stringlengths 15
| labels
sequence | processed_text
sequence | num_tokens
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stringlengths 10
Impeach Trump and #MAGA | [
] | [
"Impeach Trump and #MAGA"
] | 8 | Impugnación de Trump y #MAGA |
@user His fruits comes not only from his mouth; he is a liar and a deceiver. He is definitely NOT a Catholic — he likes to re-form the Church to his own image. | [
] | [
"@userHis fruits comes not only from his mouth; he is a liar and a deceiver.He is definitely NOT a Catholic — he likes to re-form the Church to his own image."
] | 42 | @userSus frutos vienen no sólo de su boca; él es un mentiroso y un engañador.Él definitivamente NO es católico — le gusta re-formar la Iglesia a su propia imagen. |
@user @user @user @user Antifa gets to stay on twitter but the proud boys are banned. Life isn't fair. Don't be a victim. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user Antifa gets to stay on twitter but the proud boys are banned.Life isn't fair.Don't be a victim."
] | 40 | @user @user @user @user Antifa se queda en twitter, pero los chicos orgullosos están prohibidos.La vida no es justa.No seas una víctima. |
@user @user @user way more accurate than most theories.Most history ancient Egypt ect is all made up BS . It’s all been fabricated for us I don’t claim to know why.But if you start looking into history ect there’s no fucking proof of anything.Enjoy the show.Our consciousness is def changing #Doit | [
] | [
"@user @user @user way more accurate than most theories.Most history ancient Egypt ect is all made up BS .It’s all been fabricated for us I don’t claim to know why.But if you start looking into history ect there’s no fucking proof of anything.Enjoy the show.Our consciousness is def changing #Doit"
] | 80 | @user @user @user es mucho más exacto que la mayoría de las teorías.La mayor parte de la historia del antiguo Egipto ect está todo hecho BS .Todo ha sido fabricado para nosotros No afirmo saber por qué.Pero si usted comienza a mirar en la historia ect no hay ninguna maldita prueba de nada.Disfrutar del espectáculo.Nuestra conciencia está cambiando #Doit |
President Trump is fighting for the American worker and American Jobs! #MAGA | [] | [
"President Trump is fighting for the American worker and American Jobs!#MAGA"
] | 15 | ¡El presidente Trump está luchando por los trabajadores estadounidenses y los empleos estadounidenses! #MAGA |
@user @user Kind of why we need NATION-WIDE GUN CONTROL. Are you really that stupid? | [
] | [
"@user @user Kind of why we need NATION-WIDE GUN CONTROL.Are you really that stupid?"
] | 26 | @user @user Tipo de por qué necesitamos el control de armas de Nation-WIDE.¿De verdad eres tan estúpido? |
@user @user It's too had liberals are exempt from laws. | [] | [
"@user @userIt's too had liberals are exempt from laws."
] | 18 | @user @userEs demasiado ha tenido liberales están exentos de leyes. |
@user @user And what if she is lying? What if Kavanaugh is the victim of a smear and character assassination? What then? | [] | [
"@user @userAnd what if she is lying?What if Kavanaugh is the victim of a smear and character assassination?What then?"
] | 32 | @user @user¿Y si está mintiendo?¿Qué pasa si Kavanaugh es víctima de una difamación y un asesinato de carácter? |
@user @user A liter of filter semi-skimmed milk costs 85p per ltr retail in Tesco School children drink about 35 ltr of milk per annum That works out to £30 pa at retail prices - repeat RETAIL There are 1 million kids allowed school milk Parents are being ripped off to the tune of £10 mil | [] | [
"@user @userA liter of filter semi-skimmed milk costs 85p per ltr retail in Tesco School children drink about 35 ltr of milk per annum That works out to £30 pa at retail prices - repeat RETAIL There are 1 million kids allowed school milk Parents are being ripped off to the tune of £10 mil"
] | 75 | @user @userUn litro de filtro de leche semidesnatada cuesta 85p por litro de venta al por menor en Tesco Los niños de la escuela beben alrededor de 35 litros de leche por año que funciona a £30 pa a precios de venta al por menor - repetir RETAIL Hay 1 millón de niños permitidos leche escolar Los padres están siendo arrancados a la melodía de £10 millones |
@user I don't believe she's even getting death threats. Conservatives don't roll that way. Plus her & her attorneys bankroll is Soros | [
] | [
"@user I don't believe she's even getting death threats.Conservatives don't roll that way.Plus her & her attorneys bankroll is Soros"
] | 39 | @user No creo que incluso está recibiendo amenazas de muerte.Los conservadores no rodan de esa manera.Además de su & sus abogados bankroll es Soros |
@user @user An excuse for conservatives to do nothing. | [] | [
"@user @userAn excuse for conservatives to do nothing."
] | 15 | @user @userUna excusa para que los conservadores no hagan nada. |
Love our @user #MAGA 🇺🇸❤️ | [] | [
"Love our @user #MAGA 🇺🇸❤️"
] | 11 | Ama a nuestro @user #MAGA |
@user @user Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week 👍 | [] | [
"@user @user Brilliant effort great step count great that you are targeting more next week 👍"
] | 21 | @user @user Brillante esfuerzo gran paso cuenta grande que usted está apuntando más la próxima semana |
@user Pro rate them just as you are the beginning positions. | [] | [
"@user Pro rate them just as you are the beginning positions."
] | 14 | @user Pro califícalos tal como son las posiciones iniciales. |
@user Yes Liberals vs progressives This should be a really dumb banter Go | [
] | [
"@userYes Liberals vs progressives This should be a really dumb banter Go"
] | 18 | @userYes Liberales vs progresistas Esto debería ser una broma muy tonta Ir |
@user Bob is an old man living in the past. He has no idea what the working class has been through. Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives. It took @user to finally listen and take action. | [] | [
"@user Bob is an old man living in the past.He has no idea what the working class has been through.Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives.It took @user to finally listen and take action."
] | 66 | @user Bob es un anciano que vive en el pasado.No tiene ni idea de lo que ha pasado la clase trabajadora.Promesas de los políticos de carrera de Dems & Rep con sus costosos títulos de derecho y nunca trabajó un día en sus vidas.Se necesitó @user para finalmente escuchar y tomar acción. |
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives long-term approach has a number of advantages including the ability to work with our supply chain and landowners to build more homes. 🗨️ Paul Hackett, Chief Executive… | [] | [
"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives long-term approach has a number of advantages including the ability to work with our supply chain and landowners to build more homes.🗨️ Paul Hackett, Chief Executive…"
] | 53 | #Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservadores El enfoque a largo plazo de los conservadores tiene una serie de ventajas, incluyendo la capacidad de trabajar con nuestra cadena de suministro y propietarios de tierras para construir más casas. |
@user @user I hate @user so much now. They fucked up the whole franchise. | [
] | [
"@user @user I hate @user so much now.They fucked up the whole franchise."
] | 22 | @user @user Odio tanto a @user ahora. Arruinaron toda la franquicia. |
@user It seems that @user holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the @user and Brexit. | [] | [
"@userIt seems that @user holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the @user and Brexit."
] | 25 | @userParece que @user sostiene la mano del látigo cuando se trata de gobernar el @user y el Brexit. |
@user i feel attacked 😂 | [] | [
"@user i feel attacked 😂"
] | 8 | @user me siento atacado |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Already Following!! Fantastic MAGA Patriot!!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userAlready Following!!Fantastic MAGA Patriot!!!🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸"
] | 42 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
@user @user So proud of the Harper govt for all the good they are doing for Cda today. Good & bad it’s nice to see the liberals give the conservatives mention. | [] | [
"@user @userSo proud of the Harper govt for all the good they are doing for Cda today.Good & bad it’s nice to see the liberals give the conservatives mention."
] | 46 | @user @userTan orgulloso del gobierno de Harper por todo el bien que están haciendo por Cda hoy.Buen & malo es bueno ver que los liberales dan mención a los conservadores. |
@user @user Of course they are. She either agrees to testify on Mon or they vote on Friday and life moves on until the next obstruction from the lunatic liberals | [] | [
"@user @userOf course they are.She either agrees to testify on Mon or they vote on Friday and life moves on until the next obstruction from the lunatic liberals"
] | 36 | @user @userPor supuesto que lo son.Ella acepta testificar en Mon o votan el viernes y la vida continúa hasta la siguiente obstrucción de los liberales lunáticos |
@user @user @user She is a role model Adam you are not! | [] | [
"@user @user @userShe is a role model Adam you are not!"
] | 19 | @user @user @userShe es un modelo a seguir ¡Adam no lo eres! |
1. the last minute of this video is absolutely priceless 2. facts: “Obama separated 90k kids and there were no protests” liberals: *silence* | [] | [
"1. the last minute of this video is absolutely priceless 2.facts: “Obama separated 90k kids and there were no protests” liberals: *silence*"
] | 36 | 1. el último minuto de este video es absolutamente invaluable 2. hechos: “Obama separó a 90k niños y no hubo protestas” liberales: *silencio* |
@user Graham you are on the wrong side of history. | [] | [
"@user Graham you are on the wrong side of history."
] | 13 | @user Graham estás en el lado equivocado de la historia. |
@user @user I think Collins has maybe seen the light given the threats against her from Liberals lately. | [] | [
"@user @user I think Collins has maybe seen the light given the threats against her from Liberals lately."
] | 24 | @user @user Creo que Collins tal vez ha visto la luz dadas las amenazas contra ella de los liberales últimamente. |
@user @user You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around. | [
] | [
"@user @userYou are pathetic.This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico.This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around."
] | 49 | @user @userUsted es patético.Esto no tiene nada que ver con él su padre o la pared o México.Esto se trata de Swallwell pensando que está bien que los liberales amenacen a los repubs, pero no al otro. |
This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—September 17"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising"" | [] | [
"This Day in Liberal Judicial Activism—September 17\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\""
] | 30 | Este día en el activismo judicial liberal — 17 de septiembre #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising" |
@user Nah I’m okay lol I’m going to watch On my block until a new season 😍 | [] | [
"@userNahI’mokaylol I’m going to watch On my block until a new season 😍"
] | 26 | @userNahI’mokaylol Voy a ver en mi bloque hasta una nueva temporada |
@user @user How does that make him the best in the country though? There was nothing special about the throw. How does that make me butt hurt ? | [
] | [
"@user @user How does that make him the best in the country though?There was nothing special about the throw.How does that make me butt hurt ?"
] | 36 | @user @user ¿Cómo es que eso lo hace el mejor del país?No había nada especial en el lanzamiento.¿Cómo me hace daño el trasero? |
Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too | [] | [
"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too"
] | 22 | Antifa atrapado fuera de la guardia después de ser confrontados por la última persona que alguna vez quisieron responder también |
@user There is no deal"" to be made on gun control, knob. The 2nd Amendment is a right that no one can deal away."" | [] | [
"@user There is no deal\"\" to be made on gun control, knob.The 2nd Amendment is a right that no one can deal away.\"\""
] | 33 | @user No hay trato"" para ser hecho en el control de armas, perilla.La 2a Enmienda es un derecho que nadie puede manejar." |
@user Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder? And NOT normal human behavior? | [] | [
"@user Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder?And NOT normal human behavior?"
] | 27 | @user ¿Podemos por favor ser honestos con nosotros mismos y reconocer que esta cosa trans es un trastorno mental?¿Y NO un comportamiento humano normal? |
@user @user Son please don’t make me cry today because I never saw this shit | [
] | [
"@user @user Son please don’t make me cry today because I never saw this shit"
] | 21 | @user @user Hijo por favor no me hagas llorar hoy porque nunca vi esta mierda |
@user 1 & 7 blocking my way to hap'penis | [] | [
"@user 1 & 7 blocking my way to hap'penis"
] | 17 | @user 1 & 7 bloqueando mi camino a hap'penis |
.@USER absolutely right to not propose another referendum. .@USER are not in power & we are not negotiating. It’s for @user to make Brexit work; it belongs to them. If they can’t do that then @user should call a General Election. Labour are ready. | [] | [
".@USER absolutely right to not propose another referendum..@USER are not in power & we are not negotiating.It’s for @user to make Brexit work; it belongs to them.If they can’t do that then @user should call a General Election.Labour are ready."
] | 68 | .@USER absolutamente derecho a no proponer otro referéndum..@USER no están en el poder & no estamos negociando.Es para @user para hacer que el Brexit funcione; pertenece a ellos.Si no pueden hacer eso entonces @user debe llamar a una elección general.El trabajo está listo. |
#MAGA Why she not being prosecuted? | [] | [
"#MAGA Why she not being prosecuted?"
] | 10 | #MAGA ¿Por qué no la procesan? |
@user @user @user Plus she is a REAL reporter and has the courage of a platoon of Marines. SMH. | [] | [
"@user @user @userPlus she is a REAL reporter and has the courage of a platoon of Marines.SMH."
] | 31 | @user @user @userPlus es una reportera REAL y tiene el coraje de un pelotón de Marines.SMH. |
@user Can you blame her for not having her life destroyed by Trump and his cult her children the FBI should do the investigation he is going Federal FBI must be afraid of Trump might get hit by a bus Trump has a book of the ugliest names u can call someone like lying Trumpstard | [] | [
"@user Can you blame her for not having her life destroyed by Trump and his cult her children the FBI should do the investigation he is going Federal FBI must be afraid of Trump might get hit by a bus Trump has a book of the ugliest names u can call someone like lying Trumpstard"
] | 61 | @user ¿Puedes culparla por no tener su vida destruida por Trump y su culto a sus hijos el FBI debería hacer la investigación que va a ir FBI federal debe tener miedo de Trump podría ser atropellado por un autobús Trump tiene un libro de los nombres más feos u puede llamar a alguien como la mentira Trumpstard |
...when Liberals/Democrats punish & slander people for simply being honest and truthful? That's when you know its time to #WalkAway and vote Republican. | [] | [
"...when Liberals/Democrats punish & slander people for simply being honest and truthful?That's when you know its time to #WalkAway and vote Republican."
] | 42 | ...cuando los liberales/democratas castigan a & calumniar a la gente por simplemente ser honesto y veraz? Ahí es cuando usted conoce su tiempo para #WalkAway y votar republicano. |
@user So Fucking What. It doesn’t matter if they found the Dead Sea scrolls or the Colonel’s secret recipe. This man should not be dead but he is so due to the ignorant negligence of someone else. | [
] | [
"@userSo Fucking What.It doesn’t matter if they found the Dead Sea scrolls or the Colonel’s secret recipe.This man should not be dead but he is so due to the ignorant negligence of someone else."
] | 47 | @userSo Fucking What.No importa si encontraron los pergaminos del Mar Muerto o la receta secreta del Coronel.Este hombre no debería estar muerto, pero lo está debido a la negligencia ignorante de otra persona. |
@user Cali already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the county. And you can't blame this on on Indiana. | [
] | [
"@user Cali already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the county.And you can't blame this on on Indiana."
] | 29 | @user Cali ya tiene algunas de las leyes más estrictas de control de armas en el condado.Y no se puede culpar a Indiana. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD"" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong."" | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that!I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords.I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there.I dont need a GOD\"\" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong.\"\""
] | 97 | @user @user @user @user @user @user ¡Buena suerte con eso!No sigo junto con fascistas como el movimiento #resist y sus superseñores de manzana y google.Sé lo que pasó en ww2 y su retórica que nos ponen allí.No necesito un DIOS"" para ver el odio emitido desde #Antifa y cómo eso está mal". |
@user was on 🔥 a brutal match after long time Jeff lost was unexpected. Hope he is fine after the fall❤️😱 #wwe #HIAC | [] | [
"@user was on 🔥 a brutal match after long time Jeff lost was unexpected.Hope he is fine after the fall❤️😱 #wwe #HIAC"
] | 35 | @user estaba en un partido brutal después de mucho tiempo Jeff perdió fue inesperado.Esperamos que esté bien después de la caída #wwe #HIAC |
@user @user The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter. | [
] | [
"@user @userThe name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist.BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter."
] | 44 | @user @userEl nombre alt right es hacer que la gente piense que es un grupo de derecha. igual que ANTIFA que son fascistas.BLM que realmente para ellos todas las vidas negras no importan. |
@user @user The truth of it is that unless she has evidence than it's only allegations! If there is no proof than it is only 'what she says' against 'what he says'! She doesn't get marks for truthfulness just because she is a woman; because women can lie just as quickly as a man can! | [] | [
"@user @userThe truth of it is that unless she has evidence than it's only allegations!If there is no proof than it is only 'what she says' against 'what he says'!She doesn't get marks for truthfulness just because she is a woman; because women can lie just as quickly as a man can!"
] | 72 | @user @userLa verdad de esto es que a menos que ella tenga evidencia de lo que es sólo acusaciones!Si no hay prueba de que es sólo 'lo que ella dice' en contra de 'lo que él dice'!Ella no recibe marcas de veracidad sólo porque ella es una mujer; porque las mujeres pueden mentir tan rápido como un hombre puede! |
@user @user @user @user If the justice system is working against American values then the results of this graph would be a badge of HONOR for our great President and his supporters! Stop the liberals dead in their tracks! #NotBakingYourCake #ProudToLoveJesus | [] | [
"@user @user @user @userIf the justice system is working against American values then the results of this graph would be a badge of HONOR for our great President and his supporters!Stop the liberals dead in their tracks!#NotBakingYourCake #ProudToLoveJesus"
] | 66 | @user @user @user @userSi el sistema de justicia está trabajando en contra de los valores estadounidenses, ¡entonces los resultados de este gráfico serían una insignia de HONOR para nuestro gran presidente y sus partidarios!¡Detengan a los liberales muertos en sus huellas!#NoBakingYourCake #ProudToLoveJesus |
@user Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together. It also celebrates masculinity. It seems these things are under attack today. | [] | [
"@user Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together.It also celebrates masculinity.It seems these things are under attack today."
] | 35 | @user Football es un deporte americano que reúne a familias y comunidades.También celebra la masculinidad.Parece que estas cosas están siendo atacadas hoy. |
@user @user For what? Why are you asking for his arrest? Liberals being butthurt for 19 months is not an impeachable offense. | [] | [
"@user @user For what?Why are you asking for his arrest?Liberals being butthurt for 19 months is not an impeachable offense."
] | 36 | @user @user ¿Para qué?¿Por qué estás pidiendo su arresto?Liberales siendo butthurt por 19 meses no es una ofensa impugnable. |
@user He is Spartacus!!! | [] | [
"@userHe is Spartacus!!!"
] | 8 | @userÉl es Spartacus!!! |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yeah ok antifa lover see you in the streets 😉 | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userYeah ok antifa lover see you in the streets 😉"
] | 48 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userYeah ok amante antifa te veo en las calles |
@user @user There is NO PROOF HE DIDN'T but you ASSume he is innocent in the very same way... If you support trump....BAAAAAAAA yourself. | [] | [
"@user @user There is NO PROOFHE DIDN'Tbut you ASSume he is innocent in the very same way...If you support trump....BAAAAAAAA yourself."
] | 44 | @user @user No hay PROOFHE NO SIN QUE Asumieras que es inocente de la misma manera...Si apoyas el triunfo...BAAAAAAAA usted mismo. |
@user BO is bitterly PO’d that Donald Trumps presidency has made him look like the bad president that he was. | [] | [
"@user BO is bitterly PO’d that Donald Trumps presidency has made him look like the bad president that he was."
] | 27 | @user BO está amargamente PO’d que la presidencia de Donald Trump lo ha hecho parecer el mal presidente que era. |
@user now we know tesco's stance on gun control | [] | [
"@user now we know tesco's stance on gun control"
] | 15 | @user ahora sabemos la postura de Tesco sobre el control de armas |
@user Hopefully this kind of outrageous behavior will motivate Senator Collins to vote FOR the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh. Disgraceful libtards. | [] | [
"@user Hopefully this kind of outrageous behavior will motivate Senator Collins to vote FOR the appointment of Judge Kavanaugh.Disgraceful libtards."
] | 34 | @user Esperemos que este tipo de comportamiento escandaloso motive al Senador Collins a votar por el nombramiento del juez Kavanaugh. |
@user Please tell that to your fellow Soros Lackies of Antifa | [] | [
"@user Please tell that to your fellow Soros Lackies of Antifa"
] | 16 | @user Por favor, dile eso a tus compañeros Soros Lackies de Antifa |
@user HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What’s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @user @user @user @user @user | [
] | [
"@user HYPOCRITE!!You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids.Really!U support ABORTION.What’s the difference in that and a gun?They BOTH KILL!@user @user @user @user @user"
] | 71 | @user @user @user @user @user |
@user Bye bye Flake you Flake! Don’t let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out. @user @user @user @user | [
] | [
"@userBye byeFlake you Flake!Don’t let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out.@user @user @user @user"
] | 41 | @userBye byeFlake you Flake!No dejes que la puerta del Senado te golpee por detrás al salir.@user @user @user @user |
@user @user Only if Soros says I can! | [] | [
"@user @userOnly if Soros says I can!"
] | 14 | @user @user¡Sólo si Soros dice que puedo! |
@user @user @user @user @user hey #sickholder were you the dirty filthy greasy cheesy negarrrr who was in contempt of Congress? Don't open your mouth it's extremely stink. | [
] | [
"@user @user @user @user @userhey #sickholder were you the dirty filthy greasy cheesy negarrrr who was in contempt of Congress?Don't open your mouth it's extremely stink."
] | 55 | @user @user @user @user @userhey #sickholder ¿fue usted el sucio sucio y grasiento negarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
@user Don’t even know the subject but I’ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool. 😁 | [
] | [
"@user Don’t even know the subject but I’ll side with Sarandon only because she has class (even if I disagree with her) against the classless rambling fool.😁"
] | 41 | @user Ni siquiera saben el tema, pero me pondré del lado de Sarandon sólo porque ella tiene clase (incluso si no estoy de acuerdo con ella) en contra de la clase sin divagar tonto. |
@user @user @user fash""<That's a give away phrase for #antifa types, the genuine fascists who want to close down free speech. This [ex-]muslim nails the apologists who are really just providing cover for radical islam. | [] | [
"@user @user @userfash\"\"<That's a give away phrase for #antifa types, the genuine fascists who want to close down free speech.This [ex-]muslim nails the apologists who are really just providing cover for radical islam."
] | 65 | @user @user @userfash""<Esa es una frase de regalo para los tipos #antifa, los fascistas genuinos que quieren cerrar la libertad de expresión.Esto [ex-]muslim clava a los apologistas que en realidad sólo están proporcionando cobertura para el islam radical. |
@user now that Bea Arthur had a lovely mud bath and coconut oil rub she is settled in for her bedtime story and loves loves loves your book so much i had to read it three times to her before she would go to bed. We hope you are doing well and feeling better! | [] | [
"@user now that Bea Arthur had a lovely mud bath and coconut oil rub she is settled in for her bedtime story and loves loves loves your book so much i had to read it three times to her before she would go to bed.We hope you are doing well and feeling better!"
] | 60 | @user ahora que Bea Arthur tenía un baño de barro encantador y aceite de coco frota ella se instala para su historia de la hora de dormir y ama ama ama tanto su libro que tuve que leerlo tres veces a ella antes de que ella se fuera a la cama.Esperamos que usted está haciendo bien y sentirse mejor! |
(Not th@ @user taking a knee has anything 2do w/military but)most #Conservatives hate him far more than they care about #vaterans smh #TrumpsAmerica | [] | [
"(Not th@ @user taking a knee has anything 2do w/military but)most #Conservatives hate him far more than they care about #vaterans smh #TrumpsAmerica"
] | 48 | (No th@ @user tomándose una rodilla tiene nada 2do w/militar pero) la mayoría de los #Conservadores lo odian mucho más de lo que les importa #vaterans smh #TrumpsAmerica |
@user Its like saying the brown shirts afe better than nazis because they pretended to be socialists. | [
] | [
"@userIts like saying the brown shirts afe better than nazis because they pretended to be socialists."
] | 27 | @userEs como decir que las camisas marrones afe mejor que nazis porque fingieron ser socialistas. |
WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica | [
] | [
"WTC This is a threat!!! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica"
] | 28 | WTC Esto es una amenaza!!! .. @USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica |
@user @user @ cooktragic This NOT good news for either Australian women or Palestine. It is ridiculous to pretend otherwise. Our only hope is his election is not successful! Or the abysmal history of women in LNP continues. He is not a gentleman. In our culture it is 'Ladies First'. | [] | [
"@user @user @cooktragicThis NOT good news for either Australian women or Palestine.It is ridiculous to pretend otherwise.Our only hope is his election is not successful!Or the abysmal history of women in LNP continues.He is not a gentleman.In our culture it is 'Ladies First'."
] | 71 | @user @user @cooktragicEsta NO es una buena noticia ni para las mujeres australianas ni para Palestina.Es ridículo pretender lo contrario.¡Nuestra única esperanza es que su elección no sea exitosa!O la historia abismal de las mujeres en LNP continúa.Él no es un caballero.En nuestra cultura es 'Las damas primero'. |
@user @user ok with Andrew @user Bully Liar touchy cheat to be kept on as a MP? On £75k? No anti bullying rules? … @user @user @user @user | [] | [
"@user @user ok with Andrew @user Bully Liar touchy cheat to be kept on as a MP?On £75k?No anti bullying rules?… @user @user @user @user"
] | 51 | @user @user ok con Andrew @user Bully Liar trampa táctil para ser mantenido en como un MP?En £75k?No hay reglas contra el acoso?... @user @user @user @user |
@user Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can’t listen to U2 again | [
] | [
"@user Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can’t listen to U2 again"
] | 23 | @user Bono es completamente estúpido ridiculo rico impuesto evitando hipócrita fascista No puedo escuchar U2 de nuevo |
@user I am trying to make a point. Many people who hate the liberal and ndp party are conservatives. And all conservatives care about is money. They don't have to ruin the environment and discriminate against others because of money"""" | [] | [
"@user I am trying to make a point.Many people who hate the liberal and ndp party are conservatives.And all conservatives care about is money.They don't have to ruin the environment and discriminate against others because of money\"\"\"\""
] | 55 | @user Estoy tratando de hacer un punto.Muchas personas que odian al partido liberal y ndp son conservadores.Y todos los conservadores se preocupan por el dinero.No tienen que arruinar el medio ambiente y discriminar a los demás debido al dinero"""" |
@user Full truth and justice.... | [] | [
"@user Full truth and justice...."
] | 9 | @user Toda la verdad y la justicia.... |
#MCCASKILL owes back taxes on her private jet! Has it been paid? @user #MAGA #Kavanaugh #ChristinaBlaseyFord #QANON #ThursdayMotivation | [] | [
"#MCCASKILL owes back taxes on her private jet!Has it been paid?@user#MAGA #Kavanaugh #ChristinaBlaseyFord #QANON #ThursdayMotivation"
] | 54 | #MCCASKILL debe impuestos atrasados en su avión privado!Se ha pagado?@user#MAGA #Kavanaugh #ChristinaBlasseyFord #QANON #JuevesMotivación |
@user @user And we don't need Levi jeans who just jumped on the gun control band wagon. | [] | [
"@user @userAnd we don't need Levi jeans who just jumped on the gun control band wagon."
] | 24 | @user @userY no necesitamos jeans Levi que acaba de saltar en el carro de la banda de control de armas. |
2019 tours will include flights and hotels. | [] | [
"2019 tours will include flights and hotels."
] | 8 | Los tours 2019 incluirán vuelos y hoteles. |
@user @user What a waste of one’s short life.🤷🏻♂️🇺🇸 | [
] | [
"@user @userWhat a waste of one’s short life.🤷🏻♂️🇺🇸"
] | 17 | @user @userWhat un desperdicio de la corta vida de uno. |
@user You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia. | [
] | [
"@user You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community.In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia."
] | 49 | @user Usted es una gran mancha en la comunidad de Pandits de Cachemira dármica.En nombre de la modernidad usted ha perdido toda cordura que refleja en la forma en que ha apoyado esta hindufobia de las mujeres locas. |
Roy Moore"" ""Allegations From Far Distant Past"" ""Bezos"" ""Bunny"" ""Satire"" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: ""About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner."" 🐇🐇🐇 | [
] | [
"Roy Moore\"\" \"\"Allegations From Far Distant Past\"\" \"\"Bezos\"\" \"\"Bunny\"\" \"\"Satire\"\" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: \"\"About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner.\"\" 🐇🐇🐇"
] | 101 | Roy Moore ""Alegaciones del pasado lejano"" ""Bezos"" ""Bunny"" ""Satire"" #drellenbrandt #MAGA La Dra. Melissa Bunny, a través de un médium, nos dice desde más allá de la tumba: ""Hace unos 35 años, Jeff Bezos puso sus manos sobre mí, me cortó la cabeza, y me cocinó como hasenpfeffer para cenar." |
15 concert goers massacred in Missouri with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. | [] | [
"15 concert goers massacred in Missouri with 9mm Ruger P89.The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'."
] | 29 | 15 asistentes al concierto masacrados en Missouri con 9mm Ruger P89.La NRA llama a la investigación de control de armas 'unethical'. |
@user I hope you are at the park. They are playing rush | [] | [
"@user I hope you are at the park.They are playing rush"
] | 15 | @user Espero que estés en el parque. |
@user @user Pssst Bono's Ass | [] | [
"@user @user Pssst Bono's Ass"
] | 16 | @user @user Pssst Bono's Ass |
@user Good thing I watch him online. | [] | [
"@user Good thing I watch him online."
] | 10 | @user Menos mal que lo vi en línea. |
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Exactly. From what he is describing it is like two steps forward and three steps back. | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userExactly.From what he is describing it is like two steps forward and three steps back."
] | 167 | @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userExactamente.De lo que él está describiendo es como dos pasos hacia adelante y tres pasos hacia atrás. |
@user @user @user @user @user #Antifa #AltLeft @user to go with Richard Simmons stalker @user | [] | [
"@user @user @user @user @user #Antifa #AltLeft @user to go with Richard Simmons stalker @user"
] | 40 | @user @user @user @user @user #Antifa #AltLeft @user para ir con Richard Simmons acosador @user |
@user This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it | [
] | [
"@userThis shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it"
] | 17 | @userEsta mierda va a mantenerme en la cuna lol mierda |
@user He is an israeli puppet. | [
] | [
"@userHe is an israeli puppet."
] | 11 | @userEs un títere israeli. |
@user @user Melting snow flakes | [] | [
"@user @user Melting snow flakes"
] | 12 | @user @user Derritiendo copos de nieve |
@user Spot on again Speedy. Always the victim when things aren’t going her way. Far cry from the Graf’s of the sport even though her stats will suggest she is one of the greats. | [] | [
"@user Spot on again Speedy.Always the victim when things aren’t going her way.Far cry from the Graf’s of the sport even though her stats will suggest she is one of the greats."
] | 47 | @user Spot on de nuevo Speedy.Siempre la víctima cuando las cosas no van a su manera.Llorar desde el Graf del deporte a pesar de que sus estadísticas sugerirán que ella es uno de los grandes. |
@user Hey Doug. We had a large amount of contacts recently. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Are you referring to your tweet about the blue screen crash on PS4? | [] | [
"@user Hey Doug.We had a large amount of contacts recently.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.Are you referring to your tweet about the blue screen crash on PS4?"
] | 40 | @user Hey Doug. Tuvimos una gran cantidad de contactos recientemente.Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda causarle.¿Se refiere a su tweet sobre el accidente de la pantalla azul en PS4? |
@user antifa getting shot only brings joy | [] | [
"@user antifa getting shot only brings joy"
] | 10 | @user antifa recibir un disparo sólo trae alegría |
@user @user I continue to be concerned that our country’s gun control laws are not good enough to protect our children. I will only vote for the party that is willing to address this issue. | [
] | [
"@user @user I continue to be concerned that our country’s gun control laws are not good enough to protect our children.I will only vote for the party that is willing to address this issue."
] | 43 | @user @user Sigo preocupado porque las leyes de control de armas de nuestro país no son lo suficientemente buenas para proteger a nuestros hijos. Sólo votaré por el partido que está dispuesto a abordar este tema. |
@user @user Can you show me gun control organisations that are exclusively trying to take away guns from black people?? | [] | [
"@user @user Can you show me gun control organisations that are exclusively trying to take away guns from black people??"
] | 26 | @user @user ¿Puede mostrarme organizaciones de control de armas que están tratando exclusivamente de quitarle armas a la gente negra?? |
@user I've done a thing on immigration, states' rights, and gun control"" but no one had input. Lol To be fair, I should do it in a better setup than a Twitter thread though."" | [] | [
"@user I've done a thing on immigration, states' rights, and gun control\"\" but no one had input.Lol To be fair, I should do it in a better setup than a Twitter thread though.\"\""
] | 48 | @user He hecho algo sobre la inmigración, los derechos de los estados y el control de armas"" pero nadie tenía entrada.Lol Para ser justos, debería hacerlo en una mejor configuración que un hilo de Twitter". |
ANTIFA in Canada demand to be let into a government meeting | [] | [
"ANTIFA in Canada demand to be let into a government meeting"
] | 13 | ANTIFA en Canadá exige que se le permita participar en una reunión del gobierno |
@user Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college. | [] | [
"@user Hillary is a good reason to keep the electoral college."
] | 14 | @user Hillary es una buena razón para mantener la universidad electoral. |
@user @user The definition of snowflake | [] | [
"@user @userThe definition of snowflake"
] | 12 | @user @userLa definición de copo de nieve |
@user I saw some shit today that made me want to @ her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist.... because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible? I have a few words. | [
] | [
"@user I saw some shit today that made me want to @ her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist....because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible?I have a few words."
] | 60 | @user Vi alguna mierda hoy que me hizo querer @ ella y cortésmente preguntarle si podría ser su estilista....porque no estoy aquí para estos primeros 2000 brazaletes y accesorios innecesarios como quién es responsable?Tengo unas pocas palabras. |
@user @user And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals. | [
] | [
"@user @userAnd most Hillary supporters are racist liberals."
] | 15 | @user @userY la mayoría de los partidarios de Hillary son liberales racistas. |
@user @user @user @user You are exposing us 😂😂 | [] | [
"@user @user @user @userYou are exposing us 😂😂"
] | 18 | @user @user @user @userNos estás exponiendo |
@user @user Wow more Salinsky tactics | [] | [
"@user @userWow more Salinsky tactics"
] | 13 | @user @userWow más tácticas Salinsky |
Subsets and Splits