5 values
6 values
6 values
. It is then important to determine parameters to aid decision making toward when aeroponic container systems will have a preferable advantage. Fig. 9 helps to determine the breaking point when aeroponic container system will offer a competitive advantage from imported food. It is clear that aero
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ponic container system will be better than any imported food with similar or greater carbon intensity than the aeroponic container system itself, estimated at 2.29 kg CO2 eq./kg of pea shoot. So, when using the lowest food impact value, “low lettuce”, for the three modes of transport options (air fr
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eight, lorry with refrigerants R134a and RCO2), the aeroponic container system will be equal or better with the following distance: 2863 km in the case of air freight, 4458 km in the case of using lorry with R134a as refrigerant and 4747 km for lorries with CO2 as refrigerant. The solar-powered ae
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roponic container system nearly halves the X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 3.88 2.83 2.80 2.63 1.57 1.40 1.32 ] D O O F G K / . Q E 2 O C G K [ E G N A H C E T A M L C I 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.70 0.70 0.66 Spain
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Air freight Lettuce low Kenya Jordan Lorry R134a This study 2021 grid Lorry RCO2 This study Solar This study This study Wind Mexico Lettuce high a) Comparison of impacts of aeroponic production method against the impacts of transportation from different importing locations ] d o o f g k /
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Spain Jordan Air freight low lettuce Lorry R134a high lettuce This study Solar Lorry R134a low lettuce Lorry RCO2 high lettuce This study Wind Lorry RCO2 lo
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w lettuce This study Air freight high lettuce This study 2021 grid b) Comparison of impacts of aeroponic production method against the impacts of production and transportation from imports Fig. 8. Comparison of climate change impact between aeroponic container system and the transportation and p
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roduction of food in example locations; two different refrigerant systems are used for comparison in the case of lorries. distances as seen in Table 8, while for the wind-powered aeroponic container system the distances get constraint to almost national level only (<658 km). To contextualise the
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findings, the following maps (Fig. 10a–c) exhibit the critical distances – using London as a starting point – for which aeroponic container system powered by 2021 UK power grid, solar power, and wind power, are better than importing food, respectively. The figures show the service areas of R134a and
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RCO2 refrigerated lorries travelling along roads, and a buffer area for air freight. For example, Fig. 10a shows importing food from the whole of Europe, some places in the middle east, and Northern Africa (specifically Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya), has less impacts than using 2021 UK grid
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-powered aeroponic containers. This is valid for road (both refrigerated lorry types) and air freight. On the other hand, Fig. 10b shows that it is better to use solar-powered aeroponic containers than to import foods (in this case salads) from North Africa, and some places in East Europe and the
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
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Balkans, for all transport modes. Finally, Fig. 10c shows that if wind-powered aeroponic containers are used, producing in this way is better than importing food from almost any part in Europe, except for the North of France, Belgium, Netherlands, and a small part of West Germany (for all transport
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modes). These findings provide key examples when understanding the opportunities of urban farming methods, especially for delicate and short-lived crops such as salads and herbs, which are the target crop for such container farms. The authors however anticipate that the methodology evidenced for
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vertical farm LCA in this paper will be replicable to bigger vertical farms, which are currently growing larger crops ranging from strawberries, to tomatoes, to tree seedlings and mushrooms. More needs to be done to quantify the impacts of this nascent industry within all the above crops, especia
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lly as vertical farming is expanding so rapidly. Good environmental practice must be established early to ensure the sector provides net positive contributions to the climate crisis and regional food security, rather than a net negative. 4. Conclusions This research has evaluated for the first
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time the environmental impacts of an aeroponic container farm system through the assessment of 19 environmental impact categories. Among other categories, for example, it was estimated that the production of 1 kg of pea shoot accounts for 1.52 kg CO2eq. when using electricity from the 2021 UK ener
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gy grid. The analysis also shows that the energy required by the system, and the title of this energy, are the main contributors to almost all the impact categories assessed. Therefore, the selection of the energy title is critical to improve the environmental performance of food grown in aerop
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onics. On this note, the study proves that the decarbonization of the UK energy grid 13 X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Air freight This study This study solar Refrigerated lorry R134a This study 2021 UK grid Refrigerated lorry RCO2 This study wind 10 ] d o o f f o g k / . q e 2 O C g k [ e g n a
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
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h C e t a m i l C 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 y = 0.0004x + 0.273 y = 0.0003x + 0.273 y = 0.0003x + 0.273 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Distance [km] 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420 methodology within the academic literature. Such qu
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antification is key if this young industry is to fulfil its stated promise to reduce the environmental impact of fresh produce, rather than increase it. This research provides evidence for policymakers and decision makers to understand the benefits and trade-offs of aeroponics when compared with impo
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rted foods, showcasing examples of when the aeroponic production system delivers foods with competitive (and sometimes better) environmental performance than similar imported products. The methodology can also be reapplied within different countries to evaluate the value of utilising an aeroponic
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production system for supplying fresh produce, representing a valuable tool for evaluating the impact of vertical farming projects before they are built. Additionally, this study provides information for aeroponic farming experts to look for improvement opportunities such as energy saving measures
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to reduce the impacts and costs of the systems. Another important aspect, and one of the limitations of this study, is the affordability issue of aeroponic grown foods, in particular in times of highenergy costs and potential energy shortages and blackouts. Future work will need to explore the e
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conomic and social sustainability aspects, to offer a more comprehensive assessment of this system. Finally, this study considers a monocropping system, only growing pea shoot, as at the time of the assessment this was the most studied crop. Future work will include a multi-grown approach including
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a diverse portfolio of crops grown in vertical farms of different scales. Fig. 9. Perspective of climate change of production of pea shoot by aeroponic container system against imported lettuce by different mode of transport. CRediT authorship contribution statement provides large opportunities t
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o reduce the impacts of the food grown by aeroponics (up 72 % reductions), and that the use of 100 % renewable titles such as solarand wind-power renders the system competitive with all the similar products imported in the UK, most of the hydroponic grown salads found in literature, and some of t
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he greenhouse and open field salads grown elsewhere. Furthermore, this research reveals that although the use of a ‘Green Tariff’, equivalent to zero GHG emission, would clearly reduce the impacts to climate change (by 83 %); there are currently several uncertainties about how to account for the gre
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en tariff's emissions and the reliability of these mechanisms. Direct access to renewable power is therefore suggested as a priority for users of such production systems. In relation to food security, the study demonstrates that aeroponic systems in urban areas have potential to contribute to local
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food security, by offering stability and resiliency of supply, availability, and all-year accessibility to nutritious and fresh foods which could reduce or avoid the dependency on imports, and that offers a competitive environmental performance. However, it is important to note that vertical fa
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rming is used for growing specific types of crops, mainly herbs and salads, with an average high of 40 cm (Kozai et al., 2016). Other crops that are being currently explored include berries, peppers and tomatoes, and flowers. Hence, vertical farming, in this case aeroponic, does not intend to repl
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
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ace conventional agriculture, but supplement the food systems with high-value crops (Kozai et al., 2016). This study supplies a valuable methodology for impact assessment of vertical farms (large and small), as the industry lacks an established Table 8 Critical distance to define the benefits provi
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ded by aeroponic container system using low lettuce values as reference and three transport modes. Distance [km] Air freight 4629 2894 397 1394 Refrigerated lorry R134a Refrigerated lorry RCO2 7208 4506 618 2171 7673 4798 658 2312 This study 2017 UK grid This study 2021 UK grid This study Wi
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nd This study solar 14 XSR: Funding acquisition; Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Software, WritingOriginal draft preparation, Review & Editing final draft, Project administration. BR: Conceptualization; Data collection, Visualization; review & editing, manuscript. TO: Data co
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llection; FJV: Visualization, Software, review & editing, manuscript. JF: Conceptualization; Data curator, Funding acquisition; Visualization; review & editing, manuscript. Funding This project was funded by UKRI Innovate UK through the program KTN SPARK Award “Environmental Assessment of Aeropo
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
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nic food production – benefits and drawback”. Data availability All the inventories and data use are displayed in the main document. Declaration of competing interest XSR reports financial support was provided by Innovate UK. JF, BR, TO report a relationship with LettUs Grow Ltd. that includes:
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
board membership, employment, and equity or stocks. FJV does not have any conflict of interest. Acknowledgement XSR was supported through Brunel University London internal Research England GCRF QR Fund. FJV was supported by EPSRC through Supergen Energy Networks Hub EP/S00078X/2, and from ANID th
The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
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rough grants FONDECYT N.11220388, ANID PIA/PUENTE AFB220003, ANID/ Millennium Scientific Initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation/ICN2021_023 (MIGA), and ANID/FONDAP/ 15110019 SERC-Chile. Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data to this article can be fo
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und online at https://doi. org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160420. X. Schmidt Rivera et al. Science of the Total Environment 860 (2023) 160420
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rming is used for growing specific types of crops, mainly herbs and salads, with an average high of 40 cm (Kozai et al., 2016). Other crops that are being currently explored include berries, peppers and tomatoes, and flowers. Hence, vertical farming, in this case aeroponic, does not intend to repl
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
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The role of aeroponic container farms in sustainable food systems
Ximena Schmidt Rivera, Billy Rodgers, Temitayo Odanye, Francisca Jalil-Vega, Jack Farmer
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Overview of the aeroponic agriculture -An emerging technology for global food security Article  in  International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering · January 202
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
0 DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20201301.5156 CITATIONS 36 7 authors, including: Imran Ali Lakhiar 34 PUBLICATIONS   709 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Farman Ali Chandio Jiangsu University 68 PUBLICATIONS   962 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE READS 9,821 Tabinda Naz Syed Nanjing Agricultural University 11
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
PUBLICATIONS   460 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Mazhar Hussain Tunio Sindh Agriculture University 27 PUBLICATIONS   195 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Special Issue "Strategizing Agricultural Management for Climate Cha
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
nge Adaptation and Mitigation" MDPI Agronomy (IF=3.417) View project Design and Optimization of High and Low Pressurizing Agricultural Instruments View project All content following this page was uploaded by Imran Ali Lakhiar on 03 March 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
file. January, 2020 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 13 No. 1 1 Overview of the aeroponic agriculture – An emerging technology for global food secu
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
rity Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao*, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi (School of Agricultural Equipment Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: Traditionally, crops are cultivated in soil-ba
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
sed open field systems. Seasonality, environmental degradation, urbanization, and food security issues have replaced open-field systems with modern plant production systems. Soilless culture is one of the modern plant production systems, which involves much higher use of av
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
ailable retitles. The presented study provides information about currently accessible soilless systems and discussed the aeroponic system. Compared to other soilless systems, aeroponic reduce water usage through continuous water circulation. However, the aeroponic is not entirely implem
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
ented among local farmers, and very few farmers have adopted the system due to the lack of research and technical information available in the literature. Therefore, this study was planned to provide information about the development and maintenance tasks required for pra
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
cticing the aeroponic system. This study could provide knowledge to the researchers, farmers, and those people interested in practicing the aeroponic system. Keywords: aeroponic, food security, hydroponic, soilless culture, substrate culture DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20201301.5156 Cita
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
tion: Lakhiar I A, Gao J M, Syed T N, Chandio F A, Tunio M H, Ahmad F, et al. Overview of the aeroponic agriculture – An emerging technology for global food security. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2020; 13(1): 1–10. 1 Introduction In the future, the world population will deal with
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
several difficulties, problems, and issues that can have adverse impacts on the overall future food production (FFP) and food security[1-3]. Studies reported that the challenges, problems, and issues are forecasted due to the continuous effects of unexpected climate ch
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
anges, increasing geographic extent of drylands, population growth, increasing urbanization, rising costs of agribusiness, soil depletion and degradation, water shortages, water pollution, overexploitation of groundwater, and reduced production practices[4-7]. A study
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
by Lam et al.[8] informed that the rapid increase in urbanization, industrialization, and modernization could have profound effects on FFP and food safety issues. Besides, peoples’ living style is rapidly changing from a lower standard to a higher standard, and they have star
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
ted to move from small towns to big cities. This rapid rise in urbanization and infrastructures can create several problems for the agriculture sector because peoples have started to convert their arable lands into commercial and residential areas. Xiao et al.[9] con
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
cluded that if we take China as an example, the rise of urbanization and infrastructure development in China is increased very fast compared to other countries of the world. However, the share of the urban population is increased Received date: 2019-05-20 Accepted date: 2019
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
-12-05 Biographies: Imran Ali Lakhiar, PhD candidate, research interests: fog tilling, Email: [email protected]; Tabinda Naz Syed, PhD candidate, research interests: aeropoics, Email: [email protected]; Farman Ali Chandio, Associate Professor, research int
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
erests: agricultural machinery, Email: [email protected]; Mazhar Hussain Tunio, PhD candidate, Lecturer, irrigation engineering, Email: mazharhussaintunio@ research; Fiaz Ahmad, Post-doctorate, research interests: agricultural michinery, Email:[email protected];
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
Kashif Ali Solangi, PhD candidate, research interests: soil salinity control, Email: [email protected]. *Corresponding author: Jianmin Gao, Professor, research interests: Soil and fog tilling, No.301 Xuefu road, Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu Province, China. Tel
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi
: +86-13655282069, Email: [email protected]. interests: that Moreover, from 21.1% to 58.5% over the period 1982–2017[10-13]. Lakhiar et al.[2] reported the global climate change urbanization, industrialization, and modernization becomes a critical influencing factor for FFP
Overview of the aeroponic agriculture: An emerging technology for global food security
Imran Ali Lakhiar, Jianmin Gao, Tabinda Naz Syed, Farman Ali Chandio, Mazhar Hussain Tunio, Fiaz Ahmad, Kashif Ali Solangi