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Lede van Walliese Vergadering bekommerd hulle gaan 'soos sotte lyk'
Welsh AMs worried about 'looking like muppets'
Daar is konsternasie onder sommige vergaderingslede oor die voorstel dat hulle titel van AM’e na MWP’e (vir Member of the Welsh Parliament) moet verander.
There is consternation among some AMs at a suggestion their title should change to MWPs (Member of the Welsh Parliament).
Dit is veroorsaak deur planne om die naam van die vergadering na die Walliese Parliament te verander.
It has arisen because of plans to change the name of the assembly to the Welsh Parliament.
Lede van dwarsoor die politiese spektrum is bang dat dit ’n spottery kan uitlok.
AMs across the political spectrum are worried it could invite ridicule.
Een lid van die Arbeidersparty sê sy groep is besorg omdat "dit met Twp en Pwp rym."
One Labour AM said his group was concerned "it rhymes with Twp and Pwp."
Vir lesers buite Wallis: In Wallies beteken twp dom en pwp beteken ontlasting.
For readers outside of Wales: In Welsh twp means daft and pwp means poo.
’n Vergaderingslid van die Plaid Cymru party sê die groep as geheel is "nie gelukkig nie" en het alternatiewe voorgestel.
A Plaid AM said the group as a whole was "not happy" and has suggested alternatives.
’n Lid van die Walliese Konserwatiewe Party sê sy groep is “ontvanklik” oor die naamverandering, maar het opgemerk dat dit ’n kort spraaksprong is van MWP na Muppet, die Britse ekwivalent van sot of dwaas.
A Welsh Conservative said his group was "open minded" about the name change, but noted it was a short verbal hop from MWP to Muppet.
In hierdie konteks word die Walliese letter w soos die Yorkshire-Engelse uitspraak van die letter u uitgespreek.
In this context The Welsh letter w is pronounced similarly to the Yorkshire English pronunciation of the letter u.
Die Vergaderingskommissie, wat tans wetgewing ontwerp om die naamveranderings in te stel, het gesê: “Die finale besluit oor enige beskrywings van wat Vergaderingslede genoem word, sal natuurlik ’n saak vir die lede self wees.”
The Assembly Commission, which is currently drafting legislation to introduce the name changes, said: "The final decision on any descriptors of what Assembly Members are called will of course be a matter for the members themselves."
Die Wet op die Regering van Wallis 2017 het die Walliese vergadering die mag gegee om sy naam te verander.
The Government of Wales Act 2017 gave the Welsh assembly the power to change its name.
In Junie het die Kommissie die uitslae gepubliseer van openbare konsultasie oor die voorstelle wat ruim ondersteuning ontvang het om die vergadering ’n Walliese Parliament te noem.
In June, the Commission published the results of a public consultation on the proposals which found broad support for calling the assembly a Welsh Parliament.
Wat die AM’e se titel betref het die Kommissie Welsh Parliament Members of WMP’s verkies, maar die MWP-opsie het die meeste goedkeuring ontvang in ’n konsultasie met die publiek.
On the matter of the AMs' title, the Commission favoured Welsh Parliament Members or WMPs, but the MWP option received the most support in a public consultation.
AM’e is blykbaar besig om alternatiewe voor te stel, maar die stryd om konsensus te kry kan ’n hoofpyn wees vir die voorsitter, Elin Jones, wat binne weke ’n wetsvoorstel oor die veranderinge moet voorlê.
AMs are apparently suggesting alternative options, but the struggle to reach consensus could be a headache for the Presiding Officer, Elin Jones, who is expected to submit draft legislation on the changes within weeks.
Die wetgewing oor die hervormings sal ook ander veranderings aan die vergadering se werkswyse insluit, insluitende reëls oor diskwalifisering van AM’e en die ontwerp van die komiteestelsel.
The legislation on the reforms will include other changes to the way the assembly works, including rules on disqualification of AMs and the design of the committee system.
AM’e sal die laaste sê kry in die vraag oor wat hulle genoem moet word wanneer hulle oor die wetgewing debatteer.
AMs will get the final vote on the question of what they should be called when they debate the legislation.
Masedoniërs stem in referendum oor verandering van land se naam
Macedonians go to polls in referendum on changing country's name
Kiesers gaan Sondag stem of hulle land se naam na die "Republiek van Noord-Masedonië" moet verander.
Voters will vote Sunday on whether to change their country's name to the "Republic of North Macedonia."
Die volkstemming is gereël in ’n poging om ’n dekadeslange geskil met buurland Griekeland, wat self ’n provinsie genaamd Masedonië het, uit die weg te ruim.
The popular vote was set up in a bid to resolve a decades-long dispute with neighboring Greece, which has its own province called Macedonia.
Athene dring ’n geruime tyd reeds aan dat die naam van sy buurman in die noorde ’n aanspraak op sy gebied verteenwoordig en het herhaaldelik kapsie gemaak teen sy aansoeke om lidmaatskap in die EU en NATO.
Athens has long insisted that its northern neighbor's name represents a claim on its territory and has repeatedly objected to its membership bids for the EU and NATO.
Die president van Masedonië, Gjorge Ivanov, wat die volkstemming oor die naamverandering teenstaan, het gesê dat hy die stemming sal ignoreer.
Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, an opponent of the plebiscite on the name change, has said he will disregard the vote.
Ondersteuners van die referendum, insluitende Eerste Minister Zoran Zaev, voer egter aan dat die naamverandering eenvoudig die prys is wat betaal moet word om by die EU en NATO aan te sluit.
However, supporters of the referendum, including Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, argue that the name change is simply the price to pay to join the EU and NATO.
Die klokke van Sint Martin’s raak stil want kerke in Harlem sukkel
The Bells of St. Martin's Fall Silent as Churches in Harlem Struggle
"Histories gesproke, sê die ou mense met wie ek gepraat het, was daar ’n kroeg en ’n kerk op elke hoek was," sê mnr. Adams.
"Historically, the old people I've talked to say there was a bar and a church on every corner," Mr. Adams said.
"Nie een van die twee is vandag meer daar nie."
"Today, there's neither."
Hy sê dat die verdwyning van kroeë verstaanbaar is.
He said the disappearance of bars was understandable.
"Mense sosialiseer deesdae op ander maniere," sê hy.
"People socialize in a different way" nowadays, he said.
"Kroeë is nie meer buurte se gesinskamers waarheen mense gereeld gaan nie."
"Bars are no longer neighborhood living rooms where people go on a regular basis."
Wat kerke betref is hy bekommerd dat die geld uit bateverkope nie so lank gaan hou as wat leiers verwag nie, "en vroeër of later is hulle terug presies waar hulle begin het."
As for churches, he worries that the money from selling assets will not last as long as leaders expect it to, "and sooner or later they'll be right back where they started."
Kerke, voeg hy by, kan vervang word deur woonstelgeboue met kondominiums vol van die tipe mense wat nie die buurt se oorblywende toevlugsoorde sal help nie.
Churches, he added, could be replaced by apartment buildings with condominiums filled with the kind of people who will not help the neighborhood's remaining sanctuaries.
"Die oorgrote meerderheid van mense wat eenhede in hierdie geboue koop, sal wit wees," sê hy, "en sal daarom die dag wat hierdie kerke heeltemal sluit selfs nader bring, want die meeste van die mense wat in hierdie kondominiums intrek sal waarskynlik nie lede van hierdie kerke word nie."
"The overwhelming majority of people who buy condominiums in these buildings will be white," he said, "and therefore will hasten the day that these churches close altogether because it is unlikely that most of these people who move into these condominiums will become members of these churches."
Albei kerke is deur wit gemeentes gebou voor Harlem ’n swart metropool geword het - Metropolitan Community in 1870, Sint Martin’s ’n dekade later.
Both churches were built by white congregations before Harlem became a black metropolis - Metropolitan Community in 1870, St. Martin's a decade later.
Die oorspronklike wit Metodiste-gemeente het in die 1930’s weggetrek.
The original white Methodist congregation moved out in the 1930s.
’n Swart gemeente wat daar naby aanbid het, het die gebou se titel oorgeneem.
A black congregation that had been worshiping nearby took title to the building.
Sint Martin’s is oorgeneem deur ’n swart gemeente onder leiding van Eerw. John Howard Johnson, wat ’n boikot gelei het van kleinhandelaars in125ste straat, ’n hoofstraat vir inkopies in Harlem, wat nie swartmense wou aanstel of bevorder nie.
St. Martin's was taken over by a black congregation under the Rev. John Howard Johnson, who led a boycott of retailers on 125th Street, a main street for shopping in Harlem, who resisted hiring or promoting blacks.
’n Brand in 1939 het die gebou erg beskadig, maar terwyl Vader Johnson se lidmate planne gemaak het om dit te herbou, het hulle die kariljon bestel.
A fire in 1939 left the building badly damaged, but as Father Johnson's parishioners made plans to rebuild, they commissioned the carillon.
Eerw. David Johnson, Vader Johnson se seun en opvolger by Sint Martin’s, het met trots die kariljon "die arm mense se klokke" genoem.
The Rev. David Johnson, Father Johnson's son and successor at St. Martin's, proudly called the carillon "the poor people's bells."
Die deskundige wat in Julie die kariljon gespeel het, het dit iets anders genoem: "’n Kultuurskat" en "’n onvervangbare geskiedkundige instrument."
The expert who played the carillon in July called it something else: "A cultural treasure" and "an irreplaceable historical instrument."
Die deskundige, Tiffany Ng van die Universiteit van Michigan, het ook opgemerk dat dit die eerste kariljon in die wêreld is wat gespeel is deur ’n swart musikant, Dionisio A. Lind, wat 18 jaar gelede na die groter kariljon by die Riverside Church geskuif het.
The expert, Tiffany Ng of the University of Michigan, also noted that it was the first carillon in the world to be played by a black musician, Dionisio A. Lind, who moved to the larger carillon at the Riverside Church 18 years ago.
Mnr. Merriweather sê dat Sint Martin’s hom nie vervang het nie.
Mr. Merriweather said that St. Martin's did not replace him.
Wat die afgelope paar maande by Sint Martin’s afspeel is ’n ingewikkelde verhaal van argitekte en kontrakteurs, sommige ingebring deur die lekeleiers van die kerk, ander deur die Episkopale bisdom.
What has played out at St. Martin's over the last few months has been a complicated tale of architects and contractors, some brought in by the lay leaders of the church, others by the Episcopal diocese.
Die kerkraad, die gemeente se beheerliggaam, wat uit lekeleiers bestaan - het in Julie aan die bisdom geskryf met kommer dat die bisdom “gaan probeer om die koste oor te dra” aan die kerkraad, al was die kerkraad nie betrokke by die aanstelling van die argitekte en kontrakteurs wat die bisdom gestuur het nie.
The vestry - the parish's governing body, made up of lay leaders - wrote the diocese in July with concerns that the diocese "would seek to pass along the costs" to the vestry, even though the vestry had not been involved in hiring the architects and contractors the diocese sent in.
Sommige gemeentelede kla oor ’n tekort aan deursigtigheid van die bisdom se kant af.
Some parishioners complained of a lack of transparency on the diocese's part.
Haai beseer 13-jarige op kreefduik in Kalifornië
Shark injures 13-year-old on lobster dive in California
’n Haai het Saterdag ’n 13-jarige seun aangeval en beseer toe hy op die eerste dag van die kreefseisoen in Kalifornië vir kreef geduik het, sê beamptes.
A shark attacked and injured a 13-year-old boy Saturday while he was diving for lobster in California on the opening day of lobster season, officials said.
Die aanval het kort voor 7 vm. naby Beacon’s Beach in Encinitas plaasgevind.
The attack occurred just before 7 a.m. near Beacon's Beach in Encinitas.
Chad Hammel het KSWB-TV in San Diego vertel dat hy Saterdagoggend ’n halfuur lank besig was om met vriende te duik toe hy die seun om hulp hoor gil en toe met ‘n groep nader geroei het om hom uit die water te help trek.
Chad Hammel told KSWB-TV in San Diego he had been diving with friends for about half an hour Saturday morning when he heard the boy screaming for help and then paddled over with a group to help pull him out of the water.
Hammel sê hy het eers gedink dit was net die opwinding van ’n eerste kreefvangs, maar toe besef hy "dat hy roep, 'ek is gebyt!
Hammel said at first he thought it was just excitement of catching a lobster, but then he "realized that he was yelling, 'I got bit!
Ek is gebyt!'
I got bit!'
Sy hele sleutelbeen was oopgeskeur," het Hammel gesien toe hy by die seun uitkom.
His whole clavicle was ripped open," Hammel said he noticed once he got to the boy.
"Ek het geroep dat almal uit die water moet kom: 'Daar is ’n haai in die water!'" voeg Hammel by.
"I yelled at everyone to get out of the water: 'There's a shark in the water!'" Hammel added.
Die seun is na die Rady Kinderhospitaal in San Diego gevlieg, waar sy toestand as kritiek beskryf word.
The boy was airlifted to Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego where he is listed in critical condition.
Dit is nie bekend watter haaispesie vir die aanval verantwoordelik is nie.
The species of shark responsible for the attack was unknown.
Lewensredderkapt. Larry Giles het by ’n mediavoorligtingsessie gesê dat ’n haai ’n paar weke gelede in die gebied opgemerk is, maar daar is bepaal dat dit nie ’n gevaarlike haaispesie was nie.
Lifeguard Capt. Larry Giles said at a media briefing that a shark had been spotted in the area a few weeks earlier, but it was determined not to be a dangerous species of shark.
Giles het bygevoeg dat die slagoffer traumatiese beserings aan die boonste deel van sy bolyf opgedoen het.
Giles added the victim sustained traumatic injuries to his upper torso area.
Beamptes het strandtoegang van Ponto Beach in Casablad tot Swami’s in Ecinitas 48 uur lank gesluit om ondersoek- en veiligheidsredes.
Officials shut down beach access from Ponto Beach in Casablad to Swami's in Ecinitas for 48 hours for investigation and safety purposes.
Giles merk op dat daar meer as 135 haaispesies in die gebied is, maar die meeste word nie as gevaarlik beskou nie.
Giles noted that there are more than 135 shark species in the area, but most are not considered dangerous.
Sainsbury's beplan uitbreiding na VK skoonheidsmark
Sainsbury's plans push into UK beauty market
Sainsbury's sê Boots, Superdrug en Debenhams die stryd aan met afdelingswinkel-tipe skoonheidsgange wat deur spesialis-assistente beman is.
Sainsbury's is taking on Boots, Superdrug and Debenhams with department store-style beauty aisles staffed with specialist assistants.
As deel van ’n groot uitbreiding in die VK se £2.8 miljard skoonheidsmark, wat aanhou groei terwyl verkope van mode- en huisware terugsak, sal die groter skoonheidsgange in 11 winkels oor die land heen getoets word en as dit ’n sukses is volgende jaar na meer winkels geneem word.
As part of a substantial push into the UK's £2.8bn beauty market, which is continuing to grow while fashion and homeware sales fall back, the larger beauty aisles will be tested out in 11 stores around the country and taken to more stores next year if it proves a success.
Die belegging in skoonheid vind plaas terwyl supermarkte soek na maniere om rakke te vul wat eens vir TV’s, mikrogolwe en huisware gebruik is.
The investment in beauty comes as supermarkets hunt for ways to use up shelf space once sued for TVs, microwaves and homeware.
Sainsbury's sê dat dit die grootte van sy beskikbare skoonheidsprodukte gaan verdubbel tot 3 000 produkte, wat vir die eerste keer handelsname soos Revlon, Essie, Tweezerman en Dr. PawPaw sal insluit.
Sainsbury's said it would be doubling the size of its beauty offering to up to 3,000 products, including brands such as Revlon, Essie, Tweezerman and Dr. PawPaw for the first time.
Bestaande reekse van L'Oreal, Maybelline en Burt's Bees sal ook meer plek kry met handelsmerkspesifieke areas soortgelyk aan die wat in winkels soos Boots te sien is.
Existing ranges from L'Oreal, Maybelline and Burt's Bees will also get more space with branded areas similar to those found in shops like Boots.
Die supermark lanseer ook weer sy Boutique-grimeringsreeks sodat die meerderheid produkte vegaan-vriendelik is - iets waarop al meer jonger kopers aandring.
The supermarket is also relaunching its Boutique makeup range so that the majority of products are vegan-friendly - something increasingly demanded by younger shoppers.
Daarbenewens sal die parfuumkleinhandelaar, The Fragrance Shop konsessies toets in twee Sainsbury’s-winkels, waarvan die eerste laas week in Croydon in Suid-Londen oopgemaak het en ’n tweede wat later hierdie jaar in Selly Oak in Birmingham sal oopmaak.
In addition, perfume retailer the Fragrance Shop will be testing out concessions in two Sainsbury's stores, the first of which opened in Croydon, south London, last week while a second opens in Selly Oak, Birmingham, later this year.
Internet-inkopies en ’n skuif na kleiner hoeveelhede kos wat daagliks by plaaslike geriefswinkels gekoop word beteken dat supermarkte meer moet doen om mense te oorreed om hulle te besoek.
Online shopping and a shift towards buying small amounts of food daily at local convenience stores means supermarkets are having to do more to persuade people to visit.
Mike Coupe, die hoof uitvoerende beampte van Sainsbury's, het gesê dat die winkels al meer soos afdelingswinkels gaan lyk wanneer die supermarkketting probeer om met meer dienste en nie-voedselprodukte teen die afslagwinkels Aldi en Lidl terug te veg.
Mike Coupe, the chief executive of Sainsbury's, has said the outlets will look increasingly like department stores as the supermarket chain tries to fight back against the discounters Aldi and Lidl with more services and non-food.
Sainsbury's het Argos-verkooppunte in honderde winkels geplaas en ook ’n aantal Habitat-verkooppunte bekendgestel sedert dit twee jaar terug albei hierdie kettings gekoop het, wat volgens hulle kruideniersware-verkope versterk het en die aankope meer winsgewend gemaak het.
Sainsbury's has been putting Argos outlets in hundreds of stores and has also introduced a number of Habitats since it bought both chains two years ago, which it says has bolstered grocery sales and made the acquisitions more profitable.
Die supermark se vorige poging om sy skoonheid- en apteekafdelings te vernuwe het misluk.
The supermarket's previous attempt to revamp its beauty and pharmacy departments ended in failure.
Sainsbury's het in die vroeë 2000’s ’n gesamentlike onderneming met Boots getoets, maar die verhouding is beëindig na ’n argument oor hoe die wins uit die apteke binne sy winkels verdeel moet word.
Sainsbury's tested a joint venture with Boots in the early 2000s, but the tie-up ended after a row over how to split the revenues from the chemist's stores in its supermarkets.
Die nuwe strategie kom nadat Sainsbury's drie jaar gelede sy 281-winkel apteekbesigheid vir £125m verkoop het aan Celesio, die eienaar van die Lloyds Pharmacy-ketting.
The new strategy comes after Sainsbury's sold its 281-store pharmacy business to Celesio, the owner of the Lloyds Pharmacy chain, for £125m, three years ago.
Dit sê dat Lloyds ’n rol in die plan sal speel deur ’n uitgebreide reeks luukse velsorgprodukte, insluitende La Roche-Posay en Vichy, in vier winkels te bied.
It said Lloyds would play a role in the plan, by adding an extended range of luxury skincare brands including La Roche-Posay and Vichy in four stores.
Paul Mills-Hicks, Sainsbury's se handelsdirekteur, het gesê: "Ons het die voorkoms en gevoel van ons skoonheidsgange getransformeer om die omgewing vir ons klante te verbeter.
Paul Mills-Hicks, Sainsbury's commercial director, said: "We've transformed the look and feel of our beauty aisles to enhance the environment for our customers.
Ons het ook in spesiaal-opgeleide kollegas belê wat byderhand sal wees om advies te bied.
We've also invested in specially trained colleagues who will be on hand to offer advice.
Ons reeks handelsname is ontwerp om aan elke behoefte te voorsien en die aanloklike omgewing en gerieflike liggings beteken dat ons nou ’n gebiedende skoonheidsbestemming is wat die ou manier van inkopies doen uitdaag."
Our range of brands is designed to suit every need and the alluring environment and convenient locations mean we're now a compelling beauty destination which challenges the old way of shopping."
Peter Jones 'woedend' nadat Holly Willoughby aan £11 miljoen-ooreenkoms onttrek
Peter Jones 'furious' after Holly Willoughby pulls out of £11million deal
Dragons Den-ster Peter Jones het 'woedend' weggeloop nadat TV-aanbieder Holly Willoughby haar aan ’n £11 miljoen ooreenkoms met sy leefstylhandelsmerk-besigheid onttrek het om op haar kontrakte met Marks and Spencer en ITV te fokus.
Dragons Den star Peter Jones left 'furious' after TV presenter Holly Willoughby pulls out of £11million deal with his lifestyle brand business to focus on her new contracts with Marks and Spencer and ITV
Willoughby het nie tyd vir hulle huisklere-en-bykomstigheid handelsnaam, Truly, nie.
Willoughby has no time for their homewear and accessories brand Truly.
Die paartjie se besigheid is met Gwyneth Paltrow se Goop-handelsnaam vergelyk.
The pair's business had been likened to Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop brand.
Die This Morning-aanbieder, 37, het op Instagram aangekondig dat sy haar onttrek.
This Morning presenter, 37, took to Instagram to announce she is leaving.
Holly Willoughby het Dragons Den-ster Peter Jones woedend gelaat deur op die laaste oomblik aan hulle winsgewende leefstylhandelsmerk-besigheid te onttrek - om op haar eie reuse kontrakte met Marks & Spencer en ITV te fokus.
Holly Willoughby has left Dragons" Den star Peter Jones fuming by pulling out of their lucrative lifestyle brand business at the last minute - to focus on her own new bumper contracts with Marks & Spencer and ITV.
Bronne sê dat Jones "woedend" was toe TV se goue meisie Dinsdag by ’n gespanne vergadering in die hoofkwartier van sy besigheidsryk in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, aangekondig het dat haar nuwe geleenthede - wat tot £1,5 miljoen werd is - beteken dat sy nie meer genoeg tyd aan hulle huisklere-en-bykomstigheid-handelsnaam, Truly, kan bestee nie.
Sources say Jones was "furious" when TV's golden girl admitted during a tense meeting on Tuesday at the headquarters of his business empire in Marlow, Buckinghamshire, that her new deals - worth up to £1.5 million - meant she no longer had enough time to devote to their homewear and accessories brand Truly.
Die besigheid is met Gwyneth Paltrow se Goop-handelsnaam vergelyk en sou volgens ingewydes Willoughby se beraamde £11 miljoen-fortuin verdubbel het.
The business had been likened to Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop brand and was tipped to double Willoughby's estimated £11 million fortune.
Terwyl Willoughby, 37, op Instagram aankondig dat sy Truly verlaat, het Jones op ’n straler geklim en Brittanje vir een van sy vakansiehuise verruil.
As Willoughby, 37, took to Instagram to announce she was leaving Truly, Jones jetted out of Britain to head for one of his holiday homes.
’n Bron sê: "Truly was Holly se grootste prioriteit by verre.
A source said: "Truly was by far the top of Holly's priorities.
Dit sou haar langtermyn toekoms wees wat haar deur die komende paar dekades sou dra.
It was going to be her long-term future that would see her through the next couple of decades.
Haar besluit om haar te onttrek het alle betrokkenes absoluut stomgeslaan.
Her decision to pull out left everyone involved absolutely stunned.
Niemand kon Dinsdag glo wat besig was om te gebeur nie, dit was so naby aan die bekendstelling.
Nobody could believe what was happening on Tuesday, it was so close to the launch.
Daar is ’n pakhuis vol goedere by die Marlow-hoofkwartier wat reg staan om verkoop te word.”
There is a warehouse full of goods at the Marlow HQ which are ready to be sold."
Kenners glo dat die onttrekking van die This Morning-aanbieder, een van Brittanje se sterre wat die meeste geld laat instroom, die firma miljoene uit die sak kan jaag as gevolg van die yslike belegging in produkte wat strek van kussings en kerse tot klerasie en huisklere, en die moontlikheid dat sy bekendstelling selfs meer vertragings kan teëkom.
Experts believe the departure of the This Morning presenter, who is among Britain's most bankable stars, could cost the firm millions due to hefty investment in products ranging from cushions and candles to clothing and homewear, and the potential for further delays to its launch.
En dit kan die einde van ’n lang vriendskap beteken.
And it could mean the end of a long friendship.
Willoughby, ’n ma van drie, en haar man Dan Baldwin is al tien jaar lank na aan Jones en sy vrou Tara Capp.
Mother-of-three Willoughby and husband Dan Baldwin have been close to Jones and his wife Tara Capp for ten years.
Willoughby het Truly in 2016 saam met Capp opgestel en Jones, 52, het in Maart as voorsitter aangesluit.
Willoughby set up Truly with Capp in 2016 and Jones, 52, joined as chairman in March.
Die paartjies hou saam vakansie en Jones besit ’n 40 persent aandeel in Baldwin se TV-produksiefirma.
The couples holiday together and Jones has a 40 per cent stake in Baldwin's TV production firm.
Willoughby gaan ’n handelsmerk-ambassadeur vir M&S word en sal Ant McPartlin vervang as aanbieder van ITV se I’m a Celebrity.
Willoughby is to become a brand ambassador for M&S and will replace Ant McPartlin as host of ITV's I'm A Celebrity.
’n Bron naby aan Jones het laasnag gesê, "Ons sal geen kommentaar op sy besigheidsake lewer nie."
A source close to Jones said last night "We wouldn't comment on his business affairs."
Harde woorde 'en toe raak ons verlief'
Tough talk 'and then we fell in love'
Hy het gespot oor kritiek wat hy van die nuusmedia gaan kry omdat hy ’n opmerking gemaak het wat sommige as "onpresidensieel" sou beskou en omdat hy so positief was oor die Noord-Koreaanse leier.
He joked about criticism he would get from the news media for making a comment some would consider "unpresidential" and for being so positive about the North Korean leader.
Waarom het President Trump soveel opgegee?
Why has President Trump given up so much?
het Trump in sy kamma-"nuusleserstem" gesê.
Trump said in his mock "news anchor" voice.
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Dataset Summary

Multilingual News Test References for MT Evaluation from English into 32 target African languages in the NTREX-128 dataset. Adapted from [NTREX]{}, processed into tab-separated value (TSV) files for easy integration into evaluation workflows

Sample usage

from datasets import load_dataset

# Load a specific language configuration
dataset = load_dataset("masakhane/ntrex_african", name="afr_Latn", split="test")


  • afr_Latn
  • amh_Ethi
  • arb_Arab
  • bem_Latn
  • ewe_Latn
  • fra_Latn
  • hau_Latn
  • ibo_Latn
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