stringlengths 15
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sequence | processed_text
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@user sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It’s like they just rep ‘black lives matter’ so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn’t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump | [
] | [
"@user sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary.They are so deluded.It’s like they just rep ‘black lives matter’ so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters.Because you know they didn’t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump"
] | 68 | @user harto de los neoliberales blancos que hablan por los negros diciendo que todos aman a Hillary. Están tan engañados. Es como si ellos solo representaran ‘la vida de los negros importa’ para que puedan aparecer lo suficientemente despiertos como para seguir denigrando a los partidarios de Bernie.Porque sabes que a ellos no les importaba b4 Hillary perdió 2 triunfos |
@user @user Do not donate. She is picking and choosing who she donates to. Being reported. | [] | [
"@user @user Do not donate.She is picking and choosing who she donates to.Being reported."
] | 25 | @user @user No done.She está eligiendo y eligiendo a quién dona.Ser informado. |
@user @user @user Are you wanting gun control for LEO’s? | [] | [
"@user @user @userAre you wanting gun control for LEO’s?"
] | 20 | @user @user @user¿Quieres control de armas para LEO? |
@user @user @user Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care | [
] | [
"@user @user @userDo it with quranand then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ...Lord krishna and his followers don't care"
] | 72 | @user @user @userHazlo con quranand entonces veremos lo atea y valiente que es... Hindus descubrió que este tipo de atención agarrar a gran jefe quiere ser gente no vale la pena... Ve a vivir en tus 2 minutos Prime Time vida cubierta ... Lord Krishna y sus seguidores no les importa |
@user But she is hecking cute fluffer | [] | [
"@userBut she is hecking cute fluffer"
] | 12 | @userPero ella está cogiendo lindo fluffer |
#Labour #Councillor shouting Nazi Scum .. At victims of #GroomingGangs and this is going to get worse under #JeremyCorbyn's socialist #Britain #Muslims #Islam #Leftists #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MEGA #Patriots #Conservatives | [] | [
"#Labour #Councillor shouting Nazi Scum ..At victims of #GroomingGangs and this is going to get worse under #JeremyCorbyn's socialist #Britain #Muslims #Islam #Leftists #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MEGA #Patriots #Conservatives"
] | 91 | #Labor #Concejal gritando escoria nazi .. A las víctimas de #GroomingGangs y esto va a empeorar bajo #JeremyCorbyn socialista #Britain #Musulmanes #Islam #Izquierdistas #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MEGA #Patriots #Conservantes |
@user @user @user How about your outrage over this? Do something so you can be credible instead of being perceived as demagogues partisans #MAGA | [
] | [
"@user @user @user How about your outrage over this?Do something so you can be credible instead of being perceived as demagogues partisans #MAGA"
] | 38 | @user @user @user ¿Qué te parece tu indignación por esto?Haz algo para que puedas ser creíble en lugar de ser percibido como partisanos demagogos #MAGA |
@user @user @user @user Huh! The pot grows as council grows...in this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced! | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user Huh!The pot grows as council grows...in this case it is a reduction...and that amount $25m is going right back to the city for police gun control...already announced!"
] | 50 | @user @user @user @user Huh!El pote crece a medida que crece el consejo... en este caso es una reducción... y esa cantidad de $25 millones va a volver a la ciudad para el control de armas de la policía... ya anunciado! |
@user @user @user @user Whoa! Angie!!! Back off that logic! You're going to confuse the liberals. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user Whoa! Angie!!!Back off that logic!You're going to confuse the liberals."
] | 32 | @user @user @user @user Whoa! Angie!!!Retrocede esa lógica!Vas a confundir a los liberales. |
1) Ultimately, the defense of Kavanaugh by Republicans, conservatives, their media and public is a manifestation of America's rape culture -- the latter being neither 'colorblind' or 'race neutral.'"""" | [] | [
"1) Ultimately, the defense of Kavanaugh by Republicans, conservatives, their media and public is a manifestation of America's rape culture -- the latter being neither 'colorblind' or 'race neutral.'\"\"\"\""
] | 49 | 1) En última instancia, la defensa de Kavanaugh por los republicanos, los conservadores, sus medios de comunicación y el público es una manifestación de la cultura de violación de Estados Unidos -- esta última no es 'colorblind' o 'raza neutral'". |
@user @user Wrong. @user was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's. The @user did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @user they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to | [] | [
"@user @user Wrong.@user was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's.The @user did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @user they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to"
] | 66 | @user @user Equivocado.@user era un arquitecto entusiasta de la austeridad devastadora junto con el Tory's. El @user no tuvo que abandonar todos los principios que supuestamente tenían al @user que podrían haber dejado a Cameron dirigir un gobierno minoritario (como DID SNP) pero COSE no a |
@user @user @user @user @user Please get out to vote Republican right down the ticket or Pelosi gets back into control | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @userPlease get out to vote Republican right down the ticket or Pelosi gets back into control"
] | 32 | @user @user @user @userPor favor, salga a votar republicano a la derecha en el ticket o Pelosi vuelve a tener el control |
@user @user you are running scared!🤡 | [] | [
"@user @user you are running scared!🤡"
] | 12 | @user @user estás corriendo asustado! |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ryan's wife was from a famously conservative Blue Dog Democrat family in Oklahoma. The conservatives that have left the Dems. She herself has always known to be conservative. She campaigned against Obama nationally in '08 and '12. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ryan's wife was from a famously conservative Blue Dog Democrat family in Oklahoma.The conservatives that have left the Dems.She herself has always known to be conservative.She campaigned against Obama nationally in '08 and '12."
] | 122 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user La esposa de Ryan era de una familia demócrata de perro azul famosamente conservadora en Oklahoma.Los conservadores que han dejado los Dems.Ella misma siempre ha sabido ser conservadora.Ella hizo campaña contra Obama a nivel nacional en 2008 y 12. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,"" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?"" | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSo the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,\"\" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?\"\""
] | 52 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userAsí que el AR-15 es un rifle de asalto totalmente semiautomático,""el control de armas funciona, y Donald Trump es racista?" |
@user Just listening to Juan Williams on the FIVE drives me crazy. He is such an ignorant man. Where does this man get his facts? Thank GOD for Jesse Waters and you ladies! | [
] | [
"@user Just listening to Juan Williams on the FIVE drives me crazy.He is such an ignorant man.Where does this man get his facts?Thank GOD for Jesse Waters and you ladies!"
] | 41 | @user Sólo escuchar a Juan Williams en el CINCO me vuelve loco.Él es un hombre tan ignorante.¿De dónde saca este hombre sus hechos?¡Gracias a Dios por Jesse Waters y ustedes, señoras! |
@user @user @user @user What you're doing is so irresponsible & I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are. If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak"" to the press that he was being investigated. They DID NO SUCH THING. U know you're wrong, that's evil!"" | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @userWhat you're doing is so irresponsible & I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are.If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak\"\" to the press that he was being investigated.They DID NO SUCH THING.U know you're wrong, that's evil!\"\""
] | 89 | @user @user @user @userLo que estás haciendo es tan irresponsable & Creo que es lo suficientemente inteligente como para entender lo malvado que eres.Si el FBI o JD tenían algún complot para frustrar DT, todo lo que tenían que hacer era filtrar" a la prensa que estaba siendo investigado.Ellos NO HABÍAN TAL COSA.¡U sabes que estás equivocado, eso es malvado!"" |
@user Ok guys I think her claims are b.s. too but if you start threatening her you're no better than Antifa | [] | [
"@userOk guys I think her claims are b.s. toobut if you start threatening her you're no better than Antifa"
] | 30 | @userOk chicos creo que sus afirmaciones son b.s. también pero si empiezas a amenazarla no eres mejor que Antifa |
@user By the looks of her face you can tell where they're pulling the numbers from | [] | [
"@userBy the looks of her face you can tell where they're pulling the numbers from"
] | 20 | @userPor la apariencia de su cara puedes decir de dónde sacan los números |
@user Fair & square. Remember that when you’re thinking why! The laws are why. The people spoke and they will again | [] | [
"@user Fair & square.Remember that when you’re thinking why!The laws are why.The people spoke and they will again"
] | 30 | @user Fair & square.Recuerde que cuando usted está pensando por qué!Las leyes son por qué.La gente habló y lo harán de nuevo |
@user I think the FBI should do the original interview. They scare people more than feckless congress that will have to handle her with kids gloves or be demonized in media and left. Put her under oath and attempt to get the truth. She will be protected by liberals in congress | [] | [
"@user I think the FBI should do the original interview.They scare people more than feckless congress that will have to handle her with kids gloves or be demonized in media and left.Put her under oath and attempt to get the truth.She will be protected by liberals in congress"
] | 61 | @user Creo que el FBI debería hacer la entrevista original.Asustan más a la gente que a un congreso sin sentido que tendrá que manejarla con guantes para niños o ser satanizada en los medios y a la izquierda.Ponla bajo juramento e intenta conseguir la verdad. |
] | 30 | @user Dios maldita sea... tienes tanta razón. No van a equivocarse con estas cosas. |
The “Law and Order” president really hates law enforcement! Lol #MAGA | [
] | [
"The “Law and Order” president really hates law enforcement!Lol #MAGA"
] | 19 | ¡El presidente de la “Ley y Orden” odia realmente a las fuerzas del orden!Lol #MAGA |
@user if you ever want a record setting bad election for the liberals in quebec you need to go back to this | [] | [
"@user if you ever want a record setting bad election for the liberals in quebec you need to go back to this"
] | 27 | @user si alguna vez quieres un récord estableciendo malas elecciones para los liberales en Quebec tienes que volver a esto |
@user @user @user @user @user ...how you want to be defined""? PUL-EASE! When you live under a 24/7/365 MSMedia SHIT-SMEAR to the point you have Marxine Waters sending her ANTIFA minions out to threaten you in public places - you learn not to give a F*CK what the ""Pavlovian Left"" thinks. Night, night 🌙!"" | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user ...how you want to be defined\"\"?PUL-EASE!When you live under a 24/7/365 MSMedia SHIT-SMEAR to the point you have Marxine Waters sending her ANTIFA minions out to threaten you in public places - you learn not to give a F*CK what the \"\"Pavlovian Left\"\" thinks.Night, night 🌙!\"\""
] | 99 | @user @user @user @user @user ...¿cómo quieres que te definan""?PUL-EASE!Cuando vives bajo un 24/7/365 MSMedia SHIT-MEAR al punto en que tienes a Marxine Waters enviando a sus secuaces ANTIFA para amenazarte en lugares públicos - aprendes a no dar un F*CK lo que piensa la ""Izquierda Pavloviana".Noche, noche !"" |
-Being on food stamps -Liking boys/girls or liking both -Not knowing who you are -Your body size -Not knowing something -scared to ask for help -Not dating someone -What you wear | [] | [
"-Being on food stamps -Liking boys/girls or liking both -Not knowing who you are -Your body size -Not knowing something -scared to ask for help -Not dating someone -What you wear"
] | 46 | -Estar en estampillas de comida -Liking boys/girls or likeing both -No saber quién eres -Tu tamaño corporal -No saber algo -Miedo de pedir ayuda -No salir con alguien -Lo que usas |
@user @user @user @user We are not a democratic republic. We have never been a Democratic anything. We have never had Democratic ideology. Nor is this a “new” talking point. We are constantly correcting Democrats/liberals on this. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @userWe are not a democratic republic.We have never been a Democratic anything.We have never had Democratic ideology.Nor is this a “new” talking point.We are constantly correcting Democrats/liberals on this."
] | 57 | @user @user @user @userNo somos una república democrática, nunca hemos sido demócratas, nunca hemos tenido ideología democrática, ni es un tema de conversación “nuevo”.Estamos constantemente corrigiendo a los demócratas/liberales sobre esto. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Soon both the libs & the conservatives will havevut so everytime we have a change of government we'll be paying out cancelled contracts | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Soon both the libs & the conservatives will havevut so everytime we have a change of government we'll be paying out cancelled contracts"
] | 66 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Pronto ambos libs & los conservadores tendránvut así que cada vez que tengamos un cambio de gobierno estaremos pagando contratos cancelados |
@user You are sexy as fuck babygirl🔥🔥🔥 | [
] | [
"@user You are sexy as fuck babygirl🔥🔥🔥"
] | 11 | @user Eres sexy como follar babygirl |
@user FF8 sucks MAJOR wang. | [
] | [
"@user FF8 sucks MAJOR wang."
] | 13 | @user FF8 apesta a MAJOR wang. |
@user @user She picks some random conservative issues from US and try to force fit in Indian narrative. Next might be gun control 😭 | [] | [
"@user @userShe picks some random conservative issues from US and try to force fit in Indian narrative.Next might be gun control 😭"
] | 31 | @user @userShe elige algunos problemas conservadores aleatorios de EE.UU. e intenta forzar el ajuste en la narrativa india. |
@user @user @user She should have gotten August off to let work on stuff at the P.C. It would have help her a lot. | [] | [
"@user @user @userShe should have gotten August off to let work on stuff at the P.C.It would have help her a lot."
] | 34 | @user @user @userElla debería haber conseguido que August dejara trabajar en cosas en el P.C. Le habría ayudado mucho. |
@user Another nail in the coffin of the NFL | [
] | [
"@user Another nail in the coffin of the NFL"
] | 12 | @user Otro clavo en el ataúd de la NFL |
@user @user @user @user You are not dumb. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @userYou are not dumb."
] | 17 | @user @user @userNo eres tonto. |
@user Holy moly!! If the catholic people haven't been awakened by this ..... #FalseProphet #Lunatic | [] | [
"@user Holy moly!!If the catholic people haven't been awakened by this .....#FalseProphet #Lunatic"
] | 35 | @user Holy moly!!Si la gente católica no ha sido despertada por este .....#FalseProphet #Lunatic |
@user Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez. | [
] | [
"@user Bullshit.People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico.And you can start with that mayor.Stop lying Gutierrez."
] | 33 | @user Mentira.La gente murió a causa de un gobierno incompetente en Puerto Rico.Y puedes empezar con ese alcalde.Deja de mentir a Gutiérrez. |
@user Antifa isn’t after her. | [] | [
"@user Antifa isn’t after her."
] | 11 | @user Antifa no está tras ella. |
@user @user He is such a showman! And those pipes😍 the man can SING | [] | [
"@user @userHe is such a showman!And those pipes😍 the man can SING"
] | 22 | @user @user¡Él es un showman!Y esas pipas el hombre puede SING |
@user @user @user Now we just need antifa outside when they confirm kavanaugh | [] | [
"@user @user @userNow we just need antifa outside when they confirm kavanaugh"
] | 23 | @user @user @userAhora solo necesitamos antifa fuera cuando confirmen kavanaugh |
@user Fascist always control the media. | [
] | [
"@user Fascist always control the media."
] | 9 | @user Fascista siempre controla los medios. |
@user More I think about this one--it feels like a story trap. People go nuts and complain--talk about gun control which Cruz could then use to fire up his base claiming that they want to take away 2A rights all because of a couple of shells. | [] | [
"@user More I think about this one--it feels like a story trap.People go nuts and complain--talk about gun control which Cruz could then use to fire up his base claiming that they want to take away 2A rights all because of a couple of shells."
] | 55 | @user Más Pienso en esto, se siente como una trampa para la historia, la gente se vuelve loca y se queja, habla sobre el control de armas que Cruz podría usar para disparar su base diciendo que quieren quitar derechos 2A todo por un par de proyectiles. |
@user Fuck you dope. Not a Fox watcher. Independent voter that will never vote left. Your Party is dangerous. | [
] | [
"@userFuck you dope.Not a Fox watcher.Independent voter that will never vote left.Your Party is dangerous."
] | 29 | @userFuck you dope.No es un observador de Fox.Elector independiente que nunca votará a la izquierda.Su partido es peligroso. |
@user was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it’s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism | [
] | [
"@user was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups.it’s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism"
] | 39 | @user estaba literalmente hablando de este lol todos los tiroteos masivos como ese han sido montados ups.it’s propaganda usada para dividirnos en temas importantes como control de armas y terrorismo |
@user @user @user @user as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years. | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years."
] | 49 | @user @user @user @user a partir de ahora mi única posición sólida es que la NRA se ha vuelto demasiado influyente en la política y como resultado han retrasado el deseo de control de armas durante unos 20 años. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user He is a crook | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @userHe is a crook"
] | 22 | @user @user @user @user @userEs un ladrón |
A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews | [
] | [
"A BUNCH OF VULTURES!TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF?HAVE YOU NO SHAME?ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE!'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews"
] | 87 | Un montón de VULTURAS!TIM ESTÁN INCLUIDOS EUNTOS -WTF?HABIR QUE NO SHAME? TODOS USTED VER SON $ Espero que haya dejado cada penique a un rescate animal!'Carol Burnett' estrella Tim Conway se recupera de la cirugía cerebral mientras la batalla familiar por el destino del cómic se enfurece en #FoxNews |
@user A liberal anarchist coup d'etat gang runs rampant & a GOP AG does nothing. Liberals prove to be the biggest hate group in USA. The leftstream media cheers them on while excoriating duly elected President of the United States 24/7. ANTIFA openly advocates killing cops. Silence | [] | [
"@user A liberal anarchist coup d'etat gang runs rampant & a GOP AG does nothing.Liberals prove to be the biggest hate group in USA.The leftstream media cheers them on while excoriating duly elected President of the United States 24/7.ANTIFA openly advocates killing cops.Silence"
] | 70 | @user Un grupo liberal anarquista de golpe de estado corre desenfrenado & un GOP AG no hace nada.Los liberales demuestran ser el mayor grupo de odio en EE.UU. Los medios de comunicación de izquierda les animan mientras excorian al presidente de los Estados Unidos debidamente electo 24/7.ANTIFA aboga abiertamente por matar policías. |
@user Antifa is the modern day KKK. Funded by the Demarat party.. | [] | [
"@user Antifa is the modern day KKK.Funded by the Demarat party.."
] | 23 | @user Antifa es el KKK de hoy en día.Fundado por el partido Demarat.. |
@user @user Right. shoot the messenger."" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy. Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one."" | [
] | [
"@user @userRight.shoot the messenger.\"\" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy.Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one.\"\""
] | 64 | @user @userRight.shoot the messenger.""No vayas tras la putrefacción homosexual en el clero, Bergoglio, ve tras el hombre - Arzobispo Vigano - que EXPOSIÓ la putrefacción homosexual en el clero.Satanás debe estar teniendo una risa REALMENTE buena por eso." |
@user @user Why don't liberals understand that an allegation of drunk teenagers who don't have sex is not a federal crime? Golly Moses- What is wrong with those people? | [] | [
"@user @user Why don't liberals understand that an allegation of drunk teenagers who don't have sex is not a federal crime?Golly Moses-What is wrong with those people?"
] | 42 | @user @user ¿Por qué los liberales no entienden que una acusación de adolescentes borrachos que no tienen sexo no es un delito federal? |
@user Doubt he is requesting any player to be moved. IMO It's likely if he feels the team is close to be a contender or if he is satisfied to being a mentor to a borderline team | [] | [
"@user Doubt he is requesting any player to be moved.IMO It's likely if he feels the team is close to be a contender or if he is satisfied to being a mentor to a borderline team"
] | 44 | @user Duda que está solicitando a cualquier jugador para ser movido.IMO Es probable que si siente que el equipo está cerca de ser un contendiente o si está satisfecho con ser un mentor de un equipo fronterizo |
@user @user Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸🇺🇸#MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸 | [
] | [
"@user @user Can't stand to listen to that puke.I change the channel when he speaks.He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!!#LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸🇺🇸#MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸"
] | 73 | @user @user No puedo soportar escuchar ese vómito.Cambio el canal cuando habla.¡¡Él cree en sus propias mentiras!!...¡Son todos NUTS!!#LeftWingEnfermedad Liberal #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica MAGA |
@user 1. Six year-old tweet from an account I don't control referencing my previous time slot 2. Refers to Bloomberg's call for gun control. Not mine. Michael Bloomberg. | [] | [
"@user 1.Six year-old tweet from an account I don't control referencing my previous time slot 2.Refers to Bloomberg's call for gun control.Not mine.Michael Bloomberg."
] | 46 | @user 1.Six year-old tweet from an account I don't control referending my previous time slot 2.References to Bloomberg's call for gun control.No mine.Michael Bloomberg. |
. This little one is my why. She is the reason I strive each day to become a better version of who I already am. . Before babies I used to fear I’d never have enough time for a family.… | [] | [
".This little one is my why.She is the reason I strive each day to become a better version of who I already am. .Before babies I used to fear I’d never have enough time for a family.…"
] | 48 | .Esta pequeña es mi por qué.Ella es la razón por la que me esfuerzo cada día para convertirse en una mejor versión de lo que ya soy. .Antes de los bebés solía temer que nunca tendría suficiente tiempo para una familia.... |
@user I love your momma. She is me | [] | [
"@user I love your momma.She is me"
] | 12 | @user Me encanta tu mamá. Ella soy yo |
@user Sad day for all liberals 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃😂😂😂😂😂 | [] | [
"@user Sad day for all liberals 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃😂😂😂😂😂"
] | 11 | @user Triste día para todos los liberales |
3. @user You’re my lil baby and I’m so proud of you for working as hard as you do. Thank you for still being there for me like you are. You’re the sweetest 💕💕 don’t ever change | [] | [
"3. @userYou’re my lil baby and I’m so proud of you for working as hard as you do.Thank you for still being there for me like you are.You’re the sweetest 💕💕 don’t ever change"
] | 52 | 3. @userEres mi bebé lil y estoy tan orgulloso de ti por trabajar tan duro como lo haces.Gracias por estar todavía allí para mí como eres.Eres el más dulce no cambies nunca. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I’m an Antifa Angel who has come to set the Dregs and Deplorables Free. Free from caring what losers think about you. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userI’m an Antifa Angel who has come to set the Dregs and Deplorables Free.Free from caring what losers think about you."
] | 82 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Soy un Antifa Angel que ha venido a establecer los Dregs y Deplorables Gratis.Libre de preocuparse de lo que los perdedores piensan de ti. |
@user And god forbid you are already talking to someone or dating they get real mad 😂🤷🏼♀️ we like those people over you for a reason sorry bout it 😂 | [] | [
"@userAnd god forbid you are already talking to someone or dating they get real mad 😂🤷🏼♀️ we like those people over you for a reason sorry bout it 😂"
] | 35 | @userY Dios no permita que ya estás hablando con alguien o salir con ellos se vuelven realmente locos Nos gusta esa gente sobre ti por una razón lo siento |
@user @user Keep up the great work Cory! You are today’s hero. Not the Op-Ed author who should have invoked the 25th. | [] | [
"@user @user Keep up the great work Cory!You are today’s hero.Not the Op-Ed author who should have invoked the 25th."
] | 36 | @user @user ¡Continúa con el gran trabajo Cory!Eres el héroe de hoy.No el autor de Op-Ed que debería haber invocado el 25. |
@user @user Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them. | [
] | [
"@user @userHa ha ha sneaky buggers.I have put out a warning to have sound off.That will show them."
] | 30 | @user @userHa ha ha furtivo cabrones.He puesto una advertencia para tener sonido apagado.Eso les mostrará. |
@user @user @user Look Ellen.... I am not a socialist commie... you are the one for government Universal Health Care bigger government gun control and free colleges. I am American I'm for capitalism | [
] | [
"@user @user @userLook Ellen....I am not a socialist commie... you are the one for government Universal Health Care bigger government gun control and free colleges.I am American I'm for capitalism"
] | 46 | @user @user @userLook Ellen... Yo no soy un comunista socialista... tú eres el único para el gobierno Universal Health Care control de armas más grande del gobierno y universidades libres. |
@user @user @user No you wouldn't sis I know damn well you would probably call it cute people propose in concerts all the time yet when its a gay couple its wrong you're at a fucking concert you don't have to pay attention | [
] | [
"@user @user @userNo you wouldn't sis I knowdamn well you would probably call it cute people propose in concerts all the time yet when its a gay couple its wrong you're at a fucking concert you don't have to pay attention"
] | 57 | @user @user @userNo, no serías tu hermana yo sé mal que probablemente lo llamarías linda gente proponer en conciertos todo el tiempo aún cuando es una pareja gay su error estás en un maldito concierto no tienes que prestar atención |
@user She is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant. She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims. If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes. | [
] | [
"@userShe is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant.She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims.If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes."
] | 64 | @userElla es un fraude falso y una planta activista demócrata.Ella es una herramienta para tratar de descarrilar el proceso y luego conseguir votos para los demócratas que afirman que a los conservadores no les importan las víctimas.Si a los demócratas les importara si no abaratan a las víctimas reales con falsificaciones. |
@user @user She is dickmatized | [
] | [
"@user @userShe is dickmatized"
] | 11 | @user @userElla es dickmatized |
@user Fat ass.... heart attack city..... keep eating fat ass.... | [
] | [
"@user Fat ass.... heart attack city..... keep eating fat ass...."
] | 21 | @user Gordo culo.... ciudad ataque al corazón..... seguir comiendo gordo culo... |
@user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra/new as govt took back £817 MILLION promised for new affordable"" homes! Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late! | [] | [
"@user @user Much of your promise of money is not extra/new as govt took back £817 MILLION promised for new affordable\"\" homes!Stop Right to Buy - we have a @user created #HousingCrisis now, too little, too late!"
] | 65 | @user @user Gran parte de tu promesa de dinero no es extra/nuevo ya que el gobierno ha recuperado £817 MILLONES prometidos para nuevas casas asequibles"!Detener el derecho a comprar - tenemos un @user creado #HousingCrisis ahora, muy poco, demasiado tarde! |
@user As it gets closer to November the left is in full on panic mode their talking points will forever be 25th Amendment. Ok idiots let’s see you try it. | [
] | [
"@user As it gets closer to November the left is in full on panic mode their talking points will forever be 25th Amendment.Ok idiots let’s see you try it."
] | 39 | @user A medida que se acerca a noviembre la izquierda está en pleno modo de pánico sus puntos de conversación será para siempre 25a enmienda.Ok idiotas vamos a ver que lo intentas. |
@user Nigga then how can you say bo2 is the best Cod 🤨 | [
] | [
"@user Nigga then how can you say bo2 is the best Cod 🤨"
] | 20 | @user Nigga entonces ¿cómo se puede decir que bo2 es el mejor Bacalao |
@user @user You are right I'm black so thanks | [] | [
"@user @userYou are right I'm black so thanks"
] | 15 | @user @userTienes razón Soy negro así que gracias |
- Will liberals agree that any is destructive? | [] | [
"- Will liberals agree that any is destructive?"
] | 10 | - ¿Los liberales estarán de acuerdo en que algo es destructivo? |
@user @user @user @user @user She can do a Google search of protests by antifa but she already knows that. It's called being blind. I would never support a conservative protest where they beat people up and destroyed property | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @userShe can do a Google search of protests by antifa but she already knows that.It's called being blind.I would never support a conservative protest where they beat people up and destroyed property"
] | 54 | @user @user @user @user Ella puede hacer una búsqueda en Google de las protestas por antifa, pero ella ya lo sabe.Se llama ser ciego.Nunca apoyaría una protesta conservadora donde golpean a la gente y destruyen la propiedad |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Pretty much. As I’ve stated I believe is gun control just not this aspect of it. The guns aren’t the problem the people who shouldn’t have guns are. Where do we draw the line. How do we prevent “bad or crazy” people from shooting up a crowd. Surely we don’t have the answer | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userPretty much.As I’ve stated I believe is gun control just not this aspect of it.The guns aren’t the problem the people who shouldn’t have guns are.Where do we draw the line.How do we prevent “bad or crazy” people from shooting up a crowd.Surely we don’t have the answer"
] | 102 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Muy bien.Como he dicho, creo que el control de armas no es este aspecto.Las armas no son el problema que las personas que no deberían tener armas son.Dónde dibujamos la línea.Cómo evitamos que las personas “malas o locas” disparen a una multitud.Seguro que no tenemos la respuesta |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And yet antifa dresses like isis.... | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userAnd yet antifa dresses like isis...."
] | 160 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user y sin embargo vestidos antifa como isis.... |
@user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille | [
] | [
"@user Dude.What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU?I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit.Then I let it go.Now you want to double down?Just go back to Whoviille"
] | 56 | @user Dude.¿Qué mierda te pasa?Te envié un tweet directo para mostrarte cómo retuiteas tu propia mierda.Entonces lo dejo ir.¿Ahora quieres doblarte?Solo vuelve a Whoviille |
@user @user @user He is entitled to tell his side of story.Then judge. | [] | [
"@user @user @userHe is entitled to tell his side of story.Then judge."
] | 22 | @user @user @userTiene derecho a contar su versión de la historia. |
@user “Antifa is bad” how hard is it to say that? | [] | [
"@user “Antifa is bad” how hard is it to say that?"
] | 17 | @user “Antifa es malo” ¿Qué tan difícil es decir eso? |
@user @user She is your sister???? | [] | [
"@user @userShe is your sister????"
] | 14 | @user @userEs tu hermana???? |
@user @user He can admit that 3000 Americans died on his watch. You should remind him he is President of all of us. | [] | [
"@user @userHe can admit that 3000 Americans died on his watch.You should remind him he is President of all of us."
] | 29 | @user @userPuede admitir que 3000 estadounidenses murieron en su turno.Debería recordarle que es Presidente de todos nosotros. |
@user @user Corbyn and Abbott won’t get in so the conservatives will win again 👍 | [] | [
"@user @user Corbyn and Abbott won’t get in so the conservatives will win again 👍"
] | 26 | @user @user Corbyn y Abbott no entrarán así que los conservadores ganarán de nuevo |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user More people scared of what the Liberals will think and say about them. This is rampant around conservatives. The only ones who ever stopped giving them that power were the Trump movement and they absolutely won everything including the internets. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user More people scared of what the Liberals will think and say about them.This is rampant around conservatives.The only ones who ever stopped giving them that power were the Trump movement and they absolutely won everything including the internets."
] | 196 | @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario Más personas asustadas de lo que los liberales pensarán y dirán sobre ellos.Esto es generalizado en torno a los conservadores.Los únicos que dejaron de darles ese poder fueron el movimiento de Trump y ganaron absolutamente todo, incluyendo las internets. |
@user Cough*Nicky Haley* | [] | [
"@user Cough*Nicky Haley*"
] | 12 | @user Cough*Nicky Haley* |
@user Holder needs to be prosecuted | [] | [
"@user Holder needs to be prosecuted"
] | 8 | @user Holder necesita ser procesado |
@user @user @user 👏WELL👏SAID👏👏👏👏👏👏She gets more negative feedback than anyone ever!! Because she is always defending her BAD BEHAVIOR! Way to show her little girl how to act!👏👏👏👏👏👏 | [
] | [
"@user @user @user 👏WELL👏SAID👏👏👏👏👏👏She gets more negative feedback than anyone ever!!Because she is always defending her BAD BEHAVIOR!Way to show her little girl how to act!👏👏👏👏👏👏"
] | 51 | @user @user @user @user WELLSAIDElla obtiene más retroalimentación negativa que nadie nunca!!Porque ella siempre está defendiendo su mal comportamiento! |
@user Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be a selling point for GOP candidates in the midterm elections. But now he could become a liability...CBS enough of all your BS lies. Go away with your other liberals CNN. MSM. WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IGNORANT BS Stories!!! 😡😡😡😡 | [
] | [
"@user Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be a selling point for GOP candidates in the midterm elections.But now he could become a liability...CBS enough of all your BS lies.Go away with your other liberals CNN.MSM.WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IGNORANT BS Stories!!!😡😡😡😡"
] | 71 | @user Brett Kavanaugh se suponía que era un punto de venta para los candidatos de GOP en las elecciones de mitad de período.Pero ahora él podría convertirse en una responsabilidad... CBS suficiente de todas sus mentiras BS.Ir con sus otros liberales CNN.MSM.NO ESTOMOS ESCUCHANDO A SUS IGNORANTES BS Stories!!! |
@user Buh Buh snowFlake | [] | [
"@user Buh Buh snowFlake"
] | 10 | @user Buh Buh snowFlake |
..and he is yet to get a call-up for senior team.. | [] | [
"..and he is yet to get a call-up for senior team.."
] | 18 | .. y aún no ha recibido una llamada para el equipo senior .. |
@user @user @user @user I’m just saying he’s not playing like how he should be for the amount he’s getting paid I’m sorry to let you down. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @userI’m just saying he’s not playing like how he should be for the amount he’s getting paid I’m sorry to let you down."
] | 44 | @user @user @user @userEstoy diciendo que no está jugando como debe ser por la cantidad que le pagan Siento decepcionarte. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa blocking the road in Salzburg #SalzburgSummit18 | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa blocking the road in Salzburg #SalzburgSummit18"
] | 41 | @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa bloqueando la carretera en Salzburgo #SalzburgSummit18 |
@user Ouch. She is horrible. | [
] | [
"@user Ouch.She is horrible."
] | 10 | @user Ouch. Ella es horrible. |
@user That's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............ | [
] | [
"@userThat's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............"
] | 20 | @userEso es lo que Lindsey Graham usa para un agujero en el culo............ |
#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt | [
] | [
"#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!)#liberals , U gotta luv 'em!Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop.So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt"
] | 86 | #USA (¡Siento tu dolor, incluso mientras me gano causándolo!)#liberales, ¡tienes que amarlos!Redistribuir la riqueza no en su menú- sirve a la política de identidad.Así que destruiste a #Libya -ya nunca atraparás a Bill ahora -tiene millones de niños iraquíes muertos (sanciones '90') bajo su cinturón |
@user @user @user @user Hes comin for ur woolly bitches | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @userHes comin for ur woolly bitches"
] | 23 | @user @user @userHes viene para las perras de lana |
@user That describes how I feel about the Liberals at any level | [] | [
"@user That describes how I feel about the Liberals at any level"
] | 15 | @user Eso describe lo que siento por los liberales en cualquier nivel |
@user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives are only interested in owning women like property and exploding the deficit so long as the rich are taken care of. Keep the faith tho. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user Conservatives are only interested in owning women like property and exploding the deficit so long as the rich are taken care of.Keep the faith tho."
] | 51 | @user @user @user @user @user Los conservadores sólo están interesados en poseer mujeres como la propiedad y explotar el déficit mientras los ricos sean atendidos.Mantenga la fe tho. |
@user B.S. How much fake data has big pharma fed you. You are penalizing adults who vaping has helped. You have a far bigger problem with teen alcohol sales and flavored wine coolers. Try reading a legit study. | [] | [
"@user B.S. How much fake data has big pharma fed you.You are penalizing adults who vaping has helped.You have a far bigger problem with teen alcohol sales and flavored wine coolers.Try reading a legit study."
] | 54 | @user B.S. Cuántos datos falsos le han alimentado a big pharma.Usted está penalizando a los adultos que el vaping ha ayudado.Usted tiene un problema mucho mayor con las ventas de alcohol adolescente y enfriadores de vino con sabor. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user If you put any claim that that ambulance chaser is in anyway anything by a shyster you are a fool bigger than he is | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @userIf you put any claim that that ambulance chaser is in anyway anything by a shyster you are a fool bigger than he is"
] | 44 | @user @user @user @user @userSi usted pone cualquier reclamo que el perseguidor de ambulancia está en cualquier cosa por un timiente usted es un tonto más grande que él es |
@user Hope they continue to crash @user | [
] | [
"@user Hope they continue to crash @user"
] | 11 | @user Espero que sigan bloqueando @user |
@user You warned everyone about Josh Gordon the last 4 months on a daily basis. I'm sure you are as shocked as I am of what transpired today. | [] | [
"@user You warned everyone about Josh Gordon the last 4 months on a daily basis.I'm sure you are as shocked as I am of what transpired today."
] | 36 | @user Advertiste a todo el mundo sobre Josh Gordon los últimos 4 meses a diario.Estoy seguro de que estás tan sorprendido como yo de lo que sucedió hoy. |
@user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians! Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔 | [] | [
"@user @user Christine Ford is an admitted friend to Bernie Saunders and she is Known to Hobnob with other demo politicians!Most shocking word is Kavanaughs mom a Judge ruled against Fords parents in a forclosure case in mid 90s🤔"
] | 59 | @user @user Christine Ford es una amiga admitida a Bernie Saunders y ella es Conocida por Hobnob con otros políticos demo!La palabra más impactante es Kavanaughs mamá un juez falló contra los padres de Ford en un caso de embargo a mediados de los 90s |
Subsets and Splits