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Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Science of the Total Environment journalhomepage : The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems – The
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
environmental credentials Ximena Schmidt Rivera a,⁎ , Billy Rodgers b, Temitayo Odanye b, Francisca Jalil-Vega c,d,e, Jack Farmer b a Equitable Development and Resilience Research Group (EDR), Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel Universi
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ty London, UB8 3PH Uxbridge, UK b LettUs Grow Ltd., Bristol, UK c Electrical Energy Management Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, BS8 1UB Bristol, UK d Center for Energy Transition (CENTRA), Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile e Institut
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
o Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI), Santiago, Chile H I G H L I G H T S G R A P H I C A L A B S T R A C T (cid:129) Energy title is critical to reduce most of the environmental impacts of aeroponics. (cid:129) Aeroponic container farm system generates 1.52 kg CO2eq./kg peashoot using 20
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
21 UK grid. (cid:129) Solar & wind power lowers GHG emissions of aeroponic container farms by up to 80 %. (cid:129) Renewable-powered aeroponic show lower GHG than salads imported from most of Europe. (cid:129) Aeroponic container farms show competitive performance against conventional metho
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ds. A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Editor: Jacopo Bacenetti Keywords: Vertical farming Controlled environment agriculture Life cycle assessment (LCA) Climate change Food security Food supply chains Sustainable food production and consumption are key to face the current climate and envir
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
onmental crisis, hence innovation to produce food with lower impacts are taking more attention. Controlled environment agriculture, also known as vertical farming, is seen as one innovative approach to reduce impacts of producing food while also improving food security. Aeroponic is one of such in
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
novations, which environmental impacts have not been well understood yet. Therefore, this study assesses the environmental impacts of aeroponic farm container system in the UK, including a full set of 19 indicators. The results show that energy requirements drive all the impacts, with climate change
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
estimated at 1.52 kg CO2eq. per 1 kg of microgreens (pea shoots) using 2021 UK grid. Renewable powered systems improve almost all the impacts, with climate change reduced by up to 80 %, making this system competitive with conventional agricultural systems. This study proves that aeroponic farm co
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ntainer could offer lower impact food than equivalent imported to the UK, and that also could improve food security in terms of availability, stability, and access to food. Affordability issues need to be assessed in future work. 1. Introduction Food production and consumption are affecting both t
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
he population and the planet's health (Foley et al., 2011). Over a third of the global green⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Schmidt Rivera). house gas (GHG) emissions are emitted by the food system (Tubiello et al., 2021) while malnutrition is one of the
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
main titles of mortality in the world (WHO, 2021). The increasing threat of climate change will likely carry-on affecting agriculture and farming, hence endangering food security. Furthermore, rising sea level and frequent flooding will adversely impact communities, especially those already livi
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ng in precarious conditions (Oppenheimer et al., 2019). Additionally, malnutrition due to lack of access Received 1 August 2022; Received in revised form 14 November 2022; Accepted 18 November 2022 Available online 23 November 2022 0048-9697/© 2022
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 and availability of affordable and culturally relevant nutritious food could l
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ead to higher consumption of cheap low quality processed food (Silva et al., 2021; Yin et al., 2020), putting pressure on the health system with non-communicable diseases requiring expensive and regular health treatments (Willett et al., 2019). Sustainable food production and consumption are bein
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
g actively considered as adaptation and mitigation strategies for reducing and managing climate change, and for reducing pressure on the environment and society's infrastructure (e.g., health system, food system, etc.) (Clark et al., 2019). The challenges across these sectors are vast, including h
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
igh migration from rural to urban areas, lack of workers for carrying farming and agriculture activities, provision of affordable and nutritious food in urban areas for growing population, and more recently the lack of fast response to shock and disruptions in international food supply chains due
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
to COVID-19 and economic and political instability in the region, increasing the amount of people experiencing food insecurity and creating anxiety across the whole population (e.g., stock piling) (Hobbs, 2020). Therefore, the role of local food production remains key, with an increasing interest o
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
n the use and exploration of vertical farming methods to support resilience, availability, accessibility, and stability of fresh and nutritious food in urban areas. The rise in vertical farming projects is noticeable when analysing the market trends; since 2020 the global vertical farming market
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
has grown ∼55 %, from USD 5.5billion to USD 8.5 billion in 2022, expected to reach USD ∼20 billion in 2026 (STATISTA, 2020a). In relation to the market distribution, by market value, there is nearly an equal distribution within North America (USD 1375 million), Europe (USD 1353 million) and Asia-Pa
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
cific (USD 1254 million), with the rest of the world sharing the remaining USD 665.5 million (STATISTA, 2020b). Vertical farming growing methods include hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics; hydroponics is the most well-known method with a market value of USD 1.33 billion in 2020 (STATISTA, 2020c
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
). It is followed by aquaponics and aeroponics, which share the rest of the market, estimated at USD 1.91 billion (STATISTA, 2020c). Aeroponics and hydroponics are the technologies that are expected a larger growth between 2020 and 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ∼21 % and ∼20 %,
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
respectively (STATISTA, 2020d). The benefits of vertical farming or controlled environment agriculture to the resilience of our fresh produce supply are vast; the literature describes many advantages associated to these food production methods (Stiles and Wootton-Beard, 2017), from reducing land req
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
uirements to produce equivalent crops (Touliatos et al., 2016) avoiding losses of nutrients, to reducing waste and water use, and to better control pests and diseases, and reduce or avoid the dependency of imports and the impacts associated with it (Stiles and Wootton-Beard, 2017). It is therefore
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
imperative to understand these claims and estimate the potential environmental impacts of the mainstream use of vertical farming, particularly due to the current policy environment. For example, in the UK, the environmental impact performance of food grown in vertical farming could potentially cont
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ribute to the Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener (BEIS, 2021), while at the same time will help to support decision-making, especially in terms of procurement and local policies, that align with the National Food Strategy (DEFRA, 2022; Dimbleby, 2021) and the efforts toward accounting and repor
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ting scope 3 GHG emissions in the food and drink sector (WRAP, 2022). In relation to environmental impact assessment, most of the studies refer to hydroponics as the main and sometimes only technique for growing food indoors (Al-Chalabi, 2015; Fischetti, 2008). Hence, it is not surprising that when
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
investigating the environmental implications of vertical farming, most of the studies consist of assessment of hydroponic systems. For example, Al-Chalabi (2015) aimed to determine the “feasibility and plausibility” of hydroponics for food production in the UK. The author estimated and compared th
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
e carbon footprint of the food produced, in this case lettuce, by the hydroponic system with the conventional open-field option, and assessed the energy required and the feasibility of using renewable powered systems. The analysis was done by design and optimization models based on literature, whil
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
e the carbon footprint was done using pilot data and from direct interviews with hydroponic system owners. Similarly, Molin and Martin (2018) and Martin and Molin (2019) assessed the performance of hydroponic systems in Sweden following life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology using a cradle-to-ga
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
te approach; the authors assessed the energy consumption and carbon footprint (Molin and Martin, 2018) in addition to other four environmental indicators i.e., Acidification, Eutrophication, Human Toxicity and Abiotic Retitle Depletion of fossil fuels. This study builds the inventories using data
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
from a hydroponic company and compares its results with conventional food production methods. In the same region, De Geyter (2018) carried out a comparison between three systems for the vegetable (lettuce) market in Norway, namely vertical farming using hydroponic nutrient film technique, greenhouses
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
and food import from Mediterranean countries applying cradle to gate scope. The authors assessed six impacts including Global Warming Potential (GWP), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Marine Eutrophication (ME), Particulate Matter (PM), Terrestrial Acidification (TA) and retitle depletion water. In
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
North America, Wildeman (2020) compared the environmental impacts of a fictional vertical farming system (hydroponic Stacked Horizontal System) with conventional methods of producing lettuce in the US. The studies report different outcomes when comparing with conventional food grown systems. For
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
example, Al-Chalabi (2015) showed a variation of between 5 and 2 times larger carbon footprint than the conventional growing system for lettuce grown by a hydroponic system. The main reason of such large variation relies on the energy requirements, mainly electricity. Although solar powered syste
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ms were integrated, the amount of energy generated does not provide full independency for the UK energy mix, which although has increased the renewable generation, still relies on fossil fuels, especially by the time of this study. Molin and Martin (2018) first determined the yield of different produ
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ction systems, concluding that vertical farming has the highest (3.7), followed by greenhouse (2.7) and then open field (0.2) for herbs production. When assessing energy consumption, the vertical farming requires three times more energy than greenhouses, but when only heating is compared, the vertica
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
l farming requires ∼25 % less heat (Molin and Martin, 2018). Although the carbon footprint was not explicitly compared, the authors declared that the values are higher than those for conventional methods. However, in their latest publication, Martin and Molin (2019) suggested that their results are
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
competitive with those of urban farming and other hydroponic systems. Similarly, De Geyter, 2018 concluded that for most of the impact categories the vertical farming system has lower impacts than the greenhouses and even importing lettuces from Mediterranean countries; however, impacts related to w
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ater, such as water depletion and freshwater eutrophication, the greenhouse system performs the best. Opposite results are found by Wildeman (2020) who reported that vertical farming shows the largest impacts, with values over 10 times worst. Wildeman (2020) assumed that the different scopes and the
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
inclusion of infrastructure in their study are the main reason for such large difference. As far as the authors are aware, there are not studies assessing the environmental impacts of the production of food using any kind of aeroponic system. Hence, this study aims to fill this gap by estimating
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
for the first time the environmental impacts of an aeroponic container farm food production system in the UK. This research also seeks to determine the potential contribution of this urban food production method to reduce the climatic impacts of food production and distribution in urban areas and pro
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
inclusion of infrastructure in their study are the main reason for such large difference. As far as the authors are aware, there are not studies assessing the environmental impacts of the production of food using any kind of aeroponic system. Hence, this study aims to fill this gap by estimating
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
essment (LCA) methodology has been chosen to carry out the environmental assessment of this study, following the framework defined by the ISO 14040/44 guidelines (ISO, 2006a, 2006b), applying an attributional approach. This methodology has been widely used to assess 2 X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Sci
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ence of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 Fig. 1. Angled view of the layout within the shipping container. a). the growing area, b). the water system comprising a reservoir, filter, and nutrient dosing system (water chiller). the environmental impacts of a system, product, or service (Schmidt
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
Rivera et al., 2021). The following sections describe in detail the 4-steps of the LCA methodology, starting with the definition of the goal and scope in Section 2.1, followed by the life cycle inventory Section 2.2 and the impact assessment Section 2.2.3. The last step – interpretation of result
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
s – has a full section dedicated to it (Section 3). 2.1. Goal and scope The goal of this study is to estimate the environmental impacts of aeroponic container farm food production systems in the UK, as an urban food production method, and to compare them with conventional food production systems
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
(e.g., open fields and greenhouses) and other vertical farming options (e.g., hydroponic). A further goal is to estimate the potential contribution of aeroponic container farm to reduce the climatic impacts of food production and distribution in urban areas of the UK. The functional unit (FU) con
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
sists of ‘the production of 1 kg of pea shoots at farm gate’; this FU allows comparison between studies assessing different food production and distribution methods. The scope of the study is from cradle to farm gate, including the extraction and processing of the infrastructure materials, growing
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
inputs and energy, and the waste management of all inputs at their end of the life. To determine the contribution to reduce the impacts of food production and distribution in urban areas, different transportation methods and distances will be analysed for imported salads and herbs in the UK. A full
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
description of the system and the inventory is presented in Section 2.1.1. 2.1.1. Description of the system The hydroponic container farm system can be divided up into a growing space and a water system. The growing area consists of twelve modular stacks each made up of four aeroponic grow beds a
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nd LED lights arranged vertically. The beds are connected to the water system via piping. The total growing area of these twelve modules is equivalent to 48 m2. A HVAC system maintains the temperature and relative humidity of the growing area and air is distributed across the surface of the plants
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
with additional fans. In the water system, the water is stored in a reservoir and circulated throughout the system with pumps. The nutrient composition of the water is monitored by an automated dosing system. The water is also pumped through particulate and UV filters. The whole system is controll
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ed and automated by a farm computer (see Figs. 1 and 2). For the purpose of the study, the system has been divided in five life cycle stages namely pea shoot production, facilities, hardware, energy demand and waste management, as described in Fig. 3. These stages are used in the design and operatio
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
n of the system, and therefore to facilitate the integration of the outcomes of this study in the day-to-day activities, they have been used as life cycle stages too. The inventory provides a description of each stage and data used. 2.2. Inventory Data was collected in-situ and supported using eco
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nomic models and manuals, laboratory analysis and specific measurements. For developing inventories, a process flow diagram was produced detailing the method of growing pea shoots within an aeroponic container farm. Each life cycle Fig. 2. Lateral view of the layout within the shipping container. a).
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
the growing area, b). the water system comprising a reservoir, filter, and nutrient dosing system (water chiller). 3 X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 Waste management Recycling Incineration Landfilling Pea shoot production Soaking Sowing Growin
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
g Harvesting Facilities Container Floor drains HVAC Germination space Prep. Space Growth Chamber Composting Hardware Lights Reservoir Internal Water system Racking Growing beds External water network Energy demand P e a S h o o t Fig. 3. Life cycle stages of the aeroponic c
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ontainer system. stage was broken down into their main infrastructure and activities (Fig. 3), which then help identifying all components and processes; from this a database was then populated listing all materials and utilities required throughout the process. Manufacturers and distributors ma
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nuals and website were used to identify and quantify materials of each component, as well as operational aspects of the infrastructure (e.g., energy consumptions of pumps, etc.). Details of the inventory of each stage are presented below. (mats) and soaking and sowing the seeds; then the growing
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
phase includes the nutrient requirements and water, and finally harvesting. This stage also includes emissions to water from the disposition of exhausted water after the recirculation cycles. Ecoinvent 3.6 database (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) has been used for background information and in-situ measur
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ements were used for emissions. Table 1 details the inputs accounted for in this stage. 2.2.1. Pea shoot production 2.2.2. Facilities and hardware stages The pea shoot production stage consists of all the steps and inputs required to produce the pea shoots (salads); starting with preparing medium
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
Table 1 Inventory of the pea shot production stage, values per functional unit. Sub-system Components Quantities [kg or kWh] Transport Cargo [tkm] The facilities and hardware stages refer to the surrounding infrastructure and auxiliary equipment that enable the functioning of the aeroponic c
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ontainer farm. The hardware stage includes the lighting system, water network and the infrastructure to support the growing system such as racking and grow bed container, which include metal structures, plastic containers, pumps, and pipes, etc. The facilities refer to the infrastructure itself su
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ch as the container, the growth chamber, HVAC system and working spaces Soaking Sowing Growing Emissions to water Lorry Lorry Lorry Lorry Lorry Lorry Lorry Lorry 1.9E−01 5.20E−05 1.59E−04 1.92E−04 3.22E−05 1.73 3.04E−03 3.17E−05 6.20E−02 Pea seed Polyethylene Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styren
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
e copolymer, ABS Polypropylene Polyvinylchloride Water Polypropylene Recycled polypropylene Mat Recycled Wool Rich Fibresa – 5.54E−01 Water – Phosphoric acid, fertiliser grade 7.67E−04 – 5.37E−04 Ammonium nitrate – 1.84E−04 Monoammonium phosphate – 1.03E−03 Potassium hydroxide – 8.28E−04 Potassium
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nitrate – 5.72 Tap water −2.12E−01 – Wastewater treatment – 7.65E−07 Ammonium – 1.30E−06 Bicarbonate – 3.40E−08 Boron – 3.14E−05 Calcium – 5.95E−06 Chloride – 1.05E−08 Copper – 1.66E−07 Iron – 7.65E−06 Magnesium – 5.10E−08 Manganese – 4.43E−09 Molybdenum – 7.12E−05 Nitrate – 2.00E−05 Phosphorus – 1
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
.17E−05 Potassium – 1.70E−07 Silicon – 5.31E−06 Sodium 1.08E−05 – Sulphide – 5.10E−08 Zinc, ion 1.98E−02 5.20E−06 1.75E−04 2.02E−04 2.25E−05 3.04E−03 3.17E−05 6.20E−03 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – a LCIA data was provided from manufacturer, only carbon footprint was account
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ed for. Table 2 Inventory of hardware and facilities stages by functional unit. System Sub-system Parts/components Quantities [kg kWh] Transport Cargo [tkm] LED lights Aluminium A4 steel Steel ABS Copper Steel PP PVC Steel ABS PVC Stainless Aluminium MDPE Steel Steel PIR 5.84E−04 Shippin
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
g 2.13E−04 Lorry 9.05E−06 Shipping 1.03E−03 Lorry 6.82E−04 Lorry 4.43E−04 Shipping 1.81E−05 Shipping 1.14E−03 Lorry 3.27E−04 Shipping 1.20E−02 2.13E−05 1.86E−04 1.76E−03 4.29E−04 9.08E−03 3.71E−04 1.25E−03 2.29E−04 3.22E−06 Shipping 3.32E−04 Shipping 8.77E−05 Lorry 6.60E−05 6.81E−03 6.14E−05 5.9
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
9E−05 Shipping 6.09E−05 Lorry 1.59E−03 Lorry 2.77E−04 Lorry 4.49E−03 L0rry 2.13E−03 Lorry Steel Steel PVC Galvanised steel Aluminium Steel Copper Titanium steel Aluminium 4.67E−05 Lorry 9.22E−07 Lorry 2.59E−06 Lorry 9.81E−05 Lorry 3.69E−06 Lorry 8.01E−04 Lorry 2.77E−06 Lorry 1.94E−05 Lorry 2.49E−0
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
4 Lorry 1.23E−03 6.70E−05 1.59E−04 4.15E−04 9.21E−02 2.13E−04 4.67E−06 9.22E−08 2.59E−07 1.26E−04 6.27E−06 1.23E−03 4.15E−06 2.91E−05 6.98E−04 Hardware Lights Racking Grow bed Internal water network External water network Reservoirs Container Growth chamber In floor drains HVAC system Prep
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
space Germination space Facilities 4 X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 to carry out different activities, such as germination. This stage mainly accounts for metal structures and auxiliary materials. The inventory was built using information from exi
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
sting farms, while the background information for all inputs was titled from Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019). Table 2 details the inventory of these stages. 2.2.3. Energy demand The energy demand refers to the energy requirements to operate the system. As seen in Table 3, this includes
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
the energy required by the bed controllers, environment, facilities, fertigation, irrigation, lighting, operations, and soaking equipment. The UK electricity mix was titled from Ecoinvent 3.6 database (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019). A thorough discussion of decarbonization pathways as well as the im
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
plication of Green Tariffs are presented in Section 3.2.1. 2.2.4. Waste management The waste management stage includes the common practices of end-oflife retitle management of the UK, incineration, and landfilling (DEFRA, 2021), which complements the recycling practices for the different materia
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ls (e.g., metals and plastics). In this study, landfilling of metals, and incineration and landfilling of plastics are assumed for the shares not recycled. The mats, with the leftover salad roots and seeds, are the only composting waste in the system. The wastewater treatment is also included. Backgro
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
und information was titled from Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019). Table 4 shows the details of recycling rates of each material considered in this study. 2.2.5. Assumptions The critical assumption in vertical farming production methods is that there are no emissions coming from the nutrie
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nts used. All the reviewed studies state that vertical farming systems do not emit emissions. In this study, we have also assumed that there are no direct emissions to air from the oxidation of the nitrogen-based nutrients, due to lack of studies to model this and retitles to measure this otherwi
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
se. However, emissions to water were possible to measure, hence they are accounted for based on water sampling of the system; details of the emissions are displayed in Table 1. 2.2.6. Scenarios Scenario analysis will aid understanding of potential improvements in both the aeroponic container farm
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
system and broader food system; these scenarios were informed by hotspot analysis and by the company (e.g., to test suppliers). The scenarios include different energy titles, solar and wind energy, and plant-based growing mats, which includes cotton, jute and kenaf. Table 5 summarises the scenarios
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
considered, and data used. 2.3. Life cycle impacts assessment This study uses GaBi ThinkStep software (Thinkstep, 2019) to model the system while the environmental impacts are estimated using ReCiPe impact assessment method (Huijbregts et al., 2017). This method has been selected because it is wi
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
dely used across LCA practitioners and published studies, which enables direct comparison for validation, and due to provides a Table 3 Energy demand of the aeroponic container farm. Activity Bed controllers Environment Facilities Fertigation Irrigation Lighting Operations Soaking Total kWh/f.u.
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
0.63 1.06 0.12 0.04 1.25 1.69 0.11 0.001 4.9 Share 13 % 22 % 2 % 1 % 26 % 34 % 2 % 0.01 % 100 % 5 Table 4 Waste management practices per materials. Materials Steel Aluminium Copper Plastics Concrete Recycling rate Reference 96 % 95 % 70 % 32 % 91 % (2022) ALFED (202
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
0) Copper Alliance (2019) BPF (2020) MPA (2020) comprehensive set of indicators. Primary energy demand (PED) has been also included to complement the study (Thinkstep, 2019). A full set of impacts are considered and assessed by groups, namely ‘common impacts’, ‘toxicity related impacts’ and ‘reso
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
urce related impacts’. Common impacts include Climate change (CC), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Marine Eutrophication (ME), Photochemical Ozone Formation, Ecosystems (POFe) and Human Health (POFh), Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (OD), Terrestrial Acidification (TA). The toxicity related impac
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
ts include Freshwater ecotoxicity (FEC), Human toxicity related to cancer (HTc) and non-cancer (HTnc), Marine ecotoxicity (MEC), Terrestrial ecotoxicity (TEC). Finally, the retitle related impacts are Primary energy demand (PED), Fossil depletion (FD), Land use (LU), Metal depletion (MD), and F
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
reshwater Consumption (FWC). 3. Interpretation of results The results section first presents overall environmental impacts including the whole life cycle stages in Section 3.1, to then assess the contribution by stage in Section 3.2. The assessment of different scenarios will be shown in Section
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
3.3 and the validation of the results in Section 3.4. Finally, the contribution of aeroponic container systems to improving sustainability of local food systems is assessed in Section 3.5. 3.1. Environmental impacts The environmental impacts of producing 1 kg of pea shoot using aeroponics containe
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
r system will be discussed first for the common impacts in Section 3.1.1 including climate change, to then assess the toxicity related impacts in Section 3.1.2 and finally the retitle related impacts in Section 3.1.3. 3.1.1. Common impacts Fig. 4 shows the environmental impacts of aeroponic contain
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
er farm production system. Climate change (CC) is estimated at 2.29 kg CO2eq. per 1 kg of pea shoot (fu). The energy requirements of the system to operate, in this case supplied by the electricity from the UK grid, are the main contributor to CC (82 %). TA is calculated at 6.74 g SO2eq./fu with th
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
e energy demand being the main contributor too (67 %). Similarly, the energy Table 5 Scenario description. Scenarios Data title Solar energya Wind energy Cotton GB: electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, multi-Si, panel, mounted GB: electricity production, p
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
hotovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, single-Si, panel, mounted GB: electricity production, wind, <1 MW turbine, onshore GLO: market for textile, cotton Jute Kenaf Manufacturing of mats made of recycled and virgin Jute GLO: market for textile, kenaf a Equal share of technology has been co
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 161
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 162
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 163
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 164
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
nsidered. Reference Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) Information provided by manufacturers Ecoinvent 3.6 (Moreno Ruiz et al., 2019) X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 165
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 demand is the main contributor (>60 %) for most of the impacts, namely PMF, estimated at 2.55 g PM2.5 eq./fu, and POFe and POFh calculated at 4.72 and 4.66 g NOx eq./fu, respectively. FE is 0.868 g P eq./fu, with energy
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer

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