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Listed below is the general schedule of events for the Enron EWS Legal Conference being held at The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center on October 11-12, 2001. If you are traveling into Houston from outside locations, please plan your itinerary accordingly. ENRON EWS LEGAL CONFERENCE The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center - The Woodlands, Texas October 11-12, 2001 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Register at the Enron desk located adjacent to the resort main lobby 1:00 pm - 5:15 pm General Session I 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktail reception on the Forest Deck at the resort 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Buffet dinner on the Forest Deck at the resort 9:00 pm - 12:00 pm Pool and foosball contest in the Grand Ballroom at the resort FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 6:00 am - 8:30 am Breakfast buffet in the resort dining room 8:30 am - 12:00 pm General Session II 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch buffet in the resort dining room 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Activities - golf, tennis, spa or hiking/biking A detailed agenda and map with be distributed in the near future. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks.
Propose a subject line for this email? | LEGAL CONFERENCE AGENDA | aeslc_10templates | 200 | Liste nedenfor er hovedtabellen for hendelser for Enron EWS Den juridiske konferanse som avholdes i The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center 11.-12. oktober, 2001. Hvis du reiser til Houston fra andre steder, vennligst planlegg reiseruten deretter. ENRON EWS LEGAL CONFERANSEN The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center<unk> The Woodlands, Texas OWS 11-12, 2001 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURDAG, OCTOBER 11 00 pm<unk> 1:00 pm Registeret på Enron-pulten i nærheten av feriestedets hovedhybel 1:00 pm<unk> 5:15 pm General Session I 6:30 pm<unk> 19 pm Cocktail Resepsjon på Forest Deck på feriestedet 19.00 pm Buffetmiddag på Skogdekket på feriestedet 21.00<unk> 12:00 pm<unk> 12:00 pm Pool og foosballkonkurranse i Ballrommet på feriestedet FRIDAG, OCTTER 12 am<unk> 8:30 am buff i spiserommet 8:30 am am cary Vennligst kontakt meg hvis du har noen spørsmål. Takk. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | List below is the main framework for Enron EWS incidents The legal conference held at The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center on 11-12 October 2001. If you travel to Houston from elsewhere, please plan your flight accordingly. ENRON EWS LEGAL CONFERANCE The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center<unk> The Woodlands, Texas OWS 11-12, 2001 SCCHEDULE OF EVENTS TURDAY, OCTOBER 1100 pm<unk> 1:00 pm Registered on Enron desk near vacation resort’s main apartment 1:00 pm<unk> 5:15 pm General Sesion I 6:30 pm<unk> 19 pm Cocktail Reception at Forest Deck at vacation site 19.00 pm Buff dinner on the woods deck at 21 :00<unk> 12 pm<unk> 12.00 pm Pool and foosball at the Ballroom Place FRIDAY, Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | LEGALKONDRADIAGENDA | LEGALCONDRADIAGENDA |
Here is an email: Kam, I need your help on something. I am trying to compile a listing of all reports that were being run by the Risk leads and Specialist on a daily basis for the estate. If you could please give me a general idea of the daily reports that you know of, I would greatly appreciate it. I am doing this to ensure that we don't skip or miss anything that was being done on a day to day basis for the estate. I will take what info you give me and forward it on to Greg Couch so that he will be aware of all reports that needs to be ran daily. Thanks
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Reports | aeslc_10templates | 201 | Her er en e-post: Kam, jeg trenger din hjelp med noe. Jeg prøver å utarbeide en liste over alle rapporter som ble ledet av Risk- og spesialisten i daglig drift av boet. Hvis du kunne gi meg en generell idé om de daglige rapporter som du kjenner til, ville jeg sette stor pris på det. Jeg gjør dette for å sørge for at vi ikke går glipp av eller går glipp av noe som ble gjort på en dag til dag basis for boet. Jeg vil ta hvilken info du gir meg og videresende den til Greg Couch slik at han vil være oppmerksom på alle rapporter som trenger å bli kjørt daglig. Hva er en mulig postlinje for denne e- posten? | Here's an e-mail, Kam, I need your help with something. I'm trying to draw up a list of all the reports conducted by the Risk and specialist in the daily operation of the estate. If you could give me a general idea of the daily reports that you know, I'd really appreciate it. I'm doing this to make sure we don't miss or miss out on something that was done on a day-to-day basis for the estate. I want to take what information you're giving me and forward it to Greg Couch so he'll be aware of all the reports that need to be run daily. What is a possible post line for this email? | Rapporter | Report |
Write an email with the subject line "Market Changes". | Group, We are starting to see some market changes as we transition into the winter= months. First: With EPE we will start seeing a severe morning ramp. We will have to carefu= lly manage the units to prevent "swinging" them and increasing the chance o= f a unit outage. As the EPE loads plummet off-peak, we should consult the u= nit commitment, and depending on market conditions look to take units off-l= ine and/ or put units on manual and buy energy back. Recently we have sold = energy from EPE at a loss rather than putting costly gas turbines on manual= (Newman 1, 2 and 3), reducing them, and buying that energy less expensivel= y in the market. Our relationship with EPE is at a critical stage, they hav= e a new vice-president and will be hiring new management to lead their mark= eting group. We would like to be a part of EPE's marketing effort going for= ward, but need to continue to prove that our level of service cannot be mat= ched either in-house or by other marketers. I look to each member of the gr= oup to be a part of this effort and to work closely to run the EPE grid as = efficiently as possible. Second: The morning ramp will soon be upon us in the Northwest. It will become very= difficult to get energy in the Nortwest for HE 6 through HE 10. We should = look for congestion possibly on the COI and the DC. Also, as lights and hea= ters come on in the evening, there should be another jump in load at HE 18 = through HE 20. Enron Calgary will also be looking for energy these hours. B= e sure to take this load movement into consideration if you lock a price in= with ECC. Finally: We will have a meeting on TUESDAY--November 6th at 4:30 in the afternoon--(= | aeslc_10templates | 202 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinja<unk> Merk endringer<unk> | Type a mail with the subject line<unk> Mark changes<unk> | Gruppe, vi begynner å se noen markedsendringer etter hvert som vi går over i vinter=månedene. For det første: Vi begynner å se et kraftig morgenrapp. Vi vil måtte carefu= .ly drift enhetene for å hindre swinging <unk> dem og øke sjansen o= f en enhetsbrudd. Ettersom EPE-lasten avlastes av ikke-topp, bør vi rådføre oss med u=-forpliktelsen, og avhengig av markedsvilkår bør vi se på det å ta enheter av-l= ine og/ eller sette enhetene i gang manuelt og kjøpe tilbake energi. Nylig har vi solgt = energi fra EPE med et tap i stedet for å sette kostbare gassturbiner på manual= (Newman 1, 2 og 3), redusere dem, og kjøpe den energien rimeligere på markedet. Vårt forhold til EPE er på et kritisk stadium, de hav= e en ny visepresident og vil bli ansette ny administrerende direktør for å lede sitt merke= etinggruppe. Vi vil gjerne være en del av EPEs markedsføringsinnsats for å gå for= md, men må fortsette å bevise at vårt tjenestenivå ikke kan være mat= ched enten i inn-hus eller av andre markedsførere. Jeg ser til hver av medlemmene i gr= oup for å være en del av denne innsatsen og for å jobbe tett med å kjøre EPE-nettet så effektivt som mulig. 2. Morgen-rampen vil snart være over oss på Nordvestlandet. Det vil bli svært= vanskelig å få energi i Nortwesten for HØ 6 via HE 10. Vi bør være på utkikk etter trafikk- og DC. Også etter hvert som lys og hea= ters kommer på om kvelden, skal det være et annet hopp i belastning hos HE 18 = gjennom HE 20. Entry Calgary vil også være på jakt etter energi i disse timene. B= skal ta hensyn til denne lastbevegelsen dersom du låser en pris i= med ECC. Endelig: Vi vil ha et møte på TIRSDAG - 6. november kl. 16.30 på ettermiddagen - (= | Group, we're starting to see some market changes as we pass through winter=months. First of all, we're starting to see a big morning rap. We're going to have to carefu= .ly operate the units to prevent swinging <unk> them and increase the chance o=f a unit break. As the EPE load is unloaded by non-top, we should consult with the u=-liability, and depending on market conditions, we should look at taking units off-l=ine and/or setting them in motion manually and buying back energy. Recently we've sold = energy from EPE with a loss instead of putting expensive gas turbines on manual= (Newman 1, 2 and 3), reducing them, and buying that energy cheaper on the market. Our relationship with the EPE is at a critical stage, the oceans=e a new vice president and will be eligible new CEO to head their brand=eating group. We would like to be part of the EPE marketing effort to go for = md, but we must continue to prove that our service level cannot be food = ched either in-houses or by other marketers. I look to each member of the gr=oup to be part of this effort and to work closely on the EPE network as efficiently as possible. The second morning ramp will soon be upon us in the Northwest. It's going to be very, very hard to get energy in the Nortwest of HøE 6 via HE 10. We should be looking for traffic and DC. Also as lights and hea= terses come on at night, there shall be another load jump at HE 18 = through HE 20. Entry Calgary will also be looking for energy in these hours. B= should take this load movement into account if you lock a price in= with ECC. Finally, we want a meeting at TURSDAY - November 6th, 4:30 p.m. - |
Here is an email: Mary Nell: Congrats on the promotion! I know that it is well deserved and couldn't have happened to a more qualified person. Look forward to seeing you soon. Sara
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Congratulations! | aeslc_10templates | 203 | Her er en e-post: Mary Nell: Gratulerer med forfremmelsen! Jeg vet at det er velfortjent og ikke kan ha skjedd med en mer kvalifisert person. Se fram til å se deg snart. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten? | Mary Nell, congratulations on your promotion. I know it's well-earned and couldn't have happened to a more qualified person. Look forward to seeing you soon. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail? | Gratulerer! | Congratulations! |
Have you had a chance to review the draft of this agreement? Please advise in order that I can forward same for signing. Also provide me with the name of your contact. Thanks!
Generate a subject line for this email. | Enron LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. | aeslc_10templates | 204 | Har du rukket å gjennomgå utkastet til denne avtalen? Vennligst gi meg råd slik at jeg kan videresende det samme for signering. Gi meg også navnet på din kontakt. Takk! Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Have you had time to review the draft of this agreement? Please give me advice so I can forward the same for signing. Give me the name of your contact, too. Thank you! Create a subject line for this email. | En LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. | An LNG Atlantic Holdings Ltd. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Greg and Mark: Attached is a draft of the very short story that will accompany your profiles in Enron Business. (PR management has approved.) The purpose is simply to introduce you and quickly address the issue that's on everyone's mind, the stock price. Please review your individual quotes and let me know if you have any revisions as soon as possible. The quotes were extracted from your interviews with us a few weeks ago. If I have not heard back from you by the end of the day tomorrow, I'll assume it's OK to print as is. Thanks again for taking the time to meet with us. Warm regards and cheers, | Enron Business Article | aeslc_10templates | 205 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Greg og Mark: vedlagt er et utkast til selve novellen som vil følge dine profiler i Enron Business. (Gjeld har godkjent.) Formålet er bare å introdusere deg og raskt ta opp saken som er på alles tanker, aksjekursen. Vennligst se gjennom de enkelte sitatene og si ifra hvis du har noen revisjoner så snart som mulig. Sitatene ble hentet fra intervjuene dine med oss for noen uker siden. Hvis jeg ikke har hørt fra deg innen slutten av dagen i morgen, antar jeg at det er greit å skrive som det er. Takk igjen for at du tok deg tid til å komme sammen med oss. Varm hilsen og hurra, | What is the subject line for this email? Greg and Mark: attached is a draft of the story itself that will follow your profiles in Enron Business. (Current has accepted.) The purpose is simply to introduce you and quickly address the matter that is on everyone's mind, the stock price. Please review the individual quotations and let me know if you have any revisions as soon as possible. The quotes were taken from your interviews with us a few weeks ago. If I haven't heard from you by the end of the day tomorrow, I guess it's okay to write as it is. Thank you again for taking the time to join us. "Love and hurrah!" | Om foretaksvirksomhet | For enterprise activities |
Jay: We sent this master for execution on May 1, 2001 and the counterparty just responded to John with some comments. Only one comment is credit related: LPC does not want to pay default interest as per the ISDA agreement. LPC does not want interest compounded daily. What is your position? I have made all other changes or given LPC an explanation.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LPC") | aeslc_10templates | 206 | Jay: Vi sendte denne skipsføreren til henrettelse den 1. mai 2001 og motparten svarte nettopp Johannes med noen kommentarer. Kun én kommentar er kreditt relatert: LFK ønsker ikke å betale misligholdsrente i henhold til ISDA-avtalen. LCC ønsker ikke renten forsterket daglig. Hva er din stilling? Jeg har gjort alle andre endringer eller gitt LPC en forklaring. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Jay: We sent this master to be executed on May 1, 2001, and the other party just responded to John with some comments. Only one comment is credit related: LFCs do not wish to pay default rates under the ISDA Agreement. LCC does not want the interest compounded daily. What's your position? I've made all other changes or given the LPC an explanation. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (<unk>) <unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>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|
Write an email with the subject line "Crude and product market size". | John, I previously asked you to quantify the global size of your business (in Billions) and you sent me a voice mail on it. I have misplaced that note and don't remember the global size for the presentation. Please re-provide as a return email. Sorry for the inconvenience. Mike | aeslc_10templates | 207 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Krude og produktmarkedsstørrelse<unk> | Writes an email using the subject line<unk>Cruse and product market size<unk> | John, jeg har tidligere bedt deg om å kvantifisere den globale størrelsen på virksomheten din (i milliarder), og du sendte meg en telefonsvarer på den. Jeg har skrevet den lappen og husker ikke størrelsen på presentasjonen. re- provis som e- post. Beklager bryet. Kort etter kort inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn | John, I have previously asked you to quantify the global size of your business (in billions) and you sent me an answering machine on it. I've written that note and I can't remember the size of the presentation. reprompt as mail. Sorry to bother you. In inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside 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inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside |
This is the content of an email: Greg, Attached is a clean and redlined version of the Gateway Interconnect Agreement. Please review before forwarding to Pace to make sure the ownership concept is in accordance with your negotiations. Please call me if you have any questions and I will forward the Rio Nogales later today.
What was the subject line for this email? | Gateway Project | aeslc_10templates | 208 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Greg, Attached er en ren og om- og linjeformet versjon av Gateway Intercontact Agreement. Se nærmere på dette før videresending til Pace for å forsikre seg om at eierskapsbegrepet er i samsvar med forhandlingene dine. Ring meg hvis du har noen spørsmål og jeg vil videresende Rio Nogales senere i dag. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: Greg, Attached is a clean and re-and-line version of Gateway Intersect Agreement. Look at this before forwarding to Pace to ensure that the concept of ownership is consistent with your negotiations. Call me if you have any questions and I'll forward Rio Nogales later today. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Under: Ikke ikke-stasjon | Below: Non-station |
This is an email
Dear Tom, Enron would be interested in getting together with other trading partners to discuss listing other index points at the Socal border. I think the market requires other postings to reflect the fundamental changes in the market with respect to transportation constraints. The market has clearly seen a divergence in the summer spreads between PG&E and Socal interconnects. The marginal generation load in SP-15 and Southern California this summer has proven that Socal Gas is short delivered gas and is incapable of meeting daily demand with flowing supplies, and will be incapable of injecting gas during these months. Because of this, supply being transported from the Southwest supply basins can only find a home going into PG&E. This places downward pressure on PG&E Topock gas and upward pressure on Socal Topock gas. Remember, Socal is an island, not because of the delivered capacity to the border via EPNG and TW, but because of the limited capacity of Socal's interconnects. Demand exceeds the supply interconnect capacity. There is also a divergence between Ehrenberg and Topock because of liquidity. Topock is a more liquid market because of the upstream transport contracts on EPNG and downstream buying patterns of certain Socal markets. The market is more diversified at Topock than Ehrenberg. The overwhelming demand pressure on Socal gets exposed at Topock. Although Ehrenberg is the marginal point for gas into Socal, there is more of an imbalance in upstream capacity (EPNG and TW) to downstream capacity (Socal Topock 545,000/d) at Socal Topock than at Ehrenberg. The Socal Ehrenberg interconnect has 1.1 bcf of capacity and is primarily sourced by one market transporter. Ehrenberg simply gets placed at "market prices" because of varying objectives. One transporter may place gas to larger buyers to ensure flows, while smaller buyers on Socal may not approach this transporter for supplies. This illiquidity has led to a spread existing between Topock and Ehrenberg. Picture the market, San Juan gas is trading well below the Permian and Waha basins, which happen to be the marginal supply points for the west. Because of the of the limited capacity going into Socal Topock, every transporter on EPNG and TW wants to fill their contracts with San Juan gas first. These molecules compete for Buyers at a limited delivery interconnect. Likewise, all Buyers reach out for supply coming through a limited delivery interconnect (Topock). The San Juan then trys to find an outlet going east on the SJ east leg of EPNG. This transport leg simply displaces Permian gas going into Plains North and allows Permian gas to head west to Ehrenberg on the EPNG south mainline. While the Socal market peaks in the summer, so does the EOC demand. Permian west (Keystone West meter) cannot satisfy both the EOC demand and the Socal demand. So for the first time ever, we saw EPNG Waha West at maximum capacity to source transport contracts on the EPNG south mainline. This tells the entire story. When demand exceeds all available historical supply points, and begins to reach to Waha to meet Ehrenberg demand, you have a paradigm shift. This eliminates any correlation that may have existed between the supply basins and the market area. When Keystone West reaches maximum capacity, the rule of market spreads not exceeding the max rate transport rate then dies a fast death. There is simply no available capacity at the Keystone West meter to allow a shipper to buy max rate transport on EPNG and ship it to Socal. If you asked the market what the maximum interconnect capacity at Keystone West is, 9 out of 10 would not know. This leads to blaming market participants for wide spreads that are above historical levels. It is like Al Gore blaming "big oil companies" for the high prices of gas, when all refineries are at maximum capacity. There simply isn't the capacity to meet demand. The supply exists, but there isn't enough refining capacity available to meet demand. Fundamentals rule the market in all cases. I would like to propose the following index points for the Southern California border. The market would be better served with supply being included in these index points. One, Socal CA production/Socal storage/EPNG Ehrenberg, Two, Topock TW and EPNG, Three, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. The market will be experiencing more changes with respect to the Socal restructuring in the future. We will then address the different interconnects and propose an index for the Socal citygate as well. Call me on Monday to discuss the Enron Online download. Sincerely,
What is the subject of this email? | SOCAL | aeslc_10templates | 209 | Dette er en e-post Dear Tom, Enron ville vært interessert i å komme sammen med andre handelspartnere for å diskutere å liste opp andre indekspunkter på grensen til Socal. Jeg tror markedet krever andre posteringer for å gjenspeile de grunnleggende endringene i markedet med hensyn til begrensning av transport. Markedet har tydelig sett en divergens om sommeren sprer seg mellom PG&E og Socal samkjøringer. Den marginale generasjonslasten i SP-15 og Sør-California i sommer har bevist at Socal Gas er kort levert gass og ikke klarer å møte døgnbehovet med strømforsyninger, og vil ikke kunne sette inn gass i disse månedene. På grunn av dette kan tilgangen fra forsyningsbassengene bare finne et hjem på vei inn i PG&E. Dette plasserer nedtrykkende trykk på PG&E Topock-gass og opptrykk på Socal Topock-gass. Husk at Socal er en øy, ikke på grunn av den leverte kapasiteten til grensen via EPNG og TW, men på grunn av den begrensede kapasiteten til Socals samkjøringer. Kravet overstiger kapasiteten i forbindelse med forsyningen. Det er også avvik mellom Ehrenberg og Topock på grunn av likviditet. Topock er et mer flytende marked på grunn av oppstrømstransportavtalene om EPNG og nedstrøms kjøpemønstre for visse Socal-markeder. Markedet er mer spredt ved Topock enn Ehrenberg. Det overveldende etterspørselspresset mot Socal kommer frem på Topock. Selv om Ehrenberg er marginalpunktet for gass inn i Socal, er det mer en ubalanse i oppstrømningskapasitet (EPNG og TW) til nedstrømskapasitet (Socal Topock 54/d) ved Socal Topock enn ved Ehrenberg. Sokn Ehrenberg-forbindelsen har 1.1 bkm kapasitet og er primært skilde av én markedstransportør. Ehrenberg blir enkelt og greit plassert i<unk>markedspriser<unk> på grunn av varierende mål. En transportør kan plassere gass til større kjøpere for å sikre strømmer, mens mindre kjøpere på Socal kanskje ikke nærmer seg denne transportøren for forsyninger. Denne ilbrensiliteten har ført til et spredt forløp mellom Topock og Ehrenberg. Se for deg markedet, San Juan-gassen er en handelsplass langt nedenfor Permian- og Waha-bassengene, som tilfeldigvis er forsyningspunktene for vest. På grunn av den begrensede kapasiteten som går inn i Socal Topock, ønsker alle transportører på EPNG og TW å fylle sine kontrakter med San Juan gass først. Disse molekylene konkurrerer om kjøpere ved begrenset levering. Alle kjøpere søker også etter varer som kommer gjennom en begrenset forbindelse mellom leveranser (Topock). San Juan prøver så å finne et utløp som går østover på SJ øst for SJ øst for Kvg. Denne transporten fortrenger ganske enkelt Permiangass som går inn i Plains North, og gjør at Permiangassen kan gå vestover til Ehrenberg på motorveien sørover. Mens markedet på det sokalske markedet kommer opp om sommeren, er etterspørselen etter EOC også stor. Permian vest (Keystone West meter) kan ikke tilfredsstille både etterspørselen etter EOC og etterspørselen etter Socal. Så for første gang noensinne, så vi en storm på vei vestover med maksimal kapasitet til å sette ut transportkontrakter på motorveien sør for omlag to kilometer. Denne forteller hele historien. Når etterspørselen overstiger alle tilgjengelige historiske forsyningspunkter, og begynner å nå fram til Waha for å møte Ehrenbergs etterspørsel, har man et paradigmeskifte. Dette fjerner enhver korrelasjon som kan ha eksistert mellom forsyningsbassengene og markedsområdet. Når Keystone West når maksimal kapasitet, sprer markedsregelen seg ikke over mer enn maks rente transportrate da dør en rask død. Det er rett og slett ingen ledig kapasitet på Keystone West-måleren for å tillate en avskiper å kjøpe opp høypristransport på UNG og sende den til Socal. Hvis du spurte markedet om hvor høy kapasiteten i Keystone West er, ville ikke 9 av 10 vite det. Dette fører til at markedsdeltakerne får på plass store spredninger som ligger over historiske nivåer. Det er som Al Gore skyld<unk>store oljeselskaper<unk> for de høye prisene på gass, når all raffinerier har maksimal kapasitet. Det er rett og slett ikke kapasiteten til å dekke etterspørselen. Tilbudsforsyningen, men det er ikke nok raffineringskapasitet tilgjengelig til å dekke etterspørselen. Grunnsystemet styrer markedet i alle tilfeller. Jeg vil foreslå følgende indekspunkter for grensen til Sør-California. Markedet ville vært bedre tjent med at tilgangen er inkludert i disse indeksene. One, Socal CA production/Socal lagring/Enghghern, Two, Topock TW og EPNG, Tre, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. Markedet vil bli flere endringer med hensyn til Socal-omstruktureringen i framtiden. Vi vil da ta for oss de ulike forbindelsene og foreslå en indeks for den socalske byporten også. Ring meg på mandag for å diskutere Enron Online-nedlastning. Hva er egentlig emnet i denne e-posten? | This is an e-mail Dear Tom, Enron would be interested in meeting with other trading partners to discuss listing other index points on the Socal border. I believe the market requires other entries to reflect the fundamental changes in the market in terms of restrictions on transport. The market has clearly seen a divergence in summer spreading between PG'E and Socal interconnections. The marginal generation load in SP-15 and Southern California this summer has proved that Socal Gas is short supplied gas and cannot meet daily needs of power supplies and will not be able to insert gas in these months. Because of this, access from supply pools can only find a home on the way into PG=E. This puts pressure-pressurizing pressure on PG/E Topock gas and pressure on Socal Topock gas. Remember, Socal is an island, not because of the delivered capacity of the EPNG and TW border, but because of the limited capacity of Socal interconnections. The requirement exceeds the supply capacity. There are also discrepancies between Ehrenberg and Topock due to liquidity. Topock is a more liquid market due to upstream transport contracts on EPNG and downstream purchasing patterns for certain Socal markets. The market is more spread at Topock than Ehrenberg. The overwhelming pressure on Socal is coming out at Topock. Although Ehrenberg is the marginal point of gas into Socal, there is more of an imbalance of upflow capacity (EPNG and TW) to downstream capacity (Socal Topock 54/d) at Socal Topock than at Ehrenberg. The Sokn Ehrenberg connection has 1.1 bkm capacity and is primarily the source of one market transport operator. Ehrenberg is simply placed at<unk>market prices<unk> due to varying targets. A carrier may place gas for major buyers to secure flows, whereas smaller buyers at Socal may not approach this carrier for supplies. This ilbrinility has led to a dispersal of the Topock and Ehrenberg. Imagine the market, the San Juan gas is a trading ground far below the Permian and Waha basins, which happen to be the supply points for the west. Because of the limited capacity entering Socal Topock, all transporters on EPNG and TW want to fill their contracts with San Juan gas first. These molecules compete for buyers by limited delivery. All buyers are also searching for goods that come through a limited link between deliveries (Topock). San Juan then tries to find an outlet that runs east on SJ east of SJ east of Kvg. This transport simply displaces Permian gas entering Plains North and allows Permiangassen to go west to Ehrenberg on the south highway. While the socal market is coming up in summer, the demand for EOC is also high. Permian West (Keystone West meter) cannot satisfy both the demand for EOC and the demand for Socal. So for the first time ever, we saw a storm headed west with maximum capacity to deploy transport contracts on the south side of about two kilometers. This one tells the whole story. When demand exceeds all available historical supply points and starts reaching Waha to meet Ehrenberg’s demand, a paradigm shift occurs. This removes any correlation that may have existed between the supply basins and the market area. When Keystone West reaches maximum capacity, the market rule spreads over only a maximum rate of interest rate, then a quick death. There's simply no available capacity on the Keystone West meter to allow a shiper to purchase high-price transport on the UNG and send it to Socal. If you asked the market how high the capacity of Keystone West is, 9 out of 10 wouldn't know. As a result, economic operators are able to put in place large spreads above historical levels. It's like Al Gore's fault, the big oil companies, at the high prices of gas, when all refineries have maximum capacity. It is simply not the capacity to meet the demand. Supply, but there is not enough refining capacity available to meet demand. The basic system controls the market in all cases. I'd like to propose the following index points for the southern California border. The market would be better suited if the access was included in these indices. One, Socal CA Production/Socal Storage/Enghern, Two, Topock TW and EPNG, Three, KRS/Wheeler Ridge. The market will be subject to more changes in the Socal restructuring in the future. We will then consider the various connections and propose an index to the Socal City Gate as well. Call me Monday to discuss Enron Online download. What exactly is the subject of this e-mail? | SAL | SAL |
This is the content of an email: I tried to send this to your juno address and it came back. Just in case you are home, I also received the following from the PR department a few minutes ago: Be sure to watch Chairman and CEO Ken Lay on Fox News today. He will appear on "Our World" with Neil Cavuto at 4:30 p.m. CST to discuss Enron's year-end financial and operating highlights.
What was the subject line for this email? | Photos | aeslc_10templates | 210 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post, jeg prøvde å sende dette til din juridisk adresse og det kom tilbake. I tilfelle du er hjemme, fikk jeg også følgende fra PR-avdelingen for noen minutter siden: Pass på å se styreleder og direktør Ken Lay på Fox News i dag. Han vil opptre på <unk>Our World<unk> med Neil Cavuto kl. 16.30 CST for å diskutere Enrons høydepunkter i økonomi og drift i åremål. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail, I tried to send this to your legal address and it came back. In case you're home, I also got this from the PR department a few minutes ago, make sure you see Chairman and Director Ken Lay at Fox News today. He'll be performing at Hour World<unk> with Neil Cavuto at 4:30 p.m. CST to discuss Enron's high economy and year-end operations. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Foto: | Photo: |
Write an email with the subject line "New President". | I had a little bird put a word in my ear. Is there any possibility for Ben Raimer to be Bush's secretary of HHS? Just curious about that infamous UTMB rumor mill. Hope things are well, happy holidays. PL | aeslc_10templates | 211 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> Ny president<unk> | Type an email using the subject line<unk> New president<unk> | Jeg fikk en liten fugl til å sette et ord i øret mitt. Er det noen mulighet for at Ben Raimer kan være Bushs sekretær i HHS? Jeg er bare nysgjerrig på den beryktede UTMB-minnemøllen. Håpet er bra, gode ferier. PL (PL) | I had a little bird put a word in my ear. Is there any chance that Ben Raimer could be Bush's secretary in HHS? I'm just curious about the infamous UTMB memory mill. Hope is good, good vacations. PL (PL) |
This is the content of an email: Tanya and Bob: When we last met to talk about Repap I think that we decided to wait until quarter end before approachning them again. Are we inclined to do anything at this point? Carol
What was the subject line for this email? | Repap | aeslc_10templates | 212 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Tanya og Bob: Når vi sist møttes for å snakke om Repap tror jeg vi bestemte oss for å vente til kvart slutt før vi nærmer oss dem igjen. Er vi tilbøyelige til å gjøre hva som helst nå? Hva het Carol for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: Tanya and Bob: When we last met to talk about Repap, I think we decided to wait until the end of the day before approaching them again. Are we inclined to do anything now? What was Carol's name for this e-mail? | Skriv inn | Enter |
Here is another matrix of TW "Current Shipper" rates & surcharges. This one is not posted on the web. I don't know whether anyone needs/uses it, anymore, but I have been keeping it up. There is a new tab for each change in Current Shipper Rates. The latest is "200111" Elizabeth - I forgot to send this to you this morning. Jeanette - I don't recall whether I sent this along with the other TW files.
Write a subject line for this email. | FYI 11/2001 TW Rate Matrix - same rates, different format | aeslc_10templates | 213 | Her er en annen matrise med TW: Nåværende skipper<unk> hastigheter og tilleggsavgifter. Denne er ikke lagt ut på nettet. Jeg vet ikke om noen trenger det eller bruker det lenger, men jeg har holdt det gående. Det er en ny fane for hver endring i Aktuelleskipperrater. Det siste er: \"Jeg har glemt å sende denne til deg i morges.\" Jeanette - Jeg husker ikke om jeg sendte dette sammen med de andre TW-filene. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Here's another matrix of TW, current skipper<unk> speeds and additional charges. This isn't posted online. I don't know if anyone needs it or uses it anymore, but I've kept going. There's a new tab for every change in the current ship's perimeter. The last one is, "I forgot to send this to you this morning." Jeanette, I can't remember if I sent this along with the other TW files. Type a subject line for this email. | FYI 11-Date TWrate Mats<unk> samme hastigheter, forskjellig format | FYI 11-Date TWrate Mats<unk> Same speeds, different format |
Write an email with the subject line "Anatomy of a deal". | Work really hard. Deal dies, in silence after final commercial offer made (more money for summer please). Hope you had a great time away from the casino. | aeslc_10templates | 214 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Anatomy av en avtale <unk> | Type a mail with the subject line <unk>Anatomy of a deal <unk> | Arbeid virkelig hardt. Deal dies, i stillhet etter det endelige kommersielle tilbudet ytt (mer penger til sommeren vil jeg gjerne ha). Håper du hadde det gøy borte fra kasinoet. | Work really hard. Deal dies, quietly after the final commercial offer (more money for the summer I would like to have). Hope you had fun away from the casino. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Name change | Effective May 22, 2001, Enron Netherlands Generation B.V., a Netherlands corporation, changed its name to Energy Development Company B.V. Evidence is filed in the Houston 48th floor corporate vault. Please share this information with other interested parties. NOTE: Sylvia Hu - evidence to follow by hand. | aeslc_10templates | 215 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Navneendring | Compose an email with the following subject: Rename | Den 22. mai 2001 byttet Det nederlandske aksjeselskapet Enron Nederland Generation B.V. navn til Energiutviklingsselskapet B.V. Det er bevismateriale i firmahvelvet i Houston 48. Del denne informasjonen med andre berørte parter. NOT: Sylvia Hu - bevis for å følge for hånd. | On May 22, 2001, the Dutch stock company Enron Netherlands Generation B.V. changed the name of the Energy Development Company B.V. There's evidence in the Houston 48 corporate vault. Share this information with other stakeholders. NOT: Sylvia Hu - evidence to follow by hand. |
Write an email with the following subject:
prepay | Treasa: Bob Bruce told me that there was no "swap" activity on the prepay during my absence. Houston is closed down until Monday, Nov. 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Normally, I would ask Joe Hunter on the confirm desk to take a look at the confirms. I marked up the TD confirm to reflect my comments and provide an attached "schedule" of volumes since I thought it would be easier for you to match calc periods, volumes and rate payment dates. Such a format has worked well in other prepaid structures. | aeslc_10templates | 216 | Skriv en e- post med følgende emne: før før eller før du har betalt | Write an email with the following topic: before or before you have paid | Treasa: Bob Bruce fortalte meg at det ikke var noe slabb-aktivitet på forskuddsbetalingen under mitt fravær. Houston er stengt til mandag nov. nr. 27 for den årlige høytiden. Normalt ville jeg bedt Joe Hunter på kontoret om å se på bekreftelsene. Jeg har merket opp TD-en for å gjengi mine kommentarer og gi en vedlagt oversikt over bind, siden jeg mente det ville være enklere for deg å matche kalkulasjoner, årstall og betalingstidspunkter. Et slikt format har fungert godt i andre forhåndsbetalte strukturer. | Treasa: Bob Bruce told me there was no slacking activity on the advance payment during my absence. Houston is closed until Monday No. 27 for the annual holiday. Normally, I'd ask Joe Hunter in my office to look at the confirmations. I've marked up the TD to reproduce my comments and provide an attached list of volumes, since I thought it would be easier for you to match calculations, dates and payment dates. Such a format has worked well in other prepaid structures. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Corporate Security Message | An old scam has surfaced recently with renewed vigor. The Nigerian-419 fraud letter, so called because it violates section 419 of Nigerian law, is sent in many variations, by surface and airmail as well as by fax and email. Generally the form it takes is to ask the unsuspecting victim to provide their bank account information in return for a promise to deposit a very large sum of money into that account under some pretext. Employees should be advised that any information given will be used to further promote the scam through the emptying out of bank accounts, counterfeit and forged checks being written against the accounts, and for other illegal purposes. If you receive what you believe to be one of these letters, forward it to Mike Hicks ([email protected]). Corporate Security maintains a file on them, and works with the US Secret Service to reduce the number of letters received by our employees. For more information on these letters, please email or call Mike at (713) 853-6198. | aeslc_10templates | 217 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Corporate Security Message | Write an e-mail on the following subject: Corporate Security Message | En gammel svindel har nylig dukket opp med ny kraft. Brevet «Gignison-419», som kalles det fordi det er et brudd på paragraf 419 i nigeriansk rett, sendes i mange variasjoner, med overflate- og luftpost samt med telefaks og e-post. Vanligvis er den formen det tar er å be det intetmende offeret om å gi sine kontoopplysninger i banken mot å få en lovnad om å sette inn et svært stort pengebeløp i det regnskapet under et eller annet påskudd. Ansatte bør gjøres oppmerksom på at alle opplysninger som gis, vil bli brukt for å fremme svindelen ved å tømme bankkontoer, forfalskede og forfalskede kontroller som blir skrevet mot regnskapene, og for andre ulovlige formål. Hvis du mottar det du tror er et av disse brevene, så videresend det til Mike Hicks (engelsk oversettelse) (engelsk) Sikkerhetsdepartementet har en mappe på dem, og jobber med US Secret Service for å redusere antall brev våre ansatte mottar. For mer informasjon om disse brevene, e-post eller kallenavn på .v. 853-6198. | An old scam has recently appeared with renewed vigor. The letter ‘Gignison-419’ called it because it is a violation of Section 419 of Nigerian law is sent in many variations, by surface and air mail, by fax and e-mail. Usually the form is to ask the unwarranted victim to provide his bank account information in exchange for a promise to deposit a very large amount of money in that account under some pretext. Employees should be made aware that all information provided will be used to promote fraud by emptying bank accounts, counterfeited and falsified checks written against the accounts and for other unlawful purposes. If you receive what you think is one of these letters, pass it on to Mike Hicks (English) Homeland has a file on them, and they work with the US Secret Service to reduce the number of letters our employees receive. For more information on these letters, e-mails or nicknames of 853-6198. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Revised documentation | I think this is the most recent version of the ETA. Obviously, this is the UK version and Sullivan & Cromwell are turning it into a US document. The US version will be governed by NY law and contain an arbitration clause. We're also trying to figure out how much to say about the confirmation process since it may vary from product to product and will almost certainly be different from the UK version. Speaking of which, I was surprised to find that they have the telephone conversation (and in this case the web site records) control over a confirmation which has been signed by both parties. What's the practice in your part of the world? One alternative is to insert the language (or something like it) that we use in financial trading which says that we will send a written confirm, gives the counterparty a short time (2 or 3 days) to respond and indicates that silence will be deemed acceptance. Would that work for your deals? Anyway, I'm in NY today and tomorrow, back in the office on Wed. Louise is insistent that the GTC's be available to be uploaded this weekend. I'll be calling in periodically tomorrow and will try to get you since I'm sure you will have issues to discuss - and now is the right time to get changes made to the ETA if necessary. | aeslc_10templates | 218 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Den reviderte dokumentasjonen | Write an e-mail on the following subject: The revised documentation | Jeg tror dette er den nyeste versjonen av ETA. Dette er selvfølgelig UK-versjonen og Sullivan & Cromwell gjør det om til et amerikansk dokument. Den amerikanske versjonen vil bli styrt av NewY Law og inneholde en voldgiftsklausul. Vi prøver også å finne ut hvor mye vi sier om bekreftelsesprosessen siden den kan variere fra produkt til produkt og vil nesten helt sikkert være forskjellig fra UK-versjonen. Jeg ble overrasket over at de har telefonsamtalen (og i dette tilfellet websidens journaler) kontroll over en bekreftelse som er signert av begge parter. Hva er praksisen i din del av verden? Et alternativ er å sette inn språket (eller noe lignende) som vi bruker i finanshandel som sier at vi vil sende en skriftlig bekreftelse, gi motparten kort tid (2 eller 3 dager) til å svare og indikerer at stillhet vil bli ansett som aksept. Ville det funke for avtalene deres? Jeg er i NewY i dag og i morgen, tilbake på kontoret i Wed. Jeg ringer i morgen og vil prøve å ta deg siden jeg er sikker på at du vil ha problemer å diskutere - og nå er det riktig tidspunkt å få gjort endringer i ETA om nødvendig. | I think this is the latest version of ETA. Of course, this is the UK version and Sullivan & Cromwell turns it into an American document. The American version will be governed by NewY Law and contain an arbitration clause. We're also trying to figure out how much we say about the confirmation process since it can vary from product to product and will almost certainly be different from the UP version. I was surprised that they have the phone call (and in this case the website records) control of a confirmation signed by both parties. What's the practice in your part of the world? An alternative is to insert the language (or something similar) that we use in financial trade that says we will send a written confirmation, give the counterparty a short time (2 or 3 days) to respond and indicate that silence will be considered as acceptance. Would that work for your appointments? I'll be in NewY today and tomorrow, back at the office in Wed. I'll call you tomorrow and I'll try to catch you because I'm sure you'll have problems discussing - and now is the right time to get changes to ETA if necessary. |
Write an email with the subject line "Alberta prepay". | Bill: We are proposing the following compromise language to the bank regarding "Transfer": Party A may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement, in whole but not in part, to any Affiliate that is a resident for income tax purposes of the United States or Canada....... We typically don't resrict the jurisdiction of our Affiliates. Is this O.K. with you? | aeslc_10templates | 219 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Alberta ferdigbetaling <unk> | Type a mail using the subject line <unk>Alberta prepayment <unk> | Vi foreslår følgende kompromissspråk for banken om:: part A kan overføre sine rettigheter og plikter i henhold til denne avtalen, helt, men ikke delvis, til ethvert tilknyttet foretak som er hjemmehørende i henhold til De forente stater eller Canadas skatte- og avgiftsskatt.... vi vil typisk ikke resirkulere våre datterforetaks jurisdiksjoner. Er dette O.K. med deg? | We propose to the Bank the following compromising language about: Part A can transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement, entirely, but not in part, to any affiliated enterprises that are resident under the United States of America or Canada's tax tax... we typically do not recycle the jurisdictions of our subsidiaries. Is this O.K. With you? |
As requested at the 11 October PRC Committee, attached is a comprehensive overview of the proposed PRC process (360 feedback, PRC and bonus compensation) for year-end 2001, by Business Unit and Function. We look forward to comments, amendments or concurrence. In addition, as regards employment agreement provisions with target bonus amounts based on performance, we have included the bonus language contained in the majority of such agreements. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, Gina Corteselli
Generate a subject line for this email. | PRC Year-end 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 220 | Som anmodet om det av 11. oktober-komiteen for NRK, er vedlagt en omfattende oversikt over den foreslåtte PRC-prosessen (meldings-, PRC- og bonuskompensasjon) for år-slutt 2001, av Enhet og Funksjon. Vi ser frem til kommentarer, endringer eller forløp. Når det gjelder bestemmelser om arbeidsavtaler med målbonusbeløp basert på ytelse, har vi dessuten tatt med bonusspråket i de fleste av slike avtaler. Har du noen spørsmål, så ikke nøl med å kontakte meg, Gis Corteselli Generer en subjektlinje for denne e-posten. | As requested by the 11th October Committee of the NRK, a comprehensive overview of the proposed PRC process (message, PRC and bonus compensation) for year-end 2001 is attached by Unit and Function. We look forward to comments, changes, or events. Moreover, as regards the provisions on employment contracts with the amount of the target bonus based on performance, we have included the bonus language in most of these agreements. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me, Gis Corteselli, generate a subject line for this e-mail. | Årets vertsend 2001 | Current hostend of the year 2001 |
This is an email
Please see the attached summary of the captioned session. The positions of the speakers, as well as those of the Commissioners, are summarized. Should you require additional information on a specific topic, please don't hesitate to contact me.
What is the subject of this email? | RTO Week- Session on Cost Recovery Issues | aeslc_10templates | 221 | Dette er en e-post Se vedlagt sammendrag av den vedlagte økta. Stillingenes og kommissærenes posisjoner er sammenfattet. Om du trenger ytterligere informasjon om et bestemt emne, ikke nøl med å kontakte meg. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an email See the attached summary of the enclosed session. The positions of the position and the commissioners are summed up. If you need further information on a particular subject, do not hesitate to contact me. What is the subject of this email? | RTO- uke- økt om spørsmål om akutt gjenvinning | RTO week recovery question increased |
Write an email with the following subject:
Subject: CAISO Notice - Implementation of OASIS Reports | IMPORTANT NOTICE - Implementation of OASIS Reports December 19, 2001 ISO Market Participants: The November 7th and November 20th FERC decisions require additional information to be provided to Market Participants through OASIS. The following is the current implementation schedule: OASIS CERS Transition Tab Location New Report Name Effective Date Item Number* System Load System Loads by IOU 12/01/01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energy Price Summary 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.e, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Congestion Market Summary 1998 B.1.g Ancillary Service Ancillary Service Summary Report 12/12/01 B.1.h Forecast Forecasted Imbalance Energy Requirements 12/12/01 B.3 To Be Determined Muni's Hour Ahead Load Schedules To Be Determined** B.1.a To Be Determined Hour Direct Access Load To Be Determined** B.1.b * CERS Transition Item Number refers to information provided in the CAISO Market Notice "Changes to Provision of Data to CERS" dated November 30, 2001 ** Implementation Schedule is expected to be released in the next week. Specific report details and data definitions are provided in the OASIS Glossary of Terms, accessible from the OASIS Home Page. Client Relations Communications.0921 [email protected] | aeslc_10templates | 222 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Emne: CAISO notice - Implementation of OASIS Reports | Write an e-mail on the following subject: Subject: CAISO notice - Implementation of OASIS Reports | VIKTIG MELDET<unk> Implementering av OASIS-rapportene desember 2001, ISO Market-deltakere: I GJØDSTAK 7. og 20. november kreves det at det gis ytterligere opplysninger til markedsdeltakere gjennom OASIS. Følgende er gjeldende gjennomføringsplan: OASIS CERS Overgang Tab Sted Ny rapport Ny rapport Navn Eveldato Dato Dato Dag Dag Dag Dag Dag nummer nummer * Systemlastsystemlastlaster av IOU 12/01/0101 B.01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energisammendrag 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Congestion Market Summary 1998 B.1.g Anvendelse av tenestetilknyttende teneste Sammendrag Rapport 12/01 B.1.h Varmemeldingen Im Varme Energikrav 12/12/01 B.3 Til bestemte Muni's Timer Ahead Load Load Laste Planes To Be Seigned** B.1.a For Beige Erstatning Direkte Adgang Til Be Be Be Be Erimated** B.1b * C Erstatningsnummer viser til informasjon i CAISOs markedsmelding<unk> Krav til CRYR<unk> Implement 30, 2001 ** Forventet ventes i neste uke. Spesifikke opplysninger og datadefinisjoner er fastsatt i OASIS-ordliste over termer, som er tilgjengelige fra OASIS' hjemmeside. Relations Communications.0921 [email protected] | IMPORTANT MESSAGED<unk> Implementation of the OASIS reports December 2001, ISO Market participants: In FOLLOW-UP Decisions 7 and 20 November, additional information is required to be provided to economic operators through OASIS. The following is the current implementation plan: OASIS CERS Transition Tab Location New report Name Eveldate Date Day Day Number * System Load Loader of IOU 12/01/0101 B.01 B.1.c, B.2 Ex-Post Real-Time Imbalance Energy Summary 12/13/01 B.1.d, B.1.f Transmission Branch Group Association Market Summarine 1998 B.1.g Application of Service-related Services Summary Report 12/01 B.1.h The Heat Report Im Warm Energy Requirement 12/12/12/01 B.3 To specific Munis Hour Head Load Load Planes To Seigned** B.1a Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Erimated** B1 * C. The replacement number refers to information in CAISO Market Report> Requirements for CRY<Runk> I.1. The requirements for CRYPrinc.1.1. Specific information and data definitions are set out in the OASIS terming dictionary available from the OASIS website. Relations Communications.0921 [email protected] |
What is the subject line for this email?
With all the ongoing changes that have been taking place around here and the known fact that some of us will be going our separate ways, it is my hope that we can all keep in touch in the future. I would like to put something together for the group, so please provide me with your contact information, so I can prepare the "Let's Keep in Touch" contact list for Government Affairs. Below is the contact information that I would like to receive from each of you. Once I have put the list together, I will forward it to everyone. Name: Home Address: Home Phone#: Home E:mail address: New Place of Employment (if available): Work Address: Work Phone Number: Work E:mail address: Cell #: Other Family Contact Information: Please provide current (or future if known) address and phone number. Thanks to all!!! ! | "Let's Keep in Touch" Contact List | aeslc_10templates | 223 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Med alle de pågående endringene som har funnet sted her og det kjente faktum at noen av oss vil gå hver vår vei, er det mitt håp at vi alle kan holde kontakten i fremtiden. Jeg vil gjerne sette sammen noe til gruppen, så vennligst gi meg kontaktinformasjonen, så jeg kan utarbeide kontaktlisten for statsråder. Under er kontaktinformasjonen som jeg ønsker å motta fra hver av dere. Når jeg har satt listen sammen, vil jeg videresende den til alle. Navn: Hjemmeadresse Adresse: Hjemmeadresse: Telefonadresse hjemme#: Hjemme E: E-postadresse: Ny arbeidsplass (eventuelt): Arbeidsadresse: Telefonnummer arbeid E: E-postadresse: Celle #: Informasjon om andre familiemedlemmer: Oppgi nåværende (eller framtidig, om kjent) adresse og telefonnummer. Takk til alle!!!!!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( | What is the subject line for this email? With all the ongoing changes that have taken place here and the known fact that some of us will go our separate ways, it is my hope that we can all keep in touch in the future. I'd like to put something together for the group, so please give me the contact information so I can draw up the contact list for Ministers. Below is the contact information I would like to receive from each of you. Once I put the list together, I'll pass it on to everyone. Name: Home Address Address: Home Address: Home Phone Address#: Home Email Address: New place of work (if any): Work Address: Work Phone number Work E: E-mail: Cell #: Information about other family members: Enter current (or future, if known) address and phone number. Thank you all!!!!!! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or | <unk>-La oss holde i kontakt<unk> Kontaktliste | <unk>-Let's keep in touch<unk> Contact list |
Can there not be an argument made to dive into TXN? It's trading at 25 forward P/E (2001) with a 5-year consensus growth rate of 24.2. A PEG of ~1 on a high quality stock with superior technology, good management, great market position and tremendous long-term growth has got to be an opportunity, right? What's your view? The technicals (MACD) are not great right now but I think fundamentally this is a tremendous value long-term. It looks like the economy has really got the brakes on now (too much) but wouldn't you expect the market to begin pricing in rate cuts in 2001 pretty soon and an eventual return to high growth in technology? I wouldn't touch any peripheral players but some of the megacap stocks with great market positions, like TXN, are sure tempting. Nasdaq down 46% from its March high and not looking good at the open. This could be a "buy while there is blood in the streets" opportunity.
Generate a subject line for this email. | TXN | aeslc_10templates | 224 | Kan det ikke være et argument som går ut på å stupe ned i TXN? Det er handel ved 25 ward p/E (2001) med en 5-årig konsensusvekstrate på 24,2. En PEG av ~1 på en høy kvalitet med overlegen teknologi, god ledelse, stor markedsposisjon og enorm langsiktig vekst må vel være en mulighet? Hva mener du? De tekniske (snarvei) er ikke store akkurat nå men jeg tror prinsipielt at dette er en enorm verdi på lang sikt. Det ser ut som om økonomien har bremset opp nå (for mye) men ville du ikke forvente at markedet begynner å sette pris i takstkutt i 2001 ganske snart og en eventuell retur til høy vekst i teknologi? Jeg ville ikke røre noen perifere spillere men noen av megacap-beholdningene med store markedsposisjoner, som TXN, er sikre fristende. Nasdaq ned 46% fra sin mars-høyde og ser ikke bra ut i åpent lende. Dette kan være en «kjøpe» mens det er blod i gatene<unk> mulighet. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Could it not be an argument to dive into the TXN? There is trade at 25ward p/E (2001) with a 5-year consensus growth rate of 24.2. A high-quality PEG of ~1 with superior technology, good leadership, great market position and enormous long-term growth must be a possibility, right? What do you mean? The technical (shortcut) is not big right now, but I think, in principle, this is a huge long-term value. It seems that the economy has slowed down (too much) but wouldn’t you expect the market to start to price off in 2001 pretty soon and a return to high technology growth, if any? I didn't want to touch any peripheral players but some of the megacap stocks with big market positions, like TXN, are sure to be tempting. Nasdaq descends 46% from his March altitude and does not look good in the open. This could be a "buyer" while there's blood in the streets<unk> possibility. Create a subject line for this email. | NON | NONE |
Write a subject line for this message:
These are the books we have set up for Natural Gas that need to be uploaded into Risktrac. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thanks. John | Gas Books | aeslc_10templates | 225 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Dette er de bøkene vi har opprettet for naturgass som må lastes opp til Risiko. Si fra hvis du trenger noe annet fra meg. Takk. etter: | Write a topic field for this message: These are the books we have created for natural gas that have to be uploaded to Risk. Let me know if you need anything else from me. Thank you. after: | Produsgers derfor | Therefore, producers |
What is the subject line for this email?
David: Just wanted to let you know that Jason is doing a fantastic job helping us out! He is eager and willing to do whatever we give him and a quick learner. You made an excellent choice and we appreciate it. Thanks. | Jason Peters | aeslc_10templates | 226 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? David: Bare så du vet at Jason gjør en fantastisk jobb for å hjelpe oss! Han er ivrig og villig til å gjøre hva vi enn gir ham, og en som er snar til å lære. Du gjorde et utmerket valg, og det setter vi pris på. Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? David: Just so you know that Jason is doing an amazing job to help us! He is eager and willing to do whatever we give him and one who is quick to learn. You made an excellent choice, and we appreciate it. Thank you. | Gjentaker | Repeats |
Write a subject line for this message:
Sara, Gary wants to remove Andy from the current list of officers for ECT Investments, Inc. He would like this filing done as soon as possible. Thanks Sheila | Remove Andrew S. Fastow from ECT Investments, List of officers | aeslc_10templates | 227 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Sara, Gary vil fjerne Andy fra listen over offiserer i ECT Investments, Inc. Han vil ha denne innhentingen gjort så snart som mulig. Takk skal du ha. | Enter a subject field for this message: Sara, Gary will remove Andy from the list of officers of ECT Investments, Inc. He wants this pickup done as soon as possible. Thank you. | Fjern «S. Fastow» fra «extect Invests, Lit of officiers» | Remove the 'S. Fastow' from the exect Invests, Lit of Offices' |
Write an email with the following subject:
Neptune Project order (ER01-2099) | On July 26, 2001, FERC issued an order conditionally approving the proposed tariff for the Neptune Project, which will consist of several thousand miles of undersea high-voltage direct current transmission systems connecting Main, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to the capacity-constrained markets of Maine, New York City, Long Island and Connecticut. As a merchant transmission facility, Neptune proposed to assume all the risk of the the project. It proposed rates effectively capped by market forces. Conditions on the Commission's approval: - Neptune must join an RTO adjacent to or containing the geographic area of its proposed faciliteis and must place operational control of its facilities under the RTO. - Service must be provided pursuant to the Order No 888 pro forma tariff (Commission denied Neptune's request for a waiver). - Neptune cannot negotiate bilateral transactions prior to conducting its open season; it must make all capacity available solely through the open season process. If you would like any further information, please let me know. | aeslc_10templates | 228 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Neptun Project Order (ER01-20 99) | Write an e-mail on the following subject: Neptune Project Order (ER01-20 99) | Den 26. juli 2001 utstedte FERC en ordre om betingelset å godkjenne den foreslåtte tariffen for Neptune Project, som vil bestå av flere tusen kilometer med undersjøiske systemer for likestrøm med høyspenning som forbinder Main, New Brunswick og Nova Scotia med de kapasitetsbegrensede markedene i Maine, New York City, Long Island og Connecticut. Som et overføringslaboratorium foreslo Neptun å påta seg all risiko for prosjektet. Den foreslåtte satsen er effektivt påvirket av markedskrefter. Vilkårene for Kommisjonens godkjenning:<unk> Neptun må slutte seg til en transportør i nærheten av eller inneholde det geografiske området til den foreslåtte faciiliterisen, og skal innføre driftskontroll av sine anlegg under RTO. - Tjenesten må ytes i henhold til ordensnr. 888 proforma-tariff (Kommisjonen avslåtte Neptuns søknad om unntak). - kan ikke forhandle om bilaterale transaksjoner før det gjennomføres sin åpne sesong; det skal stille all kapasitet til rådighet bare gjennom åpen sesong. Si fra hvis du vil ha mer informasjon. | On July 26, 2001, FERC issued an order to approve the proposed tariff for the Neptune Project, which will consist of thousands of miles of undersea systems for direct current with high voltage connecting Main, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia with the capacity - restricted markets in Maine, New York City, Long Island, and Connecticut. As a transfer laboratory, Neptune proposed to cover all the risks to the project. The proposed rate is effectively affected by market forces. The conditions of the Commission's approval: Neptune must join a carrier in the vicinity or contain the geographical area of the proposed faciililiteris and must establish operational controls of its facilities under the RTO. - The service must be provided according to Order No 888 proforma tariff (Commission refused Neptune’s application for a derogation). - may not negotiate bilateral transactions before the completion of its open season; it shall make all capacity available only during the open season. Let me know if you need any more information. |
I've consolidated the presentation slides we decided on (and added a few). It is still very rough and probably too long, but at a good point to dig in and really discuss what we want to say and how we want to say it. Ty
Propose a subject line for this email? | Fundies Draft Presentation | aeslc_10templates | 229 | Har gjort om presentasjonsbildene vi har bestemt oss for (og lagt til noen). Den er fortsatt svært grov og trolig for lang, men på et godt punkt å grave i og virkelig diskutere hva vi vil si og hvordan vi vil si det. Tyslet du deg med en subjektlinje for denne e-posten? | I've re-designed the presentation photos we've decided on (and added some). It is still very rough and probably too long, but at a good point to dig in and really discuss what we will say and how we will say it. Did you rat out a subject line for this email? | Forsamlingenes opplagsavhandling Presentasjon | Presentation of the Collections |
Write an email with the subject line "TXU Credit Exposure". | Missed your call today and I will be in RAC PRC all day tomorrow. Basically Jeff said we must get this exposure down but gave no parameters to the statement. He did ask if any recent issue is causing us concern to which we said no, and I also said we know more about this company than any other exposure we have (which we should). I also spoke with M. Kopper today and he thinks the proposed deal w/ TXU to pay slightly more for a plant with the proviso that we get a cleaner contract is a good idea, rather than paying a lot of money to an investment bank. Moral of story in my opinion is to try and improve deal structure with TXU through the plant purchase or other structured deal. Do no more (large) deals with TXU that significantly increase credit exposure ($10mm??) unless we buy a derivative that reduces exposure simultaneously. Continue to stay on top of TXU with frequent meetings with their management to maintain a close relationship with good communication. Lets try and discuss Wed if possible. | aeslc_10templates | 230 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>TXU Kredittrisiko <unk> | Type a mail using the subject line <unk>TXU Credit Risk <unk> | Jeg har gått glipp av samtalen i dag, og jeg vil være i RAC PRRC hele dagen i morgen. Jeff sa at vi må få denne avsløringen ned, men ga ingen parametre for uttalelsen. han har spurt om noe nylig har gitt oss grunn til noe vi sa nei til, og jeg sa også at vi vet mer om dette selskapet enn noen annen eksponering vi har (som vi bør). Jeg har også snakket med M. Kopper i dag og han mener at den foreslåtte avtalen w/ TXU om å betale litt mer for en fabrikk med det forbudet om at vi får en rengjøringskontrakt er en god idé, heller enn å betale mye penger til en investeringsbank. Min mening er at jeg skal prøve og forbedre avtalestrukturen med TXU gjennom plantekjøpet eller en annen strukturert avtale. Ikke mer (stor) omhandler TXU som øker kreditteksponeringen betydelig ($???) med mindre vi kjøper et derivat som reduserer eksponeringen samtidig. Fortsett å holde seg på toppen av TxU med hyppige møter med sin ledelse for å opprettholde et nært forhold til god kommunikasjon. La oss prøve å drøfte Wed om mulig. | I've missed the call today, and I want to be in the RAC PRRC all day tomorrow. Jeff said we need to get this revelation down, but we didn't give any parameters for the statement. he has asked if anything has recently given us reason to refuse, and I also said that we know more about this company than any other exposure we have (as we should). I've also talked to M. Copper today and he believes that the proposed agreement w/ TXU to pay a little more for a factory with that prohibition that we get a cleaning contract is a good idea, rather than paying a lot of money to an investment bank. My opinion is that I'm going to try and improve the contractual structure with TXU through the plant purchase or some other structured arrangement. No more (large) deal with TXU that significantly increases credit exposure ($?) unless we buy a derivative that reduces exposure simultaneously. Continue to remain on top of TxU with frequent meetings with their leadership in order to maintain a close relationship with good communication. Let us try to discuss Wed if possible. |
Afternoon, Enclosed is an amended worksheet for Ineos Acrylics Inc. We sent a draft under a different name a couple of months ago. This entity will be guaranteed by the ultimate parent as described in the worksheet. Please prepare this draft and forward to Eric and Graham at Ineos, with a copy to me. Give me a call with any questions. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Ineos Acrylics | aeslc_10templates | 231 | Vi sendte et utkast under et annet navn for et par måneder siden. Denne enheten vil bli garantert av det overordnede morforetaket som beskrevet i arbeidsarket. Vennligst forbered dette utkastet og gi et eksemplar til Eric og Graham i Ineos, med et eksemplar til meg. Ring meg med spørsmål. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | We sent a draft under a different name a few months ago. This unit will be guaranteed by the ultimate parent as described in the worksheet. Please prepare this draft and give Eric and Graham a copy in Ineos with a copy for me. Call me with questions. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail. | Inos Akrystallis | Inos Acrylis |
What is the subject line for this email?
Tim, my understanding is that partnership fee (the $11.0M) has been amortized for the last several years and expensed to the Industrial groups (McConville and Ondarza). As you are aware, I sued them for breach. The settlement involved the elimination of all existing transactions between Ft. James and Enron including the Wauna and Halsey power contracts. It is my understanding that the benefit of the elimination of those shorts resides in the Portland shop. The elimination of the shorts would not have occurred without the lawsuit on the alliance and the settlement I originated. It seemed logical to charge the Portland office with the remaining un-amortized fee of $1.8M as a cost of eliminating the shorts for no cost and no future contingent liability. Lets discuss. Regards | Fort James Amortization | aeslc_10templates | 232 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Tim, jeg forstår at partnerskapsavgiften (for 11 kroner) har blitt amortisert de siste årene og utgiftsført til industrigruppene (McConville og Ondarza). Som du vet, saksøker jeg dem for brudd på loven. Oppgjøret innebar eliminering av alle eksisterende transaksjoner mellom Ft. James og Enron inkludert effektkontraktene Wauna og Halsey. Fordelen ved å eliminere de kortshortene er i verkstedet. Elimineringen av shortsene ville ikke ha skjedd uten søksmålet om alliansen og forliket jeg stammet fra. Det var logisk å belaste Portland-kontoret med den gjenværende uamorterte prisen på $ 1 .8M som en kostnad ved å eliminere shortsene for ingen kostnad og ingen fremtidige betingede forpliktelser. La oss diskutere. papers | What is the subject line for this email? Tim, I understand that the partnership fee ($11, U.S.) has been amortised over the past few years and is being charged to the industrial groups (McConville and Ondarza). As you know, I'm suing them for breaking the law. The settlement involved the elimination of all existing transactions between Ft. James and Enron including the performance contracts Wauna and Halsey. The advantage of eliminating those shorts is in the workshop. The elimination of the shorts would not have happened without the lawsuit about the alliance and the settlement from which I came. It was logical to charge the Portland office with the remaining unamortised price of $1.8M as an expense in eliminating shorts at no cost and no future contingent liabilities. Let's talk. papers | Fort James- avfotografisering | Fort James Photography |
This is to advise you that we are still working on your individual issues regarding the lack of representation in your specific areas on the Associate PRC Committee. I will keep you posted on the outcome. Thanks,
Propose a subject line for this email? | ASSOCIATE PRC | aeslc_10templates | 233 | Dette vil bidra til at vi fortsatt arbeider med dine individuelle spørsmål i forbindelse med mangelen på representasjon på de områder du har i Den annen PRC-komité. Jeg skal holde deg oppdatert om utfallet. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten? | This will help us continue to deal with your individual questions regarding the lack of representation in the areas you have in the Second PRC Committee. I'll keep you posted on the outcome. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail? | ASSARK | ASSARK |
Rob, independent of dotted/solid lines, you already have the primary and complete responsibility to manage the office and the business. At the risk of being bold, I think the undercurrent of your note and your discussions with Haedicke over the last couple of days is a matter of absolute control. Ownership and passion are important characteristics of our best commercial people but so is fostering a diversity of opinions and ideas. With the back and mid office, the current Enron model is based upon scale and standardization which generates tremendous operating leverage. Further, it helps us manage risk and is a board mandated control issue. In the long-run, it is actually less costly (ie) systems that don't work together, less transferable human capital, un-managed legal risks, etc. A lot of your points are very valid and Haedicke has never and never will get in the way of managing commercial business; however, Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al have a mandate to provide a flexible, scalable but standardized delivery mechanism, that manages our risk across the broad empire. Don't quit protecting the business and your people; however, please help accomplish some of these goals as well. In short, I would like to keep the reporting structures the same. Lets take the earliest opporunity to discuss this. Regards
Write a subject line for this email. | Reporting Structure | aeslc_10templates | 234 | Rob, uavhengig av stiptede/faste linjer, har du allerede hovedansvaret og hele ansvaret for å lede kontoret og virksomheten. Ved fare for å være dristig, tror jeg at understrømmen av ditt notat og dine diskusjoner med Haedicke over de siste par dagene er et spørsmål om absolutt kontroll. Eierskap og lidenskap er viktige kjennetegn ved våre beste kommersielle mennesker, men det samme er å fremme et mangfold av meninger og ideer. Med bak- og midtkontor er den nåværende Enron-modellen basert på skala og standardisering som gir et enormt driftsfortjeneste. Videre hjelper det oss å håndtere risiko og er et styringsmandat i kontrollspørsmål. I langrennet er det egentlig mindre kostbare (e) systemer som ikke arbeider sammen, minus omsettelig menneskelig kapital, ikke-styrt juridisk risiko osv. Mange av dine poeng er svært gyldige og Haedicke har aldri og vil aldri komme i veien for å styre forretningsvirksomhet; men Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al har et mandat til å tilby en fleksibel, skalerbar, men standardisert leveringsmekanisme, som styrer vår risiko på tvers av det brede riket. Ikke slutt å beskytte virksomheten og ditt folk, men vær så snill å hjelpe til med å nå noen av disse målene også. Kort sagt, jeg vil gjerne beholde de rapporterende strukturene likt. La oss ta den tidligste oporunity for å diskutere dette. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Rob, regardless of the stipede/fixed lines, you're already the main responsibility and the full responsibility for managing the office and the business. At the risk of being bold, I think the undercurrent of your note and your discussions with Haedicke over the last couple of days is a matter of absolute control. Ownership and passion are important characteristics of our best commercial people, but the same is to promote a variety of opinions and ideas. With the back and centre offices, the current Enron model is based on a scale and standardization that provides a huge operating service. Furthermore, it helps us to manage risks and is a management mandate on control issues. In the cross-country, there are actually less expensive (e) systems that do not work together, less transferable human capital, non-directed legal risks, etc. Many of your points are very valid and Haedicke never has and will never get in the way of managing business; but Mark, Wes, Sally, Beth et al has a mandate to offer a flexible, scalable, but standardised delivery mechanism that governs our risk across the wide empire. Do not stop protecting your business and people, but please help to reach some of these goals too. In short, I'd like to keep the reporting structures even. Let's take the earliest oporunity to discuss this. Type a subject line for this email. | Det overordnede tilsynet i det tilsyn og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og og | the overall supervision of it and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and, and |
Write an email with the following subject:
my schedule | Scott: I just wanted to let you know that I am working on a number of quarter-end deals and haven't heard from anyone today about the ESA swap for Raptor 2. I WILL NOT BE IN THE OFFICE ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. However, I will identify a lawyer to assist on this transaction should the need arise. I'll be back in the office on Monday. Sara | aeslc_10templates | 235 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: min timeplan | Write an e-mail on the following subject: my schedule | Scott: Jeg ville bare si at jeg jobber med en rekke kvartalsavtaler og har ikke hørt fra noen i dag om ESA-bytteavtalen for raptor 2. JEG BLIR IKKE PÅ FRED PÅ FRED, SKJEBER 29. Jeg vil imidlertid identifisere en advokat som kan bistå ved denne transaksjonen dersom det skulle oppstå behov for det. Jeg er tilbake på kontoret mandag. _Tilpass | Scott: I just wanted to say that I work on a number of quarterly contracts and have not heard from anyone today about the ESA swap for Raptor 2. I DO NOT FEAR AT PEACE, SCHEDULE 29. However, I will identify a lawyer who will be able to assist in this transaction in the event of a need. I'll be back in my office on Monday. _Customize |
Write a subject line for this message:
Shortly before the teleconference Board meeting two weeks ago we received an application from the Bank of England for subscriber membership. When we have considered central banks or government agencies for membership in the past, consideration has focused on the nature of the applicant's derivatives activities, its regulatory role and the type of information they are likely to obtain from ISDA. Because of their derivatives activities, we have generally admitted these applicants (e.g., the Kingdoms of Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, the Reserve Banks of South Africa and New Zealand). We have even admitted the Bank for International Settlements as a member. In general, we let them know that they may not be able to receive the full range of ISDA materials (e.g., draft comment letters or position papers) and that there may be a need to exclude them from certain committees or discussions. In previous Board discussions, a higher degree of concern has been expressed if, theoretically, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England or similarly influential central banks were to apply for membership. These central banks typically have a greater degree of involvement in the regulatory debates (particularly on capital) and are better positioned to influence the process. Since some of those previous debates, the regulatory role of the Bank of England has diminished and the role of the Financial Services Authority has correspondingly increased. The Bank of England still plays the traditional central bank roles of controller of the money supply, dealing in the market and lender of last resort, but the supervisory role has shifted to the FSA. In light of these developments, but recognizing the concerns previously expressed on central bank membership, I would appreciate your views on the application of the Bank of England. We have also had overtures from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority regarding membership although we have not received an application. Please share your views with the other members of the Board. Bob | Bank of England Application | aeslc_10templates | 236 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Kort tid før møtet for to uker siden mottok vi en søknad fra Bank of England om abonnentmedlemskap. Når vi tidligere har vurdert sentralbanker eller offentlige organer for medlemskap, har det vært tatt hensyn til arten av søkerens virksomhet i forbindelse med derivater, dennes rolle som reguleringsmyndighet og hvilken type informasjon de sannsynligvis vil få fra ISDA. På grunn av sin virksomhet med derivater har vi vanligvis innrømmet disse søkerne (f.eks. Kongeriket Belgia, Danmark og Sverige, Reservebankene i Sør-Afrika og New Zealand). Vi har til og med innrømmet at Banken har vært medlem av Det internasjonale oppgjøret. Generelt lar vi dem få vite at de kanskje ikke er i stand til å motta hele spekteret av ISDA-materialer (f.eks. utkast til kommentarbrev eller stillingspapirer) og at det kan være behov for å utelukke dem fra visse komiteer eller diskusjoner. I tidligere nemnde diskusjoner har høyere grad av bekymring blitt uttrykt dersom, teoretisk sett, sentralbanken, Japans bank, Englands bank eller tilsvarende innflytelsesrike sentralbanker skulle søke om medlemskap. Disse sentralbanker har typisk større grad av engasjement i reguleringsdebattene (særlig om kapital), og er bedre posisjonert til å påvirke prosessen. Etter noen av de foregående diskusjonene har den engelske Banks rolle som reguleringsrolle avtatt, og rollen til Finanstilsynsmyndigheten har økt tilsvarende. Bank of England spiller fortsatt de tradisjonelle sentralbankrollene som kontrollør av pengesedlene, som handler i markedet og långiver av siste utvei, men tilsynsrollen har gått over til FSA. I lys av denne utviklingen, men ettersom jeg er klar over de forhold som tidligere er uttrykt om medlemskap i sentralbanken, vil jeg sette pris på deres synspunkter om anvendelsen av Bank of England. Vi har også hatt uttalelser fra Den monetære myndighet i Hongkong om medlemskap, selv om vi ikke har mottatt en søknad. Vis de andre styremedlemmene hva du mener. Se etter etter etter at hun fikk sitt navn etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter etter etter etter at hun etter etter etter at hun fikk se etter etter etter etter etter at hun etter etter etter etter at hun etter etter etter at hun etter etter etter etter kvinne etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter kvinne etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter ettersftftftft etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter 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etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter | Write a subject field for this message: Shortly before the meeting two weeks ago we received an application from the Bank of England for subscriber membership. Having previously considered central banks or public bodies for membership, it has taken into account the nature of the applicant’s activities in relation to derivatives, its role as regulatory authority and the type of information they are likely to obtain from ISDA. Due to its activities with derivatives, we have usually admitted to these applicants (e.g. the Kingdom of Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, the Reserve Banks in South Africa and New Zealand). We have even admitted that the Bank has been a member of the International Settlement. In general, we let them know that they may not be able to receive the full spectrum of ISDA materials (e.g. draft comments or job papers) and that there may be a need to exclude them from certain committees or discussions. In previous discussions, more concern has been expressed if, theoretically, the central bank, Japan’s bank, England’s bank, or similar influential central banks were to apply for membership. Typically, these central banks have a greater degree of involvement in regulatory Debates (especially capital), and are better placed to influence the process. After some of the foregoing discussions, the role of the regulatory role of the Bank of England has diminished, and the role of the Financial Authority has increased accordingly. The Bank of England still plays the traditional central bank roles as the controller of the bank notes, who trades in the market and the lender of the last resort, but the supervisory role has shifted to the FSA. In view of this development, but since I am aware of the circumstances previously expressed on membership of the central bank, I would appreciate your views on the application of the Bank of England. We have also had statements from the monetary authority of Hong Kong about membership, although we have not received an application. Show the other board members what you think. After after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after 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after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after after | Sbankens innleveringssøknad | Bank submission request |
Dear Ken: This note builds on the earlier voice mail, and a memorandum I have sent to you, following the Dave Dorman meeting. Given the initial ground work done by our team at ATT leadership level, the meeting between Jeff and David Dorman, we think did go as expected by us. I am sure Dave and Stewart, along with Jeff have shared their views of the meeting, and do feel positive about the process forward. Our take on the meeting is as follows: 1. Dave Dorman is open and eager to explore ways ATT and Enron could cooperate across the board. 2. Dave wants to move fast, but at a pace that will work within ATT, and is strategically sound for both the organizations 3. He is now looking forward to specific value propositions from Enron-Adventis team, which he is prepared to discuss with us. 4. On that basis I am sure he will guide us to the most appropriate guys within ATT who will need to understand and act on the value propositions. In view of the above the real work begins now. As discussed with Dave and Stewart, we will further reinforce our commitment to develop, and take the basic proposals with ATT forward. Our team is already on the job and will meet with Stewart early this week. I did indicate to both Dave and Stewart that we will like to take the next steps in a most expeditious and matured fashion so that all the strategic possibilities to create the new bandwidth dynamics between the two companies could be achieved. Given that there were some hesitation within Enron on the out come of the first meeting with ATT, we committed to the last 2.5 weeks of work with a reduced fee structure. Now that the first major step has been successfully taken, we plan to work with you along our normal professional fee schedule. As we do want to move as fast as possible and if at any point indications are that the desired out come will be difficult to achieve we could stop and review progress. As a result, although not common, we are willing to work with a weekly rate, adjusted to professional fees of $75,000/week and out of pocket expenses. In addition of course for an engagement of this nature which essentially leverages our firms professional credibility and trust in the industry, our clients pay us on the basis of successful execution of the alliance formation along preset milestones. Given the strategic nature of this engagement, and our commitment to assist you with all the major Telcos, -- incumbents and new, we will welcome to
Write a subject line for this email. | Moving forward: URGENT, URGENT. | aeslc_10templates | 237 | Ken: Dette brevet bygger på posten fra den tidligere taleposten, og et memorandum jeg har sendt til deg, etter møtet med Dave Dorman. På bakgrunn av det første bakkearbeidet som ble utført av vårt team på ATTs ledernivå, møtet mellom Jeff og David Dorman, tror vi gikk som forventet av oss. Jeg er sikker på at Dave og Stewart, sammen med Jeff, har delte syn på møtet og er positive til prosessen fremover. Dette møtet blir slik: 1. Dave Dorman er åpen og ivrig etter å utforske måter ATT og Enron kunne samarbeide på tvers av styret. 2 . Dave ønsker å bevege seg raskt, men i et tempo som vil fungere innenfor ATT, og er strategisk forsvarlig for begge organisasjonene 3. Han ser nå frem til spesifikke verdiforslag fra Enron-Adventis team, som han er forberedt på å diskutere med oss. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller På den bakgrunn er jeg sikker på at han vil lede oss til de mest passende menn innen ATST som vil trenge å forstå og handle på verdi-proposisjonene. I betraktning av det som er nevnt ovenfor, begynner det virkelige arbeid nå. Som vi snakket med Dave og Stewart, vil vi videreutvikle vår forpliktelse til å utvikle, og ta basisforslagene med ATT frem. Teamet vårt er allerede på jobb og vil møte Stewart tidlig i denne uken. Jeg viste både til Dave og Stewart at vi gjerne vil ta de neste skrittene i en svært hurtig og moden stil, slik at alle de strategiske mulighetene for å skape den nye båndbredden mellom de to selskapene kunne oppnås. Ettersom det var noe nøling i Enron ved første møte med ATT, forpliktet vi oss til de siste 2,5 ukene med arbeid med redusert lønnsstruktur. Nå som det første store skrittet er blitt tatt, planlegger vi å samarbeide med dere i henhold til vår vanlige gebyravtale. Som vi ønsker å gå så fort som mulig og om det på et hvilket som helst punkt er indikasjoner på at ønsket ut kommer vil være vanskelig å oppnå vil vi kunne stoppe og gjennomgå fremgang. Derfor er vi, selv om vi ikke er vanlige, villige til å jobbe med en ukerente, justert til honorarer for profesjoner på 75 000/uke og uten lommekostnader. I tillegg til at våre klienter har en slik art som i hovedsak påvirker våre firmaers tillit til bransjen, betaler våre kunder oss på grunnlag av vellykket gjennomføring av alliansedannelsen langs forhåndsinnstilte milepæler. På grunn av denne avtalens strategiske natur, og vår forpliktelse til å hjelpe deg med alle de store Telcos, -- påhvilende og nye, vil vi gjerne skrive en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Ken: This letter is based on the post office from the previous voice mail, and a memoir I sent to you after the meeting with Dave Dorman. Based on the first ground effort of our ATT leadership team, the meeting between Jeff and David Dorman, we believe we went as expected. I'm sure Dave and Stewart, with Jeff, have shared views of the meeting and are positive of the process ahead. This meeting will be like this: 1. Dave Dorman is open and eager to explore ways ATT and Enron could work together across the board. Two. Dave wants to move fast, but at a rate that will work within ATT, and is strategically sound for both organisations 3. He is now looking forward to specific value proposals from Enron-Adventi's team, which he is prepared to discuss with us. la or la or la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la or la la la or la la la la or la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la From that point on, I'm sure he will lead us to the most appropriate men in CTU who will need to understand and act on the value-propositions. In view of the foregoing, real work is starting now. As we talked to Dave and Stewart, we will further develop our commitment to develop and take the basic proposals with ATT. Our team is already on duty and wants to meet Stewart early this week. I showed both Dave and Stewart that we would like to take the next steps in a very fast and mature style, so that all the strategic possibilities of creating the new bandwidth between the two companies could be achieved. Since there was some hesitation in Enron at the first meeting with ATT, we committed ourselves to the last two and a half weeks of work on a reduced wage structure. Now that the first major step has been taken, we plan to cooperate with you under our usual fee agreement. As we want to move as quickly as possible and if at any point there are indications that the wish out will be difficult to achieve, we will be able to stop and go through progress. That's why, even though we're not ordinary, we're willing to work on a week's drive, adjusted to pay fees for 75 grand a week and without pocket costs. In addition to the nature of our clients that mainly influences our companies' trust in the industry, our customers pay us on the basis of successful implementation of the alliance along pre-set milestones. Because of the strategic nature of this agreement, and our obligation to help you with all the great Telcos -- resting and new, we would like to write a topic line for this e-mail. | Framover: UNDERSØKT, UNDERSØK. | Forwards: EXAMINATION, EXAMINATION. |
This is an email
What is the subject of this email? | National Fun Day | aeslc_10templates | 238 | Dette er en EVENTUELL HENSYN TIL EN GJENNOMFØRING AV KALGARBEID. THANK ANGELA I DAG ER NASJONAL DAG I VÅR TID I VARET (så kom deg til arbeid!) Takk for at du er her! LAVORATO Hva er temaet i denne e-posten? | This is an EVENTUAL VIEW OF AN IMPLEMENTATION OF CALGATION. THANK ANGELA TODAY IS NATIONAL DAY IN OUR TIME IN THE VARIATION (then get to work!) Thank you for being here! What is the theme of this e-mail? | Den nasjonale morgendagen | National Tomorrow |
This is an email
Gouger Gray Davis California's petulant governor ignores reality as he overpays for electricity LANCE T. IZUMI Mr. Izumi is a senior fellow in California Studies at the San Francisco- based Pacific Research Institute. On the surface, things seem to be going pretty good for Gov. Gray Davis with regard to California's electricity crisis. The governor has scored some nice publicity by switching on some new power plants. The weather has been unseasonably cool. His poll numbers are edging back up. Yet beneath this optimistic picture lie troubling problems. For example, Davis's argument that out-of-state power generators are responsible for the electricity crisis has been falling apart. For months, Davis has been claiming that private generators have overcharged California by $8.9 billion and demanded that this amount be refunded to the state. However, after a two-week mediation between state officials and the generators, Curtis Wagner, the federal government's chief energy regulatory judge, rebuked Davis's claim saying that such a huge overcharge "has not and cannot be substantiated." Further, while the generators may be liable to refund a much smaller amount to the state, perhaps $1 billion, Wagner said that generators are owed more money by the state than they owe the state in refunds: "Can a cash refund be required where a much larger amount is due the seller? The chief judge thinks not." Davis reacted to the judge's ruling by calling it a "raw deal" and by urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to ignore the lack of evidence and the judge's conclusions and to "step up and provide the refunds we've asked for." Davis's position, as usual, is motivated purely by politics. Indeed, Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee says that Davis is operating in a "melodramatic virtual world" de-linked from reality. Davis's blame-the-generators argument took another body blow when newly released documents showed that, on average, major out-of-state power companies such as Enron, Duke, Dynergy and Mirant charged less than the average prices paid by the state during the first three months of the year. California government utilities, on the other hand, such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), charged the state much more for electricity than the out-of-state generators. For example, while Texas-based Enron, a favorite Davis whipping boy, charged an average $181 per megawatt hour, SMUD charged an average $330 per megawatt hour. Davis responded to this revelation in typical political fashion. A Davis spokesman said that the governor had expressed his anger at "the generators who wear cowboy hats" and that "just because there are other entities that are charging us more doesn't change the fact that we are getting ripped off by companies from Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta or Charlotte." Yet, for all Davis' feigned indignation about consumers being ripped off, it turns out that he and his regulators are poised to ensure that business consumers are ripped off by state government. Davis has signed $43 billion in ill-advised long-term purchase contracts at rates above-market-price. The state must, therefore, ensure that enough business customers remain in the current state-controlled distribution system to pay for high-priced state power purchases. This is especially important to Davis since the high prices are borne disproportionately by business. Thus, Davis' regulators are set to eliminate "direct access," which allows businesses to shop for cheaper power. Who's the real gouger? No matter how much Davis points the finger, Californians are paying dearly for his political opportunism and bad policies.
What is the subject of this email? | Gouger Gray Davis : | aeslc_10templates | 239 | Dette er en e-post Gouger Gray Davis Californias fødende guvernør overser virkeligheten idet han overbetaler for elektrisk kraft LANCE T. IZUMI Mr. Izumi er en senior ved California Studies ved San Francisco-baserte Pacific Research Institute. På overflaten ser det ut til at ting går ganske bra for Gov. Gray Davis med hensyn til Californias elektrisitetskrise. Guvernøren har fått en god omtale ved å slå på nye kraftverk. Været har vært uhelbredelig kjølig. Hans meningsmålinger er på vei oppover igjen. Men under dette framtidsbildet ligger problemene. For eksempel har Davis' argument om at strømgeneratorer utenfor staten står bak elektrisitetskrisen vært i ferd med å falle fra hverandre. I flere måneder har Davis hevdet at private generatorer har overladet California med $80,9 milliarder og krevd at dette beløpet skal tilbakebetales til staten. Men etter en to ukers mekling mellom statstjenestemenn og generatorene, Curtis Wagner, den føderale regjeringens øverste energiregulator, refset Davis sin påstand om at en så stor overopplading ikke har og ikke kan dokumenteres<unk> Og selv om generatorene kan være i stand til å tilbakebetale et mye mindre beløp til staten, kanskje 1 milliard dollar, sa Wagner at generatorer er skylde mer penger av staten enn de skylder staten i tilbakebetalinger:<unk>Kan man kreve en kontant refundering når et mye større beløp er forfalt selgeren? Overdommeren mener ikke <unk> Davis reagerte på dommerens avgjørelse ved å kalle det en \"raff-avtale\"<unk> og ved å oppfordre Federal Energy Regulering Commission til å se bort fra mangelen på bevis og dommerens konklusjoner og til å<unk>oppstå og gi tilbakebetalingene vi har bedt om<unk> Davis' posisjon er, som vanlig, motivert av politikk. Dan Walters i Sacramento Bee sier at Davis opererer i en verden som er preget av velodramatisk virtualitet<unk> som er koblet fra virkeligheten. Davis' skyld-the-generators argument tok en annen body blow da nylig utgitte dokumenter viste at i gjennomsnitt større ikke-statlige kraftselskaper som Enron, Duke, Dynergy og Mirant som ble belastet mindre enn gjennomsnittsprisene som staten betalte i løpet av de tre første månedene av året. Offentlig forvaltning i California, for eksempel Los Angeles Department of Water and Power og Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), belastet derimot staten mye mer for elektrisk kraft enn for generatorer utenfor staten. For eksempel, mens den Texas-baserte Enron, favoritten Davis whipping boy, tok en gjennomsnittlig $181 per megawatt time, SUP-betaler en gjennomsnittlig $330 per mega-time. Davis svarte på denne åpenbaringen i typisk politisk stil. En Davis talsmann sa at guvernøren hadde uttrykt sitt sinne mot generatorene som bruker cowboyhatter, og at, og at - fordi det er andre enheter som er på oss mer endrer ikke det faktum at vi blir overvunnet av selskaper fra Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta eller Charlotte - Likevel viser det seg at han og hans reguleringsmyndigheter er klare til å sørge for at forbrukere blir lurt av delstatsregjeringen. Davis har signert 43 milliarder dollar i dårlige langsiktige kjøpekontrakter med priser over markedspris. Staten må derfor sørge for at nok bedriftskunder blir værende i det nåværende statskontrollerte distribusjonssystemet til å kunne betale for prisbelønte statlige kraftkjøp. Dette er spesielt viktig for Davis siden de høye prisene er i uforholdsmessig stor grad i forretningslivet. Dermed er Davis' regulators satt til å eliminere <unk>direkte-tilgang,<unk> noe som gir bedrifter mulighet til å handle om billigere kraft. Hvem er den ekte gougeren? Uansett hvor mye Davis peker ut fingeren, betaler innbyggerne dyrt for sin politiske opportunisme og dårlige politikk. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail Gouger Gray Davis California's birthing governor overlooking reality as he overpays for electricity LANCE T. IZUMI Mr. Izumi is a senior at the California Studies at the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. On the surface, things seem to be going pretty well for Gov. Gray Davis with regard to California's electrical crisis. The governor's gotten a good review by turning on new power plants. The weather has been incurably chilly. His polls are coming up again. But beneath that future lies the problems. For example, Davis' argument that power generators outside the state are responsible for the power crisis is falling apart. For months, Davis has claimed that private generators have overcharged California with $80.9 billion and demanded that this amount be repaid to the state. But after a two-week mediation between government officials and the generators, Curtis Wagner, the federal government's top energy regulator, Davis rebuked his claim that such a large overcharge has no and cannot be documented<unk> And while the generators may be able to pay back a much smaller amount to the state, perhaps $1 billion, Wagner said generators owe more money to the government than they owe to the government in refunds:<unk> Can one require a cash refund when a much larger amount is due to the seller? The Chief Judge doesn't mean "sink" Davis reacted to the judge's decision by calling it a "raff-agreement" and by encouraging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to disregard the lack of evidence and the judge's conclusions and to rise and give the refunds we've asked for<unk> Davis' position is, as usual, motivated by politics. Dan Walters of Sacramento Bee says Davis operates in a world of velodramatic virulence<unk> which is disconnected from reality. Davis' guilt-the-generator's argument took another body blow when recently published documents showed that on average larger non-governmental power companies such as Enron, Duke, Dynergy and Mirant were charged less than the average prices paid by the government during the first three months of the year. In contrast, California government, such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), charged the State with much more electricity than for outside generators. For example, while the Texas-based Enron, the favorite Davis Wiping Boy, took an average $181 per megawatt hour, the SUV-pays an average $330 per mega-hour. Davis responded to this revelation in typical political style. A Davis spokesman said that the governor had expressed his anger against the generators that use cowboy hats, and that, and that, because there are other units that are on us any more, the fact that we're being defeated by Houston, Tulsa, Atlanta, or Charlotte-- Yet, he and his regulatory authorities are ready to see to it that consumers are being deceived by the state government. Davis has signed $43 billion in poor long-term purchase contracts at prices above market prices. So the government must see to it that enough business customers remain in the current state - controlled distribution system to pay for price - paid government power purchases. This is especially important for Davis since high prices are disproportionately high in business. As such, Davis' regulators have been set to eliminate direct access,<unk> which allows businesses to deal with cheaper power. Who's the real Gouger? No matter how much Davis points out, citizens pay dearly for their political opportunism and bad politics. What is the subject of this email? | Gouger Gray Davis : | Gouger Gray Davis: |
This is the content of an email: In a conference call today with Alcoa on the Services business we are pursuing, the following issues with regard to credit were mentioned: 1. Alcoa has revoked a $10MM credit line they had open with Enron. 2. Alcoa was uncomfortable taking on more Enron exposure given the recent press. In addition to the power/gas exposure, there is metals exposure. 3. Future deals will need to be closely reviewed by Alcoa's credit group. By copy of this e-mail, I am requesting that Ed Sacks contact Mike Fry of Alcoa's credit group in Atlanta. Please advise if you need his phone number. Also, we want to move ahead with getting the EEI in place as Alcoa's represents one of our strongest prospects for the new Services business. We will need to get Alcoa comfortable with our credit issues. In addition, we are talking to Alcoa on various other pieces of business at their various smelters in PJM and TVA as well as rainfall hedges for their hydro operations. Oscar Dalton
What was the subject line for this email? | Alcoa | aeslc_10templates | 240 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: I en telefonsamtale i dag med Alcoa om den tjenestevirksomhet vi driver med, ble følgende spørsmål om kreditt nevnt: 1. Alcoa har tilbakekalt en kredittlinje på 10 milliarder dollar som de hadde åpnet med Enon. 2 . Alcoa følte seg ille til mote mer Enron-engasjement gitt den siste pressen. I tillegg til eksponering for elektrisk kraft/gass, er det eksponering for metaller. 3 . Fremtidige avtaler må følges nøye av Alcoas kredittgruppe. Jeg ber Ed Sacks kontakte Mike Fry fra Alcoas kredittgruppe i Atlanta. Kan du si fra om du trenger telefonnummeret hans? Og vi ønsker å komme videre med å få EEI-en på plass slik Alcoas representerer en av våre sterkeste muligheter for nye tjenester. Vi må gjøre Alcoa komfortabel med kredittproblemene våre. I tillegg snakker vi med Alcoa om flere andre forretningsvirksomheter i deres forskjellige smelteverk i PJM og TVA og om de store nedbørsmengdene i deres hydrooperasjoner. Oscar Dalton Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: In a telephone call today with Alcoa about our service activity, the following questions about credit were mentioned: 1. Alcoa has withdrawn a $10 billion credit line that they had opened with Enon. Two. Alcoa felt uncomfortable with more Enron exposure given to the last press. In addition to exposure to electricity/gas, there is exposure to metals. Three. Future agreements must be closely followed by Alcoa's credit group. I'll have Ed Sacks contact Mike Fry from Alcoa's credit group in Atlanta. Can you let me know if you need his phone number? And we want to move on by getting the EEI in place as Alcoas represents one of our strongest opportunities for new services. We need to make Alcoa comfortable with our credit problems. In addition, we talk to Alcoa about several other businesses in their various smelting plants in PJM and TVA and about the heavy rainfall in their hydrosurgery. Oscar Dalton What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Alcoa | Alcoa |
Here is an email: Kim would like the Marketing Team to meeting with Steve to discuss the above mentioned topic, Friday morning, November 16, 9:00 a.m., ECN-1336. Please mark your calendars accordingly. adr
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Capacity Available - Team Discussion | aeslc_10templates | 241 | Her er en e-post: Kim vil at markedsføringsteamet skal møte Steve for å diskutere det ovennevnte emnet, fredag morgen, 16. november kl. 09.00, ESN-1336. Vennligst oppgi ditt navn på kalendere. adr Hva er en mulig sublinje for denne e-posten? | Kim wants the marketing team to meet Steve to discuss the above topic, Friday morning, November 16th, 9:00 a.m., ESN-1336. Please enter your calendar name. What's a possible sub-line for this e-mail? | direksjon av avlastbart<unk> team | Loadable management<unk> team |
Write a subject line for this message:
Attached is the form I'd like everyone to use for tomorrow's reports. We will probably modify this and the ones to follow, so be prepared! Fletch | Utility Term Sheet Form 1 | aeslc_10templates | 242 | Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldinga: Tillagt er skjemaet jeg vil at alle skal bruke til morgendagens rapporter. Vi vil sannsynligvis avhjelpe dette og de som skal følge det, så vær forberedt! Fletch | Type a subject line for this message: Added is the form I want everyone to use for tomorrow's reports. Likely, we will remedy this and those who will follow it, so be prepared! Fletch | Skjemaet for bruksmerkeskjema 1 | Form of Form 1 |
In conversations with GE, it is their understanding that their guaranty will not be transmitted until there is a fed ref number tomorrow. The opinion letter will be faxed as soon as the GC is available, or Kent can sign for Dan Rowley if that is acceptable. DRowley can sign originals on Thursday. The LOC is in the works, and GE understands that 10% will be retained in escrow until the LOC is delivered. There will be three original opinions. There is one original guaranty, and I'm not certain of GE's willingness to give more than that. Obviously, there will be only one LOC. Kay
Propose a subject line for this email? | GE guaranty, opinion of counsel and letter of credit | aeslc_10templates | 243 | I samtaler med GE er det deres forståelse at deres garantisering ikke vil bli overført før det er et fabelnummer i morgen. Uttalelsesbrevet vil bli fakset så snart GC er tilgjengelig, eller Kent kan signere for Dan Rowley dersom det er akseptabelt. D roadley kan signere originaler på torsdag. LOC er med i arbeidene, og GE forstår at 10 % vil bli beholdt i utses til LOC leveres. Det vil være tre originale meninger. Det er en original garanti, og jeg er ikke sikker på GEs vilje til å gi mer enn det. Det vil naturligvis bare være én LOC. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | In conversations with GE, it is their understanding that their guaranteeing will not be transferred until there is a fable number tomorrow. The letter of opinion will be faxed as soon as GC is available, or Kent can sign for Dan Rowley if acceptable. D roadley can sign originals on Thursday. LOC is involved in the works, and GE understands that 10% will be retained until LOC is delivered. There will be three original opinions. It's an original guarantee, and I'm not sure GE's willingness to give more than that. Of course, there will only be one LOC. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | Garanti, rådsuttalelse og kredittbevis | Guarantee, Council opinion and credit certificate |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi Kay, I am sending this to you on behalf of Gerald Nemec. If there are any problems, you can contact me via email or at extension 52722. Alisha | Data Sheet Check | aeslc_10templates | 244 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Jeg sender dette til deg på vegne av Gerald Nemec. Hvis det er problemer, kan du kontakte meg på e-post eller på etternavn 52722. Alinylyd | What is the subject line for this email? I'm sending this to you on behalf of Gerald Nemec. If there's a problem, you can contact me by e-mail or last name 52722. Alipysound | Sjekk av dataark | Check for Data Sheets |
Hey Paul, I know you're busy, but can you let me know where to find the map detailing the Northeast transfers limits you included in the presentation you put together for Dana. I'd like to include it in a presentation I'm putting together for John Llodra. Thanks,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Northeast Transfers Map | aeslc_10templates | 245 | Hei Paul, jeg vet at du er opptatt, men kan du si hvor du finner kartet med oversikt over Nordøst-overdragelsesgrensene som du tok med i presentasjonen du satte sammen for Dana. Jeg vil gjerne ta det med i en presentasjon jeg setter sammen til John Llodra. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Hey, Paul, I know you're busy, but can you tell me where you can find the map with a list of the Northeast Transfer Limits that you included in the presentation you put together for Dana? I'd like to include it in a presentation I'm putting together for John Llodra. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail. | Kart over Nordaust-overgangene | Northeast Gradient Map |
What is the subject line for this email?
On October 15, 2001, the Midwest ISO filed an amendment to Section 17.5 of its Open Access Transmission Tariff to charge a fee for non-confirmed transmission service requests for transmission service greater than one week. Midwest ISO has requested an effective date December 15, 2001. Interventions and protests are due November 5. Let me know if you need further information. | MISO proposed tariff change | aeslc_10templates | 246 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Den 15. oktober 2001 sendte Midtvesten ISO inn en endring av avsnitt 1 7.5 i sin tariff for Open Access Transmission for å kreve et gebyr for ikke-bekreftede anmodninger om overføringstjenester for overføringstjenester på mer enn én uke. I Midt-Jterfa har det anmodet om en ikrafttredelsesdato for desember, 15. desember 2001. Intervensjoner og protestaksjoner er på forfall 5. november. Si fra hvis du trenger mer informasjon. | What is the subject line for this email? On 15 October 2001, the Midwest ISO submitted a modification of Sections 1 to 7.5 of its Open Access Transmission Tariff to request a fee for unconfirmed transmission services requests for more than one week. In mid-Jterfa, an entry into force date has been requested for December 15, 2001. Interventions and protests are due on November 5. Let me know if you need any more information. | MISO foreslåtte endring av tasteendring | MISO proposed change of key change |
Here is an email: Rick, In preparation for the meeting with the lenders on Tuesday I was reviewing the GSA and I wonder if YPF has any force majeure claims which could impede our rights to terminate. I know they indicated at least verbally that they had encountered some problems in Argentina. Although a stretch has Dean or Novak indicated that this could be a defense?
What is a potential subject line for this email? | GSA revision | aeslc_10templates | 247 | Her er en e-post: Rick, som forberedelse til møtet med långiverne på tirsdag, så jeg på GSA og lurte på om YPF har noen force majeure påstander som kan hindre vår rett til å avslutte. Jeg vet de antydet i det minste verbalt at de hadde støtt på problemer i Argentina. Selv om en strekk har Dean eller Novak antydet at dette kan være et forsvar? Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Rick, in preparation for meeting with the lenders on Tuesday, I looked at GSA and wondered if the YPF has any force majeure claims that might prevent our right to close. I know they at least suggested verbally that they had encountered problems in Argentina. Even though a stretch has Dean or Novak hinted that this might be a defense? What is a possible topic line for this email? | Partikkelliste over overskrift | Particle list of headings |
Write a subject line for this message:
Tanya: I'd like to send our Schedule to Rabobank today since we will be off Monday, Jan. 15 and I have been called for jury duty on Tuesday, Jan. 16. I will ask Angela Davis (a finance lawyer with swap experience who is helping us out on the structured deals) to handle this for me. I don't want to deal with Rabobank's form of Schedule as a basis for discussion and I am told that this deal closes Friday, Jan. 19.. A voice mail would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sara | Project Cerberus - amended to introduce the swap counterparty Rabobank ("Rabo") | aeslc_10templates | 248 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Tanya: Jeg vil gjerne sende timeplanen vår til Rabobank i dag siden vi skal ha fri mandag, jan.15 og jeg har blitt innkalt til jurytjeneste tirsdag den, jan.16. Jeg vil be Angela Davis (en finansadvokat med swap-erfaring som hjelper oss ut på de strukturerte avtalene) om å ta seg av dette for meg. Jeg ønsker ikke å forholde meg til Rabobanks form for planplan som grunnlag for diskusjon og jeg får vite at denne avtalen avsluttes fredag, jan 19. En talemelding ville bli veldig verdsatt. Takk. _Tilpass | Write a topic for this message: Tanya: I would like to send our schedule to Rabobank today since we're due Monday, Jan.15, and I've been called up for jury duty on Tuesday it, Jan.16. I'd like to ask Angela Davis (a financial lawyer with swap experience who helps us out on the structured agreements) to deal with this for me. I don't want to deal with Rabobank's plan as a basis for discussion and I'm told that this agreement ends on Friday, Jan 19. Thank you. _Customize | Prosjekt Cerberus<unk> endret ved innføring av erstatningsflaket (<unk>Rabo<unk> | Project Cerberus<unk> modified by the introduction of the replacement swap (<unk>Rabo<unk> |
This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 75287 KB. Mailbox size limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can be used on individual folders as well. To make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. To turn Journaling off, click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. See client Help for more information.
Write a subject line for this email. | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit | aeslc_10templates | 249 | Denne advarselen sendes automatisk for å informere deg om at din postkasse nærmer seg grensen for maksimal størrelse. Din postkassestørrelse er per i dag 75287 KB. Grensen for postboksstørrelse: Når du har en postboks på 75 000 KB, vil du motta denne meldinga. For å sjekke størrelsen på postboksen: Høyreklikk på postboksen (utsegn i dag), vel egenskaper og trykk på knappen Mappestørrelse. Denne metoden kan også brukes på enkeltmapper. For å gjøre mer plass tilgjengelig, kan du slette alle elementer som ikke lenger er nødvendige, som for eksempel Sendte ting og dagboknotiser. Du må tømme Slett papirkorg-mappa etter at du har sletta element, eller så vil ikke plassen bli frigjort. For å slå av dagpressing kan du trykke på verktøya ME-alternativa . Se klienthjelp for mer informasjon. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | This warning is automatically sent to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is as of today 75287 KB. The box size limit: When you have a 75 000 KB mailbox, you will receive this message. To check the size of the mailbox, right click on the mailbox (lookout today), select its properties and click on the Folder Size button. This method can also be applied to individual folders. To make more space available, you can delete all items that are no longer necessary, such as Sent items and journal entries. You must empty the Delete Trash folder after you have deleted items, or the space will not be set free. To disable day-press, click on the tools ME options. See client help for more information. Type a subject line for this email. | ÅTVARING: Deres postkasse nærmer seg grensen for størrelse | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the limit of size |
Write an email with the subject line "Senate Debating Unfairness of Singling Out Private-sector Sellers for Investigation". | The Republicans are currently on the Senate floor arguing (noisily, repeatedly and passionately) that California (and the Senate in particular) is being hypocritical and intellectually dishonest in attacking and investigating private companies and ignoring munis. One Senator specifically identified prices charged by LADWP and SMUD and compared those prices to Enron's (1/3 to 1/2 less than LADWP and SMUD charged). Best, | aeslc_10templates | 250 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Senate Debating Unfairness of Singling Out Private-Sector Selgers for Investigation <unk> | Writes an e-mail with the subject line <unk> | Republikanerne sitter for tiden i senatsetasjen og argumenterer (noisient, gjentatte ganger og lidenskapelig) for at California (og spesielt senatet) er i ferd med å være hyklersk og uhederlig i å angripe og etterforske private selskaper og ignorere munier. En senator identifiserte priser som belastes av LADWP og SMUD, og sammenlignet prisene med Enron's (1/3 til 1/2 mindre enn LADWP og SMUD som er betalt). For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i | The Republicans are currently sitting on the Senate floor arguing (noisient, repeated and passionate) that California (and especially the Senate) is being hypocritical and dishonest in attacking and investigating private companies and ignoring Monis. A senator identified prices charged by LADWP and SMUD and compared prices to Enron's (1/3 to 1/2 less than LADWP and SMUD paid). For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it |
Write a subject line for this message:
I have been asked to verify whether ENA has any current transactions with the subject company. Please reply ASAP whether your group does or does not have any current transactions or interests with this company. Thank you. | LTX Corporation | aeslc_10templates | 251 | Skriv en underlinje for denne meldingen: Jeg har blitt bedt om å kontrollere om ENA har noen løpende transaksjoner med det registrerte selskapet. Vennligst svar med en gang om konsernet ditt har eller ikke har noen nåværende transaksjoner eller interesser med dette selskapet. Takk. | Write a sub-line for this message: I have been asked to check whether ENAs have any current transactions with the registered company. Please respond immediately whether your group has or does not have any current transactions or interests with this company. Thank you. | LTX-foretak | LTX entities |
This is the content of an email: Tana: Please review these pages for corrections and insert into original. Rod should return tomorrow and we can execute and FedEx to PG&E. Thanks. Sara
What was the subject line for this email? | Corrected pages to ISDA Schedule and Annex | aeslc_10templates | 252 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Tana: Se nærmere på disse sidene for rettelser og sett inn i original. Rod bør komme tilbake i morgen, så kan vi kjøre og sende FedeEx til PGKE. Takk. Hva het Sara for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: Tana: Look at these pages for corrections and insert them in the original. Rod better come back tomorrow, and we can drive and send FedeEx to PGKE. Thank you. What was Sara's name for this e-mail? | Nettsider over sidene i Offisielt nettsted og i vedlegget | Web pages of the Official website and of the Annex |
This is the content of an email: Attached is a redlined version of the Spot GTC (without credit) that shows the changes that were made. The same changes were made to all of the other GTCs. Hope this helps. Stacy
What was the subject line for this email? | New GTC Version | aeslc_10templates | 253 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post. Vedlagt er en rødlinjet versjon av GTC- flekken (uten kreditt) som viser endringene som ble gjort. De samme endringene ble gjort på alle de andre GTC-ene. Håper dette hjelper. Stacy Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email. Attached is a redline version of the GTC spot (without credit) showing the changes made. The same changes were made to all the other GTCs. I hope this helps. Stacy, what was the subject line for this e-mail? | Ny norsk oversettelse | New English Translation |
Here is an email: I spoke with Greg Healy of SoCalGas today regarding the revised offer Transwestern provided to SoCalGas before Christmas. He said they have questions and requested a conference call early next week so that they can better understand our proposal and go forward. I have tentatively scheduled the call for Tuesday, January 8, from 3-4 our time. Greg indicated that it would be business people and their lawyer, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, pls. set up a conference bridge number for us. I was going to call Rick Miles to let him know about the status of our discussions. He had called me after we sent SoCalGas the revised offer about wanting to know where we were. Does anyone have a problem with me calling Rick?? Maria
What is a potential subject line for this email? | SocalGas Billing Issue | aeslc_10templates | 254 | Her er en e-post: Jeg snakket med Greg Healy fra SoCalGas i dag angående det reviderte tilbudet Transwestern ga til SoCalGas før jul. Han sa at de har spørsmål og en telefonkonferanse i begynnelsen av neste uke, slik at de kan forstå forslaget vårt bedre og gå videre. Jeg har foreløpig planlagt samtalen for tirsdag 8. januar, fra 3-4 i vår tid. Greg antydet at det ville være forretningsfolk og deres advokat, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, pls. sette opp et adressenummer for oss. Jeg skulle ringe Rick Miles for å fortelle ham om statusen til samtalene våre. Han hadde ringt meg etter at vi sendte et nytt tilbud om å vite hvor vi var. Har noen noe imot at jeg kaller meg Rick? Maria hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten? | Here's an e-mail, I spoke to Greg Healy from SoCalGas today regarding the revised offer of Transwestern to SoCalGas before Christmas. He said that they have questions and a conference call at the beginning of next week so they can understand our proposal better and move on. I've scheduled the conversation for Tuesday, January 8th, from 3-4 in our time. Greg suggested that there would be businessmen and their lawyer, Dave Gilmore. Sharon, please. set up an address number for us. I was gonna call Rick Miles to tell him about the status of our conversations. He had called me after we sent a new offer to know where we were. Does anyone mind if I call myself Rick? Maria what's a possible subject line for this e-mail? | SocalGas som av og på Utsted | SocalGas as on and off Issued |
What is the subject line for this email?
Hi Michelle, The attached spreadsheet should represent a complete set of developers of EnronOnline since inception. I haven't named the individual Valtech and developers since the agreements we have with those companies presumably cover all of their developers. The rest of the systems will probably not be done until tomorrow. | EnronOnline developers | aeslc_10templates | 255 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Hi Michelle, Det vedlagte regnearket skal representere et komplett sett med utviklere av EnronOnline siden innplanting. Jeg har ikke gitt navn til de enkelte utviklerne av Valtech and siden avtalene vi har med de selskapene dekker alle utviklerne. Resten av systemene vil sannsynligvis ikke bli gjort før i morgen. | What is the subject line for this email? Hi Michelle, the attached spreadsheet is supposed to represent a complete set of developers of EnronOnline since inception. I haven't named the individual developers of Valtech and since the agreements we have with those companies cover all the developers. The rest of the systems will probably not be done until tomorrow. | Enrononkinline-utviklere | Enrononquinline developers |
This is an email
Jeff, =20 I am Dr. Mona Yousry. You don't know me. I earned my PH.D. in Mathematic= s in 1982 and have served in the Telecommunications industry for 19 years.= I was recruited by Bell Laboratories, AT&T, Ameritech, and Sempra Energy= . =20 =20 I have always been impressed by Enron's performance and business strategie= s. I believe you were instrumental in what Enron is all about today. =20 =20 I read an article about you and your zealous interest in Africa. You need= to meet Larry Robinson. The following is in his words. Please read it. =20 Mona =20 Lawrence Robinson: Born in Congo, Central Africa, 1952. =20 My father was born in Zimbabwe, Africa. My parents and grandparents were M= issionaries. My grandparents went to Africa from California in 1912 and are= both buried in Africa. I was raised in very remote areas of the Belgian C= ongo and from an early age spent lots of time in the African Bush. This wa= s a time to learn many of the secrets necessary to survive the African bus= h and love it. I had the opportunity to study and learn animal behavior in= ways that most experts only dream about. Some of my greatest memories are= from times I would take a pocket full of salt with my rifle and go into t= he bush for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time, sometimes totally alone. It was = also a time to learn about the African people and their languages and cult= ures. As time passed and Independence swept the Continent, I saw Zaire, th= e great land where I was born, turn into a blood bath. I learned more abou= t the most savage creature of all. As I saw men slaughter men, women, and = children, I understood better how organized and balanced nature really is.= I am a U.S. Citizen and Resident in Tanzania, East Africa. I am tri-lingu= al and understand three other African languages. I have an FAA Commercial = Pilots license. Educated in Cape Town, South Africa, Singapore, Beirut, Le= banon, Michigan, and California. Have two B.S. degrees. One in Agriculture= and one in Industrial Education. Have traveled around the world many time= s. My longest overland trip was from Germany to Cape Town driving my own T= oyota Land Cruiser. This was a 10 month journey of over 30,000 miles. Cross= ing the Sahara Desert and the Kalahari Desert before a GPS was available w= as indeed a great adventure. From 1985 to 1992 I owned and operated my own= Import Export Company in Central Africa called "Malaika Zaire". Presentl= y I am Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of "Solar Universal Net= work" - a Californian Non-profit Organization, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne= twork is also established in Tanzania as an International NGO since 1995. = S.U.N. 's primary focus is to establish safe, permanent, water supplies for= communities in Tanzania using alternative energy. An example of our work = is at Sukenya, Northern Tanzania where we are pumping approximately 12,000= gallons of water per day from 250 feet deep for the Maasai Community usin= g only Solar Energy. This system has been operating for a year now with ou= tstanding success. When necessary, we also use UV Water Purification Units= powered by Solar Energy to purify any contamination which may exist in wa= ter supplies. One of the areas we are now working in is located in Northe= rn Tanzania just South of the Kenya boarder and just East of the Serengeti= National Park. This is considered Maasai Land and is fascinating country.= Each year hundreds of thousands Wilderbeasts migrate south through this a= rea to give birth to their young in the Southern plains of the Serengeti. T= he great migration is considered one of natures last unmatched marvels on = earth. This is the time when the predators like lions, leopards, cheetah, = and hyena are roaming the area. There are also heards of Cape Buffalo, Ele= phant, and many types of antelope and zebra. Because of the Community Deve= lopment that S.U.N. has done in this area, we have an exceptional opportun= ity to hike, camp, and hunt with the Maasai in this location. I have perso= nally been within 10 yards of a lion and his kill while on foot with a Maa= sai warrior and only a spear in hand. Tanzania is also the land of Mt. Ki= limanjaro, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Victoria, and = Zanzibar Island.
What is the subject of this email? | East Africa | aeslc_10templates | 256 | Dette er en e-post Jeff, ==20 Jeg er Dr. Mona Yousry. Du kjenner ikke meg. Jeg fikk min doktorgrad i matematikk= s i 1982 og har tjenestegjort i telekommunikasjonsbransjen i 19 år .= ble ansatt ved Bell Laboratories, AT&T, amerikanikk og septrab Energi= . =20 =20 Jeg har alltid vært imponert av Enrons prestasjon og virksomhetsstrategi= s. Jeg tror du var medvirkende i hva Enron handler om i dag. = 20 = 20 = 20 Jeg leste en artikkel om deg og deres nidkjære interesse for Afrika. Du må møte Larry Robinson. Det følgende er i hans ord. Vær så snill å lese den. =20 Mona =20 Lawrence Robinson: født i Kongo, Sentral-Afrika, 1952 =20 Min far ble født i Zimbabwe i Afrika. Foreldrene og besteforeldrene mine var M= sesjonar. Besteforeldrene mine dro til Afrika fra California i 1912 og er= begge er gravlagt i Afrika. Jeg vokste opp i svært fjerntliggende områder av den belgiske C= ongoen og har fra ung alder tilbrakt mye tid i den afrikanske busken. Dette er en tid for å lære mange av hemmelighetene som er nødvendige for å overleve den afrikanske bussen h og elske den. Jeg hadde muligheten til at studere og lære dyrs atferd på= måter de fleste eksperter kun drømte om. Noen av mine største minner er= fra tider jeg ville ta en lomme full av salt med min rifle og gå i t= han busk i 10 dager til 2 uker av gangen, noen ganger helt alene. Det var = også en tid å lære om afrikanderfolket og deres språk og kult= ure. Etter hvert som tiden gikk og uavhengigheten feide over kontinentet, så jeg Zaïre, th= et stort land hvor jeg ble født, forvandles til et blodbad. Jeg har lært mer a boin= enn den mest ville skapning av alle. Mens jeg så menn slakte menn, kvinner og barn, forstod jeg bedre hvor organisert og likevektig naturen egentlig er. = Jeg er amerikansk statsborger og bosatt i Tanzania, Øst-Afrika. Jeg er trelingu= al og forstår tre andre afrikanske språk. Jeg har et flysertifikat. Utdannet i Cape Town, Sør-Afrika, Singapore, Beirut, Le= banan, Michigan og California. Har to B.S. . grader. en i landmulg= og en i Industridirektoratet. Har reist verden rundt mange tids= s. Min lengste utenlandsreise var fra Tyskland til Cape Town kjøre min egen T= oyota Land Cruiser. Dette var en 10 måneder lang reise på over 3 mil. Cross= ingg Sahara og Kalahariørkenen før en GPS ble tilgjengelig w= som virkelig et stort eventyr. Fra 1985 til 1992 eide og drev jeg egen= Import Export Company in Central Africa kalt Malaika Zack Nåtid= y Jeg er daglig leder og styremedlem i <unk>Solar Universal Net=work work<unk> a Californian Non-profit Organization, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne= tourrk er også etablert i Tanzania som et internasjonalt NGO siden 1995. = S.U.N. 's primære fokus er å etablere trygge, permanente, vannforsyninger for=miljøer i Tanzania ved å bruke alternativ energi. Et eksempel på vårt arbeid = er ved Sukenya, Nord-Tranzia hvor vi pumper ca. 12 1 liter vann per dag fra 250 fot dyp for Maasai Community usin= g kun Solar Energy. Dette systemet har vært i drift i et år nå med ou= thcoming suksess. Når det er nødvendig, bruker vi også UV Water Purpifications Units= drevet av Solar Energy for å rense enhver forurensing som måtte finnes i war= ter-forsyninger. Et av de områdene vi nå arbeider i, ligger i Northe=rn Tanzania bare sør for Kenyas leieboer og rett øst for Serengeti= nasjonalpark. Dette regnes til Masaai Land og er fascinerende land.= Hvert år trekker hundretusener Wilderbeasts sørover gjennom dette a= rea for å føde sine unger på de sørlige slettene i Serengeti. T= han storvandring regnes som en av naturens siste uforlignelige undere på = jorden. Det er nå rovdyrene som løver, leoparder, geparder, = og hyener streifer omkring i området. Man hører også om Cape Buffalo, Ele= fant og mange typer antiloper og sebraer. På grunn av Community Deve= stigning at S.U.N. har gjort i dette området, vi har en eksepsjonell opportun= ity å gå, camp, og jakte med maasen på dette stedet. Jeg har perso= nally vært innenfor 10 meter fra en løve og hans lik mens han til fots med en Maa= sai kriger og kun et spyd i hånden. Tanzania er også landet Mt. Ki= limanjaro, Serengeti nasjonalpark, Ngorongoro Crater, Victoriasjøen og = Zanzibarøya. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail Jeff, = 20 I'm Dr. Mona Yousry. You don't know me. I got my Ph.D. in mathematics=s. In 1982, I've served in the telecommunications industry for 19 years. I've always been impressed by Enron's performance and his strategy of operations=s. I think you were contributing to what Enron is about today. I read an article about you and their zealous interest in Africa. I need you to meet Larry Robinson. The following is in his words. Please read it. Mona = 20 Lawrence Robinson: born in Congo, Central Africa, 1952 My father was born in Zimbabwe, Africa. My parents and my grandparents were M=sittings. My grandparents went to Africa from California in 1912 and they're both buried in Africa. I grew up in very remote regions of the Belgian C=ongo and have spent a lot of time in the African bush from a young age. This is a time to learn many of the secrets needed to survive the African bus h and love it. I had the opportunity to study and learn animal behavior=ways most experts only dreamed of. Some of my biggest memories are= from times I would take a pocketful of salt with my rifle and go in t= he bush for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time, sometimes all alone. It was also a time to learn about the Afrikander people and their language and cool=ure. As time passed and independence swept across the continent, I saw Zaire, th=a great country where I was born, turning into a bloodbath. I've learned more a boin= than the most savage creature of all. As I watched men slaughter men, women and children, I understood better how organized and balanced nature really is. I am trelingu=al and understand three other African languages. I have a pilot's license. Trained in Cape Town, South Africa, Singapore, Beirut, Le=banana, Michigan, and California. Got two B.S. degrees. One in land pulp = and one in Industry Department. My longest overseas trip was from Germany to Cape Town driving my own T=oyota Land Cruiser. This was a ten - month journey of over 20 miles [30 km]. Cross=Ingg Sahara and the Kalahari Desert before a GPS became available w= as a truly great adventure. From 1985 to 1992, I owned and ran my own Import Export Company in Central Africa called Malaika Zack. Present = y I am the Executive Director and Board member of <unk>Solar Universal Net=work work<unk> a Californian Non-profit Organization, 501(c)3. Solar Universal Ne=tourk has also been established in Tanzania as an international NGO since 1995. = S.U.N. 's primary focus is to establish safe, permanent, water supply for=environments in Tanzania using alternative energy. An example of our work is at Sukenya, North Tranzia, where we pump about 12/3.1 liters of water a day from 250 feet deep for Maasai Community usin=g Solar Energy only. This system has been operational for a year now with you= thcoming success. When necessary, we also use UV Water Purpifications Unit= driven by Solar Energy to clean out any contamination that might exist in war= ter-supply. One of the areas in which we are now working is in Northe=rn Tanzania only south of Kenya’s tenant and just east of Serengeti=national park. This is considered Masaai Land and is a fascinating country, and every year hundreds of thousands of Wilderbees migrate south through this a=rea to give birth to their young on the southern plains of Serengeti. T=he great migration is considered one of nature's last wonders in the = Earth. Now it is predators like lions, leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas roam the area. There are also reports of Cape Buffalo, Ele, found and many kinds of antelope and zebras. Because of Community Deve=slope that S.U.N. have done in this area, we have an exceptional opportun=ity to go, camp, and hunt with the maas in this place. I've been perso=nally within 10 meters of a lion and his corpse while he's on foot with a Maa=sai warrior and only a spear in his hand. Tanzania is also Mt. Ki=Limajaro, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Victoria, and = Zanzibar Island. What is the subject of this email? | Øst-Afrika | East Africa |
This is an email
Can you please let me know whether the new attorneys in our group have edit access to the database, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite and Cheryl Nelson. I think Cheryl just tried to add a note and couldn't. Thanks.
What is the subject of this email? | Master Swap Agreement Access | aeslc_10templates | 257 | Dette er en e-post Kan du la meg få vite om de nye advokatene i gruppen vår har tilgang til databasen, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite og Cheryl Nelson. Cheryl prøvde å legge til et notat, men klarte det ikke. Takk. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail. Can you let me know if the new attorneys in our group have access to the database, Frank Sayre, Francisco Pinto Leite and Cheryl Nelson. Cheryl tried to add a note, but she couldn't. Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | access til å være master i swap | Access to being master of swap |
This is the content of an email: I want to run something by you. It sounds like we have some sort of budget for Friday night. I would like to offer everyone the opportunity to bring someone with them but also explain that we may not be able to pay for it all. I guess the reason is I would like to have Kristi come with me, but am willing to pay for her. I would like to do the same for everyone else, but don't want to offend anyone with the possibility that they may have to pay a little $$. Let me know what you think. Thanks. DG 3-9573
What was the subject line for this email? | Dinner | aeslc_10templates | 258 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Jeg vil kjøre noe av deg. Det høres ut som om vi har et slags budsjett for fredag kveld. Jeg vil tilby alle muligheten til å ta med noen, men også forklare at vi kanskje ikke kan betale for alt. Jeg antar grunnen er at jeg gjerne vil at Kristi blir med meg, men jeg er villig til å betale for henne. Jeg ønsker å gjøre det samme for alle andre, men ønsker ikke å støte noen med muligheten for at de må betale litt $$. La meg få vite hva du tror. Takk. DG 3-9573 Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: I want to run something by you. It sounds like we have some kind of budget for Friday night. I'd like to offer everyone the opportunity to bring someone, but also explain that we may not be able to pay for everything. I suppose the reason is that I would like Kristi to come with me, but I am willing to pay for her. I want to do the same for everyone else, but I don't want to offend anyone with the possibility that they'll have to pay a little bit of $. Let me know what you think. Thank you. DG 3-9573 What was the subject of this e-mail? | Middag | Dinner |
Welcome to eMail News Delivery, a service from Business Wire. Here is your Industrial Information Resources Inc. news release. If you have received this in error please send a message to: [email protected] with the following command in the body of the message: unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES If you have questions about this service, please contact your Business Wire Account Executive or [email protected] BW2002 DEC 27,2001 2:00 PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN ( BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) French Chemical and Explosives Producer Creates Measure to Self-Regulate, in an Advisory by Business Editors HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 27, 2001--The following in an
Generate a subject line for this email. | French Chemical and Explosives Producer Creates Measure to Self-Regulate, in an Advisory by | aeslc_10templates | 259 | Velkommen til EMail News Redningy, en tjeneste fra Business Wire. Her er din nyhetsmelding fra Industrial Information Inc. Dersom du har mottatt dette i en feil, send en melding til: [email protected] med følgende kommando i meldingskroppen: unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES Dersom du har spørsmål om denne tjenesten, vennligst kontakt din Business Wire Account Exe eller [email protected] BW2002 DEC 27/2001 2: PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN (BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) French Chemical and Explosives Aproducer Creates Tilpassing to Self-Regulate, i en Advisory by Bedriftsredaktørene HUSTON---(BUSESSJØRE)------- (Ask.vra) Følgende i en e-postlinje for denne. | Welcome to EMail News Redningy, a favor from Business Wire. Here's your news report from Industrial Information Inc. If you have received this in an error, please send a message to: [email protected] with the following command in the message body: unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES If you have any questions about this service, please contact your Business Wire Account Exe or [email protected] BW2002 DEC 27/2001 2: PACIFIC 05:00 EASTERN (BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) French Chemicals and Explosives Aprocer Creatures Adaptation to Self-Yetate, in an Advisory by Operational. | Den franske produsenten av kjemikalier og eksplosiver lager tiltak for å regulere selvdrift, i et rådgivningsdokument fra | The French producer of chemicals and explosives makes measures to regulate self-management in an industrial advisory document |
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We will be holding a series of employee meetings today to talk through the merger with Dynegy and to answer questions. Time and location are as follows: Group Meetings - Houston Based - Monday, November 12 Time Group Room 12:00p EFS Houston 500 JFR - 16th Floor 1:00p IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Product Development EB 5 C2 2:00p Deal Management/New Business Ventures EB 5 C2 2:30p Wholesale Services EB 5 C2 3:00p Services EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. Mgmt. EB 5 C2 4:00p Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Customer Care and Communications - Finance - Financial Operations - Human Resources - Legal - Media Services - Regulatory 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 We have also scheduled two conference calls later today for our field locations. See dial-in numbers below: Field Calls - Monday, November 12 Time Group Dial-In No. Confirmation No. 5:00p CST IPT/FieldCentrix 800-446-1671 Conf No. 5050607(Reference Dan Leff as the host.) 5:30p CST East Coast & West Coast 800-446-1671 Conf No. 5050627(Reference Dan Leff as the host.) | Update Meetings - Today | aeslc_10templates | 260 | Skriv et emnefelt for dette budskapet: Vi skal holde en rekke møter i dag for å snakke gjennom fusjonen med Dynegi og for å svare på spørsmål. Tid og sted er som følger: Gruppemøtene<unk> Houston Based<unk> Mandag 12. november 12 Tidsgrupperom 12:00 EFS EFF EFS Houston 500 JFR<unk> 16. etasje 01.00 IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Produktutvikling EB 5 C2:engelbehandling/nye forretningsventurer EB 5 C2 2:30p Engroshandel EB 5 C2 3:00p Agenturtjenester EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. Mgmt. EB 5 C2 04.00p Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Kundeservice og kommunikasjon - Finansoperasjoner - personaloperasjoner - rettsmedisinsk - medietjenester - regulerings 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 Vi har også planlagt to konferansesamtaler senere i dag for våre feltsteder. Se tall for nummer under: feltkall<unk> mandag 12. november: tidsgruppe for samtale-i-nr. Stadfestskrift nr. 17: CST IPT/Teltsentralen 800-446-1671 Konf nr. 5050607(Reference Dan Leff som programleder.) Det er ikke noe å gjøre med det. 5050627(Reference Dan Leff som programleder.) | Write a topic for this message: We will hold a series of meetings today to talk through the merger with Dynegi and to answer questions. Time and place are as follows: the team meetings<unk> Houston Based<unk> Monday 12 Time groups of 12:00 EFS EFS EFS Houston 500 JFR<unk> 16th floor 01.00 IES/MES/CES/RMS/Acq. EB 5 C2 1:30p Development of Product EB 5 C2: Angel treatment/new business journeys EB 5 C2 2:30p Wholesale trade EB 5 C2 3:00p Agent services EB 5 C2 3:30p EAM / Info. I'm sorry. EB 5 C2-0400p Professional Services EB 5 C2 - Customer Service and Communication - Financial Operations - Personnel Operations - Media Services - Regulation 4:30p Enron Direct EB 5 C2 We have also scheduled two conference calls later today for our field sites. See number below: field call<unk> Monday 12 November: conversation group-in-no. Confirm No. 17: CST IPT/Telt Central Area 800-446-1671 Conf No 5050607(Reference Dan Leff as host of the program.) There's nothing to be done about it. 5050627 (Reference Dan Leff as host.) | Oppdateringer<unk> i dag | Updates<unk> today |
Attached please find the UPDATED responsibilities for the Global Contracts and Global Facilities teams. Due to restructuring within our group, we have lost three team members (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, and Ryan Sheeren) to the physical gas confirmation group. Our team members' individual responsibilities have changed as a result. Please forward the attached information to your staff and coworkers. Please call me at x30569 if you should have any questions. Thanks,
Write a subject line for this email. | Global Contracts/Facilities new responsibilities | aeslc_10templates | 261 | Vennligst legg ved dette ansvaret for Global Contracts and Global Facilities Teams. På grunn av en omstrukturering innen gruppen vår, har vi mistet tre av teammedlemmene (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan og Ryan Sheeren) til fysisk gass-bekreftelse-gruppen. Våre lags individuelle ansvarsområder har endret seg som følge av dette. Vennligst gi de vedlagte opplysningene videre til dine medarbeidere og medarbeidere. Ring meg på x30569 hvis du har noen spørsmål. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Please attach this responsibility to the Global Contracts and Global Facilities Teams. Due to a restructuring within our group, we've lost three of our team members (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan and Ryan Sheeren) to the physical gas confirmation group. The individual responsibilities of our teams have changed as a result. Please pass the attached information on to your staff and staff. Call me at x30569 if you have any questions. Type a subject line for this email. | Det nye ansvaret for globale kontrakter/virksomheter | Responsibilities of global contracts/activity |
What is the subject line for this email?
Judge says Enron has to give up documents By Emily Bazar Bee Capitol Bureau (Published Sept. 7, 2001) Enron Corp. must turn over sensitive internal documents to state legislators, a Sacramento judge ruled Thursday, but only after the two sides agree to a court-approved confidentiality agreement. For months, a special Senate committee investigating electricity price manipulation has been issuing subpoenas and gathering documents from power generators and marketers. During the process, the committee has found three companies in contempt for resisting the subpoenas, including Enron, which fought back with a lawsuit asking the court to intervene on its behalf. In his ruling stemming from the suit, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Charles Kobayashi said he wasn't convinced that "the Senate committee will be able to maintain the petitioner's right to confidentiality." As a result, he ruled, those documents handed over by Enron that contain legitimate trade secrets must be protected by a confidentiality agreement. In his ruling on another Enron motion, however, he denied the company's request to quash the committee's subpoena. Still, Enron officials considered the judge's findings on the whole a victory. "We had no certainty that anything we handed over to the Senate would remain confidential," said Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne. "We were not receiving due process from Senator (Joe) Dunn's committee. They were acting as judge and jury on this issue." Dunn, D-Santa Ana, who is the committee chairman, said he "respectfully disagrees" with the judge's decision on the confidentiality agreement, which he said will be reviewed in the next few days by the Legislature's lawyers to determine whether an appeal should be pursued. Another Enron motion seeking an injunction against the committee will be heard in court next week. Enron is one of three companies that have been found in contempt by the committee. However, the committee purged its contempt finding against Mirant in July after the company complied with the committee's requests. The committee was poised to expunge its contempt finding against Reliant Energy Inc. on Thursday as well but couldn't draw enough senators for a vote. Dunn delayed the action until the next meeting. As for the contempt charge facing Enron, the Senate Rules Committee is scheduled to review the findings Monday and possibly make a recommendation to the full Senate. Should the full Senate also find Enron in contempt, it would determine what punishments, if any, would be levied. Dunn said he believes fines would be the most appropriate punishment. | CA Energy Issues | aeslc_10templates | 262 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? sier dommer Enron må gi fra seg dokumenter Av Emily Bazar Bee Bee Capitol Bureau (Publisert sept. 7, 2001) må Enron Corp. overlate sensitive interne dokumenter til delstatslovgivere, en sacramento-dommer avsagt torsdag, men først etter at de to sidene er enige om en rettsgodkjent taushetsavtale. I flere måneder har en komité som gransker prismanus for elektrisk kraft, utstedt stevninger og samledokumenter fra strømgeneratorer og markedsførere. Under prosessen har komiteen funnet tre selskaper med forakt for å ha motsatt seg stevningen, inkludert Enron, som slo tilbake med et søksmål der retten ble bedt om å gripe inn på dens vegne. Sacramento, høyesterettsdommer Charles Kobayashi sa at han ikke var overbevist om at Senatet vil kunne opprettholde retten til taushetsplikt. Som følge av dette skal de dokumentene som Enron har overlevert som inneholder legitime handelshemmeligheter, være beskyttet av en fortrolighetsavtale. I sin kjennelse av en annen Enron begjæring, avslo han imidlertid selskapets anmodning om å få saken avvist. Likevel vurderte Enron-mennene dommerens funn på hele en seier. <unk>Vi hadde ingen visshet om at noe vi overga til Senatet ville forbli konfidensielt,<unk> sa Enron talskvinne Karen Denne. <unk>Vi mottok ikke rett prosess fra senator (Joe) Dunns komité. De var konstituert som dommer og jury i denne saken<unk> Dunn, D-Santa Ana, som er komitéformannen, har uttalt han<unk>betraktelig er uenig<unk> med dommerens avgjørelse om fortrolighetsavtalen, som han sa vil bli behandlet i løpet av de neste dagene av lovverkets advokater for å avgjøre om en anke bør følges. En begjæring om påstand om påstand mot at utvalget blir behandlet i retten neste uke. Enron er et av tre selskap som har blitt funnet i forakt av utvalget. Komiteen utvannet imidlertid sitt bifallsinnfall mot Mirant i juli etter at selskapet hadde etterkommet komiteens anmodninger. Komiteen var klar til å stryke sitt foraktsinnfall mot Reliant Energy Inc. på torsdag også, men klarte ikke å trekke nok senatorer til en avstemning. Denne rettleieren utsatte aksjonen til neste møte. Når det gjelder tiltale mot Enron, skal Senatets kjennelseskomité gjennomgå møtet mandag og muligens komme med en anbefaling til det fulle senatet. Skulle det fulle senatet også finne Entron i forakt, ville det avgjøre hvilke straffer, om noen, som ville bli krevd. Men han tror på bøter er den mest passende straff. | What is the subject line for this email? says Judge Enron must hand over documents by Emily Bazar Bee Bee Capitol Bureau (Published September 7, 2001) Enron Corp. leaving sensitive internal documents to state legislators, a Sacramento judge of Thursday, but only after the two sides agree on a legal confidentiality agreement. For several months, a committee investigating the electricity pricing script has issued subpoenas and aggregate documents from power generators and marketers. During the process, the Committee has found three companies with contempt for resisting the subpoena, including Enron, who retaliated with a lawsuit in which the court was asked to intervene on its behalf. Sacramento, Supreme Court Justice Charles Kobayashi said he was not convinced that the Senate would maintain the right to secrecy. As a result, the documents provided by Enron containing legitimate trade secrets shall be protected by a confidentiality agreement. However, in his decision by another Enron, he turned down the company’s request for a dismissal. Yet, the Enrons considered the judge's findings on a victory. We had no idea that something we surrendered to the Senate would remain confidential, said Enron spokeswoman Karen This. We didn't receive the right process from Senator (Joe) Dunn's committee. They were acting as judge and jury in this case<unk> Dunn, D-Santa Ana, who is the chairman of the committee, has stated that he strongly disagrees<unk> with the judge's decision on the confidentiality agreement, which he said will be dealt with within the next few days of the law's lawyers to determine whether an appeal should be followed. A motion to file a claim against a trial hearing next week. Enron is one of three companies found in contempt of the committee. However, the Committee watered down its approval against Mirant in July after the company had complied with the Committee’s requests. The committee was ready to strike out its contempt against Reliant Energy Inc. on Thursday as well, but was unable to draw enough senators to a vote. This guide postponed the operation until the next meeting. In the case of an indictment against Enron, the Senate Court of Justice shall review the meeting on Monday and possibly make a recommendation to the full Senate. Should the full Senate also find Entron in contempt, it would determine what punishments, if any, would be required. But he believes in fines is the most appropriate punishment. | Årsnavn for tildeling | Year name for allocation |
Write a subject line for this message:
LLoyd Will and Kim Melodick have requested your help in identifying what YOU feel it takes to be successful within each functional unit of East Power. This feedback will be used to create a recruiting, retention and development tool that will assist East Power in identifying the skills and training that are key to your group's success. Please take some time to answer the attached four questions as they relate to your area. Your participation and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sarah Zarkowsky x53791 Ben Brasseaux x58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron North America Human Resources | What does it take? | aeslc_10templates | 263 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: LLoyd Will og Kim Melodick har bedt om hjelp til å finne ut hva du mener det må være for å lykkes i hver funksjonsenhet i Østkraft. Denne tilbakemeldingen vil bli brukt for å skape et rekrutterings-, oppbevarings- og utviklingsverktøy som vil hjelpe Østkraft i å identifisere ferdighetene og opplæringen som er nøkkelen til din gruppes suksess. Ta deg tid til å besvare de fire spørsmålene som er stilt, i den forbindelse. Det at dere deltar og samarbeider, er svært høyt verdsatt. Sarah Zarkowsky x533791 Ben Braxexexx58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron Nord-Amerika Menneskeressurser | Enter a subject field for this message: LLoyd Will and Kim Melodick have asked for help in determining what you believe it must be to succeed in each Eastern force function unit. This feedback will be used to create a recruitment, storage and development tool that will help Eastern power identify the skills and training that are the key to your group's success. Take the time to answer the four questions asked in this regard. Your participation and cooperation are very much appreciated. Sarah Zarkowsky x533791 Ben Braxexx58747 Meliza Evanson x57855 Enron North America Human Resources | Hva er det som skal til? | What does it take? |
Dear West, We talked briefly on Monday about our commitment to a full work day at Enron. If you are in the office, then please be prepared to contribute to the group for a full day. Our schedule now calls for critical communication in the afternoons. We need to know that each employee will be here every day to create the consistency needed to outperform the rest of the market. We want to remain as flexible as possible with all traders when it comes to an emergency, but remember that you have a commitment to Enron to contribute a full work day. Please organize your vacation on the west desk calendar with Ina and coordinate any early afternoon departures with Ina and myself. Also, prepare to have your markets covered when you leave the office early. Sincerely,
Generate a subject line for this email. | Work Hours | aeslc_10templates | 264 | Kjære deg, vi snakket en kort stund på mandag om vår forpliktelse til en full arbeidsdag på Enron. Hvis du er på kontoret, så vær forberedt på å bidra til gruppen for en hel dag. Vår timeplan krever nå kritisk kommunikasjon om ettermiddagene. Vi må vite at hver enkelt ansatt vil være her hver dag for å skape den konsistensen som trengs for å overgå resten av markedet. Vi ønsker å holde oss så fleksible som mulig for alle næringsdrivende når det gjelder nødsfall, men husk at man har en forpliktelse til Beslutning om å bidra med full arbeidsdag. Vennligst organiser ferien din i den vestlige skrivebordskalenderen med Ina og beskriv eventuelle avgangene med Ina og meg selv. Vær også forberedt på å få dine markeder under kontroll når du forlater kontoret tidlig. Vennlig hilsen, Generer en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | My dear, we spoke briefly on Monday about our commitment to a full day's work on Enron. If you're in the office, be prepared to contribute to the group for a full day. Our schedule now requires critical communication in the afternoons. We need to know that each employee will be here every day to create the consistency needed to surpass the rest of the market. We want to remain as flexible as possible for all operators in the event of an emergency, but remember that there is an obligation to the decision to contribute full working day. Please organize your vacation in the Western Desktop Calendar with Ina and describe any departures with Ina and myself. Also, be prepared to control your markets when you leave the office early. Sincerely, Generate a topic line for this mail. | Arbeidstimer | Hours of work |
Bob, On the Texas desk, the majority of our deals are nominated manually (on Excel or preprinted forms), with most of the information pulled from Sitara instead of Unify. So, these noms were not late. For a couple of 3rd party pipelines, we do use Unify. But we did not have nom changes for 5/4. Our only problem was sending noms to HPL. Which is sending information to yourself, but it still delays the confrimation process for the pipeline. This nom was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any questions. Daren
Write a subject line for this email. | Unify | aeslc_10templates | 265 | Bob, På pulten i Texas, er flesteparten av våre avtaler nominert manuelt (på Excel eller forhåndstrykte skjemaer), med det meste av informasjonen hentet fra Sitara i stedet for Unifiy. Disse nomene var ikke sene. I et par tredje parts rørledninger, bruker vi Unifi. Men vi hadde ikke nom endringer for 5/4. Vårt eneste problem var å sende noms til HPL. Det er å sende informasjon til deg selv, men det forsinker likevel konfereringsprosessen for rørledningen. Denne nomen ble sendt rundt 30 minutter for sent. Si fra hvis du har noen spørsmål. Daren skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Bob, on the desk in Texas, most of our agreements are nominated manually (on Excel or preprinted forms), with most of the information taken from Sitara instead of Unifiy. These nomens weren't late. In a couple of third party pipelines, we use Unif. But we didn't have no change for 5/4. Our only problem was sending noms to the HPL. It's sending information to yourself, but it still delays the consultation process for the pipeline. This nomen was sent about 30 minutes late. Let me know if you have any questions. Daren writes a subject line for this email. | Enabler | Entiers |
I updated the transport demand charges on Tetco and Trco for March. Please get those in the P&L sometime this week. Also note: I think I had Trco at TP1 instead of TP2. thanks
Generate a subject line for this email. | Demand Charges | aeslc_10templates | 266 | Jeg ajourfører transportomkostnadene for Tetco og Trco for mars. Vennligst få disse i P&L en gang denne uken. Legg til: Jeg tror jeg hadde trco på TP1 i stedet for TP2. Lag en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | I'm updating the transportation costs for Tetco and Trco for March. Please get these in the P/L once this week. Add: I think I had trco on TP1 instead of TP2. Create a subject line for this email. | Kravsanknader | Requirements |
Here is the information that you guys had asked about last week when we discussed WSCC coal. I added the railroads to the map and pulled some numbers for utilization and O&M costs for each of the plants we discussed. If you have any other questions let me know. Aaron Martinsen
Generate a subject line for this email. | Western Coal | aeslc_10templates | 267 | Her er informasjonen dere hadde spurt om forrige uke da vi snakket om KV-kull. Jeg la til jernbanene på kartet og tegnet noen tall for å bruke og O&M kostnader for hver av de plantene vi snakket om. Hvis du har noen andre spørsmål, så si fra. Aaron Martinsen Generer en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Here's the information you asked me about last week when we were talking about WWC. I added the railroads to the map and drew some numbers to use and O'M costs for each of the plants we talked about. If you have any other questions, let me know. Aaron Martinsen, create a topic line for this e-mail. | Vestlig kull | Western Coal |
This is an email
Here's what happened to the Enron South America LLC master. You can now officially bug Robert George (legal in Sao Paulo) and Bruce Harris (commercial in Houston) and remove Andrea Bertone from any official distribution. Sara
What is the subject of this email? | Southern Cone Financial Master Agreements Schedule | aeslc_10templates | 268 | Dette er en e-post som skjedde med Enron South America LLCC-mesteren. Du kan nå offisielt avlytte Robert George (juridisk i Sao Paulo) og Bruce Harris (kommersiell i Houston) og fjerne Andre Bertone fra enhver offisiell distribusjon. Hva er Sara emne for denne e-posten? | This is an email that happened with the Enron South America LLCC champion. You can now officially tap Robert George (legal in Sao Paulo) and Bruce Harris (commercial in Houston) and remove Andre Bertone from any official distribution. What's Sara's subject for this e-mail? | Sør-Kone Kone Finans Finans Hovedavtalens plan | South Wife Finance Plan of the Main Agreement |
Write a subject line for this message:
Sally, Attached is the updated of the headcount file I sent you on Friday. I misunderstood the original request and provided December 31 plan for all four years. I have now updated the file with December 31 actual headcount numbers for 1998 through 2000 and plan for 2001. I have also updated the EGM numbers and inserted a summary tab. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks, | Updated '98 - '01 Headcount File | aeslc_10templates | 269 | Skriv et emne for denne meldinga: Sally, vedlagt er den oppdaterte mappen jeg sendte deg fredag. Jeg har misforstått den opprinnelige anmodningen og lagt fram 31. desember plan for alle fire år. Jeg har nå oppdatert saksmappen med 31. desember faktiske tall for 1998 til 2000 og plan for 2001. Har også oppdatert EGM-numrene og satt inn en sammendragsfane. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så si ifra. Takk. | Write a topic for this message: Sally, attached to the updated folder I sent you on Friday. I have misunderstood the original request and submitted a December 31st plan for all four years. I have now updated the file on 31 December actual figures for 1998 to 2000 and the 2001 plan. I also updated the EGM numbers and put in a summary tab. If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you. | Oppdatert i '98<unk> '01 Hodtellingsfil | Updated in '98<unk> '01 Hod Count file |
This is the content of an email: Adele and Maria: Here are my final comments: 1. In the ISDA Schedule, Part 4, Section (f)(iii), we cannot accept a 30 day waiting period. Why can't the Guaranty be furnished when the Reorg becomes effective? 2. In each Guaranty, there is an extra zero in the "cap" amount. 3. In the PSE&G Guaranty, the Counterparty notice section should be just like what is in the Master for primary notices and copies. 4. In the LC, in the new language on the second page, change Uniform Customs to UCP. That's all I have. Subject to resolving point #1, please e-mail to me the Enron Guaranty and please coordinate with Susan Flynn on getting final versions executed and obtaining other closing items. I will review your opinion shortly.
What was the subject line for this email? | FINAL Comments | aeslc_10templates | 270 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Adele og Maria: Her er mine avsluttende kommentarer: 1. I ISDA-planen, del 4, avsnitt f) iii), kan vi ikke godta en 30 dagers ventetid. Hvorfor kan ikke guramanien bli innfridd når reorgen blir effektiv? 2 . I hver guarantier er det en ekstra null i<unk>kapselen<unk> mengden. 3 . I PSE&G Guarantiet skal avsnittet kontrapartymeldinger være akkurat som det som er i Mesteren for primærmeldinger og avskrifter. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller I LC, i det nye språket på andre side, endre Uniform Toll til UCP. Det er alt jeg har. I stedet for å slå opp punkt #1, send meg en e-post om Enron Guaranty og vennligst kontakt med Susan Flynn om å få de endelige versjonene henrettet og om å få andre avsluttende poster. Jeg vil se nærmere på Deres uttalelse. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: Adele and Maria: In the ISDA plan, part 4, paragraph (f)(iii), we cannot accept a 30-day waiting period. Why can the guramania not be met when the reorg is effective? Two. In each guaranti, there's an extra zero in the<unk> capsule<unk> amount. Three. In the PSE/3G Guardatory section counterparty messages are to be just like the master of primary messages and transcripts. la or la or la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la or la la la or la la la la or la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la In LC, in the new language on the other hand, change the Uniform Customs to the UCP. That's all I got. Instead of looking up point #1, send me an email about Enron Guardary and please contact Susan Flynn to have the final versions executed and to receive other closing records. I'd like to examine your statement. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Merknader | Notes |
Write a subject line for this message:
You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server. Sender: [email protected] | An Inbound Message For You Has Been Quarantined | aeslc_10templates | 271 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Du har fått denne meldinga fordi noen har forsøkt å sende deg en e-post fra utsiden av Enron med en vedleggstype som Enron ikke tillater i vårt meldingsmiljø. E-posten din er satt i karantene og holdes på MailSweeper-serveren. Avsender: Lwwbthemarin@ | Enter a subject field for this message: You have received this message because someone has tried to send you an email from outside Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow in our message environment. Your e-mail's been quarantined and kept on the MailSweeper server. Sender: [email protected] | Et inngående budskap til deg er blitt holdt i ruiner | An in - depth message for you has been held in ruins |
David: Attached is an example of the "tainted swaption". I'd really like to focus on the dates (Trade, Effective, Exercise). Looking forward to call in the morning. Sara
Write a subject line for this email. | Kellogg | aeslc_10templates | 272 | David: Vedlagt er et eksempel på den innfelte bytteretten<unk> Jeg vil gjerne fokusere på datoene (Trade, Electra, Exercise). Ser frem til å ringe i morgen. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | David: Attached is an example of the inset exchange right<unk> I would like to focus on the dates (Trade, Electra, Exercise). I look forward to calling tomorrow. Type a subject line for this email. | Isargugugg | Isargugugg |
This is the content of an email: This is the data that we will use to build our Socal growth estimates. Take a look at the file and then we can discuss how to combine this with current pipeline capacity and future expansions. Mike
What was the subject line for this email? | New Generation as of Oct 24th | aeslc_10templates | 273 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Dette er dataene vi vil bruke til å bygge opp Socal-vekstestimatene. Ta en titt på filen og så kan vi diskutere hvordan vi kan kombinere dette med nåværende kapasitet i rørledninger og fremtidige utvidelser. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: this is the data we want to use to build up the Socal growth estimates. Take a look at the file and then we can discuss how to combine this with the current pipeline capacity and future extensions. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Ny generasjon i den 24. okt | New Generation of the 24th Oct |
This is the content of an email: The technical difficulties with the SAP Security email box have been resolved. You may once again follow the normal submission process as noted in the instructions for the SAP Security Request Form and the IBuyit eProcurement Request Form. If you submitted a request for security during the week of July 16-20 and have NOT received a notification of it's receipt, please resubmit the form. We can not be certain that all mail directed to the box during this period was actually received. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you.
What was the subject line for this email? | SAP Security Mailbox functional again | aeslc_10templates | 274 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post: De tekniske vanskelighetene med SAPs e- postboks er løst. Du kan nok en gang følge den normale innleveringsprosessen som angitt i bruksanvisningen for SAPS sikkerhetsanmodningsskjemaet og IBuyit eProcurement are Form. Dersom du framla en anmodning om sikkerhet i løpet av uken juli 16-20 og ikke har mottatt underretning om dennes mottak, vennligst send skjemaet på nytt. Vi kan ikke være sikker på at all post sendt til boksen i denne perioden faktisk ble mottatt. Vi ber om unnskyldning for enhver besværlighet som dette kan ha påført deg. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: The technical difficulties with SAP mailbox have been solved. You may once again follow the normal delivery process as specified in the SAPS Safety Request Form and IBuyit eProcurement are Form Manual. If you have submitted a request for safety during the week of July 16-20 and have not received the notification of its receipt, please re-submit the form. We cannot be sure that all mail sent to the box during this period was actually received. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | SAPPPPPPAP-postboks (velvelvelvelvelvel | SUPPPAP mailbox ( Selectively |
What is the subject line for this email?
Attached is the list referenced above, revised to approve Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) for all products but power (of course no credit derivatives). The other Imperial Oil Resources Limited from the original approvals (cpy ID5193), I would like shut down for all products until I am provided information as to how it differs from the other Imperial Oil Resources. Whew...!! ! | Counterparty Approval List for 5/8/00 | aeslc_10templates | 275 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vedlagt er listen nevnt ovenfor, revidert for å godkjenne Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) for alle produkter unntatt makt (selvsagt ingen kredittderivater). De øvrige statlige oljeressursene, fra originalgodkjenningene (cpy ID5193), vil jeg legge ned for alle varer inntil jeg får informasjon om hvordan det skiller seg fra de andre statlige oljeressursene. Se...!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( | What is the subject line for this email? The list referred to above has been annexed to the list revised to approve Imperial Oil Resources (cpy ID 58981) for all products except power (of course no credit derivatives). The rest of the state oil resources, from the original approvals (cpy ID5193), I would like to close down for all goods until I get information on how it differs from the other government oil resources. Look...! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or | Liste over kontrollstater for 5/8/2000 | List of control countries for 5/8/2000 |
Congratulations on your added role of CEO for Enron Europe. I look forward to continuing to work with you and the staff in London on risk management operations initiatives. I talk with Brent Price several times a week. I know that Fernley has appreciated his participation in London, and I hope that you have found his involvement to be beneficial as well. We are almost at the half way mark on his assignment, so I will talk with you next week when I return from Calgary to get your input on his role to date.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Added Role | aeslc_10templates | 276 | Gratulerer med den nye rollen som administrerende direktør i Enon Europa. Jeg ser fram til å fortsette å samarbeide med deg og staben i London om risikohåndteringsprogrammer. Jeg snakker med Brent Price flere ganger i uken. Jeg vet at Fernley har satt pris på sin deltakelse i London, og jeg håper du har funnet at hans medvirkning også er nyttig. Vi er nesten halvveis på vei til oppgaven hans, så jeg vil snakke med deg neste uke når jeg kommer tilbake fra Calgary for å få dine opplysninger om rollen hans til dags dato. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Congratulations on the new role of CEO of Enon Europe. I look forward to continuing to cooperate with you and your staff in London on risk management programs. I talk to Brent Price several times a week. I know Fernley has enjoyed his participation in London, and I hope you've found his involvement helpful as well. We're almost halfway to his assignment, so I'd like to talk to you next week when I get back from Calgary to get your information on his role to date. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | I tillegg til rolle | In addition to the role |
What is the subject line for this email?
The EES/EWS Process Meeting will now be held EVERY THURSDAY at 3:00. We have also changed the location since we were bumped the last two meeting dates. The NEW LOCATION is EB2868. | EES/EWS Process Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 277 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Prosessmøtet i EES/EWS vil nå bli avholdt OM TIDEN TREDJE DAG 3. Vi har også endret stedet siden vi ble avslått de to siste møtedatoene. DET NYE LÅKET er EB2868. | What is the subject line for this email? The Process Meeting of EES/EWS will now be held at 3 DAY 3. We've also changed the location since we were rejected the last two meeting dates. THE new leg is EB2868. | EES/EWS-prosessmøte | EES/EWS Process Meeting |
Folks, you are the remaining officers of ENA that have not yet enrolled in this mandated training program. It is ENA's goal to have all its officers through the program before the end of calendar year 2000. The course has received very high marks for effectiveness. Please take time now to enroll in the program. Speak to your HR representative if you need help getting signed up. Regards
Write a subject line for this email. | Executive Impact and Influence Course | aeslc_10templates | 278 | Folkens, dere er de gjenværende offiserene på ENA som ennå ikke har meldt seg på dette mandatrike opplæringsprogrammet. Det er ENAs mål å ha alle sine befal gjennom programmet før slutten av kalenderår 2000. Kurset har fått svært høye karakterer for effektivitet. Ta deg tid til å delta i programmet. Snakk med din HR-representant dersom du trenger hjelp til å komme påmeldt. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Guys, you are the remaining officers of ENA who have not yet signed up for this mandated training program. It is the goal of the ENA to have all their command through the programme before the end of the calendar year 2000. The course has been given very high efficiencies. Take time to participate in the program. Talk to your HR representative if you need help to sign up. Type a subject line for this email. | En avgjørende innflytelse og innflytelse | A Crucial Influence and Influence |
Write an email with the following subject:
November 1999 Settlement Adjustment Invoices | The invoices for November 1999 settlement adjustments will be posted by 23:00 today, Monday, September 17, 2001. The NYISO apologizes for any inconvenience resulting in the delay in posting these invoices. Transmission Customers will observe adjustments to their settlements to: (1) recover costs related to adjustments made outside of the billing process; and (2) adjust the NYISO clearing account balance to zero for November 1999 settlements. With regard to the adjustments made outside of the billing process, these adjustments could not have been corrected by a billing code or determinant data fix. As a result, the mechanism of paying and funding the adjustments is done through adjustments outside of the billing process. The total adjustment of $14,178.39 was allocated across 5,059,790 MWh. Customers may validate their respective adjustments by computing their ratio shares of the $14,178.39 using 5,059,790 MWh as the denominator in their respective ratios of their November 1999 load. Customers will observe a difference in the denominators used in the ratio share allocation of this adjustment versus adjustment #2. This is due to the fact that the costs for adjustment #1 are not allocated to those that received payment through the adjustment, which would defeat the purpose of the adjustment. Prior to October 2000, the NYISO recovered or refunded differences in the revenue received from Schedule 1 charges, which were comprised of forecasted uplift & residual adjustments, and the costs actually incurred by adjusting subsequent month's Schedule 1 rates accordingly. In October 2000, the NYISO implemented a change in the tariffed Schedule 1 provisions that allowed the recovery and refund of these costs as they were incurred. In order to allow any changes in uplift and residual adjustments to be settled through the settlement adjustment process, the code implemented in October 2000 was used to report these costs to the market. This results in an over-collection which is being returned to Customers through an adjustment to their monthly balances. This billing treatment for the November 1999 settlement adjustments resulted in credits to the market totaling $5,583,559.78 allocated across 5,074,229 MWh. Customers where allocated their portion of this adjustment based upon their respective ratio shares of the 5,074,229 MWh of NYISO transmission service billed for the month. November 1999 settlement adjustment settlement dates have been changed to address the delay in invoicing. Payments due to the NYISO for November 1999 settlement adjustments are due to be received in the NYISO clearing account on Monday, September 24, 2001. Payments due to market participants will be made on Thursday, September 27, 2001. Please refer to the attachment below for banking instructions. The NYISO anticipates that the 2nd settlement adjustment for December 1999 settlements will be invoiced tomorrow, Tuesday, September 2001 by 23:00. Settlements dates will be adjusted to accomodate the invoice date changes. Given the aforementioned schedules, payments due to the NYISO for December 1999 settlement adjustments will be due to be received in the NYISO clearing account on Tuesday, September 25, 2001. Payments due to market participants will be made on Friday, September 28, 2001. The NYISO will confirm the invoicing schedule for December 1999 settlements tomorrow. Regards, | aeslc_10templates | 279 | Skriv inn en e-post med følgende emne: november 1999 Oppgjørsjurti Regnskapsmeldingsfakser | Please enter an e-mail with the following subjects: November 1999 Settlerchi Accounting Fax | Fakturaene for oppgjørsjusteringer for november 1999 vil bli lagt ut innen 23.00 i dag, mandag 17. september 2001. NYISO ber om unnskyldning for eventuelle ulemper som kan føre til at disse fakturaene blir forsinket. Kandidaterene vil legge til rette for justeringer av sine oppgjør i: 1) kostnader ved tilbakebetaling knyttet til justeringer gjort utenfor faktureringsprosessen, og 2) justere trikotasje for NYISO-klareringskontoen til null for november 1999-oppgjør. Når det gjelder de justeringer som er foretatt utenfor faktureringsprosessen, kunne disse justeringene ikke ha blitt korrigert av en faktureringskode eller determinant datafiks. Dette fører til at ordningen med å betale og finansiere justeringene gjøres gjennom justeringer utenfor faktureringsprosessen. Den samlede justeringen på 14 178 kroner.39 ble fordelt på 5 , 9,5 ,7 ,90 ,. Kundene kan validere sine respektive justeringer ved å beregne sine forholdsandeler i $14 178.39 ved å bruke 5,05 999 MWh som nevner i sine respektive forholdstall for deres belastning i november 1999. Kundene vil observere en forskjell i de nevnerne som brukes i forholdstallet fordeling av denne justeringen i forhold til justering #2. Dette skyldes at kostnadene for justering av null og null ikke er fordelt på dem som har mottatt betalingen gjennom justeringen, som ville ha overvunnet formålet med justeringen. Før oktober 2000 hadde NYISO gjenvunnet eller tilbakebetalt forskjellene i inntekter fra inntekter mottatt fra taksering av plan 1-avgifter, som bestod av prognoserte opp- og restjusteringer, og kostnadene som faktisk oppstår ved justering av etterfølgende måneds plan 1-kurser. I oktober 2000 gjennomførte NYISO en endring i de tariffbelagte plan 1-bestemmelsene som tillot inndrivelse og tilbakebetaling av disse kostnadene etter hvert som de påløp. For at eventuelle endringer i oppløfting og restjusteringer skal kunne avklares gjennom forliksjusteringsprosessen, ble koden som ble implementert i oktober 2000, brukt til å rapportere disse kostnadene til markedet. Dette resulterer i en overoppsamling som tilbakeføres til kunder gjennom en justering av deres balanse i balansen. Denne faktureringsbehandlingen for justeringene av oppgjøret i november 1999 resulterte i kreditter til markedet totalt 583 559,78 fordelt på 5 074,229 MWh. kundeer som fordelte sin del av denne justeringen på grunnlag av sine respektive forholdstallsandeler i den 5 074 229 MWh av den NY-SyG-transmisjonstjenesten som er fakturert for måneden. Det er endret dato for bosetning av bosetting i november 1999 for å ta opp forsinkelsen av stevning. Betalinger på grunn av NYISO for november 1999 justeringer av oppgjør skal mottas i NYISOs klareringskonto mandag den 24. september 2001. Betaling på grunn av markedsdeltaker vil skje torsdag 27. september 2001. Se vedlegg for bankinstruksjoner nedenfor. NYGISOet regner med at den 2. bosetningsjusteringen for desember 1999 bosetting vil bli fakturert i morgen, tirsdag, september 2001 innen 23.00. Oppgjørstidspunkter vil bli justert til å være til fremme av endringene i fakturadatoen. Ettersom de nevnte skjemaene vil bli mottatt i forbindelse med oppgjørsjusteringer av betalinger som følge av NYISO for desember 1999, på grunn av disse skjemaene, vil oppgjørsjusteringer bli mottatt på GNYISOs klareringskonto tirsdag 25. september 2001. Betaling på grunn av markedsdeltaker vil skje på fredag den 28. september 2001. NYISO vil bekrefte faktureringsplanen for desember 1999 bosettinger i morgen. ., | Invoices for settlement adjustments for November 1999 will be posted by 2300 hours today, Monday, 17 September 2001. NYISO apologizes for any inconveniences that might delay these invoices. Candidates will facilitate adjustments to their settlements in: (1) the costs of repayments related to adjustments made outside the billing process, and (2) the knitted or crocheted of the NYISO clearance account adjusts to zero for November 1999 settlements. In the case of the adjustments made outside the billing process, these adjustments could not have been corrected by a billing code or determinant data fix. As a result, the system of paying and financing adjustments is made through adjustments outside the billing process. The total adjustment of 14 178 kroner.39 was divided into 5 , 9.5 ,7 .90 . Customers may validate their respective adjustments by calculating their ratios in $14 178.39 using 5.05999 MWh as the denominator in their respective ratios for their load in November 1999. Customers will observe a difference in the denominators used in the ratio distribution of this adjustment to adjustment #2. This is because the costs of adjusting zero and zero are not allocated to those who received the payment through the adjustment, which would have overcome the purpose of the adjustment. Before October 2000, NYISO had recovered or repaid the differences in revenues received from the charging of plan 1 fees, which consisted of forecasted up and back adjustments, and the costs actually incurred in adjusting subsequent month’s plan 1 courses. In October 2000, NYISO implemented a change in the tariff-plated plan 1 provisions allowing the recovery and repayment of these costs as they incurred. In order to clarify any changes in the lifting and residual adjustments through the settlement adjustment process, the code implemented in October 2000 was used to report these costs to the market. This results in an over-collection that is returned to customers through an adjustment to their balance sheet balance sheet. This invoicing treatment for the adjustments to settlement in November 1999 resulted in credits to the market total of 583,559,78 divided into 5074,229 MWh. customers who distributed their part of this adjustment on the basis of their respective ratios in the 5 074 229 MWh of the New-SyG transmission service invoiced for the month. The date of settlement has been changed in November 1999 to address the delay of the subpoena. Payments due to NYISO for November 1999 settlement adjustments shall be received in the NYISO clearing account on Monday, September 24, 2001. Payment due to the economic operator will take place on Thursday 27 September 2001. See the attachment for bank instructions below. The NYGISO estimates that the 2nd settlement adjustment for December 1999 will be invoiced tomorrow, Tuesday, September 2001, by 23.00. Settlement dates will be adjusted to be in favour of the changes in the invoice date. As those forms will be received in connection with settlement adjustments of payments resulting from NYISO for December 1999, due to those forms, settlement adjustments will be received in the GNYISO clearing account on Tuesday 25 September 2001. Payment due to the economic operator will take place on Friday, September 28, 2001. New York's gonna confirm the billing plan for December 1999 settlements tomorrow. .., |
Write an email with the following subject:
FYI | I found the picture from Tin Hall the other night and that guy at Whataburger was definitely one of the "cute cowboys." How weird is that? Anyway, hope you're flight home and immediate transition to the classroom went smoothly. I guess I'll be seeing you in about two weeks and by that time, hopefully, I'll know more about my London prospects. Susan | aeslc_10templates | 280 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: FYI | Send an email with the following topic: FYI | Jeg fant bildet fra Tin Hall her om kvelden, og den fyren på Whataburger var definitivt en av de søte cowboyene... Er ikke det rart? Uansett, håper du er fly hjem og umiddelbar overgang til klasserommet gikk greit. Vi ses vel om to uker, og innen den tid, håper jeg at jeg vet mer om mine utsikter til London. Det har skjedd at det har skjedd etter at det har gått etter etter det som har skjedd etter at det har skjedd etter at det har gått etter etter etter det det som etter etter det inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn som som som det fra det som etter etter det det det det det fra som etter det det det det det det det det det det det fra som etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det etter det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det det | I found the picture from Tin Hall the other night, and that guy at Whataburger was definitely one of those cute cowboys... Isn't that strange? Anyway, hope you're flying home and immediate transition to the classroom was okay. I guess I'll see you in two weeks, and by then, I hope I know more about my prospects for London. That's after that |
This is an email
I have attached the referenced spreadsheet, changing my product approvals to add the new product list that Stephanie sent me (instead of th eold list Credit sent me). One of the new products appears to be Austrian physical power. Like the other European based physical power products, it should not be opened for the US based credit counterparties to trade, so I will not be marking it out on a going forward basis, I will just expect it to be shut down for the US based counerparties (unless I tell you otherwise on a particular one). Is that OK with you. Also, for Sempra, they will be coming by again on the 7/21 list (Credit opened them up for all financial power). I had already opened them up for all financial products except weather, so it shouldn't affect my approval.
What is the subject of this email? | Counterparty Approval List for 7/18/00 | aeslc_10templates | 281 | Dette er en e-post jeg har lagt ved det refererte regnearket, endre mine produktgodkjenninger for å legge til den nye produktlisten som Stephanie har sendt meg (i stedet for th eold list credit sendte meg). Et av de nye produktene ser ut til å være fysisk makt. I likhet med de andre europeiske europeiske fysiske effekteffektproduktene bør det ikke åpnes for de amerikanske kreditts motparter som bygger på amerikanske kreditter i handelen, så jeg vil ikke merke det ut fra fortsatt utvikling, jeg vil bare forvente at det blir stengt for de amerikanske partsselskapene (med mindre jeg forteller deg noe annet på en bestemt måte). Er det greit for deg? Også for Sempra vil de komme innom igjen på 7/21-listen (Kredittåpnet dem opp for all finansmakt). Jeg hadde allerede åpnet dem for alle finansielle produkter unntatt vær, så det bør ikke påvirke min godkjenning. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail I have attached to the referenced spreadsheet, changing my product authorisations to add to the new product list that Stephanie has sent me (instead of thold list credit sent me). One of the new products seems to be physical power. As with the other European physical effects, it should not be opened to American credit counterparties based on American credits in trade, so I will not be able to notice it from continued development, I will just expect it to be closed to the American party companies (unless I tell you otherwise in a certain way). Is that okay with you? Also for Sempra they will come by again on the 7/21 list (Credit opened them up for all financial power). I had already opened them for all financial products except weather, so it should not affect my approval. What is the subject of this email? | Valliste for 7 000/2000, som er klassifisert som kontra det andre partiet | List of options for 7000/2000 classified as versus the other lot |
Notice of Acknowledgement The FERC's Office of the Secretary has received the following filing that you submitted Accession #: 200111215015 File Name: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc File Size: 43520 Filing Date : 11/21/2001 12:29:21 PM File Desc: Answer/Response to a Pleading/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Docket(s)# (as filed): RP97-288-017; Filing Type: Answer/Response to a Pleading/Motion Submission Date & Time: 11/21/2001 12:29:20 PM Signed by: J Gregory Porter Filed by: Transwestern Pipeline Company You will receive a subsequent e-mail "Notice of Receipt" as soon as we convert the file you submitted to the PDF format. We will also contact you via e-mail if there is any problem with your electronic submission. A third e-mail "Notice of Acceptance" will be sent once FERC's Office of the Secretary accepts this document as part of the docket(s). Note: The docket number(s) you entered for this filing may be changed. The Notice of Acceptance e-mail will show the docket number(s) assigned by FERC. Thank you for participating in FERC's Electronic Filing Program.
Write a subject line for this email. | FERC Filing in RP97-288-017 Notice of Acknowledgement | aeslc_10templates | 282 | Kunngjøring av erkjent Erkjent Sekretærens FERCs kontor har mottatt følgende melding om at du har søkt om tiltredelse nr.: 200111121515 Filnavn: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc Filstørrelse: 43520 Dato for tildeling: 11/21/2001 12:29:21: PM File Desc: Ansvar/Ansvar for en Petail/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Docket( er)# (som arkivert): RP97-288- 017; Fileringstype: Svar/svar på et program for innsending av pris/modus Dato og tid: 11/21/2001 12:29:20 Merket av: Gregory Porter Filet av: Transwestern Pipeline Company Du vil motta en etterfølgende e-post<unk>Beskrivelse av mottak<unk> så snart vi konverterer fila du sendte inn til PDF-formatet. Vi vil også kontakte deg via e-post dersom det er noe problem med den elektroniske erklæringen. En tredje e-post<unk>Notice of Acceptance<unk> vil bli sendt når EFRs ministerkontor godtar dette dokumentet som en del av saksmappen(e). Merk: Nummeret/ de i det søket du oppga for denne filen kan bli endret. Melding om godkjenningsmelding vil vise nummeret(e) som er tildelt av FERS. Takk for at dere deltok i FERCs elektroniske fileringsprogram. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Announcement of the Office of the Secretary acknowledged that you have applied for accession No: 200111121515 Filename: CPUCfilingAnswer.doc File size: 43520 Date of Allocation: 11/21/1229:21: PM File Desc: Responsibilities/Responsibility of a Petail/Motion of Transwestern Pipeline Company under RP97-288. Docked(s)# (as archived): RP97-288-017; Filetype: Response/response to a price/mode transmission programme Date and time: 11/21/2001 12:29:20 Marked by: Gregory Porter Fileet of: Transwestern Pipeline Company You will receive a subsequent mail<unk> Description of receiving<unk> as soon as we convert the file you sent into the PDF format. We will also contact you via e-mail if there is a problem with the electronic declaration. A third e-mail will be sent when the ERC Minister's Office accepts this document as part of the case file(s). Note: The number/ numbers in the search you specified for this file may be changed. The approval notification will display the number(s) assigned by the FERS. Thank you for being part of FERC's electronic file program. Type a subject line for this email. | FERDSEL I RP97-288-017 Erklæring om kvittering | PRISON I RP97-288-017 Declaration on receipt |
Write an email with the subject line "addition to Options answer". | Here's what I've added to my answer to address Ni's question. Let me know if you have comments. I'll have a final draft out shortly. Prior to the deadline for filing interventions, Transwestern received a request from Commission staff for clarification of the criteria for awarding of Shipper call options. The procedure will be as follows: an advance posting will specify the term of the available option, term of transportation service, transportation volume, and instructions for bidding. Shipper call options will be awarded based upon the highest rate payable for the option component. | aeslc_10templates | 283 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> tillegg til Alternativt svar<unk> | Type a mail with the subject line<unk> addition to the Alternative response<unk> | Her er det jeg har lagt til mitt svar for å ta opp Nis spørsmål. Si fra hvis du har kommentarer. Jeg har en siste uttalelse. I forkant av fristen for innlevering av intervensjoner, mottok Transwestern en anmodning fra Kommisjonens personale om klargjøring av kriteriene for tildeling av alternativer for avsendere. Prosedyren vil være som følger: en forhåndsmelding vil angi hvilken periode for valg av ledige stillinger, transporttid, transportmengde og instrukser for bud. Oppropsopsjoner for skip vil bli tildelt basert på den høyeste satsen som skal betales for opsjonskomponenten. | Here's what I've added to my answer to address Ni's questions. Let me know if you have any comments. I have one final statement to make. In advance of the deadline for the submission of interventions, Transwestern received a request from Commission staff for clarification of the criteria for the allocation of alternatives to consignors. The procedure will be as follows: a pre-notification will specify the period for which job vacancies, transport time, transport volume and delivery instructions are selected. Call-off options for ships will be allocated based on the maximum rate to be paid for the option component. |
Here is an email: We have been given a new list of potential arbitrators. Please take a minute and let me know if any of these represent us, and the general level of representation. Thank you again for your help. If you want to leave me a voicemail, my telephone number is (713) 646-6412. 1. William Frank Carroll--Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Arbitrators for Blockbuster Arbitration | aeslc_10templates | 284 | Her er en e- post: Vi har fått en ny liste over potensielle foresatte. Vennligst ta et minutt og la meg få vite om noen av disse representerer oss, og det generelle nivået av representasjon. Tusen takk for hjelpen. Hvis du vil gi meg en svarer, er telefonnummeret mitt (713) 646-6412. 1 . William Frank Carroll - Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll Hva er en potensiell subjektlinje for denne e-posten? | Here is an email: We have a new list of prospective guardians. Please take a minute and let me know if any of these represent us, and the general level of representation. Thank you so much for your help. If you want to give me an answer, my phone number (713) is 646-6412. One. William Frank Carroll - Donohoe, Jameson & Carroll What is a potential subject line for this e-mail? | Formidlere til blokka som er tatt i vold | Interceptors to the building that's been taken into force. |
I have revised the option form consistent (except where noted) with comments sent by Herman and Lisa, and have attached a redline version. Herman, I dealt with your comment regarding the defn of Optionee by tinkering a little with the 1st paragraph. I also construed your comment regarding Enron's right to terminate the option to NOT preclude termination if our counterparty is in default. Please confirm that this is acceptable. Lisa, I did not change the notice info since the first entity will the the project co, with ENA Legal receiving a copy. Please advise if you have any comments. Kay
Write a subject line for this email. | Rev option form | aeslc_10templates | 285 | Jeg har revidert valgformen konsistent (med unntak av der det er notert) med kommentarer sendt av Herman og Lisa, og har vedlagt en versjon med rød strek. Herman, jeg har en kommentar om valgets avgjørelse ved å ta en titt på første avsnitt. Jeg tar også for meg kommentaren din om Enrons rett til å avslutte muligheten til å IKKE utelukke terminering dersom vår motpart er i mislighold. Vennligst bekreft at dette er akseptabelt. Lisa, jeg har ikke endret notisinfoen siden den første enheten vil gjøre prosjektet co, med ENA juridisk mottar en kopi. Vennligst rådfør deg med om du har noen kommentarer. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | I have revised the election form consistently (except where noted) with comments sent by Herman and Lisa, and have attached a version of the red line. Herman, I have a comment on the election decision by taking a look at the first paragraph. I also consider your comment on Enron's right to terminate the possibility to NOT exclude termination if our counterparty is in default. Please confirm that this is acceptable. Lisa, I haven't changed the note info since the first unit will make the project co, with ENA legally receiving a copy. Please consult if you have any comments. Type a subject line for this email. | Val skjema for store/ små | Case sensitive options |
All, This email is directed to my peeps at Enform who may be interested in a night at the Alley, to see the "international comedy sensation" - "Art!!!" (exclamation points added by me for necessary emphasis) Corporate design tyrants like Beth, who just need to relax - it's the perfect thing! Tyrants-up-and-coming and current princess-wanna-be's: Ashley, it's meets your faux-high-society sensibilities to a T! Posing celebrity-satellites: Matt - it beats hanging out at the Starbucks, but requires pants! Invite your friends and foes alike! Oct 12 tickets are still available, section A, for about $45 a piece. Get back at me, playas, they're going fast. Drinks and the theatre, how do you beat that? Whoooooo! Jason
Write a subject line for this email. | a little get the theatre | aeslc_10templates | 286 | Alle, denne e-posten er rettet til mine kikker på Enform som kan være interessert i en natt på allmenningen, for å se den internasjonale komediesensasjonen <unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> (utropspunkter lagt av meg for nødvendig vekt) Corporate design tyranner som Beth, som bare trenger å slappe av - det er det perfekte! Du skal få møte din trangsynte situasjon til en T! Det er bedre enn å henge på Star Bucks, men krever bukser! Inviter dine venner og fiender like mye! Det finnes fortsatt billetter i oktett 12 - billetter, seksjon A, for omkring fire kroner stykket. Ta meg igjen, playas, de går fort. Hvordan slår man det? Bløtdyr! Jason skrive en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | <unk>><unk><unk><<unk><<unk><<unk><<unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><<><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><<><><><><unk><unk><unk><><><><><><unk><unk><><><><><><unk><><><><><><><><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><<<<<<<unk><unk><unk><unk><><unk><unk><unk><unk><<<<unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><<unk><unk><unk><unk>>>>>>>>><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk>>>>><unk><unk><unk><unk>>>>>>><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>>>>>>>>>>><><unk><><>>>><unk><><><><><><><unk><unk><><>>>>><><><><><><><><><><><unk><><unk><unk><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>>>><>>><><><<unk><unk><><><><unk><><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><><unk><unk><><><><><><><><><unk><<><><><><><unk><><><><<><><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><><><><unk><unk><unk><><><><><><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>>>><unk><unk><><unk><><><unk><unk><unk><unk><><><><><>><unk><unk><><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> Corporate design tyrants like Beth, who just needs to relax--that's perfect! I'm going to introduce you to your narrow-minded situation of a T! It's better than hanging out on Star Bucks, but it's gonna require pants! Invite your friends and enemies equally! Octet 12 tickets, section A, are still available for about two dollars each. Catch me up, laya, they're moving fast. How do you beat it? Molluscs! Jason writes a subject line for this email. | litt komme sammen...på teater | a little get together... at the theatre. |
This is an email
When: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:00 PM-5:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: ECN 2601 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Agenda: 1) Organize USER/IT SWAT teams 2) Begin process of fleshing out test scripts Please review the attached spreadsheet for errors or omissions prior to meeting. If I have left anyone off the list, please let me know. Thank You,
What is the subject of this email? | Updated: Integration Test Team Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 287 | Dette er en e-post når: mandag, januar 07. januar 2002 kl. 01.00/00 (GMT-06:00) Sentraltid (USA & Canada). Hvor: ECN 2601 * ~ * ~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Agenda: 1) Organiser USER/IT SWAT teams 2) Begynn å avbeskjær testskript Sjekk vedlagte regneark for feil eller utelatelser før møtet. Hvis jeg har etterlatt noen utenfor listen, så si ifra. Takk, hva handler denne e-posten om? | This is an email when: Monday, January 07: January 2002 at 01:00 (GMT-06:00) Central Time (USA & Canada). Where: ECN 2601 * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ ~ ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Agenda: 1) Organise USER/IT SWAT teams 2) Start cancelling test scripts Check attached spreadsheets for errors or omissions before the meeting. If I've left someone outside the list, let me know. Thank you. What's this e-mail about? | Oppdatert: Møtemøte i innledende testteam | Updated: Meeting of initial test team |
What is the subject line for this email?
I spoke to John O'Shea today regarding Dynegy's continued due diligence for the pipelines. We have scheduled an all day working session this Thursday beginning at 9:00 am (at Enron Building but room not confirmed). John will email to me tomorrow his due diligence requests. In addition to commercial items, he would also like to cover operations and regulatory items. Please make every effort to attend or designate a representative. Drew, not sure who we need on the regulatory side? Thanks, | Dynegy due diligence | aeslc_10templates | 288 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Jeg snakket med John O'Shea i dag angående Dynegys fortsatte arbeid for rørledningene. Vi har satt opp en hel dags arbeidsøkt denne torsdagen som begynner kl. 09.00 (i Enron Building, men rommet er ikke bekreftet). John vil sende meg en e-post i morgen, hans ønske. I tillegg til kommersielle poster vil han også gjerne dekke drift og reguleringssaker. Gjør alt du kan for å møte eller utpeke en representant. Er du ikke sikker på hvem vi trenger? Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? I spoke to John O'Shea today about Dynegys continuing work for the pipelines. We have set up an entire day’s work session this Thursday starting at 9:00 a.m. (in Enron Building, but the room has not been confirmed). John will send me an e-mail tomorrow, his request. Besides commercial items, he also wants to cover operations and regulatory matters. Do everything you can to meet or appoint a representative. Aren't you sure who we need? Thank you. | Dynesig, medregnet | It's a bit of a downer, including. |
Write a subject line for this message:
FYI. This close date is of large significance to GPG as we are going to be asking management to wait an extra week for monthly info that ties out to the financials. This variance from what we thought was a "Common Design" is a huge deal, in fact the agreed upon close timing was a major consideration in getting agreement within GPG to go forward as it was an improvement that we could see had value. I agreed to and "stacked hands" with all on the "Common Design", yet somehow there has been a failure to deliver the "Common Design". I just want to make sure that the two of you are aware of my position on this issue. | Risk Document Information | aeslc_10templates | 289 | Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldinga: FYI. Denne nærdatoen er av stor betydning for GPG da vi skal be ledelsen vente en ekstra uke på månedsinfo som går ut til finansene. Denne variansen fra det vi trodde var en<unk>Common Design<unk> er en stor greie, faktisk var det avtalte om tett timing et vesentlig hensyn i å få enighet innenfor GPG til å gå fremover ettersom det var en forbedring som vi kunne se hadde verdi. Jeg gikk med på og -- påknyttede hender -- med alle på<unk>-Common Design<unk>- men likevel har det vært en mangel på å levere<unk>-Common Design<unk>- Jeg vil bare forsikre meg om at dere to er klar over min holdning til denne saken. | Type a subject line for the following message: FYI. This close-up date is of great importance to GPG as we should ask the management to wait an extra week for monthly information that will go out to finance. This variance from what we thought was a<unk>Common Design<unk> is a big thing, in fact, it was agreed to close timing a significant consideration of getting agreement within GPG to move forward because it was an improvement that we could see had value. I agreed to and -- tied hands -- with everyone on the<unk>-Common Design<unk> -- yet there has been a shortage of delivering<unk>-Common Design<unk>- I just want to make sure that you two are aware of my position on this matter. | Dokumentinformasjon | Document Information |
Please note that the Enron Cash Balance Plan has retained Smith Graham, Gerald Smith's firm, to manage $15 million of pension assets. This fixed-income portfolio will be funded during July. I am available for further discussion at your convenience.
Write a subject line for this email. | Smith Graham | aeslc_10templates | 290 | Legg merke til at Enron Cash Balance Plan har beholdt Smith Graham, Gerald Smiths firma, til å forvalte $15 millioner av pensjonsmidler. Denne porteføljen av fast avkastning vil bli finansiert i løpet av juli. Jeg er tilgjengelig for nærmere drøftelse av saken for Deres vedkommende. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Note that Enron Cash Balance Plan has retained Smith Graham, Gerald Smith's company, to manage $15 million of pension funds. This portfolio of fixed returns will be financed by July. I am available for further discussion of the matter for you. Type a subject line for this email. | paper size size | A4x3paper size |
Here is an email: I checked on the status of this today... Mine shipped on the 9th of November... However, its not trackable... I'm thinking it might have made it to my house today? That, or its lost. Did you get yours yet? T
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Battleground Galactica | aeslc_10templates | 291 | Her er en e- post: Jeg har sjekket statusen til dette i dag... Mine sendt den 9. november... Men dens sporbare... Jeg tror det kan ha kommet seg hjem til meg i dag? Det eller det tapte. Har du fått din ennå? Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten? | I've checked the status of this today... Mine sent on November 9th... But its traceable... I think it might have gotten to my house today. That or that lost. Have you got yours yet? What is a possible subject line for this e-mail? | Slagstedet Galaca | Battleplace Galaca |
Write a subject line for this message:
Carolyn, I wasn't sure you had the last version. This is the version agreed to by GE, which should be attached to the letter agreement. I will email an exhibit which needs to be inserted. | CA Development Agreements | aeslc_10templates | 292 | Jeg var ikke sikker på om du hadde den siste versjonen. Dette er den versjonen som GE har avtalt med, og som bør være vedlagt brevavtalen. Jeg vil sende en e-post som må settes inn. | I wasn't sure if you had the latest version. This is the version with which GE has agreed and which should be attached to the letter agreement. I want to send an email that needs to be inserted. | KRAG-utviklingsavtaler | KRAG Development Agreements |
Write a subject line for this message:
30 days remain prior to the target date specified in an open audit observation. Please click on the document link below, review the observation / action step(s) / responsible person(s), and provide completion / progress report, updates, and revised target date, if any. NOTE: EACH E-MAIL REPRESENTS A SEPARATE AUDIT OBSERVATION. Click on this link to view document --> | "Project DoorStep" 30-DAY REMINDER | aeslc_10templates | 293 | skrive et emnefelt for denne meldingen: 30 dager igjen av måldatoen angitt i en åpen revisjon. Vennligst klikk på dokumentlenken nedenfor, se nærmere om handlingstrinnet for observasjon / handling(er) / ansvarlige(e), og gi eventuelt kompletterings- / framdriftsrapport, oppdateringer og oppdatert måldato. NOTE: NÆRE E-MALG FORRETNINGER EN SÆRLIGE TILGJENNINGSFORHOLD. Klikk på dette leddet for å se på dokumentet --> | write a subject field for this message: 30 days remaining of the target date specified in an open revision. Please click on the document link below, see the observation/action/responsible action step(s), and provide any completion/progress report, updates and updated target date. NOTE: NEAR E-MALG BUSINESSES A SPECIFIC RECOGNITION CONDITIONS. Click this link to view the document -> | <unk>Prosjektleder<unk> 30-dagers REMINN | Project Manager<unk> 30-day REMINN |
Write an email with the following subject:
EOL deals with Coral July-Oct 2000 | During June, Coral transacted on EOL. However, they selected a July thru October deal by mistake. The marketer immediately called the desk and we agreed to let them out of the deal, which resulted in the creation of a second deal in EOL. Coral is not reporting anything on the deal, since it was unwound. But, since EOL deals are automatically processed and are firm transactions, we cannot kill the deal on our side, even though they net to zero volume and price. Logistics will be brokering the transactions in MOPS. Please be sure that Coral is not invoiced or paid on these deals. Again, they will not have a record of the deals. The Sitara deals are: 287946 and 288653. Let me know if you have any questions. D | aeslc_10templates | 294 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: EOL omhandler i juli 2000 | Write an e-mail with the following subject: EOL deals with in July 2000 | I løpet av juni gjennomførte Coral en transaktus på EOL. De valgte imidlertid en julitrubutt avtale ved en feiltakelse. Markederen ringte straks til pulten og vi ble enige om å slippe dem ut av avtalen, noe som resulterte i at det ble laget en andre avtale i EOL. Coral forteller ikke noe om avtalen, siden den var uinnskrenket. Men ettersom EOL-avtalene blir automatisk behandlet og er transaksjoner med faste transaksjoner, kan vi ikke gjøre slutt på avtalen på vår side, selv om de netto til null volum og pris. Logistikken vil være å megle frem transaksjonene i MOPS. Sørg for at Coral ikke blir betalt eller betalt på disse avtalene. De vil heller ikke ha en fortegnelse over avtalene. Sitara-innleggene er: 287946 og 288653. Si fra hvis du har noen spørsmål. Siste | During June Coral performed a transactus on EOL. However, they chose a July-trubutt agreement by mistake. The marketer immediately telephoned the desk and we agreed to let them out of the deal, resulting in a second appointment in EOL. Coral doesn't tell me anything about the deal, since it was untraceable. However, since the EOL agreements are automatically processed and are transactions in fixed transactions, we cannot end the agreement on our side, even if the net amount and price are zero. Logistics would be to broker the transactions in the MOPS. Make sure Coral isn't paid or paid on these deals. They don't want a record of their appointments either. The sitara entries are 287946 and 288653. Let me know if you have any questions. Last |
Here is a revised CA with CINergy. They also sent a clean version thinking that we might not have any changes other than what we had before. I am still trying to talk to Jeff about paragraghs #5 and #6. Thanks Ben
Write a subject line for this email. | Confidentiality Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 295 | Her er en revidert CA sammen med CIKNORN. De sendte også en «clean version» som tenkte at vi kanskje ikke hadde andre endringer enn det vi hadde tidligere. Jeg prøver fortsatt å snakke med Jeff om paragraghs #5 og # Takk Ben Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Here's a revised CA with CICNORN. They also sent a Clear version, thinking that we might have had no other changes than what we had before. I'm still trying to talk to Jeff about the paragraghs #5 and # Thank Ben. Write a topic line for this email. | Fortro fortrolighetsavtaler | Confidentiality agreements |
Write an email with the following subject:
EnronOnline Phase III | As you both know, we are working on the launch of Phase III of EnronOnline. Since we will be making changes to the website we are currently reviewing all content online. This is an opportune time to make any necessary changes. I have attached the Legal and Privacy section for your review. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 296 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: EnronOnline Fase III | Write an email containing the following subjects: EnronOnline Phase III | Som dere begge vet, jobber vi med lanseringen av fase III av EnronOnline. Siden vi vil gjøre endringer på nettstedet vi foreløpig vurderer alt innhold på nett. Dette er en beleilig tid til å gjøre alle nødvendige forandringer. Jeg har lagt ved seksjonen for juridisk og personvern i forbindelse med deres gjennomgåelse. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. Takk. | As you both know, we're working on the launch of EnronOnline Phase III. Since we want to make changes to the website we are currently considering all content online. This is a convenient time to make all necessary changes. I have attached the legal and privacy section in their review. If you have any questions, call me. Thank you. |
This is an email
Please note this meeting has now been rescheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2001 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in EB49C2. For Omaha participants this meeting will be in OMA 7C2. Please mark your calendars. Thank You,
What is the subject of this email? | How are we doing and what are my issues meeting? | aeslc_10templates | 297 | Dette er en e-post Merk at dette møtet nå er omberammet til torsdag 15. november 2001 fra kl. 13.00 - 03.00 i EB49C2. For deltakere som kan omamma vil dette møtet være i OMA 7C2. Vennligst mark dine kalendere. Takk, hva handler denne e-posten om? | This is an e-mail note that this meeting is now scheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2001, from 1:00 - 03:00 in EB49C2. For those who are able to raise their mother, this meeting will be in the OMA 7C2. Please mark your calendars. Thank you. What's this e-mail about? | Hvordan gjør vi det, og hva er mitt møte? | How do we do that, and what's my meeting? |
Write a subject line for this message:
The FT-NEAST-WH books were set up in the Agg-Gas II portfolio, but never added to the AGG-GAS III or AGG-GAS IV portfolios. Please add these books under the J_Mrha porfolio in AGG-GAS III and AGG-GAS IV. Thanks, | FT-NEAST-WH Books | aeslc_10templates | 298 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: FT-NEAST-WH-bøkene ble opprettet i porteføljen Agg-Gas II, men aldri lagt til AGG-GAS III eller AGG-GAS IV-porteføljen. Legg til disse bøkene under J_Mrha porfolio i AGG-GAS III og AGG-GAS IV. Takk. | Write a subject field for this message: the FT-NEAST-WH books were created in the Agg-Gas II portfolio, but never added to the AGG-GAS III or the AGG-GAS IV portfolio. Add these books under J_Mrha porfolio to AGG-GAS III and AGG-GAS IV. Thank you. | FT-neest-wh Bøker | FT-nest-wh Books |
Write a subject line for this message:
Jeff, Now that the dust has started to settled (only slightly), I just want to write this note to wish you well. There are times when looking out for #1 is of paramount importance. While we are not in touch with one another to any great extent, I do empathize with you on the strains that you must have encountered over the last few years! Actually, I probably have no conception of the strain and pressure! Nonetheless, I hope we can remain in touch. To the extent that can help in any way (and I don't mean to be presumptuous), I would be delighted to do so. Best regards, | Wishing You Well! | aeslc_10templates | 299 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Jeff, Nå som støvet har begynt å legge seg (bare litt), vil jeg bare skrive dette brevet for å ønske deg lykke til. Det hender at det å se etter #1 er av avgjørende betydning. Selv om vi ikke har kontakt med hverandre i noen særlig grad, forstår jeg med dere på grunn av de påkjenningene dere må ha vært utsatt for de siste årene! Jeg har kanskje ikke noe med stress og trykk å gjøre. Jeg håper vi kan holde kontakten. I den grad som kan hjelpe på noen måte (og jeg mener ikke å være overmodig), vil jeg gjerne gjøre det. - Best i huts, | Write a topic for this message: Jeff, now that the dust has begun to settle (just a little), I just want to write this letter to wish you good luck. Sometimes looking for #1 is crucial. Even though we are not very close to one another, I understand with you the pressures you must have suffered in recent years! I may not have anything to do with stress and pressure. I hope we can keep in touch. To the extent that can help in any way (and I don’t mean to be presumptuous), I would like to do so. - It's the best in Hut's. | I et ønske som du har! | In a wish that you have! |
Subsets and Splits