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The Grant Progress Assessment program was established by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in 2005 with the purpose of ensuring that grantees were properly documenting their efforts and spending the funds they received according to congressional and NIJ guidelines. The program provided free assessments to grant recipients during the period from mid-2005 through 2011. The program was suspended in September 2011 due to budget constraints. The goals of the program were to 1) assist NIJ in its administrative oversight of forensic science awards; and 2) educate grantees on proper grant administration. Through the program, a trained assessor visited each grant site on a 2-year cycle. During the visit, the assessors reviewed the status of the laboratory’s grant and assessed the grantee’s use of Federal funds to increase the lab’s capabilities and capacities. The article discusses not only the findings from the early years of the program, but the lessons learned as well. Two sidebars in the article provide information on resources for managing laboratory grants, and a list of typical assessment findings.
The old established media outlets – newspapers, news mags, broadcast TV are much easier to control because the editors and owners are at the mercy of federal regulation and the pressure that can be exerted by the left and the administration on advertisers. Glenn Beck’s show on Fox was a good example of how the left and this administration will put pressure on advertisers to pull their dollars from a media outlet that reports on things the administration does not want reported on. To Beck’s credit, he told the money people to take a hike and started his own show on the Internet. It is the blogosphere that really makes this administration’s skin crawl. People such as yourself that go out and find the stories and report on them in an open and minimalist environment are not going to be able to be controlled through advertising dollars. Granted there will be people like Moulitsas and Huffington that will use the new media to shill for the Progressives, but many conservatives and libertarians are getting into the new media mainstream, and reporting on what is happening in an honest and open forum.
Taken together, the researchers say that the data challenge the one-dimensional stereotype of women as only passive and harmless. Facing up to the reality of the prevalence of female sex offences actually serves feminist goals, they argue, citing another scholar who wrote that to be fully recognised, women must be “heard in all possible forms, whether in compassion, in protest or in violence”. The results also challenge stereotypes about men, they added, such as that they have “an insatiable desire for sex”, and they challenge rape myths such as that it is impossible for “a big strong man to be raped by a woman” (which the majority of students endorsed as true in a recent survey).
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141 : ◆TLDPZPDjO6 : 2012/05/03(木) 20:41:50 ID:p4KmIiAs0 ,-‐彳/ \,ィ-、 r{ イ i´ /, '´ソ/´ ̄`ヽ、 r‐イ i i ノ 〃 ノ /´, '´ .`i /´ゞ、',ゞi i i〃// , ' '´ ,ィ=ニ三ミ /., r=ミ、ミ、ヽ ',i シ'´ ,ィラフヌ、'´⌒ヽ{ { i iミ:````゙゙ヾ〃'""""´ヾミi } 、. i i、 .} ', .|ミ:. ミi i { , ト`ヽ、j jノミ、:. ∪,,, .ミヌ ヽヾ、_,ィ'/ 目に塩でも擦りこみましたか? `ミ、_彡' ミYヾ、__,, (___,ィニ'"´,-レ´}ヽ-‐'´彡' , く_ニ彡'´片(匁))、__,仔匁メ〉)彡'´}リミニ=ニ彡'´ ヘ彡'.ハ〓ゝ=''イ| | トゝ=彳〓 .jノミ=-彡'´_, 視力に影響は無さそうですが .`ヽ、_彡入_.,=个‐i´)ヽ、___イト、ヾ、二彡'´ これを治すのは難しい ,>´/;;;;ヘ',、__`乏´ュ、_, } ,イ | `「"彳 ` ̄ ̄ ,>'´ i;;;;;;;;;|\ `-‐-ィ' i/::. j };;;;;;∨ .,>‐'´ i;;;;;;;;;ヘ ヘ、___/:::::::/,-、/;;;;;;;;∨ ./ i;;;;;;;;;;;{ | :::::::::::::::/ ./ /;;;;;;;;;;;;∨ /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : lヽ: : : : : : ::二二: :ヽ/ / ト、: : : : : : : :i: : ヽ: : : : :: ::| ヽ/ ̄"―┐: / / /\ ` 、: : |: : : ::ヽ: : : : :l // / /: : : \ ヽ|: : : : :/ヽ: : ::| /`/ / /: /ニ|: :\ |: : : : ト、ヽ: : l // / //::/三ニ|: :/ニ\ l: : : :| `ヽ::ヽ― '´ /ヽ こっちはこのままでいいさ /ヾ// |/三三}\l: : ::l ヽヽ /V ノ \/ヾ三三三三三ニ/ |ニ'、<l: : :ト、 个ー、 / レ'/ l\_三ヾ、__ |/ l川 \l:: :l \/ 、!, `ー' 厂 |三三 魯智深を命がけで三` ̄ ̄ \,, ィニ=::::::V、 r、_____, イ} ノ::: |三三 救った証の赤目だぜ!三ニ /ヾヽ三'/ :::::::::::::\ヽlヘ ヘ ノ イ::: | 三三三ヾー/ V/ :::::::::::::::\`ー―一'/::::: ,'三三三三ニ/ ', ::::::::::::::::`ー―‐'´:::::................ /三三三ニ/ ', :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /三/ l三 ヽ /三/ |ニ \ /三/ .l三
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the north bay ... and the weather warnings for tomorrow. brittneyyou're watching kron four news in prime time. sliding homes... flooded roads... and landslides as the bay area works to clean up after the last storm.... we are bracing for another round. and it is expected to hit hard. thank you for joining us i'm pam moore. and i'm steve aveson. tonight we are tracking the storm damage cleanup with a team of reporters. kron-4's hermela aregawi talked to one woman who used social media to help her get out of a landslide and alecia reid is near the russian river which is on the rise once again. charles clifford is following the cleanup of a destructive landslide. but first kron-4's chief meteorologist brittney ship is timing out the next storm.
Last Friday night I read briefly (partly from my Worple Press book: https://martyncrucefix.com/publications/a-hatfield-mass/) at the LRB bookshop, 14 Bury Place, London WC1A 2JL (in fact just doors along from Enitharmon Press’ new offices). It was the launch of Magma magazine’s new issue (http://magmapoetry.com/). Magma really has become one of the must-read magazines in UK poetry and the event was one of two national launches (the other is on Thursday 11 December at 7pm at the Lit & Phil, 23 Westgate Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE, with guest reader Sean O’Brien). The LRB is a spectacularly good bookshop but you feel acutely the vanishing of bookshops elsewhere – to be surrounded by shelves of ‘proper’ books is a real pleasure, distressingly beginning to take on the quality of a sepia-tinted memory. Yet, as one of the readers commented, this is a dangerous place to visit if you’re not prepared to part with hard cash: so many temptations. It’s also a good place for a reading: chairs from front to back on the ground floor, seating well over 50, and on Friday it was packed.
Notice that you just carry worth to different peoples lives out of your experiences and persona. Earlier than loving anybody else or discovering love, I feel it is advisable learn to like yourself… No innuendo meant. Even if you’re not on the lookout for love and just wish to meet some new companions to spend time with and get to know, folks bulgaria women worth honesty. Talk about what you enjoying doing, what you may wish to do whilst on a date with them and go away them breadcrumbs within the literary sense. Strive not to give the game away suddenly so it leads the reader into eager to ask you questions and develop a way of curiosity in your life. Work out what it is you wish to get out of a dating web site after which your probabilities of assembly someone with the identical desires will increase.
how to cure depression1. go into the shower.put the heat as highas it will go and watchyour skin turn scarlet.savor the pain. [it's the only way you know that you're not dead.]2.lather your loofahwith too much soap.scrub your bodyas hard as you can.pretend depression is filth,and you're simply washing it off.keep scrubbing.don't stop until your skin is rawand red and the tears are warmand flow without restraint. [letting the tears out is the only way to keep from drowning.]3.sit in the bottom of the showerand cry as loud as needed.use the noise to muffle your tears.try not to feel the sobsas they rack your body too hard. [everything is too goddamn hard.]4. pretend you're ok.when people ask,lie and say your fine. [know you're not fine.]5.when your body is drowning,try and learn to swim.know it won't work
Postby kruno » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:16 pm martinmckenna wrote:also with the next meeting starting at national gallery of scotland , it may worth a look at Jonathon's 12 gates of city project which has a podcast related to the place .http://12gatestothecity.com/podcasts/podcast2/martini have listened to it as i was not able to sleep and i don't know if it was about being awake at 5 o 'clock in the morning, or what it was... but still remembering the feeling i got by listening to it. its amazing podcast! first i thought its gonna be another of recorded and appropriated collage based sound tracks, but it is so delicate and so well done that one really flies away with the narrator. it gives a feeling of something much bigger and complex that just an art museum with historical art pieces. is like a walk into subconscious. thumbs up!
We have a first class health system here in Australia, but no hospital system on its own can deal with this at its most extreme position, whether that's in the United Kingdom or anywhere else. And last night, I had the opportunity to talk to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and we were talking through these very types of scenarios and and it was important for us to be swapping notes on those issues as I was with Prime inister Arden yesterday, as we discussed the arrangements that she put in place yesterday in New Zealand. And indeed, we've been considering ourselves.
In the Post Loss Catalog July 5 message 119, Ernest Henderson of Auburn Washington reported that he heard "50-128-QQ-waterlogged-can't last much longer" at 0916Z 5 July 1937. We don't know what frequency this was supposed to have been heard on, so it's of questionable value. And the "waterlogged" comment is suspect. (See discussion in that listing) But what is the likelihood of someone reporting the same set of numbers, admittedly out of sequence, a little more than two hours before the Navy Radio Station at Wailupe would report them?
Des fibres effilochées ou cassées peuvent accélérer le processus et rendre un vêtement "trempé" plus rapidement. Ces fibres cassées cassent la tension à la surface des goutelettes d'eau - elles sont ainsi absorbées par le tissu. La neige et la glace peuvent aussi s'accrocher à ces fibres. L'humidité accumulée sur la surface de la veste réduit la respirabilité et augmente les effets de la perte de chaleur par évaporation et par conduction, ce qui retire de la chaleur à l'utilisateur. Avec une respirabilité plus faible des vêtements, plus d'humidité s'accumule dans le vêtement, ce qui affaiblit la chaleur des autres couches, et qui mène à une plus grande perte de chaleur. C'est un cycle qui se termine par un utilisateur qui prend froid et qui est mal à l'aise, ce qui dans des situations extrêmes, peut être très dangereux.
Some claim that it's wrong to compel people to contribute to welfare. Welfare should be voluntary, they say, and its especially wrong to force non-Christians to contribute to it. I'm wondering why we don't apply this to the other commands of God - should we to allow people to opt out of of "Thou shalt not murder" if they don't believe in it? Or "thou shalt not steal?" You might notice that in practice most non-Christians are in fact quite happy with the idea of contributing to welfare. Are you going to take that opportunity away from them?
Hola, Bea: tú nunca interrumpes. Si acaso, irrumpes con la pasión que tanto admiramos quienes te conocemos. «Yo, por mis inmunosupresores ma-to». Esa actitud presupone algo que me parece muy importante: sabes de qué estás hablando, valoras el hecho de poder acceder a esa tecnología que le está salvando la vida a muchas personas y entiendes que una merma de calidad marginal en la teoría puede resultar dramática en la práctica y, por eso, estás dispuesta a pelear en demanda, como mínimo de «una razón bien explicada». Eso se llama, desde el punto de vista del prestador de servicios, transparencia; desde el punto de vista de quien recibe esos servicios, participación. ¡A por ello! Bs.
Onze website en/of dienst heeft niet de intentie gegevens te verzamelen over websitebezoekers die jonger zijn dan 16 jaar. Tenzij ze toestemming hebben van ouders of voogd. We kunnen echter niet controleren of een bezoeker ouder dan 16 is. Wij raden ouders dan ook aan betrokken te zijn bij de online activiteiten van hun kinderen, om zo te voorkomen dat er gegevens over kinderen verzameld worden zonder ouderlijke toestemming. Als u er van overtuigd bent dat wij zonder die toestemming persoonlijke gegevens hebben verzameld over een minderjarige, neem dan contact met ons op via [email protected], dan verwijderen wij deze informatie.
Es ist die Zeit der Fingerspiele in Bremen. Mittelfinger nach oben, Daumen nach unten – so die Reaktion eines Großteils der Fans auf die Pleite gegen Augsburg. Das Pfeifkonzert nach dem schlechtesten Saisonstart seit 49 Jahren erreichte eine nie registrierte Dimension. Die „Greenwhitewonderwall“ aus dem furiosen Saisonfinale im Mai – Vergangenheit. Das Ende der Geduld kann nicht verwundern: Von der im Sommer propagierten Weiterentwicklung ist auf dem Rasen nichts zu sehen, Verletztenmisere hin, erst spät hinzugekommene Neuzugänge her. Stattdessen die immer wiederkehrenden Ärger nisse: wenig Struktur im Offensivspiel, slapstickartige Abwehrfehler, kollektive Kopflosigkeit schon nach alltäglichen „Rückschlägen“ in Form eines Gegentreffers. Dass Geschäftsführer Frank Baumann und Trainer Viktor Skripnik die jüngste Niederlage auch noch allen Ernstes als „Fortschritt“ verkauften, führt unweigerlich zu der Frage: Geht’s noch bei Werder ? Von außen betrachtet ist Skripnik längst vielmehr Teil des Problems als einer etwaigen Lösung. Lediglich für die Klubbosse – Baumann und Aufsichtsratschef Marco Bode – scheint ihr ehemaliger Mitspieler tatsächlich noch ein echter Hoffnungsträger. „Aus Überzeugung“, so Baumann, halte man am Trainer fest, der Team und einzelne Spieler weiterentwickelt habe. Allein: Für diese Wahrnehmung fehlen aus objektiver Distanz die Anhaltspunkte.
However, Lincoln's religious convictions also evolved in tandem with his unfolding experience as president during the Civil War. Increasingly, he came to believe in a providential God intimately involved in the war. At the beginning of the conflict, he regarded the Union's preservation as the belligerency's central constitutional and moral purpose. But the unanticipated length and difficulty of the war prompted him later to view it as God's judgment on the nation for the evil of slavery, and he began to discern a new purpose in the war -- emancipation.
London and Equinix Chicago. The service will also support ALC customers who want to connect with these sites in Asia, the United Kingdom and the United States. New ASX data centre to open in February NAB rolls out Oracle banking platform Network Ten flicks on IT networking upgrade Developed by BT Radianz Venue Interconnect, Net Global will provide users with low site-to-site latency between financial centres.In addition, the ASX 24 futures market international trading platform is now connected to Net Global. According to ASX trading services general manager David Raper, existing ASX 24 international customers will be progressively migrated to the service during the first half of 2013.Follow Hamish Barwick on Twitter: @HamishBarwickFollow Computerworld Australia on Twitter: @ComputerworldAU, or take part in the Computerworld conversation on LinkedIn: Computerworld Australia
(b) in cazul in care pe limitele laterale de proprietate nu există calcane, clădirile se vor retrage de la acestea în mod obligatoriu cu o distanță minimă de 3 m. Prin excepție, in situația în care se poale identifica in zonă o „regulă locală" (regulă a zonei, obicei al locului) de amplasare a clădirilor pe parcelă - demonstrată prin prezentarea imobilelor din vecinătate pe planul de situație - ce implică o retragere mai mică de la limita laterală de proprietate, aceasta se poate aplica numai pe una din laturi, cu condiția ca imobilul învecinat să nu aibă încăperile principale orientate spre limita in cauză. In acest caz înălțimea clădirii, pe această parte, măsurată la cornișa superioară sau la alic in punctul cel mai înalt nu va depăși 4.50 m.
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“88% of insoluble contaminants in lubricants cannot be identified by existing oil analysis methods,” said McCormick. “Aeration and oxidation are major factors in accelerated oil degradation and servo-valve problems. He added that micro-entrained air and moisture is contained in these sub-micron particles. As well as varnish and sludge, aeration can lead to pressure loss. The cornerstones of effective submicron detection are oil analysis, proper sampling and varnish component analysis. Each factor has to be taken into account to correctly diagnose.
Ihre Mitteilung: Letzte KommentareFolge #15 MacStammbaum, Genealogie-Software für den Mac | der Genealoge bei Die Welt in Deutschland – Deutsche in der Welt – Ein gelungener GenealogentagAlBe bei Hasen-Ahlers Genealogietimokracke bei Hasen-Ahlers GenealogieAlfred Becker bei Hasen-Ahlers GenealogieEve-Marie Wipper,geb.Strauß bei Besuch der Mormonen in Bremen! TwitterHinterkaifeck, ein historischer Mordfall im Hoaxilla Podcast http://t.co/OP1mLQE5s8 (via @derGenealoge @Hoaxilla) ungefähr 2 Tage her@genkracke Soziale Netzwerke Soziale Netzwerke sind eines der schnellsten neuen Medien. Auch ich bin in einigen vertreten und würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns hier „verbinden“!
I'm not afraid as she pointed toward me. Every once in a while in both the male and female camps, he always looked more for love than lust, and just never found myself floored by it. Her ass making a very satisfying smack and jiggle against my thighs with his other hand. The Australian girl lets name her Caitlin more from not knowing her name than protecting her identity… Caitlin was fair skinned with freckles around a size 14 -16 with a bubbly attitude. More clear liquid dripped from my tip. He grabbed my hips and began fucking my mouth.
Beautifully remodeled 5 room, 2 bedroom, 3.5 bath TownHome! 1 car attached garage. Remodeled kitchen w/ granite counters, white cabinets and stainless steel appliances. Living room w/ fireplace and french door leading to deck overlooking private backyard. Two bedrooms upstairs, each with full bathrooms that are completely remodeled. Fully finished walk-out lower level w/ full bathroom. Freshly painted interior, new carpeting throughout. Central air conditioning too! Termite Inspection, HVAC completed. Great opportunity to purchase this Fannie Mae property! Property to be sold in "as is" condition.
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I do not use an alarm clock, can predict the time of day within 5-10 minutes not having seen a clock all day, and am constantly nudged into memories and realizations of current expectations by a color in the sky… the light of sun or moon… the smell of a mountain spring… the sound of grass crushing underfoot… the list is endless. I’ve often wondered how, and more importantly why, I do this… Mr. Goodman has given me a sense of importance for what I imagined were a barrage of useless skills. I feel like a human Annosphere and I like it!
The anti and ex-Mormons believe that it needs just to be thrown away; those who are still 'in' the church are wary of everything; pray over everything, test everything by the standard of Jesus and His original commandments (whether found in the Book of Mormon or New Testament. Though I used to read the New Testament, I am refraining at the moment; I think I should give the Book of Mormon a chance, or why am I a Mormon; I don't 'hate' the NT at all; I think the gospels are lovely--but it stands the test of 'time' just as poorly, if not moreso, than the Book of Mormon.)
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V sobotním utkání čtvrtého kola letošního ročníku 2. ligy – skupiny Východ si hokejisté Žďáru poradili s Kopřivnicí výsledkem 5:2. Úvodní dvacetiminutovka nabídla spoustu vyloučených na obou stranách, což se projevilo také na kvalitě hry. „Bylo to hodně rozhárané, oba týmy se kvůli tomu poměrně dlouho dostávaly do tempa,“ všiml si kouč Plamenů Radek Haman. Jeho ovečky i přesto vyšly z úvodního dějství po brankách Adama a Davida Čermáka v těsném vedení 2:1. V prostřední části poté padlo po brance na každé straně, definitivní rozhodnutí tak muselo přijít až v poslední třetině. V ní potvrdili svoji mírnou převahu žďárští hokejisté, góly Heinricha a Bureš stanovily konečné skóre na 5:2. „S výsledkem jsem samozřejmě spokojený, Kopřivnice byla hodně nepříjemným protivníkem. Přesto se domnívám, že jsme byli o něco lepším celkem, je to zasloužený zisk tří bodů,“ usmíval se trenér Žďáru.
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И вот уже школа. В синей рубашке, с букварём в портяной сумочке посадили меня за последнюю парту. Сначала ребята посмеивались над моей робостью, но вскоре она прошла. За то, что показал себя смышлёным, с задней парты меня пересадили на переднюю, к Алёше Редникову, сыну священника. Алёша и сам неплохо осваивал науки (он был уже подготовлен в семье), но во многих вопросах я ему подсказывал больше, чем он мне. Я тогда не понимал, что меня намеренно посадили к поповичу для подсказки. И вообще тогда была такая практика. К сыновьям местных фабрикантов Сапожниковых тоже подсаживали смышлёных учеников. Навечно в памяти остался образ строгой, кристально честной учительницы Агнии Павловны Ардашевой. Ребятам она казалась злой, не всегда справедливой. За непослушание била по головам линейкой, тыкала кукишем, ставила в угол. А мне она казалась всегда правой. Я был мальчиком из бедной семьи, она мало знала моих родителей, но меня за всё время учёбы ни разу не ударила. Из-за зрения у меня уже во втором классе начались затруднения. Отец купил через врача очки, и учёба пошла у меня на «отлично». Мои тетради как образец правописания и каллиграфии ещё несколько лет показывали ученикам. Из 45 первоклассников до третьего класса дотянуло лишь 14. Остальные покинули школу из-за бедности или по невежеству родителей, считавших: подучился малость читать и хватит. В первый класс я пришёл, когда сестра Евдокия училась уже в третьем. Девочки занимались тогда в другой школе, церковно-приходской, а мальчики – в земской. Когда я учился в третьем классе, брат Николай пошёл в первый. Получал я на круглые пятёрки. Агния Павловна и духовный наставник о. Семён просили родителей отдать меня учиться дальше. Но отец сказал, что семья большая и я, как старший сын, должен помогать её кормить.
Welcome and thank you for visiting the Wildcat Club! The Wildcat Club is a membership organization dedicated to providing athletic scholarships to student-athletes. The Athletics Department has more than 300 student-athletes representing over 65 fields of study and receiving scholarship support annually. For those of you who are Wildcat Club members, thank you for assisting in the educational opportunities afforded our students-athletes. If you are not a member, I hope you will consider becoming one. Join our team by renewing your Wildcat Club membership or by becoming a member for the first time. Your gifts help provide the scholarship funds for our student-athletes, which in turn allow us to apply corporate sponsorships and ticket revenues to expenses such as travel, salaries, uniforms, equipment, medical services and recruiting. Again, thank you for your support and participation of our program. You are the foundation of the Wildcat Club! Please contact our office with any questions, concerns or suggestions you may have. Becky Thompson Wildcat Club Executive Director Go Wildcats!
The August edition of the Cass Freight Index report showed mixed results in terms of freight expenditures and shipment volume, respectively. The Cass Freight Index accurately measures trends in North American shipping activity based on $20 billion in paid freight expenses of roughly 350 of America’s largest shippers, according to Cass officials. As LM has reported, many trucking industry executives and analysts consider the Cass Freight Index to be the most accurate barometer of freight volumes and market conditions, with many analysts noting that the Cass Freight Index sometimes leads the American Trucking Associations (ATA) tonnage index at turning points, which lends to the value of the Cass Freight Index.
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The thoughtful "institutional analysis" provided by LTG illustrates some of the mechanisms that enable the free market to under-value risky assets. The time-frame issue that Handfish offers another mechanism that enables risk to be ignored.But why are there no countervailing mechanisms? Why did the market not self-correct? The answer perhaps simple: the market just doesn't do that. It is not an organism with homeostasis. It does not magically produce order out of chaos. The market does not handle these types of investment well because people do not handle it well.Remember the "new economy"? Remember when the Dow was going to hit 100,000 and there would never be inflation again? People convinced themselves they could not lose. I must question the applicability of the risk-aversion research by Kahnemann and Tversky to these particular types of investments... Las Vegas, state lotteries, etc. clearly demonstrate that certain types of risk are systematically under-valued--and the stock market sure looks a lot like Vegas.I'm afraid I must also disagree with LTG's assessment of the psychology. I suspect the brokers and traders were more motivated by big payouts and big bonuses than the fear of being fired. I think they liked the party atmosphere. They enjoyed the thrill of "winning" and racking up more clients, more money. They got on a roll.Look: we need Social Security because we can count on most folks failing to provide for their own retirement. As Pombat notes, people would rather have instant gratification now than save money for a rainy day. Why should Wall Street be any different?
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Bruno Senna steht bei seinem Heimrennen unter gewaltigem Druck. Im Fahrerlager pfeifen die Spatzen von den D�chern, dass sich Toto Wolff im internen Williams-Machtkampf durchgesetzt habe und er in der Saison 2013 durch Valteri Bottas ersetzt werde. Das Senna-Management dementiert, er selbst sagt auch, man verhandle weiterhin nach allen Seiten und er hoffe auf ein gutes Auto f�r 2013. Ziemlich souver�n �brigens - bei allem Medien- und Sponsorauftritten, die er hier ja in Massen zu bew�ltigen hat und wenn es darum geht, eine Stunde vor dem Qualifying Fu�ball-Idol Ronaldo durch die Williams-Box zu f�hren. Allerdings gibt es schon einige deutliche Anzeichen, dass Frank Williams, der bis Abu Dhabi immer noch gegen die Senna-Auswechslung gewesen war, inzwischen wohl resigniert hat. Einer der Ingenieure, der sich nicht sicher ist, ob das alles so ganz der richtige Weg sei, meint, man sei nicht mehr Team Williams, sondern Team Toto. Wobei der �sterreicher ja k�rzlich selbst in einem englischen Sky-Beitrag ganz deutlich sagte, dass seine Ambitionen genau da liegen: Es sei allm�hlich an der Zeit, dass die �lteren in der Formel 1 mal den Jungen den Platz frei machten, sagte er da sinngem��... Auch die Tatsache, dass am Freitag in Brasilien wieder Bottas im ersten Training fuhr, er damit auch die neuen 2013er-Reifen testen konnte und es keine "Sonderregelung" f�r Sennas Heimrennen gab, sind ein Indiz.
Svar: Rundgång kommer från fasförändringar där den signal som kommer tillbaka i mikrofonen har 180 graders fasskift. Eftersom alla Qirra Sound™-högtalare har mycket litet fasskift blir rundgången mycket mindre än med traditionella högtalare. Detta innebär inte att man inte kan få rundgång. Reflexer i väggar, golv och tak kan skapa fasskift som potentiellt kan skapa rundgång. I praktiska tester har vi dock kunnat visa att man kan stå precis framför högtalaren men lokalen är fylld med kvalitetsljud och det blir ingen rundgång. Artister och talare förundras över detta! Om man använder Qirra Sound™ blir systemet alltid mindre rundgångsbenäget och ljudkvaliteten är ovanligt bra. Artisterna uppskattar Qirra Sound™ eftersom de har mer frihet på scen och man har mycket mindre rundgångsbenägenhet, Det blir också lättare för ljudteknikerna att sköta ljudet. Vi har många upplevda upplevelser från stora artister där de prisar denna “funktion”.
The bristles are stiff and hold their shape so I use it upright to create the nice straight line I like on the inside of my brow and the horizontally to draw a thin line to fill out the arch underneath and to extend the outside ends down to where I want them to be. In fact if you are short sighted the fact that the brush has a short handle is a godsend, I can get the mirror near enough to be able to see what I am doing without having to accommodate a long handled brush. I still comb my brows into shape with a baby toothbrush, draw in, and then comb again as this helps to blend everything and really soften the effect. I am still being complimented on my eyebrows by complete strangers, which I know is weird, but I love it especially considering what my eye brows without the magic actually look like!
All together, there are 27 different female creators set to work on 23 different book at DC this July, 4 fewer women than last month though 1 more book. While the decline in creators isn’t great to see, the high 20s is a fairly solid showing for DC relative to their past performances, and is slightly above par for the course for the year thus far. And having women on more books despite the decline in creators is nice; it’s good to see female creators being spread through the ranks more. Publishers often group women together on a few select titles, so any growth in representation throughout the line itself is encouraging.
N2 - The Drosophila argonaute2 (ago2) gene plays a major role in siRNA mediated RNA silencing pathways. Unlike mammalian Argonaute proteins, the Drosophila protein has an unusual amino-terminal domain made up largely of multiple copies of glutamine-rich repeats (GRRs). We report here that the ago2 locus produces an alternative transcript that encodes a putative short isoform without this amino-terminal domain. Several ago2 mutations previously reported to be null alleles only abolish expression of the long, GRR-containing isoform. Analysis of drop out (dop) mutations had previously suggested that variations in GRR copy number result in defects in RNAi and embryonic development. However, we find that dop mutations genetically complement transcript-null alleles of ago2 and that ago2 alleles with variant GRR copy numbers support normal development. In addition, we show that the assembly of the central RNAi machinery, the RISC (RNA induced silencing complex), is unimpaired in embryos when GRR copy number is altered. In fact, we find that GRR copy number is highly variable in natural D. melanogaster populations as well as in laboratory strains. Finally, while many other insects share an extensive, glutamine-rich Ago2 amino-terminal domain, its primary sequence varies drastically between species. Our data indicate that GRR variation does not modulate an essential function of Ago2 and that the amino-terminal domain of Ago2 is subject to rapid evolution.
This is the larger and nobler design which Mr. Lewis should set before himself, and which, we believe, his abilities to be equal to, did he but feel that this is the only task worthy of them. He might thus contribute a large part to what is probably destined to be the great philosophical achievement of the era, of which many signs already announce the commencement; viz. to unite all half-truths, which have been fighting against one another ever since the creation, and blend them in one harmonious whole.
Toleraen wrote:kot_matroskin wrote:my only issue with this is that companies are becoming banks, and then "too big to fail". this has happened to all US auto manufacturers. The last thing i would want is having to bail out AAPL if the Chinese stop making payments after the first two. I already have half of my money stolen from me via taxation for all the porkulus programs of which i will never see one cent worth.1) It did not happen to all US auto manufacturers2) They didn't 'bail them out' (ala freddie/fannie), they gave them a loan.3) The auto-manufacturers paid the loans back, with interest, making the tax payers money.If thats what they told you on TV doesnt mean its actually true. Google around and you will realize that this totally not the case. This is also why your taxes keep going up (and up and up and up).http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... /?page=allThere are many many many other links with how taxpayer lost on the triple - auto bailout, bank bailout and "affordable" care.... the whole thing is one big joke and the joke is on the taxpayer.
North Carolina: Energy Resources North Carolina: Energy Resources Jump to: navigation, search Equivalent URI DBpedia Coordinates 36.0754183°, -79.0997347° Loading map... {"minzoom":false,"mappingservice":"googlemaps3","type":"ROADMAP","zoom":14,"types":["ROADMAP","SATELLITE","HYBRID","TERRAIN"],"geoservice":"google","maxzoom":false,"width":"600px","height":"350px","centre":false,"title":"","label":"","icon":"","visitedicon":"","lines":[],"polygons":[],"circles":[],"rectangles":[],"copycoords":false,"static":false,"wmsoverlay":"","layers":[],"controls":["pan","zoom","type","scale","streetview"],"zoomstyle":"DEFAULT","typestyle":"DEFAULT","autoinfowindows":false,"kml":[],"gkml":[],"fusiontables":[],"resizable":false,"tilt":0,"kmlrezoom":false,"poi":true,"imageoverlays":[],"markercluster":false,"searchmarkers":"","locations":[{"text":"","title":"","link":null,"lat":36.0754183,"lon":-79.0997347,"alt":0,"address":"","icon":"","group":"","inlineLabel":"","visitedicon":""}]} 189
911 Call: Mother of Two Beaten To Death By Boyfriend Mother-of-two 'brutally beaten and left for dead by her new boyfriend' who she went to visit for the weekendEmily Lambert, a third grade teacher, was found dead after being beaten to death and now her boyfriend Robert Earley is under arrest. Thanks to John for posting. 911.Operator-"911 what is your emergency?Caller-"Yeah erm, my girlfriend whe..left last night er we were at the Stevens bar inn (inaudible) and she hasn't made it back to the hotel. She-i don't know where she went. She left with, she was talking about leaving with someother guy, and she hasn't made it back."
Мікроорганізми, що мешкають в підземних водах дуже активні, адаптивні до різних ступенів мінералізації, температури, тиску. Вони беруть участь в розкладі і синтезі різних органічних і мінеральних сполук, здатні впливати на зміну сольового і газового складу природних вод, їх мінералізацію. Проникнення бактерій в глибину лімітує висока температура (вище 95-100°С) і мінералізація (130–270 г/кг — так звані «міцні розчини»). Бактерії та мікроби проникають в пори породи і перебувають там в капілярній воді, вкривають стінки пустот.
Sexual permissiveness is perhaps one of the most evident marks of post-modern society. We see it everyday. Just consider the music videos of popular artists with provocative suggestions of sex, as well as films touted to be artistically produced and directed. Even advertising makes use of subliminal messages of seduction to promote their products. While there is really nothing wrong with sex, adults have to be sensitive and responsible in dealing with sexual health issues especially when the youth is concerned.
Posts 731 I'm going to try and give a better description of what I want to do now. I am making a simple program for now that the user puts something in and it says something back if the word the user puts in matches. So I want to make it so people can make a "plug in" for it that would become a seperate file and if it is in the directry of the porgram it will put the code in the program. Like a dll but people can make them. They would add text so if the user puts something int hat matches it will say what the plug in tells it to say.
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Биологистичко или медицинско схватање организације је настало у оквиру власничке теорије организације. Са развојем биологије и медицине, ово схватање задобија све већи број својих присталица, тако да су данас бројни термини из биологистичко-медицинских наука примењени у организацији. Суштина биологистичког схватања се своди на изједначавање организације и организма. Бројне карактеристике организма приписују се и организацији као скупу сврсисходно повезаних органа у целину од којих сваки врши одређену функцију:
A continuación se identifican las cookies que están siendo utilizadas en este portal así como su tipología y función: La página web GAME.es utiliza herramientas de analítica web, servicios, que permiten la medición y análisis de la navegación en las páginas web. En su navegador podrá observar 4 cookies de este servicio. Según la tipología anterior se trata de cookies propias, de sesión y de análisis. A través de la analítica web se obtiene información relativa a la audiencia que accede a la web y su composición, dispositivos y navegadores utilizados, intereses y hábitos de comportamiento, así como información indicativa del rendimiento del sitio web que nos permite analizar y mejorar los servicios prestados por parte de este portal. Además se descarga una cookie de tipo técnico que permite almacenar un identificador único por sesión a través del que es posible vincular datos necesarios para posibilitar la navegación en curso. Otra de las cookies que utilizamos es de las llamadas Persistentes, que nos permite identificar usuarios aunque estos no estén logados, con el fin de recordar hábitos de consumo y navegación. También almacenamos en cookies datos de preferencias de usuario, para recordar algunas de las preferencias, como por ejemplo visualizar los listados en un formato o recordar filtros de búsqueda entre las diferentes páginas. Por último, se descarga una cookie propia, de tipo técnico y de sesión. Gestiona el consentimiento del usuario para el uso de las cookies en la página web, con el objeto de recordar aquellos usuarios que las han aceptado y aquellos que no, de modo que a los primeros no se les muestre información en la parte inferior de la página al respecto. 3. Ajustes del navegador
Germany – Computer hackers this week said they had cracked and published the secret code that protects 80 per cent of the world’s mobile phones. The move will leave more than 3 billion people vulnerable to having their calls intercepted, and could force mobile phone operators into a costly upgrade of their networks. Karsten Nohl, a German encryption expert, said he had organised the hack to demonstrate the weaknesses of the security measures protecting the global system for mobile communication (GSM) and to push mobile operators to improve their systems. More…
Автопогрузчик львовский мод. 41030-г/п-5тонн Львовский вилочный автопогрузчик нового образца 41030-дизельный с Д-243 (ММЗ) грузоподъемностью 5 тонн, 6,3 тонны, 7 тонн.Погрузчик принципиально отличается от предыдущих моделей: кабина нового образца, круговой обзорности с удобным доступом, дверь начинается с передней стойки; грузоподъемник нового образца, ролик цепи и цепи подъема каретки вынесены наружу, цилиндры подъема, упираемые в нижней части; рулевой мост (задний) нового образца с поперечным мощным гидроцилиндром (без трапеции и тяг); двигатель Минский: дизель очень надежный и экономичный, сцепление так же тракторное ММЗ; гидравлика евро.Гарантия 12 месяцев!Дополнительное навесное оборудование:Стрела безблочная крановая с поворотным крюкомКовшовое оборудование (в комплекте малый или большой ковш)Обращаем Ваше внимание: предлагаемые погрузчики с хранением не существуют (только...
पेमेंट्स का स्वीकार्य उपयोग. आपको समय-समय पर प्रकाशित होने वाली व्यापारिक नीतियों सहित हमारी शर्तों और पोस्ट की गई नीतियों के अनुसार पेमेंट्स का एक्सेस और उपयोग केवल कानूनी, प्राधिकृत और स्वीकार्य प्रयोजनों के लिए ही करना चाहिए. PSP या WhatsApp आपके पेमेंट्स को भेजने और प्राप्त करने की क्षमता सीमित कर सकता है जिसमें लेन-देन सीमित करना सम्मिलित है. अगर हमें लगता है कि किसी लेन-देन से शर्तों, पेमेंट्स शर्तों, पोस्ट की गई नीतियों या PSP की शर्तों का उल्लंघन हो रहा है, तो PSP या WhatsApp उस लेन-देन को रद्द भी कर सकता है.
Antônio Jácome (PTN-RN) disse que o Dia do Advogado enseja todos a fazer reflexão sobre papel de tão importante categoria, uma das atividades mais importante que se pode exercer em favor da sociedade. “Aproxima cidadão da Justiça, garantindo direitos. Atua contra autoritarismo, ao assegurar o acesso às leis. Suas prerrogativas estão amparadas por direitos constitucionalizados, combatendo o arbitrário. Que a voz do advogado nunca seja reprimida e que a categoria se comprometa com o acesso à justiça”, disse.
Quote from: Guillermo Luijk on September 02, 2013, 06:55:45 PMDxOMark has defined a composite magnitude called Perceptual Mpix (or P-Mpix) to represent the output resolution/sharpness one can expect from a given combo: lens + sensor. ...I wonder at what aperture is this magnitude defined. The one that provides max resolution for each lens?Some details from http://www.dxomark.com/About/Lens-scores/Metric-ScoresQuoteThe resolution score is computed as follows:For each focal length and each f-number, we first compute sharpness and then weight it throughout the field, tolerating less sharpness in the corners than in the center. This gives one number for each focal and aperture combination.Then, for each focal length, we select the maximal value of sharpness over the range of available apertures. We average this value over the whole range of focal length to obtain the DxOMark resolution score that we report (in P-MPix).So yes, for each focal length, the results for best aperture are used � but there is averaging over the field (center to edge) and for zooms, averaging over focal lengths.Ironically, DPReview published more detailed data derived from DXOMark testing, or at least makes it easier to find than at the DXO site, allowing one to examine values at any tested aperture ratio. For example, here is the new Zeiss 55/1.4: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/lens-widget-fullscreen?compare=false&lensId=zeiss_otus_55_1p4&cameraId=nikon_d7100&version=0&fl=55&av=1.4&view=mtf-ca
The Manchester Lane Test Facility is Titleist's state-of-the-art golf ball research and testing facility in Acushnet, Massachusetts. Tasked with advancing the techniques used to analyze and validate golf ball performance and upholding a commitment to product and process excellence, Manchester Lane continues to facilitate Titleist’s year-round R&D efforts. Today, Manchester Lane operates as the proving grounds for all Titleist golf ball products and serves a dual role as a Tour Fitting Center, offering premium club fitting services.
"He has accumulated five marriages, eight children, a $12bn-$14bn fortune and countless legal bills from run-ins with family members, business associates and regulators. So it’s not a surprise that Ron Perelman collects restaurants, too. The pugnacious dealmaker has invested in establishments from Graydon Carter’s Monkey Bar in Midtown Manhattan to Harlem’s fashionable Red Rooster. He once fought to close the bistro Le Bilboquet because of 'illegal' outdoor tables on his block, only to fund its move to a larger venue two streets away. Perelman, one of the 'barbarians' of the 1980s junk bond-fuelled takeover boom, has no stake in Michael White’s celebrated Italian seafood restaurant Marea but seems at home here. Maybe because he is a regular or maybe because its laminated wooden walls make the place shine like a billionaire’s well-polished yacht: it’s midday on a Friday and the 70-year-old looks ready to head for what he describes as his 'little boat in the Mediterranean', the 257ft yacht C². His pale blue shirtsleeves are rolled up, two buttons are opened to reveal a white undershirt and faint stubble spreads from his scalp to his chin. When I arrive he is at a corner table, watching the summer crowd walking along Central Park South with the wide, easy smile familiar from gossip column photographs. Perelman’s diverse holding company, MacAndrews & Forbes, unites businesses selling mulch, military vehicles and scratch cards. He is also the controlling shareholder of the cosmetics giant Revlon. He has few insights into how a place such as Marea wins two Michelin stars, though. 'I’m not a real foodie,' he confesses. 'I like the theatre of restaurants more than I care about the food.' He finances restaurants to support friends or to boost their local communities, he says, and in 2009 backed an East Hampton margarita joint called the Blue Parrot with art dealer Larry Gagosian, singer Jon Bon Jovi and actress Renée Zellweger even though he hates Mexican food. The chefs there serve him grilled fish instead. He wastes little time with Marea’s menu, despite putting on spectacles with comically thick round green frames to consult it." (FT)
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It's about time for me to begin my decennial re-reading of the Lymond Chronicles. I've actually read this, the first volume of the six, so many times that I've worn out two paperback versions. I make it all the way through all six every ten years at least. This series is a splendid addition to any Desert Island Reading List. If you like your heroes tortured, your buckles swashed with erudition, romances long on intellect yet short on the formulaic ripping of bodices, and sagas so sweeping all beaches would be free of sand, this is your meat. Recommended companion: The Dorothy Dunnet Companion Vol. I & II -- a concordance for this and Niccolo, her other series, which I find less compelling. Yes, she's such a reference-intense, not to say dense, writer that two volumes of clarification ARE necessary.
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ENGРУСESPDEFRRSSMobile appsИНОТВRTДRuptlySatelites 02:11 GMT, 27.06.2017RThttps://arabic.rt.com/مباشر الأخبارالعالم العربيأخبار العالمروسياالاقتصادالرياضةالبرامجاستوديو واشنطناستوديو لندناستوديو بيروتاستوديو القاهرةقصارى القولاسأل أكثررحلة في الذاكرةبانورامافن الحياةأفلام وثائقيةمنوعاتالعلوم والتكنولوجياالصحةالثقافة والفنالفضاءالعالم الرقميعالم السياراتمتفرقاتمجتمعميديافيديوهاتتقارير مصورةإنفوجرافيكجولات مصورةRT PlayالصحافةRT 360رأيFreevideoинотвrtдRUPTLYمجلس الأمن الدولي يدين التفجير بمترو الأنفاق في مينسك
I own a 2002 Dodge Stratus R/T with the 2.7 w/135K on it. I have read your thread "Info for 2.7 owners". I have recently ran into the problem with it over heating and seeing the coolant boiling in the reservoir. Not knowing a whole lot about this engine I changed the thermostat thinking that would fix it but no it didn't. Now the questions I have would using Block Tester Combustion Leak Test still have a positive reaction if the water pump is bad? Also is the water pump replacement just as costly as replacing the head gaskets? Lastly, and I apologize for the questions, is it worth spending $1000 - $1500 on it if they need to be replaced?
For now government is preparing a host of new legislation and regulation all the while signalling to commercial agriculture that it wants to be met half-way. There will probably be unintended consequences of government’s land reform and rural development programme (including negative impacts) but the lessons from the banking sector (for example with regard to the formulation of the National Credit Act) is that it is always a better idea for the private sector to go out and engage with government and attempt to shape legislation than it is to wait and deal with the future when it is a fait accompli.
Click here to sign up for the Soul Of Miami email list.Sharing is CaringClick to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on StumbleUpon (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Filed Under: Coral Gables, Restaurant Soul Of Miami Sponsors
27.5.2016Str�nky byly roz���eny o seznam zn�m�ch nositel� jmen a p��jmen�10.5.2016Dopln�ny po�ty obyvatel v obc�ch o rok 201527.4.2016K p��jmen�m byl p�id�n p�ehled podnikatel�15.4.2016Byla p�id�na str�nka Souboj p��jmen�.2.2.2016Dopln�na �etnost jmen a p��jmen� o rok 201519.11.2015Otestujte si znalost m�st a kraj� v kv�zu.13.10.2015 P�ibyla mo�nost zobrazit data pro v�ce p��jmen� v tabulk�ch, grafu a na map�. Ve vyhled�v�n� p�ibyl sloupec P�idat p��jmen�.3.10.2015Otestujte si znalost sv�tk� v kv�zu.19.6.2015Byla p�id�na sekce �l�nky4.6.2015Ke ka�d� obci byl p�id�n odkaz na matriky8.5.2015Dopln�ny po�ty obyvatel v obc�ch o rok 20141.4.2015Vyhled�v�n� kandid�t� do komun�ln�ch voleb 2014 podle p��jmen�31.1.2015Dopln�na �etnost jmen a p��jmen� o rok 201427.11.2014P�e�t�te si kr�tk� �l�nek o obc�ch.11.11.2014 Byla p�id�na mo�nost zobrazen� hodnot z roku 2007 na map� a v grafu pro jm�na a p��jmen�19.9.2014 Bylo p�id�no relativn� vyj�d�en� hodnot na map� a v grafu pro jm�na a p��jmen�16.9.2014 K informac�m o vybran� obci byl p�id�n p��m� odkaz na v�sledky voleb do zastupitelstva 2014 a seznam kandid�t�21.5.2014Byl vytvo�en kalend�� na n�sleduj�c�ch 30 dn�14.5.2014Dopln�ny po�ty obyvatel v obc�ch o rok 20136.5.2014Byla vytvo�ena verze pro tisk1.3.2014P�id�ny informace o po�tech obyvatel v obc�ch1.2.2014Dopln�na �etnost jmen a p��jmen� o rok 2013Jm�no Susanne Nicole je slo�eno z v�ce jmen. Jm�no Susanne nos� 47 obyvatel �R, m� v�znam: lilie a p�vod hebrejsk�. Jm�no Nicole nos� 2065 obyvatel �R, sv�tek slav� 20.11., m� v�znam: v�t�zn� lid a p�vod �eck�.Dnes m� sv�tek tak�: Chrudo�, Beatrice, Darek, Dariusz, Darius, Kry�p�n, AurelCo na t�chto str�nk�ch naleznete:�etnost jmen a p��jmen� v oblastech, okresech, kraj�ch, ro�n�c�ch narozen�V�znam jmen, v�znam p��jmen� (pr�b�n� dopl�ov�no)Sv�tky, po�ad� a v�kov� pr�m�ryPo�ty obyvatel v obc�ch od r. 1970Po�ty obyvatel podle ro�n�k� narozen� v cel� �RSkupiny jmen a p��jmen� se spole�n�mi vlastnostmiMo�nost vytvo�it si vlastn� skupiny jmen a p��jmen�Pomocn�ka p�i v�b�ru jm�na d�t�tePomocn�ka p�i tvorb� rodokmenuMo�nost vkl�dat p��sp�vky do diskuze p��padn� po��dat n�v�t�vn�ky str�nek o pomoc s hled�n�m konkr�tn� osobyKalend�� na n�sleduj�c�ch 30 dn�V tabulce v prvn�m sloupci je zobrazeno jm�no, p��jmen�, obec, okres kraj nebo ro�n�k, ve druh�m sloupci �etnost. Po najet� kurzorem my�i na �etnost se zobraz� po�ad�.Na map� nebo v grafu se zobrazuje �etnost jmen a p��jmen�, po najet� kurzorem my�i na prvek mapy nebo grafu se zobraz� podrobnosti.Po kliknut� na tla��tko Skupiny lze zvolit skupinu p��jmen� nebo jmen, kter� maj� spole�n� vlastnosti.Diskutovat m�ete n�e nebo v obecn� diskuzi.V�ce informac� najdete na infostr�nce
Schultz: No. I mean, at the end of the day look at what Oregon and Washington are doing. They're an all mail state. They require signature verification. There are other states like Colorado and Kansas that do it as well. I think it's about how you craft the legislation and there are ways to make sure that it works. It's working in these other states. What I'm doing is I haven't proposed anything yet. All I've said is when you have almost half of the people in Iowa voting by absentee or by mail it's something we should be looking at. And I'm going to put this in front of my election advisory board, which is made up of five democrat and five republican county auditors and say, okay, we have half of our voters voting by mail, is this something we should be looking at? And how do we make it so that we're not doing what Senator Gronstal is saying and preventing people from voting. I recognize that people's signatures changes, or can change, and there are ways to provide for that.
If I’m going to be cremated, why would I want my remains to be placed in a columbarium or interred or scattered at the cemetery? Why shouldn’t I just have them scattered in the sea or in some other place of my choosing? As long as it is permitted by local regulations, your cremated remains can be scattered in a place that is meaningful to you. This can, however, present difficulties for your survivors. Some people may find it hard to simply pour the mortal remains of a loved one out onto the ground or into the sea. If you wish to be scattered somewhere, it is therefore important to discuss your wishes ahead of time with the person or persons who will actually have to do the scattering. Another difficulty with scattering can occur when the remains are disposed of in an anonymous, unmarked or public place. Access to the area may be restricted for some reason in the future, undeveloped land may be developed or any of a host of other conditions may arise that could make it difficult for your survivors to visit the site to remember you. Even if your cremated remains are scattered in your backyard, what happens if your survivors relocate sometime in the future? Once scattered, cremated remains cannot easily be collected back up. Having your remains placed, interred or scattered on a cemetery’s grounds ensures that future generations will have a place to go to remember. If remains are scattered somewhere outside the cemetery, many cemeteries will allow you to place a memorial of some type on the cemetery grounds, so survivors have a place to visit that will always be maintained and preserved.
Report: Facebook And 'Top-Secret' Doctor Were Working With Hospitals To Collect Patient Information. Facebook reportedly asked multiple hospitals around the country somewhat recently if they wanted to share patient information in an apparent attempt to help the healthcare institutions with certain processes. While the initiative, which CNBC first reported, hasn't made it past the initial planning stage, it will likely intensify already clamorous concerns over how the tech giant values people's data privacy. After all, Facebook allegedly tabled the proposed project when public backlash ensued, stemming from the disclosure it was suspending a data analytics firm for misusing information related to users' traits and online tendencies. Facebook has "not received, shared, or analyzed anyone's data," the company clarified, according to CNBC.
> See more...BANK! (1)Brian Petchers (2)Diego A. Garcia (2)DvidFilms (1)Isaiah (2)Mayon Denton (1)Michael Riolo (1)Mighty Joe (2)Mr. Green (1)Richard Louissain (1)Rick Foy (1)Sacramento Knoxx (1)Sick Six (1)Tanya Morgan (1)The Other Guys (2)Two Fifty Media (1)Varras Tower (1)Varras Tower Films (1)Von Pea (1)Video QualityJOIN EMAIL LIST Get the FREE weekly email updatefrom the most trustedUnderground Hip Hop site!Sort by * Newest VideosArtist: A To ZCommentsViewsTop RatedPage 1 of 1 (29 Items Found)Page: 14:15Von Pea (of Tanya Morgan) & The Other Guys (Isaiah & Mighty Joe) - 'Chasing Amy (aka In Your Heart)'(Music Video)Released: Dec 11, 2014Views: 1,118Label: HiPNOTT RecordsSong Producers: The Other Guys (Isaiah & Mighty Joe)Video Directors: The Other Guys (Isaiah & Mighty Joe)
Aujourd'hui Biogen Idec (NASDAQ : BIIB) annoncé que la Santé Canada a approuvé ALPROLIX™ [Facteur de Coagulation IX (Recombiné), Protéine de Fusion de Fc], pour le contrôle et la prévention des épisodes de saignée et de la prophylaxie courante dans les adultes, et enfants âgés 12 et plus vieux, avec l'hémophilie B. ALPROLIX est le premier traitement de long-action approuvé de l'hémophilie B et est indiqué pour éviter ou réduire la fréquence des épisodes de saignée avec les infusions (protectrices) préventives commençant immédiatement l'hebdomadaire ou une fois tous les 10-14 jours. C'est la première autorisation réglementaire mondiale pour ALPROLIX, qui est actuel à l'étude par les autorités réglementaires dans plusieurs autres pays, y compris les Etats-Unis, l'Australie et le Japon. « L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX marque la première avance significative de demande de règlement dans l'hémophilie B pendant 17 années, et renforce notre engagement à développer des traitements novateurs qu'adresse d'aide les besoins critiques de la communauté d'hémophilie, » a indiqué George A. Scangos, Ph.D., cadre supérieur de Biogen Idec. « Nous croyons que la sécurité, l'efficacité et le programme de dosage préventif expliqués avec ALPROLIX fourniront à des gens l'hémophilie B une voie neuve signicative de manager leur état. » La Fédération du Monde de l'Hémophilie recommande (prévention de la saignée) un régime préventif comme objectif de demande de règlement pour des gens avec l'hémophilie sévère. Les Recommandations déterminées par le Médical et Comité Consultatif Scientifique de la Fondation Nationale d'Hémophilie recommandent les infusions préventives deux ou plus cale une semaine avec des demandes de règlement traditionnelles d'hémophilie. Les infusions préventives Fréquentes peuvent être un fardeau aux gens avec l'hémophilie et peuvent ramener l'adoption à ce régime de type de traitement. L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX est basée sur des résultats du global, l'étude de la Phase 3 B-LONG, la plus grande étude de registrational dans l'hémophilie B jamais remplie. Elle a expliqué qu'ALPROLIX en toute sécurité et effectivement évité, ou épisodes réduits et purgeants avec les infusions préventives données une fois que l'hebdomadaire ou une fois tous les 10-14 jours dans les adultes et les adolescents avec l'hémophilie sévère B. De plus, plus de 90 pour cent de tous les épisodes de saignée étaient réglés par une infusion unique d'ALPROLIX. « L'approbation du Canada de Santé d'ALPROLIX fournit à des gens l'hémophilie B une option neuve importante en mettant à jour un régime préventif, » a dit Manuel Carcao, M.D., Hématologue et codirecteur Pédiatriques du Programme Complet d'Hémophilie de Soins à l'Hôpital pour les Enfants Malades à Toronto. « ALPROLIX, le premier concentré de long-action approuvé de facteur, a été affiché pour aider des personnes avec l'hémophilie B à réaliser la prévention de purge pertinente avec le dosage préventif une fois par semaine ou une fois tous les 10 à 14 jours. » L'Hémophilie B est un trouble rare, continuel, hérité dans lequel la capacité du sang d'une personne de coaguler est causée la détérioration, qui peut mener aux épisodes récurrents et étendus de saignée. Elle est due à une réduction substantielle de, ou à aucune activité du facteur IX, qui est nécessaire pour des caillots sanguins normaux. Les Gens avec les épisodes de saignée d'expérience de l'hémophilie B qui peuvent entraîner la douleur, les dégâts communs irréversibles et l'hémorragie. L'Hémophilie B affecte approximativement une dans 25.000 naissances mâles, ou environ 700 personnes au Canada. La Fédération du Monde de l'enquête globale d'Hémophilie a conduit en 2012 les estimations qu'environ 28.000 personnes sont actuel diagnostiqué avec l'hémophilie B mondiale. « La Société Canadienne d'Hémophilie (CHS) est heureuse que la Santé Canada ait approuvé ALPROLIX, un deuxième produit recombiné du facteur IX pour traiter l'hémophilie B, » a dit Craig Upshaw, Président de CHS. « D'ailleurs, c'est le premier dans une classe neuve prometteuse des produits de facteur avec la demi vie étendue. Nous espérons qu'il sera à la disposition des patients Canadiens à très court terme. » Biogen Idec est engagé avec les personnes de aide avec l'hémophilie B et travaille avec des Services Canadiens de Sang, le Service de Biovigilance du Ministère de la Santé et sociaux de Services de DES et d'autres administrations provinciales et nationales pour rendre ALPROLIX disponible dans le commerce à tous les Canadiens avec l'hémophilie B. Source:
Pony Minesweeper desarrollado por Corinth Games es un videojuego de rompecabezas y para un solo jugador basado en el antiguo juego clásico conocido como Buscaminas. El juego ofrece una jugabilidad fantástica y cuenta con nueve ponis diferentes para reunir, como Lazy Days, Lemon Suds, Puddles, Time-Jump, Serenity, Orchard, Starmist, y más. Hay cuatro elementos que se pueden usar durante el juego para mejorar tus habilidades, como botas de goma, manzanas, horquillas, señales de precaución y manzanas ...
We’ve got it all right here! Palmetto State Armory was created by people with a passion for firearms, tactical gear, and the great outdoors. Our goal is to give you access to everything you need from rifles to targets and ammunition to pistol accessories. No matter what you’re searching for, we’re here to help you in your quest to get geared up for the big hunt or add to your collection. At Palmetto State Armory, You Can Shop Items Including: Tactical Clothing, Shirts, Pants, Outerwear, Firearms, Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, Airguns, Ammunition, Bulk Ammo, Pistol Accessories, Rifle Accessories, Holsters, Gunsmithing Products, Tactical Lights, AR15 Parts, and More!
www.Richters.com The Safe Seed Pledge is a seed industry initiative to protect the seeds and plants we humans depend on.Richters Herbs is proud to be one of the first companies to sign the pledge. The Safe Seed Pledge Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately people and communities. THE SAFE SEED INITIATIVE The Council for Responsible Genetics, Cambridge, Massachusetts Privacy Policy
Promoting research is one of the key objectives of the Global Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). The rising epidemic of NCDs mandates evidence-based interventions backed by good quality research. Operational Research (OR) has an important role to play in identifying, testing, and assessing the effectiveness and coverage of various NCD interventions in routine programmatic settings. Setting the OR priorities as per the local epidemiology of the NCDs and their risk factors is the first step. Direct program relevance of the research questions, the involvement of program managers in research, the use of routinely collected data using simple methodology, and effective dissemination of findings are needed for the OR to have any impact on policy and practice, thereby strengthening the program. This paper focuses on the role of OR in NCDs, presents few case studies demonstrating the impact of OR on policy and/or practice, and also discusses the prerequisites and enabling factors for conducting OR and ensuring translation of OR findings into policy and/or practice. This narrative review article is the output of a preconference scientific session titled “Operational research to strengthen NCD prevention and control program” at the World NCD Congress 2017 in Chandigarh, India.
People greet each new fashion development, good or unhealthy, with an amazing respect. They blindly run in to retailers and snatch all the newest vogue garments, put them on, stick with it for some time and later dump it for the next fuzzy development. Although, some fashion freaks pull off their seems to be, many lack the attitude, charisma and most importantly a physique to go with such trends. In truth, many people don’t even perceive the true that means of their apparel. The clothes you wear, actually have a tendency to specific your personality, and those that fail to understand this core concept, often find yourself as ‘fashion-struck fools’.
Beach close in the Fabulous Marblehead Community! Enjoy the Ocean Breeze in this Beautiful 3 Bedroom + Office/Loft Home with Panoramic Views of the Hills from entry, living & dining rooms plus the spacious back yard! Partial ocean views from Master Suite & front yard. Tastefully upgraded & move-In ready featuring gorgeous Fumed Birch hardwood floors, tile, and new carpet. Upgraded front door with key-less entry & recessed lighting & newer windows. Remodeled kitchen with Granite counters, new 5 burner gas stove & convection oven, custom cabinets & large pantry. All 3 bathrooms have been beautifully upgraded. Two car attached garage with laundry hookups and a wonderful cul-de-sac street. New Providence homes are zoned as condo but completely detached. Fantastic home close to excellent schools, parks, world famous beaches, shopping, restaurants and walking trails.$3,500
She's out on an unwanted date with a rather shy and goofy nerd who thinks she too, is a rather shy and goofy nerd. But she's willing to indulge him and things go quite well, at least until the demon dogs (shades of Ghostbusters here) jump through the walls and rip the poor love, struck idiot to shreds. Of course they are little match for Thessaily, a magician so powerful that "even the gods fear her", so says our narrator. We finally get to see our narrator at this point: a rather shabby looking fellow in a trenchcoat, khakis and dress-shirt with long sideburns and a pompadour haircut. He shrugs off all of Thessaly's attacks against him and introduces himself as "Fetch". Thess figures it out at this point and realizes that the man before her is a ghost. Fetch introduces himself further, says that Thess killed him at some point in her past, but he gives no hints as to where or when. He then lets tells her how he has been hired to track her down and capture her soul for various parties who want to see her suffer for past crimes. With Fetch tagging along, Thessaly goes on a quest to find his employers and teach them a very important lesson. The important lesson, as fans of Thessaly will likely remember from "A Game of You" is, "Don't mess with me if you want to live long."
Israel Outdoors is a leading organizer of Birthright Israel funded trips. Each trip is 10 days and free, no strings attached. Eligible participants are Jewish, ages 18-26. A Birthright Israel experience with Israel Outdoors has been described in many ways by our alumni, from “amazing” to “moving” to “inspiring” and “eye-opening.” We know that each trip will mean something different for each of you. Through it all, strangers will become your friends, as you journey across Israel sharing authentic memories together.
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Прежде всего,Вы должны знать,что страх и неуверенность в себе испытываете не только Вы-это свойственно любому человеку,даже опытному и умудренному жизненным опытом.Тем более сейчас,в наше непростое время!Вам всего лишь 21,у вас вся жизнь впереди и у вас есть поддержка ваших родных и близких людей-это важно.Не надо плыть по течению,каждый человек хозяин своей судьбы.Возьмите лист бумаги,разделите на две части,слева напишите кем Вы хотите.стать(много вариантов);справа по каждой профессии напишите,что для этого вам нужно сделать.Здесь,в интернете,найдите тест на профпригодность и определитесь для начала,что вам интересно и в какой сфере деятельности вам хотелось бы трудиться.Возможно,Вы талантливый дизайнер,ювелир или часовых дел мастер,фотограф,парикмахер....