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Pelosi het Saterdag die kommentaar in ’n onderhoud by die Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas, gelewer. | Pelosi made the comments in an interview Saturday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. |
“Ek kon nie help om te dink dat as ’n vrou ooit só opgetree het, hulle ‘histeries’ sou sê nie,” het Pelosi gesê oor haar reaksie op Kavanaugh se getuienis voor die Senaat-regskommittee Donderdag. | "I couldn't help but think that if a woman had ever performed that way, they would say 'hysterical,'" Pelosi said about her reaction to Kavanaugh's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. |
Kavanaugh het emosioneel aantygings ontken dat hy seksueel dr Christine Blasey Ford aangerand het toe hulle albei tieners was. | Kavanaugh emotionally denied allegations that he had sexually assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford when they were both teenagers. |
Gedurende sy openingsverklaring, was Kavanaugh baie emosioneel gewees en het hy ten tye amper geskree en gestik terwyl hy sy familie en sy hoërskool jare bespreek het. | During his opening statement, Kavanaugh was very emotional, at times nearly shouting and choking up while discussing his family and his high school years. |
Hy het ook uitdruklik Demokrate op die komitee afgekeur en die bewerings teen hom ’n “belaglike en gekoördineerde karaktersluipmoord” genoem, geörganiseer deur liberale wat kwaad was dat Hillary Clinton die 2016 presidensiële verkiesing verloor het. | He also explicitly condemned Democrats on the committee, calling the allegations against him a "grotesque and coordinated character assassination" organized by liberals angry that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election. |
Pelosi het gesê dat sy geglo het dat Kavanaugh se getuienis bewys het dat hy nie op die Hooggeregshof kon dien nie, omdat dit gewys het dat hy teen Demokrate bevooroordeel was. | Pelosi said that she believed Kavanaugh's testimony proved that he could not serve on the Supreme Court, because it showed that he is biased against Democrats. |
“Ek dink dat hy homself onbevoeg maak met daardie stellings en die manier waarop hy agter die Clintons en die Demokrate aangegaan het,” het sy gesê. | "I think that he disqualifies himself with those statements and the manner in which he went after the Clintons and the Democrats," she said. |
Pelosi het geaarsel toe sy gevra is of sy sou probeer om Kavanaugh aan te kla as hy bevestig is, en as Demokrate die meerderheid in die Laerhuis wen. | Pelosi demurred when asked if she would try to impeach Kavanaugh if he is confirmed, and if Democrats gain the majority in the House of Representatives. |
“Ek sal dit sê -- as hy nie die waarheid aan Kongres of die FBI vertel nie, dan is hy nie bevoeg om op die Hooggeregshof te wees nie, maar om op die hof te wees waarop hy tans is,” het Pelosi gesê. | "I will say this -- if he is not telling the truth to Congress or to the FBI, then he's not fit not only to be on the Supreme Court, but to be on the court he's on right now," Pelosi said. |
Kavanaugh is tans ’n regter op die D.C. Ommegang Appèlhof. | Kavanaugh is currently a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. |
Pelosi het bygevoeg dat sy as ’n Demokraat bekommerd was oor potensiële Kavanaugh-beslissings teen die Wet op Bekostigbare Sorg of Roe v. Wade aangesien hy ’n konserwatiewe reg geag word. | Pelosi added that as a Democrat she was concerned about potential Kavanaugh rulings against the Affordable Care Act or Roe v. Wade, as he is considered to be a conservative justice. |
In sy bevestigingsverhore, het Kavanaugh vrae verbygespring oor of hy sekere Hooggeregshof-beslissings sou omvêrgooi. | In his confirmation hearings, Kavanaugh sidestepped questions on whether he would overturn certain Supreme Court decisions. |
“Dis nie tyd vir ’n histeriese, bevooroordeelde persoon om na die hof toe te gaan en verwag dat ons sê, ‘is dit nie wonderlik nie,’” het Pelosi gesê. | "It's not time for a hysterical, biased person to go to the court and expect us to say, 'isn't that wonderful,'" Pelosi said. |
En vroue moet dit hanteer. | And Women Need to Wield It. |
Dit is ’n regverdige diatribe, maande en jare se woede wat oorkook, en sy kan dit nie uitkry sonder om te huil nie. | It is a righteous diatribe, months and years of fury spilling over, and she can't get it out without weeping. |
“Ons huil wanneer ons kwaad word,” het me Steinem 45 jaar later vir my gesê. | "We cry when we get angry," Ms. Steinem said to me 45 years later. |
“Ek dink nie dis ongewoon nie, doen jy?” | "I don't think that's uncommon, do you?" |
Sy het voortgegaan, “Ek is baie gehelp deur ’n vrou wat ’n uitvoerende beampte iewers was, wie ook gesê het dat sy huil wanneer sy kwaad geword het, maar ’n tegniek ontwikkel het wat beteken het dat wanneer sy kwaad geword het en begin huil het, sou sy vir die persoon met wie sy gepraat het, gesê het, “Jy dink dalk dat ek hartseer is omdat ek huil. | She continued, "I was greatly helped by a woman who was an executive someplace, who said she also cried when she got angry, but developed a technique which meant that when she got angry and started to cry, she'd say to the person she was talking to, "You may think I am sad because I am crying. |
Ek is kwaad." | I am angry." |
En dan het sy net aangegaan. | And then she just kept going. |
En ek het gedink dat dit briljant was." | And I thought that was brilliant." |
Trane is toelaatbaar as ’n gedeeltelike uitgang vir toom omdat hulle fundamenteel misverstaan word. | Tears are permitted as an outlet for wrath in part because they are fundamentally misunderstood. |
Een van my skerpste herinneringe van ’n vroeë werk in ’n manlik-gedomineerde kantoor is waar ek een keer gevind het dat ek met naamlose woede huil en by my nekvel deur ’n ouer vrou gegryp is - ’n koue bestuurder vir wie ek bietjie bang was - wat my in ’n trapportaal gesleep het. | One of my sharpest memories from an early job, in a male-dominated office, where I once found myself weeping with inexpressible rage, was my being grabbed by the scruff of my neck by an older woman - a chilly manager of whom I'd always been slightly terrified - who dragged me into a stairwell. |
“Moet nooit laat hulle jou sien huil nie,” het sy my vertel. | "Never let them see you crying," she told me. |
“Hulle weet nie dat jy woedend is nie. | "They don't know you're furious. |
Hulle dink dat jy hartseer is en sal bly wees, omdat hulle ’n uitwerking op jou gehad het.” | They think you're sad and will be pleased because they got to you." |
Patricia Schroeder, destyds ’n Demokratiese kongresvrou vanaf Kolorado, het met Gary Hart op sy presidensiële veldtogte gewerk. | Patricia Schroeder, then a Democratic congresswoman from Colorado, had worked with Gary Hart on his presidential runs. |
In 1987, toe mnr Hart in ’n buite-egtelike verhouding op ’n boot genoem Monkey Business uitgevang word en hy moes die resies verlaat, het me Schroeder, erg gefrustreerd, besef dat daar geen rede was waarom sy nie die idee dat sy vir president kan hardloop, kan ondersoek nie. | In 1987, when Mr. Hart was caught in an extramarital affair aboard a boat called Monkey Business and bowed out of the race, Ms. Schroeder, deeply frustrated, figured there was no reason she shouldn't explore the idea of running for president herself. |
“Ek het nie goed oor die besluit nagedink nie,” het sy vir my laggend 30 jaar later gesê. | "It was not a well-thought-out decision," she said to me with a laugh 30 years later. |
"Daar was reeds sewe ander kandidate in die wedren en die laaste ding wat hulle nodig gehad het, was nog een. | "There were already seven other candidates in the race, and the last thing they needed was another one. |
Iemand het dit “Sneeuwitjie en die Sewe Dwergies” genoem. | Somebody called it "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."" |
Omdat dit laat in die veldtog was, was sy agter met vondsinsamelings en sy het dus ’n gelofte afgelê dat sy nie die resies sou binnegaan tensy sy $2 miljoen dollar ingesamel het nie. | Because it was late in the campaign, she was behind on fund-raising, and so she vowed that she wouldn't enter the race unless she raised $2 million. |
Dit was ’n verlore stryd gewees. | It was a losing battle. |
Sy het ontdek dat van haar ondersteuners wat vir mans $1,000 gegee het, haar slegs $250 sou gee. | She discovered that some of her supporters who gave $1,000 to men would give her only $250. |
"Dink hulle ek kry afslag?" het sy gewonder. | "Do they think I get a discount?" she wondered. |
Toe sy haar toespraak gelewer het en aangekondig het dat sy nie ’n formele veldtog sou loods nie, was sy oorstelp deur emosies - dankbaar vir die mense wat haar ondersteun het, gefrustreerd met die stelsel wat dit so moeilik gemaak het om geld in te samel en om kiesers eerder as delegate te teiken, en kwaad vir die seksisme - dat sy gestik het. | When she made her speech announcing that she would not launch a formal campaign, she was so overcome by emotions - gratitude for the people who'd supported her, frustration with the system that made it so difficult to raise money and to target voters rather than delegates, and anger at the sexism - that she got choked up. |
Jy sou gedink het dat ek ’n senuwee-instorting gehad het,” herroep me Schroeder oor hoe die pers op haar gereageer het. | "You would have thought I'd had a nervous breakdown," recalled Ms. Schroeder about how the press reacted to her. |
“Jy sou gedink het dat Kleenex my korporatiewe borg was. | "You'd have thought Kleenex was my corporate sponsor. |
Ek onthou dat ek gedink het, wat gaan hulle op my grafsteen sit? | I remember thinking, what are they going to put on my tombstone? |
"Sy het gehuil"?"" | "She cried"?"" |
Hoe die US-Sjina-handelsoorlog dalk goed vir Beijing kan wees | How the US-China trade war may be good for Beijing |
Die openingsalvos van die handelsoorlog tussen die US en Sjina was oorverdowend gewees en terwyl die stryd vêr van verby is, is ’n onenigheid tussen die lande dalk in die langtermyn voordelig vir Beijing, sê deskundiges. | The opening salvos of the trade war between the US and China were deafening, and while the battle is far from over, a rift between the countries may be beneficial to Beijing in the long term, experts say. |
Donald Trump, die US-president, het die eerste waarskuwing vroeër hierdie jaar gevuur deur belangrike Sjinese uitvoere, insluitend sonpanele, staal en aluminium, te belas. | Donald Trump, the US President, fired the first warning earlier this year by taxing key Chinese exports including solar panels, steel and aluminium. |
Die mees belangwekkende eskalasie het hierdie week ingerol met nuwe tariewe wat $200 biljoen (£150 biljoen) se items affekteer en effektief helfte van die goedere belas wat in die US van Sjina af inkom. | The most significant escalation rolled in this week with new tariffs affecting $200 billion (£150 billion) worth of items, effectively taxing half of all goods coming into the US from China. |
Beijing het elke keer in goedere weerwraak geneem en het onlangs tariewe van vyf tot tien persent op $60 biljoen se Amerikaanse goedere geklap. | Beijing has retaliated each time in kind, most recently slapping tariffs of five to ten per cent on $60 billion of American goods. |
Sjina het belowe om die US skoot-vir-skoot te ewenaar en die wêreld se grootste ekonomie gaan nie binnekort beweeg nie. | China has pledged to match the US shot-for-shot, and the world's second largest economy is unlikely to blink anytime soon. |
Om Washington te kry om terug te staan beteken om oor te gee aan versoeke, maar om in die openbaar aan die US se versoeke te voldoen sal te veel van ’n verleentheid vir Xi Jinping, Sjina se president, wees. | Getting Washington to back down means caving into demands, but publicly bowing to the US would be far too embarrassing for Xi Jinping, China's president. |
Deskundiges sê steeds dat as Beijing sy kaarte reg speel, kan druk oor US-handelsoorlog oor die langtermyn Sjina positief ondersteun deur die onderlinge afhanklikheid van die twee ekonomieë te verlaag. | Still, experts say if Beijing can play its cards right, US trade war pressures could positively support China over the long term by lowering the inter-dependence of the two economies. |
Die feit dat ’n vinnige politiese besluit in óf Washington óf Beijing die toestande kan skep wat ’n ekonomiese tolvlug in enige een van die lande kan begin, is eintlik baie gevaarliker as wat toeskouers al voorheen beken het,” het Abigail Grace gesê, ’n navorsingsassistent wat op Asië fokus in die middel van Nuwe Amerikaanse Sekuriteit, ’n denker. | "The fact that a quick political decision in either Washington or Beijing could create the conditions that start an economic tailspin in either country is actually a lot more dangerous than onlookers have acknowledged before," said Abigail Grace, a research associate who focuses on Asia at the Center for New American Security, a think tank. |
Sirië ‘gereed’ vir vlugtelinge om terug te keer, sê Minister van Buitelandse Sake | Syria 'ready' for refugees to return, says Foreign Minister |
Sirië sê dit is gereed vir die vrywillige terugkoms van vlugtelinge en doen ’n beroep op hulp om die land wat deur ’n oorlog vir meer as sewe jaar verwoes is, te herbou. | Syria says it's ready for the voluntary return of refugees and is appealing for help to rebuild the country devastated by a more than seven-year long war. |
Die Minister van Buitelandse Sake Walid al-Moualem het in ’n toespraak aan die Verenigde Nasies se Algemene Vergadering gesê dat toestande in die land verbeter. | Speaking to the United Nations General Assembly, Foreign minister Walid al-Moualem said conditions in the country are improving. |
“Vandag is die situasie op grondvlak meer stabiel en beveilig te danke aan vordering in die bekamping van terrorisme,” het hy gesê. | "Today the situation on the ground is more stable and secure thanks to progress made in combating terrorism," he said. |
Die regering gaan voort om die areas wat deur terroriste vernietig is, na normaal te herstel. | The government continues to rehabilitate the areas destroyed by terrorists to restore normalcy. |
Alle toestande is nou teenwoordig vir die vrywillige terugkoms van vlugtelinge na die land wat hulle moes verlaat weens terrorisme en die eensydige ekonomiese maatreëls wat hulle daaglikse lewens en hulle bestaan geteiken het. | All conditions are now present for the voluntary return of refugees to the country they had to leave because of terrorism and the unilateral economic measures that targeted their daily lives and their livelihoods. |
Die VN skat dat meer as 5.5 miljoen Siriese mense die land al gevlug het sedertdien die oorlog in 2011 begin het. | The UN estimates that more than 5.5 million Syrians have fled the country since the war began in 2011. |
’n Verdere ses miljoen mense wat steeds in die land woon, het filantropiese bystand nodig. | Another six million people still living in the country are in need of humanitarian assistance. |
Al-Moualem het gesê die Siriese regime sou hulp verwelkom om die platgeslane land te herbou. | Al-Moualem said the Syrian regime would welcome help in rebuilding the devastated country. |
Maar hy het klem daarop gelê dat dit nie voorwaardelike bystand of hulp van lande af sal aanvaar wat die inval geborg het nie. | But he stressed that it would not accept conditional assistance or help from countries that sponsored the insurgency. |
Europa beseël Ryder-bekeroorwinning in Parys | Europe clinches Ryder Cup victory in Paris |
Span Europa het die 2018 Ryder-beker gewen en Span VSA met ’n finale punt van 16.5 teen 10.5 by Le Golf National buite Parys, Frankryk, oorwin. | Team Europe has won the 2018 Ryder Cup defeating Team USA by a final score of 16.5 to 10.5 at Le Golf National outside Paris, France. |
Die US het nou ses opeenvolgende kere op Europese grond verloor en het nog nie sedert 1993 ’n Ryder-beker in Europa gewen nie. | The US has now lost six consecutive times on European soil and has not won a Ryder Cup in Europe since 1993. |
Europa het die kroon teruggekry toe die Deense kaptein Thomas Bjorn se span die 14.5 punte gehaal het wat hulle nodig gehad het om die Verenigde State te wen. | Europe regained the crown as the Danish captain Thomas Bjorn's team reached the 14.5 points they required to beat the United States. |
US-stêr Phil Mickelson, wat vir meeste van die toernooi gesukkel het, het sy T-hou in die water by die par-3 16de gaatjie laat plof en sy wedstryd aan Francesco Molinari toegegee. | US star Phil Mickelson, who struggled most of the tournament, plunked his tee-shot into the water at the par-3 16th hole, conceding his match to Francesco Molinari. |
Die Italiaanse gholfspeler Molinari het in al sy rondtes geblink en het een van die 1-van-4 spelers geword om ooit 5-0-0 te gaan sedertdien die toernooi se huidige formaat in 1979 begin het. | The Italian golfer Molinari shined in all of his rounds, becoming 1-of-4 players to ever go 5-0-0 since the tournament's current format begun in 1979. |
Amerikaanse Jordan Spieth is 5&4 uitgeblaas deur die speler met die laagste rang op die Europese span, Thorbjorn Olesen van Denemarke. | American Jordan Spieth was blown out 5&4 by the lowest-ranked player on the European team, Thorbjorn Olesen of Denmark. |
Die speler met die wêreld se hoogste rang, Dustin Johnson, het 2 en 1 geval om Poulter van Engeland te land wie dalk in sy finale Ryder-beker gespeel het. | The world's top-ranked player, Dustin Johnson, fell 2 and 1 to Ian Poulter of England who may have played in his final Ryder Cup. |
’n Veteraan van agt Ryder-bekers, Spanjaard Sergio Garcia, het die toernooi se Europese wenner van alle tye met 25.5 loopbaanpunte geword. | A veteran of eight Ryder Cups, Spaniard Sergio Garcia became the tournaments all-time winningest European with 25.5 career point. |
"Ek huil nie gewoonlik nie, maar vandag kan ek dit nie help nie. | "I don't usually cry but today I can't help it. |
Dit was ’n rowwe jaar gewees. | It's been a rough year. |
So dankbaar vir Thomas wat my gekies het en in my glo. | So thankful for Thomas to pick me and believe in me. |
Ek is so bly, so bly om die beker terug te kry. | I am so happy, so happy to get the cup back. |
Dit gaan oor die span en ek is bly dat ek kon help," het ’n emosionele Garcia na die Europese oorwinning gesê | It's about the team., and I'm happy I was able to help," said an emotional Garcia following the European victory. |
Hy handig die fakkel oor aan sy landgenoot John Ram wie Sondag US-gholflegende Tiger Woods 2&1 in enkele spel oorwin het. | He passes the torch to his fellow countryman John Ram who took down US golf legend Tiger Woods 2&1 in singles play on Sunday. |
Die ongelooflike trots wat ek voel, om Tiger Woods te oorwin, ek het groot geword en na daai ou gekyk,” het 23-jarige Rahm gesê. | "The incredible pride I feel, to beat Tiger Woods, I grew up watching that guy," said 23-year-old Rahm. |
Woods het al vier sy wedstryde in Frankryk verloor en het nou ’n rekord van 13-21-3-loopbaan Ryder-bekerrekord. | Woods lost all four of his matches in France and now has a record of 13-21-3 career Ryder Cup record. |
’n Vreemde statistiek deur een van die grootste spelers van alle tye en hy het 14 groot titels tweede aan net Jack Nicklaus gewen. | A strange statistic by one of the greatest players of all-time, having won 14 major titles second to only Jack Nicklaus. |
Span VSA het heel naweek gesukkel om die skoonveld te vind met die uitsondering van Patrick Reed, Justin Thomas en Tony Finau wat hoë-kaliber gholf regdeur die hele toernooi gespeel het. | Team USA struggled all weekend to find the fairways with the exception of Patrick Reed, Justin Thomas and Tony Finau, who played high-calibre golf throughout the entire tournament. |
US-kaptein Jim Furyk het na ’n teleurstellende uitvoering namens sy span gepraat: “Ek is trots op hierdie ouens. Hulle het geveg. | US captain Jim Furyk spoke after a disappointing performance for his squad, "I'm proud of these guys, they fought. |
Daar was vanoggend tyd gewees toe ons ’n bietjie hitte op Europa gesit het. | There was time this morning when we put some heat on Europe. |
Ons het geskrap. | We scrapped. |
Hoede af vir Thomas. | Hats off to Thomas. |
Hy is ’n wonderlike kaptein. | He is a great captain. |
Al 12 sy spelers het baie goed gespeel. | All 12 of his players played very well. |
Ons sal hergroepeer. Ek sal saam met die PGA van Amerika werk en ons Ryder-bekerkommittee, en ons sal vorentoe beweeg. | We'll regroup, I'll work with the PGA of America and our Ryder Cup Committee and we'll move forward. |
Ek is lief vir hierdie 12 ouens en ek is trots om as hulle kaptein te dien. | I love these 12 guys and I'm proud to serve as captain. |
Jy moet jou hoed skuins hou. | You have to tip your cap. |
Ons is oortref.” | We got outplayed." |
Nuutste oor Rooigety: Konsentrasies verminder in Pinellas, Manatee en Sarasota | Red Tide Update: Concentrations decrease in Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota |
Die nuutste verslag vanaf die Florida-vis en natuurlewe kommissie wys ’n algemene afname in Rooigety-konsentrasies vir dele van die Tampa Baai-gebied. | The newest report from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission shows a general decrease in Red Tide concentrations for parts of the Tampa Bay area. |
Volgens die FWC, word kollerige bloeitoestande in die areas van Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte en Collier stede gerapporteer - wat verminderde konsentrasies voorstel. | According to the FWC, patchier bloom conditions are being reported in areas of Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and Collier counties - which suggests decreasing concentrations. |
In volle bloei, strek die Rooigety omtrent 130 myl langs die kuslyn vanaf noordelike Pinellas tot suiderlike Lee stede. | A bloom the Red Tide extends approximately 130 miles of coastline from northern Pinellas to southern Lee counties. |
Kolle kan omtrent 10 myl naby die kus van Hillsborough-stad gevind word, maar by minder liggings in vergelyking met laas week. | Patches can be found about 10 miles offshore of Hillsborough County, but at fewer sites relative to last week. |
Rooigety is ook in Pasco-stad opgemerk. | Red Tide has also been observed in Pasco County. |
Medium konsentrasies in of naby die kus van Pinellas-stad is in die afgelope week gerapporteer, lae tot hoë konsentrasies naby die kus van Hillsborough-stad, agtergrond tot hoë konsentrasies in Manatee-stad, agtergrond tot hoë konsentrasies in of naby die kus van Sarasota-stad, agtergrond tot medium konsentrasies in Charlotte-stad, agtergrond tot hoë konsentrasies in of naby die kus van Lee-stad, en lae konsentrasies in Collier-stad. | Medium concentrations in or offshore of Pinellas County have been reported in the past week, low to high concentrations offshore of Hillsborough County, background to high concentrations in Manatee County, background to high concentrations in or offshore of Sarasota County, background to medium concentrations in Charlotte County, background to high concentrations in or offshore of Lee County, and low concentrations in Collier County. |
Asemhalingsirritasie gaan voort om in Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota, Lee en Collier stede gerapporteer te word. | Respiratory irritation continues to be reported in Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota, Lee, and Collier counties. |
Asemhalingsirritasie is nie in Noordwes-Florida die afgelope week gerapporteer nie. | Respiratory irritation was not reported in Northwest Florida over the past week. |
Subsets and Splits