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Come here to me. | Kom hit. |
Well, yeah. I mean, I have to, right? | Det må jeg jo. |
Uh, you're Joan, you're Joan Watson? | Er du Joan Watson? Ja. |
Mission accomplished. | Oppdrag utført. |
He was murdered. | Han ble drept. |
Its a light ebola scare, but, uh... ah... | frykt for ebola. |
Who ..? Is there something the Pastor would like to ask? | Ville pastoren spørre om noe? |
Yeah, you know what? | Vet du hva? |
Good afternoon, everyone. | God ettermiddag, alle sammen. |
What a fucking disappointment. | For en skuffelse. |
Erik B ckstrfim. | Erik B ckstr m. |
Oh, Jackie. | Jackie. |
Navcom does not have those coordinates. | NavCom har ikke posisjonen. |
The end. | Slutt. |
And theyre moving your furniture back in later. | Møblene kommer senere. |
Youre the expert on BinKhalid and what he was planning. | Du er eksperten på BinKhalid. |
I'm going to get crazy. | Nå skal jeg feste! |
Austin! | Austin! |
When a woman says, Come with me and she doesnt tell you where youre going, shes taking you to Jesus. | og ikke sier hvor, da tar hun deg med til Jesus. |
I apologize for the delay and I appreciate your patience, and I'll get back to you with an update. Thank you. | Jeg beklager forsinkelsen, og skal holde dere informert. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
How can a wolf be worse than it already is? | Hvordan kan de være verre? |
We have got to move. | Vi må stikke! |
It has something to do with the light. I think that they cant be in the light. | Jeg tror ikke de kan være i lyset. |
Will you find who did this? | Fakker dere gjerningsmannen? |
Gary. Yeah? Did you gt my... | Gary, har du...? |
Viper! | Viper! |
Angela, listen to me. | Angela, hør. |
That's it! | Flott! |
Good talk. | Fin samtale |
Major? | Major? |
sighs I'm sorry. | Beklager. |
Luther has something to say to you. | Luther har noe å si. |
I appreciate your business, maam. Im gonna transfer you over to my associate Madison. | Jeg skal sette deg over til min kollega Madison. |
You mean they made it? Theyre onboard? | Er de om bord? |
Go, Martha! | Heia, Martha! |
Interrogation. | Forhør. |
Nice job, nice job. | Bra jobb. |
And who might that be? | Hvem? |
Lucy Wilson missing for over a month and presumed dead... | Lucy Wilson som ble antatt død... |
l mean, do you understand? | Forstår du? |
I'll stay a little longer. | Jeg blir. |
Disengage overload suppresser. | Kople overbelastning suppresser. |
Um, salt? | Salt? |
You must, Papa! | Du må, far! |
Let's go. Sounds good. | Høres bra ut. |
Two! | To! |
Do not resist. Do not resist! | Ikke kjemp imot! |
Just don't small talk, okay? | Ikke småprat, ok? |
You know, I actually thought of buying in this neighborhood once upon a time. | Jeg vurderte faktisk å kjøpe hus her. |
Fair enough. | Greit. |
You know, doing an investigation into a possible burglary in the neighborhood. Uh... | Jeg etterforsker et mulig innbrudd her i strøket. |
Why would you do that? | Hvorfor da? |
We'll take my car. | Vi tar bilen min. |
Did your daddy buy you out of the Army? Can he buy me out too? | Kjøpte faren din deg fri fra hæren? |
Shes in league with Jason Bourne, for Christs sakes! | Hun er i ledtog med Bourne! |
We can jump together. | Vi kan hoppe sammen. |
Sorry. | Beklager. |
I'm sorry? | Unnskyld? |
Don't forget about that martini mixer tonight at the Delta Lambda Zetas. | Og ikke glem møtet i kveld. Delta Lambda Zeta. |
Thank you very much. | Tusen takk. |
Why? Because you cannot physically access it. | Fordi det er utilgjengelig. |
Oh, oh, hes running. | Han løper. |
Move! | Fort dere! |
One iced raktajino. | En avkjølt raktajino. |
Stop him! Someone stop him! | Noen stopp ham! |
Don't do it, Bill. | Ikke gjør det, Bill. |
Can we talk? Uh, thats okay. | Kan vi snakke? |
Tell them what? What are you talking about? | Hva snakker du om? |
Us? | Vi? |
Brown has it... we were watching the game and, uh, one thing led to... I'm... | vi så kampen, og det ene tok det andre ... |
She needs you inside. | Du må gå inn! |
You could say, uh, Im very sick. | Jeg er veldig syk. |
Who are you? | Hvem er du? |
Thank you! | Takk. |
They have a staff doctor in the emergency ward. We'll be fine. | Det er lege på avdelingen, det går fint. |
The time has come. | Tiden har kommet. |
We'll be there to clean up this mess for those foreigners in a couple of weeks. | Vi drar og får orden på rotet på et par uker. |
You know, I dont want to give em any ideas. | Jeg vil ikke gi dem ideer. |
Extinguisher! | Brannslokker! |
That That's different, man. | Det er noe annet. |
Then sit down. | Så sett deg. |
Oh, okay. Good. | Ok, bra. |
Shut up. | Hold kjeft. |
Thank you. | Takk. |
You bringing Adam to the Christmas party tonight? | Kommer Adam på julebordet? |
Trouble? | Problemer? |
825 a night... With our government discount. | 825 dollar per natt. |
Take it. | Ta den. |
James! | James! |
Come in. You don't see very happy to see me. I'm surprised to see you. | Du virker ikke glad for å se meg. |
Get the door! Get the door! | Åpne døren! |
Oh, really? | Jaså? |
What did she say to you? | Hva sa hun? |
All right, you... | Ok, du... |
Oh, my God. There. | Der er det. |
Stop right there! | Stopp der! |
Marmalade. | Marmelade. |
All right, lets see if I can find a ball to sign for you. | Har vi en ball jeg kan signere? |
Snickers. Snickers. | Snickers. |