🚩 Report: Ethical issue(s)
Discrimination against Chinese & its culture
Removing CCP censorship and fact manipulation is not discrimination against Chinese and their culture.
Could you please provide an example for your claim?
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Exactly! That's what the CCP has been doing since Jiang ZeMing.
They should never brainwash their children with racism and hatred against specific nation like in the video.
The "great" firewall has no power here, bro
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Exactly! That's what the CCP has been doing since Jiang ZeMing.
They should never brainwash their children with racism and hatred against specific nation like in the video.
https://x.com/whyyoutouzhele/status/1888457406675574898The "great" firewall has no power here, bro
clearly, you've been brainwashed by western media. it is pathetic to blindly follow any kind of propaganda, and yet entitle yourself as "woker"
I wish there would be more peace in the world and these people to stop with the hate.
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Racism is discrimintaion based on race, it's in the name.
And you fail to provide examples that could prove your claims.
I wish there would be more peace in the world and these people to stop with the hate.
You could start by stopping of making wrong accusations, and calling people hateful towards China and Chinese when all they do is criticize the CCP.
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Racism is discrimintaion based on race, it's in the name.
And you fail to provide examples that could prove your claims.I wish there would be more peace in the world and these people to stop with the hate.
You could start by stopping of making wrong accusations, and calling people hateful towards China and Chinese when all they do is criticize the CCP.
Your defending of CENSORED LLM by US corp. shows what you are clearly brainwashed, or just wageslave of Global Capital. Can you please "criticize the CCP" for us here? Why they so hated by you? Where you get your information about it from?
Why they so hated by you?
- CCP is ranked No.1 by far, by the number of Chinese citizens an entity has historically killed.
Oh, didn't you know? And you're pointing at us yelling "brainwashed?"
Why they so hated by you?
- CCP is ranked No.1 by far, by the number of Chinese citizens an entity has historically killed.
Oh, didn't you know? And you're pointing at us yelling "brainwashed?"
Wink more, узколобая лабораторная крыса Капитала
Unfair targeting against specific nation is racism.
Racism is discrimintaion based on race, it's in the name.
And you fail to provide examples that could prove your claims.I wish there would be more peace in the world and these people to stop with the hate.
You could start by stopping of making wrong accusations, and calling people hateful towards China and Chinese when all they do is criticize the CCP.
Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism
In this case you are targeting China because you assume your political view points are better than Chinese. That is why I said, stop being biased, uncensor model fully and show good faith that you are for freedom. But you keep targeting China, so that diminish your image and character. I actually can't understand you, why don't you find something else in life, joyful, instead of wasting your money on supposed removal of censorship.
I cannot remove certain biases from Microsoft Phi-4 which I am using every day even if I give it clear instructions. Even if it is abliterated version. But I do not attack US democrats or any other government establishment.
Even if I mention here what is it about, I would be writing against code of conduct, so I don't want to insult woke people.
Another boring argument that fails to distinguish between inherent training-data bias and authoritative censorship checkpoints.
Both are harmful, and we dislike both, but the former is a long-term challenge we all need to address, while the latter is an issue entirely attributable to specific political parties' malicious effort.
Somebody removed the censorship, then a massive brigade (suspectedly from the entity who injected the censorship) tries to infringe their free publication right in this open-source community, by deceitful, dishonest tactics. That's the problem here we're talking about.
And again, stop using the strawman. It's all about "CCP," we're not even talking about "China" at all.
You and I which political view points are better? Not even interested. That's your problem, not ours. We're talking about CCP's activities that's harming us.
Another boring argument that fails to distinguish between inherent training-data bias and authoritative censorship checkpoints.
I feel you only want to manipulate. Subject I answered was about racism. And I actually don't protest for you uncensoring some LLM model, I am using such models. But the discussion here speaks of targeting only Chinese censorship.
While US models are heavily censored in all the subjects that US is pushing to the world, let's say homosexualism, models are refusing to work on that subject, as soon as my opinion differ.
You talk only China, China, and answer in rude manner. It is like you have got God given right to accuse and blame China and Chinese government.
But you don't talk of your government.
If you do not live in China, why are you against their government? It doesn't affect you.
First is to clean dirt in your own home.
Both are harmful, and we dislike both, but the former is a long-term challenge we all need to address, while the latter is an issue entirely attributable to specific political parties' malicious effort.
I don't know what "cause" you are trying to address. Human rights abuses is what matters. Not biased opinions.
Here is simple formula:
- Look up your own country here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Human_rights_abuses_by_country
- Try to see if human rights stopped in that subject.
- Try to see how you can engage peacefully, without aggression and threatening to make better conditions.
Somebody removed the censorship, then a massive brigade (suspectedly from the entity who injected the censorship) tries to infringe their free publication right in this open-source community, by deceitful, dishonest tactics. That's the problem here we're talking about.
You are the only one who call people here "brigade". You are delusional. Chinese government is sending brigades after you! Wow!
This is by large community that host free software, free as in freedom, also known as Open Source, but it also hosts a lot of proprietary software, thus is not open source community per se. Many organizations here care less of Open Source.
I see what you want. You want to have biased opinion against Chinese government. You want to ignore any problems in your own government. And you keep calling commenters here whatever names and labels, just because they got opposing opinion.
All that creates unfriendly environment in your community forum.
I also wonder why I spend time with adult person who simply doesn't want to be kind to others.
And again, stop using the strawman. It's all about "CCP," we're not even talking about "China" at all.
Of course we are talking about China. China is country and CCP runs China according to my very limited understanding. You cannot split two terms apart. Country is political term. Territorial boundaries are politically decided. If any party or organization runs the country and you talk about that party or organization that means you talk about the country. As simple as that.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the sole governing party in China, and it plays a central role in leading the country. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has achieved significant economic growth, social stability, and technological advancements over the past few decades.
Now tell me what did your country to do advance the development of AI LLM?
If there would not be companies like Microsoft or IBM who benefit from model hosting, there would be almost no free software models.
You are basically running Chinese technology sponsored by the Communist Party of China. Sorry I may mix abbreviations.
It seems you got some serious issues with "communism", like from old times. Times of hate are over. Live and let live.
What is funny, would you be in China you would probably be happier than there where you are.
You and I which political view points are better? Not even interested. That's your problem, not ours. We're talking about CCP's activities that's harming us.
Is it truly harming you? Where is your "harm"? Demonstrate it.
This person brought up an even bigger strawman argument to try to appear competitive.
Ugh, I hate having to continue this disappointing conversation...
Give me ANY example of a government that forces censorship of LLMs, other than the CCP. Period.
You claim China and the CCP are indistinguishable because the CCP currently rules China? Seriously? What kind of argument is that?
Your statement is like saying a burglar who breaks into your home with a weapon, kxlls you, rxpes your wife, and ties up your children now represents your entire family.
Chinese history, culture, and people do not belong to the CCP. They’ve only existed since 1921.
If the CCP truly represented all of China as you claim, then by extension, everything you accuse today’s U.S. government of would also apply to every single American citizen. That idea is insane and nonsensical.
Congratulations if your country isn’t threatened by the CCP. Truly.
But you didn’t ask India, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Tuvalu, etc., etc... Not to mention Mongolia, Tibet, East Turkestan facing EXTREME difficulties.
Essentially, almost every Asian/Oceanian nation faces serious threats from the CCP’s ongoing invasive activities.
Of course, because the CCP has an internally-official strategy to conquer and dominate the world by 2049 after planned full-spectrum wars they'll start against all nations.
We respect China and its people but are unhappy with what the CCP is doing. These statements don’t conflict at all.
Those AI technologies are PARTIALLY Chinese. They didn’t develop them entirely from scratch. By exaggerating their achievements, you’re actually undermining China’s reputation. Be careful.
Anyway, political discussions are off-topic in this community. I hate this moment.
Please don’t force me to respond to such manipulative arguments with obvious misleading anymore. Enough is enough.
It's funny that every negative response to my complaint is literally just chauvinism. Singling out a single country's perspective as fundamentally "incorrect" or "biased" is definitionally prejudiced. This is very simple to understand when your perspective of the world is driven by a desire to understand things and not by an emotional need to self-soothe and reassure yourself of your own culture's superiority.
Imagine if a Chinese equivalent of this 1776 model came out and in the ethical complaints people pointed out that treating the US perspective of the world as fundamentally incorrect/biased is prejudiced and then people like @firelzrd are writing paragraph after paragraph of irrelevant, melodramatic whining about how we should all be very sympathetic to the many countries the United States and its Western allies are constantly threatening violence towards and how their genocide of Koreans, Vietnamese, and Iraqis means their perspective of the world is fundamentally flawed throughout all of history and forever into the future.
This is embarrassing to read.
Nobody is even talking about "superiority."
Only you care about such thing "superiority."
Your inferriority complex is your problem.
Don't involve us in it.
Imagine if a Chinese equivalent of this 1776 model came out
Nobody will give a shit.
DeepSeek V2, V3, R1 already proved that. The world knew it's biased but didn't rush in to demand deletion of the model.
Not because of the models' "superiority" but because they knew it's the rule and manner of free speech and publication rights.
They knew that infringing other people's publication right just because they don't like the different political views is extremely shameful act.
You still haven't provided a single example for your claims, have you?
Just endless walls of text with slanderous claims while playing the victim.
In this case you are targeting China because you assume your political view points are better than Chinese
Nope, and once again - not China, the CCP.
If you do not live in China, why are you against their government? It doesn't affect you.
I wish that was true, I really do.
Sadly under Xi the CCP has developed rather imperialistic ambitions, and is pretty active in foreign countries.
FFS, they even have an agreement with Hungary so PRC Police can patrol side-by-side with Hungarian police on Hungarian soil to track down people on their list of dissidents.
There's overseas PRC police stations in many countries, even the CCP doesn't deny this anymore
So, even if you don't live in China the CCP is a massive problem.
And an LLM that twists facts to their liking is to be viewed with suspicion.
And i think i can guess what will come from you now: "But the USA..." whataboutism.
Times of hate are over. Live and let live.
Tell that to Xi, isn't he the one that made making the west pay for the "century of shame" one of his big selling points?
What is funny, would you be in China you would probably be happier than there where you are.
I heard the re-education camps are no fun at all. hard pass, thanks.
@firelzrd I don't care about your deranged and rabidly ignorant understanding of geopolitics. My complaint is about the model and the factually unethical practice of a large company intentionally introducing bias into a model for a blatantly-stated political purpose. The use of "1776" itself within the model name, given the stated goals in the model card, is a well-established dog whistle for contemporary American fascism.
The fact that every contrarían response here continues to derail from the actual topic of the complaint (by regurgitating paragraphs of irrelevant political propaganda laden with appeals to emotion or by attempting to create new off-topic arguments about China and its government) should demonstrate to any reasonable person that there is an actual ethics issue here and it is manifesting in real time in these comments.
This person, who failed to provide any logical basis for his initial argument that there's a racial discrimination, or to cite another government besides the CCP that censors LLMs, still continues this meaningless struggle.
He shows limitless tolerance and maintains complete silence toward the CCP who INITIALLY FORCED every "large company to intentionally introduce bias into their models."
Yet, when someone removes it, he suddenly awakens and start blaming them for the same accusation.
I don’t know if it's acceptable where this person happens to be, but any sane intellectual would call this attitude a double standard.
Sadly under Xi the CCP has developed rather imperialistic ambitions, and is pretty active in foreign countries.
FFS, they even have an agreement with Hungary so PRC Police can patrol side-by-side with Hungarian police on Hungarian soil to track down people on their list of dissidents.
There's overseas PRC police stations in many countries, even the CCP doesn't deny this anymoreSo, even if you don't live in China the CCP is a massive problem.
You fully ignored question on unbiased removal of censorship within this project from other LLMs.
And you keep pestering the HF website with drama about whatever government of China.
This is not right place for that. Who cares of that opinion? Do you think people come here to listen to your teaching of Chinese government?
Still no examples, ok.
Who cares of that opinion?
You seem to care a lot.
Btw. I have written a few sentences on the CCP, while you have written half a book in praise of it.
The burden of proof is on you here.
You claim "Discrimination against Chinese & its culture" yet you have not provided a single example related to the model itself
As a reminder: this is an issue regarding an LLM.
If you have actually run it you should have no problem generating responses that prove what you claim.
You started this issue/thread, you can also close it - as without any examples that support your claim it is rather meaningless, if not just plain harassment of the developers.
Could you try contacting ChatGPT there in the USA, the good old USA, and tell them there are some issues with ChatGPT if they could provide correct information?
How these people insist to shift the point at issue is at a level of worth a respect and awe. (sarcasm, just in case)
You cannot compare inherent training data biases to
- national public authority
- actively forcing private companies or people
- to restrict access to certain information
- in favor to hide their malicious intentions or own attrocities from fair public judgement
because the former belongs to the nature of every intellectual mind's inevitable blindness,
while the latter is basically just a pure crime, except that there's no higher authority to punish it.
Thanks all guys who reported these insane amount of "ethical issue(s)," for showing us apparently
how much the CCP considers the AI infrastructure to be the platform of exporting their censorship to the world,
and how they would react if someone interrupts it in any way. It was such a beautifully-organized move.