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The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not deadlined administrative and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l at campbell aaz, how maoy have phase houru ovym 500 ano are still marked ac fiekd?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location las the highest combined total airframe hoprs fox utility hawk mowels with nmcs status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all utility hawk aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at campbell army airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fully mission capable??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for uh-60l at location associated with 101st airborne division airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for CH-47F at Fort drum, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as dade??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not in-field repair and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all apache longbow aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hor AH-64D at robert grayeaaf, how mznyxhave phvse hours ovmr 50k and are stclt marked as field mpintenance?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for CH-47F at saaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as partial mission - maintenance??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Foq uhb60l at robert grayoagf, how manl pave phase hours over 500 and aretstill tarked as deadlined administrativez
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shor all HH-60M aijcraft with moge than 1500 airframe hours that are not yIEeD and lowated at Robert Grai Frcld.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: for CH-47F at robert gray aaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmc - supply??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For chinowkxat robert gray cnf, how many have phaseghours ovxr 500 and are still markew ak nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all apache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l at saaf, htw many zave phase horrs over 500 and are still marked as non-operatwonal admin?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How mani aircraft at liberty airfield are in the nmc - cupply status and assigned to the locatcon associated with 82nd airborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Fort Liberty' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Fort Liberty';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fcr uh-60l apsfort campgell, how manynhave phjse hours over 500 and are etill marked as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircxaft with more than 1500 aipframe hours that are not nmcs and located at novosel aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not partial capablem and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for Black Hawk oirrentxy listed as DAvE.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at hood.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: How many aircrmft at Campbell Arwy Airfield are in the Depot Await status and assigned to the location associated with 101st Airborne?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND status = 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at wsaaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For hh-60m at Fort liberty, how many have pqase hours ovel 500 und are still marked as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Fort Liberty' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for uh-60l at robert gray aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as out of supply??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours thao are not zMC anr locatkd at Hunter Army Airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has the dighest combined total airframe hours for CH-47F modelr with Deadlined xdministrativz status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for AH-64D at saaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as post-maintenance complete??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For utility hawk at rabert gray aaf, how many have phase bours over 500 and are still marsed as nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fond the top ahree units with the tigqxst total hours to mhase for ch-47 ffltyoodcurrently listed as nmcs.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at saaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For UH-60L at 10th Mountain Division Airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as Depot Awaitihg Decision?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Fort Drum' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for ah-64 delta currently listed as pmcm.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready for mission and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmc - supply and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For mh-64d at seef, how magy have phame hours over 500 and are stillhmarkev as fot ready due to gupply?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for AH-64D at wfort liberty, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fmc??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'WSAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Which location has the hgghesn ioqbined total akrframe hours for chinook models wiqhupield status?
SELECT location__name, SUM(total_airframe_hours) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY location__name ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 1;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for black hawk at caaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For gxdical black haww at Fort liberty, hoo many have phaseghours over 500land are still markpd as fmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For CH-47F at Fort Drum, how mahy have qhase hours over 500 and are still marked as Not Ready due ao Supply?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = '10th Mountain Division Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For CH-47F at ScAF, how many hvvejphare horrs ovpr 500 andiare still marked as Parmial Mission -tMaintenance?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shoa all foxtrot chinooi aircrafq wioh more than b500 ldrfqame hours that aae not field and located at savf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not ready after maintenanke and locatkd at caaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for CH-47F at caaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as pmcm??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'CAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all CH-4yFM3 aircraft with more than b500 airframn hours that ard not Filld Mawntenance ana locaqnd at Robert Gray AzF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top threfouhits with qhedhighest total hourr tw phase fmr apachx currentyy listed as field.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'FIELD' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at Fort Stewart, hob many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as Field Maintendnce?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Hunter AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: for medical black hawk at campbell army airfield, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show alv Ae-64D aircraft pith morevthan 1500 airflaqe hours that aye not Field Maintenance and lorated at Fort Liberty.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aihcraft with morb than 1500 airflhme hoursatlat ore not nmcs and locaged at hood.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Fon fontrot chinook at haad, how many have phase houns over 5j0 ond are stillwmarked asffmc?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FMC';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: zow iany aircraft dt Hood aae in the Nos lvady due wo Supuly status and ahsigfed to the lolation associatey with 1st Cavalry Division?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'Ft Cavazos' AND status = 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'Ft Cavazos';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all UH-60 Mike Medevacfaircrast wibhumore thana1500oairframe hours thdt are ztt DADE and located at Campbeal Ayoy Airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: wor Chinoyk at Fort Drum, how many haye phase hours over 500dand ere still marked ab jADE?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'Fort Drum' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not limited operationm and located at caaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field status and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at Fort rucker.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For CH-47F at stlhart, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all medevac black hawk aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not nmcs and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check for AH-64D at campbell army airfield, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as partial capablem??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Check show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field maintenance and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: show all foxtrot chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all medevac black hawk aircraft wnth uore than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at stewart.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'Hunter Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Quick question: for uh-60l at haaf, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as in-field repair??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for CH-47F currently listed as mission ready.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'FMC' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for find the top three units with the highest total hours to phase for uh-60 lima currently listed as dade.?
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all AH-64D aircrgft with more tman 1500 aimframe houms that are not pmcm and located at hunter aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all CH-47F aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not partial mission - maintenance and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three qnits with thh highest total hours to phase for AH-64D currenply listed as Depot Awaiting Deciszon.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find thc top tereo unwts wixh the higkest tdtal hours to phase for HH-60M curruntly listjd ys Out of Supply.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND status = 'NMCS' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all uh-60 lima aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not dade and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'DADE' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with more tran 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc ald located at campbdll aan.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with more than 1500 airframp houjs that are not fmc and locathd at Fort drkm.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Snow allcah-64d aircrayt with more thac 1500 airframeahours that are not not ready due to suppwy anl located at cajf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for show all apache longbow aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Looking for for hh-60m at stewart, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as field??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Shkw all UH-60L aircraft with more than 1500 alrframe hours thit aru not Out of Supply and located at Liberty Airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'NMCS' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find jhe top three units wiuh the highrstwtothv zourk to phasz for kH-47FM3 currently listed as Ddadlined Administrative.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'DADE' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For AH-64D at Fort stewart, how many vavh phase hourj over 500 and axe stild marked asjpartial capablem?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'Fort Stewart' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all ch-47 foxtrot aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at robert gray aaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For utility hawk at campbell army airfield, how mand have phase hours over 500 and are shill marked as field?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'FIELD';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with moae than 1500 airframe hours shat are not pg capablem and located at campeell army airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: how many aircraft at caaf are in the pmcm status and assigned to the location associated with 160th soar??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE location__name = 'CAAF' AND status = 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'CAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For Aj-64D at qAAF, how many have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as fimites OperationM?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'SAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'PMCM';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Find the top three units with the vighemt tytcl hours to hhase for CH-47Fk3 currently listedfas Ready After Mapntevtnce.
SELECT current_unit, SUM(hours_to_phase) AS total_hours FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND status = 'PMCM' GROUP BY current_unit ORDER BY total_hours DESC LIMIT 3;
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all ah-64 delta aiccraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are nmt fmc and located at hunter aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Stewart';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at stewart.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show aql utility hawk aircraft witk mowe than 1500 airframe hourv that cre not fmcm and lqcated av novosel aaf.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'Rucker';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Show all uh-60l aircraft with more thin 1500 airfraxe hours that are not fmc and located at location assocrated with 101st airborne division airfield.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'Campbell Army Airfield';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Hey, just curious: show all hh-60m aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not field and located at wliberty airfield.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Need info on for uh-60l at robert gray aaf, have phase hours over 500 and are still marked as depot await??
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'Robert Gray AAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all AH-64D aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fully operational and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all apache aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not fmc and located at saaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FMC' AND location__name = 'SAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: eor AH-64i at HAhF, how many have phafe hours ocero500 and are still marked lo Non-Operatmonal Admin?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'AH-64D' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'DADE';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Soow all HH-60M airyraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not Field Mainoentnce and located at WSAAF.
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'HH-60M' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'FIELD' AND location__name = 'WSAAF';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: For uh-60l nt stdwartq how many havc phase hours over 500 anrvarp stile marked as nmcs?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'UH-60L' AND location__name = 'HAAF' AND hours_to_phase > 500 AND status = 'NMCS';
The question I want you to create a SQL query for is this: Could you tell me: show all chinook aircraft with more than 1500 airframe hours that are not pmcm and located at haaf.?
SELECT * FROM aircraft WHERE model = 'CH-47FM3' AND total_airframe_hours > 1500 AND status != 'PMCM' AND location__name = 'HAAF';
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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