Report: Not working
Runtime Error
We are trying to fix some issues when large users running online. Will make it work soon. Thanks for your patience.
FYI. The online demo is now available.
doesn't work....says generating then blank
doesn't work....says generating then blank
Should work now. Will try to figure out if that's the issue when many users play it ...
Still not working. Running on desktop browser
Same, it finishes, no errors reported but no image is generated
Same, it finishes, no errors reported but no image is generated
Same here... Using chrome mobile browser
Sometimes it may take some time to load the output image, or that single run just failed due to the recent high usage. Please be patient. You may also try running it again.
We will also try to see if the demo can be further improved. Thanks for your feedback!
I just had it running for 1200 seconds with no output, so I hope that was a UI error not spinning the GPUs. Just letting you know.
Please try to refresh the page and run the demo again. The current usage is quite large. Thank you for your patience.