CPU Upgrade
Could take the test but can't get the Certificate.
After finishing the test, i can press the button, click on submit but i can keep pressing it. Like i didn't finish.
Got the same issue with the test. After submitting - nothing happens
Same to me
There was an error checking your certification status. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists.
same for me did it 3 times same result server comes with 404 any workaround guys ?
I also tried three times, but failed to generate the certificate.
Please look into it.
Having the same issue
same thing submit button isn't working
I have the same issue. I got 90% score and I cant get my certificate
same. press submit and nothing happens
When the Send button is pressed, the frontend sends the request, which always returns success: false. This can be seen in the browser's Developer Tools, which can usually be opened by pressing F12. This means either the backend is blocking a 100% score or this portion of the backend is down—both of which are not ideal.
I have the same issue.
Same issue for me.
Would you please help to check
? This is the browser inspect after submitting the test result. Tried multiple times and always got the same responses with new "event_id".
HTTP response:
data: {"msg":"estimation","event_id":"412a09b4143c4fd7afbe2a9f5895cc3c","rank":0,"queue_size":1,"rank_eta":0.0016261438528696697}
data: {"msg":"process_starts","event_id":"412a09b4143c4fd7afbe2a9f5895cc3c","eta":0.0016261438528696697}
data: {"msg":"log","event_id":"412a09b4143c4fd7afbe2a9f5895cc3c","log":"Submitting answers to the Hub. Please wait...","level":"info","duration":2.0,"visible":true,"title":"Info"}
data: {"msg":"heartbeat","event_id":null}
data: {"msg":"process_completed","event_id":"412a09b4143c4fd7afbe2a9f5895cc3c","output":{"error":null},"success":false,"title":"Error"}
data: {"msg":"close_stream","event_id":null}
I also have this same issue
I´ve made the test several times, but sometime I even can´t submit it. Obviously I can´t download the certificate.
I have the same issue. Button can be pressed many times, certificate cant be generated.
@burtenshaw Let us know if you have any clues or if you are looking into it :)
i also have the same issue, for me the "processing time" was running but never ended
Issue has been fixed and I could submit and receive cert.
BTW, there is typo "Aents" on the
The Aents course certification has moved!
Please visit the quiz app which will now generate certificates: