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Create a single HTML file containing CSS and JavaScript to generate an animated weather card. The card should visually represent the following weather conditions with distinct animations: Wind: (e.g., moving clouds, swaying trees, or wind lines) Rain: (e.g., falling raindrops, puddles forming) Sun: (e.g., shining rays, bright background) Snow: (e.g., falling snowflakes, snow accumulating) Show all the weather card side by side The card should have a dark background. Provide all the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code within this single file. The JavaScript should include a way to switch between the different weather conditions (e.g., a function or a set of buttons) to demonstrate the animations for each.
Create a single HTML file containing CSS and JavaScript to generate an animated weather card. The card should visually represent the following weather conditions with distinct animations: Wind: (e.g., moving clouds, swaying trees, or wind lines) Rain: (e.g., falling raindrops, puddles forming) Sun: (e.g., shining rays, bright background) Snow: (e.g., falling snowflakes, snow accumulating) Show all the weather card side by side The card should have a dark background. Provide all the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code within this single file. The JavaScript should include a way to switch between the different weather conditions (e.g., a function or a set of buttons) to demonstrate the animations for each.
创建一个包含 CSS 和 JavaScript 的单个 HTML 文件,以生成一个动画天气卡片。卡片应通过不同的动画直观地表示以下天气条件:风:(例如,移动的云朵、摇曳的树木或风线)雨:(例如,落下的雨滴、形成的水坑)晴:(例如,闪耀的光线、明亮的背景)雪:(例如,落下的雪花、积雪)并排显示所有天气卡片。卡片应具有深色背景。在此单个文件中提供所有 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 代码。JavaScript 应包含一种在不同天气条件之间切换的方法(例如,一个函数或一组按钮),以演示每种天气的动画。