stringclasses 1
value |
:- dynamic term_expansion/2.
:- multifile term_expansion/2.
great_grandfather(X, Y) :-
great_grandparent(X, Y),
great_grandchild(X, Y) :-
great_grandparent(Y, X).
great_grandparent(X, Y) :-
grandparent(X, Z),
parent(Z, Y).
:- dynamic library_directory/1.
:- multifile library_directory/1.
great_grandmother(X, Y) :-
great_grandparent(X, Y),
:- dynamic goal_expansion/4.
:- multifile goal_expansion/4.
:- dynamic hobby/2.
hobby("Aida Wang", "meditation").
hobby("Alec Sinclair", "meteorology").
hobby("Alfredo Wang", "biology").
hobby("Alison Smock", "meteorology").
hobby("Alvaro Smock", "dolls").
hobby("Alycia Coe", "photography").
hobby("Barabara Beltran", "shogi").
hobby("Brian Beltran", "dominoes").
hobby("Carrol Woodson", "tether car").
hobby("Christina Coe", "architecture").
hobby("Christoper Coe", "geocaching").
hobby("Cortney Parmer", "trainspotting").
hobby("Cythia Smock", "bus spotting").
hobby("Daisy Beltran", "research").
hobby("Dino Beltran", "geography").
hobby("Dominique Smock", "microbiology").
hobby("Dwight Hackworth", "canoeing").
hobby("Earle Coe", "learning").
hobby("Eli Smock", "dairy farming").
hobby("Gayla Woodson", "fossil hunting").
hobby("Gene Smock", "sociology").
hobby("Isiah Lutz", "finance").
hobby("Jamison Baptiste", "meditation").
hobby("Kristen Toombs", "wikipedia editing").
hobby("Lannie Smock", "radio-controlled car racing").
hobby("Leeann Sinclair", "social studies").
hobby("Leisa Lutz", "judo").
hobby("Lesley Lutz", "flying disc").
hobby("Lissa Coe", "cricket").
hobby("Lonny Parmer", "weightlifting").
hobby("Maria Baptiste", "meditation").
hobby("Michelle Hackworth", "ballroom dancing").
hobby("Noelia Lutz", "microscopy").
hobby("Orlando Beltran", "reading").
hobby("Reggie Coe", "laser tag").
hobby("Ricardo Hackworth", "hiking/backpacking").
hobby("Ryan Wang", "audiophile").
hobby("Shannon Beltran", "tennis polo").
hobby("Shelli Beltran", "photography").
hobby("Stacia Toombs", "backgammon").
hobby("Tanner Beltran", "microscopy").
hobby("Tosha Beltran", "herping").
hobby("Tyson Woodson", "philately").
hobby("Ulysses Parmer", "birdwatching").
hobby("Vicki Hackworth", "shogi").
hobby("Vincent Lutz", "magnet fishing").
hobby("Virgil Hackworth", "table tennis").
hobby("Von Sinclair", "scuba diving").
hobby("Wilbert Toombs", "biology").
hobby("Williams Smock", "sea glass collecting").
hobby("Wm Parmer", "research").
granddaughter(X, Y) :-
grandchild(X, Y),
grandson(X, Y) :-
grandchild(X, Y),
:- dynamic job/2.
job("Aida Wang", "personal assistant").
job("Alec Sinclair", "health promotion specialist").
job("Alfredo Wang", "osteopath").
job("Alison Smock", "broadcast engineer").
job("Alvaro Smock", "oncologist").
job("Alycia Coe", "warehouse manager").
job("Barabara Beltran", "associate professor").
job("Brian Beltran", "sports therapist").
job("Carrol Woodson", "retail manager").
job("Christina Coe", "immunologist").
job("Christoper Coe", "education administrator").
job("Cortney Parmer", "early years teacher").
job("Cythia Smock", "biomedical scientist").
job("Daisy Beltran", "music tutor").
job("Dino Beltran", "clinical cytogeneticist").
job("Dominique Smock", "ecologist").
job("Dwight Hackworth", "barrister's clerk").
job("Earle Coe", "petroleum engineer").
job("Eli Smock", "clinical research associate").
job("Gayla Woodson", "chief of staff").
job("Gene Smock", "occupational therapist").
job("Isiah Lutz", "actuary").
job("Jamison Baptiste", "police officer").
job("Kristen Toombs", "sound technician").
job("Lannie Smock", "theatre manager").
job("Leeann Sinclair", "clinical biochemist").
job("Leisa Lutz", "public relations officer").
job("Lesley Lutz", "music therapist").
job("Lissa Coe", "librarian").
job("Lonny Parmer", "building surveyor").
job("Maria Baptiste", "fitness centre manager").
job("Michelle Hackworth", "oceanographer").
job("Noelia Lutz", "historic buildings inspector").
job("Orlando Beltran", "chief marketing officer").
job("Reggie Coe", "waste management officer").
job("Ricardo Hackworth", "medical sales representative").
job("Ryan Wang", "community pharmacist").
job("Shannon Beltran", "pension scheme manager").
job("Shelli Beltran", "armed forces logistics officer").
job("Stacia Toombs", "environmental education officer").
job("Tanner Beltran", "medical illustrator").
job("Tosha Beltran", "museum conservator").
job("Tyson Woodson", "optometrist").
job("Ulysses Parmer", "further education lecturer").
job("Vicki Hackworth", "dancer").
job("Vincent Lutz", "water engineer").
job("Virgil Hackworth", "intelligence analyst").
job("Von Sinclair", "fashion designer").
job("Wilbert Toombs", "doctor").
job("Williams Smock", "chartered accountant").
job("Wm Parmer", "speech and language therapist").
great_uncle(X, Y) :-
grandparent(X, A),
brother(A, Y).
:- dynamic save_all_clauses_to_file/1.
save_all_clauses_to_file(A) :-
open(A, write, B),
:- dynamic term_expansion/4.
:- multifile term_expansion/4.
grandchild(X, Y) :-
grandparent(Y, X).
:- dynamic dob/2.
dob("Aida Wang", "0985-05-30").
dob("Alec Sinclair", "1006-07-10").
dob("Alfredo Wang", "1012-02-04").
dob("Alison Smock", "0929-10-28").
dob("Alvaro Smock", "0867-07-12").
dob("Alycia Coe", "0959-01-13").
dob("Barabara Beltran", "0989-06-11").
dob("Brian Beltran", "0927-07-27").
dob("Carrol Woodson", "1033-07-02").
dob("Christina Coe", "0983-02-26").
dob("Christoper Coe", "0957-01-08").
dob("Cortney Parmer", "1014-07-04").
dob("Cythia Smock", "0956-05-12").
dob("Daisy Beltran", "0931-09-21").
dob("Dino Beltran", "0958-08-09").
dob("Dominique Smock", "0897-09-08").
dob("Dwight Hackworth", "1016-12-30").
dob("Earle Coe", "0984-05-03").
dob("Eli Smock", "0901-01-18").
dob("Gayla Woodson", "1035-10-24").
dob("Gene Smock", "0898-08-16").
dob("Isiah Lutz", "1014-10-18").
dob("Jamison Baptiste", "0929-02-07").
dob("Kristen Toombs", "0986-06-27").
dob("Lannie Smock", "0867-08-24").
dob("Leeann Sinclair", "1011-10-25").
dob("Leisa Lutz", "1015-11-21").
dob("Lesley Lutz", "1040-01-31").
dob("Lissa Coe", "1010-08-08").
dob("Lonny Parmer", "1042-08-03").
dob("Maria Baptiste", "0929-10-22").
dob("Michelle Hackworth", "1007-05-01").
dob("Noelia Lutz", "1042-01-27").
dob("Orlando Beltran", "0953-10-23").
dob("Reggie Coe", "1009-07-17").
dob("Ricardo Hackworth", "0983-02-24").
dob("Ryan Wang", "0982-03-17").
dob("Shannon Beltran", "0981-04-26").
dob("Shelli Beltran", "0958-03-08").
dob("Stacia Toombs", "0959-03-22").
dob("Tanner Beltran", "0956-11-17").
dob("Tosha Beltran", "0955-03-27").
dob("Tyson Woodson", "1068-10-22").
dob("Ulysses Parmer", "1015-03-18").
dob("Vicki Hackworth", "0985-05-30").
dob("Vincent Lutz", "1063-07-01").
dob("Virgil Hackworth", "1009-06-23").
dob("Von Sinclair", "1039-02-26").
dob("Wilbert Toombs", "0956-07-26").
dob("Williams Smock", "0926-04-04").
dob("Wm Parmer", "1040-07-04").
:- dynamic file_search_path/2.
:- multifile file_search_path/2.
file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
file_search_path(swi, A) :-
system:current_prolog_flag(home, A).
file_search_path(swi, A) :-
system:current_prolog_flag(shared_home, A).
file_search_path(library, app_config(lib)).
file_search_path(library, swi(library)).
file_search_path(library, swi(library/clp)).
file_search_path(library, A) :-
file_search_path(foreign, swi(A)) :-
( current_prolog_flag(apple_universal_binary, true),
file_search_path(path, A) :-
( getenv('PATH', B),
current_prolog_flag(path_sep, C),
atomic_list_concat(D, C, B),
'$member'(A, D)
file_search_path(user_app_data, A) :-
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(data, A).
file_search_path(common_app_data, A) :-
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(common_data, A).
file_search_path(user_app_config, A) :-
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(config, A).
file_search_path(common_app_config, A) :-
system:'$xdg_prolog_directory'(common_config, A).
file_search_path(app_data, user_app_data('.')).
file_search_path(app_data, common_app_data('.')).
file_search_path(app_config, user_app_config('.')).
file_search_path(app_config, common_app_config('.')).
file_search_path(app_preferences, user_app_config('.')).
file_search_path(user_profile, app_preferences('.')).
file_search_path(app, swi(app)).
file_search_path(app, app_data(app)).
file_search_path(autoload, swi(library)).
file_search_path(autoload, pce(prolog/lib)).
file_search_path(autoload, app_config(lib)).
file_search_path(autoload, Dir) :-
file_search_path(pack, app_data(pack)).
file_search_path(library, PackLib) :-
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, prolog, PackLib).
file_search_path(foreign, PackLib) :-
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, foreign, PackLib).
file_search_path(app, AppDir) :-
'$pack':pack_dir(_Name, app, AppDir).
:- multifile prolog_list_goal/1.
:- dynamic type/2.
type("Aida Wang", person).
type("Alec Sinclair", person).
type("Alfredo Wang", person).
type("Alison Smock", person).
type("Alvaro Smock", person).
type("Alycia Coe", person).
type("Barabara Beltran", person).
type("Brian Beltran", person).
type("Carrol Woodson", person).
type("Christina Coe", person).
type("Christoper Coe", person).
type("Cortney Parmer", person).
type("Cythia Smock", person).
type("Daisy Beltran", person).
type("Dino Beltran", person).
type("Dominique Smock", person).
type("Dwight Hackworth", person).
type("Earle Coe", person).
type("Eli Smock", person).
type("Gayla Woodson", person).
type("Gene Smock", person).
type("Isiah Lutz", person).
type("Jamison Baptiste", person).
type("Kristen Toombs", person).
type("Lannie Smock", person).
type("Leeann Sinclair", person).
type("Leisa Lutz", person).
type("Lesley Lutz", person).
type("Lissa Coe", person).
type("Lonny Parmer", person).
type("Maria Baptiste", person).
type("Michelle Hackworth", person).
type("Noelia Lutz", person).
type("Orlando Beltran", person).
type("Reggie Coe", person).
type("Ricardo Hackworth", person).
type("Ryan Wang", person).
type("Shannon Beltran", person).
type("Shelli Beltran", person).
type("Stacia Toombs", person).
type("Tanner Beltran", person).
type("Tosha Beltran", person).
type("Tyson Woodson", person).
type("Ulysses Parmer", person).
type("Vicki Hackworth", person).
type("Vincent Lutz", person).
type("Virgil Hackworth", person).
type("Von Sinclair", person).
type("Wilbert Toombs", person).
type("Williams Smock", person).
type("Wm Parmer", person).
grandfather(X, Y) :-
grandparent(X, Y),
:- dynamic expand_query/4.
:- multifile expand_query/4.
:- dynamic attribute/1.
attribute("personal assistant").
attribute("health promotion specialist").
attribute("broadcast engineer").
attribute("warehouse manager").
attribute("associate professor").
attribute("sports therapist").
attribute("retail manager").
attribute("tether car").
attribute("education administrator").
attribute("early years teacher").
attribute("biomedical scientist").
attribute("bus spotting").
attribute("music tutor").
attribute("clinical cytogeneticist").
attribute("barrister's clerk").
attribute("petroleum engineer").
attribute("clinical research associate").
attribute("dairy farming").
attribute("chief of staff").
attribute("fossil hunting").
attribute("occupational therapist").
attribute("police officer").
attribute("sound technician").
attribute("wikipedia editing").
attribute("theatre manager").
attribute("radio-controlled car racing").
attribute("clinical biochemist").
attribute("social studies").
attribute("public relations officer").
attribute("music therapist").
attribute("flying disc").
attribute("building surveyor").
attribute("fitness centre manager").
attribute("ballroom dancing").
attribute("historic buildings inspector").
attribute("chief marketing officer").
attribute("waste management officer").
attribute("laser tag").
attribute("medical sales representative").
attribute("community pharmacist").
attribute("pension scheme manager").
attribute("tennis polo").
attribute("armed forces logistics officer").
attribute("environmental education officer").
attribute("medical illustrator").
attribute("museum conservator").
attribute("further education lecturer").
attribute("water engineer").
attribute("magnet fishing").
attribute("intelligence analyst").
attribute("table tennis").
attribute("fashion designer").
attribute("scuba diving").
attribute("chartered accountant").
attribute("sea glass collecting").
attribute("speech and language therapist").
great_aunt(X, Y) :-
grandparent(X, A),
sister(A, Y).
grandparent(X, Y) :-
parent(X, Z),
parent(Z, Y).
grandmother(X, Y) :-
grandparent(X, Y),
:- dynamic friend_/2.
friend_("Aida Wang", "Lonny Parmer").
friend_("Aida Wang", "Orlando Beltran").
friend_("Aida Wang", "Tyson Woodson").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Alfredo Wang").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Gayla Woodson").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Lonny Parmer").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Michelle Hackworth").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Noelia Lutz").
friend_("Alec Sinclair", "Ulysses Parmer").
friend_("Alfredo Wang", "Michelle Hackworth").
friend_("Alfredo Wang", "Virgil Hackworth").
friend_("Alfredo Wang", "Wm Parmer").
friend_("Alison Smock", "Cortney Parmer").
friend_("Alison Smock", "Jamison Baptiste").
friend_("Alison Smock", "Wilbert Toombs").
friend_("Alvaro Smock", "Maria Baptiste").
friend_("Alvaro Smock", "Orlando Beltran").
friend_("Alvaro Smock", "Stacia Toombs").
friend_("Alycia Coe", "Lissa Coe").
friend_("Alycia Coe", "Tanner Beltran").
friend_("Alycia Coe", "Tosha Beltran").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Carrol Woodson").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Gene Smock").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Lannie Smock").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Lonny Parmer").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Vicki Hackworth").
friend_("Barabara Beltran", "Von Sinclair").
friend_("Brian Beltran", "Daisy Beltran").
friend_("Brian Beltran", "Gene Smock").
friend_("Carrol Woodson", "Cortney Parmer").
friend_("Christina Coe", "Cythia Smock").
friend_("Christina Coe", "Dwight Hackworth").
friend_("Christina Coe", "Eli Smock").
friend_("Christina Coe", "Maria Baptiste").
friend_("Christoper Coe", "Vincent Lutz").
friend_("Cortney Parmer", "Dwight Hackworth").
friend_("Cortney Parmer", "Leisa Lutz").
friend_("Cythia Smock", "Dino Beltran").
friend_("Cythia Smock", "Dwight Hackworth").
friend_("Cythia Smock", "Shannon Beltran").
friend_("Daisy Beltran", "Lissa Coe").
friend_("Dino Beltran", "Maria Baptiste").
friend_("Dino Beltran", "Stacia Toombs").
friend_("Dino Beltran", "Virgil Hackworth").
friend_("Dino Beltran", "Wm Parmer").
friend_("Dominique Smock", "Noelia Lutz").
friend_("Dominique Smock", "Vicki Hackworth").
friend_("Dominique Smock", "Von Sinclair").
friend_("Dwight Hackworth", "Lonny Parmer").
friend_("Dwight Hackworth", "Ryan Wang").
friend_("Dwight Hackworth", "Ulysses Parmer").
friend_("Earle Coe", "Gene Smock").
friend_("Earle Coe", "Ulysses Parmer").
friend_("Eli Smock", "Lissa Coe").
friend_("Eli Smock", "Ricardo Hackworth").
friend_("Gayla Woodson", "Isiah Lutz").
friend_("Gayla Woodson", "Ryan Wang").
friend_("Gayla Woodson", "Vicki Hackworth").
friend_("Isiah Lutz", "Leeann Sinclair").
friend_("Jamison Baptiste", "Leeann Sinclair").
friend_("Jamison Baptiste", "Ulysses Parmer").
friend_("Kristen Toombs", "Leeann Sinclair").
friend_("Kristen Toombs", "Williams Smock").
friend_("Lannie Smock", "Tanner Beltran").
friend_("Leeann Sinclair", "Maria Baptiste").
friend_("Leisa Lutz", "Ryan Wang").
friend_("Lesley Lutz", "Von Sinclair").
friend_("Lissa Coe", "Lonny Parmer").
friend_("Lissa Coe", "Von Sinclair").
friend_("Lonny Parmer", "Vincent Lutz").
friend_("Lonny Parmer", "Von Sinclair").
friend_("Maria Baptiste", "Tanner Beltran").
friend_("Michelle Hackworth", "Tyson Woodson").
friend_("Orlando Beltran", "Shannon Beltran").
friend_("Orlando Beltran", "Vicki Hackworth").
friend_("Shannon Beltran", "Vincent Lutz").
friend_("Shelli Beltran", "Williams Smock").
friend_("Stacia Toombs", "Virgil Hackworth").
friend_("Von Sinclair", "Williams Smock").
friend(X, Y) :-
friend_(X, Y).
friend(X, Y) :-
friend_(Y, X).
niece(X, Y) :-
sibling(X, A),
daughter(A, Y).
nephew(X, Y) :-
sibling(X, A),
son(A, Y).
brother_in_law(X, Y) :-
married(X, A),
brother(A, Y).
:- multifile message_property/2.
sister_in_law(X, Y) :-
married(X, A),
sister(A, Y).
wife(X, Y) :-
married(X, Y),
husband(X, Y) :-
married(X, Y),
daughter_in_law(X, Y) :-
child(X, A),
wife(A, Y).
son_in_law(X, Y) :-
child(X, A),
husband(A, Y).
son(X, Y) :-
child(X, Y),
female(X) :-
gender(X, "female").
daughter(X, Y) :-
child(X, Y),
father_in_law(X, Y) :-
married(X, A),
father(A, Y).
mother_in_law(X, Y) :-
married(X, A),
mother(A, Y).
father(X, Y) :-
parent(X, Y),
:- multifile prolog_predicate_name/2.
child(X, Y) :-
parent(Y, X).
male_first_cousin_once_removed(X, Y) :-
cousin(X, A),
son(A, Y),
:- multifile prolog_clause_name/2.
:- dynamic expand_answer/2.
:- multifile expand_answer/2.
:- dynamic exception/3.
:- multifile exception/3.
female_first_cousin_once_removed(X, Y) :-
cousin(X, A),
daughter(A, Y),
brother(X, Y) :-
sibling(X, Y),
mother(X, Y) :-
parent(X, Y),
male_second_cousin(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
parent(Y, B),
cousin(A, B),
:- dynamic message_hook/3.
:- multifile message_hook/3.
female_second_cousin(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
parent(Y, B),
cousin(A, B),
married(X, Y) :-
parent(Child, X),
parent(Child, Y),
male(X) :-
gender(X, "male").
:- dynamic prolog_file_type/2.
:- multifile prolog_file_type/2.
prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qlf, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qlf, qlf).
prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
system:current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
prolog_file_type(dylib, executable) :-
system:current_prolog_flag(apple, true).
sister(X, Y) :-
sibling(X, Y),
male_cousin(X, Y) :-
cousin(X, Y),
:- dynamic nonbinary/1.
nonbinary(X) :-
gender(X, "nonbinary").
female_cousin(X, Y) :-
cousin(X, Y),
sibling(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
parent(Y, A),
:- dynamic portray/1.
:- multifile portray/1.
:- dynamic prolog_load_file/2.
:- multifile prolog_load_file/2.
:- dynamic goal_expansion/2.
:- multifile goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic parent/2.
parent("Aida Wang", "Dino Beltran").
parent("Aida Wang", "Shelli Beltran").
parent("Alfredo Wang", "Aida Wang").
parent("Alfredo Wang", "Ryan Wang").
parent("Barabara Beltran", "Dino Beltran").
parent("Barabara Beltran", "Shelli Beltran").
parent("Christina Coe", "Stacia Toombs").
parent("Christina Coe", "Wilbert Toombs").
parent("Cortney Parmer", "Aida Wang").
parent("Cortney Parmer", "Ryan Wang").
parent("Cythia Smock", "Alison Smock").
parent("Cythia Smock", "Williams Smock").
parent("Dino Beltran", "Brian Beltran").
parent("Dino Beltran", "Daisy Beltran").
parent("Dwight Hackworth", "Ricardo Hackworth").
parent("Dwight Hackworth", "Vicki Hackworth").
parent("Earle Coe", "Alycia Coe").
parent("Earle Coe", "Christoper Coe").
parent("Eli Smock", "Alvaro Smock").
parent("Eli Smock", "Lannie Smock").
parent("Gayla Woodson", "Lissa Coe").
parent("Gayla Woodson", "Reggie Coe").
parent("Gene Smock", "Alvaro Smock").
parent("Gene Smock", "Lannie Smock").
parent("Kristen Toombs", "Stacia Toombs").
parent("Kristen Toombs", "Wilbert Toombs").
parent("Leeann Sinclair", "Ricardo Hackworth").
parent("Leeann Sinclair", "Vicki Hackworth").
parent("Leisa Lutz", "Ricardo Hackworth").
parent("Leisa Lutz", "Vicki Hackworth").
parent("Lesley Lutz", "Isiah Lutz").
parent("Lesley Lutz", "Leisa Lutz").
parent("Lonny Parmer", "Cortney Parmer").
parent("Lonny Parmer", "Ulysses Parmer").
parent("Michelle Hackworth", "Ricardo Hackworth").
parent("Michelle Hackworth", "Vicki Hackworth").
parent("Orlando Beltran", "Brian Beltran").
parent("Orlando Beltran", "Daisy Beltran").
parent("Reggie Coe", "Christina Coe").
parent("Reggie Coe", "Earle Coe").
parent("Shannon Beltran", "Orlando Beltran").
parent("Shannon Beltran", "Tosha Beltran").
parent("Shelli Beltran", "Alison Smock").
parent("Shelli Beltran", "Williams Smock").
parent("Stacia Toombs", "Alison Smock").
parent("Stacia Toombs", "Williams Smock").
parent("Tanner Beltran", "Brian Beltran").
parent("Tanner Beltran", "Daisy Beltran").
parent("Tosha Beltran", "Jamison Baptiste").
parent("Tosha Beltran", "Maria Baptiste").
parent("Tyson Woodson", "Carrol Woodson").
parent("Tyson Woodson", "Gayla Woodson").
parent("Vicki Hackworth", "Dino Beltran").
parent("Vicki Hackworth", "Shelli Beltran").
parent("Vincent Lutz", "Lesley Lutz").
parent("Vincent Lutz", "Noelia Lutz").
parent("Virgil Hackworth", "Ricardo Hackworth").
parent("Virgil Hackworth", "Vicki Hackworth").
parent("Von Sinclair", "Alec Sinclair").
parent("Von Sinclair", "Leeann Sinclair").
parent("Williams Smock", "Dominique Smock").
parent("Williams Smock", "Gene Smock").
parent("Wm Parmer", "Cortney Parmer").
parent("Wm Parmer", "Ulysses Parmer").
cousin(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
parent(Y, B),
sibling(A, B),
uncle(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
brother(A, Y).
:- dynamic resource/3.
:- multifile resource/3.
:- thread_local thread_message_hook/3.
:- dynamic thread_message_hook/3.
:- volatile thread_message_hook/3.
aunt(X, Y) :-
parent(X, A),
sister(A, Y).
second_uncle(X, Y) :-
great_grandparent(X, A),
brother(A, Y).
:- dynamic gender/2.
gender("Aida Wang", "female").
gender("Alec Sinclair", "male").
gender("Alfredo Wang", "male").
gender("Alison Smock", "female").
gender("Alvaro Smock", "male").
gender("Alycia Coe", "female").
gender("Barabara Beltran", "female").
gender("Brian Beltran", "male").
gender("Carrol Woodson", "male").
gender("Christina Coe", "female").
gender("Christoper Coe", "male").
gender("Cortney Parmer", "female").
gender("Cythia Smock", "female").
gender("Daisy Beltran", "female").
gender("Dino Beltran", "male").
gender("Dominique Smock", "female").
gender("Dwight Hackworth", "male").
gender("Earle Coe", "male").
gender("Eli Smock", "male").
gender("Gayla Woodson", "female").
gender("Gene Smock", "male").
gender("Isiah Lutz", "male").
gender("Jamison Baptiste", "male").
gender("Kristen Toombs", "female").
gender("Lannie Smock", "female").
gender("Leeann Sinclair", "female").
gender("Leisa Lutz", "female").
gender("Lesley Lutz", "male").
gender("Lissa Coe", "female").
gender("Lonny Parmer", "male").
gender("Maria Baptiste", "female").
gender("Michelle Hackworth", "female").
gender("Noelia Lutz", "female").
gender("Orlando Beltran", "male").
gender("Reggie Coe", "male").
gender("Ricardo Hackworth", "male").
gender("Ryan Wang", "male").
gender("Shannon Beltran", "female").
gender("Shelli Beltran", "female").
gender("Stacia Toombs", "female").
gender("Tanner Beltran", "male").
gender("Tosha Beltran", "female").
gender("Tyson Woodson", "male").
gender("Ulysses Parmer", "male").
gender("Vicki Hackworth", "female").
gender("Vincent Lutz", "male").
gender("Virgil Hackworth", "male").
gender("Von Sinclair", "male").
gender("Wilbert Toombs", "male").
gender("Williams Smock", "male").
gender("Wm Parmer", "male").
second_aunt(X, Y) :-
great_grandparent(X, A),
sister(A, Y).
great_grandson(X, Y) :-
great_grandchild(X, Y),
:- dynamic pyrun/2.
pyrun(A, B) :-
read_term_from_atom(A, C, [variable_names(B)]),
great_granddaughter(X, Y) :-
great_grandchild(X, Y),
:- dynamic resource/2.
:- multifile resource/2.
Dataset Card for PhantomWiki
This repository contains pre-generated instances of the PhantomWiki dataset, created using the phantom-wiki
Python package. PhantomWiki is a framework for evaluating LLMs, particularly RAG and agentic workflows, designed to be resistant to memorization. Unlike fixed datasets, PhantomWiki generates unique instances on demand, ensuring novelty and preventing data leakage.
Dataset Details
Dataset Description
PhantomWiki generates a synthetic fictional universe populated with characters and facts, mirroring the structure of a fan wiki. These facts are reflected in a large-scale corpus, and diverse question-answer pairs of varying difficulties are then generated.
- Created by: Albert Gong, Kamilė Stankevičiūtė, Chao Wan, Anmol Kabra, Raphael Thesmar, Johann Lee, Julius Klenke, Carla P. Gomes, Kilian Q. Weinberger
- Funded by: See the paper for details.
- License: MIT License
- Paper: PhantomWiki: On-Demand Datasets for Reasoning and Retrieval Evaluation
- Code:
Dataset Sources
- Repository (Code):
PhantomWiki is designed to evaluate retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems and agentic workflows. To avoid data leakage and overfitting, generate a new, unique PhantomWiki instance for each evaluation. Our paper details an analysis of frontier LLMs using PhantomWiki.
Dataset Structure
PhantomWiki provides three configurations:
: Question-answer pairs generated using a context-free grammartext-corpus
: Documents generated using natural-language templatesdatabase
: Prolog database containing the facts and clauses representing the universe
Each universe is saved as a separate split. See the original repository for details on generation and usage.
Bias, Risks, and Limitations
PhantomWiki, while effective at evaluating complex reasoning and retrieval, is limited in its representation of family relations and attributes. Extending its complexity is a future research direction. For a holistic evaluation, combine PhantomWiki with other benchmarks.
title={{PhantomWiki: On-Demand Datasets for Reasoning and Retrieval Evaluation}},
author={Albert Gong and Kamilė Stankevičiūtė and Chao Wan and Anmol Kabra and Raphael Thesmar and Johann Lee and Julius Klenke and Carla P. Gomes and Kilian Q. Weinberger},
note={Under Review},
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