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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466457917 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Scary horror music | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p136g/tomtscary_horror_music/ | 0.0 | 1472795772.0 | I can't onomatopoeia it through, neither can I find it anywhere.
Plays when something is approaching you, sometimes used in parodies. Slightly pitches up as it runs out.
Great, none of the motherfuckin' links work, and I can't DUN it out.
EDIT: Solved. Don't bother anymore. | None | solvedcase | t3_4p136g | 0.0 | False | 4p136g | None | 3 | False | False | True | nan | Wakka2462 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p136g/tomtscary_horror_music/ | 0 | 1466552473 | False | [{'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4ihgl5', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469199782, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': '[Jaws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX3bN5YeiQs)?', 'link_id': 't3_4p136g', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't3_4p136g', 'author': 'kineretic', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466541648, 'comments': []}, {'gilded': 0, 'body': 'The more likely we would know what you mean the more likely it is easy to find in google. X = X in this case.', 'link_id': 't3_4p136g', 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'parent_id': 't3_4p136g', 'author': 'gamophyte', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466544442, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4ijog0', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469200898, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}, {'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't3_4p136g', 'author': 'handfulofrain', 'created_utc': 1466546220, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': "[The Villain's Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgkP-8zMUtE)?", 'link_id': 't3_4p136g', 'retrieved_on': 1469201526, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'id': 'd4il0fm', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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"[Song Name]"
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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466458907 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | from late 2000s, partially animated, takes place on an icy island, female lead singer. | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p15mb/tomt_music_video_from_late_2000s_partially/ | 2.0 | 1472795807.0 | I think it's a pretty well known Indy rock band. I want to say the title has something to do with animals. | None | None | t3_4p15mb | 0.0 | False | 4p15mb | None | 1 | False | False | True | nan | FrickenBill | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p15mb/tomt_music_video_from_late_2000s_partially/ | 2 | False | False | [{'ups': 1, 'author': 'bollykat', 'parent_id': 't3_4p15mb', 'created_utc': 1466522883, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': 'music videos, animated films', 'link_id': 't3_4p15mb', 'body': 'Something from Of Monsters & Men?', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469192574, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'id': 'd4i2gqt', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466459191 | 1466459615 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | It's called "In the hall of the mountain king" by Edvard Grieg. [Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrIYT-MrVaI) | [
] | Orchestral piece in lots of trailers | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p16by/tomt_song_orchestral_piece_in_lots_of_trailers/ | 2.0 | 1472795817.0 | It's in this video during the montage, at about 14:00
Thanks a bunch!
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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466459418 | 1466468866 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | That would be [Circuitry Man](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099271/?ref_=nv_sr_1). | [
] | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p16xx/tomtmovie/ | 2.0 | 1472795826.0 | This movie is from the early nineties, i remember they played it a lot on HBO...its some form of post apocaliptic future where ppl lived underground mostly, and the good guy was a cyborg i believe with blond hair and i remember someone had a lot of tubes like inserted in his flesh and i think there were also some leech like creatures...plz help!! | None | solvedcase | t3_4p16xx | 0.0 | False | 4p16xx | None | 3 | False | False | True | nan | dr1672 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p16xx/tomtmovie/ | 2 | False | False | [{'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4hd854', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469180471, 'body': 'That would be [Circuitry Man](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099271/?ref_=nv_sr_1).', 'link_id': 't3_4p16xx', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466468866, 'parent_id': 't3_4p16xx', 'author': 'jarvispeen', 'ups': 2, 'comments': [{'id': 'd4i0953', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469191533, 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4p16xx', 'body': 'OMFG thank you so much its been bugging me for years i honestly had no hope of ever getting an answer!!', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't1_d4hd854', 'author': 'dr1672', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1466519847, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469195951, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4i9h93', 'created_utc': 1466531803, 'parent_id': 't1_d4i0953', 'author': 'jarvispeen', 'ups': 1, 'link_id': 't3_4p16xx', 'body': 'Haha you are welcome.', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': []}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466459593 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Player who turned out to be rubbish | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p17fv/tomtsportsman_player_who_turned_out_to_be_rubbish/ | 2.0 | 1472795833.0 | So I remember a football manager in England signed a player from non league football based solely on talk from his scout and the player need up being absolutely awful and had only played a couple of professional games beforehand. Any help? I can't remember who the player or the manager were | None | None | t3_4p17fv | 0.0 | False | 4p17fv | None | 1 | False | False | True | nan | Sarmerbinlar | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p17fv/tomtsportsman_player_who_turned_out_to_be_rubbish/ | 2 | False | False | [{'created_utc': 1466460507, 'ups': 2, 'author': 'Internet_Oracle', 'parent_id': 't3_4p17fv', 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4p17fv', 'body': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Dia', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469177841, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4h7snp', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466459628 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Scene from a movie or TV show where a man falls off a building with half of his skin cut off. | self | 0.0 | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p17jh/tomt_scene_from_a_movie_or_tv_show_where_a_man/ | 2.0 | 1472795834.0 | I remember this from when i was very very young I came downstairs at night and my parents were up watching a movie but they had gone to the other room, on the tv kids were skateboarding at a skate park, then i remember the camera panned up and a man fell from the sky and landed on the skatepark, already dead and half of his body was fine, half had no skin. Like 2 face but his entire body. The kids stare at it. That's all i can remember. Anyone got any ideas? it's been bugging me for years. | None | notsolvedcase | t3_4p17jh | 0.0 | False | 4p17jh | None | 1 | False | False | True | nan | spiritturtle64 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p17jh/tomt_scene_from_a_movie_or_tv_show_where_a_man/ | 2 | False | False | [{'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4h7o15', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469177780, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': 'In the Dredd they skin someone and throw him off a balcony.', 'link_id': 't3_4p17jh', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't3_4p17jh', 'author': 'ShutUpLieberman', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1466460322, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466459943 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | An noir online cartoon series about a rectangular-headed hitman trying to retire into a faceless, boring job. | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p18f8/tomtcartoonan_noir_online_cartoon_series_about_a/ | 4.0 | 1472795847.0 | It's about a guy named John or Johnny or something similar, with a grey rectangular head and a suit. The art style is very sketchy and arguably not 'good', lots of abstract background art. He's a super shady guy trying to get a normal job at a boring office place and the first two episodes are about his co-workers trying to figure him out. He used to be a hitman or an assassin of some kind.
Other characters get introduced somewhere down the way, like a kid russian with a bear sidekick, and an assassin lady trying to knock Johnny off. I believe it ends with every single character introduced in the entire series shooting Johnny.
It's like 5-10-15 episodes long and I cannot find it for the life of me.
I could have sworn it was called Johnny the Hitman but that throws me into a dead end. | None | None | t3_4p18f8 | 0.0 | False | 4p18f8 | None | 0 | False | False | True | nan | phototom | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p18f8/tomtcartoonan_noir_online_cartoon_series_about_a/ | 4 | False | False | [] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466460025 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Song | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p18o2/tomt_song/ | 2.0 | 1472795850.0 | Hi, might be a strange request but I was on hold with Apple and they played a Song I haven't heard in a long while and can't seem to remember the title.
It's kind of a electronic / dubstep song I guess. At any rate it has a male and female repeatedly saying the lyrics "Can you tell me" in alternating tones.
Any help with the title would be great, thanks! | None | None | t3_4p18o2 | 0.0 | False | 4p18o2 | None | 0 | False | False | True | nan | flaysof | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4p18o2/tomt_song/ | 2 | False | False | [] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466767303 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | An animated music video I liked when I was younger | self | 0.0 | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/tomtvideo_an_animated_music_video_i_liked_when_i/ | 3.0 | 1472806582.0 | Hi, I've been struggling to find this song, I know that the video was animated or at least parts of it were, the style was kinda grim or at least the song was, maybe suicide was involved? I think love was involved. The song was sung by a woman with a small voice. Also I'm pretty sure it's not from Gorillaz and the animation is hand drawn.
Definitly of the 2000s area, probably early-mid 2000s, Thanks in advance. | None | thanked | t3_4pmdjp | 0.0 | False | 4pmdjp | None | 7 | False | False | True | nan | Meedina | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/tomtvideo_an_animated_music_video_i_liked_when_i/ | 3 | 1466768112 | False | [{'gilded': 0, 'body': "Could it be Radiohead [Paranoid Android](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPLEbAVjiLA)? It's around the right time, and pretty grim.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author': 'Sharynm', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466770639, 'id': 'd4m4y39', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469262827, 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': [{'id': 'd4m8xof', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469264791, 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': "It's not really that, I can recall the singing was done by a woman, but thanks for the song", 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'Meedina', 'parent_id': 't1_d4m4y39', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466777768, 'comments': []}]}, {'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469265483, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4maeih', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'created_utc': 1466779895, 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author': 'gamophyte', 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'body': '[Björk - I Miss You](https://youtu.be/Ib3ERyJFZvM?t=16)? I think there was another animated vid for her music but I am not sure.', 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'id': 'd4mt860', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469274564, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'body': 'Maybe [Hyperballad](https://youtu.be/26sP2WsA5cY)?', 'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't1_d4maeih', 'author': 'Retrohex', 'created_utc': 1466805202, 'comments': []}]}, {'created_utc': 1466781030, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author': 'Paperdawl', 'ups': 2, 'body': 'Not a woman singing... But an awesome and dark video none the less... To tide you over until you find it :P\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDaOgu2CQtI', 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469265867, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mb7vq', 'comments': []}, {'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': 1466814989, 'id': 'd4mev72', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469267656, 'score': 1, 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'body': "Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r4pmdjp?feature=playlist)\n\n\tVIDEO|COMMENT\n\t-|-\n[Björk - I Miss You](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ib3ERyJFZvM&t=16s)|[2](https://reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/_/d4maeih?context=10#d4maeih) - Björk - I Miss You? I think there was another animated vid for her music but I am not sure. \n[Pearl Jam - Do the Evolution](https://youtube.com/watch?v=aDaOgu2CQtI)|[2](https://reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/_/d4mb7vq?context=10#d4mb7vq) - Not a woman singing... But an awesome and dark video none the less... To tide you over until you find it :P \n[Little Dragon - Twice](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TrpMncSZe-I)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/_/d4meymh?context=10#d4meymh) - Little Dragon - Twice? \n[Radiohead - Paranoid Android](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sPLEbAVjiLA)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/_/d4m4y39?context=10#d4m4y39) - Could it be Radiohead Paranoid Android? It's around the right time, and pretty grim. \n[Björk - Hyperballad](https://youtube.com/watch?v=26sP2WsA5cY)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmdjp/_/d4mt860?context=10#d4mt860) - Maybe Hyperballad? \nI'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch.\n***\n[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get it on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)", 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466785909, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author': 'Mentioned_Videos', 'ups': 1, 'comments': []}, {'author': 'nomnommish', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466786032, 'gilded': 0, 'body': '[Little Dragon - Twice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrpMncSZe-I)?', 'link_id': 't3_4pmdjp', 'author_flair_text': None, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469267702, 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'id': 'd4meymh', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466768059 | 1466772061 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-F3NYOY80y8 | [
] | There's a place where the rivers flow upstream | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmezr/tomt_song_theres_a_place_where_the_rivers_flow/ | 17.0 | 1472806602.0 | I used to volunteer for Free Geek in Portland, Oregon. This would have been about 2007. We would use random donated CD's that came in to test drives and speakers. On a mysterious unmarked CD, there was a catchy and bizarre song whose full lyrics I remember:
*There's a place where the rivers flow upstream*
*hey hey it's a vegetable man*
*there's a place where the flowers let you dream*
*hey hey it's a vegetable man*
*running through the magic forest*
*you will never fade away*
*running through the magic forest*
*each and every day*
Search engines haven't helped. Actually finding the song may be a lost cause, since I suspect it was homemade. Any idea what it's about?
Edit: added line breaks | None | solvedcase | t3_4pmezr | 0.0 | False | 4pmezr | None | 4 | False | False | True | nan | WalkingmanII | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmezr/tomt_song_theres_a_place_where_the_rivers_flow/ | 17 | 1466768245 | False | [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-F3NYOY80y8', 'link_id': 't3_4pmezr', 'ups': 15, 'author': 'ConnorIsK1NG', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmezr', 'created_utc': 1466772061, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4m5lzf', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 15, 'retrieved_on': 1469263140, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'mvp', 'link_id': 't3_4pmezr', 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m5lzf', 'author': 'RiceNinja98', 'created_utc': 1466772191, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4m5oay', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 2, 'retrieved_on': 1469263170, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}, {'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4m6k4n', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469263671, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': "Thanks. I'm in China, so watching YouTube videos is nontrivial. Will mark as solved when I can watch it, probably tomorrow.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmezr', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466773884, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'WalkingmanII', 'parent_id': 't1_d4m5lzf', 'comments': [{'body': 'wow, if you had only heard the song and not seen the video, you\'re in for a.. "treat"', 'link_id': 't3_4pmezr', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466799265, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m6k4n', 'author': 'FJCruisin', 'ups': 2, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mp2vv', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469272539, 'comments': []}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466768311 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Song about two people going down different paths | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ | 3.0 | 1472806610.0 | Like 5 years ago I heard a song about two guys, one who did drugs (I think heroine) and the other didn't. Basically the one who did drugs got clean and went to college and the other started and went down a bad path. Pretty vague but I've been searching for it for YEARS. hopefully someone can help me! | None | None | t3_4pmfi2 | 0.0 | False | 4pmfi2 | None | 2 | False | False | True | nan | moremase | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': 1582313947, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ioigrff/)', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663315387, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'ion19tv', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_ion19tv', 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ion19tv/', 'retrieved_on': 1665041504, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': True, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': []}, {'created_utc': 1466786109, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'koocekalb', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': "It's a long shot, but maybe [ILL MIND OF HOPSIN 6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuv2mvfO_mg)?", 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469267729, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4mf0qg', 'comments': []}, {'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mn13j', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469271573, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': "https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA\n \n \nNo handlebars' video has boys going down different paths, but e subject matter is more political. Long shot #2", 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'foxavant', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466796497, 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'koregg', 'author_created_utc': 1336829823, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_7pac9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Tom Pepe/Knowmads: River Runs Deep https://genius.com/Tom-pepe-river-runs-deep-lyrics\n\nJust in case you haven’t found it yet lol', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663237442, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'ioigrff', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_ioigrff', 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ioigrff/', 'retrieved_on': 1665046893, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sjhill', 'author_created_utc': 1312039738, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'n', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5lbci', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Mod marking as solved!', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663315371, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'ion194d', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_ion194d', 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_ioigrff', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ion194d/', 'retrieved_on': 1665041505, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': 1582313947, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663315385, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'ion19r2', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_ion19r2', 'no_follow': False, 'parent_id': 't1_ioigrff', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ion19r2/', 'retrieved_on': 1665041504, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'moremase', 'author_created_utc': 1452375189, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_tmule', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Oh \n\nMy\n\nGod.\n\nI have been looking for this song for 10+ years now. Posted about it multiple times and you Just found it for me. \n\nTHANK YOU', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663285347, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'iolk383', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_iolk383', 'no_follow': False, 'parent_id': 't1_ioigrff', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/iolk383/', 'retrieved_on': 1665043233, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sjhill', 'author_created_utc': 1312039738, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'n', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5lbci', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Hello /u/moremase, did you know the proper format is replying `Solved!` to the **first correct answer**? Editing an existing comment will not trigger the bot.\r\n\r\nI have marked the post for you, **so no further action is needed**. But please review **[How to Mark a Post Solved](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/qkhnnn#nocss)** and Rule #4 of the sub before posting in the future. Thanks!', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663315377, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'ion19e2', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_ion19e2', 'no_follow': False, 'parent_id': 't1_iolk383', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/ion19e2/', 'retrieved_on': 1665041505, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'archived': False, 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'koregg', 'author_created_utc': 1336829823, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_7pac9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'body': 'Hahaha no problem!! I used to listen to Knowmads all the time in high school, especially loved that song. I was just as excited to know the song you were looking for :D', 'can_gild': True, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'collapsed_reason_code': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1663285676, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'iolksla', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_4pmfi2', 'locked': False, 'name': 't1_iolksla', 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_iolk383', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmfi2/tomt_song_about_two_people_going_down_different/iolksla/', 'retrieved_on': 1665043210, 'score': 1, 'score_hidden': False, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'unrepliable_reason': None, 'comments': []}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466768748 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | children's novel about colonial America | self | 0.0 | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmgea/tomtbook_childrens_novel_about_colonial_america/ | 2.0 | 1472806622.0 | I read this book around 2000 in middle school about a boy who moves to Boston or Philadelphia and finds a bloodstain on the floor of his attic. I don't remember how it happens, but he ends up going back in time to the Revolution and solving or undoing the murder of a boy that was killed in his house. I remember there being a bloodstain with a hand coming out of it on the cover. | None | thanked | t3_4pmgea | 0.0 | False | 4pmgea | None | 5 | False | False | True | nan | CelestialGeometry | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmgea/tomtbook_childrens_novel_about_colonial_america/ | 2 | False | False | [{'ups': 1, 'author': 'ceefrock', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'created_utc': 1466831141, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'Something Upstairs by Avi.\n\nhttp://www.librarything.com/work/476443/covers', 'link_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469281507, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4n7t8n', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'comments': [{'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'id': 'd4ntvq2', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469292118, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'body': "That's it! Thanks!! Solved", 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466883604, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'CelestialGeometry', 'parent_id': 't1_d4n7t8n', 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469296911, 'score': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4o3r77', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'created_utc': 1466901024, 'author': 'ceefrock', 'parent_id': 't1_d4ntvq2', 'ups': 1, 'body': 'YW!', 'link_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': []}]}]}, {'id': 'd4mcnor', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469266546, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': "60's Movies, Phrases and Video Games", 'body': "Sounds like something from Stephen King, but I don't really know.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'ups': 1, 'author': 'Ninel56', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'created_utc': 1466782976, 'comments': [{'id': 'd4mhjc3', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469268914, 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': "It's not him. We actually read this in class. But thanks!", 'link_id': 't3_4pmgea', 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'CelestialGeometry', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mcnor', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466789378, 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466770493 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | "Knock on my door, hear my friends, maxi nore" | self | 0.0 | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmkaa/tomt_song_knock_on_my_door_hear_my_friends_maxi/ | 2.0 | 1472806676.0 | Some time ago my friend quoted: "Gnocchi gnocchi on my door, hear my friends, maxi nore." I found it funny but thought she had made it up. Some time later, I heard a song on the radio which must have been the source of the interpolation - "...Knock on my door, hear my friends, maxi nore."
No results come up on the internet (at least for me) despite the fact that this song has received airplay on at least one mainstream radio station.
Also, I can't find any results for maxi nore, so perhaps I'm misspelling the phrase. | None | notsolvedcase | t3_4pmkaa | 0.0 | False | 4pmkaa | None | 8 | False | False | True | nan | [deleted] | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmkaa/tomt_song_knock_on_my_door_hear_my_friends_maxi/ | 2 | False | False | [{'id': 'd4m581v', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469262957, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'body': "What style of music was the song that you heard? Was it a male or female singer?\n\nI'm not familiar with the tune, but I'd be happy to help you try to find it!", 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'author': 'wardrich', 'created_utc': 1466771243, 'comments': [{'gilded': 0, 'body': 'Thanks, I appreciate it! I think it was rock, and the singer was male. He was singing in a reasonably low voice.', 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m581v', 'author': 'al3x4ndDr', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466850010, 'id': 'd4ndjzb', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469284284, 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}]}, {'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'body': 'The lyrics reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/SCcVrLcGD7k?t=1m5s)', 'ups': 2, 'author': 'kingcon2k11', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'created_utc': 1466775520, 'id': 'd4m7i3t', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469264117, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'body': "Interesting find, but unfortunately not the song I was thinking of. The song I'm thinking of is more rock in genre, with a male singer singing in a reasonably low voice.", 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m7i3t', 'author': 'al3x4ndDr', 'created_utc': 1466850171, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4ndlg5', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 2, 'retrieved_on': 1469284302, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}]}, {'body': "I don't know the saying but hear my friends implies more than one person, but maxi nore sounds like just one, maybe it's something like hear my friend, max and more. I couldn't find it though but it's a thought.\n\nEdit: Here is some idioms, maybe the title of one triggers a memory of what it is http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/door", 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466777324, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'author': 'gamophyte', 'ups': 2, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': 1466778254, 'id': 'd4m8n05', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469264652, 'score': 2, 'comments': [{'parent_id': 't1_d4m8n05', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'ups': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1471214374, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4zva0z', 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'body': 'Thanks! Still unsure though.', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467718986, 'author_flair_text': None, 'score': 1, 'author': '[deleted]', 'controversiality': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}]}, {'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4m9jqr', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469265080, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': 'Reminds me of Dave Matthews Band. "knock knock on the door, who is it for, there is nobody in here."', 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'chicklet2011', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1466778677, 'comments': [{'retrieved_on': 1471214442, 'ups': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m9jqr', 'link_id': 't3_4pmkaa', 'id': 'd4zvf8g', 'distinguished': None, 'gilded': 0, 'body': "Interesting find! Unfortunately the song I'm thinking of is a little less upbeat, with a male singer singing in a reasonably low voice.", 'edited': False, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'controversiality': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'score': 1, 'author': '[deleted]', 'created_utc': 1467719392, 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466770638 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Creepy/horror film and/or GIF | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmkma/tomt_creepyhorror_film_andor_gif/ | 1.0 | 1472806681.0 | A movie exists where a lady has a phobia of leaving her house. She is sleeping one night and the camera pans back, revealing a figure watching her sleep. The image is unsettling - and the scene lingers long enough to establish that the figure has been watching her sleep.
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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466771254 | 1466772353 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Lewis Black maybe? this guys been around a while not sure if he had a mustache though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2UYAWdW8fc | [
] | 80's comedian I think he had Tourettes | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmlz1/tomt80s_comedian_i_think_he_had_tourettes/ | 2.0 | 1472806700.0 | I'm pretty sure he died quite q while ago. He had curly hair and a mustache and was somewhat popular in the 80's. I think his first name is John, or maybe Tom? | None | solvedcase | t3_4pmlz1 | 0.0 | False | 4pmlz1 | None | 9 | False | False | True | nan | hatecopsandcats | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmlz1/tomt80s_comedian_i_think_he_had_tourettes/ | 2 | False | False | [{'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'id': 'd4m5l8n', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 2, 'retrieved_on': 1469263130, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': 'Are you sure he had Tourettes and not just a potty mouth? People with Tourettes have very limited control over their tics, and swearing (coprolalia) is nowhere near as common as its been sensationalized to be. ', 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'author': 'raendrop', 'created_utc': 1466772020, 'comments': [{'created_utc': 1466772475, 'author': 'hatecopsandcats', 'parent_id': 't1_d4m5l8n', 'ups': 2, 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': "No I'm pretty sure it was Tourettes. He wasn't a dirty comic at all but did have a number of physical and vocal tics. He didn't make a big deal out of having it and I don't think I even heard about it until after he died. He was sort of hunched over and had lighter colored hair.", 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469263235, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4m5tam', 'comments': []}]}, {'author': 'Shreddy_Orpheus', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1466772353, 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': 'Lewis Black maybe? this guys been around a while not sure if he had a mustache though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2UYAWdW8fc', 'author_flair_text': None, 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469263207, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4m5r63', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'comments': [{'retrieved_on': 1469263258, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'id': 'd4m5v01', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'hatecopsandcats', 'parent_id': 't1_d4m5r63', 'created_utc': 1466772568, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': "Nope, thanks but I'm pretty sure this guy died in his 40's probably close to 20 years ago.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'comments': []}]}, {'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': "Except for the hair/mustache, my gut reaction was Sam kineson. one thing you might try is looking up Rodney Dangerdfields Young Comedian shows - most are on YouTube. The had 8-10 newish comedians showcased every time. Might find him there. If not, you'll find a young bob sagat, and several others who went on to good things.", 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466772549, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'author': 'j-israel', 'ups': 3, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4m5un4', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469263253, 'score': 3, 'comments': [{'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4m5z75', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469263312, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': "Not Kineson. But thanks for the tip, I'll look at some of those.", 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466772791, 'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m5un4', 'author': 'hatecopsandcats', 'comments': []}]}, {'created_utc': 1466773625, 'ups': 3, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'author': 'hatecopsandcats', 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'body': 'Found him, Dennis Wolfberg.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wolfberg', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 3, 'retrieved_on': 1469263606, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4m6f2c', 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469266221, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mbyxr', 'created_utc': 1466782053, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m6f2c', 'author': 'raendrop', 'ups': 2, 'body': "Now I'm sad, because I hadn't realized he had died, and I loved him in Quantum Leap. Also, I have Tourettes and I'm always interested in hearing about celebrities who have it, and I'd never known he had it. ", 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469266466, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mchkx', 'created_utc': 1466782752, 'parent_id': 't1_d4mbyxr', 'author': 'hatecopsandcats', 'ups': 2, 'body': 'It didn\'t mention Tourerretes on his Wikipedia page but I\'m sure I\'d heard that after he died. Like, he never made a big deal about it or made it part of his act, but he did have some little "tics". I remember when he died all these other comedians talking about how he was one of the stand-ups that made all the other ones laugh. A comedians comedian. I saw the Quantum Leap thing on his Wiki page and somehow don\'t remember him on that show at all even though I really used to like that show. I guess I haven\'t seen it 20 some years though. After I figured out who he was I watched some youtube vids of him this morning and he was as funny as I remembered.', 'link_id': 't3_4pmlz1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': []}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet | 1466771697 | 1466783180 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | If only I could find a career in this. My brain is just full of obscure pop culture trivia. | [
] | Cartoon that ran on Fox/ABC/CBS (not sure which) that included a nerdy kid named Meeker(?), and a woman that had electric handcuffs. I remember her getting mad at the Meeker guy and yelling his name | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmn0r/tomtcartoon_seriescartoon_that_ran_on_foxabccbs/ | 2.0 | 1472806714.0 | I honestly don't have a lot to go on. I believe I would have seen this cartoon in the 90's, but I only saw it a few times so I don't know a lot about it.
Literally all that I remember is there being a nerdy male character whose name I think was "Meeker" or similar - I recall this to be what the female hero would often yell because he'd end up doing things that caused her grief.
I believe the team had a 3rd member as well, a black male, and I believe they went after either ghosts or monsters. The woman I think had electric handcuffs?
[Edit] [Project G.E.E.K.E.R.](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115324/) Credit to /u/potzorbie | None | solvedcase | t3_4pmn0r | 0.0 | False | 4pmn0r | None | 17 | False | False | True | nan | wardrich | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmn0r/tomtcartoon_seriescartoon_that_ran_on_foxabccbs/ | 2 | 1466780891 | False | [{'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'body': 'Can you recall her costume? ', 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466777078, 'author': 'gamophyte', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'ups': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4m8h8f', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469264576, 'score': 1, 'comments': [{'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469265354, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4ma4o6', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'parent_id': 't1_d4m8h8f', 'author': 'wardrich', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466779505, 'gilded': 0, 'body': "I'm not sure... I'm worried that some details I remember may be false memories. I *think* her costume may have been black and fairly tight. I also think her handcuffs were relatively large, with wide arm-bands. I think the electricity around them was a bluish colour.\n\nThat said, the memories I have are super faint, so I'm not sure how accurate this is. Do you have any rough ideas at all?", 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'comments': [{'id': 'd4maaet', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469265429, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'body': "It's tripping a faint memory that's why I need more. Was this early 90s still feeling like it was carrying over 80s feel? Or more aughts fill with late 90s?", 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't1_d4ma4o6', 'author': 'gamophyte', 'created_utc': 1466779737, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469265491, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4maf5f', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1466779920, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4maaet', 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'body': "I think it would have been on par with like Bucky O'Hare and stuff, so probably early-mid 90's. But it may have been a re-running that I saw.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'body': 'Damn around that time they took so many comic properties and made them cartoons, TMNT.... you name it. Bad news means it could have run for one season and fell into obscurity. The good news is you may be able to do a comic book search. ', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'ups': 2, 'author': 'gamophyte', 'parent_id': 't1_d4maf5f', 'created_utc': 1466780700, 'id': 'd4mazef', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469265756, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': [{'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4mb2ut', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469265801, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'body': '> Project G.E.E.K.E.R.? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115324/ \n\nCredit to /u/potzorbie ', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466780836, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mazef', 'comments': [{'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4mbao7', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469265903, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': '90s Media & recent electro', 'body': 'sweet! ', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't1_d4mb2ut', 'author': 'gamophyte', 'created_utc': 1466781138, 'comments': [{'created_utc': 1466781779, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mbao7', 'ups': 1, 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'body': "Yeah, so interestingly enough, my mind converted a dinosaur to a black guy, and the girl's metal arm I faintly thought belonged to this non-existent guy.\n\nHow did you even remember this? It seems so obscure - no DVDs, no torrents...", 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469266126, 'score': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4mbrnk', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'comments': [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'body': 'If only I could find a career in this. My brain is just full of obscure pop culture trivia. 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I thought I'd do well here, but sadly I'm not as smrt as I thought I was haha. It'd be neat if we could have flair to indicate how many times we've solved a thread.\n\nWere you actually familiar with the cartoon, or did you just do some serious google-fu?", 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mdhqg', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1466784167, 'comments': []}, {'ups': 1, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mdhqg', 'created_utc': 1466785902, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'body': 'I replied to the wrong comment. Thanks for the heads-up.', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469267654, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4mev0s', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'comments': []}]}, {'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469267646, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4meuex', 'created_utc': 1466785878, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mct8d', 'ups': 1, 'body': "That's cool man. I thought I'd do well here, but sadly I'm not as smrt as I thought I was haha. It'd be neat if we could have flair to indicate how many times we've solved a thread.\n\nWere you actually familiar with the cartoon, or did you just do some serious google-fu?\n", 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469269244, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4mi8g2', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'parent_id': 't1_d4meuex', 'author': 'potzorbie', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1466790276, 'gilded': 0, 'body': 'As soon as I saw Meeker my brain said Geeker. ', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'author_flair_text': None, 'comments': []}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {'parent_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'author': 'potzorbie', 'ups': 5, 'created_utc': 1466780699, 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'body': 'Project G.E.E.K.E.R.?\nhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115324/', 'author_flair_text': None, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469265756, 'score': 5, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'id': 'd4mazdi', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'comments': [{'created_utc': 1466780770, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'wardrich', 'parent_id': 't1_d4mazdi', 'author_flair_text': 'Video Games, Toys, Music, Internet', 'body': 'Dude... I think this may actually be it!\n\nThis IS it! Holy crap, thanks man!', 'link_id': 't3_4pmn0r', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469265780, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4mb16z', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'images': [{'variants': {}, 'resolutions': [{'height': 205, 'width': 108, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ln29zZ_w8UPKKRhj_D-SaZKrjetF-8U3tH9Unxs4bTg.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=108&s=6b87e9bac5f6d713338e0c08645bdd7a'}, {'width': 216, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ln29zZ_w8UPKKRhj_D-SaZKrjetF-8U3tH9Unxs4bTg.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=216&s=91c56300b44e437e52995cbf44230713', 'height': 411}, {'width': 320, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ln29zZ_w8UPKKRhj_D-SaZKrjetF-8U3tH9Unxs4bTg.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=320&s=cada7dda264f1b844ce4d54a9397ad6f', 'height': 609}], 'id': 'y-xlat_PFJlH5-xup3AKjXQoIITHply2k5Wemq9jxSk', 'source': {'width': 630, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ln29zZ_w8UPKKRhj_D-SaZKrjetF-8U3tH9Unxs4bTg.jpg?s=1d03ea6fc6cc549b85c29d21477707ca', 'height': 1200}}]} | self | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
"[Cartoon Series]"
] |
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Link to the Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy theme song: https://youtu.be/wvWOe5e3Pd0 | None | None | t3_4pmqb7 | 0.0 | False | 4pmqb7 | None | 3 | False | False | True | nan | RandomPerson9367 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmqb7/tomtmusic_a_song_where_the_intro_sounds_like_the/ | 3 | 1466776504 | False | [{'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'body': 'Please link to the Mermaid Man theme for us.', 'ups': 1, 'author': 'nevermindmenow3', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'created_utc': 1466775982, 'id': 'd4m7scu', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469264250, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}, {'created_utc': 1466780443, 'ups': 3, 'author': 'hlazlo', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'The song is The Lineman by Sam Spence. It gets used a lot... \n \nhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lineman', 'link_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 3, 'retrieved_on': 1469265668, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4masok', 'comments': []}, {'created_utc': 1466791639, 'ups': 2, 'author': 'lordmiley', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': "Zoot Suit Riot - The Cherry Poppin' Daddies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd5HqNEfaUA", 'link_id': 't3_4pmqb7', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469269740, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4mjadf', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'images': [{'id': 'rDfZXCuOq4hpcK2Ie9iwpey6wqnsHfl-Tn1rmEK5ZdE', 'source': {'height': 360, 'width': 480, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/z746LMs0186NA_o4NemcTEbx1aP-Wb0fz9q36DBDwTk.jpg?s=1988feb614e3d632c251c413036f0bf3'}, 'variants': {}, 'resolutions': [{'height': 81, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/z746LMs0186NA_o4NemcTEbx1aP-Wb0fz9q36DBDwTk.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=108&s=0d3bbec598a4ca49678827e64ffcbf0d', 'width': 108}, {'width': 216, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/z746LMs0186NA_o4NemcTEbx1aP-Wb0fz9q36DBDwTk.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=216&s=3a09519178b4416992fc7817c95e8499', 'height': 162}, {'width': 320, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/z746LMs0186NA_o4NemcTEbx1aP-Wb0fz9q36DBDwTk.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=320&s=2c65f4758aac3fd43ce7031ac417cf15', 'height': 240}]}]} | self | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1466773097 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | British novel set in 1800's possible main character named Clair | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmqbz/tomtbook_british_novel_set_in_1800s_possible_main/ | 3.0 | 1472806761.0 | I'm submitting this on behalf of my girlfriend who can only intermittently send emails and is unable to Google anything at the moment. The following is her direct description of the book. Any further questions or clarifications will be slow because I will have to email her and wait for a response.
The book is an older classic, I believe set in the 1800s in England. It is a sort of a love story, but a tragic one, and I guess not really a story. I think the main girl's name is Claire? The main guy's last name is Wycliffe or something or maybe that's the girls last name? Anywho, what happens is that the main guy leaves for some reason, even though him and the girl like each other. He is dark and brooding. When he returns, she has married someone else who is quite sickly. They still love each other (or have something).
That's all I've got. Any questions or perhaps clues you will have I will forward to her and see what she says. Sorry I can't be any more descriptive. | None | None | t3_4pmqbz | 0.0 | False | 4pmqbz | None | 5 | False | False | True | nan | boricua_shiznit | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4pmqbz/tomtbook_british_novel_set_in_1800s_possible_main/ | 3 | False | False | [{'score': 10, 'retrieved_on': 1469263625, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4m6giy', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'ups': 10, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author': 'knotwheely', 'created_utc': 1466773700, 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'body': 'Sounds like Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte', 'comments': []}, {'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuthering_Heights', 'link_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466773720, 'ups': 5, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author': 'sjhill', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4m6gwh', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469263629, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 5, 'comments': []}, {'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4m7qw2', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469264231, 'score': 1, 'body': 'maybe Dragonwyck', 'link_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466775918, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author': 'bombow', 'ups': 1, 'comments': []}, {'id': 'd4md4wi', 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'retrieved_on': 1469266771, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'body': 'It is called Wuthering Heights', 'ups': 2, 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author': 'TheBlackerBerry', 'created_utc': 1466783615, 'comments': []}, {'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4mm5u5', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469271164, 'score': 1, 'body': "Tess of the D'Urbervilles? It doesn't completely match, but the man's name is Angel Clare.", 'link_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1466795344, 'author': 'georgesmileyface', 'parent_id': 't3_4pmqbz', 'ups': 1, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467071800 | 1467081121 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | His name is Charlie Zelenoff. He has many videos posted by him or about him on YouTube. Here is a bit of a montage video of him and his antics, followed by him getting his just dues. Sorry about this video, it's got a few scenes with narrating over Rocket League gameplay. (?) Saw it on Reddit a few days ago.
https://youtu.be/h68XlOllYLE | [
] | Video of guy who calls himself the greatest fighter but just sucker punches people. | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6hh0/tomt_video_of_guy_who_calls_himself_the_greatest/ | 0.0 | 1472816812.0 | The video I'm looking for is like multiple videos of a guy bragging while recording himself. He asks people to spar with him but then goes full force on them. He acts like he won afterwards.
Any idea? | None | solvedcase | t3_4q6hh0 | 0.0 | False | 4q6hh0 | None | 3 | False | False | True | nan | mudxorz | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6hh0/tomt_video_of_guy_who_calls_himself_the_greatest/ | 0 | 1467079785 | False | [{'id': 'd4qqb8r', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': 1467081406, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469342314, 'score': 2, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4q6hh0', 'body': "His name is Charlie Zelenoff. He has many videos posted by him or about him on YouTube. Here is a bit of a montage video of him and his antics, followed by him getting his just dues. Sorry about this video, it's got a few scenes with narrating over Rocket League gameplay. (?) Saw it on Reddit a few days ago.\nhttps://youtu.be/h68XlOllYLE", 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'Bowl_of_Gravy', 'parent_id': 't3_4q6hh0', 'ups': 2, 'created_utc': 1467081121, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469342406, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4qqic7', 'created_utc': 1467081442, 'parent_id': 't1_d4qqb8r', 'author': 'mudxorz', 'ups': 2, 'body': 'THANK you', 'link_id': 't3_4q6hh0', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'created_utc': 1467082064, 'ups': 1, 'author': 'Bowl_of_Gravy', 'parent_id': 't1_d4qqic7', 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': 'No problem. Cheers!', 'link_id': 't3_4q6hh0', 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'retrieved_on': 1469342587, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'score': 1, 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'id': 'd4qqw5e', 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'comments': []}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467072040 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Fairly famous chill hip-hop (I think, not entirely sure) beat, vocaroo inside | self | 0.0 | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6i3s/tomtsong_fairly_famous_chill_hiphop_i_think_not/ | 2.0 | 1472816822.0 | http://vocaroo.com/i/s1DOjxE8sQ4C
The part I'm whistling is played by a guitar, it's a very mellow calm tune | None | notsolvedcase | t3_4q6i3s | 0.0 | False | 4q6i3s | None | 0 | False | False | True | nan | AudioInsurrection | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6i3s/tomtsong_fairly_famous_chill_hiphop_i_think_not/ | 2 | False | False | [] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'images': [{'source': {'height': 72, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/KFehr014OpD0W-dbNj5ndUAxt2-wRQHDuNwNPWCFYDA.jpg?s=3e9091c361c38683969177f82ea54757', 'width': 70}, 'id': 'w5xxPr7faGTzoS-_jDcBzP5eJoVFaqN11QxJg8p0vrs', 'resolutions': [], 'variants': {}}]} | self | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467072061 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Looking for a song heard during a yoga class | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6i5u/tomtsong_looking_for_a_song_heard_during_a_yoga/ | 1.0 | 1472816822.0 | They were playing the song during the class. The major part of the song was a chant that was something like "go ba la, go ba la" something something something "go ba la". The chanting was done by men, I think. It sounded Indian (not Native American), but I may be wrong on that point. | None | None | t3_4q6i5u | 0.0 | False | 4q6i5u | None | 0 | False | False | True | nan | adori001 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6i5u/tomtsong_looking_for_a_song_heard_during_a_yoga/ | 1 | False | False | [] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467072270 | 1467072338 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [Adventure of a Lifetime?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtXby3twMmI) | [
] | Insanely catchy Electro Riff in a trending generic pop song. | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6iqd/tomt_song_insanely_catchy_electro_riff_in_a/ | 1.0 | 1472816831.0 | https://onlinesequencer.net/277580 The riff is a synth of this basic progression of lowering scales. 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2. The notes themselves are an estimate.
The song has lyrics, but they were so bland I couldn't remember any of them. It could be from this year as it was playing in my local Food Lion. I know it's a popular song as I've heard it play before. That riff always plays during the chorus. Thanks again. | None | solvedcase | t3_4q6iqd | 0.0 | False | 4q6iqd | None | 2 | False | False | True | nan | ElHombreMuerto | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6iqd/tomt_song_insanely_catchy_electro_riff_in_a/ | 1 | False | False | [{'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4qkt2y', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469339649, 'score': 2, 'link_id': 't3_4q6iqd', 'body': '[Adventure of a Lifetime?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtXby3twMmI)', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467072338, 'parent_id': 't3_4q6iqd', 'author': 'babystormageddon', 'ups': 2, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469339934, 'score': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4qlet6', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'created_utc': 1467073258, 'author': 'ElHombreMuerto', 'parent_id': 't1_d4qkt2y', 'ups': 1, 'body': 'Spot on. Thank you.', 'link_id': 't3_4q6iqd', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'images': [{'resolutions': [{'height': 108, 'width': 108, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ropkT4tkMEUmT6WRu_Z3MnveFhE59YINPe8VTAKP7rE.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=108&s=a0c68a15e0332a93bed3f8335ddfef47'}], 'variants': {}, 'source': {'height': 200, 'width': 200, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/ropkT4tkMEUmT6WRu_Z3MnveFhE59YINPe8VTAKP7rE.jpg?s=6a7854b010614461e5cfd4f2ea9a2cd6'}, 'id': 'CuPocVOnxkzczmWj-LJ6R5c65UxcRhmO3Re4J7VEWvI'}]} | self | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467072604 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Youtube video "Woodpecker from Space" | self | 0.0 | None | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6jl6/tomt_youtube_video_woodpecker_from_space/ | 2.0 | 1472816843.0 | Hi all
This is my first post here so I really hope I comfort to all rules and whatnot.
Anyway I'm looking for a certain youtube video. It was a video featuring the song "Woodpecker from Space" and had a, IIRC Swedish girl" basically karaokeing the song in the video.
The video is as far as I can remember more than 5-6 years old.
Also adding to that I'm also looking for a video with the same song as background music featuring a "World of Warcraft party" where they are dancing ingame in Orgrimar and the song is running as an overlay.
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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467073421 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | An Arma Takistan Life ingame video where a guy gets executed for jumping out of a helicopter, a guy is speaking an arabic execution sentence. | self | 0.0 | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6lnt/tomt_video_an_arma_takistan_life_ingame_video/ | 1.0 | 1472816874.0 | A video where a guy is about to be executed in the game Arma Takistan Life for jumping out of a helicopter. One of the guys are speaking arabic with subtitles in the video talking about Allahs greatness and such.
Thanks | None | notsolvedcase | t3_4q6lnt | 0.0 | False | 4q6lnt | None | 0 | False | False | True | nan | Easkey | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6lnt/tomt_video_an_arma_takistan_life_ingame_video/ | 1 | False | False | [] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467073457 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Reallyy popular song about a year ago, plays at the end of this video | self | 0.0 | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6ls4/tomt_reallyy_popular_song_about_a_year_ago_plays/ | 1.0 | 1472816876.0 | https://www.facebook.com/CreativeVinesOfficial/videos/1737211583204706/
I think the name had "light" in it and the singer is asking a girl "I need to know...love you again..." Or something like that. | None | thanked | t3_4q6ls4 | 0.0 | False | 4q6ls4 | None | 4 | False | False | True | nan | Boxfulachiken | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6ls4/tomt_reallyy_popular_song_about_a_year_ago_plays/ | 1 | False | False | [{'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469340124, 'score': 3, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'id': 'd4qltdt', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'parent_id': 't3_4q6ls4', 'author': 'ThatGuy_T', 'ups': 3, 'created_utc': 1467073890, 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4q6ls4', 'body': 'John Newman - Love Me Again\n\nhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CfihYWRWRTQ\n\n?', 'author_flair_text': None, 'comments': [{'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4qm1iu', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469340231, 'score': 1, 'link_id': 't3_4q6ls4', 'body': 'Yeah, this is it, thanks.', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467074243, 'author': 'Boxfulachiken', 'parent_id': 't1_d4qltdt', 'ups': 1, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469346052, 'score': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4qy3gy', 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'created_utc': 1467098005, 'parent_id': 't1_d4qm1iu', 'author': 'fearmeloveme', 'ups': 1, 'body': "Don't forget to mark your post solved :)", 'link_id': 't3_4q6ls4', 'author_flair_text': 'Pop Culture & 90s - Modern Media', 'gilded': 0, 'comments': [{'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'distinguished': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'id': 'd4rd43b', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'retrieved_on': 1469353209, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'author_flair_text': None, 'link_id': 't3_4q6ls4', 'body': 'Can you do that on mobile?', 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467131371, 'ups': 1, 'parent_id': 't1_d4qy3gy', 'author': 'Boxfulachiken', 'comments': []}]}]}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'images': [{'id': '8vtjSGKJEwzLA-o4Q0zpX8Ao4Xbahf4UhXK513mr8HU', 'source': {'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/GSH9AODrXcOYkW9fIPdJTdg79pqN-H2NnmNdKxWoA4U.jpg?s=c22fd6ba522bb5cd4d9167f8bfd7695f', 'width': 160, 'height': 144}, 'variants': {}, 'resolutions': [{'height': 97, 'url': 'https://i.redditmedia.com/GSH9AODrXcOYkW9fIPdJTdg79pqN-H2NnmNdKxWoA4U.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&arh=2&w=108&s=efb18b7c683fe593995f7ffb5605831c', 'width': 108}]}]} | self | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467073547 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | great pictures of japan | self | 0.0 | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6lzr/tomt_photagrapher_great_pictures_of_japan/ | 1.0 | 1472816879.0 | its this japanese guy that has pictures that have a very light and comfy asthetic he is famous for putting a certain filter on the images. | None | solvedcase | t3_4q6lzr | 0.0 | False | 4q6lzr | None | 1 | False | False | True | nan | Butt_Breake | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6lzr/tomt_photagrapher_great_pictures_of_japan/ | 1 | False | False | [{'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'id': 'd4qnlvw', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469341039, 'score': 1, 'body': 'masashi wakumi', 'link_id': 't3_4q6lzr', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467076734, 'parent_id': 't3_4q6lzr', 'author': 'Butt_Breake', 'ups': 1, 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467073818 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Video Game | self | 0.0 | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6mnx/tomt_video_game/ | 4.0 | 1472816888.0 | It is a computer game. You are an astronaut on a spaceship. There are aliens who are green and slimy. You have different weapons throughout the game but one of the first was a spoon. Please help. | None | thanked | t3_4q6mnx | 0.0 | False | 4q6mnx | None | 2 | False | False | True | nan | wmcelhan | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6mnx/tomt_video_game/ | 4 | False | False | [{'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4r4aef', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': -1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469348981, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'link_id': 't3_4q6mnx', 'body': 'Thanks!!!!', 'author_flair_text': None, 'author': 'wmcelhan', 'parent_id': 't3_4q6mnx', 'ups': -1, 'created_utc': 1467117731, 'comments': []}, {'gilded': 0, 'author_flair_text': None, 'body': '[Chex Quest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSjD8855qo0). Spork at about 5:40.', 'link_id': 't3_4q6mnx', 'ups': 7, 'author': 'theangelcrusher', 'parent_id': 't3_4q6mnx', 'created_utc': 1467074258, 'distinguished': None, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'id': 'd4qm1wp', 'edited': False, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'score': 7, 'retrieved_on': 1469340236, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1467074118 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Book in which the protagonist's sister drowns herself | self | 0.0 | None | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6ng1/tomt_book_in_which_the_protagonists_sister_drowns/ | 11.0 | 1472816900.0 | I'm looking for a book that I read as a child, but that was way too explicit to be a children's book. I bought it at Barnes and Noble in 2003 or so. I believe that the cover was beige/light brown, maybe with birds on it? The title began with "the year..." and may have had the word Africa in it. The protagonist was a little girl.
I remember a few scenes very vividly:
The protagonist catches her mother cheating on her father during a dinner party. I even remember a phrase the author uses: "her hands weren't big enough to hide her nakedness".
The protagonist's sister, who has orange hair, is raped (or understood to have been raped, it might not have been described). She drowns herself by walking into a swamp/swampy body of water.
I have been looking for this book for years, and remember reading it so clearly! I even remember suggesting it to my teacher in elementary school as a book club book, and her telling me that it was too inappropriate, which would suggest that the book was fairly well known. | None | thanked | t3_4q6ng1 | 0.0 | False | 4q6ng1 | None | 3 | False | False | True | nan | msmalleable | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/4q6ng1/tomt_book_in_which_the_protagonists_sister_drowns/ | 11 | False | False | [{'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469346967, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4r01ew', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'parent_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author': 'umenohana', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1467104745, 'gilded': 0, 'body': 'Could it possibly be Atonement by Ian McEwan?', 'link_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'comments': [{'created_utc': 1467123036, 'parent_id': 't1_d4r01ew', 'author': 'msmalleable', 'ups': 2, 'body': "No, the older sister definitely drowned, and I don't think it was set in the UK. Thanks so much for trying though, there are similarities between the two!", 'link_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 2, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469350363, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4r780p', 'comments': [{'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4r9iel', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469351512, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'gilded': 0, 'body': 'Darn! In the movie, the older sister does drown.. \n\nGood luck in your search!', 'link_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'parent_id': 't1_d4r780p', 'author': 'umenohana', 'ups': 1, 'created_utc': 1467126474, 'comments': []}]}]}, {'body': 'Sounds kind of like "Drowning Ruth." I\'ll go look at my book collection and see.', 'link_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'created_utc': 1467080777, 'parent_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author': 'PlancksTorch', 'ups': 1, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'stickied': False, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4qq3kp', 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469342213, 'comments': [{'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'score': 1, 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'retrieved_on': 1469342320, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'edited': False, 'stickied': False, 'controversiality': 0, 'distinguished': None, 'id': 'd4qqboe', 'created_utc': 1467081140, 'parent_id': 't1_d4qq3kp', 'author': 'msmalleable', 'ups': 1, 'body': 'No, the protagonist and her sister were young during the events of the book, somewhere between eleven and nineteen. Thanks for trying though!', 'link_id': 't3_4q6ng1', 'author_flair_text': None, 'gilded': 0, 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | 1 | 1588361335 | 1588361836 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [Viva la Vida-Coldplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE) | [
] | identifying song from tik tok | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbomob/tomt_music_identifying_song_from_tik_tok/ | nan | nan | https://vm.tiktok.com/vcmkRg/
The first sound from this video is from the very end of a song that I can’t remember the name of. In the video it’s looping the same sound, but in the song it continues differently and fades out right at the end. I would say the sound is probably from within the last decade. Maybe an alternative/indie song but I think it’s pretty popular. 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Probably had a stick and could upgrade/ transform. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/ | nan | nan | None | t3_gboqro | 0.0 | True | gboqro | None | 17 | False | nan | True | nan | The_lastquestion | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/ | 5 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TrigenarianGamer', 'author_created_utc': 1394436644, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '8', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_fmtrm', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Pretty good chance you’ll find it here: \n\nhttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MonkeyKingLite', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588365128, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp76v3f', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gboqro', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp76v3f/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594783392, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'The_lastquestion', 'author_created_utc': 1539628230, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2f0uy86l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I did not know it was such a prevalent character. Thanks for sharing this.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588433550, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp9sd8w', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp76v3f', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp9sd8w/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594828764, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp7llpd/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588433472, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp9s8o1', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gboqro', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp9s8o1/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594828698, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'BitterGreyDay', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_54pt7m6j', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Is it Monkey Magic?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588406017, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp8x2e2', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gboqro', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp8x2e2/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594813161, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'The_lastquestion', 'author_created_utc': 1539628230, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2f0uy86l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Sorry. It's saiyuki reload.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588433621, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp9shd1', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp8x2e2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp9shd1/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594828820, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Penguinpuffles', 'author_created_utc': 1537449742, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_15sjwog', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Saiyuki Reload? Son Goku is the "Monkey King" and has a staff...turns into a demon thing. It\'s been a minute since I\'ve watched it though.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588372945, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp7llpd', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gboqro', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp7llpd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594790507, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'The_lastquestion', 'author_created_utc': 1539628230, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2f0uy86l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Solved! Thank you very much. It's been over a decade for me to have watched that show.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588433457, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp9s7ry', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp7llpd', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp9s7ry/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594828685, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588433469, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp9s8ih', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp7llpd', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp9s8ih/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594828696, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'noirthesable', 'author_created_utc': 1312249549, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5lqdk', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Monkey Magic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCEuNqofDM4)?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588374717, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp7orsm', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gboqro', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gboqro', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gboqro/tomtanime2000s_lead_character_is_a_warrior_monkey/fp7orsm/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594792031, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'The_lastquestion', 'author_created_utc': 1539628230, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2f0uy86l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Thanks. 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- The main character is a male teenager who has the ability to perceive these "magic creatures" that are disguised as humans.
- There's a scene where two of these creatures are pretending to be police officers and interrogate the boy in a mall.
- At the end of the film, there's a sort of frost or snowfall.
- One of the actors looks like Dr. Octopus from Spider-Man 2 (Alfred Molina).
- It's most likely from the 2000s.
Anything will be helpful :) | None | None | t3_gbp1h9 | 0.0 | True | gbp1h9 | None | 10 | False | nan | True | nan | Aguber | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1h9/tomt_anyone_knows_the_name_of_this_movie/ | 1 | 1588363745.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'riano25', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '12', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5d5lilp7', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Miss peregrines home for peculiar children?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588363642, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588362721 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Searching for a movie I only remember a scene of | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/ | nan | nan | Hi guys,
been looking for a movie for ages, can't remember the arc of the plot, but I remember one scene which seems burnt into my memory, and it goes a little something like this:
Guy (killer/agent/fighter type) breaks into a condo and murders his target within. Targets wife/girlfriend steps out of the bathroom in time to see the corpse. Intensive "oh shit moment", she decides "better bribe the guy so he doesn't kill me, too", tries seducing killer who just killed her man. Killer doesn't care, killer let's her come in close, continues to stab her.
Like I said, not sure about overall plot, if killer is bad guy or somehow justified (as in revenge spree). I know this scene stuck with me from my childhood.
Any help appreciated. | None | None | t3_gbp1sz | 0.0 | True | gbp1sz | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | blackmesafan | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/ | 5 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'jFalner', 'author_created_utc': 1519858841, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '54', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_jh42fty', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'This might be way off, but reminded me of the scene in the original [*Total Recall*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Recall_(1990_film)) where Douglas Quaid defends himself against >!Lori\'s attack and seduction attempt after revealing herself as his "handler"!<. There\'s a similar scene later in the movie.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588370961, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp7hy6s', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/fp7hy6s/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594788773, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'blackmesafan', 'author_created_utc': 1346836177, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_8ws7c', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Unfortunately, it\'s not that. Setting was less Sci-Fi, more "down to earth" \\^\\^\n\nI can remember a porch of some sort, wood style. \n\nAnd the kill was with a knife during close contact.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588376445, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp7rrlf', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp7hy6s', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/fp7rrlf/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594793454, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'amayzhing', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4p0n06dk', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Was like one of those shows based off a serial killer?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588392772, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp8hyiz', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/fp8hyiz/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594805952, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'blackmesafan', 'author_created_utc': 1346836177, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_8ws7c', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Not sure, really. As I said, the setting I can't remember. Not even sure who in that scene is the protagonist or if one should root for the killer.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588405501, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp8wkhs', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gbp1sz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp8hyiz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp1sz/tomtmovie1990ssearching_for_a_movie_i_only/fp8wkhs/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594812922, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'blackmesafan', 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588362750 | 1588363674 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [The Tomorrow People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tomorrow_People#1990s_series) 1990's version?
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103568 | [
] | Help me remember this show from my childhood (80's/90's) | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp24k/tomt_help_me_remember_this_show_from_my_childhood/ | nan | nan | Solved!
Hello all! Happy Quarantine all, I have memories of a live action show that I think was on Nickelodeon in the 80's (maybe 90's). I think it was English and based on kids who could teleport around the world? Am I crazy? This has bugged me for years. 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I'll edit this to show that it was live action, and it was not Carmen Sandiego", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588363090, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp72ymc', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gbp24k', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp72vc2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp24k/tomt_help_me_remember_this_show_from_my_childhood/fp72ymc/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594781462, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'seedofdoubt', 'author_created_utc': 1286878134, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '633', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4f8ro', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "[The Tomorrow People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tomorrow_People#1990s_series) 1990's version?\n\nhttps://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103568", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588363674, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp742nm', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gbp24k', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gbp24k', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp24k/tomt_help_me_remember_this_show_from_my_childhood/fp742nm/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594782009, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'BeerGeekington', 'author_created_utc': 1422684711, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_l253x', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Holy crap, this is it. 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Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tipofmytongue) if you have any questions or concerns.*', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588363901, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fp74i8a', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gbp24k', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fp74i73', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gbp24k/tomt_help_me_remember_this_show_from_my_childhood/fp74i8a/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594782221, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': False, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Unable to award a point for a solution. 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true | self.tipofmytongue | 2 | 1588532775 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Prediction of a Mati Diop movie and a Doctor Strange movie being released in 2022 | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6w2/tomt_tumblr_post_prediction_of_a_mati_diop_movie/ | nan | nan | It went something along the lines of "The year is 2022. Mati Diop has released an acclaimed gothic romance film that has been overshadowed by the latest movie about Doctor Strange (or possibly Dr. Doom) getting therapy." I've searched for this post on my blog, in the Tumblr search function, and on Google to no avail. I'd be surprised if anyone around here has seen this post or can direct me to it, but it would be much appreciated if someone did. | None | None | t3_gcw6w2 | 0.0 | True | gcw6w2 | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | Catastropheelinggood | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6w2/tomt_tumblr_post_prediction_of_a_mati_diop_movie/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Catastropheelinggood', 'author_created_utc': 1535820157, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '2', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_zrv4l17', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Comment', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532802, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrkkz', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw6w2', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw6w2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6w2/tomt_tumblr_post_prediction_of_a_mati_diop_movie/fpdrkkz/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898318, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gcw6w2&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%20%5BTumblr%20post%5D%20Prediction%20of%20a%20Mati%20Diop%20movie%20and%20a%20Doctor%20Strange%20movie%20being%20released%20in%202022%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gcw6w2%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gcw6w2' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532814, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrlae', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw6w2', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw6w2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6w2/tomt_tumblr_post_prediction_of_a_mati_diop_movie/fpdrlae/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898327, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1535820157.0 | [] | None | dark | text | t2_zrv4l17 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816385.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.99 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
"[Tumblr post]"
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588532782 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Fallacy about a boy and rats | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6yw/tomt_fallacy_about_a_boy_and_rats/ | nan | nan | I’m trying to remember a fallacy about a story of a boy and rats.
The story goes, a father and his son are in prison together. The father has lived outside the prison before, but the son was born in prison and has never been outside. When the father tries to tell the boy about animals in the outside world, the boy does not understand as the only animals he’s ever seen are rats. For example when the father describes sheep as having four legs, a dark face, and lots of fluff, the boy says “So it is like a rat?” And when the father tries to describe an Alligator as having sharp teeth, a strong bite, and a long tail, the boy again thinks it is like a rat.
This example is used in reference to how when a European explorer went to India, he saw the Hindu population worshiping a virgin woman statue of gold and believed they were Christian.
What is the name of this fallacy, or whatever kind of fault it is? | None | None | t3_gcw6yw | 0.0 | True | gcw6yw | None | 3 | False | nan | True | nan | LilXanFan | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw6yw/tomt_fallacy_about_a_boy_and_rats/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'LilXanFan', 'author_created_utc': 1523422996, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_16c1ajq6', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Bro', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532788, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588532919 | 1588534176 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Is the sound an approaching train? Might be [The Godfather](https://youtu.be/kSQqv2UuvC0) | [
] | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/ | nan | nan | I have a scene from a movie in my mind, but I have absolutely no idea where it's from or if my mind has just made it up. Basically, there's a man at a table, and I think someone's speaking. There's an increasing noise, like ticking or ears ringing or something like that, and then, after a long time of tension, the guy shoots someone.
I really hope someone knows what I'm talking about, this is driving me nuts! | None | t3_gcw8g0 | 0.0 | True | gcw8g0 | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | FinnscandianDerp | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpdtydr/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588534779, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpduzxj', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpduzxj/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900034, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'FinnscandianDerp', 'author_created_utc': 1402300343, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_gwomw', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "I'm not 100% on the year, but I think it's pre 2000s", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533187, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds8q9', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpds8q9/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898651, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533201, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds9k0', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpds9k0/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898663, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'PointMan528491', 'author_created_utc': 1439067184, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '26', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_pengz', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Is the sound an approaching train? 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that's the one, thank you so much", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588534687, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpduu73', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdtydr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpduu73/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594899941, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'FinnscandianDerp', 'author_created_utc': 1402300343, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_gwomw', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Solved!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588534766, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpduz5r', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdtydr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpduz5r/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900024, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588534778, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpduzw3', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8g0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdtydr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8g0/tomtmovie1900s/fpduzw3/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900033, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1402300343.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_gwomw | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816388.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.75 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588532932 | 1588532980 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Could it be Saints Row? | [] | Game GTA-like game, "Street" something | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/ | nan | nan | Something "The Third" was a GTA-like drive/shoot/beat game with a great sense of humour. Mods included guns that fired sharks, and beating people with dildos. The 4th game was a reskinned 3, which gave you superpowers, and (sadly) removed the need for driving in the cars | None | t3_gcw8kr | 0.0 | True | gcw8kr | None | 9 | False | nan | True | nan | sc3nner | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sc3nner', 'author_created_utc': 1536621164, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_26mzg98l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'first comment!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532941, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrtfs', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdrtfs/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898441, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532956, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrucq', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdrucq/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898453, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'kelleykelleykelleykc', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2prg4b3o', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Could it be Saints Row?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532980, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrvw1', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdrvw1/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898474, 'score': 4, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sc3nner', 'author_created_utc': 1536621164, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_26mzg98l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Solved!\n\nIt could, thanks. No idea where I got "Street" from. Is the gang the Street gang?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533051, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds0bd', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdrvw1', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpds0bd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898534, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'kelleykelleykelleykc', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2prg4b3o', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Well the main gang (your gang) is the 3rd Street Saints, but mostly go by the Saints.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533141, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds5uj', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpds0bd', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpds5uj/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898613, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533069, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds1hb', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdrvw1', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpds1hb/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898550, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'bongobills', 'author_created_utc': 1388997032, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_eodvx', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "It had to be. Funnily enough it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember till I saw your answer. Cheers, good fun game.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533230, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdsbbk', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdrvw1', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdsbbk/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898688, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdrvw1/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533072, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds1mv', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpds1mv/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898553, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'kelleykelleykelleykc', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2prg4b3o', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'They are great games. I wish they would make a 5th game, and I hope it is more like the first 3 games. It felt good to finally be able to answer one of the TOMTs.\n\nEdit: grammar', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533370, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdsk4j', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdsk4j/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898813, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sc3nner', 'author_created_utc': 1536621164, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_26mzg98l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Yeah, I remember I couldn't stop laughing at the start of 3. 4 was boring however.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588535338, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdvz84', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8kr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdsk4j', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8kr/tomt_game_gtalike_game_street_something/fpdvz84/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900522, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1536621164.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_26mzg98l | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816388.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.66 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588532954 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Snack/Toy truck in Queens,Ny! | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8tq/tomt_snacktoy_truck_in_queensny/ | nan | nan | In very early 2000’s I grew up in Queens and there would be what looked like an ice cream truck but instead this older man was selling sour candies, toys like the 8 shot toy gun, stink bombs, bang snaps. Only my brother and a very old friend remember it and I can’t find a picture anywhere. Possibly the only guy to ever do that, I have no idea | None | None | t3_gcw8tq | 0.0 | True | gcw8tq | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | Koolaidkane | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8tq/tomt_snacktoy_truck_in_queensny/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Koolaidkane', 'author_created_utc': 1386342086, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_e8app', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Help me find the name or a picture please!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588532980, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrvu1', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8tq', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8tq', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8tq/tomt_snacktoy_truck_in_queensny/fpdrvu1/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898473, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gcw8tq&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%20Snack/Toy%20truck%20in%20Queens%2CNy%21%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gcw8tq%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gcw8tq' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533001, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdrx5o', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcw8tq', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcw8tq', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcw8tq/tomt_snacktoy_truck_in_queensny/fpdrx5o/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898491, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1386342086.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_e8app | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816388.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | 1 | 1588533079 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | {2000s/2010s] Song from WWE 24 ad for Becky Lynch | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwa47/tomtsong2000s2010s_song_from_wwe_24_ad_for_becky/ | nan | nan | The lyrics goes: " These golden shivers(?) flowing like a river over me again. To free my senses... let all my demons out I came here to win”
Here's a recording, sorry turn the volume up a bit: [https://voca.ro/01mBB7MlaT6](https://voca.ro/01mBB7MlaT6) | None | None | t3_gcwa47 | 0.0 | True | gcwa47 | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | marcocabral83 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwa47/tomtsong2000s2010s_song_from_wwe_24_ad_for_becky/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'marcocabral83', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5vo7y7p4', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Somebody else was also looking for the song a year ago but no answer... Curious. :) \n [https://www.reddit.com/r/WWE/comments/c5er62/need\\_help\\_finding\\_a\\_song/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WWE/comments/c5er62/need_help_finding_a_song/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533123, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds4te', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcwa47', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwa47', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwa47/tomtsong2000s2010s_song_from_wwe_24_ad_for_becky/fpds4te/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898598, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gcwa47&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%5BSONG%5D%7B2000s/2010s%5D%20Song%20from%20WWE%2024%20ad%20for%20Becky%20Lynch%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gcwa47%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gcwa47' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533137, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds5nq', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwa47', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwa47', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwa47/tomtsong2000s2010s_song_from_wwe_24_ad_for_becky/fpds5nq/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898609, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1583677142.0 | [] | None | dark | text | t2_5vo7y7p4 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816390.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588533132 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Romantic Comedy that I know very little about .. just one scene and one character | self | nan | None | Open. | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/ | nan | nan | Probably mid-2010’s range. But I very rarely see a movie in theater so it could have been late 2000’s but if I was guessing 2015 would be a good starting time. Would have been a mainstream movie because I don’t watch Indy films very often. Production quality would be similar to Made or Honor.
I don’t remember much about the film and I may be mixing up two films together here so I’ll tell you the two things I think I remember.
1. End takes place at a party. Maybe a wedding celebration. It is set in a cabin (maybe). It’s going from scene to scene dealing with characters as they resolve their issues. This may have been a different movie.
2. The one thing I know for certain: the brother of the main character is in a same sex marriage and even though everyone thinks they are perfect together, he is hiding the fact that he is unhappy and wants a divorce.
I know it’s not a lot to go on.. but I thought someone will recognize it.
Main character may be going to a friend’s wedding. Could be way off about that though. I kind of feel like she arrived at these cabins or resort and met her friend and family there for it.
Thanks in advance for your help. | None | None | t3_gcwan6 | 0.0 | True | gcwan6 | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | jcabernathy | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Antifoundationalist', 'author_created_utc': 1323636048, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6f2xk', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Dan In Real Life?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588534931, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdv9m1', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/fpdv9m1/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900167, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'jcabernathy', 'author_created_utc': 1369324484, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_bs4mv', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'It’s not. But there is a likelihood that I’ve muddled some of my memories of the movie I actually want to know about with Dan in Real Life. They will probably be similar movies.\n\nI would even say that the movie I’m trying to find out will be newer than Dan in Real Life.\n\nAnd I’m closer to 90% certain main character is a female.\n\nBut thanks for reminding me about Dan in Real Life. I’m going to buy it today.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588535819, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdwtl5', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpdv9m1', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/fpdwtl5/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900937, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'emhig', 'author_created_utc': 1258858937, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '3', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_3qgqk', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The Family Stone? That has a brother in a same sex relationship and a house that’s kind of cabin-y.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588555205, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpeuhnc', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/fpeuhnc/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594919957, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'jcabernathy', 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^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533170, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpds7o3', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwan6', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwan6/tomt_movie_20002010s_romantic_comedy_that_i_know/fpds7o3/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898636, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | True | 1369324484.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_bs4mv | False | False | True | None | nan | 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] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588533206 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Guy with a guitar | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwbgu/tomt_reddit_video_201920_guy_with_a_guitar/ | nan | nan | I really can't find the video on YouTube.
This video is about a guy using his guitar (i think he had a long hair). It was an electric guitar and what stood up to me was the guy really plaid it in a weird way. I think he had the guitar in a vertical position and the style i think is called fingerstyle. It was a >60 seconds video of him playing it, mentioning that it took him a long time to learn to do what he had done in tge video.
It sounded really good and reminded me of some Arabic opera music. But i don't think he said it had anything to do with that style of music. Thanks. | None | None | t3_gcwbgu | 0.0 | True | gcwbgu | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | beejhermano | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwbgu/tomt_reddit_video_201920_guy_with_a_guitar/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'beejhermano', 'author_created_utc': 1524732285, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_199mnmxm', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Any help would be much appreciated.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533242, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdsc1p', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcwbgu', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwbgu', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwbgu/tomt_reddit_video_201920_guy_with_a_guitar/fpdsc1p/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898698, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gcwbgu&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%20%5BReddit%20Video%5D%20%5B2019-20%5D%20Guy%20with%20a%20guitar%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gcwbgu%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gcwbgu' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588533258, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdsd3a', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwbgu', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwbgu', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwbgu/tomt_reddit_video_201920_guy_with_a_guitar/fpdsd3a/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594898715, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1524732285.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_199mnmxm | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816392.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
"[Reddit Video]",
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588533309 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | the clip of that american college football player ready to run out of the tunnel | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwck9/tomtclip_the_clip_of_that_american_college/ | nan | nan | It was all over barstool, I think it was a gator uniform (or orange helmet) the guy is just like raging to go out of the tunnel for the start of a college football game. He has his hands on either side of entrance of the tunnel and is rocking back and forth ready to get to the singal to run out | None | None | t3_gcwck9 | 0.0 | True | gcwck9 | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | back_to_the_homeland | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwck9/tomtclip_the_clip_of_that_american_college/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'back_to_the_homeland', 'author_created_utc': 1470752907, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_109w88', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'well I hope someone finds this', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588535026, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdvfki', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gcwck9', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwck9', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwck9/tomtclip_the_clip_of_that_american_college/fpdvfki/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900252, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gcwck9&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%5BCLIP%5D%20the%20clip%20of%20that%20american%20college%20football%20player%20ready%20to%20run%20out%20of%20the%20tunnel%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gcwck9%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gcwck9' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588535031, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdvfxu', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwck9', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwck9', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwck9/tomtclip_the_clip_of_that_american_college/fpdvfxu/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1594900256, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1470752907.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_109w88 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622816393.0 | True | False | 1707724.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588533558 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | X-Men: The Animated Series Comedy Fandub | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwf58/tomtyoutube20092011_xmen_the_animated_series/ | nan | nan | Things I know for certain:
1. This was a fandub of the 90s X-Men cartoon, there were multiple episodes, but I don't know how many. It has nothing to do with the classic "I'm The Juggernaut, Bitch."
2. There was a scene where Wolverine is in the kitchen, using his claws to cut up a piece of salami. While doing this in this fandub, he calls to the salami as if it were a pet (Ohhhh salami, come here salami)...That kind of thing.
3. The only other dialogue I remember is two characters get in an argument, I THINK one of them was Wolverine, but could be wrong there, what I DO know is that during the argument, one of them tries to pull the ol' rabbit season/duck season switcheroo off, fails, and Professor Xavier rolls in there and says "Only Bugs Bunny could pull off something as stupid as that!"
4. I saw these no later than 2011, so they could be from 2005 up to then.
Things I am pretty sure of:
1. Wolverine was portrayed as a lecherous scumbag, pretty sure he tried to sleep with ever single lady that he encountered. It does not go well for him.
2. Two of the episodes I THINK that were dubbed, is the one where they recruit Jubilee, and another one where they're doing construction work at Xavier's Academy.
Given the age of these uploads, they could be very well lost to time. But I thought they were funny when I was a teenager, and I haven't seen them since then. Hopefully they resurface. | None | None | t3_gcwf58 | 0.0 | True | gcwf58 | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | BlankHawkP | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gcwf58/tomtyoutube20092011_xmen_the_animated_series/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': False, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588535391, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpdw2me', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gcwf58', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gcwf58', 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588684783 | 1589940568 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Loulou de Montmartre ? | [] | Looking for a cartoon about a young girl living in an orphanage. She gets mistreated there and eventually escapes to found out she might be the heir to a fortune. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxkmg/tomt_cartoon_1990s_looking_for_a_cartoon_about_a/ | nan | nan | It has a lot of drama and it’s honestly kind of dark for a kids show. I think it’s set in France in the 17 to 18 century. As stated before she lives in an orphanage, where she periodically goes in to the city and does various things. I remember she at one point joins a dancing troupe and dances cancan. She is also helped out by a boy who tries to rescue her and a masked man trying to chase her down, who eventually reveals he is her father. She also eventually comes to a big estate where she finds an old woman who might be her grandma. It is kind of like “Princess Sarah” with the orphanage dynamic and animated a bit better. | None | t3_gdxkmg | 0.0 | True | gdxkmg | None | 16 | False | nan | True | nan | BaseAI | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxkmg/tomt_cartoon_1990s_looking_for_a_cartoon_about_a/ | 7 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Impulsive_teen', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5zzwsj3n', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Anastasia', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588710182, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fplccg3', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxkmg/tomt_cartoon_1990s_looking_for_a_cartoon_about_a/fplccg3/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595039611, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'CaelestisSpiritus', 'author_created_utc': 1460908232, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '12', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_x8v24', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Loulou de Montmartre ?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589940568, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fr76h9n', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxkmg/tomt_cartoon_1990s_looking_for_a_cartoon_about_a/fr76h9n/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1596069351, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'BaseAI', 'author_created_utc': 1534604922, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_hdwtsew', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Solved! 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It's french, and at some point she's an orphan... Does the animation ring any bells? 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It was one of my favourites as a kid but the parts involving Rasputin were dramatic and scary. And I think she does find a lady who is supposed to be her grandma at the end.\n\nEdited to add movie trailer: https://youtu.be/M0vnBeHeuzs', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588705889, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpl3uri', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxkmg', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxkmg/tomt_cartoon_1990s_looking_for_a_cartoon_about_a/fpl3uri/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595035537, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 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A genie appears to grant wishes and instead of wishing for healing he wishes for food. | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxsxm/tomtanimationyoutube2010s_an_animated_yt_video/ | nan | nan | None | None | t3_gdxsxm | 0.0 | True | gdxsxm | None | 3 | False | nan | True | nan | ElSwagiero | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxsxm/tomtanimationyoutube2010s_an_animated_yt_video/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ElSwagiero', 'author_created_utc': 1467890326, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_zbd68', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Thanks for help.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588689224, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk713y', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxsxm/tomtanimationyoutube2010s_an_animated_yt_video/fpk713y/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595017330, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gdxsxm&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%5BANIMATION%5D%5BYOUTUBE%5D%5B2010%27s%5D%20An%20animated%20YT%20video%20about%20a%20guy%20in%20a%20desert%20that%20was%20stung%20by%20a%20scorpion%20that%20speaks%20japanese.%20A%20genie%20appears%20to%20grant%20wishes%20and%20instead%20of%20wishing%20for%20healing%20he%20wishes%20for%20food.%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gdxsxm%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gdxsxm' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588689248, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk72px', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxsxm/tomtanimationyoutube2010s_an_animated_yt_video/fpk72px/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595017352, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '100ScreamingFrogs', 'author_created_utc': 1438798633, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '103', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_pc5jc', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Jeffrey the Genie by KawaiiPiranha/Panoots. Unforuntately, he deleted/privated a bunch of his old cartoons and some streams so it's really hard to find certain stuff. The only available thing I could find was a [Russian reaction to a Russian dub of the cartoon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA48XoKOR1I)\n\nSidenote: If anyone is able to find archives of his old Sims streams, I will love you forever.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588729723, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpmbvgo', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxsxm', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxsxm/tomtanimationyoutube2010s_an_animated_yt_video/fpmbvgo/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595056727, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1467890326.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_zbd68 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622818452.0 | True | False | 1707742.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588686167 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Looking for the name of a song... | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxxx9/tomt_looking_for_the_name_of_a_song/ | nan | nan | I heard a song on the Australian radio station 'Hit Urban' which plays rnb/hip-hop songs. The Song had a male rapper and male singer who sounded like Adam Levine a little bit. All I remember going 'whoa whoa whoa at the end of his chorus so yea if anyone could help that would be appreciated. | None | None | t3_gdxxx9 | 0.0 | True | gdxxx9 | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | ALW1995 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxxx9/tomt_looking_for_the_name_of_a_song/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'moviejunki', 'author_created_utc': 1385898236, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '6', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_e5bjw', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Stereo Hearts by Travie McCoy?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588693801, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpkflzp', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxxx9', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxxx9', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxxx9/tomt_looking_for_the_name_of_a_song/fpkflzp/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595023790, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ALW1995', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_68uvbx53', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'No not that song unfortunately', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588706324, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpl4pu8', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdxxx9', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpkflzp', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxxx9/tomt_looking_for_the_name_of_a_song/fpl4pu8/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595035949, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'AutoModerator', 'author_created_utc': 1325741068, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6l4z3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': True, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Note to readers: The account /u/ALW1995 has low karma and may be a throwaway or low activity account. You can still attempt to provide an answer, but know that you may not get a reply acknowledging a solve, or get a point for it. \n\n/u/ALW1995, you can reply to this comment to show that you're likely to participate in this thread, and to add any additional details. Please read [**How to Mark Your Post Solved**](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/6w64rm/mod_reply_solved_to_the_person_who_solves_your/#nocss) if you haven't done so already.\nThanks.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tipofmytongue) if you have any questions or concerns.*", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588686167, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk1nms', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdxxx9', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxxx9', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxxx9/tomt_looking_for_the_name_of_a_song/fpk1nms/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595014580, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': False, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': 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It could be a much more recent movie, or older, I'm not sure. It was definitely in the past 30-40 years, I think.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588686386, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk20tv', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdxzi3', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdxzi3', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdxzi3/tomt_movie_period_drama_romancesuspense_movie/fpk20tv/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595014762, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 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On the way he found a coffin and he also found a ring. Plus dead bodies of guards (from chapter 1).\nHe also has a donkey or mule. \nThen goes to big city, ends up going to a brothel where was a succubus.\nLast thing I remember is that he hired an elf and plans to open postal service business.', 'selftext_html': '<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hi, I have been looking for this webtoon for a long time due to manga rock is gone, Can’t find it anywhere!!!</p>\n\n<p>Here are some details: I could remember from the first few chapters.\nIt’s Full Colour, Mc is reincarnated as a poor boy in a slum, (I am not sure about this, I Think he died choking on jelly)\nAfter reincarnation he finds his “dad” committed suicide. \nThere was scene with some guards and testing his ability of magic(usual stuff)...\nThen he sold his house also cancelled his weeding, then left the village!! On the way he found a coffin and he also found a ring. Plus dead bodies of guards (from chapter 1).\nHe also has a donkey or mule. \nThen goes to big city, ends up going to a brothel where was a succubus.\nLast thing I remember is that he hired an elf and plans to open postal service business.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->', 'send_replies': True, 'spoiler': False, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'webtoons', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2tt7s', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/webtoons', 'subreddit_subscribers': 38974, 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'suggested_sort': None, 'thumbnail': 'self', 'thumbnail_height': None, 'thumbnail_width': None, 'title': 'Can’t remember the name of the webtoon !!!', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'ups': 3, 'upvote_ratio': 0.81, 'url': 'https://www.reddit.com/r/webtoons/comments/gdnwko/cant_remember_the_name_of_the_webtoon/', 'user_reports': [], 'view_count': None, 'visited': False, 'whitelist_status': 'no_ads', 'wls': 0}] | /r/webtoons/comments/gdnwko/cant_remember_the_name_of_the_webtoon/ | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [] |
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588687288 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Relaxing 2D game about planting trees and rolling around the planet as a little fluffball. | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdy9ad/tomt_relaxing_2d_game_about_planting_trees_and/ | nan | nan | Hi everyone. I’m looking for a 2D game that I played years ago on my Samsung tablet which was a very relaxing game. Basically you tilted the screen left and right to make this (I believe green) fluffball creature move and you would collect seeds of trees in your fur. You would then shake the device to plant the tree and eventually they grew over time.
It was a very cute art style and unfortunately I don’t have a lot of memory of it but there was another fluffball that followed you lazily sometimes as if it was your friend and all you did was collect seeds and plant them, eventually you could even jump into the tree’s leaves and use them to jump onto a different planet and start populating that.
The issue I face with this is that it has no named characters, but overall it was a super adorable game with soothing music that changed depending on your area. There was no end goal to this game, you just collected seeds in your fur, planted them, grew them, then they’d die and you planted more seeds in place of it.
EDIT: I remember there occasionally being an asteroid event which made the screen go white and also there was a rainbow giraffe that couldn’t do anything except say “ohhhh” in a male voice. It served no purpose tbh | None | None | t3_gdy9ad | 0.0 | True | gdy9ad | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | AbsoluteCookedBread | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdy9ad/tomt_relaxing_2d_game_about_planting_trees_and/ | 3 | 1588689353.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'AbsoluteCookedBread', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4bhvwr5r', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I’m not sure if anyone will recognise this game, but my boyfriend said reddit was a good platform to ask.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588687333, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk3nop', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdy9ad', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdy9ad', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdy9ad/tomt_relaxing_2d_game_about_planting_trees_and/fpk3nop/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595015595, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gdy9ad&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%20Relaxing%202D%20game%20about%20planting%20trees%20and%20rolling%20around%20the%20planet%20as%20a%20little%20fluffball.%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gdy9ad%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gdy9ad' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in. ^^2 ^^users ^^are ^^currently ^^subscribed ^^to ^^this ^^post.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588687341, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': 1588709139, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk3o6n', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdy9ad', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdy9ad', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdy9ad/tomt_relaxing_2d_game_about_planting_trees_and/fpk3o6n/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595015601, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1565159921.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_4bhvwr5r | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622818476.0 | True | False | 1707743.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-one_(card_game) | [
] | A card game with the objective of having the numbers add up to some number. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyac2/tomt_a_card_game_with_the_objective_of_having_the/ | nan | nan | Not blackjack. | None | t3_gdyac2 | 0.0 | True | gdyac2 | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | Lobster0-0 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyac2/tomt_a_card_game_with_the_objective_of_having_the/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Lobster0-0', 'author_created_utc': 1552663525, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_1ci6gylh', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "I remember playing it a while ago, but can't remmebr what the game was, but think it was similar to blackjack but not exactly.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588687450, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpk3uyi', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdyac2', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdyac2', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyac2/tomt_a_card_game_with_the_objective_of_having_the/fpk3uyi/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595015693, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588687803 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Pop-punk song that is about cheating | self | nan | None | Solved. | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/ | nan | nan | I hope you all can help me with this one!
There was a pop-punk song that came out in the early 2000s, between 2008 and 2011 that is about cheating. I had the CD and the album cover is red and orange. There was a music video for the song so it was definitely a single. The lead singer had short brown hair. I saw the music video originally on Fuse, just in case that helps.
The things I am not so sure about on details: I think the band was a 4 piece and I don't think they ever released another album. At the very least, they never had another popular song.
This has been bothering me for over a decade!
Edit: Just in case this helps, I seem to remember the lead singer sitting in van outside his girls house in the music video. I also think that the band name is one or two words, maybe starting with an S. Really unclear about these details though. | None | None | t3_gdyemz | 0.0 | True | gdyemz | None | 14 | False | nan | True | nan | kindellrenee | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/ | 6 | 1588698349.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'emeliarae_', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_57q2zv6u', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Anything from Boys Like Girls? Their second album (Love Drunk) matches your description and their third album (Crazy World) that was released in 2012 included a song called “Cheated.”', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588695623, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpkj5ab', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/fpkj5ab/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595025530, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': 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I went down a giant rabbit hole but everyone's suggestions triggered my memory!\n\nHere is the music video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuPvnF6f0yg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuPvnF6f0yg)\n\nI was wrong about some of the details so I think it would have been kinda hard for someone to figure out!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588700051, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpks25s', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/fpks25s/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595029823, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'AutoModerator', 'author_created_utc': 1325741068, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6l4z3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': True, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Unable to award a point for a solution.\nIf someone else gave the answer, please reply directly to their comment in order to have the point awarded.\nIf you found it yourself, no action needs to be taken.\nThanks.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 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Thanks.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588700063, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpks32t', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpks25s', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/fpks32t/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595029835, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'kindellrenee', 'author_created_utc': 1549422996, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 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Although I do like Dashboard as well!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588697624, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpkn5k2', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gdyemz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpk7o7d', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gdyemz/tomt2000smusic_poppunk_song_that_is_about_cheating/fpkn5k2/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595027476, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Midnight-Diamond', 'author_created_utc': 1532620248, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_1uy0rftv', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Hm, good luck! 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588839476 | 1588865088 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Adding to Maanegloed's comment, if you search the [periodt hashtag on picsart](https://picsart.com/hashtag/periodt/free-to-edit-images) you'll find hundreds of them! | [
] | A name for a type of meme I keep seeing? | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/ | nan | nan | I keep seeing images like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/78/b9/ac/78b9ac84a9b23330ef52f8416229cbce.jpg) in various places and know someone who is really entertained by them. Really just edits of people, cartoons, etc with drag queen-esque makeup. I have a few different ones but really want to find more.
Was wondering if anyone happens to know if there is a common name for these so I can find more. Havent turned up any results myself unfortunately. | None | t3_gf2kd5 | 0.0 | True | gf2kd5 | None | 11 | False | nan | True | nan | 8Tabbs | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588864693, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fprz1ru', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/fprz1ru/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595156607, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SeashellLollipop', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '555', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_3p2ftmzi', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Adding to Maanegloed's comment, if you search the [periodt hashtag on picsart](https://picsart.com/hashtag/periodt/free-to-edit-images) you'll find hundreds of them!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588865088, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fprzu89', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/fprzu89/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595156982, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '8Tabbs', 'author_created_utc': 1419398944, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_kah89', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Thank you!! :)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588869172, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fps8ck8', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fprzu89', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/fps8ck8/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595161105, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '8Tabbs', 'author_created_utc': 1419398944, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_kah89', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Generally I come across these on twitter and usually of cartoon or anime characters, but I don\'t really have much else to go off of. Searching "nails, lashes, lipgloss" or "drag queen edit meme" will pull up the patrick picture specifically, but nothing else.\n\nHere are a few more if it helps: [1](https://imgur.com/BgVKZdx) [2](https://imgur.com/1djynLK) [3](https://imgur.com/5kMJCCL) [4](https://imgur.com/9zts7Sx) [5](https://imgur.com/rEtR0Qm)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588839581, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': 1588840632, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr20hd', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2kd5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2kd5/tomt_a_name_for_a_type_of_meme_i_keep_seeing/fpr20hd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595140741, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 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It's a young adult book published around late 2000s-2010s, definitely before 2013, with what I believe was a blue cover with either a skull and/or a ship wheel. I think the title could've included the words 'Treasure', 'Cove' and/or 'Map'.
The story includes a young undead boy who's name starts with the letters 'Tri-', maybe 'Triplet' or something, and in the end he comes to terms with who he is. I think he's made a zombie through voodoo as well. It's possible there were two other main characters a boy and a girl? He joins them later on in the story.
Out of all my searches, On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers keeps coming up but I am fairly certain it isn't that. | None | None | t3_gf2m23 | 0.0 | True | gf2m23 | None | 4 | False | nan | True | nan | REKTifier_ | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2m23/tomtbook2000s_a_young_adultteen_book_with_a_blue/ | 5 | 1588908694.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'katanakarnage', 'author_created_utc': 1451389896, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '2', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_tb9oc', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Curse of the Black Avenger by Eddie Jones?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588862966, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fprvqwk', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2m23', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2m23', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2m23/tomtbook2000s_a_young_adultteen_book_with_a_blue/fprvqwk/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595154985, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'REKTifier_', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_281e9onx', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Not it unfortunately! The book I'm looking for looks a bit more cartoony I think.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588905868, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpu6q3n', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2m23', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fprvqwk', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2m23/tomtbook2000s_a_young_adultteen_book_with_a_blue/fpu6q3n/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595197509, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'REKTifier_', 'author_created_utc': None, 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true | self.tipofmytongue | 1 | 1588840148 | 1588840410 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | The 1999 [Mansfield Park](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansfield_Park_(1999_film\))?
ETA: They gave Fanny a little more sass than in the book and had her be a writer too. | [
] | Looking for Victorian Love/Drama Movie with a Writer | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/ | nan | nan | I'm looking for a movie from a few years back, it's one of those period love stories.
It's about a poor girl who I believe moves in with an aristocratic family and she writes a lot. I think she moved in when she was a child and was best friends with a boy - they grew up together. I don't remember much about it besides there a scene where she rides a horse (I think), her childhood home was next to a lot of water... and I think it had the word "Height" in the title.. I'm pretty sure on this part. Unless it was Manor...? It's not Wuthering Heights, however... unless there's one with a poor girl. There's a lot of parts where it has her sitting down writing. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm rambling, I just can't remember for the life of me.
Any help is appreciated. | None | t3_gf2oxz | 0.0 | True | gf2oxz | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | Cymagi | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Cymagi', 'author_created_utc': 1484623917, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_14iedl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "I've looked online, but I can't find anything matching my description, I've done it before, but I guess I just can't do it this time haha.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840156, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2lhz', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2lhz/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141024, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840194, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2mwa', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2mwa/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141043, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Kanwic', 'author_created_utc': 1371002448, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '505', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_c0art', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The 1999 [Mansfield Park](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansfield_Park_(1999_film\\))?\n\nETA: They gave Fanny a little more sass than in the book and had her be a writer too.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840410, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2uor', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2uor/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141144, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Cymagi', 'author_created_utc': 1484623917, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_14iedl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'SOLVED! Thank you so much, can\'t believe I was so off with the title, haha! I was so adamant that "Height" was in there.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840519, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2yoi', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpr2uor', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2yoi/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141197, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840535, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2z9c', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpr2uor', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2z9c/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141204, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2uor/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840537, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr2zbi', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2oxz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2oxz/tomtmovie2000s_looking_for_victorian_lovedrama/fpr2zbi/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141205, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1484623917.0 | [] | None | dark | text | t2_14iedl | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622820688.0 | True | False | 1707775.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588840155 | 1588859555 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | I believe it was one of the Micro Machines toys from 1996 called ["Deep Sea Hunter"](https://youtu.be/oMO2Dx3RPPw?t=95). | [
] | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2ozp/tomttoy1990s2000s/ | nan | nan | It was a McDonald's toy, I'm not sure what year exactly, but was a high tech looking vehicle with an articulated "grabber" on the top painted grey, the body of the vehicle was painted shiny blue and orange, and it was a water based vehicle that didn't have wheels, but like pontoon style floaters
I thought it might be a beetleborgs thing, but looked through a lot of old McDonald's 5oys and couldn't find it
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1588840257 | 1588841292 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Edit: BTW, from what I remember, it has a nasty tendency of going very NSFW.
Second edit: just visited the site to make sure that it was what I thought it was and...geez...that’s not a good webpage. | [] | A wikipedia-like website with internet memes and documentations of internet events, characters, etc. usually in an offensive and vulgar manner. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/ | nan | nan | It is not urban dictionary for sure, it's more wiki-like, but it's not the cwc wiki. | None | t3_gf2pmz | 0.0 | True | gf2pmz | None | 7 | False | nan | True | nan | Jacareadam | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/ | 0 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'CyaInTheSkies', 'author_created_utc': 1546107359, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '7/ and a half', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2vtllvv0', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Your thread is currently pending and is not visible; you will need to comment on your post for it to show up.\n\nIf it is still pending an hour after psoting it will be removed.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840857, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr3ar7', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr3ar7/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141352, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Jacareadam', 'author_created_utc': 1411411191, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_iisyj', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I think it was called some kind of encyclopedia', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588841008, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr3g7i', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr3g7i/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141425, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588841030, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr3h1u', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr3h1u/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141436, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SirDoris', 'author_created_utc': 1469529341, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1929/ Solved!" 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I'm currently re-reading about Chris Chan! They had to move their site to a new link\n\nEdit: uh oh, looks like the site is off the server I was reading it on yesterday!\n\nEdit 2: https://encyclopediadramatica.fyi/index.php/Main_Page", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588841828, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': 1588842142, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr49d6', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr49d6/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141804, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr3qby/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588842385, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr4skk', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gf2pmz', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2pmz/tomtwebsite_a_wikipedialike_website_with_internet/fpr4skk/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595142070, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1411411191.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_iisyj | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622820689.0 | True | False | 1707775.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.5 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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"she's so delirious woah uh oh oh oh oh"
Or something. everytime i search it up i get no results, and I think the music video had a woman smashing stuff | None | t3_gf2q3i | 0.0 | True | gf2q3i | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | Sweezamin | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2q3i/tomt_song_2010s_a_rock_song_i_can_only_remember/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Sweezamin', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2nq68s8', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Pls help', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588840341, 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I feel as if I remember the main color of the album being red. I recall a rustic, faded, red tint to the cover. Maybe a picture of a barn? Or a field? Or a couple people in a field? Pretty sure the music was feel-good indie music.
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Thanks for the accidental suggestion :)", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588842329, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr4qod', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2q5s', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpr4ah5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2q5s/tomtmusic_album_i_stumbled_onto_a_few_years_ago/fpr4qod/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595142046, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'kbenzo', 'author_created_utc': 1513076751, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '6', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_o0dcas9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Hey glad to hear that! 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true | self.tipofmytongue | 2 | 1588840439 | 1588840665 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Pienso en Ti by Adrianna Foster. “I think of you” | [] | What is this Spanish song? (link to a 15 second snippet of a cover inside) | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2qts/tomt_what_is_this_spanish_song_link_to_a_15/ | nan | nan | [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ4T\_nX2TRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ4T_nX2TRU)
The snippet starts at 2:10. I would Google the lyrics but I don't know spanish.
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Wasn't what I expecting. \n\nI couldn't find the original like 7 years ago when I first stumbled upon Vazquez Sounds, then that snippet randomly popped into my head today. So thank you for solving a long mystery!\n\nSolved!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1588841345, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpr3s7j', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gf2qts', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpr33xc', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gf2qts/tomt_what_is_this_spanish_song_link_to_a_15/fpr3s7j/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595141582, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 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You, Me, and Dupree!! | [] | guy doesn’t want to hyphenate his last name | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg8zxi/tomtmovie_guy_doesnt_want_to_hyphenate_his_last/ | nan | nan | Some movie I watched with my parents as a kid, probably about a decade old or so.
The main character worked at a place with his fiancée’s dad. Her dad wanted them to hyphenate their last name when they got married, but the guy didn’t want to.
At one point, the dad gave the main character a name plate for his office door I think with a hyphenated last name. | None | t3_gg8zxi | 0.0 | True | gg8zxi | None | 7 | False | nan | True | nan | kyleplaysguitar | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg8zxi/tomtmovie_guy_doesnt_want_to_hyphenate_his_last/ | 7 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg8zxi/tomtmovie_guy_doesnt_want_to_hyphenate_his_last/fpz27ec/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589034960, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq0o16p', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg8zxi', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg8zxi', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg8zxi/tomtmovie_guy_doesnt_want_to_hyphenate_his_last/fq0o16p/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595311212, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'sprague90', 'author_created_utc': 1320106052, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '10', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_65j7i', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Omg, I know I've seen this. 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But thanks anyway. I can see how it seemed similar with the lyrics. This tune was more pop and upbeat than the one I heard. The one I heard was more slow and moody if that makes sense.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589142291, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq7656t', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg906h', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpyaw2j', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg906h/tomtsong2010s_make_artistgroup_song_with_specific/fq7656t/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595423805, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1537321891.0 | [] | None | dark | text | t2_rxvk4ib | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622823160.0 | True | False | 1707800.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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Sweet relief!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589034814, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq0noeq', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg9469', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fq0noeq/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595311019, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'AutoModerator', 'author_created_utc': 1325741068, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6l4z3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': True, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Unable to award a point for a solution.\nIf someone else gave the answer, please reply directly to their comment in order to have the point awarded.\nIf you found it yourself, no action needs to be taken.\nThanks.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 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Thanks.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589034821, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq0np1u', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fq0noeq', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fq0np1u/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595311027, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Greyboots75', 'author_created_utc': 1487857034, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_15nwi0', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "My search has centered around 2005, since the video I'm looking for is a very early music video memory of mine, and that's the year my other oldest music video memory is from. I'm in the UK, if that helps pinpoint what might have been on the charts.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000124, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyayhm', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg9469', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fpyayhm/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595269892, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000151, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyazs9', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg9469', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fpyazs9/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595269909, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000248, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': 1589505019, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyb4gm', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg9469', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fpyb4gm/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595269973, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Greyboots75', 'author_created_utc': 1487857034, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_15nwi0', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "That's not it, I'm afraid - thank you for the suggestion though! In terms of animation, I remember it as being quite like the Gorillaz art style, and musically pretty downbeat - less rock, more like an even-more-depressing version of Fix You by Coldplay. Thanks so much for contributing though!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000898, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpybz50', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg9469', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpyb4gm', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg9469/tomt_music_video_2000s/fpybz50/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270387, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1487857034.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_15nwi0 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622823167.0 | True | False | 1707800.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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Maybe? | [
] | TV show about the lives of the great pioneering authors of sci-fi | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/ | nan | nan | I want to say it was on in the early to mid '10s. I think it was on syfy, but it might have been science, discovery, or history. I remember episodes on Asimov, Dick, Clarke, and Heinlein. I don't think it was completely animated, but there was at least some element of animation. I tried googling, but i just keep coming up with "best sci-fi shows" lists. Thanks in advance! | None | t3_gg958y | 0.0 | True | gg958y | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | CapnRandom73 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'CapnRandom73', 'author_created_utc': 1406663342, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_hmr74', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'bump', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000184, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyb1ec', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg958y', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpyb1ec/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595269932, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000203, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyb2bu', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg958y', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpyb2bu/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595269944, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'bacardiwynn', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '27', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5f3ug0hr', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophets_of_Science_Fiction\n\nMaybe?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000626, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpybmgo', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg958y', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpybmgo/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270219, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'CapnRandom73', 'author_created_utc': 1406663342, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_hmr74', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "yup, that's the one! clicked through to imdb, and now i remember this was also the show that got me into Michio Kaku! thanks. solved!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001115, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyc9ev', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpybmgo', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpyc9ev/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270522, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'bacardiwynn', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '27', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5f3ug0hr', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I watched this show as well. Glad to find someone else who likes it as well.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001397, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpycoov', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpyc9ev', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpycoov/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270720, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001131, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyca99', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpybmgo', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpyca99/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270533, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '∞', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5qvph9t3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpybmgo/)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001133, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpycacv', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg958y', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg958y', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg958y/tomtshow2010s_tv_show_about_the_lives_of_the/fpycacv/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270535, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1406663342.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_hmr74 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622823168.0 | True | False | 1707800.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
] |
true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589000234 | 1589009970 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | I think you might be looking for a video called “Christopher McCandless is no longer my hero” which has since been deleted from YouTube. At least, it’s not available in the US anymore. It’s a video essay that had 1.2 million views on a channel called Michael Thomas. Someone talks a little bit about the video and embeds it in their discussion [here](https://steemit.com/writing/@timmo3663/into-the-wilds-christopher-mccandless-the-human-condition), and someone else [cites it in their book](https://books.google.com/books?id=Uj21DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA210&lpg=PA210&dq=%22christopher+mccandless+is+no+longer+my+hero%22&source=bl&ots=oCOlyFFjmp&sig=ACfU3U1oiiGLYy8PLPuJO0CjRzFGq8-WyA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqxKzKoqbpAhUol3IEHQhUBR8Q6AEwFXoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22christopher%20mccandless%20is%20no%20longer%20my%20hero%22&f=false). This might not be it, but I scoured YouTube and none of the available videos I found fit your description. | [
] | A video essay about the Into the Wild movie that had some very specific things said. (Reward if solved). | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg95qb/tomtvideo_essay_on_youtubec_2010s_a_video_essay/ | nan | nan | Hello. So last year I watched a video essay about the movie Into the Wild. Judging by the quality it was made in the 2010s. It's explicitly about the *movie* and displays multiple scenes from it. He shows the scene of Chris walking through a cave and looking out. At one point, the narrator explicitly says something about how Chris has three father figures throughout the movie. In another part he says something about how, "Throughout the movie Chris has an imaginary version of himself and a real version of himself." Towards the end the narrator talks about how this movie had a huge effect on him when he was younger, although now he kinda doesn't respect it as much because he's older. The video had very good quality to it, and was maybe around ten minutes but I can't be certain of that. The narrator was male, on the younger side, and most likely Caucasian. Not to sound demanding, but if the video doesn't have the phrases I mentioned above, it probably isn't it. If you solve it, you will be receiving a cool prize. Thanks very much. | None | t3_gg95qb | 0.0 | True | gg95qb | None | 7 | False | nan | True | nan | elchupacabros | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg95qb/tomtvideo_essay_on_youtubec_2010s_a_video_essay/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'tooleight', 'author_created_utc': 1460001466, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '28', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_wxq56', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I think you might be looking for a video called “Christopher McCandless is no longer my hero” which has since been deleted from YouTube. At least, it’s not available in the US anymore. It’s a video essay that had 1.2 million views on a channel called Michael Thomas. Someone talks a little bit about the video and embeds it in their discussion [here](https://steemit.com/writing/@timmo3663/into-the-wilds-christopher-mccandless-the-human-condition), and someone else [cites it in their book](https://books.google.com/books?id=Uj21DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA210&lpg=PA210&dq=%22christopher+mccandless+is+no+longer+my+hero%22&source=bl&ots=oCOlyFFjmp&sig=ACfU3U1oiiGLYy8PLPuJO0CjRzFGq8-WyA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqxKzKoqbpAhUol3IEHQhUBR8Q6AEwFXoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22christopher%20mccandless%20is%20no%20longer%20my%20hero%22&f=false). This might not be it, but I scoured YouTube and none of the available videos I found fit your description.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589009970, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpywk5h', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg95qb', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg95qb', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg95qb/tomtvideo_essay_on_youtubec_2010s_a_video_essay/fpywk5h/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595280346, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'elchupacabros', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5yqkl8p9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Oh no... Would you happen to have an archived form of it or something? If you do I'll make the reward better.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589010217, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpyxakp', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg95qb', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpywk5h', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg95qb/tomtvideo_essay_on_youtubec_2010s_a_video_essay/fpyxakp/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595280721, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'elchupacabros', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5yqkl8p9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Well you did your part and helped me find it, so you still receive the reward. You'll get a hand-drawn portrait. PM me a photo of your face and I'll try getting it done today. Solved, I guess.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589011512, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpz1199', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg95qb', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpywk5h', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg95qb/tomtvideo_essay_on_youtubec_2010s_a_video_essay/fpz1199/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595282565, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'elchupacabros', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 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"[Video Essay on Youtube]",
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589000483 | 1589001163 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Harp? | [] | Name of Vintage Bell-Like Instrument with Heavy Vibrato in 1950s Music??? | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg97rr/tomt_music_1950s1970s_name_of_vintage_belllike/ | nan | nan | If I don't figure out what this thing is I think I'm going to go crazy. I'm not the biggest music buff, so trying to figure out what this is is driving me nuts. I'm looking for the name of the Bell-Like Instrument you can sometimes hear in those sort of dream-like vintage music tracks. The one that has super heavy vibrato. It's very distinctive sounding and I love how it sounds but I've never been able to track down exactly how it's made whether it's a special instrument or just a specific configuration of a regular instrument. I remember it most often used in 1950s-1970s stuff. I managed to snag a video that has it playing so I came here as fast as I could.
In this video of 1970s Moomin you can hear it in the track that plays around 9:50 (when the scene turns to a shot of moomin's house at night time and shows a scene between moomins mom and dad)
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It's such a lovely sound and I really want to know what it is ;w;", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000524, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpybhq3', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg97rr/tomt_music_1950s1970s_name_of_vintage_belllike/fpybhq3/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270153, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589000549, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpybixb', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg97rr/tomt_music_1950s1970s_name_of_vintage_belllike/fpybixb/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270170, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TheSlowLorax', 'author_created_utc': 1541207668, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '14', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_2j22ijpr', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Harp?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001163, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpycc08', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg97rr/tomt_music_1950s1970s_name_of_vintage_belllike/fpycc08/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270556, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'RainbowHeartUnicorn', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_1ddpsj4d', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Hmm I don't think its a harp? It sounds very much like it's a percussion Instrument to me? Doesn't really sound like a stringed instrument. Thanks for trying though!", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589001376, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fpycnfw', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gg97rr', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fpycc08', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gg97rr/tomt_music_1950s1970s_name_of_vintage_belllike/fpycnfw/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595270703, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589158414 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | A movie about a kidnapped girl and a search for her | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/ | nan | nan | A movie about a young girl who is kidnapped by a man, with her family attempting to find her. Later on in the movie she is taken on a small boat by her kidnapper, possibly down a river.
In one scene, she is screaming and gets the attention of a (black?) perhaps police officer, who begins to wade towards the boat to save her. Her kidnapper has a gun and notices him. She then realises what will happen and starts shouting 'No!' telling him to go back. The police officer doesn't notice and the kidnapper shoots him. The girl despairs and slumps down in the boat, her chance of escape gone.
I saw sections of this film at different periods of my childhood but cannot remember what it was. Thank you for any help. | None | None | t3_ghdj7v | 0.0 | True | ghdj7v | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | QuixoticThread19 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'QuixoticThread19', 'author_cakeday': True, 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_241s2ci2', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Any ideas?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589158556, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq84w19', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/fq84w19/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595440701, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=ghdj7v&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%5BMOVIE%5D%5B90s/2000s%5D%20A%20movie%20about%20a%20kidnapped%20girl%20and%20a%20search%20for%20her%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27ghdj7v%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'ghdj7v' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589158592, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq84yas', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/fq84yas/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595440733, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Vodis', 'author_created_utc': 1304907550, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '7', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_57jvm', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Possibly [Man on Fire](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328107/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)? 2004 movie. Black CIA officer tracks a kidnapped girl. Except I think for most of it he's under the impression that she's dead, so it sort of transitions from revenge movie to rescue movie. I'm not sure if there's a boat scene or not. Stars Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589159253, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq863fd', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/fq863fd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441279, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'CRyback92', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '12', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5n7tj01c', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Could it be 'Along Came A Spider'?\nhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5sRrCX-pLPM", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589160031, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq87fpa', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/fq87fpa/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441939, 'score': 5, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SpiderKingOz', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '128', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_58wtqnpy', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The River Rat?\n\n[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088006/?ref\\_=fn\\_al\\_tt\\_1](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088006/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589160558, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq88cys', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdj7v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdj7v/tomtmovie90s2000s_a_movie_about_a_kidnapped_girl/fq88cys/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595442390, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1563834526.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_241s2ci2 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | True | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622825264.0 | True | False | 1707814.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589158536 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Chorus has a low modulated voice that repeats a line. | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/ | nan | nan | Song probably came out around 2015-2017. I recall hearing it a lot on Triple J here in Australia.
The chorus has this low modulated voice that repeats a line, probably the name of the song. The voice to me sounds like the Alexander/Nina Chimera from Full Metal Alchemist.
Adding facts as I recall them.
The repeated line in the low voice only happens a few times per chorus.
The rest of the song is sung normally. I think by a female singer? The difference in the main voice and this bit in the chorus was quite big. | None | None | t3_ghdkdh | 0.0 | True | ghdkdh | None | 9 | False | nan | True | nan | lonepolarbear | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/ | 3 | 1589171580.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'joshuamusick', 'author_created_utc': 1481297786, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '2', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_13fslo', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Can’t Do Without You by Caribou? \nhttps://youtu.be/sdwXDAitXGs', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589164882, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq8f9m9', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/fq8f9m9/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595445864, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'lonepolarbear', 'author_created_utc': 1411655822, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_ikgks', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Sadly not. I've not heard this song before but it's pretty cool!\nI think the repeated line only happens like 2-3 times per chorus.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589167627, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq8jh2r', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fq8f9m9', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/fq8jh2r/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595448043, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Sounds like it could be by Of Monsters and Men or Oh Wonder, but not sure what the exact song would be', 'can_gild': False, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589219977, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqaj780', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/fqaj780/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595483457, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'thegeecyproject', 'author_created_utc': 1380160511, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '39', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_dadez', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Hayden James - Something About You](https://youtu.be/Hyi8Z4s2miw)\n\nor was it at least similar in style to this song?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589171124, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq8oeyo', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/fq8oeyo/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595450535, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'lonepolarbear', 'author_created_utc': 1411655822, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_ikgks', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The low voice was something like that but the rest of the song is sung normally. I think by a female singer? The difference in the main voice and this bit in the chorus was quite big.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589171470, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq8ouzd', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_ghdkdh', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fq8oeyo', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkdh/tomtsong20152017chorus_has_a_low_modulated_voice/fq8ouzd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595450750, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'lonepolarbear', 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589158546 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | super random video from 15 years ago that had darkwing duck, Dr. Wiley and a raccoon shooting lightening out of his eyes. | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkgl/tomtvideo_super_random_video_from_15_years_ago/ | nan | nan | I've searched the internet for years trying to find this random video a friend and I stumbled on about 15 years ago. If he hadn't witnessed it I would think I made the whole thing up. It was a video set to music which may have been all or part of the darkwing duck theme. The only other two things that stick in my mind are Dr. Wiley from MegaMan and a raccoon shooting lightening out of his eyes. I wish I remembered more but it was so long ago some of the few details I remember might not even be right. If anyone has ever seen this or has a link I would be very grateful. | None | None | t3_ghdkgl | 0.0 | True | ghdkgl | None | 2 | False | nan | True | nan | ie8ehdozheheo | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkgl/tomtvideo_super_random_video_from_15_years_ago/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ie8ehdozheheo', 'author_created_utc': 1513131775, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_o39kl5o', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Following the rules and responding to my own post. 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589158568 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Toy from around 2010-2014 | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkol/tomt_toy_from_around_20102014/ | nan | nan | The toy was basically these small balls that had metal appendages. They would float on a stadium until one of the opponent balls fell off. The toys had these cartoonish face printed on it. They were sold on the shelves of Toys R Us for a while. That’s really all I can recall. | None | None | t3_ghdkol | 0.0 | True | ghdkol | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | AnotherRecon | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdkol/tomt_toy_from_around_20102014/ | 3 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ill3mo', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_3z0mif6h', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Bakugan or bayblades?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589165747, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 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One night he sees the ghost of I guess a former police officer who was killed in a shootout (flashback, some greenhouse/hangar looking thing on a farm, former officer gets shot, guy in cowboy hat comes running out of building g and is shit by police) the main character runs out into a field where he sees the ghost by a briar patch. | None | None | t3_ghdmh0 | 0.0 | True | ghdmh0 | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | Toad0430 | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdmh0/tomtmovieprobably_late_1990s_early_2010s/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'savage8008', 'author_created_utc': 1336402972, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '6', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_7nq8h', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Your thread is currently pending and is not visible; 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"[probably late 1990s - early 2010’s]"
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589158916 | 1589159000 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | The Quick and the Dead. | [] | Western movie that I once saw late at night trying to go to sleep | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/ | nan | nan | The movie had a female protagonist who enters into a contest in an old town where she is there to kill one of the men cause, I think, they killed her father or something like that.
There was also a...priest, I think. He was a retired gun shooter who did not want to kill no one else but the main bad guy forces him into the contest and he surprised everyone in how good he is at shooting the enemy | None | t3_ghdo2f | 0.0 | True | ghdo2f | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | Tazavitch-Krivendza | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Tazavitch-Krivendza', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cvlkegl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'If you have any idea, please tell ma. It is bugging me a lot now', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589158954, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq85kzc', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/fq85kzc/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441036, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589158976, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq85mb3', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/fq85mb3/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441054, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'fatdan1', 'author_created_utc': 1457311312, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '111', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_w6uaz', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The Quick and the Dead.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589159000, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq85nrg', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/fq85nrg/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441074, 'score': 4, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Tazavitch-Krivendza', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cvlkegl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Thanks dude! Kept bugging me after I remember about it today!\n\n!Solved', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589159090, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq85tco', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_ghdo2f', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fq85nrg', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdo2f/tomtmovie_western_movie_that_i_once_saw_late_at/fq85tco/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595441147, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'TipOfMyCircuitBoard', 'author_created_utc': 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589159058 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Can't remember the name of a documentary about a Christian camp/conference that wasn't Jesus Camp | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdpet/tomt_movie1990s_or_2000s_cant_remember_the_name/ | nan | nan | Hi everyone!
I remember watching years ago a documentary about a Christian camp or conference (can't remember which type it was) for people in their teens or early 20s. I remember that the camp/conference had big stadium-style prayer sessions with lights and music at night, and the attendees were put through pretty gruelling physical challenges during the day. At one point some of the attendees were dropped in the middle of nowhere and had to find their way back to the venue using faith - I think they had big wooden crosses too?
Whenever I search for documentaries about Christian camps the only option that I can find is Jesus Camp, and I know that that's not it.
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It's actually the same directors as Jesus Camp and it aired on CBS as a special in 2008.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589160347, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq88004', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdpet', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdpet', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdpet/tomt_movie1990s_or_2000s_cant_remember_the_name/fq88004/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595442211, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1472367328.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_10xyjz | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622825272.0 | True | False | 1707814.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
"[1990s or 2000s]"
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Discovery_(film) | [
] | Came out recently, I think last year or the year before. Someone discovers what happens when you die, and it's made public. As a result people are starting to commit suicide because things are better after you die. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdre5/tomtmovietv_show_came_out_recently_i_think_last/ | nan | nan | I saw the trailer a while ago, I'm pretty sure it came out last year. The title is all I can think of as far as details. Unfortunately I can't remember any of the cast. | None | t3_ghdre5 | 0.0 | True | ghdre5 | None | 9 | False | nan | True | nan | ManofToast | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdre5/tomtmovietv_show_came_out_recently_i_think_last/ | 6 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'maddiie-17', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4zginn6y', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I didn’t read the beginning and I thought that the end was actually true and I got super excited. Kinda bummed now ☹️', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589198722, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fq9hvn4', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_ghdre5', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_ghdre5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/ghdre5/tomtmovietv_show_came_out_recently_i_think_last/fq9hvn4/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595465261, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ManofToast', 'author_created_utc': 1309059491, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589313542 | 1589314085 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | Adult Diversion by Alvvays? | [] | Song from a female singer that has a sort of indie rock guitar playing and I think one of the lyrics is "It doesn't mind, not like it really matters" | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij29x/tomtmusic2000s2010s_song_from_a_female_singer/ | nan | nan | I was listening to Sports by Beach Bunny and the beginning of that song is a bit similar to the song I'm thinking of. It had a summery indie poppy feel to it. I think it may have been by Alvvays or Bad Bad Hats or something. Though it has a similar vibe to those two bands. | None | t3_gij29x | 0.0 | True | gij29x | None | 5 | False | nan | True | nan | uservour | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij29x/tomtmusic2000s2010s_song_from_a_female_singer/ | 1 | 1591220211.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'uservour', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_674si3kb', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Please help it's killing me.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589313554, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqetz2e', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gij29x', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij29x', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij29x/tomtmusic2000s2010s_song_from_a_female_singer/fqetz2e/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595560901, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589313558, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqetzds', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij29x', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij29x', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij29x/tomtmusic2000s2010s_song_from_a_female_singer/fqetzds/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595560906, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Diceyland', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '2', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_65v576f3', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Adult Diversion by Alvvays?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314085, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqev3ef', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij29x', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij29x', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij29x/tomtmusic2000s2010s_song_from_a_female_singer/fqev3ef/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561453, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'uservour', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_674si3kb', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Solved! 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] | (art piece) colourful people doing different actions | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij49g/tomt_art_piece_colourful_people_doing_different/ | nan | nan | I would post a photo but apparently I can't. I found it on someone's instagram story and it brought back so many memories. It's a set of I think 112 smaller drawings of colourful stickmen doing weird things like growing a tail, using hula hoops, being a pair of scissors, being ridden by a dolphin, growing wings and being a set of fingers for a hand. I'm really hoping to find the name of this cause I distinctly remember having this piece at home when I was really young and it just brought back so many memories. | None | t3_gij49g | 0.0 | True | gij49g | None | 7 | False | nan | True | nan | ColeIsABoy | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij49g/tomt_art_piece_colourful_people_doing_different/ | 1 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'ColeIsABoy', 'author_created_utc': 1507985811, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_h27sckk', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I have a pretty low quality image so reverse image searching gives no results.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589313724 | 1589323204 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [Samorost 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzB74fRcqg)? | [
] | i played the game on russian it is an adventure type web game probably point and click | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4li/tomtgameweb_i_played_the_game_on_russian_it_is_an/ | nan | nan | I played this game maybe 10 years ago it was amazing and very atmospheric it has a kid mc probably a girl the atmosphere is very much like the game Fran Bow
What i remember from the plot:
The game is set in a space environment and alot of very smal planets or asteroids like maybe 50 -100 meters wide
-Some one steals a pet from the mc, dog or cat and you have to rescue it ,the monster maybe looks like the butcher from little nightmares, and he sits and pulls some rope to eat pets the environment looks very bizarre like the hotle from spirited away with many pipes
It is a puzzle game in the end you save your pet and fly into space with some kind of a junk little space ship ,the planet where your pet was captivated blows up ,i think?
- my memory is so faded i was 12 at the time | None | t3_gij4li | 0.0 | True | gij4li | None | 6 | False | nan | True | nan | plenian | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4li/tomtgameweb_i_played_the_game_on_russian_it_is_an/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Ahura_Volvo', 'author_created_utc': 1428060642, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1069/Gaming God', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_mocby', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': True, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[Samorost 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZzB74fRcqg)?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589323204, 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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589313728 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [] | Film where a person must over come their fear of going outside in order to save something/someone | self | nan | None | Open | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/ | nan | nan | Watched this film about 10 years ago atleast, I don’t think the film was specifically about this individual, but they were needed by a group of people/kids to do something.
Sorry it’s not much to go on, I don’t think it was a horror, more of an adventure film... maybe. | None | None | t3_gij4na | 0.0 | True | gij4na | None | 24 | False | nan | True | nan | tripp03x | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/ | 5 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Kanwic', 'author_created_utc': 1371002448, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '517', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_c0art', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'In War Games [Dr. Falken](https://war-games.fandom.com/wiki/Stephen_Falken) has to be convinced to come out of hiding and leave his island but being outdoors isn’t an issue.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589324202, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqffz0l', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij4na', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij4na', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/fqffz0l/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595571431, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'so_original27', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5971nni7', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I Am Sam had an agoraphobic woman. They needed her to go to court to act as a character witness so an autistic father could keep custody of his daughter. Not an adventure movie though.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589339195, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqg6sdg', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij4na', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij4na', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/fqg6sdg/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595584218, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'tripp03x', 'author_created_utc': 1519176396, 'author_flair_background_color': 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If users took the time to find the answer, the least you can do is respond when you're asking for their help. Even if it's to tell them their answer is wrong.*\n\nCommenting on your post acts as confirmation you've read the rules. Failure to participate may result in a ban. \n\nDo not delete this post.\n\n---\n^[Marking\xa0Your\xa0Post\xa0Solved](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/6w64rm/mod_reply_solved_to_the_person_who_solves_your/) ^| ^[Formatting\xa0Your\xa0Title](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/wiki/rules#wiki_3._title_format_.2B_body.) ^| ^[Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/wiki/rules) ^| ^[Message\xa0the\xa0Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tipofmytongue) ^| ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/wiki/faq)", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589559130, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqq4914', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij4na', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij4na', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/fqq4914/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595758363, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'chailoren', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '36', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4yheiy9e', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Could it be [What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/What's_Eating_Gilbert_Grape) \n\nThe mother in the movie is a shut in and has never left her home in years but she goes out to bail her autistic son from jail", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589320555, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqf8mwe', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij4na', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij4na', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij4na/tomt_film_where_a_person_must_over_come_their/fqf8mwe/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595567955, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1519176396.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_y2gmvqq | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622827346.0 | True | False | 1707836.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.86 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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You can still attempt to provide an answer, but know that you may not get a reply acknowledging a solve, or get a point for it. \n\n/u/erinlizabeth, you can reply to this comment to show that you're likely to participate in this thread, and to add any additional details. Please read [**How to Mark Your Post Solved**](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/6w64rm/mod_reply_solved_to_the_person_who_solves_your/#nocss) if you haven't done so already.\nThanks.\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tipofmytongue) if you have any questions or concerns.*", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589313933, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqeurw6', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij73v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqeurw6/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561295, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': False, 'stickied': True, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'erinlizabeth', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5rh43ab8', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I hope that I was descriptive enough, I know it’s kind of vague but I know how happy it would make my dad if I found the video after all these years', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589313989, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqeuvza', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij73v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqeuvza/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561350, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gij73v&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%20Finding%20musician/music%20video%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gij73v%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gij73v' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in. ^^1 ^^user ^^is ^^currently ^^subscribed ^^to ^^this ^^post.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314004, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': 1589314196, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqeux3y', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij73v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqeux3y/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561367, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Is this it? 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Thank you for your comment the visuals seem similar!', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314951, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqewxfv', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqew0xe', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqewxfv/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595562331, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'OMFGGTFO', 'author_created_utc': 1371978831, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '21', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_c4sz7', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Rusted Root?', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589318056, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqf3eq6', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gij73v', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqf3eq6/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595565466, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'erinlizabeth', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5rh43ab8', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'No, thank you though', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589378045, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqhj5b0', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gij73v', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqf3eq6', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gij73v/tomt_finding_musicianmusic_video/fqhj5b0/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595608399, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | nan | nan | [] | False | 1589313457.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_5rh43ab8 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #ff9966 | [] | fd70c2e2-bcba-11e1-8272-12313b0c247a | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622827351.0 | True | False | 1707836.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 1.0 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | None | 1589314185 | 1600336143 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | [I found the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtliX80gI8), and I also managed to find the [series of advertisements](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS6yUaEVWgU) I somewhat misremembered. | [
] | Chinese song | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/ | nan | nan | [http://onlinesequencer.net/1472750](http://onlinesequencer.net/1472750)
The link above is what I remember of the melody being sung. This song is entirely sung in chinese. The voice might have been altered to sound higher. Don't know if it was produced by a native chinese or just sampled by a westerner. A wind-up sound plays at the beginning. I don't remember how the drums sounded, but I would describe them as exhausting - Either techno or trance in genre. Could be a 90's song.
Edit: The song does not feature traditional instruments
I might remember this wrong, but I think it was featured in an ad on MTV where a man sat on a bench with only jeans on and training with a dumbbell, possibly a women as well. They looked bored. Might have taken place in a tattoo parlor, I only remember the walls being cluttered with decorations.
Final edit: [I found the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFtliX80gI8), and I also managed to find the [series of advertisements](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS6yUaEVWgU) I somewhat misremembered. | None | t3_gija6e | 0.0 | True | gija6e | None | 8 | False | nan | True | nan | Lyingfigure | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/ | 3 | 1600336123.0 | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Lyingfigure', 'author_created_utc': 1322542975, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6c0o4', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Most likely timeframe for this song would be 1995 - 2005', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314205, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqevcee', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gija6e', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gija6e', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/fqevcee/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561574, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'notifier-bot', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': 'MOD APPROVED BOT', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_4cch2hu9', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Click [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=notifier-bot&subject=gija6e&message=Click%20%27send%27%20to%20be%20notified%20if%20OP%20marks%20%27%5BTOMT%5D%5BSONG%5D%5B2000s%5D%20Chinese%20song%27%20as%20solved.%20You%20should%20receive%20a%20confirmation%20PM%20soon.%0A%0A----------%0A%0AMake%20sure%20the%20message%20subject%20says%20%27gija6e%27%20before%20sending.%0A%0AOfficial%20reddit%20app%20users%20might%20need%20to%20type%20something%20in%20the%20message%20body%20before%20the%20send%20button%20is%20enabled.%0A%0AThis%20bot%20is%20still%20in%20beta%2C%20sorry%20if%20you%20come%20across%20any%20bugs.%20PM%20u/adityapstar%20if%20you%20have%20any%20questions/comments/complaints.) if you'd like to be notified when this post is solved.\n\n^^Type ^^'gija6e' ^^in ^^the ^^message ^^subject ^^if ^^it ^^hasn't ^^already ^^been ^^filled ^^in.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314241, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqevf1p', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gija6e', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gija6e', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/fqevf1p/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561609, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SamRocksWell', 'author_created_utc': 1405990578, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '300', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_higo8', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Watergate - Heart of Asia? 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If someone else gave you the answer, please reply to their comment. If you thought of it yourself, no action is needed.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1600336163, 'distinguished': 'moderator', 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'g5kizfy', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gija6e', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': False, 'parent_id': 't1_g5kiz8e', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/g5kizfy/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1612692958, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Exoen', 'author_created_utc': 1363624513, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_azq7j', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'The description does not fit at all, but the music does sound similar to this\n\n [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APJTpYsue1o&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APJTpYsue1o&t=1s)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1596174665, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fzu3exw', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gija6e', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gija6e', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/fzu3exw/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1604381347, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Lyingfigure', 'author_created_utc': 1322542975, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_6c0o4', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': "Wow, parts of this sounds similiar to the song I had in mind. The part from 15-25 seconds that gets repeated is the part I'm thinking of.", 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'comment_type': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1596205889, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fzv6ctd', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gija6e', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fzu3exw', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gija6e/tomtsong2000s_chinese_song/fzv6ctd/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1604400537, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}] | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | False | {'enabled': False, 'images': [{'id': 'na5hmlW9zPY123uNolsOiAMJsjfFfoIHQcr2v4NJn9E', 'resolutions': [], 'source': {'height': 100, 'url': 'https://external-preview.redd.it/yvKpRZxC11JGD38iHwNk19P5ZflpwCVhCULfedoIvHk.jpg?auto=webp&s=d5f866f713f4253fcb089c12ea1407e1277b5e30', 'width': 100}, 'variants': {}}]} | self | [] | False | 1322542975.0 | None | [] | None | None | text | t2_6c0o4 | False | False | True | None | nan | False | nan | {} | False | False | True | False | False | False | True | False | #90ee90 | [] | c57687dc-bcba-11e1-9ec7-12313b0ce1e2 | dark | text | False | False | 0.0 | all_ads | False | 6.0 | None | 1622827356.0 | True | False | 1707836.0 | public | old | nan | nan | nan | 0.0 | [] | 0.81 | all_ads | 6.0 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | true | [
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true | self.tipofmytongue | 1 | 1589314403 | 1589322588 | tipofmytongue | {} | {} | I work at sonic drive in and the truck that delivers to us and all surrounding Sonics is called SYGMA so idk🤷🏻♀️ | [] | Trucking company name that delivered food items to grocery stores and fast food places. | self | nan | None | Solved | /r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/ | nan | nan | In the 80s, and 90s there was a trucking company that delivered stuff like the frozen meat patties to Sonics, and similar food items to grocery stores.
I believe the name had two words. They delivered so much food to retail places that it felt like they were the ultimate supplier of most things we ate.
This is *not* Schwann's, or anything similar, as this wasn't a company that comes to your house, or sells directly to the public. They delivered items to stores, and such that would be sold to you without you having any idea who delivered it originally.
I know this company at least delivered and distributed for the Southeast quarter of the US.
Search engines are unfortunately getting to the point where they only taper results towards consumer needs, and do not understand questions that reference companies you're not planning to buy from. All I can get is answers about Schwann's, and Door Dash.
I'm looking for a place that sends refrigerated semi trucks to stores. The name of the company would be on the trucks. I believe there was a "w" in the name, but not sure.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. | None | t3_gijcv0 | 0.0 | True | gijcv0 | None | 10 | False | nan | True | nan | SparxIzLyfe | False | nan | nan | t5_2r4oc | nan | nan | https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/ | 2 | False | False | [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'duhhmaddie', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': None, 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': None, 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_5ft4t03l', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'I work at sonic drive in and the truck that delivers to us and all surrounding Sonics is called SYGMA so idk🤷🏻\u200d♀️', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589322588, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqfcr26', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqfcr26/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595569911, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SparxIzLyfe', 'author_created_utc': 1548212660, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_72odghl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'It may have changed, or be different in different regions. Either way, Sysco was what I was looking for. It is figured out. Thanks.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589323069, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqfdpfl', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqfcr26', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqfdpfl/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595570358, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SparxIzLyfe', 'author_created_utc': 1548212660, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_72odghl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Not individual or home delivery. Think truck drivers, semis, retail supply.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314457, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqevvz5', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqevvz5/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561835, 'score': 1, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': '[deleted]', 'author_created_utc': None, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': None, 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_fullname': None, 'awarders': [], 'body': '[deleted]', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': True, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589314472, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqevx39', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqevx39/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595561849, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Kanwic', 'author_created_utc': 1371002448, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '517', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_c0art', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Sysco?\n\nI think the search phrase you want is “wholesale food distributors”.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589315352, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqexrs5', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqexrs5/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595562738, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SparxIzLyfe', 'author_created_utc': 1548212660, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_72odghl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Solved! Thank you! I have no idea why I got the name so wrong. :)', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589315529, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqey4yk', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqexrs5', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqey4yk/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595562934, 'score': 3, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'Kanwic', 'author_created_utc': 1371002448, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': '', 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '517', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_c0art', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'You were right about the trucks being freakin’ everywhere.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589317526, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqf2ana', 'is_submitter': False, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqey4yk', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqf2ana/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595564947, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': [{'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SparxIzLyfe', 'author_created_utc': 1548212660, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 'author_flair_css_class': None, 'author_flair_richtext': [], 'author_flair_template_id': None, 'author_flair_text': '1', 'author_flair_text_color': 'dark', 'author_flair_type': 'text', 'author_fullname': 't2_72odghl', 'author_patreon_flair': False, 'author_premium': False, 'awarders': [], 'body': 'Right? My uncle used to drive for them. They supplied our local grocery. I got a job at Sonic as a teenager, and one day my uncle showed up at my work to supply us with burgers, and stuff. It was cool.', 'can_gild': True, 'can_mod_post': False, 'collapsed': False, 'collapsed_because_crowd_control': None, 'collapsed_reason': None, 'controversiality': 0, 'created_utc': 1589319675, 'distinguished': None, 'edited': False, 'gilded': 0, 'gildings': {}, 'id': 'fqf6sy4', 'is_submitter': True, 'link_id': 't3_gijcv0', 'locked': False, 'no_follow': True, 'parent_id': 't1_fqf2ana', 'permalink': '/r/tipofmytongue/comments/gijcv0/tomt_truckingdelivery_trucking_company_name_that/fqf6sy4/', 'quarantined': False, 'removal_reason': None, 'retrieved_on': 1595567089, 'score': 2, 'send_replies': True, 'stickied': False, 'subreddit': 'tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_id': 't5_2r4oc', 'subreddit_name_prefixed': 'r/tipofmytongue', 'subreddit_type': 'public', 'top_awarded_type': None, 'total_awards_received': 0, 'treatment_tags': [], 'comments': []}]}]}, {'all_awardings': [], 'associated_award': None, 'author': 'SparxIzLyfe', 'author_created_utc': 1548212660, 'author_flair_background_color': '', 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