stringlengths 15
| Word
stringlengths 1
⌀ | Example
stringlengths 6
| Definition
stringlengths 3
oewn-13528820-n | libration | the libration of the moon | (astronomy) a real or apparent slow oscillation of a moon or satellite |
oewn-13530399-n | loss | weight loss | gradual decline in amount or activity |
oewn-13530399-n | loss | a serious loss of business | gradual decline in amount or activity |
oewn-13532149-n | marginalization | the marginalization of the underclass | the social process of becoming or being made marginal (especially as a group within the larger society) |
oewn-13532149-n | marginalization | the marginalization of literature | the social process of becoming or being made marginal (especially as a group within the larger society) |
oewn-13533239-n | materialization | the materialization of her dream | the process of coming into being; becoming reality |
oewn-13533709-n | mechanism | he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions | the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction |
oewn-13534950-n | menstruation | the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation | the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause |
oewn-13539046-n | multiplication | repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors | a multiplicative increase |
oewn-13539046-n | multiplication | this multiplication of cells is a natural correlate of growth | a multiplicative increase |
oewn-13539859-n | natural childbirth | natural childbirth is considered the safest for the baby | labor and childbirth without medical intervention; no drugs are given to relieve pain or aid the birth process |
oewn-13540166-n | action | the action of natural forces | a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings) |
oewn-13540166-n | activity | volcanic activity | a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings) |
oewn-13541629-n | Nazification | as the process of Nazification spread they paid less attention to public opinion | social process of adopting (or being forced to adopt) Nazism |
oewn-13544291-n | nosedive | the stock took a nosedive | a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline |
oewn-13545186-n | obsolescence | a policy of planned obsolescence | the process of becoming obsolete; falling into disuse or becoming out of date |
oewn-13546128-n | operation | it can perform millions of operations per second | (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction) |
oewn-13546752-n | operation | the power of its engine determines its operation | process or manner of functioning or operating |
oewn-13546752-n | operation | the plane's operation in high winds | process or manner of functioning or operating |
oewn-13546752-n | performance | they compared the cooking performance of each oven | process or manner of functioning or operating |
oewn-13546752-n | performance | the jet's performance conformed to high standards | process or manner of functioning or operating |
oewn-13550653-n | overactivity | overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily | excessive activity |
oewn-13552352-n | oxygenation | the oxygenation of the blood | the process of providing or combining or treating with oxygen |
oewn-13555089-n | pee | he took a pee | informal terms for urination |
oewn-13555477-n | percolation | the percolation of rainwater through the soil | the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium |
oewn-13555477-n | infiltration | the infiltration of seawater through the lava | the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium |
oewn-13558379-n | photomechanics | photomechanics revolutionized the practice of printing | the process whereby printing surfaces (plates or cylinders) are produced by photographic methods |
oewn-13559517-n | plastination | the plastination of specimens is valuable for research and teaching | a process involving fixation and dehydration and forced impregnation and hardening of biological tissues; water and lipids are replaced by curable polymers (silicone or epoxy or polyester) that are subsequently hardened |
oewn-13562370-n | processing | the processing of newly arrived immigrants | preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure |
oewn-13562370-n | processing | the processing of ore to obtain minerals | preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure |
oewn-13562694-n | professionalization | the professionalization of American sports | the social process whereby people come to engage in an activity for pay or as a means of livelihood |
oewn-13562694-n | professionalization | the professionalization of warfare | the social process whereby people come to engage in an activity for pay or as a means of livelihood |
oewn-13563317-n | proliferation | the proliferation of nuclear weapons | a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons) |
oewn-13565740-n | quellung | pneumococcus quellung | the swelling of the capsule surrounding a microorganism after reaction with an antibody; the basis of certain tests for identifying microorganisms |
oewn-13565986-n | quickening | the quickening of seed that will become ripe grain | the process of showing signs of life |
oewn-13567619-n | reaction formation | his strict morality is just a reaction formation to hide his sexual drive | (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which a person unconsciously develops attitudes and behavior that are the opposite of unacceptable repressed desires and impulses and serve to conceal them |
oewn-13568716-n | reducing | a doctor supervised her reducing | loss of excess weight (as by dieting); becoming slimmer |
oewn-13570875-n | release | there was a sudden release of oxygen | a process that liberates or discharges something |
oewn-13570875-n | release | the release of iodine from the thyroid gland | a process that liberates or discharges something |
oewn-13572599-n | reuptake | psychopharmacologists discovered that amine reuptake is a process that inactivates monoamine neurotransmitters | a process of using up or consuming again |
oewn-13574763-n | lookup | they wrote a program to do a table lookup | an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property |
oewn-13576978-n | shit | he took a shit | a coarse term for defecation |
oewn-13577118-n | sink | the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide | (technology) a process that acts to absorb or remove energy or a substance from a system |
oewn-13577712-n | slump | the team went into a slump | a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality |
oewn-13577712-n | slack | a gradual slack in output | a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality |
oewn-13577712-n | falloff | a falloff in quality | a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality |
oewn-13578096-n | smoke | the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles | a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion |
oewn-13578361-n | soak | a good soak put life back in the wagon | the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid) |
oewn-13578969-n | softening | refrigeration delayed the softening of the fruit | the process of becoming softer |
oewn-13578969-n | softening | he observed the softening of iron by heat | the process of becoming softer |
oewn-13579899-n | sort | the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting | an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion |
oewn-13579899-n | sorting | the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting | an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion |
oewn-13580156-n | source | a heat source | (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system |
oewn-13580156-n | source | a source of carbon dioxide | (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system |
oewn-13580712-n | spallation | some astronomers believe that the solar system was formed by spallation when the sun was a very young star | (physics) a nuclear reaction in which a bombarded nucleus breaks up into many particles |
oewn-13580985-n | differentiation | cell differentiation in the developing embryo | (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function |
oewn-13582114-n | Stalinization | many Hungarians refused to take part in the Stalinization of their country | social process of adopting (or being forced to adopt) the policies and practices of Joseph Stalin |
oewn-13588830-n | top fermentation | top fermentation uses a yeast that ferments at higher temperatures than that used for bottom fermentation | a violent kind of alcoholic fermentation at a temperature high enough to carry the yeast cells to the top of the fermenting liquid; used in the production of ale |
oewn-13589727-n | transduction | the transduction of acoustic waves into voltages by a microphone | the process whereby a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form |
oewn-13590429-n | protein folding | understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code | the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape |
oewn-13590429-n | folding | understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code | the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape |
oewn-13590667-n | translocation | translocations can result in serious congenital disorders | (genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts |
oewn-13592420-n | flowering | the flowering of antebellum culture | a developmental process |
oewn-13592783-n | uptake | they developed paper napkins with a greater uptake of liquids | a process of taking up or using up or consuming |
oewn-13595396-n | washout | from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water | the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway) |
oewn-13595396-n | wash | from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water | the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway) |
oewn-85674670-n | mapping | detailed mapping of the structure of rocks | the process of making maps |
oewn-92406401-n | global demand | The decline in Japan has been sharper than in Europe or North America, mostly because global demand for the country's products, such as automobiles and electronics, has fallen. | In macroeconomics, the total demand for final goods and services in the economy at a given time and price level. |
oewn-92406401-n | aggregate demand | Schools of economics agree that during a time of economic downturn, government should cut taxes to increase aggregate demand. | In macroeconomics, the total demand for final goods and services in the economy at a given time and price level. |
oewn-92444672-n | ideologization | However, the ideologization of Islam today, differs markedly from the politicization of Islam in the past in several respects. | the process of giving an ideological character or interpretation to; especially of changing or interpreting in relation to a sociopolitical ideology often seen as biased or limited. |
oewn-92450017-n | primitive idealization | Borderline defenses include splitting, primitive idealization, projection, projective identification, primitive denial, omnipotence and devaluation. | an extremely unrealistic, archaic form of idealization. |
oewn-92438191-n | decrementation | The second parameter provides an encoding of either one of the incrementation or decrementation operations. | the operation of subtracting one from the operand. |
oewn-92427488-n | plebeianism | The plebeianism of his father showed itself in the ungainly shell, in the indifference to personal cleanliness, and in the mongrel spirit which drove him to acts of physical cowardice for which his apologists blush. | The quality or state of being of or pertaining to the common people; of being vulgar, common. |
oewn-92462770-n | interfixation | The traditional notions of infixation and/or interfixation cannot account for these patterns in a satisfying way. | derivation of a new word by inserting an interfix between two morphemes. |
oewn-92418709-n | consumption of materials | Within the national economy, in order to eliminate double counting, the consumption of materials must be calculated by the final product. | the expenditure in specific terms (per unit of production) of material resources (basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy, and depreciation of fixed assets) needed for production. |
oewn-92448349-n | adverse selection | The insurance company investigators realized new policy-holder Louis was an adverse selection shortly after he was insured, when a slew of illnesses suddenly sent him to the hospital numerous times. | A situation where sellers have information that buyers don't (or vice versa) about some aspect of product quality. |
oewn-92442102-n | polytropic process | The process taking place during hydrogen's compression from the 30 bar lower limit to the 200 bar upper limit is a polytropic process. | An expansion or compression of a gas in which the quantity pV n is held constant, where p and V are the pressure and volume of the gas, and n is some constant. |
oewn-92440968-n | isochoric process | In practice, a gas that receives heat in an isochoric process is a constant volume heating and at the same time it is a constant volume pressurization; a gas that looses heat in an isochoric process is a constant volume cooling and at the same time it is a constant volume depressurization. | a thermodynamic process during which the volume of the closed system undergoing such a process remains constant. |
oewn-92438192-n | incrementation | The second parameter provides an encoding of either one of the incrementation or decrementation operations. | the operation of adding one to the operand. |
oewn-92440974-n | cultural diffusion | The case of cultural diffusion, in contrast, makes it tempting to suggest that there might be many independent terms contributing to the spatial dispersion of a cultural trait. | the spread of cultural items—such as ideas, styles, religions, technologies, languages etc.—between individuals, whether within a single culture or from one culture to another. |
oewn-92465791-n | grammatical cohesion | While lexical cohesion is obviously achieved by the selection of vocabulary, the other types of cohesion are considered as grammatical cohesion. | cohesion which is based on structural content. |
oewn-92419119-n | rapacity | The rapacity of carnivorous animals has been considered by some writers to have had a considerable effect on the distribution and even on the extinction of others. | (of an animal, usually a bird) The quality of subsisting off live prey. |
oewn-92419120-n | carnivorousness | The too obvious fact that a large portion of animals are carnivorous neither proves nor justifies the carnivorousness of the human species. | The quality of being an animal that eats meat as the main part of its diet. |
oewn-92465617-n | cohesion | While lexical cohesion is obviously achieved by the selection of vocabulary, the other types of cohesion are considered as grammatical cohesion. | (linguistics) the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives it meaning. |
Subsets and Splits