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So you're a new or aspiring artist and your creativity has spawned something unique and interesting. Now you're ready to display and sell this creation and perhaps make some money, but you're venturing into the unknown.
Sell Fine Art Online
If you want to be well-read, then, in the words of William Faulkner, you'll have to "Read, read, read. Read everything..." You can start at the very beginning, or just make your way down an eclectic list of books that you'd like to read.
Be Well Read
Stage names are used by all types of performers, from musicians, actors and roller derby athletes to burlesque dancers, belly dancers, and exotic dancers.
Pick a Stage Name
Burlesque in the U.S. is one of the few art forms that promotes the idea that "anyone can do it." But in saturated markets like New York City and Chicago, two years into the business, many burlesque performers find themselves reassessing the profitability.
Get More Burlesque Gigs
This article describes a general idea on how to get a record deal from Phantom City Studio. In order to get a record deal and get signed by a record label you must first create a music demo.
Get a Record Deal With Phantom City Studio
Ticketmaster is a notorious and known website where people can purchase tickets to different shows of any kind without having to go to an actual box office.
Buy on Ticketmaster
Your dream of becoming a famous artist may not be as far-fetched as it might seem: child prodigy Sir John Everett Millais was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite [1] movement, and won a silver medal at the Society of Arts at age nine [2] .
Become a Famous Artist
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household spent a little more than $2,500 on entertainment in 2011. If you are one of the many who spend too much, here are some easy steps to help you reduce your entertainment expenses.
Reduce Entertainment Expenses
Finding the nearest casino is challenging, especially if casino gambling is not legal in your area. However, there are various means you may use to locate a casino.
Find the Nearest Casino
Do you love your hobbies but don't have the money to pursue them to the full extent you'd like? It's not a hopeless cause – here are some good ways to keep your spending in check and still have lots of fun in your free time.
Keep Hobby Costs Down
Learning how to conduct a workshop is important for educators, business leaders, scientists, and other professionals. A successful workshop provides participants with new skills, information, and a sense of accomplishment.
Conduct a Workshop
So you have that circuit designed and ready. You did some computer aided simulations and the circuit is working great. Only one thing left! You need to create a printed circuit board so you can see it in action!
Create Printed Circuit Boards
Do you like to do adventures? Are you too small in doing these? Well, let's read this article for help. Note: This article is mainly for teens and teens must take parental guidance before doing an adventure
Go Adventuring as a Teen
When a parent becomes bedridden, it can hit you hard. Whether you're providing care or just finding someone to help with it, it can take an emotional toll on you.
Cope with a Bedridden Parent
Many people think that being healthy is a difficult task, involving months of dieting accompanied by hours at the gym. However, this is not actually true.
Be Healthy
Checking your pulse allows you to determine your heart rate without any special equipment. This can be useful if you're trying to lose weight or you have a brain condition.
Check Your Pulse
You have something you want to ask God for, but you don’t know how to go about asking. God hears your prayers, but he doesn't always give you exactly what you ask for.
Ask God for Something
It can be frightening when a loved one joins a cult. You may not know what to do, or how to help them. Here is how to encourage them to think independently, and keep their heads.
Deprogram a Religious Cult Member
Value or Quality has been a long standing complex part of life. What is quality, what is value? What makes life or gives our lives quality that we can value and appreciate?
Explore & Understand Value or Quality in Life
Whether you have basic religious questions, or are considering basic ideas in creation, this is not intended to cover the theory of evolution, as such.
Contrast Evolution and Intelligent Design From a Creationist Perspective
We have all started accepting the fact that ‘thoughts create our world.’ While it is an exciting revelation for some, this awareness is making life miserable for others, as they are unable to control negative or destructive thoughts and create positive and creative thoughts.
Create the Thoughts You Want
There's something quite mystical about crystals that draws the attention of many people, whether you are a practicing spiritualist or not. Many people just do not know where to start when choosing a crystal that's right for them.
Choose a Crystal That Works for You
Taoism is an ancient Chinese religion and Philosophy based on the teachings in the Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu. Taoism is often difficult to describe to people who have never heard of it, as the Tao Te Ching is extremely vague in what it is trying to say.
Describe Taoism
Ever wondered about how people can be good or evil? We all have good and evil within each of us, yet some will have greater evil than good. Follow this and look at people, observations are key.
Know Good from Evil
If you’ve been put in charge of planning a spiritual retreat for your organization, let us help you maximize the experience with some helpful planning tips and suggestions.
Coordinate a Spiritual Retreat
Here is how to teach and also avoid the dangers of fake faith healers.
Teach and Avoid the Dangers of Fake Faith Healers
Talking to God involves a very spiritual, personal, often private, relationship. With so many religions and popular opinions about relating to God, figuring out how you should talk to God may seem complicated.
Talk to God
Are you and your friends thinking about starting a brotherhood? This how-to will help along the way.
Start a Brotherhood
Did you want to have a successful worship song set? This article will explain how to worship in a way that is both easy to play, and allows others to worship uninterrupted as well.
Set up a Worship Set
Escaping the deep grooves of a life rut requires willpower, planning, and resolve. You can save yourself. Learning to identify the bad situations and behaviors that keep you feeling low is the first step in a significant transformation that can and will help you out.
Save Yourself
Many reasons may prompt you to hit the ‘refresh’ button on your life. Perhaps you are going through a divorce, overcoming an addiction, healing from a serious injury or illness, or rebuilding after an emotional wound like betrayal.
Restart Your Life
Have you been an astronaut? A pioneer? An actress, or a former king? Would you like to find out? Discovering your past life can be fun. It's easy, relaxing, and you don't need a Hollywood hypnotherapist to go exploring!
Remember Your Past Lives
Anyone could have some strongly held ideals, without being an idealist all the time. Ideals are not just rules to be broken. The idealist almost all of the time has strong beliefs or character even if not expressed and probably lives by holding definite ways, perhaps some like absolutes, laws.
Be an Idealist
How do you study religion ? Consider whether you will search religion as definite faiths, personal morality and ethics--or religion as philosophy, common beliefs, real Truth or religious opinion?
Be a Student of All Religions
When someone is ready to ask God’s forgiveness for sins and accept Jesus as their Savior, it’s time for them to be baptized. The process for baptizing someone includes making some preparations ahead of time.
Baptize Someone
Fascism (from the Latin word fascis) is an oft-misunderstood ideology, equated with war and violent tyranny. Both the modern-day left and right wings use it as a buzzword for anything that they consider to be threatening, be it increased state authority or socialized medicine.
Be a Fascist
Human beings are naturally inclined towards sin. Everyone feels the urge to sin at some point because sinning gives us tangible yet fleeting benefits at the cost of moral and spiritual ones.
Avoid Temptation to Sin
Many humans were worshiped throughout history as gods. The Japanese emperors, the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman Emperors; all of them were official deities within their state religion, and yet there are very few who honor them as deities today (though a few who worship the Japanese Emperor as a deity still remain.)
Become Superior To Others
Do you sometimes feel like you've lost yourself, or that you're not really yourself at all? Or do you simply want to grow or become who you should be?
Become More Spiritual
Lutheranism is a denomination of the Christian Church. Lutherans believe that a person is not saved by being good, but only by God's grace through faith in Jesus.
Become Lutheran
Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality (genetic disability) in babies that leads to predictable mental and physical characteristics, such as certain facial features (slanted eyes, thick tongue, low-set ears), small single-creased hands, heart defects, hearing problems, learning disabilities and reduced intellect.
Test for Down Syndrome
Getting diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) can feel pretty upsetting – but diagnosis is half the battle! Now that you know the problem you can start treatment to ease your symptoms.
Treat Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome
Down Syndrome is a condition wherein a person is born with a partial or full extra copy of the 21st chromosome. This extra genetic material then alters the normal course of development, causing various physical and mental traits associated with Down Syndrome.
Recognize the Signs of Down Syndrome
According to the CDC, category C bioterrorism agents are the "third highest priority agents, [including] emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass dissemination in the future because of availability, ease of production and dissemination, and potential for high morbidity and mortality rates and major health impact."
Recognize Category C Bioterrorism Agents
Travel is a wonderful way to expand your mind and experience the world! However, living in or traveling to a tropical area that doesn’t have good sanitation can put you at risk for amebiasis – it's most common in India, parts of Africa, and parts of Central and South America.
Prevent Amebiasis
Your health is one of the most valuable things you have. While there are ways to help you get over sickness faster, one of the best ways to fight illness is to prevent it.
Develop a Strong Immune System
It is important to establish a dental hygiene routine to care for your dentures. In fact, you must clean dentures with more diligence than you ever cleaned your natural teeth.
Clean Dentures
Anisakiasis is a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract by larval nematodes of the family Anisakidae , including genera Anisakis , Phocanema , Contracaecum , Terranova .
Prevent Anisakiasis from Parasites in Fish
A loofah, also known as a sponge, is used for exfoliating dead skin and as a general-purpose sponge for personal hygiene. There are natural loofahs, which come from the fibrous skeleton of the loofah fruit, and loofahs made from plastic and synthetic material.
Clean a Loofah or Natural Sponge
If you frequently use your earbuds while you’re listening to music, watching YouTube videos or catching up on podcasts, you’ve probably noticed how dirty they can get after a while.
Clean Earbuds
In your lifetime, you're going to flush your toilet an average of 140,000 times. Your toilet will also account for about 30% of your home's water use, so replacing an old, faulty toilet or purchasing an eco friendly toilet can benefit both the environment and your bottom line.
Buy a Toilet
Fitbit bands pick up sweat, oil, and debris during regular use. Cleaning after each use helps prevent buildup that stains your band or irritates your skin.
Clean a Fitbit Band
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a staph bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics. While most staph bacteria live on your skin and in your nose without causing any problems, MRSA is different because it cannot be treated using common antibiotics like methicillin.
Prevent MRSA Infection
Exercise is a great way to develop your body and calm your mind. Exercise can also boost your immune system and help you feel better if you’re sick.
Boost Immunity with Exercise
Gyms can be dirty places. With all those people using them and all that sweat pouring over the equipment, gyms are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs.
Protect Yourself from Gym Germs
Spreading germs through sharing drinks is well documented. The CDC does not recommend sharing drinks to avoid contracting diseases like mono or the common cold.
Share a Drink Without Spreading Germs
If you are caring for a person with the flu and want to avoid getting sick, it is important to practice preventative strategies. With careful hand washing, keeping space between yourself and the infected person, and cleaning and disinfecting any shared surfaces, among other strategies, you can greatly decrease your chances of catching the flu.
Care for Flu Patients Without Getting Sick
Sometimes, you just gotta. If you absolutely, positively have to spit, you can learn to do it as courteously and cleanly as possible to get it over with.
Public restrooms often harbor different kinds of bacteria and germs that can make you sick. Although it’s unlikely that you will contract any serious diseases from a toilet seat, you may nevertheless want or need to sanitize public toilets before using them.
Sanitize a Public Toilet
Mornings can be very busy and sometimes it’s hard to remember to be healthy. If you feel like your morning routine has become unhealthy and you’d like to make some changes, there are simple things you can do to improve it.
Start a Day in a Healthy Way
If you ever need to relieve yourself outside without the conveniences of indoor plumbing, you might be in for a surprise. It can be quite difficult to find a good spot and urinate or defecate without making a mess or being seen, and without leaving behind evidence of your deed.
Use the Bathroom Outdoors
Using a public bathroom can be an uncomfortable proposition, as many people are hesitant to enter a public facility due to fears of coming in contact bacteria and germs.
Safely Use a Public Bathroom
There are numerous reasons why you may not want to wash you hair in the shower. Perhaps you are in a hurry, perhaps you just got a new tattoo, or maybe you wear hair extensions.
Wash Hair in a Sink
Drinking water is essential to living; however, it is important that the water you drink is not contaminated with microorganisms that can make you very sick.
Use UV to Sanitize Water
Good nutrition during pregnancy, and enough of it, is very important for a baby to grow and develop. When you're pregnant you need to pay extra attention to what you eat, so both you and the baby will be happy and healthy.
Eat Right While Pregnant
Your height is largely determined by both your genetics as well as environmental factors. Although several factors that determine your height are out of your control, there are a few things such as your height stays the same.
Grow Taller
Pregnancy is no longer considered a time in a woman’s life when she has to wear baggy clothes. Many celebrities have made it fashionable to proudly show their growing stomachs, and the general public is following suit.
Dress Fashionably When You’re Pregnant
When you're not feeling well, all you can think about is how to feel better fast. It's helpful to already have a strategy and supplies on hand, so when sickness strikes you'll know what to do.
Get Well Fast
Getting a facial is a relaxing but pricey endeavor. Fortunately, you can make your skin smoother, softer, and less irritable by giving yourself a facial and re-creating the professional experience right at home.
Give Yourself a Deep Cleansing Facial
Happy new year! Hopefully, you had a great time during the festive season and you are looking forward to the rest of your year. Feeling very positive about the year ahead but maybe a little guilty about your over-indulgences?
Give Your Body a Basic Post Christmas Detox
One of the most important things in life is to be healthy--not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Follow these steps to create a well-balanced, healthy life.
Keep Healthy
A health journal or diary helps one keep track of any relevant information about his wellness in general. It is kept mostly by people who have chronic conditions to monitor the progression of the disease, to note the presence of new symptoms, and to keep track of medications.
Keep a Health Journal
Turmeric, also known as Curcumin, has been used for thousands of years to help fight off infection, reduce inflammation, help with digestive issues, and even fight off certain cancers.
Improve Your Health with Turmeric
Recuperating and recovering from surgery, procedures, or hospitalization from infections can be overwhelming. Planning to be healthy on a daily basis can help make being ill and recovering from procedures an easier process to overcome.
Get Well During Your Hospital Stay
Spring semester can be harder on you because you only have a small time to rest from fall semester before you have to be back at school again. It can also take its toll on you because the winter weather during the beginning of the semester can often break down your immunity.
Improve Your Health During Spring Semester
To lead means to take charge and guide. By deciding to lead a healthy life, you're deciding to assume command over your own habits and actions. Take care of the basics by eating, exercising, and sleeping.
Lead a Healthy Life
Lead, also known as Pb on the periodic table or plumbum in Latin, has been widely used for about 7000 years because of its weight and soft properties.
Limit Your Exposure to Lead
Spondylosis (also known as cervical spondylosis or cervical osteoarthritis) is the degeneration of spinal discs in the neck. While it is a common condition among older people, symptoms develop slowly over time and vary greatly from person to person.
Know if You Have Spondylosis
Eye correction surgery, which is commonly referred to as Lasik (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery, has been around since the 1980s. This surgery can help or correct problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
Know Whether You Should Get Eye Correction Surgery
Do you want to know how to maintain a healthy complexion? There are just a few simple steps, which will leave you looking fresh faced, and loving your glow!
Maintain a Nice Healthy Glow
Low libido can be caused by many different things including medications, fatigue, recreational drugs, alcohol, depression, relationship problems, fear, systemic illness, and testosterone deficiency.
Maintain an Erection
Your kidneys are vital organs that function mainly as filters and, therefore, have a big impact on fluid and electrolyte balance, blood pressure regulation, urine creation, red blood cell production and energy levels.
Maintain Healthy Kidneys
Having high thyroid-stimulating hormones (TSH) leads to a condition called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism pushes your metabolism into overdrive, causing difficulty sleeping, moodiness, extreme weight loss, and an enlarged thyroid.
Lower TSH Levels Fast
You can flavor cigars and pipe tobacco at home with some simple methods and ingredients. This is a great way of revitalizing dry tobacco products or improving the flavor of lower quality ones.
Flavor Cigars or Pipe Tobacco
Can't remember where you put your pipe? Bummer! Not to worry, you have things around your house—- even in your refrigerator!—- that will fit together to help you vaporize your favorite herbal remedies.
Make Smoke Pipes From Everyday Objects
Need a bong and don’t have one around? This wikiHow will show you how to make a bong out of a water bottle. Best of all, you can recycle the bottle when you’re done!
Make a Water Bottle Bong
If you find yourself with something to smoke and no pipe to be found, try making one out of an apple. This wikiHow will show you two different ways of making one.
Make an Apple Pipe
Pipes are fun, challenging, and arguably more socially acceptable than cigarettes. They also don't cause lung cancer as fast as cigarettes do, although they can cause oral cancer.
Smoke a Pipe Instead of Cigarettes
The procedure described below produces two uniform particle sizes, each of which can be smoked, or "semi-vaporized" at minimum temperature (385F/197C), in a screened long-drawtube one-hitter , permitting user to receive maximum benefits of herbal ingredient while minimizing amount smoked and carbon monoxide and other combustion toxins.
Sift Herbs for Smoking Use
As the great Bob Marley once said, herb is a plant. Herb is so good for everything. [1] Sometimes, however, you may be looking for a new and different way to smoke herb.
Make a Waterfall Bong
Donating your eggs can be a great way to earn extra income and help a family that's struggling to conceive. Egg donation can result in a large payment, which you can then use towards debt or other financial goals.
Get Paid for Donating Your Eggs
As many as 1 in 7 women suffers from postpartum depression. More serious and long-lasting than the “baby blues,” postpartum depression can involve devastating feelings of sadness, guilt, anxiety, listlessness, and a host of other symptoms after the birth of a child.
Find Postpartum Depression Support Groups
It used to be fairly uncommon for women over the age of 40 to have children, but many women are now delaying pregnancy to finish their educations or get established in their careers.
Get Pregnant Over
For women, getting pregnant and having a child before you finish college can be overwhelming. Many women who find themselves in this position feel it is too hard to be both a parent and a college student.
Finish College While Raising a Child
You don't need to eat for two when you're pregnant, but you do need to make sure your baby is getting the proper amount of nutrition while in utero.
Gain the Appropriate Weight in Pregnancy
Do you want to find out if your child is really his father's? Doubts about a child's paternity can be consuming, tainting the cherished time you spend with your child.
Find out if the Child Is Really His
Stretch marks can occur during sudden changes in body size, such as during pregnancy, puberty, or rapid weight-gain. Ninety percent of pregnant women will get stretch marks around their abdomen, hips and thighs, and unfortunately, they seem to be genetic — if your mom had stretch marks, odds are that you will too.
Get Rid of Stretch Marks
Hypnosis is used to increase the chances of conception, either naturally or through IVF. Hypnosis treatments are particularly successful for those couples who have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.
Increase Fertility With Hypnosis
Gas can be one of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable side effects associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones such as progesterone begin to slow your digestive cycle as early as the first trimester of pregnancy.
Help Ease Gas During Pregnancy
Hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is a miraculous and exciting moment. Listening to the heartbeat can give doctors important information about your baby's health.
Hear the Fetal Heartbeat
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Dataset Card for WikiHow Summaries

This dataset is a collection of text-summary pairs collected from WikiHow. See WikiHow pairs dataset for additional information. This dataset can be used directly with Sentence Transformers to train embedding models.

Dataset Subsets

pair subset

  • Columns: "text", "summary"
  • Column types: str, str
  • Examples:
      'text': "Wisdom teeth are the molars furthest back on both sides of your upper and lower jaw.  [1]   These four teeth are the last ones to erupt or grow out of your gums and become functional — this typically occurs during the late teen years or early adulthood; however, sometimes wisdom teeth don't erupt at all or only partially erupt and become impacted if there isn't enough room in your jaw or mouth.",
      'summary': 'Tell Between an Erupting and Impacted Wisdom Tooth',
  • Collection strategy: Reading the WikiHow dataset from embedding-training-data.
  • Deduplified: No
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Collection including sentence-transformers/wikihow