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ساليتيالخدمهورجهامعكبريتنيبقتغير | they attacked us and two of them saw that they were the ones who got into that |
مصدومهوكتشوفماريوقالتلهاششمننيتك | situation but of course they couldnt |
بنتصغيرهعندهايلاعامعندهااعاقه | stand it anymore It was clear on the day of |
كتقوللينمشيونخليهافيالطوموبيل | Nours death that it was on July |
الصباحكلهماخفتيجييخطفهاشيواحد | After he detained her for two days he killed her again Omar Dialha died |
يتعدعليهاشيواحدماخفتيجيهاالجوع | when she died He was years old and Jaafar was years old |
العطاشماقلتيراهالحالسخونوممكنتسخف | So we wont lie to you The investigation was a little secret |
لقدراللهعاوتانيماريغاديتجاوبهابكل | It didnt show that much of the condition of the audio recording that |
وقاحهوقلتالمسؤوليهوقالتلهاماتخافيش | my mother had slapped on What was in that money Why did |
راهماغادييوقعليهاوالوواصلامامره | you take Nour from the chef Why did you take them |
ماجوجكنخليهاوسطالطوموبيلبالساعات | The information that showed was the forensic report |
وعمرهاوقعلهاشيحاجهبريتنيبقتغير | which said that Nour had been assaulted by the criminal |
كتشوفماريبواحدالنظرهديالالاشمزاز | and hit her severely with a hammer Those two days he was watching her |
ومابغشتخللهالراسهاانامغاديدير | after she was crouching on |
هشيفيبنتصغيرهعنعندهشلالدماغي | her corpse The head was cut off at the funeral As |
المهمقالتلماريهذاالشيالليكتقولي | for the evidence he found it was the DNA |
رانيمانقدرشنديرهسمحيليبغيتينرد | Dayal Jaafar and the fingerprints of the person who was accused |
ليهاالبالهذالليلهاهلاوسهلاالصباح | without mentioning the witnesses of course |
بكريتجيتقابليبنتكتباركاللهمابغيتيش | the question that always arises is why Jaafar is doing |
اناراهالصباحغادينخرجوتحمليمسؤوليتك | this whole thing in Nour and why he was so hateful towards her |
الذابقعتلهاشيحاجهالمهممنبعدثلاث | In fact there are many |
شهربريتنهيوليداتهامابقاوشقادرين | reasons The first reason is the big secret |
يزيدوايعيشوافيهذكالدارمعماريكل | that Jaafar and his family were hiding Since |
نهاركانواكيشوفواالحالهالليفيها | they did not hide this secret it was possible that |
كريستيناوالاهمالالليكتعانيمنهوهذا | Nour would have remained alive and would have no longer plotted against Jaafar |
الشيكانكيقطعفيقلبهمهذاالشيبلاما | in this ugly and brutal way Here where is the foolishness |
نذكرالدارالليكانتمسخهوفيهاريحهيبه | We will bring back another story for you We will go back five |
بزافيعنيالليمهملمهملبريتنيصافي | years Before Jaafar got to know Nour he was at that time |
بداتكتقلبعلشيدارتكرهيوليداتها | in America to read psychology |
ومنبعدفترهقصيرهلقواحدالداروانتقلت | and since America A country that is more liberal than the standard |
ليهاوخلاتالبيتلماريماريحستبالدار | Elsie Jaafar loved it There was nothing but |
خواتعليهاوبريتنيالليكانتهزليها | girls night outs with all kinds of money There was no |
بالهامرهمرهكطردلهاالبالكريستينا | money to pay them any money except Keto Why did Abel |
صافيمشاتهشيخلاهاتبداتقلبعلشي | alone have his money or not He solved the important problem of |
ضحيهجديدهالليتقابللهابنتهاهيهذك | drink and caro He started to get the neva and |
واحدالنهارغاديتعرفعلواحدالبنت | started using cocaine and did not come after her to do what he did He |
سميتهالينسيلينسيكانتقريبهتخرجوتولي | used to take Mujahideen in good health With time it |
ممرضهماريقالتلهاراعنديواحدواح | seemed to me that there was a lot of hashish on his mind and we can say that |
البنتسميتهاكريستيناعندهاشللدماغي | Mr Kevin became an artist and where did they see |
شنوبانلكتجيعنديللدارنعرفكعليها | the situation that was not in their son They returned him |
ونورككيفاشكتعاملمعهاكيفاشكوكلها | to Pakistan to be treated before it was too late |
نشربهانبدلليهاباشمليتخدميانشاء | and even from reading it it was not complete and of course it was |
اللهتكونعندكخبرهمعالدراريالصغار | hidden from the people so that they would not lose their image I |
الليفينفسالوضعيهديالهالسعجبتها | told you that they would lose money so that their |
الفكرهبزافوشكرتماريعلهالعرض | son would pay them everything at |
ديالهاهيهذكواحدالنهارالليكان | zero and they complained that their son had inherited the family This is why they |
الجمعهغاديديرلينسيمعماريباشتجي | entered the hospital for treatment and began to |
عندهاللدارودوزمعهاالعشيهتعلمها | gradually cut off his expenses until his condition improved |
ذاكشيالليقالتلهافعلامشتعندهاوبدات | Most likely the doctor we mentioned was good in |
ماريكتعلمكلشيالليمتعلقبكريستينوما | research his specialty was psychology He went home to him and |
بخلتعليهاوالومنبعدغاديتقوللنسي | he was going to be the one who was all over the place and |
عافاكعنديلكواحدالطليبهانتماعارفين | they were hiding this from the people and they used to say |
شنهيالطليبهقالتلهالنسياهمرحبا | that he had a chance to read psychology and then he would go to the |
علالراسالعيينخيركسابققالتلهعافاك | doctor until you were in the hospital so that if they saw one thing |
بقايمعبنتيقابليهااناراهدايرهمع | he would not say anything He would say that he would go and read The |
الحبيبديالينصهرشويهومالقيتاللي | important thing was after he asked Jaafar for a while Unfortunately the treatment |
حضيهبينمانرجعلنسيحرجتبزافوماقدرش | did not return as it was and he still has |
تقوللهالاخصوصااندارتفيهابليزير | psychological problems and Hadshi who did not know Nour not her |
زعماقالتلهاصافياناغادينردلها | not her family and even Jaafars family may God forgive the |
البالبينمارجعتيولكنعفاكماتعطيشهي | poor girl and her brother She lived with him |
هذكبقاتلسيمعكريستيناشعلتلهاتلفازه | for three years Jaafar was always causing |
وبقكلعبمعهابينماداهاالنعاسمنبعد | problems and was unable to control his head in his family |
ناضتالكوزينهتوجدشيحاجهللبنتتاكلها | To the point of one time he and his mother were in |
باشماتنعسبالجوعولكنكتفاجاان | Britain and at one point he became fanatical and began to flay |
الثلاجهخاويهكتصوروماكاينحتحاجه | her even Aitat to the police who came to free her from his |
الليتعتقبهاالبنتالمهممعالتسودديال | hands but when he saw him he was going to liquidate her against her This |
الليلصوتماريوطمنتعلبنتهاكريستينا | thing made the British state consider him a dangerous person |
وقالتلسيعافاكرديالبالبنتيراهغادي | and Zaid accused him of assaulting AlDawsi Diyala Amer |
نتعقلشويهدازالوقتولنسيبداتكتصوني | with crimes of harassment Imagine with me A person in the past |
ليهاحيتتعطلتاكثرمنالقياسولكنماري | was morally immoral and became more arrogant and they looked at |
والوواشكانتكتجاوبدازالليلوفي | the cocktail he had a lot of |
الصباحديالنهارالسبترجعتماريناتعل | complaints filed against him It was as if he felt that he was above |
ننسيقالتلهاسمحيليماكنتشكنجاوبك | everything and better than everything and had everything in his hand He was like |
راهالصديقدياليتعرضللتسغذايوبقيت | a fool why could they |
معهوقالتلهاعافاكاختيبقايمع | buy anything with his money and get out of any problem |
كريستيناوغيريتحسنشويهغادينرجعلينسي | to be frank From him this is what my father and mother were born with You |
عياتمسكينهماتسنوالومابانتشماري | find them licking things that they dont want |
حتغدلييعنينهارالسبتعطاهاخاطرها | The important thing is that after this thing that happened |
تمشيتزهاوتسهروتخليبنتعمهاوحدهيلا | public opinion will change People will change except for the news |
تعرفتعليهاولمدهيومينجاباللهطاحت | Dakshi who lived in Jaafars house in Nour went out in |
فيلنسيبالناسوغالباالقضيهديال | demonstrations to demand justice and to sentence |
التسممغيركذبهاخترعتهاباشتزيددوز | Jaafar to death since they knew what that was |
وقتاكثرمعالسيكلاريالمهملنسيكانت | Darosh is like this and they put pressure on the officials The case |
معصبهبزافمنماريقالتلهكيفاشاختي | could be ruined because of the money and influence |
عطاكخاطركتخلينيحاصلههناياماقدرت | he has and to be honest we are only concerned with |
نمشيلداريولالخدمتيكلماحشمتمنالله | ordinary people Large human rights organizations |
وبقاتفيهذالبنتالليمادارتليحت | in Pakistan especially for women have focused on the |
ذنبكونمشيتفيحاليتخيلوامعياالعذاب | case and kept it in their sights The trial will begin with |
والجحيمفينكانتعايشههذالبنتمسكينه | Dial Jaafar in one middle The pressure is great |
فينظريكنداتهالشيجمعيهاحسنماتبق | among the demonstrations And the media Jaafar Gadi |
معيشهافيهذاكالهمكتلوحهامنواحد | confesses to everything but the trial |
لاخرالمهمذاكشيالليعانتمنهطيلهديك | lasted for an entire year and they were with him in the sessions |
المدهماكيسووالوقدامذاكشيالليغادي | because he was crying so much that he could |
يوقعليهانهاراغسطسعامنهار | not answer the questions or repeat what happened |
الليغاديتودعفيههذالحياهنهاراللي | and he kept apologizing to Nours family and |
ماتتفيهاالبنتالليكانوافيالاول | telling them what he did not intend to do The |
كيقولوعليهاالفرحهديالالدارومبعد | thing is there were more than normal interactions between them |
تحولتالمشكلوالعقبهديالالدارهشيفي | The important thing is that he came to find out the second reason that |
نظرهمبطبيعهالحالالمهمفيهذاالنهار | made him hate Nour and in this situation |
اتصلتماريبالوووقالتلهمانافي | Nour managed to leave me She went to his house to say goodbye of course Before |
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