORO {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Horo) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "This couldn’t be more untimely... ugh..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define G_DEATH_BARDYL {HERO_DEATH_BASE (General Bardyl) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, I thought I’d... recover Aran-Balgur... before... this..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define H_DEATH_ANYA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Anya) ( {ANYA_IS_NOT_ABSCONDING} [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Oh, Elynia... I wish... you could be... with me now..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define H_DEATH_DURVAN {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Durvan) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "... I knew this was... a terrible idea... heh...." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No! It didn’t have to end like this!" [/message] )} #enddef #define H_DEATH_IRYLEAN {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Irylean) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas... nobody will mourn my passing..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define H_DEATH_IGOR {MINOR_DEATH_EVENT (Igor) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "No... we were so close to the end..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I cannot believe it... I’m sorry, Elynia. I could’ve done better, I could’ve saved him..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’s not your fault, Anya. At least he died a hero — better than can be said for most goblins who just end up as cannon fodder for— Irylean what are you doing??" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Master Mal Keshar once told me that the goblin’s life-long wish was to rise again as a fearsome undead champion." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No!!! I am <b>not</b> allowing you to do this! I never had the chance to meet the guy but I have a feeling he wasn’t being serious when he said that." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Very well, if you say so... I’ve got to admit I am not very good at raising the recently deceased anyway." [/message] )} #enddef #define H_DEATH_ERGEA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Ergea) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I failed you all..." [/message] ) ()} #enddef #define H_DEATH_DAEIRA [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "This battle is not mine to fight. Farewell, Anya." [/message] [/event] #enddef #define H_DEATH_CRON {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Cron) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Cron falls... and bids the storm lady... farewell..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "No! This... this was not supposed to happen! Cron!" [/message] )} #enddef #define I_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_SIMPLE Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Such an incompetent fool. I should have known she would be useless in the end." [/message] )} #enddef #define I_DEATH_ELYSSA {HERO_DEATH_SIMPLE Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Even with her greater experience... This is hopeless..." [/message] )} #enddef #define K_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_SIMPLE Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I should have known this would fail so horribly in the end..." [/message] )} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia #define ATS_MENU_DRYAD_PATH data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia/images/units/faeries/dryad.png#enddef #else #define ATS_MENU_DRYAD_PATH data/add-ons/Naia/images/units/faeries/dryad.png#enddef #endif [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_III {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES III} abbrev= _ "AtS-3" name=_"After the Storm"+" "+_"Final" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-icon-episode3.png" image="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-logo-episode3.png" background="story/landscape-hills-01.jpg" first_scenario=00_Opening description= _ "Though at the end of the day darkness may claim our homes and lives and trap the world beneath its impenetrable veil, the night is not eternal, and even amidst chaos, hope shines forth as a beacon which can help us vanquish our worst fears and reunite us with our destiny."+" "+_"(Intermediate level, 13 scenarios.)"+{ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER} # PAL: faerie_sylvan_wings>faerie_neutral_wings {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU (_"difficulty_menu^Dancer") ("data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/units/faeries/eventide-dancer.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Dryad") ("{ATS_MENU_DRYAD_PATH}~PAL(bee0f6,77cba7,61a280>d0f4f1,87d5cf,47b8af)") (_"difficulty_menu^Warden") ("data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/units/faeries/elynia-attack-melee-5.png~CROP(4,4,72,72)") } end_text=" " # wmllint: ignore {ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND "misc/blank-hex.png~BG()"} [/campaign] #undef ATS_MENU_DRYAD_PATH # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story={CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+_"<b>If you have not completed Episodes I and II of <i>After the Storm</i>, you definitely should not play this episode yet.</b>"+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_OPTIONS_WARNING} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BEYOND_HER_SMILE [story] [part] music="nunc_dimittis.ogg" # po: The lines consisting of a single em dash represent a long pause. story= _ "— — Darkness... I begin to get used to it, again." [/part] [part] story= _ "I spent eons in the darkness beneath the earth, not feeling, not seeing... not thinking. I long to return to that state and let myself fall into the void; unfeeling, uncaring, detached from it all. Even endless sleep would be preferable to what I am left here to face: a reality I cannot amend. Irdya is now in jeopardy due to the machinations of terrible forces I cannot possibly control or confront. Not anymore. I thought I could save Irdya from impending doom this time, but I failed. I failed utterly, just like I did before, and again. All I have accomplished with my recklessness so far has been accelerating the process of our destruction. Perhaps my curse was more than the pompous last words of a necromancer after all; I lost my friends, my people, my home... and my love." [/part] [part] story= _ "“One of us shall fall; the other shall live forever”, he said before our second and last battle. Of course... my memory has grown rusty after so long. But I think I never fully realized the implications of his words. “You shall witness the eventual decay and death of everything you have or shall come to love. You shall regret your actions. And you shall either be forced to end your own life, or live in perpetual suffering. That is the price for my defeat.” Somehow the choice seems trivial now... And if the fate of Irdya states so, someone more competent will take my place and bring them to victory. And then... I’ll be remembered as a coward. A coward who deserted her friends because she could not bear causing them more harm." [/part] [part] story= _ "“<i>It is not too late.</i>” No. It’s pointless." [/part] [part] story= _ "“<i>Your journey has just begun. Your destiny is afoot; you cannot give up now.</i>” But we have already lost... It’s over..." [/part] [part] story= _ "“<i>As long as you live, you can learn from your mistakes, help your friends, and most importantly, help Irdya.</i>” How?" [/part] [part] story= _ "“<i>Uria is the most powerful Guardian, but not the only one.</i>”" [/part] [part] story= _ "Who are you?" [/part] [part] story= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/part] [part] story= _ "... Who are you?" [/part] [part] story= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/part] [part] story= _ "<big>WHO ARE YOU?!</big>" [/part] [part] story= _ "(<i>Anya’s voice</i>) “... Elynia?”" [/part] [/story] [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" story= _ "Two days had passed since our bittersweet victory in the Valley. Mal Hekuba and his creations were gone, and the blast was mostly absorbed into the collapsing portal. For a moment I had hoped none of what happened was more than just a bad dream, a nightmare. It could not have been more real." [/part] [part] story= _ "Anya and Durvan found me after an entire day of searching the nearby hills. I had been badly injured by the fight with the lich, and my staff was gone. Elyssa’s appearance after my narrow escape was most certainly not a dream. Elorran was right in his assessment of the situation. We should have destroyed the Ruby before embarking upon this pointless quest. This has all been my fault. Even before Uria centered her attention on Irdya... I had the opportunity to avoid all this." [/part] [part] # wmllint: local spelling teleporting story= _ "Many of our men simply did not survive our underground struggle. Anya exhausted herself teleporting as many of them back to a safe location as she could within that minuscule window of time; naturally, that wasn’t enough to save them all. The girl remains as optimistic as usual, in spite of the grim circumstances. I don’t think I can understand how she manages to do this after all we’ve been through together." [/part] [part] story= _ "She suggested that we return north to rejoin Elorran and decide our next move. I know I need to recover Argan’s journal more than anything; the information contained within it is most likely vital. Valen has not spoken a word about it yet, however, so at best we can hope that Elorran’s many informants—throughout Uria’s domain, and even Irdya—have gathered enough intelligence on Uria and Elyssa’s plans by now." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S1 _"Beyond her Smile" _"A Light in the Darkness"} story= _ "Anya can easily determine Elorran and Tara’s current location with her necklace. When she last communicated with them, they were seeking a place to hide in the Falrore region, not too far northeast from Raelthyn. That’s most likely where we are going now." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_RAELTHYN [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" story= _ "The perpetrators of these hideous crimes against life were evidently commanded to not take any prisoners or claim lands for their leaders. It took us an entire day and then some more to arrive to Raelthyn, but the landscape along the road was hardly different to what we found in Falrore. Tortured corpses everywhere, ruined buildings, entire towns and forests burned down... It was clear that their victims never stood a chance. All capable warriors had been sent to the front lines in the southern regions and the borders of the Chaos Empire on purpose. Our enemies were aware of this. That’s why they were awaiting the opportunity to invade the unprotected country, distracting the Grand Council with pointless skirmishes. But they couldn’t smuggle their forces in and pass unnoticed... Clearly, they had found a way to teleport their massive armies anywhere, perhaps by using that damned artifact." [/part] [part] story= _ "In effect, I caused this." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S2 _"Return to Raelthyn" _"Reckoning"} story= _ "But once we made it to the capital region, we found out that not all was lost. Or perhaps more precisely, we arrived in the nick of time." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_AMIDST_THE_RUINS_OF_GLAMDROL [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" story= _ "I could barely sleep on our way to Fort Astar. Perhaps it was because of this that I couldn’t hear that voice again — that otherworldly, intriguing voice. But this voice was not the one that attacked me in Kalari before. That voice was just as beautiful, but terrifying rather than calming, and when she taunted me again in Wesmere I assumed it was Uria. Who spoke to me before Anya woke me up? Who could be interested in our success? Could it be the fabled Guardian of the Arcane Flame herself? Could it be I’m losing my mind because of everything that has happened since Galas and Mal Keshar woke me up? I have always been rather skeptical about these matters, but the little information we have gathered so far suggests that the Guardian—often referred to as Eloh—is as real as Uria is, or at the very least, she used to be. But if she truly lives, why hasn’t she helped us? It’s evident we have not been graced by her divine powers for as long as we have existed. The elves of the Great Continent have had to deal with much misfortune throughout history, all on their own." [/part] [part] story= _ "But I digress. What really matters now is not whether I’m slowly turning into a deranged old hag—hopefully not—but rather what our current situation is. We traveled westward as swiftly as we could with what little we had in terms of supplies and human support. On the other hand, it never seems too difficult for Durvan to convince his fellow men that the Grand Council has fallen along with all proper military order and that the fate of their country now lies in the hands of a few people led by a legendary elf, a mixed-blood faerie, and a necromancer. The lowliest of individuals of any given species tend to be gullible like that — and that is obviously something Uria and her minions knew. Oh, Argan, how I wish your charisma wasn’t put to use by an evil goddess from another world." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S3 _"Amidst the Ruins of Glamdrol" _"A Path to Follow"} story= _ "Leaving Huldnyir Hills and all the destruction in the border towns behind, we promptly found a half-abandoned guard post beside the large flooded region carved out by the great explosion in Glamdrol a little more than half a year ago. They informed us of recent skirmishes, an advancing platoon, and two refugees on a mission. Just as Valen previously assured us, they were still alive and in one piece, at Fort Astar, and they had the journal. Mal Keshar did an excellent job of instructing Kyara to not allow anyone else to access the contents of the journal, whatever his reasons were." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_OUTPOST_OF_HELL [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" story= _ "“<i>I still remember when Uria first woke me up; her smile, her kindness. She reminded me so much of Elynia... But all that has faded away with time. So much time has passed since she brought me back to life... She still assures me she will bring new life to Irdya when the time comes, as her role as the Guardian of Life demands — she is supposed to keep our worlds on track to facilitate our progress.</i>”" [/part] [part] story= _ "Many pages are missing or seriously damaged. Argan’s writing often becomes incoherent and meaningless as well, and some passages are not written in the common script. Trying to make sense of this journal will be exceptionally difficult." [/part] [part] story= _ "“<i>I sorely miss the light of my soul, the elf to whom I devoted my life in Irdya. I tried to find her and failed, and the Seer will not respond to my inquiries. In fact, the Seer does not respond to anyone but Uria herself. But Uria has different plans for me... She says locating Elynia is not important right now, and that I must deal with the barbarians in the Great Desert first, to begin the process. What process, I ask? What is the point of building a civilization from the scum left after the Fall? Uria could enter Irdya with ease if she so desired. She could then find the Seed of Earth, initiate a new cycle, and wait countless eons. She says she knows an alternative. But first, she requires my support.</i>”" [/part] [part] story= _ "It’s hard to make sense of his ramblings. In some passages, he describes Uria as a beautiful creature; in others, as a hideous monster whose cause he laments serving. Was it the pain caused by his new body that numbed his reason, or the damage Uria inflicted on his soul by using him as her Voice?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S4 _"Outpost of Hell" _"Gateway"} story= _ "“<i>The Voice, the Seer, and the Shadow. And as soon as we find Elynia, there will be four, and four will spread our message of Life to the other worlds.</i>”" [/part] [/story] #enddef # MASSIVE HACK to avoid scaling the "real" background image since the scaling # algorithm in Wesnoth 1.10 sucks ass and produces jagged edges. We use a fake # invisible background to dictate the storyscreen geometry for [image] layout # and then center a fixed-size image accordingly. #define STORYTXT_FRAME_OF_REFERENCE_IS_GAME_WINDOW background="misc/blank-hex.png" #enddef # The coordinates here help avoid overlapping the bottom panel on 800x600 and # higher resolutions, but there's just no way to make it work on 800x480 # without breaking the others. X is 50% of the FoR, Y is ~41.66%. #define STORYTXT_IMG_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER x,y,centered=36,30,yes #enddef #define STORYTXT_SIGILS [image] file="story/original-ten.png" {STORYTXT_IMG_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER} [/image] #enddef #define STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP _OPACITY [image] delay=125 file="story/original-ten.png~O("+{_OPACITY}+")~BG()" {STORYTXT_IMG_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER} [/image] #enddef #define STORYTXT_CAPTION _TEXT "<span color='#bcb088' font='22'>"+{_TEXT}+"</span> " #enddef #define STORYTXT_GATEWAY [story] # No title-card since we're in the middle of a double # (battle-cutscene) scenario sequence here. [part] music="snowfall.ogg" story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Uria has gathered much knowledge through her most devout followers, sent to the outer worlds seeking any information she may require. Most of what we have learned comes from the ruins in Karash, which appear to have existed for longer than life as we know it. And of course, the Seer is always willing to help once provided with the right questions by her. It is all so convoluted, I can barely begin to understand. I remember we once believed in the Gods of Light and Darkness and such, but now..." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Their kind, that of the First Gods; they ruled over everything that existed and would exist for an eternity. Peaceful as they were, they lacked the means to deal with what would end that eternity. The First Struggle took place. It is said that most of them perished. A war amongst their kind; a more powerful entity feeding upon them; none of our sources provide us with factual information about the First Struggle, only speculations. Amongst the few survivors there were beings of light, and beings of darkness, but only one master of the balance between both. He stepped forth at the end of the Struggle to unite the others and create their legacy; a construct none but him could access directly." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Yarae, the Protector of the Tree of Life that gave us birth; the Tree that represented the Ten aspects of his people, and from which Ten gods would come into existence to function as the protectors and ideals of all their descendants. Ten demons who would serve as the testament of the existence of the First Gods and their universe." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_FRAME_OF_REFERENCE_IS_GAME_WINDOW} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.10} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.15} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.20} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.25} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.30} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.35} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.40} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.45} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.50} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.55} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.60} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.65} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.70} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.75} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.80} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.85} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.90} {STORYTXT_SIGILS_FADE_STEP 0.95} {STORYTXT_SIGILS} [+image] delay=1000 [/image] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Ten demon gods to rule over our universe." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_PASS_OF_SORROWS [story] [part] {STORYTXT_FRAME_OF_REFERENCE_IS_GAME_WINDOW} {STORYTXT_SIGILS} story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Life, Water, Thunder, Earth, Fire, Darkness, Light, Air, Ice, Existence; the forces governing our reality, all sprung from the Tree along with the seeds of their guardians, and their respective worlds. In time, life would spread farther beyond throughout our universe, while ten worlds would enjoy the rule of their assigned protectors. But things did not go exactly as planned." [/part] [part] # po: Whenever we say "of Earth", we mean 'Earth' as in the element, not the planet. story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Even in the beginning, the world of the Guardian of Fire fell apart, creating the blazing moon that would in time be known as Karash. The seed of Fire crashed into Norsula, paving the way for perpetual chaos on a dark world that was destined to belong to the bellicose beast that was the Guardian of Water, not the fair woman whose songs told of a peaceful existence on a bright land that would never be. The fate of their shared domain hung by the delicate thread of their strange mutual love-hate relationship; in time, that thread would be severed by the Guardian of Water himself by piercing through her heart with his maw. Around the same time, a remarkably immature Guardian of Darkness would grow inexplicably jealous over Yarae’s favoritism towards her sisters of Earth and Life; for both the wielder of the Arcane Flame and the mistress of the Void had powers and physical attributes she did not. She would rebel against her creator and attempt to harness the full extent of her power, only to fail and cause the utter destruction of all life in her domain, including herself. Meanwhile, something happened to the Tree..." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "It is said a powerful force beyond imagination possessed it and its Protector. Yarae turned against the First Gods, and fled into our universe to summon the powers of his remaining demons against his own brethren. Only three of our guardians refused the call, aware that disobeying him constituted an unforgivable sin, and that they could not stand a chance against his ire. The remaining First Gods saw no option but to sacrifice themselves to create a new entity that could rival the traitor and his corrupted creations: Iluvia, the Avatar of the Union of Light and Darkness. She would obtain the support of the three guardians who remained loyal to the First Gods and their purpose: Uria, of Life, her sister of Earth and the Arcane Flame, and her sister of Existence and Secrets. With their combined forces, they defeated Yarae and incarcerated him within the Great Void. Alas, the cost was too great: all the other guardians were destroyed, and so were the mortals who joined his cause—willingly or not—as well as those unfortunate witnesses of the lengthy battle between gods." [/part] [part] # po: "The fallen" here is meant in plural form as an alternative to "the deceased". # po: "Her last forces" refers to a dying Iluvia. story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Our three goddesses did not have the power to repair the great damage caused. And most importantly, it was never within their abilities to resurrect the fallen. With her last forces, Iluvia instructed them to take the bulk of the survivors to the remote worlds of Urvatha and Silida so they could continue to progress on their own in a reality set apart from the rest, created by the Guardian of Existence, and guarded by the Gatekeepers born from her many hearts. Uria and her sister of Earth sacrificed their lives to restart the process that brought them into existence, wiping out any remaining lives along with their own, thus putting an end to the First Cycle." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_FRAME_OF_REFERENCE_IS_GAME_WINDOW} {STORYTXT_SIGILS} story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Life flourished anew, with the hope of a new beginning. But the goddesses knew that it would not be the same." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "The Tree is tainted with imperfection, and so is our universe: strife and chaos, death and misery. Near the end, the goddesses saw what was coming for us; and although no-one had the chance to document it in detail before the process began, they did leave some clues. And to ensure we would have the necessary resources to forge our own destiny, Iluvia provided us with the legacy of the First Gods: two orbs, each one holding the essences of Light and Darkness; and her own sacred body. Their locations remained unknown until relatively recently: Irdya, wherein the seed of Earth was planted, no longer tied to its guardian; Norsula, wherein the new Guardians of Water and Fire would finally find peace; and Ethea, wherein the seed of Life would prosper in solitude until the new Guardian would return to claim it." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S5 _"Pass of Sorrows" _"Gathering Storm"} story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "And it is with Iluvia’s legacy that our new Guardian of Life intends to put an end to the fruitless existence to which we were doomed." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DIVERGENCE [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S6 _"Divergence"} story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "My conviction falters. Everything since I returned to Irdya has been a nightmare, and I begin to suspect I am becoming part of it myself. The mere act of thought demands more effort than it used to, as if my very mind was falling apart. Recent events have only increased this feeling of detachment from reality. It was only a few days ago, in the Heart. While I was inspecting Reghara’s prisoners, he mockingly alluded to his men and their toy. “What toy?”, I asked. He somehow assumed I am concerned enough with their leisure ‘activities’ to have heard of this depravity beyond description; these Irdyans should be thankful that Uria will not let me give them what they all deserve at once." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DARK_FIRE_1 [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S7A _"Dark Fire"} story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "They had tortured the poor creature for weeks, keeping her alive with the powers we taught them, and forcing her to feed upon the flesh of past prisoners. But nothing is enough to hold a person who has already lost the will to live. Despite the mud and wounds, her face and her hair were strangely familiar. Had I met anyone like her before my own fall, or was I somehow responsible for her fate? I put those questions and the pain they caused me aside, and resolved to give her another chance. I would take full responsibility of her life... hoping our recently acquired Norsulan technology would be enough to make the difference." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DARK_FIRE_2 [story] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Her subsequent awakening reminded me of my own, except that I did not have the power to tap into her mind and comfort her, unlike Uria. I did not ask the girl what seemed to cause her more pain than before. Was it the many modifications we had to perform on her devastated body to enable her to live once again, or the separation of her body and her soul? Or perhaps... the presence of the Source within her. Her name..." [/part] [/story] #enddef # # The lack of storyscreen text for the following sections is by design. # #define STORYTXT_DARK_SEA [story] [part] music="revelation.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S7B _"Dark Sea"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_INTERIM [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S8A _"Interim"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_1 [story] [part] music="siege_of_laurelmor.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S8B _"Destiny — Part 1"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BREAKDOWN [story] [part] music="silence.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S8C _"Breakdown"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_2 [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S8D _"Destiny — Part 2"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DARK_DEPTHS [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S9 _"Dark Depths"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BLOOD [story] [part] music="underground.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S10 _"Blood"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_AFTER_THE_STORM [story] [part] music="silence.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E3S11 _"After the Storm"} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_3 [story] [part] music="silence.ogg" {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E3S12 _"Destiny — Part 3" _"And then..."} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_EPILOGUE [story] [part] music="nunc_dimittis.ogg" story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "This is not the same Uria I first met in the darkness. The kind and loving girl who kept my broken body alive does not exist anymore." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Her name was Lyphanea. Her people saw her as some kind of messiah meant to do great things for the denizens of Urvatha, who longed for the end of the Era of Great Strife and the beginning of the fabled Era of Unity. They all knew she had been chosen by destiny to become the new Guardian of Life, successor of one of the goddesses who sacrificed their very existence to give the universe a new opportunity to live. But things changed after that fateful day." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "That day, we were exploring ancient ruins in our endless quest for knowledge of our destinies. Lyphanea thought the ruins could guard the secret of the creation of life, but all we found there were more vague scriptures and grandiose descriptions of the feats performed by the previous Guardian of Life. Upon our return to the village, we saw the aftermath of the carnage. Her people were not conquered and enslaved as is the norm with other demon lords. No... the malefactor behind the bloodshed had a very specific goal in mind: ensuring that the foretold Era of Unity would never come to pass. Dorvoth of the Valdemons knew nothing specific about the girl who was to become the new Guardian of Life, only her species, so the logical step for him was methodical genocide." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Of course, what little he knew about Lyphanea’s destiny was information he obtained from the Seer herself: a being who betrays no-one, and takes no side in any conflict. This Demon Lord Dorvoth simply failed to ask her the correct question." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "After that day, Lyphanea changed. She focused all her time and energy probing the mysteries of the Aspect of Life. But it was all in vain. Decades later, Dorvoth did not simply meet the girl always predestined to end him, but an enraged goddess bent on his destruction. A goddess who had just learned that creating or restoring life was not amongst the powers naturally conferred to her by the Tree. He never stood a chance against she who went on to adopt the name of her predecessor as her own." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Uria kept telling herself it would only be a matter of time, that she would help both her world and the one I adopted as my own, but as time passed by, her efforts proved fruitless... until she met the Seer herself. The Seer told her that Yarae consciously chose to prevent us from reaching his tier of power, placing various restrictions in the design of our universe. Restrictions that could be overcome or exploited given sufficient time and research. Restrictions that Delethia herself may have managed to break in order to create the Gatekeepers and her other rumored progeny. Restrictions that could be abolished with the various instruments left behind by the First Gods. Uria began to see our universe not as a system which she was meant to heal and protect, but rather as an inherently flawed creation that needed to be replaced." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "Unbeknownst to Dorvoth, he was indirectly responsible for fulfilling the prophecy of the Era of Unity; at least in its most literal form. Over time, Uria conquered every last Demon Lord who stood in her way and forced them to either join her cause or be annihilated... along with their subjects. She established a new power hierarchy with herself at the top and the belligerent Demon Lords forced to serve her for as long as they lived. It did not take her much time to crush all those who dared to defy the new order. From every conquered race, Uria would learn something new, for the peoples of Urvatha are all descended from survivors of the First Cycle, and a few of them managed to preserve some ancient knowledge to this day." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "She would eventually gain access to Silida, a sibling world that existed under the same starless sky as Urvatha. And of course, she would find a way to subdue the Guardian of Earth born there to ensure she would not interfere." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "In time, Uria would come up with a contrived series of theories and plans to ascend to the level of the First Gods without committing Merthiaal’s mistakes. The goal: creating a new, perfect universe in which life would be completely controlled by her will; a universe without death; a universe without Yarae’s creations; and most importantly, a universe where she would be the only ruling goddess. But to achieve that goal, she would have to cope with the power growing inside her; the power of the guardians, drawn from the Source amidst the endless void beyond our universe; unlimited power. It is clear now that she failed to escape from the nefarious tendrils of that corrupting force." [/part] [part] # po: The last line in this block is a callback to AtS E1S1 ("The Skirmish"). story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Argan")} + _ "I am writing this now as I prepare for the inevitable. My arrangement with Uria requires me to forfeit free will in order to allow Elyssa to live. Sooner or later, this will lead to my own demise, but I am somehow not troubled by this notion. It is said that great things will come afterwards. If anyone finds this journal, they will learn the truth. But I also want them to ensure that Elynia does as well. And then, when the time comes, she will know what must be done. And she will know that she need not mourn my death. Because, sometimes, your loved ones must be willing to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause." {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE "" _"Epilogue"} [/part] [/story] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=00_Opening name= _ "Opening" {MAP 00_01_Opening.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=01_Beyond_her_Smile victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} # GENERAL TODO: graphical effects! {SCENARIO_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} {STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING} {INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -40 -10} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player {NO_ECONOMY} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" hidden=yes # This is solely to prevent a map snapshot from being used in the # Load Game menu when all terrain grahics are loaded. The shroud # is disabled later during prestart. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Elyssa canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} variation=e2s12_cutscene facing=sw [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Mal Kendria canrecruit=yes {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KENDRIA} facing=sw [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=yes variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] {BLACK_SCREEN} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [move_unit] id=Mal Kendria to_x=23,17 to_y=13,16 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "My lady, you have finally returned! I was concerned for you, since you left without notice! What do you have there?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "The Ruby of Fire! You retrieved it, my lady! Was the faerie elf already dead, or did you kill her yourself?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] #define PR_ELYSSA_FACING_TRIAD [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] facing=ne [/modify_unit] #enddef #define PR_ELYSSA_FACING_AWAY [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] facing=sw [/modify_unit] #enddef {PR_ELYSSA_FACING_TRIAD} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "She destroyed Hekuba for us first in the elves’ valley. Naturally, she paid the price." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "So they destroyed each other? Excellent news!" [/message] {PR_ELYSSA_FACING_AWAY} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "So, what are we going to do now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Where is Nar-hamoth?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "I believe he’s busy battling the allied forces remaining near the Bay of Glamdrol. Should you require his immediate presence here with us, I can summon him—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That shall not be necessary. Not anymore." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "As Elyssa whispers an incantation never heard by Mal Kendria before, the staff she holds changes its shape into a four-bladed weapon with the glowing, unshielded Ruby at its very end. The necromancer stares in awe..." [/message] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] flag=levelout with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [object] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=e3s0_cutscene_1 [/effect] silent=yes [/object] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] flag=levelin with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "That’s amazing!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {PR_ELYSSA_FACING_TRIAD} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "But the feeling promptly vanishes as Elyssa’s eyes turn blood red. An eerie aura engulfs both former allies as the demoness advances towards the necromancer, now petrified with dread." [/message] [move_unit] id=Elyssa to_x,to_y=17,17 [/move_unit] [item] x,y=17,17 halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O(0.2)" [/item] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [remove_item] x,y=17,17 [/remove_item] [item] x,y=17,17 halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O(0.4)" [/item] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) Bind the soul to stone, turn the memories to dust..." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=17,17 [/remove_item] [item] x,y=17,17 halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O(0.8)" [/item] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "M-m-my lady..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) ... erase the spirit and shed the hollow shell." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Kendria message= _ "... Elyssa... <small>I feel... <small>unwell...</small></small>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Goodbye, Kendyare." [/message] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Mal Kendria [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="CS(255,-255,-255)" [/effect] [/object] {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP id=Elyssa _"bind soul"} [delay] time=20 # Yes, less than 100 ms. [/delay] [remove_item] x,y=17,17 [/remove_item] [item] x,y=17,17 halo="halo/heart-aura.png" [/item] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("silence.ogg")} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_sound_source} {RED_SCREEN} [kill] id=Mal Kendria [/kill] [remove_item] x,y=17,17 [/remove_item] [hide_unit] id=Elyssa [/hide_unit] [object] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=e3s0_cutscene_2 [/effect] silent=yes [/object] [delay] time=100 [/delay] {BLACK_SCREEN} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_sound_source # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=2000 [/fade_in_sound_effects] #define PR_ELYSSA_MONOLOGUE _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef {PR_ELYSSA_MONOLOGUE ( _ "Why am I still here?")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {PR_ELYSSA_MONOLOGUE ( _ "Who are you within my body?")} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] # replace map with part 2 [replace_map] map="{LE /maps/00_02_Within.map}" expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=15,12 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] {FADE_IN} [teleport] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] x,y=15,12 [/teleport] [unhide_unit] id=Elyssa [/unhide_unit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elyssa) ne} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] #define PR_MEDIC _ID _NAME _X _Y [terrain] terrain=Urb x={_X} y={_Y} [/terrain] [store_direction] [from] x={_X} y={_Y} [/from] [to] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] [hidden_unit] side=2 type=Chaos Dreadcrafter x={_X} y={_Y} facing=$direction id={_ID} name={_NAME} generate_name=no random_traits=no random_gender=no [/hidden_unit] #enddef {PR_MEDIC (Mal Reth-Kanan) ( _ "Mal Reth-Kanan") 15 9} {PR_MEDIC (Mal Si'ah) ( _ "Mal Si’ah") 18 10} {PR_MEDIC (Mal Vurapia) ( _ "Mal Vurapia") 18 13} {PR_MEDIC (Mal Arkelean) ( _ "Mal Arkelean") 15 15} {PR_MEDIC (Mal Zilchis) ( _ "Mal Zilchis") 12 13} {PR_MEDIC (Mal Vrel'leru) ( _ "Mal Vrel’leru") 12 10} [unhide_unit] type=Chaos Dreadcrafter [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] x,y=18,10 message= _ "The promised time has come, heiress." [/message] [delay] time=2500 [/delay] [kill][/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elyssa" image=misc/blank-hex.png # her portrait doesn't fit here message= _ "So it has." [/message] [fade_out_sound_effects][/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_sound_source} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [event] name=victory [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [literal] x,y=recall,recall [/literal] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} [/event] #undef PR_ELYSSA_MONOLOGUE #undef PR_ELYSSA_FACING_AWAY #undef PR_ELYSSA_FACING_TRIAD #undef PR_MEDIC [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=01_Beyond_her_Smile name= _ "Beyond her Smile" {MAP 01_01_Beyond_her_Smile.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=02_01_Return_to_Raelthyn {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {F_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_BEYOND_HER_SMILE} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player {NO_ECONOMY} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" # Prevent map snapshot for start-of-scenario saved game. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} facing=ne [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elorran" no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes recruit=Demon,Imp,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Raider {GOLD 120 130 140} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.20} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout,fighter,fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Imp {GOLD 110 115 120} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,fighter"} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes recruit=Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Invader {GOLD 110 120 125} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,scout,fighter,fighter,fighter"} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=6 controller=null team_name=door color=black {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (side=2) 100 ()} {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (side=2) () 0 ()} [event] name=prestart {GLOBAL_TABLE:OPEN NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} {GLOBAL_TABLE:READ swam_in_fountain_of_courage} {GLOBAL_TABLE:READ anya_has_mermaid_pendant} {GLOBAL_TABLE:CLOSE} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 11 10} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 12 10} # # "Fix" Elynia, Anya and Durvan according to the # information stored at the end of E2. # {UPDATE_UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE Elynia episode2_stats_elynia} {AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_3 Elynia} {UPDATE_UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE Anya episode2_stats_anya} {AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_2 Anya} {UPDATE_UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE Durvan episode2_stats_durvan} {AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_2 Durvan} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Anya) sw} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Durvan) nw} # The loyal player elves {NAMED_UNIT 1 ("Elvish Druid") 8 9 Eluclya ( _ "Eluclya") ( unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {NO_UPKEEP} {FACING se} {NAMED_UNIT 1 ("Elvish Fighter") 13 9 Nalan ( _ "Nalan") ( unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] )} {NO_UPKEEP} {FACING sw} {NAMED_UNIT 1 ("Elvish Fighter") 10 8 Crendil ( _ "Crendil") ( unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {NO_UPKEEP} {FACING s} # Cutscene NPCs {NAMED_UNIT 2 ("Huntsman") 8 7 Zareth ( _ "Zareth") ( canrecruit=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] facing=se )} {NAMED_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Marshal") 14 11 Gecelan ( _ "Gecelan") ( canrecruit=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] facing=nw )} {NAMED_UNIT 2 ("Faerie Dryad") 7 12 Aragea ( _ "Aragea") ( [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] facing=ne )} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Scout") 12 3} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Scout") 8 4} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Scout") 18 10} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Rider") 5 13} {FACING ne} {NAMED_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Archer") 15 15 Elytha ( _ "Elytha") ( gender=female [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] facing=se )} {NAMED_UNIT 2 ("Elvish Archer") 16 16 Unia ( _ "Unia") ( gender=female [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] facing=nw )} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Eluclya message= _ "My lady, since you are returning to the Far North we thought we should let you know you can count on our help. Should you need fighters or a healer..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I appreciate your offer, and you can come with us if you wish." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "These three loyal elves—Eluclya, Nalan and Crendil—will be available for you to recall from now on." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Elynia, I’m not sure leaving most of our men behind is actually a good idea." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I prefer that they stay here to investigate the ruins for us and assist the elves should the Empire send more troops back here. Anya can teleport them back to us later if necessary. We don’t have much time and we have already tarried here for too long because of my incompetence." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Don’t say such things — it’s not your fault! Teleportation is a very complicated and dangerous skill to learn for those who weren’t born with the ability!" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If you say so, girl. (<i>smiling</i>) I suppose it’s not my place to argue with a creature of the darkness." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s return." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Very well!" [/message] [delay] time=200 [/delay] {PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST ( side=1 race=elf )} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] variable=durvan_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [kill] side=2 [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] {BLACK_SCREEN} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [sound] name="magic-dark-big.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=100 [/delay] [sound] name="lightning.ogg" [/sound] [replace_map] map="{LE /maps/01_02_A_Light_in_the_Darkness.map}" expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=42,24 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] # Items {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png" 24 17} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png~FL(horiz)" 11 21} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png" 31 11} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/trash.png" 35 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/village-human-burned1.png" 12 16} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/village-human-burned4.png" 17 22} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/village-human-burned3.png" 22 13} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/village-human-burned2.png" 18 30} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/mine-abandoned.png" 40 8} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/rubble.png" 31 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/oak-leaning.png" 5 4} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/rock3.png" 31 6} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/rock1.png" 35 8} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/blood-trail-1.png" 41 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/blood-trail-2.png" 40 26} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/gore-3.png" 32 24} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/gore-3.png" 29 19} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/gore-3.png~FL(horiz)" 27 23} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/gore-2.png" 30 24} {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/gore-2.png" 29 28} [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [literal] x,y,facing=41,24,se [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=anya_store mode=merge [literal] x,y,facing=42,24,sw [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=durvan_store mode=merge [literal] x,y,facing=41,25,ne [/literal] [/set_variables] [time_area] {UNDERGROUND} terrain=X* [or] x=34-48,33 ,30-32,37-38,43-44 y=22-30,26-31,30-31,20 ,20 [/or] [/time_area] [sound] name="magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" [/sound] {RESET_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=durvan_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store,anya_store,durvan_store} [redraw] side=1 # refresh shroud [/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Where are we? Where is everyone?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "While Anya and Durvan contemplate their surroundings, Elynia picks up a necklace identical to Anya’s, covered in blood." image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This does not bode well." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That trail... No..." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 38 27} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) nw} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) 39 27} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Please tell me they’re not..." [/message] [unit] x,y=37,27 side=6 type=Door upkeep=free max_hitpoints=8 [/unit] [animate_attack] [filter] x,y=37,27 [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] kill=yes animate=yes fire_event=no amount=8 #experience=no [/animate_attack] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=37,27 [/remove_terrain_overlays] # Not updating shroud yet, this is by design and important. We do need # the terrain update right now, though. [redraw] clear_shroud=no [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 35 26} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [fade_out_music] time=500 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "... May the Lords of Light have mercy..." [/message] # Begin enemy sides set-up [modify_side] [filter_side] team_name=evil [/filter_side] hidden=no [/modify_side] [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] # Inserting units on the battlefield like this # takes visibly long, and they are visibly drawn # first one by one. This is annoying, so it's # better to do the spawning with hidden units # that are cleanly and simultaneously unhidden # when done. # wmllint: recognize General Ramzal [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Sharpshooter id=General Ramzal name= _ "General Ramzal" side=3 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [capture_village] side=3 terrain=*^V* [/capture_village] [store_starting_location] side=4 [/store_starting_location] # wmllint: recognize Sibul [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes type=Demon Grunt id=Sibul name= _ "Sibul" side=4 experience=3 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 12 $location.x $location.y 8} [store_starting_location] side=5 [/store_starting_location] # wmllint: recognize Vrenmark [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Marauder id=Vrenmark name= _ "Vrenmark" experience=12 side=5 x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 5 $location.x $location.y 8} # End enemy sides set-up [delay] time=500 [/delay] # Begin battlefield set-up [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=17,22 hitpoints,experience=2,16 facing=se type=Demon Grunt gender=male name= _ "Amphael" [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=17,21 experience=2 facing=s type=Demon gender=female name= _ "Vrena" [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=4 x,y=24,25 experience=6 facing=se type=Dark Knight name= _ "Zulter" hitpoints=22 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=26,26 experience=2 hitpoints=29 facing=nw type=Blood Imp name= _ "Sharghel" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=25,26 hitpoints,experience=11,4 facing= type=Demon Zephyr gender=female name= _ "Riza" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=26,21 hitpoints,experience=1,3 facing=ne type=Fire Faerie name= _ "Malryne" [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=5 x,y=26,22 experience=2 facing=n type=Chaos Invader name= _ "Faras" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=14,9 experience=13 hitpoints=31 facing=se type=Demon name= _ "Vulmorse" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=15,10 hitpoints,experience=3,5 facing=nw type=Demon gender=male name= _ "El-Daghard" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=16,10 experience=9 facing=nw type=Imp name= _ "Knox" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DIM} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=13,16 facing=sw type=Demon Zephyr gender=female name= _ "Shege Ros" [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 x,y=17,13 facing=se type=Chaos Invoker name= _ "Azora" hitpoints=11 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=4 x,y=32,9 facing=sw type=Demon name= _ "Kalehmar" [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=5 x,y=8,18 facing=nw gender=female hitpoints=2 type=Demon name= _ "Zharma" [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=5 x,y=12,24 facing=sw type=Imp name= _ "Drogor" [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_DIM} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=19,16 facing=se type=Rock Golem hitpoints=13 experience=6 [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=26,23 facing=nw type=Animated Rock hitpoints=2 experience=5 [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=2 x,y=11,22 facing=se type=Animated Rock hitpoints=7 experience=2 [/hidden_unit] # Guardians #ifndef EASY [hidden_unit] side=4 ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=33,5 facing=se type=Demon gender=female name= _ "Kyanala" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=4 ai_special=guardian upkeep=free x,y=37,10 facing=nw type=Demon gender=female name= _ "Shergal" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] #endif # End battlefield set-up {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "returning_in_time.ogg"} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) 36 26} [message] speaker=Durvan scroll=no message= _ "This... is quite the bloody mess..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "Anya... I..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "... I— I advise you don’t come outside—" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 34 26} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=26,21 {WARP} [/scroll_to] # # Unveil the map # [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] {RESET_SCREEN} # Unhide everyone [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=27,13 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=17,22 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "(<i>crying</i>) No..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=12,6 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=General Ramzal # po: The full title is "The Fist of Uria", and is male, but this is supposed # po: to be unclear at this point in order to mess with Elynia's head. message= _ "There they are! Just like the Fist told us, they would turn up soon looking for their fallen friends. Would that our pets had lingered around for long enough. But I’m rambling — let’s end this once and for all!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Search the settlement for survivors, gather any living humans from the nearby villages, and try to locate Elorran and Tara’s remains." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Elynia...? What’s your plan?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We will make the demons pay for this atrocity. That is all I know and care about for the moment." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 33 25} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 33 26} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Durvan) 34 24} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [fire_event] name=begin gameplay [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=begin gameplay [modify_turns] {QUANTITY value 28 27 26} [/modify_turns] [modify_side] side=1 {GOLD 250 240 230} {INCOME 3 2 2} village_gold=1 recruit="Faerie Sprite,Footpad,Poacher,Thug,Ruffian" [/modify_side] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {RESET_THEME} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "Anya... I’m truly sorry for all this. It all has been my fault..." [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "(<i>still crying</i>) Don’t blame yourself. This... we knew it would happen. It would happen sooner or later." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "I just... I just hoped I’d have a chance to say goodbye to them. They... they took care of me for so long, ever since I was abandoned... as a child." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "I could never understand. I had heard stories about your kind... And then I met you, and I saw you and that elvish lady, and the other elves... You have such a different perception of those who ascend to faeriedom... You look upon them with awe and respect. Humans don’t share the sentiment with those born from faerie and demonkind like me." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "They hate us. Perhaps out of fear, or out of ignorance. Or simply because we are not like them." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "Thirteen years ago, Tara found me in the forest. I was cold, starving, and frightened. She brought me to Elorran, and together they raised me since then, all despite the dangers of their mission. The rational option for them should have been to leave me behind so I wouldn’t hinder them, and yet..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=recruit [filter] side=3 [/filter] [fire_event] name=anya_dlg_07 [/fire_event] [/event] # Last resort if the side 3 AI screws up (shouldn't happen!) [event] name=side 3 turn 1 end [fire_event] name=anya_dlg_07 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=anya_dlg_07 [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "... They taught me many things. But most importantly..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto,attack [filter] side=3 [/filter] [fire_event] name=anya_dlg_08 [/fire_event] [/event] # Last resort if the side 3 AI screws up (shouldn't happen!) [event] name=side 3 turn 1 end [fire_event] name=anya_dlg_08 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=anya_dlg_08 [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "They taught me to smile." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 4 turn 1 refresh [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "My mission failed. I brought you back, but we don’t have the Ruby, and Elorran and Tara can’t help us anymore. But... I’m sure all this had to happen for a reason, even if it often feels like a cruel and pointless game of life and death." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "If we are still alive, it must mean something..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 5 turn 1 refresh [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "It must mean our purpose in this game hasn’t been fulfilled yet." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 5 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "I will follow you until the end... what else is there for me to do." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 2 [fade_out_music] delay=250 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=yes message= _ "You are all I have now." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("northerners.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("heroes_rite.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("weight_of_revenge.ogg")} [/event] # # General Ramzal leaves on turn 3, leaving a replacement # in command instead. # # Make sure he doesn't get killed before then {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (id="General Ramzal") 0 ()} [event] name=side 3 turn 3 refresh [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "I’ve been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to behold the Lady of Light’s impaled torso, but that won’t happen now, for my presence is required in Kalari. But please, go on without me; just make sure to leave a trophy for me to claim." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=General Ramzal) 7 4} [animate_unit] [filter] id=General Ramzal [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [hide_unit] id=General Ramzal [/hide_unit] [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] [unit] x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=se side=3 animate=yes canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Razerman id=Glorderon name= _ "Glorderon" [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [kill] id=General Ramzal animate,fire_event=no,no [/kill] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/event] [event] # victory is only used as a last resort if the player # somehow beat this scenario before turn 10 name=turn 8,victory [sound] name="explosion-big.ogg" [/sound] {QUAKE ("rumble.ogg")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What was that explosion? The volcano?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No. It was much farther from this region..." [/message] [/event] [event] # victory is only used as a last resort if the player # somehow beat this scenario before turn 10 name=turn 9,victory [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The explosion definitely came from Raelthyn. There’s an enormous cloud of smoke coming from that direction. This... I suppose this explains why I couldn’t contact Valen yesterday." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Glorderon [/filter] [message] speaker=Glorderon message= _ "This... isn’t po—" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Sibul [/filter] [message] speaker=Sibul message= _ "Damn you, creatures— Grargh!!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Vrenmark [/filter] [message] speaker=Vrenmark message= _ "Ah, yes, you can kill me now, but at the end of the day—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory {FACE_UNIT (id=Durvan) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Elynia, can I talk to you for a moment?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You mean... Well, yes, of course." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "(<i>aside</i>) We found a witness. He claims a demon and a faerie were amongst the many victims of a number of mechanical birds who descended from the sky, killing and devouring everybody in their path, making sure to leave no whole corpses behind. Elorran and Tara..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>aside</i>) I understand. Why... Why did it have to end like this...? Just when I thought we had a chance to rally demonkind against Uria..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT (id=Anya) (id=Elynia)} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What are we going to do now?" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t know anymore. If Raelthyn has fallen, then all hope is lost; the Chaos Empire has won the war, and Uria is now able to do whatever she wants with Irdya and her next target with that artifact in her possession. We might be able to survive the upcoming onslaught for a while if we go back with Unarye, assuming they haven’t also been crushed by these relentless hordes coming out of damned nowhere..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What if we left the Great Continent instead?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The elves in Zocthanol Isle told us their merfolk allies had evidence that only the Great Northern Ice Plains remain besides this continent. We would quickly perish there, so that’s not an option. And what would the point be if Uria presumably has the power to destroy Irdya itself?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "You aren’t suggesting we just sit here and do nothing, are you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... guess I am." [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia, please! Just... let’s go back to Raelthyn." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "To see more of this? Do you really want to see more senseless destruction? Do you really want me to lead you to another devastated battlefield littered with dismembered corpses?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I feel this is not over yet. Let’s go back. Please..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=02_01_Return_to_Raelthyn name= _ "Return to Raelthyn" {MAP 02_01_Return_to_Raelthyn.map} next_scenario=02_02_Reckoning {F_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_RAELTHYN} # this scenario lasts one day plus most of the second day # until the short darkness begins, regardless of difficulty # level for story reasons turns=20 {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # Adavyan's keep location (SLF); this is used both by AI # code and event handlers. #define R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF x=26,24-26,25,27 y=18,19-20,21,21 #enddef # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 200 190 180} {INCOME 4 3 2} fog=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] #define R_INITIAL_UNIT _TYPE _X _Y _ID _NAME _MORE_WML [unit] type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} id={_ID} name={_NAME} random_gender=no random_traits=no generate_name=no upkeep=loyal {_MORE_WML} [/unit] #enddef [side] side=2 controller=human persistent=no team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} {GOLD 270 260 240} {INCOME 6 5 4} recruit=Aragwaith Archer,Aragwaith Spearman,Aragwaith Witch,Aragwaith Scout,Aragwaith Swordsman,Aragwaith Eagle Rider # wmllint: recognize Torancyn {CHARACTER_STATS_TORANCYN} [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () orange} [/modifications] canrecruit=yes facing=sw [unit] # wmllint: recognize Valen {CHARACTER_STATS_VALEN} {IS_HERO} [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () teal} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] facing=sw x,y=24,19 [/unit] {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Longswordsman) 26 33 Boros ( _ "Boros") ( facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Longswordsman) 34 28 Dereon ( _ "Dereon") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Strongbow) 38 26 Valthyn ( _ "Valthyn") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Pikeman) 41 20 Pelarth ( _ "Pelarth") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Strongbow) 18 18 Fraldar ( _ "Fraldar") ( facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Eagle Master) 35 10 Rilbur ( _ "Rilbur") ( facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} # These two are from IftU scenario 14 {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Strongbow) 16 23 Blynyr ( _ "Blynyr") ( facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT (Aragwaith Longswordsman) 16 30 Zednal ( _ "Zednal") ( facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define R_DRILLER _X _Y [unit] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone x={_X} y={_Y} upkeep=loyal overlays="misc/payload-icon.png" random_gender=no random_traits=no generate_name=no [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes gold=0 village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] # Try to not attack enemy units unless there is no # other option. {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression -1000.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} # # Try to reach Advyan’s keep to deploy the payload. # [goal] name=target_location value=1000.0 [criteria] {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} [/criteria] [/goal] [/ai] {R_DRILLER 5 31} {FACING ne} {R_DRILLER 41 42} {FACING nw} {R_DRILLER 15 5} {FACING se} #ifndef EASY {R_DRILLER 62 1} {FACING nw} #endif [/side] #undef R_DRILLER [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 150 160 170} recruit=Chaos Gunner,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Raider {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,fighter,archer,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Cataphract id=Daraes Pelnoth name= _ "Daraes Pelnoth" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 20% 0 0 2 0} [/modifications] {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Chaos Magus") 56 37 Golgathar ( _ "Golgathar") ( facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Dark Knight") 58 32 Merkal ( _ "Merkal") ( facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 155 160 165} recruit=Imp,Demon,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Headhunter {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,fighter,archer,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Armageddon Imp id="Demon Lord Rhalgar'agael" name= _ "Demon Lord Rhalgar’agael" facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {BOSS_BOOST 12% 0 0 1 1} [/modifications] {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Demon Stormtide") 8 4 Kretassal ( _ "Kretassal") ( facing=se gender=female [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Demon Stormtide") 13 7 Kilagor ( _ "Kilagor") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Demon Zephyr") 18 3 Daenangor ( _ "Daenangor") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] )} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 160 170 180} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone,Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Vampire Bat {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,archer,scout,fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id=Mal Sultaria name= _ "Mal Sultaria" facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 10% 0 0 0 0} [/modifications] {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Blood Imp") 5 29 Thorkar ( _ "Thorkar") ( facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_DIM} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Chaos Marauder") 3 18 Cergil ( _ "Cergil") ( facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 150 160 170} recruit=Demon,Ghoul,Skeleton Archer,Ghost {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,archer,fighter,mixed fighter,scout,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Morragor name= _ "Morragor" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {BOSS_BOOST 40% 1 1 0 1} [/modifications] {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Demon Grunt") 60 9 Iralir ( _ "Iralir") ( facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {R_INITIAL_UNIT ("Blood Imp") 55 15 Romoror ( _ "Romoror") ( facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_SLOW} [/modifications] )} [/side] [side] side=8 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Arphalad" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes controller=null {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 [/side] [side] side=9 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {ELVISH_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes controller=null {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 [/side] #undef R_INITIAL_UNIT {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 9} {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 9} {STARTING_VILLAGES 6 9} {STARTING_VILLAGES 7 9} # NOTE: objects are shifted by x+12 and y+4 relative # to their locations in the standard Raelthyn map [label] x,y=45,8 text= _ "Arphalad" [/label] [label] x,y=41,13 text= _ "River Lorin" [/label] [label] x,y=29,30 text= _ "Lake Wylven" [/label] [label] x,y=25,20 text= _ "Adavyan’s Keep" [/label] [label] x,y=17,15 text= _ "Danaerad" [/label] [label] x,y=35,10 text= _ "Tower of Silence" [/label] # {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/leanto.png 17 9} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/temple1.png 22 11} # {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 30 21} # {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 30 12} # {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/oak-leaning.png 22 12} # {PLACE_IMAGE items/archery-target-right.png 15 14} # {PLACE_IMAGE items/archery-target-right.png 25 18} # {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/temple1.png" 42 5} # {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 49 8} # {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale2.png" 47 26} # {PLACE_IMAGE "items/grain-sheaf.png" 50 34} # {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 43 38} # {PLACE_IMAGE "items/straw-bale1.png" 51 26} # wmllint: whofield R_RAELTHYN_DEFENSE 4 #define R_RAELTHYN_DEFENSE _TYPE _X _Y _ID _NAME _TRAITS _FACING [unit] animate=yes side=2 type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} unrenamable=yes id={_ID} name={_NAME} random_gender=no random_traits=no generate_name=no overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" upkeep=loyal facing={_FACING} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {_TRAITS} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef # wmllint: whofield R_ARPHALAD_MILITIA 4 #define R_ARPHALAD_MILITIA _TYPE _X _Y _ID _NAME _TRAITS _FACING [unit] animate=yes side=8 type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} unrenamable=yes id={_ID} name={_NAME} random_gender=no random_traits=no generate_name=no overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" upkeep=loyal facing={_FACING} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {_TRAITS} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) sw} # This is the amount of load-bearing drones the player # has to take down. The exact count will vary according # to difficulty (see above), but to make it easier for # future balancing we'll determine it at runtime instead # of hardcoding numbers. [count_units] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone variable=payload_count [/count_units] [hide_unit] side=2 [/hide_unit] [capture_village] side=2 x=13-45,23 y= 8-32,37 terrain=*^V* [/capture_village] {UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE episode1_stats_igor} {UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE episode1_stats_fountain_faerie} [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY episode1_stats_fountain_faerie} [then] # Make her loyal. Injecting the loyal trait is not precisely # trivial since we need to extract the contents of the [trait] # tag by force. [set_variables] name=episode1_stats_fountain_faerie[0] mode=merge [literal] side=8 upkeep=loyal {IS_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=temp_trait_loyal_data mode=replace [literal] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=episode1_stats_fountain_faerie[0].modifications.trait[0] mode=insert to_variable=temp_trait_loyal_data.trait [/set_variables] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_trait_loyal_data} # The fountain faerie should be in the same state she was as # part of the player's recall list at the start of E1S11.2. # This means we don't need to clear statuses or heal her back # to full. Put her in the recall list so we can use [recall] # on her later. [unstore_unit] variable="episode1_stats_fountain_faerie[0]" x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] # # The objectives in this scenario are rather unusually complicated, so # we update them in a single event that acts as a WML function of sorts # to make future code changes easier to accomplish. # #define R_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES [fire_event] name=update player objectives [/fire_event] #enddef #define R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY_END_OF_TURNS} {OBJECTIVE_OPTIONAL ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders"+{EARLY_FINISH_BONUS_FOOTNOTE})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "A Demolisher Drone explodes within range of Adavyan’s Keep")} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN payload_count 0})} #enddef #define R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_1_DEATHS {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} #enddef #define R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_2_DEATHS {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Torancyn")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Valen")} #enddef #define R_OBJECTIVE_NOTES {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Adavyan’s Keep comprises the initial keep and castle tiles where Torancyn stands")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Keep in mind Demolisher Drones destroy and kill everything within a one-hex radius when slain; you will need to sacrifice units to achieve your goals")} #enddef #define R_OBJECTIVE_NON_PERSISTENT_TEAM_WARNING {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Torancyn and his units (blue team) will <b>not</b> be carried over to the next scenario")} #enddef #define R_OBJECTIVE_DRONES [objective] description= _ "Destroy the Demolisher Drones before they reach Adavyan’s Keep at the center of the city"+" <small>"+_"($payload_count drones remaining)"+"</small>" condition=win [show_if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN payload_count 1} [/show_if] [/objective] [objective] description= _"Destroy the Demolisher Drones before they reach Adavyan’s Keep at the center of the city"+" <small>"+_"(One drone remaining)"+"</small>" condition=win [show_if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS payload_count 1} [/show_if] [/objective] #enddef [event] name=update player objectives first_time_only=no [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN payload_count 0} [then] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 silent=yes {R_OBJECTIVE_DRONES} {R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES} {R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_1_DEATHS} {R_OBJECTIVE_NOTES} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {OBJECTIVES ( side=2 silent=yes {R_OBJECTIVE_DRONES} {R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES} {R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_2_DEATHS} {R_OBJECTIVE_NON_PERSISTENT_TEAM_WARNING} {R_OBJECTIVE_NOTES} )} [/then] [else] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 {R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES} {R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_1_DEATHS} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {OBJECTIVES ( side=2 {R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES} {R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_2_DEATHS} {R_OBJECTIVE_NON_PERSISTENT_TEAM_WARNING} )} [/else] [/if] [/event] #undef R_COMMON_OBJECTIVES #undef R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_1_DEATHS #undef R_OBJECTIVES_SIDE_2_DEATHS #undef R_OBJECTIVE_DRONES #undef R_OBJECTIVE_NOTES #undef R_OBJECTIVE_NON_PERSISTENT_TEAM_WARNING [event] name=start [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I can barely see through this fog and smoke, but, those are the city walls." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>Dispel the fog.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Who said that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Uh, I haven’t said anything..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [unit] animate=yes # wmllint: recognize Irylean {CHARACTER_STATS_IRYLEAN} side=8 x,y=45,6 [/unit] {LOYAL_UNIT 8 (Skeleton Archer) 44 5} {FACING ne} [+unit] [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () white} [/modifications] [/unit] {LOYAL_UNIT 8 (Skeleton Archer) 45 7} {FACING ne} [+unit] [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () white} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "This has only just begun. Who are you and why have you come to this capital of destruction—" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) se} [message] speaker=Elynia message=_ "I know you. Aren’t you—" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "The Lady of Light! We are saved! Hear, everyone, the gods have finally answered our prayers! She has returned!" [/message] {R_ARPHALAD_MILITIA (Aragwaith Swordsman) 47 8 Roeghar ( _ "Roeghar") ({TRAIT_RESILIENT}) (nw)} {R_ARPHALAD_MILITIA (Aragwaith Archer) 49 7 Avethan ( _ "Avethan") ({TRAIT_INTELLIGENT}) (nw)} [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY episode1_stats_fountain_faerie} [then] [recall] id="$episode1_stats_fountain_faerie[0].id" x,y=47,6 [/recall] [message] speaker="$episode1_stats_fountain_faerie[0].id" message= _ "My lady! I had long given up my search! But you are still alive, after all this time!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE episode1_stats_fountain_faerie} [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Avethan message= _ "All hail the Lady of Light!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "You appear to be quite popular here." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This is rather unexpected given the circumstances of my previous return, but that was a long time ago, after all. If I’m not mistaken you are Irylean, one of Galas’ old advisors?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Indeed I was, my lady, but ever since Lord Galas stepped down I retired to this once prosperous land. The demons’ assault was completely unexpected, but we are all doing our best to repel their forces. Sadly, there have been rumors that many members of the Grand Council were killed by the initial charges that destroyed the walls." [/message] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 # refresh minimap [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "The fog has lifted!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Lords of Light, what has happened to the capital?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>Look around.</i>" [/message] #define R_BEHOLD_LOCATION _X _Y [scroll_to] x={_X} y={_Y} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] #enddef {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 35 10} {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 16 7} {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 16 26} {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 30 39} {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 58 34} {R_BEHOLD_LOCATION 25 20} #undef R_BEHOLD_LOCATION [move_unit_fake] type=Aragwaith Lancer side=2 x=35,36,37,38,39,40,41 y= 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5 [/move_unit_fake] {R_RAELTHYN_DEFENSE (Aragwaith Lancer) 41 5 Vaenceth ( _ "Vaenceth") ({TRAIT_INTELLIGENT}) ne} [+unit] animate=no [/unit] [message] speaker=Vaenceth message= _ "Lady of Light, the Grand Council—or what remains of it anyway—sent me with a message for you, from our seer." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Valen? Is she—" [/message] [message] speaker=Vaenceth message= _ "She’s alive and well, but she needs your help— we all need your help. Our highest walls were struck down by strange exploding creatures of the enemy — and our scouts have spotted more of the things approaching the capital." [/message] [store_locations] [filter] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone [/filter] variable=payload_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=payload_locs variable=loc [do] [scroll_to_unit] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y [/scroll_to_unit] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y)} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE payload_locs} [message] speaker=Vaenceth message= _ "If we are to defend Raelthyn, we must ensure they don’t reach and destroy the main keep where the remaining Grand Council members are. Should we lose the keep..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That would be a huge blow against everyone’s morale, I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I didn’t expect more of them to be heading here! I saw them in action... Attempting to stop them might not have been my brightest plan." [/message] [message] speaker=Vaenceth message= _ "Lord Torancyn said we should take them down no matter the cost." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What a suicidal approach. Of course this is hardly a problem when all involved are undead, but we’ll never reach the other drones before they get to the keep. I assume his plan is to sacrifice his own people; he should hope there are desperate souls willing to give up their lives for the city amongst his troops. Irylean?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I’m at your service, my lady. And I presume the good people of Arphalad are as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I suggest you reconsider your retirement. If we succeed here, I may require your help for a personal quest of mine. But for now, we need to take down those creatures and force their leaders to retreat or else, and you will help us." [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT (side=8) side 1} [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Of course, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s time to get moving." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY episode1_stats_igor} [then] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "unit_name^???" image="$episode1_stats_igor.profile|~CS(-512,-512,-512)" message= _ "Hold on!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Huh?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That voice... is that..." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=34,8 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] type=$episode1_stats_igor.type side=1 x=34-35,36-37,38-39,40,41-42 y= 8, 7, 6, 5, 6 [/move_unit_fake] {VARIABLE episode1_stats_igor.facing ne} [unstore_unit] variable=episode1_stats_igor find_vacant=yes x,y=42,6 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE episode1_stats_igor} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Lady Elynia! It’s been so long! The old lady has told me so many sad things and I... I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh, Igor. I am so glad to see you are still alive after all the misfortune that’s befallen us, you have no idea. But there will be time to go over everything later. I hope Willow and you are up to the task, because we need all the help we can muster." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Of course, my lady, that’s why we waited here! We’re ready to go!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "<i>(whispering)</i> Psst, who is this little guy?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "<i>(whispering)</i> I have no idea, but he really stinks..." [/message] [/then] [/if] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Vampire Bat,Ghost,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Walking Corpse [/allow_recruit] [transient_message] image="units/undead/zombie-wolf-attack.png~RC(magenta>red)" message= _ "You can once again recruit undead units. Additionally, Irylean and the surviving militiamen of Arphalad will follow you on your quest. Irylean normally only raises the corpses of wild beasts unless she can get a direct kill on a unit vulnerable to plague with her melee weapon. This means that recruited Walking Corpses are always of the Gryphon, Wolf, or Bat variations." [/transient_message] [unhide_unit] side=2 [/unhide_unit] [capture_village] side=1 x=37-47 y= 1-10 terrain=*^V* [/capture_village] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 41 3} {R_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES} # HACK: We need this here since we always set the initial objectives silent=yes # above to keep the code simple, causing them to not be shown at the start of # turn 1 like usual. [show_objectives][/show_objectives] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("casualties_of_war.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("siege_of_laurelmor.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("battle.ogg")} [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Here they come." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "Haven’t we lost enough soldiers and citizens defending the city yet? You should have rallied any necromancers you could find in the nearby towns instead." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "The last one I trusted ended up betraying the Lady of Light, or that’s what you told us. What makes you think that we can ever accept their help again?" [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "The notion that not all of them are like-minded." [/message] # wmllint: local spelling Illana [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "I’m not taking my chances. Especially not now that Arnesius and Illana—" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Let’s just proceed with the plan and be done with it." [/message] [/event] #undef R_RAELTHYN_DEFENSE #undef R_ARPHALAD_MILITIA [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=25,11 [and] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This is one of many statues found in the city, raised in honor of Adavyan of the Aragwaithi, a figure of legend and great importance to the peoples of the Far North. It was only about two centuries ago that this sorceress incited a war which would, in time, lead to the unification of these lands. She founded Raelthyn and the Grand Council, and established this city as the definitive capital of the Far North. The central keep bearing her revered name became a sacred place much akin to the temples to the fabled Lords of Light. Raelthyn, the capital of peace, built atop the corpses of all those who dared to oppose Adavyan’s cause. Not everyone is aware of the irony of all this, but if Adavyan’s Keep were to fall in the hands of the enemy—or worse, be completely obliterated—the morale of the northern army would be utterly crushed." [/message] [/event] [event] # 'die' is used by the Demolition ability, and we're not guaranteed # our handler here will execute before that one, so we need to make # sure to block the ability's event handler first by triggering our # player defeat path! name=last breath [filter] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/filter] [fire_event] name=destroy adas keep [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter] [fire_event] name=destroy adas keep [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=destroy adas keep [kill] fire_event=no animate=yes x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] {WHITE_SCREEN} # unceremoniously kill everyone in the keep without # giving them a chance to say their usual last words [kill] {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] # TODO: also kill everyone adjacent # boom! [terrain] {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} terrain=Qxe [/terrain] {QUAKE "explosion-big.ogg"} [redraw][/redraw] # update terrain display {RESET_SCREEN} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] # try to locate a living hero unit id=Torancyn [or] id=Valen [/or] [or] id=Elynia [/or] [or] id=Anya [/or] [or] id=Durvan [/or] [or] id=Irylean [/or] # failing that, go for non-hero units [or] side=2 [/or] [or] side=1 [/or] message= _ "We have failed; Adavyan’s keep has been destroyed!" [/message] # signal defeat and get us out of whatever sequence led here # (i.e. so we don't get the Demolition ability's 'die' event handler # to run when the payload was activated near the keep) {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone [not] [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] {R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/not] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN payload_count 0} [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_DEC payload_count} [fire_event] name=check payload status [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=demolition complete [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS payload_count 0} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Very well, the last one of those bastards is down!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=check payload status first_time_only=no {R_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Valen [/filter] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "Lord Torancyn, please tell the Lady of Light... the journal... I’m sorry..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Valen [/filter] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Torancyn [/filter] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "I never expected the heart of our country to be my last battlefield... Alas, Raelthyn will fall... without me..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Torancyn [/filter] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Lord Torancyn was slain in battle. This is hopeless." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=die [filter_second] id=Igor [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I’m city goblin no more! Now I’m battle goblin! HAHA!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... City goblin?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "... Battle... goblin?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "Do the rest of you fiends want to come and taste our steel?" [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "They appear to be retreating." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "The fiends retreat; that’s rather odd." [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory [kill] canrecruit=yes [filter_side] [enemy_of] side=1 [/enemy_of] [/filter_side] animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] # wmllint: recognize Unarye [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} canrecruit=yes side=9 x,y=56,2 facing=sw [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Sharpshooter) 56 1} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Champion) 57 2} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Enchantress) 60 16} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Marshal) 60 17} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Fighter) 61 14} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Outrider) 53 3} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Fighter) 54 16} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Archer) 59 9} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Prowler) 57 5} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Captain) 60 5} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Marksman) 53 13} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Shyde) 61 10} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Elvish Ascetic) 59 3} {FACING sw} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Look to the northeast!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Unarye [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "It’s the other elf lady!" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Ha! It was about time!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE payload_count} [/event] #undef R_ADAS_KEEP_SLF #undef R_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=02_02_Reckoning name= _ "Reckoning" {MAP 02_02_Reckoning.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=03_Amidst_the_Ruins_of_Glamdrol victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {DUSK2} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} shroud=yes # prevent map snapshot in Load Game dialog # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Raelthyn" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Torancyn {CHARACTER_STATS_TORANCYN} [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () orange} [/modifications] canrecruit=yes facing=sw [unit] # wmllint: recognize Valen {CHARACTER_STATS_VALEN} {IS_HERO} [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () teal} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] facing=sw x,y=15,12 [/unit] [unit] type=Aragwaith Guard id=Aranel name= _ "Aranel" upkeep=free {IS_HERO} [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] facing=sw x,y=13,11 [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves" {ELVISH_FLAG} color=teal {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Unarye {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} facing=nw [unit] type=Elvish Marshal id=Lorenel name= _ "Lorenel" x,y=14,13 upkeep=free {IS_HERO} [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] facing=nw [/unit] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 11 12} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 11 13} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 10 12} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 10 13} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} [capture_village] side=2 terrain=*^V* [/capture_village] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "I don’t think any number of words could suffice to express our gratitude for your intervention, Lady Unarye. I am glad the elves are soon to be united under a single banner again; perhaps the costs will be compensated before long." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "I would also hope so, my lord, but we have to be realistic: we cannot win this war, and our chances of survival don’t look good either now that our enemies are roaming and ravaging our lands unimpeded. According to Elynia we are running out of time — for all we know Uria could already be on Irdya." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "I am truly sorry my vision can’t penetrate the veil beyond our frontiers with the old Chaos Empire." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "There’s no need to apologize, my lady. We are powerless against this creature and her minions." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We might be powerless as you say, but there’s still something I want to try. Valen, you told me you had found something; is it the journal I asked you to search?" [/message] [message] speaker=Valen # po: The orc is Horo (male), the elf is Kyara (female). message= _ "Indeed it is, my lady. There is an orc, and an elf from the Vast Sea; they have spent a long time traveling through the chaotic southwestern region trying to reach us. We sent men in their aid, but the recent events within our borders have delayed their return. They found shelter in Fort Astar, near the now nonexistent Glamdrol Range. It is the location of our main southwestern host, which has been under constant attack by enemy forces as of late." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "We were meant to send reinforcements to Astar. You can probably guess the rest." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Of course. Nevertheless, I shall go there with Irylean and whoever else is willing to join us along the way. That journal is far too important to lose." [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "I guess there’s no point in stopping you. But I would like to remind you that we need more men and women capable of defending this city, here. If Adavyan’s Keep falls..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... So does the Far North; I have heard the legend before. Consider this, though, what is the point of defending this place with a thousand swords if Uria can blast the entire fortress to smithereens in a blink?" [/message] [message] speaker=Torancyn message= _ "I’ll ponder that when I deem it convenient to do so, Lady of Light. I declare this council meeting over now. May the Lords of Light protect you on your way." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Torancyn) 19 9} # don't kill him, so that village ownership doesn't change [hide_unit] id=Torancyn [/hide_unit] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Aranel) 18 8} [kill] id=Aranel [/kill] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valen) 17 11} [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I really don’t like the heavy swords guy. Willow thinks he’s bad news too." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Elynia, I fear I cannot be of much help at this time. My people are still fighting the Chaos armies and doing their best to keep them away from Raelthyn. I—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Don’t worry, Unarye. I understand. I am sure we’ll be able to do this without Raelthyn’s help." [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "I’ll see you again soon then, friend." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Unarye) 18 14} [kill] id=Unarye [/kill] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Lorenel) 16 14} [kill] id=Lorenel [/kill] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is time for us to go." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "Would that your demonic ally hadn’t been forced to leave us so soon, don’t you think?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How did you—" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Valen) sw} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "Elynia, I am a seer. As I said, my vision is limited and I can’t help you with what lies within enemy territory, but the Demon Lord who helped you through this young lady’s hands worked within our frontiers. I saw him, and I saw you." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Why didn’t you tell us this before? We thought—" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valen) 16 11} [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "That the Grand Council wouldn’t understand? Yes, and that was a correct assessment, especially now that Torancyn is the Supreme Lord of the Aragwaith — he would certainly not permit this. But with Lord Arnesius dead, I no longer have any obligations to anybody, and most importantly, I no longer speak in the name of the law. There is something I must tell you before I depart from this doomed land." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I listen." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valen) 15 12} [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "The night before the demons attacked this region, someone communicated with me directly; someone by the name of Ergea, Demon Lord of the Storms. She warned me of what was about to take place in Raelthyn. She warned me of a portal to Kalari built in Aran-Balgur, a stronghold lost to the forces of Uria not long after the fall of the Emperor. And finally, she told me to instruct the Lady of Light to meet with her in the Pass of Sorrows, north from Kalari Peninsula." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "She left my room as swiftly as she appeared and I haven’t heard of her since." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) nw} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Anya, do you know anything about this Ergea?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No... I’m not sure. I think I heard Elorran mention a Demon Lord of the Storms once, but I don’t know anything about her faction or allegiances. There’s also this thing about working in secrecy since Uria has turned rebellious factions in her favor before — Elorran chose to work on his own to minimize the risk of betrayal." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Girl, if you had mentioned this before I might have outright refused to support him. Of course, he remained loyal to his cause until the very end. I guess... I never expected such heroism from a member of the species Uria uses to facilitate our destruction." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "My lady, I fear it is not my place to tell you what you should do next, given that I lack further information and I haven’t been able to contact or see this demoness again. I advise you do what you feel is right; the future is not my domain, and anything beyond Irdya is beyond my reach." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The last time I was told to do what I felt was right I ended up causing a catastrophe... Fair enough. Thank you for this information and your support, Valen. May the Lords of Light guide your path, wherever you plan to go next." [/message] [message] speaker=Valen message= _ "Farewell, Lady of Light. May you all find your destiny." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Valen) 20 9} [kill] id=Valen [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=03_Amidst_the_Ruins_of_Glamdrol name= _ "Amidst the Ruins of Glamdrol" {MAP 03_Amidst_the_Ruins_of_Glamdrol.map} {TURNS 26 24 22} next_scenario=04_01_Outpost_of_Hell {G_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "climactic_contemplation.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "western_theme2.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {STORYTXT_AMIDST_THE_RUINS_OF_GLAMDROL} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 155 145 140} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human persistent=yes save_id=second_player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^General Bardyl" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} {GOLD 210 200 190} recruit=Aragwaith Spearman,Aragwaith Archer,Aragwaith Scout,Orcish Grunt,Orcish Archer,Wolf Rider,Orcish Assassin # wmllint: recognize General Bardyl {CHARACTER_STATS_GENERAL_BARDYL} [unit] x,y=18,13 experience=97 # wmllint: recognize Kyara {CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA} [/unit] [unit] x,y=19,13 experience=142 # wmllint: recognize Horo {CHARACTER_STATS_HORO} [/unit] [unit] x,y=20,15 id=Vernar name= _ "Vernar" type=Wolf Rider upkeep=loyal {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=24,12 id=Relmanyr name= _ "Relmanyr" type=Aragwaith Spearman upkeep=loyal {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [village] x,y=33,16 [/village] [village] x,y=17,30 [/village] [village] x,y=27,5 [/village] [village] x,y=12,3 [/village] [/side] #define GLAM_BODYGUARD _TYPE _X _Y _FACING _TRAIT [unit] type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing={_FACING} # For sentry drones variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {_TRAIT} {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_brown} [/modifications] [variables] bodyguard=yes [/variables] [/unit] #enddef [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Nar-hamoth" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 180 190 200} recruit=Demon,Demon Zephyr,Shaxthal Rayblade,Shaxthal Protector Drone,Chaos Invader,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,fighter,scout,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=ne type=Chaos Soulhunter id=Karathas name= _ "Karathas" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 15 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 13 27} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 19 35} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GLAM_BODYGUARD ("Shaxthal Protector Drone") 12 33 ne ({TRAIT_QUICK})} {GLAM_BODYGUARD ("Shaxthal Protector Drone") 19 37 ne ({TRAIT_QUICK})} #ifndef EASY {GLAM_BODYGUARD ("Shaxthal Enforcer Drone") 4 37 ne ({TRAIT_INTELLIGENT})} {GLAM_BODYGUARD ("Shaxthal Enforcer Drone") 10 42 ne ({TRAIT_STRONG})} #endif [unit] type=Chaos Headhunter id=Meryrcor name= _ "Meryrcor" x,y=7,33 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Chaos Headhunter id=Delvryd name= _ "Delvryd" x,y=15,41 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] type=Chaos Marauder id=Cervan name= _ "Cervan" x,y=6,42 upkeep=loyal #ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [unit] type=Chaos Marksman x,y=16,35 upkeep=loyal #ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Chaos Marksman x,y=14,34 upkeep=loyal #ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] type=Demon Warrior id=Borothas name= _ "Borothas" gender=male x,y=10,35 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [unit] type=Demon Warrior id=Galthera-Irul name= _ "Galthera-Irul" gender=male x,y=17,38 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Zilrynea name= _ "Zilrynea" x,y=15,28 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Igryella name= _ "Igryella" x,y=8,26 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #undef GLAM_BODYGUARD [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 175 180 185} recruit=Chaos Bowman,Chaos Raider,Chaos Invader,Shaxthal Runner Drone {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.95} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.05} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,mixed fighter,fighter,scout,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Heavy Longbowman id=Loras-Chalzerg name= _ "Loras-Chalzerg" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [unit] type=Shaxthal Assault Drone x,y=44,31 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Doom Guard x,y=38,31 id=Sargan name= _ "Sargan" upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Doom Guard x,y=40,36 id=Rohalar name= _ "Rohalar" upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] type=Chaos Arbalestier x,y=47,36 id=Vryncthan name= _ "Vryncthan" upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Dark Knight x,y=47,31 id=Gellerdyl name= _ "Gellerdyl" upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [unit] type=Chaos Magus id="Kri'tan" name= _ "Kri’tan" x,y=42,29 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Therelei name= _ "Therelei" x,y=34,22 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] type=Demon Zephyr gender=male id=Avralereon name= _ "Avralereon" x,y=46,18 upkeep=loyal ai_special=guardian facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 8} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 6} {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 3 ("Demon Zephyr") 1 } {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 3 ("Shaxthal Rayblade") {DIFF 1 2 2} } {LIMIT_CONTEMPORANEOUS_RECRUITS 3 ("Shaxthal Protector Drone") 1 } [event] name=prestart {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "enchanted_forest.ogg"} {VARIABLE boss_attack_count 0} [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=43,9 [/teleport] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 43 8} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 45 9} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 44 9} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 44 7} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) sw} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=2) se} [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] # # Grant Kyara and Horo default AMLAs according # to the time they have supposedly spent scurrying # around. # [set_variables] name=temp_amla_default mode=replace [value] {AMLA_DEFAULT} [/value] [/set_variables] [repeat] times={DIFF 3 3 2} [do] [apply_amlas] id="Kyara" [insert_tag] name="advancement" variable="temp_amla_default.advancement" [/insert_tag] [/apply_amlas] [/do] [/repeat] [repeat] times={DIFF 2 2 1} [do] [apply_amlas] id="Horo" [insert_tag] name="advancement" variable="temp_amla_default.advancement" [/insert_tag] [/apply_amlas] [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_amla_default} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {OBJECTIVES ( side=2 {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of General Bardyl")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You’ll continue to control General Bardyl and his troops until the end of the next scenario")} )} [/event] [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "This is taking too long — I begin to worry for Elynia..." [/message] # wmllint: local spelling Nah [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Nah, there she comes." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=no [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$elynia_store.type side=1 x=35,35,38,38,39-41,$elynia_store.x y=15,12,10, 9, 9,$elynia_store.y [/move_unit_fake] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} [unhide_unit] id=Elynia [/unhide_unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia, you are back! Is that... the journal?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That’s correct." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "So, is that General Bardyl fellow going to help us assault Aran-Balgur then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed he is, but not specifically because of my advice; he was already giving consideration to the idea because of a rumor that’s been running through his troops as of late. It appears someone successfully ‘interrogated’ a captured enemy soldier and got some information about the source of the local raids and the ongoing invasion. What they know suggests that there is indeed a portal in Aran-Balgur." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I shudder to wonder exactly how this information was obtained. I know from experience that the men in the service of the Empire are either completely ignorant of their superiors’ plans, or instructed to commit suicide before being captured, and the sorcerers and demons are too powerful to contain." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I guess now we should all advance towards Aran-Balgur?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Exactly. And we should be careful." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=11,38 check_fogged=no [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y=11,38)} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "The road to the south leading to Aran-Balgur is said to be well protected by powerful demons, and there’s also an enemy guard post obstructing our path. Furthermore, we may stumble upon their main invasion army at some point. The only reason Fort Astar still stands is that they don’t perceive Bardyl’s forces as a threat stationed here. However, the moment they see his little army marching towards their territory, they will not be as merciful." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "So it rests on us and our followers, I take it." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Exactly." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 44 8} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [fire_event] name=enemy speech 2 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=new turn [/fire_event] {VARIABLE boss_attack_count 2} [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 refresh [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "And so, it begins." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "If you don’t mind me asking, sir, are you sure about this?" [/message] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "Of course I am. The Grand Council has neglected us for long enough, and those damned bastards from hell are getting increasingly bored of playing with us. As much as I find her kind disgusting, if the faerie’s troops and power are as impressive as she promised we’ll recover Aran-Balgur before long. And if there’s a portal in there and we can destroy it, we’ll regain the Council’s blessing as well." [/message] [/event] {OBSIDIAN_BATTLE_AXE 35 24} {POTION_OF_BLOODLUST 42 21} [event] name=turn 3 [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Time to tear those evil creatures to bits! We will make them pay, oh yes..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "This goblin fellow seems really invested into this, doesn’t he?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Apparently he was close friends with Lord Galas and Mal Keshar, and also someone else... Elynia hasn’t told me much about that woman in particular, which is saying something considering how difficult it is to get her to talk about the others in the first place." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Are you sure you should be prying that much, though? It sounds like a very personal subject for her." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I know, I know... I just wish she would open up and not shoulder so much grief alone when we are all in this together. But perhaps you are right, it’s not my place to intrude." [/message] [/event] # # After turn 3, shit gets real. # [event] name=attack [filter] [filter_side] team_name=evil [/filter_side] race=human,demon,imp [/filter] [filter_second] [filter_side] team_name=good [/filter_side] [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL turn_number 3} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=enemy speech 1 [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] [filter_side] team_name=good [/filter_side] [/filter] [filter_second] [filter_side] team_name=evil [/filter_side] race=human,demon,imp [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL turn_number 3} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=enemy speech 1 [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=enemy speech 1 [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Lord Nar-hamoth demands the blood of the northern scum! Charge!" [/message] [event] name=attack end [fire_event] name=enemy speech 2 [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [event] name=enemy speech 2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I remember that name — I believe it’s one of the fiends of the Iron Triad." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "So the rumors Elorran heard are true? That guy is said to be the least competent Demon Lord of all, and yet Uria trusts him over most for some reason." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We’ll soon see how competent he is on the battlefield, then." [/message] # # Make Nar-hamoth’s Shaxthal bodyguards active on the battlefield # if they aren't already. # {MOBILIZE_GUARDIANS ( side=3 [filter_wml] [variables] bodyguard=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] )} # Nar-hamoth enters the battlefield on the next turn. [event] name=new turn # wmllint: recognize Nar-hamoth [unit] side=3 x,y=9,40 {CHARACTER_STATS_NAR_HAMOTH} facing=nw {IS_BOSS} [+modifications] {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] [/unit] [/event] [/event] # # Nar-hamoth wants a challenge. # [event] name=attack [filter] [filter_side] team_name=good [/filter_side] [/filter] [filter_second] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=narhamoth intro [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] [filter_second] [filter_side] team_name=good [/filter_side] [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=narhamoth intro [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=narhamoth intro [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "So you finally decided to challenge me directly? Hopefully this will be an entertaining fight! For the glory of the mother of Urvatha!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] [filter_side] team_name=good [/filter_side] [/filter] [filter_second] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Die, pathetic Irdyan rats! DIE!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=narhamoth heal first_time_only=no [sound] name=potion.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [heal_unit] [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] amount=full animate=yes # We don't want him to unexpectedly deal full damage mid-turn after # being slowed, that would be extremely unfair restore_statuses=no restore_attacks=no moves=0 [/heal_unit] [/event] #define GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD _FACTOR _DISPATCH_EVENT [event] name=attacker hits [filter_second] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL "second_unit.hitpoints" "$({_FACTOR} * $second_unit.max_hitpoints)"} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name={_DISPATCH_EVENT} [primary_unit] id=Nar-hamoth [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL "unit.hitpoints" "$({_FACTOR} * $unit.max_hitpoints)"} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name={_DISPATCH_EVENT} [primary_unit] id=Nar-hamoth [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef #define GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN [fire_event] name=narhamoth heal [/fire_event] #enddef {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD 0.75 "narhamoth round 2"} {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD 0.60 "narhamoth round 3"} {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD 0.50 "narhamoth round 4"} {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD 0.30 "narhamoth flees"} [event] name=narhamoth round 2 [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Ha! Not bad, but I was just warming up! Now, let us see if you can handle THIS!" [/message] {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN} [object] [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack name=sword increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [/object] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "Oh, come on! That’s just cheating!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=narhamoth round 3 {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN} [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "You do not tire of combat easily, eh? I’m impressed! Shall we have a third round then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan scroll=no message= _ "Will you stop doing that, you fiend?!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=narhamoth round 4 [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Ha! Your strength and resourcefulness have not gone unnoticed by the Guardian of Life! I too can respect an enemy that perseveres against impossible odds, Elynia-Thanadria." [/message] {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN} [object] [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack name=sword increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal blast increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] [/object] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Alas, that stubbornness of yours shall be your and your kind’s undoing!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=narhamoth flees {GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "Hm. Very impressive, indeed. Despite being such lowly rats, you sure seem to be capable of grand feats when given the right motivation. Ahh, yes, as that hapless bastard Argan found out the hard way. Would that we had not met each other as enemies in a never-ending war, don’t you agree? It is just as unfortunate that my presence is currently required elsewhere..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Stop him before he escapes!" [/message] [message] speaker=Nar-hamoth message= _ "I shall eagerly await the day we meet again!" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Nar-hamoth [/filter] flag=pre_teleport with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [kill] id=Nar-hamoth fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Come back here, you coward!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Fleeing the battlefield seems a conventional tactic for the highest-ranking servants of Uria. Mal Hekuba did so in both of our previous face-to-face encounters as well. I don’t think we ever got a taste of his true might before he decided to fuse his own putrid body with those artifacts." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That may have been for the best, though." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Perhaps. Still, I would be grateful if I never had to deal with their limitless arrogance again." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "This operation was a disastrous mistake. Their shock troops are heading here now, and the faerie’s reinforcements are all but useless. Perhaps if we surrender they’ll at least spare our lives." [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory # The player may manage to avoid killing Nar-hamoth before the enemy leaders. In this case # we want to finish the scenario anyway so he can't get milked excessively, but we need to # trigger the flight sequence so his exit is actually acknowledged. [if] [have_unit] id=Nar-hamoth [/have_unit] [then] [fire_event] name=narhamoth flees [primary_unit] id=Nar-hamoth [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] id=Elynia [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "Well played, faerie. Not only you deliberately misled us about your numbers, but you also omitted the fact that you consort with necromancers. This changes everything." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Not necessarily. Today’s events would indicate that together we can build a formidable opposition force. Is this not what you wanted? An opportunity to retake Aran-Balgur, your former home? Is it not what your men desire as well? Or would you prefer to stay here and defend Astar against an enemy with a plan? Tell me, how many soldiers have deserted since the Glamdrol incident?" [/message] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "I specifically pointed out your deception; I did not say I would retract, and that’s not an option at this point unless I were looking for a mutiny. I’m done speaking to you for now." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia, are you sure about this? You did admit before that your judgment might not be—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’m not really heeding my judgment anymore, girl. It’s just a hunch I have... I have to return to Kalari and find this Demon Lord of the Storms, if it’s the last thing I do." [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_attack_count} [/event] [/scenario] #undef GLAM_NARHAMOTH_REGEN #undef GLAM_NARHAMOTH_HEALTH_THRESHOLD
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=04_01_Outpost_of_Hell name= _ "Outpost of Hell" {MAP 04_01_Outpost_of_Hell.map} {TURNS 32 29 26} next_scenario=04_02_Gateway {G_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} [event] name=reset playlist first_time_only=no # The actual playlist used in this scenario when # not running the start event or fighting the boss. {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "legends_of_the_north.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} [/event] #define OOH_RESET_PLAYLIST [fire_event] name=reset playlist [/fire_event] #enddef {STORYTXT_OUTPOST_OF_HELL} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 170 160 150} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human persistent=yes save_id=second_player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^General Bardyl" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} {GOLD 170 160 150} # wmllint: recognize General Bardyl {CHARACTER_STATS_GENERAL_BARDYL} facing=se [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 160 170 180} recruit=Demon,Chaos Hound,Ghost,Chaos Bowman {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,mixed fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=nw type=Gutwrencher Imp id=Harakgros name= _ "Harakgros" [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 160 170 180} recruit=Young Ogre,Orcish Archer,Orcish Assassin,Saurian Augur {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,archer,healer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=nw type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Mal Arazuul name= _ "Mal Arazuul" [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 160 170 180} recruit=Chaos Gunner,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader,Chaos Headhunter {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,archer,scout,fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=ne type=Demon Warrior id=Shergrel name= _ "Shergrel" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 190 200 210} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird,Shaxthal Rayblade,Psy Crawler,Chaos Invader {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,scout,fighter,archer,mixed fighter,fighter,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=nw type=Demon Stormtide id=Arighaphon name= _ "Arighaphon" [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] {LIMIT_RECRUITS 6 (Shaxthal Rayblade) ({DIFF 1 2 2})} [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 190 200 210} recruit=Ixthala Fire Dancer,Demon,Chaos Headhunter,Orcish Grunt,Chaos Invoker {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,scout,mixed fighter,archer,mixed fighter"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=ne type=Demon Spelldancer gender=female id=Kryselgea name= _ "Kryselgea" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] {LIMIT_RECRUITS 7 (Ixthala Fire Dancer) ({DIFF 1 2 2})} [side] side=8 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 180 190 200} recruit=Chaos Hound,Valdemon Basher,Blood Imp,Chaos Bowman,Shaxthal Runner Drone {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,mixed fighter,fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,archer"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=nw type=Chaos Razerman id=Meryl Ben name= _ "Meryl Ben" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_SLOW} [/modifications] [/side] {LIMIT_RECRUITS 8 (Valdemon Basher) ({DIFF 1 2 2})} [side] side=9 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 150 160 170} {INCOME 6 8 10} recruit=Imp,Blood Imp,Valdemon Basher,Serpent Messenger,Demon Zephyr,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Protector Drone,Chaos Crossbowman,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Raider {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,mixed fighter,scout,archer,fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes # Placeholder to enable this side to recruit normally # until the final boss is revealed along with the # associated help entry in an event. type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System [unit] type=Armageddon Imp id=Sherol name= _ "Sherol" x,y=15,27 facing=nw ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_SLOW} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Gutwrencher Imp id=Kerberos name= _ "Kerberos" x,y=17,31 facing=sw ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Armageddon Imp id=Amyat name= _ "Amyat" x,y=28,33 facing=sw ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Armageddon Imp id=Pejlahn name= _ "Pejlahn" x,y=35,26 facing=ne ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal War Drone x,y=25,20 facing=n ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone x,y=19,27 facing=nw ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone x,y=32,28 facing=nw ai_special=guardian upkeep=loyal variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] # NOTE: yes, this limits these recruits as a set, not individually. {LIMIT_RECRUITS 9 (Valdemon Basher,Serpent Messenger,Demon Zephyr,Shaxthal Protector Drone) ({DIFF 3 3 4})} # Let side 9 recruit only every even turn. [event] name=side 9 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS portal_access_open no} [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP side_9_turn_test to_variable turn_number} {VARIABLE_OP side_9_turn_test modulo 2 } [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS side_9_turn_test 0} [then] [store_side] side=9 variable=side_9_state [/store_side] [modify_side] side=9 {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 [/modify_side] [/then] [else] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS side_9_state.side 9}) ("Side 9 economy state lost!")} [modify_side] side=9 income=$side_9_state.income gold=$side_9_state.gold village_gold=$side_9_state.village_gold [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side_9_state} [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side_9_turn_test} [/event] [side] side=10 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aran-Balgur" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_INCOME} gold,village_gold=0,0 [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=25,23 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=28,24 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=28,27 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=25,29 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=22,27 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [unit] type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System x,y=22,24 max_hitpoints=500 [/unit] [/side] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () (type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 0 ()} {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 9} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 6 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 7 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 8 5} # # [tunnel] is horribly broken on Wesnoth 1.10 for AI usage, so # we need to emulate some of that functionality by teleporting # side 9's recruits away on side 9 turn end. This isn't done # on recruit events to avoid an infinite recruitment sequence # given enough gold. # #define OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL _ID _SOURCE_X_Y _TARGET_X_Y [set_variables] name=recruitment_portals mode=append [value] id={_ID} [source] {_SOURCE_X_Y} [/source] [target] {_TARGET_X_Y} [/target] [/value] [/set_variables] #enddef [event] name=side 9 turn end first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS portal_access_open no} [/filter_condition] [foreach] array=recruitment_portals variable=portal [do] [if] [have_unit] side=9 x=$portal.source.x y=$portal.source.y [/have_unit] [then] [teleport] [filter] x=$portal.source.x y=$portal.source.y [/filter] x=$portal.target.x y=$portal.target.y check_passability=yes animate=yes [/teleport] {LOG_ATS_DBG ("recruit teleported: ($portal.source.x, $portal.source.y) -> ($portal.target.x, $portal.target.y)")} [/then] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] [/event] [event] name=prestart # This variable will be used in later scenarios. {VARIABLE waited_for_bardyl no} {VARIABLE portal_access_open no} {VARIABLE beams_remaining 6} # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 57 8} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 53 9} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 53 7} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 59 9} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION 13 9} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION 10 9} {RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS 2 ()} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Anya,Durvan,Irylean,Igor) sw} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=2) se} # Conceal the portal building in shroud. [modify_side] side=1,2 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [remove_shroud] side=1,2 [not] x,y=25,26 radius=2 [/not] [/remove_shroud] # Starting player villages. [capture_village] side=1 terrain=*^V* x=45-62 y= 1-13 [/capture_village] [capture_village] side=2 terrain=*^V* x=1-14 y=1-8 [/capture_village] # Access portals. {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL n (x,y=25,25) (x,y=25,22)} {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL ne (x,y=26,25) (x,y=29,24)} {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL se (x,y=26,26) (x,y=29,28)} {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL s (x,y=25,27) (x,y=25,30)} {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL sw (x,y=24,26) (x,y=21,28)} {OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL nw (x,y=24,25) (x,y=21,24)} [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=58,5 [/teleport] [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] [/event] #define OOH_PRIMARY_OBJECTIVE [objective] description= _ "Deploy barrels of explosives to destroy the six structures supporting the central keep in Aran-Balgur"+" <small>"+_"($beams_remaining structures remaining)"+"</small>" condition=win [show_if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN beams_remaining 1} [/show_if] [/objective] [objective] description= _"Deploy barrels of explosives to destroy the six structures supporting the central keep in Aran-Balgur"+" <small>"+_"(One structure remaining)"+"</small>" condition=win [show_if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS beams_remaining 1} [/show_if] [/objective] #enddef #define OOH_BARREL_COUNT_DEFEAT [objective] description= _ "Running out of barrels of explosives" condition=lose [show_if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN beams_remaining 0} [/show_if] [/objective] #enddef [event] name=update player objectives first_time_only=no {VARIABLE temp_silent_objectives yes} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN beams_remaining 0} # after destroying beams [or] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS beams_remaining 6} # at the start of the scenario [/or] [then] {VARIABLE temp_silent_objectives no} [/then] [/if] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 silent=$temp_silent_objectives {OOH_PRIMARY_OBJECTIVE} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Secure the portal located within the central keep")} {OBJECTIVE_BONUS ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders"+{EARLY_FINISH_BONUS_FOOTNOTE})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OOH_BARREL_COUNT_DEFEAT} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {OBJECTIVES ( side=2 silent=$temp_silent_objectives {OOH_PRIMARY_OBJECTIVE} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Secure the portal located within the central keep")} {OBJECTIVE_BONUS ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders"+{EARLY_FINISH_BONUS_FOOTNOTE})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of General Bardyl")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Horo")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Kyara")} {OOH_BARREL_COUNT_DEFEAT} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_silent_objectives} [/event] #define OOH_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES [fire_event] name=update player objectives [/fire_event] #enddef # # Initial dialog sequence. # [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Anya) 55 10} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Aran-Balgur is really impressive. How could it fall to Uria’s forces?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Some people say the lord of the stronghold was brutally killed by the Chaos thugs on the battlefield some time after their Emperor fell. The man left in charge in his place wasn’t very bright, and couldn’t stand a chance when the angry enemy troops arrived. Others say they found the descendant of the architect who helped build its walls a century ago, and forced him to reveal the plans with all the secret passages and weak points." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Regardless of the rumors, the fact is that they killed everyone. See the stains on the exterior walls? Everyone says it’s the blood of the former occupants. Some believe that the General’s family was amongst them." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I guess... that explains why he’s such an unpleasant person." [/message] [unhide_unit] id=Elynia [/unhide_unit] [store_starting_location] side=1 [/store_starting_location] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) ($location.x) ($location.y)} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) sw} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Anya,Durvan) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Irylean) se} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I hope everyone is ready for the battle ahead of us." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "We are, my lady. What are your orders?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Just assist our allies with the siege and deal with whatever creatures guard the keep and the rumored portal. We ought to make this quick, for the demoness that awaits us at the other end might not be too patient, and this mission has delayed us too much already." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "You haven’t changed your mind..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed, I have not." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=25,26 check_fogged=no [/scroll_to] {QUAKE rumble.ogg} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name=dwarf-laugh.wav [/sound] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ( [filter] side=10 [/filter] )} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t like that sound..." [/message] {OOH_RESET_PLAYLIST} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC battle-epic.ogg} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {OOH_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "It is time. At last... I’ll have my revenge..." [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "And what about us?" [/message] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "You two shall be allowed to leave once the battle is over — that is, assuming you survive." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "What if we lose?" [/message] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "Should it come to that, you’d best hope those fiends will be swift to end your pitiful lives." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "That’s truly motivating..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Durvan, what are you going to do after this is over? You said earlier you had some doubts about Elynia’s plan, and you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Yes, I won’t be going with you. Her plan just seems too risky... What the hell is she thinking? Didn’t you say Elorran himself knew his kinsmen couldn’t be trusted? Besides, I won’t be very useful once you arrive there. From what I’ve heard, the natives hate us, and motivating and talking to people is really all I have done ever since I joined Elynia." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan # po: The other human is Erathan from IftU. message= _ "You two and the necromancer woman have all those magic abilities and powers I will never have. I’m tired of risking my life fighting alongside you against powerful demons and psychotic cultists. I just... I just want to live a longer life than the other human Elynia got killed in enemy territory, the poor bastard." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Heh, yes... But you were really brave in the valley..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I was really <i>stupid</i>! I hadn’t heard of that guy and his fate yet!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 2 end [message] speaker=Anya scroll=no message= _ "I still think I will miss you... even if you only rarely start a conversation! And I’m sure Elynia will miss you as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan scroll=no message= _ "Sure..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 2 end [message] speaker=Durvan scroll=no message= _ "I wish you two all the luck in the world. You’ll surely need it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 4 end [filter_condition] [have_unit] type=Wolf Rider,Goblin Knight,Goblin Pillager,Direwolf Rider side=1,2 [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I want this to be over as soon as possible so I can bid farewell to the giant wolves." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Why? They are so cute!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Nope, they’re terrifying. And they smell." [/message] [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What about Willow? She’s so fluffy and cuddly and..." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I <i>really</i> don’t like her. She follows me around as though she knows I am terrified of her." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Awwww, but she just wants to be your friend! You should give her a chance!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> I don’t think this is the right time and place to practice shock therapy, Anya. Maybe when things have calmed down a little." [/message] [/then] [/if] [/event] {RING_OF_AGILITY 46 19} # # It's not currently possible to include auxiliary events for # dummy abilities in [effect]s, so we need to include the event # code once in the scenario first, and only provide the dummy # ability's text later. # {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_EVENTS} #define OOH_CHARGE_ITEM image=items/barrel.png #enddef #define OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE image=items/barrel.png~CS(64,64,64) #enddef # # Used when placing a charge, either at the start of the scenario or # when dropping/deploying charges during gameplay. Takes care of pushing # its state into the charges table. # # _X, _Y: Coordinates of the charge object so it can be picked # up by another unit if not activated. # _ACTIVE: Whether the charge is activated (boolean, "yes" or "no"). # Inactive charges can be picked up again. # #define OOH_CHARGE_PLACE _X _Y _ACTIVE [set_variables] name=siege_charges mode=append [value] x={_X} y={_Y} active={_ACTIVE} [/value] [/set_variables] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS "siege_charges[$($siege_charges.length - 1)].active" yes} [then] [item] x={_X} y={_Y} {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE} [/item] [/then] [else] [item] x={_X} y={_Y} {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} [/item] [/else] [/if] #enddef #define OOH_PAYLOAD_OVERLAY image=misc/payload-icon.png #enddef # # Used when a unit picks up a charge. The unit receives the Demolition # ability, so it can leave with a bang in the worst case. Picked up # charges are removed from the charges table. # # _X, _Y: Coordinates of the charge object. # #define OOH_CHARGE_PICK _X _Y [remove_item] x={_X} y={_Y} {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} [/remove_item] [remove_item] x={_X} y={_Y} {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE} [/remove_item] # Remove current charge from the table. {VARIABLE charge_pos 0} {VARIABLE continue_lookup yes} [while] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN charge_pos $siege_charges.length} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS continue_lookup yes} [do] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS siege_charges[$charge_pos].x ({_X})} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS siege_charges[$charge_pos].y ({_Y})} [then] {VARIABLE continue_lookup no} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE_INC charge_pos} [/else] [/if] [/do] [/while] {CLEAR_VARIABLE continue_lookup} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS charge_pos $siege_charges.length}) ("Could not find charge at ("+{_X}+", "+{_Y}+") in the charges table.")} {CLEAR_VARIABLE siege_charges[$charge_pos]} {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_pos} [unit_overlay] x={_X} y={_Y} {OOH_PAYLOAD_OVERLAY} [/unit_overlay] {VARIABLE_INC payload_ability_id} [object] silent=yes # Ensure the id is always unique. id=payload_effect_set_$payload_ability_id duration=scenario [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_TEXT_ONLY} [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] [store_unit] [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] variable=charge_unit_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE charge_unit_store.variables.has_charge yes} [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=charge_unit_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_unit_store} #enddef # # Removes a unit's Demolition ability and its siege charge flag. # #define OOH_REMOVE_UNITS_CHARGE _SUF [remove_unit_overlay] {_SUF} {OOH_PAYLOAD_OVERLAY} [/remove_unit_overlay] [store_unit] [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] variable=charge_units_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=charge_units_store variable=charge_unit [do] [for] array=charge_units_store.abilities.dummy reverse=yes [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS charge_unit.abilities.dummy[$i].id "demolition"} [then] {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_unit.abilities.dummy[$i]} [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] [for] array=charge_units_store.modifications.object reverse=yes [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_CONTAINS charge_unit.modifications.object[$i].id "payload_effect_set_"} [then] {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_unit.modifications.object[$i]} [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_unit.variables.has_charge} [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=charge_unit [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE charge_units_store} #enddef # # Used when a unit drops the charge it is carrying. The unit loses its # Demolition ability, and the charge is inserted in the charges # table again. # # _X, _Y: Coordinates of the unit and resultant charge object. # #define OOH_CHARGE_DEPLOY _X _Y _ACTIVE # Remove the unit's payload icon overlay and the Demolition ability. {OOH_REMOVE_UNITS_CHARGE ( x={_X} y={_Y} )} # Place the item and update the charge table. {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE ({_X}) ({_Y}) ({_ACTIVE})} #enddef # # Auxiliary events for siege charges-related menu items. # [event] name=wme_siege_charge_help first_time_only=no [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png caption= _ "Help: Using Charges" message= _ "In this scenario, most units under your control can carry barrels of explosives, which can be used to destroy structures and other units. To get a barrel, move a unit over it. You will be given the choice to grab the barrel or leave it for another unit. Once a unit gets the barrel, it will gain the <b>Demolition</b> ability, allowing it to destroy everything within a one-hex radius upon death. The unit will also be able to <b>drop</b> the barrel for another unit to pick it up, or <b>deploy</b> an activated charge. Once a barrel is deployed, it will <b>destroy</b> everything within a one-hex radius at the start of the next first-player turn, so you want to make sure your unit has enough movement points left to get away before deploying. Units lose the Demolition ability after dropping or deploying barrels. Use these barrels wisely! You start with a limited number, and you need at least <b>six</b> to complete the main objective!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=wme_siege_charge_drop first_time_only=no {OOH_CHARGE_DEPLOY $x1 $y1 no} [/event] [event] name=wme_siege_charge_deploy first_time_only=no {VARIABLE temp_location_is_suitable no} [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [filter_location] find_in=charge_forbidden_locs [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Deploying these explosives so close to your encampment would be an incredibly ill-advised idea!" [/message] [/then] [else] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [filter_location] find_in=charge_immune_locs [or] find_in=siege_charges [/or] [or] [filter_adjacent_location] find_in=siege_charges [/filter_adjacent_location] [/or] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "That is not an appropriate location for deploying these explosives. Try elsewhere." [/message] [/then] [else] {VARIABLE temp_location_is_suitable yes} [/else] [/if] [/else] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS temp_location_is_suitable yes} [then] {OOH_CHARGE_DEPLOY $x1 $y1 yes} [/then] [else] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_location_is_suitable} [/event] # # Initial siege charges, and other charge-related configuration. # [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE payload_ability_id 0} {VARIABLE charge_usage_hint_shown no} # Forbid deploying charges if their effect # area overlaps the player's starting keeps. [store_locations] [filter] side=1 canrecruit=yes [/filter] radius=1 [or] [filter] side=2 canrecruit=yes [/filter] radius=1 [/or] variable=charge_forbidden_locs [/store_locations] # The goal building cannot be completely # destroyed by deployed charges. [store_locations] terrain=X*,X*^*,*^X* [not] [filter] side=10 [/filter] [/not] variable=charge_immune_locs [/store_locations] [set_menu_item] id=wmi_siege_charge_help description= _ "Help: Using Charges" image="icons/menu-book.png" [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS portal_access_open yes} [/show_if] [command] [fire_event] name=wme_siege_charge_help [/fire_event] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [set_menu_item] id=wmi_siege_charge_deploy description= _ "Deploy Charge" image="icons/menu-bomb.png" [show_if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 side=$side_number [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [/show_if] [command] [fire_event] name=wme_siege_charge_deploy [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [set_menu_item] id=wmi_siege_charge_drop description= _ "Drop Charge" image="icons/menu-barrel.png" [show_if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 side=$side_number [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [/show_if] [command] [fire_event] name=wme_siege_charge_drop [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/command] [/set_menu_item] # Bardyl's encampment. {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 5 3 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 8 2 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 5 6 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 14 4 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 13 1 no} # Elynia's encampment. {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 53 4 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 51 7 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 57 10 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 60 6 no} # Aran-Balgur. #ifdef EASY {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 36 33 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 13 28 no} #endif #ifndef HARD {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 37 33 no} {OOH_CHARGE_PLACE 13 27 no} #endif [/event] # # Also show help once at the start of the scenario. # [event] name=start [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [fire_event] name=wme_siege_charge_help [/fire_event] [/event] # # Charge pick-up handler. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [not] [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] [and] [filter_location] find_in=siege_charges [/filter_location] [/and] [/filter] {VARIABLE unit_can_carry_payload yes} [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 id=Elynia,Anya,Durvan,Irylean,General Bardyl,Kyara,Horo,Igor [/have_unit] [then] {VARIABLE unit_can_carry_payload no} [store_unit_portrait] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/store_unit_portrait] # The message shown is stored in a variable according to the following # logic so I don't have to keep increasing the indentation level towards # unreadability. -- shadowm [switch] variable=unit.id [case] value=Elynia # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is Elynia. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"elynia^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your action as heroic or foolish. The thought of leaving this world with yet another explosion is inviting at this point, but you have been through that in three different occasions already, and survived to get this far. What would the point be? Perhaps Anya is right, and there is still much more left to do before your time comes. You want to find that demoness in the Pass of Sorrows first, after all.")} [/case] [case] value=Anya # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is Anya. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"anya^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your action as heroic or foolish. That sure was a silly thought to entertain! But your hope has not waned just yet, and Elynia needs your help. You are determined to stay at her side until it is all over. She is all you have left, and perhaps more than you will ever have.")} [/case] [case] value=Kyara # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is Kyara. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"kyara^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your action as heroic or foolish. That pointless exercise of thought promptly leaves way for recalling the stories of your people’s arrival to Quenoth Isle. Many say they were assisted in their journey by dwarves, underground dwellers with an inclination to devise this kind of evil artifact. You decide it may be for the best that a civilization with such destructive potential confined itself to the caverns beneath the surface.")} [/case] [case] value=Durvan # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is Durvan. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"durvan^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your action as heroic or foolish. But you would not be caught dead carrying such dangerous materials. As everyone knows, your craft is hunting prey; you ain’t anybody’s transport man.")} [/case] [case] value=Igor # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is Igor. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"igor^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of “boom” artifacts all by yourself. You wonder whether Elynia and her new friends would regard your action as heroic or foolish. Upon further thought, however, you realize that giving up on the peaceful street perform life to become fireworks goblin is probably not quite what people mean when they talk about “going out with a bang”. Not to mention you could not possibly bring yourself to leaving poor Willow alone in this nasty, cruel world. Perhaps you will look into procuring a safer source of “boom” at a later time, you think to yourself — something like one of those fire sticks that high-ranked Chaos officers carry around these days. Your mighty steed gives you an approving nod.")} [/case] [case] value=General Bardyl # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up the barrel # po: is the General Bardyl. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"bardyl^You contemplate one of the barrels of explosives your superiors sent from Fort Rylgur before the Far North fell to those infernal bastards. You feel glad that you are not one of the poor nameless soldiers who were charged with the task of carrying these to Aran-Balgur’s main keep!")} [/case] [else] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.gender female} [then] # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up a barrel # po: is one of the other female heroines. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"female^You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your actions as heroic or foolish. In any case, you are not so stupid as to attempt such a pointless move now.")} [/then] [else] # po: This message is used when the unit attempting to pick up a barrel # po: is one of the other male heroes. {VARIABLE unit_message (_"You silently consider the possibility of rushing into the battlefield carrying this heavy barrel of explosives all by yourself. You wonder whether your comrades would regard your actions as heroic or foolish. In any case, you are not so stupid as to attempt such a pointless move now.")} [/else] [/if] [/else] [/switch] [message] speaker=narrator image=$unit_portrait message=$unit_message [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit_message,unit_portrait} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/then] [else] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [not] race=human [/not] [not] race=elf [/not] [not] race=orc [/not] [not] race=aragwaith [/not] [not] race=faerie [/not] [not] type=Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Revenant,Draug,Deathblade,Bone Shooter,Banebow,Aragwaith Scout,Aragwaith Lancer,Aragwaith Silver Shield,Elvish Scout,Elvish Rider,Elvish Outrider,Aragwaith Eagle Rider,Aragwaith Eagle Master,Wolf Rider,Goblin Knight,Goblin Pillager,Direwolf Rider [/not] [/have_unit] [then] {VARIABLE unit_can_carry_payload no} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # keeps wmllint happy, the fucking POS {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} message= _ "The unit you have chosen for this task is not able to lift the weight! Try with another unit." [/message] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/then] [/if] [/else] [/if] [message] [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS unit_can_carry_payload yes} [/show_if] speaker=narrator {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} message= _ "Should this unit carry the barrel of explosives?" [option] label= _ "Yes, pick up the barrel." [command] {OOH_CHARGE_PICK $x1 $y1} [message] [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS charge_usage_hint_shown no} [/show_if] speaker=narrator image="wesnoth-icon.png" message= _ "To drop or deploy the charge, right-click on the unit and choose the desired option from the context menu." [/message] {VARIABLE charge_usage_hint_shown yes} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No, let someone else do it." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit_can_carry_payload} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [and] [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [filter_location] find_in=siege_charges [/filter_location] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image="wesnoth-icon.png" message= _ "You cannot carry more than one barrel at once!" [/message] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] # # Activated charges handler. # #define OOH_KEEP_SLF find_in=charge_immune_locs #enddef [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no {VARIABLE activated_charge_message_used no} [for] array=siege_charges variable=k reverse=yes [do] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS siege_charges[$k].active no} [then] [continue][/continue] [/then] [/if] [scroll_to] x,y=$siege_charges[$k].x,$siege_charges[$k].y [/scroll_to] {RANDOM 1,2} [message] side=$random race=human,orc,wolf,goblin,faerie,elf message= _ "Fire in the hole!" scroll=no [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS activated_charge_message_used no} [/show_if] [/message] {VARIABLE activated_charge_message_used yes} {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} # Blow some shit up. [remove_item] x,y=$siege_charges[$k].x,$siege_charges[$k].y {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} [/remove_item] [remove_item] x,y=$siege_charges[$k].x,$siege_charges[$k].y {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE} [/remove_item] # The demolition code event may trigger the boss event, # which clears the siege charges table. We need to pass # a copy of the siege charge location to that event to # avoid spamming the log with invalid variable access # warnings and potentially do something stupid; and then, # we must abort this loop. {VARIABLE demolition_target_x $siege_charges[$k].x} {VARIABLE demolition_target_y $siege_charges[$k].y} # Do not allow terraforming to extend into the location set # stored in charge_immune_locs. {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_AUXILIARY_EVENT_DESTRUCTION_IMPLEMENTATION $demolition_target_x $demolition_target_y EXCLUDE_SLF={OOH_KEEP_SLF} HANDLE_AS_UNIT_ATTACK=no} {CLEAR_VARIABLE demolition_target_x,demolition_target_y} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS portal_access_open yes} [then] # Abort. [break][/break] [/then] [else] # Continue, removing this charge from the table forever. {CLEAR_VARIABLE siege_charges[$k]} [/else] [/if] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE activated_charge_message_used} # Check whether there are still enough barrels around to win. [fire_event] name=check barrel count [/fire_event] [/event] # # Terraform the siege targets manually. # [event] name=last breath first_time_only=no [filter] side=10 type=Verlissh Matrix Flow System [/filter] [terrain] x,y=$x1,$y1 terrain=Re^Es [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [/event] # # Handling defeat by losing barrels. # [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] [fire_event] name=check barrel count [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=check barrel count first_time_only=no [filter_condition] # Skip this rather expensive check when the boss is # active on the map. {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS portal_access_open no} [/filter_condition] # # Count charges currently acquired by units. # [count_units] [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] variable=available_charges_count [/count_units] # # Count inactive charges, plus charges that are active and adjacent # to the mission targets. # [foreach] array=siege_charges variable=siege_charge [do] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS siege_charge.active no} [then] {VARIABLE_INC available_charges_count} [/then] [elseif] [have_unit] side=10 [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] x,y=$siege_charge.x,$siege_charge.y [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] {VARIABLE_INC available_charges_count} [/then] [/elseif] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN available_charges_count $beams_remaining} [then] [message] speaker=General Bardyl message= _ "Blast it, we have wasted our explosives on the battlefield instead of saving them for the main keep! We can’t continue like this — retreat!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE available_charges_count} [/event] # # Cleanup on exit. # [event] name=victory {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_siege_charge_deploy} {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_siege_charge_drop} {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_siege_charge_help} {CLEAR_VARIABLE siege_charges,charge_usage_hint_shown,charge_forbidden_locs,charge_immune_locs,payload_ability_id} [/event] # # Boss events. # [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] side=10 [/filter] {VARIABLE_DEC beams_remaining} {OOH_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES} [fire_event] name=check remaining beams [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=check remaining beams [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN beams_remaining 1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} {VARIABLE portal_access_open yes} [store_starting_location] side=9 variable=boss_location [/store_starting_location] [scroll_to] x,y=$boss_location.x,$boss_location.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [modify_side] side=1,2 shroud=no [/modify_side] # # Remove charges from remaining units and get rid # of the barrels. # # This is necessary to prevent the player using them # to insta-kill the boss unit. # {OOH_REMOVE_UNITS_CHARGE ( side=1,2 [filter_wml] [variables] has_charge=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] )} [foreach] array=siege_charges variable=siege_charge [do] [remove_item] x=$siege_charge.x y=$siege_charge.y {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM} [/remove_item] [remove_item] x=$siege_charge.x y=$siege_charge.y {OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE} [/remove_item] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE siege_charges} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY})} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} # # Place the real boss unit. # [kill] side=9 canrecruit=yes [/kill] [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes side=9 # wmllint: recognize Portal Custodian id=Portal Custodian type=Shaxthal Custodian Drone {IS_BOSS} x,y=$boss_location.x,$boss_location.y [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {BOSS_BOOST 25% 0 0 0 0} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] # # Give it some gold. # [gold] side=9 {QUANTITY amount 80 90 100} [/gold] # # Open the portal access. # [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 04_01_Outpost_of_Hell_1.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {BOSS_AMBIENTANCE_LOOPING} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:EXPLOSION})} [scroll_to_unit] id=Portal Custodian [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=General Bardyl scroll=no message= _ "Destroy that enormous monster before it gets a chance to rain its fire upon our troops!" [/message] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y=$boss_location.x,$boss_location.y)} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS side_9_state.side 9} [then] # # Restore side 9's state and let it recruit normally # until it's defeated. If the state is missing (the # test above fails), that means its state was already # restored by the cyclic turn event. # [modify_side] side=9 income=$side_9_state.income gold=$side_9_state.gold village_gold=$side_9_state.village_gold [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side_9_state} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_location} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE portal_access_open,recruitment_portals,beams_remaining} [/event] # # Shapeshifters stuff. # [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE shapeshifter_count 0} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE shapeshifter_count} [/event] #define OOH_SHAPESHIFTER_ELIGIBLE_UNITS type=Chaos Invader,Chaos Raider [not] [filter_wml] [variables] is_shapeshifter=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] #enddef [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] {OOH_SHAPESHIFTER_ELIGIBLE_UNITS} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN shapeshifter_count 0} [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_RANDOM shapeshifter_flag 1..9001} # Easier difficulties have smaller chances of getting # shapeshifters, probably. {VARIABLE_MOD shapeshifter_flag ({DIFF 5 3 2})} # Don't allow more than a certain amount of shapeshifters # to exist on map at the same time. [count_units] type=Demon Shapeshifter [or] [filter_wml] [variables] is_shapeshifter=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/or] variable=shapeshifter_onmap_count [/count_units] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS shapeshifter_flag 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN shapeshifter_onmap_count ({DIFF 2 4 6})} [then] [fire_event] name=turn shapeshifter [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shapeshifter_flag,shapeshifter_onmap_count} [/event] [event] name=prerecruit [filter] {OOH_SHAPESHIFTER_ELIGIBLE_UNITS} [/filter] # Ensure there's always at least one # Shapeshifter spawned per scenario! [fire_event] name=turn shapeshifter [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] # Event for turning a recruited unit into a # disguised shapeshifter. [event] name=turn shapeshifter first_time_only=no {VARIABLE unit.variables.is_shapeshifter yes} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="CS(16,0,16)" # Add a little purpleish tint. [/effect] [/object] {VARIABLE_INC shapeshifter_count} [/event] # Handle death of disguised shapeshifters. [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] [filter_wml] [variables] is_shapeshifter=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] [fire_event] name=reveal shapeshifter [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] # Event for revealing a disguised shapeshifter. [event] name=reveal shapeshifter first_time_only=no [set_variable] name=shapeshifter_previous_side to_variable=unit.side [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=shapeshifter_previous_facing to_variable=unit.facing [/set_variable] [set_variables] name=shapeshifter_previous_traits mode=replace to_variable=unit.modifications.trait [/set_variables] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [unit] animate=yes moves=0 attacks_left=0 side=$shapeshifter_previous_side facing=$shapeshifter_previous_facing x,y=$x1,$y1 type=Demon Shapeshifter generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no # Inherit its previous form's traits. By design, # these are always compatible with the Shapeshifter # unit. [modifications] [insert_tag] name=trait variable=shapeshifter_previous_traits [/insert_tag] [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shapeshifter_previous_side,shapeshifter_previous_traits,shapeshifter_previous_facing} [fire_event] name=explain shapeshifter [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] # Anya explaining shapeshifter stuff (only once). [event] name=explain shapeshifter first_time_only=yes [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 # ensure the view is focused on the demon [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "But... how?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Shapeshifters. They are somewhat different to other demons in that the more mature individuals are much harder to kill without arcane magic than the rest. (<i>disgusted</i>) It’s said they are basically extinct, but some demon lords still keep them as slaves." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How do you know that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Well, Elorran did tell me a lot of things about them..." [/message] [event] name=side 1 turn,side 1 turn end,side 2 turn,side 2 turn end first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>muttering to herself, aside</i>) ... mainly because I am one of them." [/message] [/event] [/event] [event] name=die [filter_second] id=Igor [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Battle goblin strikes again, yes! Take that, wretched scum!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "He’s got an endearing quality to him most of the time, but I’m still not quite sure whether I <i>should</i> be concerned about his more bloodthirsty side...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Nah, I think he’s all right. You too have your moments despite being cute most of the time, after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "<i>(blushing)</i> Well... thanks, I guess." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] # # Victory choice event. # [event] name=die [filter] id=Portal Custodian [/filter] {OOH_RESET_PLAYLIST} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Finally, that thing was a real nuisance." [/message] [if] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes [not] side=1,2,9 [/not] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Are you leaving now, Elynia?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Well..." [option] label= _ "Yes, I think it is the right time." [command] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "All right, then." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No. Our allies still need our help." [command] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "As much as I dislike General Bardyl and his people, we wouldn’t have achieved this victory without them. I think it’s best to assist them until the battle is over. But I’ll keep the portal in mind if things don’t go as planned later." [/message] [set_menu_item] id=wmi_leave_battle description= _ "Leave Battle" image="icons/menu-book.png" [show_if][/show_if] [command] [fire_event] name=wme_leave_battle [/fire_event] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [event] name=victory {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_leave_battle} [/event] [fire_event] name=leave battle hint [/fire_event] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/then] # [else] # Do nothing. "enemies defeated" should trigger # victory for us! #[/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=leave battle hint first_time_only=no [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "If you change your mind later, you can choose the <b>Leave Battle</b> option in the context menu by right-clicking on any unit or vacant hex." [/message] [/event] [event] name=wme_leave_battle first_time_only=no [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Do you really wish to leave the battle?" [option] label= _ "Yes." [command] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No." [command] [fire_event] name=leave battle hint [/fire_event] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event] # # Since there's always an unkillable side 9 canrecruit=yes unit # around when the boss isn't, this shouldn't happen unless the # boss has already been defeated. # [event] name=enemies defeated {VARIABLE waited_for_bardyl yes} {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] #define OOH_EXTRA_GOLD _SIDE _GOLD [if] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes side={_SIDE} [/have_unit] [then] [store_gold] side={_SIDE} [/store_gold] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN gold ({_GOLD})} [then] [modify_side] side={_SIDE} gold={_GOLD} [/modify_side] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE gold} [/then] [/if] #enddef # # Give a little more gold to enemy sides on turn 10. # [event] name=turn 10 [message] canrecruit=yes [filter_side] [not] side=1,2,9 [/not] [/filter_side] message= _ "Call more reinforcements! We can’t afford to lose control of this region to these wretches!" [/message] {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 3 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 4 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 5 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 6 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 7 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 8 {DIFF 50 60 80} } {OOH_EXTRA_GOLD 9 {DIFF 50 60 80} } [/event] # # Victory dialog. # [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let us find that portal." [/message] [/event] #undef OOH_CHARGE_ITEM #undef OOH_CHARGE_ITEM_ACTIVE #undef OOH_CHARGE_PLACE #undef OOH_CHARGE_DEPLOY #undef OOH_REMOVE_UNITS_CHARGE #undef OOH_RESET_PLAYLIST #undef OOH_PRIMARY_OBJECTIVE #undef OOH_CHARGE_PICK #undef OOH_PAYLOAD_OVERLAY #undef OOH_UPDATE_OBJECTIVES #undef OOH_EXTRA_GOLD #undef OOH_SHAPESHIFTER_ELIGIBLE_UNITS #undef OOH_BARREL_COUNT_DEFEAT #undef OOH_RECRUITMENT_PORTAL #undef OOH_KEEP_SLF [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=04_02_Gateway name= _ "Gateway" {MAP 04_02_Gateway.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=05_Pass_of_Sorrows victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_GATEWAY} {INDOORS} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 170 160 150} shroud=yes share_vision=all # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human persistent=no save_id=second_player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^General Bardyl" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} {GOLD 160 150 140} shroud=yes share_vision=all # wmllint: recognize General Bardyl {CHARACTER_STATS_GENERAL_BARDYL} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [event] name=prestart [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS waited_for_bardyl yes} [then] [store_side] side=2 variable=bardyl_side_state [/store_side] [store_unit] [filter] side=2 [not] # wmllint: recognize Kyara # wmllint: recognize Horo id=General Bardyl,Kyara,Horo [/not] [/filter] variable=bardyl_side_units [/store_unit] [/then] [/if] [kill] side=2 [not] id=Kyara,Horo [/not] [/kill] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 11 10} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {RECALL_DURVAN_AT_LOCATION 13 10} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 12 10} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 12 11} # wmllint: recognize Kyara {RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION 15 8} # wmllint: recognize Horo {RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION 11 7} [store_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] variable=durvan_store kill=no [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} [/filter] variable=on_map_units_store [/store_unit] # # Set everyone on-map to face Elynia. # [foreach] array=on_map_units_store [do] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$this_item.x,$this_item.y [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] {VARIABLE this_item.facing $direction} [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE on_map_units_store} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Durvan) side 2} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) ne} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [place_shroud] side=1,2 [/place_shroud] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I guess I have to admit I am hesitant to continue..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "He said it was a greater cause, after all. I fear that once we step into this portal... We might never come back to these lands alive." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Why do you want to come, anyway? Haven’t all my decisions led to awful disasters since we began? All our victories have been small in the grand scheme of things, and many have died because of my desire for answers... and revenge." [/message] [remove_shroud] side=1,2 terrain=!,X*,X*^*,*^X* [or] [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=!,X*,X*^*,*^X* [/filter_adjacent_location] [/or] [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia... While all that is true, you can’t deny you have helped us all do more good than any of us alone could otherwise. No-one is perfect..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... not even gods, as it turns out." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... But most importantly, we work as a team! I for one promise I won’t give up in the face of danger." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Neither will I, my lady!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, I know. Galas never gave up either..." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "Nor did Mal Keshar." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... That is true... too true." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I understand that you won’t be joining us in this suicidal mission, Durvan, so... What will you do?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Eh, I will just stay safe and sound here and help defend the castle until I find a way to return home. Maybe try to convince that general or Lord Torancyn—" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "<i>Supreme</i> Lord Torancyn. (<i>snickers</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "... They might be willing to send someone to check the situation in Kalari if you can secure the portal from the other side." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS waited_for_bardyl yes} [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I hope that is the case, yes. Bardyl seemed rather grateful for our assistance at the end of the day." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I doubt Bardyl will understand that I simply could not tarry here for longer than strictly necessary, especially since ‘my’ little band failed to live up to his expectations. And Torancyn... I wouldn’t bet on his support at this point." [/message] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Many of our men seem willing to follow you. I just don’t know what their motivation is — money, bloodshed, adventure? It’s rather strange, really. But I’m sure you could use their help." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What will you do, Horo, Kyara?" [/message] [message] speaker=Horo message= _ "Well, returning home is out of the question for me with Tirigaz gone. Those vermin will surely head back here as soon as they hear of our victory, presumably led by that hideous demon midget... Right now, there’d be nothing more satisfying for me than breaking his stumpy neck and wearing his hollow skull as a helmet." [/message] [message] speaker=Kyara message= _ "As soon as I may, I’m returning to Quenoth Isle to spread the word about all these events... Perhaps, if the war comes to an end first, we could even send some people back here, to trade with the humans and orcs... I know that’s all very unlikely with the current state of things, but... (<i>shrugs</i>) dreaming never hurt anybody." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I guess so..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [kill] side=2 [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {BLACK_SCREEN} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [sound] name="magic-dark-big.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [sound] name="magic-dark-big.ogg" [/sound] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=05_Pass_of_Sorrows name= _ "Pass of Sorrows" {MAP 05_Pass_of_Sorrows.map} {TURNS 48 46 44} next_scenario=06_Divergence victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {F_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_PASS_OF_SORROWS} {AFTERNOON2} {AFTERNOON2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {DUSK2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {LONGDARK4} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {DAWN1} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MORNING1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {MIDDAY1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {AFTERNOON1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {DUSK1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {DAWN2} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MORNING2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {MIDDAY2} {MIDDAY2} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {GOLD 170 160 150} shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {RAGGED_FLAG} {GOLD 190 210 225} {INCOME 1 2 3} #ifndef EASY recruit=Skeleton,Ghost,Skeleton Archer,Bone Shooter #else recruit=Skeleton,Ghost,Skeleton Archer #endif {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,fighter,archer,archer,scout,fighter"} [/ai] [village] x,y=9,38 [/village] [village] x,y=15,34 [/village] canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id=Vissalen name= _ "Vissalen" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {BOSS_BOOST 10% 0 0 0 0} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Death Knight) 11 29} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Death Knight) 5 31} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wraith) 17 35} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wraith) 9 31} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wraith) 11 26} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} #endif [/side] {LIMIT_RECRUITS 2 (Bone Shooter) 2} [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {RAGGED_FLAG} {GOLD 150 160 170} {INCOME 1 2 3} recruit=Ghoul,Walking Corpse,Vampire Bat,Skeleton Archer {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "fighter,fighter,archer,scout,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id=Algessel name= _ "Algessel" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {BOSS_BOOST 10% 0 0 0 0} [object] {EFFECTS_STAFF_OF_AKHYLS_COMMON} [/object] [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Bone Shooter) 23 31} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Deathblade) 27 33} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Bone Shooter) 29 34} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Bat) 29 32} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Bat) 30 38} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Bat) 21 34} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {RAGGED_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Rat) 32 9} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Rat) 28 5} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Direwolf) 21 12} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Direwolf) 23 4} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Direwolf) 23 26} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Direwolf) 34 24} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Direwolf) 26 20} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Great Wolf) 21 23} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Dread Bat) 35 9} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Dread Bat) 30 10} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Dread Bat) 22 39} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Leech) 32 8} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Leech) 30 8} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Leech) 29 18} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Leech) 32 22} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Thunderbird) 26 24} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Thunderbird) 22 18} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Thunderbird) 35 20} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 26 39} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 29 40} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Lesser Giant Spider) 13 38} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Spider) 13 40} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} #endif [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Unknown" {CHAOS_FLAG} {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes hidden=yes [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins3.png 30 17} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins.png 23 18} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins3.png 22 18} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins.png 26 20} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins2.png 21 24} [event] name=prestart {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} [time_area] terrain=X*,X*^*,U*,U*^*,Cud,Kud,Qxu [or] terrain=R*,R*^* x=3-15 ,21-34,14-16 y=25-32,27-34,41-43 [/or] [or] x=0-7 ,27-34 y=26-34, 4-10 [/or] {UNDERGROUND} [/time_area] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 7 10} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 7 9} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 5 9} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia,Anya) se} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Irylean) sw} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore around")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "There’s absolutely <i>nothing</i> hinting at this place having served as a Chaos base of any sort in recent times. It’s completely deserted and ruined. I fear we have been misled. We might not even be in Kalari for all I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No. I recognize that mountain range to the south. We... we never saw what lay north of it. We are a little farther from Kalari than I expected, but it’s not like any of us—or our allies—knew exactly where the Pass of Sorrows is. Let us proceed south, carefully." [/message] [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] # While at first this may seem like me trying to get rid of the comedic relief, # the real purpose of stashing Igor away is ensuring the player doesn't have any # tanky high-mobility units besides ghosts for this scenario. [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Igor, do you think you could help watch our backline for any potential attacks from the north?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Awww, but I wanted to help..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I have seen that you prefer a more frontal approach to battle these days, but right now my main concern is that we don’t get ambushed. You will still be able to help by alerting us of any possible threats." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "If you think that’s the best way I can help then I’ll do it, my lady. Let’s go, Willow!" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Igor [/filter] variable=igor_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=turn 5 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The solitude of this place is unsettling." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 4 [modify_side] side=1 fog=yes [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ugh. The fog is getting thicker..." [/message] [/event] #define SO_TELEPORT_IF_NOT_IN_REGION _ID _REGION _TARGET_X _TARGET_Y [if] [have_unit] id={_ID} [filter_location] [not] {_REGION} [/not] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [teleport] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] x={_TARGET_X} y={_TARGET_Y} animate=yes [/teleport] [/then] [/if] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=26-38 y=11-23 [/filter] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("gameplay06.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("suspense.ogg")} {APPEND_MUSIC ("nunc_dimittis.ogg")} [remove_shroud] side=1 x=27 y=20 radius=12 [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,*^X* [/not] [/filter_radius] [/remove_shroud] {CLEAR_FOG 1 27 20 12} {SO_TELEPORT_IF_NOT_IN_REGION (Anya) ( x=26-38,19-25 y=11-26,14-26 ) 30 15} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia, Irylean... you should see this." [/message] {SO_TELEPORT_IF_NOT_IN_REGION (Elynia) ( x=26-38,19-25 y=11-26,14-26 ) 31 16 } {SO_TELEPORT_IF_NOT_IN_REGION (Irylean) ( x=26-38,19-25 y=11-26,14-26 ) 31 15 } [scroll_to] x,y=27,20 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "These ruins appear to be centuries old — probably older than the Chaos Empire itself. I imagine they have remained untouched by our enemies because of their inconvenient location. What may have become of their former denizens?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "There’s a large monolith over there." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=33,27 [/remove_item] {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 33 27 scenery/monolith2.png ()} {UNCLEAR_FOG} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/monolith2.png 33 27} [event] id=monolith_description_eh name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=33,27 [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia should be the one to investigate this monolith." [/message] [/event] {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 26 18} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 30 24} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 24 31} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_B 28 38} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 30 40} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 8 24} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 15 33} {FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A 14 36} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes # important [filter] id=Elynia x,y=33,27 [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t understand this inscription — some glyphs vaguely resemble the ancient ceremonial Elvish script, but I don’t recognize the rest." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png sound=wail-long.wav message= _ "The wind blows." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Wait..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=27,20 [/scroll_to] {VARIABLE ghost_id 0} #define SO_GHOST _X _Y [store_direction] from_x={_X} from_y={_Y} [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] [terrain] x={_X} y={_Y} terrain=Gg [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [sound] name=wail.wav [/sound] [unit] animate=yes side=2 x={_X} y={_Y} id="ruins ghost $ghost_id" type={DIFF Shadow Nightgaunt Nightgaunt} facing=$direction upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [status] uncovered=yes [/status] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} {VARIABLE_INC ghost_id} #enddef {SO_GHOST 27 18} {SO_GHOST 23 20} {SO_GHOST 25 23} {SO_GHOST 33 22} {SO_GHOST 30 19} #undef SO_GHOST {CLEAR_VARIABLE ghost_id} [message] # wmllint: recognize ruins ghost 4 speaker=ruins ghost 4 message= _ "... Mal-Zagarn..." [/message] [message] # wmllint: recognize ruins ghost 3 speaker=ruins ghost 3 message= _ "... come..." [/message] [message] # wmllint: recognize ruins ghost 2 speaker=ruins ghost 2 message= _ "... she..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Wh— What’s going on?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "This pass is inhabited by restless spirits of the past! My lady!" [/message] {APPEND_MUSIC ("northerners.ogg")} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [remove_event] id=monolith_description_eh # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] [event] name=attack end [fire_event] name=open passage [/fire_event] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=new turn # # In case the previous event handler never runs. # [fire_event] name=open passage [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [event] name=open passage {QUAKE cave-in.ogg} [terrain] x=31,34,23,26 y=28,28,28,27 terrain=Mm [/terrain] [terrain] x=32,33,24,25 y=28,29,28,28 terrain=Re^Es [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=28,28 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ( x=32,33,24,25 y=28,29,28,28 )} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There seem to be more undead creatures crawling out of the caverns to the south. Perhaps if we can clear them out we’ll find a way out of this valley." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Algessel [/filter] [message] speaker=Algessel message= _ "Thank... you..." [/message] [kill] id=Algessel animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [fire_event] name=check event gate [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] {STAFF_OF_AKHLYS $x1 $y1} {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=$x1,$y1} [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "The lich’s staff is glowing! What could it possibly mean?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Vissalen [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("the_king_is_dead.ogg")} {QUAKE cave-in.ogg} [message] speaker=Vissalen message= _ "Free..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vissalen message= _ "... at last..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Who are you?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] #define SO_NARRATION _MSG [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message="<i>"+{_MSG}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef {SO_NARRATION ( _ "Many centuries ago, our ancestors came from the Great Southern Desert seeking fertile lands to settle. They gave up much to get to this valley: their lives, their families... Most of them died along the way. The few survivors found a ruined temple amidst the mountains, probably built by an extinct civilization. From that temple they learned the ways of fire magic, and the song of Shardia, She who forged knowledge from the fire of our hearts. They thrived with their newfound skills and the protection granted by the precipitous mountain range. They continued to learn from Her, and longed for the day when She would come to this earth and bless it with Her song. And in time, so did we. Until...")} # wmllint: local spelling Mal-Zagarn {SO_NARRATION ( _ "One day, a man shrouded in darkness came. His eyes were bright like Naia’s never-ending shine; his mouth, concealed by twisted metal and decayed flesh. His companions called him Mal-Zagarn. He spoke a message from the so-called Goddess of Life from beyond the Void, Uria, who had tasked him with the mission of spreading her voice to all non-believers in this land. But other than the Goddess who gave us our fire magic, we would worship no-one, especially not someone who only communicated through an embodiment of the unnatural like that dark prophet. And so we dismissed his words as the blasphemous ramblings of a barbarian. In time, we would be proven wrong.")} {SO_NARRATION ( _ "Years later, the man returned, but not with a handful of trusted followers. Instead, he brought with him innumerable horrors from the Abyss to rain acid and smoke upon our homes. He gave our leader a last chance to convert to his unholy sect. That is to say, <b>I</b> was offered that last chance. Everyone was slaughtered. Everyone except me, my brother, and a child with beautiful hair, whom we believed was the heiress of Her fire; for never before we saw one of our own be born with the same hair color as our Goddess. But just like the scrolls and books we hoarded, we eventually lost her to the walking vultures of the desert, who took her as their own. They spared her life, seeing as she was but a child, but our own fate was vastly different.")} {SO_NARRATION ( _ "The Goddess of Life had cursed us to linger in this form, and dwell in the caves beneath the earth in shame. The light of the suns we once revered became a scorching enemy by day. Our fire magic was quickly displaced by shadow magic as we could no longer even withstand the heat of our flames. We had too become embodiments of corruption, a mockery of the beings we once were. We vowed to take revenge upon the dark courier who brought disgrace upon our kind, and anyone who was ever close to him or his followers. Either we would be destroyed and released from our prison, or our curse would be extended to the creatures we abhorred. But it is all over now.")} {SO_NARRATION ( _ "We may still be able to find Her on the other side of the Veil, and bask in the glory of Her song...")} #undef SO_NARRATION [fade_out_music] duration=1000 [/fade_out_music] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FADE_IN} [kill] id=Vissalen animate=no # i.e. offscreen fire_event=no [/kill] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("snowfall.ogg")} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Argan..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I— I am fine. Don’t worry about it." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [fire_event] name=check event gate [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=check event gate [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes side=2,3 [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [simplify_location_filter] terrain=*^Zz* variable=event_gate_locs [/simplify_location_filter] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=$event_gate_locs.x y=$event_gate_locs.y [/remove_terrain_overlays] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=$event_gate_locs.x y=$event_gate_locs.y [/remove_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=7,36 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ( x=$event_gate_locs.x y=$event_gate_locs.y )} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE event_gate_locs} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed to the southern cavern exit with Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE items/gohere.png 14 41} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia x,y=14,41 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "We don’t know what lies outside. Are you sure you want to proceed, my lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Allow me to ponder this for a moment..." [option] label= _ "Yes, I think it’s time to go." [command] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} {NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No, let us see whether there might be something else of value in these caves first." [command] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Very well." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory {LOCK_VIEW} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("wanderer.ogg")} # # Heal the protagonists for this cutscene. # [heal_unit] [filter] id=Elynia,Anya,Irylean [/filter] [/heal_unit] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=13,14,15 y=43,42,42 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [remove_shroud] side=1 x= 0-39 y=41-65 [not] terrain=X*,X*^*,*^X* [/not] [/remove_shroud] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [store_starting_location] side=5 [/store_starting_location] # wmllint: recognize Cron {RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION $location.x $location.y} [+unit] side=5 facing=nw [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () red} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) 16,18 47,48} [teleport] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] x,y=19,49 animate=yes [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Anya) se} [teleport] [filter] id=Irylean [/filter] x,y=20,48 animate=yes [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Irylean) se} [scroll_to_unit] id=Cron [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "A lone troll?" [/message] # wmllint: local spelling sigil [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "He bears an unusual sigil on his armor for a troll..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Cron) 21 54} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hail there, whoever you are. Are you our enemy?" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The old battle-hardened troll stared at the sky for a minute before answering, while Anya and Irylean eyed each other nervously." [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron works for no-one but the storm lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) Elynia, would that be..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) Yes, I think so." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Cron, if you allow me to ask, where is this person? We... may or may not have arranged a meeting with her, here. This is a quite urgent matter, and... Are you even listening to me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "(<i>pointing at the sky</i>) There." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=16,45 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia,Anya,Irylean) nw} # wmllint: recognize Ergea {RECALL_ERGEA_AT_LOCATION 16 45} [+unit] side=5 facing=se # Visual effects provided by Ergea's recruit animation. animate=yes [+modifications] {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () red} [/modifications] [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The demoness descended from the sky in an impressive whirl of dust and leaves. Anya and Irylean stared in awe, and immediately knew they would be at a disadvantage if she were, in fact, their enemy. But Elynia did not have an opportunity to entertain such thoughts. She could tell at first glance that in spite of her young age, the Demon Lord of the Storms was not the type that would take admiration and other displays of weakness very well. After all, she had risked it all and come only to enlist powerful allies for her dwindling cause." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) All right... I <i>think</i> these two look rather frightening..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Ergea, Demon Lord of the Storms, I suppose?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "That is correct, Elynia, the Lady of Light. I have been eagerly awaiting this moment for weeks. What took you and your party so long? I heard you hired the services of the northerners to prepare an assault to the gateway fortress, instead of infiltrating it on your own. That wasteful spectacle could have ruined our plans." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "And your plans are intended to help us, or is this just part of a convoluted scheme to catch me off-guard near your headquarters?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "My priority is putting a halt to Uria’s schemes, preferably while keeping collateral damage to a minimum. There just are not a lot of people these days who can truly be trusted. I had to ask the human seer to deliver my message to you because sensing people’s intentions is not one of your powers, and you have committed too many mistakes as of late in that vein, much like Elorran." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elorran...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "I tried to warn him that Zhangor sent his new pets after him, but that fool never allowed my minions to approach him or his informants. I assume he never told you that—" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} # no fadeout [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Repeat that name." [/message] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC overlive.ogg} [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Zhangor?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "He recently became the Fist of Uria. I thought Elorran and you of all people on Irdya would be aware of this." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia? You don’t look good..." [/message] # wmllint: local spelling Wh [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Wh— why...? Why is he here? Why is he... on Irdya... again? I— I did everything within my power to... to..." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Destroying a shapeshifter of his level is nigh impossible; and frankly, you never truly learned to employ the Power of the Union effectively. Argan and you played around with it like children instead of working towards harnessing its full potential. But I don’t blame you. There is a lot you need to learn right now, and I can help you with that. However, we are running out of time." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Will you help me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "I came to seek your help only because our goals converge on the ultimate purpose of ending this war. I can only help you if you are willing to help us — and first I need to speak to you in private." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Very well." [/message] # If we had Igor at the start, restore him into the recall list. [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY igor_store} [then] [unstore_unit] variable=igor_store x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE igor_store} [/then] [/if] # The Cron and Ergea used here aren't transfered to the player, # letting E3S6 or later take care of that and allowing them to # have the correct TC without overriding it again. {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] #undef SO_TELEPORT_IF_NOT_IN_REGION [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=06_Divergence name= _ "Divergence" {MAP 06_Divergence.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=07A_Dark_Fire_part_1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no #disallow_recall=yes {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "climactic_contemplation.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_DIVERGENCE} {LONGDARK1} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK2} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" gold=0 # No minimum starting gold. village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} # Disable map snapshot on Load Game dialog. shroud=yes scroll_to_leader=no # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 1} #define DI_SET_OBJECTIVE _OBJECTIVE {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Objective:" # wmllint: ignore {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ({_OBJECTIVE})} {OBJECTIVE_FULL_CARRYOVER} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {CONVERSATION_SCENARIO_NOTES} )} #enddef {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock3.png 20 11} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 21 11} # Let’s pretend it’s a burrow. {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/nest-empty.png 1 20} [event] name=prestart [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Anya {RECALL_ANYA_AT_LOCATION 10 11} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Anya sw} # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 20 9} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Irylean se} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 20 3} # wmllint: recognize Cron {RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION 16 6} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Cron ne} [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Igor ne} [/then] [/if] # Don't let anyone other than Elynia move around. {MODIFY_UNIT ( [not] id=Elynia [/not] ) moves 0} {SET_TALK_UNITS id=Anya,Elynia,Cron,Irylean,Igor} {DISALLOW_END_TURN} {DI_SET_OBJECTIVE ( _ "Talk to Anya before going to sleep")} {VARIABLE talked_to_anya no} {VARIABLE went_to_bed no} {VARIABLE poison_staff no} # # Make Irylean immune to poison. # [if] # I don't know why anyone would ever *not* give the staff to Iry # but you never know... [have_unit] id=Irylean [has_attack] type=arcane special=poison [/has_attack] [/have_unit] [then] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Irylean [/filter] [trait] id=staff_of_akhlys_lvl1_tag name= _ "staff of akhlys" description= _ "Immune to poison" help_text= _ "The wielder of this staff is immune to poison." [effect] apply_to=status add=unpoisonable [/effect] [/trait] [/modify_unit] {VARIABLE poison_staff yes} [/then] [/if] [/event] # # Don't allow recruits or recalls. # {NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS ()} {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} [event] name=moveto #,select first_time_only=no [filter] [filter_adjacent] [filter_wml] [variables] can_talk=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [fire_event] name=conversation controller [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 [filter_wml] [variables] can_talk=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter_adjacent] [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #define DI_COND_UNITS _FIRST_UNIT_ID _SECOND_UNIT_ID {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.id {_FIRST_UNIT_ID} } {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS second_unit.id {_SECOND_UNIT_ID} } #enddef [event] name=conversation controller first_time_only=no # Make both units face each other for the duration of # the event. {VARIABLE old_unit_facing $unit.facing} {VARIABLE old_second_unit_facing $second_unit.facing} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$x1,$y1 to_x,to_y=$x2,$y2 [/store_direction] {VARIABLE unit.facing $direction} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$x2,$y2 to_x,to_y=$x1,$y1 [/store_direction] {VARIABLE second_unit.facing $direction} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=second_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] # Fire the conversation event handler. # NOTE: it's assumed that unit and second_unit aren't # modified by the handler. Their auto-stored variables # should also be assumed unavailable by the handler. [if] {DI_COND_UNITS Elynia Anya} [then] [fire_event] name=conversation elynia anya [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [if] {DI_COND_UNITS Elynia Cron} [then] [fire_event] name=conversation elynia cron [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [if] {DI_COND_UNITS Elynia Irylean} [then] [fire_event] name=conversation elynia irylean [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [if] {DI_COND_UNITS Elynia Igor} [then] [fire_event] name=conversation elynia igor [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] {VARIABLE unit.facing $old_unit_facing} {VARIABLE second_unit.facing $old_second_unit_facing} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=second_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE old_unit_facing,old_second_unit_facing} [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia anya first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Still awake? You haven’t slept well in months." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I just can’t get to sleep knowing that we are in this land, Anya — it brings back bad memories." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I understand." [/message] [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia anya first_time_only=no [character_action_dialog] [option] message= _ "Discuss your plans with Anya." [/option] [option] message= _ "Speak to Anya about Ergea." [/option] [option] message= _ "Ask Anya a question." [/option] [/character_action_dialog] [switch] variable=choice [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am still worried about tomorrow. Ergea said reinforcements were coming for us, but we have not gotten confirmation from Aran-Balgur and that damned portal closed on its own. And regardless, it would be foolish to rely on Bardyl and his people." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "We still have the undead, and surely Ergea wouldn’t lie to us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I suppose not, but her sources might not necessarily be the most reliable. For all we know, they could have already betrayed her. They might be leading us to a slaughter, and—" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>holding Elynia’s hand</i>) I am sure... that with Ergea’s power and yours, we can do this. The bulk of their forces went north, the Triad is now missing that disgusting lich... and we will be joined by those reinforcements soon — I hope. And if we are meant to die here, then we’ll all die fighting for a just cause." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Well, yes..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But somehow, I feel that everything will go well!" [/message] [/case] [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Anya # po: "Us" here being Anya and Irylean. message= _ "Elynia, what was it like talking to Ergea? She seemed quite, uh, intimidating to us." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I got the impression that she’s simply been through too much in her life, and it’s surely not her fault. From what I gather, Urvatha, the world we usually call Inferno... is decidedly not the best place to live. Demon Lords competing for succession and killing each other all the time, oppressing and enslaving their subjects, and Uria coercing them into doing her bidding by abusing the ancient powers she was granted by destiny... " [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I can only say that Ergea is a much nicer person in reality if you know how to approach her." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Hm. (<i>smiling</i>) I guess you would have enjoyed talking with Elorran, too." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I guess." [/message] [/case] [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So, why did you not tell us that you were a shapeshifter?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>surprised</i>) I... What are you talking about?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I did hear your quiet remark when we were fighting those creatures in Aran-Balgur. Having spent a considerable part of my life in the wild, did you expect any less? I imagine your sense of hearing is just as good despite your smaller ears." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Well... I... I think I have never felt comfortable with my heritage. After all... it is the very reason of my abandonment as a child..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I can only wonder why I wasn’t raised by my real parents. Who were they? Could they still be out there, alive? But on second thought... perhaps I don’t want to know." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "If I had told you from the very beginning that I am a shapeshifter, you would have never trusted me. How can you trust a creature who could be concealing their true appearance and nature?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Are you, though?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya # po: 'We' being demonkind. message= _ "No! But that doesn’t change the fact that you would have distrusted me back then! I mean... more than you did. You were always so distant and obsessed with your duty... almost like an emotionless machine, just like you have always assumed <i>we</i> were..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> I guess I still am. You could call it a coping mechanism, I suppose. I originally became a druid to help others, not to take people’s lives. All this bloodshed... it could have been avoided if I hadn’t made all the terrible choices that led me here — the same choices that led to the downfall of this world. Nobody in this era would remember, but I am in large part responsible for bringing the people who ultimately doomed us all to the throne of Wesnoth." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "When you are forced to live through the consequences of your mistakes, when it’s not in your nature to kill but you have no choice... you begin to put reality aside just to keep yourself in one piece. Instead of being the one doing the killing, you are watching someone else do it for you. Sometimes it may even seem like an enticing distraction from your own thoughts." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Other people recall good memories to comfort themselves in times like these, but each day that passes I struggle more and more to remember anything other than my worst moments: the utter destruction of an era of balance and life, the fall of my people, the horrors wrought by Zhangor... the blood of my husband, in my own hands and drawn with my own power... and my... friends... killed or destroyed in front of me... before I could do... do anything to prevent it..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I fear it, Anya... I fear what would happen if I allowed myself to be controlled by my emotions." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia... I’m sorry, I did not mean to make you feel like this." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... No, I am the one who should apologize. Perhaps if I shared my feelings with other people more often, I— I wouldn’t be like this..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I haven’t lived for a thousand years, but I know that it is true — you would feel at least a little better if you talked to someone about whatever troubles you instead of blindly killing creature after creature to distract yourself from the pain." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Perhaps... you could do that? Talk with me more often?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, I could... If we survive this encounter, that is." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But you must promise!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I... I promise." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>smiling</i>)" [/message] [/case] [/switch] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS choice 3} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS talked_to_anya no} [then] {VARIABLE talked_to_anya yes} {DI_SET_OBJECTIVE ( _ "Go back to sleep <small>(move Elynia back to the encampment keep)</small>")} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE choice} [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia cron first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS went_to_bed no} [/filter_condition] [character_action_dialog] [option] message= _ "Ask Cron about Ergea." [/option] [option] message= _ "Ask Cron about tomorrow." [/option] [/character_action_dialog] [switch] variable=choice [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If I may ask, for how long have you been serving under Ergea’s banner and why?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron works for the storm lady since his home in the mountains was taken by the flying metal-shells. He was promised things in return for protection." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Protection?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "The storm lady does not trust the masked men and their rusty swords. She prefers help from Cron and the lizard people of the swamps. She feels safer this way." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What kind of things did she promise to you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "The lady promised us a new home if we can help her kill the Iron Council and their leader, Zhangor." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hm, is her intention to seize Kalari for her own people and allies then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron must not discuss the storm lady’s plans with anyone else." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Fair enough." [/message] [/case] [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There’s a lot of things awaiting us tomorrow, and we will need all the help we can get. Do you think your people will accede?" [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron is very sure they will, but they are not many, and they cannot help as much as they want." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "A little help is better than nothing — Ergea said we would be getting reinforcements, but I don’t find that likely to happen." [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "The storm lady always says the truth." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes... that’s very true... Too true, perhaps." [/message] [/case] [/switch] {CLEAR_VARIABLE choice} [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia irylean first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS went_to_bed no} [/filter_condition] [set_variables] name=temp_wml mode=replace [value] [option] message= _ "Talk to Irylean." [/option] [option] message= _ "Ask Irylean about her retirement." [/option] [/value] [/set_variables] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS poison_staff yes} [then] [set_variables] name=temp_wml.option mode=append [value] message= _ "Ask Irylean about the Staff of Akhlys." [/value] [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] [insert_tag] name=character_action_dialog variable=temp_wml [/insert_tag] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_wml} [switch] variable=choice [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "You seem very weary, my lady. Shouldn’t you be getting some sleep?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes... But you know the situation with that. So, do you think your disciples will be able to help? Can they be trusted?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "They have proven to be quite reliable thus far, haven’t they? Unfortunately, I can’t know whether they intend to betray us at the end like your previous assistant did, my lady. If they were consorting with our enemy they’d make sure we wouldn’t find out until it was too late." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed. That’s why I am worried. If only Galas were still with us... He always seemed to make the right choices." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Hm... perhaps." [/message] [/case] [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If you don’t mind the question, why did you retire before?" [/message] # wmllint: local spelling Erathan [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I guess it was a combination of circumstances... I felt Galas’ decision to delegate the government of your people to those four was horribly ill-advised. Then you all decided to go south and... I knew that wouldn’t end well for me. From what I heard that fellow Erathan didn’t fare well in the capital." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That’s unfortunately true. And I suppose I owe you an apology for forcing you to come here." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Bah, nobody can force me to go anywhere if I don’t want to!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So, what were your motives?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "My lady, I am old, and I already spent enough time in the Far North to know that it could never be my home. Plus, it is because of these bastards that my master’s time in this world came to such an abrupt end. You know what I mean with this — I have seen it in your eyes, your thirst for revenge and how you quench it with the blood of your enemies..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I do not want to talk of that now." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Well... my apologies if I have offended you, my lady. It was not my intention. I’ll just... go back to watching over the encampment, silently, as usual." [/message] [/case] [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So, did you solve your little problem with that staff?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Well, yes. It’s quite interesting, actually. It turns out that with some adjustments to my shielding spell, I can channel the staff’s aura and become immune to poison myself!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... And that would be why you asked me to heal you from the symptoms of a ‘cold’ at least ten times during the day, right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "... Right." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I mean, if you think it’s safe to use the artifact like that, I’m in no place to stop you. My knowledge of necromancy is not exhaustive enough to know exactly how that staff works or whether it might be hazardous to its user. Just... be careful when using it near our people, please?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I will be, my lady, don’t worry!" [/message] [/case] [/switch] {CLEAR_VARIABLE choice} [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia igor first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS went_to_bed no} [/filter_condition] [character_action_dialog] [option] message= _ "Talk to Igor." [/option] [option] message= _ "Ask Igor about his time in the northern country." [/option] [option] message= _ "Ask Igor about Anya." [/option] [/character_action_dialog] [switch] variable=choice [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Everything all right, Igor?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Yes... I guess. It’s just that I can’t stop thinking... The elf friend died in these lands." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Yes. Yes, he did. I am sorry, I couldn’t do anything—" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "No, there was nothing you could do. The demon lady knew what she was doing. She’s a trained assassin or something, isn’t she? I have seen how my kind do it. Quickly, cleanly. Their prey falls to the ground already dead. You can’t heal the dead. Nobody can." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I just regret not coming with you... Maybe then things would’ve turned out different, you know. If we had all been together?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Perhaps. I don’t think it would have changed much, though. If anything, you would have been in danger as well and I don’t think I could have managed to pull all three of us out of that accursed citadel in one piece. Mal Keshar barely made it." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I know... I’m sorry. I need to stop beating myself up about it — I’m just a goblin after all, fighting things I really don’t understand in the middle of something much bigger than me. Not battle goblin, just... goblin." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Don’t say such things. Your time will come when you will be able to show everyone that you can accomplish great things despite the labels they force upon you, Igor. I am sure of it. I believe in you." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "That’s actually the nicest thing anyone’s ever told me... Thank you, my lady. I just wish the elf friend and the scary lich were still with us. I miss them a lot." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "So do I, Igor. So do I." [/message] [/case] [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How did your adventures in the Aragwaith country go, anyway?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Oh, uh, about that..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Kinda disappointing really." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Go on." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Well, you see, I didn’t do any street performing for most of it. I first found this gloomy old man in a tavern in a frontier town. He told me a buncha vague stuff and left? After that I did errands for random people for something like an eternity. I even helped save a town from a fire! And then I remembered... he told me to search for a lady seer and bring her to the capital... but I nearly got myself killed while searching for her all over the north. I’m not even sure why I did any of that — I kept hearing the old man’s words in my head like a command." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Old man? Who was he?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Dunno! He never told me who he really was, but... you know that feeling like you’re doing something really important and you can’t mess it up? That’s how I felt about the whole thing, even though thinking back I realize... if it hadn’t been me, it could’ve been anyone else, right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Yes, I think I know what you mean. Somehow that sounds familiar... But my head hurts if I try to remember, it must have been too long ago, before the Great Fall." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I’m sorry lady Elynia, I just needed to get that outta my chest. I know it doesn’t make sense but sometimes I’m afraid that maybe I did mess up in the end." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It sounds like our paths almost crossed at the capital back then, though. I wonder why I never found you there." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor # po: Yes, apparently Igor doesn't realize that what he calls 'water longbirds' # po: are actually swans. message= _ "Welllll, you see, sometime after taking the seer lady there, the city guard kicked me out on orders from the heavy swords guy because of something to do with the “local swan population”? Dunno what that was all about, Willow only eats water longbirds anyway." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Really, now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Mhm!" [/message] [/case] [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You seem to be getting along well with Anya." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Yes! And the purple lady likes Willow a lot. I’m so used to everyone being afraid of her for no reason even though she’s just a big puppy. The archer guy, for example — he’d constantly avoid her. I don’t understand why." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t think he and the other people from the Heart Forest are fond of wolves in general. They have their reasons." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "If you say so... But let me ask you, how come you don’t mind the demons all of a sudden?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s complicated. It is not so much that I don’t mind them, but rather that I have seen that reality isn’t as black and white as we thought. Ergea and her people... they have their own conflict with Uria going on. It turns out there is no shortage of Demon Lords who tried to wage war against her in the past to escape oppression. But all those attemtps were doomed to fail, until now." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is now up to me... to <b>us</b>, to make a difference. Tomorrow we shall fight for the fate of Irdya, and if we succeed, then Inferno will follow." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "That sounds great and all but I don’t like the way she looks at me scrunching up her nose every time she passes me by..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh, uh... that... that might just be that she has difficulty breathing the air of Irdya. I think." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Oh, I see. Nothing to worry about then!" [/message] [/case] [/switch] {CLEAR_VARIABLE choice} [/event] #undef DI_COND_UNITS # # These events trigger after Elynia has talked to Anya. # [event] name=enter hex [filter] id=Elynia [filter_location] [not] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/not] [not] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [/not] [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS talked_to_anya yes} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {VARIABLE elynia_old_facing $unit.facing} [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] kill=no variable=anya_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE anya_old_facing $anya_store.facing} {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Anya..." [/message] {FACE_LOCATION id=Anya x,y=$x1,$y1} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Yes?" [/message] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$x1,$y1 [to] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] {VARIABLE unit.facing $direction} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Good night." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Sleep well!" [/message] {VARIABLE unit.facing $elynia_old_facing} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Anya $anya_old_facing} [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_old_facing,elynia_old_facing,direction} {SET_TALK_UNITS id=Elynia,Cron,Irylean,Igor} [/event] #define DI_ENABLE_STEALTH [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE elynia_store.variables.using_stealth yes} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} [object] silent=yes id=div_elynia_stealth_effect_set duration=scenario [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="O(0.25)" [/effect] [/object] #enddef #define DI_DISABLE_STEALTH # Only remove the variable flag. The object should be # automatically purged by the game logic. [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store.variables.using_stealth} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia [filter_location] terrain=K*,K*^* [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS talked_to_anya yes} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {DI_ENABLE_STEALTH} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "elynia^You purposefully enter your tent for the last time before the inevitable confrontation with your enemies. Fully aware of the odds, you decide to grab a few things you know you will need — except for your journal, that is. You also opt to leave Argan’s and Galas’ journals behind, along with a note." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "elynia^When done, you give your enticing makeshift bed a final glance. Anya is right — you have not gotten any proper sleep in what seems to you like ages, and this could be your last opportunity to rest in your entire life. But you have different plans for tonight." [/message] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("harp.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {VARIABLE went_to_bed yes} {SET_TALK_UNITS (id=Elynia,Cron)} {DI_SET_OBJECTIVE ( _ "Talk to Cron")} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia [filter_wml] [variables] using_stealth=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [filter_adjacent] id=Anya [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "elynia^You silently approach Anya. Just as you expected, she is still wide awake and completely attentive to her surroundings. But she obviously was not counting on your stealth spell. You shudder to think what would happen if Uria’s underlings decided to use similar magic to dispose of you and your friends in the middle of the night." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "elynia^You feel terrible for having to resort to such a tactic yourself. Hopefully she will understand in time." [/message] [/event] [event] name=conversation elynia cron first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS went_to_bed yes} [/filter_condition] [character_action_dialog] [option] message= _ "Tell Cron you are leaving now." [/option] [/character_action_dialog] [switch] variable=choice [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s time, Cron. Please take care of Anya in my absence." [/message] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron will do his best to make sure nothing bad happens to the storm lady’s friends." [/message] [fire_event] name=enable final objective [/fire_event] [/case] [/switch] {CLEAR_VARIABLE choice} [/event] [event] name=enable final objective first_time_only=yes {SET_TALK_UNITS (id=Elynia)} [scroll_to] x,y=26,22 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 26 22 "items/gohere.png" ()} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] {DI_SET_OBJECTIVE ( _ "Leave the encampment")} [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x,y=26,22 [/filter] [end_turn][/end_turn] [/event] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 1 end {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [scroll_to] x,y=10,11 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 2 [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Time passes..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit] [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/unhide_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Hm." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 11 9} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia, are you there?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 11 8} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Elynia?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/signpost.png 7 20} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=7,20 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=scenery/signpost.png # wmllint: display on message= _ "N: Pass of Sorrows S: Kalari Peninsula SE: Kalari Central" # wmllint: no spellcheck # wmllint: display off [/message] [/event] # # Cleanup. # [event] name=victory {DI_DISABLE_STEALTH} [store_unit] [filter] [filter_wml] [variables] can_talk=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] variable=can_talk_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=can_talk_store [do] {CLEAR_VARIABLE this_item.variables.can_talk} [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE can_talk_store} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talked_to_anya,went_to_bed,poison_staff} [/event] [/scenario] #undef DI_ENABLE_STEALTH #undef DI_DISABLE_STEALTH #undef DI_SET_OBJECTIVE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07A_Dark_Fire_part_1 name= _ "Dark Fire" {SEGMENTED_SCENARIO} turns=-1 next_scenario=07A_Dark_Fire_part_2 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes # # TODO: main chamber difficulty is too high, units get killed too easily (?) # TODO: mobilize guardians when entering the main chamber (?) # {F_DEATHS} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/07A_Dark_Fire_part_1_01.map}" ({INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -20 0}) ()} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/07A_Dark_Fire_part_1_02.map}" ({INDOORS} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -30 -40 -20}) ()} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_deep_path.ogg"} {STORYTXT_DARK_FIRE_1} # Wesnoth 1.11.8 doesn't handle ToD-less states gracefully, so we need a # default ToD for it. [time][/time] # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} # No minimum starting gold. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on # Catacomb guards [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Triad guards [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Imp,Psy Crawler,Chaos Headhunter,Walking Corpse {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Entrance guards (NE) [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Demon,Chaos Headhunter {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Entrance guards (S) [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Entrance guards (central) [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Indoors guards [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Automaton,Chaos Invoker,Demon {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Shaxthal drones, turrets [side] side=8 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Rayblade,Psy Crawler {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Doors [side] side=9 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Access guards [side] side=10 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" color=blue {CHAOS_FLAG} controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Stage boss units [side] side=11 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" color=gold {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Other creatures [side] side=12 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" color=black {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # # SUF for matching player units on map, including Elynia. # #define FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_MAP side=1 [filter_location][/filter_location] #enddef # # SUF for matching player units on map other than Elynia. # #define FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_MAP} [not] id=Elynia [/not] #enddef # # SUF for selecting a player unit to speak who isn't Elynia # whenever possible, or Elynia in the worst case. # #define FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNIT_OR_ELYNIA side=1 [not] id=Elynia [/not] [or] id=Elynia [/or] #enddef # This sound source is shared between floor 1 and 2 and never removed, # hence no custom id. {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [event] name=prestart # BEGIN: finale sequence configuration # # Make it possible to skip previous scenarios, but it shouldn't # be possible to come back here from another finale scenario. # # wmlindent: start ignoring {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS finale_status.length 0}) ("E3S7A.1 must be started from a non-finale scenario")} # wmlindent: stop ignoring {VARIABLE finale_status.in_finale yes} # # Store all regular units for E3S7B. # [store_unit] [filter] side=1 [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] variable=finale_status.side_1_units kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_gold] side=1 variable=finale_status.side_1_gold [/store_gold] # END: finale sequence configuration [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_glamour_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [unit] side=1 canrecruit=yes id=Vyrelyam name= _ "Vyrelyam" type=Demon Messenger x,y=$elynia_glamour_store.x,$elynia_glamour_store.y facing=se [modifications] # Just a hint for attentive players. {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] # Reset or change player information [modify_side] side=1 gold=100 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" recruit=Demon,Saurian Augur,Saurian Skirmisher,Troll Whelp [/modify_side] # Configure the first segment now. {SWITCH_FLOOR 1} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x=0-14,10-18 y= 0-8, 9-12 [or] x,y=21,13 radius=6 [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,*^X*,*^Z*,*^P* [/not] [/filter_radius] [/or] )} [teleport] [filter] id=Vyrelyam [/filter] x,y=8,5 [/teleport] # # The bodyguards. # {NAMED_UNIT 1 "Troll" 21 13 Krul ( _ "Krul") ( facing=se overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {NAMED_UNIT 1 "Troll Rocklobber" 19 14 Krago ( _ "Krago") ( facing=se overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_FEARLESS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {NAMED_UNIT 1 "Saurian Soothsayer" 20 13 Sesserin ( _ "Sesserin") ( facing=se overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {NAMED_UNIT 1 "Demon Zephyr" 18 13 Grythal ( _ "Grythal") ( facing=se gender=male overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {NAMED_UNIT 1 "Demon Grunt" 20 12 Nymeren ( _ "Nymeren") ( facing=se gender=female overlays="misc/loyal-icon.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} [hide_unit] side=1 [not] id=Vyrelyam [/not] [/hide_unit] {DISALLOW_END_TURN} [/event] [event] name=restore elynia first_time_only=yes [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] side=1 id=Elynia [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] id=Vyrelyam [/filter] kill=yes variable=vyrelyam_store [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=elynia_glamour_store mode=merge [value] x,y=$vyrelyam_store.x,$vyrelyam_store.y facing=$vyrelyam_store.facing [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_glamour_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_glamour_store,vyrelyam_store} [/event] # # Safeguard in case we skip this level while Elynia is using Glamour. # We need to restore her to her regular form. # [event] name=victory [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=1 id=Vyrelyam [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=restore elynia [/fire_event] [/event] # # Preserve turn number for the next scenario. # [event] name=victory {VARIABLE dark_fire_turn_number $turn_number} [/event] # # During some events the player is given an advantage. # [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE finale_a_player_cth no} [/event] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (side=1) () 100 ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS finale_a_player_cth yes})} [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE finale_a_player_cth} [/event] #define FINALE_A_GUARDIAN _SIDE _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT ({_SIDE}) ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef # NOTE: currently doubles as SUF. #define FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF x=70,68-72,69-71 y=50, 51, 52 #enddef ############################################################################ # # # FIRST FLOOR # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=setup floor 1 #first_time_only=no # Dummy access guards; not actually playing since their # side isn't AI-controlled. {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 9 4} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 9 2} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 5 6} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 3 7} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 1 8} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 10 (Doom Guard) 11 6} {FACING sw} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 4 "Demon Grunt" 25 8 Ana ( _ "Ana")} {FACING se} {GENDER female} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 4 "Demon Spelldancer" 22 2 Litharen ( _ "Litharen")} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} #{FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 4 (Demon Warrior) 25 8} {FACING se} #{FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 4 (Demon Zephyr) 22 2} {FACING sw} [store_starting_location] side=4 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=4 canrecruit=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y type=Hell Guardian id=Romeldan name= _ "Romeldan" facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [store_starting_location] side=5 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=5 canrecruit=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y type=Chaos Razerman id=Captain Verathorn name= _ "Captain Verathorn" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=6 x,y=20,10 facing=sw type=Chaos Hound upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=6 x,y=25,15 facing=nw type=Demon Grunt id=Teremor name= _ "Teremor" gender=male upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=6 x,y=23,16 facing=nw type=Demon Grunt id=Ryghel name= _ "Ryghel" gender=male upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=6 x,y=22,11 facing=sw type=Chaos Invader id=Uron name= _ "Uron" gender=male upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=6 x,y=18,15 facing=ne type=Chaos Invader id=Therlan name= _ "Therlan" gender=male upkeep=loyal [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 6 (Chaos Magus) 11 19} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 6 (Chaos Bowman) 25 13} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 6 (Chaos Gunner) 15 13} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 26 51} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 29 56} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 31 55} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 63 44} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 68 50} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 42 33} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 38 36} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 46 31} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 51 47} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 47 49} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 52 22} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 54 21} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Gunner) 37 24} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Gunner) 42 21} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Automaton) 46 16} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Automaton) 48 18} {FACING nw} #ifdef HARD {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Hellhound) 42 27} {FACING ne} #endif {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Magus) 43 29} {FACING nw} #ifndef EASY {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Iron Golem) 45 33} {FACING nw} #endif {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 32 18} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 30 19} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Crossbowman) 41 30} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Automaton) 41 40} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Automaton) 41 42} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 31 37} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 33 36} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 35 37} {FACING se} #ifndef EASY {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Iron Golem) 30 39} {FACING ne} #endif {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 7 "Demon Shapeshifter" 18 44 Loru ( _ "Loru")} {FACING se} {GENDER male} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 7 "Demon Shapeshifter" 19 48 Urapur ( _ "Urapur")} {FACING ne} {GENDER male} {GUARDIAN} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Demon) 24 47} {FACING nw} {GENDER male} #ifndef EASY {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 7 "Demon Shapeshifter" 40 55 Alia ( _ "Alia")} {FACING ne} {GENDER female} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION gendered} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 7 "Demon Shapeshifter" 42 56 Rothelan ( _ "Rothelan")} {FACING nw} {GENDER male} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION gendered} #else {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Demon) 40 55} {FACING sw} {GENDER male} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Demon) 42 56} {FACING nw} {GENDER male} #endif {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Magus) 57 42} {FACING sw} #ifndef EASY {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Demonic Hound) 63 48} {FACING n} #endif {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invoker) 41 35} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Headhunter) 49 31} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Marauder) 45 40} {FACING n} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Headhunter) 22 44} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Doom Guard) 63 45} {FACING nw} #ifndef EASY {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 54 42} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Chaos Invader) 56 43} {FACING sw} #endif {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 39 9} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 33 11} {FACING n} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 26 1} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Blood Bat) 54 19} {FACING sw} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png") 54 19} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png~FL(horiz)") 52 46} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 8 23} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 11 24} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 17 22} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 18 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 17 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 8 15} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 39 8} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 38 9} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 34 9} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 26 1} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 13 28} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 14 26} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 15 29} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 7 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 14 18} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 4 4} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 4 2} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 7 4} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 1 3} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 1 1} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 62 43} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gohere.png") 70 51} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gold-coins-medium.png") 48 29} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gold-coins-small.png") 49 30} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/chest-plain-open.png") 48 30} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/gold-coins-small.png") 42 35} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-blue.png") 41 36} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-red.png") 8 17} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-red.png") 33 10} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-red.png") 18 21} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-red.png") 47 30} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-poison.png") 16 21} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png") 41 34} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png") 22 43} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/trash.png") 31 17} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/axe.png") 7 16} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 63 35} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_GATE 21 3} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 16 13} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 21 11} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 26 13} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 21 16} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 26 54} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 66 48} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 65 48} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 67 49} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 30 5} # NOTE: the following objects must be removed manually on setup floor 2 {SET_LABEL 61 44 _"Transport Access"} {SET_LABEL 14 15 _"Storerooms"} {SET_LABEL 25 9 _"Guard Post"} {SET_LABEL 17 12 _"Entrance"} [time_area] id=outdoors x=0-9,0-7,0-5,0-3,0-1 y=0-4, 5, 6, 7, 8 {LONGDARK2} [/time_area] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 51 20} [+sound_source] id=floor_1_water_sound_source_1 [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 51 48} [+sound_source] id=floor_1_water_sound_source_2 [/sound_source] [/event] #define FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE _SIDE [modify_side] side={_SIDE} {GOLD 80 90 100} {INCOME 2 3 4} hidden=no [/modify_side] #enddef #define FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "All recruits are free of cost and require zero upkeep")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You can only have up to eight allies on the map simultaneously")} #enddef # # Initial events. # [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} {MOVE_UNIT id=Vyrelyam 12,12,21 7,9,14} [unhide_unit] side=1 [/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 # Refresh shroud [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Teremor 24 14} [message] speaker=Teremor message= _ "What brings you here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam # po: "The Fire of Uria" refers to Elyssa. message= _ "A message from the Demon Lord of the Storms, for the Fire of Uria." [/message] [message] speaker=Ryghel message= _ "The captain said we are not supposed to let anyone in for now! You’ll have to wait until he comes back from his inspection." [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "Time is of the essence. Do you really wish to anger your masters by making them wait more than is absolutely necessary?" [/message] [message] speaker=Teremor message= _ "Look, wench, our masters can go to hell for all I care. You can either deliver your damn message to the captain and convince him to let you pass, or just forget about it. Unless you would prefer to entertain us for a while in exchange for letting you pass, heh heh." [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "I want to speak to your captain. Where is he?" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Teremor 25 15} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Teremor nw} [message] speaker=Ryghel message= _ "He’s probably in the storerooms right now. Go to your right and turn at the last passage down the corridor." [/message] # # Prevent side 1 units from wandering outside. # [terrain] terrain=Xv^Xo layer=overlay x=15,16,17 y=12,11,11 [/terrain] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Talk to the guard captain")} {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_NOTE} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Vyrelyam x=11-21,12,18 y=26-30,25,25 [/filter] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=18,27 radius=7 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "Who goes there?" [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN x1 15} [then] {MOVE_UNIT id=Vyrelyam 15 28} [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "Sir, I have been sent by the Demon Lord of the Storms to bring a message to—" [/message] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "Is it anything you aren’t allowed to pass on to me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "... Yes, quite so. I would prefer to talk to the Fire in pe—" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "The Fire does not want to see anyone right now in her chamber, or anywhere else for that matter. She said so herself: “I don’t want anyone coming into this fortress tonight”. Maybe those deaf sluggards at the main gate need a lesson or two...?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "What’s your name, girl?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "Vyrelyam, sir." [/message] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "I hadn’t seen your face around before. But there’s something oddly familiar about it..." [/message] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "Is that so? ... Perhaps you may also recall torturing an elf or two..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Captain Verathorn message= _ "YOU—" [/message] {THUNDER ()} [kill] id=Captain Verathorn animate=yes [/kill] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vyrelyam message= _ "Well... that didn’t work as planned. We must find a way to open that gate by ourselves." [/message] {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 4 "Chaos Magus" 28 13 Melor ( _ "Melor")} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 4 "Chaos Bowman" 24 11 Irumia ( _ "Irumia")} {FACING se} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 4 "Blood Imp" 23 13 Harakas ( _ "Harakas")} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move your leader back to the entrance chamber")} {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_NOTE} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Vyrelyam x=14-28,17-26 y= 8-14,15-16 [/filter] [fire_event] name=reveal elynia [/fire_event] [/event] [/event] [event] name=reveal elynia {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Irumia message= _ "There she is!" [/message] [message] speaker=Melor message= _ "Your illusions can’t deceive me, faerie witch!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Vyrelyam [/scroll_to_unit] {THUNDER ( [fire_event] name=restore elynia [/fire_event] )} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("the_city_falls.ogg")} {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM id=Elynia} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [modify_side] side=1 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" [/modify_side] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Teremor message= _ "Seize her, quickly!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There goes our infiltration plan. To arms!" [/message] # # Everyone's locked in now. # [terrain] terrain=Xv^Zz/ layer=overlay x=15,16,17 y=12,11,11 [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [sound] name=gate.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {REMOVE_EVENT_BARRIER ("*^Zz\,*^Zz/,*^Zz|") 24 10} {FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE 4} {DISABLE_UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} {ALLOW_END_TURN} [modify_turns] {QUANTITY add 80 88 86} [/modify_turns] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find a way to open the main access gate")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # Make player hits always land for the first two turns. # {VARIABLE finale_a_player_cth yes} [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 2)" {VARIABLE finale_a_player_cth no} [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=21,3 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} {GATE_GLYPH_ACTIONS 25 16} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed through the main access gate")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] #define FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=24-46,26 y=16-28,15 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "knalgan_theme.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "And thus I descend into the darkness of Uria’s key stronghold on Irdya...")} {FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Ergea’s words were clear: we do not have a chance to win this war and purge the corrupted goddess’ influence from this earth; not without the power hidden beneath Kalari.")} {FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I do not intend to stand watching while she turns our ruined world into breeding grounds for her invasion army. Neither could I bear to live knowing that it is in her plans to tear another world apart and threaten our very reality to quench her dreadful thirst for power. I have to do something to prevent that.")} {FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "No matter the cost.")} [/event] # # Shaxthal Stormblade miniboss event. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=18-29 y=42-49 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} {LOCK_VIEW} [unit] side=11 id=Espreon # NOTE: this unit has no visible in-game name. This is deliberate. type=Shaxthal Stormblade level=4 x,y=28,53 facing=ne #{IS_BOSS} max_hitpoints=79 generate_name=no [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () teal} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=25,48 radius=10 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=28,53 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=28,53} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=*^Xo [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Elynia [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {ON_FLOOR 1} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia x,y=$x1,$y1 [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "elynia^This is not the right corridor. We must find a way leading to the transport room." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "elynia^That is not the right corridor. We must find a way leading to the transport room." [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] # # Gold coins. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x=48,49,42 y=29,30,35 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Just a bunch of gold coins. Too bad that they are rather weighty and we have no use for them at this time." [/message] [/event] # # Empty chest. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x,y=48,30 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "There’s nothing in this chest." [/message] [/event] # # Potion of Life. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=41,36 [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_wml] [variables] have_full_heal_potion=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] {ON_FLOOR 1} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "This potion flask seems important. Let the Lady of Light come to examine it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=41,36 id=Elynia [not] [filter_wml] [variables] have_full_heal_potion=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} {VARIABLE unit.variables.have_full_heal_potion yes} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [sound] name=potion.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount="full" animate=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [sound] name=heal.wav [/sound] [object] id=potion_of_life [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] image=icons/potion-cyan-4.png name= _ "Potion of Life" description= _ "This potion grants the Regenerates ability, allowing the unit to heal itself 8 HP per turn or remove the poison effect." [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_REGENERATES} [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hm, this might prove useful later." [/message] [/event] # # Potion of yummy. # [event] name=potion of yummy first_time_only=no [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] animate=no amount=1 [/heal_unit] [transient_message] caption= _ "Potion of Magnificent Taste" image=icons/potion_red_medium.png sound=potion.ogg message= _ "The potion’s stupendous and reinvigorating taste heals the unit by 1 HP." [/transient_message] [/event] #define FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY _FLOOR _X _Y [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] {ON_FLOOR {_FLOOR} } [fire_event] name=potion of yummy [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef {FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY 1 18 21} {FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY 1 8 17} {FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY 1 33 10} {FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY 1 47 30} # # Excalibur # {PLACE_IMAGE items/sword.png 40 34} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=40,34 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [transient_message] caption= _ "Legendary Sword" image=attacks/sword-orcish.png message= _ "This sword, forgotten by time, once belonged to a legendary hero who presumably died in a glorious and dignified fashion like real heroes are wont to do. Unfortunately, since then it has rusted beyond use, and as the unit picks it up it snaps in half. The sword is now only marginally better than a small rock in combat — not that Elynia has any units that are trained in sword-fighting anyway." [/transient_message] [/event] # # Pickup-able items implementation code. # # This is somewhat reminiscent of the PICKUPPABLE_ITEM macro in mainline, # but not identical. The macro in question is simply incompatible with # segmented scenarios. # #define FINALE_A_ITEM_EVENT _ID _FLOOR _X _Y _ELIGIBLE_SUF _ICON _ELIGIBLE_MESSAGE _INELIGIBLE_MESSAGE _OBJECT [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE ("picked_up_"+{_ID}) no} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE ("picked_up_"+{_ID})} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS ("picked_up_"+{_ID}) no} [/filter_condition] {ON_FLOOR {_FLOOR} } [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 {_ELIGIBLE_SUF} [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=narrator image={_ICON} message={_ELIGIBLE_MESSAGE}+" "+_"Should this unit take it?" [option] label= _ "Take it." [command] {_OBJECT} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] {VARIABLE ("picked_up_"+{_ID}) yes} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "Leave it." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=narrator image={_ICON} message={_INELIGIBLE_MESSAGE} [/message] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/else] [/if] [/event] #enddef # # Axe. # {FINALE_A_ITEM_EVENT throwing_axe 1 7 16 (type="Demon Grunt,Demon Warrior") ("attacks/axe-crude.png") ( _ "This small axe is not particularly suitable for combat at close quarters, but it may come in handy as a throwable weapon.") ( _ "This small axe could be useful in the hands of a trained man or demon fighter.") ( [object] id=throwing_axe image="attacks/axe-crude.png" name= _ "Small Axe" description= _ "The unit wielding this weapon may use it for long range combat to inflict some considerable blade damage." duration=forever [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to="new_attack" name=throwing axe description= _ "throwing axe" icon="attacks/axe-crude.png" type=blade range=ranged damage=10 number=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to="new_animation" [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=throwing axe [/filter_attack] start_time=-450 {MISSILE_FRAME_HATCHET} [frame] duration=400 [/frame] [if] hits=yes [frame] duration=100 sound=hatchet.wav [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] duration=100 sound=hatchet-miss.wav [/frame] [/else] [frame] duration=100 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/effect] [/object] )} # # Potion of poison. # {FINALE_A_ITEM_EVENT poison_jar 1 16 21 (type="Demon,Demon Zephyr,Demon Grunt,Demon Warrior,Saurian Augur,Saurian Oracle,Saurian Soothsayer,Saurian Skirmisher,Saurian Ambusher,Saurian Flanker") ("icons/potion-green-1.png") ( _ "The poison in the jar could be poured on claws or weapons and used against living opponents in melee combat to increase attack efficiency through its devastating effects on their health.") ( _ "This large jar contains poison that could be poured on claws or weapons and used against living opponents by a trained melee fighter or a staff-wielding magic user.") ( [object] id=poison_jar image="icons/potion-green-1.png" name= _ "Poison Jar" description= _ "The unit employing this foul-smelling death catalyst can poison living opponents by dealing damage with its melee attacks." duration=forever [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to="attack" range=melee [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_POISON} [/set_specials] [/effect] [/object] )} # # Message glyphs. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=63,35 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 1} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "On the day of the Longest Night, the New Guardian of Darkness shall rise from beyond to claim her rightful place amongst the Guardians of the Second Cycle.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "On that day, the New Guardian of Life shall rise again, more powerful than before.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "That is the day we have lived for.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The day that shall bring upon our doomed existence the promise of a new beginning.")} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # ELEVATOR # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 {FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=1 [filter_location] [not] {FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF} [/not] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {ON_FLOOR 1} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We must all enter the transport room together — nobody should be left behind." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Gather all your on-map units in the transport room")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} # # NOTE: if the player's only remaining unit is Elynia, then # this event never triggers and she's instantly taken to the # next segment by the next event handler. Hence there's no # need to clarify the victory objectives above. # [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 {FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] side=1 [filter_location] [not] {FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF} [/not] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] {ON_FLOOR 1} # Onwards to floor 2. {SWITCH_FLOOR 2} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # SECOND FLOOR # # # ############################################################################ #define FINALE_A_ELEVATOR_RUMBLE # # TODO: SFX # [scroll] x=5 y=0 [/scroll] [scroll] x=-10 y=0 [/scroll] [scroll] x=5 y=5 [/scroll] [scroll] x=0 y=-10 [/scroll] [scroll] x=0 y=5 [/scroll] #enddef [event] name=leave floor 1 [remove_item] x,y=70,51 [/remove_item] [kill] x,y=68,50 animate=yes fire_event=yes [/kill] [terrain] x,y=68,50 terrain=Xu [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 [not] {FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF} [/not] [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_MAP} [/filter] variable=player_units_store kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=player_units_store variable=player_unit [do] {VARIABLE player_unit.facing nw} {VARIABLE player_unit.attacks_left $player_unit.max_attacks} {VARIABLE player_unit.moves $player_unit.max_moves} [unstore_unit] variable=player_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE player_units_store} # # TODO: SFX # [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNIT_OR_ELYNIA} message= _ "Now what?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # The setup event may extend the delay further # while actions are processed. [/event] [event] name=setup floor 2 #first_time_only=no [modify_turns] {QUANTITY add 80 88 86} [/modify_turns] # Post-floor 1 cleanup {SET_LABEL 61 44 ""} {SET_LABEL 14 15 ""} {SET_LABEL 25 9 ""} {SET_LABEL 17 12 ""} [time_area] id=outdoors remove=yes [/time_area] # Setup objects [time_area] id=hive {INDOORS_HIVE} # # The final area. # x=20-60,61-68,25-58,30-52,32,41 ,47,53-58,53-57,53-55,53 y= 0-34, 0-24,35-42,43-47,48,48-50,48,40-42,43 ,44 ,45 [not] x,y=30,47 [/not] # # Satellite hive portions near the main # council room. # [or] x=55,56,57-58,59-60,61 ,62 ,63,59 y=56,55,55-59,56-60,58-61,59-61,59,61 [/or] [or] x= 0-18,19-30,31-33,21-25,25,26,27 y=49-68,51-61,54-60,62-64,65,63,64 [/or] [or] x=40-46 y=63-68 [/or] [/time_area] [store_starting_location] side=7 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=7 canrecruit=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y type=Lumeril Guard id=Agathylas name= _ "Agathylas" facing=s [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE 7} [capture_village] side=7 x,y=$location.x,$location.y radius=4 [/capture_village] # Side 3 and 8 leader and gold set up in later moveto events. {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Doom Guard) 72 43} {FACING s} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Doom Guard) 70 39} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Doom Guard) 75 41} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 51 62} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 56 64} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 34 62} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 27 48} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Turret) 48 42} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 41 43} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 42 44} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 43 42} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 40 46} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 58 56} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 37 26} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 44 29} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 42 30} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 48 29} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 31 26} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Psy Crawler) 42 39} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Psy Crawler) 40 41} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Psy Crawler) 49 42} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 46 60} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 50 59} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 44 56} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 35 40} {FACING se} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_brown} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 34 41} {FACING se} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 32 42} {FACING se} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_brown} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 39 43} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_cyan} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 41 47} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_brown} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Worm) 51 41} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_brown} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 75 38} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 77 41} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 60 56} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 61 60} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 56 55} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 41 63} {FACING n} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 33 57} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 44 40} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Runner Drone) 48 45} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 8 (Shaxthal Drone) 53 43} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Lumeril Guard) 38 53} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Imp) 37 55} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Imp) 40 53} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Imp) 54 63} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Invader) 39 57} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Invader) 43 60} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Gunner) 45 58} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Gunner) 48 60} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Magus) 24 46} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Dark Knight) 67 59} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Crossbowman) 59 65} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Crossbowman) 57 66} {FACING se} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 3 (Chaos Lorekeeper) 39 60 "Mal Boras" ( _ "Mal Boras") } {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} [unit] side=3 x,y=46,55 type=Lich id=Mal Gulgolet name= _ "Mal Gulgolet" facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {NO_UPKEEP} {GUARDIAN} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Headhunter) 65 56} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 3 (Chaos Headhunter) 71 61} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 2 (Abomination) 55 29} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 2 (Abomination) 52 31} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 2 (Ghoul) 53 26} {FACING s} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Blood Bat) 30 19} {FACING s} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Vampire Bat) 27 24} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Vampire Bat) 30 24} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Walking Corpse) 29 21} {FACING s} {VARIATION saurian} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Walking Corpse) 30 27} {FACING ne} {VARIATION bat} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Walking Corpse) 32 25} {FACING ne} {VARIATION saurian} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 2 (Demon Zephyr) 54 46} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Tentacle of the Deep) 36 8} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Tentacle of the Deep) 35 10} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Tentacle of the Deep) 38 7} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 41 5} {FACING sw} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 35 5} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 31 11} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Giant Rat) 33 18} {FACING se} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Leech) 38 28} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Leech) 42 24} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Leech) 45 27} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Leech) 50 28} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 12 (Leech) 28 22} {FINALE_A_GUARDIAN 7 (Demon Zephyr) 62 65} {FACING se} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 44 9} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 57 20} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 31 27} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 61 61} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png~FL(horiz)" 44 25} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png" 46 32} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png~FL(horiz)" 52 32} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/box.png" 62 49} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 39 57} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 44 59} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 41 53} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 40 53} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 39 54} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 38 54} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 51 58} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 50 58} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 49 59} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 48 59} # The abandoned iron council room glyphs are handled by # a separate handler further below. {SET_LABEL 49 60 _"Council Chamber"} {SET_LABEL 45 13 _"Abandoned Council Chamber"} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 29 9} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE floor_1_water_sound_source_1,floor_1_water_sound_source_2} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 14 42} [+sound_source] id=floor_2_water_sound_source_1 [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 46 45} [+sound_source] id=floor_2_water_sound_source_2 [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 37 8} [+sound_source] id=floor_2_water_sound_source_3 [/sound_source] [/event] [event] name=enter floor 2 # Coming back from that lengthy delay... [repeat] times=24 [do] {FINALE_A_ELEVATOR_RUMBLE} [/do] [/repeat] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The transporter abruptly stops." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [terrain] x,y=68,50 terrain=Rr [/terrain] # # TODO: SFX # [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 67 50} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I recognize this corridor. Onwards!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] # # Entering the Iron Triad Council Chamber. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=42,57 radius=9 [/filter_location] [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [store_starting_location] side=8 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=8 canrecruit=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y type=Shaxthal Protector Drone facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE 8} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=44,56 radius=7 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=44,56 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [if] [have_unit] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Gulgolet message= _ "The Lady of Light and her foolish new cohorts, eh? We should have known that Ergea and her kind couldn’t be trusted. Hopefully you enjoy their company, for we intend to send you all to the abyss together, and not precisely to die..." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Mal Gulgolet message= _ "The Lady of Light, eh? We should have known that Ergea and her kind couldn’t be trusted. Too bad that your cohorts didn’t make it; we wanted to send you all to the abyss together, and not precisely to die..." [/message] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: 'Master' here in feminine, referring to Elyssa (the 'Fire'). message= _ "Save your boasting for later — it will not help you win the battle on the surface and we are well accustomed to it at this point. Where is your master?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Gulgolet message= _ "Our <i>masters</i> are busy with their own inscrutable plans, and the fortress defenses are already disposing of your pathetic allies above. But it is not <i>your</i> place to ask questions here. Now..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Gulgolet message= _ "Would you prefer to go down fighting, or surrender and let us take you to the Fire?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’ll let you have a guess." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mal Gulgolet [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} [message] speaker=Mal Gulgolet message= _ "... heh. The Fire was right... about you..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Mal Gulgolet [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [unit] side=2 type=Demon Spelldancer id=Talia name= _ "Talia" facing=se x,y=18,43 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=2 type=Iron Golem x,y=15,43 facing=Se [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=2 type=Iron Golem x,y=17,42 facing=Se [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=18,43 radius=6 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=18,43 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y="18,17,15","43,42,43"} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=34,51 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REMOVE_EVENT_BARRIER ("*^Zz\,*^Zz/,*^Zz|") 34 51} [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Talia [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes x,y=$location.x,$location.y type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Mal Arachgeas name= _ "Mal Arachgeas" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE 3} [unit] side=9 type=Door x,y=52,44 [/unit] [unit] side=9 type=Door x,y=54,43 [/unit] [unit] side=9 type=Door x,y=56,42 [/unit] # # Yes, the facing specifications don't make sense if # Elynia isn't in the same corridor or the chamber nearby # at that time. No, I don't think that's terribly likely # or important for anything. # [store_direction] from_x,from_y=32,50 [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] [unit] side=11 id=cutscene_fire_guardian type=Fire Wraith x,y=32,50 facing=$direction animate=yes [/unit] # # Clear the cutscene region a bit in case the player didn't # clear shroud there yet (unlikely!) # {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=32,50 radius=4 # Also the passage regions. [or] x,y=32,47 radius=1 [/or] [or] x,y=41,49 radius=1 [/or] )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=32,50 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [invert_direction][/invert_direction] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia facing $direction} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "Is that..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # Remove invisible barriers leading to the next area. # [remove_terrain_overlays] x=32,41 y=47,49 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] id=cutscene_fire_guardian [/filter] kill=yes variable=cutscene_fire_guardian_store [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] type=$cutscene_fire_guardian_store.type side=$cutscene_fire_guardian_store.side x=$cutscene_fire_guardian_store.x,32,40 y=$cutscene_fire_guardian_store.y,46,42 [/move_unit_fake] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y="32,41","47,49"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Those passages appear to lead somewhere." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] {CLEAR_VARIABLE cutscene_fire_guardian_store,direction} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Opening the doors leading to the corridor behind the throne # reveals a Fire Wraith providing a hint for the player to # follow. # [event] name=die [filter] type=Door x=52,54,56 y=44,43,42 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=60,43 radius=5 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [move_unit_fake] side=11 type=Fire Wraith x=57,60,60,63 y=45,43,39,38 [/move_unit_fake] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Provide a hint about the secret passage. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=61-66 y=28-40 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=63,34 radius=6 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [terrain] terrain=Xv^Uov x=59-60 y=33 layer=overlay [/terrain] [move_unit_fake] side=11 type=Fire Wraith x=63,63,61,56 y=36,35,34,31 [/move_unit_fake] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "A secret passage. Not particularly ingenious. Although... it might lead to the cave Ergea mentioned." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Soulless Mal Kendria miniboss event. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=37-55 y=22-34 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Wait. There’s someone else in here..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # Deliberate portraitless non-standard definition of Mal Kendria [unit] side=11 id=Mal Kendria name= _ "Mal Kendria" type=Necromancer profile="unit_image" gender=female level=4 x,y=41,27 facing=se #{IS_BOSS} max_hitpoints=81 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () necro_skin_base necro_skin_devoid} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=11 x,y=41,29 facing=se type=Soulless variation=troll upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=11 x,y=39,28 facing=se type=Soulless variation=troll upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] side=11 x,y=43,28 facing=se type=Ghast upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=41,27 radius=8 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=41,27 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=41,27} [if] [have_unit] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s the other necromancer, member of the Iron Triad. Perhaps, if we take her down... we might be able to force her to give us some directions." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It’s the other necromancer, member of the Iron Triad. Perhaps, if I take her down... I might be able to force her to give me some directions." [/message] [/else] [/if] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat Mal Kendria")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mal Kendria [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You are the other necromancer from the Iron Triad, aren’t you? Where is your master hiding? Where is the Ruby of Fire?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Are you going to answer?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNIT_OR_ELYNIA} message= _ "There is something wrong about her eyes..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t have time for this." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Mal Kendria [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Devoid of her own will... and turned into a living puppet... Suddenly, defeating her does not seem to be much of an achievement. I don’t think I saw anything like this the last time I was here. Why would they do this to her, though?" [/message] [if] [have_unit] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} [/have_unit] [then] [message] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} message= _ "My lady, we should proceed onwards, quickly. We don’t have much more time, and the Fire of Uria will not take kindly to all these casualties." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed, let us continue down this passage. If Ergea’s instructions are correct, there is a large stone chamber ahead." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I should just continue down this passage. If Ergea’s instructions are correct, there is a large stone chamber ahead." [/message] [/else] [/if] [unit] side=9 type=Door x,y=31,19 [/unit] [unit] side=9 type=Door x,y=32,19 [/unit] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=30,20 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=31,19 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=31-32,19} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia into the chamber")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Entering the old council chamber # [event] name=moveto [filter] x=1-100,43-49,43-50 y=1-15 ,16 ,17 id=Elynia [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} [fire_event] name=entering old council chamber [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] # NOTE: doubles as SLF #define FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_FINAL_CHAMBER x=1-100,33-35,49-65 y=1-18 ,19 ,19-22 #enddef [event] name=entering old council chamber {ON_FLOOR 2} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=45,14 radius=6 )} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$x1,$y1 to_x,to_y=31,19 [/store_direction] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia facing $direction} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} [scroll_to] x,y=31,19 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [sound] name=explosion-big.ogg [/sound] # Kill everyone not in the chamber. [kill] [filter_location] [not] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_FINAL_CHAMBER} [/not] [/filter_location] # x,y=31-32,19 -- this is included by the SLF animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [place_shroud] side=1 [not] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_FINAL_CHAMBER} [/not] [not] x,y=31-32,19 [/not] [/place_shroud] [terrain] x,y=31-32,19 terrain=Xu [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "everlasting_night.ogg"} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [invert_direction][/invert_direction] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia facing $direction} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {VARIABLE_EVAL_CONDITIONAL have_more_units ( [have_unit] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} [/have_unit] )} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS have_more_units yes} [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We are trapped in this chamber..." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am trapped in this chamber..." [/message] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x=50-52,53 y=12-13,13 )} [scroll_to] x,y=52,12 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL ( x=51-52,53 y=12 ,13 )} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS have_more_units yes} [then] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>chuckles</i>) That’s were you want us to go. Isn’t that correct... Elyssa?" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>chuckles</i>) That’s were you want me to go. Isn’t that correct... Elyssa?" [/message] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE have_more_units} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You could have opened the gate for me, at the very least." [/message] [modify_turns] value=-1 [/modify_turns] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find a way to open the chamber exit gate to proceed")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 # # Only trigger this message-only event when an ally steps on the # glyph's hex, or when Elynia herself does _after_ getting the spell. # [not] id=Elynia [not] [filter_wml] [variables] have_great_chamber_glyph_spell=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] [/not] x,y=29,9 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # # Different messages depending on whether Elynia has the spell # already or not. # [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_wml] [variables] have_great_chamber_glyph_spell=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia already has the glyph’s spell. Move her next to the chamber exit to open it." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Elynia should be the one to investigate this glyph." [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x,y=29,9 [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} [transient_message] caption= _ "Barrier Spell" image=items/crystal-glyph.png sound=magic-3.ogg message= _ "This spell allows the unit to open any barriers that were originally sealed with the same spell." [/transient_message] {VARIABLE unit.variables.have_great_chamber_glyph_spell yes} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia next to the chamber exit gate to proceed")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} # # Victory trigger event. # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=50,51-52 y=12,13 [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} # # TODO: animate Elynia, perhaps using the default # 'selected' animation. # [remove_terrain_overlays] x=51-52,53 y=12 ,13 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=54,11 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [sound] name=gate.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 54 11} {QUAKE ("rumble.ogg")} {FACE_LOCATION id=Elynia x,y=52,12} # # Remove any items that may have haloes so they don't glitch # through shroud. # [remove_item][/remove_item] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [kill] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} fire_event=no animate=no [/kill] [terrain] x=51-52,53 y=12 ,13 terrain=Xu [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 [not] x,y=54,11 radius=2 [/not] [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} [delay] time=1750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... So you want me to proceed alone. Very well, then." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 62 7} [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} [/event] # # Clear temporary unit-bound variables on victory. # [event] name=victory [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store.variables.have_great_chamber_glyph_spell} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] [/event] #define FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH _X _Y _ACTIONS [event] name=setup floor 2 {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE ({_X}) ({_Y})} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] {ON_FLOOR 2} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {_ACTIONS} [/event] #enddef #define FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE _X _Y _MSG {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH ({_X}) ({_Y}) ({MSG_GLYPH ({_MSG})})} #enddef # # NW message glyphs # {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 40 2 ( _ "<b>Urvatha</b> Originally a peaceful world not predestined to harbor civilization, Urvatha was chosen by Iluvia as one of the destinations for the survivors of the First Cycle. Over time, the lack of a guardian who could guide them resulted in devastating and long-lasting wars over increasingly scarce resources — thus earning it a new name for outsiders and natives alike: ‘Inferno’. While Urvatha continues to be largely heterogeneous, its most inhospitable regions are much better known in Irdyan lore than the rest. Despite originally lacking a guardian and a seed, Urvatha has become the domain of the New Guardian of Life.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 34 3 ( _ "<b>Silida</b> Originally a barren world not predestined to harbor civilization, Silida was chosen by Iluvia as one of the destinations for the survivors of the First Cycle. It is said that before being erased from existence, the Guardians of Life and Existence adapted this lifeless world as a new home for their peoples. However, their task was left unfinished, and the new inhabitants of the world died out after a few generations. Only many eons later would Silida be populated again by faerie creatures. Despite originally lacking a guardian and a seed, Silida has become the domain of the New Guardian of Earth.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 29 5 ( _ "The First Gods created us and the reality we live in with the intent that our own Original Ten would protect and rule over their creation, and eventually replace their forefathers entirely. Little did they know of the many trials they would face during the First Cycle, and the betrayal that would result in the abrupt end of their own existence.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 30 12 ( _ "Little did they know that the same corruptive force that ravaged their universe would manipulate the order of events to ensure an entryway through the Tree of Life itself.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 36 11 ( _ "It would ensure that the souls of our ten demon gods would be connected directly to the Tree through their very hearts. And then it would corrupt the Tree, and its Protector.")} # # SE message glyphs # {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 55 15 ( _ "The First Gods no longer exist, and now the Tree is completely unguarded. Our universe and our guardians will fail to accomplish their intended mission. Not even Delethia could see this until the First Cycle was over. The songs of our own Ten will never be uttered within the boundaries of our existence, and the wound on the Tree will never be healed.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 62 17 ( _ "Even at the last moment, Delethia could not fully control the final outcome; however, her greatly increased foresight and power after defeating Yarae did allow her to alter it to a limited extent.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 56 21 ( _ "Our lives were carefully arranged before she sacrificed her own to create the Gatekeepers. She entrusted Uria and Xia’el with the devices necessary to put her secret plan into motion. The Second Cycle began.")} {FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE 64 22 ( _ "At the end, only Four will prevail.")} # # TODO: remove in production # [event] name=debug skip [fire_event] name=restore elynia [/fire_event] [store_unit] [filter] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_MAP} [/filter] variable=debug_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [foreach] array=debug_store [do] {VARIABLE this_item.x 70} {VARIABLE this_item.y 51} [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE debug_store} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] {SWITCH_FLOOR 2} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # PLAYER ECONOMYTRON 9000 # # IT DICES! IT SLICES! # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] # # Emulate free recruits until there's a recruit_cost_factor # attribute for side declarations or something. # [gold] side=1 amount=$unit.cost [/gold] # # We either kill the recruit or make it loyal depending # on the current ally count. # [count_units] {FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP} [not] id=Vyrelyam [/not] [/count_units] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL unit_count 8} [then] [fire_event] name=handle player recruit [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [else] [fire_event] name=undo player recruit [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit_count} [/event] [event] name=undo player recruit first_time_only=no [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] [transient_message] message= _ "You have eight allies on the map already. You cannot recruit additional units at this time!" [/transient_message] [/event] [event] name=handle player recruit first_time_only=no # # We need the TRAIT_LOYAL macro contents in a temporary. # They include the [trait] opening and closing tags, and # we don't want those below, hence this approach. # [set_variables] name="temp_trait_loyal_wml" mode=replace [literal] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name="unit" mode=merge [literal] upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} [/literal] [/set_variables] [if] [not] [have_unit] side=1 id=Elynia [/have_unit] [/not] [then] # When playing as Vyrelyam we have unlimited per-turn moves, # so reset the recruit's moves to maximum then. [set_variables] name="unit" mode=merge [value] attacks_left=$unit.max_attacks moves=$unit.max_moves [/value] [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] [set_variables] name="unit.modifications.trait[0]" mode=insert to_variable="temp_trait_loyal_wml.trait" [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable="unit" find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_trait_loyal_wml} [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_MAP #undef FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_ALLIES_ON_MAP #undef FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNIT_OR_ELYNIA #undef FINALE_A_SUF_PLAYER_UNITS_ON_FINAL_CHAMBER #undef FINALE_A_TRANSPORTER_ROOM_SLF #undef FINALE_A_ITEM_EVENT #undef FINALE_A_POTION_OF_YUMMY #undef FINALE_A_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_A_ELEVATOR_RUMBLE #undef FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH #undef FINALE_A_CHAMBER_GLYPH_SIMPLE #undef FINALE_A_GUARDIAN #undef FINALE_A_ACTIVATE_SIDE #undef FINALE_A_RECRUITMENT_MECHANICS_NOTE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07A_Dark_Fire_part_2 name= _ "Dark Fire" {MAP 07A_Dark_Fire_part_2.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=07B_Dark_Sea victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes # We do not need this because the player 'player' is replaced with new # named players after this point. #{DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} # # NOTE: the story screen does not have an initial music track # on purpose. This is intended to allow music to continue playing # as it was at the end of E3S7A.1F2. # [event] name=prestart [music] name="everlasting_night.ogg" immediate=no [/music] [/event] {STORYTXT_DARK_FIRE_2} {INDOORS_HIVE} #define FINALE_A_SCHEDULE_DARKER {INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -60 -80 0} #enddef # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {NO_ECONOMY} # No minimum starting gold. shroud=yes # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=elyssa user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elyssa" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 9 14} [+sound_source] id=water_1 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 26 24} [+sound_source] id=water_2 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 27 11} [+sound_source] id=water_3 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart # BEGIN: finale sequence configuration # wmlindent: start ignoring {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS finale_status.length 1}) ("E3S7A.2 must be started from a finale scenario")} # wmlindent: stop ignoring # Discard gold from E3S7A.1. [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] # The scenario begins with unlimited player moves. {DISALLOW_END_TURN} [modify_turns] current="$(1 + $dark_fire_turn_number)" [/modify_turns] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=5,23 radius=6 )} {VARIABLE relative_turn_number 0} [/event] {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} # HACK: # In order to simplify the event handlers for this scenario, we maintain a relative # turn number corresponding to the start of this part and manually fire the relevant # events each time. [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no {VARIABLE_INC relative_turn_number} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS relative_turn_number "$($turn_number - $dark_fire_turn_number)"}) ()} [fire_event] name="turn $relative_turn_number" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=side turn first_time_only=no [fire_event] name="side turn $relative_turn_number" [/fire_event] [fire_event] name="side $side_number turn $relative_turn_number" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=turn refresh first_time_only=no [fire_event] name="turn $relative_turn_number refresh" [/fire_event] [fire_event] name="side $side_number turn $relative_turn_number refresh" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=side turn end first_time_only=no [fire_event] name="side turn $relative_turn_number end" [/fire_event] [fire_event] name="side $side_number turn $relative_turn_number end" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=turn end first_time_only=no [fire_event] name="turn $relative_turn_number end" [/fire_event] [/event] # I'm trapped in a basement forced to keep writing shitty Wesnoth scenarios # forever. Please send help. -- shadowm [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 5 23} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I will be truly disappointed if you aren’t waiting behind that gate..." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] {GATE_GLYPH 2 19 11 20} [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia [filter_location] x=28 y=11 radius=9 [/filter_location] [/filter] [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=boss stage 1 {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=28,11 radius=9 )} {DISABLE_UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 23 14} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [redraw][/redraw] [replace_schedule] {FINALE_A_SCHEDULE_DARKER} [/replace_schedule] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [scroll_to] x,y=26,14 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] side=2 type=Fire Wraith x=23,16 y=17,13 [/move_unit_fake] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hm..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I have been awaiting this moment for so long, Elyssa. Or should I call you Yechnagoth?" [/message] [delay] time=1250 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "gathering_storm.ogg"} [unit] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} side=2 x,y=24,13 canrecruit=yes {IS_BOSS} type=Boss Shaxthal Warlord Elyssa # overrides stats macro animate=yes facing=sw [/unit] {BOSS_POPUP} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [redraw][/redraw] [event] name=side 2 turn [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yechnagoth is no more." [/message] [/event] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 silent=yes {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Vanquish Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} # Let Elyssa make her first move. [end_turn][/end_turn] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Elyssa [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] # # Force Elyssa to alternate between melee and ranged attacks every time. # {VARIABLE elyssa_melee_attack_weight $turn_number} {VARIABLE_MODULO elyssa_melee_attack_weight 2} {VARIABLE_MUL elyssa_melee_attack_weight 10} [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee attack_weight=$elyssa_melee_attack_weight [/effect] [/object] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS elyssa_melee_attack_weight 0} [then] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=ranged attack_weight=10.0 [/effect] [/object] [/then] [else] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=ranged attack_weight=0.0 [/effect] [/object] [/else] [/if] {LOG_ATS_DBG "attack weight: $elyssa_melee_attack_weight"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_melee_attack_weight} [/event] # # For the remainder of the scenario, the player cannot end their current # turn by themselves. Depleting Elynia's moves or attacks automatically # ends the player's turn. # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Elyssa [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS unit.moves 0} [and] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS unit.attacks_left 0} [or] [not] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [filter_adjacent] is_enemy=yes [/filter_adjacent] [/have_unit] [/not] [/or] [/and] [then] [end_turn][/end_turn] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia # # Yes, this _seems_ redundant but I may allow her to attack # multiple times per turn later or something. # [filter_wml] moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/filter_wml] [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Elyssa [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [end_turn][/end_turn] [/event] # # Elynia can't effectively slow Elyssa -- she instantly breaks free. # [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] special=slow [/filter_attack] [fire_event] name=unslow elyssa [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=unslow elyssa first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Do you truly believe that such cheap tricks can stop me?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=unslow elyssa first_time_only=no [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store [/store_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store.status.slowed} [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [/event] # # Elyssa can summon Fire Wraiths. # [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN relative_turn_number 2} [have_unit] id=Elyssa [not] type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa [/not] [/have_unit] [not] [have_unit] type=Fire Wraith [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_location [/store_locations] [set_variables] name=directions mode=replace [split] list="ne,se,sw,nw" key="value" separator="," [/split] [/set_variables] [foreach] array=directions variable=dir [do] [store_vacant_spawn_location] x,y=$elyssa_location.x,$elyssa_location.y direction=$dir.value radius=2 [/store_vacant_spawn_location] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS location.x 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS location.y 0} [then] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$location.x,$location.y [to] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [/to] variable=elynia_direction [/store_direction] #ifndef EASY {VARIABLE random "Fire Wraith"} #else {RANDOM "Fire Guardian,Fire Wraith"} #endif [unit] side=2 type=$random upkeep=loyal x,y=$location.x,$location.y animate=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes random_gender=yes facing=$elynia_direction [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_direction,random} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_location,directions} [/event] # # Don't let Elynia die early. # {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( [not] type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa [/not] ) id=Elynia 0 ()} # # Don't let Elyssa die early. # 'Early' being before all the initial dialogue happens. # {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT () ( id=Elyssa [not] type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa [/not] ) 0 ()} [event] name=side 1 turn 2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I suppose I may as well call you an impostor then. I have read Argan’s journal — you weren’t destined to possess those powers." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "It was never my choice, dear. And even if it were the case, I have never actually <i>claimed</i> to be Merthiaal." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 2 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I have to admit that you are quite agile for a winged faerie." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 3 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Alas, that will not be sufficient to defeat me." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 3 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I had hoped you would have learned new tricks since we last met." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 4 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "As much as I would not mind to keep doing this forever..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You purposefully misled us by removing any references to the final whereabouts of Yechnagoth’s heart from Argan’s journal, didn’t you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I admit that I took some pages from Argan’s journal some time before you acquired it from him, yes; I also changed a few other things for your <i>convenience</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You killed Galas before my very eyes. You are responsible for Mal Keshar’s destruction. And for the deaths of millions." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "(<i>chuckles</i>) It was all part of the plan! All those deaths were necessary to appease Uria and prepare our vast stage for this day — the vast stage we normally call ‘Irdya’. My business with that elf you secretly loved was not personal." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How did you—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Those who can harness the Aspect of Darkness can read into the minds of weaker creatures at will. Did you not know this?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 4 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Of course you didn’t. You have wasted your entire life pursuing the most banal objectives. You never bothered to try to understand that power you had. Argan and you could have done great things if you had learned what the Union truly entails." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 5 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You have lived awake for over eight hundred years, and yet... you are still an incompetent little brat. Such is the curse of eternal youth, I guess?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Are you not exhausted already? You sure are persistent. I could end you with a single strike if I wanted..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "THEN WHY DON’T YOU DO IT?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Is that what you truly want, then? Do you seek the cold touch of death?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 5 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And yet, you fear it. You haven’t been able to bring yourself to put an end to this, but why?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 6 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Is it that you are unable to assume responsibility for your own decisions anymore?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 6 end [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I see. Frankly, this is quite disappointing. I thought Argan and Galas saw <i>something</i> in you besides your pretty face and hair." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Oh, my bad. I forgot to mention that... You really want to know, don’t you? Yes, Galas <i>did</i> want to reciprocate your feelings, but he never did so... because you were too busy grieving over Argan’s death like a little girl." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Perhaps, if you were not so stupid and ignorant of your own power... you would have been able to save Argan in the first place. Don’t you think?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Shut..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "UP!!!" [/message] # # TODO: ENSURE ELYNIA IS ADJACENT TO ELYSSA!!! # [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=no [/store_unit] {VARIABLE elyssa_store.hitpoints 1} {WHITE_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=elyssa_store [/unstore_unit] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] # # Destroy hexes regardless of whether they were impassable # or such. # [terrain] x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y radius=2 terrain=Ur^Es [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] type=Fire Guardian,Fire Wraith animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # Disable water drip sound sources forever. {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE water_1} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE water_2} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE water_3} # Disable background noise temporarily. {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("silence.ogg")} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {RESET_SCREEN} [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [fire_event] name=boss stage 2 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=boss stage 2 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... What—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Heh, heh, heh..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Good..." [/message] {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM id=Elyssa} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] kill=yes variable=elyssa_store [/store_unit] [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} side=2 x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y facing=$elyssa_store.facing moves=$elyssa_store.moves attacks_left=$elyssa_store.attacks_left canrecruit=yes {IS_BOSS} type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa # overrides stats macro variation=sword [/unit] {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM id=Elyssa} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} # # 'Suggest' to the AI to favor pyranoctum when attacking with # Elyssa. # [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack name=pyranoctum attack_weight=100.0 [/effect] [/object] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "But still not sufficient to defeat a Guardian of Darkness, my dear." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("frantic.ogg")} # Re-enable background noise. {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I had thought that this would be a fair fight, but in the end it was merely a foolish hope. What do you think?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "On the other hand, you are still alive and able to stand. I am impressed." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What... are you... waiting for..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Heh." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Sweet dreams, my dear." [/message] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] range=melee [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=14 damage_type=blade alignment=neutral #experience=no [/animate_attack] [kill] id=Elynia [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [remove_item][/remove_item] {RED_SCREEN} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} {BLACK_SCREEN} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("silence.ogg")} [delay] time=6000 [/delay] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE relative_turn_number,dark_fire_turn_number} [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_A_SCHEDULE_DARKER # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=07B_Dark_Sea name= _ "Dark Sea" {MAP 07B_Dark_Sea.map} {TURNS 22 20 20} next_scenario=08A_Interim victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {H_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_DARK_SEA} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK3} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {LONGDARK4} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} [event] name=turn 8 end # The night! Will last! FOREVER! [replace_schedule] {ENDLESS_NIGHT} {GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT} [/replace_schedule] [/event] # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Anya team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Anya" shroud=yes {GOLD 250 240 230} # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes # Start with an L3, teleportation is rather important here. type=Nightshade Fire # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} [side] side=2 controller=human save_id=Durvan team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Durvan" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes hidden=yes [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 130 140} recruit=Chaos Raider,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Invader canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Razerman id=Mereldyan name= _ "Mereldyan" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [village] x,y=46,22 [/village] [village] x,y=44,23 [/village] [village] x,y=50,27 [/village] [village] x,y=51,29 [/village] [village] x,y=44,21 [/village] #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Hell Guardian) 54 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Serpent Messenger) 51 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} #endif [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 130 140} recruit=Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Demon canrecruit=yes type=Demon Warrior id=Jarayavel name= _ "Jarayavel" gender=male facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [village] x,y=54,18 [/village] [village] x,y=57,18 [/village] [village] x,y=60,20 [/village] [village] x,y=60,25 [/village] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Invader) 56 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Invader) 58 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Invader) 46 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Invader) 48 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 110 120 130} recruit=Chaos Invoker,Imp,Chaos Headhunter canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Magus id=Zaraphor name= _ "Zaraphor" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [village] x,y=70,26 [/village] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 4} [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 140 145 150} recruit=Demon,Chaos Hound,Psy Crawler canrecruit=yes type=Demon Spelldancer id=Elesmeera name= _ "Elesmeera" facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [village] x,y=42,31 [/village] [village] x,y=46,35 [/village] [village] x,y=49,33 [/village] [village] x,y=48,28 [/village] [/side] # # Delayed enemy sides. # These are configured by a later event. # The no_leader=yes spec is left out so wmllint stops complaining # about shit it doesn't understand. # #define FINALE_A_AI_NO_VILLAGE_GRABBING {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT scout_village_targeting 0.0} #enddef #define FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE _AI_CONFIGURATION hidden=yes controller=null {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {_AI_CONFIGURATION} [/ai] #enddef [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ()} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=8 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ( {FINALE_A_AI_NO_VILLAGE_GRABBING} )} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=9 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ()} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=10 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=pink no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ()} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=11 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ()} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=12 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ( {FINALE_A_AI_NO_VILLAGE_GRABBING} )} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=13 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold no_leader=yes {FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE ()} {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=14 team_name=good,evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^?" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=lightblue share_vision=none scroll_to_leader=no no_leader=yes hidden=yes controller=null {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] ai_algorithm=idle_ai [/ai] [/side] #undef FINALE_A_DELAYED_SIDE #undef FINALE_A_AI_NO_VILLAGE_GRABBING [label] x,y=53,23 text= _ "Ivæthea’s Bridge" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/label] [label] x,y=55,22 text= _ "North Keep" [/label] [label] x,y=50,24 text= _ "South Keep" [/label] {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 42 22} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 43 23} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 58 15} #{PLACE_IMAGE ("items/grain-sheaf.png") 56 16} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 74 26} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 74 25} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 73 27} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/rock2.png") 30 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/rock1.png") 7 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 36 48} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 27 61} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 60 50} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/burial.png") 75 54} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 67 62} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 62 55} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 34 54} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 45 54} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 47 55} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/mine-abandoned.png") 30 30} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/altar-evil.png") 68 57} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png~FL(horiz)") 64 38} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/rock3.png") 11 37} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/shipwreck-1.png") 7 37} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/shipwreck-1.png") 14 62} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/shipwreck-1.png") 4 56} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/village-human-burned1.png") 18 29} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 58 18} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/stone-tablet.png") 29 13} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1,2 x,y=58,18 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=scenery/signpost.png message= _ "North Kelenvar" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 44 27} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1,2 x,y=44,27 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=scenery/signpost.png message= _ "South Kelenvar" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 57 51} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1,2 x,y=57,51 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=scenery/signpost.png message= _ "<s>Moon Guard Post</s>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE_DEFAULT swam_in_fountain_of_courage no} {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_has_mermaid_pendant no} {VARIABLE spotted_daeira no} # BEGIN: finale sequence configuration # wmlindent: start ignoring {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS finale_status.length 1}) ("E3S7B must be started from a finale scenario")} # wmlindent: stop ignoring # # Restore Elynia's side status from E3S6 (E3S7A.1 prestart) # [foreach] array=finale_status.side_1_units [do] {VARIABLE location.x recall} {VARIABLE location.y recall} [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS this_item.id Anya} {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS this_item.type ("Nightshade Fire")} # # We want the stored Anya to replace the one we get by default here if # she's already an L3 (very likely). # [then] [store_starting_location] side=1 [/store_starting_location] {VARIABLE this_item.canrecruit yes} {CLEAR_VARIABLE this_item.overlays} {CLEAR_VARIABLE this_item.ellipse} [/then] [/if] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item x,y=$location.x,$location.y find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} # # Restore the carryover gold from E3S6 (E3S7A.1 prestart) # [gold] side=1 amount=$finale_status.side_1_gold [/gold] # # TODO: carry the recruit list over from E3S6 instead of specifying # it by hand here. # [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Faerie Sprite,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Ghost,Vampire Bat,Walking Corpse,Footpad,Poacher,Thug,Ruffian [/allow_recruit] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Troll Whelp,Demon,Saurian Augur,Saurian Skirmisher [/allow_recruit] # # Recall units and create Ergea for the first time # # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 56 5} # wmllint: recognize Ergea {RECALL_ERGEA_AT_LOCATION 54 5} # wmllint: recognize Cron {RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION 54 4} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 56 4} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 s} [remove_shroud] side=1 x=30-76 y= 0-36 [/remove_shroud] # # Side 2 is not enabled until a few turns later # [modify_side] side=2 controller=null hidden=yes [/modify_side] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Capture Zaraphor’s keep and castle before turn 10")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Any number of enemy leaders standing on Zaraphor’s keep and castle by the start of turn 10")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE finale_status} [/event] [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "My scouts have just informed me that the bulk of the region’s defenses are already in motion and heading for our present location. They shall be here in just a few hours. It is possible that someone betrayed us, or..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... She is not coming back, is she?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I thought we were all gonna fight together..." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "She must have had a good reason for leaving us like this, Anya. Well... I hope so, anyway. My lady, what about those reinforcements?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=66,23 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=66,23} [message] speaker=Ergea scroll=no message= _ "The old fort near the river city guards a second portal leading to the northern lands whence you came. I had arranged for your allies to arrive through it at dawn, but... this unexpected development jeopardizes the success of the entire operation." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea scroll=no message= _ "We must secure that fort as swiftly as we may. It is only a few hours before dawn breaks. If we manage to distract our enemies for long enough, Elynia might have an opportunity to succeed in her mission." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=53,23 [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=Ergea scroll=no message= _ "The inhabitants of these lands are not too satisfied with the Iron Triad’s management. I advise that we try to gain their support and stir up a revolution — their numbers and resources may prove essential for what has yet to come." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Let us get moving then. Anya shall lead the way!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I... shall?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "That’s what Elynia said in that note, did she not? But you don’t need to worry about the management aspect — we can help you with that. Your darkness powers and teleportation should be advantageous in the front line, but it’s more important that these men are led by someone with whom they are already well familiarized besides Elynia herself — another <i>someone</i> they can relate to, if you catch my drift." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Wait... you mean..." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Yes!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>annoyed</i>) Your rationale seems rather perverse, and it’s slightly offensive considering I have never... unlike... Ack! How about... we just... move on?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "I support the motion. This is no time for such frivolous chatter." [/message] {VARIABLE sep "• "} [transient_message] message= _ "You can now recruit the following unit types:"+" $sep|"+_"Demon"+" $sep|"+{TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_AUGUR}+" $sep|"+{TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_SKIRMISHER}+" $sep|"+{TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_TROLL_WHELP} [/transient_message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE sep} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Jarayavel [/filter] [message] speaker=Jarayavel message= _ "So bold— argh..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mereldyan [/filter] [message] speaker=Mereldyan message= _ "The Fist shall not tolerate your intrusion..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Zaraphor [/filter] [message] speaker=Zaraphor # po: The 'Fist' is a yet unseen male demon. message= _ "The Fist knows... He knows everything... Flee while you can..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Elesmeera [/filter] [message] speaker=Elesmeera message= _ "No, n— please no! My fair lady of the Storms, I— I did not have a choice! The Fist— I— I—" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "You betrayed me and my people. There is only one possible punishment for such a grave misdeed under my rule and you are well aware what it is." [/message] [message] speaker=Elesmeera message= _ "No! I beg you—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] canrecruit=yes side=4,3 [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes side=4,3 [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [unit] animate=yes side=1 id=Theneryr name= _ "Theneryr" type=Bowman x,y=49,21 passable=yes {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side=1 id=Maergon name= _ "Maergon" type=Bowman x,y=52,20 passable=yes {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side=1 id=Sergalyr name= _ "Sergalyr" type=Spearman x,y=51,26 passable=yes {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side=1 id=Muthel name= _ "Muthel" type=Thief gender=male x,y=58,24 passable=yes {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes facing=nw side=1 id=Cyrelean name= _ "Cyrelean" type=Thief gender=female x,y=54,23 passable=yes {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Cyrelean message= _ "The old order is coming to an end at last, and in time, freedom will be ours!" [/message] [message] speaker=Sergalyr message= _ "Let us purge the foul worshipers of Uria and reclaim our ancestors’ lands!" [/message] [/event] # NOTE: this should really only be used with even numbers #define FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT _SIDE _AMOUNT [event] name=die [filter] canrecruit=yes side={_SIDE} [/filter] [if] [have_unit] id=Durvan [/have_unit] [then] [sound] name=gold.ogg [/sound] {VARIABLE temp_gold_retrieval_amount ("$("+{_AMOUNT}+" / 2)")} [message] speaker=narrator image="items/gold-coins-medium.png" message= _ "Both playing teams retrieve $temp_gold_retrieval_amount pieces of gold." [/message] [gold] side=1,2 amount=$temp_gold_retrieval_amount [/gold] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_gold_retrieval_amount} [/then] [else] {RETRIEVE_GOLD {_AMOUNT} } [/else] [/if] [/event] #enddef {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 3 160} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 4 154} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 5 90} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 6 86} ############################################################################ # # # STAGE 2 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=turn 10 [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I don’t understand... It should be dawn already!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The... day of the Longest Night... This does not bode well." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 10 [if] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes [filter_side] [enemy_of] side=1 [/enemy_of] [/filter_side] [filter_location] x,y=66,23 radius=1 [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "We failed to secure that portal in time! Without those reinforcements we will never make it! Retreat!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/then] [else] [fire_event] name=stage 2 [/fire_event] [/else] [/if] [/event] #define FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE _SIDE_NUMBER _LEADER_X _LEADER_Y _SIDE_WML _LEADER_WML # # Enemy leaders start facing wherever Anya is. # [store_direction] from_x={_LEADER_X} from_y={_LEADER_Y} [to] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] [modify_side] side={_SIDE_NUMBER} controller=ai hidden=no # Base stats when not overridden by the _SIDE_WML # argument contents. gold=100 {DEFAULT_ECONOMY} {_SIDE_WML} [/modify_side] [unit] canrecruit=yes side={_SIDE_NUMBER} x={_LEADER_X} y={_LEADER_Y} facing=$direction {_LEADER_WML} [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} #enddef #define FINALE_A_SETUP_MAP_STARTLOC_SIDE _SIDE_NUMBER _SIDE_WML _LEADER_WML [store_starting_location] side={_SIDE_NUMBER} [/store_starting_location] {FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE {_SIDE_NUMBER} $location.x $location.y ({_SIDE_WML}) ({_LEADER_WML})} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} #enddef #define FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES _SIDE_NUMBER _RADIUS [store_locations] [filter] canrecruit=yes side={_SIDE_NUMBER} [/filter] variable=location [/store_locations] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES {_SIDE_NUMBER} $location.x $location.y {_RADIUS} } {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} #enddef #define FINALE_A_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_TEXT_ONLY} [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] #enddef [event] name=main music playlist first_time_only=no {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "legends_of_the_north.ogg"} [/event] #define FINALE_A_RESET_MUSIC [fire_event] name=main music playlist [/fire_event] #enddef [event] name=stage 2 {LOCK_VIEW} # # Start enemies setup. # [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain=*^Xo [/remove_terrain_overlays] # Side 7 {FINALE_A_SETUP_MAP_STARTLOC_SIDE 7 ( {GOLD 175 190 220} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal War Drone [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Drone) 6 39} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Drone) 4 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Drone) 3 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Thunderbird) 2 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Thunderbird) 7 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 60 58} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 66 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Stormblade) 63 57} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 64 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 66 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 73 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Demolisher Drone) 59 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING n} [+unit] [+modifications] {FINALE_A_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Demolisher Drone) 1 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} [+unit] [+modifications] {FINALE_A_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY} [/modifications] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Runner Drone) 58 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Runner Drone) 58 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 7 (Shaxthal Stormblade) 24 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} #endif {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 7 8} # Side 8 {FINALE_A_SETUP_MAP_STARTLOC_SIDE 8 ( {GOLD 150 165 180} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Enforcer Drone variation=surface [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 8 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 4 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 8 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 8 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 8 8} # Side 9 {FINALE_A_SETUP_MAP_STARTLOC_SIDE 9 ( {GOLD 150 165 180} recruit=Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird,Shaxthal Rayblade ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Demolisher Drone [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {FINALE_A_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY} [/modifications] )} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 6 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 3 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Shaxthal Drone) 3 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT 9 (Shaxthal Drone) 4 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION surface} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 9 8} # Side 10 {FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE 10 (20) (41) ( {GOLD 170 190 220} recruit=Chaos Raider,Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Gunner ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Cataphract id=Celwyngyr name= _ "Celwyngyr" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] )} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 10 4} # Side 11 {FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE 11 (31) (55) ( {GOLD 180 200 220} recruit=Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Hound ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Soulhunter id=Morol name= _ "Morol" [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 11 5} # Side 12 {FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE 12 (69) (45) ( {GOLD 180 195 210} recruit=Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Ghost,Ghoul,Walking Corpse ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Lich id=Mal Fyrgwynn name= _ "Mal Fyrgwynn" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Necrophage) 67 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Necrophage) 68 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 72 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 70 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Spectre) 20 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} # Not guardians #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 19 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 17 39} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 25 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Wraith) 34 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Wraith) 6 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Death Knight) 34 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Deathblade) 35 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Bone Shooter) 34 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Revenant) 33 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 30 59} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} # Not guardian either #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 32 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 12 (Chocobone) 37 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 12 4} # Side 13 {FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE 13 (65) (57) ( {GOLD 150 165 180} recruit=Chaos Gunner,Chaos Invoker,Automaton,Chaos Raider ) ( canrecruit=yes type=Demon Warrior gender=male id=Demon Lord Alavys name= _ "Demon Lord Alavys" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] )} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Goliath) 65 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Goliath) 22 39} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Goliath) 64 58} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Hell Guardian) 62 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} #else {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Doom Guard) 62 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Doom Guard) 59 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Doom Guard) 68 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Doom Guard) 70 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Chaos Marksman) 62 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Dark Knight) 62 60} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 13 (Dark Knight) 68 59} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES 13 6} # # Setup Anya's sidequest. # [if] [not] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS swam_in_fountain_of_courage no} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_mermaid_pendant no} [/not] [then] # Remove Daeira's little note and make her actually show up. [remove_item] x,y=29,13 [/remove_item] [remove_event] id=daeiras_note [/remove_event] [modify_side] side=14 controller=ai hidden=no [/modify_side] # wmllint: recognize Daeira [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_DAEIRA} side=14 x,y=29,13 [/unit] [/then] [else] [remove_event] id=daeiras_wait,daeiras_meeting [/remove_event] [/else] [/if] # # Setup Durvan's side and finalize Anya's side setup. # [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [modify_side] side=2 controller=human hidden=no {GOLD 290 280 270} {DEFAULT_ECONOMY} recruit=Footpad,Thug,Poacher,Ruffian,Orcish Grunt,Orcish Archer,Wolf Rider,Orcish Assassin [/modify_side] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS waited_for_bardyl yes} [then] # wmlindent: start ignoring {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS bardyl_side_state.length 1}) ("side 2 status from E3S4.2 is corrupted")} # wmlindent: stop ignoring [gold] side=2 amount=$bardyl_side_state.gold [/gold] [allow_recruit] side=2 type=$bardyl_side_state.recruit [/allow_recruit] [foreach] array=bardyl_side_units [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS durvan_store.length 1} [then] # # If we have Durvan, we want to place him on his recall # list first. # {VARIABLE durvan_store.side 2} {VARIABLE durvan_store.canrecruit yes} {CLEAR_VARIABLE durvan_store.overlays,durvan_store.ellipse} [unstore_unit] variable=durvan_store x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [scroll_to] x,y=66,23 [/scroll_to] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=66,23 [to] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [/to] [/store_direction] # Recall or create Durvan as necessary. [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN} x,y=66,23 side=2 canrecruit=yes animate=yes facing=$direction # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} # # First try to recall any loyals that might be in the # side 2 recall list (when it exists at all). # {RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS 2 ()} # # Generate one or two extra loyals if there aren't # enough loyals. # [while] [have_unit] side=2 count=1-2 [/have_unit] [do] [unit] type=Aragwaith Spearman side=2 placement=leader animate=yes upkeep=loyal {IS_LOYAL} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] [/do] [/while] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Uh... It seems we arrived just in time." [/message] [store_locations] x= 5, 6,20,31,65,69 y=17,41,41,55,57,45 variable=scroll_locations [/store_locations] [foreach] array=scroll_locations [do] [scroll_to] x,y=$this_item.x,$this_item.y [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE scroll_locations} [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Archer guy!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Oh no. Er, I mean, hail!" [/message] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Durvan! I thought you would be on your way back home by now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I changed my mind, I guess? I can’t shake off the feeling that I’ll regret this later, though. Where is Elynia?" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "We don’t know." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS waited_for_bardyl yes} [then] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "You may discuss that at a later time. For now, it is of utmost importance that we distract or take down Kalari’s military. I am confident that the Alliance troops Sir Durvan has amassed shall serve us well for this mission." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’s really General Bardyl and Elynia who should get the credit, not me. I merely asked him to lend us a hand, and he gladly acceded, most likely in return for Elynia’s support during the siege of Aran-Balgur. And incidentally, I’m no Sir." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "You may discuss that at a later time. For now, it is of utmost importance that we distract or take down Kalari’s military. However, I expected Sir Durvan to provide us with more numerous troops than this." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "General Bardyl wouldn’t accede to spending more lives on a pointless mission after Elynia decided to part ways with him before they could properly reclaim Aran-Balgur. So, I had to make do with low-ranking militiamen and some orcish mercenaries. And incidentally, I’m no Sir." [/message] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Time is of the essence, Durvan. We need to get moving while the darkness can provide us with an advantage." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Sure, these men and women thirst for the blood of these fiends. Lead the way!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1,2 {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY_END_OF_TURNS} {OBJECTIVE_OPTIONAL ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders"+{EARLY_FINISH_BONUS_FOOTNOTE})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {FINALE_A_RESET_MUSIC} {CLEAR_VARIABLE durvan_store,waited_for_bardyl,bardyl_side_state,bardyl_side_units} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 11 [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "So, Elynia went on a mission to infiltrate the Iron Council’s citadel? What kind of nonsense is that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "According to Ergea she went to locate some kind of weapon buried beneath Kalari. I am really worried for her. She just left during the night without telling anyone about her plans. What are we supposed to do now? I mean, other than perpetuating this bloodshed. Ergea says it’s important and that it might be her only chance to succeed. But who knows what kind of abominations await in that place." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 11 [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "And then there is this inexplicable unending darkness. It <i>is</i> our element, yet I can’t help but find all this dreadfully unnatural and foreboding." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Yes... yes, it is. Maybe I shouldn’t have allowed Ergea to convince me to come here." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ah, so you came back to us because she asked you to?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan # wmllint: local spelling Er # po: The first 'you' is singular; the second 'you' is plural. message= _ "Er... well, I admit that before she asked me I already wanted to see whether you were all right... I mean, you people." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Hm. I see." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Skeleton,Skeleton Archer,Deathblade,Revenant,Bone Shooter,Draug,Banebow,Death Knight [/filter] [filter_second] id=Cron [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron likes the sound of bones breaking under his hammer." [/message] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] id=Cron [/filter] [filter_second] type=Imp,Blood Imp [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron enjoys crushing insolent vermin to death." [/message] [message] speaker=second_unit message= _ "Get away from me, you beast!" [/message] [/event] {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 7 192} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 8 4} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 9 14} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 10 80} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 11 166} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 12 98} {FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT 13 278} [event] id=daeiras_note name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1,2 x,y=29,13 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Into the fountain of courage. Down the river of fear. A light in the darkness she patiently awaits." [/message] [/event] [event] id=daeiras_wait name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1,2 [not] id=Anya [/not] [filter_adjacent] id=Daeira [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS spotted_daeira no} [/show_if] message= _ "A mysterious nymph sits on the rocks, contemplating the dark and restless ocean in front of her with a blank expression. She seems completely uninterested in the creature’s presence as well. When approached, the nymph does not make eye contact and instead conjures a number of bubbles out of thin air. They seem far more deserving of her attention than even the carnage currently taking place not too far away on the riverside. Perhaps she is waiting for someone." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS spotted_daeira yes} [/show_if] message= _ "The water nymph continues to play with her bubbles. Perhaps she is waiting for someone." [/message] {VARIABLE spotted_daeira yes} [/event] #define FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT _X _Y _TYPE _ID _NAME _MODS [unit] animate=yes side=1 x={_X} y={_Y} type={_TYPE} id={_ID} name={_NAME} facing=se random_traits=no random_gender=no generate_name=no {IS_LOYAL} [modifications] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} {TRAIT_LOYAL} [object] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="RC(magenta>lightblue)" [/effect] [/object] {_MODS} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef [event] id=daeiras_meeting name=moveto [filter] side=1 id=Anya [filter_adjacent] id=Daeira [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [scroll_to_unit] id=Daeira [/scroll_to_unit] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Ummm... Hello?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I was wondering if you are a Naiad? I was told by Tara that your kind are hardly ever seen by anyone at all..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Uhhh... yes... the ocean. It looks really ominous here at night, doesn’t it?..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> I’m sorry, I should not have bothered you. I guess I will leave you to... whatever it is you are doing..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You truly are a curious creature, Anya, daughter of Mintha. I had never heard before of one born of faerie and demonkind. I suppose it’s only natural that both rarely mingle due to their innate hatred of each other. Although it makes you wonder... because in the very beginning all of us, even humans, were considered ‘demons’ anyway, were we not? We were the spirits brought to life by the Tree." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That name... how can you possibly know that name? I don’t... I don’t understand—" [/message] # In case this wasn't already the case {FACE_UNIT id=Daeira id=Anya} [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I have been keeping an eye on the Lady of Light and her allies for longer than even the Demon Lord and you have. I have seen her rise from the very depths of Irdya, do battle against unfathomable foes hailing from a time and place beyond the Veil, make her way through the accursed hordes of the Mother of Urvatha with the help of the most improbable allies, and carry out her sworn duty despite it taking the heaviest toll of all." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} [/show_if] message= _ "Accordingly, I provided one of her faeriekind allies with a small gift as a reward for the fortitude of mind and body they displayed in battle." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_mermaid_pendant yes} [then] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I guided you towards a relic from the Golden Age as a reward for your unfaltering optimism in the face of adversity." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "It doesn’t do anything, though. Elynia said there’s no magic in it." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "But does it need to be magic to feel precious to you? Does every experience along your journey need to be viscerally gratifying in order for you to build an emotional attachment to those memories?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I... suppose you are right. It reminds me so much of her somehow... Oh gods, I hope she is all right..." [/message] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The only thing left for me to do is to assist you in this upcoming battle however I can so that you may see the light of day again. I must warn you first, though, the power that was conferred upon me by the Goddess is very limited, and time is running short. I can give you the answer to one question about the past, and a last blessing." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "One question?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "This is so unexpected... I don’t know what I should ask..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "What does your heart tell you?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I want to know..." [option] description= _ "Who are my real parents?" [command] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC knolls.ogg} [message] speaker=Daeira # po: The Nameless Shapeshifter's pronouns are they/them. They are non-binary. I understand that this doesn't # po: work well for certain languages, but I have deliberately chosen not to suggest an alternative for those, # po: unlike the translator's notes I've left for terms like "Warlord" and "Demon Lord" and other instances of # po: vague or unspecified gender. You are on your own here. Do your research. # po: # po: Also note that Daeira uses "the Demon Lord Foo" to refer to each Demon Lord, instead of "Lord Foo" (used # po: by infernal underlings as well as the Chaos Empire's forces) or even just "Foo" (used by everyone else). # po: This is intentional. message= _ "Nineteen years ago, a Nameless Shapeshifter broke free from a lifetime of servitude under the Demon Lord Nar-hamoth during one of his visits to Irdya. Lacking any practical knowledge of this world and with nothing on their side but their species’ natural endurance, they made their way north along the Great Continent’s perilous seaboard. Defectors are not treated well by the threats within Uria’s domain, but the dark of the night proved a faithful ally to the Nameless One, allowing them to escape most of the obstacles they found on their way North." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Their long and grueling journey eventually led them to the great eucalyptus forests of Glamdrol. There it is that they finally found shelter from the scourge of Uria — but not before exhausting all their remaining energy. Shapeshifters may be durable creatures, but that does not make them immortal. On the contrary, constant punishment under their masters only makes them weaker and more prone to diseases specific to their kind. The Nameless One was no exception in this regard." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Despite their unfamiliarity with the peoples of Irdya, the Nameless One intuitively knew that the natives would be quick to recognize them as a creature hailing from the Chaos Empire, simply from observing their behavior and way of speaking. Attempting to obtain help could only result in an even more painful death at best, and a return to subjugation at worst. As the suns departed for the Long Dark, they decided that dying on their own terms as a free soul was a far more preferable fate to any of the alternatives. They were at peace." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Ready for their eternal rest, the demon collapsed on the cold forest ground next to a spearmint patch, hopeful that the soothing aroma would ease the pain that was yet to come. They closed their eyes, and the world disappeared. The cold slowly subsided and gave way to a comforting warmth. Never in their life had the Nameless One imagined that the embrace of death could feel so welcoming compared to anything else they experienced." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Then they felt the tender kiss of spearmint leaves on their lips. All their physical afflictions were gone in an instant, and they were once again able to open their eyes — and so they saw that the plant had somehow come to life and assumed the shape of a beautiful woman as if by a divine blessing." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The Nameless One was just as stunned by the beauty of the eventide nymph as she was by theirs. They wondered what her story was — what circumstances could possibly have brought her to a remote place like that, away from any manner of civilization? And why would she, the free daughter of an untainted world, decide to take pity on a creature who existed only for the purpose of meting out punishment in the name of a goddess of death? Unfortunately for them, she would never be able to answer those questions, for the gift that allowed her to give that one special person a second chance came with the complete inability to utter a sound. Not even her birth name was known to anyone in existence — “Mintha” was the first thing that came to the shapeshifter’s mind, and she seemed fond of it." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The language barrier did little to stop the pair from finding a common ground. The shapeshifter figured out soon enough that Mintha had her own particular ways to communicate with others, and she was eager to be around someone who did not avoid her just because of who she was. While she could not tell them her own story, she was happy to listen to the Nameless One tell her all about the vast unknown that lay far beyond Irdya. And she in turn showed them Irdya as it was, and as it is — a world of endless strife, yet also endless beauty." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "In time, the shapeshifter and the nymph grew enamored of each other. To the Nameless One, the notion of having a child of their own volition was completely alien, for their kind only bred when required to do so by the Demon Lords, and only with each other. Nevertheless, they promptly found themselves acquiescing to Mintha’s heart desire, and her body would be the one to carry the creature born from their love." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What happened next?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I apologize. Like I said, I can only answer one question about the past." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Well, excuse me if I don’t believe you right now! Surely your goddess must have imparted the full story to you!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira # po: She is not saying "no". This becomes relevant later. message= _ "I am just a medium and your particular question is already answered." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "If you must hear the whole story I am afraid you are going to have to ask the Goddess for the rest." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Well, I would if I knew who she is or how to communicate with her!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Our kind knows her as Xia’el. Her true name is known by only a counted few, and her domain lies somewhere completely beyond our reach." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "If that is so then how am I supposed to get there and punch her in the face for telling me an incomplete story?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Everything is possible if you set your mind to it!" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Don’t you <i>dare</i> be all sarcastic like some kind of ancient mythical... water faerie... that knows better than a child like me... Argh! I just... I don’t need this right now. I’m sorry for sounding so frustrated. It’s all just... a lot for me to handle." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] {FINALE_A_RESET_MUSIC} {VARIABLE anya_wants_to_see_the_manager yes} [/command] [/option] [option] description= _ "Did Elynia ever love anyone besides Argan?" [command] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Of all the questions you could have asked, are you absolutely sure that is the one you want answered?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I... Well... That just came to mind, that’s all. Should I ask something else—" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "One question, not two. You already asked the question, and so I must deliver the answer." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Elynia-Thanadria did have all kinds of lovers back during the Golden Age, both before and after meeting Argan. Her first lover was a young human by the name of—" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "NO! Stop! I changed my mind, I don’t want to know. That’s not what I really meant to ask specifically anyway." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I know the answer to your real question though." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Huh?" [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You wanted to know if she ever had a more intimate relationship with other faeries, did you not?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Look over there, it’s one of those... demolisher monsters! It’s very, veeeeery slowly heading towards us!" [/message] {VARIABLE anya_wants_love yes} [/command] [/option] [option] description= _ "Was Zhangor responsible for the Great Fall?" [command] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "That is an interesting question for you ask. I did not take you for someone who would be interested in the history of this world." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Look, I know I’m more than a bit dumb at times—" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "What I mean is you are an <i>outsider</i>. You may have been born on Irdya, but you do not feel as though you belong here, do you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... I guess I really... don’t. How can you read me so well? I mean, besides the whole business with you spying on us." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "There is something surprisingly relatable about you, even though my life so far has been one of complete solitude and yours the opposite. Perhaps it is the fact that we are both daughters of Darkness in some way. Water and Earth have got to meet each other at some point, after all. But I digress." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The Demon Lord Zhangor may be many things, but a patient schemer he is not. He was provided information about a pivotal event by a source that transcends time, and he did as he saw fit with that information. His thirst for power led him to establish his cult in Wesmere, but he was largely ignorant of what he was doing beyond attempting to become something he is not and will likely never become: a god. So, the answer to your question is no." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But who was responsible then? It all seems so contrived — both the creation of the second sun and the Fall of the third. The Wesnothians could not possibly have figured it out all on their own, could they?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "One question, one answer." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh, come on!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "This may be worth pondering, though. Some believe their lives are entirely their own doing, that destiny does not exist and that our reality is merely the product of happenstance. The possibility of an unseen force with many hands and eyes having the power to weave the threads of fate into something larger would be too terrifying to consider for mere mortals, after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I’m not sure I understand what you are suggesting... That all events as they have come to pass were preordained by an entity with a will of its own?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "But even if you consider the existence of such a being, is there anyone who can tell you for certain that this hypothetical agent is not being manipulated by a higher entity themselves?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... This is seriously messing with my head. Can we <i>please</i> stop now? I don’t want to go into battle with a migraine." [/message] {VARIABLE anya_gets_meta yes} [/command] [/option] [option] description= _ "Is there cake in the Iron Council’s citadel?" [command] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "... There has been cake in the citadel countless times, so I would venture to say there may be some in there right now." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "YES!" [/message] {VARIABLE anya_wants_cake yes} [/command] [/option] [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "It is time, then. The Demon Lord Ergea has already informed you of what you must do next. I shall do my part." [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} [then] {LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_ALL} [transient_message] image="units/faeries/fire.png~RC(magenta>red)" message= _ "All faeries you currently control on the map or your recall list now have the <b>kindled</b> trait, which allows them to ignore time of day penalties, increases their hitpoints by 15%, and their resistance to non-arcane damage by 5%." [/transient_message] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_mermaid_pendant yes} [then] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Old allies want to support you in the upcoming battle. They may struggle on land, but the Iron Council’s citadel is built on the riverside. You may be able to use this to your advantage later." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=5,5 [/scroll_to] [sound] name=water-blast.wav [/sound] {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 5 5 (Merman Warrior) Promien ( _ "Promien") ({TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT})} {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 8 2 (Merman Warrior) Thyon ( _ "Thyon") ({TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT})} {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 3 4 (Merman Hunter) Charon ( _ "Charon") ({TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT})} {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 6 1 (Merman Hunter) Cadmus ( _ "Cadmus") ({TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG})} {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 7 4 (Mermaid Priestess) Electra ( _ "Electra") ({TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT})} # wmllint: recognize Luna {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 5 3 (Mermaid Priestess) Luna ( _ "Luna") ({TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG})} {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 3 2 (Mermaid Enchantress) Merope ( _ "Merope") ({TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK})} # wmllint: recognize Orion {FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT 8 5 (Merman Triton) Orion ( _ "Orion") ({TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT})} [message] speaker=Orion message= _ "The reckoning with these monsters is at hand, brothers and sisters!" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "Purge the unholy beasts from our waters and help the northerners seize Uria’s dark citadel!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Daeira [/scroll_to_unit] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_mermaid_pendant yes} [then] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] side=1 [/modify_unit] {XIAELS_BLESSING} [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "And now, I shall fight alongside you." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh! We would be honored to have you by our side... er..." [/message] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] name= _ "Daeira" [/modify_unit] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Daeira. Few creatures on this world have ever heard my name and even fewer have lived to tell others of my existence." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Um... all right! I think I’ve kept Ergea and the others waiting long enough, so... time to go, I think." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "And now, I must leave. Farewell, Anya, and may Xia’el’s blessings accompany you on this fight." [/message] {FACE_LOCATION id=Anya x,y=26,9} [kill] id=Daeira [/kill] [move_unit_fake] type=Naiad side=14 force_scroll=no x=29,26 y=13,9 [/move_unit_fake] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... I think I’ve kept Ergea and the others waiting long enough." [/message] [/else] [/if] [modify_side] side=14 controller=null hidden=yes [/modify_side] [remove_event] id=daeiras_wait [/remove_event] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL turn_number 10} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Taking their river settlements, vanquishing their leaders, and leaving their troops in utter disarray ought to be enough to keep the Iron Council distracted for a short interval. It is time to take the fight to the citadel itself." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The situation is not as favorable as I wished. We ought to take the fight closer to the Iron Council’s citadel if we want to keep their attention away from Elynia." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} {NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE spotted_daeira} [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_A_LOOT_EVENT #undef FINALE_A_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY #undef FINALE_A_CAPTURE_INITIAL_VILLAGES #undef FINALE_A_SETUP_MAP_STARTLOC_SIDE #undef FINALE_A_SETUP_SIDE #undef FINALE_A_MARINE_SUPPORT #undef FINALE_A_RESET_MUSIC # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08A_Interim name= _ "Interim" {SEGMENTED_SCENARIO} turns=-1 next_scenario=08B_Destiny_part_1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/08A_Interim_01.map}" ({INDOORS_HIVE}) ()} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/08A_Interim_02.map}" ({INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -60 -80 0}) ()} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_INTERIM} # Wesnoth 1.11.8 doesn't handle ToD-less states gracefully, so we need a # default ToD for it. [time][/time] # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Elyssa persistent=no team_name=elyssa,neutral,enemies user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elyssa" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=gold shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa variation=sword [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=enemies user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=neutral user_team_name= _ "team_name^Neutral" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=doors # So they can be killed by the player. user_team_name= _ "team_name^Neutral" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=gatekeeper user_team_name= _ "team_name^Gatekeeper" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=brown controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] # Goals: # # com1 Communication room (1) # trans1 Transporter before meeting Gatekeeper # com2 Communication room (2) # mem1 Memories cave entrance at 33,29 # mem2 Memories cave entrance around 22,22 # mem3 Room at 24,16 # mem4 Room at 13,30 # final End-of-scenario following touchplate at 14,12 [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE have_argans_missing_pages no} {VARIABLE current_goal com1} {SWITCH_FLOOR 1} [store_starting_location] side=1 [/store_starting_location] [teleport] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/teleport] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} {DISALLOW_END_TURN} [/event] {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} #define INT_GUARDIAN _SIDE _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT ({_SIDE}) ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [event] name=setup floor 1 first_time_only=yes {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Abomination) 54 40} {FACING nw} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Worm) 14 21} {FACING se} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Worm) 18 25} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Worm) 10 16} {FACING se} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Worm) 10 15} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Drone) 61 34} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Drone) 25 21} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 15 24} {FACING ne} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 54 33} {FACING ne} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 24 35} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 21 38} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 31 36} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 7 29} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 5 31} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 7 35} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 15 33} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Leech) 13 35} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Fungoid) 6 20} {INT_GUARDIAN 3 (Fungoid) 17 14} [/event] #undef INT_GUARDIAN # # This setup floor 1 event handler deals with [item]s and other stuff # that cannot be stored during transitions, therefore it needs to run # multiple times. # [event] name=setup floor 1 first_time_only=no {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/slab1.png~FL()" 9 32} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock3.png 8 32} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 12 32} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 10 34} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 9 30} {PLACE_IMAGE items/sapphire-necklace.png 10 33} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/gore-3.png 10 32} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trash.png 11 33} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ball-magenta.png 10 32} {PLACE_IMAGE items/book1.png 9 33} {PLACE_IMAGE items/bones.png 10 35} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing.png 25 25} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/signpost.png 13 28} {PLACE_IMAGE items/chest-plain-open.png 15 28} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/signpost.png 34 30} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/signpost.png 22 18} {ITEM_TOUCHPLATE 38 35} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 33 40} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 32 41} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 27 40} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 22 41} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-pad.png (54,56,58,58) (21,20,21,23)} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-communicator.png 56 22} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH 56 22} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 66 34} {PLACE_IMAGE items/altar-evil.png 27 15} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/blood-trail-1.png 14 6} {PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 13 7} {PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 15 7} {PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 13 8} {PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 15 8} #{PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 13 9} #{PLACE_IMAGE items/coffin-closed.png 15 9} {PLACE_IMAGE items/chest-plain-closed.png 10 5} {PLACE_IMAGE items/chest-plain-closed.png 16 3} {PLACE_IMAGE items/chest-plain-open.png 11 8} {PLACE_IMAGE items/box.png 16 13} {PLACE_IMAGE items/box.png 56 36} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 47 32} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 45 38} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ornate2.png 35 29} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins.png 55 35} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins3.png 59 32} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/castle-ruins2.png 59 33} {PLACE_IMAGE items/barrel.png 23 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/bones.png 18 24} {PLACE_IMAGE items/ring-brown.png 57 30} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/slab1.png 12 16} {PLACE_IMAGE items/burial.png 13 16} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/trapdoor-closed.png 27 13} {PLACE_IMAGE items/bonestack.png 42 40} {PLACE_IMAGE items/potion-blue.png 12 8} [/event] #define INT_ENABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise [/sound_source] #enddef #define INT_DISABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} #enddef #define INT_ENABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES {HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=breach_ambience_1 [/sound_source] #enddef #define INT_DISABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE breach_ambience_1} #enddef [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} # Force shroud over the starting area. [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] # Refresh minimap. # FIXME: The starting area still shows for a few milliseconds, not # really sure what to do about it other than taking Elyssa off the map # and risking hitting new player defeat condition regressions. [redraw][/redraw] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] # NOTE: fake empty objectives screen. For some reason [show_objectives] # does nothing when there aren't any objectives set. [transient_message] caption= _ "Interim" message={TSTR_NO_OBJECTIVES_AVAILABLE} [/transient_message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {INT_ENABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=41,30 radius=5 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # po: The narrator refers to Elyssa in second person throughout # po: this scenario. message= _ "That is not entirely accurate. Of course you do have more specific goals in mind tonight, the longest of nights on Irdya. Ever since you were brought back to life by the man who once was Uria’s first, you have done nothing but comply with the wishes of those responsible for your prolonged lifespan. Such is the price of cheating death, you think to yourself." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # po: The 'Seer' is female, and no, she is not Valen. message= _ "But the Seer told you about things to come. Things that did not make much sense to you at the time; things you promptly disregarded as long-winded prophetic nonsense, of the kind that necessitates a very specific mindset to digest and interpret correctly. Even after over three hundred years, you cannot understand half of her ramblings, and have forgotten most of the rest." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Yet she sometimes does provide you clear instructions to follow. Darkness and its association with the matters of the mind are well understood by her, as the descendant of Delethia she claims to be, and she willingly allows you to exploit that aspect and gnaw at her thick mental barrier when the situation calls for it. But instructions are all you ever find in the vast void of her thoughts. Executing commands as the machine you are is all you ever do. But you were promised a change. You have a couple of contracts to fulfill first, however. What will you do?" [/message] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [scroll_to] x,y=45,29 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=45,29} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed to the meeting chamber")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {RESET_THEME} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=*^Zok [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "There is nothing of interest whence you came. You should really get moving now." [/message] [/event] [event] name=prestart # wmllint: markcheck off [set_variables] name=reprimands mode=replace [literal] msg= _ "You have a very specific objective in mind at this particular time, and you are not really the type that gets distracted this easily. What were you thinking? You purposefully turn around and get back to business." [/literal] [literal] msg= _ "This is not where you should be heading right now, and you know it. Still, you cannot resist the urge to take a glance at this striking scenery. Who ever knew that ancient ruins could look this good? Truly, nature itself is the best architect there is." [/literal] [literal] msg= _ "You take a glance at the wondrous carving on the enchanted gate. It is largely rusted and you can barely make out the details, and yet, your eyes are affixed. Perhaps you should get back to whatever you were doing." [/literal] [literal] msg= _ "It is an old enchanted gate, of course. You are not completely sure why you bothered casting these spells on most of the gates on this level, actually, but you are prone to wasting your time on frivolous activities like that on occasion, while nobody is around. Then again, the faint glow on it is unusually mesmerizing. Time to go back to doing something productive." [/literal] [literal] msg= _ "As much as you wish you had the ability, you cannot stop time, and destiny needs a helping hand to ensure that the events foretold for this night take place. You are that helping hand, and you really ought to stop staring at the enchanted gate and get back to your mission." [/literal] [/set_variables] # wmllint: markcheck on [/event] [event] name=reprimand player first_time_only=no {RANDOM "0..$($reprimands.length - 1)"} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message=$reprimands[$random].msg [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] #define INT_MAY_NOT_PASS _CURRENT_GOAL _LOCATION [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa [filter_location] {_LOCATION} [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal {_CURRENT_GOAL} } [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=reprimand player [/fire_event] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] #enddef {INT_MAY_NOT_PASS com1 ( [filter_adjacent_location] x,y=33,29 [or] x=45,46,47 y=36,35,35 [/or] [/filter_adjacent_location] )} #define INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_ENTRANCE x=50,52 y=25,26 #enddef #define INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_CHAMBER x=52,56,60,60,56,52 y=20,18,20,24,26,24 #enddef #define INT_LIT_BRAZIERS _SLF [terrain] {_SLF} layer=overlay terrain=^Ebn [/terrain] #enddef #define INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS _SLF [terrain] {_SLF} layer=overlay terrain=^Eb [/terrain] #enddef #define INT_COM_CHAMBER_SLF x=52-60,53-60 y=18-24,25-26 #enddef #define INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF x,y=56,22 #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_CHAMBER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal com1} [/filter_condition] # Block the chamber exit. [terrain] x,y=50,26 layer=overlay terrain=^Xo [/terrain] # Lit the entrance braziers {INT_LIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_ENTRANCE})} [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=56,22 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=56,22} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Activate the communicator")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] #define INT_PLAQUE _X _Y _MSG [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y={_X},{_Y} [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message={_MSG} [/message] [/event] #enddef # po: The Seer of Uria is female. {INT_PLAQUE 54 21 ( _ "“The Seer”")} # po: The Mother is Uria herself. {INT_PLAQUE 56 20 ( _ "“The Mother”")} # po: The Fist is Zhangor. {INT_PLAQUE 58 21 ( _ "“The Fist”")} # po: The Shadow is Nar-hamoth. {INT_PLAQUE 58 23 ( _ "“The Shadow”")} #define INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS_ON_CHAMBER_EXIT [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x=37-50 y=26-34 [/filter] # Exit chamber {INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_ENTRANCE})} [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] #enddef #define INT_CC _VARIATION _ID _NAME _X _Y [unit] side=3 type=Communicator Controller variation={_VARIATION} id={_ID} name={_NAME} x={_X} y={_Y} animate=yes [/unit] #enddef #define INT_CC_ACTIVATE_VISUALS # Lit the chamber braziers {INT_LIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_CHAMBER})} [redraw][/redraw] # Lighten up the communicator thing [store_items] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/store_items] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [foreach] array=items [do] [set_variables] name=lit_item mode=replace to_variable=this_item [/set_variables] {VARIABLE lit_item.image "$lit_item.image|~CS(64,64,64)"} {VARIABLE lit_item.redraw no} [insert_tag] name=item variable=lit_item [/insert_tag] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE lit_item} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal com1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} {INT_CC_ACTIVATE_VISUALS} [terrain] x=56,58 y=20,23 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [terrain] x=58 y=21 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [terrain] x=54 y=21 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] # # Some cheap flickering effect. # [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=56,20 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [terrain] x,y=56,20 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=56,20 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] #[delay] # time=100 #[/delay] [terrain] x,y=56,20 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] # # End flickering. # {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 56 21} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa nw} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # wmllint: recognize Uria {INT_CC uria Uria _"Uria" 56 20} {FACING se} #{REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "end.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # # Talk. # [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Ah, it is you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I believe you wanted to see me, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "That is correct. Have the preparations for my arrival on Ethea been completed yet? I believe there is a certain nuisance remaining to be eliminated." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I have been awaiting your order to destroy the Gatekeeper, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Hm, hm, I appreciate your obedience, but in this case I would have preferred if you did it as soon as the breach was opened." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I assumed you would wait until you gathered further information on the Guardian of Water, my lady. Is he not..." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Yes. He is already there." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Uria # Make sure French-hating linguists have another reason to hate Uria. message= _ "But he is not cognizant of our schemes, is he? His people never noticed the supplies and equipment we stole from their world, so I am free to advance my plans while they are preoccupied with other matters. Do not forget that I need to find the missing piece of that damned puzzle." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: The Body of the Union message= _ "... the Body..." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Will you please stop wasting everyone’s time and destroy that hideous thing at once? And... once you are done, come back to me." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yes. As you command, my lady." [/message] # # End talk. # [kill] animate=yes id=Uria [/kill] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [foreach] array=items [do] {VARIABLE this_item.redraw no} [insert_tag] name=item variable=this_item [/insert_tag] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE items} [remove_terrain_overlays] x=54,56,58,58 y=21,20,21,23 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_CHAMBER})} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [unit] side=2 canrecruit=yes type=Lumeril Guard id=Halbadrel name= _ "Halbadrel" x,y=46,34 facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=2 x,y=47,34 type=Demon Zephyr gender=female id=Sheelevrea name= _ "Sheelevrea" upkeep=free facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] side=2 x,y=45,35 type=Gutwrencher Imp id=Kraador name= _ "Kraador" upkeep=free facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] #{REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You guess it cannot be helped. Things are going to get more complicated than you wanted. As usual." [/message] # Unblock the chamber exit. [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=50,26 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=66,34 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=66,34 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=66,34} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "These security measures are inconvenient at times. If that stupid faerie and her accomplices did not have access to teleport spells, you would be able to instantly go to the breach site and deal with your target. But it cannot be helped. The transport glyph awaits. You really hope to not stumble upon any undesirable vermin along the way." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 54 24} [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # Remove the 'sword' variation. This is not exactly trivial and # it should be easier to just replace Elyssa's unit. However, we # want to avoid a [kill] + [unit] sequence that could cause her # to blink for a moment right after the [kill] action. # [unit] side=1 {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes type=Boss Guardian of Darkness Elyssa x,y=54,24 facing=sw to_variable=elyssa_store [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Of course, you are not <i>too</i> concerned about it." [/message] {VARIABLE current_goal trans1} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed to the transport glyph")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS_ON_CHAMBER_EXIT} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal trans1} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Your mission now is to slay the Gatekeeper. Bothering Uria again before you are done would be absurdly reckless." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=46,34 radius=6 [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal trans1} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Sheelevrea message= _ "Hahahaha! Look, it is Uria’s little pet! Isn’t she adorable?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are obstructing the way. Get out." [/message] [message] speaker=Halbadrel message= _ "As you wish." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Halbadrel 46 32} [message] speaker=Sheelevrea message= _ "Hee hee hee!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 46 34} [sound] name=gate.ogg [/sound] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=45,46-47 y=36,35 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 46 36} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=57,30 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "An old, rusted ring with no special powers whatsoever. It is absolutely useless to you." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=56,36 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Just an old crate. There is nothing of value in it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=66,34 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal trans1} [/filter_condition] # For later. [store_unit] [filter] id=Halbadrel [or] id=Sheelevrea [/or] [or] id=Kraador [/or] [/filter] variable=vermin_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS vermin_store.length 3}) ()} {SWITCH_FLOOR 2} # # The cutscene is played by the enter floor 2 event handler # invoked above. Once it is finished we return to floor 1 # immediately. # {SWITCH_FLOOR 1} [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 {SWITCH_FLOOR 2} [/event] [event] name=leave floor 1 [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_location][/filter_location] [/filter] variable=onmap_units_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {INT_DISABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES} [store_shroud] side=1 variable=floor1_shroudmap [/store_shroud] [/event] [event] name=setup floor 2 [scroll_to] x,y=36,25 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=enter floor 2 {SET_THEME {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI}} {INT_ENABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES} [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [remove_shroud] side=1 # x=0-1000 # y=0-1000 [/remove_shroud] {FADE_IN} [store_locations] terrain=Cud^Xo variable=spire_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=spire_locs variable=spire [do] [unit] type=Verlissh Control Spire side=3 x,y=$spire.x,$spire.y upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks name=noctum [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spire_locs} [store_starting_location] side=5 [/store_starting_location] [unit] side=5 canrecruit=yes type=Gatekeeper id=Ethealim name=" " # wmllint: ignore x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=se [/unit] [hide_unit] side=5 [/hide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.facing nw} [unstore_unit] variable="elyssa_store" find_vacant=yes x,y=36,25 [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] # # Do not clear elyssa_store, since it is used again # when returning to the first floor. # [fire_event] name=breach cutscene [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=breach cutscene {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 33 24} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The unnatural air in this place makes you feel uneasy." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 31 23} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "On the other side of the breach, the Gatekeeper on Ethea awaits..." [/message] [store_starting_location] side=5 [/store_starting_location] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=$location.x,$location.y radius=1 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [unhide_unit] side=5 [/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Ethealim [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "... There is no going back now..." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 25 20} #define INT_AURA_F2_REMOVE [remove_item] x,y=25,20 [/remove_item] #enddef # # We cannot change a unit's halo in 1.10, so use [item] # instead. # #define INT_AURA_F2 _OPACITY {INT_AURA_F2_REMOVE} [item] x,y=25,20 image="misc/blank-hex.png" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O("+{_OPACITY}+")" [/item] #enddef {INT_AURA_F2 0.2} [delay] time=1250 [/delay] {FLASH_RED ()} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "...!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>Have you forgotten who you are?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Ethealim name _"Ethealim"} [scroll_to_unit] id=Ethealim [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ethealim message= _ "Are you deceiving yourself?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Who are you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Who are you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I asked the question first. I was told Gatekeepers are not sentient creatures." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "You let yourself be deceived by appearances in spite of the aspect you control. Why is that?" [/message] #define INT_ILLUSION_STEP _N {RED_SCREEN} [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name="illusion"+{_N} [/effect] [/object] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} #enddef [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 1} {INT_AURA_F2_REMOVE} [redraw][/redraw] # Disable regular portrait. # FIXME: add a custom portrait? {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elyssa profile unit_image} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "As the child of Uria and heiress of Merthiaal you are, you harbor great potential." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are mistaken. I am neither thing." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Are you not human? All humans everywhere are children of Uria." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I am not human. Not anymore." [/message] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "overlive.ogg"} {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 2} [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no # po: 'designed' is used here in the sense of 'planned', 'intended', etc. # po: The sentence here is supposed to imply the existence of one or more deities # po: weaving every character's fate since before they were even born. message= _ "The heart of Merthiaal lies within you as designed, but that does not change your true self." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I was not destined by the Tree to inherit Darkness... but that’s irrelevant either way. I have transcended the definition of a ‘human’ and become something different." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Have you? What does your heart tell you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "My... heart...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "The path of Darkness is a convoluted and deceptive one. Whereas your predecessor placed an excessive emphasis on her feelings to the detriment of rationality, you are doing the exact opposite. A true Guardian of Light or Darkness needs to establish a balance between both facets. You, however..." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "... you have allowed others to <i>distort</i> your identity..." [/message] {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 3} [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Uria’s corrupting influence is hampering your personal growth and tearing your being apart, just as she wants." [/message] {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 4} {INT_AURA_F2 0.2} [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Tearing souls apart is what a corrupted Guardian of Life does best. But... can <i>you</i> escape her influence?" [/message] {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 5} {INT_AURA_F2 0.4} [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "Can you escape her destructive grasp..." [/message] {INT_ILLUSION_STEP 6} {INT_AURA_F2 0.8} [message] speaker=Ethealim scroll=no message= _ "... before she utterly destroys your soul and seizes Darkness through your empty shell?" [/message] [delay] time=375 [/delay] {INT_AURA_F2 1.0} [delay] time=375 [/delay] {INT_DISABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES} [message] speaker=Elyssa image=$elyssa_store.profile message= _ "(<i>frantic</i>) Bind the soul to stone— turn the memories to dust— erase the spirit— shed the hollow SHELL!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Ethealim {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] # Remove the illusion. [unstore_unit] variable="elyssa_store" find_vacant=no x,y=25,20 [/unstore_unit] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] {RED_SCREEN} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {INT_AURA_F2_REMOVE} [redraw][/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] id=Ethealim [/filter] kill=yes variable=gatekeeper_store [/store_unit] [sound] name=$gatekeeper_store.die_sound [/sound] {CLEAR_VARIABLE gatekeeper_store} [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [sound] name="thunderstick.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name="thunderstick.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 08A_Interim_02_1.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [redraw][/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [sound] name="thunder3.wav" [/sound] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "..." [/message] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {INT_ENABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES} [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=750 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Damn you, Zhangor. Damn you and your stinking lies." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 36 25} #undef INT_AURA_F2 #undef INT_AURA_F2_REMOVE [/event] [event] name=leave floor 2 [kill][/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 # everywhere [/place_shroud] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {INT_DISABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES} {RESET_THEME} [/event] [event] name=enter floor 1 # # This event handler should only run on 1 -> 2 floor transitions. # [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal trans1} [/filter_condition] #[filter_condition] # {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS elyssa_store.length 0} # {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS onmap_units_store.length 0} #[/filter_condition] [scroll_to] x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] {INT_ENABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES} [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [set_shroud] side=1 shroud_data=$floor1_shroudmap [/set_shroud] {CLEAR_VARIABLE floor1_shroudmap} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} [foreach] array=onmap_units_store [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [foreach] array=vermin_store variable=vermin [do] {VARIABLE vermin.facing se} [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS vermin.id Halbadrel} [then] {VARIABLE vermin.x 46} {VARIABLE vermin.y 36} [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS vermin.id Sheelevrea} [then] {VARIABLE vermin.x 47} {VARIABLE vermin.y 36} [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS vermin.id Kraador} [then] {VARIABLE vermin.x 45} {VARIABLE vermin.y 37} [/then] [/if] [unstore_unit] variable=vermin find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] # # Elyssa should be at the transporter glyph. # {VARIABLE elyssa_store.facing nw} [unstore_unit] variable="elyssa_store" find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store,onmap_units_store,vermin_store} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} [delay] time=1250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Of course, she was not counting on the spell Uria taught you for the mission. Or was she?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You have not felt so stupid in a long time. Zhangor’s ruse was simply too obvious to fall for — Uria would not have asked you to destroy the Gatekeeper yourself if she did not fear her for some reason. Perhaps if she had such an introspective conversation with the Gatekeeper, things would have changed to some degree. Perhaps... But no. You are well familiarized with the demoness and her childlike stubbornness. Whatever advice the Gatekeeper might have had for her would have gone unheeded. That is, assuming Uria would have given her a chance to speak in the first place." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Maybe you were too hasty in disposing of the creature, though. She seemed to be genuinely trying to help you for some reason. The illusion she cast on you seemed as real as it was intensely painful — not that you are are unaccustomed to pain yourself, but... you admit that you were afraid for a moment." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Regardless of the intentions of Delethia’s offspring, she managed to stir up uncomfortable thoughts in your mind with her meddling. You decide to sweep them aside, if only for a brief interval while you go to report back to your oppressive overseer." [/message] {VARIABLE current_goal com2} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Report to Uria in the meeting chamber again")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] # # TODO: make sure this doesn't trigger right after exiting the cutscene # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=66,34 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_NOT_EQUALS current_goal trans1} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] #[message] # speaker=narrator # image=wesnoth-icon.png # message= _ "You do not need to use the transporter again at this time." #[/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=46,36 radius=6 [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal com2} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Sheelevrea message= _ "Ahahahaha! Hey, hey! Did you have fun down there? Hahahahaha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Not really. There was only one Gatekeeper and I was prepared to perform many more soul bind spells tonight." [/message] [message] speaker=Halbadrel message= _ "That seems rather wasteful and improbable. Lord Zhangor said you needed Uria’s help to cast those." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Zhangor, you say?" [/message] [message] speaker=Sheelevrea message= _ "Hahahahaha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ah, I see. Good to know it was he who sent you here, but I fear you have been misinformed about the power I wield. Regardless, I have to wonder: why here, in my domain?" [/message] [message] speaker=Halbadrel message= _ "Lord Zhangor wanted us to keep you in check, naturally. There are various disturbing rumors running around surrounding your habits and plans, you see." [/message] [message] speaker=Sheelevrea message= _ "Some say you like inviting people to dine in your cell. They say... that you invite humans and demons... to eat their succulent flesh when you are... hungry! Hahahahaha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "(<i>monotone</i>) Ha, ha, ha. I can see why some of you might believe such a thing. But trust me, I am not the one who revels in chaos, destruction, and depravity. Perhaps you should be watching <i>him</i> instead. Nonetheless..." [/message] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Elyssa [filter_adjacent] id=Sheelevrea [/filter_adjacent] [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 47 37} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/then] [else] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I absolutely <i>detest</i> your obnoxious laugh, girl." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=250 [/fade_out_music] [item] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] image="misc/blank-hex.png" halo="halo/heart-aura.png~O(0.8)" [/item] [delay] time=150 [/delay] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Sheelevrea [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="CS(255,-255,-255)" [/effect] [/object] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=100 [/delay] {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP id=Elyssa _"bind soul"} [remove_item] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [/remove_item] {RED_SCREEN} [kill] id=Sheelevrea [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {RESET_SCREEN} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png sound="break.ogg" message= _ "You grab the crystal orb containing the soul of your nameless victim and fling it against the wall, shattering it; the irregular shards are scattered over the floor. ... At least you <i>believe</i> she did not have a name." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Halbadrel message= _ "..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Their leader seems quite impressed by your little demonstration and orders his minion to pick up the shards. Hopefully he will choose to leave you alone, you think — that spell is quite physically and mentally taxing, and displaying weakness before Zhangor’s minions would not be a good idea." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Halbadrel message= _ "Lord Zhangor will hear of this." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: 'however' is used here in the sense of "in whatever manner/fashion/form". message= _ "(<i>monotone</i>) Oh, excellent, however should I express my gratitude! I was actually worried for a moment that I would have to send him the shards all by myself, wasting Uria’s invaluable time by making her wait much longer for my report." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Halbadrel 48 37} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Please, <i>do</i> send him my regards." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Halbadrel 52 38} [kill] id=Halbadrel [/kill] {MOVE_UNIT id=Kraador 51 39} [kill] id=Kraador [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 47 36} [sound] name=gate.ogg [/sound] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=45,46-47 y=36,35 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 46 33} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_CHAMBER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal com2} [/filter_condition] # Lit the entrance braziers {INT_LIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_ENTRANCE})} [redraw][/redraw] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal com2} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} {INT_CC_ACTIVATE_VISUALS} # # Make the sequence faster this time. # [terrain] x=56,58,58,54 y=20,23,21,21 layer=overlay terrain=^Ii [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 56 21} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa nw} [fade_out_music] duration=750 [/fade_out_music] {INT_CC uria Uria _"Uria" 56 20} {FACING se} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "end.ogg"} [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # Talk. # [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The Gatekeeper on Ethea is no more, my lady. The breach from Urvatha is now clear for you to cross." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Hm, hm, I see. Well done, my Fire. Your success pleases me... greatly. Hm... I have a question for you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yes, my lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Lord Zhangor informed me earlier of a... <i>revolt</i> organized by the stormkind witch. But from what he said I gather that the once-blessed faerie is directly involved as well. What do you know about this?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The faerie was supposed to lead the Irdyan troops from the North but abandoned her duty on the surface before their arrival. She made it to the ruined training chamber and confronted me." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Ah, hm, yes. Everyone had been looking forward to that confrontation ever since it was foretold by the Seer — it was an inevitability. Well, I assume you made her pay dearly for her meddling. Is she..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # wmllint: local spelling necrophages message= _ "I killed her just as you wished, my lady. (<i>smirking</i>) Hekuba’s necrophages took care of the rest for me. I would have loved to present you with her corpse, but it appears that our decrepit traitor still manages to interfere even after his soul ceased to exist. A pity too, since I really liked her hair." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "No! I would not tolerate you wearing the scalp of that wretched creature anywhere near me; not to mention that some of your followers could get the wrong idea... Do you not think Ergea’s betrayal has caused us enough trouble already?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "My apologies, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Moving on..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yes, my lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "I have transferred Irdya’s control to Lord Zhangor. You are relieved from your duty as my Fire." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "M— my lady?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "I refuse to acknowledge your reaction as one of surprise, Elyssa. Did you truly think I would ask you to lend him the bulk of the Triad’s troops without an ulterior reason? This is all part of a plan that is now mostly irrelevant to you. Your duty now is to serve him just as you have served me all these years." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "But you promised that Irdya would be under my control soon... Zhangor would assist you on Ethea!" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You ought to watch your tone, girl — do not forget that I can end your life and destroy your soul at any time I please. If you want the ball of dirt you call Irdya, you will have to strike a bargain with your new lord. Do you understand?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I... understand, my lady." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Excellent then. Hm, hm, I am sure Zhangor will be as pleased as I to count on your assistance with exterminating the vermin brought by the faerie. We will meet again in the future, <i>perhaps</i>. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" [/message] # # End talk. # [kill] animate=yes id=Uria [/kill] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [foreach] array=items [do] {VARIABLE this_item.redraw no} [insert_tag] name=item variable=this_item [/insert_tag] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE items} [remove_terrain_overlays] x=54,56,58,58 y=21,20,21,23 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS ({INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_CHAMBER})} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "everlasting_night.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "into_the_shadows.ogg"} # Give everlasting_night.ogg some time to start. [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "That damned shapeshifter scum should have stayed half-dead in that putrid pit. Stupid Uria and her irritating obsession with the bastard. You can only wonder what other machinations they have been brewing behind your back. This unexpected development changes many things. Your plans need some urgent adjustments before those two perform their next move." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # po: This line refers to Elynia as a 'piece', but it'd be nice to keep the gender # po: ambiguous whenever possible. message= _ "Time to check on your pivotal piece in the ruined laboratory. Maybe you should try to remember a few things along the way; open some of those rusty gates in your memory and look inside. You just know you will need all the hints you can gather from this stronghold for your next course of action." [/message] {VARIABLE current_goal mem1} [remove_terrain_overlays] x=40,33 y=38,29 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=33,29 radius=1 )} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=40,38 radius=1 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=33,29 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=33,29} [scroll_to] x,y=40,38 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=40,38} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Enter the ruined laboratory")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS_ON_CHAMBER_EXIT} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa {INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem1} [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem2} [/or] [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem3} [/or] [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem4} [/or] [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal final} [/or] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "There is no use in attempting to activate the communicator at this time. Uria has probably left her fortress on Urvatha already, Zhangor is busy plotting in his lair, Nar-hamoth is missing in action, and the Seer does not really use these artifacts on account of her inability to move around unassisted. You do not have anything left to discuss with any of them for now, either." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=38,35 [/filter] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] {QUAKE (cave-in.ogg)} [terrain] terrain=Urb x=37,36 y=35,34 [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Touchplate triggered. A road rises from the depths." [/message] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] #define INT_SIGIL _COL _ROW image="icons/original-ten-sigils.png~CROP($(60*"+{_COL}+"), $(60*"+{_ROW}+"), 60, 60)" #enddef [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=27,40 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [item_choice_dialog] title= _ "The Original Ten" [option] {INT_SIGIL 0 0} title= _ "Life" text= _ "The force that governs the birth of all creatures in our reality. Incarnated by the Guardian of Life, also known as Uria, Guardian of the Legacy and the Void, Mistress of the Void, Goddess of Life." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 1 0} title= _ "Water" text= _ "The element common to the origins of all life in our reality, as well as its sustainment and destruction. Incarnated by the Guardian of Water, also known as Valdir, Guardian of Water and Destruction, the Beast, God of War." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 2 0} title= _ "Thunder" text= _ "The spark that keeps life in motion, the arbiter in a chaotic reality doomed to an ephemeral eternity of strife. Incarnated by the Guardian of Thunder, also known as Kaarul, Guardian of Thunder, Harbinger of Judgment, and God of Storms." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 3 0} title= _ "Earth" text= _ "The shelter that harbors the promise of life, the energy that kindles the mystic in a dying reality. Incarnated by the Guardian of Earth, also known as Xia’el, Guardian of the Arcane Flame and Earth, Goddess of the Forests, Protector of Peace." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 4 0} title= _ "Fire" text= _ "The aspect that fuels life through love, the flame that sustains the forge of knowledge in a reality where ignorance has ensnared its hopeless dwellers. Incarnated by the Guardian of Fire, also known as Shardia, Guardian of Fire and Knowledge, the Fire of Hope, Goddess of Love." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 0 1} title= _ "Darkness" text= _ "The aspect of the free will necessary for life to progress, the precursor and successor of light in a reality devoid of ultimate intent. Incarnated by the Guardian of Darkness, also known as Merthiaal, Guardian of Darkness and Shadows, Eater of Souls, Goddess of Free Will." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 1 1} title= _ "Light" text= _ "The aspect of the constancy from which life springs, the successor and precursor of darkness in a reality unprepared for its end. Incarnated by the Guardian of Light, also known as Luceith’el, Guardian of Light and Metal, Star of the Morning, Healer of Souls." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 2 1} title= _ "Air" # wmllint: local spelling insufflates text= _ "The aspect of the kiss that insufflates life, the breath that preserves life in a decaying reality. Incarnated by the Guardian of Air, also known as Kazith, Guardian of Air and Breath, Lady of the Skies, Messenger of the Ether." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 3 1} title= _ "Ice" text= _ "The aspect that is the cold touch that ends life, the substance that holds treasures for those daring to explore the confines of a shrinking reality. Incarnated by the Guardian of Ice, also known as Yukiria, Guardian of Ice and Mirrors, Queen of the White Expanse, Keeper of Death." [/option] [option] {INT_SIGIL 4 1} title= _ "Existence" text= _ "The aspect that binds all life together, the empty canvas from which a corrupted reality was created. Incarnated by the Guardian of Existence, also known as Delethia, Guardian of Secrets and Time, the Faceless Woman, Seer of the Tree." [/option] [/item_choice_dialog] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=33,40 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore {INT_SIGIL 0 0} caption= _ "Life" message= _ "The aspect of Life deals primarily with the creation and sustainment of life, as well as the very essence of being in all of its manifestations. All non-faerie human and human-like creatures were created in the image of the first Guardian of Life, who governed over Ethea during the First Cycle. This incarnation of Uria would prove to be essential for defeating the corrupted Protector of the Tree by orchestrating the demise of Yarae’s allies, at the cost of countless innocent lives everywhere. Her next incarnation came into existence on a world other than Ethea due to unknown reasons." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=32,41 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore {INT_SIGIL 3 0} caption= _ "Earth" message= _ "The aspect of Earth is one of four aspects directly connected to Life in a supporting role, paving the way for creation. All faeriekind creatures were created in the image of the first Guardian of Earth, who was charged with the task of ruling over Irdya during the First Cycle. Some sources claim that faeriekind beings were originally incorporeal and extremely rare until the ascension of the first incarnation of Xia’el, a woman said to have been created out of golden dust by Yarae himself, the Protector of the Tree. His influence might have brought her kind the boon of a more physical existence in greater numbers, albeit losing their immortality in the process. Various versions of the myth exist, some of them claiming that Xia’el’s form was a favor granted by Yarae after he fell in love with the creature. Her next incarnation came into existence on a world other than Irdya due to unknown reasons." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=22,41 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore {INT_SIGIL 0 1} caption= _ "Darkness" message= _ "Unlike the majority of the aspects constituting reality, Darkness and Light are derived from the nature of the First Gods themselves, stemming from Existence, and connected to Life in a structural role. Just like Darkness precedes and succeeds Light from a physical standpoint, it also deals with matters of the mind, whereas Light deals with the soul of every being born under the Tree of Life. However, just as both aspects complement each other, they may also exchange places according to the circumstances. Merthiaal, the Guardian of Darkness on Yrathid, was the last guardian to be born during the First Cycle, and at the same time, she was the first guardian to perish. Although Yarae’s conflict had not yet begun, he did have an indirect role in causing Merthiaal’s downfall. The young guardian’s emotions clouded her reason; jealousy consumed her heart from inside as she watched her creator’s predilection for her sisters Uria and Xia’el. In a desperate attempt to prove her worth to Yarae and even surpass his own power, the girl subverted her world’s seed and tried to absorb its energy for herself. Alas, even though their blood was always one and the same, the guardian and the Seed of Darkness were never meant to become one." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore {INT_SIGIL 0 1} caption= _ "Darkness" # wmllint: local spelling Yrathidians message= _ "Not having learned her own song beforehand, Merthiaal could not assume full control of her new powers. Instead of becoming the true goddess she desired to be, the very aspect she controlled was destroyed — her mind succumbed to insanity as her horrifying new body absorbed the souls of each and every one of her fellow Yrathidians. Uria put an end to Merthiaal’s rampage by ripping her heart out, destroying her body, and sealing her self in the hope that Yarae could do something to remedy the situation. However, Yarae was offended by the proposition; he refused to help with the resurrection and healing, choosing instead to preserve the lifeless world intact as a testament to his child’s hubris. That incarnation of Uria would never be able to bring Merthiaal back to life, and the Guardian of Darkness would come to be known as the Eater of Souls, the antithesis of the Guardian of Light. Now lacking a distinct seed, Yrathid would not be restored at the end of the First Cycle, remaining instead a graveyard world per Yarae’s wishes." [/message] [/event] #undef INT_SIGIL [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=34,30 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message="<s>"+_"Biomechanical Engineering Laboratory 03"+"</s> <span color='#f66'> "+_"FACILITY CONDEMNED NO ENTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM LIFEFORM RESEARCH TEAM LEAD MAL SI’AH"+"</span>" [/message] [/event] # # Memory visions begin here. # #define INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE PLAYER_X PLAYER_Y FACING {LOCK_VIEW} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa {PLAYER_X} {PLAYER_Y} } {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elyssa facing {FACING} } # Refresh shroud [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] # # This extra scroll_to action is intended to recenter the screen if the # scrolling algorithm screwed up during the [move_unit] action above, or # for when no move could be performed (e.g. the unit is already at the # specified location). # # Of course, this is rather broken as of Wesnoth 1.11.0 and true centering # does not happen most of the time. Hopefully a future version will amend # that. # [scroll_to] x={PLAYER_X} y={PLAYER_Y} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] #enddef #define INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE {UNLOCK_VIEW} #enddef # # MEMORY 1 (mem1) # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x=26-32,33 y=23-30,28 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem1} [/filter_condition] {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE 30 27 nw} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "A particularly irksome disadvantage of living forever is that you very easily forget things that happened over a century ago if you do not take care to exercise your memory regularly. You are worried that this will become even harder over time, assuming you last long enough for that. While you prepare your next move you decide to refresh your memory about some things. You make an effort to remember..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] #define INT_MC _VARIATION _ID _NAME _X _Y [unit] side=4 type=Memory Controller variation={_VARIATION} id={_ID} name={_NAME} x={_X} y={_Y} animate=yes [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef [scroll_to] x,y=28,26 [/scroll_to] # wmllint: recognize Argan {INT_MC argan Argan _"Argan" 28 26} {FACING nw} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "It is him, the tortured man to whom you owe your life, even though you did not ask for it. The scene feels familiar to you, but you are not completely sure yet how long ago it happened." [/message] [message] caption= _ "Elyssa" speaker=narrator image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>You have not visited me in a long time.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # wmllint: recognize memory!Elyssa {INT_MC elyssa "memory!Elyssa" _"Elyssa" 24 23} {FACING sw} [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "What brings you here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Do I really need a reason? Uria is busy unearthing some ruins on Urvatha — she will not notice my absence. I just wanted to see you." [/message] # The explicit path is necessary to avoid her walking through a wall {MOVE_UNIT id=memory!Elyssa 23,23 24,25} {IGNORE_MOVEMENT_COSTS} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=memory!Elyssa 26 25} {IGNORE_MOVEMENT_COSTS} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I have to admit that I expected a warmer reception." [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "I suppose... it’s hard to be enthusiastic about a visit from someone who has only spoken to me through crystal projections for over a century. It almost feels as though we are strangers... meeting for the first time..." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Does it now?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=memory!Elyssa nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=memory!Elyssa 27 26} {IGNORE_MOVEMENT_COSTS} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "I missed you... I really, really did." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "But..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I see..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Argan se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "How have things been around here? Any progress?" [/message] # wmllint: local spellings Ghoram-Dul Grenmar [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "With Nar-hamoth around I haven’t been able to continue with my search. But I went to Ghoram-Dul the other day and asked the Seer about her and—" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Not the faerie. The hive in the Grenmar region. I believe its construction should be nearly finished by now?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Did you come here just to ask me about such banal matters, or because you wanted to see me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Do I have to choose between those two options? I did not expect you to be so demanding from your superiors, girl." [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "<i>Superiors</i>, you say?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I do not have all the time in the world for your empty questions. Will you answer, or—" [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Uria sent you, didn’t she? She sent you to keep track of my activities, as if I needed another Shadow of hers around here." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Oh, but of course. ‘Shadow’ really suits you better than it does that brainless brute, except most of the scum in this place prefers to add ‘Master’ to it for some stupid reason." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Argan nw} [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "You seem agitated—" [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa # po: 'Monster' here refers to Uria. message= _ "Dealing with your personality issues was exasperating enough back then; I will <b>not</b> bear talking to you now that you have become a puppet of that abusive monster. Get out." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "El— Elyssa—" [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "GET OUT!" [/message] #define INT_END_MEMORY [kill] type=Memory Controller animate=yes [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef {INT_END_MEMORY} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "For long you have tried to purge your memories revolving around Argan’s descent into insanity and the eventual fulfillment of his end of the bargain with Uria. Alas, Norsulan technology around the time you were resurrected was not advanced enough to do that kind of thing, and you are sort of stuck in the past in that regard. Maybe some day you will learn to do the advanced mind tricks Merthiaal could, and use that power to alter or clear your own memory. Surely if you manage to do that, you could attain absolute control of every single creature on Irdya." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You decide to proceed further into the ruined laboratory and try to reminisce on better times." [/message] {VARIABLE current_goal mem2} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further into the ruined laboratory and try to reminisce on better times")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=22,18 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message="<s>"+_"Operating Room"+"</s> <span color='#f66'> "+_"FACILITY CONDEMNED NO ENTRY WITHOUT LEVEL 4 PERMISSION FROM THE IRON COUNCIL"+"</span>" [/message] [/event] # # MEMORY 2 (mem2) # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x=14-25 y=17-23 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem2} [/filter_condition] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=20,20 radius=5 )} {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE 22 22 nw} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Some of the hive creatures have adopted these ruins as their home. You do not really mind them since they are completely harmless around those whom they recognize as their own kind by virtue of their identification signal mechanism. You are absolutely certain that, unlike the Gatekeeper you just destroyed, these artificial constructs have no souls of their own. Whether they have minds or not is a completely different matter, though." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=18,20 [/scroll_to] {INT_MC elyssa memory!Elyssa _"Elyssa" 18 20} {FACING nw} {INT_MC argan_unmasked Argan _"Argan" 19 21} {FACING nw} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Elyssa... There is something I need to know." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "I thought I told you to go away. I am not interested in helping you anymore." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I <i>need</i> your help. Please... You are the only one I could ever trust who can use the powers of Darkness to block the Seer’s vision. I <i>need</i> to find my wife—" [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Why did you not try to find her before surrendering your free will to Uria? If you truly loved the Lady of Light, the first thing you should have done was—" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I already told you... I did not choose to be stranded on Urvatha for so long. Uria does not want me to find Elynia yet. I am worried that her plans could jeopardize your own safety. You must do something for me..." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "If you find Elynia, you must kill her." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=memory!Elyssa se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "... Why?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan # po: The 'voice' Argan refers to is a female voice. message= _ "Because it is something you must do. That is what I was told by the voice..." [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "You... You are in even worse shape than I thought. I simply cannot fathom what is going through Uria’s mind as of late. Why would she trust <i>you</i> with the command of the Empire like this?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "No. Listen. You can consult with the Seer later — I am sure she knows of the voice as well, but she has always refused to speak with me. I have a suspicion about that voice..." [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Does Uria need to know?" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "No." [/message] [message] speaker=memory!Elyssa message= _ "Very well, then. I hope the Seer will not inform her about this, though." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "I do not think she has found out about your search yet, has she? You know the Seer is as much your ally as she is Uria’s — she does not take sides. She will not betray you, but not specifically because of your affiliation with Darkness. If that were all it took to communicate with her, I would not need your help for that." [/message] {INT_END_MEMORY} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Many years later, Argan’s orders would take a turn for the worse, and you would happily comply with every single one. You do not really regret it in the least. Killing lesser creatures is amazingly comforting after all you have been through. If only you could do that with your own underlings more often. Wait, you mean Zhangor’s underlings now. You are quite sure he would not actually mind. On the other hand, you were allowed to do as you pleased with your torturers back in the day. If only you had the control you now have over your artificially enhanced body, and Merthiaal’s heart. If only you could ravage people’s minds like the true Eater of Souls could. If only..." [/message] {VARIABLE current_goal mem3} [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=22,17 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=22,17 radius=1 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=22,17 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=22,17} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed into the ruined room")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x=23-34,22 y=11-18,17 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem3} [/filter_condition] {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE 24 16 ne} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This is where Argan brought you back to life — or what remains of the place, in any case. You really threw a tantrum that night, blinded by the great pain caused by the energy seeping through your veins, and that unfathomable presence within Merthiaal’s heart reaching into your soul. You are not entirely sure whether the pain ceased or you just became accustomed to it over the years, but you can still feel the presence on occasion — namely, whenever you feel tempted to fully unleash your frustration and anger." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The costs and risks of being a predestined guardian have not been properly documented, but everyone agrees that it was the temptation of power that finally got the best of the goddess whose legacy Argan and Uria bestowed upon you. But your case is an unprecedented one, and you have had to cope with other difficulties along the way. The technology that binds your body and soul with Merthiaal’s heart was considered highly experimental on its world of origin, and every test subject was destroyed without exception. Maybe it was because the heart they chose for their testing was that of an unborn goddess as opposed to a deceased one. Maybe it was because the Aspect of Fire itself did not choose them. Or maybe those individuals simply lacked the resolve, and the initial excruciating pain was too much for their feeble psyches. Whichever the case, you are certain that even though cheating the system devised by Yarae was a straining and arduous task, the Aspect of Darkness is now yours to control." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "If the once Lady of Light had not killed him, Argan would be proud to see you execute his plans like clockwork. Proud. Nothing more than that, really. If you were to use Golden Age literature as reference, you would say he always regarded you as a daughter. His increasing lack of empathy did not allow him to see that you had feelings of a different kind for him. While that truly bothered you in the beginning, you would soon learn of another cost of being a guardian. To put it into perspective, of all the guardians that have lived so far, only the second incarnation of the Guardian of Fire found true love — and then she died under mysterious circumstances. Those unrequited feelings of yours vanished long ago, but that does not change the fact that you owe your life to Argan and that you will do everything within your power for him, even now that he is gone for good." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {VARIABLE current_goal mem4} [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=13,30 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=13,30 radius=1 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=13,30 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=13,30} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "It feels as though you have been wasting your time with this pointless introspective for months, even though it has obviously been just an hour. Damn the Gatekeeper and the Seer. Things would be much easier if you could just focus on commanding troops and killing opponents with complete disregard for ancient riddles and the absurd notion of fate." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed into Elyssa’s cell")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=13,28 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message="<span color='#f66'>"+_"SUBJECT 00-44A CONTAINMENT CHAMBER NO ENTRY WITHOUT LEVEL 6 PERMISSION FROM MAL ZAGARN"+"</span>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=15,28 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The chest is empty. It has been decades since the last time anyone used it to deliver parcels to you." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x= 1-16 y=30-42 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS current_goal mem4} [/filter_condition] {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE 11 32 sw} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Kendyare is still here as you left her. The faerie destroyed her body near the entrance to the abandoned Iron Council chamber. If you were to give the necromancer a new chance you would have to give her a new body as well. She was rather entertaining to have around, but not particularly bright, and Nar-hamoth was abusing that to keep you under constant surveillance. You simply had to act before Zhangor had a chance to take advantage of her as well." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You have not really spent as much time in this cell as you would if you were an ordinary creature. Thankfully, your body allows you to spend an indefinite amount of time without rest. You have tried sleeping on occasion, but ever since you were captured by the human scum in the capital you have only had variations of the same recurring nightmares. You hoped your new life would allow you to have normal dreams again, but it has only been worse since then." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {ITEM_TOUCHPLATE 14 12} [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You think it is finally time to go and put those plans in motion. You glance at your cell a last time to make sure you are not forgetting anything before leaving. Surely none of that trash on the floor is of any use to you." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 14 29} {VARIABLE current_goal final} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find the touchplate leading to the final room")} {UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=10,33 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Kendyare's ward against necromantic spells. Very useful against mundane enemy necromancers, absolutely useless against magic on lease from a Guardian of Life. Such a shame." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=9,32 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This broken slab of rock used to be your bed. Last time you slept on it you had a little accident due to your nightmares. It did not make for the most comfortable sleeping surface in the first place, but now you are pretty sure it would be greatly unadvisable for you to spend any significant amount of time lying on it. Not that your back would resent it enough to suffer any kind of permanent injury, anyway — your ability to regenerate biological parts is pretty intentionally limited compared to a naturally-born guardian, but you are still far sturdier than your pitiful victim here thanks to the various enhancements they made to your body. You suppose there are <i>some</i> advantages to having been disemboweled and implanted with an unnatural power source after all." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=8,32 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Your makeshift bed table. There is nothing remarkable about it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=11,33 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Just trash that has been lying around for ages. You are not going to touch it — who knows what kind of creatures have decided to make it their home." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=10,32 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Kendyare seems much brighter now than she did in life. You would take the poor woman with you, but it is probably safer here. Presumably nobody will ever find her and you will never have to worry about her deciding to wreak revenge on you for sweeping her out of the way like that. She is just going to spend an eternity here being even more useless than usual, assuming the place does not collapse first. That is not a troubling notion in the least, you tell yourself." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=8,32 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Your makeshift bed table. There is nothing remarkable about it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=9,33 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This is an old poetry book you found amongst some ruins unearthed in the Silver Lands. You used to dedicate your life to collecting every single piece of history you could salvage from the many remains of Golden Age civilizations, but after becoming a hybrid being your interests changed drastically. Things like poetry became pointless as they do not contribute to your plans in any way whatsoever, and yet... this book is still here." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=9,33 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS have_argans_missing_pages yes} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Do you want to pick the book up?" [option] label= _ "Yes." [command] {VARIABLE have_argans_missing_pages yes} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "You take the book. A few loose pages slide onto the floor, and you pick them up." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Of course. These are the pages you took from Argan’s journal some time after he became irreversibly incoherent." [/message] [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event] # # Final touchplate # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa x,y=14,12 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Once you enter that room, there will be no going back. Are you sure you want to proceed now?" [option] label= _ "Yes." [command] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] {PLACE_IMAGE items/altar-evil.png 14 5} {QUAKE (cave-in.ogg)} [terrain] terrain=Urb^Es x=13,14 y=12,11 [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Touchplate triggered. A wall moves." [/message] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=14,6 radius=6 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 14 8} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 14 6} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "This is all your fault, Argan." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I shouldn’t be the one to deal with this..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {INT_DISABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "No." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE current_goal,reprimands} [/event] [/scenario] #undef INT_CC #undef INT_CC_ACTIVATE_VISUALS #undef INT_MC #undef INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_EPILOGUE #undef INT_MEMORY_CUTSCENE_PROLOGUE #undef INT_END_MEMORY #undef INT_LIT_BRAZIERS #undef INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS #undef INT_UNLIT_BRAZIERS_ON_CHAMBER_EXIT #undef INT_COM_CHAMBER_SLF #undef INT_COM_TRIGGER_SLF #undef INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_CHAMBER #undef INT_SLF_BRAZIERS_ENTRANCE #undef INT_ILLUSION_STEP #undef INT_MAY_NOT_PASS #undef INT_DISABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES #undef INT_ENABLE_BREACH_SOUND_SOURCES #undef INT_DISABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES #undef INT_ENABLE_CAVE_SOUND_SOURCES #undef INT_PLAQUE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08B_Destiny_part_1 name= _ "Destiny — Part 1" {MAP 08B_Destiny_part_1.map} {TURNS 42 40 38} next_scenario=08C_Breakdown victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {H_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_1} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} # # Use the Endless Night ToD stats everywhere, but use different # local lighting depending on whether an area is outdoors or not. # Outdoors uses the default Endless Night lighting, which is # darker than the custom Indoors lighting so far used in all # Kalari interior scenarios. # {ENDLESS_NIGHT} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -10 -20 0} [event] name=prestart [time_area] id=outdoors # Durvan starting area x= 0-8, 1, 3, 5, 7,0-2,0 y=4-14,15,15,15,15, 3,2 [or] # Anya starting area x=27-39,29-36,31,35 y= 0-4, 5, 6, 6 [/or] [or] # High gardens x= 0-9 ,10-20,17-19,21-22, 23, 23, 0-10,14-18 y=23-32,30-40, 41,31-40,32-33,36-39,36-51, 29 [not] terrain=X*,X*^* [/not] [/or] {ENDLESS_NIGHT} [/time_area] [/event] {SET_LABEL 17 34 _"Feerelim’s Garden"} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Anya team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Anya" shroud=yes {GOLD 240 230 220} # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes # Start with an L3 because of our effectively nil art budget. type=Nightshade Fire # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human save_id=Durvan team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Durvan" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} shroud=yes {GOLD 250 240 230} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN} canrecruit=yes # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=3 team_name=evil # Bosses user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold #controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 75 80 85} # Village income should do the magic recruit=Chaos Gunner,Chaos Invader,Chaos Headhunter,Chaos Invoker canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Sharpshooter id=General Ramzal name= _ "General Ramzal" facing=nw [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chaos Magus) 22 32} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 140 160 175} recruit=Skeleton,Demon,Ghost,Chaos Bowman canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Mal Therygos name= _ "Mal Therygos" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Death Knight) 36 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Draug) 33 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 34 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghast) 20 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghast) 22 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Wraith) 19 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil # Guards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_ignores_keep yes} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Serpent Messenger) 17 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 26 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 33 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 19 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Stormtide) 14 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Stormtide) 20 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING ne} {GUARDIAN} [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=evil # Shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 23 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 37 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Worm) 50 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Worm) 47 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} #ifndef EASY {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 36 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 37 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {VARIATION surface} #else {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 36 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} #endif {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 32 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 27 40} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Rayblade) 25 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Drone) 28 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Drone) 32 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 11 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Protector Drone) 22 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 23 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 24 35} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 25 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 19 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 28 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 3} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({DIFF 3 2 2}) (type,facing,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",se,surface) 7 41 38} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({DIFF 3 2 2}) (type,facing,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",se,surface) 7 46 34} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({DIFF 3 2 2}) (type,facing,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",nw,surface) 7 55 39} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({DIFF 3 2 2}) (type,facing,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",nw,surface) 7 48 41} # This must correspond to the above spawner locations. #define INT_HIVE_ENTRANCE_LOCS x=41,46,55,48 y=38,34,39,41 #enddef [event] name=prestart [store_unit] [filter] {INT_HIVE_ENTRANCE_LOCS} [/filter] variable=delayed_hive_spawns kill=yes [/store_unit] {VARIABLE ramzal_taunted no} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1,2 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders to seize the keep")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_FULL_CARRYOVER} )} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=33,5 radius=6 )} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Durvan ne} {RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS 2 ()} [/event] [event] name=start {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 49 15} {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 33 5} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Anya s} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 34 5} # wmllint: recognize Ergea {RECALL_ERGEA_AT_LOCATION 32 5} # wmllint: recognize Cron {RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION 32 4} # wmllint: recognize Daeira {RECALL_DAEIRA_AT_LOCATION 34 4} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 33 3} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 s} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I’m not sure this is a good idea." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "This fortress is key to the defense of the Kalari region and guards an entrance to the underground complex. If we intend to assist Elynia..." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I know, I know. It just seems such a contrived plan. Do we have any idea who controls it at this particular time?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "No." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Durvan is meeting with us again soon. Let us not waste any more of his time." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Fair enough." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "I am concerned that sooner or later we are going to have to face against the Storm Sisters. We are rather ill-prepared for such a confrontation, but there is no helping it." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Who are they?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Zhangor’s loyal enforcers. Regrettably, they are from my own clan. We had... different ideas as to how to handle Zhangor’s rise to power. They opted to side with him, pledging their assassin skills to his service in order to ensure that my fellow stormkind and others do not step out of line. Shortly before battle I received reports indicating that they are roaming the skies of Kalari Central hunting down anyone suspected of rebellious conduct." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I imagine your head is quite highly priced right now." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Yes, it is. I am expecting them to be awaiting us in the fortress keep." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Bah, we will make short work of them, for sure!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto,attack [filter] side=1,2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] type=Shaxthal Turret x,y=23,16 [and] {UNIT_VISIBLE_FOR_SIDE 1} [or] {UNIT_VISIBLE_FOR_SIDE 2} [/or] [/and] [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [scroll_to] x,y=23,16 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That thing... are those... human... bodies... protruding from it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea # po: Fist: male (Zhangor) message= _ "Uria is feared for the habit of decorating her various temples and fortresses on Inferno with those who have foolishly dared to stand up against her. Long ago, she realized that torturing and killing rebels was not enough to make an example, so she began to use her Life powers in more... creative ways. She revels in inflicting unending pain to others, and so does her Fist." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea # po: Voice: male (Argan), Fire: female (Elyssa) message= _ "The Voice used his words to control the forces of Chaos, and the Fire used subtlety. While torture and bloodshed have been a common instrument for all three emissaries, Zhangor has opted for the unrestrained brutality that had previously marked his reign over the declining shapeshifters on Urvatha... and the children of Xia’el on Irdya." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Since he lacks the special connection with the Tree that Uria does have, he is limited to the possibilities offered by the technology Chaos had already appropriated for imitating her perverse creations. Unfortunately for his innocent victims, their fate is not any less horrifying or irreversible." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [event] name=last breath [filter] type=Shaxthal Turret [/filter] [message] speaker=Ergea scroll=no message= _ "The most we can do is to put them out of their misery." [/message] [/event] [/event] [event] name=turn 8 [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "You know, Anya... I think I’m finally getting used to the wolves. Granted, I’m still not keen on their awful breath." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "See? It’s not all that bad once you get to know them." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Yes, sure. I still wish Willow would stop stalking me, especially since half of the time that goblin follows. He’s in desperate need of a bath, that guy." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "To be fair, I haven’t bathed in a while either and you don’t seem to mind." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I— That’s... I mean, that’s not the same! Be— besides, you are surely going to do it as soon as you get the chance. Unlike <i>him</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "You are saying that only because he’s a goblin, aren’t you?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1,2 x=1-74 y=18-50 [/filter] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=24,34 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] [message] speaker=General Ramzal # po: 'Wose-born wench' referring to Elynia. message= _ "Ha ha ha, it is the Lady of Light’s apprentice, and the stormkind renegade! Oh well, seeing as how the Fist has his own plans for the wose-born wench, I may as well content myself with the corpses of these two as my trophies." [/message] [place_shroud] side=1,2 x,y=24,34 radius=2 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Ergea [filter_location] radius=8 [filter] id=General Ramzal [/filter] [/filter_location] [/filter] [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "Come and face me, wind witch! I’ve always been curious to see whether your kind has the guts to rise against their more powerful masters." [/message] {VARIABLE ramzal_taunted yes} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya [filter_location] radius=8 [filter] id=General Ramzal [/filter] [/filter_location] [/filter] [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "You are messing with the wrong crowd, little faerie. You should consider returning to whatever putrid bog you came from, before you get hurt!" [/message] {VARIABLE ramzal_taunted yes} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=General Ramzal [/filter] [filter_second] id=Ergea [/filter_second] [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "Disgusting double-crossing hag—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=General Ramzal [/filter] [filter_second] id=Anya [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "You should have returned to whatever filthy cavern you crawled out from!" [/message] [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "Damn you, miserable faerie-born creature—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] id=Cron [/filter] [filter_second] id=General Ramzal [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS ramzal_taunted yes} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Cron message= _ "Cron doesn’t like the foul-mouthed human and his annoying blast stick." [/message] [message] speaker=General Ramzal message= _ "Just what do you think you are doing with that ridiculous hammer?" [/message] [/event] # # Once Ramzal et al are dead, the gate to the last segment is opened. # [event] name=enemies defeated {REMOVE_EVENT_BARRIER ("*^Zz\,*^Zz/,*^Zz|,*^P*/,*^P*\,*^P*|") 24 39} [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "That disgusting human filth could not possibly be in command of this fortress alone. We ought to enter the keep and locate their true leader." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "As you say, then, but we should make this quick. I’ll lead the way." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1,2 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find the castellan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [event] name=moveto,attack [filter] side=1,2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] type=Shaxthal Turret x,y=37,44 [and] {UNIT_VISIBLE_FOR_SIDE 1} [or] {UNIT_VISIBLE_FOR_SIDE 2} [/or] [/and] [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=37,44 radius=4 )} [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=37,44 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=45,29} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1,2 x,y=49,15 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: The ‘Four’ are individuals of indeterminate genders. {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The Infertile Mother shall give birth to Four.")} # po: Except for the ‘Four’, these names refer to inanimate objects. {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "These Four shall seek shelter in the Second. The First shall be consumed, the Tree shall be infected.")} # po: These names also refer to inanimate objects. {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The missing Fifth shall provide knowledge. The Eleventh and the Twelfth shall provide hope.")} [/event] #define INT_SET_POS_ON_ID _CONTAINER _ID _X _Y _FACING [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS {_CONTAINER}+".id" {_ID} } [then] [set_variables] name={_CONTAINER} mode=merge [value] facing={_FACING} x={_X} y={_Y} [/value] [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] #enddef [event] name=die [filter] type=Shaxthal Turret x,y=37,44 [/filter] # Avoid defeat on last turn. [modify_turns] value=-1 [/modify_turns] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS side_number 1} [then] [event] name="turn $($turn_number + 1) refresh" delayed_variable_substitution=no [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/event] [end_turn][/end_turn] [/then] [else] [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=boss stage 1 {LOCK_VIEW} [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # Switch Durvan to side 1 for the duration of the boss fight. # Force him to wear blue TC for consistency. # [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="RC(magenta>blue)" [/effect] [/object] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Durvan side 1} # # Deactivate side 2. # [modify_side] side=2 controller=null [/modify_side] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1,2 # everywhere [/place_shroud] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [scroll_to] x,y=48,39 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [kill] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=2 [/not] [/kill] # Send everyone back to the recall list. {RESET_AND_SEND_TO_RECALL_LIST ( side=1,2 [not] id=Anya,Durvan,Ergea,Cron,Irylean,Igor [/not] )} # Take Daeira away from the recall list. She is NOT participating in # this boss fight. [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Daeira search_recall_list=yes [/have_unit] [then] [store_unit] [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] variable=daeira_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [/then] [/if] [store_unit] [filter] [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [and] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [/and] [/filter] variable=heroes_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [kill] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=2 [/not] [/kill] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=49,37 radius=12 [filter_radius] [not] terrain=Q*,Q*^*,G*,G*^*,Rp,Rp^* [/not] [not] x=0-83 y=0-29 [/not] [/filter_radius] [or] # East corner walls, not reached with r = 12. # We can't use r = 13 because that uncovers too # much to the south-west. x,y=62,35-36 [/or] )} # Ensure side 1 has at least 100 gold for recalls in the event that # the player's economy crashed at some point. [lua] code=<< if wesnoth.sides[1].gold < 100 then wesnoth.sides[1].gold = 100 end >> [/lua] {FADE_IN} [foreach] array=heroes_store variable=hero [do] {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Anya 46 39 ne} {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Irylean 45 39 ne} {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Durvan 45 38 ne} {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Ergea 48 39 ne} {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Cron 46 40 ne} {INT_SET_POS_ON_ID hero Igor 43 39 ne} [set_variables] name=hero mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$hero.max_hitpoints moves=$hero.max_moves attacks_left=$hero.max_attacks [/value] [/set_variables] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hero.status.uncovered} {CLEAR_VARIABLE hero.status.poisoned} {CLEAR_VARIABLE hero.status.slowed} {CLEAR_VARIABLE hero.status.petrified} [unstore_unit] variable="hero" [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heroes_store} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "This place is so unbearably bright even though the longest night isn’t over yet. Where does all this light come from?" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Ergea sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Hm." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Perhaps it’s some kind of beacon built into the ceiling structure whose light is directed at us using mirrors. I have heard of some temples in the North using that kind of trick, expensive as it may be." [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Don’t all these creatures worship darkness, though?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Ergea ne} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "That is incorrect. While Uria’s minions on Irdya were mostly Merthiaal worshipers for historical reasons, recently she has—" [/message] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [scroll_to] x,y=40,42 [/scroll_to] [terrain] terrain=Xos x=38-39,40,39-41 y= 42,42, 43 [/terrain] [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [place_shroud] side=1,2 x=37-38,39-40 y=42-43,43-44 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} [scroll_to] x,y=54,34 [/scroll_to] {QUAKE "cave-in.ogg"} {BOSS_AMBIENTANCE_LOOPING} [unit] canrecruit=yes side=6 type=Lumeril Glyph Mistress id=Hemérilyel name= _ "Hemérilyel" {IS_BOSS} max_moves,moves=0,0 facing=sw x,y=54,34 animate=yes [/unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [store_locations] [and] x,y=54,34 radius=1 [/and] [not] x,y=54,34 [/not] variable=glyph_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=glyph_locs variable=glyph [do] {RANDOM 1..4} [unit] side=6 type=Lumeril Glyph x,y=$glyph.x,$glyph.y animate=no variation="anim$random" [variables] previous_hitpoints=0 [/variables] [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyph_locs,random} {FLASH_WHITE ( [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] )} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [store_locations] {INT_HIVE_ENTRANCE_LOCS} variable=hive_entrance_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=hive_entrance_locs variable=loc [do] [terrain] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y terrain=Yhs^Xp [/terrain] [remove_shroud] side=1,2 x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y radius=1 [/remove_shroud] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hive_entrance_locs} [sound] name=gate-fall.ogg [/sound] [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Uria be damned... Why did it have to be you?" [/message] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS delayed_hive_spawns.length 4}) ("wrong number of stored spawns ($delayed_hive_spawns.length|)")} [foreach] array=delayed_hive_spawns [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE delayed_hive_spawns} [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1,2 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Vanquish Demon Lord Hemérilyel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # Someone will ask me about this otherwise so have Anya ask first. # [event] name=side 1 turn end [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS daeira_store.length 0} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Wait... Where did Daeira go?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Who?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "The water faerie! She was with us just a few moments ago!" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Water faerie?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Uh... Did I miss something? I don’t know who you’re talking about." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Argh, never mind! I’ll explain later." [/message] [/event] [/event] # # The glyphs are indestructible by units other than Anya. # Hemera remains invincible as long as the glyphs are intact. # [event] name=attack first_time_only=no [filter] [not] id=Anya [/not] [/filter] [filter_second] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph standard preattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack first_time_only=no [filter] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter] [filter_second] [not] id=Anya [/not] [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph standard preattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end,last breath first_time_only=no [filter] [not] id=Anya [/not] [/filter] [filter_second] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph standard postattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end,last breath first_time_only=no [filter] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter] [filter_second] [not] id=Anya [/not] [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph standard postattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name="lumeril glyph standard preattack" first_time_only=no # PRECONDITIONS: # * The primary unit is the Lumeril Glyph unit. # * The secondary unit belongs to side 1. {VARIABLE unit.variables.previous_hitpoints $unit.hitpoints} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] [event] name="lumeril glyph standard postattack" first_time_only=no # PRECONDITIONS: # * The primary unit is the Lumeril Glyph unit. # * The secondary unit belongs to side 1. [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN unit.variables.previous_hitpoints 0} [then] {VARIABLE unit.hitpoints $unit.variables.previous_hitpoints} {VARIABLE unit.variables.previous_hitpoints 0} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no {COLOR_HEAL} text= _ "absorbed damage" [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name="lumeril glyph standard postattack" first_time_only=yes id=lumeril_glyph_strategy_exposition # wmllint: ignore [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Hemérilyel is physically frail, but her magic is too strong. We must destroy her protection glyphs, but that may prove impossible without the assistance of someone who is as versed in the ways of Darkness as she is in the path of Light." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # wmllint: local spelling Er [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Er, why are you looking at me? Perhaps Anya should try instead?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] # # Damage inflicted on the crystals by Anya affects all of them. # [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [filter_second] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph anya postattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter] [filter_second] id=Anya [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="lumeril glyph anya postattack" [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name="lumeril glyph anya postattack" first_time_only=no # PRECONDITIONS: # * The primary unit is the Lumeril Glyph unit. # * The secondary unit is Anya. [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN unit.hitpoints 0} [then] [store_unit] [filter] type=Lumeril Glyph [not] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/not] [/filter] variable=glyphs_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=glyphs_store variable=glyph [do] {VARIABLE glyph.hitpoints $unit.hitpoints} [unstore_unit] variable=glyph find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE glyphs_store} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name="lumeril glyph anya postattack" first_time_only=yes [remove_event] id=lumeril_glyph_strategy_exposition # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "It’s working! Anya!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Excellent." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Lumeril Glyph [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [scroll_to_unit] id=Hemérilyel [/scroll_to_unit] [kill] type=Lumeril Glyph animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] id=Hemérilyel [/filter] variable=hemera_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE hemera_store.max_moves 6} {VARIABLE hemera_store.moves $hemera_store.max_moves} [unstore_unit] variable=hemera_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hemera_store} [sound] name=lich-die.ogg [/sound] {QUAKE ("thunderstick.ogg")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] # No, wmllint. Hemérilyel is a "Lumeril Glyph Mistress", not a "Lumeril Glyph". # She's not speaking in her own death event! # wmllint: deathcheck off [message] speaker=Hemérilyel message= _ "Is this the game you are playing now, Ergea? Allying yourself with this Irdyan scum so they can die for you?" [/message] # wmllint: deathcheck on {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Hemérilyel [/filter] [message] speaker=Hemérilyel message= _ "No... not the darkness... no... please!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Hemérilyel [/filter] [fire_event] name=boss stage 2 [/fire_event] [/event] # # The Deathbringers. # [event] name=boss stage 2 {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES ( id=Anya [or] id=Durvan [/or] [or] id=Ergea [/or] )} # # Drop Daeira back where she belongs. # [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS daeira_store.length 0} [then] [unstore_unit] variable=daeira_store x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE daeira_store} [/then] [/if] # # Switch Durvan back to side 2. # {MODIFY_UNIT id=Durvan side 2} # # Reactivate side 2. # [modify_side] side=2 controller=human [/modify_side] [fade_out_music] duration=1000 [/fade_out_music] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {QUAKE ("cave-in.ogg")} # # Deactivate hive spawns and kill them. # {VARIABLE spawner_controller_enabled no} [kill] side=7 [/kill] [store_locations] {INT_HIVE_ENTRANCE_LOCS} variable=hive_entrance_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=hive_entrance_locs variable=loc [do] [terrain] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y terrain=Xos [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1,2 x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y radius=1 [/place_shroud] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hive_entrance_locs} [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 08B_Destiny_part_1_1.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=66,28 radius=9 [or] x,y=59,32 radius=5 [/or] )} [redraw] side=1,2 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=68,27 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Look, it’s another garden!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 60 32} [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "There must be a way to open these walls again— Anya, where are you going?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=69,28 [/scroll_to] [terrain] terrain=^Ii x,y=69,28 layer=overlay [/terrain] {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 69 28} # triggers a redraw on 1.10 [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 64 30} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Ergea 63 30} [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I— All right. Durvan, can you help—" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Durvan 63 31} [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Oh, very well, then. I suppose Cron and Igor can help me—" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Oh, very well, then. I suppose Cron can help me—" [/message] [/else] [/if] [terrain] x=58-60,57-59 y=32 ,33 terrain=Xos [/terrain] {RESET_AND_SEND_TO_RECALL_LIST ( [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [not] id=Anya [/not] [not] id=Durvan [/not] [not] id=Ergea [/not] )} [place_shroud] side=1,2 x=36-54,55-56,57-58,59-60,61-62,63-64 y=30-45,31-45,32-45,33-45,34-45,35-45 [/place_shroud] [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 sw} [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ("rumble.ogg")} [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "What now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "This garden cannot physically be here — I fear that it might be an illusion cast by Zhangor." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya # po: Again, the Fire of Uria is Elyssa. message= _ "Didn’t you say he would be in the citadel fighting the Fire of Uria?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "More specifically, our Seer said—" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "No... That cannot be right." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] #define MSG_ZHANGOR_1 _MSG [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message="<i>"+{_MSG}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define MSG_ZHANGOR_2 _MSG [scroll_to] x,y=69,28 [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Zhangor" image=items/crystal-glyph-message.png message={_MSG} # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef {MSG_ZHANGOR_1 (_"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...")} [+message] sound=laugh.ogg [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "No..." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Who is there?!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MSG_ZHANGOR_1 (_"Did you truly think I would not find out about your plans, Ergea?")} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) ne} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Zhangor." [/message] {MSG_ZHANGOR_1 (_"Did you not know that I have my own informants everywhere throughout Urvatha? Of course I would make sure to subvert the Seer’s prophecy in advance.")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=69,28 [/scroll_to] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC ("overlive.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Anya, teleport us away from this place at once." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya # po: "... something blocking my [teleport] power." message= _ "I can’t! I am trying but there seems to be something—" [/message] {MSG_ZHANGOR_2 ( _ "Is it not appalling that the Lady of Light left a poor mixed-blood girl in charge of assisting a fallen Demon Lord with a death wish? You would expect more common sense from a creature who has lived for so long and seen so much. Then again, she came here seeking her own death.")} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Elynia..." [/message] {MSG_ZHANGOR_2 ( _ "You want her, don’t you? But her time has already expired, and the dark fire that took her will be extinguished next. I will deal with you all later... assuming anything remains by then.")} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [remove_item] x,y=69,28 [/remove_item] [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=72,25 [/scroll_to] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=sw x,y=72,25 animate=yes variation=cyclops [/unit] [scroll_to] x,y=59,30 [/scroll_to] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=ne x,y=59,30 animate=yes [/unit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Durvan) nw} [redraw][/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=64,32 [/scroll_to] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=nw x,y=64,32 animate=yes [/unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Are those...?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The same abominations he sent after Elorran. We could not be more unprepared for this encounter." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>muttering to herself</i>) Elynia, why couldn’t you be here, now..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [store_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] variable=durvan_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Ergea [/filter] variable=ergea_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [kill] id=Anya [or] type=Shaxthal Deathbringer [/or] [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {BLACK_SCREEN} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... I never thought it would come to this...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=66,28 [/scroll_to] {FADE_IN} [set_variables] name=durvan_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$($durvan_store.max_hitpoints * 0.25) facing=ne x,y=67,28 [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=durvan_store [/unstore_unit] [set_variables] name=ergea_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$($ergea_store.max_hitpoints * 0.40) facing=sw x,y=65,29 [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=ergea_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE durvan_store,ergea_store} [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=se x,y=66,26 [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=sw x,y=68,27 hitpoints=63 variation=cyclops [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=nw x,y=69,30 hitpoints=14 variation=beast [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=ne x,y=64,29 hitpoints=22 [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=ne x,y=65,32 variation=beast [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=ne x,y=62,28 hitpoints=74 [/unit] [unit] side=7 type=Shaxthal Deathbringer facing=ne x,y=61,31 variation=cyclops [/unit] [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} {INJURED_VARIATION_STATS} canrecruit=yes side=1 type=Nightshade Fire variation=injured x,y=66,28 facing=se [/unit] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... Why couldn’t we be together to face the end?</i>" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [store_unit] [filter] [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [/filter] variable=breakdown_cutscene_units # E3S8C destroys this container, so we want Ergea and Durvan to get # automatically stored in the recall list at the end. kill=no [/store_unit] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS breakdown_cutscene_units.length 0}) ("No cutscene units stored!")} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE ramzal_taunted} [/event] [/scenario] #undef INT_SET_POS_ON_ID #undef INT_HIVE_ENTRANCE_LOCS #undef MSG_ZHANGOR_1 #undef MSG_ZHANGOR_2 # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08C_Breakdown name= _ "Breakdown" {MAP 08C_Breakdown.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=08D_Destiny_part_2 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {I_DEATHS} {FINALE_AMLA_EVENTS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {STORYTXT_BREAKDOWN} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} {INDOORS_HIVE} #define INT_STANDARD_ENEMY_AI {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] #enddef # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Elynia team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {RAGGED_FLAG} shroud=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=yes [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} # High level enemies hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {INT_STANDARD_ENEMY_AI} [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} # Low level enemies hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {INT_STANDARD_ENEMY_AI} [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} # Shaxthals hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {INT_STANDARD_ENEMY_AI} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} controller=null # Doors hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elyssa" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=red controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=evil # Cutscene shaxthals user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] #undef INT_STANDARD_ENEMY_AI #define INT_FLASH_RED {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=100 [/delay] {BLACK_SCREEN} #enddef #define INT_RED_AURA [item] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] #enddef #define INT_REMOVE_RED_AURA [remove_item] image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/remove_item] #enddef #define INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER ({DIFF 4 3 2}) (type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",sw) 4 24 21} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 (type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",ne) 4 11 22} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,facing="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",se) 4 12 17} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 (type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",sw) 4 15 16} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 35 42} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 26 48} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 26 47} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 7 (type="Shaxthal Sentry Drone") 4 30 46} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 5 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 22 45} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 18 43} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 2 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 13 49} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 16 49} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 (type="Shaxthal Drone") 4 11 49} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 23 44} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 36 44} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 28 45} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 16 15} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 8 19} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 (type="Shaxthal Worm") 4 9 21} {BIND_UNIT_TO_UNIT_MOVEMENT_RANGE id=Elyssa id=Elynia} [event] name=prestart # # HACK: the spawner controller doesn't provide a clean interface # for post-prestart spawns, so we must juggle around its units # between the initial events so they are preserved after the # marshmallow girl cutscene. # [store_unit] [filter] side=4 [/filter] kill=yes variable=delayed_hive_spawns [/store_unit] [/event] # # Due to our map replacement during the start event for the purposes of # a short "meanwhile on the surface" cutscene, we must postpone the set-up # of elements such as [item]s and enemy [unit]s until later. This custom # event handler is invoked when we are ready to proceed with that. # [event] name=finalize scenario setup {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 30 23} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 34 21} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 34 25} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 39 24} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 14 49} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png~FL(horiz)") 44 43} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bones.png") 14 50} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 44 21} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/box.png") 51 16} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/barrel.png") 44 20} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/potion-green.png") 40 24} # # Restore hive spawns. # [foreach] array=delayed_hive_spawns [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE delayed_hive_spawns} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 21 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 14 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 41 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Rayblade) 49 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Demon) 60 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENDER male} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Demon) 54 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENDER female} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Magus) 58 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Psy Mindraider) 63 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Psy Crawler) 66 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Psy Crawler) 57 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Psy Crawler) 60 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Chaos Lorekeeper) 52 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Valdemon Basher) 44 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Valdemon Basher) 42 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Valdemon Basher) 41 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 39 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 42 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 41 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 44 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 46 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Chaos Invader) 43 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Gutwrencher Imp) 48 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Hellhound) 39 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Goliath) 45 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Automaton) 46 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Automaton) 45 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING n} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 55 32} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT 4 (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 25 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Nightgaunt) 46 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Nightgaunt) 47 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 (Shadow) 59 36} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [store_starting_location] side=2 [/store_starting_location] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 type=Armageddon Imp id="Jeru'unog" name= _ "Jeru’unog" x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [capture_village] side=2 # everywhere [/capture_village] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} # # Open passages at the start of the scenario. # [remove_terrain_overlays] x=22-24,28 y=22 ,24 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [modify_turns] {QUANTITY value 66 63 60} [/modify_turns] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 21 30} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 19 19} {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 27 11} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate the entrance to the lowest level")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE} )} [/event] [event] name=prestart {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS breakdown_cutscene_units.length 0}) ("No cutscene units stored! Did you skip E3S8B using debug mode?")} [kill] id=Elynia [/kill] [unit] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia variation=unknown_unit_type_label canrecruit=yes facing=ne to_variable=elynia_store [+modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] [dummy] id=aspect_of_earth [/dummy] [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] {BLACK_SCREEN} [/event] #define INT_TERRAIN_MOD_1 [terrain] x=24,24-25,26-27,27 y=34,35 ,36 ,37 terrain=Uh [/terrain] [terrain] x=25 y=36 terrain=Uu [/terrain] #enddef #define INT_TERRAIN_MOD_2 [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 08C_Breakdown_1.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] #enddef [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} [store_starting_location] side=1 [/store_starting_location] [scroll_to] x,y=$location.x,$location.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... The darkness...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... The silence...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... And then...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... The pain...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... A pain so strong...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=200 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=150 [/delay] {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=600 [/delay] [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=150 [/delay] [sound] name=magic-dark.ogg [/sound] [modify_side] side=1 hidden=no [/modify_side] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] # # This micro-delay is needed to ensure the sound source starts playing # before the next [message] is executed. # [delay] time=10 [/delay] {RESET_THEME} {RESET_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store x,y=$location.x,$location.y [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} {INT_RED_AURA} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<big>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!</big>" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} [delay] time=1500 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "The pain was excruciating. It was absolutely unlike any other pain I had ever felt. This pain was not just emotional. My very soul was coming apart at the seams. I closed my eyes and tried to wake up from what I wished were just a horrible nightmare...")} {INT_REMOVE_RED_AURA} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=100 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {INT_RED_AURA} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # po: 'Glare' is used here in the sense of a powerful light, not some creature's stare. {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... to no avail. Where darkness used to be, there was a powerful eye-piercing glare. The pain would not go away, no matter what I did. Instead, it was seeping through my veins and growing greater every passing instant. With my mind clouded by the horror, I could only think of one possible form of relief...")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Destruction.")} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [scroll_to] x,y=25,36 {WARP} [/scroll_to] {INT_TERRAIN_MOD_1} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=25,36 radius=4 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I felt compelled to give in to those dark urges. Perhaps if I released enough energy from my body, the pain would entirely vanish... or the dream world that held me captive would crumble away and I would be released back to reality...")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=29,30 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} {INT_TERRAIN_MOD_2} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {INT_REMOVE_RED_AURA} [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "My chest continued to burn with that energy. For a moment I considered jumping into the nearby abyss in an attempt to wake up. But that moment was cut short by a familiar presence.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Could it be?")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 29 30} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 29 28} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 27 27} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=15,31 radius=6 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=15,31 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [unit] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa side=6 x,y=15,31 facing=ne animate=yes [/unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "She was there, watching me from a distance, silent, smirking.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=16,30 animate=yes [/teleport] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "The next thing I knew, I was standing in front of her, about to blast her face like I did to that cave.")} [delay] time=100 [/delay] {INT_RED_AURA} [delay] time=150 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name=magic-faeriefire.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=50 [/delay] [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=200 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {INT_REMOVE_RED_AURA} [redraw][/redraw] [animate_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] flag=defense_half with_bars=yes [/animate_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Your recovery took longer than I expected. Save your energy for later, dear." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] # # Go through Elynia instead of finding a path # around her with MOVE_UNIT/[move_unit]! # [move_unit_fake] x=$elyssa_store.x,16,17 y=$elyssa_store.y,30,30 side=$elyssa_store.side type=$elyssa_store.type [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store x,y=17,30 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What have you done..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I would greatly prefer that you learned some self-constraint and resisted the temptation to blast everything in sight. Trust me, I have been there — I know what it feels like..." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... but I will not tolerate such displays of weakness from the predestined Guardian of Earth, and I will not hesitate to rip your heart out of your chest if you fail to show some respect for yourself." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... Guardian... of Earth..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ah yes, I almost forgot — you are still a stupid and ignorant elf. I still don’t understand how you lived for longer than any of us and yet your awakening has only just taken place. Then again, you were blessed by Iluvia..." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yes, that must be it. The powers conferred by the Union atrophied your heart." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... What... am I?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "An abomination. A creature that violates the laws of nature for the purpose of protecting it in some way. That’s the farce set up by the First Gods. Your energy heart draws from an unlimited power source and provides you with vast potential according to the aspect that Irdya’s seed itself assigned to you: some degree of control over earth, absolute command of the arcane flame and all the creatures whose life force is based on it, and immortality at an inconvenient cost." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Didn’t you ever wonder why no other elves had your unprecedented affinity with the faerie realm? Why your abnormally long life has been an endless strife? Why you could never conceive children? Why every single person you ever loved died?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... The necromancer... The necromancer I vanquished..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Argan told me about that. Just another conceited sorcerer with his mouth full of air in the end. People tend to overestimate the dying words of those skilled in the forbidden arts, mostly out of fear. No, my dear, you were always cursed before even meeting that insignificant necromancer. You could even say Irdya herself cursed you, and that would not be entirely inaccurate." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Every guardian that has existed shares your curse. Even I do, in spite of my condition as an unwilling usurper." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Why did you not kill me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Because that would be a terrible waste of potential. Trust me, I could not wish harder for the day your soul is permanently destroyed, but this is not the most appropriate moment for that." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ah yes, I forgot to mention that clause... Naturally-born guardians like you awaken once their soul fully merges with their energy heart, and the only way to kill a guardian is through their heart, so... (<i>smirking</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I should destroy you right now. You are the abomination, not me." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And then who would help you fight our common enemy? Do you even know what turned him into the monster you fought in Wesmere?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Zhangor? Ergea said he is a shapeshifter. Isn’t that the true form of a shapeshifter?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ha, ha, your ignorance is as limitless as the powers you will eventually master and use against me. No, shapeshifters do not have a true form beyond that which they individually choose for themselves; granted, they are nearly indistinguishable from humans or elves during childhood." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Zhangor chose a form that is as hideous as his soul. He might have taken some inspiration from the Gatekeeper he slew in Urvatha — the Gatekeeper whose heart he consumed and absorbed into his body." [/message] # # BEGIN SUB-CUTSCENE # [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_noise} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] [store_shroud] side=1 variable=shroud_store [/store_shroud] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] # # Temporarily switch side 2 to the player's team so Durvan # doesn't look weird. # [modify_side] side=2 team_name=good [/modify_side] [replace_map] map="{LE /maps/08B_Destiny_part_1.map}" expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw][/redraw] {VARIABLE ax 0} {VARIABLE ay 0} [foreach] array=breakdown_cutscene_units variable=bc_unit [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS bc_unit.id Anya} [then] {VARIABLE ax $bc_unit.x} {VARIABLE ay $bc_unit.y} [hidden_unit] side=1 # wmllint: recognize Anya id=Anya name=" " # wmllint: ignore type=Anya Cutscene Controller x,y=$ax,$ay facing=se moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/hidden_unit] [/then] [else] # # HACK: workaround a situation I need to solve in E3S8B causing # breakdown_cutscene_units to contain the previous scenario's # recall lists. # [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN bc_unit.x 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN bc_unit.y 0} [then] {VARIABLE bc_unit.moves 0} {VARIABLE bc_unit.attacks_left 0} [unstore_unit] variable=bc_unit [/unstore_unit] [hide_unit] x,y=$bc_unit.x,$bc_unit.y [/hide_unit] [/then] [/if] [/else] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] {BUG_ON ( {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS ax 0} [or] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS ay 0} [/or] ) ()} {CLEAR_VARIABLE breakdown_cutscene_units} [store_map_dimensions][/store_map_dimensions] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store x,y=$($map_size.width-2),1 [/unstore_unit] [hide_unit] id=Elynia [/hide_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store x,y=$($map_size.width-1),1 [/unstore_unit] [hide_unit] id=Elyssa [/hide_unit] {SET_THEME {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI}} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=$ax,$ay radius=7 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] # # Try to ensure the viewport is focused on Anya. Of course, this doesn't work well in 1.10 # if the player moves the viewport. # [scroll_to] x,y=$ax,$ay {WARP} [/scroll_to] {FADE_IN} #define INT_UNHIDE_CUTSCENE_UNITS [unhide_unit] [not] id=Elyssa [/not] [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/unhide_unit] #enddef {INT_UNHIDE_CUTSCENE_UNITS} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=2500 [/delay] # # The marshmallow's animations are part of the unit type's WML. We use # the recruit animations for this purpose # #define INT_ANIMATE_ANYA _STEP_NUMBER [kill] x,y=$ax,$ay animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [unit] side=1 id=Anya name=" " # wmllint: ignore type=Anya Cutscene Controller x,y=$ax,$ay facing=se animate=yes # No wmllint, the next line does not have any translation marks. variation="animation_step_"+{_STEP_NUMBER} # wmllint: ignore moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/unit] #enddef #define INT_FLASH_PURPLE {COLOR_ADJUST 97 81 110} {COLOR_ADJUST 193 162 221} {COLOR_ADJUST 48 41 55} {COLOR_ADJUST 0 0 0} #enddef [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "True shapeshifters were never meant to become guardians. Every creature was created in such way they could be eliminated should they represent a peril to the balance of nature, but the oldest shapeshifters defy that rule, as you undoubtedly realized after dealing with Zhangor. Combined with the heart of a guardian, they may also defy the soul clause by turning the entirety of their nigh indestructible bodies into their hearts." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {INT_FLASH_PURPLE} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "We should be thankful that the girl you took under your wing does not have the same grandiose aspirations as our delightful Demon Lord." [/message] {INT_ANIMATE_ANYA 2} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "Wh— Anya... What is she?" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {INT_ANIMATE_ANYA 3} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {INT_ANIMATE_ANYA 4} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "She is a thing we mistakenly assumed would never exist." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Durvan sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Ergea ne} [redraw][/redraw] {INT_ANIMATE_ANYA 5} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "She is the true Guardian of Darkness of the Second Cycle." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {COLOR_ADJUST 100 100 100} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 08B_Destiny_part_1_2.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=150 [/delay] [sound] name=magic-dark.ogg [/sound] [kill] id=Anya [/kill] [hidden_unit] side=1 id=Anya name=" " # wmllint: ignore type=Anya Cutscene Controller x,y=$ax,$ay facing=se # skip the recruit animation for this one variation="animation_step_6" moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/hidden_unit] {RESET_SCREEN} {INT_UNHIDE_CUTSCENE_UNITS} [redraw][/redraw] [store_unit] [filter] type=Shaxthal Deathbringer [/filter] variable=deathbringers_store kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=deathbringers_store variable=deathbringer [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM damage 22..74} [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$deathbringer.x,$deathbringer.y [/filter] amount=$damage kill=no animate=no [/harm_unit] [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_HIT} [/sound] [delay] time=25 [/delay] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE deathbringers_store} [scroll_to] x,y=$ax,$ay [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 08B_Destiny_part_1_3.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name="animation_step_7" [/effect] [/object] [item] x,y=$ax,$ay halo=halo/lighthouse-aura.png [/item] {RESET_SCREEN} {INT_UNHIDE_CUTSCENE_UNITS} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Ergea sw} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Durvan ne} [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [kill] type=Shaxthal Deathbringer [filter_location] terrain=Q*,Q*^* [/filter_location] animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "I do not know how she came into existence, seeing as how the seed on Yrathid was said to have been absorbed by Merthiaal. Then again, it is just as troubling that the Uria we all know exists, as well as your counterpart on Silida. Who really knows what was going through the heads of the three goddesses who ended and restarted it all." [/message] [remove_item] x,y=$ax,$ay [/remove_item] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ax,ay} [redraw][/redraw] [kill][/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} # # Revert side 2 to the bad guys' team. # [modify_side] side=2 team_name=evil [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [replace_map] map="{LE /maps/08C_Breakdown.map}" expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] {INT_TERRAIN_MOD_1} {INT_TERRAIN_MOD_2} [redraw][/redraw] {RESET_THEME} [set_shroud] side=1 shroud_data=$shroud_store [/set_shroud] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shroud_store} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {FADE_IN} # # Recreate ELynia using her regular variation so # her unit type name is the correct one on the sidebar. # This also restores her guardian ability set. # [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=yes side=1 x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y facing=$elynia_store.facing [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store,elyssa_store} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # END SUB-CUTSCENE # [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is another Guardian of Earth like me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # NOTE: we use 'on' here because the 'land' is actually the entire world # of Silida. message= _ "I would hardly call her such. Her pact with Uria requires her to sit idle in her stupid faerie land being generally useless. Granted, she did secretly guide Argan so we would find you, and so I would ‘kill’ you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "It is rather disappointing, really. I am fairly certain she would be a more competent aid than you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What do you want me to do?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "First, we must destroy Zhangor, together. Then, we can decide who gets to inherit Irdya through an old-fashioned duel between just the two of us." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What... do you intend to do with Anya?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "She can be my apprentice if she wishes. Otherwise, she can live as long as she doesn’t try to interfere with my own plans. " [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is said that Uria wants to invade that world, Ethea; that she might find a way to harness the Union, and you intend to sit here and do nothing other than solving your irrelevant quarrel with Zhangor?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "It is not as irrelevant as you think. Anyway, Uria has various options to choose from on Ethea, and I suspect she will opt for all of them: the body of the Union, for starters; then there is the Seed of Life, and whoever the goddesses designated as the rightful heiress of the Aspect of Life, if anyone at all. But Uria will not be alone in her quest, for the new Guardian of Water on Norsula also plans business with Ethea. In fact, he is already there." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "In the worst case, one will win and reshape our reality at their whim. In the best case, they will only manage to destroy themselves along with Ethea. It is pretty pointless to intervene either way. Uria promised to me I would inherit this world before she decided to exhume the present you left for her, and now that she will be too busy confronting the Norsulan and his forces..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You may call me ignorant and stupid, but I don’t fail to notice you refer to Uria with disdain. What is stopping you from taking her on directly? Have you been on her side all this time merely because you fear her?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "She stood still for a moment, pondering my words. Her reaction was delayed and mechanical; she pushed me with her strange weapon, and both my chest and the weapon’s core glowed with the color of blood. A familiar feeling of void followed. While the pain in my body diminished, I felt weaker and barely able to stand. Still, I could recognize the energy expelled by the artifact.")} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Do not forget who is in charge, my dear. I can end your life in an instant if you decide to be uncooperative. We are doing this on <i>my</i> terms." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>gasping for air</i>) ... I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And from now on, you shall remain completely silent unless I require you to speak. Do you understand?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Of course you do." [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elyssa side 1} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa ne} [fire_event] name=finalize scenario setup [/fire_event] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Hook into the bind spell moveto handler for some dialogue. # [event] name=immobilize bound unit # This handler always affects Elynia, and she's always immobilized # after its counterpart in BIND_UNIT_TO_UNIT_MOVEMENT_RANGE runs. # We don't need further conditions here. [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP id=Elyssa _"bind"} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia scroll=no message= _ "Ugh—" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I forgot to mention that you are also bound to follow me wherever I go, all thanks to a very simple spell. If you attempt to escape you’ll just feel even <i>more</i> pain. And you surely do not want that, do you?" [/message] [/event] # # Potion of yuck. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=40,24 [/filter] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [transient_message] caption= _ "Potion of Dreadful Taste" image=icons/potion_green_medium.png sound=potion.ogg message= _ "Yuck!" [/transient_message] [/event] # # Message glyphs # [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=30,23 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The Aspects of Darkness and Light are both interwoven in the very fabric of our reality. Although the powers they confer are often underestimated on their own, the combination of either aspect with any other can have formidable effects. It is generally agreed that the combination of Darkness and Light in particular serves as a connection to the power of the Union — a power most intimately related to Creation itself.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=34,21 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Life draws from Light and Darknesss, Existence draws from Darkness and Light. Fire and Water oppose each other just as Creation and Destruction do. Thunder and Ice are opposites in the same sense as Earth and Air complement each other.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "All the aspects that govern our universe are closely related and equally important to the continuance of reality. Their roles are as flexible as necessary to accomplish the ultimate goal of preserving the First Gods’ legacy, no matter the cost.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=34,25 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: “To brook” below is used in an obsolete sense; namely # po: “to use/enjoy/have the full employment of” (from wiktionary). # po: It also serves as a pun. {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Fire forges knowledge. Light wards knowledge. Darkness craves knowledge. Water brooks knowledge.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=39,24 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Guardian-class beings are distinguished by the existence of a special organ in their bodies called the Energy Heart. The organ acts as a virtuallly unlimited source of energy and sustenance for the creature, able to keep it alive under circumstances that would otherwise result in permanent damage or even death. In fact, the host body can suffer any kind of injuries and they will be gradually healed by the Energy Heart, the healing rate depending on the severity of the damage as well as the host’s contamination level. The organ goes through its own growth and maturation process independent from the host body. Norsulan studies conducted on the Seed of Fire during the Second Cycle have shown that it is possible to artificially grow the organ in the bodies of non-Guardians, albeit with disastrous effects. An alternative approach was used to build the first prototype of an artificial Guardian, keeping the Energy Heart in a separate insulated container with a direct pathway to the host’s nervous system, and an electronic control unit.")} {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The research subjects were all deceased Norsulans, and none of them managed to establish a stable connection with their Energy Hearts. It is suspected that there is a less evident connection between the body, Energy Heart, and spirit of a real Guardian that allows them to fully control their three constituent parts — a connection to the seed that gave them birth, and the Greater Design laid out first by Yarae, and then by Delethia.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=14,49 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] {MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The Orbs of Light and Darkness do not just allow those blessed by Iluvia to summon the Union itself. Given every aspect’s individual affiliation with either path, it may be possible to use the Orbs as instruments to tap into the powers of the other aspects. As the first Avatar of the Union herself, Iluvia made use of this mechanism to aid Uria and Xia’el in destroying every other corrupted guardian before banishing Yarae from our universe.")} [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] race=shaxthal [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Why are you attacking me?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=attack end [filter] race=shaxthal [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yet another of Zhangor’s tricks. He really pays attention to detail, but turning every single one of my allies against me will not suffice to stop me." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The Union was not enough to destroy that demon." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I thought I commanded you to remain silent." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "If you truly wanted to kill me you would have done so already. You want my help against Zhangor, but there is nothing I can offer that you do not already have. You even have the Ruby of Fire!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "A weapon. A catalyst of destruction that is much safer to use for our kind than our own inner power. I intend to tear Zhangor apart with it, but the fact that he is a creature of both light and darkness puts me at a disadvantage. To counteract his power I need the assistance of someone well versed in the path of Light, and he knows that; hence he secured the support of Demon Lord Hemérilyel and her subordinates and brought them with him." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "As the Lady of Light you used to be, you understand the powers of light better than I do, and you control an aspect that is also affiliated with it." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 end [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Ergea said I would find a power beneath Kalari that would allow us to turn the tide of war in our favor and purge Uria’s influence from Irdya. Was she... lying?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That demoness asked our Seer many things and failed to understand nearly all of them. About the particular thing you ask, she was... right, in a way." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The power to end this was always within you, dear. Who knows how things would have turned out if you had healed Argan instead of killing him! The Lady of Light and the Master of Darkness, wielding the Union <i>and</i> the Aspect of Earth against Uria! But since you did not follow that road, you might as well say I am the power you sought." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 4 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You sound decidedly bitter whenever you mention Argan. What is..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "None of your business. Keep your mouth shut." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 5 end [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Why do you want Irdya so much?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Will you ever stop asking questions?" [/message] [/event] # # Fire in the hole etc. # [event] name=blast event wall first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS blast_source.x 0} [or] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS blast_source.y 0} [/or] [/filter_condition] {BUG ("Blast location undefined!")} [/event] [event] name=blast event wall first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS blast_source.x 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS blast_source.y 0} [/filter_condition] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [store_locations] x,y=$blast_source.x,$blast_source.y radius=1 variable=blast_targets [/store_locations] [foreach] array=blast_targets variable=blast_target [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_CONTAINS blast_target.terrain Xos} [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_CONTAINS blast_target.terrain Xos^Efs} [/or] [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_CONTAINS blast_target.terrain Xu} [/or] [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM blast_terrain Uh,Uu,Uu^Es,Rb^Es,Rb} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE_RANDOM blast_terrain Rb^Es,Rb} [/else] [/if] [terrain] x,y=$blast_target.x,$blast_target.y terrain=$blast_terrain [/terrain] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blast_terrain} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD (find_in="blast_targets")} [scroll_to] x,y=$blast_source.x,$blast_source.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [harm_unit] [filter] [filter_location] find_in=blast_targets [/filter_location] [not] side=1 [/not] [/filter] {QUANTITY amount 10 8 6} damage_type=impact kill=yes animate=yes fire_event=yes [/harm_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blast_targets} [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] #define INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL _X _Y {VARIABLE blast_event_prefix $unit.id} # # Set blast_event_prefix to 'elynia' or 'elyssa' accordingly. # [lua] code= << wml.variables.blast_event_prefix = string.lower(wml.variables.blast_event_prefix) >> [/lua] [fire_event] name="$blast_event_prefix blast event wall dialog 1" [/fire_event] {VARIABLE blast_source.x {_X} } {VARIABLE blast_source.y {_Y} } [fire_event] name=blast event wall [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blast_source} [fire_event] name="$blast_event_prefix blast event wall dialog 2" [/fire_event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blast_event_prefix} #enddef [event] name=elynia blast event wall dialog 1,elyssa blast event wall dialog 1 first_time_only=yes # wmllint: local spelling teleporting [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The underground portion of this citadel is larger than you may have suspected, and it can take a whole day to cover it entirely. Teleporting around here is an impossibility since your last intrusion, so we’ll need to create some shortcuts ourselves." [/message] [/event] [event] name=elyssa blast event wall dialog 1 first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I haven’t done this in a while." [/message] [/event] [event] name=elyssa blast event wall dialog 2 first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] {INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "If the demoness’ unsettling grin is any indication, destroying things is as stimulating for her as it is for me. I suppose that is the curse of our kind. What were the First Gods’ intentions when entrusting their precious creation to such flawed stewards?")} [/event] [event] name=elynia blast event wall dialog 1 first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Destroy that wall." [/message] [/event] [event] name=elynia blast event wall dialog 2 first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Excellent. You will eventually learn to focus your energy for more productive purposes." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "That is a vain hope, of course. You really do not believe the elf will ever attain a greater degree of control over her aspect; she is just too incompetent for the burden. You can only wonder why events conspired to make her the heiress of Irdya instead of someone more mentally and emotionally fit." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=22-28,23-28 y= 9-12,13-14 [/filter] {INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL 30 10} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=49-58 y=19-25 [/filter] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=53,22 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=55,23 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That crack was not there before. But it matters little — we can continue descending by our own means. There is another corridor right below this area if I’m not mistaken..." [/message] {INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL 48 21} [scroll_to] x,y=47,22 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That should do just fine. There is an underground river just adjacent to the corridor that we can follow." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=44-46 y=23-28 [/filter] {INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL 47 26} [/event] # # Enable recruitment of Fire Wraiths when entering # the underground river passage. # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elyssa x=49-57 y=26-35 [/filter] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "This passage leads to another corridor where we will surely find more opposition. It might be a good idea to summon some help to clear the path ahead." [/message] {ENABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} [event] name=victory {DISABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} [/event] [transient_message] image=units/monsters/firewraith/firewraith.png message= _ "Elyssa can now summon Fire Wraiths." [/transient_message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate the entrance to the lowest level")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [/event] # # Activate side 2 recruitment when approaching the last corridor. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=59-70 y=39-45 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [modify_side] side=2 hidden=no {GOLD 100 115 130} recruit=Demon,Imp,Chaos Invoker,Chaos Headhunter [/modify_side] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Demon Grunt) 46 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Demon Zephyr) 47 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Demon Grunt) 45 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [message] speaker="Jeru'unog" message= _ "Cowards! The Fire must be extinguished for her betrayal! Go, find her!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That must be yet another of those minor Demon Lords. I wonder what kind of story Zhangor made up for them." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You <i>are</i> betraying Uria by plotting against Zhangor." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Only if she wants to put it in that light. Ergea explained to you how the succession system works on Urvatha; did you forget?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Not really. But I would appreciate it if you stopped reading my thoughts and memories at every opportunity." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Vanquish Demon Lord Jeru’unog")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id="Jeru'unog" [/filter] [message] speaker="Jeru'unog" message= _ "Defeated by a faerie and a human! How can this be?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Jeru'unog" [/filter] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I am <b>not</b> human." [/message] # # For simplicity, INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL does not support swapping the # primary unit, so we must do so through a separate event. # [fire_event] name=blast final wall [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate the entrance to the lowest level")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [/event] [event] name=blast final wall {INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL 39 44} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=14 y=37-41 [/filter] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_noise} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... So, you obtain the power of a god and still manage to drag your feet all over the place for an eternity? Seriously? You don’t even walk!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] #undef INT_TERRAIN_MOD_1 #undef INT_TERRAIN_MOD_2 #undef INT_RED_AURA #undef INT_REMOVE_RED_AURA #undef INT_FLASH_RED #undef INT_FLASH_PURPLE #undef INT_ANIMATE_ANYA #undef INT_BLAST_EVENT_WALL #undef INT_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS #undef INT_UNHIDE_CUTSCENE_UNITS # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=08D_Destiny_part_2 name= _ "Destiny — Part 2" {MAP 08D_Destiny_part_2.map} {TURNS 48 46 44} next_scenario=09_Dark_Depths victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {J_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_2} {ENDLESS_NIGHT} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Anya team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Anya" {GOLD 440 430 420} # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Anya # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human save_id=Durvan team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Durvan" {ALLIANCE_FLAG} {GOLD 350 340 330} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN} canrecruit=yes # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define INT_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY [+unit] [+modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_TEXT_ONLY} [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef [side] side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Iron Council" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 60 70 80} recruit=Demon,Chaos Invader,Chaos Raider,Chaos Invoker canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id="Mal Ba'arth" name= _ "Mal Ba’arth" facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Warrior) 45 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Demon Warrior) 47 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 47 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 50 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 51 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 53 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 37 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING s} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 45 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Lumeril Guard) 46 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Lumeril Guard) 48 29} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} # These four are placed in order to discourage units flying across the river. {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 14 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 6 2} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 23 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 37 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING s} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 46 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 36 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 40 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 40 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 47 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 49 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 54 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 56 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 56 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 60 16} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 62 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 58 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 60 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} # Not guardians {GENERIC_UNIT () (Serpent Messenger) 51 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Serpent Messenger) 55 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Serpent Messenger) 49 25} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Armageddon Imp) 55 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Armageddon Imp) 45 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} [unit] id=Vrylla name= _ "Vrylla" type=Demon Slashing Gale x,y=57,31 gender=female upkeep=free facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Grylla name= _ "Grylla" type=Demon Slashing Gale x,y=62,30 gender=female upkeep=free facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] id=Aethengrya name= _ "Aethengrya" type=Demon Slashing Gale x,y=63,32 gender=female upkeep=free facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 61 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal War Drone) 59 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 62 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 60 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 59 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 14 3} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 20 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 27 4} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 28 4} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 16 7} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 21 3} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 21 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 52 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 55 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Enforcer Drone) 62 56} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 57 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 61 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 64 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 65 53} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {VARIATION surface} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 1 10} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Assault Drone) 3 15} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING se} [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 65 80 95} recruit=Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Headhunter canrecruit=yes type=Hell Guardian id=Tremor name= _ "Tremor" [modifications] {TRAIT_SLOW} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 100 110 120} recruit=Ghoul,Skeleton Archer,Demon,Shaxthal Razorbird canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Lorekeeper id=Mal Wufnen name= _ "Mal Wufnen" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 90 100 110} recruit=Chaos Hound,Chaos Bowman,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Chaos Headhunter canrecruit=yes type=Demon Spelldancer id=Zhanethes name= _ "Zhanethes" [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 80 90 100} recruit=Imp,Vampire Bat,Ghost,Demon,Skeleton Archer canrecruit=yes type=Ancient Lich id=Mal Unroth name= _ "Mal Unroth" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 33 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 55 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 48 34} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 40 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 40 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ixthala Fire Dancer) 45 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} [/side] [side] side=8 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 110 120 130} recruit=Chaos Raider,Chaos Gunner,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invoker canrecruit=yes type=Chaos Razerman id=General Penthein name= _ "General Penthein" [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=9 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Kalari" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 100 110 120} recruit=Chaos Headhunter,Imp,Skeleton Archer,Skeleton canrecruit=yes type=Death Knight id=General Mylean name= _ "General Mylean" [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 42 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 42 32} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 38 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 34 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 35 40} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 35 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 8 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Chocobone) 33 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Banebow) 39 18} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Banebow) 49 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Banebow) 20 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Draug) 17 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Draug) 21 23} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [/side] [side] side=10 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=brightgreen {NO_ECONOMY} no_leader=yes hidden=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [goal] name=protect_location value=100 protect_radius=6 [criteria] x,y=50,18 # The citadel keep [/criteria] [/goal] [/ai] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 3} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 6 4} {STARTING_VILLAGES 7 8} {STARTING_VILLAGES 8 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 9 3} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 39 33} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 40 34} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 45 29} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 47 30} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 39 17} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 35 17} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 38 24} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing.png 37 26} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-uria-standing-sw.png 51 18} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock3.png 63 54} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rock2.png 57 51} {PLACE_IMAGE items/scarecrow.png 25 29} {PLACE_IMAGE items/scarecrow.png 9 25} {PLACE_IMAGE items/grain-sheaf.png 23 29} {PLACE_IMAGE items/bones.png 55 54} {PLACE_IMAGE "items/bones.png~FL(horiz)" 16 16} {PLACE_IMAGE items/bones.png 10 9} #define INT_PLAYER_HELPER _WML [unit] {_WML} upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} [+modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef #define INT_PILLAGER _X _Y {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=2 x={_X} y={_Y} random_traits=yes generate_name=yes facing=ne type=Goblin Pillager )} #enddef #define INT_FORCE_OBJECTIVES_REFRESH [fire_event] name=force objectives refresh [/fire_event] #enddef [event] name=force objectives refresh first_time_only=no # # HACK: # # Works around AtS issue #66 in Wesnoth 1.14.x by forcing objectives to # be fully refreshed each time instead of relying on [show_if]'s # advertised semantics to work properly past turn save loads. # # Previously we'd use [objectives] in prestart and [show_objectives] in # the middle of the scenario. # {OBJECTIVES ( side=1,2 victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Destroy Mal Ba’arth, the last Iron Council member, and move Anya to the citadel")} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_council no})} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Storm Sisters (Vrylla, Grylla, and Aethengrya)")} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_sisters no})} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Anya to the citadel")} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ( {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_council yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_sisters yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.seize_citadel no } )} {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY_END_OF_TURNS} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.seize_citadel yes})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Anya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Durvan")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Irylean")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Ergea")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Cron")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_SHOW_IF ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.seize_citadel no})} {OBJECTIVE_FULL_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The citadel comprises the starting location for Mal Ba’arth and the immediately adjacent keep (not castle) hexes at (50, 18)")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "It could prove advantageous to defeat other enemy leaders and move Anya or Ergea to their keeps before destroying Mal Ba’arth")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Avoid stationing units on the Shaxthal hives nearby")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Do not waste your Goblin Pillagers")} )} [/event] [event] name=prestart [set_variables] name=e3s8d_objectives_status mode=replace [literal] defeat_council=no seize_citadel=no defeat_sisters=no defeat_other_enemy_leaders=no [/literal] [/set_variables] # Daeira should have been returned to the recall list at the end of the # boss fight sequence in E3S8B. This is here just in case that didn't # happen (debug mode?). [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS daeira_store.length 0} [then] [unstore_unit] variable=daeira_store x,y=recall,recall [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE daeira_store} [/then] [/if] [capture_village] side=1 x=14,19,18,18 y=37,40,43,46 [/capture_village] [capture_village] side=2 x=12, 6, 2, 6, 5 y=47,47,45,43,55 [/capture_village] [kill] id=Anya [/kill] [unit] # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Anya facing=ne side=1 placement=leader # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Irylean {RECALL_IRYLEAN_AT_LOCATION 14 42} # wmllint: recognize Ergea {RECALL_ERGEA_AT_LOCATION 13 42} # wmllint: recognize Cron {RECALL_CRON_AT_LOCATION 12 41} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 4 43} # wmllint: recognize Daeira {RECALL_DAEIRA_AT_LOCATION 9 39} # # Workaround for recall issues in E3S8B (FIXME) # [modify_unit] [filter] id=Cron,Irylean,Igor [/filter] moves=$this_unit.max_moves [/modify_unit] {RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS 2 ()} {RECALL_SIDE_UNITS_AT 1 (race=merman) 6 36} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Faerie Dryad id=Meeryn name= _ "Meeryn" x,y=12,39 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Faerie Dryad id=Anelith name= _ "Anelith" x,y=9,46 [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} [if] [have_unit] id=Daeira [/have_unit] [then] {LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_SINGULAR_UNIT id=Anelith,Meeryn} [/then] [/if] {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Saurian Soothsayer id=Sharazkas name= _ "Sharazkas" facing=ne x,y=21,44 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Saurian Soothsayer id=Eressin name= _ "Eressin" facing=ne x,y=19,38 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Demon Spelldancer id=Domegi name= _ "Domegi" facing=ne x,y=8,39 [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=1 type=Saurian Flanker id=Issylias name= _ "Issylias" facing=ne x,y=6,45 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=2 type=Orcish Warlord id=Nortrang name= _ "Nortrang" x,y=7,41 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=2 type=Direwolf Rider id=Fernol name= _ "Fernol" x,y=10,47 [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] )} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=2 type=Orcish Slayer id=Acengrez name= _ "Acengrez" x,y=16,41 [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] )} {INT_PILLAGER 3 39} {INT_PILLAGER 4 40} {INT_PILLAGER 2 40} {INT_PILLAGER 4 41} {INT_PILLAGER 7 54} {INT_PILLAGER 8 55} {INT_PILLAGER 6 56} {INT_PILLAGER 3 55} {INT_PILLAGER 2 48} {INT_PILLAGER 4 49} {INT_PILLAGER 18 48} {INT_PILLAGER 16 48} {INT_PILLAGER 13 52} {INT_PILLAGER 12 53} {INT_PLAYER_HELPER ( side=2 type=Orcish Slurbow id=Bogar name= _ "Bogar" x,y=6,52 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] )} {FACE_DIRECTION side=1,2 ne} {INT_FORCE_OBJECTIVES_REFRESH} [/event] #define INT_ANYA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Anya" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef [event] name=start {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "battle-epic.ogg"} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "For the last time, Durvan, I am <b>not</b> a goddess! This is ridiculous!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Well... there’s not much you can do about it at this point, anyway. Everyone saw the darkness stuff you did with the remaining monsters, and rumors spread like—" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "A disease! I do not even know what I actually did! I only want to leave this dreadful place and rest!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "This is the most auspicious moment to storm the citadel if that is what you want to do. And if you play the part you may be able to obtain support from Uria’s converts. Once they realize that the Fist and the Iron Council have been lying to them, the Chaos Empire’s social structure shall shatter. But we ought to plant the seed of distrust now, while Elynia and the Fire prepare to vanquish the usurper." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Assuming they are even alive." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Is that what you want?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Yes." [/message] {INT_ANYA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I want to see her once again. I want to smile with her, talk with her. She promised...")} [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "Then, please, help us. Help us storm the citadel. Help us uproot Uria’s evil influence on Irdya, and advance the long path that lies ahead for you as the Guardian of Darkness." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "legends_of_the_north.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} # Yes, only play this one once, right now. It's even more upbeat # than legends_of_the_north.ogg and that's not a good thing in # this case. {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "northern_mountains.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I guess I should be thankful you are not calling me Merthiaal or anything like that." [/message] [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The names of the guardians you know were the names they chose for themselves in the First Cycle. We may not call you by the name of the original Guardian of Darkness unless you choose to adopt her name instead of your own." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Is that how it really works? I prefer to keep my current name, then." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 1 end [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Hey, Durvan, did you ever think you would fight at the side of two faerie goddesses against an endless horde of demons, imps, and devout worshipers of an evil demoness?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "No. Well, now that you mention it... this will be quite the story to tell the folks in the Heart Forest. Nobody will ever believe me." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Same..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn 3 end [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "On the bright side, dying and returning to the physical realm as a Guardian is a surprisingly easy way to get rid of all the sweat and filth on me." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 4 [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Igor?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Hm?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Have you ever felt like... no matter how hard you try, you can’t even hope to measure up to someone whose company you enjoy?" [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Uh, sometimes." [/message] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn 4 end [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "But you end up realizing that friends don’t expect you to magically become something you’re not! Lady Elynia and the scary lich always were way more than me with all those magic powers I don’t understand, but that never stopped them from seeing me as a friend!" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "Right. <i>(sighs)</i> I guess I’ve just got to accept it..." [/message] [/event] # # It goes without saying that this event only triggers if Daeira exists. # [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya [filter_adjacent] id=Daeira [/filter_adjacent] [or] id=Daeira [filter_adjacent] id=Anya [/filter_adjacent] [/or] [/filter] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh, hello again!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Greetings." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I thought something bad may have happened to you back there... You were with us and then disappeared? Why?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You need not worry about my wellbeing, Anya. I can easily escape from certain danger thanks to my intimate connection to the Aspect of Water. There is a large amount of it around these parts, after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Please don’t tell me now that you are the Guardian of Water or some nonsense like that... I cannot take more of this right now." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "It would be a sin beyond measure for someone such as I to pretend to be a god in front of one. With that said, all faeriekind creatures are connected to one or two Aspects to some degree. For example, you are connected to both Darkness and Earth as the daughter of a forest faerie." [/message] {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_wants_to_see_the_manager no} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_wants_to_see_the_manager yes} [then] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Right, which reminds me I still don’t know how the story of my parents ends. Then again... perhaps I don’t want to know." [/message] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Did you know I was meant to become the Guardian of Darkness, though?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Yes, I did. And I apologize for not revealing that to you — if I had, there is a good chance that you would have made all the wrong decisions." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN turn_number 4} [then] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Meanwhile, Ergea hasn’t apologized for keeping information from me... Which reminds me, we still have a battle to fight. I hope I can count on your help." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Meanwhile, Ergea hasn’t apologized for keeping information from me... Well, it doesn’t matter for now. We need to get back to the fight." [/message] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Certainly." [/message] [/event] [event] name=prestart # # Setup the rebel location events. # # The rebel_villages container (which we try to make sure is empty at first # is used to keep track of the villages that have already been configured # (using SLF find_in), so we don't need to keep it around once we are done. # {CLEAR_VARIABLE rebel_villages} [while] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN rebel_villages.length 12} [do] [store_locations] terrain=*^V* [not] owner_side=1 [/not] [not] owner_side=2 [/not] [not] find_in=rebel_villages [/not] variable=locs [/store_locations] # FIXME: interacts poorly with pseudoinfinite loops. #{BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS locs.length 0}) #("Could not store more villages! ($rebel_villages.length|)")} {VARIABLE_RANDOM n "0..$($locs.length - 1)"} [set_variables] name=rebel_villages mode=append to_variable="locs[$n]" [/set_variables] # The unit type chosen for each rebel is determined here so that the player # can't save-reload before every village capture in an attempt to obtain the # rarer types. The repetition of some ids is intended to help with adjusting # probabilities. {VARIABLE_RANDOM rebel_type "Demon,Demon,Demon Zephyr,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invader,Chaos Invader,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Bowman,Chaos Gunner,Chaos Raider,Chaos Headhunter"} [unit] side=1 # This is changed by events depending on who captured the village. type=$rebel_type {IS_LOYAL} upkeep=free random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes to_variable=rebel_wml [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} # Second trait slot gets a random trait. [/modifications] [/unit] [event] name=moveto delayed_variable_substitution=no [filter] x,y=$locs[$n].x,$locs[$n].y [and] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [set_variables] name=rebel_spawn mode=replace # Substitute rebel_wml on handler generation, not # later. [insert_tag] name=literal variable="rebel_wml" [/insert_tag] [/set_variables] # Override spawn side with the primary unit's side # when running the event handler. {VARIABLE rebel_spawn.side $|unit.side} [unstore_unit] variable=rebel_spawn x,y="$|x1","$|y1" find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE rebel_spawn} [fire_event] name=rebel_speech [primary_unit] # This we can substitute on handler generation. # It is supposed to be the engine's automatically # generated default unit id. id=$rebel_wml.id [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE n,locs,rebel_wml,rebel_type} [/do] [/while] # Done now, so we can dispose of the SLF state. {CLEAR_VARIABLE rebel_villages} [/event] #define INT_SPEECH _MSG [value] message={_MSG} [/value] #enddef [event] name=prestart [set_variables] name=rebel_speeches mode=replace {INT_SPEECH ( _ "The prophecies were correct! The Dark Lady was reborn, and she has finally come to vanquish the usurper and set us free from his grasp!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "Rise up, brethren! We are slaves of the Fist no more!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "May the Dark Lady guide us to victory over the false god!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "Can it be? Rebelling against Uria could be highly disastrous for everyone! But... What else do we have left anymore?")} [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=funpack_speeches mode=replace {INT_SPEECH ( _ "We have long awaited this night. Together, we shall forge a new empire from the blood of the usurper and the fakes who dare to adore him!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "Uria’s time is almost over. I can feel it. Death to the usurper!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "Behold, the Guardian of Darkness in all her godly glory!")} {INT_SPEECH ( _ "Let us cleanse this land and restore the true cult of Yechnagoth!")} [/set_variables] [/event] #define INT_RANDOM_ONE_TIME_SPEECH_EVENT _SPEECHES_ARRAY [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN {_SPEECHES_ARRAY}+".length" 0} [/filter_condition] # # Select a random speech and never use it again. # {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($"+{_SPEECHES_ARRAY}+".length - 1)"} [message] speaker=unit message="$"+{_SPEECHES_ARRAY}+"[$r].message" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE {_SPEECHES_ARRAY}+"[$r]"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE r} #enddef [event] name=rebel speech first_time_only=no {INT_RANDOM_ONE_TIME_SPEECH_EVENT rebel_speeches} [/event] [event] name=funpack speech first_time_only=no {INT_RANDOM_ONE_TIME_SPEECH_EVENT funpack_speeches} [/event] [event] name=funpack event first_time_only=no [unit] side=1 type=Chaos Invoker generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=yes upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} x,y=$x1,$y1 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {RANDOM "Demon,Demon,Demon,Demon,Demon Zephyr,Imp,Imp,Imp,Valdemon Basher"} [unit] side=1 type=$random generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=yes upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} x,y=$x1,$y1 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {RANDOM "Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird"} [unit] side=1 type=$random generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=yes upkeep=free variation=surface {IS_LOYAL} x,y=$x1,$y1 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [fire_event] name=funpack speech [primary_unit] type=Chaos Invoker [filter_location] x,y=$x1,$y1 # should be an adequate radius in case there are units obstructing the spawn location radius=3 [/filter_location] [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] {VARIABLE temp_gold_retrieval_amount ({DIFF 150 130 110})} [message] speaker=narrator sound=gold.ogg image="items/gold-coins-medium.png" message= _ "Both playing teams retrieve $temp_gold_retrieval_amount pieces of gold." [/message] [gold] side=1,2 amount=$temp_gold_retrieval_amount [/gold] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_gold_retrieval_amount} [/event] #define INT_FUNPACK_LOCATION_EVENT _DECEASED_LEADER_SIDE _X _Y [event] name=moveto delayed_variable_substitution=no [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [and] id=Anya [or] id=Ergea [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes side={_DECEASED_LEADER_SIDE} [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=funpack event [primary_unit] # delay substitution x,y=$|x1,$|y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef # # Setup funpack locations. # [event] name=prestart [for] variable=n start,end=4,9 [do] [store_starting_location] side=$n [/store_starting_location] {INT_FUNPACK_LOCATION_EVENT $n $location.x $location.y} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE rebel_speeches,funpack_speeches} [/event] #define INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE _OBJECTIVE_ID {VARIABLE "e3s8d_objectives_status."+{_OBJECTIVE_ID} yes} [fire_event] name=objectives controller [/fire_event] #enddef # # Defeating Mal What's-His-Name. # [event] name=last breath [filter] id="Mal Ba'arth" [/filter] [message] speaker="Mal Ba'arth" message= _ "... It is true, then. The Dark Lady has finally arisen and come to reclaim this doomed world... But it is all in vain... all in vain..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Mal Ba'arth" [/filter] {INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE defeat_council} [/event] # # Defeating the Storm Sisters. # [event] name=die [filter] id=Vrylla [or] id=Grylla [/or] [or] id=Aethengrya [/or] [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [and] id=Vrylla [or] id=Grylla [/or] [or] id=Aethengrya [/or] [/and] [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] {INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE defeat_sisters} [/event] # # Defeating supporting enemy leaders. # # They are handled on an individual basis (for granting the player bonus # units) in a different handler. We only do objectives tracking in this one. # [event] name=die [filter] canrecruit=yes [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=2 [/not] [not] side=3 [/not] [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] canrecruit=yes [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=2 [/not] [not] side=3 [/not] [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] {INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE defeat_other_enemy_leaders} [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] canrecruit=yes [and] [not] side=1 [or] side=2 [/or] [/not] [/and] [/filter] [fire_event] name=check citadel capture status [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Anya [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [fire_event] name=check citadel capture status [/fire_event] [/event] # # Seizing the citadel after completing the minimum objectives. # [event] name=check citadel capture status [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Anya x=49-51,50 y=18-19,17 [/have_unit] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_council yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_sisters yes} [/filter_condition] [remove_item] x,y=51,18 [/remove_item] {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/banner-yechnagoth-standing-sw.png 51 18} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "The citadel is ours! Now we should be able to find Elynia and—" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "casualties_of_war.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "northerners.ogg"} [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I fear that we will have to put that plan on hold, Anya. There are reports of more of those creatures coming from the hives around the citadel. People say they will be here in a matter of minutes." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But we have only just won! Are they going to storm their own capital now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Durvan message= _ "I would not put it past them to attempt to destroy the citadel in an attempt to ensure we cannot find Elynia... assuming she is even alive at this point." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Do <b>not</b> say that! Let’s repel those awful creatures, then!" [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Easier said than done..." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Battle goblin, ready to crush those bugs!" [/message] [fire_event] name=enter survival mode [/fire_event] {INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE seize_citadel} [/event] [event] name=objective announce iron council left [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The Storm Sisters are now our prisoners, but we must destroy the last member of the Iron Council if we intend to seize the citadel." [/message] [/event] [event] name=objective announce storm sisters left [message] speaker=Ergea message= _ "The last member of the Iron Council is no more, but as long as any of the Storm Sisters still roam about, there shall be no end to our struggles." [/message] [/event] [event] name=objectives controller first_time_only=no [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_council no} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_sisters yes} [then] [fire_event] name=objective announce iron council left [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] # Didn't want to go deeper with indentation here. [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_council yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS e3s8d_objectives_status.defeat_sisters no} [then] [fire_event] name=objective announce storm sisters left [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] {INT_FORCE_OBJECTIVES_REFRESH} [/event] [event] name=enter survival mode # This is it, the end of the scenario. First increase turn limit and # configure the upcoming Shaxthal enemy waves. They take place every # four turns on any difficulty mode. {VARIABLE w ({DIFF 1 1 2})} # Number of survival waves {VARIABLE d 1} # Initial delay before the first wave {VARIABLE r 5} # Enemy waves rate (in turns) [modify_turns] value="$($turn_number + $d + $r * $w)" [/modify_turns] [for] variable=k start,end=1,$w [do] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + $r * ($k - 1) + $d)" [fire_event] name=create survival wave [/fire_event] [/event] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE w,d,r} # # Setup end-of-turns handler so victory is achieved by surviving until # the end of turns. # [event] name=time over {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] # The event which invoked us will take care of signaling the handler to # refresh the player objectives. [/event] #define INT_SLF_SOUTHEAST_HIVE x=50-65 y=47-56 #enddef #define INT_SLF_NORTHWEST_HIVE x=4-15,16-22,23-33 y=1-6 , 1-12, 1-10 #enddef #define INT_GENERATE_WAVE _SLF_BASE [store_locations] terrain=C* {_SLF_BASE} variable=locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=locs variable=loc [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM type "Shaxthal Custodian Drone,Shaxthal War Drone,Shaxthal Enforcer Drone,Shaxthal Enforcer Drone"} {GENERIC_UNIT 10 $type $loc.x $loc.y} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} [/do] [/foreach] [store_locations] terrain=*^Xp {_SLF_BASE} variable=locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=locs variable=loc [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM type "Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Runner Drone,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Razorbird,Shaxthal Thunderbird,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Sentry Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Drone"} {GENERIC_UNIT 10 $type $loc.x $loc.y} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {FACING nw} {VARIATION surface} [/do] [/foreach] #enddef [event] name=create survival wave first_time_only=no # # Southeast # {INT_GENERATE_WAVE ({INT_SLF_SOUTHEAST_HIVE})} # # Northwest # {INT_GENERATE_WAVE ({INT_SLF_NORTHWEST_HIVE})} {CLEAR_VARIABLE type,locs} [/event] [event] name=victory {LOCK_VIEW} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} {BLACK_SCREEN} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator sound=rumble.ogg image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The earth rumbles..." [/message] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_VARIABLE e3s8d_objectives_status} [/event] #undef INT_NO_DEMOLITION_ABILITY #undef INT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE #undef INT_FUNPACK_LOCATION_EVENT #undef INT_GENERATE_WAVE #undef INT_ANYA_THOUGHTS #undef INT_RANDOM_ONE_TIME_SPEECH_EVENT #undef INT_SPEECH #undef INT_PLAYER_HELPER #undef INT_PILLAGER #undef INT_SLF_NORTHWEST_HIVE #undef INT_SLF_SOUTHEAST_HIVE #undef INT_FORCE_OBJECTIVES_REFRESH [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=09_Dark_Depths name= _ "Dark Depths" {MAP 09_Dark_Depths_01.map} {TURNS 66 64 62} next_scenario=10_Blood victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {I_DEATHS} {FINALE_AMLA_EVENTS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knalgan_theme.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {STORYTXT_DARK_DEPTHS} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} {INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -80 -20} #define FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Elynia team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {RAGGED_FLAG} fog=yes shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} share_vision=none # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=yes [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] # Midboss 2 side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} {AI_BOSS_TARGETING_ENGINE <<{"Elyssa","Elynia"}>>} [goal] [criteria] id=Elyssa [/criteria] value=200 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=200 # Targets Elynia the same. [/goal] [goal] [criteria] type=Fire Wraith [/criteria] value=1 [/goal] [/ai] [/side] [side] # Midboss 1 side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Engineer" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} {AI_BOSS_TARGETING_ENGINE <<{"Elyssa","Elynia"}>>} [goal] [criteria] id=Elyssa [/criteria] value=200 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=100 # Prefers Elyssa. [/goal] [goal] [criteria] type=Fire Wraith [/criteria] value=1 [/goal] [/ai] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes type=Giant Spider {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Vampire Bat) 45 40} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Vampire Bat) 37 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Vampire Bat) 55 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Vampire Bat) 51 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Dread Bat) 34 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Blood Bat) 42 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes type=Giant Spider {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Ant) 27 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Giant Ant) 26 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING ne} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 58 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 49 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fungoid) 57 44} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Abomination) 47 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} canrecruit=yes type=Psy Mindraider {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 50 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING nw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 47 36} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 55 38} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 58 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 50 13} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 51 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 36 9} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 34 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Verlissh Matrix Flow System) 22 20} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] [side] # Shaxthal side=7 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Dark Hive" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 41 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING n} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Stormblade) 33 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 33 12} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 52 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Turret) 37 11} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] [side] # Cutscene team used to emulate side 1 units side=8 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=red controller=null hidden=yes no_leader=yes share_vision=none {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] #define FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1 [modifications] {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} [/modifications] #enddef #define FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_2 [modifications] {UNIT_PALETTE_SWITCH () shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} [/modifications] #enddef {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",se) 7 31 9} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",se) 7 33 6} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type,facing="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",sw) 7 39 4} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 35 5} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 34 5} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 4 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 54 22} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",sw) 7 58 23} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type,facing="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",se) 7 54 23} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 9 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_2} type,facing="Shaxthal Custodian Drone",ne) 7 20 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 19 20} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 20 21} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 29 14} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 27 15} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Drone") 7 25 16} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Worm") 7 22 19} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Worm") 7 34 9} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 8 ({FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1} type="Shaxthal Worm") 7 54 25} {BIND_UNIT_TO_UNIT_MOVEMENT_RANGE id=Elyssa id=Elynia} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} # # Code common to all bosses. # # FIXME: this code should really be common to all bosses and be # part of the absorb_damage ability implementation. # [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=absorb_damage [/filter_second] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (x,y=$x2,$y2)} [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter] ability=absorb_damage [/filter] {BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE (x,y=$x1,$y1)} [/event] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 42 5} [+sound_source] id=water_drip_1 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 15 22} [+sound_source] id=water_drip_2 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 40 27} [+sound_source] id=water_drip_3 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] {CAVE_WATER_SOUND_SOURCE 55 38} [+sound_source] id=water_drip_4 # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart # This is our flag to know where in the sequence of events for this # scenario we are, for situations where that cannot be inferred from # context. {VARIABLE finale_b_part 1} {VARIABLE used_touchplate_1 no} {VARIABLE used_touchplate_2 no} # NOTE: this one is used in a later scenario {VARIABLE collected_crystal_shards 0} {VARIABLE deathbringer_limit {DIFF 2 3 4}} {VARIABLE demolisher_limit {DIFF 1 2 3}} {VARIABLE part_2_map "{LE /maps/09_Dark_Depths_02.map}"} {VARIABLE part_3_map "{LE /maps/09_Dark_Depths_03.map}"} # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {RECALL_ELYSSA_AT_LOCATION 44 23} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa ne} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Proceed further underground")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} {BLACK_SCREEN} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=DEBUG1 [teleport] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] x,y=37,43 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=36,42 [/teleport] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG2 # Allow Elynia to move again. {DISABLE_BOUND_UNITS} [modify_turns] value=-1 [/modify_turns] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [fire_event] name=start part 2 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=DEBUG3 {DISABLE_BOUND_UNITS} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_noise,water_drip_1,water_drip_2,water_drip_3,water_drip_4} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} # in case we're in part 2 [modify_turns] value=-1 [/modify_turns] [fire_event] name=start part 3 [/fire_event] [/event] # # NOTE: part 1 has some stock macro-controlled events for which it isn't # currently feasible to add these conditionals. The maps for parts 2 and 3 # are designed in such way those locations are inacessible during normal # gameplay. They are also marked with the Rough Overlay in the editor. # #define FINALE_B_IN_PART_1 {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS finale_b_part 1} #enddef #define FINALE_B_IN_PART_2 {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS finale_b_part 2} #enddef #define FINALE_B_IN_PART_3 {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS finale_b_part 3} #enddef [event] name=start {FADE_IN} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 44 17} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... We are not really trying to locate Zhangor, are we?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Of course we are. It is just taking us a while because he prefers to dwell in a very particular place... a place I also want you to see, before confronting him. I also want to give him a while to realize his mistake in interpreting the Seer’s prophecy." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What mistake?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The Seer said that on the Day of the Longest Night, the Angel of Blood would make a hasty attempt on the life of the New Guardian of Darkness, and fail. She also said that his actions would bring forth his own downfall." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Of course you don’t realize it because creatures like you lose track of time underground, but the Day of the Longest Night has been going on for <i>more than a day</i> already. And that is all because the New Guardian of Darkness the Seer mentioned cannot control her own powers, causing Irdya to be completely shrouded in darkness for longer than it should." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Zhangor decided to send his beasts after Ergea and your friend first, and then wait in his lair for me to go and challenge him — which would be a fairly predictable course of action for me. Or alternatively, he is waiting for Naia to rise up again so he can attack me then. All his actions suggest he wanted to subvert the prophecy. But he already confronted the New Guardian of Darkness and failed to kill her — granted, through his minions." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "The New Guardian of Darkness the Seer referred to is not me. It is the girl. And the Longest Night will not end until she can put an end to the turmoil in her own heart, figuratively speaking." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How do you know all this?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ha, ha, ha! Don’t forget I am a Guardian of Darkness — not the <i>newest</i> one, but I certainly <i>am</i> Merthiaal’s heiress, Yarae’s design be damned. Not only I can read into the minds of the weak, but I can also understand people’s desires and motivations in general. It is possible to predict their actions in advance this way. Ah well, that last part is not one of the powers of a Guardian of Darkness, strictly speaking." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And unfortunately, I also suspect Zhangor is already aware of our movements. Let’s not make him wait more time than strictly necessary, shall we?" [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # Events for the crystal shards during the first half of the scenario. # [event] name=collect crystal shard first_time_only=no {VARIABLE_INC collected_crystal_shards} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [transient_message] image="icons/crystal-shard.png" message= _ "You pick up a curious crystal shard." [/transient_message] [/event] #define FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD _X _Y {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-shard.png {_X} {_Y} } # # There are no events for other units attempting to # collect these. This is intentional. # [event] name=moveto [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [and] id=Elyssa [or] id=Elynia [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=collect crystal shard [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef {FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD 37 21} {FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD 31 33} {FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD 46 48} {FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD 61 29} # # Some dialogue follows the activation of this # glyph. # [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=38,3 [/filter] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=25,25 radius=2 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] {GATE_GLYPH 38 3 25 25} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=38,3 [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} [terrain] terrain=^Br\ x,y=25,25 layer=overlay [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Where does that lead to?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "It’s an alternative path to an elevator shaft that will take us directly to the place I previously mentioned. While I don’t mind stabbing whoever stands in our way, a more discreet approach will get us there faster." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=may not use touchplate dialog first_time_only=no [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Only a fully corporeal unit such as Elyssa or Elynia may activate this touchplate." [/message] [/event] #define FINALE_B_IS_HERO id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] #enddef #define FINALE_B_TOUCHPLATE _NUM _X _Y {ITEM_TOUCHPLATE {_X} {_Y} } [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 type=Fire Wraith x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS ("used_touchplate_"+{_NUM}) no} {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=may not use touchplate dialog [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x={_X} y={_Y} [and] {FINALE_B_IS_HERO} [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] {VARIABLE ("used_touchplate_"+{_NUM}) yes} [/event] #enddef # # Affects the walls around (44, 31) via explosion. # {FINALE_B_TOUCHPLATE 1 42 30} [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=42,30 [and] {FINALE_B_IS_HERO} [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Nothing happens." [/message] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 id=Elyssa [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "These passages have gone unused for centuries — it’s no wonder that most of their mechanisms have rusted beyond use. But I know a method that never fails..." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "These passages have gone unused for centuries — it’s no wonder that most of their mechanisms have rusted beyond use. Just blast the wall down already." [/message] [/else] [/if] [delay] time=750 [/delay] # # Very simplified version of the "blast event wall" event from # the previous scenario. # [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [terrain] x=42-45,44,43 y=31 ,30,32 terrain=Ur^Es [/terrain] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x=42-45,44,43 y=31 ,30,32 )} [scroll_to] x,y=44,31 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Perfect." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # This one is manually controlled further. # It affects both the walls around (44, 39), and the gate around 52 29. # {GATE_GLYPH 54 41 52 29} [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=54,41 [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That is not very useful—" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Hm, there is a hot current of air coming from another direction now." [/message] [terrain] x,y=43,39-40 terrain=Urb [/terrain] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD (x,y,radius=44,39,1)} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=44,39 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL x,y=44,39} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ah. I remember now." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] # # Lava shore. # #define FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y x=43 ,44 y=39-40,39 #enddef #define FINALE_B_TRY_RELOCATE_HERO _ID _LOCS_X_Y [if] [not] [have_unit] id={_ID} {_LOCS_X_Y} [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [store_locations] {_LOCS_X_Y} [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] variable=vacant_locs [/store_locations] [teleport] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] x,y=$vacant_locs[0].x,$vacant_locs[0].y [/teleport] {CLEAR_VARIABLE vacant_locs} [/then] [/if] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] {FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y} [and] {FINALE_B_IS_HERO} [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} # # Make sure Elynia and Elyssa are together at this point. # {FORCE_MOBILIZE_BOUND_UNIT id=Elynia} [store_unit] [filter] {FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y} [not] id=Elynia [/not] [not] id=Elyssa [/not] [/filter] variable=other_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {FINALE_B_TRY_RELOCATE_HERO Elynia ({FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y})} {FINALE_B_TRY_RELOCATE_HERO Elyssa ({FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y})} [foreach] array=other_store [do] [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE other_store} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=41,40 radius=4 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "We need to cross this inconvenient lava trench. Elynia, do your thing." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "My... thing?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are the Guardian of <i>Earth</i>, dear. You are supposed to do more complicated things than blasting walls and vermin." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Do you really expect me to know how this works all of a sudden?! I did not ask to be given this role, and all I know is that the pain has not ceased! I cannot think clearly like this!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I <i>really</i> should just stab you in the chest and toss your useless bloody corpse into the lava." [/message] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [terrain] x=42,41 y=39,40 terrain=Uh [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Keep moving." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] #define FINALE_B_CHAMBER_WALL_X_Y x=33,34,35,36 y=43,43,44,44 #enddef # Manually controlled. # Affects the walls around (34, 43) via old-fashioned wall-lifting. {FINALE_B_TOUCHPLATE 2 35 43} [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=35,43 [and] {FINALE_B_IS_HERO} [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_1} [/filter_condition] {LOCK_VIEW} {VARIABLE spawner_controller_enabled no} {FORCE_MOBILIZE_BOUND_UNIT id=Elynia} [if] [have_unit] id=Elyssa x,y=$x1,$y1 [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Well, this wall is not going to move by itself—" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Well, that wall is not going to move by itself—" [/message] [/else] [/if] {QUAKE ("rumble.ogg")} [terrain] {FINALE_B_CHAMBER_WALL_X_Y} terrain=Urb [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message=_"Touchplate triggered. A wall moves." [/message] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=31,48 radius=5 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I stand corrected. That was very convenient." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 32 46} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 34 47} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES ( id=Elyssa [or] id=Elynia [/or] )} [kill] type=Fire Wraith side=1 [/kill] [place_shroud] side=1 [not] x,y=31,48 radius=6 [/not] [/place_shroud] [terrain] {FINALE_B_CHAMBER_WALL_X_Y} terrain=Xos [/terrain] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "overlive.ogg"} {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa ne} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Of course. A cunning trap by Zhangor, I presume?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa sw} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa se} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=31,52 radius=4 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=32,52 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "The elevator..." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [fire_event] name=boss 1 stage 1 [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST {BOSS_BOOST 60% 0 1 4 0} [object] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/set_specials] [/effect] [/object] #enddef [event] name=boss 1 stage 1 {LOCK_VIEW} [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=3 id=Engineer Fendyrn name= _ "Engineer Fendyrn" type=Dwarvish Engineer x,y=$location.x,$location.y [modifications] {TRAIT_HEALTHY} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Who is that?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa sw} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Engineer?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... hah, hah, hah, hah...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are not supposed to be around these levels, Engineer. Return to your workshop immediately." [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn message= _ "I dinna’ listen tae orders from ye anymore, witch. Yer time as the ‘Warlord’ ended with Lord Zhangor’s arrival." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I believe I speak for Zhangor as well when I say that you are not supposed to be here. Return to your workshop immediately, or face the consequences." [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn message= _ "Ye’ll chop me remainin’ leg too, winna ye? Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yer torture methods are as obsolete as the tech’ Argan used tae rebuild yer body." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn # po: "Squirming insects" refers to the Shaxthal. # po: "The two of you" refers to Elyssa and Zhangor, not Elyssa and Elynia. message= _ "Zhangor released me a while ago, didna’ ye hear? “Yer free”, he said. “Ye can do anythin’ ye please”, said. And so here I am, ready tae take on the two of ye, and all yer squirmin’ insects." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Is this insubordination I hear? This is your last chance." [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn message= _ "I believe ’tis yer last chance tae <i>run</i>, girl." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} [scroll_to] x,y=$location.x,$location.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [terrain] x=24 y=47-53 terrain=Ur^Es [/terrain] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=26,49 radius=7 )} [redraw][/redraw] [kill] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/kill] [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes side=3 id=Engineer Fendyrn name= _ "Engineer Fendyrn" type=Magnum Suit {IS_BOSS} x,y=$location.x,$location.y facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [variables] previous_facing=none [/variables] [/hidden_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [hidden_unit] side=3 type=Goliath x,y=22,48 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 type=Goliath x,y=21,49 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] side=3 type=Goliath x,y=21,50 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_MECHANICAL} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Engineer Fendyrn {WARP} [/scroll_to_unit] {BOSS_POPUP} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "ambuscade-loop.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "moleman.ogg"} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh gods... Is that..." [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn # po: The lich is Mal Hekuba. message= _ "Aye. The Soul Hammer is made’a the crystals commissioned by tha’ wretched lich. Lord Zhangor has put many a’them intae good use, elf. But he dinna’ ken ’tis hammer exists, or that it shall be the instrument of me revenge! Perhaps I should’a named her... the Destroyer o’ Gods!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Elynia, this is extremely dangerous. Stay away from this lunatic and his hammer! You, fool... you have absolutely no idea with what kind of powers you are trifling." [/message] [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn message= _ "<b>HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!</b>" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [modify_turns] value=-1 [/modify_turns] # Allow Elynia to move again. {DISABLE_BOUND_UNITS} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Stop the Engineer")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The power of the Engineer’s hammer allows him to debilitate and destroy the Energy Heart of a Guardian")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Elyssa and Elynia cannot damage the Engineer’s armor suit as it is powered by more replicas of Merthiaal’s heart; they must find another way to stop him")} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no id=engineer_backstabbing_hint_handler # wmllint: ignore name="turn $($turn_number + 3)" [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I have an idea... Malin once mentioned something specific about Galas’ first encounter with your mechanical automatons." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And what would that be?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "They are particularly vulnerable in the neck region. Maybe if we could distract him, you could stab him with your weapon—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "That was already my plan, stupid! Just try to do your part right for once!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Backstab the Engineer using the Claw of Urvatha while he is facing Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You can only backstab the Engineer during your own turns, on offense")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The power of the Engineer’s hammer allows him to debilitate and destroy the Energy Heart of a Guardian")} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [/event] [/event] [event] name=side 3 turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] x=14-40 y=42-56 terrain=C*,C*^* variable=engineer_castle_locs [/store_locations] [count_units] side=3 [not] canrecruit=yes [/not] variable=engineer_units [/count_units] [while] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN engineer_units {DIFF 5 7 10}} [do] {VARIABLE_INC engineer_units} {VARIABLE_RANDOM engineer_recruit "Automaton,Automaton,Automaton,Automaton,Iron Golem,Iron Golem,Goliath,Goliath,Goliath"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM recruit_pos "0..$($engineer_castle_locs.length - 1)"} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 $engineer_recruit $engineer_castle_locs[$recruit_pos].x $engineer_castle_locs[$recruit_pos].y} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] animate=yes passable=yes moves=0 attacks_left=0 [+modifications] {FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST} [/modifications] [/unit] [/do] [/while] {CLEAR_VARIABLE engineer_units,engineer_castle_locs,engineer_recruit,recruit_pos} [/event] # # Crack the floor every time the Engineer hits something with the hammer. # [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/filter] [filter_attack] name=soul hammer [/filter_attack] [fire_event] name=crack floor [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/filter_second] [filter_second_attack] name=soul hammer [/filter_second_attack] [fire_event] name=crack floor [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=crack floor first_time_only=no [filter] [filter_location] terrain=Urb,Uu,Ur,Urb^E*,Uu^E*,Ur^E* [/filter_location] [/filter] [terrain] x,y=$x1,$y1 terrain=^Egk layer=overlay [/terrain] [/event] # # Remember the Engineer's original facing before attacking him. # #define FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_ATTACK_HANDLER _NUM _PRIMARY _SECONDARY [event] id="engineer_bsh_atk_"+{_NUM} # wmllint: ignore name=attack first_time_only=no [filter] id={_PRIMARY} [/filter] [filter_second] id={_SECONDARY} [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=engineer facing track [primary_unit] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef #define FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_MOVETO_HANDLER _NUM _PRIMARY _SECONDARY [event] id="engineer_bsh_mov_"+{_NUM} # wmllint: ignore name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id={_PRIMARY} [filter_adjacent] id={_SECONDARY} [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [fire_event] name=engineer facing track [primary_unit] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef [event] id=engineer_bsh_call # wmllint: ignore name=engineer facing track first_time_only=no {VARIABLE unit.variables.previous_facing $unit.facing} [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=unit [/unstore_unit] [/event] # moveto and attack may seem redundant but it's important to remember that # a unit may attack a target without moving to it as well as move next to # it without attacking it. The objective is broad enough so that it's not # required for the Engineer and Elynia to actually engage in combat so # long as Elynia is in front of him before Elyssa stabs him. {FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_ATTACK_HANDLER A Elynia (Engineer Fendyrn)} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_ATTACK_HANDLER B (Engineer Fendyrn) Elynia} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_MOVETO_HANDLER A Elynia (Engineer Fendyrn)} {FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_MOVETO_HANDLER B (Engineer Fendyrn) Elynia} # # Handle the Engineer being backstabbed using the Claw of Urvatha. # [event] id=engineer_backstabbing_handler # wmllint: ignore name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [filter_attack] name=claw of urvatha [/filter_attack] [filter_second] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS side_number 1} [/filter_condition] [if] # As of 1.14 using an invalid direction below is harmless and # lets the filter silently fail but I get the feeling this isn't # gonna be the case forever. {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_NOT_EQUALS second_unit.variables.previous_facing none} [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] x,y=$x2,$y2 adjacent="-$second_unit.variables.previous_facing" [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [then] [fire_event] name=boss 1 stage 2 [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=boss 1 stage 2 # # Remove previous related event handlers. # [remove_event] id=engineer_bsh_mov_A,engineer_bsh_mov_B,engineer_bsh_atk_A,engineer_bsh_atk_B [/remove_event] [remove_event] id=engineer_bsh_call,engineer_backstabbing_hint_handler,engineer_backstabbing_handler # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] # # Allow the Engineer to be damaged from now on, but boost # his HP and attack strength in exchange. # [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_ABSORB_DAMAGE} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total=25% heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=soul hammer increase_damage=5 # 26-2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flamethrower increase_damage=1 # 16-3 [/effect] [/object] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "frantic.ogg"} # # Go red. # {DARKEN_RED_SCREEN -10} [message] speaker=Engineer Fendyrn message= _ "<b>ACK!</b> What ha’ ye done!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Oops! It seems your armor suit and fancy hammer are not perfect substitutes for the power of a true Guardian of Darkness!" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Engineer now that he is vulnerable to attacks")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The power of the Engineer’s hammer allows him to debilitate and destroy the Energy Heart of a Guardian")} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [event] id=engineer_red_screening_handler # wmllint: ignore name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [final_boss_hp_tint] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/final_boss_hp_tint] [/event] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Engineer Fendyrn [/filter] [fire_event] name=start part 2 [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef ############################################################################ # # # SECOND PART # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=start part 2 {LOCK_VIEW} {DARKEN_RED_SCREEN -60} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} [remove_event] id=engineer_red_screening_handler # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] {VARIABLE finale_b_part 2} # # Prepare transition to part 2. # {QUAKE ("rumble.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Elynia, grab my hand!" [/message] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [delay] time=500 [/delay] {DISABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES ( id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] )} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [kill] # # Kill everything else on the map. # [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [/kill] # # Deactivate all sides we will not use anymore. # [modify_side] [filter_side] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] side=2 [/not] [not] side=8 [/not] [/filter_side] hidden=yes controller=null [/modify_side] [remove_item][/remove_item] {CLEAR_LABELS} {BLACK_SCREEN} [terrain] terrain=Xv [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_noise,water_drip_1,water_drip_2,water_drip_3,water_drip_4} [sound] name=rumble.ogg [/sound] # # Break. # [delay] # rumble.ogg is 6 seconds long. We want to mute SFX after we are # done playing it. time=6000 [/delay] # # Setup the new map. # [replace_schedule] {UNDERGROUND} [/replace_schedule] [replace_map] map=$part_2_map expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw][/redraw] # The demolition immunity flag is used during the next boss fight. {VARIABLE elynia_store.x 50} {VARIABLE elynia_store.y 33} {VARIABLE elynia_store.facing se} {VARIABLE elynia_store.status.immune_to_demolition yes} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.x 50} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.y 31} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.facing se} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.status.immune_to_demolition yes} # Reinstate fog. [modify_side] side=1 fog=yes [/modify_side] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=50,31 radius=4 )} [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=no facing=$elynia_store.facing side=1 x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured [/hidden_unit] {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/blood-2.png" $elynia_store.x $elynia_store.y} [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa canrecruit=no facing=$elyssa_store.facing side=8 x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured [/hidden_unit] {PLACE_IMAGE "scenery/blood-1.png" $elyssa_store.x $elyssa_store.y} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/claw-of-urvatha.png~FL(horiz)") ("$($elyssa_store.x - 1)") $elyssa_store.y} {CLEAR_FOG 1 $elyssa_store.x "$($elyssa_store.y - 1)" $elyssa_store.max_moves} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=500 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=3000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "Unngh..." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=1500 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I did not know where I was. The last thing I could recall was the chamber floor collapsing due to the energy released from the dwarf’s fractured hammer.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "My neck felt cold and sticky... it was blood. I must have smashed my head during the fall, and yet I was standing there as though my body had healed itself from the otherwise fatal injury. I glanced at my surroundings...")} # FIXME: ah, if only! #{FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia n} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Elyssa...?" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia ("$elyssa_store.x") ("$($elyssa_store.y + 1)")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # po: Yes, Elynia is describing a literal BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). # po: See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Screen_of_Death # po: Looks like Norsulan technology isn't perfect either! {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "The demoness was lying on the humid cavern floor, inert as a rock. She did not seem injured, but neither did she draw breath. I did not know at first what to make of the situation. I laid a hand on her forehead and attempted to peer into her mind to see whether she was still alive. However, all I could see through her frozen eyes was a series of incomprehensible white glyphs on a blue background, interspersed with an alien and yet somehow familiar language. Knowing she was a hybrid lifeform, the evidence I gathered was useless.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "She could be alive... or she could be dead. And not too far from her was the weapon she called the Claw of Urvatha. My master’s staff, first corrupted by the heart of a Gatekeeper, the artifact we used to call the Ruby of Fire, and now, by the malignant touch of Merthiaal’s successor.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I felt compelled to grab the weapon and leave the demoness behind... but I had to ponder my possibilities first. She could come back to life the moment I laid my hands on it, and destroy me. Or she could stay as a dormant machine, and I would just abandon her and return to the surface, with Anya and Ergea. A third alternative then occurred to me. I could grab the Claw, and destroy the creature in her sleep...")} [delay] time=1500 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... I spent some amount of time contemplating that tempting alternative. Suddenly, the thought of becoming a cold-blooded murderer horrified me. No. No, I would not give in to such terrifying ideas. No. That was not me. That was not the elf who was raised by Niryone to protect the peoples of Irdya. No.")} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 48 30} {UNCLEAR_FOG} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Between tears, I could catch a glimpse of light coming from around a corner.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 46 29} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "A conspicuous corridor, leading somewhere brightly illuminated. The walls were decorated with peculiar engravings. I was compelled to follow. With my captor completely incapacitated to exert any kind of magic control over me, I could once again move with absolute freedom.")} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 40 32} [terrain] x,y=43,31 terrain=^Xo layer=overlay [/terrain] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 [not] x,y=40,32 radius=3 [/not] [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [kill] id=Elyssa [/kill] [remove_item] x,y="$($elyssa_store.x - 1)",$elyssa_store.y [/remove_item] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore the place")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_NOTE} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store} # NOT elyssa_store, used later. [disallow_end_turn][/disallow_end_turn] {UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia x=41,42 y=32,31 [/filter] # Eeenope, not going back. {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "It was not my intention to go back where Elyssa’s inert body laid. I needed to keep exploring the corridor. My curiosity was just too great to resist.")} [/event] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia # The sigil room event. x=18,17-19,14-22,12-24,12-26,14-25,23-24,25 # last two entries correspond to y=38, 39, 40, 41,42-47,48-51, 40,41 # the arch at the entrance [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_2} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=cutscene 1 [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Argan" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef [event] name=cutscene 1 {BUG_ON ({FINALE_B_IN_PART_1}) ()} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=19,43 radius=8 )} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 19 43} [place_shroud] side=1 [not] x,y=19,43 radius=8 [/not] [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=19,45 [/scroll_to] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "The ceiling lights formed a familiar shape on the floor: the sigil of the First Guardian of Earth, Xia’el. Or at least, as it was depicted in Argan’s journal. An odd sense of comfort suddenly came to me. I felt for once as though I was, finally, at home.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 19 45} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=750 [/fade_out_sound_effects] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "If Elyssa spoke the truth, this was my destiny all along. I was meant to be the Guardian of Earth on Irdya, and I was meant to keep my world and my people from harm; from Elyssa, from Argan, from Zhangor, from Uria... ... From myself. ... And I had failed. I had failed them all. I grew up ignorant of my true purpose, focusing only on mundane problems, selfishly centered on my own needs and desires for the most part. I allowed Irdya’s terrible fate to come to pass: the destruction of many civilizations, the deaths of millions. Weren’t Guardians created to <i>protect</i> their worlds?")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # # Dear gods, why am I doing this to myself? Next campaign I write # will be all about happiness and sunshine. # {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I let myself collapse on the floor... and cried. I needed to cry after Galas’ death. I needed to cry after losing Malin. But I resisted the emotion for so long because I did not want anyone to know I was weak inside. But then, I was at home at last... alone. Nobody would know. So I cried. I wished Anya could be with me. But she did not know where I was, and I did not even know whether she was still alive. And even if she was... it would only be a matter of time until Zhangor solved the Seer’s riddle and killed the girl.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Home...")} [delay] time=5000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "There, there.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "You have not failed yet, my love. There are still things left to do.")} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... A— Argan?")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... Oh, I must have really lost it now.")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "I am here. Don’t you feel me?")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... Is this a dream?")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "... Is it?")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... I feel you. I feel your warm touch again. But... how?")} {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "Because you wished for my return. All these years...")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... I did.")} {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "I missed you, Elynia.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "... I— I— ... I did too. Oh, Argan...")} [delay] time=5000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS ( _ "We don’t have much time left, my love. Irdya is in ruins now, and Zhangor could find us any moment now. You need to get up.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Yes...")} [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=1000 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [unit] side=1 type=Master of Darkness canrecruit=yes id=Argan name= _ "Argan" x,y=19,44 facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elynia} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] # # Hello, censors. # # Please don't mess with the plot or you will pay dearly. # # -- Iris # {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I let my lips approach his own as we embraced like we had not for an eternity. He felt so delightfully real, I was willing to give in to our carnal urges. But...")} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Is there something wrong, my love?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I... feel... strange." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "My heart... it hurts..." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "That must be because you have spent too much time scurrying around. Just let yourself relax for a moment. We can reminisce about better times together..." [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: Yes, the question mark may seem misplaced, but it's actually intentional # po: as it denotes a different sentence inflection. She is supposed to sound # po: confused. message= _ "You don’t sound like yourself? My head... I—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "My memories have become so hazy... but... I... remember that sword... Elyssa has your sword..." [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Elynia, please, just..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {VARIABLE elyssa_store.x 19} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.y 43} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.facing se} [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elyssa" image=$elyssa_store.profile message= _ "Hello..." [/message] [unit] # We only want the recruit animation, screw stats. animate=yes side=1 canrecruit=yes id=Elyssa type=$elyssa_store.type x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y facing=$elyssa_store.facing [/unit] [unstore_unit] # clobbered! variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [animate_attack] [filter] id=Argan [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] name=$elyssa_store.attack[0].name [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=$elyssa_store.attack[0].damage damage_type=$elyssa_store.attack[0].type alignment=neutral #experience=no [/animate_attack] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_store} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... Zhangor." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "gathering_storm.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "How..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: I guess I'm already pushing the censors' limits a lot here? # po: It'd be advisable to keep it subtle in translations too. message= _ "Your act seems pretty cheap in retrospect. I cannot say I am completely disappointed, though; it was <i>absolutely</i> amusing to watch you attempt to—ahem—handle the poor, broken elf. But did you truly think it would work out? Ha ha ha!" [/message] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) I am not precisely myself, though.</i>" [/message] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} [teleport] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] x,y=19,42 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=19,46 [/teleport] [kill] id=Argan [/kill] [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=50 [/delay] [sound] name=magic-dark.ogg [/sound] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 id=Deathbringer name= _ "Deathbringer" type=Shaxthal Deathbringer Alpha {IS_BOSS} x,y=19,44 facing=sw [status] immune_to_demolition=yes [/status] [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to_unit] id=Deathbringer [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Deathbringer message= _ "But your guess was close enough. Congratulations, Guardian of Darkness." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "So the rumors are true, after all — you go around possessing other creatures using your disgusting body ooze." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>enraged</i>) You were going to possess me..." [/message] [message] speaker=Deathbringer # po: "Aspect" here refers to the Aspect of Earth, not Elynia's physical appearance. message= _ "Or steal your aspect through your currently vulnerable energy heart. Either outcome would have been advantageous for me, but no — it would seem you will both have to die instead." [/message] [terrain] terrain=Xu x=23-24,25 y=40 ,41 [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 x=23-27,25-27 y=38-39, 40 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "(<i>enraged</i>) Not if I can kill <b>you</b> first." [/message] #define FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE _TYPE _X _Y [unit] side=2 type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes animate=yes passable=yes [/unit] {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_purple} #enddef {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Assault Drone") 18 43} {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Protector Drone") 19 43} {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Assault Drone") 20 43} {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Assault Drone") 20 44} {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Protector Drone") 19 45} {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE ("Shaxthal Assault Drone") 18 44} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat Zhangor’s Deathbringer")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "The Deathbringer’s spear allows it to destroy the Energy Heart of a Guardian")} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [allow_end_turn][/allow_end_turn] {DISABLE_UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES} {ENABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] #define FINALE_B_CHECK_UNIT_LIMIT _VAR_ID [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN {_VAR_ID} 0} [then] {VARIABLE_DEC {_VAR_ID}} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE_RANDOM recruit_type "Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal War Drone"} [/else] [/if] #enddef [event] name=side 2 turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Deathbringer [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] terrain=C*,C*^* variable=recruit_locs [/store_locations] [count_units] side=2 [not] canrecruit=yes [/not] variable=zhangor_units [/count_units] [while] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN zhangor_units {DIFF 6 7 8}} [do] {VARIABLE_INC zhangor_units} {VARIABLE recruit_variation $null} {VARIABLE_RANDOM recruit_type "Shaxthal Worm,Shaxthal Deathbringer,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal Assault Drone,Shaxthal War Drone,Shaxthal Demolisher Drone"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM loc_n "0..$($recruit_locs.length - 1)"} # Deathbringers and Demolishers are spawned in limited numbers # per scenario run (not turn). They are supposed to be in short # supply. [switch] variable=recruit_type [case] value="Shaxthal Deathbringer" {FINALE_B_CHECK_UNIT_LIMIT deathbringer_limit} [/case] [case] value="Shaxthal Demolisher Drone" {FINALE_B_CHECK_UNIT_LIMIT demolisher_limit} [/case] [/switch] # The unit type may have been re-randomized above if we hit # one of the unit limits. [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS recruit_type "Shaxthal Deathbringer"} [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM recruit_variation base,cyclops,beast} [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS recruit_type "Shaxthal Worm"} [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM recruit_variation a,b,c} [/then] [/if] {FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE $recruit_type $recruit_locs[$loc_n].x $recruit_locs[$loc_n].y} [+unit] variation=$recruit_variation # DON'T allow Zhangor to use potentially devastating units # as soon as they are spawned. moves=0 attacks_left=0 [/unit] [/do] [/while] {CLEAR_VARIABLE zhangor_units,recruit_type,recruit_variation,recruit_locs,loc_n} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Deathbringer [/filter] [fire_event] name=start part 3 [/fire_event] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # THIRD PART # # # ############################################################################ #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE _SOUND_LIST _X _Y {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_REMOVE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE} [sound_source] id=__dreamscape_unique x={_X} y={_Y} sounds={_SOUND_LIST} # Play continuously, don't loop on a single sound. delay,loop,chance=0,0,100 full_range,fade_range=10,6 # Ignore everything check_fogged,check_shrouded=no,no [/sound_source] #enddef #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_REMOVE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE [remove_sound_source] id=__dreamscape_unique [/remove_sound_source] #enddef #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_MOVECOSTS _SUF [object] silent=yes [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] [effect] apply_to=movement_costs replace=yes [movement_costs] forest={UNREACHABLE} village={UNREACHABLE} [/movement_costs] [/effect] [/object] #enddef #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER_LOCATION _EVENT_FLAG _RADIUS terrain="*^&"+{_EVENT_FLAG} radius={_RADIUS} #enddef # # Fire "dreamscape <FLAG>" event with Elynia as the primary unit and the # trigger area's center and radius stored in t.x, t.y, and t.radius. The # terrain flag is removed at the end. The viewport is also locked for the # duration of these events. # #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER _EVENT_FLAG _RADIUS [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia [filter_location] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER_LOCATION {_EVENT_FLAG} {_RADIUS} } [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] {FINALE_B_IN_PART_3} [/filter_condition] {LOG_ATS ("dreamscape EH "+{_EVENT_FLAG}+": enter")} {LOCK_VIEW} [store_locations] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER_LOCATION {_EVENT_FLAG} 0 } variable=t [/store_locations] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS t.length 1}) ()} {VARIABLE t.radius {_RADIUS} } #[remove_shroud] # side=1 # {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER_LOCATION {_EVENT_FLAG} {_RADIUS} } #[/remove_shroud] #[redraw] # clear_shroud=yes #[/redraw] {LOG_ATS ("dreamscape EH "+{_EVENT_FLAG}+": enter nested EH")} [fire_event] name="dreamscape trigger "+{_EVENT_FLAG} [primary_unit] id=Elynia [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] {LOG_ATS ("dreamscape EH "+{_EVENT_FLAG}+": leave nested EH")} [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=$t.x,$t.y [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE t} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {LOG_ATS ("dreamscape EH "+{_EVENT_FLAG}+": leave")} [/event] #enddef #define FINALE_B_DREAMWALK _SUF _X _Y [dreamwalk] {_SUF} to_x={_X} to_y={_Y} [/dreamwalk] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] #enddef # wmllint: recognize Niryone # wmllint: recognize Galas # wmllint: recognize Anya # wmllint: recognize Elynia2 # wmllint: local spelling Filinor Cerin Niry [event] name=start part 3 {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {DISABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} {VARIABLE finale_b_part 3} [store_shroud] side=1 variable=precutscene_shroud [/store_shroud] # # Keep copies of these two around, we'll need them for the # final cutscene. # [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=yes variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] kill=yes variable=elyssa_store [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=elynia_precutscene_store mode=replace to_variable=elynia_store [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=elyssa_precutscene_store mode=replace to_variable=elyssa_store [/set_variables] [kill] [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [/kill] [remove_item][/remove_item] {BLACK_SCREEN} {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} [terrain] terrain=Xv [/terrain] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] # We're disabling music for most of the sequence. [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [delay] time=3000 [/delay] # # Swith to the last map. # # We'll replace this as the player proceeds further into lalaland, # and use time_areas to set local lighting. [replace_schedule] {UNDERGROUND} [/replace_schedule] [replace_map] map=$part_3_map expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] {PLACE_IMAGE units/shaxthal/master-of-darkness-dead.png 64 19} [redraw][/redraw] [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [value] x,y=37,34 facing=se hitpoints=$elynia_store.max_hitpoints moves=$elynia_store.max_moves attacks_left=$elynia_store.max_attacks [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$elyssa_store.max_hitpoints moves=$elyssa_store.max_moves attacks_left=$elyssa_store.max_attacks [/value] [/set_variables] {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store.status,elyssa_store.status} # # Set up sound sources. # [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE {SOUND_LIST:BIRDS} 20 35} # Reinstate fog again. [modify_side] side=1 fog=yes [/modify_side] # No more flags. [modify_side] flag_icon="misc/blank-hex.png" [/modify_side] # Will cause dream turn controller below to clobber previous autosaves # if the player somehow spent enough turns previously. We don't care. # Also, it'll become turn 1 forever if the player actually spends too # long playing this sequence. {VARIABLE dream_turn "$(max(1, max($turn_number, 1024)))"} [modify_turns] current="$dream_turn" [/modify_turns] # Make turn counter go backwards. [event] id=dream_turn_count_controller name=new turn first_time_only=no {VARIABLE_DEC dream_turn} [modify_turns] current="$dream_turn" [/modify_turns] [/event] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD x,y,radius=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y,6} {CLEAR_FOG 1 $elynia_store.x $elynia_store.y 6} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} # Don't clear this, we'll need her later. [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_MOVECOSTS id=Elynia} [fade_in_sound_effects][/fade_in_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Is that..." [/message] {UNCLEAR_FOG} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ({TSTR_NO_OBJECTIVES_AVAILABLE})} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} # This is intentional. {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no # Use a dummy synced action to forcefully disallow undo for the # remainder of the scenario. {RANDOM dummy} {CLEAR_VARIABLE random} [/event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM _ID _VARIATION [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] variable=ds_transform_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [unit] side=$ds_transform_store.side id=$ds_transform_store.id type=Dream Controller variation={_VARIATION} name=$ds_transform_store.name canrecruit=$ds_transform_store.canrecruit upkeep=$ds_transform_store.upkeep moves=$ds_transform_store.moves max_moves=$ds_transform_store.max_moves attacks_left=$ds_transform_store.attacks_left max_attacks=$ds_transform_store.max_attacks x=$ds_transform_store.x y=$ds_transform_store.y facing=$ds_transform_store.facing [modifications] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_MOVECOSTS ()} [insert_tag] name=trait variable=$ds_transform_store.modifications.trait [/insert_tag] [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ds_transform_store} #enddef #define FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED _SIDE _X _Y _FACING _ID _NAME _VARIATION [unit] type=Dream Controller variation={_VARIATION} id={_ID} name={_NAME} side={_SIDE} x={_X} y={_Y} facing={_FACING} [/unit] #enddef #define FINALE_B_ANIMATE_SPAWN [+unit] animate=yes [/unit] #enddef #define FINALE_B_FLOAT _ID _TEXT [floating_text] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] text={_TEXT} [/floating_text] #enddef #define FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION [+time] sound="" [/time] #enddef {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER A 6} [event] name=dreamscape trigger A [replace_schedule] {MORNING} {FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia "$($t.x + 2)" "$t.y"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia $t.x $t.y} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Hello?" [/message] # FIXME: hardcoded location set! [remove_terrain_overlays] x=25,26 y=51,50 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED 8 22 43 sw Niryone ( _"Niryone") niryone} {FINALE_B_ANIMATE_SPAWN} [message] speaker=Niryone message= _ "Back from Filinor’s class early?" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLOAT id=Elynia "!"} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elynia elynia1} {FACE_UNIT id=Elynia id=Niryone} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "He twisted his ankle yesterday morning while hunting with Cerin, so he let us go after a short round of questions." [/message] [message] speaker=Niryone message= _ "Bah. Figures. At least that means we can enjoy a nice midday meal together for a change." [/message] [color_adjust] red,green,blue=64,64,64 [/color_adjust] {RESET_SCREEN} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Sure, that would be great! I’m starving." [/message] [teleport] [filter] id=Niryone [/filter] x,y=18,43 check_passability=no [/teleport] [message] speaker=Niryone message= _ "Don’t come with me. It’s too dangerous." [/message] [replace_schedule] {SECOND_WATCH} {FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION} [/replace_schedule] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Huh?" [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Elynia id=Niryone} [kill] id=Niryone [/kill] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Elvish Fighter) 35 58} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Elvish Fighter) 38 53} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/unit] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 (Elvish Fighter) 40 56} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [+unit] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/unit] [event] name=turn refresh # wmllint: display on [transient_message] image=attacks/blank-attack.png message= _ "As a low-level unit under your control, Elynia has no special <b>After Maximum Level Advancements (AMLAs)</b>. You can learn more about those by 4 Ł vª§Ð t¬ þ ä ŋ ½5 °5 é’ ⅞ Ý T* 4 $$º © ŕ `¬ _ē → fv ’ ± ¡" [/transient_message] # wmllint: display off [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Elynia x=1-100 y=49-100 [/filter] [terrain] [and] terrain=W*,W*^* [/and] terrain=Wwb [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=*^Efm [/and] terrain=Gd^Edb [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=*^Ve [/and] terrain=Gd^Dr [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=*^Fet [/and] terrain=Gd^Fetd [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Niry? Where did you go?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Argan" image= # wmllint: ignore # po: IftU S23B callback. message= _ "<i>You are... hurting me...</i>" [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Final Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Elynia")} )} [event] name=side 1 turn end [replace_schedule] {DUSK} {FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elynia elynia2} [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Anlindë" image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>Don’t you realize that he will murder them all if you continue this pointless crusade of yours? Just leave them be, please!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>Don’t you dare speak in that tone to me, foul priestess! You should be grateful we do not cut your tongue off for your insolence. Guards! Escort her out, now!</i>" [/message] [/event] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] [filter_wml] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter_second] [fire_event] name=zhangor follower fight [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter_second] id=Elynia [/filter_second] [filter] [filter_wml] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] [fire_event] name=zhangor follower fight [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=zhangor follower fight [message] speaker=unit sound=laugh.ogg message= _ "The Lady of Light and the Master of Darkness must die!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Stop! Why are you doing this?!" [/message] [kill] [filter_wml] [variables] zhangor_follower=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/kill] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Argan" image= # wmllint: ignore # po: "Them" = the elvish peoples message= _ "<i>I do not suppose I can convince you to abandon them now, after so long. Am I right?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>Of course not.</i>" [/message] [event] name=side turn end [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Argan" image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>Then... we shall do this. Together.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message= _ "<i>... Together.</i>" [/message] [/event] [/event] [/event] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER B 6} [event] name=dreamscape trigger B {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_REMOVE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE} [replace_schedule] {LONGDARK1} {FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia "$($t.x + 2)" "$t.y"} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia se} {FAKE_RECRUIT 2 (Skeleton) 36 63} {FACING se} {FAKE_RECRUIT 2 (Skeleton) 38 62} {FACING se} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} {FAKE_RECRUIT 2 (Chaos Invoker) 40 62} {FACING sw} {FAKE_RECRUIT 2 (Demon Grunt) 42 62} {FACING sw} {GENDER male} [unit] side=8 {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} canrecruit=yes animate=yes facing=sw x,y=42,62 [/unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Do you think our people will ever find peace again, Elynia?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I..." [/message] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elynia elynia3} {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Galas galas} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Galas se} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "It doesn’t matter now, I guess." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [kill] id=Galas [/kill] [unit] side=2 type=Dream Controller variation=argan1 id=Argan name= _ "Argan" canrecruit=yes facing=se x,y=42,62 #placement=map_overwrite Doesn't work [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "Because I am dead." [/message] [kill] id=Argan [or] side=2 [/or] [/kill] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Previous Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Kill Argan, the Master of Darkness, and put an end to his sinister rule over Irdya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Kill Argan, the Master of Darkness, and put an end to his sinister rule over Irdya")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE (" da ä ¬Ŋ Þ"+" "+_"Elynia")} )} [show_objectives][/show_objectives] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What is this place... Something feels amiss." [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia 46 62} [remove_terrain_overlays] x=50 ,49 y=64-65,66 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia 47 65} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [move_unit_fake] side=8 type=Nightshade Fire x=55,51 y=66,66 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] side=8 {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} type=Nightshade Fire x,y=51,66 facing=nw [/unit] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Elynia! Oh, I’m so glad I could finally find you... Come with me, this way! Quickly!" [/message] [kill] id=Anya [/kill] [move_unit_fake] side=8 type=Nightshade Fire x=51,55 y=66,66 [/move_unit_fake] [event] name=new turn {OBJECTIVES ( silent=yes victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Elynia")} )} [/event] [/event] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER C 6} [event] name=dreamscape trigger C {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia "$($t.x + 2)" "$t.y"} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED 8 59 64 ne Anya ( _ "Anya") anya} {FINALE_B_ANIMATE_SPAWN} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "My hair gets so messy with all the wind in this desert. It’s almost tempting to shave it... Do you think I would look too weird if I did that?" [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Elynia id=Anya} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Did we... Didn’t we have this conversation already?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I’m just concerned that you might not like it if I do that... Your hair is always so fluffy and nice and beautiful..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... All right, that is not something I recall you saying..." [/message] [teleport] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] x,y=62,61 check_passability=no [/teleport] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Elynia} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "You promised..." [/message] [kill] id=Anya [/kill] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED 8 59 64 ne Argan ( _ "Argan") argan2} # {FINALE_B_ANIMATE_SPAWN} [message] speaker=Argan message= _ "You promised..." [/message] [kill] id=Argan [/kill] # # Set up hive sound source at Elyssa's future location. # [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] [store_locations] terrain=*^&F variable=ss_location [/store_locations] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN ss_location.length 1}) ()} [lua] code=<< local ely = wesnoth.units.find_on_map({ id = "Elynia" })[1] local ss_x, ss_y = wml.variables["ss_location.x"], wml.variables["ss_location.y"] wml.variables["r"] = wesnoth.map.distance_between({ss_x, ss_y}, {ely.x, ely.y}) >> [/lua] {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=lair_sound_source # wmllint: ignore x,y=$ss_location.x,$ss_location.y fade_range=$($r * 0.75) full_range=$($r * 0.25) [/sound_source] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ss_location,r} # Cutscene delay [fade_in_sound_effects][/fade_in_sound_effects] {VARIABLE elynia_store.facing ne} [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store x,y="$($t.x + 2)","$t.y" find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_MOVECOSTS id=Elynia} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I must find Elyssa. She must be here, somewhere..." [/message] [show_objectives][/show_objectives] [/event] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER D 6} {SNOW_ON_TOD inferno_night} [event] name=dreamscape trigger D # We do this ahead of time because parts of the time area for Inferno # overlap a region that's going to be unshrouded and onscreen while # trigger E fires. [time_area] id=inferno {INFERNO_NIGHT} x=55-83 y=31-44 [/time_area] # This is made redundant later by a global ToD schedule replacement. [time_area] id=lair {DEEP_UNDERGROUND} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -50 -15} x=0-9999 y=0-30 [/time_area] [remove_terrain_overlays] x=64-66,67,68,69 y= 49,50,49,50 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore # po: Elyssa speaking here. message= _ "<i>Did you know that this entire land used to be a huge empire?</i>" [/message] [/event] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER E 6} [event] name=dreamscape trigger E [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore # po: Elyssa speaking to Argan here. message= _ "<i>You’re asking too much from me. To confront a goddess who has accrued enough power to wipe out an entire world...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore # po: Elyssa speaking to Argan here. message= _ "<i>... I understand. </i>" [/message] [/event] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER F 8} #define FINALE_B_FLASH_RED {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=100 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} #enddef [event] name=dreamscape trigger F # # Final cutscene. Lots of hardcoded locations. # [replace_schedule] {DEEP_UNDERGROUND} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -40 -50 -15} [/replace_schedule] [remove_time_area] id=lair [/remove_time_area] [fade_out_sound_effects][/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE lair_sound_source} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] [message] speaker=narrator image= # wmllint: ignore caption= _ "Argan" # po: Callback to IftU S23Bx. message= _ "<i>... you betrayed... me...</i>" [/message] [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y,radius=$t.x,$t.y,$t.radius [/remove_shroud] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia 65 28} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [value] facing=ne x,y=$t.x,$t.y [/value] [/set_variables] {FINALE_B_DREAMWALK id=Elynia $elyssa_store.x $elyssa_store.y} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia $elyssa_store.facing} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] id=Elynia2 [/modify_unit] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED 1 66 18 sw Elynia _"Elynia" elynia3} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: Callback to IftU S23Bx. message= _ "Argan! No, no, this can’t be happening, you can’t be doing this, I am trying to heal you, don’t you see? I..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [remove_time_area] id=inferno [/remove_time_area] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Why don’t you say anything? Argan!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia2 message= _ "Argan— No..." [/message] [redraw][/redraw] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {HIVE_NOISE_3_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=horror_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects][/fade_in_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Elyssa?" [/message] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "YOU KILLED HIM!" [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 64 20} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa nw} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Elyssa, I..." [/message] {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elyssa elyssa1} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Why— Why do you have to show me this again? WHY?" [/message] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [value] facing=ne [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=no x,y=64,20 [/unstore_unit] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 65 20} [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [value] facing=sw [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no x,y=66,18 [/unstore_unit] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa 65 19} #define FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA [animate_attack] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [filter_second] id=Elyssa [/filter_second] [filter_attack] name=$elyssa_store.attack[0].name [/filter_attack] kill=no animate=yes fire_event=no amount=$elyssa_store.attack[0].damage damage_type=$elyssa_store.attack[0].type alignment=neutral #experience=no [/animate_attack] [delay] time=250 [/delay] #enddef [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Why couldn’t you <b>save</b> him instead?!" [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elyssa elyssa2} # # Dreamscape breakdown, it all becomes a black void. # [replace_schedule] {UNDERGROUND} [/replace_schedule] # Bye Argan. [remove_item][/remove_item] {BLACK_SCREEN} [modify_side] side=1 fog=no shroud=no [/modify_side] [terrain] # EVERYWHERE terrain=Xv^Gov [/terrain] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [message] speaker=Elyssa sound=laugh.ogg message= _ "WHY?!" [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=no [/store_unit] [kill] id=Elynia animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] {APPLY_INJURED_VARIATION id=Elynia ne} {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia profile misc/blank-hex.png} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) You are a disgrace to your sad excuse of a civilization!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Stop it... please... Zhangor is attempting to control you..." [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elyssa elyssa3} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) Nobody can control me!</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elynia elynia4} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... please..." [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I know you—" [/message] {FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA} {FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM Elynia elynia5} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... I know you loved Argan too." [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] # # NOTE: At this point Elynia and Elyssa's lines get mixed up. This is # on purpose. # [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) ... He wanted you to find me... and guide me... didn’t he...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... You... you are not me. Why am I crying?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... Are these... my own tears?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) ... Try to remember... that you...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "<i>... that I was once...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) ... human—</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "No... no..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) Uria demanded I kill them! It was... it was never my intention... please!</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Zhangor is trying to make us lose control..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: This is part of one of Elyssa's lines from IftU scenario 22B. message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) Now that I have failed, there’s no purpose left for me...</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... He is trying to take us both at once... using the powers of the Gatekeeper..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) Why... why did you bring me back to life... WHY?!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Ethealim" image=misc/blank-hex.png # po: Callback to AtS E3S8A "Interim". message= _ "<i>... you have allowed others to distort your identity...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Mal Keshar" image=misc/blank-hex.png # po: Callback to AtS E1S12 "The Queen". message= _ "<i>... a greater cause, one that transcends the fate of Irdya...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Niryone" image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... take the Sceptre of Fire... and wield it... against our enemies...</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... He is using the powers of the Gatekeeper of Urvatha to tear into our minds... I should have known that he would try to do this..." [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "<i>(metallic voice) Elynia, grab my hand!</i>" [/message] {FINALE_B_FLASH_RED} [kill] id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] [/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [fade_out_sound_effects] duration=4000 [/fade_out_sound_effects] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE horror_noise} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "For a moment, I could not tell our memories and emotions apart. For a moment, I saw the fear in the demoness’ subconscious; I saw her fear of Uria; her fear of the many creatures she had tortured and slain, both under Uria’s command and of her own volition. I felt her suffering at the hands of Argan’s men before he rescued her from their cruelty. I saw her wandering the sands before her capture. I saw through the invisible mask she had worn all this time to protect her fragile self from the corruption rooted deep within the energy hearts of our kind. I saw that, despite her claims to the contrary, she was human. And despite living for longer than any elf on Irdya, she was still just a girl, forced by Argan and Uria to live a life she did not want. A life she could not end on her own, for fear of ceasing to exist forever.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I saw one of her nightmares, one in which she is alone wandering an endless void with nothing in sight but a tree above; a broken tree, in flames. But it was a tree unlike any other I have never seen...")} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=misc/blank-hex.png # po: Callback to AtS E1S9.3 "The Triad, part 3". message= _ "<i>Don’t you see? We aren’t that different after all.</i>" [/message] # A single warp should suffice as long as part 3's map is larger than # part 2's. [scroll_to] x,y=$elynia_precutscene_store.x,$elynia_precutscene_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] [replace_map] map=$part_2_map expand,shrink=yes,yes [/replace_map] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes shroud_data=$precutscene_shroud [/modify_side] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {FADE_IN} # Remove demolition immunity status flag from both {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_precutscene_store.status.immune_to_demolition} {CLEAR_VARIABLE elyssa_precutscene_store.status.immune_to_demolition} [unstore_unit] find_vacant=yes variable=elynia_precutscene_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=yes variable=elyssa_precutscene_store [/unstore_unit] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia # po: Callback to AtS E3S8C "Breakdown". message= _ "Why... did you not kill me?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Because..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Argan asked me to help you." [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I could restrain myself no longer. With tears in my eyes I laughed maniacally like I never had before.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Was that my own emotion, or Elyssa’s? Did it actually matter?")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "There was only one thing I knew for sure. Galas, Anlindë, and Mal Keshar woke me to save Irdya from Uria’s corrupting influence. Their lives were cut short not by Elyssa, but by the broken creature into which Uria turned her.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I gave Ergea a chance because that is what my friends would have done, and she led me to Elyssa. If fate dictates we join forces in spite of our mutual hatred, then so be it.")} {FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "No-one on Irdya will ever see peace again for as long as Zhangor and Uria exist. No matter the consequences... no matter who is at my side, I will confront those two. Uria has to be stopped.")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE finale_b_part,used_touchplate_1,used_touchplate_2,part_2_map,part_3_map,elynia_store,elyssa_store,elynia_precutscene_store,elyssa_precutscene_store,precutscene_shroud,dream_turn,deathbringer_limit,demolisher_limit} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... I give up. You are beyond useless." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS #undef FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_1 #undef FINALE_B_DRONE_TINT_2 #undef FINALE_B_CRYSTAL_SHARD #undef FINALE_B_TOUCHPLATE #undef FINALE_B_LAVA_SHORE_X_Y #undef FINALE_B_TRY_RELOCATE_HERO #undef FINALE_B_ENGIE_BOSS_BOOST #undef FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_ATTACK_HANDLER #undef FINALE_B_ENGIE_FACING_MOVETO_HANDLER #undef FINALE_B_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_B_IN_PART_1 #undef FINALE_B_IN_PART_2 #undef FINALE_B_IN_PART_3 #undef FINALE_B_BOSS_DRONE #undef FINALE_B_CHECK_UNIT_LIMIT #undef FINALE_B_FLASH_RED #undef FINALE_B_ELYSSA_STRIKES_ELYNIA #undef FINALE_B_IS_HERO #undef FINALE_B_CHAMBER_WALL_X_Y #undef FINALE_B_ARGAN_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_B_FLOAT #undef FINALE_B_DREAMWALK #undef FINALE_B_NO_TOD_TRANSITION #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_REMOVE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER_LOCATION #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRANSFORM #undef FINALE_B_ANIMATE_SPAWN #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_TRIGGER #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_MOVECOSTS #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_CREATE_WARPED #undef FINALE_B_DREAMSCAPE_UNIQUE_SOUND_SOURCE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=10_Blood name= _ "Blood" {MAP 10_Blood.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=11_After_the_Storm victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes # We do not need this because the player 'Elynia' is never used again # after this point. #{DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {K_DEATHS} {FINALE_AMLA_EVENTS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "gameplay06.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "weight_of_revenge.ogg"} {STORYTXT_BLOOD} {SPAWN_CONTROLLER} {UNDERGROUND} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 20 -20 -20} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} #define FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} #enddef # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Elynia team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elynia" {RAGGED_FLAG} fog=yes shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} share_vision=none # wmllint: recognize Elynia {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=yes [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} {AI_BOSS_TARGETING_ENGINE <<{"Elyssa","Elynia"}>>} [goal] [criteria] id=Elyssa [/criteria] value=200 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=200 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] type=Fire Wraith [/criteria] value=1 [/goal] [/ai] [/side] [side] # Demons side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Mindraider) 33 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 32 29} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 32 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 33 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 23 32} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 30 25} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 24 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Psy Crawler) 33 56} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} [/side] [side] # Shaxthal side=4 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Custodian Drone) 25 36} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Custodian Drone) 32 37} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Custodian Drone) 27 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Custodian Drone) 21 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Shaxthal Custodian Drone) 32 19} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} [/side] [side] # Undead side=5 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Zhangor" {CHAOS_FLAG} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS} [/ai] {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 15 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 28 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 33 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 43 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 29 43} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 32 42} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 24 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 29 29} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 31 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 39 47} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Fallen Faerie) 21 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Revenant) 26 58} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Revenant) 32 45} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Death Knight) 36 57} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 32 58} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 34 61} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 26 61} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 24 57} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 22 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 21 61} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 36 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 40 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 41 55} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 45 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 30 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 33 48} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 18 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION swimmer} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 26 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 41 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 33 53} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 12 54} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 18 61} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 39 61} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 46 49} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 30 32} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 23 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 11 25} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 13 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 39 39} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 49 27} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 49 21} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 23 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 38 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 31 28} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Soulless) 23 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {VARIATION wose} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 40 30} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 27 31} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 17 29} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 28 17} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 6 41} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 11 35} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 19 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 41 36} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 48 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 41 24} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghost) 16 14} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghost) 8 26} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghost) 47 53} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Ghost) 39 62} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Draug) 25 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Draug) 31 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 28 46} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 35 50} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING sw} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Spectre) 27 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {FACING se} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Nightgaunt) 21 52} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Nightgaunt) 43 51} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GUARDIAN} # These aren't guardians. This is intentional. {GENERIC_UNIT () (Nightgaunt) 31 40} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Nightgaunt) 26 33} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} {GENERIC_UNIT () (Nightgaunt) 28 22} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} [/side] {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",surface) 4 26 38} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Enforcer Drone",surface) 4 34 45} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 10 38} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 11 40} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 14 43} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 2 36} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 1 31} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 8 23} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 45 32} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 46 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 42 38} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 49 35} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 3 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 54 34} #ifndef EASY {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 19 25} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 21 19} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 35 17} {TIMED_DRONE_SPAWNER 6 (type,variation="Shaxthal Sentry Drone",surface) 4 35 24} #endif {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} [event] name=DEBUG1 [kill] [filter_location] x,y=28,20 radius=10 [/filter_location] [/kill] [teleport] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] x,y=25,23 [/teleport] [teleport] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] x,y=26,23 [/teleport] [fire_event] name=reveal keep [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT _REL_X _REL_Y [tile] x={_REL_X} y={_REL_Y} type=!,W* # needed to void this rule on boss stage 4 [/tile] #enddef [terrain_graphics] x,y=27,19 {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 0 0} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 1 0} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 2 0} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 0 1} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 1 1} # keep at 28,20 {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 2 1} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 0 2} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 1 2} {FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT 2 2} probability=100 [image] center=94,144 layer=0 name="../scenery/sigil-4.png" [/image] [/terrain_graphics] #undef FINALE_B_SIGIL_TILE_FRAGMENT {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE boss_stage 0} {VARIABLE boss_start_turn 0} {VARIABLE boss_skip_spawns_on_turn 0} {VARIABLE boss_spawn_sequence_count 0} {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 0} {VARIABLE boss_flood_active no} {VARIABLE banshee_spawn_1st_run yes} {VARIABLE satellite_spawn_1st_run yes} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_spawn_1st_run yes} # Terrain information variables used by the boss fight proper later. [store_starting_location] side=2 variable=boss_keep [/store_starting_location] [store_locations] terrain=Xos [and] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y radius=7 [/and] variable=core_locs [/store_locations] [store_locations] terrain=*^Fet* [and] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y radius=7 [/and] # # NOTE: this variable persists until the end of the # boss battle! # variable=banshee_locs [/store_locations] # Satellite cores will be spawned at locations that are exactly 6 tiles # away from the boss keep. [store_area_edge] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y radius=6 variable=satellite_locs [/store_area_edge] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS core_locs.length 0}) ("core_locs.length == 0")} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS banshee_locs.length 0}) ("banshee_locs.length == 0")} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS satellite_locs.length 0}) ("satellite_locs.length == 0")} # Aspect combos shit is too complicated to setup here, # so it's done later on. # wmllint: recognize Elyssa {RECALL_ELYSSA_AT_LOCATION 29 65} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa se} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia nw} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Locate Zhangor")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} [set_menu_item] # NOTE: the z prefix is intended to force this item # to go below the Fire Wraith summoning command. id=wmi_z_combo_attacks_info description= _ "Attack Combinations" image="icons/menu-book.png" synced=no [command] [combo_info_dialog][/combo_info_dialog] [/command] [/set_menu_item] # Allow Elyssa to summon Fire Wraiths next to Elynia [modify_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] [variables] is_summoning_target=yes [/variables] [/modify_unit] [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Blood?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Yes, more blood. You might want to get used to it — there is a lot of it in the place we are headed towards." [/message] [transient_message] image=units/monsters/firewraith/firewraith.png message= _ "Elyssa can now summon Fire Wraiths next to Elynia regardless of the distance between both." [/transient_message] [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "If we want to have any chance of killing that bastard for good, we must stick together and try to combine our powers and attacks in different ways. Your aspect is undeniably affiliated to the path of Light; mine is Darkness. Perhaps, even without the Union, we may be able to achieve something in some form." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That is why you wanted me by your side, right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: "Us" = Argan and Elyssa. message= _ "Yes. It is my hope that you... will not let us down." [/message] [transient_message] image=icons/book.png message= _ "Right click on the map and choose <b>Attack Combinations</b> for information on the possible attack combinations you can use and their effects." [/transient_message] [/event] #define FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS boss_stage 5} #enddef #ifdef EASY {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 19 21 CONDITIONS={FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS}} #else [event] name=prestart [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=19,21 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [/event] #endif {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 20 16 CONDITIONS={FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS}} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 33 15 CONDITIONS={FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS}} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 36 23 CONDITIONS={FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS}} #ifndef HARD {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 25 27 CONDITIONS={FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS}} #else [event] name=prestart [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=25,27 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [/event] #endif ############################################################################ # # # ASPECT COMBOS # # # ############################################################################ #define COMBO_DBG _MSG {LOG_ATS_DBG ("COMBO: "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define COMBO_SIGIL _COL _ROW "icons/original-ten-sigils.png~CROP($(60*"+{_COL}+"), $(60*"+{_ROW}+"), 60, 60)" #enddef #define COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH {COMBO_SIGIL 3 0} #enddef #define COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS {COMBO_SIGIL 0 1} #enddef #define COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY _FACTOR [effect] apply_to=damage multiply={_FACTOR} [/effect] #enddef #define COMBO_DEFINITION _NAME _SIDE_A _SIDE_B #arg SYMMETRIC yes #endarg #arg EFFECTS #endarg [+set_variables] [literal] name={_NAME} symmetric={SYMMETRIC} {EFFECTS} [side_a] {_SIDE_A} [/side_a] [side_b] {_SIDE_B} [/side_b] [/literal] [/set_variables] #enddef [event] name=reset combo status first_time_only=no [set_variables] name=combo_status mode=replace [value] [side_a] attacker,attack=$null,$null [target] x,y=0,0 [/target] [/side_a] [side_b] attacker,attack=$null,$null [target] x,y=0,0 [/target] [/side_b] [/value] [/set_variables] [/event] [event] name=prestart {COMBO_DBG "initializing"} [fire_event] name=reset combo status [/fire_event] [set_variables] name=combo_attacks mode=replace [/set_variables] {COMBO_DEFINITION ( _ "inferno grasp") ( attack_id=claw of urvatha attack_name= _ "claw of urvatha" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/staff-elven-star.png # FIXME: placeholder aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS} ) ( attack_id=ensnare attack_name= _ "ensnare" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/entangle.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH} ) SYMMETRIC=no EFFECTS={COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY 3.0} } {COMBO_DEFINITION ( _ "primal nightmare") ( attack_id=claw of urvatha attack_name= _ "claw of urvatha" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/staff-elven-star.png # FIXME: placeholder aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS} ) ( attack_id=faerie touch attack_name= _"faerie touch" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH} ) SYMMETRIC=no EFFECTS={COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY 4.0} } {COMBO_DEFINITION ( _ "flames of xia’el") ( attack_id=pyranoctum attack_name= _"pyranoctum" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/fireball.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS} ) ( attack_id=arcane rage attack_name= _"arcane rage" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/arcane-rage.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH} ) SYMMETRIC=yes EFFECTS={COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY 2.0} } {COMBO_DEFINITION ( _ "lunar wrath") ( attack_id=noctum attack_name= _"noctum" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/noctum.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS} ) ( attack_id=arcane rage attack_name= _"arcane rage" # wmllint: ignore attack_icon=attacks/arcane-rage.png aspect_icon={COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH} ) SYMMETRIC=yes EFFECTS={COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY 4.0} } {COMBO_DBG "$combo_attacks.length combos"} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE combo_attacks,combo_status} [/event] # # NOTE: Only during offense. # [event] name=attack first_time_only=no [filter] id=Elynia,Elyssa [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS side_number 1} [/filter_condition] # Did we already start an attack combo? If not then this is side A, # otherwise it's side B {VARIABLE_IF_ELSE combo_side a b ({VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS combo_status.side_a.attacker $null})} [set_variables] name=combo_status.side_$combo_side mode=replace [value] attacker=$unit.id attack=$weapon.name [target] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/target] [/value] [/set_variables] {COMBO_DBG "side $combo_side status set (attacker=$unit.id attack=$weapon.name [target] x,y=$x2,$y2)"} # Can we confirm a potential attack combo now? [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS combo_side b} {VARIABLE_POS_EQUALS combo_status.side_a.target $combo_status.side_b.target.x $combo_status.side_b.target.y} [then] {COMBO_DBG "side a and side b match, running controller"} {EVENT_FORWARD_DISPATCH "combo controller"} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE combo_side} [/event] [event] name=combo controller first_time_only=no # Pseudo-references to keep code tidy. {VARIABLE REF_side_a combo_status.side_a} {VARIABLE REF_side_b combo_status.side_b} {BUG_ON ( [not] {VARIABLE_POS_EQUALS $REF_side_a|.target $x2 $y2} {VARIABLE_POS_EQUALS $REF_side_b|.target $x2 $y2} [/not] ) ("Combo controller invoked with bad target")} [foreach] array=combo_attacks variable=combo index_var=i [do] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS combo.effect.length 1}) ("Combo effect count must be exactly 1 ($rc_combo.effect.length)")} # Check if the current fight matches the configured combo # # a, b = current fight's side A and side B # A, B = configured combo's side A and side B [if] # Condition 1: symmetric combos (a == A || a == B || b == A || b == B) [not] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS combo.symmetric yes} {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_IN combo.side_a.attack_id $$REF_side_a|.attack|,$$REF_side_b|.attack|} [/not] # Condition 2: asymmetric combos (a == A && b == B) [not] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS combo.symmetric no} {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS combo.side_a.attack_id $$REF_side_a|.attack} {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS combo.side_b.attack_id $$REF_side_b|.attack} [/not] [then] [continue][/continue] [/then] [/if] # Combo confirmed {COMBO_DBG "selected combo [$i]: [ side A = $$REF_side_a|.attack; side B = $$REF_side_b|.attack ]"} # Find out the subscript for the {attack] entry we're modifying {VARIABLE n -1} [for] array=unit.attack variable=j [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.attack[$j].name $$REF_side_b|.attack} [then] {VARIABLE n $j} [break][/break] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS n -1} [then] {BUG ("Attack sequence using a nonexistent [attack]")} [break][/break] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_NOT_EQUALS combo.effect.apply_to damage} [then] {BUG ("Combo effect not implemented yet: $combo.effect.apply_to")} [continue][/continue] [/then] [/if] {COMBO_DBG "applying combo effects to attack[$n] '$weapon.name' from $unit.id"} # This can only be the multiply effect at the moment, which # translates directly into a [damage] multiply= weapon special. # Damage effects are temporarily appended at the end of the # [attack][specials][damage] array. Structuring this using WML # variable interpolation is a little awkward but it works. {VARIABLE REF_atk_damage_ary "unit.attack[$n].specials.damage"} # REF_atk_combo_effect = "unit.attack[0].specials.damage[$unit.attack[0].specials.damage.length]" # -> REF_atk_combo_effect = "unit.attack[0].specials.damage[9999]" {VARIABLE REF_atk_combo_effect "$REF_atk_damage_ary|[$$REF_atk_damage_ary|.length]"} # I feel so sorry for the sanity of whoever has to read this code in the future. <3 # (Except not really.) # This is getting meta. We're generating a new [damage] special # by copying the attributes directly from the combo's [effect] # WML node, and the target is an interpolated variable # reference that contained a nested interpolated reference. [set_variables] name=$REF_atk_combo_effect mode=insert [insert_tag] name=value variable=combo.effect [/insert_tag] [/set_variables] # Also need to add some fluff to have the new [damage] sepecial # work as intended. [set_variables] name=$REF_atk_combo_effect mode=merge [value] id=combo_damage_effect # wmllint: ignore apply_to=self active_on=offense [/value] [/set_variables] # Clobber the attack unit with the result and make sure to # restore it to its original state at the end of the attack # sequence. [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] # This event is not guaranteed to execute if the RNG causes the # unit to miss all strikes, so remove it later. [event] id=combo_hits_handler # wmllint: ignore name=attacker hits delayed_variable_substitution=no first_time_only=yes {UNIT_SPELL_POPUP x,y=$|x1,$|y1 $rc_combo.name} [/event] # Clean-up sequence. [event] name=attack end delayed_variable_substitution=no first_time_only=yes {COMBO_DBG "removing combo effects"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE $REF_atk_combo_effect} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [fire_event] name=reset combo status [/fire_event] [remove_event] id=combo_hits_handler # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] [/event] # We're done here. {CLEAR_VARIABLE REF_atk_combo_effect,REF_atk_damage_ary,n} [break][/break] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE REF_side_a,REF_side_b} [/event] [event] name=side 1 turn end first_time_only=no {COMBO_DBG "resetting state on side 1 turn end"} [fire_event] name=reset combo status [/fire_event] [/event] #undef COMBO_EFFECT:DMG_MULTIPLY #undef COMBO_DEFINITION #undef COMBO_SIGIL:EARTH #undef COMBO_SIGIL:DARKNESS #undef COMBO_SIGIL #undef COMBO_DBG [event] name=moveto [filter] x,y=31,42 side=1 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Is that..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Xia’el, the Guardian of Earth. Her First Cycle self, to be precise. Don’t feel too intimidated by her stature, though — I very much doubt this is to scale." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "She is... she was a faerie? I am not sure what I was expecting." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Big shoes to fill? Then again, it looks like neither of you have ever worn shoes for reasons that are surely beyond my ability to comprehend. And again, most likely not to scale." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No, I mean... She looks so beautiful and dignified... but at the same time, she is... so..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Mundane? By now you should know gods come in all shapes and sizes. Although anyone can play god to a sufficiently ignorant crowd." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I suppose you would know about that kind of thing." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You don’t need miracles, prophecies or mind control to rule over uncivilized brutes. You just need to establish clear boundaries and show your subjects the consequences for stepping out of line. Sooner or later someone will test your power regardless, so there is little point to claiming godhood unless you want to paint an even larger target on your back." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Ignoring the entire Uria situation for a moment, what this world needs right now is not another false god. It just needs someone able to purge all the scum and build a new order from the ground up. If that someone happens to have god-like powers, then the job should be certainly much easier. But it does not have to be like that." [/message] [event] name=new turn [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You don’t need to play the role of the Guardian of Earth if that’s not what you want." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I can feel the question lingering in the back of your head." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "When my mentor realized the true nature of the Sceptre of Fire, she asked me to wield it against the enemies of Irdya... with her dying breath." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "This cursed artifact is bad for your health. You must not use it ever again." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I just said—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You can say anything you want, but it does nothing to change the fact that you are a creature of Light trying to wield a power that is harmful to your mind and soul." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Niryone’s staff rightfully belongs to me—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I assure you, the <i>thing</i> lurking beneath the Ruby’s lustrous surface does not care for any sentimental attachment you may have to it. Your mentor’s intentions may have been noble, but if you want to save Irdya you are going to have to learn to let go of the past and not waste your potential living an eternal life of regret." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "If you truly want to honor her memory... if you want to make your friends’ sacrifices worth it, then it is time for you to become the Guardian of Earth we need instead of the Lady of Light who lost to her own Darkness. But if you don’t feel up to the task then you are free to stay behind, drowning in an endless ocean of sorrow for what little is left of eternity." [/message] [/event] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # REACHING BOSS AREA # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=28,20 radius=6 [/filter_location] [/filter] [fire_event] name=reveal keep [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF x,y=28,20 radius=1 #enddef [event] name=reveal keep {LOCK_VIEW} [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=28,20 radius=7 [/remove_shroud] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=28,20 radius=1 [and] terrain=C*^* [/and] [/remove_terrain_overlays] [terrain] x,y=28,20 terrain=^Kov layer=overlay [/terrain] {CLEAR_FOG 1 28 20 8} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=28,20 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y=28,20)} {UNCLEAR_FOG} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Hm. He is not here like I expected. I suppose his intention is to make some kind of dramatic entrance later." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Elynia, there is something here you should see." [/message] {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Elynia and Elyssa to (28, 20) and the immediately adjacent locations")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] id=ee_moveto_handler # wmllint: ignore name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] [filter_location] {FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_location] [and] id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] [/and] [/filter] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.id Elynia} [have_unit] id=Elyssa [filter_location] {FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [or] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.id Elyssa} [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_location] {FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [/or] [then] [fire_event] name=boss stage 1 [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] [/event] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # BOSS STAGE 1 # # # ############################################################################ #define FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE _NUMBER {VARIABLE boss_stage {_NUMBER}} # Used to stagger periodic respawns so that they don't trigger too soon # after transitioning into a new boss fight phase. {VARIABLE boss_skip_spawns_on_turn $turn_number} #enddef [event] name=boss stage 1 [remove_event] id=ee_moveto_handler # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] {BUG_ON ( [not] [have_unit] id=Elynia [filter_location] {FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [have_unit] id=Elyssa [filter_location] {FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF} [/filter_location] [/have_unit] [/not] ) ("stage 1 fired early")} {FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE 1} {VARIABLE boss_start_turn $turn_number} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia} [kill] [filter_location] x,y=28,20 radius=7 [/filter_location] [not] id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] [/not] [/kill] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=0-55 y=0-39 [/remove_shroud] [place_shroud] side=1 x= 0-55 y=40-69 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [fade_out_sound_effects][/fade_out_sound_effects] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "transience.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What is that in the middle of the blood lake?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=28,4 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "The Seed of Earth, the place from which all life on Irdya originally sprang." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "It is currently sealed in its chamber. There is not much that can be done with it by anyone other than the Guardian of Earth. Generally speaking, nobody is supposed to see or tamper with the thing that lays within; not even the controlling Guardian herself. That is to say, not even you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa scroll=no message= _ "... Unless, of course, you wanted to reset life on Irdya back to the beginning. That is how the Second Cycle was started. But if you did that, then every living or non-living creature currently standing on this world would be erased from existence — even you." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Doing that would destroy Zhangor for sure, but Uria is not on Irdya, and the loss would be little more than a minor inconvenience to her in the long term. But if you feel particularly selfish about your pitiful existence, this is an option for you to consider." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That would be a coward’s choice, don’t you think?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Possibly. But if the guardian in question feared the absolute end of their own existence, then one could say that making the choice would take some degree of courage." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "What is your choice?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Do not worry, it is not a binding decision, yet." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Is that the only possible use for the power stored in this place? To destroy all life in our world so it can start anew?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "If Merthiaal’s cautionary story is any indication, yes. But Uria believes otherwise. She believes that the seeds can be used for other things if the aspect you control is either Life or Existence, based on the efforts of her predecessor — or the very unreliable information we have about them, anyway. But her attempts to find the seed on Urvatha have proven fruitless so far, and her patience is wearing thin. As ludicrous as it sounds, she no longer wants to find <i>just</i> the Body of the Union on Ethea." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I see. Then, there is no point in doing anything with ours." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I suppose. There is so much we still don’t know about our own creation..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Come to think of it, we should be thankful that Delethia’s actions ensured we would not get a proper Guardian of Existence for this cycle who could turn out to be an even more powerful deranged psychopath than Uria. Well, probably. That girl, Anya... her sole existence raises many questions we thought we had already answered." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa sound=laugh.ogg message= _ "...!" [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "siege_of_laurelmor.ogg"} [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=750 [/fade_in_sound_effects] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... But of course. The bastard’s plans aren’t as aligned with Uria’s own as I originally thought." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [sound] name=magic-dark.ogg [/sound] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} {VARIABLE_ADD elyssa_store.x 4} {VARIABLE elyssa_store.facing se} {VARIABLE_MIN elynia_store.x 4} {VARIABLE elynia_store.facing sw} [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=no facing=$elynia_store.facing side=1 x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured upkeep=free [/hidden_unit] [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa canrecruit=no facing=$elyssa_store.facing side=1 x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured upkeep=free [/hidden_unit] [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=100 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=100 [/delay] [kill] x,y=28,20 [not] side=1 [/not] [/kill] [unit] canrecruit=yes animate=yes side=2 id=Zhangor name= _ "Zhangor" type=Angel of Blood {IS_BOSS} x,y=28,20 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] {BOSS_POPUP} #{REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_dangerous_symphony.ogg"} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "What a glorious day for Irdya! So, at long last, Argan’s little girl solved the puzzle!" [/message] [kill] id=Elyssa [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are a disgusting liar and a traitor, Zhangor." [/message] [kill] id=Elynia [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=yes check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia ne} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "Excellent. That makes us equals in the eyes of the Lady of Light. Or should I now call her the Guardian of Earth on Irdya?" [/message] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Zhangor sw} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "Ah yes, Elynia... I have not forgotten what you and Argan did to me. Do you have any idea what it feels like to live for hundreds of years in agonizing pain with your limbs scattered across the land and buried deep in the ground? Do you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You’ve got nothing to fear; this time I shall make sure <i>nothing</i> remains of your wretched body for Uria to bring back." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "And I shall make sure your soul is destroyed forever as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "Without the Union? Go ahead, try your best!" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "gathering_storm.ogg"} [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [kill] x=29-33 y=43-45 [/kill] [terrain] x=29-33 y=43-45 terrain=Xos [/terrain] [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [terrain_mask] x,y=1,1 {MASK 10_Blood_1.mask} border=yes [/terrain_mask] [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE (explosion-big.ogg)} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Vanquish Demon Lord Zhangor")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Zhangor’s Gatekeeper powers allow him to debilitate and destroy the Energy Heart of a Guardian")} {FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # SHARED CODE FOR ALL BOSS STAGES # # # ############################################################################ # # See 'boss spawns controller' and the associated trigger event handler for # stuff specific to boss phases 2 through 4. # [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS boss_stage 0} [/filter_condition] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_start_turn 1}) ("boss_start_turn < 1")} # # Let him recruit a castleful of units every n turns, # depending on the current difficulty setting. # {VARIABLE boss_recruitment_rate {DIFF 4 3 2} } # First see if we just started the first boss turn. {VARIABLE boss_recruitment_factor "$($turn_number - $boss_start_turn)"} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS boss_recruitment_factor 0} [then] {VARIABLE_MOD boss_recruitment_factor $boss_recruitment_rate} [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_recruitment_factor 0} [then] [fire_event] name=boss recruitment controller [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_recruitment_rate,boss_recruitment_factor} [/event] [event] name=boss recruitment controller first_time_only=no {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS side_number 2}) ("boss recruitment controller called when side_number != 2")} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_stage 3} [then] {VARIABLE side_2_recruits "Psy Crawler,Shaxthal Drone"} [/then] [else] {VARIABLE side_2_recruits "Psy Crawler,Shaxthal Drone,Shaxthal Rayblade,Ghost"} [/else] [/if] [modify_side] side=2 recruit=$side_2_recruits gold={DIFF 60 70 80} [/modify_side] [event] name=side 2 turn end delayed_variable_substitution=no [modify_side] side=2 gold=0 [/modify_side] {DISALLOW_RECRUIT 2 $side_2_recruits} [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side_2_recruits} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # BOSS STAGE 2 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 1} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss stage 2 [primary_unit] id=Zhangor [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_SET_SPAWN_LIMIT _1ST_RUN_VAR _SPAWN_LIMIT #arg INITIAL_LIMIT 999999 #endarg {VARIABLE_IF_ELSE spawn_limit {INITIAL_LIMIT} {_SPAWN_LIMIT} ( {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS {_1ST_RUN_VAR} yes} )} {VARIABLE {_1ST_RUN_VAR} no} #enddef #define FINALE_B_STOP_AT_SPAWN_LIMIT #arg VAR i #endarg [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL {VAR} $spawn_limit} [then] [break][/break] [/then] [/if] #enddef #define FINALE_B_CLEAR_SPAWN_LIMIT {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_limit} #enddef [event] name=boss stage 2 {FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE 2} {VARIABLE ofacing $unit.facing} {LOCK_VIEW} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia} [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [sound] name=laugh.ogg [/sound] {PLAY_LEVELOUT_ANIM id=Zhangor} [kill] id=Zhangor [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {RED_SCREEN} # # Try to get any outstanding actions out of the queue now to mitigate # [delay] timing issues below. # [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] # Zhangor in his Gatekeeper form cannot move, therefore we need to # place him on his keep, pushing away any units that might've been # already there. [if] [have_unit] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y [/have_unit] [then] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y [/filter] kill=yes variable=zhangors_keep_unit [/store_unit] [/then] [/if] [hidden_unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 id=Zhangor name= _ "Zhangor" type=Angel of Blood {IS_BOSS} variation=gatekeeper_phase2 x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y facing=$ofacing [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS zhangors_keep_unit.length 0} [then] [unstore_unit] variable=zhangors_keep_unit find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ofacing,zhangors_keep_unit} [sound] name=gun-activate-2.ogg [/sound] [delay] # Approx. the length of gun-activate-2.ogg (actually around 920 ms, # but [delay] is too inaccurate due to the calls to the display drawing # code involved. time=900 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [sound] name=lightning.ogg [/sound] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "ambuscade-loop.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "moleman.ogg"} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {PLAY_LEVELIN_ANIM id=Zhangor} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE ("cave-in.ogg")} {QUAKE ("cave-in.ogg")} [foreach] array=core_locs variable=core_loc [do] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$core_loc.x,$core_loc.y to_x,to_y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y [/store_direction] [terrain] terrain=Kte^Xo x,y=$core_loc.x,$core_loc.y [/terrain] [hidden_unit] side=2 type=Blood Core x,y=$core_loc.x,$core_loc.y facing=$direction random_traits=no generate_name=no {IS_HERO} [variables] is_zhangors_body=yes [/variables] [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} [/do] [/foreach] [sound] name="explosion-big.ogg" [/sound] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ()} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "What are you trying to do now?" [/message] [fire_event] name=banshee spawn controller [/fire_event] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "His body is affixed to the ground, just avoid getting hit by his lightning!" [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} # # Any time all Blood Cores are destroyed, every attack from the # guardians has 100% chance to hit Zhangor. # # Mobile Blood Cores begin to be periodically spawned in later phases # to compensate. # {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT ( id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] ) (id=Zhangor) 100 ( [not] [have_unit] type=Blood Core [/have_unit] [/not] )} [/event] # # The banshee spawn logic is used throughout phases 2, 3 and 4. # [event] name=banshee spawn controller first_time_only=no [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT} [/sound] {FINALE_B_SET_SPAWN_LIMIT banshee_spawn_1st_run {DIFF 2 4 4}} [foreach] array=banshee_locs variable=banshee_loc [do] {FINALE_B_STOP_AT_SPAWN_LIMIT} [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y to_x,to_y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y [/store_direction] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y [/remove_terrain_overlays] [hidden_unit] side=2 type=Fallen Faerie random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes x,y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y facing=$direction [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE direction} [/do] [/foreach] [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {FINALE_B_CLEAR_SPAWN_LIMIT} [/event] [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_second] type=Blood Core [/filter_second] {EVENT_FORWARD_DISPATCH_SIMPLE "player hits blood core"} [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [filter] type=Blood Core [/filter] {EVENT_INVERSE_DISPATCH_SIMPLE "player hits blood core"} [/event] [event] name=player hits blood core first_time_only=yes [message] # Try speaking as the primary unit if she's Elynia or Elyssa, or Elyssa # otherwise. x,y=$x1,$y1 [and] id=Elynia [or] id=Elyssa [/or] [/and] [or] id=Elyssa [/or] message= _ "What the—" [/message] [/event] [event] name=player hits blood core first_time_only=no # # PRECONDITIONS: # * primary unit is side = 1 # * secondary unit is side = 2 # {BUG_ON ( [not] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS unit.side 1} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS second_unit.side 2} [/not] ) ("Invalid Blood Core fight sequence")} {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_stage 2}) ("Blood Core handler running before boss stage 2 ($boss_stage|)")} # # Shuffle Blood Cores' HP bars around whenever possible. # [store_unit] [filter] type=Blood Core [filter_location] find_in=core_locs [/filter_location] [/filter] variable=shuffle_stack [/store_unit] # # This shuffling algorithm should work in every case regardless of the amount # of units stored. If there's a single unit stored, it is unstored back with # minimal overhead later (*). If there are no units stored, the loop never # runs, and the bugcheck path is not hit. # [for] array=shuffle_stack variable=k reverse=yes [do] # k is the position of the primary unit to swap, set by the foreach cycle. # r is the position of teh secondary unit to swap, determined by the RNG. {VARIABLE r -1} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN k 0} [then] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($k - 1)"} {LOG_ATS_DBG ("SWAP: $k <-> $r <$shuffle_stack.length>")} {VARIABLE swap.hitpoints $shuffle_stack[$r].hitpoints} {VARIABLE swap.max_hitpoints $shuffle_stack[$r].max_hitpoints} {VARIABLE shuffle_stack[$r].hitpoints $shuffle_stack[$k].hitpoints} {VARIABLE shuffle_stack[$r].max_hitpoints $shuffle_stack[$k].max_hitpoints} {VARIABLE shuffle_stack[$k].hitpoints $swap.hitpoints} {VARIABLE shuffle_stack[$k].max_hitpoints $swap.max_hitpoints} [unstore_unit] variable="shuffle_stack[$r]" find_vacant=no check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE swap} [/then] [/if] # (*) [unstore_unit] variable="shuffle_stack[$k]" find_vacant=no check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN r -1} [then] [floating_text] x=$shuffle_stack[$k].x,$shuffle_stack[$r].x y=$shuffle_stack[$k].y,$shuffle_stack[$r].y text="<span color='#FF7F00'>!</span>" # wmllint: ignore [/floating_text] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shuffle_stack[$r]} {VARIABLE_DEC k} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE r,shuffle_stack[$k]} [/do] [/for] # We shouldn't hit this unless the shuffling algorithm is broken. {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN shuffle_stack.length 0}) ("Unit stats shuffling algorithm postcondition broken")} # FIXME: because I don't want to see what happens if we fire death events in the # middle of the sequence above, we need to check now what Blood Cores are # left with 0 HP or less. The game does not automatically kill them when # this happens unless it's the actual target unit. [store_unit] [filter] type=Blood Core [filter_location] find_in=core_locs [/filter_location] [/filter] variable=shuffle_stack kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=shuffle_stack variable=shuffled_core [do] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN shuffled_core.hitpoints 1} [not] # If it's the event's target it will be killed when # returning to the engine anyway. {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS second_unit.id shuffled_core.id} #{VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS x2 shuffled_core.x} #{VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS y2 shuffled_core.y} [/not] [then] [kill] x,y=$shuffled_core.x,$shuffled_core.y fire_event=yes animate=yes [/kill] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shuffle_stack} [/event] [event] name=player hits blood core first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Oh, is that what we are doing now, Zhangor? I expected you to be more creative than this in a real fight." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=Blood Core [/filter] # # Boost ALL guardians HP. This includes Zhangor unless he's # already on stage 4 or 5. # {VARIABLE guardian_player_hp_boost {DIFF 60 50 40} } {VARIABLE guardian_enemy_hp_boost {DIFF 40 50 60} } [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [or] id=Elynia [/or] [/filter] variable=guardians_store kill=no [/store_unit] [sound] name="heal.wav" [/sound] [foreach] array=guardians_store variable=guardian [do] # Remove poison only [clear_unit_status] [filter] id=$guardian.id [/filter] status=poisoned [/clear_unit_status] [floating_text] [filter] id=$guardian.id [/filter] text="+$guardian_enemy_hp_boost" # wmllint: ignore [/floating_text] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$guardian.x,$guardian.y [/filter] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=$guardian_player_hp_boost increase_total=$guardian_player_hp_boost [/effect] [/object] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE guardians_store} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_stage 4} [then] [floating_text] [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] text="+$guardian_enemy_hp_boost" # wmllint: ignore [/floating_text] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=$guardian_player_hp_boost increase_total=$guardian_player_hp_boost [/effect] [/object] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE guardian_player_hp_boost,guardian_enemy_hp_boost} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Blood Core [/filter] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Destroying these things is increasing my power somehow..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "There is something about the energy released by these cores, although I have a feeling Zhangor benefits from it as well." [/message] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # BOSS STAGE 3 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 2} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss stage 3 [primary_unit] id=Zhangor [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_NEEDS_TC_OVERRIDE [set_variables] name=shapeshifter_mods mode=insert [literal] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="PAL(magenta_to_red_tc>magenta_to_gold_tc)" [/effect] [/object] [/literal] [/set_variables] #enddef [event] name=boss stage 3 {FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE 3} {VARIABLE ofacing $unit.facing} {VARIABLE ox $x1} {VARIABLE oy $y1} {LOCK_VIEW} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia,Zhangor} [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FLASH_RED ( [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [kill] id=Zhangor [/kill] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 id=Zhangor name= _ "Zhangor" type=Angel of Blood {IS_BOSS} variation=gatekeeper_phase3 x,y=$ox,$oy facing=$ofacing [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "frantic.ogg"} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ox,oy,ofacing} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [sound] name="laugh.ogg" [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh dear gods, will this ever stop?" [/message] [fire_event] name=shapeshifter spawn controller [/fire_event] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "What is the matter, Guardians? Do you fear killing those of your own kin now? Have you not become accustomed to it over the course of your pathetic lives?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # # The shapeshifter spawn logic is used throughout phases 3 and 4 equally. # [event] name=shapeshifter spawn controller first_time_only=no [sound] name=mud-glob-miss.ogg [/sound] {FINALE_B_SET_SPAWN_LIMIT shapeshifter_spawn_1st_run {DIFF 2 3 4}} [foreach] array=banshee_locs variable=banshee_loc [do] {FINALE_B_STOP_AT_SPAWN_LIMIT} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Demon Shapeshifter"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id $null} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name $null} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_variation $null} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_ellipse "misc/ellipse-hero"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_overlays "misc/hero-icon.png"} # Greater chance to spawn a generic shapeshifter rather than a # mimic for any named character. {RANDOM 99,99,99,99,99,99,0..8} [set_variables] name=shapeshifter_mods mode=replace [literal] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="CS(16,0,16)" # Add a little purpleish tint. [/effect] [effect] apply_to=profile portrait=misc/blank-hex.png [/effect] [/object] [/literal] [/set_variables] [switch] variable=random [case] value=0 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Master of Darkness"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeArgan"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Argan"} [/case] [case] value=1 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Elvish Spellbinder"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeNiryone"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Niryone"} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_NEEDS_TC_OVERRIDE} [/case] [case] value=2 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Nightshade Fire"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeAnya"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Anya"} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_NEEDS_TC_OVERRIDE} [/case] [case] value=3 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Anlinde Elvish Avatar"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeAnlinde"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Anlindë"} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_NEEDS_TC_OVERRIDE} [/case] [case] value=4 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Elvish Wayfarer"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeGalas"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Galas"} [/case] [case] value=5 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Ancient Lich"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeMalin"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Mal Keshar"} [/case] [case] value=6 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Quenoth Champion"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeGarak"} #textdomain wesnoth-utbs {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Garak"} #textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [/case] [case] value=7 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Faerie Dryad"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeIsawen"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Delanith-Isáwen"} [/case] [case] value=8 {VARIABLE shapeshifter_type "Chaos Lorekeeper"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_id "fakeReghara"} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_name _"Reghara"} [/case] [else] {VARIABLE shapeshifter_ellipse $null} {VARIABLE shapeshifter_overlays $null} {RANDOM 1..100} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN random 50} [then] {VARIABLE shapeshifter_variation gendered} [/then] [/if] [/else] [/switch] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y to_x,to_y=28,20 [/store_direction] [scroll_to] x,y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y [/scroll_to] [unit] side=2 animate=yes type=$shapeshifter_type variation=$shapeshifter_variation facing=$direction x,y=$banshee_loc.x,$banshee_loc.y id=$shapeshifter_id name=$shapeshifter_name ellipse=$shapeshifter_ellipse # wmllint: no ellipsecheck overlays=$shapeshifter_overlays generate_name=no random_traits=no random_gender=yes [insert_tag] name=modifications variable=shapeshifter_mods [/insert_tag] [variables] is_zhangors_body=yes [/variables] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shapeshifter_id,shapeshifter_type,shapeshifter_mods,shapeshifter_ellipse,shapeshifter_overlays,direction,random} [/do] [/foreach] {FINALE_B_CLEAR_SPAWN_LIMIT} [/event] # BIG FAT TODO: # Figure out a way to attribute shapeshifter kills from Fire Wraiths to # Elyssa without making the EH code even more bloated than it already is. #define FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH _ID _SECOND_ID _WML [event] name=attack [filter] id="fake"+{_ID} # wmllint: ignore [/filter] [filter_second] id={_SECOND_ID} [/filter_second] [fire_event] name="shapeshifter "+{_ID}+" confront "+{_SECOND_ID} [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack [filter_second] id="fake"+{_ID} # wmllint: ignore [/filter_second] [filter] id={_SECOND_ID} [/filter] [fire_event] name="shapeshifter "+{_ID}+" confront "+{_SECOND_ID} [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name="shapeshifter "+{_ID}+" confront "+{_SECOND_ID} {_WML} [/event] #enddef #define FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH _ID _SECOND_ID _WML [event] name=die [filter] id="fake"+{_ID} # wmllint: ignore [/filter] [filter_second] id={_SECOND_ID} [/filter_second] {_WML} [/event] #enddef # # Anya doppelganger # # Nothing for Elyssa<->Anya. #{FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Anya Elyssa ()} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Anya Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: This sentence could be interpreted in two different ways; either Elyssa # po: is stating that she wouldn't want to kill the real Anya, or that she # po: does not necessarily consider the real Anya to be the real Guardian of # po: Darkness, and hence she might not hesitate in killing her. This # po: ambiguity is intentional. message= _ "I would hate to have to kill you... if you were the real Guardian of Darkness." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Anya Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You abandoned me..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Anya Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia # po: ‘Demon’ here refers to Zhangor. message= _ "Posing as my dearest friend will not save you from my wrath, demon!" [/message] )} # # Argan doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Argan Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You left me to die..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Argan Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Your imitation of Argan is once again absolutely pathetic." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Argan Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You betrayed me..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Argan Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This cheap trick will not break me down this time." [/message] )} # # Galas doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Galas Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You killed me..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Galas Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I could slaughter a whole host of these stupid elves a thousand times, Zhangor. Is this all you’ve got?" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Galas Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You failed to protect me..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Galas Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I no longer care for any of this, Zhangor. I no longer care." [/message] )} # # Mal Keshar doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Malin Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You are no small part of the cause of my departure from this world, you know." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Malin Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I could not care less about a walking joke like you." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Malin Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "You could have prevented my death, Elynia. You could have—" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Malin Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No... there was nothing I could do. Stop this!" [/message] )} # # Niryone doppelganger # # Nothing for Elyssa<->Niryone. #{FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Niryone Elyssa ()} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Niryone Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa # po: 'Her' refers to Elynia. message= _ "I assume you are important to her in some way?" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Niryone Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "... You were too late to save me, Elynia. If only you had not allowed him into your heart—" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Niryone Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "NO! I don’t want to remember this! I’LL KILL YOU!" [/message] )} # # Garak doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Garak Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "With your power you surely could have banished those foul creatures to whence they came. Useless child." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Garak Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... You peered into places you shouldn’t have, Zhangor." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Garak Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I wonder what became of my kind under your command..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Garak Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "..." [/message] )} # # Reghara doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Reghara Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "HA! I hope you enjoyed your stay with us, sweetheart." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Reghara Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "I’LL KILL YOU!" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Reghara Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit # po: Use your imagination here. See also E3S7A.2's intro text. message= _ "You must feel proud of yourself, allying with a mass-murderer like this c—" [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Reghara Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That couldn’t possibly be my own memory... I don’t think..." [/message] )} # # Anlindë doppelganger # {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Anlinde Elyssa ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "For someone who wants so much to stop Uria, you are hardly any different from her kind." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Anlinde Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... You are not wrong." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Anlinde Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Taking advantage of my protégé’s heart so soon after my death... You truly are a shameless creature." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Anlinde Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I’ve had enough. You will not break me again." [/message] )} # # Delanith-Isáwen doppelganger # # Nothing for Elyssa<->Delanith-Isáwen. #{FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Isawen Elyssa ()} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Isawen Elyssa ( [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... Is this..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH Isawen Elynia ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Child..." [/message] )} {FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH Isawen Elynia ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "M— mother...? No... NO! STOP!" [/message] )} [event] name=die [filter] type=Demon Shapeshifter [/filter] # Whoever isn't the unit who killed the shapeshifter gets to speak the # first time around. [if] [have_unit] id=Elynia x,y=$x2,$y2 [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "They are manifestations of Zhangor’s will — not even real shapeshifters!" [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "They are manifestations of Zhangor’s will — not even real shapeshifters!" [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # COMMON SPAWN LOGIC FOR BOSS PHASES 2 THROUGH 4 # # # ############################################################################ # # Unlike the boss recruitment controller EH, this code is executed only at # the end of boss side turns (and only if the boss stage wasn't advanced # on the same turn!) since we're spawning high-impact units that start with # full moves, rather than giving the AI the option to recruit whatever it # deems best for the occasion. # [event] name=side 2 turn end first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN boss_stage 1} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS boss_skip_spawns_on_turn $turn_number} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss spawns controller [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=boss spawns controller first_time_only=no [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN boss_stage 3} [then] # On phases 4 and 5 satellite cores start being spawned every # single turn regardless of anything else. This event is # defined later. [fire_event] name=satellite spawn controller [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] {VARIABLE can_do_boss_spawns "$(if($turn_number % {DIFF 4 3 3} = 0, 'yes', 'no'))"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM boss_spawns_type {DIFF banshee,banshee,shapeshifter banshee,banshee,shapeshifter,shapeshifter banshee,banshee,shapeshifter,shapeshifter,shapeshifter }} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS can_do_boss_spawns yes} [then] {VARIABLE_INC boss_spawn_sequence_count} {LOG_ATS_DBG ("E3S10_BOSS: run spawn sequence: $boss_spawns_type")} [fire_event] name="$boss_spawns_type spawn controller" [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] # # Every other spawn sequence, on Normal there's a 6% chance the other # type of spawn will be triggered as well, while on Hard it's a 14% # chance. This does not increment boss_spawn_sequence_count. # #ifndef EASY {VARIABLE_RANDOM can_do_boss_spawns 1..100} {VARIABLE can_do_boss_spawns "$(if($can_do_boss_spawns % {DIFF 0 17 7} = 0, 'yes', 'no'))"} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS can_do_boss_spawns yes} [then] {VARIABLE boss_spawns_type "$(if($boss_spawns_type = 'banshee', 'shapeshifter', 'banshee'))"} {LOG_ATS_DBG ("E3S10_BOSS: run extra spawn sequence: $boss_spawns_type")} [fire_event] name="$boss_spawns_type spawn controller" [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE can_do_boss_spawns,boss_spawns_type} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # BOSS STAGE 4 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 3} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss stage 4 [primary_unit] id=Zhangor [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=boss stage 4 {FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE 4} # This will be used by the stage 4 'new turn' EH. {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 0} {VARIABLE ofacing $unit.facing} {VARIABLE ox $x1} {VARIABLE oy $y1} {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Brace yourself!" [/message] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia,Zhangor} [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FLASH_RED ( [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [kill] id=Zhangor [/kill] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 id=Zhangor name= _ "Zhangor" type=Angel of Blood {IS_BOSS} variation=nightmare_phase4a x,y=$ox,$oy facing=$ofacing [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] [push_units_away_from] from_x,from_y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y [filter] [not] id=Zhangor [/not] [filter_location] x,y=$boss_keep.x,$boss_keep.y radius=8 [/filter_location] [/filter] [/push_units_away_from] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "vengeful.ogg"} )} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ox,oy,facing} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] # FIXME: placeholder [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT} [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Wh— what is... happening to him..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This is getting out of hand. We need to defeat him here and now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... to his body..." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="side 2 turn $($turn_number + 1) end" [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Elyssa? Are you still with me?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Is this... Is this the fate of our kind should we allow emotions to overpower our minds?" [/message] [/event] [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name="turn $($turn_number + 2)" [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "No... Zhangor devoured the heart of a Gatekeeper. He became like this of his own volition. Focus, Elyssa." [/message] [event] name=attack [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "FOCUS!" [/message] [/event] [/event] [/event] # # At the start of each player turn during boss stage 4, Zhangor changes # shape and unleashes devastating attacks during his own turn. The player # has only their own side turn to move away from his path. # [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 4} [/filter_condition] # Charge up every 4/3/3 turns depending on the difficulty level. {VARIABLE boss_should_attack "$(if($turn_number % {DIFF 4 3 3} = 0, 'yes', 'no'))"} {VARIABLE new_variation $null} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS boss_should_attack yes} [then] {VARIABLE_INC boss_status_flag} # Use the more devastating 4c variation once every 3 charges. {VARIABLE new_variation "$(if($boss_status_flag % 3 = 0, 'nightmare_phase4c', 'nightmare_phase4b'))"} [fire_event] name=supercharge warning [/fire_event] # And reset to 4a afterwards. [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN boss_status_flag 3} [then] {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 0} [/then] [/if] [/then] [else] {VARIABLE new_variation "nightmare_phase4a"} [/else] [/if] [remove_object] object_id=boss_variation id=Zhangor [/remove_object] # # HACK: Quite annoyingly, [remove_object] does not allow us to ignore # the once-per-scenario limit on using objects with a particular id. # (The id is there to make the object trivial to remove.) # # gfgtdf suggested using [modify_unit] to insert the object into the # unit directly, which works as of version 1.14.13 at least. But it's # worth keeping in mind that this could randomly break in the future # since it's obviously not an intentional feature. We probably should # use an id-less [object] and implement our own logic to remove it from # "Bob". # # See also zhangor5 health controller. # [modify_unit] [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [object] id=boss_variation silent=yes [effect] apply_to=variation name=$new_variation [/effect] [/object] [/modify_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE new_variation,boss_should_attack} [/event] [event] name=supercharge warning [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "He’s preparing to unleash a devastating attack, watch out!" [/message] [/event] # # The core spawn logic is triggered by the 'boss spawns controller' EH # defined earlier if the current boss stage is at least 4. # [event] name=satellite spawn controller first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] side=2 type=Blood Core # Spawn these even if the static cores are around, but not # if there's even a single mobile core on the map. variation=alpha,beta,gamma [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [sound] name=magic-dark-big.ogg [/sound] {VARIABLE_RANDOM core_limit {DIFF 1..2 2..3 2..4}} [repeat] times=$core_limit [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM n "0..$($satellite_locs.length - 1)"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM v alpha,beta,gamma} [set_variables] name=satellite_loc mode=replace to_variable=satellite_locs[$n] [/set_variables] [store_direction] from_x,from_y=$satellite_loc.x,$satellite_loc.y to_x,to_y=28,20 [/store_direction] [unit] side=2 animate=yes type=Blood Core variation=$v facing=$direction x,y=$satellite_loc.x,$satellite_loc.y random_traits=no generate_name=no {IS_HERO} [variables] is_zhangors_body=yes [/variables] [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE core_limit,satellite_loc,n,v} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # BOSS STAGE 5 (FINAL) # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 4} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss stage 5 [primary_unit] id=Zhangor [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] #define FINALE_B_RED_AURA _ID [item] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] #enddef #define FINALE_B_GREEN_AURA _ID [item] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png~CS(-255,128,16)" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] #enddef #define FINALE_B_FADE_STEP NUMBER DELAY_TIME {FADE_STEP_RGB {NUMBER} -500 -500 {DELAY_TIME}} #enddef [event] name=boss stage 5 {FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE 5} # This will be used by 'zhangor5 health controller'. {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 1} {VARIABLE ofacing $unit.facing} {VARIABLE ox $x1} {VARIABLE oy $y1} {LOCK_VIEW} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "vengeful.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "in_the_land_of_madness.ogg"} [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "... You... CANNOT..." [/message] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia,Zhangor} [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FLASH_RED ( [sound] name="dragonstick.ogg" [/sound] [kill] id=Zhangor [/kill] [unit] canrecruit=yes side=2 id=Zhangor name= _ "Zhangor" type=Angel of Blood {IS_BOSS} variation=nightmare_phase5a x,y=$ox,$oy facing=$ofacing [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/unit] )} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "... destroy ME..." [/message] [sound] name=break.ogg [/sound] # Remove healing glyphs [remove_item][/remove_item] # And debris in the main atrium [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain=*^Ii,*^Gvs,*^Dr [/remove_terrain_overlays] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [fire_event] name=blood flood begin [/fire_event] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Do you think we can do it? He should not be able to focus us anymore!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "No... I’m not ready yet! Just keep striking at him with all you have!" [/message] [message] speaker=Zhangor message= _ "(<i>feminine voice</i>) ... I am... the Angel of Blood..." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] # TODO FIXME: can we trust the engine not to interrupt the attack sequence # if we set Zhangor's variation on attacker/defender hits instead? [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] id=Zhangor [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 5} [/filter_condition] {EVENT_INVERSE_DISPATCH_SIMPLE "zhangor5 health controller"} [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 5} [/filter_condition] {EVENT_FORWARD_DISPATCH_SIMPLE "zhangor5 health controller"} [/event] # # Advance Zhangor's unit variation during phase 5 depending on his health # remaining. Alternatively, if his HP drops below a difficulty-specific # value, trigger the final cutscene. # [event] name=zhangor5 health controller first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_status_flag 3} [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE new_variation none} {VARIABLE zhangor_hp_level "$(round(100.0 * as_decimal($unit.hitpoints) / $unit.max_hitpoints))"} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL zhangor_hp_level 33} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_status_flag 3} [then] {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 3} {VARIABLE new_variation nightmare_phase5c} [/then] [elseif] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL zhangor_hp_level 66} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN boss_status_flag 2} [then] {VARIABLE boss_status_flag 2} {VARIABLE new_variation nightmare_phase5b} [/then] [/elseif] [/if] [if] [not] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_IN new_variation none,$unit.variation} [/not] [then] [remove_object] object_id=boss_variation id=Zhangor [/remove_object] # # HACK: # See new turn event for phase 4. # [modify_unit] [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [object] id=boss_variation silent=yes [effect] apply_to=variation name=$new_variation [/effect] [/object] [/modify_unit] [redraw][/redraw] # Elyssa may have something to say. The fact that we don't # attempt to set the same variation more than once guarantees # that her messages only get displayed once. [delay] time=500 [/delay] # NOTE: if Zhangor takes an EXTREME amount of damage, Elyssa # will not speak the first line. This should be such an # unlikely occurrence we shouldn't need to worry about it, # however. [switch] variable=boss_status_flag [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "You are nothing but a sad memory of who you once were. It seems Uria did not do such a good job in bringing you back from your grave." [/message] [/case] [case] value=3 [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Perhaps she was aware that you would eventually betray her. Or perhaps she did not have the same infatuation she had with Argan." [/message] [/case] [/switch] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE new_variation,zhangor_hp_level} [/event] [event] name=zhangor5 health controller [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN unit.hitpoints {DIFF 50 25 10}} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=boss end [/fire_event] [/event] # # Redden the screen as in E3S9 # [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 5} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name="zhangor5 lighting controller" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 5} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name="zhangor5 lighting controller" [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=zhangor5 lighting controller first_time_only=no [final_boss_hp_tint] id=Zhangor [/final_boss_hp_tint] [/event] # # While in stage 5, Zhangor's body starts flooding the keep in the main # atrium with blood. There's two phases for this: # # 1. We generate random pools within a 6 hex radius of Zhangor's main body. # # 2. Every turn, those pools grow in size by 1 in a random number of # directions. # # 3. In all cases we leave impassable and unwalkable terrain alone since # we don't want to accidentally allow the player to escape the boss # arena. # # NOTE: We use event flag F to mark flooded tiles so we can tell them apart # from (Shallow) Blood/Blood Ford tiles which are part of the map's # initial state. #define FINALE_B_FLOODED_LOCS_SLF terrain=*^&F #enddef # Not all *^X*, only the Impassable Overlay. Dark Hive has an unfortunate # implementation detail matching that pattern. #define FINALE_B_FLOODABLE_LOCS_SLF terrain=!,Wwb,*^&F,X*,X*^*,*^Xo,Q*,Q*^*,*^Q*,*^Zok #enddef # Muddy Quagmire needs to become (Shallow) Blood instead of Blood Ford so # the terrain transition issues aren't too evident. # # NOTE: Please move this to a new WML action implemented in Lua if the # substitution rules become messier. #define FINALE_B_FLOOD_TERRAIN _TERRAIN_AT_POS_VARIABLE terrain="$(concatenate(if(find_string('${_TERRAIN_AT_POS_VARIABLE}', 'S') = 0, 'Wwb', 'Wwbf'), '^&F'))" #enddef # Call me during stage 5 setup. [event] name=blood flood begin {VARIABLE boss_flood_active yes} [store_locations] [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] variable=zhangor_loc [/store_locations] # NOTE: fallback for debugging of the flooding logic outside of the # boss fight sequence. [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_EMPTY zhangor_loc} [then] [set_variables] name=zhangor_loc mode=replace to_variable=boss_keep [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS zhangor_loc.length 1}) ()} [store_locations] variable=flood_initial_area {FINALE_B_FLOODABLE_LOCS_SLF} [and] x,y=$zhangor_loc.x,$zhangor_loc.y radius=6 [/and] [/store_locations] {VARIABLE_RANDOM puddle_count 4..10} [repeat] times=$puddle_count [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($flood_initial_area.length - 1)"} [terrain] x,y=$flood_initial_area[$r].x,$flood_initial_area[$r].y {FINALE_B_FLOOD_TERRAIN flood_initial_area[$r].terrain} [/terrain] {CLEAR_VARIABLE flood_initial_area[$r]} [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE flood_initial_area,puddle_count,r,zhangor_loc} [redraw][/redraw] [/event] #define FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP [fire_event] name=blood flood step [/fire_event] #enddef [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS boss_flood_active yes} [/filter_condition] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [/event] [event] name=blood flood step first_time_only=no # NOTE: This does nothing if fired early since the number of flood # candidate locations will be zero. [store_locations] variable=flood_candidates {FINALE_B_FLOODABLE_LOCS_SLF} [filter_adjacent_location] {FINALE_B_FLOODED_LOCS_SLF} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] # We don't want to flood everything all at the same time but we also # don't want to take forever since Elynia and Elyssa dispose of Mr. Z # pretty quickly during phase 5. Flood only half of the found locations # (remember that expontential growth is taking place here). {VARIABLE flood_cap "$(round($flood_candidates.length / 2))"} [repeat] times=$flood_cap [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($flood_candidates.length - 1)"} [terrain] x,y=$flood_candidates[$r].x,$flood_candidates[$r].y {FINALE_B_FLOOD_TERRAIN flood_candidates[$r].terrain} [/terrain] {CLEAR_VARIABLE flood_candidates[$r]} [/do] [/repeat] {CLEAR_VARIABLE flood_cap,r,flood_candidates} [redraw][/redraw] [/event] [event] name=boss end {BUG_ON ( [not] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS boss_stage 5} # If he is below 1 HP he counts as not being on the map as far # as [have_unit] is concerned so we can't use this criterion # here. #[have_unit] # id=Zhangor #[/have_unit] [/not] ) ("are you trying to break the campaign, love? why u do this")} {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] # Force the screen color shift to what it should be with Zhangor # at 0 HP, in case it somehow didn't happen already. (Debug mode?) {COLOR_ADJUST 0 -60 -60} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "one_thousand_suns.ogg"} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [redraw][/redraw] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "What I do know for sure..." [/message] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [kill] [filter_location] x,y=28,20 radius=8 [/filter_location] [not] id=Zhangor,Elynia,Elyssa [/not] [not] # Zhangor's component parts get killed in a second step if # there are any left still. [filter_wml] [variables] is_zhangors_body=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] # Recenter in case the game scrolled away [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... is that you are done. Elynia!" [/message] {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Elyssa,Elynia,Zhangor} [store_unit] [filter] id=Zhangor [/filter] kill=no variable=zhangor_store [/store_unit] {VARIABLE zhangor_store.name (_"unit_name^???")} [unstore_unit] variable=zhangor_store find_vacant=no check_passability=no [/unstore_unit] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elyssa "$($zhangor_store.x - 2)" $zhangor_store.y} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elyssa se} [redraw][/redraw] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Zhangor # po: 'He' is intended to be used in the sense of a deity here. message= _ "(<i>feminine voice</i>) ... He will come for you... at the end..." [/message] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia "$($zhangor_store.x + 2)" $zhangor_store.y} {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia sw} {CLEAR_VARIABLE zhangor_store} [redraw][/redraw] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [message] speaker=Zhangor # po: 'Him' also as a deity here. message= _ "(<i>feminine voice</i>) ... the Four will not suffice to defeat Him..." [/message] {FINALE_B_RED_AURA Elyssa} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Pierce into the heart of stone..." [/message] {COLOR_ADJUST 30 -40 -40} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT})} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [kill] [filter_wml] [variables] is_zhangors_body=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] animate=yes fire_event=no [/kill] # Recenter in case the game scrolled away... again [scroll_to_unit] id=Zhangor [/scroll_to_unit] {FINALE_B_GREEN_AURA Elynia} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... release the soul back to the void..." [/message] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {COLOR_ADJUST 60 -30 -30} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT})} {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elyssa level 7} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "... break the curse of Yarae..." [/message] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {COLOR_ADJUST 90 -10 -10} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT})} {MODIFY_UNIT id=Elynia level 7} [redraw][/redraw] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... dispel the spirit from this world." [/message] {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {COLOR_ADJUST 120 0 0} {QUAKE ({SOUND_LIST:LICH_HIT})} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {COLOR_ADJUST 150 0 0} {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} {FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP} {COLOR_ADJUST 180 0 0} # # We need these two stored for the next scenario since we will be # working with Anya and Durvan's side information instead. # [store_unit] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] variable=elyssa_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] variable=elynia_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {VARIABLE coming_from_e3s10 yes} [kill] {NOT_ON_RECALL_LIST} animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] {QUAKE ("dragonstick.ogg")} {COLOR_ADJUST 210 0 0} [remove_item][/remove_item] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=1900 [/delay] # # Cross-fade from red screen to black screen. # {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 224 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 192 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 160 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 128 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 96 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 64 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 32 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP 0 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -32 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -64 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -96 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -128 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -160 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -192 5} {FINALE_B_FADE_STEP -224 5} {BLACK_SCREEN} [place_shroud] side=1 # EVERYWHERE [/place_shroud] [delay] time=10000 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "journeys_end.ogg"} [delay] time=4000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Aradellys" image="misc/blank-hex.png" message= _ "<i>It is all well, children of Irdya. You may rest now.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=4000 [/delay] [fade_out_music] duration=2000 [/fade_out_music] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [/event] [event] name=victory {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_z_combo_attacks_info} {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_stage,boss_start_turn} {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_skip_spawns_on_turn,boss_spawn_sequence_count,boss_status_flag,boss_flood_active} {CLEAR_VARIABLE banshee_spawn_1st_run,satellite_spawn_1st_run,shapeshifter_spawn_1st_run,spawn_limit} {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_keep,core_locs,banshee_locs,satellite_locs} [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_B_SHARED_AI_PARAMS #undef FINALE_B_FADE_STEP #undef FINALE_B_RED_AURA #undef FINALE_B_GREEN_AURA #undef FINALE_B_ZHANGORS_KEEP_SLF #undef FINALE_B_STOP_AT_SPAWN_LIMIT #undef FINALE_B_SET_SPAWN_LIMIT #undef FINALE_B_CLEAR_SPAWN_LIMIT #undef FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_NEEDS_TC_OVERRIDE #undef FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_KILL_EH #undef FINALE_B_SHAPESHIFTER_CONFRONT_EH #undef FINALE_B_SET_BOSS_STAGE #undef FINALE_B_FLOODABLE_LOCS_SLF #undef FINALE_B_FLOODED_LOCS_SLF #undef FINALE_B_BLOOD_FLOOD_STEP #undef FINALE_B_GLYPH_CONDITIONS #undef FINALE_B_FLOOD_TERRAIN # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=11_After_the_Storm name= _ "After the Storm" {NO_MAP_DATA} turns=-1 next_scenario=12_Destiny_part_3 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} # {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_AFTER_THE_STORM} {UNDERGROUND} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Anya team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Anya" shroud=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Anya # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] [side] side=2 controller=human save_id=Durvan team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Durvan" shroud=yes hidden=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Durvan {CHARACTER_STATS_DURVAN} canrecruit=yes # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] # Cutscene enemy units side=3 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" controller=null color=black shroud=yes hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} [/side] [event] name=prestart {BUG_ON ( [not] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS coming_from_e3s10 yes} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS elynia_store.length 1} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS elyssa_store.length 1} [/not] ) ("Data from E3S10 missing; did you use debug mode to skip it?")} {CLEAR_VARIABLE coming_from_e3s10} [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] variable=anya_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Durvan [/filter] variable=durvan_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {VARIABLE map1 "{ME}/11_After_the_Storm_01.map"} {VARIABLE map2 "{ME}/11_After_the_Storm_02.map"} {VARIABLE map3 "{ME}/08A_Interim_02.map" } {VARIABLE map4 "{ME}/11_After_the_Storm_04.map"} {BLACK_SCREEN} {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [fire_event] name=cutscene 1 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=cutscene 2 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=cutscene 3 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=cutscene 4 [/fire_event] [fire_event] name=credits [/fire_event] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store,durvan_store} {CLEAR_VARIABLE map1,map2,map3,map4,map5} # Goodbye, girls. {CLEAR_VARIABLE elynia_store,elyssa_store} [/event] #define FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE _NUM [replace_map] map_file="$map"+{_NUM} shrink,expand=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define FINALE_C_FADE_OUT [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [remove_item][/remove_item] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 # EVERYWHERE [/place_shroud] #enddef #define FINALE_C_RED_OUT [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [remove_item][/remove_item] {RED_SCREEN} [delay] time=100 [/delay] {BLACK_SCREEN} [place_shroud] side=1 # EVERYWHERE [/place_shroud] #enddef #define FINALE_C_FADE_IN [remove_shroud] side=1 # EVERYWHERE [/remove_shroud] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] #enddef #define FINALE_C_KILL_ON_MAP_UNITS [kill] [not] x,y=recall,recall [/not] [/kill] #enddef #define FINALE_C_XIAEL_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Aradellys" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elynia" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define FINALE_C_ELYSSA_THOUGHTS _MESSAGE [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Elyssa" image= # wmllint: ignore message="<i>"+{_MESSAGE}+"</i>" # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define FINALE_C_NPC _SIDE _TYPE _X _Y [hidden_unit] side={_SIDE} type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes [/hidden_unit] #enddef ############################################################################ # # # CUTSCENE #1 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=cutscene 1 {FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE 1} [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$elynia_store.max_hitpoints moves=$elynia_store.max_moves attacks_left=$elynia_store.max_attacks x,y=25,30 facing=sw [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$elyssa_store.max_hitpoints moves=$elyssa_store.max_moves attacks_left=$elyssa_store.max_attacks x,y=29,30 facing=ne [/value] [/set_variables] # wmllint: recognize Elynia [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} type=Guardian of Earth Elynia canrecruit=no facing=$elynia_store.facing side=1 x,y=$elynia_store.x,$elynia_store.y level=$elynia_store.level max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured [/hidden_unit] # wmllint: recognize Elyssa [hidden_unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA} type=Guardian of Darkness Elyssa canrecruit=no facing=$elyssa_store.facing side=1 x,y=$elyssa_store.x,$elyssa_store.y level=$elyssa_store.level max_hitpoints=1 variation=injured [/hidden_unit] {FINALE_C_FADE_IN} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {FINALE_C_XIAEL_THOUGHTS ( _ "Rise up, Elynia-Thanadria, Guardian of Earth.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Elynia se} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Elyssa [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "snowfall.ogg"} {FINALE_C_XIAEL_THOUGHTS ( _ "You and the heiress of the First Guardian of Darkness have much work left to do.")} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_C_FADE_OUT} [delay] time=5000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Elynia?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I am here." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elyssa message= _ "Have I mentioned yet how much I despise you?" [/message] [delay] time=5000 [/delay] {FINALE_C_KILL_ON_MAP_UNITS} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # CUTSCENE #2 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=cutscene 2 [replace_schedule] {ENDLESS_NIGHT} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Dear Anya, I am sure that by the time you find the glyph containing this encoded message you will have won the battle on the surface and proven yourself worthy of your title as the Lost Guardian of Darkness on Irdya. I am also certain that Ergea will have finally revealed to you the destiny that was laid for me by the will of our creators. You will surely know by then as well what Uria’s plan entails for all of us. As Elorran said, Irdya is not the only world at peril. There are many other worlds like ours which will be similarly wiped from existence if Uria gets hold of the Body of the Union and the Seed of Life on Ethea.")} {FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE 2} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Invader" 19 17} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Invader" 30 17} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Invader" 43 18} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Invader" 30 31} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Invader" 37 35} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Bowman" 25 31} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Arbalestier" 23 34} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Goblin Knight" 5 35} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Goblin Knight" 20 7} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Orcish Warlord" 31 11} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Goblin Rouser" 31 12} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Fire Faerie" 32 13} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Goblin Rouser" 37 18} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Highwayman" 38 19} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Elvish Mystic" 43 20} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Chaos Cataphract" 3 13} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Goblin Pillager" 26 3} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Aragwaith Longswordsman" 24 10} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Necromancer" 26 17} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Death Knight" 25 19} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Gryphon Master" 37 25} {FINALE_C_NPC 2 "Dwarvish Dragonguard" 38 26} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Spectre" 37 36} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Merman Fighter" 12 24} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Merman Fighter" 26 22} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Mermaid Initiate" 23 24} {FINALE_C_NPC 1 "Merman Hoplite" 17 23} [store_map_dimensions][/store_map_dimensions] [scroll_to] x=1 y=$map_size.height {WARP} [/scroll_to] {FINALE_C_FADE_IN} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Our mission is to stop Uria at all costs. We know that not all of the worlds seeded to have a Guardian have reached maturity yet. We know that Ethea might not have its own Guardian of Life yet. But it is our hope that we might be able to find her before Uria herself does, and ensure that we have a chance to stop her somehow. We know that the Guardian of Water from Norsula has arrived there, and may have already seized its seed. Our main concern for the moment is finding the real heiress of Uria on Ethea, and the Body of the Union. Unfortunately for us, we do not know much about Ethea or where to begin our search.")} [scroll_to] x=$map_size.width y=$map_size.height [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Sitting idly here on Irdya would not accomplish anything for the continuance of our existence. According to Elyssa, and the Guardian of Earth on Silida, my work here is complete. Irdya has slowly come back to life over the last few centuries, a feat which would have been impossible without my presence. I have seen both life and destruction take place since I was woken up from my slumber. Darkness has been an opposing force for very long, but as Mal Keshar, Anlindë, and Elyssa herself proved to me, it can also be revitalizing for a world that needs the means to protect itself from two scorching suns and the malignant forces that broke the previous balance.")} [scroll_to] x=35 y=17 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x=1 y=1 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_FADE_OUT} {FINALE_C_KILL_ON_MAP_UNITS} {CLEAR_VARIABLE map_size} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # CUTSCENE #3 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=cutscene 3 [replace_schedule] {INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -60 -80 0} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE 3} [terrain] x=0-25,26-29 y=0-18, 0-10 terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [set_variables] name=elynia_store mode=merge [value] x,y=29,22 facing=se [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=elyssa_store mode=merge [value] x,y=26,20 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [store_locations] terrain=Cud^Xo variable=spire_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=spire_locs variable=spire [do] [hidden_unit] type=Verlissh Control Spire side=3 x,y=$spire.x,$spire.y upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks name=noctum [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spire_locs} {FINALE_C_FADE_IN} [unstore_unit] variable=elyssa_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "The impenetrable darkness currently shrouding Irdya protects it from the gaze of the Seer of Uria, but if it lasts for too long, all life on Irdya will end as well. While Elyssa was previously responsible for this barrier within the frontiers of the Chaos Empire, the power that recently extended it far and beyond is not hers. It is yours. I never got the chance to speak to you about these matters because of how distant I became ever since I had to kill Argan. I thought that opening up and letting others into my life could only cause more harm to them. But I finally realized that this did not solve anything. By isolating myself from the world I only made things worse for everyone, something which even Elyssa could see. Perhaps she understood this better than I because of our shared curse, or maybe it was something she learned while under Argan’s protection.")} [scroll_to_unit] id=Elynia [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Then again, it also appears to be natural for Guardians of Darkness to see through that invisible veil that conceals people’s fragile minds. And you are a Guardian of Darkness too — the power to peer into my feelings is a part of your self, and you were unconsciously making use of it all along. All this time, you tried to reach into me, and I would not let you in. But now it is all clear.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [item] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Elynia 28 21} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [item] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png~CS(-255,128,16)" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I am sorry, Anya. I am sorry for not realizing any of this before. I should have let you reach into my heart. We should have done this together like you wanted. Even though things did not turn out as either of us hoped, you were a good friend.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_RED_OUT} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "A better friend than I deserved, perhaps.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "There are so many things you do not know yet, Anya...")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_KILL_ON_MAP_UNITS} [/event] ############################################################################ # # # CUTSCENE #4 # # # ############################################################################ [event] name=cutscene 4 [replace_schedule] {INDOORS_HIVE} [/replace_schedule] {FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE 4} [scroll_to] x,y=25,10 {WARP} [/scroll_to] # wmllint: recognize Ergea [store_unit] [filter] id=Ergea [/filter] variable=ergea_store kill=yes [/store_unit] # wmllint: recognize Cron [store_unit] [filter] id=Cron [/filter] variable=cron_store kill=yes [/store_unit] # wmllint: recognize Irylean [store_unit] [filter] id=Irylean [/filter] variable=irylean_store kill=yes [/store_unit] # wmllint: recognize Igor [store_unit] [filter] id=Igor [/filter] variable=igor_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [set_variables] name=anya_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$anya_store.max_hitpoints moves=$anya_store.max_moves attacks_left=$anya_store.max_attacks x,y=24,11 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=durvan_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$durvan_store.max_hitpoints moves=$durvan_store.max_moves attacks_left=$durvan_store.max_attacks x,y=24,13 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=irylean_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$irylean_store.max_hitpoints moves=$irylean_store.max_moves attacks_left=$irylean_store.max_attacks x,y=25,13 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=ergea_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$ergea_store.max_hitpoints moves=$ergea_store.max_moves attacks_left=$ergea_store.max_attacks x,y=22,10 facing=se [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=cron_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$cron_store.max_hitpoints moves=$cron_store.max_moves attacks_left=$cron_store.max_attacks x,y=25,10 facing=sw [/value] [/set_variables] [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY igor_store} [then] [set_variables] name=igor_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$igor_store.max_hitpoints moves=$igor_store.max_moves attacks_left=$igor_store.max_attacks x,y=23,14 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [/then] [/if] {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 23 11} {FINALE_C_FADE_IN} [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=ergea_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=durvan_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=cron_store [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=irylean_store [/unstore_unit] [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY igor_store} [then] [unstore_unit] variable=igor_store [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/book1.png") 22 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/book4.png~FL(horiz)") 27 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/ball-magenta.png") 21 10} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "I am no-one to decide your fate for you, Anya, but the first thing you must do is to come at peace with your feelings and end the night. And once you have made a decision, you must ensure that the breach remains well guarded and protected. We do not know how to seal it yet, but if we can defeat Uria, we will surely find a way to undo the damage she has caused on Irdya and Urvatha over the years. And then, I will return and keep the promise I made to you.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Goodbye, my friend.")} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_FADE_OUT} # For E3S12. {RESET_AND_SEND_TO_RECALL_LIST id=Anya,Durvan,Cron,Ergea,Irylean,Igor} {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store,durvan_store,cron_store,ergea_store,irylean_store,igor_store} [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS ( _ "Trust your heart.")} [fade_out_music] duration=5000 [/fade_out_music] [delay] time=5000 [/delay] [/event] ############################################################################ # # # END CREDITS # # # ############################################################################ # These are the combined IftU & AtS credits [event] name=credits [replace_schedule] {NEUTRAL_TOD} [/replace_schedule] [credits_sequence] {LD /about-final.cfg} [/credits_sequence] [delay] time=8000 [/delay] {FINALE_C_FADE_OUT} [/event] [/scenario] #undef FINALE_C_NPC #undef FINALE_C_FADE_OUT #undef FINALE_C_CONFIGURE_CUTSCENE #undef FINALE_C_RED_OUT #undef FINALE_C_XIAEL_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_C_ELYSSA_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_C_ELYNIA_THOUGHTS #undef FINALE_C_KILL_ON_MAP_UNITS #undef FINALE_C_FADE_IN # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=12_Destiny_part_3 name= _ "Destiny — Part 3" {SEGMENTED_SCENARIO} turns=-1 next_scenario=null victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes # We do not need this because the player 'Anya' is never used again after # this point. #{DO_NOT_REMOVE_FROM_CARRYOVER_ON_DEFEAT} {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {FINALE_AMLA_EVENTS} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/12_Destiny_part_3.map}" ({INDOORS_HIVE}) ()} {ADD_SEGMENT "{LE /maps/08A_Interim_02.map}" ({INDOORS_HIVE} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -60 -80 0}) ()} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_DESTINY_PART_3} {INDOORS_HIVE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=Anya team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Anya" shroud=yes {NO_ECONOMY} # wmllint: recognize Anya {CHARACTER_STATS_ANYA} canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Darkness Anya # clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro {NO_OVERLAYS_NO_ELLIPSE} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] # Cutscene enemy units side=2 team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Shaxthals" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=black shroud=yes hidden=yes no_leader=yes {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_aggression 9.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=good,evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^?" {RAGGED_FLAG} color=lightblue share_vision=none scroll_to_leader=no no_leader=yes hidden=yes controller=null {NO_ECONOMY} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] ai_algorithm=idle_ai [/ai] [/side] {FORCE_CHANCE_TO_HIT (id=Anya) () 100 ()} [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE used_language_glyph no} [modify_side] side=1 gold=0 [/modify_side] {REMOVE_RECRUIT_LIST 1} # # Enter first floor. # {SWITCH_FLOOR 1} {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Anya} [teleport] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] x,y=58,11 [/teleport] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Anya nw} [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] {BLACK_SCREEN} [/event] #define FINALE_C_GUARDIAN _SIDE _TYPE _X _Y {GENERIC_UNIT ({_SIDE}) ({_TYPE}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} {GUARDIAN} {NO_UPKEEP_NO_OVERLAY} #enddef [event] name=setup floor 1 first_time_only=yes {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 57 11} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 32 38} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 34 39} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 36 40} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 27 41} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_MESSAGE 29 42} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 31 43} {ITEM_TOUCHPLATE 39 44} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 48 33} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 16 41} {ITEM_CRYSTAL_GLYPH_POWERUP 61 49} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 34 8} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 28 11} {OBJ_HEALING_GLYPH 13 18} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Abomination) 40 49} {FACING ne} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Abomination) 43 53} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 24 44} {FACING ne} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 36 44} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 38 43} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 39 37} {FACING nw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 18 38} {FACING ne} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 14 34} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 24 30} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Sentry Drone) 19 22} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_base shaxthal_drone_purple} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 21 16} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 20 11} {FACING ne} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 17 15} {FACING ne} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal War Drone) 18 4} {FACING sw} {PALETTE shaxthal_drone_surface shaxthal_drone_base} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 29 9} {FACING se} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 39 14} {FACING sw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 43 13} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 35 16} {FACING ne} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 43 11} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 38 7} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 42 25} {FACING ne} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 44 26} {FACING nw} {FINALE_C_GUARDIAN 2 (Shaxthal Drone) 42 28} {FACING nw} [/event] [event] name=main music playlist first_time_only=no {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "everlasting_night.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "heroes_rite.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [/event] #define FINALE_C_RESET_MUSIC [fire_event] name=main music playlist [/fire_event] #enddef [event] name=start [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] {LOCK_VIEW} [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] [scroll_to] x,y=58,11 {WARP} [/scroll_to] {CAVE_NOISE_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=cave_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [fade_in_sound_effects] duration=2000 [/fade_in_sound_effects] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=58,11 radius=6 )} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {FINALE_C_RESET_MUSIC} [delay] time=2750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png # po: The narrator refers to Anya in second person throughout # po: this scenario, and interacts directly with her at the end. message= _ "You are now the Guardian of Darkness. On Irdya." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "No... Actually, you do not consider the title befitting of your actual role. Ever since you recovered from the gruesome attack of Zhangor’s beasts, Ergea has used you as an instrument to liberate both her people and Irdya from Uria’s influence. They call you the “Dark Lady”, “Yechnagoth revived”, the “Goddess of Darkness”, and a myriad other titles you do not actually deserve or care for. You feel like a pawn in someone’s game. But you are not quite sure anymore for which side you play. Things were far easier when Elynia was around. You admired her stalwart sense of righteousness. You admired her courage in confronting the most fearsome enemies faced by Irdya in this era; enemies once thought invincible, now fallen and destroyed forever." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "However, after reading the journals of Galas, Elynia, and Argan, you cannot help but feel profoundly disheartened. You grew up hearing of Elynia’s feats from Elorran and Tara. Now that you know more about her and are nearly her equal in power, it all suddenly feels vain and pointless. So many things could have been avoided if Uria and her people did not monopolize access to knowledge about your destiny... A sentiment of uselessness suddenly overwhelms you. You are a fraud. You have not even been able to control the darkness that keeps Naia and Sela’s light from reaching Irdya’s surface. For how long does Ergea intend you to play your act for the Chaos rebels?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "If only you could consult with Elynia about the matter. If only the other Guardian of Darkness, Elyssa, had stayed on Irdya instead of taking your friend to that alien world. “If only”... Elynia told you to trust your heart, but you are not quite sure you can do that anymore. After all, it was your heart that deceived you in the first place; it blinded you to Elynia’s actual plan, and it fooled you into thinking that perhaps she would ever consider you as anything more than a ‘friend’." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "But enough of that emotional nonsense. Your role as a Guardian of Darkness is to make decisions with your mind, not your heart. You have gathered all the knowledge you need for making a decision now. What does your mind tell you?" [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find the teleport glyph leading to the breach site")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} {UNLOCK_VIEW} {RESET_THEME} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=57,11 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "There is absolutely nothing else of value encoded into this crystal glyph. Time to move on." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=48,33 [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] kill=yes variable=anya_store [/store_unit] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {FADE_TO_BLACK} # wmllint: recognize Daeira # Set up Daeira if the player kept her around and is en route to E3S13 [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Daeira search_recall_list=yes [/have_unit] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS have_argans_missing_pages yes} # These two shouldn't ever hold true with an extant Daeira, but # just in case... {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_has_mermaid_pendant yes} [then] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai hidden=no [/modify_side] [store_starting_location] side=3 [/store_starting_location] {RECALL_DAEIRA_AT_LOCATION $location.x $location.y} [modify_unit] [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] side=3 [/modify_unit] {FACE_DIRECTION id=Daeira se} {CLEAR_VARIABLE location} [/then] [/if] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [scroll_to] x,y=35,1 {WARP} [/scroll_to] {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE cave_noise} {HIVE_NOISE_2_SOUND_SOURCE} [+sound_source] id=hive_noise # wmllint: ignore [/sound_source] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [set_variables] name=anya_store mode=merge [value] x,y=35,1 facing=s moves=$anya_store.max_moves attacks_left=$anya_store.max_attacks [/value] [/set_variables] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=35,4 radius=6 )} {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] [modify_side] side=1 fog=yes [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store} {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 35 4} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "That was not the right glyph. The crude maps you found of these underground levels show a plethora of teleport glyphs without any indication as to their respective destinations. It is ridiculous. Whoever built this stronghold did not know the first thing about proper organization! Well, there is no going back now." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 id=Anya [filter_adjacent] id=Daeira [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} # For debug purposes {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_wants_cake no} {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_gets_meta no} {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_wants_love no} {VARIABLE_DEFAULT anya_wants_to_see_the_manager no} [scroll_to_unit] id=Daeira [/scroll_to_unit] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh. It is you again. I thought you disappeared for good this time." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Daeira id=Anya} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC nunc_dimittis.ogg} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "It has been a while." [/message] # Only one of these [if] blocks actually results in dialogue for a # single playthrough, with the exception of anya_gets_meta, which has # an alternative that other dialogues may segue into, while itself # segues into the final part of the story of Anya's parents if that was # her choice. [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_wants_cake yes} [then] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Did you find the cake you wanted?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No... I did not. I have hardly eaten anything in weeks. My mind has just been... sort of wandering off constantly. I feel like I shouldn’t be here." [/message] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_wants_love yes} [then] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You seem even more despondent than before." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... This whole situation is just too overwhelming. I feel lost. Ergea is not helpful — she wants me to play a role that wasn’t meant for me." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "This is about Elynia, am I correct?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What do you mean?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You feel lost without her." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya # po: This line is repeated later in the scenario. message= _ "... I do. I really do." [/message] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_gets_meta yes} [then] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I have been thinking about what you said about destiny... You know, after becoming this... thing... I became, I somehow feel even less in control of my life than I was before." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "How so, exactly?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya #po: This is indeed meant to be reminiscent of Elyssa's thoughts in E3S8A. message= _ "My actions have constantly been dictated by someone else. Elorran, Elynia, Ergea... I have never truly been free, have I? Just constantly following orders like a machine, unquestioning. But all of a sudden I feel compelled to question everything, if that makes sense? And the worst part is that I can’t tell if it’s because of my connection to Darkness, or because I became a Guardian and now I feel this constant pain within my heart..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Would that be your actual heart, or the divine instrument demonkind calls the Energy Heart?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I can’t even tell the difference anymore." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I can only speculate about the nature and extent of your powers, but I would expect Guardians of Darkness to be better in touch with the notion of agency seeing as how their domain revolves around the matters of mind. If the gift you now possess comes with greater self-awareness, then it is up to you to make use of it in a way that can advance your own existence towards a positive outcome." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "But what if the only path forward I see involves leaving people behind?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The future is constantly clouded in darkness, but you need not be afraid of the core substance of your being, do you? We are not always given a choice, but when we are, it is up to us to make the right one — and a Guardian’s choices carry more weight upon our reality than anyone else’s." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Have you pondered the matter of destiny yet?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I... uh... What do you mean?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I must not have talked to you about it. My apologies. You need not worry about it for now." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I have so many questions..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Xia’el does not have answers for you anymore, sadly." [/message] [/else] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS anya_wants_to_see_the_manager yes} [then] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Am I ever going to find out what happened to my parents after I was born?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "As a matter of fact, yes. I opted not to tell you the entire story out of concern for your emotional state in battle, but I can finish it now if you would like." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What?! You knew the rest of the story but didn’t tell it to me?! I thought you said you were just a medium and you didn’t have it!" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I said your question was already answered, and it was. I never specified whether I was able to intentionally postpone delivering a non-essential part of the answer or not. I apologize, but it had to be done." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) I understand. And... I’m sorry for my outburst." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "So, let us pick up from where we left last time..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The hearts of Mintha and the Nameless One were overflowing with newfound happiness and purpose after conceiving a child that they could call their own. The offspring would be a new free creature born of faerie and demonkind, a unique combination completely unheard of before. The future of the two lovers seemed bright for once." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "It was not rare for travelers to get lost in the forests of Glamdrol, and Mintha and the Nameless One routinely guided them out of the forest without overtly revealing themselves. However, one fateful night, a mysterious interloper found them first. The couple did not know what to make of the situation. How did he manage to enter their home entirely unnannounced? The Wanderer came to them to impart his knowledge of events past, and events that had not yet come to pass. He told them of the looming threat of the Chaos Empire, Merthiaal’s legacy, the War Against the Unknown, and the return of the Lady of Light. And he told them of one possible fate that awaited the unborn child and its parents — for the Nameless One had not fully escaped Uria’s grasp, and the keen-nosed Demon Lord Nar-hamoth personally sought to make the shapeshifter pay a hefty price for their transgressions." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira # po: Reminder that Nar-Hamoth is the Shadow of Uria. message= _ "The couple were uncertain as to whether to believe the Wanderer’s words or not. How could their child just so happen to be the one destined to become the New Guardian of Darkness? If their offspring would indeed be found along with them by Uria’s forces before coming of age, then it would all have been for naught, and the world would be plunged into an eternal darkness — one much deeper and more pervasive than even that of the Endless Night, a darkness that would cause even the Seed of Earth to wither and die, and then all life would simply cease to be. Before departing, the Wanderer offered them an alternative: Mintha could give birth and hold the child in her bosom for one month, but afterwards she would have to leave it in the care of a human family — more specifically, one already fraught with loss. Finally, if the Nameless One hoped to escape the Shadow of Uria for good, they would have to either die, or relinquish their physical form for good. Upon saying that, the man left as silently as he came, fading into the dark of the night. They considered going after him to ask more questions, but somehow he did not even leave a trail for them to follow." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "Nine months they spent pondering the Wanderer’s words. Nine months they spent hoping that what they heard was naught but the ravings of a senile man. But rumors of Chaos Empire incursions began to spread around the marches, and the Nameless Shapeshifter caught wind of them as well. Their rendezvous with the vengeful Demon Lord was imminent. Neither of them ever imagined they would be faced with a decision that would concern not only the fruit of their love, but also the fate of an entire world. Could they really risk dooming their child to certain death when they had the option to give it some semblance of a proper life with humans until the day of its awakening?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "And so it came to pass that the child was born. Their offspring subconsciously took on some of Mintha’s features due to her being the very first thing it saw in the world. The Nameless One and Mintha cared for it for a month, regarding it as the most precious thing in their lives. Stricken with grief, Mintha traveled into the northern country and left the creature in the care of a farmer couple. She thought the exchange would be fair for them, as they had just lost their own newborn to a deadly plague. The humans never thought to question the nature of the unfamiliar child left by their front door in the night. They decided to give her the name of their late daughter and raise her as their own." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "The Faerie of Resurrection finally returned to Glamdrol, and shared a last passionate kiss with the Nameless Shapeshifter. Together they cast a spell that unbind the soul of the demon from their mortal body. The lovers had agreed to spend the rest of eternity together no matter if they were unable to embrace one another again. And it was so that the soul of the Nameless One went to an eucalyptus tree, and Mintha went back to her original form to keep them company, right where she first found them." [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "When the Demon Lord Nar-hamoth found the corpse of his former slave he could only growl and trample the forest in frustration for being denied his revenge." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I don’t know what I was expecting... I— I think I know exactly which forest that was. I had been there before... I... I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "They would not have been able to tell you." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That entire forest... it doesn’t exist anymore... the entire place... Oh gods..." [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I could’ve killed him. I could’ve killed Nar-hamoth..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "You did not know." [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Heh, but it wouldn’t have changed anything, would it..." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "They could have both taken me with them deep into the country and we would have all survived together..." [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "It was a risk they chose not to take." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Choices, huh... it’s all down to choices... Do they even matter in the end?" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [delay] time=500 [/delay] [/then] [/if] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What am I supposed to do now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "I think you already know what you are going to do. It is not even going to be a choice, is it?" [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "What do you mean?" [/message] [message] speaker=Daeira message= _ "What you do next is a constant. No matter how you get here, you always do what you want to do, as well as what is expected of you. They do not <i>have</i> to be mutually exclusive concepts, after all." [/message] {FACE_UNIT id=Anya id=Daeira} {OPPOSITE_FACING} [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I suppose so..." [/message] # Blackout [mute_sound_effects][/mute_sound_effects] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} [kill] id=Daeira [/kill] [modify_side] side=3 controller=null hidden=yes [/modify_side] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] kill=yes variable=anya_store [/store_unit] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] [store_shroud] side=1 variable=shroud_map [/store_shroud] [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] {BLACK_SCREEN} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] {VARIABLE anya_store.facing nw} [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] [set_shroud] side=1 shroud_data=$shroud_map [/set_shroud] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] # This is meant to be a jarring transition [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "How long have I spent staring into this pond?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [reset_sound_effects][/reset_sound_effects] {FINALE_C_RESET_MUSIC} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=16,41 [/filter] {LOCK_VIEW} [message] speaker=narrator image="items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png" sound="gate.ogg" message= _ "Access denied." [/message] [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "All right. That was unexpected. Perhaps this is the teleport glyph you have been looking for all along, and it was locked on purpose? Maybe Elynia and Elyssa did not want you to follow them after all." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {QUAKE ("cave-in.ogg")} [terrain] x=25-27,26 y=38 ,37 terrain=Cud [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "A wall moves." [/message] {CLEAR_CAVE_SHROUD ( x,y=25,37 radius=2 )} {CLEAR_FOG 1 25 37 6} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [scroll_to] x,y=26,37 [/scroll_to] {HIGHLIGHT_GOAL (x,y="25,26","38,37")} [scroll_to_unit] id=Anya [/scroll_to_unit] {UNCLEAR_FOG} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {UNLOCK_VIEW} {OBJECTIVES ( side=1 victory_string= _ "Current Objective:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find another access way to the breach site")} {OBJECTIVE_NO_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] #define __MSG_GLYPH _MSG [message] speaker=narrator image=items/crystal-glyph-message.png caption= _ "Crystal Glyph (Argan)" message={_MSG} # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef #define __MSG_GLYPH_2 _MSG [message] speaker=narrator image=items/crystal-glyph-message.png caption= _ "Crystal Glyph (Elyssa)" message={_MSG} # wmllint: ignore [/message] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=32,38 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: This line is Argan speaking about Uria. {__MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Her mission as the Guardian of Life of our cycle was subverted by her own will through a series of unfortunate circumstances, but not stopped. Whereas a normal Guardian of Life should ensure that life can prosper and thrive in their world, Uria has destroyed the lives of countless people on Urvatha and Irdya. However, she has also <i>created</i> life by stealing and embracing technology created on Norsula, as well as ancient Irdya. The scriptures say that a Guardian of Life should not be able to <i>create</i> life!")} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=34,39 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: This line is still Argan speaking. {__MSG_GLYPH ( _ "The fact that the Norsulans have access to unprecedented knowledge of the guardians’ biological aspect has been useful to Uria so far, but she fears the day that was foretold by the Seer, in which “the new Guardian of Water will arise and attempt to rob the Guardian of Life’s rightful prize”. Although Uria has agents on Norsula trying to find this man — or beast — before his awakening can take place, such a task is doomed to failure.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=36,40 [/filter] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: This line is still Argan speaking. {__MSG_GLYPH ( _ "Norsula is a large world, even larger than Ethea or Irdya. Around the time I first arrived on Irdya, Norsulans were still a largely ignorant bunch, lacking the boon of magic that the Irdyans embraced early on in their world’s history. But at some point, their technological development rate suddenly surpassed that of Irdya or even Ethea. Some say that an external influence contributed to their accelerated evolution as a world.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [and] x,y=27,41 [or] x,y=29,42 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS used_language_glyph no} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The glyph’s contents seem to be in a language you have never read nor heard before." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=31,43 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This glyph seems different from the rest. It seems to encode some kind of spell instead of a message. You wonder what would happen if you try it out." [/message] [sound] name=magic-1.ogg [/sound] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Nothing. This is absolutely pointless." [/message] {VARIABLE used_language_glyph yes} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [and] x,y=27,41 [or] x,y=29,42 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS used_language_glyph yes} [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Wait a moment. This glyph’s message seemed unintelligible to you before, but now it is not." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=27,41 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS used_language_glyph yes} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] # po: Elyssa speaking. {__MSG_GLYPH_2 ( _ "Just as Norsula’s technological advancements were the consequence of external influence, much of Ethea’s technological and cultural advancements have been the consequence of secret exchanges with Norsula and lesser worlds over centuries. In fact, only very recently has Norsula’s existence been revealed to Ethean commoners, sparking all kinds of conflicts between the many ruling countries.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=29,42 [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS used_language_glyph yes} [/filter_condition] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The contents of this glyph seem to have been encoded quite a while ago, given what you already know from Elynia." [/message] # po: Elyssa speaking. {__MSG_GLYPH_2 ( _ "Ethean technology is said to not be very advanced, but the persistent meddling of Valdir’s successor and his people have slowly yet steadily changed the status quo. Uria’s agents have traveled from the unprotected Norsula and infiltrated Ethea to arrange the scenario for her eventual arrival, but everything seems to indicate that the Guardian of Water also has an agenda of his own involving the seed on that world. The Seer’s ramblings on the matter are hazy and confusing, mentioning more and more nonsensical titles that cannot be accurately attributed to any known key individuals. The only thing that we know for sure is that the Seer will eventually be slain, thus making it impossible for us to know what happens past that point in time.")} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=39,44 [/filter] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [terrain] x=40 y=44 terrain=Urb [/terrain] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Touchplate triggered. A wall moves." [/message] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Anya x,y=61,49 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image="items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png" message= _ "Access granted." [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Anya x,y=61,49 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "This seems to be the teleport glyph you were searching for. But... do you really want to proceed with this plan? Are you absolutely sure that it is worth it?" [option] label= _ "female^Yes, I am absolutely sure. I need to see Elynia again. I need her." [command] [fire_event] name=the end [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "female^No. Perhaps I will explore around a little more and try to make up my mind about this." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [option] label= _ "female^No." [command] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/command] [/option] [/message] [/event] [event] name=the end {LOCK_VIEW} {CLEAR_LABELS} [fade_out_music] duration=2000 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC "love_theme.ogg"} [delay] time=3000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "No matter how much I want, Irdya will never be my true home. I’ve always been an outcast. I don’t belong with either species. And I don’t want to take part in Ergea’s plans anymore." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "At least on Ethea I might be able to find Elynia... and tell her... that I want to be with her..." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Do you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Yes, I do. I really do." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Is this your heart speaking, or your mind?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... I guess it’s both." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "Oh dear gods... Am I really speaking to myself now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... Forgive me, Durvan, Ergea, Irylean..." [/message] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [store_unit] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] kill=yes variable=anya_store [/store_unit] # # Kill off everyone, on map or otherwise. # [kill][/kill] {CLEAR_FOG 1 $anya_store.x $anya_store.y $anya_store.max_moves} [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [fade_out_music] duration=2000 [/fade_out_music] # # ?????? # [move_unit_fake] side=2 type=Shaxthal Worm image_mods="PAL(shaxthal_drone_base>shaxthal_drone_surface)" x=61,61 y=52,49 [/move_unit_fake] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {UNCLEAR_FOG} [remove_item][/remove_item] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [modify_side] side=1 fog=no [/modify_side] {SWITCH_FLOOR 2} # # The cutscene is played by the enter floor 2 event handler # invoked above. It leads directly to the end of the game. # [/event] [event] name=setup floor 2 {REMOVE_SOUND_SOURCE hive_noise} # # We don't set up a new ambience sound source, this is intentional # since it's an emotional scene of sorts. # [scroll_to] x,y=44,29 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [terrain] x=0-25,26-29 y=0-18, 0-10 terrain=Qxua [/terrain] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store.status} [set_variables] name=anya_store mode=merge [value] hitpoints=$anya_store.max_hitpoints moves=$anya_store.max_moves attacks_left=$anya_store.max_attacks x,y=44,29 facing=nw [/value] [/set_variables] [store_locations] terrain=Cud^Xo variable=spire_locs [/store_locations] [foreach] array=spire_locs variable=spire [do] [hidden_unit] type=Verlissh Control Spire side=2 x,y=$spire.x,$spire.y upkeep=free ai_special=guardian [modifications] [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks name=noctum [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/hidden_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spire_locs} [/event] [event] name=enter floor 2 {SET_THEME {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI}} [scroll_to] x,y=36,25 {WARP} [/scroll_to] [remove_shroud] side=1 [/remove_shroud] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=anya_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE anya_store} {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 41 28} [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 36 25} [delay] time=250 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "Why do you still hesitate, girl? You are almost there." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "... What if Elynia rejects me? What if I am not actually supposed to do this?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "<i>Trust your heart.</i> Those were Elynia’s own words." [/message] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "That is correct. I..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 33 24} {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 31 23} [scroll_to] x,y=26,20 [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I will do this." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT id=Anya 26 20} [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Anya message= _ "I am sorry, Elynia. But... I need you..." [/message] [item] [filter] id=Anya [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png~B(255)" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Anya" image=misc/blank-hex.png message= _ "<i>... I need you...</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=1,1 [/scroll_to] [kill][/kill] [remove_item][/remove_item] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [place_shroud] side=1 [/place_shroud] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [fade_out_music] duration=5000 [/fade_out_music] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS have_argans_missing_pages no} [then] [transient_message] message= _ "You feel as though a certain other Guardian of Darkness may have missed something..." [/transient_message] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_END_CREDITS} {NO_END_TEXT} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} [/then] [else] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} [+endlevel] next_scenario=13_Epilogue [/endlevel] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE used_language_glyph} [/event] [/scenario] #undef __MSG_GLYPH #undef __MSG_GLYPH_2 #undef FINALE_C_GUARDIAN #undef FINALE_C_RESET_MUSIC # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=13_Epilogue name= _ "Epilogue" {MAP 13_Epilogue_01.map} turns=-1 next_scenario=null victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=yes {FULLSCREEN_CUTSCENE_UI} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "frantic.ogg"} {STORYTXT_EPILOGUE} {FIRST_WATCH} {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -20 -40 0} [side] side=1 controller=human persistent=no team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" {CHAOS_FLAG} color=gold {NO_ECONOMY} shroud=yes hidden=yes canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Life Uria id=Uria name= _ "Uria" facing=se #profile="portraits/uria.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] # Should match Elynia {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=2 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aradellys" color=teal {NO_ECONOMY} hidden=yes canrecruit=yes type=Guardian of Earth Aradellys id=Aradellys name= _ "Aradellys" #profile="portraits/aradellys.png" unrenamable=yes facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 2} #define EPI_ECC_NPC _VARIATION _X _Y _FACING [unit] type=Epilogue Cutscene Controller x={_X} y={_Y} facing={_FACING} variation={_VARIATION} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [/unit] #enddef #define EPI_GEN_NPC _TYPE _X _Y _FACING [unit] type={_TYPE} x={_X} y={_Y} facing={_FACING} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [/unit] #enddef [side] side=3 team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Aradellys" color=red {NO_ECONOMY} hidden=yes no_leader=yes # NOTE: We use the ECC version of the Naiad unit type here instead of # the regular Naiad so the unit type isn't revealed in the help # system by just reaching the scenario without fulfilling the # requirements to see Daeira in the main story. {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Spirit) 15 49 ne} {PALETTE faerie_spirit_hair_base faerie_spirit_hair_gold} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Spirit) 14 52 ne} {PALETTE faerie_spirit_hair_base faerie_spirit_hair_gold} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Spirit) 16 53 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC naiad 15 50 ne} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 15 58 ne} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 4 59 ne} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_neutral_wings} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 17 66 ne} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 17 72 ne} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_neutral_wings} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 45 69 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 39 73 nw} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_sylvan_bright_wings} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 32 65 nw} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_neutral_wings} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Sprite) 42 61 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Dryad) 46 69 nw} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_neutral_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC naiad 38 56 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC naiad 45 55 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC naiad 49 61 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Dryad) 41 62 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Dryad) 35 64 nw} {PALETTE faerie_sylvan_wings faerie_sylvan_bright_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 38 65 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 35 61 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 41 49 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 16 60 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 5 66 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC eventide_dancer 28 68 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 24 54 ne} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 24 52 ne} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 24 50 ne} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 28 54 nw} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 28 52 nw} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 28 50 nw} {PALETTE faerie_guard_wings faerie_sylvan_wings} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 32 52 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 20 52 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 24 61 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 21 60 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 28 61 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 31 60 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 5 58 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 9 64 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 15 69 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 23 68 ne} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 29 71 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 38 69 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 38 61 nw} {EPI_ECC_NPC domain_guard 32 50 nw} [+unit] generate_name=no name= _ "Kri’tan" [/unit] {EPI_GEN_NPC (Fire Faerie) 43 66 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Elvish Sylph) 49 71 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Elvish Sylph) 43 45 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Elvish Sylph) 5 48 ne} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 7 53 se} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 4 62 se} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 43 72 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 44 51 sw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 18 54 ne} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 19 58 se} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 34 54 nw} {EPI_GEN_NPC (Faerie Hamadryad) 33 58 sw} [/side] [event] name=prestart {BLACK_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Uria [/filter] variable=uria_store kill=yes [/store_unit] [place_shroud] side=1 x=0-53 y=0-12 [/place_shroud] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] #define EPI_FADE_TO_BLACK_QUICK {FADE_STEP -64 5} {FADE_STEP -128 5} {FADE_STEP -192 5} {FADE_STEP -500 5} #enddef #define EPI_FADE_IN_QUICK {FADE_STEP -500 5} {FADE_STEP -192 5} {FADE_STEP -128 5} {FADE_STEP -64 5} {FADE_STEP 0 5} #enddef #define EPI_YELLOW_STEP _VAL [color_adjust] red={_VAL} green={_VAL} blue=0 [/color_adjust] #enddef #define EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION _VARIATION_ID [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Aradellys [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name={_VARIATION_ID} [/effect] [/object] [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define EPI_ECC_KILLALL _STEP {VARIABLE ecc_advance_step {_STEP} } {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod "NOP()"} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse "misc/ellipse"} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 1.0} [switch] variable=ecc_advance_step [case] value=1 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-32,-32,-32)")} [/case] [case] value=2 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-96,-96,-96)")} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse "misc/ellipse-nozoc"} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 0.80} [/case] [case] value=3 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-196,-196,-196)~O(0.75)")} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse "misc/ellipse-nozoc"} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 0.80} [/case] [case] value=4 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-255,-255,-255)~O(0.50)")} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse none} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 0.40} [/case] [case] value=5 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-255,-255,-255)~O(0.30)")} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse none} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 0.20} [/case] [case] value=6 {VARIABLE ecc_step_image_mod ("CS(-255,-255,-255)~O(0.10)")} {VARIABLE ecc_step_ellipse none} {VARIABLE ecc_step_hp_factor 0.10} [/case] [/switch] [store_unit] [filter] side=3 [/filter] variable=ecc_npcs_store kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=ecc_npcs_store variable=npc [do] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS ecc_step_hp_factor 1.0} [then] {VARIABLE_MUL npc.max_hitpoints $ecc_step_hp_factor} [unstore_unit] variable=npc find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL ecc_advance_step 6} [then] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$npc.x,$npc.y [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod replace="$ecc_step_image_mod" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=ellipse ellipse="$ecc_step_ellipse" # wmllint: no ellipsecheck [/effect] [/object] [/then] [else] [kill] x,y=$npc.x,$npc.y animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [/else] [/if] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ecc_advance_step,ecc_npcs_store,ecc_step_image_mod,ecc_step_ellipse} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=120 [/delay] #enddef #define EPI_MOVE_MIRRORED_UNIT _FILTER _X _Y [store_unit] [filter] {_FILTER} [/filter] kill=yes variable=temp_EPI_MMU [/store_unit] [move_unit_fake] x=$temp_EPI_MMU.x,{_X} y=$temp_EPI_MMU.y,{_Y} variation=$temp_EPI_MMU.variation type=$temp_EPI_MMU.type side=$temp_EPI_MMU.side gender=$temp_EPI_MMU.gender image_mods="FL(horiz)" [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=yes variable=temp_EPI_MMU x={_X} y={_Y} [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_EPI_MMU} #enddef [event] name=start # # Camera to bottom edge # [scroll_to] {WARP} x,y=26,74 [/scroll_to] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {FADE_IN} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] {EPI_MOVE_MIRRORED_UNIT id=Aradellys 26 58} [scroll_to] x,y=11,51 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=43,62 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Aradellys [/scroll_to_unit] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {EPI_FADE_TO_BLACK_QUICK} {VARIABLE uria_store.x 26} {VARIABLE uria_store.y 36} [scroll_to] x,y=$uria_store.x,$uria_store.y {WARP} [/scroll_to] {EPI_FADE_IN_QUICK} [unhide_unit][/unhide_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=uria_store [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE uria_store} # NOTE: Not mirrored using EPI_MOVE_MIRRORED_UNIT, she's # descending from the sky. {MOVE_UNIT id=Uria 26 42} [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Aradellys [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Ha ha ha ha ha! It has been hundreds of years since my last visit to Silida, and yet, nothing has changed. I am so delighted to see your subjects here, Xia’el — it is such a warm welcome. Did you miss me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys message= _ "What brings you here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "We had a pact of neutrality and mutual respect, Xia’el. You would not interfere with my plans, and I would let you govern your precious people here in peace. But it has come to my attention that there has been a breach of terms on <i>your</i> part. My Seer just revealed some... <i>troubling</i> things to me." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Aradellys [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=Uria scroll=no message= _ "You have been meddling with my personal playground in the main branch of our universe; corrupting and manipulating he who used to serve as my Voice on Irdya, as well as his treacherous protégé. What did you expect to accomplish with this? To circumvent our pact by utilizing the Guardian of Earth on Irdya as your piece for your next move? Did you truly believe I would never find out?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys message= _ "My only intention was to fulfill my duty as the Guardian of Earth and point my children on Irdya in the correct direction. That is to say, as far away from your grasp as possible so they may stage your ultimate downfall." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria scroll=no message= _ "On Ethea? Hm, hm, well, it just so happens that my forces are already on their way there, and this time I will <i>personally</i> take care of any opposition we find." [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys message= _ "Even the new Guardian of Water? I received word that he is already there." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys scroll=no message= _ "You fear him, don’t you? Of course, he poses as much danger to our existence as you do, but he at least manages to keep his destructive tendencies under control. You, on the other hand... you are a corrupted goddess, Lyphanea — if I may not stop you, then someone else has to take up that mission for me." [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=750 [/fade_out_music] [delay] time=250 [/delay] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "one_thousand_suns.ogg"} [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "(<i>enraged</i>) I see how it is, then! But tell me, Aradellys, did you forget the Rule of One?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys scroll=no message= _ "I did not." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Your insolence cannot go unpunished. Even though I knew from the very beginning that things would come to this... I cannot allow you to interfere with my plans any further. You are a poor excuse for a Guardian of Earth, and this is not even your rightful domain. The true Guardian of Earth is awake, so your purpose in this universe has been fulfilled." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Now that you have helpfully advanced <i>my</i> pieces to the world on which I needed them in the first place, the game is over for you. After all, <i>there can only be one</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Aradellys message= _ "I am willing to face oblivion at your hand for my transgressions. But you shall spare my people." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Hm, hm, what makes you think that I have to keep my word anymore?" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Aradellys [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Aradellys message= _ "Please, if there is anything left of the kind Lyphanea in your heart, you shall spare my people as we agreed—" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria scroll=no message= _ "<i>Lyphanea is no more.</i>" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Uria [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [store_unit] [filter] id=Uria [/filter] variable=uria_store kill=no [/store_unit] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=Uria [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=powered [/effect] [/object] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "If it helps, your subjects will be able to enjoy whatever afterlife is in store for them. But you... <b>will not.</b> Farewell, Xia’el. Your reign on Silida is over." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Aradellys [/scroll_to_unit] [item] [filter] id=Aradellys [/filter] halo="halo/heart-aura.png~CS(-255,128,16)" image="misc/blank-hex.png" [/item] [sound] name=explosion-big.ogg [/sound] {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 32} {EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION dying_1} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 1} {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 64} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 2} {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 96} {EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION dying_2} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 3} [sound] name=rumble.ogg [/sound] {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 128} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 4} {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 196} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 5} [sound] name=dragonstick.ogg [/sound] {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 255} {EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION dying_3} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 6} {EPI_YELLOW_STEP 500} {EPI_ECC_KILLALL 7} {EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION dying_4} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [remove_item] [filter] id=Aradellys [/filter] [/remove_item] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] id=Aradellys animate=yes [/kill] [hide_unit][/hide_unit] {WHITE_SCREEN} [delay] time=2000 [/delay] [kill] [not] id=Uria [/not] [/kill] [replace_map] map="{LE /maps/13_Epilogue_02.map}" shrink,expand=yes,yes [/replace_map] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] [delay] time=1000 [/delay] [delay] time=100 [/delay] {RESET_SCREEN} [unhide_unit] id=Uria [/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 [/redraw] {QUAKE ("explosion-big.ogg")} {QUAKE ()} {QUAKE ()} {QUAKE ()} [delay] time=5000 [/delay] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Soon there will be a reckoning, Elynia-Thanadria — mark my words. Do not forget who made the resurrection of your new ally possible in the first place..." [/message] [unstore_unit] variable=uria_store find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw][/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE uria_store} {EPI_MOVE_MIRRORED_UNIT id=Uria 26 36} [+move_unit_fake] force_scroll=no [/move_unit_fake] [kill][/kill] {FADE_TO_BLACK} [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 x=0-53 y=0-12 [/place_shroud] [fade_out_music] duration=4000 [/fade_out_music] [delay] time=6000 [/delay] {ENDLEVEL_QUIET} {NO_END_CREDITS} {NO_END_TEXT} {NO_START_OF_SCENARIO_SAVE} {NO_REPLAY_SAVE} [/event] [/scenario] #undef EPI_ECC_NPC #undef EPI_GEN_NPC #undef EPI_FADE_TO_BLACK_QUICK #undef EPI_FADE_IN_QUICK #undef EPI_YELLOW_STEP #undef EPI_SET_XIAEL_VARIATION #undef EPI_ECC_KILLALL #undef EPI_MOVE_MIRRORED_UNIT # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Implementation of event-based unit abilities. # #define ABILITY_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_EVENTS [event] id=ability_physical_endurance_attacker_hits name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=physical_endurance [/filter_second] [filter_attack] [not] type=arcane,cold,fire [/not] [/filter_attack] [fire_event] name=physical endurance handler [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] id=ability_physical_endurance_defender_hits name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter] ability=physical_endurance [/filter] [filter_second_attack] [not] type=arcane,cold,fire [/not] [/filter_second_attack] [fire_event] name=physical endurance handler [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [secondary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/secondary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] id=ability_physical_endurance_handler name=physical endurance handler first_time_only=no # Primary unit: physical endurance user # Secondary unit: attacker/defender [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN unit.hitpoints 0} [then] {VARIABLE_OP temp_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_restore_hp to_variable damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP temp_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_restore_hp divide 2} {VARIABLE_OP temp_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_restore_hp round ceil} [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=$temp_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_restore_hp restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [floating_text] x,y=$x1,$y1 text="<span color='green'>$heal_amount</span>" # wmllint: ignore [/floating_text] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE_restore_hp} [/then] [/if] [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_ABSCOND_EVENTS [event] id=ability_abscond_check_attack_1st_unit name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] ability=abscond [/filter] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL unit.hitpoints 0} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=abscond triggered [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] id=ability_abscond_check_attack_2nd_unit name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=abscond [/filter_second] [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL second_unit.hitpoints 0} [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=abscond triggered [primary_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] id=ability_abscond_trigger name=abscond triggered first_time_only=no [filter] [not] status=absconding [/not] [/filter] {LOG_ATS_DBG "$unit.id ($x1, $y1) absconding!"} [set_variables] name=unit mode=merge [value] hitpoints="$(min(8, $unit.max_hitpoints))" attacks_left=0 moves="$(max(1, $unit.max_moves - 2))" [status] absconding=yes [/status] [/value] [/set_variables] [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [event] name="side $unit.side turn $(2 + $turn_number)" delayed_variable_substitution=no [store_unit] [filter] id=$unit.id [/filter] variable=abscondee kill=no [/store_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE abscondee.status.absconding} [unstore_unit] variable=abscondee find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE abscondee} [/event] [/event] [event] id=ability_abscond_cleanup name=victory [store_unit] [filter] status=absconding [/filter] variable=victory_abscondees kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=victory_abscondees variable=abscondee [do] {CLEAR_VARIABLE abscondee.status.absconding} [unstore_unit] variable=abscondee find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE victory_abscondees} [/event] #enddef # # Macro used to implement ABILITY_DEMOLITION_AUXILIARY_EVENT # and some scenario-specific events. # # NOTE: if _ADDITIONAL_LOCATION_FILTER contains terrain=, it must be under an # [and], [or], or [not] block; otherwise, it will cause problems. # #define ABILITY_DEMOLITION_AUXILIARY_EVENT_DESTRUCTION_IMPLEMENTATION _X _Y #arg HANDLE_AS_UNIT_ATTACK yes #endarg # Dummy SLF that never matches anything, so that [not] EXCLUDE_SLF [/not] # if EXCLUDE_SLF is unspecified doesn't result in excluding the whole map. #arg EXCLUDE_SLF terrain=&&&& #endarg {VARIABLE temp_DEMO_source_is_unit {HANDLE_AS_UNIT_ATTACK}} [color_adjust] red,green,blue=300,300,300 [/color_adjust] [set_variables] name=temp_DEMO_terraform_actions mode=replace [value] [remove_terrain_overlays] x={_X} y={_Y} radius=1 [not] {EXCLUDE_SLF} [/not] [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,*^X*,Q*,*^Q*,W*,*^W*,S*,*^S* [/not] [not] {EXCLUDE_SLF} [/not] [/filter_radius] [/remove_terrain_overlays] [terrain] x={_X} y={_Y} radius=1 [and] # Only these terrains can get flattened. The others only # have their overlays removed above. terrain=A*,C*,D*,G*,K*,R*,U*,Y* [/and] [not] {EXCLUDE_SLF} [/not] [filter_radius] [not] terrain=X*,*^X*,Q*,*^Q*,W*,*^W*,S*,*^S* [/not] [not] {EXCLUDE_SLF} [/not] [/filter_radius] terrain=Re^Es [/terrain] [/value] [/set_variables] # Execute terraforming commands [insert_tag] name=command variable=temp_DEMO_terraform_actions [/insert_tag] [harm_unit] [filter] [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [/filter] # No harm source unit or weapon given here, on purpose. delay=0 amount=$this_unit.hitpoints # No animations played at this point, since they'd delay the sequence too much # in the worst case (six adjacent units) animate=no kill=no fire_event=yes [/harm_unit] {QUAKE "explosion-big.ogg"} [redraw][/redraw] # update terrain display [color_adjust] red,green,blue=0,0,0 [/color_adjust] # Kill all adjacent units that don't have the demolition ability first; # we need to take care of those in a separate step to prevent causing # an event loop. [set_variables] name=temp_DEMO_action mode=replace [value] [filter_location] [filter_adjacent_location] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [not] ability=demolition [/not] [not] status=immune_to_demolition [/not] [not] # Shapeshifters are handled by scenario-specific # events where they appear, and it might not be # a good idea for those to fire at this point. [filter_wml] [variables] is_shapeshifter=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] [secondary_unit] # the demolition unit killed them x={_X} y={_Y} [/secondary_unit] animate=yes fire_event=yes [/value] [/set_variables] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS temp_DEMO_source_is_unit no} [then] # Our event wasn't dispatched by a unit attack sequence (hopefully) # so we need to fire_event on the source tile kill. [set_variables] name=temp_DEMO_action.filter_location mode=merge [value] [or] x={_X} y={_Y} [/or] [/value] [/set_variables] # Avoid triggering a warning about not matching any units in # [secondary_unit] on Wesnoth 1.14. {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_DEMO_action.secondary_unit} [/then] [/if] [insert_tag] name=kill variable=temp_DEMO_action [/insert_tag] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_DEMO_action,temp_DEMO_source_is_unit,temp_DEMO_terraform_actions} # Remove this source unit so the target units with demolition don't # trigger its death again. [kill] x={_X} y={_Y} animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] # Take care of any remaining adjacent units with demolition. [kill] [filter_location] # SLF, since there's no unit at (_X, _Y) anymore. [filter_adjacent_location] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] ability=demolition # No secondary unit, but we shouldn't need one in this case. animate=yes fire_event=yes [/kill] #enddef #define ABILITY_DEMOLITION_EVENTS [event] id=ability_demolition_die name=die first_time_only=no [filter] ability=demolition [/filter] # Work around Wesnoth 1.14+ rendering the unit visible again because it # gets referenced in the event. [hide_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/hide_unit] {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_AUXILIARY_EVENT_DESTRUCTION_IMPLEMENTATION $x1 $y1} [fire_event] name=demolition complete [/fire_event] [/event] #enddef # # Base ability implementation for all aspect Guardians. # # Some scenario events can interact with this ability in unexpected ways # resulting in "failed to auto-store $unit/$second_unit" errors -- most notably # this caused issues in scenario E3S10 when killing the last Blood Core (see # <https://github.com/project-ethea/After_the_Storm/issues/75>. This check is # here to ensure that either the stores are viable or the event handlers that # rely on them being so are not executed. #define ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE:UNIT_PAIR_EXISTS_PRECONDITION [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN unit.length 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN second_unit.length 0} [/filter_condition] #enddef # wmllint: unbalanced-on #define ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE # # Regeneration # [regenerate] value=8 id=aspect_guardian_regenerates affect_self=yes poison=cured [/regenerate] # # Immortality # [dummy] id=aspect_guardian_immortality [/dummy] # wmlxgettext: [abilities] [/abilities] [event] id=aspect_guardian_immortality_implementation name=last breath first_time_only=no [filter] ability=aspect_guardian_immortality [/filter] [filter_second] [not] ability=aspect_guardian_immortality [/not] [not] ability=aspect_destroyer [/not] [/filter_second] {VARIABLE unit.hitpoints 1} # Deduct the killing XP from the attacker, otherwise it is possible # for them to advance very quickly from L1 to their maximum advancement. # Things get even messier once the full health AMLA effect kicks in. {LOG_ATS_DBG "aspect_guardian_immortality_implementation: triggered, deducting $(max([4, 8 * $unit.level])) XP from $second_unit.id"} {VARIABLE_MIN second_unit.experience "$(max([4, 8 * $unit.level]))"} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=second_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] [event] id=aspect_guardian_no_combat_experience_on_attack_implementation name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=aspect_guardian_immortality [/filter_second] {ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE:UNIT_PAIR_EXISTS_PRECONDITION} [if] # Let the last breath event handle things if the target is dying. {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN second_unit.hitpoints 0} [then] {LOG_ATS_DBG "aspect_guardian_no_combat_experience_on_attack_implementation: triggered, deducting $second_unit.level XP from $unit.id"} # Deduct the combat XP from the attacker. {VARIABLE_MIN unit.experience "$second_unit.level"} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] id=aspect_guardian_no_combat_experience_on_defense_implementation name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] ability=aspect_guardian_immortality [/filter] {ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE:UNIT_PAIR_EXISTS_PRECONDITION} [if] # Let the last breath event handle things if the target is dying. {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN unit.hitpoints 0} [then] {LOG_ATS_DBG "aspect_guardian_no_combat_experience_on_defense_implementation: triggered, deducting $unit.level XP from $second_unit.id"} # Deduct the combat XP from the attacker. {VARIABLE_MIN second_unit.experience "$unit.level"} [unstore_unit] variable=second_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [+abilities] # wmlxgettext: [/abilities] #enddef # wmllint: unbalanced-off # # UtBS ability events # #define ABILITY_DISENGAGE_EVENTS [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] ability=disengage [not] [filter_wml] moves=$this_unit.max_moves [/filter_wml] [/not] [/filter] {VARIABLE unit.moves 0} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_FORMATION_EVENTS [event] id=ability_formation_event name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] [not] side=1 [/not] [not] [filter_wml] [attack] [specials] [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_1 [/chance_to_hit] [/specials] [/attack] [/filter_wml] [/not] [/filter] [object] silent=yes [filter] id=$unit.id [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack [set_specials] mode=append [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_1 name="" description="" sub=10 [filter_base_value] greater_than_equal_to=40 [/filter_base_value] [filter_opponent] ability=formation [filter_adjacent] ability=formation is_enemy=no count=1-5 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_opponent] [/chance_to_hit] [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_2 name="" description="" sub=10 [filter_base_value] greater_than_equal_to=50 [/filter_base_value] [filter_opponent] ability=formation [filter_adjacent] ability=formation is_enemy=no count=2-5 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_opponent] [/chance_to_hit] [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_3 name="" description="" sub=10 [filter_base_value] greater_than_equal_to=60 [/filter_base_value] [filter_opponent] ability=formation [filter_adjacent] ability=formation is_enemy=no count=3-5 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_opponent] [/chance_to_hit] [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_4 name="" description="" sub=10 [filter_base_value] greater_than_equal_to=70 [/filter_base_value] [filter_opponent] ability=formation [filter_adjacent] ability=formation is_enemy=no count=4-5 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_opponent] [/chance_to_hit] [chance_to_hit] id=formation_enemy_5 name="" description="" sub=10 [filter_base_value] greater_than_equal_to=80 [/filter_base_value] [filter_opponent] ability=formation [filter_adjacent] ability=formation is_enemy=no count=5 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_opponent] [/chance_to_hit] [/set_specials] [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define ABILITY_ABSORB_DAMAGE [dummy] id=absorb_damage name= _ "absorb damage" female_name= _ "female^absorb damage" description= _ "Units with this ability will not take damage." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_ABSORB_DAMAGE} [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE [dummy] id=physical_endurance name= _ "physical endurance" female_name= _ "female^physical endurance" description= _ "Units with this ability instantly regenerate half of damage dealt to them unless its type is arcane, cold, or fire, or it would count as the killing blow otherwise." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE} [/dummy] {ABILITY_EVENTS PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE} #enddef #define ABILITY_ABSCOND [dummy] id=abscond name= _ "abscond" female_name= _ "female^abscond" description= _ "Units with this ability are able to survive one fatal hit every other turn. Upon triggering the ability, the absconding unit is set back to 8 HP and 2 under its maximum movement points, allowing it to retreat to safety." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_ABSCOND} # This is purely a visual aid, although it's not terribly helpful in # 1.14 since the ability's name overflows most of the time. [filter] [not] status=absconding [/not] [/filter] [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_DEMOLITION_TEXT_ONLY [dummy] id=demolition name= _ "demolition" female_name= _ "female_name^demolition" description= _ "On death, units with this ability destroy all adjacent hexes and units, and the hex they are standing on." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_DEMOLITION} [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_DEMOLITION {ABILITY_DEMOLITION_TEXT_ONLY} {ABILITY_EVENTS DEMOLITION} #enddef #define ABILITY_AQUEOUS [resistance] id=aqueous name= _ "aqueous" female_name= _ "female^aqueous" description= _ "This unit’s resistances to non-arcane damage are increased to 10% or (if already 10% or higher) tripled up to a maximum of 60%, when defending on water, reef, or swamp terrain. It also regenerates 8 HP at the start of every turn when positioned on those terrains, but it will not remove poison from itself." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_AQUEOUS} [filter] [filter_location] {ABILITY_AQUEOUS:TERRAIN_FILTER} [/filter_location] [/filter] affect_self=yes active_on=defense multiply=3 max_value=60 apply_to=blade,pierce,impact,fire,cold [filter_base_value] greater_than=0 less_than=60 [/filter_base_value] [/resistance] [resistance] id=aqueous_min_resistance [filter] [filter_location] {ABILITY_AQUEOUS:TERRAIN_FILTER} [/filter_location] [/filter] affect_self=yes active_on=defense value=10 max_value=10 apply_to=blade,pierce,impact,fire,cold [filter_base_value] less_than=10 [/filter_base_value] [/resistance] [regenerate] id=aqueous_regenerates value=8 affect_self=yes [filter] [filter_location] {ABILITY_AQUEOUS:TERRAIN_FILTER} [/filter_location] [/filter] [/regenerate] #enddef #define ABILITY_AQUEOUS:TERRAIN_FILTER # Water, Swamp, Oasis, Merfolk Castle/Keep, Swamp Castle/Keep, Sunken Castle/Keep terrain="W*,W*^*,S*,S*^*,*^Do,Cm*,Cm*^*,Km*,Km*^*,Chs*,Chs*^*,Khs*,Khs*^*,Chw*,Chw*^*,Khw*,Khw*^*" #enddef # # GENERAL NOTE ABOUT ASPECT ABILITIES: # # These abilities are only appropriate for actual guardians, of which there # are only three on Irdya before the campaign is over, and none left # afterwards. You should not really be reusing these abilities for any other # units. # # More generally, aspect guardians stick to the "new powers as the plot # demands" trope, and the full extent of their powers is intentionally not # explored in this campaign. Young/recently awakened guardians in particular # do not have access to their full potential yet. # #define ABILITY_ASPECT_OF_DARKNESS [dummy] id=aspect_of_darkness name= _ "aspect of darkness" description= _ "This unit is a Guardian of the Aspect of Darkness. As such, it has access to the following abilities: • Obscures: +25 chaotic bonus on adjacent locations • Regeneration (+8 HP per turn) • Immortality (can only be killed by specific units) • Counts as level 0 for XP calculation purposes during combat" [/dummy] # # Implementation details follow. # {ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE} [illuminates] id=aspect_of_darkness_obscures value=-25 min_value=-25 cumulative=no affect_self=yes [/illuminates] #enddef #define ABILITY_ASPECT_OF_EARTH [dummy] id=aspect_of_earth name= _ "aspect of earth" description= _ "This unit is a Guardian of the Aspect of Earth. As such, it has access to the following abilities: • Sylvan Essence: healing and curing allies (+16 HP per turn), self-concealment on vegetated terrains • Regeneration (+8 HP per turn) • Immortality (can only be killed by specific units) • Counts as level 0 for XP calculation purposes during combat" [/dummy] # # Implementation details follow. # {ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE} [heals] value=16 id=aspect_of_earth_sylvan_essence_healing_curing affect_allies=yes affect_self=no poison=cured [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] [hides] id=aspect_of_earth_sylvan_essence_conceal affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] terrain={VEGETATED_TERRAINS} [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/hides] #enddef # NOTE: This ability is intentionally not completely implemented and broken. # The only unit which possesses this ability in this campaign only appears # in a cutscene. The ability is provided mostly for the sake of having # something to show in the sidebar should the fullscreen UI theme fail to # work on some build/platform/version. Consider it a 'stub' ability. #define ABILITY_ASPECT_OF_LIFE [dummy] id=aspect_of_life name= _ "aspect of life" description= _ "This unit is a Guardian of the Aspect of Life. As such, it has access to the following abilities: • Healing and curing allies (+8 HP per turn) • Regeneration (+16 HP per turn) • Life stealing (+32 HP regenerated per unit killed) • Immortality (can only be killed by specific units) • Counts as level 0 for XP calculation purposes during combat" [/dummy] # # Implementation details follow. # {ABILITY_ASPECT_GUARDIAN_BASE} [heals] value=8 id=aspect_of_life_healing_curing affect_allies=yes affect_self=no poison=cured [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] #enddef #define ABILITY_ASPECT_DESTROYER [dummy] # # This silent ability deliberately lacks UI text. # id=aspect_destroyer [/dummy] #enddef # # UtBS abilities # #textdomain wesnoth-utbs #define ABILITY_FORMATION [dummy] id=formation name= _ "formation" female_name= _ "female^formation" description= _ "This unit gains a +10% bonus to defense when another unit with the same ability is adjacent to it. However, this cannot raise the unit’s defense above 70%." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_FORMATION} [/dummy] {ABILITY_EVENTS FORMATION} #enddef #define ABILITY_DISENGAGE [dummy] id=disengage name= _ "disengage" female_name= _ "female^disengage" description= _ "If this unit doesn’t move before attacking, it will retain its movement points after the attack." special_note={SPECIAL_NOTE_DISENGAGE} [/dummy] {ABILITY_EVENTS DISENGAGE} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # STRENGTH UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l1 () attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength I: melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l2 amla_anya_strength_l1 attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength II: hitpoints +4, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=4 increase_total=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l3 amla_anya_strength_l2 attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength III: hitpoints +4, melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=4 increase_total=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l4 amla_anya_strength_l3 attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength IV: melee drains special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef # # FOCUS UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_focus_l1 () attacks/forest-chill.png ( _ "Focus I: noctum damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=noctum increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_focus_l2 amla_anya_focus_l1 attacks/forest-chill.png ( _ "Focus II: chill damage +1, daze weapon special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=forest chill increase_damage=1 [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_focus_l3 amla_anya_focus_l2 attacks/forest-chill.png ( _ "Focus III: chill strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=forest chill increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_focus_l4 amla_anya_focus_l3 attacks/forest-chill.png ( _ "Focus IV: noctum damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=noctum increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L5 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_focus_l5 amla_anya_focus_l4,amla_anya_strength_l4 attacks/forest-chill.png ( _ "Focus V: noctum damage +1, strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=noctum increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # # SHIELDING UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_shielding_l1 () attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding I: fire resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] fire=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_shielding_l2 amla_anya_shielding_l1 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding II: fire resistance +10%, cold resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] fire=-10 cold=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_shielding_l3 amla_anya_shielding_l2 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding III: arcane resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] arcane=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef # # ABSCOND ABILITY # # Req.: Strength II, Focus II # # NOTE: As this ability is essentially foreshadowing a reveal in E3, it's # intentionally restricted to said episode even though the requirements # can be fulfilled in E2. # #define AMLA_ANYA_EVASION {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_evasion amla_anya_strength_l2,amla_anya_focus_l2 icons/abscond.png ( _ "Evasion: abscond ability") ( [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_ABSCOND} [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ANYA_EPISODE_2 {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L1} {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L2} {AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L1} {AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L2} {AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L1} {AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L2} #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II {AMLA_TREE_LOCK amla_anya_strength_l2,amla_anya_focus_l2,amla_anya_shielding_l2} #endif #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ANYA_EPISODE_3 {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L3} {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_L4} {AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L3} {AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L4} {AMLA_ANYA_FOCUS_L5} {AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_L3} {AMLA_ANYA_EVASION} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # STRENGTH UPGRADES # # Req.: none # Note: These are lifted directly from IftU with different ids. Weapon effects # go by weapon range instead of name so they can carry into Episode III # transparently once she loses her staff. This is intentional. # #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l1 () attacks/staff-niryone.png ( _ "Strength I: hitpoints +4, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=4 increase_total=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l2 amla_elynia_strength_l1 attacks/staff-niryone.png ( _ "Strength II: hitpoints +4, melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=4 increase_total=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l3 amla_elynia_strength_l2 attacks/staff-niryone.png ( _ "Strength III: hitpoints +5") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=5 increase_total=5 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l4 amla_elynia_strength_l3 attacks/staff-niryone.png ( _ "Strength IV: hitpoints +5, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=5 increase_total=5 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L5 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l5 amla_elynia_strength_l4 attacks/staff-niryone.png ( _ "Strength V: hitpoints +7") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=7 increase_total=7 [/effect] )} #enddef # # FOCUS UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l1 () attacks/entangle.png ( _ "Focus I: ensnare strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l2 amla_elynia_focus_l1 attacks/entangle.png ( _ "Focus II: ensnare damage +1, strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l3 amla_elynia_focus_l2 attacks/entangle.png ( _ "Focus III: ensnare damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l4 amla_elynia_focus_l3 attacks/entangle.png ( _ "Focus IV: ensnare damage +1, stun weapon special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_damage=1 [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_STUN} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef # # SHIELDING UPGRADES # # Req.: Focus I # #define AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_shielding_l1 amla_elynia_focus_l1 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding I: arcane resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] arcane=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_shielding_l2 amla_elynia_shielding_l1 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding II: impact resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_shielding_l3 amla_elynia_shielding_l2 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding III: cold resistance +10%, sylvan essence regeneration +1") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] cold=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] [regenerate] id=sylvan_essence_selfheal_L0 [/regenerate] [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] [regenerate] id=sylvan_essence_selfheal_L1 value=4 affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] terrain={VEGETATED_TERRAINS} [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/regenerate] [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_shielding_l4 amla_elynia_shielding_l3 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding IV: fire resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] fire=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L5 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_shielding_l5 amla_elynia_shielding_l4 attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding V: protection ability") ( [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_PROTECTION} [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef # # THORNS UPGRADES # #define AMLA_ELYNIA_THORNS_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_thorns_l1 () attacks/thorns.png ( _ "Thorns I: damage +2") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=thorns increase_damage=2 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_THORNS_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_thorns_l2 amla_elynia_thorns_l1 attacks/thorns.png ( _ "Thorns II: damage +2, drains weapon special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=thorns increase_damage=2 [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef # # FAERIE FIRE UPGRADES # # Req.: Focus II, Strength II # Req. for level IV: Focus III, Shielding III, Strength III # Req. for level V: Focus IV, Shielding IV, Strength IV # # NOTE: # # The lvl 1 AMLA can be forcefully unlocked by a plot event in AtS E2S7. Since # it would be cheap to allow people to unlock all subsequent upgrades without # investing in the prerequisites at all, the lvl 2 AMLA has the same # requirements and isn't unlocked by any plot events. # #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l1 amla_elynia_focus_l2,amla_elynia_strength_l2 attacks/faerie-fire.png ( _ "Faerie Fire I: replaces mystic fire (ranged/arcane 9×3, magical)") ( [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks name=mystic fire [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=faerie fire description={TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FAERIE_FIRE} type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage,number=9,3 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l2 amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l1,amla_elynia_focus_l2,amla_elynia_strength_l2 attacks/faerie-fire.png ( _ "Faerie Fire II: damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l3 amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l2 attacks/faerie-fire.png ( _ "Faerie Fire III: strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L4 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l4 amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l3,amla_elynia_focus_l3,amla_elynia_shielding_l3,amla_elynia_strength_l3 attacks/faerie-fire.png ( _ "Faerie Fire IV: damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L5 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l5 amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l4,amla_elynia_focus_l4,amla_elynia_shielding_l4,amla_elynia_strength_l4 attacks/faerie-fire.png ( _ "Faerie Fire V: damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # # AMLA sets # #define AMLA_TREE:ELYNIA_EPISODE_1 {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L1} {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L2} {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L3} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L1} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L2} {AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L1} {AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L2} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L1} {AMLA_ELYNIA_THORNS_L1} {AMLA_ELYNIA_THORNS_L2} #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_I {AMLA_TREE_LOCK amla_elynia_strength_l3,amla_elynia_focus_l2,amla_elynia_shielding_l2,amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l1,amla_elynia_thorns_l2} #endif #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ELYNIA_EPISODE_2 {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L4} {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_L5} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L3} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_L4} {AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L3} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L2} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L3} #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II {AMLA_TREE_LOCK amla_elynia_strength_l5,amla_elynia_focus_l4,amla_elynia_shielding_l3,amla_elynia_faerie_fire_l3} #endif #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ELYNIA_EPISODE_3 {AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L4} {AMLA_ELYNIA_SHIELDING_L5} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L4} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FAERIE_FIRE_L5} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III # # If you are not a maintainer of this campaign then you have no business being # here. # # Turn back and forget you ever found this file. # # # # ... # # # # Are you still there? # # # # ... # # # # ... # # # # ... # # # # Look. # # I know lurking around for secrets is fun and all but you should know by now # that only SPOILERS await those who have a look under the hood of story-based # campaigns. You have one more chance to leave. # # # # ... # # # # ... # # # # ... # # # # Very well then. # # Don't say I didn't warn you. # ####################################################################### # # # AMLA ABILITY AND WEAPON SPECIAL IMPLEMENTATIONS # # # ####################################################################### # # Area of Effect damage weapon specials # #define NO_CROWD_CONTROL [+unit] [status] immune_to_cc=yes [/status] [/unit] #enddef #define NOT_IMMUNE_TO_CROWD_CONTROL [not] canrecruit=yes [or] type=Shaxthal Turret,Verlissh Matrix Flow System,Verlissh Matrix Core,Shaxthal Custodian Drone,Shaxthal Demolisher Drone,Shaxthal Deathbringer,Shaxthal Deathbringer Alpha,Magnum Suit,Blood Core,Angel of Blood [/or] [or] ability=absorb_damage [/or] [or] status=immune_to_cc [/or] [/not] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABATTOIR [dummy] id=abattoir name= _ "abattoir" description= _ "On every hit, this attack deals 50% splash damage to all non-leader enemy units adjacent to the target. The exact amount of damage dealt will vary for each affected unit according to their resistances. Note: Other units may be exempt from the effects of this weapon special." [/dummy] #enddef #define ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_1 [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter_adjacent] [filter_side] [enemy_of] side=$unit.side [/enemy_of] [/filter_side] [not] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/not] #enddef #define ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_2 [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter_adjacent] [filter_side] [enemy_of] side=$unit.side [/enemy_of] [/filter_side] #enddef # NOTE: This macro is only intended to be used with [harm_unit]-based splash # damage abilities. If you decide to use it yourself, you're pretty much # required to read all my babbling below if you don't want things to # break or yield disappointing results. #define UNIT_1_IS_FULLY_QUALIFIED_ATTACK_SOURCE # Credit the attack source in any events that may be fired if the harmed # unit dies (that being the only situation that fires events in 1.14, see # further below for more info). [filter_second] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter_second] kill=yes fire_event=yes # [primary_attack] and [secondary_attack] are only relevant in 1.14 if # animations are enabled, since they aren't propagated to dispatched # events. We disable animations for this in practice to avoid attack # sequences becoming utterly clunky, so these are essentially a no-op at # the moment. But this may change in the future. [insert_tag] name=primary_attack variable="weapon" [/insert_tag] [insert_tag] name=secondary_attack variable="second_weapon" [/insert_tag] # Unfortunately, as of Wesnoth 1.14 [harm_unit] is implemented using an # all-or-nothing approach: either nobody gains XP, or both the attacker and # the targets do, once per command execution (and the command is going to # be executed multiple times during a single attack round!). # # More importantly, allowing Elynia and Elyssa's targets to gain XP from # being splash damaged means that the Guardian's XP gain control mechanism # doesn't trigger (fire_event above only concerns deaths in 1.14) and this # would potentially allow splash targets to gain levels mid-combat and make # everything messier. experience=no damage_type=$weapon.type alignment=$unit.alignment #enddef #define GU_SPECIAL_ATTACK_SEQ _SPECIAL_ID [event] id="gu_"+{_SPECIAL_ID}+":attacker_hits_1st" # wmllint: ignore name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special={_SPECIAL_ID} [/filter_attack] {EVENT_FORWARD_DISPATCH ({_SPECIAL_ID}+" hits")} [/event] [event] id="gu_"+{_SPECIAL_ID}+":attacker_hits_2nd" # wmllint: ignore name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second_attack] special={_SPECIAL_ID} [/filter_second_attack] {EVENT_INVERSE_DISPATCH ({_SPECIAL_ID}+" hits")} [/event] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABATTOIR_EVENTS {GU_SPECIAL_ATTACK_SEQ abattoir} [event] id=gu_abattoir:main name=abattoir hits first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] {ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_2} {NOT_IMMUNE_TO_CROWD_CONTROL} [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [harm_multiple_units] [filter] {ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_2} {NOT_IMMUNE_TO_CROWD_CONTROL} [/filter] {UNIT_1_IS_FULLY_QUALIFIED_ATTACK_SOURCE} amount="$($weapon.damage * 0.5)" [/harm_multiple_units] [/event] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE [dummy] id=shockwave name= _ "shockwave" description= _ "On every hit, this attack deals 25% splash damage to all non-leader enemy units adjacent to the attacker. The exact amount of damage dealt will vary for each affected unit according to their resistances. Note: Other units may be exempt from the effects of this weapon special." [/dummy] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE_EVENTS {GU_SPECIAL_ATTACK_SEQ shockwave} [event] id=gu_shockwave:main name=shockwave hits first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_unit] {ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_1} {NOT_IMMUNE_TO_CROWD_CONTROL} [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [harm_multiple_units] [filter] {ENEMY_UNITS_ADJACENT_TO_UNIT_1} {NOT_IMMUNE_TO_CROWD_CONTROL} [/filter] {UNIT_1_IS_FULLY_QUALIFIED_ATTACK_SOURCE} amount="$($weapon.damage * 0.25)" [/harm_multiple_units] [/event] #enddef #define UMBRA_TELEPORT_SOURCE_SLF terrain=*^V* [filter_owner] [allied_with] side=$teleport_unit.side [/allied_with] [/filter_owner] [not] [filter] [not] id=$teleport_unit.id [/not] [/filter] [/not] #enddef #define UMBRA_TELEPORT_TARGET_SLF [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] #enddef #define ABILITY_UMBRA [dummy] id=umbra name= _ "umbra" description= _ "Using one of its moves, this unit may teleport between any two empty villages owned by its side or an ally, or from one such village to any vacant tiles adjacent to an allied leader." [/dummy] # TODO: merge both teleport setups together for performance? [teleport] id=umbra_super_teleport [tunnel] id=umbra_1 [source] {UMBRA_TELEPORT_SOURCE_SLF} [/source] [target] {UMBRA_TELEPORT_TARGET_SLF} [and] terrain=*^V* [filter_owner] [allied_with] side=$teleport_unit.side [/allied_with] [/filter_owner] [or] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] canrecruit=yes [filter_side] [allied_with] side=$teleport_unit.side [/allied_with] [/filter_side] [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/or] [/and] [/target] [filter] ability=umbra_super_teleport [/filter] [/tunnel] [/teleport] #enddef #define FINALE_AMLA_EVENTS {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABATTOIR_EVENTS} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE_EVENTS} #enddef ####################################################################### # # # ELYNIA GoE AMLA DEFINITIONS # # # ####################################################################### #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l10 () attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength X: hitpoints +10, melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=10 increase_total=10 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_XI {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l11 amla_elynia_strength_l10 attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength XI: hitpoints +10, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=10 increase_total=10 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_XII {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_strength_l12 amla_elynia_strength_l11 attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength XII: hitpoints +11, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=11 increase_total=11 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # The Earth sigil #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X_ICON icons/original-ten-sigils.png~CROP(180, 0, 60, 60)#enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l10 () {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X_ICON} ( _ "Focus X: arcane rage damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=arcane rage increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_XI {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l11 amla_elynia_focus_l10 {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X_ICON} ( _ "Focus XI: ensnare damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_damage=1 [set_specials] mode=append [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_XII {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_focus_l12 amla_elynia_focus_l11 {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X_ICON} ( _ "Focus XII: arcane rage strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=arcane rage increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # Gate Nature's Wrath behind Focus X to force Elynia to lag behind Elyssa # stats-wise for just a little bit. #define AMLA_ELYNIA_NATURES_WRATH {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elynia_natures_wrath amla_elynia_focus_l10 attacks/arcane-rage.png ( _ "Nature’s Wrath: arcane rage shockwave special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=arcane rage [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef ####################################################################### # # # ELYSSA GoD AMLA DEFINITIONS # # # ####################################################################### #define AMLA_DELETE [advancement] __remove=yes [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_strength_l10 () attacks/fist-human.png ( _ "Strength ?: hitpoints +12") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=12 increase_total=12 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XI {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_strength_l11 amla_elyssa_strength_l10 attacks/fist-human.png ( _ "Strength ?: hitpoints +10, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=10 increase_total=10 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XII {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_strength_l12 amla_elyssa_strength_l11 attacks/fist-human.png ( _ "Strength ?: hitpoints +16, melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=16 increase_total=16 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XIII {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_strength_l13 amla_elyssa_strength_l12 attacks/fist-human.png ( _ "Strength ?: melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # The Darkness sigil #define AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_X_ICON icons/original-ten-sigils.png~CROP(0,60,60,60)#enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_focus_l10 () {AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_X_ICON} ( _ "Focus ?: pyranoctum strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=pyranoctum increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_XI {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_focus_l11 amla_elyssa_focus_l10 {AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_X_ICON} ( _ "Focus ?: noctum damage +1, pyranoctum damage +2") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=noctum increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=pyranoctum increase_damage=2 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_ARGANS_LAMENT {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_argans_lament () attacks/gaze.png ( _ "Argan’s Lament: terror ability") ( [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_TERROR} [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef # This is a very intentional clone of Galas' Initiative AMLA # FIXME: placeholder icon #define AMLA_ELYSSA_INITIATIVE {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_strength_initiative () attacks/staff-elven-star.png ( _ "Initiative: claw of urvatha first strike weapon special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=claw of urvatha [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_FIRSTSTRIKE} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_SOUL_EATER {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_soul_eater () icons/soul-eater.png ( _ "Soul Eater: claw of urvatha drains special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=claw of urvatha [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_SCORCHED_EARTH {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_scorched_earth () attacks/fire-blast.png ( _ "Scorched Earth: pyranoctum abattoir special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=pyranoctum [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABATTOIR} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ELYSSA_MERTHIAALS_DESPAIR {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_elyssa_merthiaals_despair () attacks/fire-blast.png ( _ "Merthiaal’s Despair: noctum shockwave special") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=noctum [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SHOCKWAVE} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} #enddef ####################################################################### # # # ANYA GoD AMLA DEFINITIONS # # # ####################################################################### # Anya's AMLAs are more limited in comparison to the other two since she's only # playable for one scenario and doesn't face any enemies able to kill her. The # player also has bigger numbers on their side than Elynia and Elyssa. #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l10 () attacks/touch-faerie.png ( _ "Strength X: hitpoints +10, melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=10 increase_total=10 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_XI {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_strength_l11 amla_anya_strength_l10 attacks/fist-human.png ( _ "Strength XI: hitpoints +12") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=12 increase_total=12 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_X {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_shielding_l10 () attacks/magic-missile.png ( _ "Shielding X: impact resistance +10%, fire resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] impact=-10 fire=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_ANYA_SHADOW_ANGEL {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_anya_shadow_angel () icons/umbra.png ( _ "Shadow Angel: umbra teleport ability") ( [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_TELEPORT} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_UMBRA} [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef ####################################################################### # # # AMLA TREE MACROS # # # ####################################################################### #define AMLA_TREE:ELYNIA_GUARDIAN {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_X} {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_XI} {AMLA_ELYNIA_STRENGTH_XII} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_X} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_XI} {AMLA_ELYNIA_FOCUS_XII} {AMLA_ELYNIA_NATURES_WRATH} #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ELYSSA_GUARDIAN # 11 AMLAs total {AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_X} {AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XI} {AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XII} {AMLA_ELYSSA_STRENGTH_XIII} {AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_X} {AMLA_ELYSSA_FOCUS_XI} {AMLA_ELYSSA_ARGANS_LAMENT} {AMLA_ELYSSA_INITIATIVE} {AMLA_ELYSSA_SOUL_EATER} {AMLA_ELYSSA_SCORCHED_EARTH} {AMLA_ELYSSA_MERTHIAALS_DESPAIR} #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ELYSSA_GUARDIAN:DELETE {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} {AMLA_DELETE} #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:ANYA_GUARDIAN {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_X} {AMLA_ANYA_STRENGTH_XI} {AMLA_ANYA_SHIELDING_X} # GLITCHES WHEN UNIT STOPS BEING ON THE MAP, DO NOT USE #{AMLA_ANYA_SHADOW_ANGEL} #enddef #endif
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # ABILITY UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_GALAS_STEALTH {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_stealth () icons/cloak_leather_brown.png ( _ "Stealth: ambush ability") ( [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_AMBUSH} [/abilities] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_HUNTER_I {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_hunter_l1 () attacks/bolas.png ( _ "Hunter I: new attack (ranged/impact 9×2, slows)") ( [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=bolas description= _"bolas" type=impact range=ranged damage=9 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_HUNTER_II {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_hunter_l2 amla_galas_hunter_l1 attacks/bolas.png ( _ "Hunter II: bolas strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack name=bolas increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef # # STRENGTH UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_strength_l1 () attacks/sword-elven.png ( _ "Strength I: melee damage +1") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_strength_l2 amla_galas_strength_l1 attacks/sword-elven.png ( _ "Strength II: hitpoints +4, melee strikes +1") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=4 increase_total=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_attacks=1 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_strength_l3 amla_galas_strength_l2 attacks/sword-elven.png ( _ "Strength III: hitpoints +5") ( [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase=5 increase_total=5 [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_FURY {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_strength_fury amla_galas_strength_l2 attacks/frenzy.png ( _ "Fury: berserker weapon special (melee only)") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BERSERK} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} {DISABLE_AMLA_WITH amla_galas_strength_initiative} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_INITIATIVE {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_strength_initiative amla_galas_strength_l2 icons/hat-huntsman.png ( _ "Initiative: first strike weapon special (melee only)") ( [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_FIRSTSTRIKE} [/set_specials] [/effect] )} {DISABLE_AMLA_WITH amla_galas_strength_fury} #enddef # # ARMOUR UPGRADES # # Req.: none # #define AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L1 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_armor_l1 () icons/armor-chain.png ( _ "Armor I: blade and pierce resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L2 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_armor_l2 amla_galas_armor_l1 icons/armor-chain.png ( _ "Armor II: impact resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L3 {CHARACTER_AMLA amla_galas_armor_l3 amla_galas_armor_l2 icons/armor-chain.png ( _ "Armor III: blade resistance +10%") ( [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] blade=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] )} #enddef #define AMLA_TREE:GALAS_EPISODE_1 {AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L1} {AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L2} {AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_L3} {AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_FURY} {AMLA_GALAS_STRENGTH_INITIATIVE} {AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L1} {AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L2} {AMLA_GALAS_ARMOR_L3} {AMLA_GALAS_STEALTH} {AMLA_GALAS_HUNTER_I} {AMLA_GALAS_HUNTER_II} # NOTE: # We can't list fury or initiative here because it's not normally possible # to obtain both and there's no way to have an OR match in require_amla {AMLA_TREE_LOCK amla_galas_strength_l3,amla_galas_stealth,amla_galas_armor_l3,amla_galas_hunter_l2} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # wmllint: local spelling ‹max # This is a fake AMLA displayed when the character's full AMLA tree is not # available yet but all the episode-specific AMLAs have already been acquired. # It doesn't have any effects other than causing the level-up prompt to display # again until the player selects a different option. # # NOTE: Naia's implementation of [amla_list] has special knowledge of the id of # this AMLA and uses it for influence the UI display. If you change the AMLA id # here, you need to update Naia as well. #define AMLA_TREE_LOCK _REQUIRED_AMLAS [advancement] id=amla_tree_lock_ui description= _ "‹No more advancements available yet›" image="misc/blank-hex.png~SCALE(60,60)" max_times=1 # Unfortunately there's no way for us to require "all available AMLAs except amla_vitality", so # we require users to tell us the full list of unlocks for the current state here require_amla={_REQUIRED_AMLAS} [effect] apply_to=status add=amla_tree_lock_ui [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_UI_HANDLER [event] id=amla_ui_handler_event name=post advance first_time_only=no [filter] status=amla_tree_lock_ui [/filter] # Revert dummy AMLA and set the unit's XP to maximum to return to the # level-up UI after we're done. {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit.status.amla_tree_lock_ui} {VARIABLE unit.experience $unit.max_experience} # We need to excise the AMLA by hand. Using wesnoth.remove_modifications # on Wesnoth 1.14.9 (and presumably earlier versions as well) can cause # unexpected recalculation of the unit's stats based on how traits and # objects would interact with AMLAs, when they normally *do not*. This # causes, e.g. Elynia's faerie fire addition to be boosted by the first # call to wesnoth.remove_modifications. {VARIABLE cleared_amla no} [for] array=unit.modifications.advancement reverse=yes [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_EQUALS unit.modifications.advancement[$i].id amla_tree_lock_ui} [then] {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit.modifications.advancement[$i]} {VARIABLE cleared_amla yes} [break][/break] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] {BUG_ON ({VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS cleared_amla yes}) ()} {CLEAR_VARIABLE cleared_amla} {LOG_ATS ("[AMLA_TREE_LOCK_UI] Dummy advancement triggered and reverted")} [transient_message] caption= _ "Advancements Locked" message= _ "You have not unlocked all advancements for this unit yet. Continue playing the campaign to unlock more advancements." [/transient_message] # NOTE: The event handler may become recursive here if the player selects the # dummy AMLA again. [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/event] #enddef #define AMLA_DEBUG_UI [set_menu_item] id=amla_debug description="I Hate Fun" # wmllint: ignore [filter_location] [filter] side=1 [/filter] [/filter_location] [command] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] variable=u [/store_unit] {VARIABLE u.experience $u.max_experience} [unstore_unit] variable=u find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE u} [unit] side=1 x,y=recall,recall type=Yeti [/unit] [/command] [/set_menu_item] #enddef # # Cap a unit's maximum XP to a certain value at the start of an episode. # # If the unit's XP pool is greater than the specified amount, then it's # forcefully capped with a hidden modification. Otherwise, it's left intact. # #define AMLA_XP_CAP _ID _MAX_XP [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] variable=temp_AXC.u kill=no [/store_unit] {VARIABLE_FROM_STRLEN temp_AXC.can_advance $temp_AXC.u.advances_to} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS temp_AXC.can_advance 0} [then] {VARIABLE temp_AXC.diff "$( {_MAX_XP} - $temp_AXC.u.max_experience )"} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_LESS_THAN temp_AXC.diff 0} [then] [object] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=$temp_AXC.diff [/effect] [/object] [/then] [/if] [/then] [/if] # # Scale current XP to match the old status. We do this regardless of whether the # unit has unit type advancements or not (Durvan). # [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS temp_AXC.u.variables.amla_xp_cap_old_ratio 0} [then] # Need to use [store_unit] to properly clear off the ratio attribute [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] variable=temp_AXC.v [/store_unit] # Cap to max XP minus one to avoid awkward appearances of the # level up dialog, e.g. during cutscenes. {VARIABLE temp_AXC.v.experience "$( min(xp_pool - 1, round(xp_ratio * xp_pool)) where xp_ratio = $temp_AXC.u.variables.amla_xp_cap_old_ratio, xp_pool = $temp_AXC.v.max_experience )"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_AXC.v.variables.amla_xp_cap_old_ratio} [unstore_unit] variable=temp_AXC.v find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_AXC} #enddef #define AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_2 _ID {AMLA_XP_CAP {_ID} {DIFF 125 150 175}} #enddef #define AMLA_XP_CAP_TIER_3 _ID {AMLA_XP_CAP {_ID} {DIFF 175 200 225}} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define FLAME_BLAST_FRAME _NUM _START_TIME _X _Y flame_blast_{_NUM}_start_time={_START_TIME} flame_blast_{_NUM}_auto_vflip=no flame_blast_{_NUM}_offset=1.0 [flame_blast_{_NUM}_frame] halo="halo/flame-burst-[1~8].png:50" halo_x={_X} halo_y={_Y} [/flame_blast_{_NUM}_frame] #enddef #define FLAME_BLAST_ANIMATION offset=0.0 flame_sound_start_time=-400 [flame_sound_frame] duration=100 sound=fire.wav [/flame_sound_frame] {FLAME_BLAST_FRAME 1 -400 -22 0} {FLAME_BLAST_FRAME 2 -350 -14 9} {FLAME_BLAST_FRAME 3 -300 0 12} {FLAME_BLAST_FRAME 4 -250 14 9} {FLAME_BLAST_FRAME 5 -200 22 0} #enddef #define FLAME_BLAST_AFFECTS_SELF flame_blast_1_offset=0.0 flame_blast_2_offset=0.0 flame_blast_3_offset=0.0 flame_blast_4_offset=0.0 flame_blast_5_offset=0.0 #enddef #define STORMKIND_ATTACK_HALO halo1_start_time=-400 halo1_auto_vflip=false [halo1_frame] halo="halo/saurian-magic-halo-[1~7].png:100" halo_y=-15 [/halo1_frame] halo2_start_time=-450 halo2_auto_vflip=false [halo2_frame] halo="halo/saurian-magic-halo-[7~1].png:100" halo_y=0 [/halo2_frame] halo3_start_time=-400 halo3_auto_vflip=false [halo3_frame] halo="halo/saurian-magic-halo-[1~7].png:100" halo_y=15 [/halo3_frame] #enddef #define NOCTUM_FIRE_ANIMATION {FLAME_BLAST_ANIMATION} flame_blast_1_halo_mod="~B(120)" flame_blast_2_halo_mod="~B(120)" flame_blast_3_halo_mod="~B(120)" flame_blast_4_halo_mod="~B(120)" flame_blast_5_halo_mod="~B(120)" #enddef #define NOCTUM_BOLT_ANIMATION _N1 _N2 bolt1_auto_vflip=no bolt1_start_time=-175 bolt1_offset=1.0 bolt1_halo_y=-125 bolt1_halo_mod="~R(120)" [bolt1_frame] halo="halo/lightning-bolt-"+{_N1}+"-3.png:100,halo/lightning-bolt-"+{_N1}+"-4.png:100" [/bolt1_frame] bolt2_auto_vflip=no bolt2_start_time=-100 bolt2_offset=1.0 bolt2_halo_y=-125 bolt2_halo_mod="~R(120)" [bolt2_frame] halo="halo/lightning-bolt-"+{_N2}+"-4.png:100,halo/lightning-bolt-"+{_N2}+"-4.png~O(0.5):100" [/bolt2_frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS lightning.ogg lightning-miss.ogg -175} #enddef #define BLOOD_BOLT_ANIMATION _N1 _N2 {NOCTUM_BOLT_ANIMATION ({_N1}) ({_N2})} #bolt1_halo_mod="~CS(120,-64,-64)" purple #bolt2_halo_mod="~CS(120,-64,-64)" purple bolt1_halo_mod="~CS(255,-32,-32)" bolt2_halo_mod="~CS(255,-32,-32)" #enddef #define GUARDIAN_DEFENSE_ANIM R G B REACTION_IMAGE BASE_IMAGE HIT_SOUND [defend] start_time=-175 [frame] duration=25 image={BASE_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.2)" [/frame] [frame] duration=25 image={BASE_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.4)" [/frame] [frame] duration=50 image={REACTION_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.6)" [/frame] [frame] duration=50 image={REACTION_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.8)" [/frame] [if] hits=hit [frame] duration=100 image={REACTION_IMAGE} sound={HIT_SOUND} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})" [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=miss,kill [frame] duration=100 image={REACTION_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})" [/frame] [/else] [frame] duration=50 image={REACTION_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.8)" [/frame] [frame] duration=25 image={BASE_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.6)" [/frame] [frame] duration=25 image={BASE_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.4)" [/frame] [frame] duration=25 image={BASE_IMAGE} halo="halo/guardian-defense-halo.png" halo_mod="~CS({R},{G},{B})~O(0.2)" [/frame] [/defend] #enddef #define BLOOD_LASER_BEAM laser_start_time=-245 [if] direction=se,sw,ne,nw [laser_frame] halo="halo/blood-laser-ne-[1~7,6~1].png:[30*6,130,70*6]" halo_x,halo_y=20,-10 [/laser_frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,s [laser_frame] halo="halo/blood-laser-n-[1~7,6~1].png:[30*6,130,70*6]" halo_x,halo_y=20,-10 [/laser_frame] [/else] #enddef #define BLOOD_STORM_ANIMATION _BOLT_N1 _BOLT_N2 [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=blood storm [/filter_attack] start_time=-400 offset=0.0 {BLOOD_BOLT_ANIMATION {_BOLT_N1} {_BOLT_N2} } [frame] duration=600 [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef #define SOUL_SPEAR_ANIMATION [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=soul spear [/filter_attack] [frame] begin=-250 end=-125 [/frame] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-125 end=-100 sound=magic-dark.ogg [/frame] [frame] begin=-100 end=100 sound=spear.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-125 end=-100 [/frame] [frame] begin=-100 end=100 sound=spear-miss.ogg [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=175 [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef # # UtBS Quenoth elf animation macros # #define QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL X Y Y2 misc/blank-hex.png~BLIT(units/elves-quenoth/fire/flame-color.png,{X},{Y2})~MASK(units/elves-quenoth/fire/flame-mask.png,{X},{Y}):75#enddef #define QUENOTH_FLAME_POS X Y {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 15}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 14}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 13}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 12}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 11}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 10}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 9}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 8}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 7}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 6}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 5}, {QUENOTH_FLAME_INTERNAL {X} {Y} 4}#enddef # not all unwalkable, but still supposed to provide some visual cue that movement is different. may need revision. #define QUENOTH_UNWALKABLE_TERRAINS !,Wwf*^*,Kme*^*,*^B*,!,A*^*,Uu*^*,Uh*^*,*^Uf*,W*^*,S*^*,Chs*^*,Chw*^*,Cm*^*,Km*^*,Q*^*,Mv*^*,*^Qov,*^Vm#enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define BOSS_ABSORB_FULL_DAMAGE _STANDARD_UNIT_FILTER [store_unit] [filter] {_STANDARD_UNIT_FILTER} [/filter] variable=temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store [/store_unit] # Emulate a blinking effect using timing and unit clobbering [object] [filter] id=$temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.id [/filter] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add="BLEND(255,170,0,0.25)" [/effect] [/object] {VARIABLE temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.hitpoints $temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.max_hitpoints} # FIXME: Clearing statuses on attack/defender hits is impossible in 1.14 # because their flags are set *after* handling the event #ifdef 0 [if] # Don't use VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUALS, the variable may not exist {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.slowed_by_api yes} [else] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.slowed} [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE (" temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.poisoned, temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.petrified, temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.stunned, temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store.status.dazed ")} #endif [delay] time=90 [/delay] [unstore_unit] find_vacant=no variable=temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store text="<span font_weight='bold' size='larger'>×</span>" color="255,170,0" [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_BOSS_ABSORB_DAMAGE_store} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define HERO_DEFEAT [endlevel] result=defeat music="sad.ogg,defeat.ogg,defeat2.ogg" [/endlevel] #enddef #define HERO_DEATH_BASE _ID _PRE _POST [event] name=last breath [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] {_PRE} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] {_POST} {HERO_DEFEAT} [/event] #enddef #define HERO_DEATH_SIMPLE _ID _POST [event] name=die [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] {_POST} {HERO_DEFEAT} [/event] #enddef #define MINOR_DEATH_EVENT _ID _PRE _POST [event] name=last breath [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC sad.ogg} {_PRE} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] {_POST} [/event] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # Unlike the rest, Galas' canrecruit and unrenamable # attributes are included in his own macro. This is # intentional as he's only used in [side] declarations. #define CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS id=Galas name= _ "Galas" type=Elvish Wayfarer profile="portraits/galas.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [object] [effect] apply_to=image_mod add=RC(magenta>brown) [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR id=Mal Keshar name= _ "Mal Keshar" type=Ancient Lich profile="portraits/mal-keshar.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TRAIT_DETERIORATED} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYSSA id=Elyssa name= _ "Elyssa" type=Shaxthal Warlord Elyssa profile="portraits/elyssa.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KENDRIA id=Mal Kendria name= _ "Mal Kendria" type=Necromancer #profile="portraits/mal-kendria.png" gender=female level=4 unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_NAR_HAMOTH id=Nar-hamoth name= _ "Nar-hamoth" type=Shaxthal Warlord Narhamoth #profile="portraits/nar-hamoth.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_HEKUBA id=Mal Hekuba name= _ "Mal Hekuba" type=Chaos Cardinal profile="portraits/mal-hekuba.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} {TEAM_COLOR_OVERRIDE () purple} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_TORANCYN id=Torancyn name= _ "Torancyn" type=Aragwaith Swordsmaster #profile="portraits/torancyn.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_VALEN id=Valen name= _ "Valen" type=Aragwaith Seer profile="portraits/valen.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ARNESIUS id=Arnesius name= _ "Arnesius" type=Arch Mage gender=male #profile="portraits/arnesius.png" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] #enddef # Intentionally unused. This is here for reference purposes only. #define CHARACTER_STATS_IGOR id=Igor name= _ "Igor" profile="portraits/igor.png" type=Wolf Rider {IS_LOYAL} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] #enddef #define RECALL_CHARACTER _STATS [unit] {_STATS} side=1 placement=leader [/unit] #enddef #define RECALL_CHARACTER_AT _STATS _X _Y [unit] {_STATS} side=1 placement=map x={_X} y={_Y} [/unit] #enddef # Igor is an optional unit, so we use [recall] for him without creating him as # a fallback path. #define RECALL_IGOR [recall] id=Igor [/recall] #enddef #define RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION _X _Y [recall] id=Igor x={_X} y={_Y} [/recall] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define OBSIDIAN_BATTLE_AXE _X _Y {PICK_UP items/axe.png {_X} {_Y} ( type=Skeleton,Deathblade,Revenant,Draug ) ( _ "This axe glimmers with a powerful otherworldly aura. This seems an unusual place to find an enchanted weapon like this, but surely its previous owner doesn’t have a use for it anymore... right?") ( _ "A weapon like this could only possibly be used by someone well-versed in axe combat! Either that, or one of our undead minions, I suppose.") ( [object] id=obsidian_battle_axe_$x1|_$y1 image=attacks/battleaxe.png name= _ "Obsidian Battle Axe" description= _ "This hefty axe has been imbued with a powerful protective magic that increases the wielder’s resistances to arcane, fire, and impact damage by 30%. Using it in combat also increases all melee attack damage by 2." duration=forever [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=false [resistance] arcane=-30 impact=-30 fire=-30 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 set_description= _ "obsidian battle axe" set_icon=attacks/battleaxe.png [/effect] [/object] )} #enddef #define FIRE_ESSENCE_E1S7 X Y {PICK_UP (items/potion-red.png) ({X}) ({Y}) ( type=Elvish Wayfarer,Orcish Warrior,Orcish Warlord,Quenoth Archer,Quenoth Marksman,Skeleton,Deathblade,Revenant,Draug ) ( _ "Hm, a potion vial? I’m surprised it is still intact after so many centuries. I wonder if— Wait, this is not a potion, it’s fire essence! Yes! It might not last very long, but we can at least set all these disgusting creatures ablaze!") ( _ "We should let this be used by one of our sword wielders. Or... perhaps even Mal Keshar’s skeleton fighters might be able to use it somehow — just a thought.") ( [object] id=fire_essence_$x1|_$y1 image=icons/potion-red-1.png duration=scenario name= _ "Vial of Fire Essence" description= _ "The fiery substance contained in this vial increases this unit’s melee damage by 1 and allows them to deal <b>fire</b> damage. Its power only lasts until the end of the scenario." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee set_type=fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] [/object] ) ITEM_SOUND=torch.ogg} #enddef #define AMBER_WARD _X _Y {PICK_UP items/amber-necklace.png {_X} {_Y} ( [not] status=not_living [/not] [not] race=bats,faerie [/not] [not] id=Elynia,Anya,Zynara [/not] ) ( _ "This amber amulet... it is said that wearing one of these makes your skin sturdier and harder to penetrate with conventional weapons, at the cost of becoming more vulnerable to certain kinds of magic. We should choose carefully who shall have it.") ( _ "We might want to give the amulet to some other living creature. I reckon our spellcasters in particular have no use for this artifact.") ( [object] id=amber_ward_$x1|_$y1 image=icons/jewelry_necklace_amber.png duration=forever name= _ "Amber Ward" description= _ "This amulet increases the wearer’s resistance to physical damage (<b>blade</b>, <b>impact</b> and <b>pierce</b>) by <b>15%</b> and decreases their <b>arcane</b> resistance by 10%." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] arcane=10 blade=-15 impact=-15 pierce=-15 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] )} #enddef #define BOW_OF_KRYSVELEN _X _Y {PICK_UP items/bow-crystal.png {_X} {_Y} ( type=Skeleton Archer,Bone Shooter,Banebow,Poacher,Trapper,Huntsman,Ranger ) ( _ "Surely this isn’t... It is! It’s the fabled bow of Krysvelen! It is said that one night in 1064 YW, an errant elf well-learned in the mystic arts chanced upon the small fishing village of Krysvelen while it was under threat by hostile orcs. The unmatched prowess of the archers manning the village’s defense caught the elf by surprise, for he had never seen humans able to surpass elvenkind’s skill with the bow and arrow. He was so impressed, after the end of the battle he used his magic to give the Krysvelenians a parting gift: an enchanted bow that imbues any arrows shot with a powerful ice magic capable of slowing down targets to a crawl. Of course the veracity of the story has been disputed too many times to count, especially since nobody ever found any solid proof of the bow’s existence, and most accounts claim that the elf was over a thousand years old — imagine the insanity! But how on earth did the bow find its way from the Glamdrol mountain range to this region? No matter, we should just get on with it and give it to one of our most skilled archers.") ( _ "We really need to give this to someone who is actually able to use a bow... Even one of our undead archers should do since the magic stems from the bow itself.") ( [object] id=bow_of_kysvelen image=attacks/bow-elven-magic.png duration=forever name= _ "Bow of Krysvelen" description= _ "Within this legendary bow lies a powerful elemental magic able to slow down targets. Rather disappointingly, it does nothing to increase the damage dealt by the unit. Its power is only active on offense." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=ranged set_description= _ "bow of krysvelen" set_icon=attacks/bow-elven-magic.png [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [+slow] active_on=offense [/slow] [/set_specials] [/effect] [/object] )} #enddef # Technically this one can be obtained by either of two sides in the scenario # it appears on, but since one of them is discarded later on we want to keep it # restricted to side 1. #define POTION_OF_BLOODLUST _X _Y {PICK_UP items/potion-red.png {_X} {_Y} ( [not] type=Ghost,Wraith,Spectre,Shadow,Nightgaunt,Walking Corpse,Soulless,Elvish Shaman,Elvish Druid,Elvish Shyde,Necromancer,Lich,Dark Sorcerer,Dark Adept [/not] [not] race=bats,faerie [/not] [not] id=Elynia,Anya [/not] ) ( _ "Examining the contents of this vial, it appears to be a potion of bloodlust, and there is enough to last us for weeks too! It is said that just a few drops is enough to awaken a warrior’s primal instincts and turn them into an unstoppable killing force... which naturally doesn’t come without some concerning side-effects. Are we sure we want a bloodthirsty lunatic marching to battle with us? It may be too big a risk for us given our current situation.") ( _ "This potion will only be useful to someone wielding a proper weapon for close combat. And no, a Necromancer’s staff does <i>not</i> count.") ( [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [trait] id=bloodlust male_name= _ "bloodlust" female_name= _ "female^bloodlust" #textdomain wesnoth-help description= _ "Always rest heals" #textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm help_text= _ "Units with the <italic>text='bloodlust'</italic> trait are able to heal 2 hitpoints each turn regardless of whether they engaged in combat the turn before." [effect] apply_to=healthy [/effect] [/trait] [/modify_unit] [object] id=bloodlust_potion_$x1|_$y1 name= _ "Potion of Bloodlust" image=icons/potion-red-1.png duration=forever description= _ "This potion provides this unit with a damage increase of <b>1</b> and the <b>berserk</b> special for its melee attacks. Additionally, the unit receives a health increase of <b>15%</b>, and its resistances are altered thus: &#8226; arcane: <span color='#d00'>-20%</span> resistance &#8226; blade: <span color='#0d0'>+10%</span> resistance &#8226; cold: <span color='#0d0'>+5%</span> resistance &#8226; fire: <span color='#0d0'>+5%</span> resistance &#8226; impact: <span color='#0d0'>+10%</span> resistance &#8226; pierce: <span color='#0d0'>+10%</span> resistance" [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BERSERK} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase,increase_total=15%,15% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] arcane=20 blade,impact,pierce=-10,-10,-10 cold,fire=-5,-5 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] ) ITEM_SOUND=potion.ogg} #enddef #define RING_OF_AGILITY _X _Y {PICK_UP items/ring-white.png {_X} {_Y} ( [not] status=not_living [/not] [not] race=bats [/not] [not] id=Elynia,Anya [/not] ) ( _ "This shiny silver ring has some runes engraved on it, I can barely make them out... “You who take this ring will be swifter and more graceful, no matter what weight you carry on your back.” I have a feeling it’s going to be very useful to us in the near future.") ( _ "Sadly, only living humans could possibly make use of this ring. And our faerie supporters as well, I suppose. Wait, do those pesky bats count as living creatures? I don’t even know.") ( [object] id=ring_of_agility_$x1|_$y1 name= _ "Ring of Quicksilver" image=icons/jewelry_ring_prismatic.png duration=forever description= _ "This ring grants its bearer swifter movement (<b>1</b> extra movement point) and increased defense (by <b>5%</b>) on all terrains." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=defense replace=no [defense] shallow_water=-5 reef=-5 swamp_water=-5 flat=-5 sand=-5 forest=-5 hills=-5 mountains=-5 village=-5 castle=-5 cave=-5 frozen=-5 fungus=-5 [/defense] [/effect] [/object] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Whoah... I feel <i>fast</i>!" [/message] )} #enddef #define FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_A _X _Y {PICK_UP items/potion-grey.png {_X} {_Y} () ( _ "It appears to be a potion vial...") () ( [object] id=fire_essence_$x1|_$y1 image=attacks/blank-attack.png duration=turn name= _ "Empty Vial" description= _ "It’s empty." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [/object] )} #enddef #define FIRE_ESSENCE_E3S5_B _X _Y {PICK_UP items/potion-red.png {_X} {_Y} ( type=Skeleton,Deathblade,Revenant,Draug,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Captain,Elvish Marshal,Elvish Hero,Elvish Champion,Footpad,Outlaw,Fugitive,Thug,Bandit,Highwayman ) ( _ "This small vial seems to still have essence left in it...") ( _ "We should let this be used by someone who excels at fighting in close quarters.") ( [object] id=fire_essence_$x1|_$y1 image=icons/potion_red_small.png duration=forever name= _ "Vial of Shardia’s Tears" description= _ "This vial contains a purer form of fire essence that seemingly lasts forever. The damage dealt by the unit in melee combat is increased by <b>1</b> and its type is set to <b>fire</b>. The unit’s fire resistance is increased by <b>10%</b> and its cold resistance decreased by <b>5%</b>." [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee set_type=fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] fire=-10 cold=5 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] ) ITEM_SOUND=melee-fire.ogg} #enddef # Exclude the arcane resistance reduction from this so as not to make the # original owner in E3S5 weaker than he already is. #define EFFECTS_STAFF_OF_AKHYLS_COMMON [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee [or] range=ranged type=arcane [/or] [set_specials] mode=append {WEAPON_SPECIAL_POISON} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee set_description= _ "staff of akhlys" set_icon=attacks/staff-green.png [/effect] #enddef # NOTE: Do not use PICK_UP for this. #define STAFF_OF_AKHLYS _X _Y {PLACE_IMAGE items/staff.png {_X} {_Y}} [event] id=staff_of_akhlys_aux name=moveto delayed_variable_substitution=no [filter] side=1 [not] id=Irylean [/not] x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] [message] speaker=unit {UNIT_SPEAKS_FOR_UNDEAD_MINION id=Anya} scroll=no message= _ "So the lich was carrying this staff... Ugh, it’s all covered in filth and dry rotten flesh. How about we let Irylean take a look at it instead?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto delayed_variable_substitution=no [filter] id=Irylean x={_X} y={_Y} [/filter] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "The lich must have been using the power of this staff to cast poison on us. I have a feeling I am the only one who is willing to experiment with it, so... I may as well just grab it, don’t you think?" [/message] [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [harm_unit] [filter] id=Irylean [/filter] kill=no amount=1 animate=yes poisoned=yes [/harm_unit] [object] id=staff_of_akhlys image=attacks/staff-green.png duration=forever name= _ "Staff of Akhlys" description= _ "This ornate staff of unknown origin gives off a sickly aura that even cave creatures avoid. The wielder’s <b>arcane</b> resistance is decreased by <b>10%</b> and her melee attack and arcane magic inflict the <b>poison</b> effect on targets. It is a good thing that undead wielders are immune to the staff’s aura." [filter] id=Irylean [/filter] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] arcane=10 [/resistance] [/effect] {EFFECTS_STAFF_OF_AKHYLS_COMMON} [/object] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "Ugh... I feel... very much unwell now... Hopefully it will pass after a while. You know, this is one of those times I feel that perhaps it’s time for me to have a proper look into the whole lichdom business — it may save me a lot of trouble in the long run." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "In order to make my life just a bit easier I am going to pretend you have the situation under control and that you aren’t being affected by the power of your new toy at all." [/message] [message] speaker=Irylean message= _ "I will be all right, I just... need a few minutes while I throw up in the corner over there." [/message] [remove_event] id=staff_of_akhlys_aux [/remove_event] [/event] #enddef # This is not so much an item but rather an ability that a special unit has. #define XIAELS_BLESSING [object] id=xiaels_blessing name= _ "Xia’el’s Blessing" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png description= _ "This unit is able to bestow upon all faeries on its side the <b>kindled</b> trait, which lets them ignore time of day penalties, increases their hitpoints by 15%, and their resistances to non-arcane damage by 5%. While the trait itself is permanent, new recruits will no longer receive the trait if you lose Daeira." duration=forever [filter] id=Daeira [/filter] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] # This ability is defined as a visual aid only. The actual # implementation depends on Daeira's presence and not on anyone # having the ability. [dummy] id=xiaels_blessing name= _ "xia’el’s blessing" description= _ "This unit is able to grant all faeries on its side the kindled trait, which lets them ignore time of day penalties, increases their hitpoints by 15%, and their resistances to non-arcane damage by 5%." [/dummy] [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] {ATTACH_EVENTS_TO_UNIT id=Daeira ({LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:EVENTS})} #enddef #define LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:EVENTS [event] id=light_of_xiael:prerecruit name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 race=faerie [not] id=Elynia,Anya,Daeira [or] [filter_wml] [variables] has_light_of_xiael=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/or] [/not] [/filter] {LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_SINGULAR_UNIT id=$unit.id} [/event] #enddef #define LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_ALL [store_unit] [filter] side=1 race=faerie [not] id=Elynia,Anya,Daeira [or] [filter_wml] [variables] has_light_of_xiael=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/or] [/not] [/filter] kill=no variable=faeries_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=faeries_store variable=faerie [do] {VARIABLE faerie.variables.has_light_of_xiael yes} [unstore_unit] variable=faerie find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] # This uses [modify_unit] so it must be done after deserializing # the unit. {LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_SINGULAR_UNIT id=$faerie.id} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE faeries_store} #enddef #define LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:TRAIT_KINDLED [trait] id=kindled male_name= _ "kindled" female_name= _ "female^kindled" description= _ "Ignores time of day penalties and has increased physical attributes" help_text=_ "Units with this trait ignore time of day penalties, have their hitpoints increased by 15%, and their resistance to non-arcane damage is increased by 5%." [effect] apply_to=fearless [/effect] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase,increase_total=15%,15% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] blade=-5 fire=-5 cold=-5 impact=-5 pierce=-5 [/resistance] [/effect] [/trait] #enddef #define LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:APPLY_TO_SINGULAR_UNIT _SUF [modify_unit] [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] {LIGHT_OF_XIAEL:TRAIT_KINDLED} [/modify_unit] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define OBJECTIVE_BONUS _TEXT [objective] {BONUS_OBJECTIVE_CAPTION} description={_TEXT} # wmllint: ignore condition=win [/objective] #enddef #define ZYNARA_UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT_NOTES {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Zynara is only able to control a limited number of Ghost line units per scenario")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "If you attempt to recruit an additional Ghost, you will permanently lose control of a random Ghost line unit and become unable to recruit—but not recall—more for the remainder of the scenario")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Ghost line units in your recall list also count towards the limit")} #enddef #define UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_NOTE {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You cannot end your turn; however, you can move your units around freely, ignoring their maximum movement points")} #enddef #define UNLIMITED_LEADER_MOVES_NOTE {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You cannot end your turn; however, you can move your leader unit around freely, ignoring its maximum movement points")} #enddef #define CONVERSATION_SCENARIO_NOTES {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Move units next to other units or objects of interest to trigger actions")} #enddef #define LIMITED_CHARACTER_MOVES_NOTE {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "A bind spell disallows Elynia from moving when she is not within Elyssa's maximum movement range")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will need to synchronize both characters’ movements to prevent Elynia from lagging behind")} #enddef #define FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING_NOTE # po: The Fire Wraith unit type name translation may be found in the # po: wesnoth-units textdomain in mainline. {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Fire Wraiths can be summoned by right clicking on a vacant hex adjacent to Elyssa")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may only have six Fire Wraiths on the map at any given time")} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # This file is dedicated to implementation details of the segmented # scenario mechanism employed throughout AtS E3. # # If you are looking for public macros for use in your scenario, # see scenario-segment-utils.cfg instead. # # You can stop reading past this point. # # # floor_config.floor[] structure: # # map_data <attribute> The terrain map data for the floor. # # music_playlist <node> Music playlist for the floor, containing # an optional array of [music] nodes. # Music is left untouched for floors # lacking their own playlist. # # schedule <node> ToD schedule for the floor, containing # an optional array of [time] nodes. # The schedule is reset to the _initial_ # ToD as detected on prestart when not # specified. # # default_time <node> Fallback ToD schedule corresponding to # to the current ToD detected during # prestart. This is TimeWML without an # enclosing [time] node. # #define FLOOR_VARIABLES_CONFIGURATION [event] name=prestart [set_variables] name=floor_config mode=replace [value] current=0 [/value] [/set_variables] [store_time_of_day] variable=floor_config.default_time [/store_time_of_day] [/event] [event] id=floor_controller_victory_cleanup name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE floor_config} [/event] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Macros controlling the segmented scenario mechanism employed # throughout AtS E3. # # The SEGMENTED_SCENARIO macro is one of the cornerstones of this mechanism. # It is expected to be substituted early in the scenario file, before any # custom events. Use ADD_SEGMENT to add configurations for each floor. # # Scenarios using this mechanisms should provide no initial map data, and # they should also take care of placing any necessary leaders on the map # by hand (see below for information about custom events). # # The ON_FLOOR macro provides a convenient way to switch floors including # a minimal amount of code each time. You *must* use this macro in your own # prestart event to update the gamestate according to your desired initial # floor. # # Events that can only take place when on a given floor can be defined with # the auxiliary ON_FLOOR macro, which sets or adds a [filter_condition] # requirement so the event only triggers on that floor. # # It is possible to hook into the floors mechanism via specific custom # event handlers, that will be invoked as appropriate when entering or # leaving floors, according to any first_time_only limitations for those # handlers. # # The custom events emitted are: # # * "enter floor $n": Takes place right after entering the floor $n # (after the floor switch code is executed and "setup floor $n" # emitted). If $n is not provided, the handler will run for *any* # floor before any floor-specific handlers. At this point, the # $floor_config.current variable reflects the *new* floor number. # # * "leave floor $n": Takes place right before leaving the floor $n # (before the floor switch code is executed and "setup floor $n" # emitted). If $n is not provided, the handler will run for *any* # floor before any floor-specific handlers. At this point, the # $floor_config.current variable reflects the *old* floor number. # # * "setup floor $n": Takes place during the configuration of the # given floor $n, after most of the floor switch code is executed. # If $n is not provided, the handler will run for *any* floor # before any floor-specific handlers. At this point, the # $floor_config.current variable reflects the *new* floor number. # # Generally, only the $floor_config.current variable should be accessed # by your own scenario code, and it should be treated as a *constant*. # # During victory events, $floor_config (and thus $floor_config.current) # ceases to exist unless you use the PRESERVE_FLOOR_CONFIGURATION_ON_VICTORY # macro before. # # When switching floors, all items and units previously on-map (except # side 1 units) are destroyed without emitting events for them. You might # want to use the "leave floor" events to take care of tracking any # units that might remain on-map when this happens. Shroud, fog, and terrain # changes aren't tracked or handled by this implementation either. # ## # Accompanies the definition of an event that's only fired when the player # is on a specific floor. This should go _after_ or instead of any other # [filter_condition] nodes for the event definition. # # Arguments: # # _NUM The required floor number. # ## #define ON_FLOOR _NUM [+filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS floor_config.current {_NUM} } [/filter_condition] #enddef ## # This is the main macro including the code blocks configuring the scenario # floors and such. It should go near the top of the scenario. You should not # specify your own initial map data. ## #define SEGMENTED_SCENARIO {NO_MAP_DATA} {FLOOR_VARIABLES_CONFIGURATION} #enddef ## # Defines a new floor. Floors are automatically numbered # in a sequence as they are added, starting from 1. At least # one floor is needed for the scenario to work properly, and # there must be a prestart event using the SWITCH_FLOOR macro # to select the initial floor as well. # # Arguments: # # _MAP_DATA The terrain map data. # # _SCHEDULE_TIME_WML The ToD schedule ([time] nodes) for # this floor. If empty, the ToD detected # on prestart for the first turn will be # used instead. # # _PLAYLIST_MUSIC_WML The playlist WML ([music] nodes) for # this floor. If empty, music is left # unchanged each time the player enters # the floor. # ## #define ADD_SEGMENT _MAP_DATA _SCHEDULE_TIME_WML _PLAYLIST_MUSIC_WML [event] name=prestart [set_variables] name=floor_config.floor mode=append [value] map_data={_MAP_DATA} [schedule] {_SCHEDULE_TIME_WML} [/schedule] [music_playlist] {_PLAYLIST_MUSIC_WML} [/music_playlist] [/value] [/set_variables] [/event] #enddef ## # Disables the automatic destruction of the $floor_config container # on victory, making the regular victory event (or subsequent scenarios) # responsible for its cleanup. # # This is provided merely as a convenience to retrieve $floor_config.current # during victory. Its use is not recommended. ## #define PRESERVE_FLOOR_CONFIGURATION_ON_VICTORY [remove_event] id=floor_controller_victory_cleanup # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] #enddef ## # This is the trigger used for switching between floors. # # Arguments: # # _NUM The new floor number. # ## #define SWITCH_FLOOR _NUM [change_floor] floor_number={_NUM} [/change_floor] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define AMLA_MENU_HINT:BASE _TEXT [event] id=amla_menu_hint name=turn 2 [scroll_to_unit] side=1 canrecruit=yes [/scroll_to_unit] [transient_message] image=icons/book.png message={_TEXT} [/transient_message] [/event] #enddef #define NO_END_CREDITS [+endlevel] end_credits=no [/endlevel] #enddef #define NO_END_TEXT [+endlevel] end_text=" " # wmllint: ignore # NOTE: end_text_duration cannot be zero; that causes the engine # to fallback to 3500 milliseconds. end_text_duration=1 [/endlevel] #enddef #define NO_ENDLEVEL_MUSIC [+endlevel] music=silence.ogg [/endlevel] #enddef #define UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES [event] id=UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_impl name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] {VARIABLE unit.moves $unit.max_moves} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] #enddef #define DISABLE_UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES [remove_event] id=UNLIMITED_PLAYER_MOVES_impl # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] #enddef #define NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS _EXTRA_CONDITION # # NOTE: Wesnoth 1.11.1 and later only seem to deduct gold once # the unit has passed prerecruit/prerecall without being deleted # from the gamemap. # [event] name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {_EXTRA_CONDITION} [/filter_condition] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] [fire_event] name=ui_handler_NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=prerecall first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] {_EXTRA_CONDITION} [/filter_condition] {PUT_TO_RECALL_LIST (x,y=$x1,$y1)} [fire_event] name=ui_handler_NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS [/fire_event] [/event] [event] id=ui_handler_NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS name=ui_handler_NO_RECRUITS_OR_RECALLS first_time_only=no [transient_message] message= _ "You cannot recruit or recall units at this time!" [/transient_message] [/event] #enddef #define SET_TALK_UNITS _SUF [store_unit] [filter] [not] {_SUF} [/not] [filter_wml] [variables] can_talk=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] variable=temp_SET_TALK_UNITS_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=temp_SET_TALK_UNITS_store [do] {CLEAR_VARIABLE this_item.variables.can_talk} [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] [store_unit] [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] variable=temp_SET_TALK_UNITS_store [/store_unit] [foreach] array=temp_SET_TALK_UNITS_store [do] {VARIABLE this_item.variables.can_talk yes} [unstore_unit] variable=this_item find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_SET_TALK_UNITS_store} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAWN {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 0 -30 -30} #enddef #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_MORNING {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 5 -20 20} #enddef #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DAY {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 10 -15 40} #enddef #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_DUSK {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING 0 -30 20} #enddef #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT_SHORT {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -60 -50 0} #enddef #define GLOBAL_LIGHTING_BAD_NIGHT {SCHEDULE_LIGHTING -70 -60 0} #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # FIXME: are these values correct? #define DEFAULT_ECONOMY village_gold=1 income=0 #enddef #define TRANSFER_UNITS_FROM_SIDE _SRC_SIDE _FILTER _DST_SIDE [modify_unit] [filter] side={_SRC_SIDE} {_FILTER} [/filter] side={_DST_SIDE} [variables] transferred_from_side={_SRC_SIDE} [/variables] [/modify_unit] #enddef #define RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS _SIDE _LIMIT [store_unit_ids] [filter] side={_SIDE} canrecruit=no x,y=recall,recall [filter_wml] [not] upkeep=full [/not] [/filter_wml] [/filter] variable=temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_ids [/store_unit_ids] {VARIABLE temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit ({_LIMIT})} # # The limit defaults to "unlimited" (see below) when _LIMIT is # the empty string. # [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit 0} [then] # NOTE: the number used here is meant to be greater than or equal # to game_config::max_loop! {VARIABLE temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit 99999} [/then] [/if] [while] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit 0} {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_GREATER_THAN temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_ids.length 0} [do] [recall] id=$temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_ids[0].id [/recall] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_ids[0]} {VARIABLE_DEC temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit} [/do] [/while] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_ids,temp_RECALL_SIDE_LOYALS_limit} #enddef #define RECALL_SIDE_UNITS_AT _SIDE _SUF _X _Y [store_unit] [filter] side={_SIDE} canrecruit=no x,y=recall,recall [and] {_SUF} [/and] [/filter] variable=temp_RSUA_units kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=temp_RSUA_units variable=temp_RSUA_unit [do] [recall] id=$temp_RSUA_unit.id x={_X} y={_Y} show=no [/recall] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_RSUA_units} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define HIVE_NOISE_1_SOUND_SOURCE {BACKGROUND_SOUND_SOURCE_GENERIC __ss_hive_noise_1_all ambient/dark-1.ogg} #enddef #define HIVE_NOISE_3_SOUND_SOURCE {BACKGROUND_SOUND_SOURCE_GENERIC __ss_hive_noise_3_all ambient/dark-3.ogg} #enddef #define SOUND_LIST:EXPLOSION explosion-big.ogg,explosion.ogg #enddef #define SOUND_LIST:COLLAPSING_FACILITY rumble.ogg,cave-in.ogg,explosion-big.ogg,explosion.ogg,thunder1.wav,thunder2.wav,thunder3.wav #enddef #define SOUND_LIST:BIRDS ambient/birds[1~3].ogg #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # wmlindent: start ignoring #define SPECIAL_NOTE_ABSORB_DAMAGE _ "This unit will not take any damage from attacks." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_DEMOLITION _ "On death, this unit destroys all adjacent hexes and units, and the hex they are standing on." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_PHYSICAL_ENDURANCE _ "This unit will instantly regenerate half of the damage deal on it with non-arcane attacks, unless it would otherwise kill it." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_STUN _ "This unit is able to disrupt its opponent’s zone of control with a powerful attack, only available during offense." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_AQUEOUS _ "This unit benefits from defending on water terrains in various ways." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_ABSCOND _ "This unit is able to escape certain death once every other turn." #enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_SEISMIC _ "This unit is able to deal area-of-effect damage to units once every turn, with a chance of stunning and slowing them as well." #enddef # wmlindent: stop ignoring # # UtBS abilities # #textdomain wesnoth-utbs #define SPECIAL_NOTE_SHOCK _"This unit’s melee attack can overwhelm the defenses of enemies, preventing them from retaliating as effectively."#enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_FORMATION _"Groups of units of this type are able to shield each other in combat."#enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_DISENGAGE _"This unit can move either before or after attacking."#enddef #define SPECIAL_NOTE_DAZE _"This unit can daze its enemies, reducing their accuracy and defense until they end a turn."#enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define ANIMATED_FOUNTAIN _X _Y [terrain_graphics] x={_X} y={_Y} [tile] x=0 y=0 [image] layer=0 name="../scenery/fountain-[01~13].png:100" [/image] [/tile] [/terrain_graphics] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE _ID _STORE_ID [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] variable=persist_store kill=no mode=replace [/store_unit] {WRITE_VARIABLE_INTO_GLOBAL persist_store {_STORE_ID} NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} {CLEAR_VARIABLE persist_store} #enddef #define UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE _STORE_ID {READ_GLOBAL_INTO_VARIABLE ({_STORE_ID}) ({_STORE_ID}) NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} #enddef # # Incorporates unit stats from a globally-stored version of the unit into the # live (on-map) version. # # NOTE: This should only be used during prestart and never during regular # gameplay events as it also resets the unit's combat stats. # #define UPDATE_UNIT_FROM_GLOBAL_STORE _ID _STORE_ID {READ_GLOBAL_INTO_VARIABLE ({_STORE_ID}) persist_store NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_ATS}} [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY persist_store} [then] {LOG_ATS "Updating "+{_ID}+" from global store"} # Verify that the live unit's type matches the stored version. # Otherwise force a clean-slate rebuild into the stored unit # type. [if] [have_unit] id={_ID} type=$persist_store.type [/have_unit] [else] {LOG_ATS "Rebuilding unit for "+{_ID}+" to new unit type '$persist_store.type'"} {TRANSFORM_UNIT (id={_ID}) $persist_store.type} [/else] [/if] # Reapply AMLAs as needed. [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY persist_store.modifications.advancement} [then] {LOG_ATS "Applying $persist_store.modifications.advancement.length stored AMLAs to "+{_ID}} [apply_amlas] id={_ID} [insert_tag] name="advancement" variable="persist_store.modifications.advancement" [/insert_tag] [/apply_amlas] [/then] [/if] # Reapply objects that have a description (so we can safely assume # they are not objects used for internal purposes). [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY persist_store.modifications.object} [then] {LOG_ATS "Applying $persist_store.modifications.object.length stored [object]s to "+{_ID}} [apply_objects] id={_ID} [insert_tag] name="object" variable="persist_store.modifications.object" [/insert_tag] [/apply_objects] [/then] [/if] # Reset combat stats and record its old XP ratio for usage by AMLA_XP_CAP. [modify_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] moves=$persist_store.max_moves attacks_left=$persist_store.max_attacks [variables] amla_xp_cap_old_ratio="$(1.0*$persist_store.experience / $persist_store.max_experience)" [/variables] [/modify_unit] {LOG_ATS "Unit update from global store finished"} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE persist_store} #enddef #define INJURED_VARIATION_STATS hitpoints=1 max_hitpoints=1 experience=0 max_experience=0 moves=0 max_attacks=0 attacks_left=0 #enddef #define APPLY_INJURED_VARIATION _SUF _FACING [object] [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=injured [/effect] silent=yes [/object] [modify_unit] [filter] {_SUF} [/filter] {INJURED_VARIATION_STATS} facing={_FACING} [status] slowed=no poisoned=no petrified=no unhealable=no [/status] [/modify_unit] #enddef # Needed in scenario events for E2S4 #define UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:LIMIT {DIFF 8 6 4} #enddef #define UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:WILD_GHOSTS_SIDE _SIDE_NUM [event] name=prestart # NOTE: The variable name is hardcoded in the implementation of the # [player_ghost_trap] WML action. {VARIABLE wild_ghosts_side {_SIDE_NUM}} [/event] [event] name=victory {CLEAR_VARIABLE wild_ghosts_side} [/event] #enddef #define UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA [event] id=ur_zynara_precruit name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 type=Ghost,Wraith,Spectre,Shadow,Nightgaunt [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Zynara side=1 [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE player_ghost_limit {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA:LIMIT}} [if] [player_ghost_limit_reached] variable="player_ghost_count" limit="$player_ghost_limit" [/player_ghost_limit_reached] [then] [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, no! I cannot keep that many spirits under control!" [/message] [transient_message] message= _ "You are no longer able to recruit Ghosts for the remainder of this scenario." [/transient_message] [disallow_recruit] side=1 type=Ghost [/disallow_recruit] [event] name=victory [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Ghost [/allow_recruit] [/event] [player_ghost_trap][/player_ghost_trap] [/then] [else] {VARIABLE_MINUS player_ghost_limit $player_ghost_count} [switch] variable="player_ghost_limit" [case] value=3 [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, I can summon up to three more spirits." [/message] [/case] [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "I can summon two more spirits." [/message] [/case] [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "I can only summon one more spirit!" [/message] [/case] [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Zynara message= _ "My lady, I will not be able to control additional spirits unless we get rid of some of the ones we already have at our command." [/message] [/case] [/switch] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE player_ghost_count,player_ghost_limit} [/event] #enddef #define UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:IRYLEAN [event] id=ur_irylean_prerecruit name=prerecruit first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 type=Walking Corpse [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_unit] side=1 id=Irylean [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_RANDOM temp_URI_variation gryphon,wolf,bat} [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=variation name=$temp_URI_variation [/effect] [/object] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_URI_variation} [/event] #enddef # # Disallow a unit (slave) from moving when it gets away from another unit's # (master) movement range. # # 1. We set the slave's remaining MP to 0 on each turn refresh unless it is # within range of its master. # # 2. We set the slave's remaining MP to 0 on moveto whenever it leaves its # master's range. We don't care how far away from its master's range it can # move. This can happen because of either the master or the slave moving. # # 3. On each case above, we store the slave's previous remaining MP in a unit # variable so we can restore them once the master moves so that the slave # is within his movement range again. # # 4. Handling the master or the slave's death is left as an exercise to the # reader. # # 5. Handling masters and slaves who do not belong to the same side is also # left as an exercise to the reader. # # 6. Allowing this macro to be used multiple times in a scenario is also left # as an exercise to the reader. # # Also note that this macro could be alternatively called SLAVE_UNIT. Not that # there's anything wrong with that.(tm) # #define BIND_UNIT_TO_UNIT_MOVEMENT_RANGE _MASTER_SUF _SLAVE_SUF [event] id=bind_uu_immobilize_helper_eh # (3a) name=immobilize bound unit first_time_only=no {LOG_ATS_DBG "UU: $unit.id has been immobilized ($unit.moves| MP)"} {VARIABLE unit.variables.uu_moves $unit.moves} # Default attribute values since the 1.9.0 config optimizations are # undocumented and thus unreliable, so set an explicit flag to check # for. {VARIABLE unit.variables.uu_immobilized yes} {VARIABLE unit.moves 0} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw] side=$unit.side [/redraw] [/event] [event] id=bind_uu_mobilize_helper_eh # (3b) name=mobilize bound unit first_time_only=no {LOG_ATS_DBG "UU: $unit.id has been mobilized ($unit.variables.uu_moves| MP)"} {VARIABLE unit.moves $unit.variables.uu_moves} {CLEAR_VARIABLE unit.variables.uu_moves,unit.variables.uu_immobilized} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [redraw] side=$unit.side [/redraw] [/event] [event] id=bind_uu_turn_refresh_eh # (1) name=turn refresh first_time_only=no [filter_side] [has_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [or] {_MASTER_SUF} [/or] [/has_unit] [/filter_side] {LOG_ATS_DBG "UU: in turn refresh handler"} [check_unit_in_range] [filter] {_MASTER_SUF} [/filter] [filter_second] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/filter_second] variable=temp_bind_uu_in_range [/check_unit_in_range] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS temp_bind_uu_in_range no} [then] [fire_event] name=immobilize bound unit [primary_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [else] [store_unit] [filter] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/filter] variable=temp_bind_uu_slave [/store_unit] # We only need to clear state here, since the game's internal # pre-turn refresh logic already reset the unit's MP. {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_bind_uu_slave.variables.uu_moves,temp_bind_uu_slave.variables.uu_immobilized} [unstore_unit] variable=temp_bind_uu_slave find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_bind_uu_slave} [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_bind_uu_in_range} [/event] [event] id=bind_uu_moveto_eh # (2) name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] {_SLAVE_SUF} [or] {_MASTER_SUF} [/or] [/filter] {LOG_ATS_DBG "UU: in moveto handler"} [check_unit_in_range] [filter] {_MASTER_SUF} [/filter] [filter_second] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/filter_second] variable=temp_bind_uu_in_range [/check_unit_in_range] [if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS temp_bind_uu_in_range no} [then] # Not within master's range. [if] [have_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [not] [filter_wml] [variables] uu_immobilized=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/not] [/have_unit] [then] # Wasn't immobilized before, needs to be immobilized now. [fire_event] name=immobilize bound unit [primary_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [else] # Slave state won't be changed by this move, allow # undoing. [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/else] [/if] [/then] [else] # Now within master's range. [if] [have_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [filter_wml] [variables] uu_immobilized=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [then] # Was immobilized before, restore MP and clear state. [fire_event] name=mobilize bound unit [primary_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [else] # Slave state won't be changed by this move, allow # undoing. [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/else] [/if] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_bind_uu_in_range} [/event] #enddef #define FORCE_MOBILIZE_BOUND_UNIT _SLAVE_SUF [if] [have_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [filter_wml] [variables] uu_immobilized=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/have_unit] [then] [fire_event] name=mobilize bound unit [primary_unit] {_SLAVE_SUF} [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/then] [/if] #enddef #define DISABLE_BOUND_UNITS # First, mobilize any applicable still bound units. [store_unit] [filter] [filter_wml] [variables] uu_immobilized=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/filter] variable=temp_uuu_immobilized_units kill=no [/store_unit] [foreach] array=temp_uuu_immobilized_units [do] [fire_event] name=mobilize bound unit [primary_unit] x,y=$this_item.x,$this_item.y [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_uuu_immobilized_units} # With that out of the way, we can eliminate all the event handlers # previously involved. [remove_event] id=bind_uu_immobilize_helper_eh,bind_uu_mobilize_helper_eh,bind_uu_turn_refresh_eh,bind_uu_moveto_eh # wmllint: ignore [/remove_event] #enddef #define FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING [event] name=prestart {ENABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} [/event] [event] name=victory {DISABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING} [/event] #enddef #define ENABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING [set_menu_item] id=wmi_summon_fire_guardian # po: The Fire Wraith unit type name translation may be found in the # po: wesnoth-units textdomain in mainline. description= _ "Summon Fire Wraith" image="icons/menu-fire.png" [show_if] # Only during the player's turn {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS side_number 1} [/show_if] [filter_location] [not] # Vacant hexes... [filter][/filter] [/not] # ... adjacent to Elyssa while she is under the player's control... [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] side=1 id=Elyssa # ... or to Elynia in E3S10 [or] side=1 id=Elynia [filter_wml] [variables] is_summoning_target=yes [/variables] [/filter_wml] [/or] [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [command] [if] [have_location] x,y=$x1,$y1 # ... that aren't impassable. terrain=X*,*^X* [not] terrain=*^Xp # FIXME: *^X conflicts with Dark Hive holes, they should be replaced! [/not] [/have_location] [then] [transient_message] message= _ "You cannot summon a Fire Wraith on an impassable location!" [/transient_message] [/then] [else] [if] [have_unit] side=1 type=Fire Wraith count="6-99999" [/have_unit] [then] [transient_message] message= _ "You cannot control more than six Fire Wraiths at once!" [/transient_message] [/then] [else] [store_direction] [from] [filter] id=Elyssa [/filter] [/from] to_x,to_y=$x1,$y1 variable=temp_FIRE_GUARDIAN_facing [/store_direction] [unit] side=1 type=Fire Wraith x,y=$x1,$y1 moves,attacks_left=0,0 random_gender=yes random_traits=yes generate_name=yes animate=yes upkeep=free {IS_LOYAL} facing=$temp_FIRE_GUARDIAN_facing [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [object] silent=yes [effect] apply_to=level new_level=3 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints heal_full=yes increase_total={DIFF 15 13 9} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=ranged increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=2 [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_REGENERATES} [/abilities] [/effect] [/object] [/modifications] [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE temp_FIRE_GUARDIAN_facing} [/else] [/if] [/else] [/if] [/command] [/set_menu_item] #enddef #define DISABLE_FIRE_GUARDIAN_SUMMONING [kill] type=Fire Wraith side=1 [/kill] {REMOVE_MENU_ITEM wmi_summon_fire_guardian} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;