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Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: … Its originality lies firstly in the inlet valve of the chamber which is constituted by the working in conjunction, by the intermediary of a sealing lip, of the enclosure (11) of the chamber and the piston entering into or withdrawing from the chamber depending on the case.
French: Son originalité réside tout d'abord dans le clapet d'admission de la chambre qui est constitué par la collaboration, par l'intermédiaire d'une lèvre d'étanchéité, de l'enceinte (11) de la chambre avec le piston s'engageant ou ressortant de la chambre selon les cas. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Un longeron (24) est respectivement disposé dans une zone de transition entre le fond (13) et les parois latérales (11) pour transmettre des forces longitudinales, ce longeron s'étendant dans la direction longitudinale de la caisse.
English: A longitudinal support (24) for transmitting longitudinal forces is located in each transitional region between the base (13) and the lateral walls (11), said longitudinal support extending in the longitudinal direction of the carriage body. |
Here is the parallel text in English and German.
English: The second lever (20) can be supported on the base (1) or is supported on a further lever which in turn feeds the reaction force back in the same way to the first lever.
German: Der zweite Hebel (20) kann an der Basis (1) gelagert sein oder er ist an einem weiteren Hebel gelagert, der in derselben Weise die Reaktionskraft wiederum auf den ersten Hebel zurückführt. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Cette caméra est conçue pour acquérir des images de type infrarouge, les moyens de traitement d'image étant conçus pour traiter des images de type infrarouge.
English: The camera is designed to make images of the infrared type, wherein the image processing means are designed to process images of the infrared type. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Selon l'invention, la deuxième architecture de communication (33) comprend au moins un point d'accès privé sans fil (34), auquel seulement un terminal (11) dont dispose l'équipage (10) est propre à être connecté (13).
English: According to the invention, the second communication architecture (33) comprises at least one private wireless access point (34), to which only one terminal (11) available to the crew (10) is adapted to be connected (13). |
Here is the parallel text in Spanish and English.
Spanish: Las partículas de la composición de la formulación en la composición de modafinilo, en forma de nanopartículas tienen un tamaño promedio de partículas de menos de 2000 nm y son útiles en el tratamiento de disomnias, incluyendo pero no limitándose a narcolepsia, fatiga crónica, trastornos del comer, conductas compulsivas, ADHD, adicciones, abuso de sustancias, somnoliencia, enfermedades del sistema nervioso, condiciones, síndromes, síntomas y enfermedades relacionadas, condiciones, y síntomas.
English: The nanoparticulate modafinil composition formulation particles of the composition have an effective average particle size of less than about 2000 nm and are useful in the treatment of dyssomnias, including but not limited to, narcolepsy, chronic fatigue, eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, ADHD, addictions, substance abuse, sleepiness, nervous system diseases, conditions, syndromes, and symptoms and related diseases, conditions, and symptoms. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Si c'est le cas, une alarme de fraude est générée (208).
English: If the threshold number is exceeded, a fraud alert is generated (208). |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The strengthened socks of the utility model have the characteristics of comfortable wear, non easy damage, etc.
Chinese: 与现有技术相比,本实用新型的加强型袜子具有穿着舒适、不易损坏等特点,具有很好的推广应用价值。 |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】 非磁性CoO下地層の上にCo−Oを主成分 とする磁性層を有する構成の磁気テープを1工程で形成 できるようにして量産性を高め、同時にドロップアウト を減少させる。
English: The position of the nozzle 9 for oxygen introduction for forming the Co-O may not be near the outlet shield 7 and may be parted from the can 4. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 第2マスク画像は個々のサンプル画像に対して作成し、対象物領域を包含する領域の画素を有効画素、その他の領域の画素を無効画素として作成する。
English: The comparison and verification may be performed in the comparison and verification of intermediate images, applying orthogonal conversion on each image which is a comparison object. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Достигается повышение качества упрочнения рабочих поверхностей шлицевых втулок за счет обеспечения необходимого усилия прижатия шлицев упрочняющего элемента к рабочей поверхности обрабатываемой втулки.
English: EFFECT: improving the quality of hardening of working surfaces of splined hubs by providing the required clamping force slots of reinforcing element to the surfaces treated sleeve. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本发明方法采用强磁场使镀镍碳纳米管磁化、沿磁场方向定向排布,且通过强磁场的磁力把碳纳米管拉直,使其弯折减少,电阻率为108Ω·m~109Ω·m。
English: The method solves the problem that the carbon nano tube has a break point which results in large resistivity of the carbon nano tube. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】ディスクロータに熱変形が生じてもブレーキパ ッドの偏磨耗を確実に防止できるディスクブレーキ装置 を提供する。
English: PURPOSE: To certainly prevent biased abrasion of a brake pad even when thermal deformation is caused on a disc rotor. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: The cropped trajectory and the cropped image are then passed to a recurrent neural network (RNN) that outputs a relative score for each target action.
Japanese: 次に、クロップされた軌道及びクロップされた画像が、各対象アクションの相対スコアを出力するリカレントニューラルネットワーク(RNN)に渡される。 |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Устройство (1) подачи лекарственного средства содержит: корпус (3), который имеет проксимальный и дистальный концы, резервуар (2) для лекарственного средства, предназначенный для зацепления с корпусом (3), стержень (17) поршня, который может двигаться в дистальном направлении для подачи лекарственного средства, и устройство привода для вращения стержня поршня в первом направлении вращения и, тем самым, перемещение стержня поршня в дистальном направления для подачи лекарственного средства.
English: The invention refers to a medication delivery device (1) comprising: a housing (3) having a proximal and a distal end, a medication receptacle (2) designed to be engaged with the housing (3), a piston rod (17) which is moveable in a distal direction for medication delivery and a drive device for rotating the piston rod in a first rotational direction and thereby moving the piston rod (17) in the distal direction for medication delivery. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【構成】この発明の情報処理システムは、パソコン2と このパソコン2と空間伝送により送受信を行う携帯用送 受信機1とからなるものにおいて、上記携帯用送受信機 1から送信される識別データをレーザダイオード14を 用いた空間電送により上記パソコン2に送信し、上記パ ソコン2で、上記携帯用送受信機1により送信された識 別データが正しいか否かを判断し、この判断結果に応じ てファイルのオープンを許可するようにしたものであ る。
English: CONSTITUTION:In this information processing system consisting of a PC 2 and a portable transceiver 1 for transmitting/receiving data to/from the PC 2 through spatial transmission, identification(ID) data transmitted from the transceiver 1 are transmitted to the PC 2 through spatial transmission using a laser diode 14 and the PC 2 judges whether the ID data transmitted from the transceiver 1 are correct or not and allows a file to be opened in accordance with the judged result. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: On utilise une pompe (9) pour pomper l'huile du réservoir d'huile (3) vers un dispositif diffuseur d'huile (11) et de là sur le filtre (3) constitué de mousse.
English: A pump (9) is used to pump the oil from the oil reservoir (3) to an oil-spreading device (11) and from there onto the filter (3) made of sponge material. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The second portion of the signal line includes a capacitor formed by two pattern conductors so that a dielectric layer is sandwiched therebetween and a magnetic-body layer is not sandwiched therebetween, and/or an inductor that includes a pattern conductor formed on the dielectric layer.
French: La seconde portion de la ligne de signal comprend un condensateur formé par deux conducteurs à motif de façon à prendre en sandwich une couche diélectrique, mais à ne pas prendre en sandwich une couche de corps magnétique, et/ou une bobine d'inductance qui comprend un conducteur à motif formé sur la couche diélectrique. |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: L'invention concerne en outre la bande sous forme de feuille multicouche fabriquée par ce procédé, et son utilisation.
German: Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin die mit dem Verfahren hergestellte mehrlagige Folienbahn sowie deren Verwendung. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: In the manufacturing of the drawing die face, a step is designed on an addendum surface at the outside of a trimming line of the die face at first.
Chinese: 本发明公开了一种汽车侧围外板与顶盖搭接处的冲压处理方法,包括侧围外板拉延时模面的制作、对模面进行侧修边和对模面进行侧整形。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: The lower interlayer insulating 15 is composed of polyhydrogen silosesquioxane whereas the upper layer film 16 is composed of a low melting point metal.
Japanese: 【構成】 段差基体上に層間絶縁膜15を形成した後、 上層膜16を形成し、その後に加熱により上層膜16を 介して層間絶縁膜15の平坦化処理を行う。 |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Смеситель выполнен в виде тройника, имеющего входной канал подачи сжатого воздуха, входной канал подачи топливомасляной смеси, полость смешивания и выходной канал подачи рабочего тела на подшипники.
English: Mixer is composed of t-joint with compressed air feed inlet channel, fuel-grease feed inlet channel, mixing chamber and outlet channel of working medium supply to bearings. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean.
English: CONSTITUTION: A remote maintenance system is provided with a control device 21 with a data storage section 28 for storing error data corresponding to errors generated in an oil feeder 20 and also storing video data for oil feed instruments of a CCD camera 25, a data collecting section 31 collecting error data and video data through circuits, a maintenance data storage section 35 for storing the above data as maintenance data together with module data, an oil feed section terminal device 30 for transmitting maintenance data through a telephone circuit, a maintenance data storage section 45 for storing maintenance data transmitted from the oil feed section terminal device, a data comparison section 46 for comparing the maintenance data with maintenance reference data and forming information signals and a maintenance data generalizing device 40 with a communication control section 41 for transmitting the maintenance data to a maintenance data terminal device of a maintenance center through a circuit.
Korean: 이를 위해 본 발명은 급유장치(20)에 발생한 착오에 대응하는 에러 데이터를 기억하며, CCD카메라(25)의 급유기기의 비데오 데이터를 기억하는 데이터 기억부(28)를 갖는 제어장치(21)와, 에러 데이터 및 비데오 데이터를 회선을 통해서 수집하는 데이터 수집부(31), 그들 데이터와 기종 데이터와 함께 보수 데이터로서 기억하는 보수 데이터 기억부(35), 보수 데이터를 전화 회선을 통해서 송신하는 급유소 단말장치(30)와, 급유소 단말장치로부터 송신되어오는 보수 데이터를 기억하는 보수 데이터 기억부(45), 보수 데이터와 보수 기준 데이터와를 비교하여 통보 신호 생성하는 데이터 비교부(46), 보수 데이터를 회선을 통해서 보수센터의 보수센터 단말장치로 송신하는 통신제어부(41)를 갖는 보수 데이터 통괄장치(40)를 갖추고 있다. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Водоизмещающее основание выполнено обтекаемым.
English: Displacement base is made streamlined. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Un générateur de déclenchement (81) génère des signaux de déclenchement successifs (10) au moyen desquels les systèmes laser (72) qui sont raccordés aux sorties de déclenchement (70) sont déclenchés.
English: A trigger generator (81) generates temporally successive trigger signals (10) which trigger the laser systems (72) that are connected to the trigger outputs (70). |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 複数のPEを相互に通信可能に接続して構成 される並列計算機において、1つのジョブを2以上のP Eによりステップ毎に同期させながら並列プロセスとし て実行する際に、システムのスループット性能を低下さ せない協調スケジューリングを実現する。
English: SOLUTION: When the parallel process in the middle of execution becomes a parallel synchronism waiting state, an inactivating means 4 makes the parallel process inactive and inhibits the allocation of the parallel process. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Ces produits à particules nanostructurées sont particulièrement avantageux dans des applications en tant que catalyseurs ou supports de catalyseurs qui fonctionnent à des températures élevées.
English: These nano-structured particle products are particularly advantageous in applications as catalysts or catalyst supports that operate at high temperatures. |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: L'orifice de refroidissement de sécurité (13) s'ouvre lorsque les couches (7, 10) sont endommagées, de sorte que le système stratifié (1) est en outre refroidi par un agent de refroidissement qui traverse l'orifice de refroidissement de sécurité (13).
German: durch eine zwischenliegende Schicht (7) und eine äussere Schicht (10) abgedeckt ist, wobei sich das Sicherheitskühlloch (13) öffnet, wenn die Schichten (7, 10) geschädigt werden, so dass das Schichtsystem (1) zusätzlich durch ein das Sicherheitskühlloch (13) durchströmendes Kühlmedium gekühlt wird. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La fourchette de sélection (1a) comprend deux semi-coques (2, 3) rassemblées en une unité.
English: The selector fork (1a) comprises two half shells (2, 3) which are combined to form a unit. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Selon une variante, ladite boue comprend une boue de désencrage.
English: In an embodiment, the paper mill sludge comprises deinking paper sludge. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Соответствующий светодиод загораетс в момент прихода эхосигнала.
English: The corresponding LED lights up when the echo arrives. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Изобретение относитс к медицине, а именно гемокоагулологии, к веществам, обладающим дезагрегантным воздействием на тромбоциты крови.
English: The invention relates to medicine, namely hemocoagulation, to substances that have a disaggregating effect on blood platelets. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本实用新型涉及一种交通运输用的轮胎,具体的说是一种五防轮胎。
English: The tyre is arranged on a tyre rim. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: Polymorph Form III of N-methyl-N-(3-{3-[2-thienylcarbonyl]-pyrazol-[1,5-a]-pyrimidin-7-yl}phenyl)acetamide, and use thereof as a sedative-hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and/or skeletal muscle relaxant agent.
French: L'invention concerne la forme polymorphe III de N-méthyl-N-(3-{3-[2-thiénylcarbonyl]-pyrazol-[1,5-a]-pyrimidin-7-yl}phényl)acétamide, et son utilisation en tant qu'agent sédatif hypnotique, anxiolytique, anticonvulsivant, et/ou relaxant les muscles du squelette. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 데이터 저장 장치의 동작 방법은 소거된 메모리 셀로부터 리드된 리드 데이터에 근거하여 상기 소거된 메모리 셀을 불안정한 메모리 셀로 판단하는 단계; 상기 불안정한 메모리 셀에 라이트될 라이트 데이터에 근거하여 상기 불안정한 메모리 셀을 라이트 불가능한 메모리 셀로 판단하는 단계; 및 복수의 소거된 메모리 셀들 중 라이트 불가능한 메모리 셀들의 개수에 따라, 상기 복수의 소거된 메모리 셀들을 사용 금지하는 단계를 포함한다.
English: A method of operating a data storage device includes: determining the erased memory cell as an unstable memory cell based on read data read from the erased memory cell; Determining the unstable memory cell as a non-writable memory cell based on write data to be written to the unstable memory cell; And disabling the plurality of erased memory cells in accordance with the number of non-writable memory cells of the plurality of erased memory cells. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Cette invention concerne une méthode traitement du paludisme qui consiste à administrer à un patient nécessitant un tel traitement une dose efficace d'un inhibiteur de FPT soit seul, soit en combinaison avec un agent antipaludique supplémentaire et/ou un agent capable d'inverser la résistance antipaludique.
English: Disclosed is a method of treating Malaria comprising administering an effective amount of an FPT inhibitor to a patient in need of such treatment alone or in combination with an additional antimalarial agent and/or agent for reversing antimalarial resistance.Also disclosed are novel Farnesyl Protein Transferase inhibitors. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 본 발명은 카메라 시스템에 바이프리즘 입체 렌즈 어댑터를 부착한 형태의 휴대용 스테레오 카메라 시스템을 사용함에 있어서, 촬영되고 있는 영상의 입체감의 확인이 가능한 입체영상용 뷰 파인더 시스템을 제공한다.
English: PURPOSE: A view finder system for a three dimensional image is provided to recognize an object easily and align easily a biprism to a video camera in a single lens stereo camera. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 通電を開始した後に電流を遮断することで遮断磁束を生じさせる主一次コイル111aと、遮断磁束の発生後に通電することで遮断磁束と同方向の重畳磁束を生じさせる副一次コイル111bと、遮断磁束と重畳磁束が作用して放電エネルギーが発生する二次コイル112とで小型・低コストの点火コイル113を構成し、重畳磁束の発生タイミングや継続時間を調整すると共に、重畳電流急減抑制手段14によって副一次コイル111bへの急激な給電遮断を緩和して、重畳磁束を緩やかに低減させ、点火プラグ2が放電を維持できる二次電流I2を長時間保持して、内燃機関に好適な放電パターンを実現し、内燃機関の安定した燃焼を維持できるようにする。
English: An appropriate discharge pattern is realized in an internal combustion engine and stable combustion can be maintained in the internal combustion engine as a result of a configuration in which: the generation timing and duration of the superimposition magnetic flux are adjusted; a superimposition current sudden decrease suppressing means 14 softens sudden cutting of power supply to the sub primary coil 111b so as to gently reduce the superposition magnetic flux; and a secondary current I2 with which an ignition plug 2 can maintain a discharge is maintained for a long time. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The utility model is characterized in that a double-layer cavity body structure is made of rubber.
Chinese: 本实用新型结构简单,生产容易、易于折叠,携带方便,具有柔性强,弹性好,冬暧夏凉的特点,有利于人体的健康。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: oxidation resistant metallic layer, an undercoat layer, a porous ceramic layer and an oxidation catalyst carried on the porous ceramic layer.
Japanese: 【構成】 銅または銅合金よりなる金属支持体、耐高温 酸化性金属層、アンダーコート層、多孔質セラミックス 層および多孔質セラミックス層に担持された酸化触媒よ りなることを特徴とする燃焼触媒。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish.
English: The apparatus includes at least: an electromagnetic spectrum power source; a probe connected to the electromagnetic spectrum power source; an antenna connected to the distal end of the probe is capable of focusing a radiated beam into a target area of a methane hydrate; and a control system in communication with and capable of controlling the electromagnetic spectrum power source, the probe, and the antenna.
Spanish: El aparato incluye al menos: una fuente de energía de espectro electromagnético; una sonda conectada a la fuente de energía de espectro electromagnético; una antena conectada al extremo distante de la sonda es capaz de enfocar un haz de luz radiado a un área objetivo de un hidrato de metano; y un sistema de control en comunicación con y capaz de controlar la fuente de energía de espectro electromagnético, la sonda y la antena. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: (b) On maintient une vitesse de révolution à un niveau déterminé jusqu'à l'instant t2 auquel le niveau de charge 0/4 est atteint, puis la réduction de vitesse commence à l'instant t2, et un contrôle permet de réduire la vitesse à environ 60 % de la vitesse déterminée, à l'instant t3.
English: (b) A revolution speed is maintained at a rated level up to time t2 at which a 0/4 load is reached, is decreased starting at time t2, and is controlled to decrease to about 60 % of the rated level at time t3. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 所述盒盖与所述盒体使用螺钉连接,所述密封圈将所述盒盖与所述盒体之间的缝隙进行密封,避免所述盒盖与所述盒体之间未完全密封导致冷媒或水等进入所述盒体内,既保证所述电器盒的密封性又便于拆卸所述盒盖。
English: to enter in the box body, has not only guaranteed the leakproofness of the electrical appliance kit but also the box cover easy to disassemble. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The invention relates to a wind turbine (1) comprising a system for monitoring at least one wind turbine component including a closed fluid circulating system (7) with a fluid reservoir (6).
French: L'invention concerne une éolienne (1) comportant un système de surveillance d'au moins un composant d'éolienne comprenant un système fermé de circulation de fluide (7) muni d'un réservoir de fluide (6). |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The present invention relates to protein chips useful for the large-scale study of protein function where the chip contains densely packed reaction wells.
French: L'invention concerne des puces à protéines utiles à l'étude à grande échelle de la fonction de protéines, la puce contenant des puits de réactions logés de façon dense. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: Furthermore, a border between the micro particle 42 and the base resin 41 is in a state that a gap 49 is formed in at least one portion between the both, or that the gap 49 can be formed between the both when the base resin 41 extends.
Japanese: 導電性接着剤層4は、ベース樹脂41と、ベース樹脂41中に分散してなる導電性フィラー(図示略)及びマイクロ粒子42とを含有しており、マイクロ粒子42とベース樹脂41との境界部は、両者の間の少なくとも一部に間隙49を形成した状態、あるいはベース樹脂41が伸長した際に両者の間に間隙49を形成可能な状態にある。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The present invention relates to a service method, for recommending a patent classification code in accordance with a search query input by a user when searching a patent document, and a server for same.
French: La présente invention concerne un procédé de service, destiné à recommander un code de classification de brevets d'après une requête de recherche saisie par un utilisateur lors de la recherche d'un document de brevet, et un serveur pour celui-ci. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: また、この発明の美容・整形用ストレッチ・テープは、皮膚の表面に貼り、皮膚の表面の皺を引っ張って伸ばし固定するストレッチ・テープにおいて、該テープは、ウレタン不織布からなる基材にアクリル系粘着材を35g/m2以上の厚塗りで塗布する。
English: The tape is made by coating a base material in the form of a urethane non-woven fabric with an acrylic adhesive material in a thick layer of not less than 35 g/m2. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 用于主动排水处理软基的塑料排水板,涉及一种排水法处理软土地基的一种工具,具体为采用排水法处理软基时,为了排出软土中的水分,需要插入软基中的排水板。
English: The utility model consists of a drying plate 1 and a filter membrane 3 that wraps the whole drying plate. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: Thermocouple holes are arranged on each side of a steel plate, every thermocouple is connected to a data collecting device through a thermocouple wire, and the thermocouple holes and the thermocouples are sealed by iron cement.
Chinese: 本实用新型通过改变埋偶位置、偶丝布置路线以及有效的防水、防拉断措施上来测量淬火机连续冷却速率,结构简单,操作简便、省时、省力,且测量结果真实可靠。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: Thus, adherence of filth inside the toilet bowl is suppressed by the automatic spraying of foam after the toilet bowl is flushed.
Japanese: そして、制御部は、小便後フラッシュスイッチ(910)または大便後フラッシュスイッチ(920)による便器洗い流し指示がされると、便器洗い流し運転終了後に便器内面に散布ノズル(550)から自動泡散布する構成を備える。 |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Zur Vereinfachung der Herstellung eines derartigen Schaltrahmens (1) ist der Schaltrahmen (1) aus zwei Rahmenteilen (2, 3) zusammengesetzt.
English: The extension is connected with additional components of a manual transmission by a laser welding process or a laser soldering process. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La couche de libération comprend une quantité effective d'un agent anti-adhérent afin de faciliter la distribution du film à partir d'un dévidoir.
English: The release layer includes an effective amount of an anti-blocking agent to facilitate dispensing of the wrap from a dispensing roll. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Скребок для тканей может содержать множество конических выступов.
English: A scraper for fabrics may contain many conical protrusions. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 本发明公开了一种由椅架本体1兼作防暴玻璃运行轨道的椅架本体和置于椅架本体1上的按摩保健设备12和空调降温通风装置10和发热取暖装置11和防暴玻璃和各种防暴装备组成的多功能的椅子。
English: The multifunctional chair consists of frame used also as anti-riot glass track, keep-fit massage unit, air conditioning ventilator, warming unit, anti-riot glass and various anti-riot units. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Ce procédé est caractérisé en ce qu'il représente un processus de production fermé au cours duquel très peu ou pas de produits secondaires sont produits, et en ce que les réactifs nécessaires à la réaction sont, dans une large mesure, obtenus à partir des éduits du procédé.
English: The method is characterised in that it represents a closed production process, in which very few or no by-products are generated and that the co-reactants required for the reaction are obtained to a great extent from the educts of the method. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【解決手段】真空容器8内に、電子銃蒸発源1と被蒸着 基板12と被蒸着基板12を保持する基板ホルダー13 とシャッター9とを備えてなる電子銃蒸着装置におい て、電子銃蒸発源1と被蒸着基板12との間でかつ電子 銃蒸発源1と被蒸着基板12とが対向する空間以外に電 子銃7若しくは電子銃蒸発源1から発生する電子3b、 4a、4bを遮蔽する板を設けるように構成される。
English: SOLUTION: This electron gun vapor deposition device has as an electron gun evaporating source 1, the substrate 12 for vapor deposition, a substrate holder 13 for holding the substrate 12 for vapor deposition and a shutter 9 in a vacuum vessel 8. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 이를 극복하기 위하여, 후속하는 프로그래밍 시도동안에 상이한 소스 바이어스가 인가된다.
English: To overcome this, a different source bias is applied during subsequent programming attempts. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: In the holes K 1, vertical bars 3 are installed with the possibility of movement and fixed on the outer surface K 2.
Russian: В отверсти х К 1 установлены вертикальные планки 3 с возможностью перемещени и закреплены на внешней поверхности К 2. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish.
English: The present invention features a process for making tablets containing one or more pharmaceutically active agent(s) and one or more binder(s), the method including the steps of (i) applying energy to a powder blend comprising the pharmaceutically active agent(s) and the binder(s)for a sufficient period of time to activate the binder(s) within the powder blend and (ii) forming a predetermined amount of the energy-applied powder blend into the tablets.
Spanish: La presente invención presenta un proceso para elaborar tabletas que contienen uno o más agentes farmacéuticamente activos y uno o más aglutinantes; el método incluye las etapas de (i) aplicar energía a una mezcla en polvo que comprende el agente o agentes farmacéuticamente activos y el aglutinante o aglutinantes durante un período de tiempo suficiente para activar el aglutinante o aglutinantes dentro de la mezcla en polvo y (ii) formar una cantidad predeterminada de la mezcla en polvo con aplicación de energía en las tabletas. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The optical sensor (114) is designed to generate at least one sensor signal in a manner dependent on an illumination of the sensor region (116).
French: Le capteur optique (114) est conçu pour générer au moins un signal de détection dépendant de l'éclairage de la région de détection (116). |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: 3 il.
Russian: 3 ил. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le brûleur est utilisé, entre autres, dans un appareil brûleur de chaumes et stérilisateur de sol, lequel comporte un châssis, un dispositif de ramassage (1) pour collecter sur le sol un andain de matière végétale, un dispositif d'alimentation (2, 3, 4) pour acheminer la matière végétale à une hâcheuse (5) et une soufflante pour transporter la matière végétale jusqu'à l'extrémité amont de la chambre de combustion du brûleur, les gaz de combustion émanant du brûleur étant dirigés sur la surface du sol par l'intermédiaire d'un dispositif de refoulement (11).
English: The burner is used, inter alia, in a soil steriliser and stubble burner which comprises a chassis, a pick-up device (1) to collect a swath of vegetable matter from the ground, a feed device (2, 3, 4) to feed the vegetable matter to a chopper (5) and a blower to transport the vegetable matter to the upstream end of the combustion chamber of the burner, the combustion gases from the burner being directed via a discharge device (11) onto the surface of the ground. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【解決手段】光ディスクからの反射光をそれぞれ受光し て得られる第1および第2の信号が、それぞれ、正規化 回路64および65によって正規化される。
English: SOLUTION: The first and second signals obtained by respectively receiving beams of the reflected light from an optical disk are respectively normalized by normalizing circuits 64 and 65. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The belt head of the invention is also characterized by small size, beautiful appearance and convenient use.
Chinese: 人们系上本发明腰带头的腰带,汽车防盗遥控器就可以在腰带上使用,也可以取下单独使用,本发明腰带头,还具有体积小、外观美、使用方便的特点。 |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【課題】 排ガス浄化装置の使用前後で、マットと金属ケーシングの間の保持力が不充分とならない保持シール材を提供する。
English: The binding agent layer contains organic binding agent and inorganic binding agent. |
Here is the parallel text in German and French.
German: Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft hydrophobe Polymeroberflächen, insbesondere superhydrophobe Polymeroberflächen, enthaltend wenigstens ein Homo- oder Copolymer, welches wenigstens eine Seitenkette mit wenigstens einer fluorsubstituierten Arylgruppe aufweist.
French: La présente invention concerne des surfaces polymères hydrophobes, en particulier des surfaces polymères superhydrophobes, qui contiennent au moins un homo- ou copolymère présentant au moins une chaîne latérale comportant au moins un groupe aryle substitué par du fluor. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 특히 본 발명의 페디오코커스 애시디락티시 AC-K3(KCTC 12039BP)는 막걸리 제조의 유산균 후첨가제로서 유용하게 사용할 수 있다.
English: [Reference numerals] (AA) Growth(OD, A_600); (BB) Cultivation time(days) |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【構成】炭素数が12以下の飽和のアシル基を40%以上含む水酸基価が20から120であるグリセリン脂肪酸エステルと炭酸ジアルキルとを含有する油脂組成物。
English: SOLUTION: The oil composition comprises a glycerol fatty acid ester containing ≥40% of ≤12C saturated acyl groups and having a hydroxy number of 20-120 and a dialkyl carbonate. |
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English.
Russian: Молотилка выполнена с возможностью переоборудования двухбарабанной схемы в однобарабанную путем снятия второго молотильного барабана с декой и заменой их на битер-сепаратор и деку битер-сепаратора.
English: Thresher is made for re-adjustment of two cylinders one into one-cylinder thresher by removing second threshing cylinder with deck and installing beater-separator and beater separator deck in its place. |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: Le système de détection comprend une source de rayonnement pour rayons infrarouges et un détecteur de rayonnements associé à la source de rayonnement.
German: Die Sensoranordnung setzt sich aus einer Strahlungsquelle für Infrarotstrahlung und einem der Strahlungsquelle zugeordneten Strahlungsdetektor zusammen. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: PURPOSE: To provide a low-loss semiconductor waveguide, transmitting radiant energy and incorporated with a silicon-germanium alloy.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】 放射エネルギーを伝達する、シリコン−ゲル マニウム合金を組込んだ低損失半導体導波管を提供す る。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La présente invention concerne un ARN incluant une région traduite comportant une structure coiffante 5' ainsi qu'un codon de démarrage latéral 5' et un codon d'arrêt latéral 3' aux extrémités.
English: Disclosed is RNA that includes a translated region having a 5' cap structure as well as a 5' side start codon and 3' side stop codon on the ends. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The system includes means interacting with the database to present to a user file identifiers indicative of virtual data files apparently available from the system though not assembled into files, and responds to a request from the user for access to data in a virtual file indicated by a selected file identifier by assembling from the database and the high capacity store a file containing the selected data.
French: Le système comprend des moyens interagissant avec une base de données pour présenter à un utilisateur des identifiants de fichiers indiquant des fichiers de données virtuels apparement disponibles dans le système bien qu'ils ne soient pas assemblés en fichiers, et répond à une demande d'accès de l'utilisateur aux données dans un fichier virtuel indiqué par un identifiant de fichier sélectionné par assemblage à partir de la base de données et de la mémoire haute capacité d'un fichier contenant les données sélectionnées. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: SOLUTION: The method for opening the filament assembly and arranging the opened filaments parallel is carried out as follows.
Japanese: 【課題】 無撚りの線條集合体を開線して並列する方法としてエアー吹付けや静電気で開線する方法の他、溝等を拡張して線條を開線する方法に於ける開線の不均衡による乱れに関する。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The present invention includes methods of detection comprising performing an amplifying step, a hybridizing step, and a detecting step.
Chinese: 本发明涉及用于快速检测生物或非生物样品中金黄色葡萄球菌的存在或不存在的方法。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: La présente invention peut par conséquent être appliquée à la surveillance de patients souffrant d'affections pré-néoplasiques bénignes, telles que la gastrite chronique, la métaplasie et dysplasie intestinale, pour dépister ou prédire l'apparition d'un cancer de l'estomac, et enfin servir de base pour un ajustement approprié du traitement.
English: The present invention can therefore be applied in monitoring patients with pre-neoplastic benign conditions, such as chronic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia, to detect or predict the occurrence of gastric cancer, and eventually provide the basis for an appropriate treatment setting. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese.
English: PURPOSE: To enable a use retrie data only with logical contents.
Japanese: (57)【要約】 【目的】 利用者が論理的な内容のみでデータ検索が行 なえるようにする。 |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le procédé et le dispositif peuvent générer automatiquement un fichier de mappage de port série pour décrire une relation de mappage entre un port série physique et un port série logique sans interférence humaine, ce qui permet d'améliorer l'efficacité et la précision d'identification et d'appariement.
English: The method and device can automatically generate a serial port mapping file for describing a mapping relationship between a physical serial port and a logic serial port without human interference, thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of identification and matching. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and French.
Korean: 낮은 높이의 척주 고정 시스템은 하나 또는 복수의 다축 페디클 나사를 포함하고, 연결 조립체는 슬라이딩 안정 마찰 안정성을 갖춘 연결로드에 조립되는 원통상 밴드를 구비하는 하나 또는 복수의 내방향 옵셋 클램프를 포함하는 연결 조립체 및 환상 플랜지를 포함한다. 각 내방향 옵셋 클램프는 대응하는 다축 페디클 나사에 조립되고, 작은 압축력의 적용에 의해 안정한 일시적 안정성을 형성하는 작은 각도의 자동 로킹 후프를 형성한다. 상기 페디클 나사 상에 결합되는 고정 너트를 이용하여 각 클램프를 페디클 나사 상에 더욱 고정하고, 클램프 플랜지 및 원통상 밴드의 탄성 변형에 의해 연결 로드의 위치를 클램프 상에서 더욱 강고하게 고정한다. 완전히 고정된 위치에서 클램프 플랜지들은 하중을 지지하는 접촉 상태가 되고, 최종 조립체의 다축 배향 및 조립 강도가 얻어진다.
French: L'invention porte sur un système de serrage de vis de pédicule, lequel système a un profil bas, et comprend : une ou une pluralité de vis de pédicule à arbres multiples ; un ensemble de liaison comprenant un ou une pluralité de dispositifs de serrage décalés vers l'intérieur, comprenant une bande cylindrique qui est assemblée avec une tige de liaison qui a une stabilité de coulissement de frottement ; et une bride annulaire. Chacun des dispositifs de serrage décalés vers l'intérieur est assemblé avec la vis de pédicule à arbres multiples, et forme une boucle de serrage automatique ayant un angle aigu de façon à créer une stabilité temporaire vis-à-vis de l'application d'une faible force de compression. Chacun des dispositifs de serrage est de plus fixé sur la vis de pédicule à l'aide d'un écrou de fixation qui est couplé à la vis de pédicule, et la position de la tige de liaison est de plus fermement fixée sur le dispositif de serrage par la déformation élastique de la bride de serrage et de la bande cylindrique. La bride de serrage vient dans un état de contact étroit de façon à supporter une charge dans la position complètement fixée, de telle sorte que l'orientation et la force d'assemblage adéquate des arbres multiples pour l'assemblage final peuvent être obtenues. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The aim of the invention is to improve the reliability of a method for recognizing an emergency braking situation and operating a power-assist braking system of a vehicle.
French: L'invention concerne un procédé permettant d'identifier une situation de freinage de secours, afin de déclencher le système de servofreinage d'un véhicule. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: The invention concerns a novel oral formulation with immediate release of morphine sulphate in the form of microgranules.
French: La présente invention concerne une nouvelle formulation orale à libération immédiate de sulfate de morphine sous forme de microgranules. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: その変り に、第2のフランジ(26)が第1のフランジ(24)と同 じ大きさならば、ユーザーは、ハウジング(10)の端と 端を回転させることによって、内部の部品を変更するこ となく、縦列ポンプの回転を変更することができる。
English: These openings 36, 38 are formed in sizes that enables insertion and removal of a cylinder shaft surrounding a plurality of pistons and a valve plate. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A frame is releaseably attached to the automatic guided vehicle and defines a work area for assembling a workpiece.
French: Une armature est fixée de manière détachable au véhicule guidé automatique et délimite une zone de travail pour assembler une pièce. |
Here is the parallel text in French and German.
French: L'invention a pour but de fournir un système d'amplification à fibres destiné à amplifier et émettre un rayonnement pulsé, lequel évite le plus efficacement possible une diffusion Brouillin stimulée tout en étant simple et économique à fabriquer.
German: Aufgabe der Erfindung ist es, ein Faserverstärkersystem zur Verstärkung und Emission gepulster Strahlung zu schaffen, welches stimulierte Brillouin - Streuung möglichst effektiv vermeidet und gleichzeitig einfach und kostengünstig herzustellen ist. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【選択図】 図3
English: COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Sous l'action de la pression du carburant haute pression et de l'huile servo-hydraulique, le plongeur d'ouverture/de fermeture (2) s'arrête à un point mort haut.
English: Under the action of the pressure of the high-pressure fuel and servo hydraulic oil, the opening-closing plunger (2) stops at a top dead center. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le procédé (500) comprend également une étape consistant à déterminer (520) un signal de commande destiné à commander le couple du moteur électrique en se basant sur un couple théorique et le couple prédéfini.
English: The method (500) also comprises the step of determining (520) a control signal for controlling the torque of the electric motor using a target torque and the set point torque. |
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English.
Chinese: 包括两个竖直部分的高层结构体设置有竖直定向的阻尼构件,其中,所述阻尼构件布置成衰减所述两个部分之间的相对竖向移动。
English: A tall structure comprising two vertical parts is provided with a vertically orientated damping element, wherein the damping element is arranged to damp relative vertical movement between the two parts. |
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English.
Japanese: 【構成】(100)面から〈110〉方向に9°から1 0°傾いたInP基板1上に、レーザ光5の出射方向が 〈110〉となるように半導体レーザ4を形成する。
English: CONSTITUTION:A semiconductor laser 4 is formed on an InP substrate 1 which is inclined 9 deg. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: The latter is carried out by condensation of citral with an excess of methyl ethyl ketone in the presence of a 40-50% aqueous solution of NAOH and isopropanol at room temperature and a molar ratio of reagents equal to 1: (4-8) :( 0.2-0.4) :( 2 , 5-5), followed by separation of the target product by distillation in vacuum.
Russian: Последний ведут конденсацией цитрал с избытком метилэтилкетона в присутствии 40-50%-ного водного раствора NAOH и изопропанола при комнатной температуре и мол рном соотношении реагентов, равно 1:(4-8):(0,2-0,4):(2,5-5), с последующим выделением целевого продукта перегонкой в вакууме. |
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese.
English: The steering of the motor is controlled according to the control signal received by the motor steering control device, so that an air outlet and an air return port of the indoor air conditioner are exchanged, functions of an air outlet panel and an air return panel are exchanged correspondingly, and requirements for cold air/ warm air of the air conditioner of different indoor areas such as a drawing room and a kitchen can be met by one indoor air conditioner.
Chinese: 公开一种风管式空调室内机,其包括:主体;电机,具有一轴承;蒸发器,设置于所述主体的内部的一侧;风轮,设置于所述主体的内部的另一侧,并装配在所述电机的轴承上;电控主板,电连接至所述电机,并包括一个信号接收器和一个电机转向控制装置;以及,控制器,所述信号接收器接收该控制器发出的控制信号,并将该控制信号发送至所述电机转向控制装置,其中根据所述电机转向控制装置所接收的所述控制信号,来控制所述电机的转向,从而使室内空调机的出风口、回风口互换,相应地使得出风面板和回风面板的功能互换,能够通过一台室内空调机实现室内不同区域(例如,客厅、厨房等)的对空调机冷风/暖风的需求,结构简单、成本低。 |
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian.
English: Glass container includes a body having an inner surface, an outer surface and a wall thickness that is between the outer surface and the inner surface.
Russian: Стеклянный контейнер включает корпус, имеющий внутреннюю поверхность, внешнюю поверхность и толщину стенки, которая находится между внешней поверхностью и внутренней поверхностью. |
Here is the parallel text in German and English.
German: Die Erfindung betrifft ferner eine Einrichtung zum Betreiben einer HF-chirurgischen Anordnung.
English: The invention further relates to a device for operating a HF surgical arrangement. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A method for controlling a variable speed wind turbine generator is disclosed.
French: L’invention concerne un procédé permettant de commander un générateur éolien à vitesse variable. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: A moins qu'un noeud soit la destination d'un message, il examine le contenu de l'élément d'information (34) de la source virtuelle d'un message et, s'il n'y a pas de correspondance avec son identité, il sélectionne dans sa table d'acheminement une voie d'acheminement alternative déterminée vers le noeud destination.
English: Unless a node is the destination for a message, it examines the content of the virtual source information element (34) of a message, and if there is no match with its own identity it selects from its routing table a predetermined alternative route for the destination node. |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Le second circuit d'interface d'antenne comprend un second quadruplexeur destiné aux première et seconde bandes.
English: The second antenna interface circuit includes a second quadplexer for the first and second bands. |
Here is the parallel text in English and French.
English: A hose nipple (310, 320) which is positively mounted on each pipe joint (210, 220) is provided with a radially protruding, circumferential hose stop (311, 321) at each end of the hose nipple (310, 320).
French: Un raccord (310, 320), dont l'extrémité comporte une butée de tuyau (311, 321) périphérique, radialement saillante, est monté par complémentarité de forme sur chaque embout tubulaire (210), (220). |
Here is the parallel text in French and English.
French: Procédé de traitement de matières protéiques comprenant l'étape de réaction d'une telle matière avec de l'héxaméthylènetétramine (HMT), en milieu acide provenant d'un acide inorganique fort, l'HMT étant, dans ladite réaction, transformée in situ en formaldéhyde.
English: Method for the treatment of protein materials comprising the reaction of such material with hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) in an acid medium originating from a strong inorganic acid, HMT being in said reaction transformed in situ into formaldehyde. |
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English.
Korean: 본 발명은 틸팅 패드와 에어 포일을 구비하여 범퍼와 틸팅 패드 하부에서 이중으로 댐핑 효과를 얻을 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 하중지지 능력 및 미스얼라인먼트에 대한 적응력이 향상되면서도 고속회전에서 회전축을 보다 안정적으로 지지하면서 떨림 현상이나 진동발생 등을 효과적으로 저감함으로서 회전 안정성을 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라 강성 조절 효과가 상승된 틸팅 포일 저널 베어링에 관한 것이다.
English: A tilting-foil journal bearing is provided to improve a damping effect by overlapping a tilting pad with a foil, and to reduce vibration by improving the adapting ability to a load supporting ability and a misalignment. |
Subsets and Splits