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ततस्तु तौ काञ्चनचित्रकार्मुकौ निहत्य रक्षः परिगृह्य मैथिलीम्।विजह्रतु स्तौ मुदितौ महावने दिवि स्थितौ चन्द्रदिवाकराविव।।3.4.33।। | With Viradha killed, they, accompanied by Sita, wandered happily in the dense forest, carrying their brilliant bows adorned with molten gold. They looked like Moon and Sun shining in the sky.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे चतुर्थस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the fourth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Rama, Sita and Lakshmana meet sage Sarabhanga -- Rama enquires about Devendra's visit -- Sarabhanga advises Rama to go to the hermitage of Sutikshna -- with the desire to go to the world of the Brahman, Sarabhanga enters the fire.]हत्वा तु तं भीमबलं विराधं राक्षसं वने।ततस्सीतां परिष्वज्य समाश्वास्य च वीर्यवान्।।3.5.1।।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं रामो भ्रातरं दीप्ततेजसम्। | On killing Viradha, the demon of terrific strength, heroic Rama embraced Sita, consoled her and said to his brother Lakshmana, glowing like fire: |
कष्टं वनमिदं दुर्गं न च स्म वनगोचराः।।3.5.2।।अभिगच्छामहे शीघ्रं शरभङ्गं तपोधनम्। | This wild forest with which we have not been acquainted earlier is difficult to pass. (Hence) let us proceed quickly to sage Sarabhanga. |
आश्रमं शरभङ्गस्य राघवोऽभिजगाम ह।।3.5.3।।तस्य देवप्रभावस्य तपसा भावितात्मनः।समीपे शरभङ्गस्य ददर्श महदद्भुतम्।।3.5.4।। | Rama went to the hermitage of Sarabhanga, a sage with divine grace who had realised the supreme (by his penance). Thus by the side of the sage he witnessed a huge wonder. |
विभ्राजमानं वपुषा सूर्यवैश्वानरोपमम्।अवरुह्यरथोत्सङ्गादाकाशे विबुधानुगम।।3.5.5।।असंस्पृशन्तं वसुधां ददर्श विबुधेश्वरम्।सुप्रभाभरणं देवं विरजोऽम्बरधारिणम्।।3.5.6।।तद्विधैरेव बहुभिः पूज्यमानं महात्मभिः। | Rama saw the lord of the gods (Indra) in the sky getting off the chariot, with his body shining brightly like the sun or the fire, followed by the gods, his feet untouched by the earth. Clad in spotless attire and adorned with shining ornaments, he was being worshipped by many greatsouls like him. |
हरिभिर्वाजिभिर्युक्तमन्तरिक्षगतं रथम्।।3.5.7।।ददर्शादूरतस्तस्य तरुणादित्यसन्निभम्।पाण्डुराभ्रघनप्रख्यं चन्द्रमण्डलसन्निभम्।।3.5.8।। | Not far from that place, Rama saw a chariot, yoked with tawnycoloured horses, shining like the morning Sun. It looked like a palewhite cloud, resembling the lunar orb. |
अपश्यद्विमलं छत्रं चित्रमाल्योपशोभितम्।चामरव्यजने चाग्र्ये रुक्मदण्डे महाधने।।3.5.9।।गृहीते वरनारीभ्यां धूयमाने च मूर्धनि। | Rama saw a pure white umbrella with a highly expensive golden staff, decorated with variegated flower garlands.While near his (Indra's) head stood a pair of exquisite ladies with fans made of yak's tail. |
गन्धर्वामरसिद्धाश्च बहवः परमर्षयः।।3.5.10।।अन्तरिक्षगतं देवं वाग्भिरग्य्राभिरीडिरे। | Many celestial singers of heaven, gods, great sages and siddhas sang with the choicest words the glory of this god stationed in the sky. |
सह सम्भाषमाणे तु शरभङ्गेन वासवे।।3.5.11।।दृष्ट्वा शतक्रतुं तत्र रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्। | While Indra was conversing with Sarabhanga, Rama saw him and said to Lakshmana. |
रामोऽथ रथमुद्दिश्य लक्ष्मणायप्रदर्शयन्।।3.5.12।।अर्चिष्मन्तं श्रिया जुष्टमद्भुतं पश्य लक्ष्मण।प्रतपन्तमिवादित्यमन्तरिक्षगतं रथम्।।3.5.13।। | Pointing at the chariot, Rama said, Lakshmana, see this wonderful, effulgent chariot endowed with grace is shining like the Sun in the sky. |
ये हयाः पुरुहूतस्य पुरा शक्रस्य नश्श्रुताः।अन्तरिक्षगता दिव्यास्त इमे हरयो ध्रुवम्।।3.5.14।। | The horses of Indra, who is often invoked (during sacrificial rituals) and about whom we have heard earlier, are now stationed in the sky. |
इमे च पुरुषव्याघ्रा ये तिष्ठ्न्त्यभितो रथम्।शतं शतं कुण्डलिनो युवानः खङ्गपाणयः।।3.5.15।।विस्तीर्णविपुलोरस्काः परिघायतबाहवः।शोणांशुवसनास्सर्वे व्याध्रा इव दुरासदाः।।3.5.16।।उरोदेशेषु सर्वेषां हारा ज्वलनसन्निभाः।रूपं बिभ्रति सौमित्रे पञ्चविंशतिवार्षिकम्।।3.5.17।। | O Lakshmana around the chariot stand hundreds of finest young men of about twentyfive years. Clad in red robes, they are wearing earrings, and holding swords in their hands. They have broad chests and stout arms like iron beams. Like tigers, they are difficult to overpower. They have necklaces hanging on their chests blazing like fire. |
एतद्दि किल देवानां वयो भवति नित्यदा।यथेमे पुरुषव्याघ्रा दृश्यन्ते प्रियदर्शनाः।।3.5.18।। | These tigers among men have cheerful countenacess from which it can be deduced that the age of the gods always remains constant. |
इहैव सह वैदेह्या मुहूर्तं तिष्ठ लक्ष्मण।यावज्जानाम्यहं व्यक्तं क एष द्युतिमान्रथे।।3.5.19।। | Lakshmana, stay here with Sita awhile, until I ascertain who this dazzling being on the chariot is. |
तमेवमुक्त्वा सौमित्रिमिहैव स्थीयतामिति।अभिचक्राम काकुत्स्थ श्शरभङ्गाश्रमं प्रति।।3.5.20।। | Instructing Lakshmana to wait , Rama went towards Sarabhanga's hermitage. |
ततस्समभिगच्छन्तं प्रेक्ष्य रामं शचीपतिः।शरभङ्गमनुप्राप्य विविक्त इदमब्रवीत्।।3.5.21।। | Then Indra (husband of Sachi) having seen Rama coming towards him, approached Sarabhanga and said this to him privately: |
इहोपयात्यसौ रामो यावन्मां नाभिभाषते।निष्ठां नयतु तावत्तु ततो मा द्रष्टुमर्हति।।3.5.22।।जितवन्तं कृतार्थं हि तदाहमचिरादिमम्।कर्म ह्यनेन कर्तव्यं महदन्यैस्सुदुष्करम्।।3.5.23।। | Here comes Rama. Before he talks to me, take me to some other place from where he may not be able to see me. He has to do a great task which is difficult for others. I can see him when he accomplishes the taste and emerges victorious. |
इति वज्री तमामन्त्र्य मानयित्वा च तापसम्।रथेन हययुक्तेन ययौ दिवमरिन्दमः।।3.5.24।। | This way honouring the sage Indra, wielder of the thunderbolt, took leave of him and went to heaven in his chariot harressed with horses. |
प्रयाते तु सहस्राक्षे राघवस्सपरिच्छदः।अग्निहोत्रमुपासीनं शरभङ्गमुपागमत्।।3.5.25।। | When Indra departed like that, Rama with his retinue (Sita and Lakshmana) went to Sarabhanga who was sitting by the side of the firealtar (for Agnihotra). |
तस्य पादौ च सङ्गृह्य रामस्सीता च लक्ष्मणः।निषेदुस्समनुज्ञाता लब्धवासा निमन्त्रिताः।।3.5.26।। | Rama, Sita and Lakshmana prostrated at Sarabhanga's feet. After being permitted to sit, they were invited to stay there. |
ततश्शक्रोपयानं तु पर्यपृच्छत्स राघवः।शरभङ्गश्च तत्सर्यं राघवाय न्यवेदयत्।।3.5.27।। | Thereafter on Rama's query Sarabhanga told him all about Indra's visit: |
मामेष वरदो राम ब्रह्मलोकं निनीषति।जितमुग्रेण तपसा दुष्प्रापमकृतात्मभिः।।3.5.28।। | O Rama, Indra, the bestower of boons, wants to take me to the world of Brahma, earned by me through severe penance which is most difficult to be attained by those devoid of selfrealisation. |
अहं ज्ञात्वा नरव्याघ्र वर्तमानमदूरतः।ब्रह्मलोकं न गच्छामि त्वामदृष्ट्वा प्रियातिथिम्।।3.5.29।। | O Rama, the best among men you are a very dear guest to me and knowing that you are near, I will not go to the world of Brahman without seeing you. |
त्वयाऽहं पुरुषव्याघ्र धार्मिकेण महात्मना।समागम्य गमिष्यामि त्रिदिवं देवसेवितम्।।3.5.30।। | O Rama, the best of men (only) after seeing a great, virtuous soul like you shall I go to heaven, the abode of the gods. |
अक्षया नरशार्दूल मया लोका जिताश्शुभा।ब्राह्म्याश्च नाकपृष्ठ्याश्च प्रतिगृह्णीष्व मामकान्।।3.5.31।। | O tiger among men, I have conquered heavenly abodes as well as the imperishable, auspicious worlds of Brahma. Accept them all that are mine (obtained through my penance) |
एवमुक्तो नरव्याघ्रस्सर्वशास्त्र विशारदः।ऋषिणा शरभङ्गेण राघवो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।3.5.32।। | To these words of sage Sarabhanga Rama, the best of men, the knower of all sastras, the scion of the Raghus replied: |
अहमेवाहरिष्यामि सर्वांल्लोकान्महामुने।आवासं त्वहमिच्छामि प्रदिष्टमिह कानने।।3.5.33।। | O great sage, I will earn all the worlds myself if you direct me. But I need a proper dwellingplace in this forest. |
राघवेणैवमुक्तस्तु शक्रतुल्यबलेन वै।शरभङ्गो महाप्राज्ञः पुनरेवाब्रवीद्वचः।।3.5.34।। | To this request of Rama who was equal to Indra in strength, sagacious Sarabhanga said these words: |
इह राम महातेजास्सुतीक्ष्णो नाम धार्मिकः।वसत्यरण्ये धर्मात्मा स ते श्रेयो विधास्यति।।3.5.35।। | Here dwells in this forest a brilliant saint, righteous and selfcontrolled, Sutikshna by name who will look to your welfare, O Rama |
सुतीक्ष्णमभिगच्छ त्वं शुचौ देशे तपस्विनम्।रमणीये वनोद्देशे स ते वासं विधास्यति।।3.5.36।। | You may approach sage, Sutikshna residing in a sacred spot. He will provide you a delightful place for your stay in the forest. |
इमां मन्दाकिनीं राम प्रतिस्रोतामनुव्रज।नदीं पुष्पोडुपवहां ततस्तत्र गमिष्यसि।।3.5.37।। | Proceed, O Rama in the reverse direction of the river Mandakini carrying flowers and floats. And you will reach the place. |
एष पन्था नरव्याघ्र मुहूर्तं पश्य तात माम्।यावज्जहामि गात्राणि जीर्णां त्वचमिवोरगः।।3.5.38।। | O Rama, the best among men, this is the way. Look at me for a while, my dear, until I shed my limbs just as a snake sheds its withered slough. |
ततोऽग्निं स समाधाय हुत्वा चाज्येन मन्त्रवित्।शरभङ्गो महातेजाः प्रविवेश हुताशनम्।।3.5.39।। | Then the effulgent Sarabhanga, knower of mantras (magical spells) kindled the fire with faggots and after offering oblations of ghee plunged in. |
तस्य रोमाणि केशांश्च तदा वह्निर्महात्मनः।जीर्णां त्वचं तथाऽस्थीनि यच्च मांसं सशोणितम्।।3.5.40।। | Then were consumed that highsouled Sarabhanga's hair on the body and on the head, the wornout skin, the bones and flesh along with blood. |
स च पावकसङ्काशः कुमारस्समपद्यत।उत्थायाग्निचयात्तस्माच्छरभङ्गो व्यरोचत।।3.5.41।। | Sarabhanga then emerged youthful from that heap of fire, shining like a flame and looking very elegant৷৷ |
स लोकानाहिताग्नीनामृषीणां च महात्मनाम्।देवानां च व्यतिक्रम्य ब्रह्मलोकं व्यरोहत।।3.5.42।। | Sarabhanga then went beyond the worlds of the gods, of the great sages who constantly kindle sacrificial fire, and ascended to the world of Brahman. |
स पुण्यकर्मा भुवने द्विजर्षभः पितामहं सानुचरं ददर्श ह।पितामहश्चापि समीक्ष्य तं द्विजं ननन्द सुस्वागतमित्युवाच ह।।3.5.43।। | Sarabhanga, performer of sacred deeds, saw Brahma with his followers৷৷ Brahma also seeing Sarabhanga, the best among the brahmins, welcomed him gladly.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चमः सर्गः।।Thus ends the fifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Sages seek Rama's protection from demons -- Rama's assurance to sages]शरभङ्गे दिवं प्राप्ते मुनिसङ्घास्समागताः।अभ्यगच्छन्त काकुत्स्थं रामं ज्वलिततेजसम्।।3.6.1।। | When Sarabhanga attained the heaven, all the sages collected together and came to Rama whose radiance was like fire. |
वैखानसा वालखिल्यास्सम्प्रक्षाला मरीचिपाः।अश्मकुट्टाश्च बहवः पत्राहाराश्च तापसाः।।3.6.2।।दन्तोलूखलिनश्चैव तथैवोन्मज्जकाः परे।गात्रशय्या अशय्याश्च तथैवाभ्रावकाशकाः।।3.6.3।।मुनयस्सलिलाहारावायुभक्षा स्तथापरे।आकाशनिलयाश्चैव तथा स्थण्डिलशायिनः।।3.6.4।।व्रतोपवासिनो दान्तास्तथाऽर्द्रपटवाससः।सजपाश्च तपोनित्यास्तथा पञ्चतपोऽन्विताः।।3.6.5।।सर्वे ब्राह्म्या श्रिया जुष्टा दृढयोगास्समाहिताः।शरभङ्गाश्रमे राममभिजग्मुश्च तापसाः।।3.6.6।। | Vaikhanasas, Valakhilyas, sages who continuously wash their bodies, Marichakas Asmakuttas sages who live on leaves only, those who have teeth like mortar, Unmajjakas, those who use limbs as their bed, those who practise penance without using a bed, those who do penance in the open, unmindful of rain or Sun or wind, those who live on water only, those who penance under the open sky, those who carry on penance on high places like the mountaintop, those who recline on bare ground only, those who observe fast as a part of religious tradition, those selfrestrained men, those who mutter sacred mantras, those who constantly perform penance and those who stand under the blazing Sun in summer placing fire on four sides while performing penanceall these types of sages met Rama in the hermitage of Sarabhanga. |
अभिगम्य च धर्मज्ञा रामं धर्मभृतां वरम्।ऊचुः परमधर्मज्ञमृषिसङ्घास्समाहिताः।।3.6.7।। | All groups of sages, who knew dharma, and were upholders of righteousness reached Rama, the supreme knower of dharma, and said: |
त्वमिक्ष्वाकुकुलस्यास्य पृथिव्याश्च महारथ।प्रधानश्चासि नाथश्च देवानां मघवानिव।।3.6.8।। | O great charioteer you are the lord of the Ikshvaku race and of the world just like Indra, chief among the gods. |
विश्रुतस्त्रिषु लोकेषु यशसा विक्रमेण च।पितृभक्तिश्च सत्यं च त्वयि धर्मश्च पुष्कलः।।3.6.9।। | You are renowned in the three worlds for your valour, for your devotion to father, and in you lies enough evidence of your adherence to truth and righteousness. |
त्वामासाद्य महात्मानं धर्मज्ञं धर्मवत्सलम्।अर्थित्वान्नाथ वक्ष्यामस्तच्च नः क्षन्तुमर्हसि।।3.6.10।। | O lord, do excuse us. We sought your help to fulfil our needs since you are at hand. You are a great soul, knower and lover of dharma. |
अधर्मस्सुमहांस्तात भवेत्तस्य महीपतेः।यो हरेद्बलिषड्भागां न च रक्षति पुत्रवत्।।3.6.11।। | O Lord, a king who collect one sixth of the produce as tax and yet does not protect his subjects like his children commits an act of grave injustice. |
युञ्जानस्स्वानिव प्राणान्प्राणैरिष्टान्सुतानिव।नित्ययुक्तस्सदा रक्षन्सर्वान्विषयवासिनः।।3.6.12।।प्राप्नोति शाश्वतीं राम कीर्तिं स बहुवार्षिकीम्।ब्रह्मणस्स्थानमासाद्य तत्र चापि महीयते।।3.6.13।। | O Rama, whoever protects the inhabitants of his kingdom at all times like his own son who he loves more than his own life will attain the world of Brahma and remain there for long years and will achieve prosperity thereafter. |
यत्करोति परं धर्म मुनिर्मूलफलाशनः।तत्र राज्ञश्चतुर्भाग प्रजा धर्मेण रक्षितः।।3.6.14।। | One fourth of the supreme merit a sage earns by living on fruits and roots, accrues to the king through which the people are protected righteously. |
सोऽयं ब्राह्मणभूयिष्ठो वानप्रस्थगणो महान्।त्वन्नाथोऽनाथवद्राम राक्षसैर्वध्यते भृशम्।।3.6.15।। | O Rama we are a group of great sages, mostly brahmins, leading a vanaprastha life. Yet with a protector like you, we are slaughtered in large numbers like orphans. |
एहि पश्य शरीराणि मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्।हतानां राक्षसैर्घोरैर्बहूनां बहुधा वने।।3.6.16।। | Come and see the bodies of ascetics, who had perceived the Supreme Spirit, killed in large numbers in the forest by the fierce demons. |
पम्पानदीनिवासानामनुमन्दाकिनीमपि।चित्रकूटालयानां च क्रियते कदनं महत्।।3.6.17।। | A great slaughter is taking place amongst those residing on the bank of the Pampa lake, near the river Mandakini, and on mount Chitrakuta. |
एवं वयं न मृष्यामो विप्रकारं तपस्विनाम्।क्रियमाणं वने घोरं रक्षोभिर्भीमकर्मभिः।।3.6.18।। | We ascetics are not able to tolerate the fearful deeds perpetrated by the dreadful demons in the forest. |
ततस्त्वां शरणार्थं च शरण्यं समुपस्थिताः।परिपालय नो राम वध्यमानान्निशाचरैः।।3.6.19।। | O Rama, you are worthy of refuge. Hence we have come to you seeking your protection. We are being killed by the nightstalkers. Save us. |
परा त्वत्तो गतिर्वीर पृथिव्यां नोपपद्यते।परिपालय न स्सर्वान्राक्षसेभ्यो नृपात्मज।।3.6.20।। | O great warrior here on this earth there is no protector as mighty as you. So, O prince save us all from these demons. |
एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु काकुत्स्थस्तापसानां तपस्विनाम्।इदं प्रोवाच धर्मात्मा सर्वानेव तपस्विनः।।3.6.21।। | Having heard this, righteous Rama of the Kakutstha dynasty said to all the ascetics engaged in penance: |
नैवमर्हथ मां वक्तुमाज्ञाप्योऽहं तपस्विनाम्।केवलेनात्मकार्येण प्रवेष्टव्यं मया वनं।।3.6.22।। | You should not speak to me this way. I deserve to be commanded by the ascetics. I have not entered this forest only on a personal mission. |
विप्रकारमपाक्रष्टुं राक्षसैर्भवतामिमम्।पितुस्तु निर्देशकरः प्रविष्टोऽहमिदं वनम्।।3.6.23।। | I came into this forest in obedience to my father's orders to repel the aggression of demons against you. |
भवतामर्थसिद्ध्यर्थमागतोऽहं यदृच्छया।तस्य मेऽयं वने वासो भविष्यति महाफलः।।3.6.24।। | I came here to acomplish your task incidentally, Therefore, my stay in the forest will yield great results. |
तपस्विनां रणे शत्रून्हन्तुमिच्छामि राक्षसान्।पश्यन्तु वीर्यमृषयस्सभ्रातुर्मे तपोधनाः।।3.6.25।। | I wish to kill in the fight the demons who are your enemies. O great ascetics, you may witness my prowess supported by my brother. |
दत्त्वाऽभयं चापि तपोधनानां धर्मे धृतात्मा सह लक्ष्मणेन।तपोधनैश्चापि सभाज्यवृत्तः सुतीक्ष्णमेवाभिजगाम वीरः।।3.6.26।। | Brave Rama, steadfast in righteousness, worthy of honour, gave assurance to protect the ascetics endowed with the wealth of penance, and proceeded towards sage Sutikshna.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे षष्ठस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the sixth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Rama, Sita and Lakshmana reach the hermitage of Sutikshna.]रामस्तु सहितो भ्रात्रा सीतया च परन्तपः।सुतीक्ष्णस्याश्रमपदं जगाम सह तैर्द्विजैः।।3.7.1।। | Rama, the scorcher of enemies, along with his brother Lakshmana and Sita and the sages went to Sutikshna's hermitage. |
स गत्वा दीर्घमध्वानं नदीस्तीर्त्वा बहूदकाः।ददर्श विमलं शैलं महामेघमिवोन्नतम्।।3.7.2।। | After covering a long distance and crossing the river (Ganga) with plenty of water, Rama saw a huge mountain looking like a lofty cloud. |
तत स्तदिक्ष्वाकुवरौ सन्ततं विविधैर्द्रुमैः।काननं तौ विविशतुस्सीतया सह राघवौ।।3.7.3।। | Rama and Lakshmana, the best of the Ikshvaku family, accompanied by Sita entered the dense forest filled with trees all over. |
प्रविष्टस्तु वनं घोरं बहुपुष्पफलद्रुमम्।ददर्शाश्रममेकान्ते चीरमालापरिष्कृतम्।।3.7.4।। | Entering that dreadful forest, they saw trees full of flowers and fruits, and a hermitage in a lonely place with lines of bark robes hanging. |
तत्र तापसमासीनं मलपङ्कजटाधरम्।रामस्सुतीक्ष्णं विधिवत्तपोवृद्धमभाषत।।3.7.5।। | There at the hermitage was Sutikshna, an ascetic grown old with (long) penance, wearing soiled, matted locks and seated. Rama (first) addressed him as per custom. |
रामोऽहमस्मि भगवन्भवन्तं द्रष्टुमागतः।त्वं माभिवद धर्मज्ञ महर्षे सत्यविक्रम।।3.7.6।। | O venerable one, I am Rama.You are a great sage, armed with truth as your prowess and a knower of dharma. I have come to see you. Could you speak to me? |
स निरीक्ष्य ततो धीरो रामं धर्मभृतां वरम्।समाश्लिष्य च बाहुभ्यामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.7.7।। | Thereafter the composed Sutikshna, looked at Rama, the best among righteous men, and embracing him with both his arms said: |
स्वागतं ते रघुश्रेष्ठ राम सत्यभृतां वर।आश्रमोऽयं त्वयाक्रान्तस्सनाथ इव साम्प्रतम्।।3.7.8।। | O Rama, the best among the Raghavas and among the upholders of truth, you are welcome. With your presence this hermitage will have a protector now. |
प्रतीक्षमाणस्त्वामेव नारोहेऽहं महायशः।देवलोकमितो वीर देहं त्यक्त्वा महीतले।चित्रकूटमुपादाय राज्यभ्रष्टोऽसि मे श्रुतः।।3.7.9।। | O renowned hero, I had heard that you have come to Chitrakuta, renouncing your kingdom. I have been waiting so long to see you here. Unable to give up this body, I did not even leave the earth for heaven, the world of the gods. |
इहोपयातः काकुत्थ्स देवराजश्शतक्रतुः।।3.7.10।।उपागम्य च मे देवो महादेवस्सुरेश्वरः।सर्वान् लोकाञ्जितानाह मम पुण्येन कर्मणा।।3.7.11।। | O scion of the Kakutstha family, Indra, king of the gods came to me and said that by my meritorious deeds I have won all the worlds. |
तेषु देवर्षिजुष्टेषु जितेषु तपसा मया।मत्प्रसादात्सभार्यस्त्वं विहरस्व सलक्ष्मणः।।3.7.12।। | Along with your wife and Lakshmana you may roam by my grace the worlds won by me and served by divine sages like devarsi Narada. |
तमुग्रतपसायुक्तं महर्षिं सत्यवादिनम्।प्रत्युवाचात्मवान्रामो ब्रह्माणमिव काश्यपः।।3.7.13।। | Selfpossessed Rama replied to the truthful ascetic who had performed intense penance. Just as Kasyapa would address Lord Brahma: |
अहमेवाहरिष्यामि सर्वान् लोकान्महामुने।आवासं त्वहमिच्छामि प्रदिष्टमिह कानने।।3.7.14।। | O great sage I will win all the worlds myself. I (only) want to live in this forest. Allow me. |
भवान्सर्वत्र कुशलस्सर्वभूतहिते रतः।आख्यातश्शरभङ्गेण गौतमेन महात्मना।।3.7.15।। | You are ever engaged in the welfare of all beings. I have heard this from the great sage Sarabhanga of Gautama's clan. |
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण महर्षिर्लोकविश्रुतः।अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं हर्षेण महताऽप्लुतः।।3.7.16।। | Thus addressed by Rama, Sutikshna, the great sage, wellknown to the world was highly delighted. He (then) said these sweet words: |
अयमेवाश्रमो राम गुणवान्रम्यतामिह।ऋषिसङ्घानुचरितस्सदा मूलफलैर्युतः।।3.7.17।। | O Rama this is a salubrious hermitage where hosts of sages live and which is full of roots and fruits, you may enjoy yourself here. |
इममाश्रममागम्य मृगसङ्घा महायशः।अहत्वा प्रतिगच्छन्ति लोभयित्वाऽकुतोभयाः।।3.7.18।। | O illustrious Rama, herds of animals visit this place fearlessly, enticing the inmates and (then) go back without harming any one. |
नान्यद्धोषं भवेदत्र मृगेभ्योऽन्यत्र विद्धि वै।तच्छृत्वा वचनं तस्य महर्षेर्लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।।3.7.19।।उवाच वचनं धीरो विकृष्य सशरं धनुः। | When heroic Rama heard that there was no other problem from the wild animals except their frequent incursions, he lifted his bow with an arrow and said these words: |
तानहं सुमहाभाग मृगसङ्घान्समागतान्।।3.7.20।।हन्यां निशितधारेण शरेणाशनिवर्चसा। | O reverend one, I will kill with a sharpedged arrow, glowing like a thunderbolt, all those herds of animals who keep coming here. |
भवांस्तत्राभिषज्येत किंस्यात्कृच्छ्रतरं ततः।।3.7.21।।एतस्मिन्नाश्रमे वासं चिरं तु न समर्थये। | What can be more agonizing for you (than my killing animals). I (therefore) do not foresee our long stay in this hermitage. |
तमेवमुक्त्वोपरमं रामस्सन्ध्यामुपागमत्।।3.7.22।।अन्वास्य पश्चिमां स्नध्यां तत्र वासमकल्पयत्।सुतीक्ष्णस्याऽश्रमे रम्ये सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च।।3.7.23।। | Rama stopped with this. And then the evening drew to a close. Offering his evening oblation, he arranged for his stay along with Sita and Lakshmana in the delightful hermitage of Sutikshna. |
तमेवमुक्त्वोपरमं रामस्सन्ध्यामुपागमत्।।3.7.22।।अन्वास्य पश्चिमां संंध्यां तत्र वासमकल्पयत्।सुतीक्ष्णस्याश्रमे रम्ये सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च।।3.7.23।। | Rama stopped with this. And then the evening drew to a close. Offering his evening oblation, he arranged for his stay along with Sita and Lakshmana in the delightful hermitage of Sutikshna. |
ततश्शुभं तापसभोज्यमन्नं स्वयं सुतीक्ष्णः पुरुषर्षभाभ्याम्।ताभ्यां सुसत्कृत्य ददौ महात्मा सन्ध्यानिवृत्तौ रजनीं मवेक्ष्य।।3.7.24।। | Seeing that the evening had passed and night had set in, the great sage Sutikshna with due hospitality, served those best of men, food fit for ascetics.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे सप्तमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the seventh sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Rama takes leave of Sutikshna]रामस्तु सहसौमित्रिस्सुतीक्ष्णेनाभिपूजितः।परिणाम्य निशां तत्र प्रभाते प्रत्यबुध्यत।।3.8.1।। | Rama, worshipped by Sutikshna and accompanied by Lakshmana, spent the night at the hermitage, and got up early in the morning. |
उत्थाय तु यथाकालं राघवस्सहसीतया।उपस्पृश्यसुशितेन जलेनोत्पलगन्धिना।।3.8.2।। | In the morning Rama and Sita got up in time and took bath in cool, lilyfragrant water. |
अथ तेऽग्निं सुरांश्चैव वैदेही रामलक्ष्मणौ।काल्यं विधिवदभ्यर्च्य तपस्विशरणे वने।।3.8.3।।उदयन्तं दिनकरं दृष्ट्वा विगतकल्मषाः।सुतीक्ष्णभिगम्येदं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रुवन्।।3.8.4।। | And as per routine, sinless Sita, Rama and Lakshmana offered prayers to the fire and other gods of the forest which was the refuge of the ascetics. Seeing the rising Sun, they worshipped him, and approaching Sutikshna, said these soothing words: |
सुखोषितास्स्मभगवंस्त्वया पूज्येन पूजिताः।आपृच्छामः प्रयास्यामो मुनयस्त्वरयन्ति नः।।3.8.5।। | O revered Sutikshna received by one so worshipworthy like you, we spent the night well. We (now)take leave of you. The sages are hastening us. |
त्वरामहे वयं द्रष्टुं कृत्स्नमाश्रममण्डलम्।ऋषीणां पुण्यशीलानां दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम्।।3.8.6।। | We wish to see the entire circle of hermitages of the sages, residing in Dandaka forest. So we are in a hurry. |
अभ्यनुज्ञातुमिच्छामस्सहैभिर्मुनिपुङ्गवैः।धर्मनित्यैस्तपोदान्तैर्विशिखैरिव पावकैः।।3.8.7।। | We seek your permission to go with the great sages, who are ever engaged in righteousness, selfcontrolled by virtue of their penance, and are like flameless fire. |
अविषह्यातपो यावत्सूर्यो नातिविराजते।अमार्गेणागतां लक्ष्मीं प्राप्येवान्वयवर्जितः।।3.8.8।।तावदिच्छामहे गन्तुमित्युक्त्वा चरणौ मुनेः।ववन्दे सहसौमित्रिस्सीतया सह राघवः।। 3.8.9।। | We wish to depart before the Sun grows unbearably hot like the man devoid of good lineage who acquires wealth through unlawful means (becomes arrogant). Thereafter Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana offered worship at the feet of the venerable sage. |
तौ संस्पृशन्तौ चरणावुत्थाप्य मुनिपुङ्गवः।गाढमालिङ्ग्य सस्नेहमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.8.10।। | When both Rama and Lakshmana touched the feet of Sutikshna, the best of the sages, he lifted them up, hugged them tightly, and said affectionately: |
अरिष्टं गच्छ पन्थानं राम सौमित्रिणा सह।सीतया चानया सार्धं छाययेवानुवृत्तया।।3.8.11।। | You may safely tread, O Rama, this path along with Lakshmana and Sita who is following you like a shadow. |
पश्याश्रमपदं रम्यं दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम्।एषां तपस्विनां वीर तपसा भावितात्मनाम्।।3.8.12।। | O valient Rama the sages, living in the Dandaka forest, are self realised souls. See how delightful is the location of their hermitages. |
सप्राज्यफलमूलानि पुष्पितानि वनानि च।प्रशस्तमृगयूथानि शान्तपक्षिगणानि च।। 3.8.13।।फुल्लपङ्कजषण्डानि प्रसन्नसलिलानि च।कारण्डवविकीर्णानि तटाकानि सरांसि च।।3.8.14।।द्रक्ष्यसे दृष्टिरम्याणि गिरिप्रस्रवणानि च।रमणीयान्यरण्यानि मयूराभिरुतानि च।।3.8.15।। | You will see the beautiful forestareas with abundant fruits and roots, flowers in full bloom, herds of animals, flocks of quiet birds tanks and lakes filled with clean waters and shining with fully blossomed lotuses, resounding with waterducks and peacocks and waterfalls coming down the hills. Thus you will enjoy a delightful sylvan sight. |
गम्यतां वत्स सौमित्रे भवानपि च गच्छतु।आगन्तव्यं च ते दृष्ट्वा पुनरेवाश्रमं मम।।3.8.16।। | O dear Rama, O Lakshmana you may leave (now), you may have to come back to this hermitage after seeing those places. |
एवमुक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा काकुत्स्थस्सहलक्ष्मणः।प्रदक्षिणं मुनिं कृत्वा प्रस्थातुमुपचक्रमे।।3.8.17।। | Thus addressed, Rama, scion of the Kakutsthas along with Lakshmana circumambulated the sage (in reverence) and set forth. |
ततश्शुभतरे तूणी धनुषी चायतेक्षणा।ददौ सीता तयोर्भ्रात्रोः खङ्गौ च विमलौ ततः।।3.8.18।। | Thereafter largeeyed Sita handed the brothers two quivers, two bows as well as two excellent swords. |
आबध्य च शुभे तूणी चापे चादाय सुस्वनौ।निष्क्रान्तावाश्रमाद्गन्तुमुभौ तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।।3.8.19।। | Both Rama and Lakshmana tied their auspicious quivers, took the two twanging bows and departed from the hermitage. |
श्रीमन्तौ रूपसम्पन्नौ दीप्यमानौ स्वतेजसा।प्रस्थितौ धृतचापौ तौ सीतया सह राघवौ।।3.8.20।। | Handsome Rama and Lakshmana, glowing in their radiance held the bows and exited with Sita.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे अष्टमस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the eighth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
[Sita's admonition to Rama on the evil of attachment to weapons, after he had given up the kingdom.]सुतीक्ष्णेनाभ्यनुज्ञातं प्रस्थितं रघुनन्दनम्।हृद्यया स्निग्धया वाचा भर्तारमिदमब्रवीत्।।3.9.1।। | While Rama was leaving with the permission of Sutikshna, Sita spoke these warm, affectionate words to her husband: |
अयं धर्मस्सुसूक्ष्मेण विधिना प्राप्यते महान्।निवृत्तेन तु शक्योऽयं व्यसनात्कामजादिह।।3.9.2।। | This great path of dharma you are following now can be attained only through subtle means by one free from addiction born of passion. |
त्रीण्येव व्यसनान्यत्र कामजानि भवन्त्युत।मिथ्यावाक्यं परमकं तस्माद्गुरुतरावुभौ।।3.9.3।।परदाराभिगमनं विना वैरं च रौद्रता। | There are three kinds of vices born out of lust. First, speaking untruth, second, having sexual relation with others' wives and third, resorting to violence with no enmity. The later two vices are of serious nature. |
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