id (string)
stringlengths 1
| translation (translation)
stringlengths 37
0 | {"pl": "Ojciec J\u00f3zef Witko: Widzia\u0142em Jezusa w bia\u0142ej szacie\n", "en": "Father J\u00f3zef Witko: I saw Jesus wearing a white robe\n"} |
1 | {"pl": "Jest charyzmatykiem.\n", "en": "He is charismatic.\n"} |
2 | {"pl": "Na odprawiane przez niego msze \u015bw. o uwolnienie i uzdrowienie \u015bci\u0105gaj\u0105 t\u0142umy.\n", "en": "Large crowds come to his masses for deliverance and healing.\n"} |
3 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142 kilkana\u015bcie lat, gdy w jego \u017cyciu zacz\u0119\u0142y si\u0119 dzia\u0107 rzeczy niewyt\u0142umaczalne.\n", "en": "He was a teenager when unexplainable things started to happen in his life.\n"} |
4 | {"pl": "Dzi\u015b, za po\u015brednictwem franciszkanina, do\u015bwiadczaj\u0105 tego inni.\n", "en": "Nowadays, through the agency of the Franciscan monk, others witness this.\n"} |
5 | {"pl": "Na odprawiane przez o. Witko msze \u015bw. o uwolnienie i uzdrowienie \u015bci\u0105gaj\u0105 t\u0142umy\n", "en": "The crowds go to masses for deliverance and healing celebrated by father Witko.\n"} |
6 | {"pl": "Kiedy\u015b przyszli do niego rodzice 7-miesi\u0119cznego dziecka, kt\u00f3re mia\u0142o w sercu dziur\u0119 wielko\u015bci 7,5 mm.\n", "en": "On one occasion he was visited by the parents of a 7-month-old child who had a 7,5 mm hole in the heart.\n"} |
7 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142o by\u0107 operowane.\n", "en": "The child was to be operated on.\n"} |
8 | {"pl": "Ojciec J\u00f3zef Witko modli\u0142 si\u0119 nad nim.\n", "en": "Father J\u00f3zef Witko prayed over him.\n"} |
9 | {"pl": "Jeszcze tego samego dnia ch\u0142opca zawieziono do szpitala na zabieg.\n", "en": "On the same day, the boy was taken to hospital for a procedure.\n"} |
10 | {"pl": "Zdumieni lekarze orzekli: \u201eOperacja nie jest potrzebna, ubytek wynosi zaledwie 1,5 mm\u201d.\n", "en": "Bewildered doctors stated: \"The procedure is not necessary, the defect is just 1,5 mm.\"\n"} |
11 | {"pl": "Rodzice p\u0142akali ze szcz\u0119\u015bcia.\n", "en": "The parents cried with happiness.\n"} |
12 | {"pl": "Po kolejnej modlitwie franciszkanina dziura znikn\u0119\u0142a zupe\u0142nie.\n", "en": "Following the next Franciscan\u2019s prayer, the hole had completely disappeared.\n"} |
13 | {"pl": "Duchowny niezwyk\u0142e dzia\u0142ania Stw\u00f3rcy zacz\u0105\u0142 do\u015bwiadcza\u0107 ju\u017c jako nastolatek.\n", "en": "The priest began to experience unusual acts of the Creator when he was a teenager.\n"} |
14 | {"pl": "W snach przychodzi\u0142y do niego dusze czy\u015b\u0107cowe z pro\u015bb\u0105 o pomoc.\n", "en": "Souls in Purgatory had been coming to him in his dreams, asking for help.\n"} |
15 | {"pl": "By\u0142em budzony w nocy i przynaglany do modlitwy za zmar\u0142ych i tych, kt\u00f3rzy umierali w danej chwili \u2013 wspomina.\n", "en": "\"I was woken up at night and I hurried to pray for the departed and those who were dying at that moment,\" he recollects.\n"} |
16 | {"pl": "Do\u015bwiadcza\u0142 te\u017c obecno\u015bci z\u0142ego ducha.\n", "en": "He experienced the presence of an evil spirit.\n"} |
17 | {"pl": "I mia\u0142 wizj\u0119, co si\u0119 dzieje z cz\u0142owiekiem, kt\u00f3ry pope\u0142nia grzech \u015bmiertelny.\n", "en": "He also had a vision revealing what happens to a man who had committed a mortal sin.\n"} |
18 | {"pl": "\u201eMoje cia\u0142o zacz\u0119\u0142o si\u0119 zmienia\u0107.\n", "en": "\"My body started to change.\n"} |
19 | {"pl": "Straci\u0142em ludzkie cechy i zacz\u0105\u0142em przybiera\u0107 wygl\u0105d zwierz\u0119cia\u201d, m\u00f3wi.\n", "en": "I lost all human features and started to transform into an animal,\" he says.\n"} |
20 | {"pl": "Niewidzialna si\u0142a unosi\u0142a go w g\u00f3r\u0119, nie m\u00f3g\u0142 wydoby\u0107 z siebie g\u0142osu.\n", "en": "An unseen force lifted him, and he could not make a sound.\n"} |
21 | {"pl": "Czu\u0142, \u017ce jest zgubiony.\n", "en": "He felt that he was lost.\n"} |
22 | {"pl": "Wtedy B\u00f3g wskaza\u0142 mu ratunek.\n", "en": "Then, God delivered him the rescue.\n"} |
23 | {"pl": "\u201eZanurzony w wodach rzeki symbolizuj\u0105cej chrzest \u015bwi\u0119ty, zosta\u0142em uwolniony i wr\u00f3ci\u0142em do ludzkiej postaci...\u201d, opowiada.\n", "en": "\"Immersed in the waters symbolising baptism I was delivered, and I returned to a human form...\", he says.\n"} |
24 | {"pl": "Nikomu nie m\u00f3wi\u0142 o tych dziwnych do\u015bwiadczeniach.\n", "en": "He has never spoken to anyone about these unusual experiences.\n"} |
25 | {"pl": "Dojrzewa\u0142o w nim powo\u0142anie.\n", "en": "A vocation was maturing in him.\n"} |
26 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142 16 lat, gdy wst\u0105pi\u0142 do franciszkan\u00f3w.\n", "en": "He was 16 years old when he joined the Franciscans.\n"} |
27 | {"pl": "W kazaniach chcia\u0142 nie tylko opowiada\u0107 o Jezusie.\n", "en": "In his sermons, he didn\u2019t just want to speak about Jesus.\n"} |
28 | {"pl": "Pragn\u0105\u0142, by ludzie do\u015bwiadczali Go \u017cywego.\n", "en": "He wanted people to experience a living God.\n"} |
29 | {"pl": "Cz\u0142onkowie charyzmatycznej wsp\u00f3lnoty Odnowy w Duchu \u015awi\u0119tym\n", "en": "Members of the charismatic Renewal in the Holy Spirit Movement community\n"} |
30 | {"pl": "W mszach o uzdrowienie odprawianych przez ojca Witko uczestniczy wiele os\u00f3b, kt\u00f3re licz\u0105 na pozbycie si\u0119 choroby.\n", "en": "Many people who are hoping to get rid of illness take part in the masses for healing celebrated by Father Witko.\n"} |
31 | {"pl": "Duchowny podkre\u015bla jednak, \u017ce ich g\u0142\u00f3wnym celem jest uzdrowienie duchowe, a nie cielesne.\n", "en": "However, the priest emphasises that their main goal is not physical healing but the spiritual one.\n"} |
32 | {"pl": "Pierwsza pora\u017cka Kolpinga FRAC Jaros\u0142aw\n", "en": "First defeat of Kolping FRAC Jaros\u0142aw\n"} |
33 | {"pl": "Dzisiejszego (26 wrze\u015bnia br.) popo\u0142udnia ekipa Kolpinga FRAC zas\u0142u\u017cenie uleg\u0142a u siebie aktualnemu mistrzowi Polski Dartom Bogorii Grodzisk Mazowiecki w ramach 3. kolejki LOTTO Superligi Tenisa Sto\u0142owego.\n", "en": "Today (26th September this year) in the afternoon the Kolping FRAC team was deservedly defeated at home by the current champion of Poland, Bogoria Grodzisk.\n"} |
34 | {"pl": "Jaros\u0142awianie w takim zestawieniu personalnym, jaki zaprezentowali z grodziszczanami, maj\u0105 nik\u0142e szanse na zwyci\u0119stwa z suwerenami ligi.\n", "en": "The team from Jaros\u0142aw in such personal line-up as presented against the team from Grodzisk, have a faint chance to defeat any league dominators.\n"} |
35 | {"pl": "Dobitnie pokaza\u0142 to pojedynek z Dartom Bogori\u0105.\n", "en": "It has been clearly shown by the duel with Darton Bogoria.\n"} |
36 | {"pl": "W zespole wci\u0105\u017c brakuje, obwo\u0142ywanego na lidera ekipy, Chen Jingqi.\n", "en": "The team still misses the proclaimed team leader, Chen Jingqi.\n"} |
37 | {"pl": "By\u0107 mo\u017ce z nim w sk\u0142adzie jaros\u0142awianie si\u0119gn\u0119liby po trzeci z rz\u0119du triumf w nowym sezonie.\n", "en": "Maybe if he were on the line-up, the team from Jaros\u0142aw would win for the third time in a row in the new season.\n"} |
38 | {"pl": "M\u0142ody Azjata Qiyao Han chyba jeszcze nie dor\u00f3s\u0142 do wygrywania z takimi tuzami jak Grek Panagiotis Gionis czy Czech Pavel Sirucek.\n", "en": "The young Asian Qiyao Han may not be able to compare with such aces as Greek Panagiotis Gionis or Czech Pavel Sirucek.\n"} |
39 | {"pl": "Nawet nie z jednym z najbardziej perspektywicznych Polak\u00f3w, czyli Markiem Badowskim.\n", "en": "Now even with the most prospective Poles, i.e. Marek Badowski.\n"} |
40 | {"pl": "Zawodnik z Hellady by\u0142 najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 gwiazd\u0105 pojedynku w hali MOSiR przy ul. Sikorskiego w Jaros\u0142awiu.\n", "en": "The competitor from Hellada was the biggest star of the duel at the MOSiR hall at ul. Sikorskiego in Jaros\u0142aw.\n"} |
41 | {"pl": "Zar\u00f3wno w starciu z Qiyao Hanen jak i Kou Lei by\u0142 klas\u0105 sam\u0105 dla siebie.\n", "en": "Both in the clash with Qiyao Hanen and Kou Lei he showed a class by himself.\n"} |
42 | {"pl": "Po trzech pojedynkach Kolping FRAC prowadzi\u0142 2:1.\n", "en": "After three matches Kolping FRAC has a lead of 1:1.\n"} |
43 | {"pl": "Kou Lei pewnie ogra\u0142 Marka Badowskiego, a Daniel G\u00f3rak po emocjonuj\u0105cym, pi\u0119ciosetowym boju \u2013 Pavla Sirucka.\n", "en": "Kou Lei easily outplayed Marek Badowski, while Daniel G\u00f3rak after a 5-set exciting fight \u2013 Pavel Sirucek.\n"} |
44 | {"pl": "Potem jednak by\u0142 ju\u017c gorzej.\n", "en": "Afterwards it was even worse.\n"} |
45 | {"pl": "Gionis nie da\u0142 szans Lei.\n", "en": "Gionis did not give any chance to Lei..\n"} |
46 | {"pl": "Mo\u017cna by\u0142o mie\u0107 jeszcze nadziej\u0119 na wygran\u0105 za dwa punkty, ale Qiyao Han nie sprosta\u0142 Badowskiemu.\n", "en": "One could have hoped for a two-point win, but Qiyao Han was beaten by Badowski.\n"} |
47 | {"pl": "Nie b\u0119dzie dodatkowych bada\u0144 dla senior\u00f3w.\n", "en": "There won\u2019t be additional medical tests for seniors.\n"} |
48 | {"pl": "Dlaczego?\n", "en": "Why?\n"} |
49 | {"pl": "Zgodnie z zapowiedziami Rafa\u0142a Trzaskowskiego, w Warszawie mia\u0142 zosta\u0107 wprowadzony program darmowych bada\u0144 profilaktycznych dla senior\u00f3w w wieku 70 oraz 80 lat.\n", "en": "As per Rafa\u0142 Trzaskowski\u2019s announcements, Warsaw was supposed to introduce a programme of free preventive tests for seniors in their 70s and 80s.\n"} |
50 | {"pl": "Pomys\u0142 nie zostanie jednak wprowadzony w \u017cycie, poniewa\u017c nie zyska\u0142 akceptacji Ministerstwa Zdrowia i podleg\u0142ej mu Agencji Ochrony Technologii Medycznych i Taryfikacji.\n", "en": "However, the idea will not be implemented, because it has not gained acceptance of the Ministry of Health and its subordinate body: Agency for Health Technology Protection and Tarification.\n"} |
51 | {"pl": "W uzasadnieniu agencja t\u0142umaczy\u0142a, \u017ce grupa docelowa zosta\u0142a \u017ale dobrana.\n", "en": "In a justification the agency explained that the target group had been improperly selected.\n"} |
52 | {"pl": "\u201ePowy\u017csze dzia\u0142ania mog\u0105 wr\u0119cz skutkowa\u0107 nad wykrywalno\u015bci\u0105 poszczeg\u00f3lnych jednostek chorobowych, co mo\u017ce przyczynia\u0107 si\u0119 do pog\u0142\u0119bienia trudno\u015bci w dost\u0119pie do \u015bwiadcze\u0144 NFZ oraz negatywnie wp\u0142ywa\u0107 na pacjenta, powoduj\u0105c niepok\u00f3j i dyskomfort zwi\u0105zany z fa\u0142szywie pozytywnym wynikiem bada\u0144\u201d, napisano.\n", "en": "\"The above-mentioned actions can even result in overdetection of individual disease entities, which may contribute to aggravating the problems in access to NFZ public healthcare services and negatively affect the patient, causing anxiety and discomfort related to false positive test outcomes\" they wrote.\n"} |
53 | {"pl": "Decyzji resortu nie rozumie prezydent stolicy.\n", "en": "The mayor of the capital city does not understand the decision.\n"} |
54 | {"pl": "\u201ePieni\u0105dze s\u0105 nasze, my pieni\u0105dze na to przewidzieli\u015bmy.\n", "en": "\"The money is ours, we have money allocated for this.\n"} |
55 | {"pl": "Tylko rz\u0105d si\u0119 boi, \u017ce je\u017celi si\u0119 ludzie przebadaj\u0105, to p\u00f3\u017aniej b\u0119d\u0105 chodzi\u0107 do lekarza, co jest absurdalne, bo chodzi w\u0142a\u015bnie o to, \u017ceby doprowadzi\u0107 do sytuacji, w kt\u00f3rej profilaktyka b\u0119dzie mog\u0142a by\u0107 szybciej wykonana.\n", "en": "But the government is afraid that people after the tests will be going to see doctors, which sounds absurd, because the aim is to lead to the situation, where prevention could be performed quicker.\n"} |
56 | {"pl": "Wszyscy specjali\u015bci wiedz\u0105, \u017ce to pomaga, je\u017celi chodzi o obci\u0105\u017cenie systemu zdrowia, bo to pomaga w szybkim wykrywaniu chor\u00f3b i w rzetelnym podej\u015bciu do zdrowia.\n", "en": "All specialists know that it helps, if it comes to relieving the healthcare system as it helps detect disease quicker and in a reliable approach towards health.\n"} |
57 | {"pl": "Rz\u0105d ma tutaj bardzo dziwne stanowisko, kt\u00f3rego ja nie rozumiem\u201d, stwierdzi\u0142 Rafa\u0142 Trzaskowski.\n", "en": "The government position here is very strange, which I do not understand\" concluded Rafa\u0142 Trzaskowski.\n"} |
58 | {"pl": "\u201eTrudno mi sobie wyobrazi\u0107, \u017ce biegli specjali\u015bci m\u00f3wi\u0105: Nie badajmy si\u0119, bo b\u0119d\u0105 d\u0142u\u017csze kolejki u lekarza, a je\u015bli tacy specjali\u015bci doradzaj\u0105 rz\u0105dowi, to nie dziwi\u0119 si\u0119, \u017ce w takim stanie jest s\u0142u\u017cba zdrowia\u201d, doda\u0142 polityk PO.\n", "en": "\"It\u2019s hard for me to imagine that experts say: Let\u2019s not get checked, because it will extend queues to doctors, and if such experts advise the government, it\u2019s no wonder that health service is in such a condition\" added the PO politician.\n"} |
59 | {"pl": "Palestyna odpowiada Izraelowi: Zerwiemy wszelkie dotychczasowe porozumienia\n", "en": "Palestine responds to Israel: We will break off any previous arrangements\n"} |
60 | {"pl": "Palesty\u0144ski prezydent Mahmud Abbas oznajmi\u0142 w czwartek na sesji Zgromadzenia Og\u00f3lnego ONZ, \u017ce zerwie wszelkie porozumienia zawarte z Izraelem, je\u015bli przysz\u0142y rz\u0105d tego kraju spr\u00f3buje spe\u0142ni\u0107 zapowied\u017a Benjamina Netanjahu o aneksji okupowanych ziem palesty\u0144skich.\n", "en": "Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced at the Thursday session of the UN General Assembly that he would break off any agreements made with Israel should its future government try to follow up on Banjamin Netanyahu\u2019s intent of annexing occupied Palestinian lands.\n"} |
61 | {"pl": "\u201eJe\u015bli przysz\u0142y rz\u0105d Izraela, jaki powstanie, przyst\u0105pi do urzeczywistniania tego planu, my uniewa\u017cnimy wszystkie podpisane porozumienia (z Izraelem) i wycofamy si\u0119 z wszystkich podj\u0119tych zobowi\u0105za\u0144\u201d, zapowiedzia\u0142.\n", "en": "\"If the future government of Israel attempts to execute this plan, we will have to cancel all agreements signed (with Israel) and we will withdraw from all of the undertaken obligations,\" he announced.\n"} |
62 | {"pl": "\u201eOdrzucimy ca\u0142kowicie i kompletnie ca\u0142y plan\u201d, zagrozi\u0142 z naciskiem Abbas.\n", "en": "\"We will reject the entire plan completely,\" Abbas threatened emphatically.\n"} |
63 | {"pl": "\u201eJest naszym obowi\u0105zkiem broni\u0107 wszystkich naszych praw wszelkimi mo\u017cliwymi \u015brodkami \u2013 ma\u0142o wa\u017cne, jakie b\u0119d\u0105 tego nast\u0119pstwa \u2013 anga\u017cuj\u0105c si\u0119 ca\u0142kowicie w dzia\u0142anie na rzecz zastosowania prawa mi\u0119dzynarodowego i w walk\u0119 przeciwko terroryzmowi\u201d, o\u015bwiadczy\u0142 prezydent Autonomii Palesty\u0144skiej, kt\u00f3ry sk\u0142ada\u0142 ju\u017c podobne deklaracje w lipcu.\n", "en": "\"It is our duty to defend all our rights by all means possible, no matter what the consequences, by committing ourselves to the application of international law and fight against terrorism,\" announced the president of the Palestinian National Authority, who made similar declarations already in July.\n"} |
64 | {"pl": "Netanjahu, dotychczasowy premier Izraela, po wyborach z 17 wrze\u015bnia ponownie otrzyma\u0142 misj\u0119 sformowania rz\u0105du.\n", "en": "After the elections of September 17, Netanyahu, the former prime minister of Israel, was again entrusted with the task of forming a government.\n"} |
65 | {"pl": "Na tydzie\u0144 przed wyborami zapowiedzia\u0142, \u017ce je\u015bli je wygra, og\u0142osi aneksj\u0119 Doliny Jordanu i zamierza w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do Izraela wszystkie osiedla \u017cydowskie na ca\u0142ym Zachodnim Brzegu.\n", "en": "A week before the elections he said that, if chosen, he would announce the annexation of the Jordan Valley and would join all Jewish settlements in the entire West Bank to Israel.\n"} |
66 | {"pl": "W pocz\u0105tkach lat 90. Izrael i Palesty\u0144czycy, kt\u00f3rym przewodzi\u0142 w\u00f3wczas Jaser Arafat, podpisali szereg porozumie\u0144 pokojowych, kt\u00f3rym patronowa\u0142y Stany Zjednoczone.\n", "en": "In the early 1990s, Israel and the Palestinians, led by Yasser Arafat at that time, signed a number of peace agreements under the patronage of the United States.\n"} |
67 | {"pl": "84-letni Abbas obieca\u0142 te\u017c podczas sesji Zgromadzenia Og\u00f3lnego ONZ przeprowadzenie na ziemiach palesty\u0144skich wybor\u00f3w powszechnych.\n", "en": "During the UN General Assembly session, 84-year old Abbas also promised to hold general elections on Palestinian soil.\n"} |
68 | {"pl": "Ostatnie odby\u0142y si\u0119 w 2006 roku.\n", "en": "The last one took place in 2006.\n"} |
69 | {"pl": "\u201dPo powrocie do kraju zwo\u0142am na Zachodnim Brzegu, w Strefie Gazy i w Jerozolimie Wschodniej wybory lokalne i wszyscy, kt\u00f3rzy by si\u0119 im sprzeciwili, b\u0119d\u0105 musieli odpowiedzie\u0107 za swe czyny przed Bogiem i wsp\u00f3lnot\u0105 mi\u0119dzynarodow\u0105\u201d, zadeklarowa\u0142 uroczy\u015bcie palesty\u0144ski prezydent.\n", "en": "\"After I return to my country, I will call a local election in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem and all those opposed will have to answer to God and the international community for their actions,\" the Palestinian president solemnly declared.\n"} |
70 | {"pl": "Abbas broni\u0142 te\u017c w swym przem\u00f3wieniu praw Palestyny, traktowanej jako sta\u0142y obserwator w ONZ, do korzystania z uprawnie\u0144 przys\u0142uguj\u0105cych \u201epe\u0142noprawnym cz\u0142onkom ONZ oraz wszystkich jej organ\u00f3w i instytucji\u201d.\n", "en": "In his speech, Abbas also defended the rights of Palestine, treated as a permanent observer at the UN, to exercise the rights of \"full members of the UN and all its bodies and institutions.\"\n"} |
71 | {"pl": "Palesty\u0144ski przyw\u00f3dca zako\u0144czy\u0142 przem\u00f3wienie wezwaniem do wsp\u00f3lnoty mi\u0119dzynarodowej, aby \u201ezmusi\u0142a Izrael do wype\u0142nienia z ca\u0142ym poszanowaniem postanowie\u0144 Organizacji Narod\u00f3w Zjednoczonych\u201d.\n", "en": "The Palestinian leader concluded his speech by appealing to the international community to \"force Israel to fully respect the decisions made by the United Nations.\"\n"} |
72 | {"pl": "Ambasador Izraela Danny Danon odpowiedzia\u0142 kr\u00f3tko na przem\u00f3wienie Abbasa, o\u015bwiadczaj\u0105c, \u017ce palesty\u0144ski przyw\u00f3dca \u201ewoli skupi\u0107 si\u0119 w ONZ na wysi\u0142kach Autonomii Palesty\u0144skiej skierowanych przeciwko Izraelowi, ni\u017c walczy\u0107 przeciwko wezwaniom do terroryzmu w Autonomii pod jego przyw\u00f3dztwem\u201d.\n", "en": "Israeli ambassador Danny Danon briefly responded to Abbas\u2019 speech, stating that the Palestinian leader \"prefers to use the UN forum to focus on the efforts of the Palestinian Authority aimed against Israel rather than to oppose calls for terrorism made at the Authority under his leadership.\"\n"} |
73 | {"pl": "Danon, jak odnotowuj\u0105 agencje, nie nawi\u0105za\u0142 jednak do zapowiadanej przez Netanjahu aneksji okupowanych ziem palesty\u0144skich.\n", "en": "However, as noted by press agencies, Danon did not refer to the annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories promised by Netanyahu.\n"} |
74 | {"pl": "Ratownicy chc\u0105 defibrylator\u00f3w w newralgicznych punktach Przemy\u015bla\n", "en": "Paramedics want to place defibrillators in critical locations of Przemy\u015bl.\n"} |
75 | {"pl": "Historia z przej\u015bcia granicznego pokazuje, \u017ce automatyczny defibrylator AED mo\u017ce uratowa\u0107 ludzkie \u017cycie.\n", "en": "The story from the border crossing shows that an automated eternal defibrillator (AED) can save a human life.\n"} |
76 | {"pl": "Wojew\u00f3dzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Przemy\u015blu chce, aby takie urz\u0105dzenia znalaz\u0142y si\u0119 w newralgicznych punktach miasta.\n", "en": "Regional Ambulance Station in Przemy\u015bl wants to place such devices in critical town locations.\n"} |
77 | {"pl": "Za swoj\u0105 postaw\u0119 funkcjonariusze otrzymali dyplomy gratulacyjne od Wojew\u00f3dzkiej Stacji Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Przemy\u015blu.\n", "en": "The officers were given congratulations letters from the Regional Ambulance Station in Przemy\u015bl for their attitude.\n"} |
78 | {"pl": "Aplikant Daniel Cyrnek, starszy aplikant Grzegorz Bal i komisarz Jacek W\u00f3jcik to funkcjonariusze Podkarpackiego Urz\u0119du Celno Skarbowego w Przemy\u015blu.\n", "en": "Assistant Daniel Cyrnek, senior assistant Grzegorz Bal and commissioner Jacek W\u00f3jcik are the officers of Podkarpackie Region Customs and Tax Office in Przemy\u015bl.\n"} |
79 | {"pl": "28 sierpnia pe\u0142nili s\u0142u\u017cb\u0119 na polsko-ukrai\u0144skim przej\u015bciu granicznym w Medyce. Funkcjonariuszka S\u0142u\u017cby Celno-Skarbowej zauwa\u017cy\u0142a le\u017c\u0105cego nieprzytomnego m\u0119\u017cczyzn\u0119 w strefie ruchu pieszego.\n", "en": "On 28th August they were on duty at the Poland-Ukraine border crossing in Medyka. An officer of the Customs-Tax Service noticed an unconscious man lying in the pedestrian traffic zone.\n"} |
80 | {"pl": "Chi\u0144ski aktywista zmar\u0142 w areszcie na skutek tortur.\n", "en": "A Chinese activist dies in detention due to torture.\n"} |
81 | {"pl": "Chcia\u0142 skorzysta\u0107 z praw gwarantowanych konstytucj\u0105\n", "en": "He wanted to take advantage of rights guaranteed by the constitution.\n"} |
82 | {"pl": "Do Cao Shuxia, \u017cony aktywisty, zadzwoni\u0142 23 wrze\u015bnia sekretarz partii komunistycznej z jej rodzinnej wioski, by zawiadomi\u0107, \u017ce m\u0105\u017c w\u0142a\u015bnie zmar\u0142 w szpitalu wojskowym w Hengyang.\n", "en": "Cao Shuxia, activist\u2019s wife, on 23rd September received a phone call from the secretary of the communist party from her home village to notify that her husband had just died in the military Hospital of Hengyang.\n"} |
83 | {"pl": "Co by\u0142o przyczyn\u0105 \u015bmierci \u2013 nie ujawni\u0142.\n", "en": "What was the cause of death \u2013 nobody revealed.\n"} |
84 | {"pl": "W kostnicy Cao zobaczy\u0142a cia\u0142o m\u0119\u017ca zmasakrowane, nie do rozpoznania.\n", "en": "In the mortuary Cao saw that her husband\u2019s body was massacred beyond recognition.\n"} |
85 | {"pl": "\u201eJego oczy, uszy, nos i usta by\u0142y ca\u0142e we krwi\u201d, opowiada kobieta.\n", "en": "\"His eyes, ears, nose and mouth were all in blood\", said the woman.\n"} |
86 | {"pl": "\u201eNie pozwolili mi zabra\u0107 ze sob\u0105 kom\u00f3rki, a wok\u00f3\u0142 by\u0142o du\u017co policjant\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rzy nie dali si\u0119 zbli\u017cy\u0107 do Wanga\u201d.\n", "en": "\"They did not allow me to take my mobile, and there were a lot of policemen around who did not let me approach Wang\".\n"} |
87 | {"pl": "Policja naciska\u0142a, by podpisa\u0142a o\u015bwiadczenie, \u017ce m\u0105\u017c ci\u0119\u017cko chorowa\u0142, a zmar\u0142 na skutek \u201enieszcz\u0119\u015bliwego wypadku\u201d.\n", "en": "The police pressed me to sign a declaration that my husband was severely ill and died due to an \"unhappy accident\".\n"} |
88 | {"pl": "105 mln z\u0142 dla firm z bran\u017cy gier wideo od Narodowego Centrum Bada\u0144 i Rozwoju\n", "en": "PLN 105 million for Video Game Companies from the National Centre for Research and Development\n"} |
89 | {"pl": "Prawie 105 mln z\u0142 dofinansowania trafi do firm z bran\u017cy gamingowej, tworz\u0105cych nowatorskie rozwi\u0105zania.\n", "en": "The subsidy of close to PLN 105 million will go to the gaming companies creating innovative solutions.\n"} |
90 | {"pl": "Narodowe Centrum Bada\u0144 i Rozwoju og\u0142osi\u0142o w pi\u0105tek wyniki III edycji programu GameINN.\n", "en": "The National Centre for Research and Development announced the results of the 3rd edition of GameINN programme.\n"} |
91 | {"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d niemal 30 projekt\u00f3w, kt\u00f3re wspar\u0142o NCBR, znalaz\u0142o si\u0119 opracowanie platformy do tworzenia gier terenowych w oparciu o silnik gier AR tworz\u0105cy map\u0119 \u015bwiata realnego wraz z aplikacj\u0105 umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105c\u0105 przesy\u0142anie danych przez u\u017cytkownik\u00f3w; platforma testowo-szkoleniowa do weryfikacji praktycznych umiej\u0119tno\u015bci na stanowisku pracy i doskonalenia zawodowego z zastosowaniem technologii VR i AI; innowacyjna gra symuluj\u0105ca zarz\u0105dzanie rzeczywistymi procesami produkcyjnymi wykorzystuj\u0105ca nowatorski model rozgrywki oparty na interakcji \u015bwiata wirtualnego ze \u015bwiatem rzeczywistym z zastosowaniem koncepcji przemys\u0142u 4.0 \u2013 podano w komunikacie NCBR przes\u0142anym w pi\u0105tek PAP.\n", "en": "Among close to 30 projects supported by the NCBR, there were e.g. the developed platform for live action role-playing games based on the AR game engine creating the real-world map with the application enabling the users to send data, the test and training platform for verifying practical hands-on skills and professional development using VR and AR technologies, an innovative game stimulating management of real-life manufacturing processes using an innovative game model based on the interaction of the virtual world with the real one, with the 4.0 industry concept, as the NCBR release submitted to PAP on Friday reads.\n"} |
92 | {"pl": "Celem programu sektorowego GameINN jest zwi\u0119kszenie konkurencyjno\u015bci polskiego sektora producent\u00f3w gier wideo na rynku globalnym w perspektywie do 2023 roku.\n", "en": "The GameINN sector programme is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the Polish sector of video game producers on the global market in the time horizon by 2023.\n"} |
93 | {"pl": "Jak podaje NCBR, ju\u017c dzi\u015b polski sektor gier wideo ro\u015bnie w tempie 10 proc. rocznie.\n", "en": "According to NCBR, the Polish video game sector is growing 10 percent a year now.\n"} |
94 | {"pl": "Wed\u0142ug rz\u0105dowych danych warto\u015b\u0107 polskiego rynku gier wideo w roku 2016 wynios\u0142a 1,85 mld z\u0142, za\u015b prognoza na rok 2019 to 2,23 mld.\n", "en": "According to the government statistics, the value of the Polish video game market by 2016 was PLN 1.85 billion while the prognosis for 2019 is 2.23 billion.\n"} |
95 | {"pl": "\u201eSpecjalnie przygotowana agenda badawcza GameINN i si\u0119gaj\u0105ce ju\u017c 300 mln z\u0142 wsparcie dla przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w w ramach tego programu sektorowego stanowi\u0105 istotny impuls dla dalszego, dynamicznego wzrostu polskiego gamedevu\u201d, czytamy w komunikacie.\n", "en": "\"The dedicated GameINN research agenda and the support for entrepreneurs within this sector programme amounting to as much as PLN 300 million are an important stimulus for further dynamic growth of the Polish gamedev\", the release reads.\n"} |
96 | {"pl": "Bran\u017ca gier video to doskona\u0142y przyk\u0142ad efektywnego wykorzystania potencja\u0142u jakim dysponujemy w Polsce.\n", "en": "The video game sector is a perfect example of efficient use of the potential we have in Poland.\n"} |
97 | {"pl": "\u201eWprowadzone przez rz\u0105d zach\u0119ty dla stawiaj\u0105cych na innowacje przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w, takie jak ulgi na B+R, programy doskonalenia kompetencji, IP box czy programy wsparcia realizowane przez NCBR nap\u0119dzaj\u0105 dzia\u0142alno\u015b\u0107 innowacyjn\u0105 firm i pozwalaj\u0105 im skuteczniej rywalizowa\u0107 na bardzo konkurencyjnym rynku\u201d, ocenia wicepremier, minister nauki i szkolnictwa wy\u017cszego Jaros\u0142aw Gowin, cytowany w komunikacie.\n", "en": "\"The incentives introduced by the government for the entrepreneurs promoting innovation, including reliefs for B+R, competence-development programmes, IP box or support programmes implemented by NCBR facilitate the innovative activity of companies and enable them to compete more effectively on the highly competitive market\", says the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education, Jaros\u0142aw Gowin, quoted in the release.\n"} |
98 | {"pl": "Szef resortu nauki zwraca uwag\u0119, \u017ce pieni\u0105dze na innowacje nie tylko trafiaj\u0105 do innowator\u00f3w w postaci dofinansowania projekt\u00f3w, ale r\u00f3wnie\u017c zostaj\u0105 w ich kieszeniach \u2013 z ulgi na B+R w 2018 r. skorzysta\u0142o trzy czwarte wi\u0119cej przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w ni\u017c rok wcze\u015bniej.\n", "en": "The head of the Ministry of Science stresses the money for innovation does not go solely to the innovators in the form of project subsidies but also stays in their pockets, as the B+R relief was used by three fourths entrepreneurs more in 2018 than the previous year.\n"} |
99 | {"pl": "\u201eWysoko\u015b\u0107 odliczonych koszt\u00f3w dotycz\u0105cych dzia\u0142alno\u015bci B+R wynios\u0142a 1,7 mld z\u0142, co da\u0142o ponad 300 mln z\u0142 oszcz\u0119dno\u015bci dla firm korzystaj\u0105cych z tej ulgi.\n", "en": "\"The value of the deducted costs concerning the B+R activity was PLN 1.7 billion which gave more than PLN 300 million savings for companies benefiting from that relief.\n"} |
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