# GBNF Guide |
GBNF (GGML BNF) is a format for defining [formal grammars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_grammar) to constrain model outputs in `llama.cpp`. For example, you can use it to force the model to generate valid JSON, or speak only in emojis. GBNF grammars are supported in various ways in `examples/main` and `examples/server`. |
## Background |
[Backus-Naur Form (BNF)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus%E2%80%93Naur_form) is a notation for describing the syntax of formal languages like programming languages, file formats, and protocols. GBNF is an extension of BNF that primarily adds a few modern regex-like features. |
## Basics |
In GBNF, we define *production rules* that specify how a *non-terminal* (rule name) can be replaced with sequences of *terminals* (characters, specifically Unicode [code points](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_point)) and other non-terminals. The basic format of a production rule is `nonterminal ::= sequence...`. |
## Example |
Before going deeper, let's look at some of the features demonstrated in `grammars/chess.gbnf`, a small chess notation grammar: |
``` |
# `root` specifies the pattern for the overall output |
root ::= ( |
# it must start with the characters "1. " followed by a sequence |
# of characters that match the `move` rule, followed by a space, followed |
# by another move, and then a newline |
"1. " move " " move "\n" |
# it's followed by one or more subsequent moves, numbered with one or two digits |
([1-9] [0-9]? ". " move " " move "\n")+ |
) |
# `move` is an abstract representation, which can be a pawn, nonpawn, or castle. |
# The `[+#]?` denotes the possibility of checking or mate signs after moves |
move ::= (pawn | nonpawn | castle) [+#]? |
pawn ::= ... |
nonpawn ::= ... |
castle ::= ... |
``` |
## Non-Terminals and Terminals |
Non-terminal symbols (rule names) stand for a pattern of terminals and other non-terminals. They are required to be a dashed lowercase word, like `move`, `castle`, or `check-mate`. |
Terminals are actual characters ([code points](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_point)). They can be specified as a sequence like `"1"` or `"O-O"` or as ranges like `[1-9]` or `[NBKQR]`. |
## Characters and character ranges |
Terminals support the full range of Unicode. Unicode characters can be specified directly in the grammar, for example `hiragana ::= [ぁ-ゟ]`, or with escapes: 8-bit (`\xXX`), 16-bit (`\uXXXX`) or 32-bit (`\UXXXXXXXX`). |
Character ranges can be negated with `^`: |
``` |
single-line ::= [^\n]+ "\n" |
``` |
## Sequences and Alternatives |
The order of symbols in a sequence matters. For example, in `"1. " move " " move "\n"`, the `"1. "` must come before the first `move`, etc. |
Alternatives, denoted by `|`, give different sequences that are acceptable. For example, in `move ::= pawn | nonpawn | castle`, `move` can be a `pawn` move, a `nonpawn` move, or a `castle`. |
Parentheses `()` can be used to group sequences, which allows for embedding alternatives in a larger rule or applying repetition and optional symbols (below) to a sequence. |
## Repetition and Optional Symbols |
- `*` after a symbol or sequence means that it can be repeated zero or more times (equivalent to `{0,}`). |
- `+` denotes that the symbol or sequence should appear one or more times (equivalent to `{1,}`). |
- `?` makes the preceding symbol or sequence optional (equivalent to `{0,1}`). |
- `{m}` repeats the precedent symbol or sequence exactly `m` times |
- `{m,}` repeats the precedent symbol or sequence at least `m` times |
- `{m,n}` repeats the precedent symbol or sequence at between `m` and `n` times (included) |
- `{0,n}` repeats the precedent symbol or sequence at most `n` times (included) |
## Comments and newlines |
Comments can be specified with `#`: |
``` |
# defines optional whitespace |
ws ::= [ \t\n]+ |
``` |
Newlines are allowed between rules and between symbols or sequences nested inside parentheses. Additionally, a newline after an alternate marker `|` will continue the current rule, even outside of parentheses. |
## The root rule |
In a full grammar, the `root` rule always defines the starting point of the grammar. In other words, it specifies what the entire output must match. |
``` |
# a grammar for lists |
root ::= ("- " item)+ |
item ::= [^\n]+ "\n" |
``` |
## Next steps |
This guide provides a brief overview. Check out the GBNF files in this directory (`grammars/`) for examples of full grammars. You can try them out with: |
``` |
./llama-cli -m <model> --grammar-file grammars/some-grammar.gbnf -p 'Some prompt' |
``` |
`llama.cpp` can also convert JSON schemas to grammars either ahead of time or at each request, see below. |
## Troubleshooting |
Grammars currently have performance gotchas (see https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/4218). |
### Efficient optional repetitions |
A common pattern is to allow repetitions of a pattern `x` up to N times. |
While semantically correct, the syntax `x? x? x?.... x?` (with N repetitions) may result in extremely slow sampling. Instead, you can write `x{0,N}` (or `(x (x (x ... (x)?...)?)?)?` w/ N-deep nesting in earlier llama.cpp versions). |
## Using GBNF grammars |
You can use GBNF grammars: |
- In [llama-server](../examples/server)'s completion endpoints, passed as the `grammar` body field |
- In [llama-cli](../examples/main), passed as the `--grammar` & `--grammar-file` flags |
- With [llama-gbnf-validator](../examples/gbnf-validator) tool, to test them against strings. |
## JSON Schemas → GBNF |
`llama.cpp` supports converting a subset of https://json-schema.org/ to GBNF grammars: |
- In [llama-server](../examples/server): |
- For any completion endpoints, passed as the `json_schema` body field |
- For the `/chat/completions` endpoint, passed inside the `response_format` body field (e.g. `{"type", "json_object", "schema": {"items": {}}}` or `{ type: "json_schema", json_schema: {"schema": ...} }`) |
- In [llama-cli](../examples/main), passed as the `--json` / `-j` flag |
- To convert to a grammar ahead of time: |
- in CLI, with [examples/json_schema_to_grammar.py](../examples/json_schema_to_grammar.py) |
- in JavaScript with [json-schema-to-grammar.mjs](../examples/server/public_legacy/json-schema-to-grammar.mjs) (this is used by the [server](../examples/server)'s Web UI) |
Take a look at [tests](../tests/test-json-schema-to-grammar.cpp) to see which features are likely supported (you'll also find usage examples in https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/5978, https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/6659 & https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/6555). |
```bash |
llama-cli \ |
-hfr bartowski/Phi-3-medium-128k-instruct-GGUF \ |
-hff Phi-3-medium-128k-instruct-Q8_0.gguf \ |
-j '{ |
"type": "array", |
"items": { |
"type": "object", |
"properties": { |
"name": { |
"type": "string", |
"minLength": 1, |
"maxLength": 100 |
}, |
"age": { |
"type": "integer", |
"minimum": 0, |
"maximum": 150 |
} |
}, |
"required": ["name", "age"], |
"additionalProperties": false |
}, |
"minItems": 10, |
"maxItems": 100 |
}' \ |
-p 'Generate a {name, age}[] JSON array with famous actors of all ages.' |
``` |
<details> |
<summary>Show grammar</summary> |
You can convert any schema in command-line with: |
```bash |
examples/json_schema_to_grammar.py name-age-schema.json |
``` |
``` |
char ::= [^"\\\x7F\x00-\x1F] | [\\] (["\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4}) |
item ::= "{" space item-name-kv "," space item-age-kv "}" space |
item-age ::= ([0-9] | ([1-8] [0-9] | [9] [0-9]) | "1" ([0-4] [0-9] | [5] "0")) space |
item-age-kv ::= "\"age\"" space ":" space item-age |
item-name ::= "\"" char{1,100} "\"" space |
item-name-kv ::= "\"name\"" space ":" space item-name |
root ::= "[" space item ("," space item){9,99} "]" space |
space ::= | " " | "\n" [ \t]{0,20} |
``` |
</details> |
Here is also a list of known limitations (contributions welcome): |
- `additionalProperties` defaults to `false` (produces faster grammars + reduces hallucinations). |
- `"additionalProperties": true` may produce keys that contain unescaped newlines. |
- Unsupported features are skipped silently. It is currently advised to use the command-line Python converter (see above) to see any warnings, and to inspect the resulting grammar / test it w/ [llama-gbnf-validator](../examples/gbnf-validator/gbnf-validator.cpp). |
- Can't mix `properties` w/ `anyOf` / `oneOf` in the same type (https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/7703) |
- [prefixItems](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-prefixitems) is broken (but [items](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-items) works) |
- `minimum`, `exclusiveMinimum`, `maximum`, `exclusiveMaximum`: only supported for `"type": "integer"` for now, not `number` |
- Nested `$ref`s are broken (https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/8073) |
- [pattern](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation#name-pattern)s must start with `^` and end with `$` |
- Remote `$ref`s not supported in the C++ version (Python & JavaScript versions fetch https refs) |
- `string` [formats](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation#name-defined-formats) lack `uri`, `email` |
- No [`patternProperties`](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-patternproperties) |
And a non-exhaustive list of other unsupported features that are unlikely to be implemented (hard and/or too slow to support w/ stateless grammars): |
- [`uniqueItems`](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-validation#name-uniqueitems) |
- [`contains`](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-contains) / `minContains` |
- `$anchor` (cf. [dereferencing](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-dereferencing)) |
- [`not`](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-not) |
- [Conditionals](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core#name-keywords-for-applying-subsche) `if` / `then` / `else` / `dependentSchemas` |
### A word about additionalProperties |
> [!WARNING] |
> The JSON schemas spec states `object`s accept [additional properties](https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/object#additionalproperties) by default. |
> Since this is slow and seems prone to hallucinations, we default to no additional properties. |
> You can set `"additionalProperties": true` in the the schema of any object to explicitly allow additional properties. |
If you're using [Pydantic](https://pydantic.dev/) to generate schemas, you can enable additional properties with the `extra` config on each model class: |
```python |
# pip install pydantic |
import json |
from typing import Annotated, List |
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, Field |
class QAPair(BaseModel): |
class Config: |
extra = 'allow' # triggers additionalProperties: true in the JSON schema |
question: str |
concise_answer: str |
justification: str |
class Summary(BaseModel): |
class Config: |
extra = 'allow' |
key_facts: List[Annotated[str, Field(pattern='- .{5,}')]] |
question_answers: List[Annotated[List[QAPair], Field(min_items=5)]] |
print(json.dumps(Summary.model_json_schema(), indent=2)) |
``` |
<details> |
<summary>Show JSON schema & grammar</summary> |
```json |
{ |
"$defs": { |
"QAPair": { |
"additionalProperties": true, |
"properties": { |
"question": { |
"title": "Question", |
"type": "string" |
}, |
"concise_answer": { |
"title": "Concise Answer", |
"type": "string" |
}, |
"justification": { |
"title": "Justification", |
"type": "string" |
} |
}, |
"required": [ |
"question", |
"concise_answer", |
"justification" |
], |
"title": "QAPair", |
"type": "object" |
} |
}, |
"additionalProperties": true, |
"properties": { |
"key_facts": { |
"items": { |
"pattern": "^- .{5,}$", |
"type": "string" |
}, |
"title": "Key Facts", |
"type": "array" |
}, |
"question_answers": { |
"items": { |
"items": { |
"$ref": "#/$defs/QAPair" |
}, |
"minItems": 5, |
"type": "array" |
}, |
"title": "Question Answers", |
"type": "array" |
} |
}, |
"required": [ |
"key_facts", |
"question_answers" |
], |
"title": "Summary", |
"type": "object" |
} |
``` |
``` |
QAPair ::= "{" space QAPair-question-kv "," space QAPair-concise-answer-kv "," space QAPair-justification-kv ( "," space ( QAPair-additional-kv ( "," space QAPair-additional-kv )* ) )? "}" space |
QAPair-additional-k ::= ["] ( [c] ([o] ([n] ([c] ([i] ([s] ([e] ([_] ([a] ([n] ([s] ([w] ([e] ([r] char+ | [^"r] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [^"w] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"n] char*) | [^"a] char*) | [^"_] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"c] char*) | [^"n] char*) | [^"o] char*) | [j] ([u] ([s] ([t] ([i] ([f] ([i] ([c] ([a] ([t] ([i] ([o] ([n] char+ | [^"n] char*) | [^"o] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"t] char*) | [^"a] char*) | [^"c] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"f] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"t] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"u] char*) | [q] ([u] ([e] ([s] ([t] ([i] ([o] ([n] char+ | [^"n] char*) | [^"o] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"t] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [^"u] char*) | [^"cjq] char* )? ["] space |
QAPair-additional-kv ::= QAPair-additional-k ":" space value |
QAPair-concise-answer-kv ::= "\"concise_answer\"" space ":" space string |
QAPair-justification-kv ::= "\"justification\"" space ":" space string |
QAPair-question-kv ::= "\"question\"" space ":" space string |
additional-k ::= ["] ( [k] ([e] ([y] ([_] ([f] ([a] ([c] ([t] ([s] char+ | [^"s] char*) | [^"t] char*) | [^"c] char*) | [^"a] char*) | [^"f] char*) | [^"_] char*) | [^"y] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [q] ([u] ([e] ([s] ([t] ([i] ([o] ([n] ([_] ([a] ([n] ([s] ([w] ([e] ([r] ([s] char+ | [^"s] char*) | [^"r] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [^"w] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"n] char*) | [^"a] char*) | [^"_] char*) | [^"n] char*) | [^"o] char*) | [^"i] char*) | [^"t] char*) | [^"s] char*) | [^"e] char*) | [^"u] char*) | [^"kq] char* )? ["] space |
additional-kv ::= additional-k ":" space value |
array ::= "[" space ( value ("," space value)* )? "]" space |
boolean ::= ("true" | "false") space |
char ::= [^"\\\x7F\x00-\x1F] | [\\] (["\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4}) |
decimal-part ::= [0-9]{1,16} |
dot ::= [^\x0A\x0D] |
integral-part ::= [0] | [1-9] [0-9]{0,15} |
key-facts ::= "[" space (key-facts-item ("," space key-facts-item)*)? "]" space |
key-facts-item ::= "\"" "- " key-facts-item-1{5,} "\"" space |
key-facts-item-1 ::= dot |
key-facts-kv ::= "\"key_facts\"" space ":" space key-facts |
null ::= "null" space |
number ::= ("-"? integral-part) ("." decimal-part)? ([eE] [-+]? integral-part)? space |
object ::= "{" space ( string ":" space value ("," space string ":" space value)* )? "}" space |
question-answers ::= "[" space (question-answers-item ("," space question-answers-item)*)? "]" space |
question-answers-item ::= "[" space question-answers-item-item ("," space question-answers-item-item){4,} "]" space |
question-answers-item-item ::= QAPair |
question-answers-kv ::= "\"question_answers\"" space ":" space question-answers |
root ::= "{" space key-facts-kv "," space question-answers-kv ( "," space ( additional-kv ( "," space additional-kv )* ) )? "}" space |
space ::= | " " | "\n" [ \t]{0,20} |
string ::= "\"" char* "\"" space |
value ::= object | array | string | number | boolean | null |
``` |
</details> |
If you're using [Zod](https://zod.dev/), you can make your objects to explicitly allow extra properties w/ `nonstrict()` / `passthrough()` (or explicitly no extra props w/ `z.object(...).strict()` or `z.strictObject(...)`) but note that [zod-to-json-schema](https://github.com/StefanTerdell/zod-to-json-schema) currently always sets `"additionalProperties": false` anyway. |
```js |
import { z } from 'zod'; |
import { zodToJsonSchema } from 'zod-to-json-schema'; |
const Foo = z.object({ |
age: z.number().positive(), |
email: z.string().email(), |
}).strict(); |
console.log(zodToJsonSchema(Foo)); |
``` |
<details> |
<summary>Show JSON schema & grammar</summary> |
```json |
{ |
"type": "object", |
"properties": { |
"age": { |
"type": "number", |
"exclusiveMinimum": 0 |
}, |
"email": { |
"type": "string", |
"format": "email" |
} |
}, |
"required": [ |
"age", |
"email" |
], |
"additionalProperties": false, |
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#" |
} |
``` |
``` |
age-kv ::= "\"age\"" space ":" space number |
char ::= [^"\\\x7F\x00-\x1F] | [\\] (["\\bfnrt] | "u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4}) |
decimal-part ::= [0-9]{1,16} |
email-kv ::= "\"email\"" space ":" space string |
integral-part ::= [0] | [1-9] [0-9]{0,15} |
number ::= ("-"? integral-part) ("." decimal-part)? ([eE] [-+]? integral-part)? space |
root ::= "{" space age-kv "," space email-kv "}" space |
space ::= | " " | "\n" [ \t]{0,20} |
string ::= "\"" char* "\"" space |
``` |
</details> |