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like a son of man, cloathed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about at the breast with a golden girdle. | 5Revelation
| ENG | 2,009 | 21st | REV |
Amargamente llora en la noche, y sus lágrimas están en sus mejillas; no tiene quien la consuele de todos sus amadores; todos sus amigos le faltaron, se le volvieron enemigos. | 4Prophetic
| SPA | 2,000 | 20th | LAM |
Herra, sinun Jumalasi, antaa sinulle ylen runsaasti hyvää kaikissa sinun kättesi töissä, hän tekee sinun kohtusi hedelmän, karjasi hedelmän ja maasi hedelmän ylen runsaaksi. Sillä niinkuin Herra iloitsi sinun isistäsi, hän jälleen iloitsee sinusta, siitä, että tekee sinulle hyvää, | 3Pentateuch
| FIN | 0 | unk | DEU |
But they said this, tempting Him, that they may have reason to accuse Him. But bending down, Jesus wrote with the finger in the earth, not appearing to hear . | 0Gospel
| ENG | 1,993 | 20th | JOH |
Porque mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos
ni vuestros caminos mis caminos»,
dice Jehová. | 4Prophetic
| SPA | 1,995 | 20th | ISA |
τρια δεκατα σεμιδαλεως αναπεποιημενης εν ελαιω τω μοσχω τω ενι και δυο δεκατα σεμιδαλεως αναπεποιημενης εν ελαιω τω κριω τω ενι | 3Pentateuch
| GRC | -200 | 2ndBC | NUM |
Il giusto mangia a sazietà, ma il ventre degli empi soffre la fame. | 6Wisdom
| ITA | 2,000 | 20th | PRO |
»¡Estoy cansado de esta vida!
Voy a dar rienda suelta a mi queja;
voy a hablar con toda la amargura de mi alma. | 6Wisdom
| SPA | 2,009 | 21st | JOB |
even their numbered ones are eight thousand and five hundred and eighty; | 3Pentateuch
| ENG | 1,898 | 19th | NUM |
"So there is danger not only that our trade come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana will be brought into disrepute, and that she herself may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world now worships." | 0Gospel
| ENG | 1,924 | 20th | ACT |
Le peuple, voyant que Moïse tardait à descendre de la montagne, s'attroupa autour d'Aaron et lui dit: "Allons! fais-nous un dieu qui marche à notre tête, puisque celui-ci, Moïse, l'homme qui nous a fait sortir du pays d'Égypte, nous ne savons ce qu'il est devenu." | 3Pentateuch
| FRE | 1,899 | 19th | EXO |
Young men, yea even virgins, elders, and children. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,902 | 20th | PSA |
Đức Chúa Trời tôi đã sai thiên sứ Ngài, và bịt miệng các sư tử, nên chúng nó không làm hại chi đến tôi, bởi tôi đã được nhận là vô tội trước mặt Ngài. Hỡi vua, đối với vua cũng vậy, tôi chẳng từng làm hại gì. | 4Prophetic
| VIE | 0 | unk | DAN |
Het einde van een ding is beter dan zijn begin; de lankmoedige is beter dan de hoogmoedige. | 6Wisdom
| NL_ | 0 | unk | ECC |
А Сидячий подібний був з вигляду до каменя яспіса й сардиса, а веселка навколо престолу видом подібна була до смарагду. | 5Revelation
| RUS | 0 | unk | REV |
Et Dina, la fille de Léa, qu'elle avait enfantée à Jacob, sortit pour voir les filles du pays. | 3Pentateuch
| FRE | 1,900 | 19th | GEN |
O sétimo anjo derramou a sua taça no ar; e saiu uma grande voz do santuário, da parte do trono, dizendo: Está feito. | 5Revelation
| POR | 1,948 | 20th | REV |
اوغوللاري ائسحاق و ائسماعئل اونو مَمرِهنئن موقابئلئنده اولان ماکپِلا ماغاراسيندا، خئتلي زوخَر اوغلو عِفرونون زَمئسئنده باسديرديلار. | 3Pentateuch
| AZB | 0 | unk | GEN |
Verfinstert seien die Sterne ihrer Dämmerung; sie harre auf Licht, und da sei keines; und nicht schaue sie die {Eig. nicht sehe sie ihre Lust an den} Wimpern der Morgenröte! | 6Wisdom
| GER | 2,004 | 21st | JOB |
But he answered and said to them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh for a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: | 0Gospel
| ENG | 1,833 | 19th | MAT |
所 羅 門 建 造 殿 宇 、 | 1Historical
| CHI | 0 | unk | 1KI |
Cosí hai pure alcuni che ritengono la dottrina dei Nicolaiti, la qual cosa io odio. | 5Revelation
| ITA | 1,991 | 20th | REV |
Wißt ihr nicht: Wenn ihr euch einem übergebt als Sklaven zum Gehorsam, so seid ihr Sklaven dessen, dem ihr euch hörig macht, sei es der Sünde zum Tode, sei es des Gehorsames zur Gerechtigkeit. | 2Letters
| GER | 1,956 | 20th | ROM |
Et lorsque David eut achevé d'offrir des holocaustes et les sacrifices d'action de grâces, il bénit le peuple au nom du Seigneur. | 1Historical
| FRE | 1,895 | 19th | 1CH |
Neka je dvorite u duljinu sto lakata, u irinu pedeset, a u visinu pet lakata. Neka su mu plahte od prepredenog lana, podnoja od tua. | 3Pentateuch
| SCR | 0 | unk | EXO |
para que la prueba[e] de vuestra fe(AE), más preciosa que el oro que perece, aunque probado por fuego(AF), sea hallada que resulta en alabanza(AG), gloria y honor en la revelación de Jesucristo(AH); | 2Letters
| SPA | 1,986 | 20th | 1PE |
Darauf, drei Jahre später, ging ich nach Jerusalem hinauf, um Kephas (= Petrus) kennenzulernen, und blieb fünfzehn Tage bei ihm. | 2Letters
| GER | 1,939 | 20th | GAL |
Say not, As he has treated me, so will I treat him, and I will avenge myself on him for that wherein he has injured me. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,844 | 19th | PRO |
O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,962 | 20th | PSA |
Пра Яго ўсе прарокі сьведчаць, што ўсякі, хто верыць у Яго, атрымае дараваньне грахоў імем Ягоным. | 0Gospel
| BEL | 0 | unk | ACT |
les chefs de Juda et les chefs de Jérusalem, les eunuques et les prêtres et tous les gens du pays qui ont passé entre les morceaux du veau. | 4Prophetic
| FRE | 1,950 | 20th | JER |
Quod cum audisset Jeroboam filius Nabat, qui erat in gypto (fugerat quippe illuc ante Salomonem), statim reversus est. | 1Historical
| LAT | 1,590 | 16th | 2CH |
Un üs sinem Mul (Gosch) goht ä scharfes Schwert, daß sa(er) dmit d Velka schlat; un na(er) wird sie regiere mit isernem Schtägä (Bängel); un na(er) trammt de Kelter, voll vum Wi vum grimmige Zorn (Wuet) Gottes, vum Allmächtige, | 5Revelation
| GER | 1,999 | 20th | REV |
Furchtbar tritt Jahwe gegen sie auf, / denn er vernichtet alle Götter der Welt. / Alle Küstenvölker werfen sich nieder vor ihm, / jeder Mensch an seinem Ort. | 4Prophetic
| GER | 2,010 | 21st | ZEP |
Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Jithran, and Beera. | 1Historical
| ENG | 1,890 | 19th | 1CH |
Edhe këtë unë e them për dobinë tuaj, jo që t’ju vë një lak, po që të jeni të hijshëm dhe t’i kushtoheni Zotit pa u shkëputur. | 2Letters
| ALB | 0 | unk | 1CO |
În adevăr, Legea, care are umbra bunurilor viitoare, nu înfăţişarea adevărată a lucrurilor, nu poate niciodată, prin aceleaşi jertfe, cari se aduc neîncetat în fiecare an, să facă desăvîrşiţi pe cei ce se apropie. | 2Letters
| RUM | 1,928 | 20th | HEB |
an dem Orte, den der Herr, euer Gott, erwählen wird, dass sein Name daselbst sei; dorthin sollt ihr alles bringen, was ich gebiete, die Brandopfer und Schlachtopfer, und die Zehnten, und die Erstlinge eurer Hände, und alle auserlesenen Gaben, die ihr dem Herrn geloben werdet. | 3Pentateuch
| GER | 1,914 | 20th | DEU |
E foram dadas a cada um compridas vestes brancas e foi-lhes dito que repousassem ainda um pouco de tempo, até que também se completasse o número de seus conservos e seus irmãos, que haviam de ser mortos como eles foram. | 5Revelation
| POR | 1,995 | 20th | REV |
gehe hin, wasche dich im Teiche von Siloam, was übersetzt heißt: Abgesandter. Da gieng er hin und wusch sich, und gieng sehend davon. | 0Gospel
| GER | 1,906 | 20th | JOH |
Горко вам, книжници и Фарисеи, лицемери! защото сте като гробове които не личат, а человеците които ходят отгоре не знаят. | 0Gospel
| BUL | 1,914 | 20th | LUK |
Vì thiên sứ thứ ba trút bát mình xuống các sông cùng các suối nước, thì nước biến ra huyết. | 5Revelation
| VIE | 0 | unk | REV |
И още един ангел, който имаше власт над огъня, излезе от олтара и извика със силен глас на този, който държеше острия сърп, като каза: Прати острия си сърп и обери гроздовете на земното лозе, защото гроздето му е вече узряло. | 5Revelation
| BUL | 0 | unk | REV |
Ибо Господь, Богъ твой среди тебя, есть Богъ ревнитель, чтобы не воспламенился гнјвъ Господа, Бога твоего, на тебя, и не истребилъ Онъ тебя оть лица земли. | 3Pentateuch
| RUS | 1,825 | 19th | DEU |
Молете се за нас; защото сме уверени че имаме добра съвест, и искаме да се обхождаме във всичко добре. | 2Letters
| BUL | 1,914 | 20th | HEB |
»La verdad es que castigaré
tanto al pueblo como a los sacerdotes, | 4Prophetic
| SPA | 2,000 | 20th | HOS |
Da sprach Pilatus zu ihnen: Nehmet Ihr ihn, und nach eurem Gesetz richtet ihn. Da sprachen zu ihm die Juden: Wir dürfen niemand töten. | 0Gospel
| GER | 1,753 | 18th | JOH |
y también por eso les he mandado a Timoteo, quien como seguidor del Señor es mi hijo estimado y fiel. Él les ayudará a recordar mi manera de vivir como seguidor de Jesucristo. Esa es la misma manera de vivir que enseño en todas las iglesias. | 2Letters
| SPA | 2,005 | 21st | 1CO |
I say unto thee, Thou shalt in no wise come out thence until thou hast paid the very last mite. | 0Gospel
| ENG | 1,890 | 19th | LUK |
And the manna was like coriander seed, and its look like the look of bdellium resin gum. | 3Pentateuch
| ENG | 1,993 | 20th | NUM |
Und [ein] heftiger Hagel, [von] Talentenschwere, fiel vom Himmel auf die Menschen herab. Doch die Menschen lästerten Gott wegen der Plage des Hagels; d[enn] seine Plage war überaus heftig. | 5Revelation
| GER | 1,939 | 20th | REV |
Ma io confido in te, Signore; dico: Tu sei il mio Dio, | 6Wisdom
| ITA | 2,000 | 20th | PSA |
The He derides the presumption of man, who dares to attribute anything to himself, as to prepare his heart or such like, seeing that he is not able to speak a word unless God gives it to him. preparations of the heart belong to man, and the answer of the tongue, [are] from the LORD. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,587 | 16th | PRO |
éloigne ta main de dessus moi, et que tes terreurs ne m`épouvantent plus. | 6Wisdom
| FRE | 1,923 | 20th | JOB |
Nella mano teneva un piccolo libro aperto. Avendo posto il piede destro sul mare e il sinistro sulla terra, | 5Revelation
| ITA | 1,974 | 20th | REV |
Therefore in one day shall these plagues come upon her, Death and mourning and famine, And she shall be burnt with fire; For mighty is the Lord God, her judge. | 5Revelation
| ENG | 1,924 | 20th | REV |
»Después me dijo: “La cuarta bestia será un cuarto reino en la tierra, que será diferente de todos los otros reinos. Devorará toda la tierra, la pisoteará y la desmenuzará. | 4Prophetic
| SPA | 2,005 | 21st | DAN |
E tornou Jônatas a gritar atrás do moço: Apressa-te, corre, não te demores. E o moço de Jônatas apanhou as flechas, e veio a seu senhor. | 1Historical
| POR | 1,995 | 20th | 1SA |
Me tengo por dichoso, oh rey Agripa, de que haya de defenderme hoy delante de ti de todas las cosas de que soy acusado por los judíos. | 0Gospel
| SPA | 1,977 | 20th | ACT |
And Judah did what is evil in the eyes of the Lord, and they moved him to wrath more than all that their fathers had done, with their sins which they committed. | 1Historical
| ENG | 1,853 | 19th | 1KI |
Potom viděl jsem nebe nové a zemi novou. Nebo první nebe a první země byla pominula, a moře již nebylo. | 5Revelation
| CZE | 0 | unk | REV |
Hanem a hetedik angyal szavának napjaiban, mikor trombitálni kezd, akkor elvégeztetik az Istennek titka, a mint megmondotta az õ szolgáinak a prófétáknak. | 5Revelation
| HUN | 0 | unk | REV |
Poderás descobrir as coisas profundas de Deus, ou descobrir perfeitamente o Todo-Poderoso? | 6Wisdom
| POR | 1,948 | 20th | JOB |
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm for the sons of Korah. Hear this, all you peoples; give ear, all inhabitants of the world; | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,962 | 20th | PSA |
Et je pleurais fort de ce que nul ne s'était trouvé digne d'ouvrir le livre et de le lire. | 5Revelation
| FRE | 1,956 | 20th | REV |
I miei occhi vengono meno aspettando il compimento della tua parola, mentre dico: »Quando mi consolerai?«. | 6Wisdom
| ITA | 1,991 | 20th | PSA |
اشئتدئم ده کي، قوربانگاه ديئر: «بلي، اي رب تاري، اي قادئر، سنئن حؤکملرئن دوغرو و عادئلدئر.» | 5Revelation
| AZB | 0 | unk | REV |
Dann hörte ich vom Himmel her ein Geräusch, das wie das Tosen einer mächtigen Brandung und wie ein gewaltiges Donnerrollen klang, sich aber gleichzeitig wie Gesang von Harfenspielern anhörte. | 5Revelation
| GER | 2,010 | 21st | REV |
A látomásban ilyennek láttam a lovakat és a rajtuk ülőket: tűzvörös, jácintkék és kénsárga páncéljuk volt, a lovak feje pedig olyan volt, mint az oroszlánok feje, és a szájukból tűz, füst meg kén ömlött. | 5Revelation
| HUN | 0 | unk | REV |
Mesye yo di l' tou sa y'a fè pou moun ki va touye Golyat la. | 1Historical
| HAT | 0 | unk | 1SA |
Why God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: | 2Letters
| ENG | 1,999 | 20th | ROM |
Dumnezeu împărăţeşte peste neamuri, Dumnezeu şade pe scaunul Lui de domnie cel sfînt. | 6Wisdom
| RUM | 1,928 | 20th | PSA |
E' poi vero che io abbia mancato e che persista nel mio errore? | 6Wisdom
| ITA | 2,000 | 20th | JOB |
Et le troisième ange versa sa fiole sur les rivières et sur les fontaines des eaux; et elles devinrent du sang. | 5Revelation
| FRE | 2,006 | 21st | REV |
Estas son las familias de los Zabulonitas, por sus contados, sesenta mil y quinientos. | 3Pentateuch
| SPA | 1,569 | 16th | NUM |
Toen wenste ik naar de waarheid van het vierde dier, hetwelk verscheiden was van al de andere, zeer gruwelijk, welks tanden van ijzer waren, en zijn klauwen van koper; het at, het verbrijzelde, en vertrad het overige met zijn voeten. | 4Prophetic
| NL_ | 0 | unk | DAN |
Ihr Treiben gestattet ihnen nicht, umzukehren zu ihrem Gott. Denn in ihrer Mitte herrscht Unzuchtsgeist, aber den Herrn kennen sie nicht. | 4Prophetic
| GER | 1,956 | 20th | HOS |
Saa lod Abimelek Isak kalde og sagde: »Hun er jo din Hustru; hvor kunde du da sige, at hun er din Søster« Isak svarede: »Jo, jeg tænkte: Jeg vil ikke udsætte mig for at miste Livet for hendes Skyld.« | 3Pentateuch
| DAN | 1,931 | 20th | GEN |
The one overcoming, I will give to him to have sat with me in the throne of me, as also I overcame, and am sat down with the Father of me in the throne of him. | 5Revelation
| ENG | 1,865 | 19th | REV |
(71:7) ανατελει εν ταις ημεραις αυτου δικαιοσυνη και πληθος ειρηνης εως ου ανταναιρεθη η σεληνη | 6Wisdom
| GRC | 0 | unk | PSA |
et il alluma les lampes devant Yahvé, comme Yahvé l’avait ordonné à Moïse. | 3Pentateuch
| FRE | 1,995 | 20th | EXO |
The first of the first-fruits of thy ground thou shall bring into the house of LORD thy God. Thou shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk. | 3Pentateuch
| ENG | 1,995 | 20th | EXO |
가레아의 아들 요하난이 미스바에서 그다랴에게 비밀히 말하여 가로되 청하노니 나로 가서 사람이 모르게 느다냐의 아들 이스마엘을 죽이게 하라 어찌하여 그로 네 생명을 취케 하여 네게 모인 모든 유다인으로 흩어지며 유다의 남은 자로 멸망을 당케 하랴 | 4Prophetic
| KOR | 0 | unk | JER |
Solo hay perjurio(E), mentira(F), asesinato(G), robo(H) y adulterio(I).
Emplean la violencia, y homicidios tras homicidios se suceden[c](J). | 4Prophetic
| SPA | 1,986 | 20th | HOS |
Their heart [is]: Their houses [are] to the age, Their tabernacles to all generations. They proclaimed their names over the lands. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,898 | 19th | PSA |
und sie sagen zu den Bergen und den Felsen: Fallt auf uns und verbergt uns vor Angesicht des Sitzenden auf dem Thron und vor dem Zorn des Lammes, | 5Revelation
| GER | 0 | unk | REV |
Und das Heiligtum füllte sich mit Rauch von der Herrlichkeit Gottes und von seiner Macht. Niemand konnte in das Heiligtum eintreten, bis die sieben Plagen der sieben Engel ihr Ende erreicht hätten. | 5Revelation
| GER | 1,936 | 20th | REV |
Then Moses brought out all the rods from before the Lorde vnto all the children of Israel: and they looked vpon them, & tooke euery man his rodde. | 3Pentateuch
| ENG | 1,587 | 16th | NUM |
De tie ili elmovigxis, kaj starigis sian tendaron apud tiu parto de Arnon en la dezerto, kiu estas ekster la limoj de la Amoridoj; cxar Arnon estas la limo de Moab, inter Moab kaj la Amoridoj. | 3Pentateuch
| ESP | 0 | unk | NUM |
Welcher in den Tagen Seines Fleisches Gebet und Flehen zu Dem sandte, der Ihn konnte vom Tode retten , mit starkem Geschrei und Tränen dargebracht, und erhört wurde wegen der Gottesfurcht*. | 2Letters
| GER | 1,989 | 20th | HEB |
Devout loDpu' buried Stephen, je lamented greatly Dung ghaH. | 0Gospel
| XKL | 0 | unk | ACT |
Et Samuel lui dit: Qu'as-tu fait? Saül répondit: Parce que je voyais que le peuple s'écartait d'avec moi, et que tu ne venais point au jour assigné, et que les Philistins étaient assemblés à Micmas; | 1Historical
| FRE | 1,744 | 18th | 1SA |
So Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand, said. "Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen. | 0Gospel
| ENG | 1,924 | 20th | ACT |
When He stretcheth out his hand, prayer availeth nothing; When He bringeth destruction, vain is the cry for help. | 6Wisdom
| ENG | 1,869 | 19th | JOB |
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. | 5Revelation
| ENG | 1,901 | 20th | REV |
And they dwelt therein, and have built you a sanctuary therein for your name, saying, | 1Historical
| ENG | 1,994 | 20th | 2CH |
«¡Cuán hermosa eres, amada mía.
Cuán hermosa eres!
Tus ojos son como palomas(A) detrás de tu velo(B);
Tu cabellera, como rebaño de cabras
Que descienden del monte Galaad(C). | 6Wisdom
| SPA | 2,005 | 21st | SON |
Take the fattest from the flock, and arrange also a heap of bones under it. Its cooking has boiled over, and its bones in its midst have been thoroughly cooked. | 4Prophetic
| ENG | 2,009 | 21st | EZE |
[Samech] The Lord has trodden under foot all my mighty [men] in the midst of me; he has called a company against me to crush my young men; the Lord has trodden the virgin daughter of Judah [as] in a winepress. | 4Prophetic
| ENG | 2,013 | 21st | LAM |
şi Resen între Ninive şi Calah; aceasta este cetatea cea mare. – | 3Pentateuch
| RUM | 0 | unk | GEN |
Subsets and Splits