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1400 | {"en": "The birthday-suited shopper's identity remains unknown, though she appears to have been allowed to leave the premises after the impromptu peep show.\n", "cs": "Identita nakupuj\u00edc\u00ed v Evin\u011b rou\u0161e z\u016fst\u00e1v\u00e1 nezn\u00e1m\u00e1, zd\u00e1 se, \u017ee po improvizovan\u00e9m stript\u00fdzu j\u00ed bylo umo\u017en\u011bno opustit prostory obchodu.\n"} |
1401 | {"en": "Similar bizarre sights are nothing new for Walmart. In July, security cameras caught a Pennsylvania woman relieving herself into a bin of potatoes at a Walmart in the town of West Mifflin. The woman, who is visibly intoxicated in the footage, was charged with open lewdness, public drunkenness, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct for the deed, and became a viral sensation to boot.\n", "cs": "Podobn\u011b bizarn\u00ed z\u00e1\u017eitky nejsou pro Walmart ni\u010d\u00edm nov\u00fdm. V \u010dervenci zachytily bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed kamery \u017eenu z Pennsylv\u00e1nie, kter\u00e1 se svalila do bedny s bramborami ve Walmartu ve m\u011bst\u011b West Mifflin. \u017dena, kter\u00e1 byla viditeln\u011b pod vlivem alkoholu, byla obvin\u011bna z obsc\u00e9nn\u00edho chov\u00e1n\u00ed, opilosti na ve\u0159ejnosti, vyvol\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed pot\u00ed\u017e\u00ed a naru\u0161ov\u00e1n\u00ed ve\u0159ejn\u00e9ho po\u0159\u00e1dku a stala se internetov\u00fdm hitem.\n"} |
1402 | {"en": "In another case of compelled supermarket nudity this week, a British man, Steve Whitehurst, was forced to expose himself to security guards after they spotted a mysterious \"bulge\" in his pants. He hadn't stolen anything.\n", "cs": "Dal\u0161\u00edm p\u0159\u00edpadem svl\u00e9k\u00e1n\u00ed v supermarketu byl tento t\u00fdden britsk\u00fd mu\u017e Steve Whitehurst, kter\u00e9ho zadr\u017eela bezpe\u010dnostn\u00ed ostraha pot\u00e9, co na jeho kalhot\u00e1ch zpozorovala neidentifikovatelnou \u201evybouleninu\u201c. Nic ale neukradl.\n"} |
1403 | {"en": "\"I can't help the way I'm made,\" Whitehurst told the Sun.\n", "cs": "\u201eNem\u016f\u017eu za to, jak m\u011b b\u016fh stvo\u0159il,\u201c \u0159ekl Whitehurst \u010dasopisu The Sun.\n"} |
1404 | {"en": "West Bengal Government Plans To Set Up Museum At Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar's House\n", "cs": "Vl\u00e1da Z\u00e1padn\u00edho Beng\u00e1lska pl\u00e1nuje z\u0159\u00eddit muzeum v dom\u011b Ishwara Chandry Vidyasagara\n"} |
1405 | {"en": "Kolkata:\n", "cs": "Kalkata:\n"} |
1406 | {"en": "West Bengal government has plans to set up a museum at the north Kolkata house of 19th century social reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar where he had spent the last few years of his life, state minister Partha Chatterjee said.\n", "cs": "Vl\u00e1da Z\u00e1padn\u00edho Beng\u00e1lska pl\u00e1nuje z\u0159\u00eddit muzeum v severn\u00ed Kalkat\u011b v dom\u011b soci\u00e1ln\u00edho reform\u00e1tora 19. stolet\u00ed Ishwara Chandry Vidyasagara, ve kter\u00e9m str\u00e1vil n\u011bkolik posledn\u00edch let sv\u00e9ho \u017eivota, \u0159ekl ministr Partha Chatterjee.\n"} |
1407 | {"en": "The museum will come up at Vidyasagar's residence at Badur Bagan area where pictures and models, chronicling his life from his birth place at Birsinghapur village in Paschim Medinipur district to the house in north Kolkata, will be put on display, he said on Thursday.\n", "cs": "Muzeum se bude nach\u00e1zet v rezidenci Vidyasagar v oblasti Badur Bagan, kde budou vystaven\u00e9 obr\u00e1zky a modely ukazuj\u00edc\u00ed jeho \u017eivot od narozen\u00ed ve vesnici Birsinghapur v okrese Paschim Medinipur a\u017e po \u017eivot v dom\u011b na severu Kalkaty, sd\u011blil st\u00e1tn\u00edk ve \u010dtvrtek.\n"} |
1408 | {"en": "Mr Chatterjee, who is the education minister, said this at a function after inaugurating \"Vidyasagar Academy\" at the Badur Bagan residence on the 200th birth anniversary celebrations of the educational and social reformer.\n", "cs": "Pan Chatterjee, kter\u00fd je ministrem \u0161kolstv\u00ed, toto uvedl po slavnostn\u00edm zah\u00e1jen\u00ed \u201eVidyasagarsk\u00e9 akademie\u201c v rezidenci Badur Bagan p\u0159i p\u0159\u00edle\u017eitosti oslav 200. v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed narozen\u00ed tohoto soci\u00e1ln\u00edho a \u0161kolsk\u00e9ho reform\u00e1tora.\n"} |
1409 | {"en": "The minister also released two books, \"Amader Vidyasagar\" and \"Chotoder Vidyasagar\" at the programme.\n", "cs": "Ministr b\u011bhem programu tak\u00e9 zve\u0159ejnil dv\u011b knihy, \u201eAmader Vidyasagar\u201c a \u201eChotoder Vidyasagar\u201c.\n"} |
1410 | {"en": "Some items used by Vidyasagar, gathering dust in the storeroom of the house, will be brought out for public viewing at the museum.\n", "cs": "N\u011bkter\u00e9 p\u0159edm\u011bty pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9 Vidyasagarem, na kter\u00e9 se pr\u00e1\u0161\u00ed ve sklep\u011b domu, budou p\u0159evezeny do muzea, aby si je ve\u0159ejnost mohla prohl\u00e9dnout.\n"} |
1411 | {"en": "This will help the present generation to know about the man, who had waged a war against women oppression and propagated widow remarriage, he said.\n", "cs": "Expozice pom\u016f\u017ee sou\u010dasn\u00e9 generaci z\u00edskat p\u0159edstavu o mu\u017ei, kter\u00fd bojoval proti \u00fatlaku \u017een a propagoval, aby se vdovy mohly znovu vd\u00e1vat, \u0159ekl ministr.\n"} |
1412 | {"en": "The School Education and Higher Education department will organise seminars highlighting Vidaysagar's life and work in schools and colleges during a year-long programme, Mr Chatterjee said.\n", "cs": "Ministerstvo \u0161kolstv\u00ed uspo\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1 b\u011bhem jednoho roku semin\u00e1\u0159e zam\u011b\u0159en\u00e9 na \u017eivot a pr\u00e1ci Vidaysagara v prost\u0159ed\u00ed st\u0159edn\u00edch a vysok\u00fdch \u0161kol, \u0159ekl pan Chatterjee.\n"} |
1413 | {"en": "Listing other activities to be taken up by the academy, Mr Chatterjee said that a collection of hitherto unknown writings by Vidyasagar will be published.\n", "cs": "Ve v\u00fd\u010dtu dal\u0161\u00edch aktivit, kter\u00fdmi se akademie bude zab\u00fdvat, uvedl pan Chatterjee zve\u0159ejn\u011bn\u00ed sb\u00edrky dosud nevydan\u00fdch spis\u016f Vidyasagara.\n"} |
1414 | {"en": "Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had recently announced that Vidyasagar's birthplace at Birsinghapur village will be developed as an educational tourist hub.\n", "cs": "Ministersk\u00e1 p\u0159edsedkyn\u011b Mamata Banerjeeov\u00e1 ned\u00e1vno ozn\u00e1mila, \u017ee na m\u00edst\u011b narozen\u00ed Vidyasagara ve vesnici Birsinghapur bude vytvo\u0159eno vzd\u011bl\u00e1vac\u00ed turistick\u00e9 centrum.\n"} |
1415 | {"en": "On Thursday, a bronze statue of Vidyasagar was installed at Vidyasagar College.\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek byla na Vidyasagar College vzty\u010dena Vidyasagarova bronzov\u00e1 socha.\n"} |
1416 | {"en": "\"Those who are against the social reforms of Vidyasagar had vandalised his bust at the institution associated with his name,\" the minister said.\n", "cs": "\u201eOdp\u016frci Vidyasagarov\u00fdch soci\u00e1ln\u00edch reforem poni\u010dili reform\u00e1torovu bystu v instituci spojen\u00e9 s jeho jm\u00e9nem,\u201c \u0159ekl ministr.\n"} |
1417 | {"en": "A bust of the social reformer was vandalised during a road show of BJP chief Amit Shah in the city in May.\n", "cs": "Bysta soci\u00e1ln\u00edho reform\u00e1tora byla poni\u010dena v kv\u011btnu b\u011bhem p\u0159edvolebn\u00ed kampan\u011b Amita Shaha, p\u0159edsedy indick\u00e9 strany BJP.\n"} |
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