Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebs too poor to run as a Mayor to show everyone they can be better politicians than him. Comments? @user no no no no new war under Trump, Europe is still handling the refugees from Obama's wars. Hi Ohio! @user weekend feels
[ "Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebs too poor to run as a Mayor to show everyone they can be better politicians than him.Comments?@usernonono no new war under Trump, Europe is still handling the refugees from Obama's wars.Hi Ohio!@user weekend feels" ]
Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebra demasiado pobre para presentarse como alcalde para demostrar a todos que pueden ser mejores políticos que él.Comentarios?@usernonono no hay nueva guerra bajo Trump, Europa todavía está manejando a los refugiados de las guerras de Obama.Hola Ohio!@user fin de semana se siente
@user Do I have to fight another bitch ass looking cunt today?
[ "hate" ]
[ "@userDo I have to fight another bitch ass looking cunt today?" ]
@user¿Tengo que luchar contra otra perra con aspecto de perra hoy?
#SouthCarolina has spent millions of dollars to arrest immigrant landscapers, housekeepers #ambassador...
[ "#SouthCarolina has spent millions of dollars to arrest immigrant landscapers, housekeepers #ambassador..." ]
#SouthCarolina ha gastado millones de dólares en arrestar a paisajistas inmigrantes, ama de llaves #ambassador...
Me trying to flirt- I wanna eat your hot pocket
[ "Me trying to flirt- I wanna eat your hot pocket" ]
Yo tratando de coquetear... Quiero comerme tu bolsillo caliente.
People say, "Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?" For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America.
[ "People say, \"Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?\"For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America." ]
La gente dice: "¿Por qué este o aquel inmigrante para América Central o del Sur no aplicó la forma adecuada y se mantuvo al día con las formas?"Durante décadas la inmigración ha discriminado a personas de color de América Central y del Sur.
I'm not the one to let people profit on my back... I'll break yours and take what's mine 😘
[ "I'm not the one to let people profit on my back...I'll break yours and take what's mine 😘" ]
Yo no soy el que deja que la gente se beneficie de mi espalda ... Voy a romper la tuya y tomar lo que es mío
#landdegradation undermines the well-being of 3.2 billion people, or “two-fifths of humanity,” drives species extinction and intensifies #climatechange, and is also a major contributor to mass human #migration. ⁦@CauxDialogue⁩
[ "#landdegradation undermines the well-being of 3.2 billion people, or “two-fifths of humanity,” drives species extinction and intensifies #climatechange, and is also a major contributor to mass human #migration.⁦@CauxDialogue⁩" ]
#landdegradation socava el bienestar de 3.200 millones de personas, o “dos quintas partes de la humanidad”, impulsa la extinción de especies e intensifica #climatechange, y también es un contribuyente importante a la migración humana masiva.
Me trying to flirt- You have really nice eyebrows... I'd like to cum on them to see if they wash off
[ "hate" ]
[ "Me trying to flirt- You have really nice eyebrows...I'd like to cum on them to see if they wash off" ]
Yo tratando de coquetear- Tienes unas cejas muy bonitas... Me gustaría correrme sobre ellas para ver si se lavan
Two faced Boris now hes on a power trip dosent care about Immigration may is a liar change l don't think so
[ "Two faced Boris now hes on a power trip dosent care about Immigration may is a liar change l don't think so" ]
Dos Boris se enfrenta ahora en un viaje de poder dosent cuidado sobre la inmigración puede ser un cambio mentiroso No lo creo
Says man who suggested an actress reported an historic rape to gain more work - you're a fully paid up cunt -
[ "hate" ]
[ "Says man who suggested an actress reported an historic rape to gain more work - you're a fully paid up cunt -" ]
Dice el hombre que sugirió que una actriz denunció una violación histórica para ganar más trabajo - eres un maldito completamente pagado -
@user I hope you are not offering them a choice. To hell with the #Tories #SendThemHome
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user I hope you are not offering them a choice.To hell with the #Tories #SendThemHome" ]
@user Espero que no les estés ofreciendo una opción.Al diablo con los #Tories #SendThemHome
These are not refugees but aggressive male migrants the Med leaders - with exception of @user -want to kindly “share” w-others. In reality, they already have by previously “waving-through” hundreds of thousands of unknown migrants to roam Europe. @user #V4
[ "hate" ]
[ "These are not refugees but aggressive male migrants the Med leaders - with exception of @user -want to kindly “share” w-others.In reality, they already have by previously “waving-through” hundreds of thousands of unknown migrants to roam Europe.@user #V4" ]
Estos no son refugiados, sino inmigrantes agresivos, los líderes de Med -con excepción de @user- quieren amablemente “compartir” con otros.En realidad, ya lo han hecho con cientos de miles de migrantes desconocidos antes “avanzando” para vagar por Europa.@user #V4
There are all these illegal immigrant aliens trying to get to Earth, but our 'Space Force' is protecting us, oh yeah it's up there already! #Deranged
[ "There are all these illegal immigrant aliens trying to get to Earth, but our 'Space Force' is protecting us,oh yeahit's up there already!#Deranged" ]
Hay todos estos inmigrantes ilegales que tratan de llegar a la Tierra, pero nuestra 'Fuerza Espacial' nos está protegiendo, ¡oh sí, ya está ahí arriba!#Desquiciado
I feel like post birth abortion should be a thing...
[ "I feel like post birth abortion should be a thing..." ]
Siento que el aborto post-parto debería ser una cosa...
UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration
[ "UN countries agree on pact to manage mass global migration" ]
Los países de la ONU acuerdan un pacto para gestionar la migración global masiva
Girls with blonde hair and dark roots make my cock hard for some reason
[ "hate" ]
[ "Girls with blonde hair and dark roots make my cock hard for some reason" ]
Chicas con pelo rubio y raíces oscuras hacen mi polla dura por alguna razón
Populists are not anti immigrant or anti immigration or emigration they are PRO rational fair laws of… — Allan
[ "Populists are not anti immigrant or anti immigration or emigration they are PRO rational fair laws of… — Allan" ]
Los populistas no son anti-inmigrantes o anti-inmigración o emigración son leyes racionales PRO de... — Allan
Cases include a twisted paedophile, a lunatic driver and an illegal immigrant who posed as a 16-year-old girl
[ "Cases include a twisted paedophile, a lunatic driver and an illegal immigrant who posed as a 16-year-old girl" ]
Los casos incluyen a un pedófilo retorcido, un conductor lunático y un inmigrante ilegal que se hizo pasar por una niña de 16 años.
Some cunt at Walmart went full psycho on me saying how she had no fucking space to put her shit bitch ur taking up the entire conveyor belt
[ "hate" ]
[ "Some cunt at Walmart went full psycho on me saying how she had no fucking space to put her shit bitch ur taking up the entire conveyor belt" ]
Una puta de Walmart se volvió loca conmigo diciendo que no tenía espacio para meter a su puta de mierda en toda la cinta transportadora.
@user As you fall over yourselves to welcome Syrian refugees ,homes etc why did you not do it for ordinary people are u lambs or goats
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user As you fall over yourselves to welcome Syrian refugees ,homes etc why did you not do it for ordinary people are u lambs or goats" ]
@user A medida que se caen sobre sí mismos para dar la bienvenida a los refugiados sirios, hogares, etc ¿por qué no lo hizo para la gente común son u corderos o cabras
Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD. #whore #WomenSuck
[ "hate" ]
[ "Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD.#whore #WomenSuck" ]
Nada me haría más feliz que verte tener una ETS.#puta #Mujeres chupadas
In the past 4 years personal debt has risen by 90 billion pounds. Much of it spent on trying to live. Debt now stands at 32,000 pounds for every person in the country. Its time government realised that we can neither afford more migrants or foreign aid. Look after our own people.
[ "In the past 4 years personal debt has risen by 90 billion pounds.Much of it spent on trying to live.Debt now stands at 32,000 pounds for every person in the country.Its time government realised that we can neither afford more migrants or foreign aid.Look after our own people." ]
En los últimos 4 años la deuda personal ha aumentado en 90 mil millones de libras.Mucho de ella se gasta en tratar de vivir.La deuda ahora es de 32.000 libras por cada persona en el país.Es hora de que el gobierno se dio cuenta de que no podemos permitirnos más migrantes o ayuda extranjera.Cuida de nuestra propia gente.
Watch: Germany's Real Women's March against migrant violence and Islamism - Free Speech Time - @user
[ "Watch: Germany's Real Women's March against migrant violence and Islamism - Free Speech Time - @user" ]
Mira: Marcha de las mujeres reales de Alemania contra la violencia migratoria y el islamismo - Tiempo de libertad de expresión - @user
@user @user Don't blame refugees for the misery of others. By forcedly removing refugees from their homes they simply join the ever extending list of vulnerable people on the streets. Westminster can change this for everyone.
[ "@user @user Don't blame refugees for the misery of others.By forcedly removing refugees from their homes they simply join the ever extending list of vulnerable people on the streets.Westminster can change this for everyone." ]
@user @user No culpes a los refugiados por la miseria de los demás.Al sacar forzosamente a los refugiados de sus hogares, simplemente se unen a la lista cada vez más extensa de personas vulnerables en las calles.Westminster puede cambiar esto para todos.
hypnotize synthesize love is a lie like a hole in the sky then you die
[ "hypnotize synthesize love is a lie like a hole in the sky then you die" ]
hipnotizar sintetizar el amor es una mentira como un agujero en el cielo y luego mueres
@user Its not about Trump kids.When are you putting up all those refugees in your home jk??? YOu know, diversity for thee, but not for me.Your virtue signalling is tiresome.
[ "hate" ]
[ "@userIts not about Trump kids.When are you putting up all those refugees in your home jk???YOu know, diversity for thee, but not for me.Your virtue signalling is tiresome." ]
@userNo se trata de los niños Trump.¿Cuándo vas a poner a todos esos refugiados en tu casa jk????YU sabes, diversidad para ti, pero no para mí.Tu señal de virtud es fastidiosa.
@user No doubt cory wins most hysterical women his eyes are popping out of his head foaming at the mouth
[ "@userNo doubt cory wins most hysterical women his eyes are popping out of his head foaming at the mouth" ]
@userSin duda Cory gana a la mayoría de las mujeres histéricas sus ojos están saliendo de su cabeza espumando en la boca
It's unfortunate that such racist tactics are used against migrant communities. Remember those who are spreading fear are those who cut the funding of vital services for migrants such as healthcare and education! via @user
[ "It's unfortunate that such racist tactics are used against migrant communities.Remember those who are spreading fear are those who cut the funding of vital services for migrants such as healthcare and education!via @user" ]
Es lamentable que estas tácticas racistas se utilicen contra las comunidades migrantes. ¡Recuerda que los que están propagando el miedo son los que recortan la financiación de servicios vitales para los migrantes como la salud y la educación!via @user
Mandy Manning, one of World Relief's friends and partners @user has just been named 2018 National Teacher of the Year for her work with #refugee and #immigrant students. Read more of her incredible story. ➝
[ "Mandy Manning, one of World Relief's friends and partners @user has just been named 2018 National Teacher of the Year for her work with #refugee and #immigrant students.Read more of her incredible story. ➝" ]
Mandy Manning, una de las amigas y compañeras de World Relief @user acaba de ser nombrada Profesora Nacional del Año 2018 por su trabajo con #refugee y estudiantes #inmigrantes.Lea más de su increíble historia.
#FakeNews Alert!! Flu Vaccine PROPAGANDA Agenda - Immigration = Terrorism REPORT
[ "hate" ]
[ "#FakeNews Alert!!Flu Vaccine PROPAGANDA Agenda - Immigration = Terrorism REPORT" ]
#FakeNews Alert!!Flu Vaccin PROPAGANDA Agenda - Inmigración = Informe de Terrorismo
@user Legally it is rape if you inserted something inside someone without their consent
[ "@user Legally it is rape if you inserted something inside someone without their consent" ]
@user Legalmente es violación si insertas algo dentro de alguien sin su consentimiento
Glad not all men are like that and sad some women are like this...
[ "hate" ]
[ "Glad not all men are like that and sad some women are like this..." ]
Me alegro de que no todos los hombres son así y tristes algunas mujeres son así...
Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe.
[ "Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe." ]
No dejes que el mundo termine distrayéndote del hecho de que eres una azada.
is this what you would call karma? like how do you as a mexican person vote and support trump, have an illegal immigrant as a wife & act shocked when she gets deported?
[ "is this what you would call karma?like how do you as a mexican person vote and support trump, have an illegal immigrant as a wife & act shocked when she gets deported?" ]
¿Es esto lo que usted llamaría karma?como cómo usted como una persona mexicana vota y apoya el triunfo, tiene un inmigrante ilegal como una esposa & acto escandalizado cuando ella es deportada?
@user Let me check your ass out with my cock
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user Let me check your ass out with my cock" ]
@user déjame ver tu culo con mi polla
People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories... STFU Bill, IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife
[ "hate" ]
[ "People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories...STFU Bill, IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife" ]
La gente en los bares del aeropuerto siempre quiere contarte sus historias de vida...STFU Bill, IDGAF sobre tu estúpida hija y esposa puta
I’ll still fuck a stupid Bitch up tho
[ "hate" ]
[ "I’ll still fuck a stupid Bitch up tho" ]
Todavía voy a joder a una perra estúpida tho
When someone tries to threaten me
[ "When someone tries to threaten me" ]
Cuando alguien trata de amenazarme
If this is implemented well, could be good news for Philadelphians.
[ "If this is implemented well, could be good news for Philadelphians." ]
Si esto se implementa bien, podría ser una buena noticia para los Filadelfianos.
If you really wanna know what someone you're fucking thinks about you, make them show you how you're stored in their phone...
[ "If you really wanna know what someone you're fucking thinks about you, make them show you how you're stored in their phone..." ]
Si realmente quieres saber lo que piensa alguien de ti, haz que te muestre cómo estás almacenado en su teléfono...
@user stupid women fuck up my life #WomenSuck
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user stupid women fuck up my life #WomenSuck" ]
@user estúpidas mujeres joder mi vida #WomenSuck
@user USA should stop trading with Mexico, if they dont stop the refugees.
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user USA should stop trading with Mexico, if they dont stop the refugees." ]
@user USA debería dejar de comerciar con México, si no detienen a los refugiados.
If you have to ask why #WomenSuck you're obviously a woman.... And you suck.... #subtweet
[ "hate" ]
[ "If you have to ask why #WomenSuck you're obviously a woman....And you suck....#subtweet" ]
Si tienes que preguntar por qué #WomenSuck eres obviamente una mujer...Y apestas...#subtweet
@user @user Where are you getting #NotAllMen from? I took issue with the fact they don't explain the…
[ "@user @user Where are you getting #NotAllMen from?I took issue with the fact they don't explain the…" ]
@user @user ¿De dónde sacas a #NotAllMen?Me opuse al hecho de que no explican el...
@user The difference is you promote being a slut you dumb bitch you should go fuck yourself and stick some a…
[ "hate" ]
[ "@userThe difference is you promote being a slut you dumb bitch you should go fuck yourself and stick some a…" ]
@userLa diferencia es que promueves ser una puta perra tonta deberías irte a la mierda y meterte un poco de...
@user weird as fuck cuz women suck. #YouSuck
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user weird as fuck cuz women suck.#YouSuck" ]
@user raro como mierda porque las mujeres chupan.#YouSuck
The blue wave is coming if we don't build that damn wall. #BuildThatWall & #MAGA
[ "hate" ]
[ "The blue wave is coming if we don't build that damn wall.#BuildThatWall & #MAGA" ]
La ola azul se acerca si no construimos esa maldita pared.#Build ThatWall & #MAGA
People that hate on you that you've done nothing to and don't know you are just jealous of you... Embrace it, you're doing something right
[ "People that hate on you that you've done nothing to and don't know you are just jealous of you...Embrace it, you're doing something right" ]
La gente que te odia que no has hecho nada y no sabes que sólo estás celoso de ti... Acéptalo, estás haciendo algo bien
When the rival lemonade stand starts stealin your business
[ "When the rival lemonade stand starts stealin your business" ]
Cuando el puesto de limonada rival empieza a robar en su negocio
@user let's get weird! Summertime baby! #FuckBitches
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user let's get weird!Summertime baby!#FuckBitches" ]
@user vamos a ponernos raros!Summertime baby!#FuckBitches
WHO.. ARE. YOOUU? This is not mario kart. You are no princess peach. Get your skank ass up out my lane or I take you off the goddamn road.
[ "hate" ]
[ "WHO.. ARE.YOOUU?This is not mario kart.You are no princess peach.Get your skank ass up out my laneor I take you off the goddamn road." ]
¿Quién... eres tú?Este no es Mario Kart.No eres una princesa melocotón.Saca tu culo de mierda de mi carril te saco de la maldita carretera.
Boo, you sweaty whore
[ "hate" ]
[ "Boo, you sweaty whore" ]
Boo, puta sudorosa.
Excellent.Since we can't separate families, lock all their asses up until a judge can deport them.I'm all in.Thank you @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA
[ "hate" ]
[ "Excellent.Since we can't separate families, lock all their asses up until a judge can deport them.I'm all in.Thank you @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA" ]
Excelente.Ya que no podemos separar a las familias, encierren todos sus culos hasta que un juez pueda deportarlos.Estoy todo dentro.Gracias @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA
Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything.
[ "Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything." ]
Sólo para que lo sepas, soy un justo imitador de Dick Cheney, que no es como una cosa ni nada.
RT @user I don't see why drinking and driving is such a big deal. Letting women drive is just as hazardous!
[ "hate" ]
[ "RT @userI don't see why drinking and driving is such a big deal.Letting women drive is just as hazardous!" ]
RT @userNo veo por qué beber y conducir es tan importante.Dejar que las mujeres conduzcan es igual de peligroso!
If Richard Stallman has 1 GB of RAM, and if you have 1 GB of RAM, Richard Stallman has more RAM than you.
[ "If Richard Stallman has 1 GB of RAM, and if you have 1 GB of RAM, Richard Stallman has more RAM than you." ]
Si Richard Stallman tiene 1 GB de RAM, y si tienes 1 GB de RAM, Richard Stallman tiene más RAM que tú.
We are not all men and women of God in this context, I'm not talking generalization, I'm talking about Gods prophet…
[ "We are not all men and women of God in this context, I'm not talking generalization, I'm talking about Gods prophet…" ]
No todos somos hombres y mujeres de Dios en este contexto, no estoy hablando de generalización, estoy hablando del profeta de Dios...
someone: breathes ada: dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot
[ "hate" ]
[ "someone: breathes ada: dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot" ]
alguien: respira ada: puta puta puta puta tu mamá una azada te mata a ti misma perra te disparan
From the archives: Daniel Berrigan on refugees, Christ, and the American Dream.
[ "From the archives: Daniel Berrigan on refugees, Christ, and the American Dream." ]
De los archivos: Daniel Berrigan sobre los refugiados, Cristo y el Sueño Americano.
[ "hate" ]
[ "Now All These Hoes Talking Bout THEY NEED A GUCCI BITCH BE YOSELF" ]
Ahora todos estos mariquitas hablando bout que necesitan una perra gucci ser yo mismo
@user I quite liked the look of the air ram?? And dyson.. but you are right they are a bit steep... although others could be false economy....
[ "@user I quite liked the look of the air ram??And dyson.. but you are right they are a bit steep... although others could be false economy...." ]
@user Me gustó bastante el aspecto del ariete??Y el disón.. pero tienes razón son un poco empinadas... aunque otras podrían ser una economía falsa....
Worldbank reports that in the next 30 years many refugees have to leave her homeland, specially in Africa. Who will feed them ? Is Europe able to shoot them down and protect her own homeland, before it will destroyed from Africans ?
[ "hate" ]
[ "Worldbank reports that in the next 30 years many refugees have to leave her homeland, specially in Africa.Who will feed them ?Is Europe able to shoot them down and protect her own homeland, before it will destroyed from Africans ?" ]
Worldbank informa que en los próximos 30 años muchos refugiados tienen que abandonar su patria, especialmente en África.¿Quién los alimentará? ¿Es Europa capaz de derribarlos y proteger su propia patria, antes de que sea destruida por los africanos?
@user Hope one of these crazy ppl assassinate Trump the stupid son of a bitch my free speech he has no heart the way he is doing the American ppl
[ "@user Hope one of these crazy ppl assassinate Trump the stupid son of a bitch my free speech he has no heart the way he is doing the American ppl" ]
@user Hope una de estas locas personas asesina a Trump el estúpido hijo de puta mi libertad de expresión él no tiene corazón como él está haciendo la gente americana
This is my most accurate understanding of religion
[ "This is my most accurate understanding of religion" ]
Esta es mi comprensión más precisa de la religión
“If this is your definition of journalism, then don’t be suprised when people call you a racially obsessed tabloid, with no ethics” #StopFundingHate
[ "“If this is your definition of journalism, then don’t be suprised when people call you a racially obsessed tabloid, with no ethics” #StopFundingHate" ]
“Si esta es tu definición de periodismo, entonces no te sorprendas cuando la gente te llame tabloide racistamente obsesionado, sin ética” #StopFundingHate
Did you know that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji has donated 25 lacs from the Earning of Jattu Engineer for bone bank!
[ "Did you know that Gurmeet Ram RahimSingh Ji has donated 25 lacs from the Earning of Jattu Engineer for bone bank!" ]
¿Sabías que Gurmeet Ram RahimSingh Ji ha donado 25 lacras del Ingeniero de Ganancia de Jattu para el banco de huesos!
@user Must take decisive action for sealing borders with B'desh to prevent rampant illegal migration encouraged by one community
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user Must take decisive action for sealing borders with B'desh to prevent rampant illegal migration encouraged by one community" ]
@user Debe tomar medidas decisivas para sellar las fronteras con B'desh para prevenir una migración ilegal rampante alentada por una comunidad
@user While ruling a quarter of the Earth the British still lived on an Island the size of Michigan? The primary migration out of the UK was what created the USA/Canada/Australia/NewZealand as known today?
[ "@userWhile ruling a quarter of the Earth the British still lived on an Island the size of Michigan?The primary migration out of the UK was what created the USA/Canada/Australia/NewZealand as known today?" ]
@userMientras gobernaban una cuarta parte de la Tierra, los británicos todavía vivían en una isla del tamaño de Michigan?La migración primaria fuera del Reino Unido fue lo que creó los EE.UU./Canadá/Australia/Nueva Zelanda como se conoce hoy?
Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban. And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue.
[ "Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban.And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue." ]
Canberra está obviamente feliz de ser visto como un aliado de Trump y Orban, y de subrayar los enfoques multilaterales sobre el tema de los refugiados.
i use to get sky at my dads house but his whore girlfriend never use to let me watch it
[ "hate" ]
[ "i use to get sky at my dads house but his whore girlfriend never use to let me watch it" ]
Solía llegar al cielo en la casa de mis papás pero su novia puta nunca me dejaba verlo.
@user why? So you can look like a trashy mess? #WomenSuck
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user why?So you can look like a trashy mess?#WomenSuck" ]
@user ¿por qué?Para que puedas parecer un desastre?#WomenSuck
@user LOL, you do dress like a slut :-) you look excellent.It entertains me that you have the slutty dressing covered while I do the slutty acting
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user LOL, you do dress like a slut :-)you look excellent.It entertains me that you have the slutty dressing covered while I do the slutty acting" ]
@user LOL, te vistes como una puta :-)te ves excelente.Me entretiene que tengas el vestido de puta cubierto mientras hago la actuación de puta
@user Not all women deserve respect. Not all men deserve respect. Respect is earned, not deserved. #metoo #auspol
[ "@user Not all women deserve respect.Not all men deserve respect.Respect is earned, not deserved.#metoo #auspol" ]
@user No todas las mujeres merecen respeto.No todos los hombres merecen respeto.El respeto se gana, no se merece.#metoo #auspol
Fight to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children. @user #FamiliesBelongTogether #resist
[ "Fight to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children.@user #FamiliesBelongTogether #resist" ]
Luchar para evitar que las aduanas y la protección fronteriza de Estados Unidos abusen de los niños inmigrantes.@user #FamiliesBelong Together #resist
Went to @user stupid bitch put one in upside down one side ways. #wtf £6 we'll spent #cunt
[ "hate" ]
[ "Went to @user stupid bitch put one in upside down one side ways.#wtf £6 we'll spent #cunt" ]
Fui a @user perra estúpida poner uno al revés por un lado.#wtf £6 vamos a gastar #cunt
Ready for school? @user provides around 54,000 refugee students access to free education through 153 schools, 48 satellites classes, 45 home-based girl schools and 13 early childhood education centres.
[ "Ready for school?@user provides around 54,000 refugee students access to free education through 153 schools, 48 satellites classes, 45 home-based girl schools and 13 early childhood education centres." ]
¿Listo para la escuela?@user proporciona a unos 54.000 estudiantes refugiados acceso a la educación gratuita a través de 153 escuelas, 48 clases de satélites, 45 escuelas para niñas basadas en el hogar y 13 centros de educación para la primera infancia.
@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015.
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015." ]
@user @user Steinle, que fue asesinado por un inmigrante mexicano ilegal el 1 de julio de 2015.
Thank you @user for welcoming and employing Omar and other refugees eager to provide for their families!
[ "Thank you @user for welcoming and employing Omar and other refugees eager to provide for their families!" ]
¡Gracias @user por dar la bienvenida y emplear a Omar y otros refugiados deseosos de proveer para sus familias!
She's nothing but a @user con. She's an illegal immigrant & Slovenian skinhead Nazi B back home before @user my ass) falsified her PAPERS to enter the US. Worked on tourist VISA. Lied about education(degree in architecture) fluent in 5 languages. Einstein VISA?
[ "hate" ]
[ "She's nothing but a @user con.She's an illegal immigrant & Slovenian skinhead Nazi B back home before @user my ass) falsified her PAPERS to enter the US.Worked on tourist VISA.Lied about education(degree in architecture) fluent in 5 languages.Einstein VISA?" ]
Ella no es nada más que un @user estafa.Ella es una inmigrante ilegal & cabeza rapada eslovena Nazi B de vuelta a casa antes de @user mi culo) falsificó sus PAPERS para entrar en los EE.UU. Trabajó en VISA turista.Licenciado sobre educación (grado en arquitectura) con fluidez en 5 idiomas.
Mexican immigrant niggas when they’re working at their taco shop and the cops arrive
[ "hate" ]
[ "Mexican immigrant niggas when they’re working at their taco shop and the cops arrive" ]
Negros inmigrantes mexicanos cuando están trabajando en su tienda de tacos y los policías llegan
Now since all Indians been mapped thru Aadhar Card. Flush out illegal immigrants,whose No has grown substantially in last 10Y.
[ "hate" ]
[ "Now since all Indians been mapped thru Aadhar Card.Flush out illegal immigrants,whose No has grown substantially in last 10Y." ]
Ahora desde que todos los indios fueron mapeados a través de la tarjeta Aadhar Card.Flush hacia fuera los inmigrantes ilegales, cuyo No ha crecido sustancialmente en los últimos 10 años.
It's National Kissing Day... So you can all kiss my mutha fuckin ass
[ "It's National Kissing Day...So you can all kiss my mutha fuckin ass" ]
Es el Día Nacional del Beso... Así que todos pueden besar mi puto culo mutha
Seriously. Get these people out of there. If we can't due to current EU or UN directives then we can at least stem Western to Western migration to get them to safety.
[ "hate" ]
[ "Seriously.Get these people out of there.If we can't due to current EU or UN directives then we can at least stem Western to Western migration to get them to safety." ]
En serio.Saca a estas personas de ahí.Si no podemos debido a las directivas actuales de la UE o de la ONU, entonces al menos podemos detener la migración de Occidente a Occidente para que estén a salvo.
[ "hate" ]
¿Quién es la puta ahora que el pie de mierda
I'm a couple days late, but you should read this story from @user on the real estate business of immigrant detention centers:
[ "I'm a couple days late, but you should read this story from @user on the real estate business of immigrant detention centers:" ]
Tengo un par de días de retraso, pero deberías leer esta historia de @user sobre el negocio inmobiliario de los centros de detención de inmigrantes:
When she got you caught up and you're tryna figure out how you're gonna lie your way outta this one
[ "When she got you caught up and you're tryna figure out how you're gonna lie your way outta this one" ]
Cuando ella te pilló y estás tratando de averiguar cómo vas a mentir a tu manera de salir de esta
Understanding #foodsecurity in the context of #ruraldevelopment and #agriculture is a central part of the broader analysis of the links between #migration, #environment and #climatechange. #rootcauses
[ "Understanding #foodsecurity in the context of #ruraldevelopment and #agriculture is a central part of the broader analysis of the links between #migration, #environment and #climatechange.#rootcauses" ]
Comprender la seguridad alimentaria en el contexto del desarrollo rural y la agricultura es una parte central del análisis más amplio de los vínculos entre la migración, el medio ambiente y el cambio climático.
I am not a refugee but thank you anyways for supporting my thread
[ "I am not a refugee but thank you anyways for supporting my thread" ]
No soy un refugiado, pero gracias de todos modos por apoyar mi hilo
I really sympathise for the kid at @user DC office who answered my call. I asked him how he feels about governement approved murder and sexual trafficking of detained immigrant children. He told me he feels awful but the congressman has no new comment. @user
[ "I really sympathise for the kid at @user DC office who answered my call.I asked him how he feels about governement approved murder and sexual trafficking of detained immigrant children.He told me he feels awful but the congressman has no new comment.@user" ]
Realmente simpatizo con el niño de la oficina de @user DC que respondió a mi llamada.Le pregunté cómo se siente sobre el asesinato aprobado por el gobierno y el tráfico sexual de niños inmigrantes detenidos.Me dijo que se siente fatal, pero el congresista no tiene ningún comentario nuevo.@user
Son- mom, how did you and dad meet? Mom- he had on gray sweats and his dick print was fleekin so I slid in his DM
[ "Son- mom, how did you and dad meet?Mom-he had on gray sweats and his dick print was fleekinso I slid in his DM" ]
Hijo-mamá, ¿cómo se conocieron papá y tú? Mamá-él tenía sudores grises y su huella de polla era fullkinso I deslizó en su DM
Immigrant parents of companies like the annual National Homeland Security, trying to the perfect setting For updates:
[ "Immigrant parents of companies like the annual National Homeland Security, trying to the perfect setting For updates:" ]
Padres inmigrantes de empresas como la Seguridad Nacional Nacional anual, tratando de la configuración perfecta Para actualizaciones:
When the gangbang goes horribly wrong
[ "When the gangbang goes horribly wrong" ]
Cuando el gangbang va horriblemente mal
RT @user It's April fools day but I clown you bitches every day. Imma take the day off, have a good day, see you tomorrow (Stolen fr…
[ "RT @userIt's April fools daybut I clown you bitches every day.Imma take the day off, have a good day, see you tomorrow (Stolen fr…" ]
RT @userEs el día de los tontos de abril pero yo payaso perras cada día.Imma tomar el día libre, tener un buen día, nos vemos mañana (Robado fr...
@user You call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch
[ "hate" ]
[ "@userYou call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch" ]
@userLo llamas como quieras -Alabas a las azadas y a las mujeres en la hoja moral equivocada y atacas a los hombres en general.Vergüenza en tu perra
Happiest of birthdays to the main hoe 😏💃🏻 I hope you have a wonderful day angel 🌹💞 @user
[ "Happiest of birthdays to the main hoe 😏💃🏻 I hope you have a wonderful day angel 🌹💞 @user" ]
Feliz de cumpleaños a la azada principal Espero que tengas un ángel maravilloso día @user
Oooohhhh bitch didn't even listen to the dead kennedys what a cunt lol I'm 34 and hate rap
[ "Oooohhhh bitch didn't even listen to the dead kennedys what a cunt lolI'm 34 and hate rap" ]
Oooohhhh perra ni siquiera escuchar a los muertos kennedys lo que un coño lolYo tengo 34 años y odio rap
@user Good Luck @user More Americans #WalkAwayFromDemocrat #WallkAway from OPEN BORDERS Pro illegal #Immigration Anti American Agenda #RedNationRising via @user
[ "@user Good Luck @user More Americans #WalkAwayFromDemocrat #WallkAway from OPEN BORDERS Pro illegal #Immigration Anti American Agenda #RedNationRising via @user" ]
@user Good Luck @user More Americans #WalkAwayFromDemocratic #WallkAway from OPEN BORDERS Pro ilegal #Inmigration Anti American Agenda #RedNationRising via @user
Bitch you can't keep up so stop trying
[ "hate" ]
[ "Bitch you can't keep up so stop trying" ]
Perra, no puedes seguir así que deja de intentarlo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user Japan is always operating under the premise that mass migration that can radically transform the country's demographics is unacceptable. The Alt-Right main point is the n
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Japan is always operating under the premise that mass migration that can radically transform the country's demographics is unacceptable.The Alt-Right main point is the n" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Japón siempre está operando bajo la premisa de que la migración masiva que puede transformar radicalmente la demografía del país es inaceptable.
@user hi Best l see someone fucking girl comment bad in your pic.why you not block the bitch girl name kayleigh corbett
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user hiBest l see someone fucking girl comment bad in your pic.why you not block the bitch girl name kayleigh corbett" ]
@user hiBest veo a alguien follando chica comentario malo en su pic.why usted no bloquea la perra chica nombre kayleigh corbett