More 12B models.

by EloyOn - opened

The old data isn't really lost, I'm keeping it in the files if anyone still wants to take a look. But yeah, I'll get to adding these.

The old data isn't really lost, I'm keeping it in the files if anyone still wants to take a look. But yeah, I'll get to adding these.

Thank you man, UGI is my leaderboard of reference. Great job.

Sao10K/MN-12B-Lyra-v1 and MarinaraSpaghetti/NemoMix-Unleashed-12B did the best at ugi by a good bit. Happy with those results, they're both pretty critically acclaimed models.

DontPlanToEnd changed discussion status to closed

Thank you!

It's incredible that base Mistral Nemo 12b has a higher W/10 than all the fine-tunes based on it.

Didn't expect Celeste v1.9 to do so bad, having into account that it was the best (or close to) 12b model using the old UGI system.

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