he went to Merican Gadi shook his phone at her
and started to scroll through the messages and discovered that she had
met someone new and this person Its
normal The lady broke up with him for six months Of course she
wont be imprisoned with him anymore Hes going to continue his life He
told you that Nour Diyala is alone and hes not even going to take
anyone against him This is the reason that made him
manage this case Whats important in the trial is the defense Diyala
started saying that Nour was the one who provoked him
until she got to know him That gentleman and Jaafar wanted
her so much and he could not control his head and what
happened happened and he said Yes this thing happened by mistake
and there was no plan to kill her But his companions Dial
Jaafar Gadi denied this nonsense and said that a few
days before he committed the crime he was Kisul
What is the one who committed the crime is known in Pakistan
He had American citizenship and fled until
they were going to bring him back to court This thing was about what he
intended to liquidate her and Deja who
knew her had a new relationship with Dakshi Why did he
lure her to the house He probably intended to liquidate her
and take his plane but that did not happen Why
was it planned Why did the defense come here Diala told you no
Jaafar was intending to liquidate him and flee to
America Gadi would not cancel his travel The important thing is that Gadi
will remain in charge of the sessions alone from Mora
alone until a year after the crime on the day of
February Finally Gadi will take the helm and
what is the death penalty for Jaafar and live long years and
the neighbor is my religion The police did not do
that thing that was Jaafars hand in Nour and
her brother died in his hands They started trying to defend their
heads and told them that they were afraid
of Jaafar but this thing did not intercede for them The cook
who was in the house went out innocently and did not attend to him
The one who happened to go to Ndouz Daba to appeal in
The defense Jaafar did their best
and tried to avoid the death penalty They said that the
judge saw that he was mentally ill and did not know
what was going on The judge would bring me a
doctor to examine him and see if this condition was healthy
or not After the examination the doctor said
that Jaafar was conscious and knew what was wrong with him They saw him as
responsible for the crime that took place I mean they were not
convinced that he was mentally ill and even his illness did
not help him Why did he commit this whole crime And
here Judge Gadi is again sentencing him to
death But as for him no
charges were even brought against him They even tried to control their
son and even the doctor and his companions who walked away At
Jaafars house they gave their information and said Yes they
discovered the crime at Jaafars house
They cried at the police in the police station Why didnt they
even bring charges against them This was the case This was the
case of Nour the kindhearted girl Zarifa who
killed Bard without even a reason The problem is with the person she
wanted to have sex with For years of
her life part of the responsibility was bearing even his parents who
had not been upset in the past Diyal Jaafar did not
see that it was okay for him to stick it to him As
for the mother and father Diyal Jaafar be frank and honest I want you to
have a daughter since they are the main reason for the tragedy
that happened The girl was alone with that mentally ill person
for nothing They tell her the truth This was
the case Today we will see you in a
new case Peace be upon you
you Welcome to a new video Honestly
I always believed that people dont change whats
good for whats good and whoever is disappointed is disappointed No one
person was good as you know and with time he saw that he
changed his mind He was disappointed with Debar but thats the way he
really is This is honesty It is the theory
that we have believed in in my life We say that the essence is important He who
has a pure essence remains pure despite the
circumstances But this story made me retreat somewhat from
this belief I started to say that it is possible for people to
change I am looking at one person who can
change degrees I will teach you the issue a little bit
You can take a lot of pain from you without taking too long
walked on This case begins with one of the
girls whom she named Rita Marie Fernandez Marie was
born in South Carolina exactly in
Clinton County She lived in a
normal family and they had sisters who were
foolish about them Marie was one of the girls Zuwaina
God bless the honesty there are not
many details about her childhood How did you know The thing
we know is that she was one of the girls who read Mizyan
After that Gadi continued her reading and Gadi took
her masters degree from Sherilyn Stone University Where did Mary come
from when she was young and she was dear to her Something
she called motherhood She only had time when she grew up He got
married and had children with her that she raised and
welcomed In the first year of her university she met
a man whom she called Walter between the two clans
something like that He was of
Filipino origins He and Mary were linked and they started to have a relationship This is how
Mary moved to his house and began to live with him
In their structure increased The first girl
was named Elizabeth After three years the