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This experience is a case in point. I feel like I've learned a lot, and it has already been well worth the price of admission. |
Indeed... I've thought about giving up so many times. Especially after we almost lost Poisson... |
Have you tried Navia's macarons? I have to admit that her skills in dessert-making are comparable to mine. The design she paints on the macarons is so cute, don't you think? Not to mention the texture and sweetness... They truly are a work of art! How does she do it? Does it really all boil down to talent? Ugh, I can't believe I'm feeling a little jealous... I'll have to ask her for some tips next time! |
Really, Paimon. It's not like you don't know me. Do I look like I know anyone who would ask me to coordinate their funeral? |
Of course I've read it! I've always had a keen interest in artistic works that strike a chord with the populace. |
We cannot make an enemy of the divine. No matter what we do, the will of the Heavenly Principles will have its way, and the prophecy shall be fulfilled... |
I had no idea that you'd purchased such an enormous plot of land... And it's amazing what you've done with the place. You must have put a lot of time and thought into it. |
(Phew... Alright, Furina, don't think too hard about this. You need rest — tomorrow's a new day.) |
Well, uh... it's alright! The pacing of the story is good, but the character relationships could use some work. When I was reading it before, I always felt like some things were left on a rather unsatisfactory note. I have high standards, you know! |
Huh!? |
It's not like I have a very eventful life these days. Actually, I barely leave the house. So I don't see how it's unusual that my meals are a little simpler now too. |
Alright, just take my hand. Now, relax your arms a little, and stand with your feet a shoulder-width apart. |
Ah... you're right. |
How did it go? Did you find the film? |
I was just out on a shopping trip. I ran out of macaroni, so I went to grab a few more bags. |
One need only to turn their eyes towards the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale in this very opera house, or consider the Indemnitium that is used in every aspect of life. |
But at least I can say that I no longer desire to play any new roles. |
I can't bear to think how painful and lonely her final days must have been... |
I mean, you're not my subordinate anymore. You don't need to look after me... |
...I guess so. |
That's a shame, but I understand. Just let me know if you ever change your mind. |
Shower me with praise! |
She sounds professional enough. She is a captain, after all. I have no objections. |
But... Doesn't that mean everyone will die? I'm a Fontainian just like them — will I dissolve too? |
Ah? Oh... yes, yes, that's right! Just like you said, a tea party. I should thank you for providing the pastries, they look delectable. |
What!? |
...I'm going back to my dessert now. You all can keep discussing that on your own. |
Hahahaha! ...Very good, my people. Only ones such as you are deserving of my rule. |
Hehe, now we're talking like a serious acting troupe! |
It's not my fault that I'm super popular! What was that saying again? My popularity has— |
Say no more. If you're sick, you need to rest. I know what you're going to ask. |
No one complains about exquisite confectioneries, but it'll take a lot of effort to make some that I like. Listen carefully, desserts are like operas... Everything from choosing the characters to imagining the setting requires a lot of effort in order to make the final performance a hit! |
Fear is for insignificant cowards. I am a god, and I will never entertain the notion of such meaningless wariness. You can be rest assured, I see clearly your sincerity. |
... |
I do. I once had nothing but the truth, and now, I'm finally free to live my own life again. And even though I have no idea where I'm going right now... |
He did not realize that this sound could be heard by everyone in the opera house, which is why he claimed earlier that he could not hear the sound. |
Now then, let us be re-introduced! |
Huh! In the sewers!? Is the film still okay? |
At this time, Cowell arrived in the tunnel, having heard that strange noise, and caught Lyney red-handed. |
Starting out is always the hardest part. Keep practising, and before you know it you'll be able to show all the sides of yourself that no one's ever seen before. Just like me. |
Of course I know Lyney and Lynette. I used to frequently attend their magic shows. Though they're very popular, they're still much less popular than me. Only my performances would draw a completely sold-out crowd... even standing tickets would be out. But now... Uh... I've already decided to hang up my acting career, so it's perfectly normal for my popularity to decline! |
I must have slept exceptionally well last night. Shall we head out and have some fun today...? |
May I present...! |
That's more like it! As expected, my dazzling side comes through in any situation. |
True, but.. I mean, could you even blame them? I show up out of the blue, begging and groveling for their help with a show they won't even get paid for? ...*shudders* No way, I'm dying from embarassment just thinking about it. Nope, not happening! |
(Assertive, with a strong sense of presence, one who can dispel all doubt... That is the character I'm fated to play...) |
... |
Ahh... Wh—What? What is this place... |
...Wait, wh—why are you all looking at me? You're not seriously expecting me to fight, are you!? |
Maybe Neuvillette was right... Maybe "Clio" is the right role for me. |
... |
Well, then don't disappoint me! |
Look, I'm sorry, okay!? I'm sorry I drew a line in the sand without thinking about every possible grain on the other side! |
But on some level, freedom also means no longer being needed. I have no further use to people. |
You know, it's common courtesy to make sure the homeowner isn't in earshot when you're denigrating their abode. |
Also, also! If I was really just a human, why would I dare to just put my hand in that kind of water!? |
Don't worry about it. Like they told me after announcing my name during the curtain call — everyone's work deserves recognition. |
However... Pretty furnishings are like extra outfits in the wardrobe — you can never have too many of them. |
What a terrible waste... A gifted artist from humble beginnings, who achieved so much and no doubt had much more to give... and then her life was so cruelly taken. |
Good, it's decided then. I'll get started on making edits to the script. |
With the Mora you've made from the box office, you can now open your very own film company! |
Good! I appreciate your honesty. All it means is that you're well-suited to stand under the spotlight. |
My dear people. Whether you acknowledge me or not, whether you trust me or nay, I say to you — keep faith in your ardor for justice! |
... |
(...Is he just feigning ignorance for my benefit?) |
Sige...winne? |
How brilliant. |
She had their utmost trust, admiration, and love... And she truly deserved it. |
If we'd had the chance to examine this notebook carefully back then, it would have been a conclusive piece of evidence, proving Vacher's guilt. |
Oh? Who permitted you to come onto this stage? Now, I understand your admiration for my august self, but I must ask you to keep to the rules. |
So, how long am I going to have to play this role? |
Ready? Lights, Kamera, ACTION! |
... |
No, I'm not questioning your abilities. It's just that, I've never really seen you use a Kamera before. |
I'm sure this is what captivated Director Aurelie as well. |
Ah, Great Magician Lyney, my beloved citizen. I'll permit you to object, but how exactly do you plan to prove your claim? |
I'm sorry... |
You've also had conversations with the opera house's operating staff, right? Didn't they want to increase the number of showings? |
How dare you!? |
See? Even the Oratrice has decided to show me its favor. Are you sure you want to commit to a charge that will never be upheld? |
Do not forget, however, that I am Focalors, the God of Justice — the embodiment of justice itself. Does it not strike you as even the least bit absurd to bring the very concept of justice to trial? |
Magic tricks are ultimately just illusions and misdirection... but Halsey's disappearance is very real. We're talking about two completely different things. |
#Hello. Oh? Is that {NICKNAME} and Paimon I see behind you? And who's this...? |
Nor do I think it is any great shame. There is no lack of fine actors or inspirational stories, either on or off the stage. |
Wow, this would be the perfect location for shooting a film. |
Uh... Well, what about the pay? |
Okay. Grab the Kamera, and I'll give you a scenario. |
Hmph... Who gave you that idea? Was it The Knave? You'd sink so low as to use a Harbinger's words against me? |
Ooh, this is quite snazzy. You've clearly done your research on venues to entertain guests in Fontaine. |
I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... |
Since we have found ourselves in each other's company within this fertile land, allow me to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Lantern Rite. |
Huh? What's this about winning something? |
And there you have it, that's the truth behind what happened... |
Unbelievable... How could all these problems happen in just one day? |
Now then, my good, noble Chief Justice, should we not, in your view move— |
How about we check out Spina di Rosula's ship? We should have a view of the whole of Poisson from there. |
Don't look at me... like this... |
But upon his return, in cruel avarice, Lyney desired sole credit and prepared to do away with his partner-in-crime. |
Anyway, get ready! Lights, Kamera, ACTION! |
Huh? I just think that he... Well, I, ah, think it might be a little early to talk about formally pressing charges... |
Subsets and Splits