API input payload error
I'm trying GT4SD crystal property API from my python code.
I'm getting this error from the front end
And in Postman, getting 500 Internal error and error message as
"error": "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'"
, I need to have a better look at this but in the meantime you can access this model directly via the GT4SD python library. You can have a look at this notebook on how to perform inference using GT4SD and CGCNN-based models, note that you should provide the path where your cif files are located in the input
Hi @Lakshmi10 , to emphasize Dimitrios point, the idea of the spaces apps is to facilitate inference through a UI. For programmatic access, please use the python API as it is much more flexible
I can use GT4SD as a package. But it is not supporting well in windows system. So thought of using it from an API.
So It will be helpful if you mention where I can get the python API ?
GT4SD main repo:
Training a CGCNN:
Computing crystal properties:
Hi, Thanks for the suggestions.
But python library is not getting installed in my Windows machine. Also In hugging face site ( itself, model is not working.
Can you please quickly resolve this?
Hi, for issues with the python library (like installation) please open an issue on the python repo. Without details it's not possible to help you. Also, we do not guarantee support for gt4sd on windows, we focused development on macOS and linux since these are the most popular OS among developers.
The space here is for the webapps. Regarding the catalyst design webapp, we're looking into this