stringlengths 0
| labels
sequence | processed_text
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stringlengths 2
@user nice new signage. Are you not concerned by Beatlemania -style hysterical crowds crongregating on you… | [] | [
"@user nice new signage.Are you not concerned by Beatlemania -style hysterical crowds crongregating on you…"
] | @user nice new signage.A usted no le preocupa Beatlemania - al estilo histérica multitudes crongregating en usted ... |
A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎 | [
] | [
"A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot 😎"
] | Una mujer a la que follaste varias veces diciendo que tu pene pequeño es un cumplido ya sabes que golpeaste ese lugar |
@user @user real talk do you have eyes or were they gouged out by a rapefugee? | [
] | [
"@user @user real talk do you have eyes or were they gouged out by a rapefugee?"
] | @user @user real talk ¿tienes ojos o fueron expulsados por un violador? |
your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch! | [
] | [
"your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch!"
] | ¡Tu novia me mira como una groupie en esta perra! |
Hysterical woman like @user | [] | [
"Hysterical woman like @user"
] | Mujer histérica como @user |
Me flirting- So tell me about your father... | [] | [
"Me flirting-So tell me about your father..."
] | Yo coqueteando, así que háblame de tu padre... |
The Philippine Catholic bishops' work for migrant workers should focus on families who are "paying the great... | [] | [
"The Philippine Catholic bishops' work for migrant workers should focus on families who are \"paying the great..."
] | El trabajo de los obispos católicos filipinos para los trabajadores migrantes debe centrarse en las familias que están... |
I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT ! I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing 😂😡 bitch | [
] | [
"I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT !I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing 😂😡 bitch"
] | No voy a ir tras tu ex antes de que mientas un montón de mierda ! He terminado con usted amigo por eso te tiré el culo causa tu mentira perra |
When cuffin season is finally over | [] | [
"When cuffin season is finally over"
] | Cuando la temporada de gemelos por fin ha terminado |
] | [
] | Enviar migrantes a casa que no necesitan protección, Peter Dutton le dice a ONU, HEY DUTTON ¿Qué hay de los que se han quedado y no han dejado el país cuando deben sobresalir? |
Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive. To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes. | [
] | [
"Cory Booker and Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings, Coulter hilariously tweeted.And yes, liberals immediately got triggered on Twitter, saying her joke was offensive.To them we say, suck it up, snowflakes."
] | Cory Booker y Kamala Harris compitiendo por la Mujer Más Histérica en las audiencias de Kavanaugh, Coulter tuiteó hilarantemente.Y sí, los liberales inmediatamente se activaron en Twitter, diciendo que su broma era ofensiva.A ellos les decimos, chuparlo, copos de nieve. |
Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying. ~Baba Ram Dass | [] | [
"Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.~Baba Ram Dass"
] | Sólo que en ti, que soy yo, puedo oír lo que estoy diciendo. -Baba Ram Dass |
Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome | [
] | [
"Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country.How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain?How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters?#RefugeesNotWelcome"
] | Debería haber dejado que el bombardero libio de Manchester se pudriera en su propio país.¿Cuántos más asesinos en masa importó la Marina Real a Gran Bretaña?¿Cuántos más terroristas hacen el rescate de la ONG de aguas internacionales?#RefugeesNotWelcome |
More migrants take sea route to #Spain than Italy this year: UN | [] | [
"More migrants take sea route to #Spain than Italy this year: UN"
] | Más migrantes toman la ruta marítima a #España que Italia este año: ONU |
Essential reading for those in Scribner, Nebraska who are considering an anti-immigrant ballot measure. | [] | [
"Essential reading for those in Scribner, Nebraska who are considering an anti-immigrant ballot measure."
] | Lectura esencial para aquellos en Scribner, Nebraska que están considerando una medida electoral anti-inmigrante. |
This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen | [
] | [
"This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter.What a lack of judgement, shocking.#YesAllMen"
] | Esta cuenta estaba temporalmente inactiva debido a que una mujer irracional nos informó a Twitter.Qué falta de juicio, chocante.#YesAllMen |
RT @user @user I am flattered tbh. I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this. | [] | [
"RT @user @userI am flattered tbh.I got an orgasm just by thinking of it you really are good at this."
] | RT @user @userMe siento halagado tbh.Tengo un orgasmo sólo por pensar en ello que realmente son buenos en esto. |
Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them... Bland. Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky. | [] | [
"Making them look ~anatomically correct~ just makes them...Bland.Not all women are tiny and fit, not all men are bulky."
] | Hacerlos ver ~ anatómicamente correctos ~ sólo los hace...Bland.No todas las mujeres son pequeñas y en forma, no todos los hombres son voluminosos. |
listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes | [
] | [
"listen...i love lil bbut i would not fuck with dej loaf at all.she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes"
] | Escucha...me encanta lil bbut no me jodería con el dej moaf en absoluto.ella prob consiguió veneno en su esmalte de uñas como esa perra de los agujeros |
@user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up. | [
] | [
"@user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up."
] | @user @user sigue llamándola una perra y un tipo de puta realmente adulto. |
Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user | [
] | [
"Glad your having another nice vacation.How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going?@user @user @user @user @user @user"
] | ¿Cómo van los cruces fronterizos ilegales, las entradas ilegales de migrantes oportunistas, las habitaciones de hotel financiadas por el contribuyente sin un plan estratégico?@user @user @user @user @user @user @user |
@user Unchecked Population&migration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops | [
] | [
"@user Unchecked Population&migration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops"
] | @user Unchecked Population&migración a las ciudades es el mayor mal para la India sucia. |
Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe | [
] | [
"Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe"
] | Golpe de alienígena ilegal, lo arrastró por bloqueos en un accidente mortal de DUI #BuildTheWall #NoAmnisty #NoDACA #DeportAllThem #KeepAmericaSafe |
An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty?? Are Pigs Flying? - A miracle... | [] | [
"An Honest Article About Illegal Immigration By a Lefty??ArePigs Flying? -A miracle..."
] | Un artículo honesto acerca de la inmigración ilegal por un zurdo??Are Pigs Flying? -Un milagro... |
@user @user @user @user please spread the word ->> using frequent flyer miles to reunite immigrant families! | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user please spread the word ->> using frequent flyer miles to reunite immigrant families!"
] | @user @user @user @user por favor divulgue la palabra ->> usando millas de viajero frecuente para reunir a las familias inmigrantes! |
knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch | [
] | [
"knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time ..U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w/ mine U lil bitch"
] | Yo voy a luchar por las minas Yo coño mezquino, U perder el tiempo .. U temporada, medio tiempo U conseguir jodido w / mi U lil perra |
Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi… | [] | [
"Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi…"
] | Sí, las mujeres que protestan son 'irracionales' 'histéricas' 'mariposas amargas' - larga historia de usar esa mierda para dismi... |
@user Not all men are animals. You Libs want muslims to come over still? Better pick a side. | [] | [
"@user Not all men are animals.You Libs want muslims to come over still?Better pick a side."
] | @user No todos los hombres son animales.¿Los libs quieren que los musulmanes vengan todavía?Mejor elige un lado. |
Federal judge to #Trump: "imminent danger" of "irreparable injury to #refugees, visa-holders", etc. @user | [] | [
"Federal judge to #Trump: \"imminent danger\" of \"irreparable injury to #refugees, visa-holders\", etc. @user"
] | Juez federal a #Trump: "peligro inminente" de "lesión irreparable a #refugiados, titulares de visas", etc. @user |
This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe | [
] | [
"This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship.#getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe"
] | Esta perra a la que no nombraré en Facebook es una mujer desvergonzada que arruina una relación. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe |
@user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard | [
] | [
"@user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard"
] | @user @user Omg le dio su número y ella no dijo no lo que un coño La chica es el coño por dárselo a un idiota al azar |
Why we need to protect refugees from the ‘˜big ideas’ designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user | [] | [
"Why we need to protect refugees from the ‘˜big ideas’ designed to save them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user"
] | Por qué tenemos que proteger a los refugiados de las “grandes ideas” diseñadas para salvarlos @user @user @user @user @user @user @user |
Kevin Rosero of the Latino Immigrant Experience Oral History Project #NJHRIC #NewarkPublicLibrary needs help identifying Newark Latino immigrant residents to interview and capture their stories and experiences. MORE INFO: | [] | [
"Kevin Rosero of the Latino Immigrant Experience Oral History Project #NJHRIC #NewarkPublicLibrary needs help identifying Newark Latino immigrant residents to interview and capture their stories and experiences.MORE INFO:"
] | Kevin Rosero del Proyecto de Historia Oral de la Experiencia de Inmigrantes Latinos #NJHRIC #NewarkPublicLibrary necesita ayuda para identificar a los residentes inmigrantes latinos de Newark para entrevistar y capturar sus historias y experiencias. |
@user Are you pussy grabbing tonight?? | [] | [
"@user Are you pussy grabbing tonight??"
] | @user ¿Estás agarrando coños esta noche?? |
Some people really dont understand why I get so upset at injustices happening in this country. Trust me, it's not that I like getting my panties in a wad over dumb things. It's the fact that people like me (minority, brown, immigrant, etc) r suffering and it affects me directly | [] | [
"Some people really dont understand why I get so upset at injustices happening in this country.Trust me, it's not that I like getting my panties in a wad over dumb things.It's the fact that people like me (minority, brown, immigrant, etc) r suffering and it affects me directly"
] | Algunas personas realmente no entienden por qué me enfado tanto con las injusticias que ocurren en este país.Confía en mí, no es que me guste meterme las bragas en un montón de cosas tontas.Es el hecho de que la gente como yo (minoría, marrón, inmigrante, etc) r sufrimiento y me afecta directamente |
I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet | [] | [
"I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already.It's not even 1 yet"
] | Hoy ya me han llamado hijo de puta y de puta. Aún no es 1 |
Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide ‘˜Enrichment’ to Society, Not ‘˜Threats’ | [] | [
"Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide ‘˜Enrichment’ to Society, Not ‘˜Threats’"
] | El Papa Francisco: Los inmigrantes proporcionan “enriquecimiento” a la sociedad, no “amenazas” |
What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped? Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting? | [] | [
"What were they planning to do with the immigrant children they kidnapped?Slavery, sex traffic, organ harvesting?"
] | ¿Qué planeaban hacer con los niños inmigrantes que secuestraron? ¿Esclavitud, tráfico sexual, recolección de órganos? |
masturbate intensive for that whore slut | [] | [
"masturbate intensive for that whore slut"
] | masturbarse intensamente para esa puta puta |
The Truth about #Immigration | [] | [
"The Truth about #Immigration"
] | La verdad sobre la inmigración |
@user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising | [
] | [
"@user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising"
] | @user @user Debe Hacer Ilegal #Inmigración y Sobre Estancias Un Paso Felón Obligatorio E-Verificar para #Empleos y Bienestar #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising |
@user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries | [
] | [
"@user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries"
] | @user inmigración en masa en Europa Mata a nuestra cultura nuestras lenguas y sobre se extiende nuestros propios recursos como hospitales, escuelas, ahora Italia, Grecia, etc, Su derecho los envía de vuelta a casa, pero por favor no separar las familias países islámicos |
Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives & cleavers in Lebanon | [] | [
"Lebanese Christian victim of a quarrel between Syrian refugees carrying knives & cleavers in Lebanon"
] | Libanese Christian víctima de una pelea entre refugiados sirios portando cuchillos & cleavers en Líbano |
CoreCivic found its best interest is to grow US detention capacity, for women and children, by over 450%. Expanding the number of mother-child beds from 3,500 up to 20,000. This signals the largest increase in immigrant detention since WW2 #ResistICENashville photo: Julie Henry | [] | [
"CoreCivic found its best interest is to grow US detention capacity, for women and children, by over 450%.Expanding the number of mother-child beds from 3,500 up to 20,000.This signals the largest increase in immigrant detention since WW2 #ResistICENashville photo: Julie Henry"
] | CoreCivic encontró que su mejor interés es aumentar la capacidad de detención de mujeres y niños en Estados Unidos en más del 450%.La ampliación del número de camas madre-hijo de 3.500 hasta 20.000.Esto indica el mayor aumento en la detención de inmigrantes desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial #ResistICENAshville foto: Julie Henry |
I wonder is this is where Caitlyn gets his car services 🌚 | [] | [
"I wonder is this is where Caitlyn gets his car services 🌚"
] | Me pregunto es aquí es donde Caitlyn consigue sus servicios de coche |
@user Uhhhhhh, that’s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma’am 😉 | [
] | [
"@user Uhhhhhh, that’s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma’am 😉"
] | @user Uhhhhhh, esa es estúpida perra pequeña, señora |
Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases | [] | [
"Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases"
] | Bishop hace un llamamiento a los grupos eclesiásticos para que tomen medidas, ya que los migrantes representan ahora el 11% de los casos denunciados |
Because some women are stupid | [
] | [
"Because some women are stupid"
] | Porque algunas mujeres son estúpidas. |
@user BITCH TEXT ME | [
] | [
] | @user BITCH TEXT ME |
because they had a cross on !! The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners# | [
] | [
"because they had a cross on !!The lovely NHS cannot get 100 Indian Doctors over from India because of Immigration rules ,good do we want to hire from a land of Rapists and ignorant beliefs sadly we cannot get enough training places here, why dont we use nurse Practitioners#"
] | porque tenían una cruz en !!El hermoso NHS no puede conseguir 100 médicos indios de la India debido a las reglas de inmigración, bueno queremos contratar de una tierra de violadores y creencias ignorantes tristemente no podemos conseguir suficientes lugares de entrenamiento aquí, ¿por qué no usamos los médicos de enfermería # |
@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr | [
] | [
"@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration.#Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration.Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws.Deport all illegals & #DACA immigr"
] | @user RT @user No traiciones a tus votantes en #Inmigración.#Americans, #WeThePeople, y los #USA rechazan #DACA, #Amnistía, la #DreamAct, y toda la inmigración ilegal.No rompas nuestras leyes constitucionales.Deportar a todos los ilegales y #DACA inmigrante |
@user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA | [
] | [
"@user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped.Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration.VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA"
] | La agenda radical de @user Elizabeth Warren para abolir el ICE y crear fronteras abiertas debe ser detenida.Geoff Diehl es el único candidato con un historial probado de lucha contra la inmigración ilegal.VOTE POR @user POR SENATE en MA |
What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. | [
] | [
"What an absolute cock womble this cunt is.Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel."
] | Lo que es un absoluto vientre polla este coño es. ¿También alude al hecho de que recibió la educación universitaria GRATUITA aswel. |
No matter what color a girl is she still a ho 😂😂 | [
] | [
"No matter what color a girl is she still a ho 😂😂"
] | No importa el color de una chica es ella todavía un ho |
@user I am not forcing anyone. I am just putting out my view. People believe it or not is their prerogative.Even if a single person agree with me, it is ok with me. Thanks, | [] | [
"@user I am not forcing anyone.I am just putting out my view.People believe it or not is their prerogative.Even if a single person agree with me, it is ok with me.Thanks,"
] | @user No estoy forzando a nadie. Sólo estoy exponiendo mi punto de vista.La gente lo cree o no es su prerrogativa.Incluso si una sola persona está de acuerdo conmigo, está bien conmigo.Gracias, |
#FactCheck 👍 #BoycottUnitedArlines #AidingAndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople are FED UP #EnoughIsEnough #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion | [] | [
"#FactCheck 👍 #BoycottUnitedArlines #AidingAndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople are FED UP #EnoughIsEnough #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion"
] | #FactCheck #BoycottUnitedArlines #Aiding AndAbetting #Felons #WeThePeople is FED UP #Suficiente #ICE #DHS #DOJ #WakeUpAmerica #StopTheInvasion |
#NRC Assam Govt must initiate immediate action 2 cancel Voting id cards & Aadhaar cards of the identified illegal migrants Let "commited" political dogs bark any length & as loud as they can Nation must remain firm on its security concerns | [] | [
"#NRC Assam Govt must initiate immediate action 2 cancel Voting id cards & Aadhaar cards of the identified illegal migrants Let \"commited\" political dogs bark any length & as loud as they can Nation must remain firm on its security concerns"
] | #NRC Assam Govt debe iniciar la acción inmediata 2 cancelar las tarjetas de identificación de votos & Aadhaar tarjetas de los migrantes ilegales identificados Deje "comprometido" perros políticos ladrar cualquier longitud & tan fuerte como puedan Nation debe permanecer firme en sus preocupaciones de seguridad |
@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr | [
] | [
"@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP).The list is long & disgusting.Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr"
] | @user Dan, CAMINO demasiado difícil de elegir entre todos los perdedores corruptos mentirosos y engañosos que representan a Dems (y algunos GOP).La lista es larga y repugnante.Embarrazando que pagamos a estos perdedores mentirosos grandes salarios para corromper nuestra democracia.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr |
Russia, Turkey, Jordan are in talks on return of Syrian refugees ‘“ Lavrov | [] | [
"Russia, Turkey, Jordan are in talks on return of Syrian refugees ‘“ Lavrov"
] | Rusia, Turquía, Jordania están en conversaciones sobre el regreso de los refugiados sirios ‘“Lavrov |
@user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe | [
] | [
"@user @userNo.....really?A refugee?They are here to enrich our cultures, right?I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthembackit's not late to save Europe"
] | @user @userNo....realmente?Un refugiado?Están aquí para enriquecer nuestras culturas, ¿verdad? Apuesto a que también es mayor de 17 años....#sendthembackNo es tarde para salvar Europa |
Thank you, @user for taking a stand. It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate. #SourcesMatter | [] | [
"Thank you, @user for taking a stand.It's up to all of us to fight misinformation and anti-immigrant hate.#SourcesMatter"
] | Gracias, @user por tomar una posición. Depende de todos nosotros luchar contra la desinformación y el odio anti-inmigrante.#FuentesMatter |
And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall | [
] | [
"And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall"
] | Y ahora viene otra inundación de inmigrantes. #Construye esa pared |
Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore | [
] | [
"Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag.#WakeUpYouWhore"
] | Nada me molesta más que cuando las perras terminan con un buen tipo y luego se quejan de ser lastimadas por un imbécil.#WakeUpYouPuta |
Realizing the rights of Eritrean refugees in Israel. A new article:https://t.co/0SsTUvgQ6z | [] | [
"Realizing the rights of Eritrean refugees in Israel.A new article:https://t.co/0SsTUvgQ6z"
] | La realización de los derechos de los refugiados eritreos en Israel.Un nuevo artículo:https://t.co/0SsTUvgQ6z |
Judge orders government to release immigrant kids from Texas shelter | The Texas Tribune | [] | [
"Judge orders government to release immigrant kids from Texas shelter | The Texas Tribune"
] | Juez ordena al gobierno liberar a los niños inmigrantes del refugio de Texas The Texas Tribune |
@user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees. | [] | [
"@user @user @user Don't dare to tell us about Syrian refugees."
] | @user @user @user No te atrevas a hablarnos de los refugiados sirios. |
@user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. | [
] | [
"@user @userIt should foment anger.Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate.Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive."
] | @user @userSólo los idiotas abren sus fronteras a las personas que NUNCA asimilarán.La mayoría de los africanos negros que vienen a Europa NO son refugiados y tienen el dinero para pagar el viaje, lo cual es caro. |
This is what Trump supporters call humane smh | [] | [
"This is what Trump supporters call humane smh"
] | Esto es lo que los partidarios de Trump llaman humano smh |
MegynKelly is skank. Whore paid $$ for what? Only thing left to watch on .@nbc anymore is SNL. More truth to them t… | [
] | [
"MegynKelly is skank.Whore paid $$ for what?Only thing left to watch on .@nbc anymore is SNL.More truth to them t…"
] | MegynKelly es skank.Wore pagó $ por qué?Sólo lo que queda para ver en .@nbc ya es SNL.Más verdad para ellos t... |
#OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either. #NationalistsNotWelcome | [] | [
"#OccupyICEPHL was delighted to learn that Charlie Kirk, the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, conspiracy theory-touting, founder & executive director of the white nationalist-allied Turning Point USA (TPUSA) didn't have a very good morning either.#NationalistsNotWelcome"
] | #OccupyICEPHL se alegró al enterarse de que Charlie Kirk, el anti-inmigrante, anti-musulmán, teoria de conspiración, fundador & director ejecutivo del punto de inflexión nacionalista blanco EE.UU. (TPUSA) tampoco tuvo una muy buena mañana.#NationalistsNotWelcome |
Med not a house/EU not adult day care camp for migrants seeking handouts or to profit from crime.Tunisia abusing #Italy EU, which has leverage bt lacks courage to use it. #Salvini must send message👉either stop boats & take back citizens or we bury you economically, esp. leaders | [] | [
"Med not a house/EU not adult day care camp for migrants seeking handouts or to profit from crime.Tunisia abusing #Italy EU, which has leverage bt lacks courage to use it.#Salvini must send message👉either stop boats & take back citizens or we bury you economically, esp.leaders"
] | No se trata de una casa o un campo de guardería para adultos para migrantes que buscan limosnas o para beneficiarse de la delincuencia.Túnez abusando de #Italia UE, que tiene apalancamiento bt carece de valor para utilizarlo.#Salvini debe enviar un mensaje‘‘‘ya sea parar barcos & recuperar ciudadanos o te enterramos económicamente, esp.leaders |
@user good girl | [] | [
"@user good girl"
] | @user buena chica |
you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ 😏🌹 | [
] | [
"you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitchplease did i fuck you_what importance do you have in my life_are you retarded_😏🌹"
] | ¿Sabes que tus mujeres son estúpidas como tú? Por favor, te jodí. ¿Qué importancia tienes en mi vida? |
Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe | [
] | [
"Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ??And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe"
] | ¿No odias cómo las chicas sólo puta alrededor porque nunca recibieron la atención de papá ??Y por lo que tienen que interferir en las relaciones.. |
@user Greedy, you have to talk about this tomorrow including the hysterical responses. | [] | [
"@user Greedy, you have to talk about this tomorrow including the hysterical responses."
] | @user Greedy, tienes que hablar de esto mañana incluyendo las respuestas histéricas. |
@user Wow!! Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that | [
] | [
"@user Wow!!Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that"
] | @user Wow!!Nunca he visto a una mujer hacer malabares con una gran polla como esa |
Fuck you, you hoe I don’t want you back | [
] | [
"Fuck you, you hoe I don’t want you back"
] | Vete a la mierda, a la mierda No te quiero de vuelta |
@user Screw her and her beliefs!! Send them packing!! This is a Christian nation with Christian laws. #BuildThatWall #kag | [
] | [
"@user Screw her and her beliefs!!Send them packing!!This is a Christian nation with Christian laws.#BuildThatWall #kag"
] | @user ¡Atornillarla a ella y a sus creencias!!¡Envíalos a empacar!!Esta es una nación cristiana con leyes cristianas.#BuildThatWall #kag |
@user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock | [
] | [
"@user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock"
] | @user Eres la reina descuidada de chupar polla |
World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. âž | [] | [
"World Relief is continuing to provide legal aid and advocating for immigrant families who have been separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.You can make a difference and help reunite families by making a donation today. âž"
] | World Relief continúa proporcionando asistencia legal y abogando por familias inmigrantes que han sido separadas en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.Usted puede hacer una diferencia y ayudar a reunir a las familias haciendo una donación hoy. |
@user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! | [
] | [
"@user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide.Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!!"
] | @user Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone ES Genocidio Blanco.Algunas verdades básicas: El acceso a los blancos no es un derecho humanohttps://t.co/c0gHvd6iMBRemigración 2018: Fácil ven, fácil IR!! |
@user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest… | [
] | [
"@user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch.kys honest…"
] | @user tonto coño que engañar 12 y 30 años vírgenes en darle dinero que puta perra.kys honesto ... |
From refugee to sole survivor - How one Syrian has become shoemaker to the famous | [] | [
"From refugee to sole survivor - How one Syrian has become shoemaker to the famous"
] | De refugiado a único sobreviviente - Cómo un sirio se ha convertido en zapatero a la famosa |
@user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: its about immigration.Denying Canadians their right to survive and defend their racial interests IS 'racial hatred'. IN fact its White Genocide. Its a crime: Access to White peopl | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: its about immigration.Denying Canadians their right to survive and defend their racial interests IS 'racial hatred'.IN fact its White Genocide.Its a crime: Access to White peopl"
] | @user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: es acerca de la inmigración.Denegar a los canadienses su derecho a sobrevivir y defender sus intereses raciales ES 'odio racial'.De hecho su Genocidio Blanco.Es un crimen: Acceso a la gente blanca |
When you're sneaking in after a long, hard night of cheating and don't wanna wake your girl cause you're a good guy | [] | [
"When you're sneaking in after a long, hard night of cheating and don't wanna wake your girl cause you're a good guy"
] | Cuando te estás colando después de una larga y dura noche de trampas y no quieres despertar a tu chica porque eres un buen tipo |
@user sweetie, how the hell can you take “oh my god that’s a DICK?!?!?!?!” Style monologue | [] | [
"@user sweetie, how the hell can you take “oh my god that’s a DICK?!?!?!?!”Style monologue"
] | @user cariño, ¿cómo diablos puedes tomar “oh mi dios que es un DICK?!?!?!?” monólogo estilo |
Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall | [
] | [
"Absolutely perfect keep the whole lot of Illegal Aliens out, now maybe libtarded snowflakes will be happy they are not being split up?#maga #kag #nodaca #noamnesty #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall"
] | Absolutamente perfecto mantener todo el lote de Aliens Ilegales fuera, ahora tal vez copos de nieve lípidos será feliz que no están siendo divididos? #maga #kag #nodaca #noamnisty #Build ThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildTheWall |
Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon - ABC News | [] | [
"Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon - ABC News"
] | Cientos de refugiados sirios regresan de Líbano - ABC News |
VIDEO: Immigrant activist who climbed Statue of Liberty has a new song: "America, you motherfuckers,... | [] | [
"VIDEO:Immigrant activist who climbed Statue of Liberty has a new song: \"America, you motherfuckers,..."
] | VIDEO:El activista inmigrante que subió a la Estatua de la Libertad tiene una nueva canción: "América, hijos de puta,... |
Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees | [
] | [
"Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees"
] | El gobierno turco debe tomar inmediatamente precauciones para proteger sus fronteras y encontrar una solución para los problemas en Siria o Turquía será un depósito de refugiados en un futuro próximo y esto es una gran amenaza para nuestra supervivencia #nomorerefugees |
//'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal... | [
] | [
"//'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh.Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal..."
] | //'Enviaremos de vuelta a los inmigrantes ilegales a Bangladesh.Días difíciles están por delante, no toleraremos a ningún inmigrante ilegal en Bengala.'Con estas declaraciones, Bengala Occidental... |
RT @user I bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true. | [] | [
"RT @userI bet a lot of people's therapists are dying to meet me just to see if the stories are true."
] | RT @userApuesto a que muchos terapeutas de la gente se mueren por conocerme sólo para ver si las historias son ciertas. |
HOLLERINGGGGGGG. stupid baby bitch. | [
] | [
"HOLLERINGGGGGGG.stupid baby bitch."
] | Holleringgggggg.estúpida perra bebé. |
a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit .. | [
] | [
"a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit .."
] | una perra en la que me parece atractivo puede quitarse su calcetín y mi polla de repente se volverá dura como la mierda.. |
RT @user 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.' -- Wayne Gretzky | [] | [
"RT @user 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.'-- Wayne Gretzky"
] | RT @user 'Te pierdes el 100% de las tomas que no tomas.'-- Wayne Gretzky |
@user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a "Public Charge" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it ! That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer | [] | [
"@user Actually that is any benefits which would make a Immigrant a \"Public Charge\" law on the books for over 100 years not entitled to hold a green card or become a citizen but #Dems wont enforce it !That is why 73% of Mexican and Central Amer"
] | @user En realidad, eso es cualquier beneficio que haría de un inmigrante una ley de "cargo público" en los libros por más de 100 años no tiene derecho a tener una tarjeta verde o convertirse en ciudadano, pero #Dems no lo hará cumplir !Es por eso que el 73% de México y Central Amer |
How much is John McCains funeral costing tax payers? Not including his no vote to scrap Obamacare. Next time use our hard earned money for something useful like building the wall!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Baloney | [
] | [
"How much is John McCains funeral costing tax payers?Not including his no vote to scrap Obamacare.Next time use our hard earned money for something useful like building the wall!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Baloney"
] | ¿Cuánto cuesta el funeral de John McCains a los contribuyentes?No incluye su voto negativo para desechar Obamacare.La próxima vez use nuestro dinero ganado por algo útil como construir la pared!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Bloney |
I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME. Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains? #womenaredumb.. | [
] | [
"I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME.Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains?#womenaredumb.."
] | Nunca he conocido en mi VIDA a una mujer que fuera más inteligente que yo.Tal vez eso tenga que ver con sus pequeños cerebros retardados?#womenaredumb.. |
Syrian activist alleges UN gave Rakban camp refugee children expired sweets | [] | [
"Syrian activist alleges UN gave Rakban camp refugee children expired sweets"
] | Activista sirio alega que ONU le dio dulces caducados a niños refugiados del campamento de Rakban |
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