id (string)
stringlengths 1
| translation (translation)
stringlengths 66
600 | {"cs": "\"M\u00e1me dva prototypy bot, kter\u00e9 budou nosit zdrav\u00e9 d\u011bti i d\u011bti s diagn\u00f3zou, abychom zmapovali \u00fa\u010dinek u obou skupin. \u00da\u010dast ve v\u00fdzkumu p\u0159itom nebude m\u00edt pro d\u011bti \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 rizika a m\u011b\u0159en\u00ed bude zcela bezbolestn\u00e9,\" vysv\u011btluje Marta Gimunov\u00e1, vedouc\u00ed v\u00fdzkumu z Fakulty sportovn\u00edch studi\u00ed MU.\n", "en": "\"We have two prototypes of shoes, which will be worn by both healthy children and those who have been diagnosed, in order to monitor the effects in both groups. The research poses no risk to the children, and the measuring will be completely pain-free,\" explains Marta Gimunov\u00e1, the Head of Research at the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University.\n"} |
601 | {"cs": "Rodi\u010de obou skupin d\u011bt\u00ed se do studie mohou hl\u00e1sit p\u0159es web, kde je k dispozici registra\u010dn\u00ed formul\u00e1\u0159 a v\u0161echny informace.\n", "en": "Parents of both groups of children can register to participate in the study on the website where they can find a registration form and all information.\n"} |
602 | {"cs": "V\u011bdci hledaj\u00ed pades\u00e1t d\u011bt\u00ed s diagn\u00f3zou a pades\u00e1t d\u011bt\u00ed zdrav\u00fdch. Z ka\u017ed\u00e9 skupiny bude v\u017edy polovina nosit zdravotn\u00ed obuv a polovina ne.\n", "en": "The scientists are looking for fifty children who have been diagnosed and fifty healthy children. Half of the children in each group will be wearing the surgical shoes while the other half won't.\n"} |
603 | {"cs": "\"Momentem, kdy by rodi\u010de sv\u00e9 d\u00edt\u011b m\u011bli p\u0159ihl\u00e1sit, je chv\u00edle, kdy se pou\u0161t\u00ed do prvn\u00edch samostatn\u00fdch krok\u016f, typicky se pust\u00ed nap\u0159\u00edklad n\u00e1bytku, kter\u00e9ho se p\u0159i pokusu o ch\u016fzi dr\u017e\u00ed. \u00da\u010dast ve v\u00fdzkumu obn\u00e1\u0161\u00ed t\u0159i m\u011b\u0159en\u00ed v pr\u016fb\u011bhu sedmi m\u011bs\u00edc\u016f od prvn\u00edch krok\u016f d\u00edt\u011bte, p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e ka\u017ed\u00e9 trv\u00e1 asi 20 minut, u poloviny \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f zahrnuje tak\u00e9 no\u0161en\u00ed testovan\u00e9 obuvi,\" upozor\u0148uje Gimunov\u00e1.\n", "en": "\"Parents should register their children for the study around the time they are taking their independent steps. This is typically when they let go off the furniture they hold on to in their attempts to walk. As part of the research, three measurements are taken over the course of seven months since the child took his/her first steps. Each measuring session is about 20 minutes long. The research also includes wearing the test shoes by half of the participants,\" Gimunov\u00e1 points out.\n"} |
604 | {"cs": "\u0160tika v rybn\u00edce, nebo relativn\u011b blahobytn\u00fd skanzen?\n", "en": "Pike in the pond, or a relatively wealthy open-air museum?\n"} |
605 | {"cs": "Babi\u0161 si vybral pro sv\u016fj optimistick\u00fd pohled statistiky, jako je dobr\u00e1 bezpe\u010dnost (\u010cR je sedm\u00e1 na sv\u011bt\u011b), n\u00edzk\u00e1 m\u00edra nezam\u011bstnanosti, n\u00edzk\u00fd st\u00e1tn\u00ed dluh. Nebo \u00fadaj, \u017ee je na\u0161e zem\u011b podle jedn\u00e9 ned\u00e1vn\u00e9 studie \u010dty\u0159iadvac\u00e1t\u00e1 v kvalit\u011b \u017eivota ze 140 hodnocen\u00fdch zem\u00ed.\n", "en": "To support his optimistic views, Babi\u0161 has chosen to use statistical data analysing the good level of our security (the Czech Republic is the seventh safest country in the world), our low unemployment rate and low national debt, as well as the findings of one recent study which claims that our country is at 24th place when it comes to quality of life, out of the 140 countries compared in the study.\n"} |
606 | {"cs": "Developer Du\u0161an Kunovsk\u00fd a architekt Josef Pleskot v televizn\u00edm rozhovoru u p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti Summitu architektury a rozvoje ov\u0161em uv\u00e1d\u011bli i jin\u00e9, zdaleka ne tak \"r\u016f\u017eov\u00e9\" \u00fadaje. Kup\u0159\u00edkladu, \u017ee \u010cR je na 154. m\u00edst\u011b na sv\u011bt\u011b v rychlosti stavebn\u00edch \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed. M\u016f\u017ee se tak st\u00e1t, \u017ee sou\u010dasn\u00fd ekonomick\u00fd \"boom\" po sob\u011b nezanech\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 v\u00fdznamn\u00e9 stavitelsk\u00e9 d\u011bdictv\u00ed tak, jak tomu bylo v minulosti.\n", "en": "However, in a TV interview given during the Architecture and Development Summit, developer Du\u0161an Kunovsk\u00fd and architect Josef Pleskot presented different data, which were a far cry from this \"rosy picture\". For instance the fact that the Czech Republic ranks 154th across the world when it comes to the speed of building permit processes. Therefore, it may as well happen that the current economic \"boom\" will not leave any significant construction legacy as it used to be the case in the past.\n"} |
607 | {"cs": "Nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed p\u0159ek\u00e1\u017ekou je nejen st\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed legislativa, ale i pomal\u00e1, nev\u00fdkonn\u00e1 byrokracie. Co\u017e dokumentuj\u00ed i srovn\u00e1vac\u00ed studie, v nich\u017e \u010cR v\u00fdrazn\u011b pokulh\u00e1v\u00e1 v celkov\u00e9 kvalit\u011b a v\u00fdkonnosti ve\u0159ejn\u00e9 spr\u00e1vy za vysp\u011bl\u00fdmi zem\u011bmi.\n", "en": "Both the current legislation and slow, inefficient bureaucracy are the biggest stumbling blocks here. This view is also supported by comparative studies which show the Czech Republic substantially lagging behind advanced countries in terms of the overall quality and performance of public administration.\n"} |
608 | {"cs": "Na\u0161e zem\u011b prost\u011b zat\u00edm nedok\u00e1zala potenci\u00e1lu dobr\u00e9 ekonomick\u00e9 situace posledn\u00edch let dob\u0159e vyu\u017e\u00edt k investic\u00edm do budoucnosti. Je sice p\u011bkn\u00e9, \u017ee se zvy\u0161uj\u00ed platy a d\u016fchody, ale lid\u00e9 s lep\u0161\u00edc\u00ed se \u017eivotn\u00ed \u00farovn\u00ed budou tak\u00e9 cht\u00edt m\u00edt kde bydlet, modern\u011b a rychle cestovat, m\u00edt kvalitn\u00ed kulturn\u00ed st\u00e1nky, \u017e\u00edt bez ne\u00fanosn\u00e9 ekologick\u00e9 z\u00e1t\u011b\u017ee.\n", "en": "Put simply, our country has not yet been able to make a good use of the potential afforded by the good economic situation of recent years for investing in the future. It's very well that our wages and retirement pensions are growing, but people whose living standard is going up will also want to have a decent place to live, have access to fast and modern modes of travel, good-quality cultural amenities and live without an unbearable burden on the environment.\n"} |
609 | {"cs": "Jen\u017ee t\u0159eba v hlavn\u00edm m\u011bst\u011b Praze se u\u017e l\u00e9ta neda\u0159\u00ed dokon\u010dit vnit\u0159n\u00ed i vn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed okruh nebo postavit rychlodr\u00e1hu \u010di metro na leti\u0161t\u011b. A Praha nem\u00e1 ani modern\u00ed, architektonicky odv\u00e1\u017enou n\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovnu, koncertn\u00ed halu, nebo n\u00e1rodn\u00ed galerii. D\u016fvodem p\u0159itom nejsou jen absurdn\u00ed tahanice o architektonick\u00e9 sout\u011b\u017ee, \u00fazemn\u00ed pl\u00e1ny a stavebn\u00ed povolen\u00ed, ale i jak\u00fdsi specificky \u010desk\u00fd konzervativismus, kter\u00fd se dr\u017e\u00ed hesla \"ka\u017ed\u00e1 odv\u00e1\u017en\u011bj\u0161\u00ed zm\u011bna je k hor\u0161\u00edmu\".\n", "en": "Take our capital city, Prague, for instance \u2013 the construction of the outer and inner circular roads has been left unfinished for years, and a rapid transit or metro line that would go to the airport has not yet been built. Neither are there any state-of-the-art or architecturally bold buildings that would house Prague's national library, concert hall or national gallery. The reason for this is not just ridiculous squabbling over architecture competitions, local plans and planning permissions, but also a characteristically Czech sort of conservatism which follows the mantra \"any bold change is a change for worse\".\n"} |
610 | {"cs": "A kdy\u017e u\u017e se zd\u00e1, \u017ee by se n\u011bco odv\u00e1\u017en\u011bj\u0161\u00edho mohlo pov\u00e9st, zma\u0159\u00ed to t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 jist\u011b pam\u00e1tk\u00e1\u0159i \u010di jin\u00e9 pon\u011bkud umanut\u00e9 spolky, nebo politici. V absurdn\u00edm dramatu okolo \"blobu\" Jana Kaplick\u00e9ho navr\u017een\u00e9ho pro novou budovu N\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovny se dokonce cht\u011bl k bagr\u016fm p\u0159ivazovat i prezident V\u00e1clav Klaus.\n", "en": "When it looks like something a little more adventurous could be attained, it will almost definitely be thwarted by preservationists or other rather mulish leagues, and politicians. When the absurd drama behind the \"the blob\" designed by Jan Kaplick\u00fd for a new National Library building kicked off, one of the people who wanted to chain themselves to the excavators was even President V\u00e1clav Klaus himself.\n"} |
611 | {"cs": "V\u00fd\u010det ov\u0161em nekon\u010d\u00ed Prahou. \u010cR nen\u00ed schopn\u00e1 dostav\u011bt svoji p\u00e1te\u0159n\u00ed d\u00e1lni\u010dn\u00ed s\u00ed\u0165, ani za\u010d\u00edt stav\u011bt vlakov\u00e9 rychlodr\u00e1hy, tak\u017ee N\u011bmecko se nakonec rozhodlo v\u00e9st svoje dr\u00e1hy pro superrychl\u00e9 vlaky z Berl\u00edna do V\u00eddn\u011b \"obj\u00ed\u017e\u010fkou\" p\u0159es Bavorsko. Nav\u00edc ve \u0161lendri\u00e1nu se leckdy top\u00ed i opravy existuj\u00edc\u00ed infrastruktury. Dostat se rychle z Prahy do Brna je tak nyn\u00ed u\u010din\u011bn\u00fd r\u00e9bus.\n", "en": "The list does not end with Prague, though. The Czech Republic has not been able to finish its core motorway network yet, or start building rapid transit railways. Therefore in the end, Germany resorted to building their superfast railway, connecting Berlin and Vienna, with a \"detour\" through Bavaria. Moreover, even the repairs of the existing infrastructure are often shambolic, so it can now be a real conundrum to get fast from Prague to Brno.\n"} |
612 | {"cs": "Babi\u0161 p\u0159i\u0161el do politiky se slibem, \u017ee \"v\u011bci za\u0159\u00edd\u00ed\". Pokud jde o smyslupln\u00e9 investice a zrychlen\u00ed t\u011b\u017ekop\u00e1dn\u00fdch byrokratick\u00fdch procedur, moc se toho ale zat\u00edm nestalo. Od roku 2018 plat\u00ed sice novela z\u00e1kona o zrychlen\u00ed v\u00fdstavby dopravn\u00ed infrastruktury, ale na rozs\u00e1hlej\u0161\u00ed p\u0159\u00edzniv\u00e9 dopady kup\u0159\u00edkladu snadn\u011bj\u0161\u00edho vyvlast\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed pozemk\u016f si budeme muset po\u010dkat. A nov\u00fd stavebn\u00ed z\u00e1kon, schv\u00e1len\u00fd vl\u00e1dou, kter\u00fd by pr\u00fd m\u011bl zkr\u00e1tit sou\u010dasnou pr\u016fm\u011brnou d\u00e9lku stavebn\u00edho \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed z 5,4 roku na jeden rok, za\u010dne, budeme-li m\u00edt \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed, platit pr\u00fd od roku 2021. Mnoho lid\u00ed by si na to ale asi nevsadilo.\n", "en": "Babi\u0161 came into politics with a promise to \"get things done\". As far as meaningful investment and the speeding up of cumbersome bureaucratic procedures are concerned, not much has been done so far. Even though the amendment to the Fast-tracking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Act has been in effect since 2018, we are still waiting for extensive positive impacts, such as an easier land dispossession process. The new, government-approved, Building Act, which was supposed to reduce the average time of the building permit process from 5.4 of a year down to one year, will reportedly come into effect in 2021, if we are lucky. However, there are not likely to be many people who would bet on it.\n"} |
613 | {"cs": "Ne\u010desan\u00fd chce po st\u00e1tu 45 milion\u016f\n", "en": "Ne\u010desan\u00fd demands CZK 45 million from the state\n"} |
614 | {"cs": "Ministerstvo spravedlnosti podle mluv\u010d\u00edho \u00fa\u0159adu Vladim\u00edra \u0158epky obdr\u017eelo v t\u00e9to souvislosti zat\u00edm \u0161est \u017e\u00e1dost\u00ed a nyn\u00ed je analyzuje. Mlad\u00edk byl za napaden\u00ed \u017eeny dva roky ve v\u011bzen\u00ed, justice ho ale nakonec pravomocn\u011b zprostila viny.\n", "en": "The Ministry of Justice spokesman, Vladim\u00edr \u0158epka, said that six requests related to this legal case have been received so far and are presently being analysed by the Ministry. The young man served two years in prison for attacking the woman; however, the judiciary has now issued a final judgement to acquit him of charges.\n"} |
615 | {"cs": "Dovol\u00e1n\u00ed v kauze nepodal jak nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupce Pavel Zeman, tak ministryn\u011b spravedlnosti Marie Bene\u0161ov\u00e1.\n", "en": "Neither Prosecutor General Pavel Zeman nor Justice Minister Marie Bene\u0161ov\u00e1 have brought an appeal in the case.\n"} |
616 | {"cs": "Pokus o vra\u017edu kade\u0159nice v Ho\u0159ic\u00edch se stal v \u00fanoru 2013. Hradeck\u00e9 st\u00e1tn\u00ed zastupitelstv\u00ed z n\u011bj ob\u017ealovalo tehdy dvacetilet\u00e9ho studenta gymn\u00e1zia Ne\u010desan\u00e9ho. Ob\u017ealoba tvrdila, \u017ee \u017eenu n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t uhodil do hlavy polenem a sebral j\u00ed pak p\u0159es deset tis\u00edc korun. V\u00e1\u017en\u011b zran\u011bnou \u017eenu na\u0161el jej\u00ed syn, \u017eivot j\u00ed zachr\u00e1nili l\u00e9ka\u0159i hradeck\u00e9 nemocnice.\n", "en": "The attempted murder of the hairdresser happened in Ho\u0159ice in February 2013. The Hradec Kr\u00e1lov\u00e9 Prosecutor's Office charged Ne\u010desan\u00fd, who was a 20-year-old grammar school student at the time, with the crime. The prosecution maintained that he hit the woman multiple times in the head with a log and then took more than ten thousand Czech crowns from her. The seriously injured woman was found by her son, and her life was saved by the doctors in Hradec Kr\u00e1lov\u00e9 Hospital.\n"} |
617 | {"cs": "Ne\u010desan\u00fd od po\u010d\u00e1tku jakoukoli vinu odm\u00edtal. \"Jsem nevinn\u00fd a na to p\u0159\u00edsah\u00e1m. Je mi up\u0159\u00edmn\u011b l\u00edto, co se stalo po\u0161kozen\u00e9, ale j\u00e1 t\u00edm pachatelem nejsem,\" uvedl d\u0159\u00edve u soudu mlad\u00edk, kter\u00fd nepop\u00edral, \u017ee v kade\u0159nictv\u00ed osudn\u00fd den byl. Pr\u00fd se cht\u011bl nechat ost\u0159\u00edhat. Ode\u0161el ale pot\u00e9, co mu \u017eena sd\u011blila, \u017ee ji\u017e zav\u00edr\u00e1. S\u00e1m se pak na policii p\u0159ihl\u00e1sil jako sv\u011bdek.\n", "en": "Ne\u010desan\u00fd has been denying all accusations since the beginning of the trial. \"I am innocent, and I can swear to it. I honestly feel sorry for what happened to the injured lady, but I am not the culprit here,\" said the young man in court, who had not denied that he indeed went to the hair salon on that ill-fated day. He said that he had wanted to have a hair-cut. He left after he had been told by the woman that she was about to close the shop. He then got in touch with the police of his own accord and came forward as a witness.\n"} |
618 | {"cs": "Kade\u0159nice ho nejprve jako agresora p\u0159i v\u00fdslechu nepoznala, pozd\u011bji ale Ne\u010desan\u00e9ho ozna\u010dila za \u00fato\u010dn\u00edka. Podle soudn\u00edch znalc\u016f trp\u011bla po \u00fatoku v\u00fdpadky pam\u011bti.\n", "en": "During the initial questioning by the police, the hairdresser did not recognize him as the aggressor. However, she identified Ne\u010desan\u00fd as the attacker later. The court experts said that she was experiencing lapses of memory loss as a result of the attack.\n"} |
619 | {"cs": "Hradeck\u00fd krajsk\u00fd soud v p\u0159\u00edpadu postupn\u011b vynesl p\u011bt rozsudk\u016f. Nejprve Ne\u010desan\u00e9ho dvakr\u00e1t uznal vinn\u00fdm a ulo\u017eil mu 16 let v\u011bzen\u00ed, odvolac\u00ed vrchn\u00ed soud mu trest sn\u00ed\u017eil na 13 let. Ne\u010desan\u00fd postupn\u011b zam\u00ed\u0159il za m\u0159\u00ed\u017ee hned dvakr\u00e1t, poka\u017ed\u00e9 se ale po z\u00e1sahu Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00edho soudu dostal na svobodu. Po na\u0159\u00edzen\u00e9 v\u00fdm\u011bn\u011b soudn\u00edho sen\u00e1tu nakonec padly opakovan\u011b zpro\u0161\u0165uj\u00edc\u00ed rozsudky, p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e ten posledn\u00ed letos v b\u0159eznu vrchn\u00ed soud potvrdil.\n", "en": "The Regional Court in Hradec Kr\u00e1lov\u00e9 pronounced five successive verdicts in relation to the case. Ne\u010desan\u00fd was initially found guilty two times and was given a 16-year prison sentence. Then the High Court of Appeal reduced the sentence to 13 years. Ne\u010desan\u00fd went behind bars twice consecutively, but was released both times after the Supreme Court's interventions. After the ordered change of the Chamber of Court, verdicts of not guilty were repeatedly issued, the last of which was confirmed by the High Court in March this year.\n"} |
620 | {"cs": "P\u0159edseda odvolac\u00edho sen\u00e1tu Ji\u0159\u00ed Ln\u011bni\u010dka v\u0161ak z\u00e1rove\u0148 v od\u016fvodn\u011bn\u00ed sv\u00fdch z\u00e1v\u011br\u016f uvedl, \u017ee je toto rozhodnut\u00ed \u0161patn\u00e9, ale vzhledem k procesn\u00ed situaci pr\u00fd nem\u011bl lep\u0161\u00ed mo\u017enost. \u0158ekl, \u017ee odvol\u00e1n\u00ed st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupkyn\u011b proti zpro\u0161\u0165uj\u00edc\u00edmu verdiktu zam\u00edtl, p\u0159esto\u017ee jej\u00ed odvolac\u00ed n\u00e1mitky byly opr\u00e1vn\u011bn\u00e9.\n", "en": "However, Ji\u0159\u00ed Ln\u011bni\u010dka, Chairman of the Appeals Chamber, stated in his reasons for this conclusion that this decision was wrong, but he had no other choice in the matter considering the circumstances of the trial. He said that he had dismissed the appeal against the not-guilty verdict made by the public prosecutor even though her objections in the appeal were justifiable.\n"} |
621 | {"cs": "\"Probl\u00e9mem t\u00e9to v\u011bci nen\u00ed, \u017ee by byl nedostatek d\u016fkaz\u016f, ale jejich hodnocen\u00ed. M\u00e1me za to, \u017ee v p\u0159\u00edpravn\u00e9m \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed bylo shrom\u00e1\u017ed\u011bno dostate\u010dn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed d\u016fkaz\u016f, kter\u00e9 by v jin\u00e9 trestn\u00ed v\u011bci pro uzn\u00e1n\u00ed viny bohat\u011b posta\u010dovaly,\" konstatoval Ln\u011bni\u010dka.\n", "en": "\"The problem in this legal case is not that there was not enough evidence, but the way the evidence was evaluated. We are of the opinion that enough evidence was gathered in the preliminary procedure, which would have been more than sufficient to issue a guilty verdict in different criminal cases,\" said Ln\u011bni\u010dka.\n"} |
622 | {"cs": "Jen\u017ee hradeck\u00fd, ale i Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed soud se na kauzu d\u00edvaly jinak a jejich n\u00e1zor by pr\u00fd dal\u0161\u00ed zru\u0161en\u00ed osvobozuj\u00edc\u00edho rozsudku nejsp\u00ed\u0161 nezm\u011bnilo.\n", "en": "Nevertheless, both the Hradec Court and the High Court had a different view of the case, and their opinion is not likely to change even if the acquittal was invalidated.\n"} |
623 | {"cs": "Epilepsie mu komplikovala l\u00e1sku ke sportu, d\u00edky operaci m\u00e1 novou nad\u011bji\n", "en": "His love for sport was made difficult by epilepsy, there is new hope thanks to an operation\n"} |
624 | {"cs": "Poprv\u00e9 rodi\u010de Honz\u00edka zaznamenali, \u017ee s n\u00edm nen\u00ed n\u011bco v po\u0159\u00e1dku, v roce a p\u016fl. V\u017edy se na n\u011bkolik minut zahled\u011bl do prostoru, znehybn\u011bl a na nikoho nereagoval. D\u011btsk\u00e1 l\u00e9ka\u0159ka ho proto poslala na d\u011btskou neurologickou kliniku, kde mu l\u00e9ka\u0159i po s\u00e9rii vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00ed stanovili diagn\u00f3zu epilepsie a ihned mu i nasadili l\u00e9ky, kter\u00e9 ale nefungovaly okam\u017eit\u011b.\n", "en": "The first time Honz\u00edk's parents noticed there was something wrong with him was when he was one and a half. He suddenly started staring into space for a few minutes, froze and stopped responding to those around him. His paediatrician thus sent him to a children's neurology clinic, where he underwent a series of examinations. He was then diagnosed with epilepsy and put on a course of medication, though this didn't start to help right away.\n"} |
625 | {"cs": "T\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 rok trvalo, ne\u017e l\u00e9ka\u0159i na\u0161li ide\u00e1ln\u00ed kombinaci l\u00e9k\u016f, d\u00edky kter\u00e9 \u00fapln\u011b p\u0159estal m\u00edt z\u00e1chvaty. V p\u011bti letech mu tak l\u00e9ka\u0159i l\u00e9ky vysadili, a proto\u017ee se z\u00e1chvaty nevr\u00e1tily, rodi\u010de m\u011bli za to, \u017ee je Honza zdrav\u00fd a za\u010dali ho v\u00edce v\u00e9st ke sportu. Jezdil na kole, ly\u017eoval, hr\u00e1l tenis a florbal, voln\u00fd \u010das tr\u00e1vil hrami se svou sestrou a kamar\u00e1dy. V jeden\u00e1cti letech ale dostal dal\u0161\u00ed z\u00e1chvat a v\u0161e za\u010dalo nanovo.\n", "en": "It took almost a year for the doctors to find an ideal combination of drugs that made the seizures stop completely. Then when he was five, the doctors took him off the medicines. Because the seizures didn't come back, his parents thought that Honza was healthy again and started to encourage him to do sports. He started to cycle, ski, play tennis and floorball. He spent his free time playing with his sister and friends. However, when he was eleven, he had another seizure and everything started again.\n"} |
626 | {"cs": "L\u00e9ka\u0159i znovu zkou\u0161eli r\u016fzn\u00e9 kombinace l\u00e9k\u016f, ale tentokr\u00e1t u\u017e nic nezab\u00edralo, z\u00e1chvaty v podob\u011b absenc\u00ed se neust\u00e1le opakovaly. Jeliko\u017e p\u0159i z\u00e1chvatu Honza v\u017edy p\u0159estal vn\u00edmat, rodi\u010de trnuli hr\u016fzou, \u017ee jej dostane p\u0159i sportu a zran\u00ed se. Postupn\u011b tak Honza p\u0159estal jezdit na kole a sjezdov\u00e9 ly\u017ee vym\u011bnil za b\u011b\u017eky a snowboard. P\u0159esto\u017ee mu \u010das od \u010dasu sport vyvolal z\u00e1chvat, nikdy se jej zcela nevzdal. Dokonce si splnil sen a dob\u011bhl z\u00e1vod Spartan Race, ov\u0161em spole\u010dn\u011b s kamar\u00e1dkou, kter\u00e1 ho m\u011bla neust\u00e1le na o\u010d\u00edch, aby v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b nouze pomohla.\n", "en": "Doctors were again trying out all kinds of combinations of drugs, but this time nothing was working. His absence seizures kept coming back. Because Honza always blanked out during the seizures, his parents were worried sick that he may get a seizure while playing sports and hurt himself. Honza gradually phased out cycling and swapped his downhill skis for cross-country skis and a snowboard. Even though exercising triggered a seizure from time to time, he never gave up sports completely. He even fulfilled his dream of running in the Spartan Race, though a friend of his ran along and kept an eye on him at all times, in order to help if needed.\n"} |
627 | {"cs": "Kdy\u017e bylo Honzovi 15 let, rodi\u010de se rozhodli, \u017ee zkus\u00ed zm\u011bnit l\u00e9ka\u0159e a obr\u00e1tili se na odborn\u00edky ve FN v Motole. Tamn\u00ed l\u00e9ka\u0159i po s\u00e9rii vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00ed usoudili, \u017ee je Honza kandid\u00e1tem na chirurgick\u00fd z\u00e1krok, kter\u00fdm mu z mozku odstran\u00ed lo\u017eisko - zdroj epileptick\u00fdch z\u00e1chvat\u016f. \"Musel jsem na 2 operace za sebou, nejd\u0159\u00edv mi l\u00e9ka\u0159i do mozku voperovali sondy, kter\u00e9 sn\u00edmaly jeho \u010dinnost, pak mi teprve mohli odstranit lo\u017eisko. Bylo to pro m\u011b n\u011bkolikat\u00fddenn\u00ed peklo. Musel jsem jenom le\u017eet a skoro se neh\u00fdbat, z hlavy mi tr\u010dely dr\u00e1ty, kter\u00e9 byly p\u0159ipojen\u00e9 na po\u010d\u00edta\u010d,\" vzpom\u00edn\u00e1 Honza.\n", "en": "When Honza was 15, his parents decided they would like to try a different doctor and got in touch with the specialist doctors at Motol University Hospital. After a series of examinations, the hospital doctors concluded that Honza is a candidate for a surgery to remove the focus \u2013 source of the epileptic seizures \u2013 from his brain. \"I had to undergo two consecutive operations. At first, the doctors implanted probes into my brain to monitor its activities. Only then they could remove the focus. For me, this was hell that lasted over several weeks. I had to lie in bed and practically stay still at all times. My head was full of wires sticking out and connected to a computer,\" recalls Honza.\n"} |
628 | {"cs": "Operace se zda\u0159ila a l\u00e9ka\u0159i pom\u011brn\u011b rozs\u00e1hl\u00e9 lo\u017eisko odstranili. \"Prvn\u00ed dny po operaci to bylo hodn\u011b psychicky n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e9, Honza byl apatick\u00fd, zmaten\u00fd, smutn\u00fd a t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 nemluvil. Oproti tomu, jak je norm\u00e1ln\u011b \u017eiv\u00fd a komunikativn\u00ed, to byla d\u011bsiv\u00e1 zm\u011bna, ale na\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed se po p\u00e1r dnech v\u0161e vr\u00e1tilo do norm\u00e1lu,\" popisuje maminka a dod\u00e1v\u00e1: \"M\u011bs\u00edc a p\u016fl po operaci m\u011bl 1 z\u00e1chvat, ale podle l\u00e9ka\u0159\u016f se to st\u00e1v\u00e1. Od t\u00e9 doby u\u017e je 3 m\u011bs\u00edce bez z\u00e1chvatu.\"\n", "en": "The operation was a success. The doctors removed a relatively large focus. \"It was very difficult for us mentally. Honza was apathetic, confused, sad and hardly spoke to us. This was such a contrast to how he is normally \u2013 lively and communicative. The change was drastic, but fortunately after a few days everything went back to normal,\" describes his mum and adds: \"He had one seizure a month and a half after the operation, but the doctors say it does happen sometimes. Since then, he has been seizure-free for three months now.\"\n"} |
629 | {"cs": "V leto\u0161n\u00edm \u0161koln\u00edm roce bude Honza maturovat, krom\u011b sportu ho bav\u00ed jazyky a za\u010dal spolupracovat se Spole\u010dnost\u00ed E, se kterou jezd\u00ed po \u0161kol\u00e1ch na besedy o epilepsii. Sportovn\u00edm aktivit\u00e1m se Honza zat\u00edm nev\u011bnuje naplno, za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 se ke sportu vracet pozvolna. \"U\u010d\u00edm se, jak sportovat spr\u00e1vn\u011b, jak dob\u0159e d\u00fdchat, abych t\u011blo nevystavoval n\u00e1hl\u00e9mu stresu, co\u017e je ale s mou sout\u011b\u017eivou povahou docela o\u0159\u00ed\u0161ek,\" vysv\u011btluje Honza.\n", "en": "Honza will take his final exams at secondary school this year. Beside sports, he also likes languages, and he started working with E Company by joining them in giving talks about epilepsy at schools. Honza doesn't do sports fully for the time being as he is taking it slowly. \"I'm learning how to play sports in a way that's right for me and how to breathe correctly in order to avoid exposing my body to sudden stress, which is a bit tricky with my competitive nature, though,\" explains Honza.\n"} |
630 | {"cs": "Letos se proto je\u0161t\u011b aktivn\u011b nez\u00fa\u010dastn\u00ed tradi\u010dn\u00edho EPPI vod\u00e1ck\u00e9ho triatlonu, na kter\u00e9m se potk\u00e1vaj\u00ed nemocn\u00ed s epilepsi\u00ed a zdrav\u00ed sportovci a je\u017e se kon\u00e1 ji\u017e tento v\u00edkend 28. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed 2019 na Veselsk\u00e9 p\u00edskovn\u011b. Ale p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u00ed rok u\u017e snad ano.\n", "en": "Therefore, he is not actively taking part in this year's traditional EPPI River Sports Triathlon, where both epileptic patients and healthy sportspeople meet up. The triathlon is held at Vesel\u00ed Sand Quarries this weekend on 28th September 2019. Hopefully he will take part next year.\n"} |
631 | {"cs": "XXX Lutz m\u016f\u017ee koupit konkurenta Kika, povolil \u00fa\u0159ad. M\u00e1 to ale h\u00e1\u010dek\n", "en": "Authorities permit XXX Lutz to buy its competitor, Kika. There is a catch, though\n"} |
632 | {"cs": "\"\u00da\u0159ad pro ochranu hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 sout\u011b\u017ee povolil za podm\u00ednky spln\u011bn\u00ed struktur\u00e1ln\u00edch z\u00e1vazk\u016f stanoven\u00fdch ve prosp\u011bch zachov\u00e1n\u00ed \u00fa\u010dinn\u00e9 hospod\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 sout\u011b\u017ee spojen\u00ed sout\u011b\u017eitel\u016f - spole\u010dnosti XLCEE-Holding GmbH na stran\u011b jedn\u00e9, a spole\u010dnostmi Kika N\u00e1bytek a Lambda Properties Czechia na stran\u011b druh\u00e9,\" uvedl mluv\u010d\u00ed \u00daOHS Martin \u0160vanda.\n", "en": "\"The Office for Competition Protection has allowed a merger of competitors \u2013 XLCEE-Holding GmbH as one party, and the companies Kika Furniture and Lambda Properties Czechia as the other party, provided that the conditions of fulfilling structural obligations put in place in order to maintain effective economic competition will be met,\" said the OCP spokesman, Martin \u0160vanda.\n"} |
633 | {"cs": "XLCEE- Holding krom\u011b \u0159et\u011bzce XXX Lutz vlastn\u00ed obchody M\u00f6belix. Pokud by pohltil i \u0159et\u011bzec Kika, zauj\u00edmal by na \u010desk\u00e9m trhu s n\u00e1bytkem a dopl\u0148ky p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 velkou \u010d\u00e1st. Proto mus\u00ed \u010d\u00e1st kupovan\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti odprodat.\n", "en": "Beside the XXX Lutz retail chain, XLCEE-Holding also owns M\u00f6belix stores. If they absorb the Kika retail chain as well, they'll cover too large a section of the Czech furniture and accessories market. They must therefore sell off a part of the company they are acquiring.\n"} |
634 | {"cs": "XLCEE-Holding kupuje pobo\u010dky Kika i v dal\u0161\u00edch zem\u00edch, kde \u0159et\u011bzec p\u016fsob\u00ed, tedy v Ma\u010farsku, na Slovensku a v Rumunsku. I tam mus\u00ed transakci povolit antimonopoln\u00ed \u00fa\u0159ady. N\u00e1kup 22 zahrani\u010dn\u00edch pobo\u010dek \u0159et\u011bzce Kika od holdingu Signa ozn\u00e1mil XXX Lutz v kv\u011btnu. Signa p\u0159evzala krachuj\u00edc\u00ed Kiku loni za symbolickou cenu.\n", "en": "XLCEE-Holding is also acquiring Kika stores in other countries in which the retail chain operates, such as Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. The transactions in these countries must have permission from their antimonopoly authorities, as well. XXX Lutz announced in May that they were to acquire 22 foreign stores of the Kika retail chain from Signa Holding. Last year, Signa took over Kika for a symbolic price, as the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.\n"} |
635 | {"cs": "\u0158et\u011bzec Kika vstoupil na \u010desk\u00fd trh v roce 2005 a je dvojkou po \u0161v\u00e9dsk\u00e9 firm\u011b IKEA. Ne\u017e ho p\u0159evzala rakousk\u00e1 spole\u010dnost Signa, pat\u0159il od roku 2013 jihoafrick\u00e9 firm\u011b Steinhoff International Holdings. Ta \u010delila probl\u00e9m\u016fm, kdy\u017e odhalila nesrovnalosti ve sv\u00e9m \u00fa\u010detnictv\u00ed. Kika m\u00e1 v \u010cesku dev\u011bt prodejen.\n", "en": "The Kika retail chain entered the Czech market in 2005 and is number two here after Sweden's IKEA. Before it was acquired by the Austrian Signa company, it had been part of the South African Steinhoff International Holdings from 2013. Steinhoff was faced with problems when discrepancies had been found in their account books. Kika has nine retail stores in Czechia.\n"} |
636 | {"cs": "XXX Lutz p\u016fsob\u00ed v \u010cesku od roku 2010. Vedle firem IKEA, Sconto, Jysk \u010di Asko-N\u00e1bytek a Kika pat\u0159\u00ed k nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edm prodejc\u016fm n\u00e1bytku na tuzemsk\u00e9m trhu. Stejn\u00e9ho majitele m\u00e1 zna\u010dka M\u00f6belix. Po p\u0159evzet\u00ed zahrani\u010dn\u00edch pobo\u010dek Kiky bude XXX Lutz provozovat u\u017e p\u0159es 300 obchodn\u00edch dom\u016f ve 12 zem\u00edch. Podle internetov\u00fdch str\u00e1nek spole\u010dnosti \u010din\u00ed jej\u00ed ro\u010dn\u00ed obrat 4,4 miliardy eur (asi 114 miliard K\u010d).\n", "en": "XXX Lutz has been operating in Czechia since 2010. It is one of the largest furniture retailers in this country, alongside IKEA, Sconto, Jysk, Asko Furniture and Kika. They also own the brand M\u00f6belix. When XXX Lutz acquires Kika's foreign branches, they'll operate over 300 retail stores across 12 countries. Based on the company's website, its annual turnover is 4.4 billion Euros (approx. 114 billion Czech crowns).\n"} |
637 | {"cs": "Knihovna p\u0159ipom\u00edn\u00e1 v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed \u00famrt\u00ed V\u00e1clava IV. v\u00fdstavou rukopis\u016f\n", "en": "A library marks the anniversary of Wenceslas IV's death with a manuscripts exhibition\n"} |
638 | {"cs": "\u0160est vz\u00e1cn\u00fdch historick\u00fdch rukopis\u016f z p\u0159elomu 14. a 15. stolet\u00ed , tedy z doby \u0159\u00edmsk\u00e9ho a \u010desk\u00e9ho kr\u00e1le V\u00e1clava IV., si mohou dnes a v sobotu prohl\u00e9dnout lid\u00e9 v pra\u017esk\u00e9m Klementinu. N\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovna je uvolnila ze sv\u00fdch trezor\u016f, aby tak p\u0159ipomn\u011bla leto\u0161n\u00ed 600. v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed V\u00e1clavova \u00famrt\u00ed. Dnes r\u00e1no um\u00edstili knihovn\u00edci a restaur\u00e1to\u0159i vz\u00e1cn\u00e9 origin\u00e1ly do vitr\u00edn v Zrcadlov\u00e9 kapli. Vstup na v\u00fdstavu je zdarma, otev\u0159eno je po oba dny od 10:00 do 18:00.\n", "en": "Six precious historical manuscripts from the turn of the 15th century, i.e. the time of the reign of King of the Romans and King of Bohemia, Wenceslas IV, can be viewed in Prague Clementinum today and on Saturday. The National Library released the manuscripts from their vaults to commemorate this year's 600th anniversary of Wenceslas's death. Librarians and restorers placed the precious originals in the Mirror Chapel's showcases this morning. Admission to the exhibition is free of charge, and the opening times are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both days.\n"} |
639 | {"cs": "V\u00fdstavu listin nazvanou Ad mandatum domini Regis: Z kr\u00e1lovsk\u00e9 kancel\u00e1\u0159e a knihovny V\u00e1clava IV. p\u0159ipravila knihovna spolu s N\u00e1rodn\u00edm archivem. Na p\u00edsemn\u00e9 d\u011bdictv\u00ed z doby vl\u00e1dy V\u00e1clava IV. se N\u00e1rodn\u00ed archiv d\u00edv\u00e1 z pohledu \u00fa\u0159edn\u00edch dokument\u016f a N\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovna z pohledu liter\u00e1rn\u00edch d\u011bl, uvedl k v\u00fdstav\u011b jej\u00ed autor Jan Vojt\u00ed\u0161ek.\n", "en": "The documents exhibition titled \u2018Ad mandatum domini Regis: From the Royal Office and Library of Wenceslas IV\u2019 has been prepared by the Library in cooperation with the National Archives. The National Archives have conceptualized the written heritage created during the reign of Wenceslas IV from the official documents perspective, whereas the National Library from the perspective of literary works, commented on the exhibition its creator, Jan Vojt\u00ed\u0161ek.\n"} |
640 | {"cs": "\"N\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edci se mohou t\u011b\u0161it nap\u0159\u00edklad na d\u00edlo o zem\u011bd\u011blstv\u00ed Petra de Crescentiis, kter\u00e9 je v podstat\u011b jakousi encyklopedi\u00ed zem\u011bd\u011blstv\u00ed, nebo na brevi\u00e1\u0159, tedy modlitebn\u00ed knihu jedn\u00e9 z benediktinek kl\u00e1\u0161tera sv. Ji\u0159\u00ed na Pra\u017esk\u00e9m hrad\u011b, a to z po\u010d\u00e1tku 15. stolet\u00ed,\" vyjmenoval d\u016fvody, pro\u010d by se lid\u00e9 m\u011bli podle n\u011bj na v\u00fdstavu pod\u00edvat.\n", "en": "\"Visitors can look forward, for instance, to the writings on agriculture by Petrus de Crescentiis, which are basically a kind of rural encyclopaedia; or a breviary, which is a book of prayers that belonged to a Benedictine nun of St George's Convent at Prague Castle in the early 15th century,\" he lists the reasons why he thinks people should come and see the exhibition.\n"} |
641 | {"cs": "Vystaveny budou tak\u00e9 Epi\u0161toly Petra z Blois, kde je v \u00favodn\u00ed miniatu\u0159e H (enrico) vyobrazena polopostava anglick\u00e9ho kr\u00e1le Jind\u0159icha II. Autorem v\u00fdzdoby je s nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed pravd\u011bpodobnost\u00ed Mistr Samsonovy historie, kter\u00fd se vedle dvou svazk\u016f Bible V\u00e1clava IV. pod\u00edlel tak\u00e9 na v\u00fdzdob\u011b \u0159ady dal\u0161\u00edch rukopis\u016f. N\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edci uvid\u00ed i latinsk\u00fd sborn\u00edk trakt\u00e1t\u016f Johna Wycliffa z obdob\u00ed asi 1411 a\u017e 1414.\n", "en": "The Epistles of Peter of Blois will also be on display, whose historiated initial H (enrico) features the half-figure of King Henry II of England. The ornaments were most likely created by the Master of the History of Samson, who in addition to two volumes of the Bible of Wenceslas IV also created ornaments in a number of other manuscripts. Visitors can also view a Latin collection of tracts by John Wycliffe from around 1411 to 1414.\n"} |
642 | {"cs": "Z knihovny V\u00e1clava IV. se nezachovala na \u010desk\u00e9m \u00fazem\u00ed ani jedna kniha. Tato knihovna pat\u0159ila podle odborn\u00edk\u016f k nejrozs\u00e1hlej\u0161\u00edm a tak\u00e9 nejkr\u00e1sn\u011bj\u0161\u00edm kni\u017en\u00edm sb\u00edrk\u00e1m v tehdej\u0161\u00ed st\u0159edn\u00ed Evrop\u011b, proto\u017ee mlad\u00fd kr\u00e1l tou\u017eil po vybudov\u00e1n\u00ed reprezentativn\u00ed knihovny, kter\u00e1 by se vyrovnala kni\u017en\u00edm sb\u00edrk\u00e1m jeho francouzsk\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00fdch. Knihovna v\u0161ak zanikla brzy po V\u00e1clavov\u011b smrti. Podle v\u0161eho byla rozkradena nebo zni\u010dena p\u0159i dob\u00fdv\u00e1n\u00ed hradu husity. N\u011bkolik kodex\u016f ale bylo zachr\u00e1n\u011bno. Nejv\u00edce jich dnes vlastn\u00ed Rakousk\u00e1 n\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovna.\n", "en": "No books from Wenceslas IV's library survived in the Czech Republic. According to experts, the library used to have one of the largest and most beautiful book collections in Central Europe in those times, the result of the young King's desire to have a highly presentable library that would compare to the book collections of his French relatives. However, the library perished soon after Wenceslas's death. It is most likely that it was ransacked or destroyed when the castle was besieged by the Hussites. A few codices were saved, most of which are now owned by the Austrian National Library.\n"} |
643 | {"cs": "\"M\u00e1me v na\u0161ich sb\u00edrk\u00e1ch celou \u0159adu poklad\u016f a jsem r\u00e1d, \u017ee jsou ve stavu, kter\u00fd umo\u017e\u0148uje jejich vystavov\u00e1n\u00ed a zp\u0159\u00edstup\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed ve\u0159ejnosti takzvan\u011b na\u017eivo a nejen formou digit\u00e1ln\u00ed knihovny Manuscriptorium,\" uvedl \u0159editel N\u00e1rodn\u00ed knihovny Martin Kocanda.\n", "en": "\"Our collections include a whole host of treasures, and I am glad that they are in a condition to be displayed and viewed by the public \u2018live\u2019 and not just via the Manuscriptorium digital library,\" said Martin Kocanda, the Head of the National Library.\n"} |
644 | {"cs": "V den sobotn\u00edho st\u00e1tn\u00edho sv\u00e1tku bude v Klementinu otev\u0159ena zdarma i v\u00fdstava s n\u00e1zvem Co se skr\u00fdv\u00e1 pod podlahou, kter\u00e1 p\u0159edstavuje zdej\u0161\u00ed archeologick\u00e9 objevy.\n", "en": "On the National Holiday Saturday, a Clementinum exhibition called \u2018What is Hiding under the Floor\u2019 featuring local archaeological finds will also welcome visitors free of charge.\n"} |
645 | {"cs": "Krist\u00fdna Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e1 do fin\u00e1le nepro\u0161la, druh\u00fd titul j\u00ed zat\u00edm unik\u00e1\n", "en": "Krist\u00fdna Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e1 has not made it to the finals, she misses the second title\n"} |
646 | {"cs": "Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e9 prost\u0159ed\u00ed v Ta\u0161kentu sv\u011bd\u010dilo, v roce 2016 zde vyhr\u00e1la sv\u016fj prvn\u00ed turnaj na okruhu WTA a i letos si po\u010d\u00ednala velmi suver\u00e9nn\u011b.\n", "en": "Tashkent has proved to be good for Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e1. In 2016, she won her first WTA tournament there and played very confidently this year as well.\n"} |
647 | {"cs": "Po v\u00fdhr\u00e1ch s Paoliniovou, Kawaovou a Ku\u017emovou se probojovala mezi \u010dty\u0159i nejlep\u0161\u00ed hr\u00e1\u010dky.\n", "en": "After winning over Paolini, Kawa and Ku\u017emov\u00e1, she advanced to the best four players.\n"} |
648 | {"cs": "Jen\u017ee utk\u00e1n\u00ed s Alison Van Uytvanckovou se pro Krist\u00fdnu nevyv\u00edjelo dob\u0159e. Belgi\u010danka si dr\u017eela sv\u00e9 pod\u00e1n\u00ed a v prvn\u00ed sad\u011b dvakr\u00e1t prolomila servis Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e9. Ve druh\u00e9m setu pak \u0161la Van Uytvanckov\u00e1 brzy do veden\u00ed 3:0 a zvrat u\u017e se Krist\u00fdn\u011b nepoda\u0159il, i kdy\u017e se j\u00ed povedlo nakonec prom\u011bnit i jeden brejkbol. V posledn\u00edm je\u0161t\u011b odvr\u00e1tila jeden me\u010dbol, p\u0159i druh\u00e9m v\u0161ak p\u0159i\u0161el konec.\n", "en": "However, the match against Alison Van Uytvanck was not going well for Krist\u00fdna. The Belgian did not drop her serve, and in the first set she broke Pl\u00ed\u0161kov\u00e1's service twice. In the second set Van Uytvanck soon took a 3-0 lead. Krist\u00fdna did not manage to turn the game around, despite successfully converting a break point in the end. In the last one, she fended off a match point, however it ended with the second one.\n"} |
649 | {"cs": "Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 zm\u011bnila image a ud\u011blala dob\u0159e! Ve sv\u011btl\u00fdch vlasech oml\u00e1dla\n", "en": "Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 changed her image and the result is great! She looks younger with blond hair\n"} |
650 | {"cs": "Filmov\u00e1 Saxana Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 (69) na sv\u016fj v\u011bk vypad\u00e1 naprosto fantasticky. I kdy\u017e v listopadu oslav\u00ed \u017eivotn\u00ed jubileum, jako d\u016fchodkyn\u011b nikdy nevypadala. A te\u010f tomu je\u0161t\u011b napomohla. Zm\u011bnila image, a\u017e ji jej\u00ed kolegov\u00e9 nepozn\u00e1vali.\n", "en": "Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 (69), who played the movie character Saxana, looks absolutely fantastic for her age. Despite her upcoming milestone birthday in November, she has never looked like an old lady. And now she has helped her good looks even more. Her image is so different now that even her colleagues couldn't recognize her.\n"} |
651 | {"cs": "Here\u010dka Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 nikdy nevypadala jako typick\u00e1 babi\u010dka, kter\u00e1 by m\u011bla vlasy protkan\u00e9 \u0161edivou barvou, nosila usedl\u00e9 v\u011bci a do spole\u010dnosti vyrazila sporadicky. V\u017edycky se o sebe starala a \u010d\u00edm je star\u0161\u00ed, t\u00edm v\u00edc se dok\u00e1\u017ee odv\u00e1zat v pohledu na svou image.\n", "en": "Actress Petra \u010cernock\u00e1 has never looked like a typical grandma whose hair is threaded with grey, who dresses sedately and socializes very sporadically. She has always taken great care of herself. The older she gets, the more she feels free to experiment with her image.\n"} |
652 | {"cs": "Na\u0161t\u011bst\u00ed nepodlehla trendu plastick\u00fdch operac\u00ed a o ple\u0165 se star\u00e1 pomoc\u00ed star\u00e9 dobr\u00e9 indulony. A jej\u00ed recept proti vr\u00e1sk\u00e1m se vypl\u00e1c\u00ed. Te\u010f ale zm\u011bnila barvu vlas\u016f a naprosto prokoukla.\n", "en": "Fortunately, she has never fallen victim to the trend of plastic surgery, and her skincare consists of applying good old Indulona. Her recipe against wrinkles is paying dividends now. Now she's also changed her hair colour and looks absolutely fabulous.\n"} |
653 | {"cs": "Kdy\u017e p\u0159i\u0161la na spole\u010denskou akci, kde se celebrity lou\u010dily s l\u00e9tem, nikdo nemohl Petru poznat. Nejen\u017ee m\u011bla sv\u011btlej\u0161\u00ed a krat\u0161\u00ed vlasy, ale je\u0161t\u011b byla oble\u010den\u00e1 do \u017elut\u00e9ho kab\u00e1tku, kter\u00fd ji je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce proz\u00e1\u0159il.\n", "en": "When she arrived at the social gathering where celebrities were saying goodbye to summer, nobody could recognize Petra. Not only was her hair lighter and shorter, she was also sporting a yellow jacket, which made her shine even more.\n"} |
654 | {"cs": "D\u00e1my by se od Saxany m\u011bly u\u010dit, jak se nepodce\u0148ovat, \u017ee i na prahu sedmdes\u00e1tky mohou riskovat se vzhledem. A Pet\u0159e se to vyplatilo, vypad\u00e1 maxim\u00e1ln\u011b na pades\u00e1t.\n", "en": "Ladies should learn from Saxana not to undermine themselves and be adventurous with their looks even when they are about to hit the age of 70. It has paid off for Petra, as she looks fifty at most.\n"} |
655 | {"cs": "Cestovatel Zikmund nebo gener\u00e1l Bo\u010dek. Sen\u00e1t rozdal pam\u011btn\u00ed medaile\n", "en": "Traveller Zikmund and General Bo\u010dek. Commemorative medals given out by the Senate\n"} |
656 | {"cs": "\u0160estadevades\u00e1tilet\u00fd Bo\u010dek, kter\u00fd byl za druh\u00e9 sv\u011btov\u00e9 v\u00e1lky st\u00edha\u010dem britsk\u00e9ho letectva, jm\u00e9nem v\u0161ech ocen\u011bn\u00fdch za ud\u011blen\u00e9 medaile pod\u011bkoval. \"Sen\u00e1t byl jeden z prvn\u00edch, kter\u00fd nezapom\u00ednal a nezapom\u00edn\u00e1 na v\u00e1le\u010dn\u00e9 veter\u00e1ny,\" uvedl mimo jin\u00e9. \"Ocen\u011bn\u00ed, kter\u00e9 jsem dnes p\u0159evzal, pat\u0159\u00ed tak\u00e9 m\u00fdm kamar\u00e1d\u016fm, kte\u0159\u00ed u\u017e nejsou mezi n\u00e1mi,\" dodal.\n", "en": "Bo\u010dek, a 96-year-old former fighter pilot who served in the British Air Force during the Second World War, thanked for the awarded medals on behalf of all awardees. \"The Senate has always been, and still is, leading the way in remembering war veterans,\" he said among other things. \"The awards I've received today also belong to those of my friends who are no longer with us,\" he added.\n"} |
657 | {"cs": "Kubera ve sv\u00e9 \u0159e\u010di varoval p\u0159ed rozd\u011blov\u00e1n\u00ed spole\u010dnosti. \"Nezapom\u00ednejme na sv\u00e9 ko\u0159eny, kter\u00e9 n\u00e1s v\u0161echny, a\u0165 chceme, nebo nechceme, spojuj\u00ed a utv\u00e1\u0159ej\u00ed. V\u017edy\u0165 pr\u00e1v\u011b z t\u011bchto hodnot vych\u00e1z\u00ed na\u0161e \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00e1 sou\u010dasnost,\" uvedl Kubera.\n", "en": "In his speech, Kubera warned against divisions in society. \"Let's not forget our roots, which make us who we are and bring us together whether we want it or not. After all, these are precisely the values that our successful present has emerged from,\" said Kubera.\n"} |
658 | {"cs": "Ocen\u011bn\u00ed byli kardiolo\u017eka a nejcitovan\u011bj\u0161\u00ed \u010desk\u00e1 v\u011bdkyn\u011b Renata C\u00edfkov\u00e1, dlouholet\u00fd rektor Univerzity Tom\u00e1\u0161e Bati ve Zl\u00edn\u011b Petr S\u00e1ha, geolog, spisovatel a cestovatel a populariz\u00e1tor v\u011bdy V\u00e1clav C\u00edlek, p\u0159edseda \u010cesk\u00e9ho biatlonov\u00e9ho svazu a viceprezident Sv\u011btov\u00e9 biatlonov\u00e9 unie Ji\u0159\u00ed Hamza a Franti\u0161ek Pa\u0161t\u011bka. Horn\u00ed komora ocenila jeho hrdinstv\u00ed - letos v lednu zachr\u00e1nil \u017eivot sv\u00e9mu sousedovi a jeho dvoulet\u00e9 vnu\u010dce, kdy\u017e je vyt\u00e1hl z ho\u0159\u00edc\u00edho auta. Medaile dostali tak\u00e9 b\u00fdval\u00ed p\u0159edsedov\u00e9 horn\u00ed komory Libu\u0161e Bene\u0161ov\u00e1 a Milan \u0160t\u011bch.\n", "en": "Among the awardees were Renata C\u00edfkov\u00e1, a cardiologist and the most cited Czech female scientist; Petr S\u00e1ha, a long-serving rector at Tom\u00e1\u0161 Ba\u0165a University in Zl\u00edn; V\u00e1clav C\u00edlek, a geologist, writer, traveller and science populariser; Ji\u0159\u00ed Hamza, the president of the Czech Biathlon Union and vice-president of the International Biathlon Union; and Franti\u0161ek Pa\u0161t\u011bka. The Upper House awarded Pa\u0161t\u011bka a medal for his heroism in saving the lives of his neighbour and the neighbour's two-year-old granddaughter, when he pulled them out of their burning car in January this year. Libu\u0161e Bene\u0161ov\u00e1 and Milan \u0160t\u011bch, both former Chairs of the Upper House, also received medals.\n"} |
659 | {"cs": "Zikmund podnikl spolu s Ji\u0159\u00edm Hanzelkou \u0159adu cestovatelsk\u00fdch v\u00fdprav po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b, p\u0159i nich\u017e shrom\u00e1\u017edili \u0159adu dokument\u00e1rn\u00edho materi\u00e1lu. Fi\u0161tejn byl koment\u00e1torem i \u0159editelem vys\u00edl\u00e1n\u00ed R\u00e1dia Svobodn\u00e1 Evropa, nyn\u00ed spolupracuje s ve\u0159ejnopr\u00e1vn\u00edmi m\u00e9dii. Steigerwald p\u016fsob\u00ed tak\u00e9 jako dramatik a sc\u00e9n\u00e1rista, hudebn\u00edk Koc\u00e1b byl \u0161\u00e9fem parlamentn\u00ed komise pro dohled nad odsunem sov\u011btsk\u00fdch vojsk.\n", "en": "Zikmund, together with Ji\u0159\u00ed Hanzelka, went on a series of travel expeditions all around the globe, during which they accumulated a good deal of documentary material. Fi\u0161tejn was a commentator and broadcasting director in Free Europe Radio and is now working in public broadcasting media. Steigerwald is a playwright and screenwriter. Musician Koc\u00e1b was the head of the parliamentary committee that oversaw the relocation of the Soviet Army.\n"} |
660 | {"cs": "Medaili s p\u0159edstihem dostal astronom a emeritn\u00ed vedouc\u00ed \u00da\u0159adu OSN pro vesm\u00edrn\u00e9 z\u00e1le\u017eitosti Lubo\u0161 Perek, a to v \u010dervenci u p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti sv\u00fdch st\u00fdch narozenin. Do konce roku maj\u00ed stejn\u00e9 ocen\u011bn\u00ed dostat je\u0161t\u011b \u010desk\u00e1 roda\u010dka a prvn\u00ed ministryn\u011b zahrani\u010d\u00ed USA Madeleine Albrightov\u00e1 a britsk\u00fd filozof a politolog Roger Scruton, kter\u00fd se mimo jin\u00e9 pod\u00edlel na \u010dinnosti takzvan\u00e9 podzemn\u00ed univerzity b\u011bhem komunistick\u00e9ho re\u017eimu v n\u011bkdej\u0161\u00edm \u010ceskoslovensku.\n", "en": "Lubo\u0161 Perek, an astronomer and the emeritus chief of the United Nations Office for Outer Space, received his medal in advance, on the occasion of his 100th birthday in July. By the end of this year, these awards are to be given to Madeleine Albright, the Czech-born first female U.S. Secretary of State; and Roger Scruton, a British philosopher and political scientist, who among other things took part in running a so-called underground university in former Czechoslovakia during the communist regime.\n"} |
661 | {"cs": "Aplikace pom\u016f\u017ee vybavit d\u00edlny. Za body z\u00edskan\u00e9 pohybem\n", "en": "An application that helps equip workshops. With points rewarded for moving around\n"} |
662 | {"cs": "Vybavit d\u0159eva\u0159skou d\u00edlnu hodon\u00ednsk\u00e9 Integrovan\u00e9 \u0161koly nov\u00fdm ru\u010dn\u00edm n\u00e1\u0159ad\u00edm. O to se nyn\u00ed mohou zaslou\u017eit v\u0161ichni, kte\u0159\u00ed si do sv\u00fdch mobil\u016f st\u00e1hnou aplikaci EPP Pom\u00e1hej pohybem.\n", "en": "New hand tools for the woodwork workshop in the Multi-Disciplinary School in Hodon\u00edn. This can now be earned by all those who download the \u2018Give Help by Moving\u2019 EPP application into their mobile phones.\n"} |
663 | {"cs": "\"Sv\u00fdm pohybem sb\u00edr\u00e1te body, kter\u00e9 pak p\u0159ip\u00ed\u0161ete na konto na\u0161eho projektu. Nemus\u00edte b\u00fdt z\u00e1vodn\u00edm b\u011b\u017ecem \u010di cyklistou, body se na\u010d\u00edtaj\u00ed i kdy\u017e jdete ven\u010dit psa nebo nakoupit, jdete na proch\u00e1zku nebo p\u011b\u0161ky do pr\u00e1ce,\" uvedla \u0159editelka hodon\u00ednsk\u00e9 \u0161koly Eva Schmidov\u00e1. Projekt se dostal mezi nejv\u00edce zaj\u00edmav\u00e9 z obrovsk\u00e9ho mno\u017estv\u00ed dal\u0161\u00edch \u017e\u00e1dost\u00ed pro Nadaci \u010cEZ. Aplikace bude aktivn\u00ed jen po dobu jednoho m\u011bs\u00edce.\n", "en": "\"You can collect points by moving around and then credit them to our project's account. You don't need to be a competitive runner or cyclist. Points are earned even while you're walking the dog, going shopping, taking a stroll or walking to work,\" said Eva Schmidov\u00e1, the Hodon\u00edn school's headteacher. The project is considered one of the most interesting among the huge number of projects submitted to the \u010cEZ Foundation. The application will be active for one month only.\n"} |
Subsets and Splits