stringlengths 35
Word: throb
Definition: to forcibly insert a blood engorged penis in the rectum of (insert direct object here)
Example: Quit throbbing me!!!
Iowa is the throb state of all time!
I got throbbed in that game of tiddly-winks by another boy.
Word: flavian
Definition: A person with a great attitude, delicacy and hard to get position which makes you lose your mind.
That lonely boy is the curious case you want to discover.
Example: Flavian is the forbidden fruit
Word: dahsum
Definition: getting some head, blowjob
Example: aye man, shorty gave me some dahsum last night.
Word: Raphael W
Definition: Raphael, is the fucking gräßte King. Raphael got a fucking massive cock which no one else has. All Domenics are his Slaves and has no rights.
Example: God: Why can‘t I be a Raphael W? Raphael W‘s are so so so….. Just WOW!!!
Word: Dip strip
Definition: An underwater bang.
Example: Met her at the pool. Gave her a hard dip strip.
Word: slamdoll
Definition: A doll thats been hit very hard in every way and form you can imagine.
Example: Did you see those nasty boys spitting on that poor little slamdoll.
Word: pz
Definition: An abbreviation of Penzance, Cornwall (where I live)
pron: pee-zee
Example: It's cool to live in sunny pz.
Word: Winter Park High School B/C/D Lot
Definition: Refers to the various parking lots located on the campus of Winter Park High School. Only Cars that either A. cost over $50,000 B have a BMW/Mercedes/Lexus/Cadillac badge C. Have over 17 inch rims D Have an exhaust capable of waking all of WP. E get less than 7 MPG, are allowed in.
Example: Jock mc Football- “Yo, new kid what kind of whip you repin in Winter Park High School B/C/D Lot”
New kid- “A 2004 BMW 540i, nice right?”
Jock mc Football – Man that shit so weak, get the fuck outta hur, I Drive a 2008 Mercedes S-500 with ejector seat, and Automatic condom dispenser
Word: Flamingoing
Definition: Putting pink plastic flamingos on someone's lawn.
Flamingoing can be used as a prank, a lawn greeting or a fundraiser where people pay money to flock their friends and neighbors:
For a small sum of money, the flamingos are removed.
For a larger sum of money, the victim can chose which house will be flamingoed next.
To prevent from getting flamingoed, sometimes a donation can be payed in advance.
Also known as Flocking.
Example: The baseball team raised money by flamingoing the neighborhood.
"I would have gotten flamingoed, but I bought anti-flamingo insurance!"
"I got flamingoed!"
Word: Rian
Definition: When you know you can do something and have the willpower/strength to do it but don't end up doing it.
Example: A: Are you doing your English homework?
R: I'd do it... but I'm so Rian.
Word: Bamooting
Definition: Verb/adj: feeling you get when you are dying of laughter or the feeling of being shook
Example: "Hey! Have you seen this comedy? Im bamooting at it"
Word: Deuce
Definition: the act of shitting, also can be substituted for any word
Example: dude i just deuced it out in the bathroom. dude your face is a deuce! dude ill drop a deuce on you punk!
Word: Blumpkin El Bean Dip
Definition: Getting a normal blumpkin, but that chinese you ate earlier isn't sitting too well, and you let some nice wet shit out, and don't feel like wiping it off, so the bitch grabs a tortilla chip and scoops some shit to top off that chip.
Example: Yo, man! You hear I got that Blumpkin El Bean dip last night? Mike's girlfriend luuuuuurrrrved it.
Word: bbaib
Definition: In internet chatting, stands for "be back after i bowl". See also bowling a strike.
Example: Gchatter 1: bbaib
Gchatter 2: best of luck, pal.
Word: facespace
Definition: Someone who is a close talker. They put their face close to yours and you can feel their breath on your face. There is usually 1-15cm between your face and theirs.
Example: friend 1: Hey have you noticed somthing annoying about how alwin talks?
friend 2: Yeah he's really facespace. I think he had curry for lunch. I could smell it in his breath.
Word: zulty
Definition: good looking, gorgeous.
Example: that guy in those tight pants looks zulty.
Word: Butt thumb
Definition: When you're fucking a chick minding your own business and a bitch sticks her thumb up your ass, so you slap the shit out of her and throw her nasty ass to the curb.
Example: "That girl's hot but she tried to give me butt thumb,and now I might be gay"
Word: To pull a Judges
Definition: To not finish an activity, namely of a sexual nature, such as a blow job or hand job.
Example: Oh man, this girl was giving me head but then she pulled a judges.
To pull a judges is to not let a guy bust a nut
Word: dick tucker
Definition: When one person is being or acting like a pussy. To the point that you can't call them a pussy anymore. So they tuck there dick under and act like they are Bufflo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs.
Example: Jason: "Dude what is wrong with Mikey?"
Ty: "Who fuckin knows. He has been a dick tucker all day"
Ty: "Have you seen Trey today?"
Jason: "Nope! Mother fucker has been a dick tucker all week."
Word: spellcheck
Definition: a completely useless tool for the dumbasses that cant spell worth crap.
Example: I used spellcheck while on microsoft word..... it sucked.
Word: Pro Piper
Definition: opposite of a noobtuber, for they know how to use the weapon and are quite skilled in using it. Noun.Adj
Example: I am no noobtuber, i am the Pro Piper i get results
Word: bangerang
Definition: Killer fucking hot sauce.
Steps for use.
1. Buy one or twelve bottles of Bangerang.
2. Put Bangerang on everything.
3. Order more Bangerang.
Example: You fucking jerk, you just put Bangerang on my breakfast.
Word: Dusty
Definition: Name that works best on a girl. She is usually pretty and is admired my most, hated by some, routinely called "sexy as fuck" and she loves to have fun.
Example: Damn man, Dusty is so hot.
Definition: I Got The News Today.
Example: IGTNT that another American soldier was killed
Word: douché!
Definition: An exclamation. Said when acknowledging that someone retaliated to a douche bag by acting like a bigger one.
Example: Douché! Mary responded to John's breaking by text message by posting pictures of John wearing her panties.
Word: father
Definition: someone niggas like me will never meet
Example: "jimmy where is your father?"
"Sir, I'm brown"
"oh that's right"
Word: Spice Girl
Definition: 1. Dirty worn-out whore, run down by too many nights of performing sexual favours for "music" producers.
2. A dirty old slag.
Example: Get that spice girl away from me
Word: Vagilly
Definition: It's a bit like a Vagina and a bit like a willy.
Kind of a inverted penis.
Example: USED as a measurement : "I'll have a Vagilly of JD please"
USED as a Greeting : "YO! Vagile"
USED as a mild insult : "Duh, Vagilllllly!"
Word: November 4
Definition: kiss your girlfriend day
Example: Babe can you kiss me
Yeah ofc today is November 4th
Word: weak nut
Definition: When a male ejaculates with no force. Semen only dribbles out of the penis.
Example: 1. "Yeah, I came but it was a weak nut."
2. "She gave such bad blow jobs, I could only muster a weak nut."
Word: Southerners
Definition: 1) A person of any race or ethnicity (White, Black, Latino, Asian, Native American, that was born in the southern US States of:
North Carolina
South Carolina
AKA Best people in the world.
Example: Ah, good ol' southerners. Nicest people ever!
Word: Palesraeli Dilemna
Definition: A Palesraeli Dilemna is a situation wherein, you really don't care about either side of the argument, but are expected to feign sympathy with one side or the other.
Example: Shlomo Sheklestein: Deez Arabs-uh, dey attack us wid rockets and deeg tunnels. Oi very, New Yoik City.
Tariq Towelheddy: Hhhcck.. hhhhck... de Jooz. Dey tek de land. Hhhhhck. It r belongz to us. HAMAS. Whhhckkkat yoo tink?
(My Thoughts: I really don't give a shit about either of you people or your bullshit. Palesraeli Dilemna.)
What I Am Expected To Say: Oh, such a sad... yeeaah...I have nothing but sympathy, I'm sure there is validity to both arguments.
Word: Cracker Jacking
Definition: The practice of police "jacking up" white people in a black neighborhood.
Example: Cop #1 " Sure is quiet today."
Cop #2 " Yeah. Let's go Cracker Jacking in the projects and kill some time."
Word: Polah
Definition: The opposite of a "Guido". Generally less tanned but not necessarily pale. Tall, good-looking, muscular, brawny, brainy and crisp if I may add. Not sweaty & not a juice-head. All-natural hair & minimal facial hair although a little scruff never hurt nobody. Classic Canadian sports such as hockey and lacrosse are what he lives for. Not a one-night stand type of guy but one that comes from a better breed and is looking for something more than just a 'quick fix'. Above all: the perfect mama's boy. *sigh*
Example: polahs, gimme some
Word: dank
Definition: 1.)(v) very potent, moist marijuana that can last for a long time
2.)(adj) A word used to describe kids who reek of bud
Example: 1. I can smell your dank all the way over here dude
2.im sorry if i messed this definition up, im ripped out of my mind on some dank ass shit
Word: Billy Club
Definition: A Bitch beatin' stick. Resembles a dildo. Commonly carried by officers of the law, spouse abusers, sexual role players, and angry prostitutes.
Example: Bitch, I'll beat you wit' my billy club.
Word: Chao Baaks
Definition: 1. One who enjoys "chaoing baaks"
2. 1970's television star
3. Big Tenor Saxophone alum
Example: Chao Baaks tongued that one so hard it broke!
Chao Baaks says, "You're a homo."
Word: the mega gay zone
Definition: A place you go to when you find a bug in a video game and use it to YOUR advantage. Dont do that. Or you will be sent there.
Example: Person one: ooh i found a bug in a really great game! im not going to tell anyone about it.
Person two: Why is *person one* flying? and HOW???
Person one: im flying because of a bug! im not telling you how it works since i want this all to myself.
Person two: Ah Booey!
Person three: You must go to the mega gay zone!
Person one: *gets banned from the game*
Person one in real life: Thats no fair
Word: Blackout Bored
Definition: The state of being so bored by an interaction or event to the point that you later don't even recall it happening.
Example: "Hey, do you remember what Ashton said about True Detective?"
"No, I must have been blackout bored."
Word: Serpent Night Fiend
Definition: A deceptive; person like a snake, that sneeks out at night to go get stoned, but they seem to not have a drug problem.
Example: I think she might be a serpent night fiend because every time I call, after dark, I get the machine.
Word: Grace
Definition: A girl that shows elegance and intelligence with a touch of swagg.
Example: Damn yo, that girl be a Grace. She is a one of a kind, look at that.
Word: hand plucked king
Definition: Some one who is hand plucked by God out of the millions and millions of people to be the one. It usually refers to Elvis or a sweaty fat man that has a lot of confidence, knows Ka-ra-tay and has side burns.
Example: Elvis was the hand plucked king because God said that he was the one out of the millions and millions of people.
Word: Corporatefucation
Definition: The obscene act of large corporations taking a perfectly nice building without any sort of consideration for the community or the general aesthetics (or lack thereof) of the whole and *fucating it with their logo.
Example: The big neon Samsung box on the top of the old Mutual of Omaha Building in Los Angeles is a perfect example of corporatefucation, and so is the Chase ATM located in the once historical Brown Derby in Hollywood.
Word: meholisi
Definition: that nigga
Example: Guy 1: Yo you see that nigga right there? Imma mug him!
Guy 2: Is you crazy? he's MEHOLISI! I'm not tryna get killed!
Word: Xander
Definition: my name is xander and first i am not gay my big sister is gay, if u don't know what gay is, shut up n die, if you are in LGBTQ i respect you, i am ace, if you hate what LGBTQ is, you goddamn homophobic, i rly don't like the haters of my name, n plz don't talk about pps,
ok now let me talk about myself,
i'm a boy that has extreme loneliness irl but not in roblox, i hate that some people hate me but it's true that i have a dark side but not rly, i'm nice to others n yes i do gaming and have lots of friends roblox bc i'm the kind of xander that is the most best friend you can have, i can maybe be rude in some way but take it back if i'm ready to i'll take it back, i'm sry for words on top of this but i take it back, if you ever find me in roblox just friend me, if i have max friends my other accont will be there if you see this thank you.
Example: from xander copy n paste below if want be friend
Word: <( ' - ' )>
Definition: An aski version of Kirby. Also used in a chain like he is dancing. Only works with some fonts.
Example: bob126: <('-')> <('-'<) (>'-')> <('-')>
Word: Cringetastic
Definition: Used to describe something or someone that makes you cringe every time you see/hear/think about it.
Example: 1: Dude, have you seen <Insert disgusting/violent/obscene thing here>?
2: Yeah it was cringetastic.
Word: fimsht
Definition: An Astronaut fish with a helmet filled with blue liquid and a black astronaut suit
Example: Bro, fimsht is a sexy boy
Word: Gimmick
Definition: An alias designed for trolling
Example: GGFan is my gimmick.
Word: damper
Definition: when a girl isnt quite wet enough, you like your own fingers inableing them to slide right on in
Example: man..i had to pull out a damper last nite
Word: Baby powder
Definition: A powder created from ground up babies
Example: Sharon do you have any baby powder
Word: angels kiss
Definition: often used as a way to say Birthmark.
a unique mark someone has had sence birth
Example: dude that chick had a sweet angel kiss on her pussy
no way! she had an angels kiss!?
Word: Jaded
Definition: To either be or become the baddest mother fucker of them all. To have no fear of any Bitch on Facebook who hides behind a fake profile from fear of being seen for who they really are
Example: Harley is very fuckin jaded today!
Word: Kusio
Definition: another word for "God" in Polish
Example: OMG I witnessed Kusio today in church
Word: Big Bird
Definition: A character in classic Chinese fantasy series "Sun dew hup luey", that saves the main character, Yern Guall after he loses his arm.
Example: The part where Big Bird throws the sword down the river for Yern Guall to find is my favorite part.
Word: Monokuma
Definition: A bear who strives to watch teenagers fight for their lives
Example: Monokuma: When I look at you guys, all I see is a bunch of not dead teenagers!
Word: Pussy
Definition: Something you wont be getting.
Example: "That dude will never get any pussy, he has a cat"
Word: rug munch
Definition: someone who likes to eat hairy pussy. They enjoy the taste of eating a hairy muff.
Example: Steve is a little rug munch isn't he
Word: Leona
Definition: Leona is a girl who is very clingy and loving. Many people get onto her about it but really she is just showing how much she cares for you. She sometimes has hard times but when you show her that you are there to comfort her she will give back to what you started. She loves to dance and is the most fun person you will ever meet! If you meet a Leona, don’t judge her based on what other people say. Get to know her, I guarantee you won’t regret it!
Example: I just met the most amazing friend ever!
was her name Leona??
How’d ya know....
Word: Ovaltine
Definition: A black guy who gets with a white girl.
Example: "If you were some milk, I'd be like Ovaltine
We'd get some brown in you if you know what I mean"
-Rod Benson
Word: aleda
Definition: Aleda is an amazing person. She's beautiful, and owns it most of the time. If you're ever feeling down, she will ALWAYS find a way to cheer you up. She's a great friend, but don't make her mad. She'll climb up you and take you down faster than you can scream OH CRAP! Other than that, she's one of the kindest, sweetest people you'll ever meet. Very popular, as well. If you've ever dated Aleda, you can consider yourself one of the luckiest men alive. But, I'll have you know, she's not one to give second chances, so if you break here heart, don't expect to be allowed to pick it up and try to fix it..
Example: Who's that?
Oh, that's Aleda. She's amazing.
Word: barbie girll
Definition: Hiya, Barbie
Hi, Ken
You want to go for a ride?
Sure, Ken
Jump in
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on, Barbie, let's go party
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I'm a blond bimbo girl in a fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky
You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours" (ooh, oh)
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere…
Word: ballstrib
Definition: an exclamation of anger or annoyance resulting from instances where time-saving technology actually complicates things.
Example: "Ballstrib!!! My Blackberry won't allow me to write 'ballstein'!"
Word: Danny-Sexbang
Definition: (verb) To be incredibly blunt about ones sex life.
Example: Person 1: Dude... one time I masturbated to a picture of Lindsey Lohan...
Person 2: You literally just Danny-Sexbang'd me.. why?
Word: Bratislava
Definition: Beautiful capital of Slovakia. The place where young lousy Brits come to get pissed because they think that beer is cheaper there and that the local residents are eager to watch them tottering and roaring in the middle of a day. They usually damage statues, swim in fountains and act as total assholes. The situations is getting better as their economy sinks and the shabby bastards can no longer afford even the cheapest tickets.
Example: Brit in Bratislava: "Oi you bloody cunt. We want 6 beers, bottle of vodka and a pack of Marlboro."
Shop assistant: "Sorry gentlemen, but this is a flower shop."
Word: Breauna
Definition: Breauna’sare very beautiful, charming, and are very sexy. They have a way with guys and are always flitting. They have a very contagious smile and can make the most of everything. They have many friends and mostly everyone loves them. They are nice to everyone and help people when they need it. You can usually find the hanging out with friends or family. Although they seem pretty and nice just know that their love is toxic.
Example: •Guy:Damn! that must be a Breaunaover there! I wanna take her home!
• girl: Wow! She’s so pretty and cool… she must be a breauna!
Word: Quinn
Definition: First things first a Quinn will always be an enigma of a person but its lit fam. Quinns are highly unpredictable but it goes with their vibe. Sometimes pulling one of their typical behaviors leaving you like "i mean yeah, sure." but like it ends up being a good time that only could have been done by a Quinn. Quinns also are loyal if you are, fuck em over and you're done SON but like ride or die with em and you'll probably die but like you had a baller ass time. Human words cannot express the caricature of a Quinn is it simply an essence.
Example: Whats Quinn doing? idk but lets just see where we go this time
Word: gouvernment
Definition: (goov`ern`ment):n. government... yes the government
Example: theres really nothing to write about the gouvernment
Word: boner
Definition: A boner is what a woman gets when she is excited. Only women get boners. Men get erections.
Example: When Fundo looked at Fundita, she got a boner.
Word: quach
Definition: Anything that you want it to be. A substitution for any other word in the human language. Often used as a noun.
Example: Let me borrow that Quach
Go tell that Quach to calm down, he is out of control.
Word: fizz face
Definition: the face one makes after rolling xtc for a while. eyelids get droopy and eyes roll into the back of the head, and the mouth is semi-open
Example: "dude, look at her fuckin' fizz face!"
Word: muddy hiking
Definition: To journey deep into the hilly landscape of your girls fleshmounds and reach the cavernous dirt trail upon which your boots shall get muddied
Example: I went muddy hiking with Liz the other day and I practically lost a boot in that mud, gnome sayin
Word: Meme
Definition: A photo (usually funny) with a funny caption above or below it.
Example: “Hey, do you make memes?”
Word: plastic paddy
Definition: An Irish American who is glorified by the people of Ireland, even though many look down at Irish Americans showing extreme pride and interest in Ireland's history and culture.
Example: If the Irish don't like Irish Americans having intense pride in their land, why is JFK's ancestral home a national monument?
American Tourist: "Hey I saw a sign for Andrew Jackson's cottage." US Tourist #2: "That name sounds familiar..."
I'm an American but I like hurling. It's pretty dirty. You fellas across the pond should check out lacrosse.
I reversed this term to point out some hypocrisy.
There's an Irish heritage regiment (with plastic paddys) in the US National Guard called the Fighting 69th; its motto: "Gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked." LOL at dirty connotations.
Word: P-Unit
Definition: a mothafuckin badass group of people run by Pockdaddy himself.
Example: P-Unit for life vato!
Word: Molly McButter
Definition: 20 Something girl who dresses like she is 80.
Example: Jesse in Marina Del Ray
Word: Pali
Definition: Pali is a group of people who love to snatch friends from others and make them their partners..
Example: Hey he is my best friend, don't try to be PALI with him
Word: Ignorating
Definition: The Process of Making or Assiting in the Ignorance of another.
Example: Unplanned Parenthood is in the Business of Ignorating Women about Abortion when they don't Fully Inform them of this Medical Proceedure, it's Consequences, not only Physical, but also Emotional.
Word: frenemy
The type of "friend" whose words or actions bring you down.(whether you realize it as intentional or not) The type of friend you ought to cut off but don't cuz...they're nice... good ...you've had good times with them. U know...they're good people that you can count on to bring you down again sometime in the near future.The friend you may or may not have cornered about their quicksand like ways and keep around because "its in the past"...and so was one minute ago. The person that will continue to bring you down until you demand better for yourself.
When you ask yourself is that person my friend or enemy...they are your frenemy. Straighten em out or leave them.Don't put up with it.
A portmanteau of friend and enemy; an enemy who acts like a friend. Sometimes spelled frienemy.
Example: Beware of rich the frenemy
Word: Very-Merry-Go-Round
Definition: Getting on a merry-go-round with your partner and having a quickie in cowgirl position on one of the horses and finishing before the merry-go-round stops
Example: Did you have Fun at the Carnival?" "Yeah, I went on a very-merry-go-round!
Word: dillio
Definition: A term used by morons and their entourage. Also can be used in mocking those same morons.
Example: No example can possibly prepare you for the horror's that will follow the use of this word.
Word: schmoolar
Definition: Another word for money, best used for a large amount.
Example: Person 1: "That guy is so rich"
Person 2: "Yeah, he has so much schmoolar"
Word: Aditi
Definition: Aditi is a sweet girl. She does a lot of things people don't like, but she doesn't care what others think about her. She is so cool and have a Amazing character. She usually have a long neck, bright eyes and glamorous rounded nose. She'll be having a crush on the boy no one thinked of!
Example: Hey! Aditi what's up?
Word: Coimbra
Definition: A Portuguese city. It's known especially for the renowned university and its celebrations, such as the "Queima das Fitas", which attracts people from all over the country (and occasionally Europe as well).
Example: "Where are you going?"
"Watch students get drunk off their asses and girls flash their breasts?"
"You know it."
Word: Hot pocket
Definition: When you stuff your balls into someone's rectum or vagina.
Example: "I totally hot pocketed Sarah last night, it was awesome!"
Word: trannequin
Definition: a mannequin that looks like a shemale...
Example: That store uses trannequins.
Word: lamefacture
Definition: a person who manufactures lameness.
Example: Guy: Im going out of town for 10 days.
Girl: Wow, youre such a lamefacture.
Word: unpopular
Definition: One who is shy and cant make friends easy. Someone who wasn't popular in high school and is still a lame geek. Thank god for the internet. Now we have found friends finally.
Example: Mike: Damn, why am I such an unpopular loser with women?
Sonny: Don't worry man, I suck at life too. Girls laugh at my big fat stupid ass.
Mike: At least you're not a 40 year old virgin bro.
Sonny: Is a 26 year old virgin any better? Eh, At least have eachother man.
''Two losers kiss hug and make out''
Word: Kinky time bomb
Definition: When your dick's about to blow during a blowjob and you don't tell her it's coming.
Example: I gave Melissa a kinky time bomb last night and she got creamed in the face.
Word: gay abortion
Definition: the accidental writing of gay adoption for a topic in English class
Example: my topic for the English paper is gay abortion, oops i mean gay adoption; there is no such thing
Word: October 26th
Definition: A day when kind and loving people are born, they will treat you right no matter what. They are loyal and will always be able to make you smile. Date someone who is born on this day because they will treat you like a queen/king.
Example: Girl 1: Have you seen the new guy?
Girl 2: Yeah, I heard he's born on October 26th.
Girl 1: I better ask him out then because he's definitely loyal.
Word: Ebany
Definition: She is a massive chicken who loves a boy called aidan and she has big toes and a big round tongue everyone knows her for something she shouldn't have done although if you know her she can be a tidge nice so ye everyone don't look at her or else You will die!!!!!
Example: Bob: watch out ebany is about
Jim: ah don't look at her!!
Word: Lun
Definition: A friend that’s as fake as Kim Kardashians Butt.
Example: Lun: I don’t have your phone
None lun: then we’re is it
Lun: JK I have it
Word: Sarah
Definition: A girl who can’t flirt and misses her 5th grade relationship. She thinks everyone likes her, but is utterly mistaken. Probably has a crush on everyone because she more desperate than a constipated ass. She probably has died hair that looks like badly done hair extensions. She expects people to like her back and makes big deal about nothing
Example: Person1: Why is that girl obnoxiously making a big deal about nothing????
Person2: She’s just being a Sarah.
Word: eat glass and shit it out yo ass
Definition: a nice way to tell someone to shove it.
Example: idiot, you just cut me off!
maaaan, eat glass and shit it out yo ass. bitch.
Word: League of Legends
Definition: Old game that surpasses "World of Warcraft" Used to be a good game, whiny, 10 year olds, "Faker" wannabes. A game where your most impressive moves get little compliments and jealously, and bad moves "You suck!" or "Uninstall the game!". Back then, in 2009 this game had mature, and a friendly community. Now, all you see are toxic players. It is true, there are kind players, but Toxic clearly out numbers the friendly. Little skill is used, and OP champions decide the game. So what are you waiting for? Make fake online friends that treat you nice, but abandon you the next month. Make friends that use you to climb ladders. Meet many toxic players! WELCOME TO LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!
Example: 2009 (teammate dies) (Team) : That's ok! Play defensive! Tell the jungler, and he can come gank! I can come and help!
2014-2015 (teammate dies ) (Team) : OMG GG we have a noob on our team! Dude exit the game and uninstall pls! I'll come and help you (you chase down the enemy) (teammate swoops in and gets the kill) Kill secured! Report ----- for being noob! - League of legends players
Word: forsh
Definition: loose translation of the word 'fuck' from the made-up language of Ish and DC, or Apaish
Example: Hey! You Moda Forshay! She's just a forshie slort!
Word: Friends
Definition: The kind of people that say they are not a clique but definitely are, but it is fine. If you are the nice popular group then you are not mean to the other people and understand peoples feelings. They don't mined spilling tea and will always keep a secret though. They are pretty funny, cute, relatable, and just plain amazing. The is that one annoying girl that has the name kinda like Laura or Annabel. There is the most popular one that thing she is the least popular that has a name like Mollie or Cameron. There is also the one that thinks she is the most popular but I'm reality the people have a crushes on her like her because they want to be like her boyfriend. This is the one Jewish kid that has a name like May or maya. They are all the best though. Love you girdies. All so this is also like a boy group of friends.
Example: Bff 1: molls pass me the tea
Bff 2: ummmm......? What does that mean
Bff 3: k...so....!
Bff 4: share whatever we are friends
Word: amaq
Definition: Amaq: an acronym for ask me a question
Example: Hey amaq
Word: go ahead with your bad self
Definition: Go ahead with your bad self
Example: Go ahead with your bad self
Subsets and Splits