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Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 私がインドネシアの村に滞在中 湖の向こうで 火山が噴火するのを見ました 反対側のバトゥール山です そこには活火山と 死火山が並んでました
そのとき 火山に飲み込まれなかったので 今ここにいます
でも登るのは とても簡単でした
根っこをつかんで 小さな岩に足をかけて 登っていけば 頂上にたどり着く事ができるのです 私は俳優である良き友人がいたので 「行ってみよう」という話になりました
「活火山にどこまで近づけるか 試してみよう」と
そこで登って 頂上にたどり着きました 断崖絶壁の上です ローランドは反対側の火山の硫黄の煙で 見えなくなって 1人で その驚くような絶壁に 立っているのです 1人で その驚くような絶壁に 立っているのです
絶壁の上から 見下ろすと 左側には 死んだ火山の火口が見え
右側はで頁岩で ボロボロと崩れていきます
私はビーチサンダルと腰巻きという格好でした 昔の話です
フランス人のクレイジーなジプシー俳優が 煙のなかに消えて 私は思ったのです 来た道を戻る事などできないと
だからカメラとビーチサンダルを捨て 目の前にある真っすぐな線を見つめて 猫のように四つん這いになりました その目の前の線の両側に ひざでしがみついて 30メートルか 10メートルか覚えていません
風が強く吹いていました 私は ただ反対側にたどりつくために 目の前の真っすぐな線を見つめるだけでした
あなたがたも そんな経験がありますよね
でも私たちは切り抜けます テーマソングは『Rise Above』(超越せよ)ですから
空から落ちた少年が 舞い上がるのです
未来は私たちの手のうちに 私の会社の手のうちにあるのです
私には素敵な仲間がいるから クリエイターとして 高みにたどり着けるのです
どうか前に進み続けてください そうすれば いつかすごいものを 目にすることができます
### ENGLISH: After I was in that village, I crossed the lake, and I saw that the volcano was erupting on the other side, Gunung Batur, and there was a dead volcano next to the live volcano.
I didn't think I'd be swallowed by the volcano, and I am here.
But it's very easy to climb up, is it not?
You hold on to the roots, you put your foot in the little rocks and climb up there, and you get to the top, and I was with a good friend who was an actor, and we said, "Let's go up there.
Let's see if we can come close to the edge of that live volcano."
And we climbed up and we got to the very top, and we're on the edge, on this precipice, Roland disappears into the sulfur smoke at the volcano at the other end, and I'm up there alone on this incredible precipice.
Did you hear the lyrics?
I'm on the precipice looking down into a dead volcano to my left.
To my right is sheer shale. It's coming off.
I'm in thongs and sarongs. It was many years ago.
And no hiking boots.
And he's disappeared, this mad French gypsy actor, off in the smoke, and I realize, I can't go back the way that I've come. I can't.
So I throw away my camera. I throw away my thongs, and I looked at the line straight in front of me, and I got down on all fours like a cat, and I held with my knees to either side of this line in front of me, for 30 yards or 30 feet, I don't know.
The wind was massively blowing, and the only way I could get to the other side was to look at the line straight in front of me.
I know you've all been there.
I'm in the crucible right now.
It's my trial by fire.
It's my company's trials by fire.
We survive because our theme song is "Rise Above."
Boy falls from the sky, rise above.
It's right there in the palm of both of our hands, of all of my company's hands.
I have beautiful collaborators, and we as creators only get there all together.
I know you understand that.
And you just stay going forward, and then you see this extraordinary thing in front of your eyes.
Thank you.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: とある場所に主が異なる4匹の魔性、霧王のフォッグ、雪翁のアイスキューブ、竜君の桜の芽、狐姫の小火狐が集う場所があった。
### ENGLISH: In a certain place, there was a gathering spot for four demons with different masters: Fog of the Mist King, Ice Cube of the Snow Sage, Cherry Blossom Sprout of the Dragon Sovereign, and the Little Fire Fox of the Fox Princess.
Each of them was a demonic entity of the lowest tier in their respective dungeon, and they were not expected to be productive outside the dungeon unless a significant number of them congregated since they were not promising in terms of their combat ability.
Moreover, the dungeons to which they belonged were entirely distinct from one another. Even if the demons simply locked their gaze with each other, they would generally strive to battle to the death.
Nonetheless, they had assembled in one place.
The reason for this lay in their master.
[O Mist King, I would like to have a word with you.]
The Little Fire Fox spoke to Fog with an imperious demeanor that defied her stature.
“R-Right now, my master is not connected to me. I’ll call him, call himーcall himー”
Fog reacted with trepidation to her remarks and called his master, the Mist King.
Ordinarily, the Demon King’s lowest rank demons would not be able to summon their master. But the demons in this place had been specially allowed to do so due to the reason for their presence here.
[What do you want, Fox Princess? It is now midnight.]
Fog, who was a demon of the lowest rank, emitted a presence that mirrored that of the “King of the Devouring Black Mist”.
[Hmph, I bet all you do is just fooling around with someone you took a fancy.]
However, the Little Fire Fox... or rather, the Fox Princess, swore at him, indifferent to the Fog King’s words.
[Well said, you bitc*y fox.]
The Mist King, on the other hand, cursed without regard for the Fox Princess’ petulant utterances as well.
Now, it was time to address the reason why this kind of place was established.
It was for the Demon Kings to engage in a direct dialogue with each other.
[Let’s cut to the chase.]
The Fox Princess adopted a more solemn face than ever before.
The Fog King also slightly straightened his posture to signify that he was paying attention.
[Those that identify themselves as Kirijin are staying in the town that surrounds my dungeon, the ‘Fox City of the Beasts of War’, They will be hunted in a week’s time.]
[Heh. The Kirijin, huh? Do you expect me to permit you to do such a thing?]
All at once, the tension in the air between the two Demon Kings grew acrimonious.
[Then, why don’t you order them to leave? The Demon King and their kin are always connected except under special circumstances.]
[Hmm. But if you dare to do such a thing, I shall be obliged to follow suit in your footsteps with the Kitsunejin lurking here.]
Even though the two Demon Kings were relying on the lowest tier of demonic beings, the leakage of magical power was manifesting as a natural phenomenon around them, producing foxfires and thick mist.
Should there have been ordinary human beings here, they would have fled in a heartbeat.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「ポルト。貴様は......」
「黙れっ! 彼女をよく見ろっ! 打算があって私に近づいたように見えるのか? 書類も何も持ってはいないではないかっ!」
「旦那様。今は美女に現を抜かしている場合ではないのです。フォナン家の存亡がかかっているのですぞ? ここは一旦、追い返すべきです」
### ENGLISH: “Master, you can’t! We must go and check!”
“Porto. You...”
When Zera heard Porto yell, she shuddered in fear. Because Count Fonan was enthralled by Zera’s delicate appearance, he was enraged at Porto for inadvertently scaring her.
“Please, let her wait a bit longer. The documents should be prioritized!”
“Silence! Look at her! Does she really look like someone who would approach me with some kind of scheme? The documents and such can wait!”
After the Count chastised Porto for his opinion of Zera, he smiled softly at Zera.
“Zera. I apologize for my butler’s behavior.”
“I-It’s okay... However, I really should go. Please excuse me.”
Despite the Count’s smiles and interventions, Zera seemed terrified of Porto. She attempted to leave the mansion while glancing fearfully at Porto.
“Master. Now is not the time to be distracted by women. The Fonan family’s life is at stake. Please, reconsider.”
Count Fonan was about to yell at Porto for whispering in his ear when it occurred to him that his head butler could have a point.
If the Fonan family was disposed of, just as Porto feared, then he himself would perish as well. He wouldn’t be able to spend time with women if that happened. Count Fonan had an innate sense for self-preservation. The fear of ruin rattled his head, which was imprisoned by the gorgeous woman in front of him.
As though she couldn’t bear seeing the Count’s anguish any longer, Zera approached him and handed him a piece of paper.
“This is the address of the inn where I’m staying. I was planning to depart tomorrow, but I decided to extend my stay. You are welcome to come see me once your business is completed.”
“Thank you. I’ll definitely come!”
The Count grabbed Zera by the waist and hugged her passionately as she stared up at him with moist eyes. Zera let out a tiny cry of shock at the unexpected embrace, but after a moment, she slid her face hesitantly toward his chest.
“I’ll be waiting.”
She whispered, her voice shaking, as she gently pressed her palm against the Count’s chest and stepped away. She then raised her dazzling jade eyes to the Count. The Count’s heart stopped just by glancing at Zera’s expression. He felt like he’d just discovered love for the first time.
He believed that Zera was truly a magical woman.
Count Fonan sensed an odd sensation during their embrace, but he chose not to dwell on it and instead placed his right hand on Zera’s head.
Zera also smiled in response.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それを見て私が何を思ったかと言えば 暖かくてふわふわの まるでベッドの上に広げられた羽毛布団
私はいつもベッドとこの赤い頬を思います つまり彼を見るとセックスのことを考えてしまうんです もしかして彼もそのことを考えていたのでは?
もし私がお話を作るとしたら 他に加えるべき要素は何だろう?
それら全部を合わせて この絵が起こさせる胸騒ぎを鎮めるための 物語の出来上がりです
『ローズィ』 僕は今だにキャロラインがくれた白い錦織の上着を着ている
シンプルな高い襟の 袖が取り外せる上着 シルクのより糸でできたボタンを きちんと留めて身体にぴったりと合うように着ている
初めてこの上着を着たのは 彼女のご両親が僕らのために開いた晩餐会
立ち上がって話し始める前から 僕の頬は赤くなっていた
身体を使ったり ワインを飲んだり 感情が高ぶったりすると すぐに僕は赤くなる
小さかった頃 僕は姉たちや 級友たちによくからかわれていた でもジョージは違った
僕が結婚を発表したとき 彼は 赤くなるどころか僕の上着のように青白くなった
僕がいつか彼の従妹と結婚することは 誰もが予想していたことだ
午後中ずっと飲んでいたのに 彼はやはり青白い顔をしていた
「この上着素敵でしょう?」 僕は訊いてみた
「また一緒に狩やトランプをしたり 宮廷に出たりできるよね?」
「僕はもう23だし そろそろ結婚して・・」 「・・跡取りをつくらなきゃいけない それが僕の義務だから」
「結婚おめでとう ジェイムズ・・
「・・ 君たちの幸せを願っているよ」
(拍手) ありがとう
### ENGLISH: And you know what it makes me think of, is it's sort of snug and puffy; it's like a duvet spread over a bed.
I kept thinking of beds and red cheeks, and of course I kept thinking of sex when I looked at him, and I thought, is that what he's thinking about?
And I thought, if I'm going to make a story, what's the last thing I'm going to put in there?
Well, what would a Tudor gentleman be preoccupied with?
And I thought, well, Henry VIII, okay.
He'd be preoccupied with his inheritance, with his heir.
Who is going to inherit his name and his fortune?
You put all those together, and you've got your story to fill in that gap that makes you keep coming back.
Now, here's the story.
It's short.
"Rosy" I am still wearing the white brocade doublet Caroline gave me.
It has a plain high collar, detachable sleeves and intricate buttons of twisted silk thread, set close together so that the fit is snug.
The doublet makes me think of a coverlet on the vast bed.
Perhaps that was the intention.
I first wore it at an elaborate dinner her parents held in our honor.
I knew even before I stood up to speak that my cheeks were inflamed.
I have always flushed easily, from physical exertion, from wine, from high emotion.
As a boy, I was teased by my sisters and by schoolboys, but not by George.
Only George could call me Rosy.
I would not allow anyone else.
He managed to make the word tender.
When I made the announcement, George did not turn rosy, but went pale as my doublet.
He should not have been surprised.
that I would one day marry his cousin.
But it is difficult to hear the words aloud.
I know, I could barely utter them.
Afterwards, I found George on the terrace overlooking the kitchen garden.
Despite drinking steadily all afternoon, he was still pale.
We stood together and watched the maids cut lettuces.
"What do you think of my doublet?" I asked.
He glanced at me. "That collar looks to be strangling you."
"We will still see each other," I insisted.
"We can still hunt and play cards and attend court.
Nothing need change."
George did not speak.
"I am 23 years old. It is time for me to marry and produce an heir. It is expected of me."
George drained another glass of claret and turned to me.
"Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, James.
I'm sure you'll be content together."
He never used my nickname again.
Thank you.
Thank you.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: まずは最初から説明しましょう
企業やNPOや慈善団体 様々な組織があり そこには従業員や ボランティアなどの人々が働いています
雇用主はここで働く人々から 素晴らしい仕事を期待している そう思いたいです
最低限でも良い仕事を 素晴らしい仕事を期待しています
そこで彼らは通常 従業員を一か所にまとめて そこで仕事をさせます
つまり企業、団体などの組織では アフリカへの異動があるぐらい ラッキーでない限り 普通の人は毎日職場へ通勤します
そこで会社は オフィスを設けます
物件を購入 あるいは賃借し または部屋をリースして そこにいろいろ詰め込みます
机 あるいはデスク イス コンピュータ ソフトウェア インターネット環境 もしかしたら冷蔵庫などのおまけも そして従業員が毎日そこに通勤して 素晴らしい仕事をすることを期待します
ごく当たり前な事に聞こえます ここで質問を出します
みなさんもどうぞ 自分自身に問いかけてください 『仕事に集中したい時、どこに行きますか?』
この質問に、人は上司の期待とは 別の回答を出すのです
「仕事に集中したい時にあなたが 行きたい場所は?」と聞くと
もう一つは移動手段 そして時間です
私は10年間この質問を出しています 「仕事に集中したい時 どこへ行きますか?」
かえってくる返事はベランダや キッチン
自宅の空き部屋 地下室 カフェや図書館など
それに電車や 飛行機や車 - つまり乗り物
そしてこんな答えも聞きます 「早朝か深夜 または週末なら どこであっても構いません」
企業はオフィスと呼ばれる空間にお金をかけ 人々にそこを利用させますが 誰もそこで仕事をしない
何故だろう? 何故こうなったのか?
この問題にもう少し踏み込むと 原因が見えてきます つまりこういう事です 人々は職場に行くと 一日の勤務時間を 多くの作業時間に小分けされます これがオフィスの現状です
オフィスの入り口がシュレッダーで 一日の時間がバラバラにされるように こっちで15分 あっちで30分 突然の用事で仕事から引き離され そしたら20分後に昼休み その後また別の作業があり
### ENGLISH: But let's sort of start at the beginning.
So, we have companies and non-profits and charities and all these groups that have employees or volunteers of some sort.
And they expect these people who work for them to do great work -- I would hope, at least.
At least good work, hopefully, at least it's good work -- hopefully great work.
And so what they typically do is they decide that all these people need to come together in one place to do that work.
So a company, or a charity, or an organization of any kind, unless you're working in Africa, if you're really lucky to do that -- most people have to go to an office every day.
And so these companies, they build offices.
They go out and they buy a building, or they rent a building, or they lease some space, and they fill this space with stuff.
They fill it with tables, or desks, chairs, computer equipment, software, Internet access, maybe a fridge, maybe a few other things, and they expect their employees, or their volunteers, to come to that location every day to do great work.
It seems like it's perfectly reasonable to ask that.
However, if you actually talk to people and even question yourself, and you ask yourself, where do you really want to go when you really need to get something done?
You'll find out that people don't say what businesses think they would say.
If you ask people the question: Where do you need to go when you need to get something done?
Typically, you get three different kinds of answers.
One is kind of a place or a location or a room.
Another one is a moving object, and a third is a time.
So here are some examples.
I've been asking people this question for about 10 years: "Where do you go when you really need to get something done?"
I'll hear things like, the porch, the deck, the kitchen.
I'll hear things like an extra room in the house, the basement, the coffee shop, the library.
And then you'll hear things like the train, a plane, a car -- so, the commute.
And then you'll hear people say, as long as it's early in the morning or late at night or on the weekends."
You almost never hear someone say, "The office."
But businesses are spending all this money on this place called the office, and they're making people go to it all the time, yet people don't do work in the office.
What is that about?
Why is that? Why is that happening?
And what you find out is, if you dig a little bit deeper, you find out that people -- this is what happens: People go to work, and they're basically trading in their work day for a series of "work moments" -- that's what happens at the office.
You don't have a work day anymore. You have work moments.
It's like the front door of the office is like a Cuisinart, and you walk in and your day is shredded to bits, because you have 15 minutes here, 30 minutes there, and something else happens, you're pulled off your work, then you have 20 minutes, then it's lunch, then you have something else to do ...</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「お前が、ラルシア貿易の商店主か!」
「どこへ行った! いつ戻る!!」
「こっ、このガキ! 警備隊を舐めるとどうなるか、知ってやがるのか!」
### ENGLISH: “You’re the owner of the Larushia Trading Company! Right?” (Man)
“No, I’m not?” (Mitsuha)
“Eh?” (Man)
I was at Larushia’s place, and while Larushia was out of her seat for a bit, something came to me.
Six soldier-ish people.
Apparently, they had heard that the owner of the Larushia Trading Company was a young woman, and they thought I was Larushia, as they pushed the shopkeeper out of the way and stepped into the back of the store without permission, and they then found me, sitting on a chair elegantly drinking tea, dressed in a manner unfit for a shopkeeper.
......No, it seems I appear to be years old to the people here......
“Then, who is the owner of the company!” (Man)
I replied to the soldier-ish guy who asked the question. Of the six, he seemed to be the leader...... or a squad leader or something......
“Where did she go! When will she come back!!” (Man)
“I don’t know what are the plans for other people, you know? I’m not the person in charge...” (Mitsuha)
Well, I don’t need to tell them to “come back later” when they’re so rude that they don’t have the slightest sense of decorum.
“You little brat! You know what happens when you mess with the Guards!” (Man)
“You’re not very good with words, aren’t you?...... Shouldn’t you be more aware that you are a public servant?” (Mitsuha)
“You little piece of shit....... If you keep playing, you’re in for a world of pain......” (Man)
“Do you know what happens when you mess with another country’s nobility?” (Mitsuha)
“Eh......” (Man)
When he heard the words “noble from another country”, the squad leader’s complexion instantly turned pale.
Well, no matter how much power your position held, it would be a bad idea if you were to verbally abuse and pick a fight with the daughter of a nobleman of another country. If you mess up badly, you will be cut off from the top. It’s commonly called “cutting off the lizard’s tail”.
That was a close one, you know, the right hand that was about to grab onto my neckline.
He almost touched me.
“......Please excuse us......” (Man)
With that, the squad leader left in a hurry with his men.
Well, fortunately, they had not yet identified themselves, since they were in a hurry to pull back so that their personal information wouldn’t be known and a complaint wouldn’t be made to the higher-ups.
Not many people would impersonate a nobleman since you need to be ready to be beheaded. And from my demeanor, my dress, and my appearance, which was somewhat different from that of others in this country, the probability that I am a fake nobleman was quite low. So, it’s only natural that I would dodge a fatal blow by suspicion.
The soldier-ish guards, which were probably under the shade of the Enova Chamber of Commerce, were easily driven away.
...This time, they backed off since they thought I was the daughter of an aristocrat, but the next time they come, I may not be around and they might intimidate Larushia unreasonably.
“I considered those words a declaration of war. We are prepared to intercept!” (Mitsuha)
“What’s wrong, Mitsuha-sama?” (Larushia)</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: バーサーム・フォン・エルザ。御年60歳の侯爵夫人である。バーサーム家は代々、魔術に優れた当主を輩出することで有名であり、250年前のヒーデータ帝国との対戦においては数多くの武功を立て、ジュカ王国を勝利に導いた立役者でもあった。その功により平民から侯爵に取り立てられ、現在に至る。
### ENGLISH: Versam von Elsa. She is the marchioness of years old. The Versam family is a famous family which excels in sorcery, and in the war with the Hedeta Empire years ago, Versam family made numerous contributions to the Juka Kingdom’s victory. After that, they were granted a title of marquis and ascended from their commoner status.
...And this is a short story of my buyer, at least that’s what I heard from other people.
「Thank you very much」
She saved my life, I need to show some gratitude.
「You should refer to her as Master」
Said white-haired man beside Versam-san. Who the hell is he?
「My name is Falco. I’m a magician of Versam family. At the same time, I’m Elsa-sama’s escort. Thanks to Elsa-sama’s mercy, you are now a slave of Versam family. Rejoice」[]
「Thank you very much, master」
「Mrs. Versam, thank you very much for visiting our establishment. I will carry out the procedures to change the ownership of this slave immediately」
Before I noticed, the slave dealer was already beside me, and then he graciously asked for Versam-san’s hand and muttered something. Elsa extended her hand as asked and it shined, and at the same time, my hand shined too.
「This slave is now a property of Versam-sama. We can also repurchase slaves. Please do not hesitate to come if you ever need it」
First, he was saying that I will be disposed of, and now he talks about repurchase with respectful expression.
「That won’t be needed, please transfer the ownership to me. Also make Falco an overseer」
「Acknowledged, well then」
Elsa’s body shined again, it seems the procedure was completed.
「Madam, what should we do about this slave’s name?」
「Let’s see....Rinos. Let’s call him Rinos. All right, Falco, the rest is up to you」
Elsa turned around and entered the carriage. Apparently, there are guards inside the carriage. Falco silently follows the carriage with his gaze, and I stand beside him with a lowered head.
「I will take you to the mansion, but before that」
I was brought all the way to the well, stripped and splashed with three buckets of water. After that he passed me a piece of cloth.
「Wipe yourself. I will give this piece of cloth to you, use it however you want」
The climate wasn’t too cold or too hot, but it felt pretty cold with all this water splashed on me. A hard cloth is better than nothing at all. I washed away my dirty body and wiped myself.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 法に抗っての進歩:アメリカにおける日本アニメの爆発的成長とファン流通、著作権
本研究は、20 年にわたる少なくとも一つの事例においては、ファンたちの継続的な著作権侵害こそが商業と技芸の進歩を引きおこしたのだということを実証するための歴史的・法的分析を提供する。
1 はじめに
2 アニメとファンダム:ファン以外のための基礎知識
2.1 アニメ
2.2 ファン流通
2.3 ファンサブ
3 ファン流通と字幕追加の歴史的分析
3.1 ファン以前の時期
3.3 日本企業の市場参入と撤退
3.4 ファン活動の興隆
3.5 アニメ輸入業者、高品質作品のリリースに失敗
3.7 C/FO ファン流通
3.8 ファンサブの誕生と C/FO の崩壊
3.9 新クラブ、新ファン、新ファンサブ
3.10 各種の大会
3.11 業界
3.12 アニメ、故郷に錦を飾る
3.13 歴史的分析のまとめ
4 ファン流通と字幕付けの法的分析
4.1 国際著作権の基礎
4.2 日本におけるアニメ作品の著作権
4.3 時間シフト/アメリカでのファン録画
4.4 友人間での共有
4.5 クラブでの上映
4.6 国内での複製と郵送
4.7 日本のペンフレンド
4.8 パパママショップでのビデオ貸し出し
4.9 アニメを日本で録画してアメリカに送る
4.10 翻訳
4.11 ファンサブ
4.12 正式ライセンス以前および以後にファンサブを流通させる
4.13 結論に先立って
4.14 法的分析の結論
5 法に抗っての進歩
「ファン流通と字幕付けの法的分析」を除いて、引用・参考文献のサイテーションは脚注つきの MLA スタイルに従っている注A。
「ファン流通と字幕付けの法的分析」では、引用・参考文献のサイテーションは Bluebook スタイルに従う注B。
### ENGLISH: Progress Against the Law: Fan Distribution, Copyright, and the Explosive Growth of Japanese Animation
The medium of Japanese animation is a powerhouse in the world of alternative entertainment.
Proselytization by fans ignited the anime movement in America, despite Japanese copyright holders’ abandonment of the American market.
We present an historical and legal analysis to demonstrate that, at least in one case spanning two decades, fans’ continual infringement of copyright spurred the progress of commerce and the arts.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Anime and Its Fandom: A Primer for Non-Fans
2.1. Anime
2.2. Fan Distribution
2.3. Fansub
3. Historical Analysis of Fan Distribution and Subtitling
3.1. Pre-Fan Period.
3.3. Japanese Enter and Abandon the Market
3.4. Fan Activity Increases
3.5. Anime Importers Fail to Release Quality Material
3.7. C/FO Fan Distribution
3.8. Birth of Fansubbing; Collapse of C/FO
3.9. New Clubs, New Fans, New Fansubbing
3.10. Conventions
3.11. Industry
3.12. Success Returns to Japan
3.13. Concluding the Historical Analysis
4. Legal Analysis of Fan Distribution and Subtitling
4.1. Basics of International Copyright Law
4.2. Copyright in Japanese Animated Works in Japan
4.3. Time-Shifting/Fan Recording from America
4.4. Sharing Among Friends
4.5. Showings at Clubs
4.6. Copying and Sending Across Country
4.7. Pen Pals in J33
4.8. Renting at Mom and Pop Stores
4.9. Recording Anime from Japan and Sending Them to America
4.10. Translation
4.11. Fansubbing
4.12. Distributing Fansubs Before and After Licensing
4.13. Before We Conclude
4.14. Concluding the Legal Analysis
5. Progress Against the Law
Citation and Romanization Formats
Except in “Legal Analysis of Fan Distribution and Subtitling,” citations adhere to the MLA style with footnotes.1
In “Legal Analysis of Fan Distribution and Subtitling,” citations adhere to the Bluebook style.2
Japanese to English transliteration is littered with exceptions and discrepancies.
For Japanese proper names, this analysis adheres to the person’s preferred Romanization if known.
If the person has no known Romanization, this analysis uses the popular usage of the person’s name in anime-related discourse.
In most cases, names are specified in Western style, with given name first and family name last.
Subsequent references to the person employ his or her last name only.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 形がなく 特徴もなく 深さも スケール感も 規模も 目的も 決まった大きさもありません
基準がなにもなく 視覚的なホワイトアウト状態で ノズルの脈動音だけが聞こえます
つまりこれは まったく何一つ 見るものもすることもない展覧会場なのです
自慢したいのですが —「壮大な凡景」を作ったわけで 壮観を作り上げるための常套手段を すべて逆転させたのです
来館者の クライマックスへと 盛り上がって行く演出への期待は 霧が発し続ける 不安感と注意力の減衰に取って代わられ 散り散りになってしまうのです
ビクトリア時代の小説が霧を使った手法と よく似ています よく似ています
世界への焦点をぼかされることにより 視覚への依存に焦点が当てられるのです
いったん方向感覚をなくした観客たちは 「天使のデッキ」に昇ることになり それからこの縁の下の水のバーに降りてきます
この世界では水はあらゆることに使われ 水のところにたどり着いて 水の中を動き回り 水を呼吸し パビリオンを飲むことができるのです
これはある種の主題なわけですが もう少し深いところまで行っていると思います
私たちは この 主感覚に絶対的に依存していることを強調し この感覚を私たちの他の感覚にも 共有したいのです
この計画を行った時 それはなかなか理解を得られませんでした スイス政府はこう言いました「なぜあなたがたは 一千万ドルも使って どこにでもあるあの 憎たらしい霧を再現するつもりなのか?」と
最後にはスイスの国民的アイコンにしました つまり— 「スイス人的猜疑心」を形にしたというか それに何か意味を持たせた機械というか 各々自分の感じた意味を持たせたというか
いずれにせよこれは一時的な建造物で 最後には取り壊され 今では幻影の記憶になっていますが 食べられる形でなら生き残っています
そしてこれは スイスで 建築家に与えられる最高の賞なのです ―板チョコになるのはね
私たちは80年代から90年代に 美術館や非営利団体から委託された 個別の作品を作る インストレーションアーティスト あるいは 建築家として知られていました
数多くのメディア作品を作り 実験的な演劇プロジェクトも多数行いました
2003年にホイットニー美術館が 私たちの作品の回顧展を企画し それにはこの80~90年代の作品が 多数含まれていました
しかし 作品そのものが まさに「回顧展」の性格に反するもので 展示品はこういったものだったのですが:
### ENGLISH: It's formless, featureless, depthless, scaleless, massless, purposeless and dimensionless.
All references are erased, leaving only an optical whiteout and white noise of the pulsing nozzles.
So, this is an exhibition pavilion where there is absolutely nothing to see and nothing to do.
And we pride ourselves -- it's a spectacular anti-spectacle in which all the conventions of spectacle are turned on their head.
So, the audience is dispersed, focused attention and dramatic build-up and climax are all replaced by a kind of attenuated attention that's sustained by a sense of apprehension caused by the fog.
And this is very much like how the Victorian novel used fog in this way.
So here the world is put out of focus, while our visual dependence is put into focus.
The public, you know, once disoriented can actually ascend to the angel deck above and then just come down under those lips into the water bar.
So, all the waters of the world are served there, so we thought that, you know, after being at the water and moving through the water and breathing the water, you could also drink this building.
And so it is sort of a theme, but it goes a little bit, you know, deeper than that.
We really wanted to bring out our absolute dependence on this master sense, and maybe share our kind of sensibility with our other senses.
You know, when we did this project it was a kind of tough sell, because the Swiss said, "Well, why are we going to spend, you know, 10 million dollars producing an effect that we already have in natural abundance that we hate?"
And, you know, we thought -- well, we tried to convince them.
And in the end, you know, they adapted this as a national icon that came to represent Swiss doubt, which we -- you know, it was kind of a meaning machine that everybody kind of laid on their own meanings off of.
Anyway, it's a temporary structure that was ultimately destroyed, and so it's now a memory of an apparition, actually, but it continues to live in edible form.
And this is the highest honor to be bestowed upon an architect in Switzerland -- to have a chocolate bar.
Anyway, moving along.
So in the '80s and '90s, we were mostly known for independent work, such as installation artist, architect, commissioned projects by museums and non-for-profit organizations.
And we did a lot of media work, also a lot of experimental theater projects.
In 2003, the Whitney mounted a retrospective of our work that featured a lot of this work from the '80s and '90s.
However, the work itself resisted the very nature of a retrospective, and this is just some of the stuff that was in the show.
This was a piece on tourism in the United States.
This is "Soft Sell" for 42nd Street.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「そっか、お姉ちゃん大人だね。」
### ENGLISH: “I understand. You’re very mature, onee-chan.”
At the very least, I would be happy if he could enjoy his day.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Senpai!”
“No, no, I just arrived myself.”
I called out to Senpai, who was waiting at the station, and noticed that she looked different from usual, dressed beautifully but not too flashy, reminiscent of her modeling appeal.
“You give off a completely different impression from when you’re at school. It surprised me a little.”
“Haha. Does it suit me?”
She twirls, showing me her outfit with a swish of her skirt.
A white shirt paired with a clean, light blue skirt.
It suits her incredibly well, but I was too shy to say it directly and ended up speaking in a roundabout way.
“It suits you... very well.”
“You’re blushing a bit. Were you embarrassed to compliment me?”
“N-No, of course not!”
“I actually have a place in mind that I want to visit,” I say, sharing my desired destination with her.
“Interesting. I’ve also been curious about that place.”
“Right? So, shall we go?”
“Sure, let’s!”
And with that, we headed towards a large complex in Akihabara, U*X.
It’s conveniently located just a short walk from the station, which is nice.
Within this complex, two major VTuber agencies, V Live and Imananji, have rented a space for their own event for a week following Comiket.
“Wow! Senpai, this is amazing! There are merchandise from various VTubers! They even have stuff from Fuwa-chan!”
“You’re right. Ah! It’s Shiro-saburo, the white cat VTuber!”
“Oh! A plushie! It looks so fluffy and comfortable...”
“Ah! And there’s Uru-chan, the wolf girl VTuber too!”
Afterward, we went on a serious shopping spree.
I couldn’t resist buying a plushie of Shiro-saburo. It was so soft to the touch.
I decided to have it shipped home, so there was no issue with the luggage!
“Excuse me, since you’ve purchased a qualifying item, we offer a service where you can enter a lottery for a chance to have a brief conversation with a VTuber. Would you like to participate in the lottery?”
“What?! They have such an offer?!”
“For customers who spend over 10,000 yen, the chances of winning are relatively high.”
Senpai and I eagerly hoped that we would win the lottery.
“W-Why is Yuki here of all places... And who’s that girl walking with him... No, maybe I’m mistaken...”
He was casually observing from a café within U*X.
Suddenly, Yuki and his companion caught his attention.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ある確証のない報告によると サウジアラビアの億万長者が 100万ドル払うと言ったそうです
これらは何年か前にイラクの記者会見で ブッシュに投げつけられた靴です
(拍手) 物に魅かれることは 有名人の物に対してだけではなく
ほとんどの人にはそれぞれ 文字通りかけがえない品があります その品の経歴のために価値がある― 結婚指輪だとか子供の赤ちゃんの時の靴とか― もし失くしたらおしまいなものです
似たような品は手に入っても 同じ品は戻ってこないのです
同僚のジョージ・ニューマンとギル・ディーセンドラックと共に どのような要素や経歴が人の好きな品に 影響を持つのか調べました
実験の1つで 熱愛する有名人を挙げてもらいました 生きている有名人です
そこで「彼のセーターに いくら払いますか?」と尋ねました
なかなかの金額でした 新品のセーターや熱愛していない人の セーターに支払う額より高額です
次に別のグループの対象者に 違う制約と条件を 与えて尋ねました
例えば何人かには 「彼のセーターを買っても 誰にも言ってはダメで 売ることも禁止」と言いました
そうすると価値が下がります なぜその品が好きなのか理由が1つ分かります
でも大きな影響を与える条件は 「売ってもいいし 自慢してもいいけれど 配送される前にセーターは しっかりと洗濯されます」で
TEDのあとで何かもらえるなら シャガールがいいです
でも複製は欲しくありません たとえ違いが分からなくてもです
単に私が俗物で 本物を持っていると自慢したいからではなく
芸術作品の場合 実際に歴史は特別です
哲学者のデニス・ダットンは 素晴らしい著書「The Art Instinct」で 「芸術作品の価値は創作の背景に 人の技があるという仮定から来ている」と述べています
本物と贋作の違いが 説明できます
通常本物は創作の結果である一方 贋作は違います
このアプローチだと人々の美術の 好みの違いの説明ができます
### ENGLISH: According to an unconfirmed report, a Saudi millionaire offered 10 million dollars for this pair of shoes.
They were the ones thrown at George Bush at an Iraqi press conference several years ago.
Now this attraction to objects doesn't just work for celebrity objects.
Each one of us, most people, have something in our life that's literally irreplaceable, in that it has value because of its history -- maybe your wedding ring, maybe your child's baby shoes -- so that if it was lost, you couldn't get it back.
You could get something that looked like it or felt like it, but you couldn't get the same object back.
With my colleagues George Newman and Gil Diesendruck, we've looked to see what sort of factors, what sort of history, matters for the objects that people like.
So in one of our experiments, we asked people to name a famous person who they adored, a living person they adored.
So one answer was George Clooney.
Then we asked them, "How much would you pay for George Clooney's sweater?"
And the answer is a fair amount -- more than you would pay for a brand new sweater or a sweater owned by somebody who you didn't adore.
Then we asked other groups of subjects -- we gave them different restrictions and different conditions.
So for instance, we told some people, "Look, you can buy the sweater, but you can't tell anybody you own it, and you can't resell it."
That drops the value of it, suggesting that that's one reason why we like it.
But what really causes an effect is you tell people, "Look, you could resell it, you could boast about it, but before it gets to you, it's thoroughly washed."
That causes a huge drop in the value.
As my wife put it, "You've washed away the Clooney cooties."
So let's go back to art.
I would love a Chagall. I love the work of Chagall.
If people want to get me something at the end of the conference, you could buy me a Chagall.
But I don't want a duplicate, even if I can't tell the difference.
That's not because, or it's not simply because, I'm a snob and want to boast about having an original.
Rather, it's because I want something that has a specific history.
In the case of artwork, the history is special indeed.
The philosopher Denis Dutton in his wonderful book "The Art Instinct" makes the case that, "The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
And that could explain the difference between an original and a forgery.
They may look alike, but they have a different history.
The original is typically the product of a creative act, the forgery isn't.
I think this approach can explain differences in people's taste in art.
This is a work by Jackson Pollock.
Who here likes the work of Jackson Pollock?
Okay. Who here, it does nothing for them?
They just don't like it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 攻撃の起こりは分かりやすい。巨躯であるゆえに躱す余裕があるのはトロルと同じだ。かつて”赤目”となったトロルとの戦いで得た経験が、ミトロフの動きを確かなものにしている。大丈夫だ。避けられる。
### ENGLISH: The occurrence of the attack is easy to understand. Because of its huge body, like a troll, he has the same room to dodge. The experience gained from battling with the “Red-Eyed” troll has made Mitrof’s movements precise. ‘It’s okay. I can avoid them.’
“Behind you!”
There was no time to turn around. Trusting Blanc Manje’s words, Mitrof raised his arm and directed the lightning rod behind him. Vibrations and thunder—the lightning bolt was caught.
Before him, a goblin soldier brandished its axe.
——This guy doesn’t know how to hold back. Always swinging wildly... so there is time to dodge.
Before the axe could be swung down, Mitrof rotated on his toes. The lightning rod struck the hand that held the axe before it could hit him. The thorns of electricity tangled around it.
A burst of air exploded. The goblin soldier cried out in surprise, letting go of the axe and recoiling his hand.
In that opening, Mitrof withdrew and caught his breath.
“...You’re light on your feet.”
“You’re saying that you didn’t expect that, despite what you saw?”
He breathed roughly.
“...I’m sorry. I got in the way—please catch your breath.”
Feeling concerned, Mitrof started the conversation this time.
“I’ve noticed something—it seems that lightning bolts can’t be used repeatedly—phew... if you dodge once, you’ll have some leeway until the next lightning bolt.”
Swallowing their fear by speaking, they shared their fear to maintain their determination to fight. They talked about not giving up.
“Before entering this room, I asked “him” to call for help—Canule should be coming.”
“...But the door won’t open.”
“...You are relying on them, then.”
Relying on them—those words sounded surprisingly unexpected to Mitrof.
“Yes, I am relying on them—I should have done it from the beginning.”
Should not have come here alone, should not have stubbornly clung to childish thoughts of wanting to prove oneself. He thought so, even though he knew it was futile.
“My friends are coming—just the thought of that gives me hope.”
“...Yes, you’re right—having someone you can rely on is reassuring.”
Mitrof tightened his grip on the lightning rod. The skin of an “electric catfish” wrapped around its handle was slightly burned. Mitrof chose to ignore it.
“You should have relied on me too—don’t fight alone.”
“I don’t have anyone I can depend on—I have to help everyone myself.”
“If that’s the case, you should have just asked me for help—if we came together from the beginning, we could have made things a little easier.”
Mitrof caught lightning that struck from above. His index finger numbed slightly. Without time to worry, he received a strike from the goblin soldier.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ですから バランスを変えようと 努力しました 私たちの新しいアプローチの 良い例は タイムズ・スクエアです
1日に35万人が タイムズ・スクエアを 通過します 改善の努力はされてきました
信号を変えたり 車道を変えたり タイムズ・スクエアを良くするために 試行錯誤しましたが
やはり危険で 道を横断するのも 冷や汗もの
過去の試みは どれも効果が無いと分かり 私たちは 別の もっと大きなアプローチで 街路について考えました
42番街から47番街までの ブロードウェイを閉鎖して 約1万平方メートルの 歩行者天国を作ったのです 約1万平方メートルの 歩行者天国を作ったのです
このプロジェクトでは 仮設であることが重要でした どんな機能をするか 見せることができるからです どんな機能をするか 見せることができるからです
ご存知のように データ重視の市長と働いているので
交通に良い影響があり 移動も効率良く より安全 ビジネスにも良ければ そのまま続けて ― そうでなければ 止めることにしました 元に戻せば良いだけで 害はありません 仮設だったからです
これが実行への決め手になりました 元に戻せると分かれば そんなに心配はありません 元に戻せると分かれば そんなに心配はありません
でも結果は素晴らしかった [ 歩行者事故35%減少 ]
交通がスムーズになり より安全になりました [ 移動所要時間17%短縮 ]
旗艦店が5つもオープンし ― [ 旗艦店5店舗がオープン]
大成功でした [ 店舗家賃の倍増 ]
現在 タイムズ・スクエアは 世界屈指の ショッピングスポットです
ここで学んだ重要なことは 交通か 公共スペースを作ることか ― どちらかだけを優先しなくても 良いということです
どんなプロジェクトでも サプライズはつきものですが タイムズ・スクエアの件では 人々が瞬く間に 押し寄せたことです
車を進入禁止にした途端に 街路に突如として 人々が現れたんです
スター・トレックの エビソードみたいでした
誰も いなかった場所に ズズッ!という感じで
どこからともなく 人々が やってきたのです
これが 喫緊の課題を生み出しました 街路に置く予定の家具が まだ用意できていなかったからです
そこでホームセンターに行って 何百ものローンチェアを購入し 街路にローンチェアを置きました
このローンチェアが 町の話題になりました
ブロードウェイの交通を 閉鎖したことではなく
「ローンチェアについて どう思う?」
もし大きく 議論を呼ぶ プロジェクトがあったら ローンチェアをご検討ください
### ENGLISH: So we worked hard to change that balance, and probably the best example of our new approach is in Times Square.
Three hundred and fifty thousand people a day walk through Times Square, and people had tried for years to make changes.
They changed signals, they changed lanes, everything they could do to make Times Square work better.
It was dangerous, hard to cross the street.
It was chaotic.
And so, none of those approaches worked, so we took a different approach, a bigger approach, looked at our street differently.
And so we did a six-month pilot.
We closed Broadway from 42nd Street to 47th Street and created two and a half acres of new pedestrian space.
And the temporary materials are an important part of the program, because we were able to show how it worked.
And I work for a data-driven mayor, as you probably know.
So it was all about the data.
So if it worked better for traffic, if it was better for mobility, if it was safer, better for business, we would keep it, and if it didn't work, no harm, no foul, we could put it back the way that it was, because these were temporary materials.
And that was a very big part of the buy-in, much less anxiety when you think that something can be put back.
But the results were overwhelming.
Traffic moved better. It was much safer.
Five new flagship stores opened.
It's been a total home run.
Times Square is now one of the top 10 retail locations on the planet.
And this is an important lesson, because it doesn't need to be a zero-sum game between moving traffic and creating public space.
Every project has its surprises, and one of the big surprises with Times Square was how quickly people flocked to the space.
We put out the orange barrels, and people just materialized immediately into the street.
It was like a Star Trek episode, you know?
They weren't there before, and then zzzzzt!
All the people arrived.
Where they'd been, I don't know, but they were there.
And this actually posed an immediate challenge for us, because the street furniture had not yet arrived.
So we went to a hardware store and bought hundreds of lawn chairs, and we put those lawn chairs out on the street.
And the lawn chairs became the talk of the town.
It wasn't about that we'd closed Broadway to cars.
It was about those lawn chairs.
"What did you think about the lawn chairs?"
"Do you like the color of the lawn chairs?"
So if you've got a big, controversial project, think about lawn chairs.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: この世界樹教において、半魔人は世界の異物である。その世界樹教の最高権力者が、このスタンスというのも奇妙な感じだ。
「今も彼らの方が力が強くてね。上手く行かないものだわ。それよりむしろ、あなたの方が驚きよ? あのマリアの娘が、率先して半魔人を護ろうと身を張って立ちふさがるなんて」
### ENGLISH: As far as the World Tree religion was concerned, half-demons were foreign substances for this world. Her stance was quite odd, given that she was the top authority of that very religion.
But she tilted her head in puzzlement at my words.
“Of course I do. There was a half-demon even among the Six Heroes that saved this world. What reason is there to discriminate.”
“Was Ma... Was mother also like that in the past?”
Back when we first met, Maria was, well not exactly cold, but quite indifferent towards me. I was quite used to such gazes, so I just ignored it... but my choice turned out to be correct and she gradually softened up towards me.
Due to such experiences, I took the World Tree religion as exclusivist towards half-demons. However, I was surprised to find out that Maria of that time had a friend like her. I couldn’t help but think that Maria used to be discriminative.
“Well, I can not deny that she had such a disposition. However, that was the result of the education of those around her. Since she had not lived as long as I, it was natural that she got influenced by other people’s opinions. I am ashamed to admit it, but there are many people among the cardinals who hold such beliefs...”
“And they are stronger even now. It is not going well. More importantly, I was surprised by you. To think Maria’s daughter of all people would stand up to protect the half-demons.”
“That’s... uhh... There was a half-demon among the Six Heroes, so.”
“Oh, yes, Lord Reid!”
She clapped her hands with a bright smile. It seems that even Pope Ashella was infatuated by the past me. Makes me strangely proud.
“I heard about him from Maria. He was apparently a really wussy boy.”
“There was a girl he liked among his comrades, but was dense enough to not even realize it. Yet he kept trying to show off and troubled people.”
“Maria you...”
“And he did not even realize the fact that he was quite popular, even saying things like he would be single forever?”
“Oh, I’ll definitely make her cry for this.”
She even leaked the information to outsiders. I mean, I guess there were irrefutable parts to it, but I’m not forgiving her for badmouthing her comrade.
Besides, you’re pretty black-hearted yourself. Saint my a̲s̲s̲!
“But she was happy that she gained a troublesome little brother. I had never seen her look so happy before.”
“Really. So I also wanted to meet him while he was alive.”
She lowered her gaze with those words. Perhaps someone precious to Maria, who was like a little sister to her, was also special to her too.
Thinking that, I suddenly remembered about Maria. I remember Cortina wrote a memo for her, asking for help. If it had reached her, she was probably worried that I wasn’t around.
“Oh right. I can’t stand for too long, she’s going to worry...”
“Ah, you are right. Maria can be a worrywart.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: しかし、これ以上質問を重ねてもいたずらにルゾーウルムの機嫌を損なうだけだろう。なによりも、『血止め薬』という物には興味があった。
「覚えていたんだね? だが、それは飲み薬には使えないよ」
### ENGLISH: However, if she pushed any further Rousseaurumu would get angry. Above all, she was enthusiastic about the Blood-Stopping Medicine.
For today, Merc gave up on being a Healer and braced herself to produce medicine.
“Master! How do you make the Blood-Stopping Medicine?”
“It’s quite simple. Make the most of what you’ve learned so far to make it by the end of the day and then bring it to me. If you can’t, you’ll be expelled.”
“... Understood.”
Rousseaurumu’s approach could be considered harsh, but that was how she taught. Merc had become accustomed to hearing those words day after day.
In other words, she only had to make the medicine and bring it before the end of the day. Rousseaurumu believed that Merc had the necessary knowledge to achieve that.
Although she was a harsh Master, she never gave her any unreasonable tasks.
“Master, do you use Chio Leaves in the Blood-Stopping Medicine?”
“Hmm... Why do you ask?”
“You previously informed me that consuming Chio Leaves through the mouth had a detrimental impact on the body. However, you also stated that they cause blood to coagulate.”
“You remembered? That’s right, that’s why you can’t make liquid medicine with them.”
Her Master stated this while smiling slyly at her, but Merc merely shook her head.
“I wasn’t planning on that. Considering its use, the Blood-Stopping Medicine isn’t a liquid but rather a cream. There should be no problems as long as the Chio Leaves aren’t taken through the mouth.”
“Hmph. Nicely done. You’re right. The Blood-Stopping Medicine uses Chio Leaves. Now all you have to do is figure out how to make it.”
Despite her severe demeanor, Rousseaurumu would always give Merc a hint. If what Merc was thinking was false, she would tell her so and steer her to the correct ingredients.
However, it also suggested that Merc shouldn’t expect any further hints. She’d have to use all of her knowledge to sort it out from now on.
“I’m heading for the garden!”
“Make sure to show me the medicine before you try it. You won’t get away unscathed if you make something poisonous and smear it on a wound.”
Half of the day was still ahead of Merc. She’d have to finish the Blood-Stopping Medicine before then.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 聞いた事もないブランドですが 海賊版の伝道ミックス・テープまであります ― 業界はこの状況を問題視しているし 私も 彼らの不満は もっともだと思います 今年になって ある有名スニーカー・メーカーに 海賊版をどう考えているか聞くと ”オフレコで頼む もしバレたら
君を殺さなきゃならない” そして海賊版が市場調査に 活用されていると言うのです
このスニーカー・メーカーによると PumaやAdidasの海賊版があって 自分達のスニーカーに 海賊版がなければ 商品に問題があると 思うそうです ― ですから海賊版を 追跡することは重要なのです そもそも海賊版を買う客は そのメーカーの 顧客ではありません 本当の顧客は 本物を求めるはずです
”税金を払いましょう” と言っています
まず私の頭に浮かぶことは 政府とは 人々と政府の社会契約なので 政府が不透明なら 人々も不透明なはずです また税金を払わない弱者を ― 非難していますが 有名企業でさえ 世界をごまかしていることに 気づいているでしょうか 例をあげましょう
ある会社は 2000年からの10年間で 4,000件の賄賂を支払ってきました 1営業日につき 100万ドルになります
世界中です その会社は ドイツの電機大手シーメンスです
こういったことは 非公式経済だけでなく 公式経済でも行われていて 非難するのは間違いです シーメンスだけでなく どの会社もやっているのです
最後にこんな話をしましょう もしアダム・スミスが 自由市場の理論の代わりに 「フリーマーケットの理論」を つくっていたとしたら その原理の総体は
どんなものになっていたでしょうか まず 市場は共同組合として 構想されたことでしょう これはブラジルの法学者 ― ロベルト・マンガベイラ・ウンジェルの 考えです
第2にオーストリアの無政府主義哲学者 ポール・ファイヤアーベントによれば 事実は相対的なもので ナイジェリアの商人にとっては 自立する権利として 確立していても 他の人から見ると非公認で 我慢ならないものなのです だから物事の定義や 事実といったものが
人によって違うことを 知るべきです 3つ目は偉大なアメリカのビート詩人 ― アレン・ギンズバーグの言葉です 異なる経済圏同士では 物々交換が行われ 様々な種類の通貨も重要です ここでは 彼は 自分のカッコよさと引き換えに 必要なものを 買うことについて語っています
ここで話は終わりです 言いたいことは この経済は地球規模の 発展への大きな力であり そのようにとらえる 必要があるのです
### ENGLISH: You can buy cuecas baratas, designer underwear that isn't really manufactured by a designer, and even pirated evangelical mixtapes. Now, businesses tend to complain about this, and their, they, I don't want to take away from their entire validity of complaining about it, but I did ask a major sneaker manufacturer earlier this year what they thought about piracy, and they told me, "Well, you can't quote me on this,
because if you quote me on this, I have to kill you," but they use piracy as market research.
The sneaker manufacturer told me that if they find that Pumas are being pirated, or Adidas are being pirated and their sneakers aren't being pirated, they know they've done something wrong. So it's very important to them to track piracy exactly because of this, and the people who are buying, the pirates, are not their customers anyway, because their customers want the real deal.
Now, there's another problem.
This is a real street sign in Lagos, Nigeria.
All of System D really doesn't pay taxes, right?
And when I think about that, first of all I think that government is a social contract between the people and the government, and if the government isn't transparent, then the people aren't going to be transparent either, who doesn't pay his taxes, and we're not recognizing that everyone's fudging things all over the world, including some extremely respected businesses, and I'll give you one example.
There was one company that paid 4,000 bribes a million dollars in bribes every business day, right?
All over the world. And that company was the big German electronics giant Siemens.
So this goes on in the formal economy as well as the informal economy, so it's wrong of us to blame — and I'm not singling out Siemens, I'm saying everyone does it. Okay?
I just want to end by saying that if Adam Smith had framed out a theory of the flea market instead of the free market, what would be some of the principles?
First, it would be to understand that it could be considered a cooperative, and this is a thought from the Brazilian legal scholar Roberto Mangabeira Unger.
Cooperative development is a way forward.
Secondly, from the [Austrian] anarchist philosopher Paul Feyerabend, facts are relative, and what is a massive right of self-reliance to a Nigerian businessperson is considered unauthorized and horrible to other people, and we have to recognize that there are differences in how people define things and what their facts are.
And third is, and I'm taking this from the great American beat poet Allen Ginsberg, that alternate economies barter and different kinds of currency, alternate currencies are also very important, and he talked about buying what he needed just with his good looks.
And so I just want to leave you there, and say that this economy is a tremendous force for global development and we need to think about it that way.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「落ち着いて。さっきも言ったように、警戒しなきゃいけないのにデン単独で動いてどうするの」
### ENGLISH: “Calm down. As I already said, we have to be careful, so I can’t have you acting alone.”
“I who excels in covert operations should be the one to go instead.”
If I used my Stealth Gift, some students would be unable to detect me.
In other words, as long as it wasn’t revealed that I left my room, I could head outside. Not to mention, I had my illusion ring on me too now.
If I just assumed a different appearance, the possibility of being targeted would be negligible.
“But Lady Nicole, going alone would be—”
“I excel at independent actions. You should know that too, Den.”
He was at God Hastur’s side. In other words, he was also near Whitey—the God of Destruction, so he should have heard of my life before reincarnating.
As such, he should be well aware of my ability as Reid.
“Yes, of course. But still.”
“You really are a worrywart. I do get it though. Then let’s all go together later.”
“That would put me at ease.”
It has been quite some time since I moved into the dormitory. The excuse that I needed daily necessities would no longer work to slip out.
But I still had my ways to deal with it.
If I just break one leg of a chair, I could slip out under the pretext of doing repairs on it. And naturally, taking my servant along to carry the luggage wouldn’t be unnatural either.
Like that, we decided to head out to the city once again.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 人間というのは 天性の探検家で
その場にいるだけで 即座に環境を把握できます
人類は火星探査ローバー のような道具を作って 目や手の届く範囲を 拡張してきましたが
この何十年かの間は ずっと 画面とキーボードの前に 座って探査をしていました
今やすべてを 飛び越えようとしています 大きなアンテナも 中継衛星も 2つの世界の間の 大きな距離も あたかも その場にいるかのように この風景の中へ 第一歩を踏み出しています
私たちのミッションで 働く科学者たちは 火星をこれまでにない 見方で見ています ようやく人間らしいやり方で 探査できるようになったことで この異星の世界も 少し馴染みやすく感じます
でも私たちの夢は それで終わりません
ダイアルを現実世界から 仮想世界に切り替えることで 魔法のようなことができます
不可視の波長で見るとか 山の頂上に瞬間移動するとか
いつかきっと 触れるだけで 岩の中の鉱物が何か 感じ取れるようになるでしょう
私たちはその第一歩を 踏み出していますが
次の一歩には 全世界の人にも 参加してほしいと思っています これは少数のための ものではなく 万人のための ものだからです
素晴らしいね ジェフ
今日はTEDのステージに 参加してくれてありがとう
こちらこそ ありがとう じゃあね アレックス
じゃあね ジェフ
このような未来を私は 毎日夢見ています
私はご先祖から インスピレーションを得ています
人類は かつては部族の中で 一緒に暮らしながら やり取りし コミュニケーションし 働いていました 今日まで我々を連れて来てくれた 人間的なものへと 帰ることのできるテクノロジーを 私たちは作り始めています モニタとピクセルの 2次元の世界で暮らすのを やめられるようにしてくれる テクノロジー この3次元の世界に生きるのが どんな感じだったのか
思い出させてくれる テクノロジーです 人間であることが こんなに素晴らしい時はありません
どうもありがとう いくつか質問があります
メディアで論じられて いることでもあり
ストレートに聞くので ストレートに答えてください
デモと実際の製品の 違いについて いろいろ言われています
今のは製品を買った人が 実際に体験できるものなんですか?
いい質問ですね それは この1年の間 私たちが メディアからよく 受けてきた質問ですが
調べれば 私がそれには答えて いないのが分かるでしょう
意図的に 無視していたんです 聞くべきことが 違っているからです
それは私が誰かに初めて ホログラムを見せたときに 「そのテレビの大きさは何型?」 と聞くようなものなんです
### ENGLISH: We can instantly understand an environment, just by being present in it.
We've built tools like our Mars Rover to extend our vision and lengthen our reach.
But for decades, we've explored from a seat behind screens and keyboards.
Now, we're leaping over all of that, over the giant antennas and the relay satellites and the vastness between worlds to take our first steps on this landscape as if we were truly there.
Today, a group of scientists on our mission are seeing Mars as never before -- an alien world made a little more familiar, because they're finally exploring it as humans should.
But our dreams don't have to end with making it just like being there.
When we dial this real world to the virtual, we can do magical things.
We can see in invisible wavelengths or teleport to the top of a mountain.
Perhaps someday, we'll feel the minerals in a rock just by touching it.
We're taking the first steps.
But we want the whole world to join us in taking the next, because this is not a journey for a few, but for all of us.
AK: Thank you Jeff, this was amazing.
Thank you so much for joining us on the TED stage today.
JN: Thank you Alex, bye bye.
AK: Bye, Jeff.
I dream about this future every single day.
I take inspiration from our ancestors.
We used to live in tribes where we interacted, communicated and worked together. We are all beginning to build technology that will enable us to return to the humanity that brought us where we are today -- technology that will let us stop living inside this 2D world of monitors and pixels, and let us start remembering what it feels like to live in our 3D world.
It's a phenomenal time to be human.
Thank you.
Helen Walters: Thanks so much. I have some questions.
HW: So there's been some talk in the press.
And I'll just ask you straight, then we have a straight answer.
There's been talk about the difference between the demos and the reality of the commercial product.
Talk about this field of view issue.
Is this type of experience what someone who buys the product will get?
AK: It's a great question, Or, said better, this is a question we've been receiving in the media for possibly the last year.
If you do your research, I haven't answered that question.
I've purposely ignored it, because ultimately, it's the wrong question to ask.
That's the equivalent of me showing holograms to someone for the first time, and you then saying, "What's the size of your television?"
The field of view for the product is almost irrelevant.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ミラは、から揚げ弁当に後ろ髪を引かれつつも隣の店舗へやって来た。そこは少し高級そうな店構えで、商品も手の込んだものが多い。デミグラスソースの掛かったオムライス弁当、トマトスープで煮込まれたロールキャベツ弁当、ハーブの利いたスコッチエッグ弁当といったものだ。
### ENGLISH: Mira forced herself to move on and leave the fried chicken lunch boxes behind, going to the next store. That one sold more fancy stuff, their items looking very elaborate. There was omelet rice with demi-glace, cabbage rolls cooked in tomato soup, and Scotch eggs with a fragrant herb scent.
「That’s so nicely made...」
Seeing how the omelet rice cooked to the perfect point, Mira got her nose as close as she could and caught a delicious whiff of demi-glace and butter.
But there was always the chance another store could have something better, so Mira made a mental note with the omelet rice as a candidate, and moved on to the next store. Unbeknownst to her, the brimming smile of an angel-like girl leaving the store after smelling the omelet rice would cause an influx of so many clients that it would lead to record-breaking sales.
The next place she visited resembled the Starry Night inn where she spent the night a great deal, built with a strong influence from traditional Japanese architecture. A salesgirl in oriental clothes stood selling the items, which were slightly different from a full lunch box, things like rice balls being sold by the unit. There were more than a dozen different items to choose from, with a shelf to the side housing garnishes and tea. The tea was sold by volume, containers sold separately.
(There’s chicken here too...)
Rice balls were such convenient food that they became common even in a different world. Their ease of production also makes them popular.
Right next to that store was another one with a similar style, this one selling different varieties of fried rice, with mushrooms, bamboo shoots, chestnuts and others. There was a very fragrant smell coming from it, the slightly browned rice enhancing the lunch boxes’ appearance even more. The side dishes only elevated everything to a whole new level.
(That delicious fried rice with bamboo shoots I had in the countryside before was the best I ever had.)
She declared that as her second candidate, then looked at the next shop, and the next one after that. From fancy stores that sold their cheapest items at 2000 Rils, barbeque shops that prided themselves in their skewers, shops that sold items that resembled fast food the most like burgers, or elaborate sushi shops, there was something for everyone there.
After checking through dozens of shops, Mira found the most classic form of lunch boxes. The cheapest priced at 500 Rils, the most expensive one at 1300 Rils. They were boxes with many compartments, filled with rice and many side dishes. In short, box lunch sets. They were simple, but included a large variety of dishes, which felt good on both the eyes and tongue, creating what could be considered the holy grail of lunch boxes.
Mira recognized many of the ingredients, and since this was going to be her first train ride in another world, she decided there was no better companion to make her feel safe than a box lunch set.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 例えば こんな質問をしてきた人がいました 「光速の90% の速度で 投げたボールを打ったらどうなるの?」
通常 物体が空気中を移動すると 空気は その周りを流れます でも この場合ボールが速すぎて 空気分子が物体を 避けられません
ボールは分子と激しく 衝突しながら突き抜けます 空気分子と衝突すると ボールからは窒素や 炭素 酸素がはじき出され ボールは分解して粒子になって 周囲の空気中では 熱核融合による ― 衝撃波が起こります
その結果 大量のX線が エキゾチック粒子やプラズマと共に マウンドを中心に 球状に広がっていくでしょう これはピッチャーマウンドから ボールより少し速く 離れていきます
およそ30ナノ秒後の時点では ホームまで距離があるため まだ光は届いていません だからバッターに見えるのは ピッチャーの投球動作です 何かおかしいとは 思いもしません
70ナノ秒後 ― ボールはホームに達します すでにプラズマの塊と化した ― 「元」ボールですが・・・ プラズマは バットやバッターや ホームやキャッチャーや アンパイアまで飲み込み 崩壊させます さらに全てを後ろへ押しやり バックネットを崩壊させながら 突き抜けるでしょう
この様子を できるだけ遠くの 丘の上から 見ていたとしたら 目にするのはこんな状況です 消えるまで数秒かかる まばゆい光に続いて 衝撃波が スタジアムから広がり 木々や家を なぎ倒していきます 最終的には崩壊した街の上に キノコ雲が立ち上ります メジャーリーグの ルールは少し曖昧ですが
条項6.02と5.09に従えば この状況は デッドボールと見なされるので 出塁できるでしょう ベースが残っていればの 話ですが
普段こういう質問に答えています 変な質問を投稿してくれる人が たくさんいます
こんな投稿もありました 「科学的に最速かつ最良の 身を隠す方法は何?
投稿してくる人が多い — 質問もあります 「失恋した後 また恋愛できる可能性を 証明できる?」
明らかに宿題と思われる質問を 投稿してきて 私にやらせようとする 人もいます
2か月ほど前の ある日のこと — グーグルにまつわる 質問を受け取りました
「もし世界中のデータが全部 パンチカードに記録されていたら グーグルが保有する データの量はどの位?」
グーグルは事業について 秘密主義を貫いています だから保有する データ量はおろか データセンターの数すら 誰も知りません 知っているのは社員だけです
### ENGLISH: So for example, one person asked, what would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90 percent of the speed of light?
So I did some calculations.
Now, normally, when an object flies through the air, the air will flow around the object, but in this case, the ball would be going so fast that the air molecules wouldn't have time to move out of the way.
The ball would smash right into and through them, and the collisions with these air molecules would knock away the nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen from the ball, fragmenting it off into tiny particles, and also triggering waves of thermonuclear fusion in the air around it.
This would result in a flood of x-rays that would spread out in a bubble along with exotic particles, plasma inside, centered on the pitcher's mound, and that would move away from the pitcher's mound slightly faster than the ball.
Now at this point, about 30 nanoseconds in, the home plate is far enough away that light hasn't had time to reach it, which means the batter still sees the pitcher about to throw and has no idea that anything is wrong.
Now, after 70 nanoseconds, the ball will reach home plate, or at least the cloud of expanding plasma that used to be the ball, and it will engulf the bat and the batter and the plate and the catcher and the umpire and start disintegrating them all as it also starts to carry them backward through the backstop, which also starts to disintegrate.
So if you were watching this whole thing from a hill, ideally, far away, what you'd see is a bright flash of light that would fade over a few seconds, followed by a blast wave spreading out, shredding trees and houses as it moves away from the stadium, and then eventually a mushroom cloud rising up over the ruined city. So the Major League Baseball rules are a little bit hazy,
but — — under rule 6.02 and 5.09, I think that in this situation, the batter would be considered hit by pitch and would be eligible to take first base, if it still existed.
So this is the kind of question I answer, and I get people writing in with a lot of other strange questions.
I've had someone write and say, scientifically speaking, what is the best and fastest way to hide a body?
Can you do this one soon?
And I had someone write in, I've had people write in about, can you prove whether or not you can find love again after your heart's broken?
what are clearly homework questions they're trying to get me to do for them.
But one week, a couple months ago, I got a question that was actually about Google.
If all digital data in the world were stored on punch cards, how big would Google's data warehouse be?
Now, Google's pretty secretive about their operations, so no one really knows how much data Google has, and in fact, no one really knows how many data centers Google has, except people at Google itself.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 資本主義の定義を 簡単に言うと 商業と産業 資本と労働のような 生産要素が 国家ではなく民間の手に 委ねられているということです
肝心なことは 批判の対象とすべきは 経済成長自体ではなく 資本主義に何が起きたかだと 理解することです
長期に渡って求められる経済成長が 生み出されるように 成長を より良い経済体制のもとで 追求していく必要があります
経済成長には 資本主義が必要ですが 正しく機能させなくてはなりません
先ほど言ったように 資本主義のシステムで核心を定めるのは 民間主体でした
しかしこれは 二分法での単純化した見方でした
資本主義は善 反資本主義は悪 というように
実務的な経験から言うと 資本主義はむしろスペクトルです
中国のような 国家資本主義の国もあれば アメリカのような 市場資本主義の国もあります
資本主義のシステムを批判しようとしたときに 中国のように そもそも市場による資本主義ではない国に
目を向けがちです しかし私たちが今本当に懸念しているのは アメリカが具現化したものである― より純粋な資本主義の形態に対してです
これは実に重要です なぜならこの資本主義の形態に対し 次第に批判が高まりつつあります 「資本主義は腐敗を助長し さらに悪いことに 所得の不平等を助長している 多数を犠牲にして 少数が利益をあげているではないか」と
取り組むべき 非常に重大な二つの課題は 資本主義を立て直し 経済成長を実現していくことと 同時に 社会的な病理を解決していくことです
その構想を練るために 私たちは自問する必要があります 現代の資本主義の仕組みとは?
ごく簡単にいうと 資本主義は利益第一主義者 つまり欲しいものは手に入れる 自己中心的な人たちによって 取り決められています
利益を最大限に得られた時にだけ 自分たち以外の社会契約への 支援が重要だと判断します
もちろんこの制度において 政府は税金を課し 税収の一部を 社会保障の資金に使うので 政府の役割は ただ規制するだけではなく 社会財の仲裁役であると理解できます
それにもかかわらず この構造 つまり二段階構造は いかに資本主義の構造を 改善できるかを考える基礎となります
この課題には 二つの側面があります
まず第一に 右よりの政策に基づくと 何が有益かを知り 資本主義の改善策を考えること
具体的には 右よりの政策では 条件付給付などが優先される傾向があります 経済成長を促すと思われることを 実行したら 給付金で報いる というやり方です
### ENGLISH: The definition of capitalism, very simply put, is that the factors of production, such as trade and industry, capital and labor, are left in the hands of the private sector and not the state.
It's really essential here that we understand that fundamentally the critique is not for economic growth per se but what has happened to capitalism.
And to the extent that we need to create economic growth over the long term, we're going to have to pursue it with a better form of economic stance.
Economic growth needs capitalism, but it needs it to work properly.
And as I mentioned a moment ago, the core of the capitalist system has been defined by private actors.
And even this, however, is a very simplistic dichotomy.
Capitalism: good; non-capitalism: bad.
When in practical experience, capitalism is much more of a spectrum.
And we have countries such as China, which have practiced more state capitalism, and we have countries like the Unites States which are more market capitalist.
Our efforts to critique the capitalist system, however, have tended to focus on countries like China that are in fact not blatantly market capitalism.
However, there is a real reason and real concern for us to now focus our attentions on purer forms of capitalism, particularly those embodied by the United States.
This is really important because this type of capitalism has increasingly been afforded the critique that it is now fostering corruption and, worse still, it's increasing income inequality -- the idea that the few are benefiting at the expense of the many.
The two really critical questions that we need to address is how can we fix capitalism so that it can help create economic growth but at the same time can help to address social ills.
In order to think about that framing, we have to ask ourselves, how does capitalism work today?
Very simplistically, capitalism is set on the basis of an individual utility maximizer -- a selfish individual who goes after what he or she wants.
And only after they've maximized their utility do they then decide it's important to provide support to other social contracts.
Of course, in this system governments do tax, and they use part of their revenues to fund social programs, recognizing that government's role is not just regulation but also to be arbiter of social goods.
But nevertheless, this framework -- this two-stage framework -- is the basis from which we must now start to think about how we can improve the capitalist model.
I would argue that there are two sides to this challenge.
First of all, we can draw on the right-wing policies to see what could be beneficial for us to think about how we can improve capitalism.
In particular, right-leaning policies have tended to focus on things like conditional transfers, where we pay and reward people for doing the things that we actually think can help enhance economic growth.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: リィーシャの部屋の前は立つと、ノックをして入室する。
「おや? 意外と早く決断したね。適当に座りなよ。折角だから晩酌に付き合ってくれ」
「意外だと思ったかい? 人は誰だって口にできない悩みがあるものだよ。酒はその捌け口になってくれる」
### ENGLISH: The two of them stood in front of Reesha’s apartment and knocked at the door.
“Oh? You guys came up with an answer quite quickly. Feel free to take a seat anywhere and come join me on my evening drink!”
Reesha closed the book she was reading and welcomed both of them.
She then took out ice from some sort of box, put some on the cups and poured in liquor.
“Just recently, an alchemist opened an alchemy store at the merchant district. Then they taught me a way of drinking called ‘on the rocks’. Quite a weird person, I must say. They also gave me this box that produces ice. Normally, you can really feel the alcohol burning your throat when drinking liquor, but as the ice melts, it makes the flavor of the drink way better and refreshing. It’s perfect for me since I enjoy drinking something as I read my books.”
Both of them were surprised by the box she took out, which seemed pretty much like a freezer.
With cold storage, the type of dishes they can make will expand quite a bit.
Next time, we should try and talk to that alchemist and see if we can get themto sell one to us.
For Schenna, who couldn’t drink much, and Kishana, who was a heavy drinker, the liquor with ice was much easier to drink and way more enjoyable.
Schenna then spoke to Reesha about alcoholic drinks purely out of curiosity.
“Do you like drinking Reesha-san?”
“I do, in moderation. Just to the point of getting tipsy so that I can forget about some bad things”
“Bad things?”
“Did you find it unexpected? Everyone has some worries that they can’t really share with others. Drinking is just one way of venting.”
Reesha drank the liquor
What she was hiding was probably related to things that happened during her battles before becoming a ‘hero’.
She then checked the documents, took out a bag with , gold coins from the back of the shelf and put it on top of the table.
“I would like to once again welcome you both to the ‘Holy Bow of the Forest’! Kishana-kun is still part of the ‘Sword of the Goddess” but don’t worry, I’ll take care of the guild transfer.”
Schenna and Kishana then expressed their gratitude to Reesha and officially became a part of the guild.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 戦争を、味方側にひとりの死傷者も出さずに終わらせようと考えるなんて、とんでもない
### ENGLISH: It is sheer arrogance and selfishness to think that a war can be ended without a single casualty on our side.
......No, if I do it unreasonably, I might be able to do it, indeed.
But that’s indecent, and if people start to appear in the center of the country who take that <indecent> move for granted or think that they can count on it every time, then......
So I shouldn’t do that.
So, no matter how many casualties may result from it...
We have to protect our own country by ourselves.
There is no need for a country, no need for soldiers, and no need for people’s efforts and dignity if their wars are getting solved by a convenient deus ex machina that appears out of nowhere every time.
No matter how much Princess Remia asks me, there is always a <limit> to what can be done.
So I’ll decide what to do and how far we’ll take it.
There is no one else but me who can take responsibility for what I do and what I have done.
I’m forced to ask Wolf Fang for a few helpers to hold down the helicopter, the helicopter team, and to follow up with our soldiers in Yamano territory, but the truth is, I’m not willing to do that either.
But it can’t be helped. You can’t do everything the way you want and I’m too worried about our soldiers alone......
Well, I’m the client. So they have to do as I ask.
[I’ve got a deal on the chopper, the guy who has two of them is going to give us both.
I heard that they have two choppers reserved in case of breakdowns and scheduled maintenance, and to ensure that one of the choppers can be flown by cannibalizing maintenance if both choppers get into trouble, but it seems both choppers can be flown.] Captain
If we have only one helicopter, we can’t use it for a long period of time, and it becomes difficult to get the job done by selling their helicopter.
......But two helicopters.......
Actually, one hardware was fine, but two would have been more reliable and would have saved us a lot of time.
Besides, with only one helicopter, we may have a last-minute problem with the aircraft.
I guess we should be thankful that we can use two helicopters here.
......And for those two helicopters, three portable anti-aircraft missiles would suffice.
Everyone in Wolf Fang is a professional when it comes to surviving against enemy helicopters, even if they don’t have a helicopter themselves.
And without refueling, maintenance equipment, and replacement parts, helicopters can’t operate that long away.
Without a carrier, base, or support system, any aircraft would be a disposable piece of junk.
Well, we should be happy that it’s two helicopters, but there’s just one problem.
[Hey, captain. How much did you ask?] Mitsuha
......Yes, like the paycheck. It’s a commission after all.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: “鞘翅目” とは甲虫類の事で 私とは違って 間違ってここに来た人には 音楽なら “ビートルズ” へ 車は “ワーゲンのビートル” へ 私は “甲虫類のビートル” を見に来ました
この種は地球上で 圧倒的に数が多く
植物を含めた 地球の全生物の20〜25%は 甲虫類なのです
つまり 今度 食料でも買いに行って レジに4人並んでいたら
統計的には その内の1人は甲虫類です
もしそれが あなたなら 驚くほどよく適応していますね
骨格標本作りに使われる 腐肉食のカツオブシムシや
他の虫を攻撃して 捕食する種類もいますが まだまだ かわいらしく見えます
幼虫のために動物のフンを転がして 砂漠を越える種類までいます
このフンコロガシは 古代エジプトでは ケプリ神という 太陽をころがして 毎朝 作り替える神につながり ツタンカーメンの胸当てにも 彫刻されています
甲虫類には 最もロマンチックに 愛を語る種類もいる
ホタルです 甲虫類で 鞘翅目です
鞘翅目には他にも コミュニケーション方法があって
次のリンクですね 化学的言語である “フェロモン” です
この項目から ウニの性行動の映像にたどり着きました
次は “媚薬” へのリンクです
性的欲望をかき立てる といえば チョコレートでしょう
チョコレートに含まれる “フェネチルアミン” が 媚薬らしいのですが
記事によれば 口から摂取しても 酵素で分解されてしまうので 脳には届かないようです
なのでチョコを食べてばかりいる人は 実験してみるといいかも
次にクリックしたリンクは “共感呪術” です それぞれの言葉は知っていても
共感も好きだし 呪術も好きですよ
“共感呪術” をクリックすると “共感呪術” と “ブードゥー人形” が出ました
何かの模型を作れば それに影響を与えられる
これがブードゥー人形の成り立ちですが “洞窟絵画” も同じです
“洞窟絵画” へのリンクは 人類最古の芸術へと導いてくれます
グーグルマップで洞窟の中を 見られたら良いんですけどね
世界中で共通する題材として 大型の野生動物と 人の手形があって 手形は だいたいが左手ですね
### ENGLISH: Now I clicked on this on purpose, but if I'd somehow gotten here by mistake, it does remind me, for the band, see "The Beatles," for the car see "Volkswagon Beetle," but I am here for beetle beetles.
This is the most successful order on the planet by far.
Something between 20 and 25 percent of all life forms on the planet, including plants, are beetles.
That means the next time you are in the grocery store, take a look at the four people ahead of you in line.
Statistically, one of you is a beetle.
And if it is you, you are astonishingly well adapted.
There are scavenger beetles that pick the skin and flesh off of bones in museums.
There are predator beetles, that attack other insects and still look pretty cute to us.
There are beetles that roll little balls of dung great distances across the desert floor to feed to their hatchlings.
This reminded the ancient Egyptians of their god Khepri, who renews the ball of the sun every morning, which is how that dung-rolling scarab became that sacred scarab on the breastplate of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
Beetles, I was reminded, have the most romantic flirtation in the animal kingdom.
Fireflies are not flies, fireflies are beetles.
Fireflies are coleoptera, and coleoptera communicate in other ways as well.
Like my next link: The chemical language of pheromones.
Now the pheromone page took me to a video of a sea urchin having sex.
And the link to aphrodisiac.
Now that's something that increases sexual desire, possibly chocolate.
There is a compound in chocolate called phenethylamine that might be an aphrodisiac.
But as the article mentions, because of enzyme breakdown, it's unlikely that phenethylamine will reach your brain if taken orally.
So those of you who only eat your chocolate, you might have to experiment.
The link I clicked on here, "sympathetic magic," mostly because I understand what both of those words mean.
But not when they're together like that.
I do like sympathy. I do like magic.
So when I click on "sympathetic magic," I get sympathetic magic and voodoo dolls.
This is the boy in me getting lucky again.
Sympathetic magic is imitation.
If you imitate something, maybe you can have an effect on it.
That's the idea behind voodoo dolls, and possibly also cave paintings.
The link to cave paintings takes me to some of the oldest art known to humankind.
I would love to see Google maps inside some of these caves.
We've got tens-of-thousands-years-old artwork.
Common themes around the globe include large wild animals and tracings of human hands, usually the left hand.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ビン・ラディンを殺したのは? シール・チーム・6です
ビン・ラディン主義を殺したのは? アルジャジーラです アルジャジーラと 複数のアラブ系衛星放送局です なぜかと言うと 彼らは 国民から情報を隠していた 国営テレビを出し抜いたからです 国民から情報を隠していた 国営テレビを出し抜いたからです
アルジャジーラによって 国民に情報が届き 国民は自分達の宗教の名の下に 何が行われていたのか知ったのです オザマ・ビン・ラディンと アルカイダの偽善行為を暴き 国民に情報を与え 自ら判断を下す機会を与えたのです
ビン・ラディンを殺したのは? アラブの春もです アラブの春によって 若いイスラム教徒は 変革を起こせるのだと知りました ビン・ラディンの 乏しい想像力では 到底成し得ない変革を 起こせるのだと知りました
国際ジハードを破ったのは? アメリカの軍隊です アメリカ兵とその仲間達です 遠くの戦地で戦った兵士です
彼らにふさわしい名声が 与えられる日も来るでしょう
以上の要素と その他様々の要素 まだ私たちが十分に 理解していない要素も含め 全てが融合し ビン・ラディン主義のような怪物を敗北させ 国際ジハードを破ったのです 全ての要素の協力が不可欠でした
これら全てが局所的なジハードに 有効とは限りません
ボコ・ハラムを倒すために アメリカ軍はナイジェリアに介入はしません ボコ・ハラムを倒すために アメリカ軍はナイジェリアに介入はしません 同様にシール・チーム6が アル・シャバブの指導者を追って 隠れ家に踏み込むこともないでしょう
しかし その他の要素の多くは 既により強力な形で存在します 状況はかなり変化しています
他教徒より多くの イスラム教徒が殺害される 暴力的ジハードの概念は 完全に信用を失っています
そんな概念に戻る必要は ありません
衛星放送や インターネットの新技術によって 若いイスラム教徒は 力を付けています
アラブの春によって政府が作られました その多くがイスラム教政府です それらの政府は 自己防衛のために 過激主義者を取り締まることが 必要だと知っています
彼らを説得する必要はありませんが 手を貸す必要はあります 彼らにとってこれは 初めてのことなのですから
更に朗報です 彼らの必要とする物の多くは 私達が既に持っていて 簡単に与えられるものです 資金のみでなく 専門知識を含めた経済的支援 テクノロジー、知識 投資資金、公正な商取引のルール 医療、教育、それに警察を強くするための 訓練の技術的援助 医療、教育、それに警察を強くするための 訓練の技術的援助 また対テロ部隊を より効率的にすることができます
### ENGLISH: Who killed Osama bin Laden? The SEAL Team Six.
Who killed bin Ladenism? Al Jazeera did, Al Jazeera and half a dozen other satellite news stations in Arabic, because they circumvented the old, state-owned television stations in a lot of these countries which were designed to keep information from people.
Al Jazeera brought information to them, showed them what was being said and done in the name of their religion, exposed the hypocrisy of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, and allowed them, gave them the information that allowed them to come to their own conclusions.
Who killed bin Ladenism? The Arab Spring did, because it showed a way for young Muslims to bring about change in a manner that Osama bin Laden, with his limited imagination, could never have conceived.
Who defeated the global jihad? The American military did, the American soldiers did, with their allies, fighting in faraway battlefields.
And perhaps, a time will come when they get the rightful credit for it.
So all these factors, and many more besides, we don't even fully understand some of them yet, these came together to defeat a monstrosity as big as bin Ladenism, the global jihad, you needed this group effort.
Now, not all of these things will work in local jihad.
The American military is not going to march into Nigeria to take on Boko Haram, and it's unlikely that SEAL Team Six will rappel into the homes of al Shabaab's leaders and take them out.
But many of these other factors that were in play are now even stronger than before. Half the work is already done.
We don't have to reinvent the wheel.
The notion of violent jihad in which more Muslims are killed than any other kind of people is already thoroughly discredited.
We don't have to go back to that.
Satellite television and the Internet are informing and empowering young Muslims in exciting new ways.
And the Arab Spring has produced governments, many of them Islamist governments, who know that, for their own self-preservation, they need to take on the extremists in their midsts.
We don't need to persuade them, but we do need to help them, because they haven't really come to this place before.
The good news, again, is that a lot of the things they need we already have, and we are very good at giving: economic assistance, not just money, but expertise, technology, knowhow, private investment, fair terms of trade, medicine, education, technical support for training for their police forces to become more effective, for their anti-terror forces to become more efficient.
We've got plenty of these things.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: かけらを組み立てたものを、シアは邪神召喚に使う道具ではないかと言う。
「こんなのがいるのかい? こわいぞ!」
「シア。これは召喚し終えた後の像なのか? それとも召喚される前の像なのか? それはわかるだろうか?」
### ENGLISH: Shia suggested that the pieced together fragments were from a tool used to summon an evil god.
If that was true, it was a frightening thing.
“It is an idol of the god of the dark ones. They put curses inside to summon it.”
“Does that mean the god of the dark ones looks like this?”
“Of course, I have never seen this god myself. But yes, so it is said.”
Seventeen legs and seven arms. And bat wings.
As the head was broken off, we had no idea what its face looked like.
“Something like this exists? The horror!”
Milka said with a shudder.
Indeed, this Evil God was most frightening.
“You know a lot, Miss Shia.”
“It is one of the gods that the vampires worship.”
As a beastkin wolf, Shia’s tribe were vampire hunters.
And vampires were one of the best-known races of the dark ones.
And so Shia was well versed on their culture and faith.
“Shia. Is this what the idol looks like after it’s been used to summon? Or is it before? Can you tell?”
This was very important. If it was after, that meant we would have to find a way to defeat the Evil God.
That would be harder than preventing it from being summoned.
“I do not know that much.”
“I am so sorry that I could not be of use.”
Shia said apologetically.
“No. We didn’t even know what this was, much less what it was used for.”
“Yes, Miss Shia. Well done!”
Shia said shyly, but her tail was wagging wildly.
Grulf was also quite excited, and he was wagging his tail as he walked around Shia.
We cheered her up for a while before Milka said seriously,
“So, who spread these things in the sewer then?”
“Really. I have no idea.”
“Yes, indeed. I don’t see what advantage there could be in spreading these things in the sewers.”
“Are they able to attract demon rats and make them bigger?”
“I do not know that either.”
Shia said she did not know.
But thinking about it, it did make sense that the curses and evil power could attract the rats.
And it wasn’t impossible that it caused them to grow faster.
“I think I will inspect the sewers again tomorrow.”
“Yes. You might find something. And it would be trouble if the demon rats started repopulating the place.”
We had killed all the demon rats that we saw.
And Grulf had sniffed around to see that there weren’t others hiding.
But still, that didn’t mean we hadn’t missed any.
And rats only needed a few survivors to start breeding again.
“Well, we gathered the Evil God fragments, so I don’t think it’s likely they will increase so rapidly again.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: イギリスのエセックス出身です この7年間ずっと 人の命を救うため 自分なりに努力してきました
僕は医者ではなく シェフです 高価な設備もなければ 薬も使いません
人生の最良の部分へと 結び付ける 家庭の中心に 食の持つ力があると 僕は強く信じています
現状は とてもひどいものです
ちょっと手を上げて下さい お子さんをお持ちの方
伯母さんや叔父さんも 手を上げて下さい
殆どですね 結構です
過去4世代の大人達が 子ども達に与えたもの それは 親よりも短い 寿命です 皆さんの子どもの寿命は
皆さんより10年も短いのです 原因は私たちが子どもに 与えている食べ物にあります
アメリカ人の3分の2は 統計上 太り気味か肥満
まだ肥満でない方も いずれ そうなりますから ご心配なく
そうでしょ? 不健康を示すデータは とても明確です
みんな事件や殺人ばかり 恐れていて 新聞やCNNでもよく 報道されてますよね
(拍手) この赤の部分は全て 食に関する病気です
医者や専門家なら 知っている事です
食に関する病気が 今日のアメリカの 一番大きな死因だと
イギリスも すぐ後に続いています いつものことながら
メキシコ オーストラリア ドイツ インド 中国も 肥満と不健康の問題を 抱えています
アメリカが負担する 肥満のコストは 医療費全体の10% 毎年1千5百億ドル
10年後には2倍になり 年間3千億ドルなると 予想されています
正直いって そんなお金ないでしょう?
食の革命を始める為に 僕はアメリカにやって来ました
今こそ その時です
放っておいたら 大変なことになります
ウェストヴァージニア州に行きました 全米で最も不健康な州—
今年 最悪なのは別の州ですが 来年はまたそちらで がんばります
ハンティントン ウェストヴァージニア州の きれいな町です
今では見慣れた 統計の背後にいる 個々の人間に 目を向けたいのです
僕が気に掛けている 人たちを紹介します 皆さんの隣人や 子どもとかわりません
### ENGLISH: I'm from Essex in England and for the last seven years I've worked fairly tirelessly to save lives in my own way.
I'm not a doctor; I'm a chef, I don't have expensive equipment or medicine.
I use information, education.
I profoundly believe that the power of food has a primal place in our homes that binds us to the best bits of life.
We have an awful, awful reality right now.
America, you're at the top of your game.
This is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world.
Can I please just see a raise of hands for how many of you have children in this room today?
Put your hands up.
You can continue to put your hands up, aunties and uncles as well.
Most of you. OK.
We, the adults of the last four generations, have blessed our children with the destiny of a shorter lifespan than their own parents.
Your child will live a life ten years younger than you because of the landscape of food that we've built around them.
Two-thirds of this room, today, in America, are statistically overweight or obese.
You lot, you're all right, but we'll get you eventually, don't worry.
The statistics of bad health are clear, very clear.
We spend our lives being paranoid about death, murder, homicide, you name it; it's on the front page of every paper, CNN.
Look at homicide at the bottom, for God's sake.
Every single one of those in the red is a diet-related disease.
Any doctor, any specialist will tell you that.
Fact: diet-related disease is the biggest killer in the United States, right now, here today.
This is a global problem.
It's a catastrophe.
It's sweeping the world.
England is right behind you, as usual.
I know they were close, but not that close.
We need a revolution.
Mexico, Australia, Germany, India, China, all have massive problems of obesity and bad health.
Think about smoking.
It costs way less than obesity now.
Obesity costs you Americans 10 percent of your health-care bills, 150 billion dollars a year.
In 10 years, it's set to double: 300 billion dollars a year.
Let's be honest, guys, you haven't got that cash.
I came here to start a food revolution that I so profoundly believe in.
We need it. The time is now.
We're in a tipping-point moment.
I've been doing this for seven years.
I've been trying in America for seven years.
Now is the time when it's ripe -- ripe for the picking.
I went to the eye of the storm.
I went to West Virginia, the most unhealthy state in America.
Or it was last year.
We've got a new one this year, but we'll work on that next season.
Huntington, West Virginia. Beautiful town.
I wanted to put heart and soul and people, your public, around the statistics that we've become so used to.
I want to introduce you to some of the people that I care about: your public, your children.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 営利企業は 本質的に あなたを 出来る限り利用し 持ち逃げしようとする
性質上のもので、DNAに刻まれているのです 健全で、善意のある企業でさえ
やっていることなのです 一方で 職場に保育所を設けるのは 素晴らしく、賢明な行動です
しかし、悪夢でもあります 忙殺された職場で、さらに時間を割かなくてはならなくなります
生活に必要な境界線を 設定し、実行することに 責任を持たなければなりません
3つ目の所見-- 私たちはワーク・ライフバランスを どのような時間枠で求めるのか 気を付けなければいけません
一年間の休養を経て 仕事に戻る前、 私は座り 1つ1つ細かく順番に 私が望む 理想のバランスの日を 書き出しました
こんな感じに: たっぷりと睡眠をとって 気持ちよく起きる
車で仕事場へ行く途中 子供たちを学校まで送っていく
車で帰って 妻と子供たちと夕ご飯を食べる
犬の散歩 またセックス
(拍手) こんな日がどのくらいあると思いますか?
私たちの人生におけるバランスを 計る時間枠を延ばさなくてはいけません ただし 気をつけなくてはいけないのは ”退職した時、子どもたちは家を出て、 妻には離婚され、健康は損なわれ、 友達も趣味もない 第二の人生がスタートする” といった罠に陥らないことです
4つ目の所見- バランス自体を バランスの取れた見方で捉えなおす必要があります
去年 友人が私と会ったとき-- ちゃんと許可はとってありますよ -- その友人が言いました ”ナイジェル あなたの本を読んで
仕事以外に私の人生には 何もないの
馬鹿にするわけではありませんが、 10時間働く健康な従業員になっても バランスが取れたのではなく、もっと働けるだけです
運動は素晴らしいですが、 人生には他の部分もあります 知的な部分 感情的な部分 精神的な部分
バランスを取るには これらすべての部分を 考えなくてはいけません-- 腹筋50回だけでは足りないのです
### ENGLISH: Because commercial companies are inherently designed to get as much out of you [as] they can get away with.
It's in their nature; it's in their DNA; even the good, well-intentioned companies.
On the one hand, putting childcare facilities in the workplace is wonderful and enlightened.
On the other hand, it's a nightmare -- it just means you spend more time at the bloody office.
We have to be responsible for setting and enforcing the boundaries that we want in our life.
The third observation is we have to be careful with the time frame that we choose upon which to judge our balance.
Before I went back to work after my year at home, I sat down and I wrote out a detailed, step-by-step description of the ideal balanced day that I aspired to.
And it went like this: after a good night's sleep.
Have sex.
Walk the dog.
Have breakfast with my wife and children.
Have sex again.
Drive the kids to school on the way to the office.
Do three hours' work.
Play a sport with a friend at lunchtime.
Do another three hours' work.
Meet some mates in the pub for an early evening drink.
Drive home for dinner with my wife and kids.
Meditate for half an hour.
Have sex.
Walk the dog. Have sex again.
Go to bed.
How often do you think I have that day?
We need to be realistic.
You can't do it all in one day.
We need to elongate the time frame upon which we judge the balance in our life, but we need to elongate it without falling into the trap of the "I'll have a life when I retire, when my kids have left home, when my wife has divorced me, my health is failing, I've got no mates or interests left."
A day is too short; "after I retire" is too long.
There's got to be a middle way.
A fourth observation: We need to approach balance in a balanced way.
A friend came to see me last year -- and she doesn't mind me telling this story -- a friend came to see me last year and said, "Nigel, I've read your book.
And I realize that my life is completely out of balance.
It's totally dominated by work.
I work 10 hours a day; I commute two hours a day.
All of my relationships have failed.
There's nothing in my life apart from my work.
So I've decided to get a grip and sort it out.
So I joined a gym."
Now I don't mean to mock, but being a fit 10-hour-a-day office rat isn't more balanced; it's more fit.
Lovely though physical exercise may be, there are other parts to life -- there's the intellectual side; there's the emotional side; there's the spiritual side.
And to be balanced, I believe we have to attend to all of those areas -- not just do 50 stomach crunches.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ひざをたたいて 考え込むように遠い目をしたり 何でもないのに 「そう言えば・・・」と 言ったりします でも実際は話題を 変えようとしているのです
テキスト・メッセージでは それができません そこでそれを可能にする方法が 発達してきました
どんな話し言葉にも 言語学者が 新情報標識と呼ぶ要素が いくつかあります
テキスト・メッセージでは スラッシュが新情報標識です
このように新しい表現は どんどん出現していますが それでも何かおかしいと 思いがちです
言葉づかいほど 洗練されていません でもよく考えると テキスト・メッセージはまだ存在せず でもよく考えると テキスト・メッセージはまだ存在せず 『アイ・ラブ・ルーシー』が 放映中の1956年にも こんな風に言う人がいたのです
「アルファベットや九九を知らず 文法通りに書けない人が大勢いる」 「アルファベットや九九を知らず 文法通りに書けない人が大勢いる」 それ以前も同じようなことは 言われていました コネチカット州のある教師は 1917年に こう言っています
1917年といえば 書くことについては あらゆる面で完璧だったと 誰もが信じている時代です ドラマ『ダウントン・アビー』では 皆きちんと話していますしね
ドラマ『ダウントン・アビー』では 皆きちんと話していますしね 「国中の大学で 『新入生は綴りも句読法も 身についていない』という 悲鳴があがっている」 時代をもっと 遡ることだってできます
ハーバードの学長の 1871年の言葉です
電気はなく 名前を フルネームで呼んだ時代です
「文章を書けば ひどい綴りで誤りがあり 表現も稚拙である」
やり玉にあがっているのは 文章を除けば 大学の勉強にちゃんと ついていける人達です
1841年に氏名不詳の ある教育長が怒っています 以前から憂慮している ― 作文の技術を おろそかにする態度のせいです
さらに時代をずっと遡ると 紀元63年 ― ある男性がラテン語の 乱れについて こぼしています ある男性がラテン語の 乱れについて こぼしています
でも彼が指摘したラテン語は 後にフランス語になるのです
(拍手) いつだって気にする人はいます それでも地球は回り続けるのに・・・
だからテキスト・メッセージについて 最近は こう考えています 今 私達が目にしているのは 若者が開発中の まったく新しい書き言葉です 彼らは これを普通の書き言葉と 併用しているので 言葉を2つ操れるのです バイリンガルは認知能力に よい影響があるという ―
証拠がそろいつつあります 同じことが 方言の使い分けにも言えます
また書き言葉にも あてはまるはずです
### ENGLISH: You'll pat your thighs and look wistfully off into the distance, or you'll say something like, "Hmm, makes you think --" when it really didn't, but what you're really -- — what you're really trying to do is change the topic.
You can't do that while you're texting, and so ways are developing of doing it within this medium.
All spoken languages have what a linguist calls a new information marker -- or two, or three.
Texting has developed one from this slash.
So we have a whole battery of new constructions that are developing, and yet it's easy to think, well, something is still wrong.
There's a lack of structure of some sort.
as the language of The Wall Street Journal.
Well, the fact of the matter is, look at this person in 1956, and this is when texting doesn't exist, "I Love Lucy" is still on the air.
"Many do not know the alphabet or multiplication table, cannot write grammatically -- " We've heard that sort of thing before, not just in 1956. 1917, Connecticut schoolteacher.
1917. This is the time when we all assume that everything somehow in terms of writing was perfect because the people on "Downton Abbey" are articulate, or something like that.
So, "From every college in the country goes up the cry, 'Our freshmen can't spell, can't punctuate.'" And so on. You can go even further back than this.
It's the President of Harvard. It's 1871.
There's no electricity. People have three names.
"Bad spelling, incorrectness as well as inelegance of expression in writing."
And he's talking about people who are otherwise well prepared for college studies.
You can go even further back.
1841, some long-lost superintendent of schools is upset because of what he has for a long time "noted with regret the almost entire neglect of the original" blah blah blah blah blah.
Or you can go all the way back to 63 A.D. -- -- and there's this poor man who doesn't like the way people are speaking Latin.
As it happens, he was writing about what had become French.
And so, there are always — — there are always people worrying about these things and the planet somehow seems to keep spinning.
And so, the way I'm thinking of texting these days is that what we're seeing is a whole new way of writing that young people are developing, which they're using alongside their ordinary writing skills, and that means that they're able to do two things.
Increasing evidence is that being bilingual is cognitively beneficial. That's also true of being bidialectal.
That's certainly true of being bidialectal in terms of your writing.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そうして、辿り着いた行き止まりの氷壁の手前で、はたと立ち止まった。シアが難しい表情でウサミミをピコピコと動かし、直後、驚愕に目を見開いた。
「えっと、ユエ? それはちょっと......」
### ENGLISH: The party advance through the passage once more. The people who they hadn’t found were three people, Hajime, Shizuku, and Kouki. They were walking forward while praying so that they could link up at the next room.
Like that now, they suddenly stood still in front of the ice wall that was at the end of the passage they had reached. Shia’s rabbit ears were twitching around while she was making a complicated face. Right after that, her eyes widened in shock.
“Eh... tho, those two too?”
The sudden words and attitude of Shia who had sharp senses caused the other members to look at her wondering what was going on. Yue, Kaori, Tio, the three of them immediately concentrated and reached out their senses at the other side of the ice wall. And the result, they understood what made Shia surprised and they looked at each other.
“Nothing will begin even if we just stand here. We can only confirm the situation directly.”
“... Nn. If he is Hajime’s enemy, I will beat him up.”
“Err, Yue? That’s a little... ”
“Anyway, let’s go.”
But, that prayer didn’t reach.
Ahead of the ice wall they passed, at the next room, storm of killing intent and hatred was blowing violently.
Yes, Hajime and Kouki were currently in mortal combat.
Amanogawa Kouki.
He who was born as the only son of an ordinary household had someone who he respected and idolized from the heart even now. That someone was Kouki’s grandfather.
The name of that grandfather was Amanogawa Kanji, he was a skilled attorney famous in business world. It was established custom for the family to go play at their grandfather’s house when it was a long holiday, but Kanji’s wife?because Kouki’s grandmother had passed away early, the grandfather that was living alone was very affectionate toward Kouki.
For his age, Kanji’s back was straight and his muscular body was overflowing with ambition, nevertheless, he wasn’t scary, but a gentle person. Kouki idolized dearly such a grandfather as his, that was to say he was a grandfather’s boy.
What Kouki liked the most from Kanji was Kanji’s story of his experiences. The experiences that Kanji obtained from his work as an attorney were told to Kouki as though he was reading from a picture book so that the small Kouki could easily understand them. Realistically speaking, the stories were also considerably arranged to not breach the duty of confidentiality, but even so, the eloquent stories of his grandfather were full of human drama that caused Kouki’s heart to dance many times.
Helping the weak, crushing the strong, reaching his hand to a troubled person without hesitation, accomplishing the correct thing, always being fair... in the end, Kanji’s stories were a thing that included that kind of teaching. A hero’s tale that personified ideal and justice. A common story for young children.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: これら24の村に住む農民たちは 私たちを猿の研究のために来た 白人の集団として見るのではなく― 私たちを猿の研究のために来た 白人の集団として見るのではなく― 実際にはスタッフの多くはタンザニア人なのですが― 私たちがテイクケア・プログラムを始めた際は タンザニア人のチームが村に行き
村民たちと話をして 彼らが何に 興味があるか訊ねてまわったのです 村民たちと話をして 彼らが何に 興味があるか訊ねてまわったのです
彼らにとっての関心事は 健康や教育でした
そして時が経ち状況が良くなるにつれ 保護活動の重要性も理解し始めるようになりました
山頂付近の樹木を剥ぎ取ったことにより 怖ろしい土壌浸食や土砂崩れが 起きることを理解し始めたのです 怖ろしい土壌浸食や土砂崩れが 起きることを理解し始めたのです
私たちは現在 大ゴンベ生態系を整備しようとしています
国立公園から かなり離れた地域で 荒廃した土地も多く含まれます 国立公園から かなり離れた地域で 荒廃した土地も多く含まれます
これらの村々では生活水準が向上するに伴い 10~20%の面積の高地を保護活動のために 確保することに同意してくれます 10~20%の面積の高地を保護活動のために 確保することに同意してくれます そのため 再び木が生え チンパンジー達が 遺伝子の存続のために不可欠な 国立公園外の群れと交流するための 遺伝子の存続のために不可欠な 国立公園外の群れと交流するための 緑の回廊ができるのです
緑の回廊ができるのです テイクケアは成功例です
私達は アフリカの他の地域― 同じように厳しい人口問題に直面している 荒野地帯にも このプログラムを展開しています 同じように厳しい人口問題に直面している 荒野地帯にも このプログラムを展開しています
しかしながら アフリカが抱える問題は TEDカンファレンスで数日かけて討論しているとおり しかしながら アフリカが抱える問題は TEDカンファレンスで数日かけて討論しているとおり 極めて深刻です
それほど肥沃ではない土地に たくさんの人々が住み 特に木を切れば 土壌は風雨にさらされ 浸食が進みます 特に木を切れば 土壌は風雨にさらされ 浸食が進みます 生き延びるのに必死な住民は さらに木を切り倒し 自分達や家族のために 食物を育てようとします 生き延びるのに必死な住民は さらに木を切り倒し 自分達や家族のために 食物を育てようとします この悪循環の行く手は何でしょう? 事態は差し迫っています
他にも問題はあります アフリカに限らず 全ての発展途上国 そして全世界に関わる問題です 他にも問題はあります アフリカに限らず 全ての発展途上国 そして全世界に関わる問題です 私達は一体この地球に何をしてるのでしょうか?
### ENGLISH: What's happening for conservation is that the farmers living in these 24 villages, instead of looking on us as a bunch of white people coming to study a whole bunch of monkeys -- and by the way, many of the staff are now Tanzanian -- but when we began the TACARE program, it was a Tanzanian team going into the villages.
It was a Tanzanian team talking to the villagers, asking what they were interested in.
Were they interested in conservation? Absolutely not.
They were interested in health; they were interested in education.
And as time went on, and as their situation began to improve, they began to understand ever more about the need for conservation.
They began to understand that as the upper levels of the hills were denuded of trees, so you've got this terrible soil erosion and mudslides.
Today, we are developing what we call the Greater Gombe Ecosystem.
This is an area way outside the National Park, stretching out into all these very degraded lands.
And as these villages have a better standard of life, they are actually agreeing to put between 10 percent and 20 percent of their land in the highlands aside, so that once again, as the trees grow back, the chimpanzees will have leafy corridors through which they can travel to interact -- as they must for genetic viability -- with other remnant groups outside the National Park.
So TACARE is a success.
We're replicating it in other parts of Africa, around other wilderness areas which are faced with extreme population pressure.
The problems in Africa, however, as we've been discussing for the whole of these first couple of days of TED, are major problems.
There is a great deal of poverty.
living in land that is not that fertile, particularly when you cut down trees, and you leave the soil open to the wind for erosion, as desperate populations cut down more and more trees, so that they can try and grow food for themselves and their families, what's going to happen? Something's got to give.
And the other problems -- in not only Africa, but the rest of the developing world and, indeed, everywhere -- what are we doing to our planet?</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 撮影が許されない女性達などです この章の場合― 子どもたちが 母親から 撮影に来ることを禁じられました 撮影中に父親が誘拐することを恐れたのです
24匹のアナウサギが 1859年に オーストラリアに持ち込まれました イギリス人入植者が 狩猟用に持ち込んだのです
100年間で 24匹は 5億匹にまで膨れ上がりました
オーストラリアには天敵がいないので 元々の野生生物と生存競争をし 在来の植物に被害を与え 土地を荒廃させています
1950年代から オーストラリアはウサギの個体群に 致死性の病気を導入しています 個体数を調整するためです
このウサギは政府施設― バイオセキュリティ・クイーンズランドで 飼われていました 施設では 3つの血統を飼育し 病気をうつして ウサギが効率的に死ぬかどうか―
経過を観察しています 病気の毒性テストです
この実験でウサギは ほとんど死に― 残ったウサギは安楽死させられました
ヘイズ・チョコレートは ウサギ撲滅財団と協力して イースター・バニーのチョコを 生産中止にし 代わりに
イースター・ビルビーにしました 毎年恒例のウサギのお祝いに 対抗することで ウサギを殺すことへの― 抵抗感を減らそうと考えたのです また オーストラリア固有で― ウサギに生存を脅かされている動物を 宣伝することにもなります
第7章では1つの血脈に対して 虐殺が与えた影響に
焦点をあてました スレブレニツァの虐殺では 2日間に渡り この血族のうち6人が
殺害されました 死者を視覚的に表現しているのは
この作品だけです ただし 私が表したのは 虐殺の被害者だけです これは第2次大戦以降 ヨーロッパで最大の 集団殺人として知られています
この虐殺では 8000人にのぼる― ボスニア回教徒の男性や少年が 組織的に処刑されました
作品を細かく見ていきましょう 左上の男性は 女性の父親です
彼女に続くのが4人の子どもで 全員スレブレニツァの虐殺で殺されました
4人に続くのはズムラの妹で さらにその子ども達が続きます 彼らも同じく殺害されました
私がボスニアに滞在していた時に ズムラの長男の遺骸が 集団墓地から掘り起こされ
まとまった遺骸を 写真に収めることができました
一方 ほかの人達は 歯と骨のサンプルが写った― ブルーのスライドで表しました 歯や骨は家族から採られたDNAと照合されて 本人のものであると 証明されました
### ENGLISH: And in this particular chapter, it's children whose mothers wouldn't allow them to travel to the photographic shoot for fear that their fathers would kidnap them during it.
Twenty-four European rabbits were brought to Australia in 1859 by a British settler for sporting purposes, for hunting.
And within a hundred years, that population of 24 had exploded to half a billion.
The European rabbit has no natural predators in Australia, and it competes with native wildlife and damages native plants and degrades the land.
Since the 1950s, Australia has been introducing lethal diseases into the wild rabbit population to control growth.
These rabbits were bred at a government facility, Biosecurity Queensland, where they bred three bloodlines of rabbits and have infected them with a lethal disease and are monitoring their progress to see if it will effectively kill them.
So they're testing its virulence.
During the course of this trial, all of the rabbits died, except for a few, which were euthanized.
Haigh's Chocolate, in collaboration with the Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia, stopped all production of the Easter Bunny in chocolate and has replaced it with the Easter Bilby.
Now this was done to counter the annual celebration of rabbits and presumably make the public more comfortable with the killing of rabbits and promote an animal that's native to Australia, and actually an animal that is threatened by the European rabbit.
In chapter seven, I focus on the effects of a genocidal act on one bloodline.
So over a two-day period, six individuals from this bloodline were killed in the Srebrenica massacre.
This is the only work in which I visually represent the dead.
But I only represent those that were killed in the Srebrenica massacre, which is recorded as the largest mass murder in Europe since the Second World War.
And during this massacre, 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were systematically executed.
So when you look at a detail of this work, you can see, the man on the upper-left is the father of the woman sitting next to him.
Her name is Zumra.
She is followed by her four children, all of whom were killed in the Srebrenica massacre.
Following those four children is Zumra's younger sister who is then followed by her children who were killed as well.
During the time I was in Bosnia, the mortal remains of Zumra's eldest son were exhumed from a mass grave.
And I was therefore able to photograph the fully assembled remains.
However, the other individuals are represented by these blue slides, which show tooth and bone samples that were matched to DNA evidence collected from family members to prove they were the identities of those individuals.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: スポーツイベントで 着ぐるみを着る人たちに 話をしてくれと言われたことがあります
この人たちの 少なくともほとんどの人たちは、自分が 生活のためにスポーツイベントで着ぐるみ動物になって
観客を楽しませるのがどういうことなのか わかっているのだ、と思いました
その後少ししてから 風船で動物を作る人たちの 大会で講演する依頼がありました
この時も行けなかったのですが、魅力的な団体でした 風船で動物を作るんです
参加者は、ゴスペル動物を作る人から エロ動物を作る人までいろいろ 風船で本当にかっこいいものをいろいろ作ります
この人たちについて言えるのも 自分が生活のために何をしているか知っていることです
我々がやっているのは あらゆるものを変えようとしている、ということではないでしょうか?
現状の中から 気にかかることとか、改善すべきこと 変えないと気が済まないようなものを見つけ、変えるのです
また、変えるプロセスがどんなものなのかを ゆっくり検討していません
ご存じないかもしれませんが、SPCAは当初は 犬や猫を殺すために設立されました
市がSCPAに憲章を交付し 市街から野良動物を取り除き、処分させたのです
例年400万の犬猫が殺されていました 市街で保護されてから24時間以内にです
ネイザンと彼の上司はこれを見て 耐えられなかったのです
そこで彼らはサンフランシスコを 「殺害なし」の街にしようと行動を始めました 街全体で どんな犬も猫も 病気か危険性がない限り 殺されるのではなく、養い親に渡されました
国中のSPCAや人権保護団体が サンフランシスコに飛んできました ネイザンらに不利な証言をするためです 「それは運動全体を傷つけ、また非人道的だ」と
彼らは粘り強かった ネイザンは直接コミュニティにかけあった
この問題に関心のある人々と連携したのです 専門家ではないけれど、情熱のある人たちとです
そしてわずか2~3年以内に サンフランシスコは初めての「殺害なし」の街になりました 赤字にもなりませんでした 全面的にコミュニティの支援を受けてです
### ENGLISH: I got invited to speak to the people who dress up in big stuffed animal costumes to perform at sporting events.
Unfortunately I couldn't go.
But it got me thinking about the fact that these guys, at least most of them, know what it is that they do for a living.
What they do is they dress up as stuffed animals and entertain people at sporting events.
Shortly after that I got invited to speak at the convention of the people who make balloon animals.
And again, I couldn't go. But it's a fascinating group. They make balloon animals.
There is a big schism between the ones who make gospel animals and porn animals, but -- they do a lot of really cool stuff with balloons.
Sometimes they get in trouble, but not often.
And the other thing about these guys is, they also know what they do for a living.
They make balloon animals.
But what do we do for a living?
What exactly to the people watching this do every day?
And I want to argue that what we do is we try to change everything.
That we try to find a piece of the status quo -- something that bothers us, something that needs to be improved, something that is itching to be changed -- and we change it.
We try to make big, permanent, important change.
But we don't think about it that way.
And we haven't spent a lot of time talking about what that process is like.
And I've been studying it for a couple years.
And I want to share a couple stories with you today.
First, about a guy named Nathan Winograd.
Nathan was the number two person at the San Francisco SPCA.
And what you may not know about the history of the SPCA is, it was founded to kill dogs and cats.
Cities gave them a charter to get rid of the stray animals on the street and destroy them.
In a typical year four million dogs and cats were killed, most of them within 24 hours of being scooped off of the street.
Nathan and his boss saw this, and they could not tolerate it.
So they set out to make San Francisco a no-kill city: create an entire city where every dog and cat, unless it was ill or dangerous, would be adopted, not killed.
And everyone said it was impossible.
Nathan and his boss went to the city council to get a change in the ordinance.
And people from SPCAs and humane shelters around the country flew to San Francisco to testify against them -- to say it would hurt the movement and it was inhumane.
They persisted. And Nathan went directly to the community.
He connected with people who cared about this: nonprofessionals, people with passion.
And within just a couple years, San Francisco became the first no-kill city, running no deficit, completely supported by the community.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ともすれば恐ろしげなその顔に呆れを浮かばせながら、獣頭の男はざぶっと片手を差し込み、ミトロフの腕を掴んで軽々と引き上げた。
「......なんだって? ぼくは茹で豚じゃない」
### ENGLISH: With a face that could be frightening, the lion-headed man inserted his hand and easily lifted Mitrof’s arm.
“It seems that the water pipe that regulates the hot spring’s hot water is malfunctioning—the water is too hot to take a long bath today... it’s probably too late now.”
“... What? I’m not a boiled pig.”
“Your whole body is bright red—you’re already perfectly boiled.”
With a sigh, the lion-headed man picked up Mitrof under his arm. Like a heated rock used to warm oneself in the winter, Mitrof’s body was radiating heat.
Amidst the cheers, heckles, and laughter of the regulars around him, the lion-headed man headed towards a rectangular bathtub at the edge. Like a waterfall, water flowed down and incessantly gave off water droplets as Mitrof was thrown in.
Plop! Water splashed vigorously.
Mitrof, who had been thrown in, quickly regained consciousness and hastily sat up.
“It’s cold!”
“It’s a cold bath—stay in for a while.”
Mitrof experienced an ice-like sensation throughout his body. The water that accumulated in the bathtub, which was made of smooth stones, was indeed transparent, allowing the decorative pattern on the tile floor to be clearly visible.
He tried to crawl out, but the lion-headed man pushed him back as the chill made his spine tremble.
While struggling and splashing about, Mitrof suddenly got used to the cold sensation.
“...Uh, huh?”
Instead, he felt strangely relaxed, as though all the heat and strength had been drained from his body. It was a strange feeling, as if his skin had dissolved in the water.
“This is... amazing...”
“That’s right. It’s a refined adult pastime to cool down a well-heated body in this cold bath... I thought you might not be ready for it yet, but if you can understand its charm, then you are a true adult.”
“Indeed, I thought I would die the moment I entered the cold bath... Maybe only adults can endure this...”
“That’s right—any joy in life is waiting for you beyond perseverance.”
Saying so, the lion-headed man calmly entered the cold bath and sat down. Even Mitrof, who had warmed his body with hot water, screamed at how cold the water was, yet the man did not even flinch.
Mitrof’s eyes shined as he realized that this was what a real man looked like.
They stood side by side and enjoyed the cold bath, feeling the chill in every corner of their bodies. At the same time, there was a definite heat inside their bodies, and they tasted a strange but pleasant sensation where they could not tell where the boundary between cold and warmth lay.
“Let’s get out.”
The lion-headed man stood up.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: もしかして魔法剣?
「おぉ! なんという神々しい構え......ニールゼン、片時も見逃すでない」
聞いている本人は超恥ずかしいんだからね! ティム達も中二病が治った時、身もだえするはめになるんだから。
「うぉお! さすがはティレア様!」
### ENGLISH: Could it be that he’s a magic swordsman?
Not bad, Myuu. This really is quite exciting from a visual point of view.
Huhu, to think that Myuu would go this far with his acting. I can’t let his will go to waste. We’ll definitely make this pro wrestling show a success. I lowered my hips, and moved my twig in a reverse grip behind me, and took the “Baban Stresh” stance.
“Oohh! What a sublime stance... Nielsen, we must not miss even a moment.”
“Yes, Milady. Truly a mastery of the profound.”
The outsiders Timu and Pervert (Nielsen) began firing off pretentious lines.
Ah, you guys... If I leave you alone for just a bit, you get carried away and start saying whatever you want.
It’s SUUUUPER embarrassing for the person themself to hear, okay!? Timu and the others are going to be stuck with writhing in embarrassment once their chunibyou heals.
From a thrusting stance, Myuu dropped his hips. Then, he pointed the tip of the magic sword towards me before dashing with incredible speed.
...As expected of Myuu. Despite this being a rigged match, it’s still so intense that I feel like I’ll wet myself a little. Like I’ll fall behind. I immediately slashed forward with the reverse-grip twig in my hand.
“Evil God Style, Secret Technique― Baban Stresh!”
My twig collided with Myuu’s sword, causing Myuu to fly into the air, sword and all, before crashing into a large tree with incredible force.
Oi, even if I said that I’d be unleashing an ultimate technique, didn’t you fly a little far?
Or rather, you don’t have to go that far just to put on a performance...
Look, you’re even bleeding from your head, you know. You’re hurt. Well, thanks to that, the audience is in an excited uproar, but...
Wild roars began breaking out from the Praetorian Guard. Mn, from an entertainment point of view, it was a huge success, huh. Even if it was just a role, Myuu played the clown for us. He really is a great guy.
While I was admiring the fallen Myuu, Timu approached me.
“Elder sister, your power was magnificent as always.”
“I see. If you had fun, Timu, then it was all worth it.”
“By the way, elder sister, although that grand technique from just now released some tremendous mana, it did not look to me like the air had been cut.”
“Timu, that’s very sharp of you. What I used just now was an incomplete version. It only cuts the ground, you see.”
“So it was as I thought. Huhu, was the reason you were unwilling to use it, for Mühen’s sake?”
“Y-, Yes. We can’t let Mühen die, right?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 強さは目を見張るものがあるけれど、所詮は庶民。学院に通うくらいはまだいいものの、特別コースに入るなら話は別だ。長い歴史の中で選ばれし者のみに許されてきた、とても名誉ある場所なのだから。
### ENGLISH: Her strength was remarkable, but she was just a commoner. It was one thing to attend the academy, but it was a different story if you entered the special course. It was a very prestigious place that had been reserved for the chosen ones in its long history.
They wanted to hurt her so badly that she would never dare to disobey them and kicked her out of the academy.
And yet, a few of their comrades left.
Their expressions at that time varied.
Some of them turned pale for some reason, and others became dazed as if they were dreaming. Among them, when Dilliam, who had been an enemy of Sheila, left with a mysterious look on his face, they felt a touch of uneasiness.
They wondered if they were dealing with something unthinkable.
That was even more so when they saw Sheila’s nonchalant attitude in the face of all the harassment.
Still, once they got this far, there was no going back. Since no new ideas came to mind, they decided to go ahead with the once-unsuccessful confinement operation.
They had been watching the situation in the shadows of the school building, thinking that they would make a laughingstock out of the sight of Sheila Danau crying out in shame after being locked in.
However, despite all that, Sheila Danau never reacted as they had hoped.
She suddenly looked out of the window and measured the distance from the ground. With a nod, she put her foot on the window sill and flew out.
They hurriedly swallowed their startled screams.
Sheila Danau shifted her position beautifully in mid-air and landed with a light thud as if she weighed nothing. She then left as if nothing had happened.
They were stunned.
Although they would never say it out loud because it was so frustrating, they were definitely all in awe of the sight.
No taunts of “you wild mountain monkey” ever crossed their mind. Rather, with the sunshine and blue sky behind her, she looked like an angel―
“If we’re late, Claushezade-sensei will be furious with us.”
They only managed to come to their senses when they heard such murmurs from Sheila Danau, who was moving away from them.
Right. If they weren’t on time for the start of class, they would be noticed by the intimidating teacher. Even the cheeky Sheila Danau was still responsible for cleaning the bathroom all by herself because of that. They didn’t want that to happen. As if caught in the middle, they rushed out to run.
They made it to class just in time, but while they were gasping for breath, Sheila was unperturbed.
It was only natural that they felt a sense of inexpressible frustration.
Since then, the harassment of Sheila had ceased abruptly.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: つまりね この仕事で 大嫌いなことはたくさんあるわ でもお金についてはそうじゃない 教えてあげる これが私にとって ベストなお金の稼ぎ方である限り 私は「本場のジャマイカ女」でいるわ そう彼らが呼びたいんならね
いいえ ジャマイカ出身でさえないの 彼らはそう言って私を売り出すのよ
私の家族はトリニダードと ヴァージン諸島出身よ
家族は私がしていることを知らないわ でもね
私の子供たちは 授業料が支払われているのを知ってるし 本もコンピューターも持ってるわ こんなふうにして 子供にはチャンスを与えているの
だから私は 自分の仕事が 楽だとは思わないし 自分が― あなた何て言ったっけ 解放的? だとも思わない
でもいい? 私は稼いでるのよ
はい (拍手) ありがと 魅力的ねえ 紅茶を1杯ちょうだい ウイスキーも少しだけ
完璧 素晴らしい もう1滴だけ・・・ もう少し・・・ 完璧ね
何て名前だっけ? ピーター? 合ってる? ピーターね?
そう だからね 私のユニークな点はそれなのよ そう 私は最終的に 両方を経験したのね まず修道院にいて そしてその後 売春婦になったの そのとおり
それで ここダブリンの女子学生が 私のことを書いたんだけど
「モーリン・フィッツロイは娼婦と処女の二分法を 生きながらにして体現している」って
でしょう? 入院した方が良さそうじゃない?
ええ そう 私にとってはでもね 少女の時 父としたのが初めだったの
つまり ある時彼が言ったとおり それは私たちのように 役立たずの腐った愚か者で モラルのない人間のすることだった
そして自分のためになることなんて 私は何もしていなかったわ
16歳になる頃には 私はもうこの親父と セックスしていたの 父はそれを2人の ささやかな秘密にしたがったし 私も言われたとおりにしたわ 当然でしょ そのお返しに 彼は私をまっすぐ修道院に送ったのよ
いいえ この親父は 修道院まで私に会いに来たわ
ええ メモを残していくのよ チャリティー・ショップの裏の 煉瓦の穴の中につめこんでね だから私たちは会えたの
父は言ったわ 妻と別れようとしていると 父を信じてたわ 妊娠するまではね
妊娠したのよ ピーター そして例の場所に私はメモを置いた でも父からはその後 何も返事はなかった
いいえ その子は養子に出して まともな人生を送れるようにしたわ そして私は 修道院に戻ることを許されなかった
いいえ きょうだいのバージニアが ダブリンへの旅費に5ポンドくれて こうして私はここに辿り着いたのよ
### ENGLISH: I mean, there's a lot of things about this job that I hate, but the money is not one of them, and I will tell you, as long as this is the best possibility for me to make real money, I am going to be Jamaican-No-Fakin' if that's what they want to call me.
No, I'm not even from Jamaica. That's how they market me.
My family is from Trinidad and the Virgin Islands.
They don't know what I do, but you know what?
My children, they know that their school fees are paid, they have their books and their computer, and this way, I know that they have a chance.
So I'm not going to tell you that what I do, it's easy, I'm not going to tell you that I feel -- what's that you said, liberated?
But I'm going to tell you that I feel paid.
Right. Thanks, that's lovely, and just the cup of tea, love, and just a splash of the whiskey.
It's perfect, that's grand. Just a drop more. A splash. Perfect.
What was your name? Peter? Is that right, so, Peter?
Right. So that, that is the unique part of it for me, right, is that I ended up in both, first in the convent, and then in the prostitution after. That's right.
So one woman at the university here in Dublin, she wrote about me.
She said, Maureen Fitzroy is the living embodiment of the whore-virgin dichotomy.
Right? Doesn't it sound like something you need to go into hospital?
Well, I've got this terrible dichotomy.
Doesn't it.
Right. Well, for me though, it was, as a girl, it started with me dad.
I mean, half the time, when he spoke to us, it was just a sort of tell us we were all useless rotten idiots and we had no morals, that type of thing.
And I certainly didn't do myself any favors.
By the time I was 16, I had started messing about with this older fella, and he wanted it to be our little secret, and I did as I was told, didn't I, and when that got back to me dad, he had me sent straightaway to the convent.
Well no, that older fella, he would still come to find me in the convent.
Yeah, he'd leave me notes tucked into the holes in the brick at the back of the charity shop so we could meet.
And he'd tell me how he's leaving his wife, and I believed him, until I got pregnant.
I did, Peter, and I left him a note about it in our special place there, and I never did hear from him again.
No, I gave it up for adoption so it could have a decent life, and then they wouldn't let me back into the convent.
No, my one sister Virginia gave me a fiver for the coach to Dublin, and that's how I ended up here.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 待ち構えていた別の兵士が 銃口を彼に向ける
すると銃口は突然巨大になり 形を変え
毛むくじゃらになり 全てを飲み込みます 彼はこう言いました 「俺は死を見たんだ 死んでしまったんだ」
その瞬間から彼は 自分が死んだことに気づいたのでした
これは単なる感覚ではなくて 彼は自分が死んだという確信があったのです
実際は誰かが入ってきて 敵の兵士は逃げたか撃たなかった 彼は撃たれたわけではないのですが その瞬間に 死んでしまったのです
例えば 集団墓地の匂い 私もルワンダでたくさん見ました
例えば 友が呼ぶ声 殺されかけている声 でも自分には何もできない
その声が聞こえるので 毎晩 夜中に目覚め それが何週間も 何ヶ月も続きー 子供のように トランス状態で パニックを起こし 恐怖を感じるのです
私は大の男が子供のように泣くのも見ました 頭の中にあのイメージを見て
恐怖というイメージを 死の虚空のイメージを見て泣くのです その恐怖に似た何かは 何かを隠しており 頭の全てを占領していきます
それには どうしても抗えないのです 働くこともできなくなり 何かを愛でる気持ちも持てなくなる
家に戻ると誰の顔もわからず 自分の顔すらわからない
隠れて家の中で過ごし 閉じこもり 病気になる 誰かが侵入したときに備えて
コインを入れた缶のトラップを 外に仕掛けた人すらいます
そして突然彼らは死にたい 人を殺したい、 隠れたい 逃げ出したい と思い始めるのです
愛されたいのに 憎み
その気持ちに昼夜囚われ ひどく苦しみます
皆「でもどうもないじゃないか! 元気そうだし
怪我もしていない 戦争に行って帰って来ただけじゃないかー」
こうした人々はとても苦しみ 幾人かは自殺してしまいます
彼らには自ら命を絶つことすら 手帳をアップデートするようなものです もう心は死んでしまっているのだから
死んでしまい もう苦しみから逃れようと思うのです
ある人は命を絶ち ある人は呑んだくれて 橋の下で生活するようになります
誰もが こんな話を覚えているでしょう 祖父や叔父がー あるいは隣人が いつも酒を飲み ものも言わず いつも不機嫌で 妻に手を上げ 酒に溺れてしまったり ついには亡くなってしまったり
私たちはなぜ その話はしないのでしょう? なぜ口をつぐんでいるのでしょう?
理由はそれがタブーだからです 死の虚無を表す言葉が
皆がそれを聞きたくないから 話さないのです
### ENGLISH: For example, a soldier who enters a building and comes face to face with another soldier aiming at him.
He looks at the gun, straight down the barrel.
And this barrel suddenly becomes enormous, deformed.
It becomes fluffy, swallowing everything. And he says -- later he will say, "I saw death. I saw myself dead, therefore I'm dead."
And from then on, he knows he is dead.
It is not a perception -- he is convinced that he is dead.
In reality, someone came in, the guy left or didn't shoot, whatever, and he didn't actually get shot -- but to him, he died in that moment.
Or it can be the smell of a mass grave -- I saw a lot of that in Rwanda.
It can be the voice of a friend calling, and they're being slaughtered and there's nothing you can do.
You hear that voice, and you wake up every night -- for weeks, months -- in a trance-like state, anxious and terrified, like a child.
I have seen men cry -- just like children -- from seeing the same image.
So having that image of horror in your brain, seeing the void of death -- that analogue of horror which is hiding something -- will completely take over. You cannot do anything, anything at all.
You cannot work anymore, you cannot love anymore.
You go home and don't recognize anyone. You don't even recognize yourself.
You hide and don't leave the house, you lock yourself in, you become ill.
I know people who placed small cans outside their house with coins inside, in case someone tried to get in.
All of a sudden, you feel like you want to die or kill or hide or run away.
You want to be loved, but you hate everyone.
It's a feeling that seizes you entirely day in and day out, and you suffer tremendously.
And no one understands.
They say, "There's nothing wrong with you. You seem fine, you have no injuries.
You went to war, came back; you're fine."
These people suffer tremendously. Some commit suicide.
After all, suicide is like updating your daily planner -- I'm already dead, I might as well commit suicide.
Plus, there is no more pain.
Some commit suicide, others end up under the bridge, drinking.
Everyone remembers that grandfather or uncle or neighbor who used to drink, never said a word, always in a bad mood, beat his wife and who would end up either sinking into alcoholism or dying.
And why do we not talk about this?
We don't talk about it because it's taboo.
It's not like we don't have the words to express the void of death.
But others don't want hear it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: こういった彼の人生の物語が データに変換されました
スティーブンは 体が完全に麻痺して 話すことも 呼吸もできなかったときに 私の馬車置き場を復元し 賞までもらいました
ここでスティーブンが 物語を世界と共有しています
このとき ワクワクするような 見通しが立ちました― 人間関係が希薄になってきている今だからこそ 人はお互いを愛し 気にかけたくなる
人に善を尽くしてこそ 自らも成功するのです
だから スティーブンは物語を共有しています でも彼だけではありません
他にも多くの人が 自分達の物語を共有しています
言葉だけでなく データと言葉で物語を伝えています
そして私達は それらの情報を 構造 知識に置き換え 物語を 計算可能なものに変換します そうすることで 薬物療養の提供方法に 影響を与え得る情報となります
これをALSに適用しました うつ病 パーキンソン病 HIVにも適用できます
情報量が多ければ良いってわけじゃないから 難しい 病気について 意味のある情報を見つけるには
思考とプロセスが必要になってきます さて ウェブサイトはこのようになっています
Patients Like Me をお見せしましょう この会社は 私と 一番下の弟と MIT時代の親友とで立ち上げました
ここに実際の患者がいます 現在 45,000人ほどですが それぞれの物語をデータとして共有しています
知覚 視覚 歩行 感覚のどれにおいても 一様に悪化しました
これらは多発性硬化症の患者間でも 個人差があります
線維筋痛 HIV ALS うつ病が見えますね
発症して2年たっています 全ての症状は出ていませんが
彼はCD4値を上げたままにし ウイルスのレベルを 下げた状態を維持して 生活しやすくしています
こうした情報を集めていけば 治療に関する情報も見えてきます
見てください 約2,000人が コパキソンを使用しています
これらは現在薬を服用中の患者で データを共有している人々です
私は 体操とかお祈りとかの類が好きです
何かと“お祈り”の相対的有効性を 研究したい方 いらっしゃいませんか? お祈りを見てみましょう
このデザイン なかなか興味深くて気に入っているんですが
ここはお祈りの頻度― つまり投与量です
1日60分お祈りをする この32人の患者が 快方に向かっているか見てみましょう きっとそうなっています
出ました これはオープン・ネットワークです みんなが情報を共有し 誰でも閲覧できます
不安を見てみましょう 人は心配なことがあると祈るものです
### ENGLISH: These stories of his life, converted to data.
He renovated my carriage house when he was completely paralyzed, and unable to speak, and unable to breathe, and he won an award for a historic restoration.
So, here's Steven alone, sharing this story in the world.
And this is the insight, the thing that we are excited about, because we have gone away from the community that we are, the fact that we really do love each other and want to care for each other.
We need to give to others to be successful.
So, Steven is sharing this story, but he is not alone.
There are so many other people sharing their stories.
Not stories in words, but stories in data and words.
And we convert that information into this structure, this understanding, this ability to convert those stories into something that is computable, to which we can begin to change the way medicine is done and delivered.
We did this for ALS. We can do this for depression, Parkinson's disease, HIV.
These are not simple, they are not internet scalable; to find the meaningful information about the disease.
So, this is what it looks like when you go to the website.
And I'm going to show you what Patients Like Me, the company that myself, my youngest brother and a good friend from MIT started.
Here are the actual patients, there are 45,000 of them now, sharing their stories as data.
Here is an M.S. patient.
His name is Mike, and he is uniformly impaired on cognition, vision, walking, sensation.
Those are things that are different for each M.S. patient.
Each of them can have a different characteristic.
You can see fibromyalgia, HIV, ALS, depression.
Look at this HIV patient down here, Zinny.
It's two years of this disease. All of the symptoms are not there.
But he is working to keep his CD4 count high and his viral level low so he can make his life better.
But you can aggregate this and you can discover things about treatments.
Look at this, 2,000 people almost, on Copaxone.
These are patients currently on drugs, sharing data.
I love some of these, physical exercise, prayer.
Anyone want to run a comparative effectiveness study on prayer against something? Let's look at prayer.
What I love about this, just sort of interesting design problems.
These are why people pray.
Here is the schedule of how frequently they -- it's a dose.
So, anyone want to see the 32 patients that pray for 60 minutes a day, and see if they're doing better, they probably are.
Here they are. It's an open network, everybody is sharing. We can see it all.
Or, I want to look at anxiety, because people are praying for anxiety.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 私達がそういった活動に 費やしている時間もまた 日に日に増え続けています
最近の調査によると 若い世代の人たちは 毎日8時間以上をネット上で 過ごしているそうです
9歳の女の子の父親としては この数字はすごく控えめ なものに思えます
しかしインターネットは 私達に 世界への扉を開いただけではなく 私達の扉を 世界に向けて 開いたという面もあります
この繋がりの対価として 私達が払うよう 求められているのは プライバシーです
今日 多くの人々が インターネットは プライベートな場所だと 思い込んでいますが それは違います
マウスクリックごと 画面へのタッチごとに 私達はまるでヘンゼルと グレーテルのように デジタルの森をさまよい歩きながら 行く先々で 個人情報を パンくずのように 落としているのです
誕生日や 住んでいる場所 関心あることや 好み 人間関係 財務的な履歴 その他諸々の情報です
悪くとらないでください 私は情報共有が悪だと 言っているのではありません
どんな情報が共有されるのか 知った上で 明示的に同意を求められるなら ある種のサイトには 自分の好みを知っていて ほしいとも思います
それによって そのサイトが おすすめの本や 家族と見るのに良い映画や 繋がるべき友達を 提案するのに 役立つことでしょう
しかし何が共有されるのか分からず 許可も求められないとしたら 問題があります
これは今日のインターネットで 行動トラッキングと呼ばれ 大きなビジネスになっています
デジタルの森で私達を追跡し 個々人のプロフィールを 作成することを巡って 一大産業が形成されているのです
そういうデータを手に入れたなら それでほとんど何だってできます
現在こういったことに対し 規制やルールが ほとんどないのです
最近アメリカやヨーロッパで 公表されたものを別にすると 消費者保護は 無きに 等しい状態です
では この隠れた産業について 少し明らかにしていきましょう
後ろの画面に表示されているのは Collusionという 実験的なブラウザアドオンで Firefoxブラウザにインストールして 自分のデータがどこへ行き 誰が追跡 しているのか知る手がかりになります
赤い丸は 私が訪れていないのに 私の行動トラッキングを しているサイトです
青い丸は 私が訪れたサイトです
灰色の丸も 私のことを 追跡していますが それが誰なのか分から ないものです
ごらんのように すべてが 繋がり合って Web上の私の姿を 描き出しています
具体的で個人的な例を 使って 見てみましょう
2週間前 私自身のPCに Collusionをインストールして 典型的な一日にどんなことが 起こるかやってみました
多くの人と同様 私も一日を メールの チェックから始めます
### ENGLISH: A recent study showed that the young generation alone is spending over eight hours a day online.
As the parent of a nine-year-old girl, that number seems awfully low.
But just as the Internet has opened up the world for each and every one of us, it has also opened up each and every one of us to the world.
And increasingly, the price we're being asked to pay for all of this connectedness is our privacy.
Today, what many of us would love to believe is that the Internet is a private place; it's not.
And with every click of the mouse and every touch of the screen, we are like Hansel and Gretel leaving breadcrumbs of our personal information everywhere we travel through the digital woods.
We are leaving our birthdays, our places of residence, our interests and preferences, our relationships, our financial histories, and on and on it goes.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not for one minute suggesting that sharing data is a bad thing.
In fact, when I know the data that's being shared and I'm asked explicitly for my consent, I want some sites to understand my habits.
It helps them suggest books for me to read or movies for my family to watch or friends for us to connect with.
But when I don't know and when I haven't been asked, that's when the problem arises.
It's a phenomenon on the Internet today called behavioral tracking, and it is very big business.
around following us through the digital woods and compiling a profile on each of us.
And when all of that data is held, they can do almost whatever they want with it.
This is an area today that has very few regulations and even fewer rules.
Except for some of the recent announcements here in the United States and in Europe, it's an area of consumer protection that's almost entirely naked.
So let me expose this lurking industry a little bit further.
The visualization you see forming behind me is called Collusion and it's an experimental browser add-on that you can install in your Firefox browser that helps you see where your Web data is going and who's tracking you.
The red dots you see up there are sites that are behavioral tracking that I have not navigated to, but are following me.
The blue dots are the sites that I've actually navigated directly to.
And the gray dots are sites that are also tracking me, but I have no idea who they are.
All of them are connected, as you can see, to form a picture of me on the Web.
And this is my profile.
So let me go from an example to something very specific and personal.
I installed Collusion in my own laptop two weeks ago and I let it follow me around for what was a pretty typical day.
Now like most of you, I actually start my day going online and checking email.
I then go to a news site, look for some headlines.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: ミシェルちゃんの話を聞いて、俺は即座にその場を駆け出して行く。
「あーもう、だから言ったんですよ! ニコル様には絶対内緒だって!」
### ENGLISH: The moment I heard Michelle’s story, I immediately broke into a run. Yes, it was obvious if I just thought about it.
Back when Letina was kidnapped, I annihilated the kidnappers. However, I haven’t dealt with the slave merchants that were supposed to meet up with them outside the city.
Even when Matisse was kidnapped, the kidnappers mentioned something about selling her to the slave merchants. No matter how you looked at it, it was obvious that the root of the problem was still there. And Michelle and Cloud stumbled on them.
“One of them even had to remain behind to let the other escape...!”
That was the same thing I did in my past. I still believed that my judgment back then was not a mistake. If I was presented with the same choices, my decision would be unchanged.
That said, I also understood the grief that my decision had brought upon others. I could not forget the pain it brought to Cortina and Finia.
“If you die... You are really getting expelled, you hear, Cloud!”
If he died here, Michelle would end up going through the same pain. I could not allow that to happen.
Behind my back, I could hear Finia’s yell.
“Agh! This is why I said to keep it a secret from her!”
Their quarrel was probably about the way I would react. Finia knew that I would rush out without hesitation the moment I heard it. She probably judged that it was best to leave it to the authorities’ hands.
But Michelle, the one actually involved in it, thought differently. Because there was no time to lose, she tried to rely on the people she trusted the most—Cortina or me.
Cortina was busy with work and not present. And Maxwell was not even in the kingdom. So it was natural that she clung to me when she saw me.
“W-Wait for me, Nicole. I’m coming as well!”
Michelle chased after me, leaving Finia behind. Her speed was unbelievably fast for a -year-old kid. Still, she was no match for me. My explosive power had no equal among my generation.
I arrived at the eastern gate that was nearest and waited for her. While I did that, I explained the situation to one of the familiar gate guards.
We were quite famous due to constantly coming in and out during the weekends. It was natural that we would stand out after hunting large games that one would find unthinkable for children. Not to mention, I was Lyell’s daughter, while also having Cortina and Maxwell backing me up.
Since it was me telling them all this, they would not doubt it at all.
When he heard the Cloud remained behind, the guard’s expression changed and he rushed to gather his comrades.
Were I a normal kid, my duty would be done at this step. But Cloud could die at any moment. There was no time to wait until they formed a squad.
“I... I finally cau-”
She finally arrived while gasping hard. Usually, I would have cheered her up, but there was no time for that now.
“Sorry, but please lead the way, Michelle.”
She was clearly having a tough time, but she readily nodded and rushed ahead. As much as I’d wished to let her rest, only she knew the path.
“This way, let’s go!”
Urged by her, I followed her into the forest. From time to time, I broke big branches and left marks behind us. Michelle was guiding our way there, but the guards that would follow us had no way to know where to go.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: みなさんも考えてみるといいと思います 自分に3つの願い事があったらと
そして何をしようかと 考えを掘り下げて 何が大切なのかをつきとめて 自分たちの回りの世界のことを じっくり考えるいい頭の運動になります
そして考えることによって 人々の注意を引き 世の中を変えるような行動を起こしたり アイディアを提案することができるでしょうか?
自然からひらめきを受ける -- これが今回のテーマです
率直に言うと これが私の 出発地点でもあったように思います
カナダ人の私は 風景にとても興味を持つようになりました
カナダ北部は雄大で 人口も少なく 父は熱心なアウトドア愛好家だったので
自然が何なのか 自分にどのように影響しているのか はっきりと分かっていませんでしたが
今思うに 教えてくれたのはこのようなことです 我々は一時的な存在でしかないこと そして はるかに広がる自然... 目に見える手つかずの海岸線や森からは... 地質年代的な時間が 長い間流れたこと 人間は異なる方法で時間を経験している ということを教えてくれました
そして それが私にとっては作品を作る上で 必要となる基準点となりました
春に道ばたで草が生えつつある様子を この写真に撮影しました
これは草の再生です その後 何年もの間 汚れのない風景を撮ろうとしました
しかし芸術写真では食っていけないと 気付いていました このまま 芸術写真を目指しても 問題だとなんとなく感じていました
カレンダー写真や それに似た写真のジャンルにとらわれ そこから離れることができずにいました
このような理由で 風景をどのように再考できるか 考え始めるようになりました
そして決めたことは 風景を 我々人間が変えた風景として 見直してみることです
ひらめいたのは ペンシルバニアで 道に迷ったときです 高速道路に戻ろうとして左に曲がったとき
車を降りて 立ち上がると そこは炭坑の町でした 360度ぐるっと見渡すと そこは私が今まで見た中で 最も現実離れした景色のひとつとなりました
その後 似たような鉱山に注目しました それから風景の中の大規模産業の爪痕にも 注目しました
自分を変えずに撮り続けることができると感じた テーマとなりました このテーマはライフワークとして 深くかかわれるほど大きなものであり 調査をすると そういう産業がどこにあるかわかりました
感謝の気持ちを述べる中で 言い忘れてしまいましたが 現場に立ち入りを許可してくれた企業にも 感謝の意を表したいと思います
### ENGLISH: I think everybody should do it -- think that you've got three wishes.
And what would you do? It's actually a great exercise to really drill down to the things that you feel are important, and really reflect on the world around us.
And thinking that, can an individual actually do something, or come up with something, that may actually get some traction out there and make a difference?
Inspired by nature -- that's the theme here.
And I think, quite frankly, that's where I started.
I became very interested in the landscape as a Canadian.
We have this Great North. And there was a pretty small population, and my father was an avid outdoorsman.
So I really had a chance to experience that.
And I could never really understand exactly what it was, or how it was informing me.
But what I think it was telling me is that we are this transient thing that's happening, and that the nature that you see out there -- the untouched shorelines, the untouched forest that I was able to see -- really bring in a sense of that geological time, that this has gone on for a long time, and we're experiencing it in a different way.
And that, to me, was a reference point that I think I needed to have to be able to make the work that I did.
And I did go out, and I did this picture of grasses coming through in the spring, along a roadside.
This rebirth of grass. And then I went out for years trying to photograph the pristine landscape.
But as a fine-art photographer I somehow felt that it wouldn't catch on out there, that there would be a problem with trying to make this as a fine-art career.
And I kept being sucked into this genre of the calendar picture, or something of that nature, and I couldn't get away from it.
So I started to think of, how can I rethink the landscape?
I decided to rethink the landscape as the landscape that we've transformed.
I had a bit of an epiphany being lost in Pennsylvania, and I took a left turn trying to get back to the highway.
And I ended up in a town called Frackville.
I got out of the car, and I stood up, and it was a coal-mining town. I did a 360 turnaround, and that became one of the most surreal landscapes I've ever seen.
Totally transformed by man.
And that got me to go out and look at mines like this, and go out and look at the largest industrial incursions in the landscape that I could find.
And that became the baseline of what I was doing.
And it also became the theme that I felt that I could hold onto, and not have to re-invent myself -- that this theme was large enough to become a life's work, to become something that I could sink my teeth into and just research and find out where these industries are.
And I think one of the things I also wanted to say in my thanks, which I kind of missed, was to thank all the corporations who helped me get in.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: まさか......土管同士って地下でつながっているのか?
「くそっ! なんだこれはキモチワルイ!」
「なぜこんなに早くスキルを使えるんだい!? さっきまでは死亡フラッグがダミーに生えていたから、すべての攻撃が引き寄せられる危険性があったはずなのに......!」
### ENGLISH: Could it be...that they are connected underground?
Just like in that other famous video game...
But this was NSO!
Thanks to Anne and the pipes, I thought of a good plan.
However, if told it to her through voice, then the enemy would hear.
And so...I had to use Letter Arrow!
This skill had two different effects.
One was to learn about monsters, which was how I usually used it.
The other was...as the name implied, record words or sounds and send them!
And so I would use it to tell Necoco and Anne about my plan.
While using Clear Arrow so the enemy didn’t see it...
The enemy would also be thinking about their next move now.
And while Cymba’s wide area attacks were restricting our movement, friendly fire was turned on in this battle, and so Hatake and the others could not easily step into the shuriken storm.
In other words, Cymba was also restricting their movements as well.
And I was pretty sure it was being done deliberately.
Hatake clearly wanted to use Death Flag again.
His main ability was with buffs, but he was abandoning that to rely on his luck.
And so Cymba was buying some time so they could calm down.
Because he was strong, he could win if some buffs were cast on him... That was probably the idea behind this.
At the end of the day, Hatake was popular.
And so everyone naturally started to fight with him in the center.
After all that, perhaps Hatake would finally change the way that he fought.
Maybe we didn’t need to worry about Death Flag any...
“Death Flag!”
A small golden flag had appeared on Garbow’s head!
I thought that I was starting to understand the way Hatake thought, but I was wrong...!
“But, Garbow can... Kurokogairu!”
Cymba had said it earlier.
You could touch someone and move the flag to them. And it didn’t matter if it was a dummy!
So I could move the flag to a clone with Kurokogairu, and then we could use Blue Ocean Sphere to move away.
Perhaps the enemy has already unleashed their attacks.
We had to move quickly...!
“There you are!”
Petta was targeting us.
She must have predicted that the target would try and rub the flag onto someone else!
But even if she did that, all of the attacks would go to the dummy now that the flag had appeared...
“High Attack Enhance!”
Hatake cast a buff on Petta.
Did she really mean to attack...!?
A sticky iron ball hit Petta’s body.
This...was Anne’s Sticky Star!
“Shit! What is this disgusting thing!”
“Why are you able to use a skill so quickly!? As the Death Flag was on the dummy a moment ago, there would have been a danger of all the attacks being pulled over there...!”
...Ah!</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 実際種族全体の地位にしたってスパルプキンは現状だとド田舎の中でも更に辺境に属するような場所にだけ住んでる種族だからなぁ......あまり必要になるとは思えない。
### ENGLISH: The prince showed signs of contemplation at his words.
In fact, the Spalpkin was a race that lived only in a place that belonged to the more remote parts of the countryside when it came to the status of the race as a whole... Pumpkin didn’t think it would be much of a necessity.
“How about a title of barony with no duties, no rights, nothing, really just an honorary title?”
“Even so, I’m afraid some misunderstood person might come along.”
“Don’t worry, your name is better known in the center as the dragon-slaying sorcerer, and I doubt there are many who would even think of picking a fight with someone like that.”
When Pumpkin said something like this, the prince would likewise reply in the same manner.
After that, he tried to divert the conversation by talking about Rio and the armor made of ash-hardwood, but to no avail. The conversation was always going to be interrupted.
Apparently, the prince was determined to bestow upon Pumpkin a title or something equivalent.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Just accept it! There is no greater honor than to receive a title directly from the Crown Prince!”
As a matter of fact, the escort who has been quivering as if enduring something for a while now was trying to intimidate Pumpkin by raising a loud voice with blue streaks. Those guys were not good enough to intimidate Pumpkin in any way though.
At the very least, try intimidating me after releasing Entdragon-level magic power. Then I’ll be a little concerned.
“As if I care. I prefer my life now, where I can live comfortably. You can do your scheming and plotting where it doesn’t bother me.”
Even though he can’t reveal it to the public, in effect Pumpkin was in the service of Lean, the God, so the position he received from the humans was nothing to be thankful for.
If I could get a compliment from a spirit who is older than Mizuki, then maybe I would accept it.
“Sigh... apparently it’s swifter to talk honestly to you than to speak pretentiously to you.”
The prince let out a sigh once and began to formulate his words in a tone as if he had given up on something.
“I’ll tell you the truth. If I were to give a fair evaluation of what you have done in this case, I would have no problem giving you the rank of a marquis or a count. In any case, even with prior information and our cooperation, you have practically single-handedly recaptured Senkonoto Castle, saved His Majesty, his concubines, and the princess’, reduced the God of Destruction himself to a single arm when he could have been summoned and exterminated the misshapen creatures created by the God of Destruction’s believers. And yet, for some reason, someone didn’t talk about the misshapen creatures he had defeated.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 朝日が部屋を照らす中、セイヤはベッドの上で目を覚ますと、周りを見た。
「二人ともいったい何しているんだ? 昨日の夜はいなかっただろ?」
「そうだよ、セイヤ! 早く学校に行こうよ!」
### ENGLISH: With the morning sun shining through the window, Seiya opened his eyes and looked around.
Right now Seiya was staying with the Arunia family in his new room. He was supposed to be alone here, but his hands were enveloped in something soft.
Even if he tried to get out of the bed, these two “restraints” didn’t let him. Having no other choice he said:
「Yua, Lily, wake up. It’s morning already, we will be late」
When Seiya said so, the restraining force vanished and two beautiful girls opened their eyes.
A beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes was hugging his right arm.
Another beautiful girl with blue hair and blue eyes was hugging his left arm. []
It wasn’t an exaggeration to call these girls absolutely beautiful, and these beauties were emerging from his bed. Moreover, they were naked.
「Get a grip you two. What are you doing here? 」
「Because I missed Seiya......」
「Because my sister was in your room」
Hearing their nonsensical reasons, he made a wry smile, and they skillfully diverted the topic.
「Seiya......If you don’t hurry up you will be late.....」
「Right, Seiya! Let’s go to school! 」[]「Don’t pull on me, wear something first」
After dressing the two naked girls that tried to leave the room as they were, Seiya headed to the dining room.
When they arrived in the dining room, Yua’s parents were already there and greeted them.
「You finally got up」
「Good morning Yua-chan, Seiya-kun, Lily-chan」
「Good morning........father, mama......」[]「Good morning」
「Good morning!」
Having finished their morning greetings, the trio arrived at their seats.
From the right to the left, the sitting order was: Yua, Seiya, Lily. Soon, servants brought the plates and breakfast officially started.
As soon as breakfast began, Raiga, sitting in front of Seiya, started talking.
「From today forward, Seiya and Lily will be attending Arsenia Magic Academy with Yua. As I said yesterday, we adopted Lily as Yua’s little sister while Seiya was registered as our retainer. Understood?」
「All right!」
Actually, today was Monday and at the same time, it was the first day of their new school life.
「And Seiya will be in the same class as Yua」
「My dear is overprotective after all」
After Kana said that, as expected, Lily asked a question.
「And Lily?」
「You are registered as a trainee. You are free to do what you want and can visit Seiya during breaks. However, during the classes, it’s prohibited」
「Thank you, dad......」</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そう、エルフの里をぐるりと囲っている森は『迷いの森』と呼ばれ、精霊たちが棲んでいると言われている。
「害意を持つ魔物? 魔物は大抵害意を持っているんじゃないか?」
「......え? あっ!」
### ENGLISH: Elea was absolutely correct. The spirits lived in the forest around the elf village, commonly known as the Forest of Illusion.
No one would be allowed to pass through unless they were an elf, the race cherished by the spirits, or had their consent. Even if they did enter, they would wander aimlessly around the forest until they returned to the beginning.
As a result, Merc’s mother stood guard at the barrier not to keep an eye out for invaders, but to grant access to anyone who had business with the elf village.
“Could this not apply to Magic Beasts?”
“You’re right. After all, there are Belbits and stuff...”
“This isn’t correct. Any Magic Beast with malicious intentions will be barred from entering. That is why there aren’t many Magic Beasts on the mountain.”
Despite the fact that Luka had stayed silent until now, she spoke up to explain things to Jonahim and Elea before Merc could.
“Malicious intentions? Don’t all Magic Beasts have those?” Jonahim asked.
“I read it in a book once. There are two types of Magical Beasts: those that attack their own and those that don’t. That’s why the Belbit was allowed to pass.”
“Oh, I see. Velches attack humans on their own, but Belbits won’t attack until we agitate them first... So, how precisely did the Velches get in?”
“They flew.”
“... What? OH!”
“They’re called Winged Wolves. They have wings. They flew over the forest.”
It sounded pretty convincing when thought about, but it wasn’t something that sprang to mind quickly.
Three years ago, the elves, like the three of them, had racked their brains for a while until they found the solution.
And if they hadn’t seen one of the Velche flying, they probably wouldn’t have believed it was possible.
“I see. So you can fly over the Forest of Illusion. That’s good to know.”
“You’re right. It’s also worth noting that Velche can fly across large distances. I’ve only seen them do those half-a̲s̲s̲e̲d̲ jumps of theirs when I hunt them.”
“They only need to fly when escaping or fighting, after all.”
The three of them conversed, exchanging newly acquired knowledge and planning for the approaching fight. As Merc stood there watching them, she was reminded of her days as an adventurer, and she was a little envious of the three of them.
“... Sir and Mesdames. You may keep talking if you want, but we’re about to enter the mountain. We’ll never know when a Magic Beast may appear, so be on the lookout.”
Merc had been hesitant to provide counsel to the skilled adventurers, but she had done it in the end.
After all, this wasn’t the same mountain Merc had visited countless times as a kid. It had transformed into a haven for powerful Magic Beasts. A genuine beast den.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: (拍手) リスクを負うという事を話しましょう 皆が嫌うキャラクターをやります
役者は好かれる役を演じる事を 好むものですが いつもという訳ではありません 特に今日のような集まりでは 人に感銘を与えたいですし
でも""リスクを負う""ことを語るには 自分とは全く別の人物を演じます まったく好まれない人物像で ある人が楽屋に来て 自分も出る舞台で こんな人物を 演じないでほしいと言われたほどです
リスくを負ってでも あえて やろうと思います 今日のような集まりでは 受け入れられるのでないでしょうか
""リスク""にはある暗示的意味があります ”性質” にも これと同じような事が言えます
マキシーヌ・グリーンという 素晴らしい哲学者がいます スタッズ氏と同年代で 哲学界のリーダー的存在です 大きな哲学者の組織のリーダーです 彼女に会って こんな質問をしました 「まだわからず これから知りたいことを 2つ教えて下さい」
彼女はこう言いました ”自分の方がずっと年上になってしまっても 大学の学長に会うと 丁寧にお辞儀しなきゃと感じたり
男性の同僚にコーヒーを 入れてあげなきゃといった 義務感にかられるのは何故か 未だに分からないわ”
それから ""知的な面では マイナスの想像力について まだ十分わかっていません
911の事件によって マイナスの想像力について 自分たちは考えてこなかったと 知らされました""
人間性や自然について そしてリスクについて 考えさせられるものです
メリーランドの女性専用の更生施設の 収容者から話を聞きました
人の言葉は自由詩と同じなので 聞いた話にタイトルをつけます これは 「彼女の口に鏡をあてる」
ポウレット・ジェンキンズという 収容者のインタビューです
""隠すのが上手くなっていったの 家の中で起こっている事を 誰にも知られたくなかったから
普通の家庭だと 思われたかったの
物質的にも とても恵まれていたわ でもそれでは 子供達の心の傷は癒えなかった 彼らの恐れが和らぐ事もなかった
顔中のアザと傷が どうして出来たか? 説明するための嘘も 使い果たしてしまったわ
結局 彼はまた暴力を振るう 何も無かったかのようなふりをしても 悪夢は消し去れない 家族の悪夢はそのまま
そして どんどんエスカレートしていった 私がそれを許してしまったから
でもメイシャが死んでしまったあの夜 激しさが何倍にも増していた 薬を取りに行って帰ってきたら 彼がメイシャに対して酷く怒って 殴り始めた バスタブにあの子を押し込め ベルトを使って叩いた
### ENGLISH: So, talk about risk taking. I'm going to do somebody that nobody likes.
You know, most actors want to do characters that are likeable -- well, not always, but the notion, especially at a conference like this, I like to inspire people.
But since this was called "risk taking," I'm doing somebody who I never do, because she's so unlikeable that one person actually came backstage and told me to take her out of the show she was in.
And I'm doing her because I think we think of risk, at a conference like this, as a good thing.
But there are certain other connotations to the word "risk," and the same thing about the word "nature." What is nature?
Maxine Greene, who's a wonderful philosopher who's as old as Studs, and was the head of a philosophy -- great, big philosophy kind of an organization -- I went to her and asked her what are the two things that she doesn't know, that she still wants to know.
And she said, "Well, personally, I still feel like I have to curtsey when I see the president of my university.
And I still feel as though I've got to get coffee for my male colleagues, even though I've outlived most of them."
And she said, "And then intellectually, I don't know enough about the negative imagination.
And September 11th certainly taught us that that's a whole area we don't investigate."
So this piece is about a negative imagination.
It raises questions about what nature is, what Mother Nature is, and about what a risk can be.
And I got this in the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women.
Everything I do is word for word off a tape.
And I title things because I think people speak in organic poems, and this is called "A Mirror to Her Mouth."
And this is an inmate named Paulette Jenkins.
"I began to learn how to cover it up, because I didn't want nobody to know that this was happening in my home.
I want everybody to think we were a normal family.
I mean we had all the materialistic things, but that didn't make my children pain any less; that didn't make their fears subside.
I ran out of excuses about how we got black eyes and busted lips and bruises. I didn't had no more excuses.
And he beat me too. But that didn't change the fact that it was a nightmare for my family; it was a nightmare.
And I failed them dramatically, because I allowed it to go on and on and on.
"But the night that Myesha got killed -- and the intensity just grew and grew and grew, until one night we came home from getting drugs, and he got angry with Myesha, and he started beating her, and he put her in a bathtub. Oh, he would use a belt.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: エネルギーと技術は同じものではありません
私がかかわっている政策は 移行政策なのです
移行政策において 私たちは自分たちが直面している 石油時代のピーク越えや気候変動という問題に 本当に必要な独創性や適応力 そして想像力で応えるのです
この政策は 信じられないほど速く広がっていきます
そしてこの政策には いくつかの特性があります
人々に伝染し レーダーをかなりのスピードでくぐりぬけ
あらゆる人が共有し この政策に関わる全ての人が 連携して発展させ 伝えていくものです
これは自立した政策で 中央の組織が推し進めているのではありません 人々が考え その理論に基づいて運営し 現状から実践的な行動に移すのです
解決策に焦点を当てながら 現状において 本当に何ができるかに目をむけ対処するのです
チリ、アメリカ、そしてこの地域の移行政策グループ 場所によって異なった活動をしています
歴史的に重要な活動と感じ 今までにない驚くべき仕事をする 歴史に残る機会だという意識を生み出すのです
大いに楽しんで活動し 他の人々とつながりを持てます
この活動の軸となっているのが 強靭さという考え方です
いろいろな点でこの理論は 持続可能な活動よりも有益なのです
私たちの社会制度や住居が いかにして 外部からの衝撃に持ちこたえるか ということを扱います
外部からの衝撃に直面しても 簡単に壊れて粉々にくだけはしません
重ねて言いますが持続可能な活動よりも 有益な概念なのです
スーパーマーケットに 一度に数日分の食料しか置けない場合 持続可能な活動では次の点に注目します 冷蔵庫のエネルギー効率や レタスが包まれている包装に目を向けるのです
強靭性というレンズを通して見ると 私たちはかなり外部の影響を受けやすい状況に 自らを追い込んでしまっていると言えるのです
強靭性の考えをもっと掘り下げられます 行動規範に独立性を導入し 私たちを支える基本的な秩序構造の中に 緩衝材の役目を構築することです
ブリストル地区市場向け農園経営者協会の写真です ブリストル市は ここからかなり近く そのころは市場向け農園がいたる所にあり 非常に多くの農産物をブリストル市民に供給し 人々はそれらを消費しまた多くの雇用も生み出しました
### ENGLISH: Energy and technology are not the same thing.
What I'm involved with is the transition response.
And this is really about looking the challenges of peak oil and climate change square in the face, and responding with a creativity and an adaptability and an imagination that we really need.
It's something which has spread incredibly fast.
And it is something which has several characteristics.
It's viral. It seems to spread under the radar very, very quickly.
It's open source. It's something which everybody who's involved with it develops and passes on as they work with it.
It's self-organizing. There is no great central organization that pushes this; people just pick up an idea and they run with it, and they implement it where they are.
It's solutions-focused. It's very much looking at what people can do where they are, to respond to this.
It's sensitive to place and to scale.
Transitional is completely different.
Transition groups in Chile, transition groups in the U.S., transition groups here, what they're doing looks very different in every place that you go to.
It learns very much from its mistakes.
And it feels historic. It tries to create a sense that this is a historic opportunity to do something really extraordinary.
And it's a process which is really joyful.
People have a huge amount of fun doing this, reconnecting with other people as they do it.
One of the things that underpins it is this idea of resilience.
And I think, in many ways, the idea of resilience is a more useful concept than the idea of sustainability.
The idea of resilience comes from the study of ecology.
And it's really about how systems, settlements, withstand shock from the outside.
When they encounter shock from the outside that they don't just unravel and fall to pieces.
And I think it's a more useful concept than sustainability, as I said.
When our supermarkets have only two or three days' worth of food in them at any one time, often sustainability tends to focus on the energy efficiency of the freezers and on the packaging that the lettuces are wrapped up in.
Looking through the lens of resilience, we really question how we've let ourselves get into a situation that's so vulnerable.
Resilience runs much deeper: it's about building modularity into what we do, building surge breakers into how we organize the basic things that support us.
This is a photograph of the Bristol and District Market Gardeners Association, in 1897.
This is at a time when the city of Bristol, which is quite close to here, was surrounded by commercial market gardens, which provided a significant amount of the food that was consumed in the town, and created a lot of employment for people, as well.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 2011年9月には 10代の女の子向けオンライン雑誌 『ルーキーマグ・ドット・コム』を 始めました
私の名前は タヴィ・ジェヴィンソン 今日は 「まだまだ模索中」 というタイトルでお話します お絵かきソフトで 作ったようなスライドはー 今日のテーマに合わせたからであって 苦手なパワーポイントを 避けたわけではありません さて このサイトは 10代の女の子向けで 私はフェミニストです
それに ポップカルチャーオタクの私は 「強い女性」とは何かと考えてきました 映画やテレビとかの影響も大きいですから 私のウェブサイトも
私は 「強い女性」の特徴が よく誤解されていると感じます 言われるのは典型的な「スーパーウーマン」 ひとつの才能だけが強調されたー キャットウーマンみたいなタイプ もしくは女性のセクシーさを強調して それを武器にしているタイプ
これらの強い登場人物が たまたま女性だった訳ではありません
単調でー 現実味もありません
何が問題かと言えば 女性を単純なものに とらえようとしていることです そして女性は 単純になれない自分にー 腹を立てています 実際 女性は複雑で 様々な側面があるのに... それは女性がクレイジーだからではなく そもそも 人間はクレイジーだから たまたま女性が 人間だっただけなんです ここで鍵となるのは 「欠点」です
今までも よく言われてきました
では 「強い女性」とは何か? 強い女性とは弱さも欠点もあって すぐには 好きにはなれない でも 次第に親しみが持てる人だと思います
問題を指摘するだけは嫌いなので この問題に 懸命に取り組まれている例も紹介します 例えば『マッドメン』みたいなテレビ番組や 『ブライズメイズ』のような映画では 主人公や登場する女性たちは 複雑かつ多面的に描かれています
ここにも書いていますが HBOで来月 放送が始まるー レナ・ダナムのドラマ『ガールズ』 彼女いわく 作品のきっかけはどの女友達も みんな矛盾の塊みたいと 感じたからだそうです 男女問わず人は 矛盾を抱えているはずなのに 女性が そのように表現されることはごく稀です
やったね! でも 私はいまだに十分は表現されていないー 女性たちがいると感じます その例として 今日は 10代に焦点を当てます 10代の子たちは特に矛盾を抱えていて まだまだ模索の段階にいると思うから 90年代に放送された『フリークス学園』や 『アンジェラ 15歳の日々』に出てくる リンジー・ウィアーと アンジェラ・チェイスみたいに これらの番組は そもそも
登場人物たちが自身を模索することを 描くことにありましたが 残念ながらワンシーズンで放送は終わり それ以来 同じような番組を 見たことはありません
### ENGLISH: Last September of 2011, I started an online magazine for teenage girls called Rookiemag.com.
My name's Tavi Gevinson, and the title of my talk is "Still Figuring It Out," and the MS Paint quality of my slides was a total creative decision in keeping with today's theme, and has nothing to do with my inability to use PowerPoint. So I edit this site for teenage girls. I'm a feminist.
I am kind of a pop culture nerd, and I think a lot about what makes a strong female character, and, you know, movies and TV shows, these things have influence. My own website.
So I think the question of what makes a strong female character often goes misinterpreted, and instead we get these two-dimensional superwomen who maybe have one quality that's played up a lot, like a Catwoman type, or she plays her sexuality up a lot, and it's seen as power.
But they're not strong characters who happen to be female.
They're completely flat, and they're basically cardboard characters.
The problem with this is that then people expect women to be that easy to understand, and women are mad at themselves for not being that simple, when, in actuality, women are complicated, women are multifaceted -- not because women are crazy, but because people are crazy, and women happen to be people. So the flaws are the key.
I'm not the first person to say this.
What makes a strong female character is a character who has weaknesses, who has flaws, who is maybe not immediately likable, but eventually relatable.
I don't like to acknowledge a problem without also acknowledging those who work to fix it, so just wanted to acknowledge shows like "Mad Men," movies like "Bridesmaids," whose female characters or protagonists are complex, multifaceted.
Lena Dunham, who's on here, her show on HBO that premiers next month, "Girls," she said she wanted to start it because she felt that every woman she knew was just a bundle of contradictions, and that feels accurate for all people, but you don't see women represented like that as much.
Congrats, guys. But I don't feel that — I still feel that there are some types of women who are not represented that way, and one group that we'll focus on today are teens, because I think teenagers are especially contradictory and still figuring it out, and in the '90s there was "Freaks and Geeks" and "My So-Called Life," and their characters, Lindsay Weir and Angela Chase, I mean, the whole premise of the shows
were just them trying to figure themselves out, basically, but those shows only lasted a season each, and I haven't really seen anything like that on TV since.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: はまともに働いた例がない。というより営業時間お店にいることすらできない。
当たり前だ! 誰がほいほい勤務中に仕事を抜け出す従業員を放置するか!
「む!? また斥候が現れたようです。それでは掃討してまいります」
「ティレア様! ティレア様!」
「今度はな〜に? 魔王でも復活したの?」
はい、来ました。週休六日制、お前仕事舐めているだろう! どこの世界に週に六日も従業員を休ませる会社があるか!
### ENGLISH: It’s been a week since I hired Pervert (Nielson). Even now, I haven’t seen Pervert (Nielson) work seriously. Or rather, he can’t even bring himself to stay in the shop during opening hours.
Belnandes, was it...?
Probably one of Pervert (Nielson)’s unemployed buddies. Anyway, he frequently comes to the shop to bring Pervert (Nielson) away.
Pervert (Nielson) then spouts stuff like “Lady Tilea. It seems that the scouts of the Demon King Army are lurking nearby. Hmph, please pay it no heed. I shall immediately tidy them up.” before leaving.
Each time, I have no choice but to clean up after him. I bow to dad, and do the work set out for Pervert (Nielson) in his stead. As Pervert (Nielson)’s boss, being unable to properly guide him is something I take responsibility for.
I thought about scolding him harshly.
And obviously! Who on earth would just ignore an employee who randomly ditches work!?
But this is the first time that Pervert (Nielson) has worked in his life. There’s no doubt that his willpower is soft like tofu. If I scold him, there’s basically a % chance that he’ll give up. I mean, after all, having never worked in his almost years of life, Pervert (Nielson) is a hardcore NEET. Looking at this in the long term, I have to bring up Pervert (Nielson) properly. I shouldn’t be scolding him, and instead praising him and raising his ability. This is something I resolved myself upon when I hired him.
―Alright. Let’s have a talk with him. First off I’ll look for Pervert (Nielson)’s few good points, and praise him to bring out his will to work!
“Niel, there’s something I need to talk―”
“Mu!? It seems that scouts have appeared again. Well then, I shall head off to clean them up.”
Pervert (Nielson) flew out of the shop again.
Huhuhu, this is the first time― the first time that I’ve met a dummy that’s made a fool of me to this extent...
A few days later, while racking my brains about Pervert (Nielson) who hadn’t shown any growth, I could hear a voice calling for me. The source of the voice was the source of my recent worries, Pervert (Nielson).
“Lady Tilea! Lady Tilea!”
“What is it this~ time? Did the Demon King revive or something?”
“No, things are still all right on that front.”
“Then what?”
“Milady. The offensives of the Kira Unit have been intensifying as of late, and before long I will need to take command on the front lines. Please forgive my absence from headquarters for a while.”
Huu~ In other words, you want to take a break, huh? Even though you’ve been ditching work that much, working is still painful? I guess even if I tell him no at this point, he’ll just lose motivation and it’ll have the opposite effect.
―Can’t be helped. For now I’ll just let him do things at his own pace, and ask him how often he can work.
“Then, how often can you come to work?”
“Milady. It depends on the development of the battle, but I believe that I will be able to return to headquarters once a week.”
Yep, there it is. A working week with a day weekend; you’re making light of working, aren’t you!? In what universe is there a company that allows people to rest days a week!?
And what’s more, saying that you’re fighting the Demon King Army...
That’s like saying you’re not going to work because you’re going off the play!
Huu~ Huu~ Calm down. CALM DOWN, TILEA!</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: コンクリート技術がパンテオンの実現に 不可欠であったのと同じように 新進ディザイナー達はインターネット技術を使うでしょう 時代に耐える新しい概念を創り出すために
まもなく地球上の大多数の人が 所有するでしょう そして 知識と人間関係の両面において 人々をつなぐというアイディアは 持続するでしょう
では 次には何が起こるでしょう
今にも起こりそうな進歩について考えましょう 私はガン治療のように 多くの起こりそうで ドラマティックな ブレークスルーを否定します 何故かというと パンテオンは 見て 経験することだけで 刺激を受けることができる デザインされた物理的な物体であり また永遠に そのような性質のものであるからです
それは 芸術のように 異なる種類の言葉です
寿命を延ばし 苦しみから解き放つような かけがえのない貢献は 重要で すばらしいものですが それらはインターネットのように 私たちの知識や技術全体の 連続の一部分です
さあ 次に来るのは何でしょうか
おそらく 直感に反して それは 1930年代後期に生まれた 先見性のあるアイディアだと思います それは 10年に一度リバイバルが訪れてきたもので 自動運転車です
自動速度制御装置の高級版が 重要であるわけがない
考えてみてください 私たちの世界は 道路と輸送手段を中心にデザインされています
アメリカにおいて繁栄と発展をとげた 高速道路網は ローマ帝国の成功に果たした 道路や輸送と 同等のものです
今日私たちの世界を結びつけているこれらの道路は 乗用車とトラックで溢れています 100年の間 ここに 大きな変化はありませんでした
今日において明白でなくても 自動運転はキーテクノロジーとなるでしょう それは都市をデザインし直し ひいては 文明のデザインし直しとなるでしょう
なぜなら 一度自動運転が普及すれば 毎年 アメリカだけでも 何万人もの命を救うことができます 世界的にみれば百万人です
自動車のエネルギー消費と大気汚染を 劇的に削減することができます
渋滞のほとんどを 解消することができます
それは いかに私たちが都市をデザインし 働き 生きるべきかについての 新しいコンセプトを示します
私たちはより早く移動できるようになるでしょう そして社会は 交通渋滞により失われた 膨大な生産性を 取り戻すでしょう
でもなぜ今なのでしょう なぜこの事を考えるのでしょうか
それは30年以上にわたり 自動車業界以外の人々が 数えきれないほどのお金を費やして 必要となる奇跡を作っていたのです しかしそれは全くもって違った目的のためでした
### ENGLISH: However, just as the technology of concrete was critical in realization of the Pantheon, new designers will use the technologies of the Internet to create novel concepts that will endure.
The smartphone is a perfect example.
Soon the majority of people on the planet will have one, and the idea of connecting everyone to both knowledge and each other will endure.
So what's next?
What imminent advance will be the equivalent of the Pantheon?
Thinking about this, I rejected many very plausible and dramatic breakthroughs to come, such as curing cancer. Why? Because Pantheons are anchored in designed physical objects, ones that inspire by simply seeing and experiencing them, and will continue to do so indefinitely.
It is a different kind of language, like art.
These other vital contributions that extend life and relieve suffering are, of course, critical, and fantastic, but they're part of the continuum of our overall knowledge and technology, like the Internet.
So what is next?
Perhaps counterintuitively, I'm guessing it's a visionary idea from the late 1930s that's been revived every decade since: autonomous vehicles.
Now you're thinking, give me a break.
How can a fancy version of cruise control be profound?
Look, much of our world has been designed around roads and transportation.
These were as essential to the success of the Roman Empire as the interstate highway system to the prosperity and development of the United States.
Today, these roads that interconnect our world are dominated by cars and trucks that have remained largely unchanged for 100 years.
Although perhaps not obvious today, autonomous vehicles will be the key technology that enables us to redesign our cities and, by extension, civilization.
Here's why: Once they become ubiquitous, each year, these vehicles will save tens of thousands of lives in the United States alone and a million globally.
Automotive energy consumption and air pollution will be cut dramatically.
Much of the road congestion in and out of our cities will disappear.
They will enable compelling new concepts in how we design cities, work, and the way we live.
We will get where we're going faster and society will recapture vast amounts of lost productivity now spent sitting in traffic basically polluting.
But why now? Why do we think this is ready?
Because over the last 30 years, people from outside the automotive industry have spent countless billions creating the needed miracles, but for entirely different purposes.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「あの狼は誰かが魔法学園に送りこんだ狼だ」
「それも分かっている。俺が知りたいのは誰なんだ? 狼をこの国に連れ込んだ奴は?」
でもラヴァール国の狼は首輪をしているのよね? それなのにどうして飼い主が分かっていないのかしら。
### ENGLISH: “That wolf was a beast that someone purposely sent into the magic academy.”
” “I knew it,” ” Gilles and I say together.
I’m acutely aware of Paul-san’s pupils dilating upon hearing us.
“....You already knew?”
“It at least made more sense than a rabid wolf just suddenly wondering into the heavily guarded magic academy somehow,” I add.
Henry-Oniisama doesn’t say anything. He just continues to stare at Paul-san, his expression unchanged.
....Henry-Oniisama must have already known that someone had purposely brought the wolf into the academy.
Actually, the fact that he’s not letting any of his emotions show on his face is extremely suspicious. It makes me think that Duke-Sama and the rest know far more about this whole incident than they are letting on..... Though the main question still remains: who caused all this?
“Did it come from the Ravaal Kingdom?”
“.....Yes, that’s right.”
At Gilles’s query, Paul-san freezes for a moment, but then he answers, giving one deep nod of his head.
As we thought, the wolf came from the Ravaal Kingdom. Which means that someone from there must have infiltrated this country. This incident is becoming more and more complicated.
“I already knew that,” Henry-Oniisama huffs impatiently. “What I want to know is who did it? Who’s the b*stard that smuggled the wolf into our country?”
So he’d already figured things out to this degree? As expected.
“Yeah. Since a long time ago. I’ve been tangled up in this incident from the beginning, you know.”
“.....So, the only thing you want to know now is the guy’s name?”
Paul-san doesn’t quite seem to have understood the situation yet.
Though, for him to find out that we already knew all the information he’s managed to dig up, I guess it makes sense that he’d be a bit flustered.
The odd thing is though, don’t wolves from the Ravaal Kingdom usually have collars on them? So, how is it that Henry-Oniisama still doesn’t know the owner’s name?
“Wait. What happened to the wolf in the end?” I ask.
At my question, both Henry-Oniisama and Paul-san stiffen. What is that reaction supposed to mean...? Did I end up asking a sensitive question? But it should be fine for me to want to confirm whether it’s still alive or not, right?
“After Liz captured it using magic, it seems that,” Henry-Oniisama swallows, and looks away before finishing, “she set it free.”
“She.... let it go?”
“A rabid wolf?”
“What’s going to stop it from attacking someone else?”
“Where did she even release it?”
Gilles and I ask, shooting the questions off one after another like machine gun fire. Our voices are incredulous, and louder than necessary, as if we’re blaming Henry-Oniisama for this ludicrous situation.
“I don’t know. And we didn’t tell this to Liz, but the next day we discovered the wolf’s corpse.”
“So you even knew about that...?” Paul-san says, letting a bitter smile slip onto his face.
“Someone killed it?” Gilles guesses, his expression turning complicated.
.....This is a lot. Isn’t it a bit too much if someone purposely sought out the wolf and killed it? This is an otome game, you know? The plot isn’t supposed to be nearly this heavy!
“Ha! Liz Cather acting so pretentious, like she cares oh-so-much for animals! It must all have just been one big, fat lie,” Gilles says with a fierce glint in his eyes.
I highly doubt that Liz-san would have been able to come up with such a scheme. She’s literally a lump of positive vibes and good will.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「先日、グリュンディング公爵にもご助力を願い出た。我が家だけではいろいろ不都合もあるかと思ってな。公爵にはツェアフェルトなら何の問題もあるまいが、何かあった時には喜んで相談に乗ろうと快諾していただいた」
### ENGLISH: Sir Erdogan’s face immediately turned pale. If the guardian of the Hearthing family was the Zeavert family, then transferring the guardianship to his house wouldn’t be a matter of trust or distrust, it would be just a simple transfer of guardianship.
But it would be a different story if the guardian of the Hearthing family was Grand Duke Seyfart while Zeavert family were just the Grand Duke’s deputy chosen by the royal family. If Sir Erdogan tried to appeal to transfer the guardianship of the Hearthing family, he would come across as if he couldn’t trust the deputy chosen by the royal family.
Still, Father, why didn’t you tell me about this before!?
“The other day, I also asked Duke Grunding for his help. I thought that there would be some difficulty if my house alone became the temporary guardian of the Hearthing family, but Duke Grunding told me that my house would be fine without his help, but if I needed anything, I could consult him anytime.”
Checkmate. With this, my house even had the support of the Duke, the head of the Queen’s maiden family, so it would be impossible for Sir Erdogan to do anything now. Even if he somehow persuaded His Highness, if the Duke disagreed, then even the royal family wouldn’t be able to do anything.
, it was easy to imagine what sort of reaction would the Duke, who said my house would be fine even without his help, have.
I finally got it. So everything went according to plan.
Just like how the kingdom fished out the nobles who had ulterior motives toward Laura in Finnoi, this time the kingdom wanted to use this chance to fish out the nobles who think they could take advantage of the Hero, Mazell. That was why the kingdom didn’t announce the fact that the real guardian of the Hearthing family was Grand Duke Seyfart.
That meant Lily-san was made into a bait. Although I was sure that Father and others must have made some arrangement to protect her safety, that still pissed me off.
As I tried to think calmly, I also realized one other thing. All this time Sir Erdogan was trying to provoke me deliberately, and he almost succeeded.
On the other hand, Father hid the circumstance behind the Hearthing family’s guardianship, prepared the ‘consultation’ with the Duke as an insurance, then waited until Sir Erdogan used his position as a noble as a pretext to use the Hearthing family, before finally striking.
On the other hand, even though Sir Erdogan finally realized he had fallen into a trap, all he could do now was to regret the fact that he didn’t confirm who was the guardian of the Hearthing family. He couldn’t even say to anyone that he proposed to Father to move the Hearthing family to his house. After all, his opponents were the Grand Duke and the Duke.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 揺れたと思われたエッケンハルトさんは、俺の首に木剣の先を突き付けて終了を告げる。
### ENGLISH: By the time I had registered Mr. Ekenhart’s movement, he already had his sword at my neck, and the battle was over.
If this was an actual sword, and he wanted to kill me... Then I would really be dead...
I knew that I had made a mistake by caring only about the sword after it had been turned aside.
Though, I doubted I would have been able to do anything even if I did keep my eyes on Mr. Ekenhart.
“Next is Tilura.”
Tilura was called by Mr. Ekenhart, and so she took a step forward and faced him.
In the meantime, I sheathed my sword and moved back, while shaking my numb hand.
...It will feel prickly for a while...this hand...
Tilura swung down, much like I had, but her attack was blocked, and her sword bounced away.
Once she had lost her balance, Mr. Ekenhart thrust the wooden sword towards her face.
“And now you are dead too, Tilura. It is not a bad thing to swing with all of your might, but you have to think about what you will do if you are thrown off balance.”
“Thank you.”
And so in just a few minutes, both Tilura and I were defeated by Mr. Ekenhart.
It could not be helped, as we had only been training for a few days, but I did feel a little resentful over how easy it had been for him.
“Now, I think you both can see how lacking you are. It’s only natural, as your training has only just begun.”
“But there is not a whole lot that I can teach. In order to use a sword, you need to practice until you can become one with it. And you have to be able to think.”
“To think...”
“To think ahead. How will your opponent move? How should you move? And whether or not you can actually do it... Well, there are also a lot of smaller details...”
The movement and countermeasures would depend on the opponent.
And the thing that would tell you how you should move, was your daily training.
According to Mr. Ekenhart, that was the basics of combat.
I didn’t know much about fighting, but the words of someone who easily beat us sounded quite convincing.
“I’m a busy man, after all. And so today will be the last day that I can oversee your training.”
“You are leaving, father?”
Mr. Ekenhart was a duke. And so it was no surprise that he was busy.
I had to be thankful that he had spent time to train us during these past few days.
Tilura had looked nervous and a little crestfallen when learned that he was visiting, but she looked very sad now.
Well, she was still young, and so it made sense that she’d want to be with her father. She had only been upset earlier because of the matter of arranged marriages.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 目標は至って簡単です 1人1人の子供たちの これからの人生 教育への準備を手伝い この問題の多い 混沌とした世界で 平和に暮らしていけるようにすることです
この国際社会に出るには 英語を話さなければなりません
したがって 我々の全学校では 授業は全て英語で行われます しかしスラム出身の子は 家族 又はその世代で
という迷信がありますが 大きな間違いです
私はわくわくするような本が好き お気に入りは ヒッチコックだとか ハーディー ボーイズ!
ジャンルの違う本を いろいろ読むわ 探偵ものから幻想的なものまで こういう本が好きなのは 使われている言葉や
文章の書き方とか 何か特別なモノがあるから
私は一度 本を手にすると それを読み終わるまで 止められないの
もしそれが 読み終えるのに 何時間もかかるような本でもね
ボク 世界一速いバイクについて― たくさん調査したんだよ!
お気に入りは ドゥカティ ZZ143! これが世界でイチバン速い― バイクだからね! パルサー 220 DTSI も好きなんだ これはインドでイチバン速いんだよ! あの女の子の父親は 道端で花を売っています
不思議ですよね? 世界中の男の子は なぜか速いバイクが好きなんですから そのバイクに乗ったことも 見たこともない でもグーグルを使って一生懸命調べたんです
英語で授業を行うシステムを取り入れた時 ICSEという― 最も優れたカリキュラムも 取り入れることにしました
しかし 人は笑い こう言いました “あの子供たちが そんな厳しいカリキュラムについて行けるワケない
どうかしてるんじゃないか?” と
しかし ついて行けるどころか 抜きんでているではありませんか いかに子供たちがよくやっているか―
是非 見に来て欲しいものです またスラムの親たちは “子供を学校に通わせるくらいなら― 働かせた方が良い” と思っていると言われていますが
親であれば誰もが 子供には― 自分よりも良い人生を送ってもらいたいものです そしてそれが可能であることを信じなければいけません
親と教師の集会は 出席率 80%で
100%の時だってあります 多くの有名学校よりも高い水準です
興味深いことに 以前は― 出席確認の際 母印を押していた親たちですが
昨年末になります 数人の母親たちが― やってきて こう言いました
### ENGLISH: Our dream is very simple: to send each of these kids, get them prepared to be educated but also to live peacefully, contented in this conflict-ridden chaotic globalized world.
Now, when you talk global you have to talk English.
And so all our schools are English medium schools. But they know there is this myth that children from the slums cannot speak English well.
No one in their family has spoken English.
No one in their generation has spoken English.
But how wrong it is.
Girl: I like adventurous books, and some of my favorites are Alfred Hitchcock and [unclear] and Hardy Boys.
Although they are like in different contexts, one is magical, the other two are like investigation, I like those books because they have something special in them.
The vocabulary used in those books and the style of writing.
I mean like once I pick up one book I cannot put it down until I finish the whole book.
Even if it takes me four and a half hours, or three and half hours to finish my book, I do it.
Boy: I did good research and I got the information [on the] world's fastest cars.
I like Ducati ZZ143, because it is the fastest, the world's fastest bike, and I like Pulsar 220 DTSI because it is India's fastest bike. Shukla Bose: Well, that girl that you saw, her father sells flowers on the roadside.
And this little boy has been coming to school for five years.
But isn't it strange that little boys all over the world love fast bikes? He hasn't seen one, he hasn't ridden one, of course, but he has done a lot of research through Google search.
You know, when we started with our English medium schools we also decided to adopt the best curriculum possible, the ICSE curriculum.
And again, there were people who laughed at me and said, "Don't be crazy choosing such a tough curriculum for these students.
They'll never be able to cope."
Not only do our children cope very well, You should just come across to see how well our children do.
There is also this myth that parents from the slums are not interested in their children going to school; they'd much rather put them to work.
That's absolute hogwash.
All parents all over the world want their children to lead a better life than themselves, but they need to believe that change is possible.
Video: SB: We have 80 percent attendance for all our parents-teachers meeting.
Sometimes it's even 100 percent, much more than many privileged schools.
Fathers have started to attend.
It's very interesting. When we started our school the parents would give thumbprints in the attendance register.
Now they have started writing their signature.
The children have taught them.
It's amazing how much children can teach.
actually late last year, we had a few mothers who came to us and said, "You know, we want to learn how to read and write.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: スーパーボウルの間に放映されるコマーシャルなので この会社は350万ドルこれにつぎ込んだのです 当時のこの会社の歳入は100万ドルしかなかったにも関わらずです
ここでゴールドラッシュとネット・バブルの比較が かなり食い違ってきます
ゴールドラッシュの場合 金が底をつけばそれで終わりです
ドーソンには ひどく失望した男が 現時点でたくさんいる
数千マイルも自分の命 健康 そして財産も脅かす危ない旅をして 何ヶ月もの厳しく骨の折れる労働の末 切望してきた最後のゴール地点で 期待が頂点に上り詰めた時に 実は何も残っていなかったことに気づかされたのです
勿論 これはよくある話です
最後の金塊を掘り出した後に 1849年のゴールドラッシュを見ればわかるように アメリカの河川領域にある石が 2年の間にすべて裏返され その後 洗練された採鉱技術を持つ 大会社が採掘を始めたのです
ですからゴールドラッシュよりはるかに楽観的になれる 比較の対象は電気産業です
電気産業は 小さな横のつながりで形成された 色々な産業の層からなり
声を伝達できる電話のような きめ細かい情報まで伝達できるのです
電気産業で起こった革命の中で今日お話ししたいのは 電化製品の黄金時代に
もともと電気の回線を引く際に 誰も
電化製品のことは考えておらず 電力を家庭に普及させるというより 電球がメインだったのです
すべての道が掘り起こされ 最初の発電所が建設された マンハッタン南端部の様子です
エジソン電気照明がエジソン総合電気と社名を変え 後のゼネラル・エレクトリックの基礎となり 大変費用がかかる道路の掘り起こし作業に経費を出しました
しかし そこがインターネットとの共通点ではありません
ご存じのようにネットは 長距離電話回線用の
ネットワークを基盤に構築されました インターネットブームが起きた1994年 ネットは年間2300%の割合で 急成長しました
### ENGLISH: But they spent three and a half million dollars in the 2000 Super Bowl to air that ad, even though, at the time, they only had a million dollars in annual revenue.
Now, here's where our analogy with the Gold Rush starts to diverge, and I think rather severely.
And that is, in a gold rush, when it's over, it's over.
Here's this guy: "There are many men in Dawson at the present time who feel keenly disappointed.
They've come thousands of miles on a perilous trip, risked life, health and property, spent months of the most arduous labor a man can perform and at length with expectations raised to the highest pitch have reached the coveted goal only to discover the fact that there is nothing here for them."
And that was, of course, the very common story.
Because when you take out that last piece of gold -- and they did incredibly quickly. I mean, if you look at the 1849 Gold Rush -- the entire American river region, within two years -- every stone had been turned. And after that, only big companies who used more sophisticated mining technologies started to take gold out of there.
So there's a much better analogy that allows you to be incredibly optimistic and that analogy is the electric industry.
And there are a lot of similarities between the Internet and the electric industry.
With the electric industry you actually have to -- one of them is that they're both sort of thin, horizontal, enabling layers that go across lots of different industries.
It's not a specific thing.
But electricity is also very, very broad, so you have to sort of narrow it down.
You know, it can be used as an incredible means of transmitting power.
It's an incredible means of coordinating, in a very fine-grained way, information flows.
There's a bunch of things that are interesting about electricity.
And the part of the electric revolution that I want to focus on is sort of the golden age of appliances.
The killer app that got the world ready for appliances was the light bulb.
So the light bulb is what wired the world.
And they weren't thinking about appliances when they wired the world.
They were really thinking about -- they weren't putting electricity into the home; they were putting lighting into the home.
And, but it really -- it got the electricity. It took a long time.
This was a huge -- as you would expect -- a huge capital build out.
This is work going on down in lower Manhattan where they built some of the first electric power generating stations.
And they're tearing up all the streets.
The Edison Electric Company, which became Edison General Electric, which became General Electric, paid for all of this digging up of the streets. It was incredibly expensive.
But that is not the -- and that's not the part that's really most similar to the Web.
on top of all this heavy infrastructure that had been put in place because of the long-distance phone network.
So all of the cabling and all of the heavy infrastructure -- I'm going back now to, sort of, the explosive part of the Web in 1994, when it was growing 2,300 percent a year.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: おびただしい数の使徒が飛び交い、無数の残像が空間を埋め尽くす中、ハジメの眼光が正確にゼクストを捉えていた。
### ENGLISH: Amidst a large number of apostles flying around with countless afterimages filling the space to the limit, Hajime’s eye glint accurately caught Zekst’s figure.
And then, Hajime and Zekst’s gaze entangled inside the world where the rich colors looked fading and dull, right after that, slowly, and even slower inside Zekst’s mind, Hajime’s mouth...split.
At that moment, Zekst realized. This world where the flow of time became slow right now, wasn’t something produced because of her great speed, but it was the phenomenon of revolving lantern that someone watched at their dying moments. The reason of her realization was because, even while she was getting aware of the slowly approaching bullet clad in crimson toward her in the real world, the images of the many secret maneuverings ‘the apostle of god’ had carried out until now in all countries toward the people were also passing through her mind.
All apostles shared their memory with each other. Even if it wasn’t something that Zekst personally did, but something that ‘apostle’ did was something that Zekst did. ...Zekst thought. Were the apostles who were destroyed before she also saw the same scene like this? The scene, of the people who they had been toying with until now, were now looking down at them mockingly.
Zekst’s body was accurately moving even while watching the revolving lantern. Her neck moved by itself trying to evade the flying bullet by twisting aside. But, mysteriously even with that Zekst was convinced that the approaching bullet would still pierce her.
And then, that conviction was proved right within an instant. The moment Zekst twisted her neck, of all thing, the bullet before her eyes shifted its trajectory slightly. Its path was accurately heading to Zekst’s temple.
‘Aa, really, what an irregular...’
After murmuring such thing inside her heart, in the end Zekst felt an impact, along with that her consciousness fell into darkness.
At the same time when Zekst fell, further seven apostles also fell on the ground with their head similarly blown away.
Hajime glanced at that scene while rotating Donner & Schlag in gun spin, then he scattered more bullets of death to all directions.
Although because Hajime’s arms rotation and the reloading speed were too fast, an outsider looking would only be able to see acrobatic gun spins repeating all the time. The realization of Hajime’s killing intent was displayed only by the fact that the scattered crimson flashes were shooting through the foreheads of the apostles without the slightest deviation.
“Wh, why-”
Unable to endure, one of the apostles who wasn’t shot down yet spoke with rough voice and words that could be taken as a question or escaping reality.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 現在、確認されている魔法の種類は火、水、木、土、風、雷、光、闇の属性があり、各員の魔力に応じてその威力が増減される。ただ闇属性に関して人間はほとんど使えない。もともと魔族専用の属性だからである。
### ENGLISH: At present, we recognise fire, water, wood, earth, wind, lightning, light and darkness – a total of eight elements. Each one increases in power as more mana is used. However, the number of cases where humans have been able to use the darkness element is extremely low. To begin with, the darkness element is historically noted as the specialty of the demon race.
A race that was most glorious in the ancient past, but after incurring the wrath of the gods, they perished. In magic, the demon race were said to hold no equal. Even the magic system used today, is alleged to have been created by the demon, Camilla. According to one story, Camilla mastered the use of “Magic Bullets” – magical projectiles that could only be fired by high-level magicians. Furthermore, it is said that she could rain thousands of magic bullets simultaneously, like a shower of meteors. Popular opinion amongst researchers states that such a feat can only be accomplished by those with over ,00 units of mana.
T-, They’re amazing, aren’t they, these demons. In the entire world, the number of people with mana over 100,000 is so low that they can be counted. If you have over 1,000 mana, you’re considered an adult. And to have 100,000 is...
Even in the field of magical history, the demon race holds a special place. They frequently appear in history, during events of importance.
I moved towards a window in a classroom where I could hear it better. There, I saw a teacher with a violin, and a number of female students around him.
“Mr. Alcyune’s violin is always so lovely ♪”
“Truly. His melancholy profile is unbearable~”
Apparently Mr. Alcyune was playing the violin, and his fans were making a fuss.
Alcyune Bo Malferand...
A young teacher that recently began working here. His handsome looks and graceful conduct snatched the hearts of the students in an instant, and apparently he even has a fan club. It’s true that he’s handsome. You could even say that his face is too perfect. But I don’t really have a good impression of him. Everybody says that his eyes are filled with sorrow, but instead I find them scary.
I wonder why.
Sometimes Mr. Alcyune makes frightening expressions. Not like a teacher looking at his students, but more like a predator looking at prey.
But I can’t tell anybody how I feel. I mean, he’s the most popular teacher in school, and I don’t want to make everyone angry. I’m nothing more than a lower-middle class girl, after all.
Oops, the assignments, the assignments. I can’t take it easy here. I headed back to my classroom, and went back to my report. It’s already pretty dark outside. Uu~ I hate this. The road back to the dorm at night is mostly deserted, and it feels eerie.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: コディが焦った声を上げるが、シェイラはそれをただ冷静に眺めていた。
「――――ハハッ、考えたこともないか! お前はホント、俺の予想を上回るよな!」
「えっと。僕は、ゼクスみたいな考え方、大切だと思うよ? だって、戦闘中に退路を確保しておくのは、必要なことでしょ?」
### ENGLISH: Cody let out a flustered voice, but Sheila just watched calmly.
The tip of the shovel trembled with the fury transmitted from his swinging arm. Zechs squeezed his eyes shut.
“――Damn it!”
The shovel swung down on the dirty snow.
A grunt escaped from Zechs’ clenched mouth.
“Even if you continue to lead such an unreasonable life, you probably have nothing to complain about. I bet you don’t worry about what happens if you don’t become a knight in the future, do you?”
Sheila thought for a moment and replied honestly and openly.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve never thought about it.”
“――Hahaha, you never think about it! You really surpassed my expectations!”
Because Zechs covered his eyes with the palm of his hand, Sheila couldn’t see his expression.
But there was definitely a mockery in his dry laughter. It wasn’t directed at Sheila, but perhaps because he looked down on himself.
“Even now, I’m thinking about things like that. Even if I get serious, it might all go to waste. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to get acquainted with the nobles or to learn the trade business at home? I wondered if I could go home now with the right to sell herbal tea as a present. ――As you can see, I can’t move forward without looking aside. I’m always looking for a way out.”
Zechs removed the hand that hid his face.
He turned a weak gaze toward Sheila, as if he was desperate for the light that illuminates the darkness.
“A person who really achieves their dreams is probably someone like you. They pursue their dreams single-mindedly and don’t question what’s going to happen next. When I’m with you, all I see is my own faults, and I hate it.”
Sheila slowly approached Zechs, who turned his face away as if to spit the last part out.
‘This is what Zechs is really thinking.’
It was nice to hear him sound so vulnerable.
Sheila was aware that something must be bothering him, but Zechs didn’t confide in her, or even Cody. Although the strength to endure in silence was a virtue, Zechs was probably feeling anxious inside. If he had told her, she might have been able to help him.
‘But, while it was nice to hear that....’
Alas, Sheila didn’t quite understand his troubles.
Everyone had their own way of thinking. There wasn’t a comparison of who was right or wrong.
She felt frustrated and sorry for her lack of understanding.
“Um.... I think it’s important to think like Zechs, you know? Because it’s necessary to secure a way out during battle, isn’t it?”
When Sheila thought about it and put it into words, Zechs was dumbfounded, his mouth hanging open. Did she miss the point?</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 見かけだけでは 判断できませんが
彼は77歳インド人の 反汚職 社会正義活動家です
2011年 彼は大規模な 社会運動を行っていました インド人エリート達が好んで無視する問題 インドにおける汚職問題に切り込む為です
彼は このキャンペーンに 昔からあるような 良きガンジー派が使うであろう 数々の戦術を使い
ハンガーストライキを用いました そしてハザレ氏は 空腹のうちに気づきました― 今回は この21世紀では ハンガーストライキだけでは だめだと
そこで 携帯電話を使った モバイル戦術を始めました
まず最初に 人々に 「では 私の反汚職キャンペーンを 支持する方は 私に テキストメッセージを送ってください」 と言うと
およそ8万人もの人々が それに答えました
それから 彼は 戦術を少し変えてみました
「私に電話をかけて 着信履歴だけ 残して切って下さい」と言いました
このすぐ電話を切るということ おわかりですね このモバイル社会では 重要な意味があります
皆さん うなずいておられる
これは良く使われる手法です 待ち合わせに遅れそうになり もうすぐ来ると 伝えたいとき 電話を掛けて着信履歴だけを残します
恋人に「会いたい」と伝えたい時 着信履歴を残します
いくつかの文化圏での デートのワザですが 恋人を喜ばせる為に 電話を掛けてワン切りをする 何の為に着信履歴だけを 残すなんてことをするのでしょうか?
理由のひとつは 電話をかけたりメッセージを送る際の 通信料を避けたい という事があります
ハザレ氏が着信履歴を残すように 人々に呼びかけた時 何人がそれに答えたと思いますか?
これは インド中流社会の 目を見張るような勢いでの発展と 彼らの携帯電話がもたらす力を 反映しています
ハザレ氏は ここで大量に得た 携帯電話番号データを使い 人々の力を結集させ 何千もの人々をデリーの大通りに集め 日常起こるインドの汚職に反旗を翻したのです
これは 私が12歳の頃です
その頃から 社会活動家でした そしてそれからずっとそうです
変な子供時代 あちこち駆け回っては 世界の大物や ノーベル賞受賞者に 会いに行って 第3世界の債務を議論し その頃 そう呼ばれてましたね 軍国主義からの開放も議論しました
とっても まじめな子供だったんです その頃 90年代の初め 私は最新のテクノロジーを持っていました ファックスです
ファックスが 私の社会活動の道具でした
### ENGLISH: And you wouldn't know it by looking at him.
Hazare is a 77-year-old Indian anticorruption and social justice activist.
And in 2011, he was running a big campaign to address everyday corruption in India, a topic that Indian elites love to ignore.
So as part of this campaign, he was using all of the traditional tactics that a good Gandhian organizer would use.
So he was on a hunger strike, and Hazare realized through his hunger that actually maybe this time, in the 21st century, a hunger strike wouldn't be enough.
So he started playing around with mobile activism.
So the first thing he did is he said to people, "Okay, why don't you send me a text message if you support my campaign against corruption?"
and about 80,000 people do it.
Okay, that's pretty respectable.
But then he decides, "Let me tweak my tactics a little bit."
He says, "Why don't you leave me a missed call?"
Now, for those of you who have lived in the global South, you'll know that missed calls are a really critical part of global mobile culture.
I see people nodding.
People leave missed calls all the time: If you're running late for a meeting and you just want to let them know that you're on the way, you leave them a missed call.
If you're dating someone and you just want to say "I miss you" you leave them a missed call.
in some cultures, if you want to please your lover, you call them and hang up. So why do people leave missed calls?
Well, the reason of course is that they're trying to avoid charges associated with making calls and sending texts.
So when Hazare asked people to leave him a missed call, let's have a little guess how many people actually did this?
Thirty-five million.
So this is one of the largest coordinated actions in human history.
It's remarkable.
And this reflects the extraordinary strength of the emerging Indian middle class and the power that their mobile phones bring.
But he used that, Hazare ended up with this massive CSV file of mobile phone numbers, real people power on the ground to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets in Delhi to make a national point of everyday corruption in India.
It's a really striking story.
So this is me when I was 12 years old.
I hope you see the resemblance.
And I was also an activist, and I have been an activist all my life.
I had this really funny childhood where I traipsed around the world meeting world leaders and Noble prize winners, talking about Third World debt, as it was then called, and demilitarization.
I was a very, very serious child. And back then, in the early '90s, I had a very cutting-edge tech tool of my own: the fax.
And the fax was the tool of my activism.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「そう。俺も共犯ではある。でもさ、考えてみろよ。確かに俺が≪魔性創生≫が使わなかったり、彼女が眷属化を拒否したら治せなかったのは事実ではあるけれど、最終的な決断権はお前にあったんだぜ...。だってお前が≪主は我を道に力を行使す≫を使わなければ俺は彼女を眷属化出来なかったわけなんだからな。」
### ENGLISH: “Yes. I was an accomplice too. But, consider this. Although it is true that if I had not used the ≪Monster Create≫ or if she had refused to become a kin, I would have been unable to heal her. In the end, the ultimate decision rested on your hands, you know... I mean, if you had not invoked ≪The Lord Will Exercise His Power in My Path≫, I would not have succeeded in making her my kin.”
Ichiko’s voice was wavering.
“I am not wrong. This is the truth. And you have made your choice. The choice to ‘turn someone into a monster to save their life’...”
“Now, what would your esteemed Lady Ryo be thinking if she were to find out about the relationship Ichiko and I have now? Shall I tell her?”
Of course, he was kidding for it would be more fascinating if she found out on her own.
“I know. I’m joking. So keep up the good work, okay?”
[...I know... I understand so...]
Well, now that I’ve tormented you thoroughly, let’s clear away the mist.
“Haha, if it comes to it, I’ll protect you just like I did in ‘Ogre’s Fortress’. Besides...”
“I’m in the affirmative about whatever choice you make.”
[Ah... ugh...]
Oh, you are trembling.
After all, I do have to behave myself in the manner of a Demon King from time to time. This is so pleasurable.
“Then, I’m disconnecting. Thanks for your efforts, Ichiko.”
Several weeks later.
“I can’t say it’s entirely far-fetched...”
Recently, there has been a rumor circulating in the country that if you become a “Kirijin,” you can be spared from any severe illness or fatal injury that was beyond saving. When I asked Kurokiri about the source of the rumor and whether it is true or not, he brushed it off. Then it was only a matter of conducting my own investigation.
So, according to the rumor, two girls were said to show up and turned people into Kirijin; there was a girl who called herself the “Mist King’s Representative” and a girl who was her bodyguard.
By investigating these two, the veracity of the rumor will be ascertained.
And is that Ichiko? Why is she in the hospital? And that patient over there... no way!
It was then that I caught sight of it.
I witnessed the appearance of that abominable magic circle by Ichiko’s hand.
A human being who should have been on the edge of death a few moments ago became cloaked in a mist with an evidently healthy look on their countenance.
And the scene of Ichiko smiling and rejoicing at the birth of a new kin was all observed by me.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 場が、虫まで遠慮したかのように静寂に満たされた。誰もが事態を把握できずに絶句する中、撃墜されたティオは恍惚の表情でビクンッビクンッとブリッジしながら体を震わせつつ、そのままぬるりと予備動作なく起き上がった。その気持ち悪い動きと、だらしの無い表情に周囲がドン引きする。
「ある意味、ハジメはティオさんの主になるべくしてなったと言う感じかしら? 衝撃の光景なのに自然に感じられてしまう自分の慣れが怖いわ」
見兼ねた? シア、香織、雫が呆れ顔でツッコミを入れた。ハジメとティオはキョトンとしている。色々と手遅れのようだ。
### ENGLISH: “Th, the punishment after three days long...haa haa, aahn, because I endured too much I felt it excessively...nn-”
“Welcome back Tio. It’s great that you made it in time. To arrive in dragonification state of all thing. ...That was a good demonstration yeah?”
“Fufu, art not that true? This is the legendary race that hath confined themselves for five hundred years. I thought that if we art going to do this then we might as well act the role to raise the morale. ...Yes, it’s great that we art able to strike them all dumb.”
As expected, the surrounding couldn’t follow the pace of Hajime and Tio who progressed the talk as though nothing happened. Rather than saying that the people were struck dumb by the arrival of the dragon race, the exchange of Hajime and Tio was the main reason they were struck dumb, but Tio puffed up her chest thinking that her plan succeeded.
“Tio-san, welcome back. But, if I have to say just in case, I think that this difficult atmosphere is because they are shown the relationship between Hajime-san and Tio-san that is showed too naturally even though it’s abnormal you know?”
“Yep. I have been thinking this many times before but, Hajime-kun too is mostly in harmony with Tio-san isn’t he.”
“In a sense, it feels like Hajime has to be Tio-san’s master no matter what huh, like that? My own familiarity that feels that this is natural even though it should be a spectacle to be shocked about is scary.”
Shia, Kaori, and Shizuku who were unable to be indifferent? were making tsukkomi with an exasperated face. Hajime and Tio were staring in puzzlement. It seemed that in various meaning it had been already too late for them to be treated.
It was at that timing that the six dragons that appeared in the square shined, the next moment six silhouettes of human appeared. All of them were male. Their muscular appearance was wearing clothes that looked similar to Tio’s Japanese clothes. Every one of them was handsome guy. But, their hair colors were colorful, the color resembled the color of their scale when they transformed into a dragon. Scarlet, indigo blue, amber, navy blue, gray, deep green, the colors were all over the place.
From among them, the scarlet haired person, a man past middle age that emitted out a remarkable dignity walked forward until in front of Hajime and others. Liliana and others who chased behind Hajime――the leaders of each country were also here. Certain footsteps that weren’t timid at all even in front of those leaders and a ‘weight’ that was like a really big tree was approaching, those factors were making everyone comprehending in a really natural way, that ‘this person was king’.
Liliana, Gahard, Alfrerick, and others, the leaders of each country were slightly faltering due to this great man, however, the man’s eyes narrowed the moment he saw Hajime who warded off his pressure like a flexible willow. Those eyes weren’t giving dangerous look, but it was a gaze where deep interest and admiration were mixed.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 少なくとも、誓約を課すことが出来たことで、今すぐ、帝国が樹海に攻め入ったり、ハウリア族を追ったりすることはない。この稼いだ時間で、ハウリア族は数と力を蓄えて、より高レベルの戦闘(暗殺)技能やゲリラ戦法を身に付ける必要がある。それこそ、帝国が誓約を克服して万全の態勢になっても、容易に手が出せない程に。
「くそっ、アイツ等、放置して行きやがったな。......誰か、光を......あぁ、そうだ誰もいねぇ......って、ゴラァ! 南雲ハジメ! てめぇ、いつまで知らんふりしてやがる! どうせ、無傷なんだろうが! この状況、何とかしやがれ!」
ちなみに、シアが抱きついてきた瞬間に、掴まれていたリリアーナはポイッと脇に捨てられている。突然の襲撃と、婚約者の死亡という事態に呆然としていたリリアーナだったが、ハジメのあんまりな扱いに涙目で「おうじょ! なのにぃ......」と、毎度お馴染みの嘆きを呟きながら、恋人に捨てられた女の如く崩れ落ちた姿勢でめそめそしていた。
### ENGLISH: At the very least, the oath was imposed, by now, if the Empire invades the Sea of Trees, the Hauria wouldn’t be able to do anything. With this earned time, the Hauria can save and gather power and numbers, and if necessary acquire high level techniques (Assassination) and guerrilla tactics. That way, even if the Empire is prepared to overcome the Oath, they won’t get what they want so easily.
Right, the point of the strategy right now was to make the people at the top of the Empire wear collars and buy time to allow the Hauria to gather strength to be able to withstand the Empire. As such, certainly, the victor of this fight was unmistakably the Hauria Usagininzoku from the weakest Demi-human species.
“Damn, those guys, I shouldn’t have left them unattended. .....Someone, the lights....a~a, that’s right is anyone there.....tte, kora~a! Hajime Nagumo! You *******, how long do you plan on pretending! At any rate, you’re uninjured! Do something about this situation!”
Hajime narrowed his eyes as the Hauria’s shout of joy was being communicated, at the same time Shia was embracing and rubbing up on Hajime because of the strategies success, from the other side (even in the darkness Hajime could see Gaharudo’s appearance rolling around) of the darkness, and began to hear Gaharudo’s angry voice.
By the way, the moment that he was embraced by Shia, Ririana who he was holding onto was cast aside without hesitation. Towards the sudden attack which caused the death of her fiance, Ririana could only be stunned, after being treated so by Hajime, with tears in her eyes, “Even though, I’m a Princess~!”, while muttering about her constant grief, she crumbled onto the ground like a woman who was deserted by her lover.
“alright, I hear you......”
While embracing Shia with one hand, he took out an ore from the “Treasure Warehouse” which flew up towards the ceiling and emitted light. The light stone that floated towards the ceiling in the darkness caused the hall to brighten up just like daytime when they were brought to the hall.
The party hall became completely visible, “horrifying” was the perfect word for it. There were huge quantities of blood splattered everywhere and countless heads on the ground. Besides the heads on the ground which didn’t have time to say goodbyes, everyone else seemed to be alright, though they were all groaning and crawling on the floor with their tendons in their hands and feet cut.
There were lots of mademoiselles who had toilet accidents due to the fear and pain. The moment when the hall was lit up and the disastrous scene was seen, many lost their consciousness, in a certain sense it was good fortune.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: いざという時、私たちには大きな創造力が必要とされます
創造力は寛容の精神を人々の間に広げることもできますし、自由を擁護することもできますし、 教育というものを何かすばらしいものであるかのように見せかけることもできます
偉大な創造力は貧困にスポットライトを当てることもできれば、 それが必ずしも貧困というものではないという風に見せることもできます
偉大な創造力はまた政治家や政党を選ぶ価値のあるものにも 価値のないものにもすることができます。
創造力はT-シャツのスローガンや 私たちが口にする表現を創り出すものです
また創造力は私たちにシンプルな道を教えてくれて 通り抜けられないようなモラルの迷路からの脱出路を示してくれるものでもあります
科学というものは賢いものですが、しかし偉大な創造力というものは、 何か知識としてより獲得しにくいような、より魔術的なものです。そして今、私たちはその魔法を必要としています。
楽しく創造的なクリップを通して私たちにこれまでとは違った考え方をさせてくれるように、 創造力を用いて人々の環境意識を高めるために私が関わっているある運動の
そのようなクリップを 紹介したいと思います。 ビデオ: 男性:今日は車じゃなくて歩くことにするよ。
子供のころよく彼と一緒に草原をスキップしていた、 でも結局彼をふった彼女。
「それ以上の言葉は要らないわ、ガスティ。」と彼女は言いました。 それは彼の名前でした。
ガスティは大胆に彼女の中に入っていき、リズミカルにセックスをしました。 その間、彼女はずっと彼をビデオに撮っていました。なぜならば彼女は熱心なアマチュアポルノ映画監督だったのです。
### ENGLISH: Discuss. Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful.
Great creativity can spread tolerance, champion freedom, make education seem like a bright idea.
Great creativity can turn a spotlight on deprivation, or show that deprivation ain't necessarily so.
Great creativity can make politicians electable, or parties unelectable.
It can make war seem like tragedy or farce.
Creativity is the meme-maker that puts slogans on our t-shirts and phrases on our lips.
It's the pathfinder that shows us a simple road through an impenetrable moral maze.
Science is clever, but great creativity is something less knowable, more magical. And now we need that magic.
This is a time of need.
Our climate is changing quickly, too quickly.
And great creativity is needed to do what it does so well: to provoke us to think differently with dramatic creative statements.
To tempt us to act differently with delightful creative scraps.
Here is one such scrap from an initiative I'm involved in using creativity to inspire people to be greener.
Man: You know, rather than drive today, I'm going to walk.
Narrator: And so he walked, and as he walked he saw things.
Strange and wonderful things he would not otherwise have seen.
A deer with an itchy leg. A flying motorcycle.
A father and daughter separated from a bicycle by a mysterious wall.
And then he stopped. Walking in front of him was her.
The woman who as a child had skipped with him through fields and broken his heart.
Sure, she had aged a little.
In fact, she had aged a lot.
But he felt all his old passion for her return.
"Ford," he called softly. For that was her name.
"Don't say another word, Gusty," she said, for that was his name.
"I know a tent next to a caravan, exactly 300 yards from here.
Let's go there and make love. In the tent."
Ford undressed. She spread one leg, and then the other.
Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そんなわけで特に婚約を急ぐ理由もなかったこともあり、俺には婚約者とかはいないんだが、そんなことよりもそもそも学生を続けられるんだろうか。非常に難しい気がする。今考えてもしょうがないか。現実逃避じゃないぞ。
### ENGLISH: The love between children of noble families was even used as a bargaining chip. To put it bluntly, when the head of a certain family noticed that the son of another noble family fancied his daughter, he would be like, ‘your son seems to like my daughter and even has proposed for an engagement with my family. If I accept this engagement... what do I get in return?’ The world of nobles could be pretty dark.
As for me, I still didn’t have a fiance since there was no particular reason for me to hurry and get married. Rather than marriage, I was more concerned about whether I would be able to continue going to the academy in the future. I felt like that would be difficult. No, thinking about the academy wasn’t my attempt to escape the reality that I was still single, or anything like that!
Well, moving back to the subject of Anheim, I had done several things to prepare for the war with Gezarius in the past half a month. Ever since I had become the governor of Anheim, I had sent an emissary to the capital to ask for the money and supplies for the war. As for the matter of the roads, I had ordered Sir Holzdeppe to maintain the public order of the roads that would be used for communication with other territories.
The support troop had also gradually taken a shape and I had also managed to grasp the number of emergency supplies that were kept by the surrounding villages. With this, after matching the location of emergency supplies to the map of the Anheim region, I would be able to secure the supply lines for our army.
“Sir Kesten, how is the support troop?”
“They have gotten used to fighting in a group, but they have yet to reach the level of being able to fight in an actual war.”
“How about the guards?”
“There have been some small skirmishes among the guards, but I’ve taken care of them.”
“Keep up the good work. For now, continue to focus on training the support troop on using crossbows and slings.”
Currently, the people who had volunteered to become members of support troops were one who had either starved or lost their families because of demons. That means the current morale of the support troop was divided between people who were eager to fight for revenge and people who just joined the support troop for food. I still couldn’t let them do anything too difficult.
At the very least, when the war came, I hoped they would be able to shoot the crossbows from the top of the town walls without any fear.
“Sir Behnke, how were the documents?”
“I am glad that they have become easier to read.”
Just like in the capital, the officials here did whatever they wanted with the structure of the documents. A petition to the governor for example needed to have the petitioner’s name, the content of the petition, the witness’s name, and the guild leader’s signature and if the petitioner couldn’t write, you need to put the writer’s name, but one guild put the petitioner’ name at the top, another guild put the guild leader’s signature at the top, and another one put the content on the top, it was all a mess.
That was why I instructed all guilds to follow a certain format in writing all documents, including the petition letter. The documents that didn’t follow the format would be returned to the respective guild. I got some complaints, but I ignored them. Once they get used to the format, the complaints should stop.
“How is the situation with the bandits?”
“Because we didn’t hesitate to execute their leaders, they seem to be gathering.”
“Good then. It would be more efficient for us to take care of them all in one fell swoop rather than chasing groups of or of them to all sorts of places.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 俺が現役の時代、敵やモンスターの目を堂々と掻い潜る場面を、何度も目にしているのだから。
### ENGLISH: After all, he had seen me slip through the enemies and monsters many times back in our active days.
“In other words, it should be someone with the same level of Stealth skills as I.”
“That limits the number of individuals quite a bit. I am currently trying to gather information from people connected to the underworld. I judged that they did the best they could at defending as ordinary people. The assassin was probably simply one step above them.”
“That means, the identity of the masked man from before is also...”
“Still undiscovered, yes.”
Judging by the fact that they managed to assassinate him on the same day, it might have been someone trained from childhood. Having such networks should have taken a long time.
“Then, the masked man would have to be someone knowledgeable about this town.”
“Indeed. And a noble. Tarkashire is the very personification of authoritarianism. He wouldn’t allow commoners near him.”
“Someone who lives here considerably long and is of quite a high social standing, huh. But we can’t narrow it down with just that.”
“Well, I will slowly tighten the encircling net. I will not let them go.”
“I hope so.”
Maxwell shrugged his shoulders. In the end, the masked man managed to make a good escape.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「まったくルールぐらいそらで覚えられないのか?」
「お前、さてはバカだろう! こんなバカと知力比べをしたら知の隊突撃隊長としてのプライドに関わってくる。ホルス様、この金髪の小娘はゲームに参加する資格がないようです。殺しましょう!」
「ち、ちょっと、ま、待ったぁ――っ! い、いくらなんでも記憶力と頭の良さは関係ないと思うけど。私は本当に頭いいよ。こ、殺すなんて......ゲームさせなさいよぉおお!」
「......あ、あんた達、さっきから聞いていればバカバカと頭にくるわねぇ! ちょっとルールを覚えきれなかったからって、それがなんなのよ! こういう読み合いの勝負はね、記憶力というより総合的な知力がものを言うんだから」
ティレアさん、頑張って! 私は祈るようにその小部屋を見つめる。
### ENGLISH: “Honestly, you can’t even remember the rules?”
“G-, Got a problem? I’ll remember it any minute now, so just you wait.”
“Then you’re an idiot! Comparing wits with an idiot like this would damage my pride as the Wisdom Unit’s Blitzkrieg Unit Captain. Ser Horus, this blonde girl lacks the qualifications to participate in our game. Let us kill her immediately!”
“W-Wait a m-momenttt―! I- Isn’t it too much to associate intelligence with memory! I’m actually really smart, okay? T-, To kill me is... PLEEASE LET ME PLAY THE GAMEEEE!”
“Enough, Gesu. We possess the advantage either way. And the girl from the academy seems to be a little smarter. You can enjoy your game with her. As for the blonde girl, you can simply consider her a way to get the other used to the game.”
“I-, I understand. If you say so, then I have no complaints and... w-, will endure.”
Aahh geez, they’re really saying whatever they want about her. Ms. Tilea, you can’t get sulky now. They might realize you aren’t all that smart. Well, perhaps they’ve already realized though...
It looks like this Gesu is proud to be Captain of the Horus Blitzkrieg Unit. To play with an idi-... Ahem. To play with a pure person like Ms. Tilea must be quite a humiliation. Gesu was visibly dissatisfied with Horus’ decision, and glared reproachfully at Ms. Tilea.
“Hahh~ Why do I need to have a match with an idiot like you? An idiot like you is just going to die from a critical this very instant, so just prepare yourself!”
“...Y-, You guys, for a while now you’ve just been saying idiot idiot as much as you like, huh! So I’m having a teeny bit of trouble remembering the rules. So what! Hmph, games where you read each other’s thoughts are more about overall intelligence rather than simple memory strength!”
“Hmph. A girl with no merits except her big mouth. More importantly, are you still staring at that memo!? Hurry up!”
“Y-, You’re so noisy. Alright already. Ummm, so fire and water are opposites, and so are wood and wind... and wind and earth have good compatibility... mumble mumble...”
“...Oi, enough already. How long are you going to have me wait? Enough. I don’t care if you use your memo, so let’s enter the Field (Battleground) already.”
Ms. Tilea and Gesu headed into the special room prepared for their match. The game is going to be played vs , so third parties can’t enter. Additionally, the room was built so that Trace Magic can’t be used. After all, Trace Magic would allow you to tell what attributes everything had, so there would be no point in playing. The game was designed as a pure contest of reading the opponent. The armors and helmets all look alike, so the key is to predict what your opponent is going to do.
After the two of them entered, they apparently sat at a table. I couldn’t see inside, but I could hear Ms. Tilea’s voice.
Ms. Tilea, try your best! I gazed at the room in prayer.
“Come. You can begin the match. Show me the final struggles of an idiot!”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それからケーナと打ち解けることができたメルクはアスタードについて話をしたり、ケーナのアスタードへの想いについて
「お、おう......冒険者ギルド? ギルドが伯爵を呼び出したりなんて真似できるのか?」
「冒険者ギルドはフォナン伯爵の収入源ですよ? ギルドが伯爵の領地で運営しているので、その土地の使用料――まぁ、俗に言うみかじめ料を受け取っているんです。毎年莫大なみかじめ料を支払うギルドのマスターが「会って直接話がしたい」と言えば、行かないわけにはいきません。伯爵は間違いなく出向くでしょう」
「いや仮にタイミングを合わせても、本当に伯爵が私なんかの色仕掛けに引っかかるかな? 怪しまれてポイされそうなんだが......」
「え? はいっ! 大賢者様のご命令でしたら何でもお受けいたします」
### ENGLISH: Afterwards, having finally gotten to know Kena, Merc spent some time talking about Astard and making fun of Kena’s feelings for him.
Then, as night fell, Astard, who had left the house and gone somewhere, returned.
He exuded a sense of accomplishment.
“Hey. What were you up to?”
With a suspicious glint in his eyes, Astard nodded in response.
“I did it! I talked with the Adventurers’ Guild and had them summon the Count. All that’s left is for you to leap in front of the Count’s carriage, and we’re good to go.”
“I see... But wait, why the Adventurers’ Guild? How can the Guild summon the Count?”
“Count Fonan’s primary source of income is the Adventurers’ Guild. The Count receives royalties for the use of his land because the Guild operates on his territory. They give the Count money in order for him to stay out of their way. Given that the Guildmaster pays the Count a large sum of money every year, the Count cannot refuse when summoned. He’ll definitely appear.”
“I see. I presume we’ll show up when the Count decides to return from his meeting. Will everything go according to plan, though?”
In response to Merc’s skepticism, Astard confidently nodded in agreement.
“Naturally. I’ve instructed the Guildmaster to speak with the Count for about half an hour beginning at a.m., and then see him off around a.m. We should be fine if we ambush him around that time.”
“That’s all well and good, but will the Count really fall for me? I’m afraid he’ll simply ignore me as suspicious...”
“Have some more confidence in yourself. You are unquestionably a beauty among beauties based solely on your looks.”
Merc responded listlessly, stroking the goosebumps on her arms as a result of Astard’s praise, which she didn’t enjoy at all. Kena, who had been listening to them, addressed them with a perplexed expression.
“What are you talking about, Great Sage, Miss Merc?”
“Ah, Kena. Perfect timing. There’s something that I’d like to ask of you. Do you mind?”
“What? No, of course not! I’ll obey your every command.”
“I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a command, though. I’d like you to give this one a more feminine appearance.”
Kena froze as she followed Astard’s gaze to Merc. Astard realized his explanation was grossly inadequate after seeing her expression, so he spoke again.
“In a nutshell, I’d like you to dress her up. I believe the mannequin is of excellent quality, so make her turn heads wherever she goes.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 2日が経ち ドクターはこの夫妻に 選択肢を与えました 生命維持装置を 外すべきか この場合 娘は数時間で亡くなります もしくは 延命処置を続けるか この場合も 数日で 亡くなる可能性があります
生き延びたとしても 一生 植物状態のまま 歩くことも 話すことも 人との交流も不可能
二人の研究者と共に リサーチを行い 米国人とフランス人の親を インタビューしました
彼らは 皆― 同じ悲劇で苦しんだ人たち
どのケースも 生命維持装置は外され 彼らの赤ちゃんは亡くなりました
でも 1つ大きな差がありました
フランスでは 生命維持装置を外すべきか― また その時期を決めるのは医師 米国では 最終決断を下すのは親
私たちは考えました わが子の喪失と向き合う上で この事実は 影響を及ぼすのか?
1年経っても 米国人の親は 否定的な感情を表す傾向がありました 対して フランス人の親は
こんなことを言いました “息子との時間は 僅かだったけど たくさんのことを教えてくれた
米国人の親は こんなことを言いました “もし 他の選択をしていたら?”
別の親の不満 “ドクターの意図的な拷問としか思えない
なぜ あんな事を私にさせるの?”
別の親の言葉 “死刑執行に加担した― そんな心境です”
でも 米国人の親は ドクターが決断したほうが良かったかと 尋ねられると 全員 ノーと答えました
彼らには その選択を 他者に委ねるなど考えられなかった 自分で選んだ結果 罪悪感や 怒りに苛まれたとしてもです 怒りに苛まれたとしてもです
多くの人は うつ病と診断されていました
なぜ 彼らは選択放棄を 熟思できなかったのか? 選択を放棄することは 今まで教わってきたことや 選択が持つ目的や 選択が持つ力への 信念に反するからです
ジョーン ディディオンのエッセイ― 「60年代の過ぎた朝」から引用します “人は生きるために
物語に意味づけをする 現実を分析し 多数の選択肢から
最も有効なものを選ぶ 心に浮かぶ断片的な 回想イメージを 物語の筋書きにこじつけ 刻々と変わる情景を 意識的に静止させながら 我々は生きている”
米国人が語る信念 アメリカンドリームに基づいた― アメリカンドリームに基づいた― 限りない選択の物語
この物語は 実に多くを保証します 自由や幸福 そして成功
揺ぎない世界を築き 語りかけます “何だって 手に入れられる”
素晴しい物語です 信念を貫きたいのも 理解できます
### ENGLISH: Two days later, the doctors gave the Mitchells a choice: They could either remove Barbara off the life support, in which case she would die within a matter of hours, or they could keep her on life support, in which case she might still die within a matter of days.
If she survived, she would remain in a permanent vegetative state, never able to walk, talk or interact with others.
What do they do?
What do any parent do?
In a study I conducted with Simona Botti and Kristina Orfali, American and French parents were interviewed.
They had all suffered the same tragedy.
In all cases, the life support was removed, and the infants had died.
But there was a big difference.
In France, the doctors decided whether and when the life support would be removed, while in the United States, the final decision rested with the parents.
We wondered: does this have an effect on how the parents cope with the loss of their loved one?
We found that it did.
Even up to a year later, American parents were more likely to express negative emotions, as compared to their French counterparts.
French parents were more likely to say things like, "Noah was here for so little time, but he taught us so much.
He gave us a new perspective on life."
American parents were more likely to say things like, "What if? What if?"
Another parent complained, "I feel as if they purposefully tortured me.
How did they get me to do that?"
And another parent said, "I feel as if I've played a role in an execution."
But when the American parents were asked if they would rather have had the doctors make the decision, they all said, "No."
They could not imagine turning that choice over to another, even though having made that choice made them feel trapped, guilty, angry.
In a number of cases they were even clinically depressed.
These parents could not contemplate giving up the choice, because to do so would have gone contrary to everything they had been taught and everything they had come to believe about the power and purpose of choice.
In her essay, "The White Album," Joan Didion writes, "We tell ourselves stories in order to live.
We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices.
We live entirely by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the idea with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria, which is our actual experience."
The story Americans tell, the story upon which the American dream depends, is the story of limitless choice.
This narrative promises so much: freedom, happiness, success.
It lays the world at your feet and says, "You can have anything, everything."
It's a great story, and it's understandable why they would be reluctant to revise it.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 男が姿を消すまで、俺はぺこぺこと頭を下げ続けた。彼は予想以上に足が速く、瞬く間に街道の向こうに消えていった。
「でもこれ、封がしてないぞ? 普通はこういうのって普通は封をしてるもんだろ?」
いや、それよりもデンを見逃したのも、そもそもおかしくないか? デンは知性の面で異常進化をしていたが、身体能力は通常のオーガと変わらない。
### ENGLISH: I kept bowing my head until the man disappeared from my sight. He seemed to be quite fast on his feet, he disappeared beyond the highway before we knew it.
He might’ve been using the same Cargo magic that Maxwell often used. It belonged to the Puppetry system and wasn’t high-ranking magic. It was originally developed for heavy laborers so it was extremely easy to use... Or so I heard. I couldn’t use it myself so I wasn’t sure about that part.
At any rate, he was so fast that I could only accept that explanation. Seeing me bow in cold sweat towards the disappearing man, Michelle flashed a smirk at me.
“Mgh, what?”
“How rude. It was clearly that guy’s fault for hiding in such a place.”
“Well, as he said, he’s free to rest wherever he pleases outside of the city. But why was he there of all places...”
Letina inclined her head in a quizzical manner. But she was right, hiding in the roadside grasses made it seem like he was hiding from people. His clothing was too light considering he was outside the city. He had a sword on him, but other than that he was hardly distinguishable from an average villager.
It was as if his appearance and behavior were the results of him not wanting to stand out.
“It’s strange as Letina said. I wonder why?”
“Hey, Nicole, what’s this?”
Cloud started feeling around in the grass after hearing Letina’s words. He found a small envelope in there and took it out.
“Did that person drop it?”
“Perhaps. If so, we have to catch up and return it.”
“But look, this isn’t actually sealed up. Don’t you normally seal these things properly?”
Cloud turned it around to show us the back of it. As he said, there was no seal on it. It was just asking to be inspected like that.
However, it was bad manners to look inside without permission. But before I could say that, Cloud took out what was inside the envelope.
“Wait, you idiot!”
The circle has been discovered. The target is moving according to our design. The strategist should be heading for you
Hearing what the letter he took out said, I momentarily stiffened in place. When one spoke about the strategist, it almost always referred to Cortina. And I didn’t feel good vibes from the word ‘target’, either. And what about leading...
“Wait, leading?”
The circle... The magic circle drawn under that boulder wasn’t such a big deal. In the first place, it wasn’t drawn on the bedrock but earth instead, so it should’ve been easy to erase it by plowing the ground a bit.
Despite that, the entire circle was left intact. It was being weathered for a week, but it was still possible for Maxwell to learn its destination.
Wait, wasn’t it strange that they let Den escape, to begin with? Den had the abnormal intellect for his species, but his physical abilities were no different from an ordinary Ogre.
Ogres excelled in pure strength but they were not that agile. If one felt like hilling him, it would be almost impossible for him to escape.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そして第二王子派だったこいつは第一王子派が固めた国には戻るのは難しかろう。どれほど不本意でもしばらくは身の置き所を考えるはず。
### ENGLISH: Rafed silently thought for a while, then he finally opened his mouth.
“Viscount-sama... If I help you, will you spare my life?”
“Yes. As long as you don’t become hostile to me after the matter is over, I guarantee your survival.”
“What do you want me to do?”
you have knowledge of poison, is that true?”
“Yes. It is true.”
Good then. His knowledge would be useful to me. As Takeda Shingen had said, ‘don’t use the people but use their knowledge.’ I would work you to the bone, Rafed.
“I want you to work as a civil official and handle some calculations. I also want to make use of your knowledge. First...”
When I explained my plan to him, at first he looked skeptical, but as I continued my explanation, his face gradually became grim. I knew my plan wasn’t exactly an honest way of fighting, but against demons, I planned to throw the so-called ‘honest way’ out of the window.
“Yeah. I’ll cover your living expenses and all other necessary expenses. I won’t restrict your movements, but I’ll place a person to monitor you.”
I would take action if he tried to escape. But since he was smart, he would at least gather some information about the town and Anheim region after he got out of this prison, so he would most likely stay put for a while.
My itinerary after this would be to introduce Rafed to everyone and train with Neurath and Schunzel, so I could get used to my new spear while relieving some stress. It wouldn’t be funny if I made a mistake on the actual battlefield just because I wasn’t used to my new spear.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 我輩のみこんな苦痛を味わってたまるか! 貴様も道連れだ。あと朝の仕返しだ!
「食べ物で遊ばないでくださいよ、まったく。食べたのならさっさと片付けて出発の準備をしてくださいね......ん? どうしたんです? 私の顔に何か付いていますか?」
「わしは、これはこれでかわいいと思うが......って痛てて! やめろ! 引っかくな!」
「我輩のっせい、ぜぇぜぇ――ではない! っエリンの奴が、にっ二度寝をしてしまった、ぜぇぜぇ――からではないか! はぁはぁ」
「二度寝じゃないよ! ベルのスープのせいで!」
「な!? 何故私のスープがそこで出てくるのですか!?」
くそ! エリンが目を覚ますのに時間がかかってフィゲロアのとこまで全力疾走するはめになってしまった。
む? 爺さんが手招きしている、あの崖の下にはまさか......。
「逆に良かったかも知れないぞ? フィゲロアは前線のほうが気になっているのかイラついて周りを見ておらん」
### ENGLISH: I can’t be the only one who has to taste such pain! I shall share that feeling with you, you *******! This is revenge for this morning!
“Don’t play with food, good grief. If you’re done eating, please clean up and prepare for departure...... Hm? What’s the matter? Is there something on my face?”
Hmm, I’m really curious about Bertra’s “Cat Ears”. Are they real?
“Bertra, could I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“What’s with that hair......”
Ah, she covered those ears at the same time I said that...... So that means it’s what I thought it was.
“Thi-this is just bedhair”
What kind of bedhair is that?
“Why did it turn out like this? I usually fix it, but...... I couldn’t do that because there’s no water in this place......”
“I think it looks rather cute, though...... Eh, ouch! Stop! Don’t scratch me!” (Darryl)
All I can see is an old person playing with a Cat Beastman.......
“Good grief, because you were dawdling the battle on the plains has already begun!”
“It’s not my, huff huff — fault! It’s because, that Erin huff huff– has fallen asleep again! Haah, haah”
“I didn’t fall asleep again! It’s because of Bertra’s soup!”
“Wha!? What does any of that have to do with my soup?!”
“Shut up, you brats. If you have time to talk than continue running!”
****! It took a while to wake up Erin so we ended up having to sprint all the way to Figueroa.
Moreover, we couldn’t use horses inside the forest. What’s with this? Like this we will be exhausted even before the battle. I mean, I’m the only one who’s out of breath, how shameful. I’m angry that I don’t know how to fly like that Erin!
“– Stop, we’re already close to Figueroa’s base. Let’s advance with caution.”
What a relief. If I had to run any further than this I might really have died before the battle.
Hm? The old man is beckoning me. It can’t be, this cliff......
“Apparently the demons around Figueroa also went to the front line as planned. It’s really almost completely unguarded...... That’s good, I was worried that we were too late.”
“On the contrary, it might have been a good thing, you know? Figueroa, concerned about the front lines, is looking around irritated.”
Figueroa skilfully crossed his four arms and tapped the floor with his foot, which was that guy’s habit when he was irritated.
Aah, for that guy to look around that much he must be pretty concerned. It seems Alumgam’s soldiers seem to push him back more than expected, for some reason.
“......So, who will execute the surprise attack?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 私が思うに スライドはとても感情的で 親しみが持てるから いいなって思うんです その上 スライド・プロジェクターは PowerPointや他のソフトと違って
ピントを合わせられます そのかわりに 妥協しないといけない部分がある というのは否めませんが たとえば 格好悪い文字を 縦 横 斜めから 飛び込ませたりすることはできません それはピントを合わせられるんなら 仕方ないかなって思えますけどね
スライドがひっかかったりするのも どこか素敵で
そういうときに 本当は心の中では たまに燃えたりしたらいいな、なんて 今晩はそんなことは起こりませんが
前置きはよしとして 最初のスライドをお見せしましょう
これは、誰が見ても当然ですが これは、誰が見ても当然ですが ポルトガルで撮った 飲み干したばかりのビール缶です
これはバルセロナに初めて到着したとき 印象的だったんです 夜通しのフライトの後 これを見て なんて無駄のないデザインなんだって
こんなメジャーな空港で、 バルセロナの「B」だけなんて
近年は何でもシンプルになってきたけれど こんな大規模な空港で まさか!と思って撮った訳です
でも数ヶ月後 また同じ空港に、確か同じ便で 行く機会があって以前と同様に見上げたら 今度は「C」が見えて
そのときようやく それがゲート番号だと分かったんです
僕は、デザインには感情が伴うと信じています デザインには 文章を読んで、残りの情報を知る前に 既に送られているメッセージがある 製品、物語、絵画など それがなんであれ
そこに現れる感情的な反応は何なのか 私が一番興味を惹かれる分野です このスライドは これを説明するのに
一番シンプルな例だと思います お互い隣同士の
全く同様の車庫ふたつ 一つ目はこれ 何が言いたいのかお分かりですね
ではふたつ目を見てみましょう 違いがあるか考えてみてください
ひとつだけ違うのは 車庫主の”No Parking"の表現 じゃあ どちらが殺人鬼でしょう?
お気づきだと思いますが グラフィックデザインはこの5年ほどで ずいぶんシンプルになりました
シンプルになりすぎたせいか すでに逆をいくものも出てきました
ミランにいたときこの標識を見つけて 嬉しかったんです ミニマリズムが まさか 落書きアートにまで応用されるとは
だって このアーティストは 標識をちょっといじって さっさと立ち去って行っちゃったんですよ
### ENGLISH: Now, I agree that you have to -- yeah, there are certain concessions and, you know, if you use a slide projector, you're not able to have the bad type swing in from the back or the side, or up or down, but maybe that's an O.K. trade-off, to trade that off for a focus.
It's a thought. Just a thought.
And there's something nice about slides getting stuck.
And the thing you really hope for is occasionally they burn up, which we won't see tonight. So.
With that, let's get the first slide up here.
This, as many of you have probably guessed, is a recently emptied beer can in Portugal.
This -- I had just arrived in Barcelona for the first time, and I thought -- you know, fly all night, I looked up, and I thought, wow, how clean.
You come into this major airport, and they simply have a B.
I mean, how nice is that?
Everything's gotten simpler in design, and here's this mega airport, and God, I just -- I took a picture.
I thought, God, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen at an airport.
Till a couple months later, I went back to the same airport -- same plane, I think -- and looked up, and it said C.
It was only then that I realized it was simply a gate that I was coming into.
I'm a big believer in the emotion of design, before somebody begins to read, before they get the rest of the information; what is the emotional response they get to the product, to the story, to the painting -- whatever it is.
That area of design interests me the most, and I think this for me is a real clear, very simplified version of what I'm talking about.
These are a couple of garage doors painted identical, situated next to each other.
So, here's the first door. You know, you get the message.
You know, it's pretty clear.
Take a look at the second door and see if there's any different message.
O.K., which one would you park in front of?
Same color, same message, same words.
The only thing that's different is the expression that the individual door-owner here put into the piece -- and, again, which is the psycho-killer here?
Yet it doesn't say that; it doesn't need to say that.
I would probably park in front of the other one.
I'm sure a lot of you are aware that graphic design has gotten a lot simpler in the last five years or so.
It's gotten so simple that it's already starting to kind of come back the other way again and get a little more expressive.
But I was in Milan and saw this street sign, and was very happy to see that apparently this idea of minimalism has even been translated by the graffiti artist.
And this graffiti artist has come along, made this sign a little bit better, and then moved on.
He didn't overpower it like they have a tendency to do.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: まず、最初のストーリーです
1906年、この男、ジョン・フィリップ・スーザは アメリカの国会議事堂を訪れました いわゆる「蓄音器」という技術について話をするためです
「蓄音器は、この国の音楽の芸術的な発展を 台無しにする
私が子どもだった頃は、夏の夜になると家々の前で 若者たちが集まり、 流行りの歌や昔の歌を歌っていたものだった
声帯が進化の過程で失われてしまうだろうと彼は言うのです 人類が猿から進化する過程で尻尾をなくしたように
文化とは、現代のコンピュータ科学の用語を使えば、 一種の「読み書き文化」のことです
そこでは人々が自らの文化の創造と 再創造に参加します その意味で「読み書き」なのです
スーザが恐れたのは、我々がその能力を失うことでした いわゆる「いまいましい機械」のせいです
そしてその代わりに「読み書き文化」とは対極的な 「読むだけ文化」とでもいうものが現われるのです
創造性は消費されるけれど 消費者が創造に参加することはないという文化です
トップ・ダウンで、誰かに所有されていて 人々の声帯が失われてしまった文化です
20世紀を振り返ってみると 少なくともいわゆる「先進世界」と呼ばれる地域では スーザが正しかったことを認めざるを得ません
人類の歴史の中でこれほど文化の創造が 職業化され、少数の手に握られたことはありませんでした
人々の創造性がこれほど 効率的に奪い去られたことはなかったのです それを引き起こしたのは、あの「いまいましい機械」です
20世紀という時代は、 少なくとも我々が最もよく知る地域において、 文化が「読み書きするもの」から「読むだけ」の存在に変わったのです
次に移ります 土地というのは、一種の資産です 法律で保護される所有物です
かつてブラックストーン卿が述べたように、土地は不法侵入法で保護されています 不法侵入法ができてからずっと、 その法律は土地の地下深くから 遥か上空に至るまでを保護するものと考えられてきました
それは土地規制の歴史の大部分の期間、 とても上手く機能してきた仕組みでした でも、飛行機という技術がやってくると、人々は思い始めました 飛行機は、不法侵入者なのだろうかと 飛行ルートの下にある農場の許可を得ないで 飛び回ることは、不法侵入になるのだろうかと
### ENGLISH: So, here's the first story.
1906. This man, John Philip Sousa, traveled to this place, the United States Capitol, to talk about this technology, what he called the, quote, "talking machines."
Sousa was not a fan of the talking machines.
This is what he had to say.
"These talking machines are going to ruin artistic development of music in this country.
When I was a boy, in front of every house in the summer evenings, you would find young people together singing the songs of the day, or the old songs.
Today, you hear these infernal machines going night and day.
We will not have a vocal chord left," Sousa said.
"The vocal chords will be eliminated by a process of evolution as was the tail of man when he came from the ape."
Now, this is the picture I want you to focus on.
This is a picture of culture.
We could describe it using modern computer terminology as a kind of read-write culture.
It's a culture where people participate in the creation and the re-creation of their culture. In that sense, it's read-write.
Sousa's fear was that we would lose that capacity because of these, quote, "infernal machines." They would take it away.
And in its place, we'd have the opposite of read-write culture, what we could call read-only culture.
Culture where creativity was consumed but the consumer is not a creator.
A culture which is top-down, owned, where the vocal chords of the millions have been lost.
Now, as you look back at the twentieth century, at least in what we think of as the, quote, "developed world" -- hard not to conclude that Sousa was right.
Never before in the history of human culture had it been as professionalized, never before as concentrated.
Never before has creativity of the millions been as effectively displaced, and displaced because of these, quote, "infernal machines."
The twentieth century was that century where, at least for those places we know the best, culture moved from this read-write to read-only existence.
So, second. Land is a kind of property -- it is property. It's protected by law.
As Lord Blackstone described it, land is protected by trespass law, for most of the history of trespass law, by presuming it protects the land all the way down below and to an indefinite extent upward.
Now, that was a pretty good system for most of the history of the regulation of land, until this technology came along, and people began to wonder, were these instruments trespassers as they flew over land without clearing the rights of the farms below as they traveled across the country?
Well, in 1945, Supreme Court got a chance to address that question.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それで応用するんだ こうやって上に打ち上げることによって 肩がこっちに流れて 「これは360度フリップをするべきだ」と思う なぜならこれは360度の体制だから
ここで強調したいのは 既に想像しているかもしれないけど これらのトリックは小さな動作 高度な運動機能 説明できないほど細かい動作だけど 一つ言えることは全てのトリックは 二つや三つ、四つや五つの動作を 組み合わせることによってできたトリックだ それで 上りながらこう言った考えが色々と浮かんでいて
認識心をリラックスさせて 少し落ち着いて こう言った 気持ちになった直感に任せなければならない
これらのような小さな動きがただ浮かんでいて 壁にぶち当たると ある意味繋がっていくんだ そして認識心が 「あ これは360度フリップを完成できる」って思うんだ
僕にとって創作プロセス ストリートスケートそのものは このように働いていて
次は―よく見て 彼等はコミュニティだよ
彼等は私の友達だ なんて素晴らしい人達だろう
そしてスケートボードの本当の素晴らしところは 一番がいないことだ 正直 言っては悪いんだけど 友達だから スケートしている姿が不自然なやつらもいる
如何に個人を表現できているところなんだ 彼等の誰一人のシルエットを見ても 「あ 彼はハスラムで あいつはコストン 彼らは仲間だ 仲間だ
スケーターはアウトサイダーで 仲間が欲しいんだけど 自分たちの定義で仲間を求めている 心からの尊敬は 他な人がやっている基本的なトリック 360度フリップ それらをとって 自分の物にして コミュニティに返すことで コミュニティに貢献する
貢献が大きければ大きいほど 個性を表し 個人となり それは 元ははぐれ者だった我々にとっては重要なことだ その結果が 個人では得ることができなかった
ことを成し遂げる力を与えた これは伝えたい 我々のコミュニティとのつながりと
スケートをすることによってあらわす個性には 美しい調和がある 次 彼等 イノベーションを助成するとても 似たようなコミュニティだ 警察署の写真が幾つかある
とても似ていることに気づくと思う ハックするとはどういうことだろう?
それはある技術を元々使われるために発明された もの以外に利用できるほど知り尽くすことだろう?
Linux カーネルのハッカーは Linux を安定で
安全で強固なものにする iOS のハッカーはiPhone に想定外の動作をさせる
認定されていないけど 違法ではない
### ENGLISH: As you adjust, you punch it up, and then when I would do that, it was throwing my shoulder this way, which as I was doing it, I was like, "Oh wow, that's begging for a 360 flip," because that's how you load up for a 360 flip.
And so this is what I want to emphasize that, as you can imagine, all of these tricks are made of sub-movements, executive motor functions, more granular to the degree to which I can't quite tell you, but one thing I do know is, every trick is made of combining two or three or four or five movements. And so, as I'm going up, these things are floating around, and you have to sort of
let the cognitive mind, like, rest back, pull it back a little bit, and let your intuition go as you feel these things.
And these sub-movements are just kind of floating around, and as the wall hits you, they connect themselves to an extent, and that's when the cognitive mind, you think, "Oh, 360 flip, I'm going to make that."
So that's how that works to me, the creative process, the process itself of street skating.
So, next — Oh, mind you. Those are the community.
These are some of the best skaters in the world.
These are my friends. Oh my gosh, they're such good people.
And the beauty of skateboarding is that, no one guy is the best. In fact, I know this is rotten to say, they're my friends, but a couple of them actually don't look that comfortable on their board.
What makes them great is the degree to which they use their skateboarding to individuate themselves.
Every single one of these guys, you look at them, you can see a silhouette of them, and you realize, like, "Oh, that's him, that's Haslam, that's Koston, there's these guys, these are the guys.
And skaters, I think they tend to be outsiders who seek a sense of belonging, but belonging on their own terms, and real respect is given by how much we take what other guys do, these basic tricks, 360 flips, we take that, we make it our own, and then we contribute back to the community the inner way that edifies the community itself.
The greater the contribution, the more we express and form our individuality, which is so important to a lot of us who feel like rejects to begin with.
The summation of that gives us something we could never achieve as an individual.
I should say this. There's some sort of beautiful symmetry that the degree to which we connect to a community is in proportion to our individuality, which we are expressing Next. These guys. Very similar community Notice a couple of these shots from the Police Department.
But it is quite similar. I mean, what is it to hack, right?
It's knowing a technology so well that you can manipulate it and steer it to do things it was never intended to do, right?
And they're not all bad.
You can be a Linux kernel hacker, make it more stable, right?
More safe, more secure. You can be an iOS hacker, make your iPhone do stuff it wasn't supposed to.
Not authorized, but not illegal.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 人々はメインデッキから 長い木のカヌーに乗り 自分の家やお店のある 広大な地域を移動します
水上に出れば 彼らの生活が この特別な生活様式に 完全に順応している とわかります
カヌーが雑貨店となって 女性たちが家から家へと 歯みがき粉から果物まで 何でも売りまわっています
窓やドアの向こうから 幼い子供たちが こちらを覗き見ており マココは人で 溢れている一方で 実は 何より驚くのが 全ての建物が子供で 溢れていることです
特にマココのような地域での ナイジェリアの人口増加は 特にマココのような地域での ナイジェリアの人口増加は 物事が手に負えない状態に なってきていることを象徴しています
マココでは ほとんど インフラ設備が整っていません マココでは ほとんど インフラ設備が整っていません
電力は間に合わせ程度で 新鮮な水は あちこちに作られた自作の井戸 からしか手に入りません
ここの経済活動は全て 水上での生活に 適応してきたため 漁業やボート作りが 一般的な職業です
この地域にビジネスを構える 実業家たちもいて 理髪店やCD・DVDショップ 映画館や仕立て屋など あらゆるものが揃っています
写真館まであり そこを覗けば 陸上の家に住みたい という憧れや スウェーデンのホテルのような 遠い場所への憧れが垣間見えます
この夜はたまたま お揃いのTシャツを着た バンドに遭遇することができました
彼らは運河の中を 発電機を乗せた 大きなカヌーで移動しながら コミュニティーの人々を 楽しませていました
日が沈むと あたりはほぼ真っ暗です 小さな電球や 松明の灯りを除けば
私がマココを訪れた そもそもの理由は 友人のクンレ・アデイェミが マココの子供たちのために 立ち上げた 三階建ての水上校舎を作る プロジェクトに参加するためでした
村全体が水上に作られているため 公共の場は限られていたのですが この学校が出来たおかげで 1階は子供たちの遊び場になりました 学校が終われば 甲板は町の広場さながら 漁師たちが網を直し 水上の商人が船を泊める 場所になります
次に ご紹介するのは カイロに住むザバリーンです 彼らは40年代に北エジプトから
移住してきた農民の子孫です 現在 彼らは カイロの住人から収集した ゴミをリサイクルして 生計を立てています
長年の間 ザバリーンの人々は 仮設の村に住み 地方行政を避けるため 遊牧民のような生活をしてきました しかし 1980年代初頭に カイロの東の辺境に位置する
### ENGLISH: From the main dock, people board long wooden canoes which carry them out to their various homes and shops located in the expansive area.
When out on the water, it's clear that life has been completely adapted to this very specific way of living.
Even the canoes become variety stores where ladies paddle from house to house, selling anything from toothpaste to fresh fruits.
Behind every window and door frame, you'll see a small child peering back at you, and while Makoko seems to be packed with people, what's more shocking is actually the amount of children pouring out of every building.
The population growth in Nigeria, and especially in these areas like Makoko, are painful reminders of how out of control things really are.
In Makoko, very few systems and infrastructures exist.
Electricity is rigged and freshest water comes from self-built wells throughout the area.
This entire economic model is designed to meet a specific way of living on the water, so fishing and boat-making are common professions.
You'll have a set of entrepreneurs who have set up businesses throughout the area, like barbershops, CD and DVD stores, movie theaters, tailors, everything is there.
There is even a photo studio where you see the sort of aspiration to live in a real house or to be associated with a faraway place, like that hotel in Sweden.
On this particular evening, I came across this live band dressed to the T in their coordinating outfits.
They were floating through the canals in a large canoe with a fitted-out generator for all of the community to enjoy.
By nightfall, the area becomes almost pitch black, save for a small lightbulb or a fire.
What originally brought me to Makoko was this project from a friend of mine, Kunlé Adeyemi, who recently finished building this three-story floating school for the kids in Makoko.
With this entire village existing on the water, public space is very limited, so now that the school is finished, the ground floor is a playground for the kids, but when classes are out, the platform is just like a town square, where the fishermen mend their nets and floating shopkeepers dock their boats.
Another place I'd like to share with you is the Zabbaleen in Cairo.
They're descendants of farmers who began migrating and today they make their living by collecting and recycling waste from homes from all over Cairo.
For years, the Zabbaleen would live in makeshift villages where they would move around trying to avoid the local authorities, but in the early 1980s, they settled just at the eastern edge of the city.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: それでもこの曲線上の いずれかの点を選んで 事故の数を 半分にできるかもしれません これはすごいことです
交通事故が 半分になるんですから
アメリカで毎年死ぬ人の数が 1万7千人も減らせます
しかし自動運転車を 作ろうと思ったら 曲線をこのようなものにする 技術が必要になります
車にもっとセンサーを付け 基本的に衝突が起こらないという 点を選ぶことになります
衝突は起きたとしても 極めて低い頻度です
これを見て 移行は段階的であるべきか 議論ができるでしょう 80:20の法則というのもありますが 上の曲線に移るのは 極めて難しいのです
これを別の角度から 見てみましょう
この技術はどれくらいの精度で 正しく振る舞わなければならないのか?
アメリカでは 人間の運転手は 事故に繋がるようなミスを 10万マイル に1度 犯しています
これに対して自動運転車は 1秒間に10回くらい 判断を行っています 1マイルあたりだと およそ千回です
この2点は対数目盛りで 8つ離れています
これは私が走る速さと 光の速さを 比較するようなものです
私がいかに頑張ったところで そこに到達することはありません
とても大きなギャップが あるということです
最後にシステムが不確定さを いかに扱うかという問題があります
この歩行者は 道を渡るのかどうか
私には分からないし どんなアルゴリズムでも分かりません 運転支援システムは 行動を起こせない ということです 予期しないところでブレーキをかけるというのは 受け入れられないからです
一方自動運転車の場合は 歩行者がどうしようとしているのか 分からないという場合 スピードを落として様子を見 それから適切に反応します
だから運転支援システムよりも ずっと安全だということです
2つのシステムの 違いについては分かったので
自動運転車は世界をどう見ているのか という話をしましょう
まず自分が世界のどこにいるのかを 知るところから始めます 地図とセンサーデータを突き合わせ 地図に現在見えているものを 重ね合わせます
紫色の箱は 道路上の他の車です 道の端にある赤い箱は 自転車です それからよく見てもらうと ずっと向こうに ロードコーンがあります
これで車がいる状況については 分かりますが それだけでは駄目で この後何が起きるか予測する必要があります
右手前方にいる小型トラックは 左に車線変更しようとしています 道路の先が塞がっているのを 迂回するためです
### ENGLISH: But we'll pick some place along the curve here, and maybe it avoids half of accidents that the human driver misses, and that's amazing, right?
We just reduced accidents on our roads by a factor of two.
There are now 17,000 less people dying every year in America.
But if we want a self-driving car, we need a technology curve that looks like this.
We're going to have to put more sensors in the vehicle, where it basically never gets into a crash.
They'll happen, but very low frequency.
Now you and I could look at this and we could argue about whether it's incremental, and I could say something like "80-20 rule," and it's really hard to move up to that new curve.
But let's look at it from a different direction for a moment.
So let's look at how often the technology has to do the right thing.
And so this green dot up here is a driver assistance system.
It turns out that human drivers make mistakes that lead to traffic accidents about once every 100,000 miles in America.
In contrast, a self-driving system is probably making decisions about 10 times per second, so order of magnitude, that's about 1,000 times per mile.
So if you compare the distance between these two, it's about 10 to the eighth, right?
Eight orders of magnitude.
That's like comparing how fast I run to the speed of light.
It doesn't matter how hard I train, I'm never actually going to get there.
So there's a pretty big gap there.
And then finally, there's how the system can handle uncertainty.
So this pedestrian here might be stepping into the road, might not be.
I can't tell, nor can any of our algorithms, but in the case of a driver assistance system, that means it can't take action, because again, if it presses the brakes unexpectedly, that's completely unacceptable.
Whereas a self-driving system can look at that pedestrian and say, I don't know what they're about to do, slow down, take a better look, and then react appropriately after that.
So it can be much safer than a driver assistance system can ever be.
So that's enough about the differences between the two.
Let's spend some time talking about how the car sees the world.
So this is our vehicle.
It starts by understanding where it is in the world, by taking a map and its sensor data and aligning the two, and then we layer on top of that what it sees in the moment.
So here, all the purple boxes you can see are other vehicles on the road, and the red thing on the side over there is a cyclist, and up in the distance, if you look really closely, you can see some cones.
Then we know where the car is in the moment, but we have to do better than that: we have to predict what's going to happen.
So here the pickup truck in top right is about to make a left lane change because the road in front of it is closed, so it needs to get out of the way.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: しばらくセルリスは固まっていた。
「だって、弟じゃないなら、お兄さまでしょ? お兄さまなら10年前に幼児じゃなかったかもだし」
### ENGLISH: Serulis was frozen for quite some time.
Perhaps she was surprised that the Hero Ruck was still alive.
As she was like this, I had nothing to do, so I continued to eat my breakfast.
It would be best to allow her some time to settle from all of the confusion.
“This is delicious.”
“Thank you for your kind compliment.”
I thanked the butler.
“Being able to eat such good food...I feel like I should be thanking you.”
The freshly baked bread was so good.
The omelet was also cooked just right. There was melted cheese inside that was just divine.
I continued to eat as I asked the butler,
“Uh, did you know about my identity?”
“I was not aware.”
So Goran had kept it from him as well.
“Well, it’s supposed to be a secret...”
“Indeed. And as butlers, we never allow any information acquired on duty to leak out into the world.”
He said with a serious expression. It had to do with his pride as butler I suppose.
He might have been offended that I would even suggest that he might be so indiscreet.
Maybe I should apologize.
“Of course, how rude of me. Thank you for your discretion.”
“No, do not mention it.”
“Please continue to call me Locke. That is my middle name after all...”
“I understand.”
As we talked like this, Serulis finally snapped out of her shocked state.
“To think that the Hero Ruck was, in fact, my younger brother...”
Apparently, she had not really snapped out of her shocked state.
“Yes, daddy would often get teary eyed when talking about the Hero, Ruck. So, those were the eyes of a parent who thinks about their child.”
“How does that work...”
The math did not add up. She was incredibly confused.
“And now that I think of it, the statue of the Hero Ruck does look a little bit like daddy...”
“No, it definitely doesn’t.”
The Hero Ruck statue was of a slender and beautiful youth.
On the other hand, Goran was like a burly bear.
“Look here, Serulis.”
“Ruck. Call me older sister.”
She was already treating me like a younger brother.
“Okay, sister.”
“Think about this. Weren’t you only years old when the Hero Ruck was left in the place between dimensions?”
“That’s true.”
“Do you think it’s possible for a toddler to fight there alone?”
“Now that I think about it... How did you do it?”
“So, I am not your younger brother.”
I said this, and Serulis began to consider this with a serious expression.
She tilted her head to the side and said,
“...So you’re my older brother then?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: あるいはこういうやつ 撮影を行ったのはオーストリアの 非常に寒い場所だったので 私以外は皆凍えながら撮影しました
皆は熱気球のバスケットに座っていますが 私は気球の頂上にいて スカイサーフィンで滑り降りようとしています
それからこれ 高速道路を走っているトラックからジャンプです
このレベルのエクストリームスポーツは 一つ一つ練習をこなして来て きびしく技術と知識を磨いて 初めて可能になります
もちろん肉体のコンディションは非常によくなくてはならず たくさんトレーニングしています
そして何より重要なのは メンタルスキルで、精神的な準備が必要です
これらすべてが揃ってようやく 人間の夢「飛行」に近づくことができるのです
そこで、2009年、私は 新しいプロジェクトのためにトレーニングしています
一つは、ウィングスーツで崖から飛んで 世界最長距離を記録すること
これまでの飛行の 最長距離を更新したいのです
二つ目は 過去に誰もやったことのない センセーショナルなジャンプをやってみたいのです
それで、この後のムービーでは、私が 英語を喋るより、ウィングスーツで 飛ぶ方がずっと上手だとわかるでしょう
楽しんでください どうもありがとう
(拍手) (拍手) ジェーン・コーエン:質問がいくつかあるの
質問1 あれは夢で飛んでいる時の感覚に 似たものなの?
ウェリ・ゲーゲンシャッ:たしかに あれが 飛んでいる、という感覚に一番近いかもしれません
JC: 答えは分かっているんだけど、どうやって着地するの?
UE: パラシュートです パラシュートを開きます 着地の衝撃の、そう、数秒前に
JC: でも、誰か試しているのよね あなたも― あなたはやらないの―ウィングスーツでの着地は?
UE: それは夢です はい
それはいま進行中で より良い性能の為、もっと知識を得る為に ウィングスーツを開発中です
JC: オーケー どうなるかしらね あと二つ質問があるの
あの、排気はなんなの? ウィングスーツから出ているやつ ウィングスーツはなにか推力があるの?
UE: いや あれはただの煙です
JC: あなたから出ているの?
UE: 嬉しいことにそうじゃありません
JC: 危ないわよね
UE: いや、煙には二つ理由があって あれでスピードがわかります 飛んでいる 道筋も
それが理由1 理由2は 煙があるとカメラクルーの 撮影が楽なのです
JC: なるほど つまりウィングスーツはわざと煙が出るように 追いかけやすいようにしてるのね もう一つの質問
### ENGLISH: Everybody sitting in a basket, and I was on top of the balloon, ready to slide down with my skysurf board.
Or this jump, from a moving truck on the highway.
Extreme sports on top level like this is only possible if you practice step by step, if you really work hard on your skills and on your knowledge.
Of course you need to be in physical, very good, condition, so I'm training a lot.
You need to have the best possible equipment.
And probably the most important is you have to work on your mental skills, mental preparation.
And all this to come as close as possible to the human dream of being able to fly.
So for 2009, I'm training hard for my two new projects.
The first one, I want to set a world record in flying from a cliff with my wingsuit.
And I want to set a new record, with the longest distance ever flown.
For my second project, I have a sensational idea of a jump that never has been done before.
So now, on the following movie you will see that I'm much better in flying a wingsuit than speaking in English.
Enjoy, and thank you very much.
June Cohen: I have some questions.
I think we all might have some questions.
Question one: so does that actually feel the way the flying dream does?
Because it looks like it might.
Ueli Gegenschatz: Pretty much. I believe this is probably the closest possibility to come to the dream of being able to fly.
JC: I know the answer to this, but how do you land?
UE: Parachute. We have to open a parachute just seconds before, I would say, impact.
It's not possible to land a wingsuit yet.
JC: Yet. But people are trying. Are you among those -- you're not going to commit -- are you among those trying to do it?
UE: It's a dream. It's a dream. Yeah.
We're still working on it and we're developing the wingsuits to get better performance, to get more knowledge.
And I believe soon.
JC: All right. Well we will watch this space. But I have two more questions.
What is the -- there was exhaust coming out of the back of the wingsuit. Was that a propelled wingsuit that you were wearing?
UE: Nope. It's just smoke.
JC: Coming off of you?
UE: Hopefully not.
JC: That seems dangerous.
UE: No, smoke is for two reasons, you can see the speed, you can see the way where I was flying.
That's reason number one. And reason number two: it's much easier for the camera guy to film If I'm using smoke.
JC: Ah, I see. So the wingsuit is set up to deliberately release smoke so that you can be tracked. One more question.
What do you do to to cover your face?
Because I just keep thinking of going that fast and having your whole face smushed backwards.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: パン入れよりも大きな衛星を 作らなくてはいけない 小さな冷蔵庫くらいでしょうか 軽トラックほど 大きい必要はありません
物理学的な制約により 望遠鏡の最小サイズはわかりました
次の問題は 衛星の残りの部分を どれだけ小さくシンプルにするかです 四方を囲まれた箱に入る望遠鏡と 電話帳よりも小さく 100Wも消費しない 電子機器をどうするかということです
大きな課題は望遠鏡を通して 実際に画像を撮ることです
古くからある衛星写真は ラインスキャナを使います それはコピー機に似ています 地球を横切りながら写真を撮ります 何度も繰り返しスキャンし 画像を完成させます
光量が多く 現在主流の方法です ノイズを低減でき 低価格の携帯電話で使われています
その課題は 非常に精密な
ポインティングが必要であることです 上空1000kmから 50cmの目標物を とらえ続けなくてはなりません 秒速7kmで飛行中にです これはとても高度なことです
そこで次世代ビデオセンサーに 目をつけました 元々は暗視ゴーグルに 使われていたものです
高画質画像を使う代わりに ビデオストリームを使います 一枚一枚にはノイズが乗りますが それらを組み合わせて 高画質の画像にすることができます 高精度な画像処理技術が それを可能にします コストは従来の1/100です
私たちはこの技術を 衛星の他のシステムにも適用しました 日々 私たちの設計は進化しました CADからプロトタイプ 完成品へと
数週間前 SkySat 1号を完成させ サインをしました 地球上での最後の時に 向け別れを告げました
今は 発射台に据え付けられ あと数週間で発射されます
そして すぐに 24基以上の衛星を 打ち上げる予定です そして大規模な分析を始めます ペタバイト級のデータから いろいろな洞察ができるでしょう 我々の目的は? どうして衛星を作るのか?
要するに 衛星画像は 世界規模の透明性を与え リアルタイムの透明性は 今まさに必要とされているものです
私たちは新しい時代を築いています そして 単なる経済データを越えて 少しずつ 人類の物語を 解き明かすでしょう
データサイエンティストとして スペースキャンプに行く子供のような気分です これほどワクワクすることは他にありません
### ENGLISH: We would have to build something larger than the original breadbox, now more like a mini-fridge, but we still wouldn't have to build a pickup truck.
So now we had our constraint. The laws of physics dictated the absolute minimum-sized telescope that we could build.
What came next was making the rest of the satellite as small and as simple as possible, basically a flying telescope with four walls and a set of electronics smaller than a phone book that used less power than a 100 watt lightbulb.
The big challenge became actually taking the pictures through that telescope.
Traditional imaging satellites use a line scanner, similar to a Xerox machine, and as they traverse the Earth, they take pictures, scanning row by row by row to build the complete image.
Now people use these because they get a lot of light, which means less of the noise you see in a low-cost cell phone image.
The problem with them is they require very sophisticated pointing.
You have to stay focused on a 50-centimeter target from over 600 miles away while moving at more than seven kilometers a second, which requires an awesome degree of complexity.
So instead, we turned to a new generation of video sensors, originally created for use in night vision goggles.
Instead of taking a single, high quality image, we could take a videostream of individually noisier frames, but then we could recombine all of those frames together into very high-quality images using sophisticated pixel processing techniques here on the ground, at a cost of one one hundredth a traditional system.
And we applied this technique to many of the other systems on the satellite as well, and day by day, our design evolved from CAD to prototypes to production units.
A few short weeks ago, we packed up SkySat 1, put our signatures on it, and waved goodbye for the last time on Earth.
Today, it's sitting in its final launch configuration ready to blast off in a few short weeks.
And soon, we'll turn our attention to launching a constellation of 24 or more of these satellites and beginning to build the scalable analytics that will allow us to unearth the insights So why do all of this? Why build these satellites?
Well, it turns out imaging satellites have a unique ability to provide global transparency, and providing that transparency on a timely basis is simply an idea whose time has come.
We see ourselves as pioneers of a new frontier, and beyond economic data, unlocking the human story, moment by moment.
For a data scientist that just happened to go to space camp as a kid, it just doesn't get much better than that.
Thank you.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「あのな、シア。迷子を見つけたら保安署に送り届けるのは当然のことだ。まして、ミュウは海人族の子だ。必ず手厚く保護してくれるさ。それどころか、海人族をオークションに掛けようなんて大問題だ。正式に捜査が始まるだろうし、そうすれば他の子達も保護されるだろう。いいか? おそらくだが、これは大都市にはつきものの闇なんだ。ミュウが捕まっていたところだけでなく、公的機関の手が及ばない場所では普通にある事なんだろ。つまり、これはフューレンの問題だ。どっちにしろ、通報は必要だろう? ......お前の境遇を考えると、自分の手で何とかしたいという気持ちはわからんでもないがな......」
「そ、それは......そうですが......でも、せめてこの子だけでも私達が連れて行きませんか? どうせ、西の海には行くんですし......」
「はぁ~、あのな。その前に大火山に行かにゃならんだろうが。まさか、迷宮攻略に連れて行く気か? それとも、砂漠地帯に一人で留守番させるか? 大体、誘拐された海人族の子を勝手に連れて行ったら、俺等も誘拐犯の仲間入りだろうが。あんまり、無茶なこと言うな」
「お兄ちゃんとお姉ちゃんがいいの! 二人といるの!」
### ENGLISH: “You know, Shia. It is the natural thing to send the lost children you find to the security office. Even more so when Myuu is a child of the Sea-dweller tribe. She will surely be protected by them. In addition, to auction someone from Sea-dweller tribe is a great problem. They will investigate it and the other children will be saved. Isn’t that enough? Though I’m just guessing, this is probably the dark side of this big city. When Myuu was caught, she would surely placed in a location where the public officials couldn’t get their hands there. In other words, this is Fhuren’s problem. That’s why, isn’t it necessary to report it?... Considering your circumstance, I understand your feelings of wanting to do something, but...”
“Th-That... that is true... But, at the very least can we be the one who take this child? After all, we are going to the sea in the west...”
“Haa~, listen. We are going to the Great Volcano first. Don’t tell me, are you going to take her along to the dungeon? Or, are you going to tell her to wait in the desert alone? In the first place, we will be considered as the kidnapper’s comrade if we take the kidnapped child of Sea-dweller tribe without permission. So, don’t say anything unreasonable like this.”
“... Uuh, I understand...”
Apparently, in just a short time, Shia had come to adore Myuu. Maybe because she read the mood regarding her situation, Myuu clung onto Shia tightly. Myuu seemed to like Shia as well, and felt the need to resist parting from her.
However, what Hajime had suggested was the right thing, so Shia could only nod and droop her shoulders. Hajime bowed to match Myuu’s gaze, and began to explain in a way Myuu could understand him.
“Listen, Myuu, we are going to bring you to people who will protect you. Though it might take time, you will surely be returned to the sea in the west.”
“...What about Onii-chan and Onee-chan?” Myuu asked what the two were going to do with an uneasy tone.
“I am sorry but, it will be a goodbye.”
“Myuu is okay with Onii-chan and Onee-chan! Myuu want to be together!”
Hajime flinched because of the strong rejection. Myuu began to flail around on Shia’s lap, just like a spoiled child. Until now, they thought of her as a quiet child, but that apparently was because she was still trying to ascertain Hajime’s and Shia’s character. Maybe because she judged them to be people she could trust, she acted spoiled. However, she might still be an originally quiet and a bright child.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 何度も何度も打ちのめされたから 自らのために立ち上がれば 僕は 高山病
でも こう教わった
自分が何者かわからなければ それは 難しいこと
幼いうちから 何者であるか決めよと言われ 自分で決めなければ 他人が代わりに決めた
「オタク」「デブ」 「変態」「おかま」
お前はこうだと告げると同時に こう聞かれた 「大きくなったら 何になりたい?」
いつも思っていた ずるい質問だと
今のままではいけないことを 前提としているから
僕たちは 子どもだったんだよ
子どものころ 僕は大人になりたかった
公的年金も積み立てたかった キャンディーずくしの 甘い老後を送るため
子どものころ 髭をそりたかった
今は それほどでもない
8歳のとき 海洋生物学者になりたかった
9歳になって 映画「ジョーズ」を見て― 「やーめた」と思った
10歳で 両親は 僕を捨てたんだと聞かされ―
11歳のとき 僕は一人にしてほしかった
12歳のとき 死にたかった 13歳のとき ある子を殺したかった
14歳で 将来を真剣に考えるように言われ
「現実的なものにしなさい」 と言われた
そこで 「プロレスラー」と言うと
みんな 何になりたいか 聞いておいて 結局 それはだめ と言うのだ
しかも 僕だけの話ではない
僕たちが教わっていたことは― 自分らしさを捨てて 違う自分になれ あるべき自分の仮面を着けよということ 僕は他人から与えられたアイデンティティーを 受け入れよと教わった
僕は他人から与えられたアイデンティティーを 受け入れよと教わった
でも なんで そんなに簡単に 夢をあきらめるのか?
確かに 僕の夢はシャイ なにせ カナダ人だから 僕の夢は 内気で すごく申し訳なさそう
高校のダンスパーティーでも 一人ぼっちで キスされたこともない
僕の夢にも あだ名がついた
バカ 愚か者 不可能
でも 僕は夢を見続けた
レスラーになる そう決めたのだ
得意技は ゴミ・コンパクター
決まり台詞は 「ゴミに出してやるぞ!」
(拍手) でも かのレスラー デューク・ザ・ダンプスターに 先を越されてしまった
ゴミ・コンパクターが決まって 僕はダウン
「じゃあ今度は どうする?」 僕は考えた
ブーメランのごとく 好きなことは 僕の元に戻ってきた
初めのころ書いた詩で 覚えているのは― 自分嫌いにさせた世界に反論する詩
### ENGLISH: I know because I've been shot down so many times, I get altitude sickness just from standing up for myself.
But that's what we were told.
"Stand up for yourself."
And that's hard to do if you don't know who you are.
We were expected to define ourselves at such an early age, and if we didn't do it, others did it for us.
Geek. Fatty. Slut. Fag.
And at the same time we were being told what we were, we were being asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
I always thought that was an unfair question.
It presupposes that we can't be what we already are.
We were kids.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a man.
I wanted a registered retirement savings plan that would keep me in candy long enough to make old age sweet.
When I was a kid, I wanted to shave.
Now, not so much.
When I was eight, I wanted to be a marine biologist.
When I was nine, I saw the movie "Jaws," and thought to myself, "No, thank you."
And when I was 10, I was told that my parents left because they didn't want me.
When I was 11, I wanted to be left alone.
When I was 12, I wanted to die. When I was 13, I wanted to kill a kid.
When I was 14, I was asked to seriously consider a career path.
I said, "I'd like to be a writer."
And they said, "Choose something realistic."
So I said, "Professional wrestler."
And they said, "Don't be stupid."
See, they asked me what I wanted to be, then told me what not to be.
And I wasn't the only one.
We were being told that we somehow must become what we are not, sacrificing what we are to inherit the masquerade of what we will be.
I was being told to accept the identity that others will give me.
And I wondered, what made my dreams so easy to dismiss?
Granted, my dreams are shy, because they're Canadian. My dreams are self-conscious and overly apologetic.
They're standing alone at the high school dance, and they've never been kissed.
See, my dreams got called names too.
Silly. Foolish. Impossible.
But I kept dreaming.
I was going to be a wrestler. I had it all figured out.
I was going to be The Garbage Man.
My finishing move was going to be The Trash Compactor.
My saying was going to be, "I'm taking out the trash!"
And then this guy, Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, stole my entire shtick.
I was crushed, as if by a trash compactor.
I thought to myself, "What now? Where do I turn?"
Like a boomerang, the thing I loved came back to me.
One of the first lines of poetry I can remember writing was in response to a world that demanded I hate myself.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 相変わらず雑然としているテーブルの正面に居場所を確保したヨルンヴェルナが、頬杖をついて呆れている。ゼクスは慌てて取り繕おうとしたが、視線で宥められて引き下がった。
「僕が魔道具の研究をしていることは、知っているよね? これは、飲み物を保温できるようにした、特別製のティカップなんだよ」
### ENGLISH: Jornwerner, who had taken his place at the front of the table, which was still cluttered, rested his chin on his cheekbones and was dismayed. Zechs hurriedly tried to make up for it, but was quieted by her gaze and withdrew.
“You know that I study magic tools, don’t you? This is a specially made teacup that keeps your drink warm.”
“Wow, that’s very convenient.”
Since inexpensive magic stones were used as the core, it was apparently usable even by commoners without magical powers.
Jornwerner wasn’t exactly a good person, but Sheila admired the fact that he was devoted to researching magical tools that could be used even by those without magical powers.
“In addition, I’m also developing a magic tool that’ll allow us to talk to people who are far away. I’m in the middle of various experiments to see if it might be possible by converting the voice into a signal.”
“That’s amazing. So, Jornwerner-sensei isn’t just experimenting on people.”
“That’s the last thing you should say in front of him....”
Sheila’s attitude was making Zechs feel more at ease. The atmosphere was completely relaxed.
“Now, let me explain about magic stones.”
Jornwerner laughed good-naturedly.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 王宮? 不穏な言葉が飛び出した。
至高の王? ハイロードより偉そうだ。
### ENGLISH: “We will have to go directly to the palace and reconnect the teleportation circle...”
Palace? The ominous word seemed to ring.
Was he saying that it was connected to Eric’s palace?
I pretended to remain calm as I asked,
“Very well then. And how long will that take?”
“Even if I run my fastest... It will take at least three days just to reach it...”
That was a relief. So it wasn’t Eric’s palace that he was talking about.
After all, an Arch Vampire could run to Eric’s palace in a matter of hours.
Still, it would not take three days.
But I will have to ask which palace it was. Though, asking it too bluntly will make me look suspicious.
Because the vampire I was supposed to be would know all of this already.
I dropped my head on the ground. Of course, it was an illusion.
It rolled on the ground, splitting away from my body.
“Ah, the invader cut off my head earlier. That is why I was delayed in rescuing you.”
I said as I picked up the head and put it back on my neck.
“Is that so. How horrible.”
The vampire said, understandingly.
“But it has confused my memories a little...”
“And so I wish to ask you something... What is this ruin used for?”
“Yes. It is an ancient dragon ruin. And we were going to use it to manufacture the Fool’s Stone.”
“...Ah, I think I remember that now. Sorry. I was confused.”
“No, ask me anything you want.”
“Hmm. Thank you. And where is this...device that makes the Fool’s Stone?”
“It is in the next room.”
“And it has not been destroyed?”
“It should not be.”
So this place was quite important.
“I see. That is good. And are there other devices like this elsewhere?”
“We are desperately searching. But only a few have been found.”
There was just one last thing I wanted to know.
“By the way, where is this palace that the mirror was connected to?”
Perhaps I had gone too far with that question.
I tried to make an excuse.
“My brain seems to have been damaged from the blow.”
“Indeed. I feel like I am on the brink of remembering it.”
“It is the seat of our Most High King.”
Most high king? That seemed higher than a High Lord.
“And who is that?”
The vampire rushed at me just as I asked the question.
“You... Are an imposter...”
“Memory-loss or not, it is unfathomable for you to not know our Most High King.”
“I see. That’s good to know.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 世界の二大スーパーパワーが 代理戦争により 支配領域の辺縁地域で争うために 武装組織を完全に支援しました
つまり犯罪とテロは 非常に初期から 結びつきが確立しました
もっとも顕著な例は CIAが作ったニカラグアのコントラで 米国議会が合法的に資金を拠出し また レーガン政権は イラン コントラ事件では 非合法な隠密作戦に資金を提供しました
1970年代後半から80年代初頭にかけては 幾つかのグループが テロの民営化を 成功させました
彼らは スポンサーから独立し 自ら資金開拓を始めました
アラファトはかつて レバノンとシリアの間にあるベッカー高原からの ハシシの密輸で利益を得ていました
北アイルランドにある民営の輸送システムを支配する IRAもまったく同じことをしていました
つまり 誰かが ベルファストでタクシーを利用するたびに 知らずにIRAに資金援助を していることになります
もちろん 大きな変化は グローバル化と規制緩和の形でやってきました
これを機に武装組織は 財政面でも 相互連携ができるようになりました
何よりも 彼らは犯罪世界で 重要なビジネスを始めました
彼らは共同して 同じ経路で 汚い金をマネーロンダリングするようになりました
これが 超国家的武装組織 アルカイダの 誕生です
そしてまた 一つ以上の国で 攻撃を仕掛けることができます
規制緩和はまた「ならず者の経済学」を 呼び戻しました
それは 歴史の背後で 常に暗躍している勢力です
大きな変革の時に現れてきます グローバル化もそのうちの一つです
それは政治が実際に 経済への制御力を 失う時期でもあり 経済は私達に マイナスに作用する 危険な力になります
歴史上 以前にもあったことです
そしてベルリンの壁崩壊と共に またそれは起こったのです
さて私は 911事件以前に この 犯罪やテロや非合法経済で構成された 国際経済の規模を 計算しました
兆です 億でありません
イギリスのGDPの二倍です この国の行き末を考えると すぐにそれ以上になるでしょう
911事件までは この金額のほとんどが 米国経済に流入していました なぜならこれらの資金はドル建てで マネーロンダリングは 米国内で行われました
もちろん資金の流入の入り口は オフショアにありましたが
### ENGLISH: This is when the two superpowers were fighting a war by proxy, along the periphery of the sphere of influence, fully funding arms organizations.
A mix of legal and illegal activities is used.
So, the link between crime and terror is established very early on.
And here is the best example, the Contras in Nicaragua, created by the CIA, legally funded by the U.S. Congress, illegally funded by the Reagan administration via covert operation, for example, the Iran-Contra Affair.
Then comes the late 1970s, early '80s, and some groups successfully carry out the privatization of terrorism.
So, they gain independence from the sponsor, and start funding themselves.
Now, again we see a mix of legal and illegal activities.
of the smuggling of hashish from Bekáa Valley, which is the valley between Lebanon and Syria.
And the IRA, which control the private transportation system in Northern Ireland, did exactly the same thing.
So, every single time that somebody got into a taxi in Belfast without knowing, actually, was funding the IRA.
But the great change came, of course, with globalization and deregulation.
This is when arms organization were able to link up, also financially, with each other.
But above all, they started to do serious business with the world of crime.
And together they money-laundered their dirty business through the same channel.
This is when we see the birth of the transnational arms organization Al Qaeda.
This is an organization that can raise money across border.
But also that is able to carry out attacks in more than one country.
Now, deregulation also brought back rogue economics.
So what is rogue economics?
Rogue economics is a force which is constantly lurking in the background of history.
It comes back at times of great transformation, globalization being one of those transformations.
It is at this times in which politics actually loses control of the economy, and the economy becomes a rogue force working against us.
It has happened before in history.
It has happened with the fall of the Roman Empire.
It has happened with Industrial Revolution.
And it actually happened again, with the fall of the Berlin wall.
Now, I calculated how big was this international economic system composed by crime, terror, and illegal economy, before 9-11.
And it is a staggering 1.5 trillion dollars.
It is trillions, it's not billions.
This is about twice the GDP of the United Kingdom, soon will be more, considering where this country is going.
Now, until 9-11, the bulk of all this money flew into the U.S. economy because the bulk of the money was denominated in U.S. dollars and the money laundering was taking place inside the United States.
The entry point, of course, of most of this money were the off-shore facilities.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 俺がトカゲを持って帰ったのを見て、ミシェルちゃんは目を輝かせて喜んでいた。
「おかえり、ニコルちゃん! それおいしい?」
「がそれ? まあ、毒を避ければ食べれないことはないと思うけど」
「なに? フィニア嬢、ちょっと中断じゃ」
### ENGLISH: I returned back to Michelle and the rest while carrying the dead Dusk Lizard in my hand. Seeing me carry a lizard made Michelle’s eyes sparkle in joy.
“Welcome back, Nicole! Is that tasty?”
“That’s the first thing you say? Well, if we get rid of the poison, it’s not inedible I guess.”
“So I can take it back to the orphanage as a gift?”
“You should really be careful there, Cloud.”
The Poisonous Dusk Lizard needed some skill to deal with. It would be hard to do it with the orphanage sisters and children alone. It might be too much even for Finia.
“Even I don’t know where its poison glands are located exactly.”
“I am knowledgeable about it. How about it, little Finia, this might be a good experience. Would you like to try preparing it?”
“Huh, would that be alright?”
“I mind not. It would be more convenient that way.”
“Oh, you mean to lure the Fang Wolves?”
Fang Wolves, being wolves, had very good noses. They would most likely sniff out the blood smell drifting in the air while Finia was butchering it and approach us. And even if they did not do it now, we could lure them by placing the meat somewhere.
While being impressed by his idea, I watched as the two started cutting the lizard.
“The two venom glands are here, deep in its throat, lined up vertically. Nicole, you came very close to cutting them, you know?”
“It can’t be helped. How was I supposed to know.”
“It would be better if you aim for the body next time. Now, let us remove the glands first. Push aside the skin around the hole Nicole made. Normally you would have to peel it off from the mouth all the way to the abdomen.”
“Like this?”
“Yes, now, avoid the throat muscles and get to the glands...”
Finia was butchering it with a serious expression while following Maxwell’s orders. His Life Search was disrupted during this time, so I was staying vigilant for the surroundings in his stead.
As expected, the smell of blood attracted something, and there was a movement behind the rocks. That said, it didn’t seem like it was planning to attack us just yet.
Without letting my guard down, I conveyed the situation to Maxwell.
“Maxwell, there’s something moving over there.”
“Oh? Little Finia, let us stop for a moment.”
Maxwell stopped concentrating on the butchering after my warning. Finia also put aside her butchering knife and switched to the long blade in preparation for battle.
Maxwell sent his familiar behind the prey to confirm what it was. And then, he released his tension and turned back.
“It’s alright. It is just a Rock Hound.”
“Rock Hound?”
Michelle and Cloud who heard the name for the first time tilted their heads in unison. You two, you really became good friends lately, huh?
“Yes, they are a stray dog species living in the mountains. They scavenge the leftovers of other animals... Put simply, they are similar to hyenas. They do not attack living beings, so they are no danger to us.”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: アイゴケロスのまさかの『ディーナを覚えている』発言に俺とアリエスが驚くというトラブルはあったものの、アイゴケロスを加えた俺達は無事に街へと戻ってきていた。
HP 72000
SP 10100
STR(攻撃力) 3150
DEX(器用度) 4148
VIT(生命力) 3453
INT(知力) 6183
AGI(素早さ) 4140
MND(精神力) 5280
LUK(幸運) 3000
レベル 500
### ENGLISH: Although Aries and I had some trouble with Aigokeros’ unexpected statement of “I remember Dina”, after joining up with Aigokeros, we safely returned to the city.
For now, I had made Aigokeros take on a human form.
His appearance was that of a human man in his prime wearing a black butler clothing and a monocle on one of his eye.
His hair was white and dried up just like that of a goat, all-back. His height was most probably around .
It seemed that he was capable of hiding within someone’s shadow and at that moment, he was hiding in my shadow.
Hey, you didn’t have a skill like that when it was inside the game.
—was what I was thinking. However, now that I thought about it, I seemed to recall a setting in the game where the devil-type monsters ‘lived in people’s shadow’.
Ahhh, yeah, yeah. While I’m at it, I’m going to check out Aigokeros’ status.
[ Heavenly Stars Aigokeros]
Level Species: Lord Demon
Attribute: Moon
HP: 72 000
SP: 10 100
STR (Strength/Attack Power): 3150
DEX (Dexterity): 4148
VIT (Vitality): 3453
INT (Intelligence): 6183
AGI (Ability/Speed): 4140
MND (Mindpower): 5280
LUK (Luck): 3000
Fum. Well, a subtle magic type... is what I should say huh.
There was no mistake that he was a magic main but he wasn’t too lopsided with his specialisation.
Well, that was fine as his main role was to use magic to interfere. Therefore, it was quite important that he was not defeated by the enemy.
Afterwards, I fixed up Aries’ clothes.
Even if I was aware that Aries was male, a risqué appearance was no good.
It was really worrisome that he might be targeted by some strange person.
Anyways, it’s all nice and all that we’ve returned but........ What should I do?
The situation was such that citizens were all enraged, both sides surrounded the castle in the middle and stared down at each other.
The debuff should have long been removed, however, there was no sign of the bloodlust disappearing from their eyes.
Aahhhh, ain’t no gud-at-all. They’ve self-debuffed.
Nevertheless, the reason this had yet to turn into a full-on confrontation was that there was a man remonstrating and mediating in the middle.
Green.... No, maybe it was more accurate to state it as emerald green hair.
It might have been well organised normally, however, he looked like he was a mere shadow of his former self with the appearance of someone that had lost all his weight.
Clouded blue-coloured eyes, and unnecessarily expensive-looking white vestment.
Above that, he wore a blue overcoat. And on one side, his large white wing could be seen sticking out.
His appearance was quite different from what I remembered, however, there was no mistake.
That was one of the 7 Heroes, Merak.
Just in case, I checked his status.
Level 500
Species: Flugel
Attribute: Wood
Class Level:</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「お前との対決は何度も繰り広げてきたが、ここから先は魔王様の玉座になられる。ここで貴様の因縁を断ち切り、勇者共を葬ってくれる!」
「ここで魔王を討ち果たせば、真の平和が訪れる。平和を脅かす者を許すことはできない! 私は勝利をこの手に掴んでみせる!」
「くっ!? なかなかやるな。だが、私は絶対に屈したりはしない!」
### ENGLISH: “Our fights have repeated countless times already, but from now on this place shall become my lord the Demon King’s throne. Your fate ends here, and all other heroes’ tales will fade into oblivion!”
“If I slay the Demon King now, true peace will be achieved. I’ll never forgive anyone who dares threaten peace! I’ll take the victory with my own hands now!”
She unsheathed her practice sword as well and went into stance as Luthors charged against her with a fierce appearance.
Luthors’ hits were extremely heavy, turning the fight into a one-sided attack as Schenna only focused on defending herself.
“Guhh...?! You’re pretty strong. But...I’ll never yield to you!”
So far they had both followed the script, but a problem was clearly starting to manifest itself.
The scene was supposed to be a short fight between the two knights, after which the one serving the hero would emerge victoriously and the curtains would close.
“Show me if you have the strength needed to best me!”
Schenna quickly noticed the play was taking a bad turn.
Luthors was getting way too much into character as she viciously unleashed a flurry of attacks driving Schenna into a corner.
Schenna realized this would end up completely different than what the script said, and that her own life was at risk, so she tried to signal Sareenea to stop the act, but she and her assistants were so enthralled by Luthors’ performance that she did not notice the signs.
Then, unable to endure more of her attacks, Schenna let go of her practice sword.
“Prepare yourself!”
“The one who has to prepare herself is you.”
The moment Luthors was about to swing her practice sword again, someone came from behind and stopped her.
At the same time, everyone else who was spectating the scene finally came back to their senses as loud ‘Ah’s popped from around the room.
Reesha was holding Luthors’ arm.
Sareenea hurried to end the scene and Luthors snapped back to reality and struggled to understand what had happened.
“For now I’ll have all of you here come with me to the administrative district for questioning.”
Schenna’s life had been spared in exchange for a severe scolding in the administrative district. But at least they got the rice cooker for free.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 彼はヘリックス構造だと思うと言ったのです
ウィルキンスと彼の研究仲間の、正確に言うと後の研究仲間の、 ロザリンド フランクリンが来て、私たちの模型を見ては笑ったのです
だからもう模型は作りませんでした フランシスはタンパク質についての研究を続けました
そしてライナス ポーリングはきっとDNAに取り組むぞと ロンドンの人達に訴え続けました
彼はロンドンの人達に手紙を書いて 彼らのX線写真を見せてもらえないか、と尋ねていたのです
でも私がケンブリッジに来て15ヶ月たったとき 当時ケンブリッジにいたライナス ポーリングの息子が 彼の父親がDNAの研究をしているという噂をはじめました
そしてある日ピーターがやって来て、自分はピーター ポーリングだと名乗り 彼の父親の原稿をくれました
あの世界の...がこれ? リン酸基の間を水素結合で つないでありました
もし細胞の最高pHが7くらいだとしたら、 そんな水素結合が存在することは不可能です
大急ぎで化学科に行き 「ポーリングが正しい可能性はあるか?」と聞くと、ハストが「いや、ない」と言ったので、私達は喜びました
私達はまだ負けたわけではありませんでしたが カルテクで誰かがライナスの間違いを彼に指摘するのではとびくびくしていました
そしてポーリングの原稿を受け取って1ヶ月後 私はロンドンにその原稿を持って行ってそこの人達に見せたのです
私は、ライナスは間違ってる、まだ私達にはチャンスがある すぐ模型を作るべきだと言いました
しかしウィルキンスは、いや、ロザリンド フランクリンが約2ヶ月で発つ予定だから 彼女がいなくなってから模型に取りかかろう、と言いました
だから私はケンブリッジに戻ってその話を伝えたのですが ブラッグは「模型を作れ」と
### ENGLISH: So Wilkins said he thought it was the helix.
X-ray diagram, he thought was comparable with the helix.
So we built a three-stranded model.
The people from London came up.
Wilkins and this collaborator, or possible collaborator, Rosalind Franklin, came up and sort of laughed at our model.
They said it was lousy, and it was.
So we were told to build no more models; we were incompetent.
And so we didn't build any models, and Francis sort of continued to work on proteins.
And basically, I did nothing. And -- except read.
You know, basically, reading is a good thing; you get facts.
that Linus Pauling's going to move on to DNA.
If DNA is that important, Linus will know it.
He'll build a model, and then we're going to be scooped.
And, in fact, he'd written the people in London: Could he see their x-ray photograph?
And they had the wisdom to say "no." So he didn't have it.
But there was ones in the literature.
Actually, Linus didn't look at them that carefully.
But about, oh, 15 months after I got to Cambridge, a rumor began to appear from Linus Pauling's son, who was in Cambridge, that his father was now working on DNA.
And so, one day Peter came in and he said he was Peter Pauling, and he gave me a copy of his father's manuscripts.
And boy, I was scared because I thought, you know, we may be scooped.
I have nothing to do, no qualifications for anything.
And so there was the paper, and he proposed a three-stranded structure.
And I read it, and it was just -- it was crap.
So this was, you know, unexpected from the world's -- -- and so, it was held together by hydrogen bonds between phosphate groups.
Well, if the peak pH that cells have is around seven, those hydrogen bonds couldn't exist.
We rushed over to the chemistry department and said, "Could Pauling be right?" And Alex Hust said, "No." So we were happy.
And, you know, we were still in the game, but we were frightened that somebody at Caltech would tell Linus that he was wrong.
And so Bragg said, "Build models."
And a month after we got the Pauling manuscript -- I should say I took the manuscript to London, and showed the people.
Well, I said, Linus was wrong and that we're still in the game and that they should immediately start building models.
But Wilkins said "no." Rosalind Franklin was leaving in about two months, and after she left he would start building models.
And so I came back with that news to Cambridge, and Bragg said, "Build models."
Well, of course, I wanted to build models.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 小児科にきていました 物を食べていないのではなく 何かを食べると腸が開いて 消化物が胃に戻るのです
数え切れない手術のあと 彼は母親に言いました
「ママ 僕のためにお祈りして すごく痛いの」
主治医がたまたま臨床遺伝学を学んでいたので 問題が何か分からぬまま とにかくゲノムの解析をしました
すると単一点突然変異が プログラム細胞死を司る遺伝子に起こっていました
彼の体は食べ物に対して 何らかの免疫反応を起こしていたようでした
これはプログラム細胞死を引き起こす自然な反応ですが 下方制御する遺伝子が壊れていました
ここから 骨髄移植が必要だとわかり 手術が行われました
9か月間の厳しいリハビリを終え 今では 普通にステーキを食べています
万能の診断方法として ゲノムを使える可能性が 開けています
それはもう 実現しています
どういうことかと言うと ゲノム診断により 会場の皆さんの寿命が 5~20年ほど長くなるということです
何と素晴らしい話でしょう 人類の地球に対する負担や食糧増産の余地などを 考えなければ の話ですが
全く同じ技術は 新しい種類のトウモロコシや 大豆 その他の穀物を 育てることにも使われ 干ばつや洪水 害虫や殺虫剤に強い
品種が生まれています 人口が増えていく限り 遺伝子組み換え食品を育て 口にしなければならない
それが今日 私が取る立場です
食べなくてもいいという方が いれば話は別ですが
これはタイプライターです 何十年もの間 どの机にも置かれていました
ボブ・メトカルフェがイーサネットを発明し あらゆるコンピュータを結びつけ 全てを変えました
でも心配は不要です iPodやフェイスブック そして アングリーバードが救ってくれました
私たちは今 ここにいます
考えてみて下さい これらの点が あなたの個々の塩基を表しているのではなく 世界中のゲノムの繋がりだとしたら
私は最近生命保険に入りました こんな質問に答えさせられました A: 遺伝子検査を受けたことがない B: 受けたことがある
C: 受けたがそれについては答えない ありがたいことに私は「A」だったので 正直にそのまま答えました
### ENGLISH: And it's not that he's not eating; it's that when he eats, his intestine basically opens up and feces spill out into his gut.
So a hundred surgeries later, he looks at his mom and says, "Mom, please pray for me.
I'm in so much pain."
His pediatrician happens to have a background in clinical genetics and he has no idea what's going on, but he says, "Let's get this kid's genome sequenced."
And what they find is a single-point mutation in a gene responsible for controlling programmed cell death.
So the theory is that he's having some immunological reaction to what's going on -- to the food, essentially.
And that's a natural reaction, which causes some programmed cell death, but the gene that regulates that down is broken.
And so this informs, among other things, of course, a treatment for bone marrow transplant, which he undertakes.
And after nine months of grueling recovery, he's now eating steak with A1 sauce.
The prospect of using the genome as a universal diagnostic is upon us today.
Today. It's here.
And what it means for all of us is that everybody in this room could live an extra 5, 10, 20 years, just because of this one thing.
Which is a fantastic story, unless you think about humanity's footprint on the planet, and our ability to keep up food production.
So it turns out that the very same technology is also being used to grow new lines of corn, wheat, soybean and other crops that are highly tolerant of drought, of flood, of pests and pesticides.
Now, look -- as long as we continue to increase the population, we'll have to continue to grow and eat genetically modified foods.
And that's the only position I'll take today.
Unless there's anybody in the audience who'd like to volunteer to stop eating?
None, not one.
This is a typewriter, a staple of every desktop for decades.
And, in fact, the typewriter was essentially deleted by this thing.
And then more general versions of word processors came about.
But ultimately, it was a disruption on top of a disruption.
It was Bob Metcalfe inventing the Ethernet, and the connection of all these computers that fundamentally changed everything.
Suddenly we had Netscape, we had Yahoo.
And we had, indeed, the entire dot-com bubble.
Not to worry though, that was quickly rescued by the iPod, Facebook and, indeed, Angry Birds.
Look, this is where we are today.
This is the genomic revolution today. This is where we are.
What I'd like you to consider is: What does it mean when these dots don't represent the individual bases of your genome, but they connect to genomes all across the planet?
I just recently had to buy life insurance, and I was required to answer: B. I've had one, here you go; or C. I've had one and I'm not telling.
Thankfully, I was able to answer A, and I say that honestly, in case my life insurance agent is listening.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 確かにダミーが消滅している!
はネバネバで敵を引っ付けるだけのスキル! 勢いよくぶつけても表面のネバネバが衝撃を吸収してダメージはありません! つまり、攻撃力はゼロ! 死亡フラッグの効果は受けないんです!」
「このまま振り回して地面に叩きつけます! 物体への衝突ダメージや落下ダメージもまた死亡フラッグで引き寄せることは不可能なはずです!」
「ペッちゃん! なんて残酷なっ......! 今助けてあげるわっ!」
「み、みんな! 一体ボクはどうすれば......!」
### ENGLISH: Indeed, the dummy was gone!
The plan was likely to use a small skill to find the position of the enemy with the flag, and then destroy it, obstacle and all, with a large skill.
The good thing about this plan was that even if it was on Garbow, the attacks wouldn’t be wasted.
They already knew about Garbow’s clones because of the fight with Mad Slime CORE, and it would be possible to kill a dummy even with the small skill.
Because it would be a waste to kill a dummy with a charge attack after being buffed...
Still, Anne’s attack had been quick.
You would have to unleash the skill at the same time that Hatake and the others used small attacks to destroy the dummy, or it would be difficult to stop Petta’s attack like that.
However, it should also have meant that there was a risk of attacking your own comrades...
“Sticky Star is just a skill that sticks to enemies! Even if it hits them hard, the stickiness absorbs the impact and there is no damage! In other words, it has no attack ability at all! It isn’t affected by the Death Flag!
I see...!
Just like with the effect of defense abilities, no-damage effects also go right past Death Flag.
That’s why Anne had been quick to move.
Because she wouldn’t be affected by Death Flag either way...!
“And now I will swing it around and hit it against the ground! It should also be impossible for impact or fall damage from hitting something to be pulled by Death Flag!”
And so Anne began to swing the iron ball while Petta was still stuck to it.
It was a cruel but sure way to kill...!
“Pe-chan! How terrible...! I will help you!”
“Your opponent is me!”
Necoco moved in front of Cymba.
Anne would defeat Petta.
In that case, I had to...
“E-everyone! What should I do...!”
I’ll take down...Hatake.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 大統領は周期表を見て 「ありがとう 周期的に見るよ」
(拍手) 後日 大統領は クリーンエネルギーの講演で 周期表を出して言いました 「MITでは周期表をもらえる」
まだ言っていませんでしたが 5億年前 原始的な生命体が物質を作り始めましたが 上達まで5千万年かかりました アワビの貝殻の作り方を
5千万年かけて会得したのです 院生に求めるのは無理です 「すごいプロジェクトだけど 5千万年かかるの」
もっと迅速にやる方法を 開拓しなければなりません
そこで 細菌に感染する 毒性の無いウイルスである M13バクテリオファージを使います
DNAの構造がシンプルで DNA配列の切り貼りが 簡単にできます
このようにウイルスを使って ランダムにタンパク質配列を発現させることができます
一種類のタンパク質を作る 一つの配列を除いて 同じ遺伝子をもつウイルスを 無数に 作ることができます
その無数のウイルスを 一滴の液体に入れて 任意の元素と相互作用させます
そして 選択と進化を経て 太陽電池の育成など所望の働きをするウイルスを
一つ選び出せます ウイルスは自己複製できず宿主が必要ですから
膨大な中から一つ見つけたら 細菌に感染させて その特定の配列を 無数に複製させます
生物がすばらしいのは 精密で 精巧な構造物を作る点です こちらの長くて薄いウイルスに 発現能力を与えて 半導体や電池の材料を
育成させることができます こちらは 私の研究室で育成している高出力電池です
ウイルスを改良して 一部分でカーボンナノチューブを
ほかの部分に 電池の 電極材料を育成する配列を組み込んであります
さらに 電極材料を電流コレクタに接続します
選択と進化を経て 性能の悪い電池を作っていたウイルスが 性能の良い 記録的な高出力の電池を作るウイルスに変わりました すべて室温の実験台で作れます
この箱の中で LEDを点灯させています
もっと大きくできれば 実際にプリウスも 動かせるようになります ウイルス駆動車を運転するのが私の夢です
膨大な数の ウイルスから一つを抜き出して
複製は実験室でできます そうやって 自己組織化させて 電池などを作らせるのです
### ENGLISH: And later in a lecture that he gave on clean energy, he pulled it out and said, "And people at MIT, they give out periodic tables."
So basically what I didn't tell you is that about 500 million years ago, organisms starter making materials, It took them about 50 million years to learn how to perfect how to make that abalone shell.
And that's a hard sell to a graduate student. "I have this great project -- 50 million years."
And so we had to develop a way of trying to do this more rapidly.
And so we use a virus that's a non-toxic virus called M13 bacteriophage that's job is to infect bacteria.
Well it has a simple DNA structure that you can go in and cut and paste additional DNA sequences into it.
And by doing that, it allows the virus to express random protein sequences.
And this is pretty easy biotechnology.
And you could basically do this a billion times.
And so you can go in and have a billion different viruses that are all genetically identical, but they differ from each other based on their tips, on one sequence that codes for one protein.
Now if you take all billion viruses, and you can put them in one drop of liquid, you can force them to interact with anything you want on the periodic table.
And through a process of selection evolution, like grow a battery or grow a solar cell.
So basically, viruses can't replicate themselves; they need a host.
Once you find that one out of a billion, you infect it into a bacteria, and you make millions and billions of copies of that particular sequence.
And so the other thing that's beautiful about biology is that biology gives you really exquisite structures And these viruses are long and skinny, and we can get them to express the ability to grow something like semiconductors or materials for batteries.
Now this is a high-powered battery that we grew in my lab.
We engineered a virus to pick up carbon nanotubes.
So one part of the virus grabs a carbon nanotube.
The other part of the virus has a sequence that can grow an electrode material for a battery.
And then it wires itself to the current collector.
And so through a process of selection evolution, we went from being able to have a virus that made a crummy battery to a virus that made a good battery to a virus that made a record-breaking, high-powered battery that's all made at room temperature, basically at the bench top.
And that battery went to the White House for a press conference.
I brought it here.
You can see it in this case -- that's lighting this LED.
Now if we could scale this, you could actually use it to run your Prius, which is my dream -- to be able to drive a virus-powered car.
But it's basically -- you can pull one out of a billion.
You can make lots of amplifications to it.
Basically, you make an amplification in the lab, and then you get it to self-assemble into a structure like a battery.
We're able to do this also with catalysis.
This is the example of photocatalytic splitting of water.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: デュークのその冷たい声で、その場にして凍りつく。彼が嫌悪感を露骨に彼らに向ける。
「リズ派は圧倒的に少なくなっちゃったんだけど、それでもリズ様の理想論について行く! って心を決めた人間もいるんだよね。まぁ、そこまでは何となく起こりそうだな~って予想はしてたでしょ? ところが! まさかのアリアリ派過激派軍団が出来ちゃったんだよね~」
### ENGLISH: Duke’s cold voice instantly froze the place. He openly expressed his disgust for them.
I was happy to see the Alicia faction, but it was uncomfortable for them to do this.
Perhaps intimidated by Duke’s appearance, they suddenly become frightened. Where was all the bravado they had before?
Just as one of them opened his mouth, a shout was heard from the school building.
...What now?
I turned my head toward the school building. It was as if the quiet aquarium had suddenly turned into a noisy zoo.
In some ways, the school might be more organized if Liz Cather had brainwashed them.
“I wonder what is going on.”
“Mel will tell us the answer to that question!”
I muttered to myself, and Mel suddenly appeared.
I was surprised. It was scary because she always appeared suddenly right in front of me.
Duke was accustomed to her behavior and didn’t change his expression at all. Duke is a quintessential Duke.
“Yesterday’s Liz Cather brainwashing cancellation incident has caused the Alicia and Liz factions to fight beautifully all morning, and now the whole school is in chaos!”
Liz Cather’s brainwashing cancellation incident sounded like a terrible name.
Mel continued somewhat happily.
“The Liz faction has become overwhelmingly small, but there are still people who have made up their minds to follow Liz-sama’s idealism! You knew that was going to happen, didn’t you? But then! I didn’t expect a militant army of radicals to be formed!”
“People who don’t belong to either side are the most annoying.”
I nodded at Duke’s comment.
Certainly, a group of extremists would be nothing but a nuisance to the nobles who were just here to study magic.
Besides, it would be troublesome if the Liz faction and the Alicia faction were to get into a full-scale conflict involving many people.
Duke may be from the Alicia faction, but he was still a prince of the Duelkis Kingdom. He would want to keep things quiet here without endangering too many students....
Liz Cather’s feelings were set, but the hearts of her followers were disturbed.
“Speaking of which, what about Alan?”
“I made sure he returned home.”
Mel proudly pointed a peace sign at me.
“So, does he still have feelings for Liz Cather?”
“Well, I don’t think so because I heard that Liz went to the Williams’ house after that.”
“What for?”
I was at Duke’s house yesterday and had no idea that Liz Cather had gone to the Williams’.
“I think she went to apologize.”
Duke answered on Mel’s behalf.
There were many reasons for Liz Cather to apologize to Alicia’s family. But Alicia wouldn’t want that.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 『霧の粛清』かと少し後
### ENGLISH: Shortly after a month following the “Purge of the Mist”.
“That was tough.”
“(It was such a hard time.)”
The three of us, me, Mugi, and Izumi, recollected the nightmare that had transpired just a few hours earlier with a faraway vision.
“Who would have imagined that right after we set sail, a swarm of water spirits and fish-type demons would descend upon us.”
“Just when we thought we would have a breather, a giant squid made its appearance.”
“(The ship went sinking and Ichiko nee-chan used her skill to run on the sea, you know.)”
To be more accurate, I did not run on the sea, but simply activated ≪Short-range Teleportation≫ consecutively while carrying the two of them. If we had not reached near the continental side, it would have been hopeless to make it because I would have exhausted my MP and SP. In any case, the giant squid had been pursuing us all the way to the continent, and we arrived just before sunset.
Incidentally, there was no other crew on board, since we had taken a ship out of service and sailed on it.
And the fact that we crossed the ocean means that,
“Well, at any rate, we’ve arrived.”
“Yeah. We’re actually here.”
“(It’s my first time out of the country!)”
We have arrived on the largest continent on the planet!
Let’s discuss the next step with the two of them now that everyone has had a significant emotional experience.
“So, what shall we do now?”
“(I will follow Ichiko nee-chan’s lead.)”
“I figured you had a plan, so I didn’t think about it...”
Apparently, all three of us came without a plan.
If that was the case...
“Well, how about hunting demons discreetly while moving from place to place to broaden our horizons? Perhaps we could even serve as bodyguards in the human settlements.”
“If my memory serves me right, this region is the sort of country perfectly dominated by the Demon King, so I suppose we’ll have to wander about for the time being.”
“(I’m looking forward to itー)”
With this, the three of us have made our decision to head towards the human habitation while concealing ourselves from public view from the shore, our landing spot.
“By the way, can anyone speak the local language of this place?”
...Anyway, let’s hope that a skill like ≪Translation≫ will show up early for us.
On the same day, at the Northern Liberation Frontier Base (at the end of the tunnel).
“I’m sorry, but you’ll have to proceed on your own from here on out. We will stay here for a while to build up our strength.”
“I understand. Unlike us Kirijin, you humans have to establish logistics, plus the risk level will rise.”
At the temporary command center erected at the end of the tunnel that connected the northern region to the mainland, Otachi Mamoru and I were conferring face to face.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: アキューム湖でミズキから魔法に関する初歩的な知識を教えてもらった翌日。
### ENGLISH: On the subsequent day after receiving a rudimentary knowledge of magic from Mizuki at Lake Accumulate, Pumpkin had finished his morning training and was beginning to do research, as usual.
Picking up grass that was as similar in color to his own magic as possible, he then danced around holding it in one hand and channeling his magic into the grass while shifting the color of the magic.
Needless to say, while being conscious of changing the color, he would also think of something to occur.
This will substantially improve the efficiency of the refining process, and there would be some sort of response if there were any breakthroughs. From what Mizuki said, it seemed that magic can be easily influenced by the will of the user.
“Fu, ho, yes, yes.”
Furthermore, a variety of dance patterns will be tested since it could be essential for the dance to be performed in a specific sequence or at a specific interval.
What? If I have time to do this, why don’t I focus on chanting, tools, apprenticeship to a sorcerer, or something like that?
It was highly likely that chanting and tools were prevalent in fantasy and that only extremely distinct and unique tools would be useful for him, so researching them from scratch would take a long time and would never be finished.
As for apprenticeship, Pumpkin had given up on that from the very beginning, figuring it would be impossible unless he found a sorcerer who was so eccentric that they were willing to take him on as an apprentice.
He was a pumpkin after all.
And for a split second, there seemed to be some kind of reaction to the leaf in his hand.
The reaction was so subtle that even if someone asked about the specifics, it would be difficult to say.
“I think I’ll take this as a starting point for now.”
But he was sure that something had happened, so he tested as many dancing patterns as he could think of, one after another, starting from the place where there had been a reaction.
“Fuu, hah, there I go...! Oh!”
A few hours later, as he continued to dance with occasional rehydration, the grass began to glow in his hand.
That glow was distinctly different from just pouring his spirit into it or [Overburst].
“Hmm? Ah...”
However, the intensity of the light gradually faded in front of him as he was impressed. Apparently, something was still a little off.
“But I’m almost there. Just a little more and something will happen...?”
But he was sure that he felt that he had grasped something, so he endeavored to perform the steps to make the grass shine again before he forgot that feeling... Yet before he could do so, he thought he heard the bushes surrounding the base shaking, so he turned in the direction from which the sound must have originated.
A huge, camouflaged bear of mixed green and brown was there. Given the precision of its claws and the width of its arms, the red magic force that escaped from its hands would undoubtedly be strong enough to snap a small piece of wood.
And that bear was staring at him.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 「ここは俺の地元だぞ。というか、王国の法律的にも俺の土地だ。そこに勝手に入り込んで廃屋に何か運び込んでいるとなれば、気になって当然だろう?」
「ここで間違いないのか? 廃村と聞いていたのじゃが」
「なぜ止める必要がある? そこに用があってきたんだぞ」
### ENGLISH: “This place is my home area. Or rather, the kingdom has legally given me this land. If someone started sneaking around and brought things into a deserted house, it was natural for me to get curious about it, right?”
“S-So that’s how it was...?”
I was surprised about the fact that he was the landlord, but the fact that he was able to grasp my movements from such a distance shocked me even more. This guy was really a big mystery.
“Anyway, I know that place too. I can take you there with my Portal Gate.”
“That would be nice. And while you are at it, can you help me carry the materials?”
“...You sure like pushing me around. Well, fine, I don’t mind that much.”
Aste invoked his magic. It was different magic compared to the one he used to take us here. It was similarly shaped to the one Maxwell used all the time. Of course, Maxwell didn’t overlook that.
“It seems that you are using a different spell compared to before, why is that?”
“Well, the other one I used was for jumping to corresponding magic circles. I haven’t made one in this guy’s base.”
“Ah, I see.”
Don’t make such a thing in my secret base... Is what I wanted to say, but I was the idiot for having my base discovered. If anyone aside from Aste discovered it, they could’ve taken everything I had there.
Next time, let’s look for a harder-to-find place.
Maxwell jumped right into the magic circle. He was already familiar with it so he didn’t show a particular interest. Following after him, my surroundings momentarily changed to the forest scenery.
It was the same old scenery where I had built my hideout.
“Ahh... This brings back memories.”
“Is this the correct place? I heard there was a ghost town here.”
“It is. Look, you can see the roof over there, right?”
The place I pointed at had a strange building with only its roof visible from the ground.
“There was apparently a village here about years ago which got swallowed by the avalanche of earth and rocks after the eruption. The majority of the houses got buried underground, but a rare few remained with visible rooftops. I used one of them as a hideout.”
Maxwell started walking towards it while brushing his long beard. After a few steps, he stopped and turned around.
“Are you not going to stop me?”
“Why should I? We came here because we had business there.”
“No, I mean, there must be traps and such set up inside.”
“If I set traps in this kind of ruins, it would instead be a dead giveaway that there’s something of importance hidden here.”
“...Hmm. Is that so?”
I passed by Maxwell and approached the rooftop. As the first floor was completely submerged underground, the only way to get inside was through the attic. After a while, Aste also joined us, so I invited both of them inside my hideout.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: そこで提案したのが
### ENGLISH: Somehow, bows in this world jump in rank from ordinary wooden bows to magic bows. No, there are also short bows and longbows, but... If elves existed in this world, there would have been many kinds of bows.
So, I proposed something called a composite bow. In my past life, I suppose it would have been common to create it after placing a wooden board between boards made of long and thin processed animal bones, tendons, metal, or that kind of thing.
Unlike normal bows, its range and destructive power are superior. However, such bows are more difficult to pull and more care is needed in storing them.
More importantly, I’m also curious about what kind of composite bow can be created using the material from the demonic beasts. Drawing the bows would probably be extremely difficult, but I think it would also be quite powerful.
The research about the best materials to create the bow is left to the creativity of the bow maker, though. Fortunately with the Duke’s influence, we were able to collect many materials.
If they succeed in creating the composite bow, maybe they will be able to make the next item... probably. I’ve given the rough drawing to the craftsmans so it should be fine... though I
“Did the craftsmen also struggle in creating the sphere?”
“They said they are having difficulty in striking the perfect balance.”
“Well, they’ve probably never made anything like that before.”
The equipment worn by the people of this kingdom will slowly become equal or even superior to what I’m currently wearing. But for now, the nobles are demanding the people in charge of buying the equipment, including the Commerce Guild and the Bierstedt Company, to sell the ancient equipment to their house first.
However, only purchasing the ancient equipment obtained from outside the capital might lead to a loss of business for the workshop that’s been making equipment in the capital. Therefore, I had those workshops sell old armours at a low price and have them melted down and made into something else – a metal sphere.
At present, two types of metal spheres are being made: one with the size of a golf ball and the other with the size of a baseball.
The size of the sphere must be consistent, and the sphere must be something that won’t break easily. Otherwise, I won’t be able to use them. I know that I’m being too perfectionist in my order but I hope it will be done in time.
Well, as a side effect, the craftsmen that are stressed because they kept doing work they are not used to have begun to frequent the public bathhouses near the craftsman district, probably to relax.
bathhouse must have been busy taking care of their new customers and to find a source of water because of the water shortage so they won’t have any time to bother the orphanage. Technically, I didn’t interfere.
“The Iron Hammer has returned safely?”
I’m glad. If not for the current circumstances, I really want to meet them immediately. If they are present in the capital when I get the chance to return to the capital, I will ask them for more details... That was my plan but I frowned when I read the report.
“Fressen, what’s this all about?”</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: イベント当日、いつも通り俺はゲームにログインしていた。
◆ ◆ ◆
### ENGLISH: On the day of the event, I logged into the game as usual.
Just like the announcement, it would start at AM.
This wasn’t the best time for the majority of working adults, but this event wasn’t about speed or competing with others.
If anything, it might be easier to work your way through it once more information had come out.
Of course, I meant to be one of the first, and walk down the path of thorns.
“That being said, the location of the final battle, the Serpent Palace, is the same as the first town... But I wonder where they will make the stage, since the buildings are so close together?”
This question was answered as soon as the event started.
A giant disk had appeared in the sky above the town.
And the twelve constellations were depicted on its base.
While I couldn’t see the top part of the disk from where I was standing, my guess was that it would look like something from ancient Greece.
So that’s the Serpent Palace.
A place that was modeled after the Ophiuchus constellation.
In order to go there, you had to overcome the trials and collect all of the medals.
There were medals in all.
Of course, there were also labyrinths where the trials took place.
So, which one should I start with?
The places that were the closest to this town would likely be crowded.
I instinctively wanted to avoid places with a lot of players.
That being said, traveling far away would be troublesome.
I wanted to dive into the event as soon as possible.
It was because my curiosity and motivation were so high that I wanted to choose a labyrinth that was close and yet still wasn’t crowded.
What about the Cancer Labyrinth that was located near the sea?
As I could fast travel to the port town, it was close enough for me.
But...for some reason, I had the feeling that it was the place a lot of players would choose as a warmup.
There was something about it that seemed weak.
So what were my other options...
Alright, I decided!
“The Aquarius Labyrinth it is.”
It was on the Sacred Mountain Kikuri, which was just barely in the map for the surrounding area of the first town.
The fact that it wasn’t based on something living was interesting to me. But I doubted it would be the first choice for many people.
Of course, this was all just a guess.
“It looks like the other players have decided on which Labyrinth they will go to as well.”
I started to see other players walking out of the town or opening up their maps and fast traveling.
While this event would be long, and we weren’t fighting other players, I couldn’t help but feel impatient.
And so I ran as I left the first town behind me.
◆ ◆ ◆
Sacred Mountain Kikuri, where the Aquarius Labyrinth was located...was very crowded.
Well, it was probably like this everywhere, since the event had just started.
However, it was a lot of excitement for a weekday morning.
But these days, there are many different ways to work. So it wasn’t as if everyone worked from the morning, even on a weekday.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: 中は広大な空間に住み心地の良さそうな住居があったというのだ。そのあと、危険がないことを確認して、ベッドルームを確認したユエは、ハジメを背負ってベッドに寝かせ看病していたのだという。神結晶から最近めっきり量が少なくなった神水を抽出し、ハジメに飲ませ続けた。
ハジメが気になっていたことを聞く。リアル朝チュンは勘弁だった。別にユエが嫌いという訳ではないのだが......ほら、心の準備とかね? と誰にともなく内心ブツブツ呟くハジメ。
「それで、どうしてユエが隣で寝てたんだ? しかも......裸で......」
「まて、何だその笑いは! 何かしたのか! っていうか舌なめずりするな!」
「? ......サイズ合わない」
### ENGLISH: Inside was a vast space with a good looking house in the center. She confirmed it wasn’t dangerous, and after searching for a while, she found a bedroom where she took the unconscious Hajime to. Recently, the God’s Crystal extract was decreasing considerably, but Hajime had kept drinking the sacred water.
The sacred water finally beat out the toxins, and it was able to display its usual restorative prowess.
“...I see, you took care of me. Thanks, Yue.”
When Hajime conveyed his words of thanks, Yue’s eyes brightened up with joy from the bottom of her heart. She was expressionless, but her eyes said it all.
“By the way...why am I naked?”
He was curious. There was still the surprise he wanted to rid himself of.Hajime didn’t dislike Yue...he just wanted to prepare his heart. Inwardly, he just muttered to himself.
“...You were dirty... so I cleaned you...”
“...Why... why did you lick your lips?”
Yue had a bewitching smile, like when she sucked his blood, and licked her lips. For some reason his body shivered.
“Why was Yue sleeping next to me? And also naked...”
“Wait, what are you laughing at? Did you do something? Don’t lick your lips!”
While Hajime was questioning her intensely, Yue did not answer and just stared at Hajime with a voluptuous look.
Hajime questioned her for a while, but she had a happy expression as she stayed silent. He decided to give up on the questioning and explore the abode. Yue handed him some high-quality clothes she found. It was men’s clothing, and most likely belonged to the traitor. Hajime confirmed his good health, then dressed himself with the clothes and prepared his equipment. There might be some traps or tricks, so he prepared himself just in case.
When his preparation was also complete, he looked back and found Yue dressed. Yue was...
...she was in a one piece cutter shirt.
“Yue... just what are you aiming for?”
“?... This size doesn’t fit.”
Oh, a men’s size would surely not fit Yue’s petite cm height. However, her appropriately sized breasts and pure white legs were on display. Her image was so sensational, contrary to her childish appearance, because of the way Yue held herself and acted. Hajime was troubled on where to keep his eyes.
He wasn’t sure if she was aiming for that or if it just came natural. Hajime just knew she was terrifying in a variety of ways.
“...If it’s natural, then it’s quite frightening...”
Leaving the bedroom, he was amazed at the sights around him.</s> |
Translate this from Japanese to English:
### JAPANESE: エヒトルジュエの皮肉を含んだ嗤い声が響く中、両端に鉱石が付けられたワイヤーが虚空を飛翔する。
### ENGLISH: Amidst the reverberation of Ehitorujue’s laugh that was filled with irony, a wire with ores attached at both its ends soared through empty air.
The wire entangled around the approaching stone dragon and lightning dragon midair in many layers. Right after that, a fierce ripple spread from the ores. It was the binding artifact ‘Bola’ that had been strengthened by really far.
Operating together with the ores, the wire part that was also a developed model was fixed directly to the space, so the half magic half physical heavenly dragons were also firmly bounded in place.
The two heavenly dragons roared and rampaged violently to escape from the binding.
Hajime took out Schlagen AA once more and fixed his aim using his magic eye stone and pulled the trigger.
Spark traveled the barrel and Schlagen AA roared, the bullet then flew into the mouth of the lightning dragon and advanced forward without paying any heed to the lightning and destroyed the magic stone of the dragon.
At the same time, six bullets that were shot from Donner along the same trajectory gouged further the hole inside the stone dragon’s mouth that was hollowed by the concentrated fire of the Cross Velts. The bullets were instantly petrified and became brittle stone, but even so, the bullets advanced inside the stone dragon and the last bullet shot through the magic stone without getting petrified.
The last bullet was a bullet coated with sealing stone. Hajime only had a bit of it remained because he wasn’t frugal in using them for the weapons of Shia and others or his large shield, this bullet coated with sealing stone was something that he needed to think carefully before using.
Hajime splendidly defeated two heavenly dragons, but because of that his feet stopped moving. The compensation for that was large.
“Like that ‘the arrived’ including me arrived in this world. At that time we were surprised. After all, this world was so primitive that it shouldn’t even be compared with our world. Mighty creatures with special power were running rampant, while mankind was hiding in shadow like cave or hole in the ground while living barely scraping by.”
Ehitorujue had a distant look in reminiscence while waving his hand.
Immediately Hajime’s legs were fixed in a place altogether with the space. Even though he was concentrating on his story but he perfectly grasped the instant Hajime’s feet stopped, a compressed space in block shape that was the same like the fixed space which captured Metsurai Disaster completely seized Hajime.
(No good-)
Unease showed in Hajime’s expression. He immediately converted his magic power into impact to attempt to break the fixed space.
But, the opponent wasn’t that sweet to let such opening escaped.</s> |
Subsets and Splits