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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 37
100 | {"pl": "To r\u00f3wnowarto\u015b\u0107 wsparcia przekazanego przez NCBR w trzech edycjach GameINN\u201d, podkre\u015bla wicepremier.\n", "en": "This is equivalent to the support provided by NCBR in three editions of GameINN\", the Deputy Prime Minister stresses.\n"} |
101 | {"pl": "Dyrektor NCBR dr in\u017c. Wojciech Kamieniecki przypomina za\u015b, \u017ce w dw\u00f3ch poprzednich konkursach dofinansowania o \u0142\u0105cznej warto\u015bci ponad 211,2 mln z\u0142 przyznano 78 nowatorskim projektom.\n", "en": "Director of the NCBR, Wojciech Kamieniecki reminds the subsidies of the total value of more than PLN 211.2 million were granted to 78 innovative projects in two previous competitions.\n"} |
102 | {"pl": "Ogromne zainteresowanie III konkursem oraz r\u00f3\u017cnorodno\u015b\u0107 sk\u0142adanych wniosk\u00f3w pokazuj\u0105, \u017ce bran\u017ca gier video ma pomys\u0142y i kompetencje, by dalej si\u0119 rozwija\u0107 i zwi\u0119ksza\u0107 swoje przewagi konkurencyjne.\n", "en": "The immense interest in the 3rd competition and the variety of the submitted applications prove the video game sector has ideas and competence to develop and improve its competitive advantage.\n"} |
103 | {"pl": "\u201eSzczeg\u00f3lnie cieszy fakt, \u017ce w\u015br\u00f3d wy\u0142onionych projekt\u00f3w \u2013 podobnie jak w poprzednich edycjach \u2013 znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 projekty dotycz\u0105ce rozwi\u0105za\u0144 s\u0142u\u017c\u0105cych nie tylko rozrywce, ale r\u00f3wnie\u017c zwi\u0105zane z przemys\u0142em 4.0\u201d, dodaje.\n", "en": "\"What is particularly great is the fact that the selected projects, just like during the previous editions, comprise projects concerning solutions used not only for entertainment, but also related to the 4.0 industry\", he adds.\n"} |
104 | {"pl": "W trzecim konkursie GameINN o dofinansowanie si\u0119gaj\u0105ce nawet 20 mln z\u0142 mogli si\u0119 ubiega\u0107 przedsi\u0119biorcy, konsorcja przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w oraz konsorcja przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w z jednostkami naukowymi.\n", "en": "During the third GameINN competition, the entities which could apply for the subsidy of up to PLN 20 million comprised entrepreneurs, consortiums of entrepreneurs and consortiums of entrepreneurs with scientific units.\n"} |
105 | {"pl": "Do NCBR wp\u0142yn\u0119\u0142o 87 wniosk\u00f3w na \u0142\u0105czn\u0105 kwot\u0119 dofinansowania ok. 317 mln z\u0142.\n", "en": "The NCBR received 87 applications for the total subsidy amount of ca. 317 million PLN.\n"} |
106 | {"pl": "Bud\u017cet konkursu w momencie og\u0142oszenia konkursu wynosi\u0142 100 mln z\u0142, ale zosta\u0142 zwi\u0119kszony, dzi\u0119ki czemu 27 projektom przyznano prawie 105 mln z\u0142 dofinansowania.\n", "en": "At the time of the competition announcement, its budget was 100 million PLN but was increased thanks to which 27 projects were granted close to PLN 105 million subsidies.\n"} |
107 | {"pl": "Szczeg\u00f3\u0142owe informacje o wynikach III konkursu GameINN s\u0105 dost\u0119pne na stronie\n", "en": "The detailed information on the results of the 3rd GameINN edition is available at\n"} |
108 | {"pl": "Program sektorowy GameINN jest realizowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozw\u00f3j.\n", "en": "The sector GameINN programme is carried out within the Operational Programme Intelligent Development.\n"} |
109 | {"pl": "NCBR uruchomi\u0142 program w 2016 roku w odpowiedzi na inicjatyw\u0119 przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w stowarzyszonych w Porozumieniu Polskie Gry, w sk\u0142ad kt\u00f3rego wchodz\u0105 takie firmy jak CD Projekt, Techland, CI Games, Bloober Team czy 11 bit studios.\n", "en": "NCBR launched the programme in 2016 in response to the initiative of entrepreneurs associated in Porozumienie Polskie Gry, composed of such companies as e.g. CD Projekt, Techland, CI Games, Bloober Team or 11 bit studios.\n"} |
110 | {"pl": "Lamine Diaby-Fadiga przyzna\u0142 si\u0119 do kradzie\u017cy zegarka Kaspera Dolberga\n", "en": "Lamine Diaby-Fadiga admitted stealing Kasper Dolberg\u2019s watch\n"} |
111 | {"pl": "Do zdarzenia dosz\u0142o 16 wrze\u015bnia.\n", "en": "The event took place on 16th September.\n"} |
112 | {"pl": "Dolberg, kt\u00f3ry pod koniec sierpnia trafi\u0142 z Ajaksu Amsterdam do Nicei, zorientowa\u0142 si\u0119 po treningu, \u017ce z szatni znikn\u0105\u0142 jego zegarek.\n", "en": "Dolberg who had got from Ajax Amsterdam to Nice late August, found out after the training that his watch had got lost from the locker room.\n"} |
113 | {"pl": "Nie byle jaki, bo warty 70 tysi\u0119cy euro.\n", "en": "Not just an ordinary one, because it was worth 70 thousand euros.\n"} |
114 | {"pl": "W\u015bciek\u0142y Du\u0144czyk nast\u0119pnego dnia nie pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 na zaj\u0119ciach, t\u0142umacz\u0105c si\u0119 problemami \u017co\u0142\u0105dkowymi.\n", "en": "The furious Dane did not appear at the training the following day explaining his absence by stomach problems.\n"} |
115 | {"pl": "Sprawa od pocz\u0105tku by\u0142a zagadkowa.\n", "en": "The case was mysterious from the very start.\n"} |
116 | {"pl": "Pi\u0142karze w szatni maj\u0105 do dyspozycji prywatne sejfy, a klubowy teren jest monitorowany.\n", "en": "Football players are provided with private safes, and the club premises are monitored.\n"} |
117 | {"pl": "Wed\u0142ug agencji AFP do kradzie\u017cy przyzna\u0142 si\u0119 w ko\u0144cu Diaby-Fadiga.\n", "en": "According to AFP Diaby-Fadiga eventually owned up to the theft.\n"} |
118 | {"pl": "18-latek przeprosi\u0142 ju\u017c Dolberga i pozosta\u0142ych koleg\u00f3w z zespo\u0142u oraz trenera Patricka Vieir\u0119.\n", "en": "The 18-year old has already apologised Doberg, remaining team members and coach Patric Vieira.\n"} |
119 | {"pl": "Obieca\u0142 te\u017c Du\u0144czykowi zwr\u00f3ci\u0107 pieni\u0105dze za zegarek.\n", "en": "He also promised to give back the money for the watch to the Dune.\n"} |
120 | {"pl": "Diaby-Fadiga to jeden z najbardziej perspektywicznych pi\u0142karzy m\u0142odego pokolenia we Francji.\n", "en": "Diaby-Fadiga is one of the most promising young generation football players from France.\n"} |
121 | {"pl": "Do Nicei trafi\u0142 jako trzynastolatek, by trzy lata p\u00f3\u017aniej zadebiutowa\u0107 w pierwszym zespole.\n", "en": "To Nice he got at the age of thirteen to make a debut in the first team three years later.\n"} |
122 | {"pl": "W tym sezonie wyst\u0105pi\u0142 w siedmiu meczach.\n", "en": "This season he played in seven matches.\n"} |
123 | {"pl": "Niedawno podpisa\u0142 profesjonalny kontrakt, ale \u2013 jak poda\u0142a gazeta \u201eL'Equipe\u201d \u2013 klub prawdopodobnie rozwi\u0105\u017ce go ze skutkiem natychmiastowym.\n", "en": "Recently he has signed a professional contract, but \u2013 according to \"L'Equipe\" newspaper report \u2013the club will probably terminate it with immediate effect.\n"} |
124 | {"pl": "Na razie wszcz\u0105\u0142 post\u0119powanie dyscyplinarnego wobec swojego zawodnika.\n", "en": "By now it has begun disciplinary proceedings against the player.\n"} |
125 | {"pl": "Nice, przynajmniej oficjalnie, odmawia komentarzy w tej sprawie.\n", "en": "Nice, at least officially, refuses to comment on that case.\n"} |
126 | {"pl": "Sprawd\u017a, czy na pewno dobrze myjesz r\u0119ce\n", "en": "Check if you have washed your hands properly\n"} |
127 | {"pl": "Wszyscy wiemy, \u017ce trzeba je my\u0107 (np. po przyj\u015bciu do domu czy przed posi\u0142kiem).\n", "en": "We all know that they need to be washed (for instance after coming home or before a meal).\n"} |
128 | {"pl": "Ale nie ka\u017cdy wie, \u017ce aby faktycznie pozby\u0107 si\u0119 zarazk\u00f3w, trzeba robi\u0107 to w odpowiedni spos\u00f3b.\n", "en": "But not everyone knows that in order to get rid of germs, it has to be done in the right way.\n"} |
129 | {"pl": "To wa\u017cne zw\u0142aszcza teraz, gdy zbli\u017caj\u0105 si\u0119 jesienne infekcje.\n", "en": "It is very important, especially at the moment, when autumn infections occur.\n"} |
130 | {"pl": "Potrzeba przynajmniej 30\u201340 sekund, aby mycie w wystarczaj\u0105cym stopniu usun\u0119\u0142o gro\u017ane bakterie i wirusy z naszych d\u0142oni\n", "en": "It takes at least 30-40 seconds to wash the hands in order to sufficiently remove dangerous bacteria and viruses from our hands.\n"} |
131 | {"pl": "A przecie\u017c wi\u0119kszo\u015b\u0107 z nas myje je kr\u00f3cej!\n", "en": "Most of us wash them for a shorter time!\n"} |
132 | {"pl": "Wystarczy ciep\u0142a woda i zwyk\u0142e myd\u0142o \u2013 to nieprawda, \u017ce musi by\u0107 antybakteryjne (wielu lekarzy wr\u0119cz je odradza).\n", "en": "All we need is just warm water and plain soap \u2013 it is not true that it has to be antibacterial (in fact, many doctors advise against using it).\n"} |
133 | {"pl": "Myj\u0105c, pocieramy nie tylko spody i wierzchy d\u0142oni, ale te\u017c: ko\u0144c\u00f3wki palc\u00f3w (z\u0142\u0105czone lub pojedynczo) \u2013 pocieraj je kolistymi ruchami o wn\u0119trze drugiej d\u0142oni, przestrzenie mi\u0119dzy palcami (przeplataj r\u0119ce, pocieraj\u0105c palcami o siebie), kciuki \u2013 ka\u017cdy kciuk obejmujemy drug\u0105 d\u0142oni\u0105 i w takim obj\u0119ciu kr\u0119cimy nim chwil\u0119 w prawo i lewo.\n", "en": "When washing them, we should rub not only the palm and back of the hand but also fingertips (joined or each one individually) \u2013 rub them in circular motions against the second hand palm; the spaces between fingers (interlace hands, rub fingers against each other); thumbs \u2013 embrace each thumb with the second hand and rub it right and left for a moment.\n"} |
134 | {"pl": "W sytuacji awaryjnej (gdy nie mo\u017cna umy\u0107 r\u0105k) powinni\u015bmy wytrze\u0107 d\u0142onie mokr\u0105 chusteczk\u0105, a potem u\u017cy\u0107 \u017celu antybakteryjnego (w drogeriach, od 5 z\u0142).\n", "en": "In an emergency situation (when you can\u2019t wash your hands), clean your hands with a wet wipe, and then use an antibacterial gel (available in drugstores from PLN 5).\n"} |
135 | {"pl": "Po skorzystaniu z toalety publicznej nie dotykaj umytymi r\u0119koma klamek ani drzwi (zalecenie G\u0142\u00f3wnego Inspektoratu Sanitarnego).\n", "en": "After visiting a public toilet, do not touch handles or doors with washed hands (the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate\u2019s recommendation).\n"} |
136 | {"pl": "Otwieraj je przez r\u0119cznik papierowy.\n", "en": "Open it by using a paper towel.\n"} |
137 | {"pl": "Prezydent Iranu m\u00f3wi, \u017ce odrzuci\u0142 propozycj\u0119 rozm\u00f3w z USA, Donald Trump zaprzecza\n", "en": "President of Iran says he refused the proposal of talks with the US, Donald Trump denies\n"} |
138 | {"pl": "Teheran nie podj\u0105\u0142 rozm\u00f3w ze stron\u0105 ameryka\u0144sk\u0105 w trakcie Zgromadzenia Og\u00f3lnego ONZ w Nowym Jorku, mimo z\u0142o\u017conej przez Amerykan\u00f3w oferty zniesienia sankcji \u2013 o\u015bwiadczy\u0142 w pi\u0105tek prezydent Iranu Hasan Rowhani.\n", "en": "Tehran did not decide to enter into negotiations with the US during the UN General Assembly in New York even though the Americans offered to lift sanctions, said the president of Iran, Hasan Rowhani on Friday.\n"} |
139 | {"pl": "Prezydent USA Donald Trump skomentowa\u0142, \u017ce to strona ira\u0144ska poprosi\u0142a o zniesienie restrykcji, na co on si\u0119 nie zgodzi\u0142.\n", "en": "US President Donald Trump said that it was Iran that requested to lift sanctions which was denied.\n"} |
140 | {"pl": "Wed\u0142ug prezydenta Iranu Hasana Rowhaniego, Amerykanie zaproponowali zniesienie wszystkich sankcji na\u0142o\u017conych na Teheran w zamian za podj\u0119cie negocjacji na temat nowego mi\u0119dzynarodowego porozumienia.\n", "en": "According to Iran president Hasan Rowhani the Americans suggested lifting all sanctions imposed on Tehran in exchange for entering the negotiations about the new international agreement.\n"} |
141 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142oby ono regulowa\u0107 zar\u00f3wno ira\u0144ski program nuklearny, jak i program budowy pocisk\u00f3w balistycznych.\n", "en": "It would refer to both the Iran nuclear program as well as the ballistic missile building program.\n"} |
142 | {"pl": "Rowhani: Iran nie podejmie rozm\u00f3w w atmosferze maksymalnego nacisku\n", "en": "Rowhani: Iran will not enter into negotiations under the tremendous pressure.\n"} |
143 | {"pl": "Prezydent Iranu stwierdzi\u0142, \u017ce nie zgodzi\u0142 si\u0119 podj\u0105\u0107 tych rozm\u00f3w ze wzgl\u0119du na \u201etoksyczn\u0105 atmosfer\u0119\u201d.\n", "en": "President of Iran said he refused to enter into the negotiations because of the \"toxic atmosphere\".\n"} |
144 | {"pl": "O\u015bwiadczy\u0142, \u017ce spotka\u0142 si\u0119 z ameryka\u0144skimi dyplomatami, poniewa\u017c uleg\u0142 namowom Francji, Niemiec i Wielkiej Brytanii.\n", "en": "He said he met with US diplomats because he was talked into it by France, Germany and Great Britain.\n"} |
145 | {"pl": "Podkre\u015bli\u0142 jednak, \u017ce Iran nie podejmie rozm\u00f3w w atmosferze \u201emaksymalnego nacisku\u201d.\n", "en": "As he noted, Iran would engage in talks under the \"tremendous pressure\".\n"} |
146 | {"pl": "\u201eA nawet je\u015bli chcemy negocjowa\u0107 z Amerykanami w formacie 5+1, to nikt nie jest w stanie przewidzie\u0107, jaki b\u0119dzie rezultat ko\u0144cowy\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 Rowhani.\n", "en": "\"Even if we want to negotiate with the Americans in the 5+1 format, nobody can predict what the final outcome will be\", said Rowhani.\n"} |
147 | {"pl": "Dzie\u0144 wcze\u015bniej ira\u0144ski przyw\u00f3dca m\u00f3wi\u0142, \u017ce nie wyklucza rozm\u00f3w z USA, a europejskim stronom umowy nuklearnej zarzuci\u0142 sprzyjanie ameryka\u0144skim sankcjom na Iran.\n", "en": "A day ago the Iran leader said he did not exclude the possibility of talks with the US and blamed the European parties of the nuclear agreement of being in favour of the American sanctions against Iran.\n"} |
148 | {"pl": "Dodawa\u0142, \u017ce sankcje na\u0142o\u017cone na Iran po wyst\u0105pieniu USA z umowy nuklearnej \u201es\u0105 warunkiem wst\u0119pnym, kt\u00f3ry nie pozwala\u201d na nawi\u0105zanie dialogu.\n", "en": "He added that the sanctions imposed on Iran after the US decided to leave the nuclear agreement \"are a preliminary condition that does not allow\" to enter into a dialogue.\n"} |
149 | {"pl": "Je\u015bli uda nam si\u0119 znie\u015b\u0107 ten warunek wst\u0119pny i je\u015bli Ameryka zniesie sankcje i maksymaln\u0105 presj\u0119, wtedy oczywi\u015bcie mo\u017cemy porozmawia\u0107 z Ameryk\u0105 \u2013 zadeklarowa\u0142.\n", "en": "If we are able to abandon this preliminary condition and if the US lift the sanctions and get rid of the tremendous pressure, then we can of course talk with the USA, he declared.\n"} |
150 | {"pl": "Doda\u0142, \u017ce nie wyklucza spotkania z prezydentem USA Donaldem Trumpem, mimo \u017ce nie zgodzi\u0142 si\u0119 na tak\u0105 rozmow\u0119 w mijaj\u0105cym tygodniu podczas Zgromadzenia Og\u00f3lnego ONZ.\n", "en": "He added that he did not exclude the possibility of meeting the US President Donald Trump even though he refused to talk with him this week during the UN General Assembly.\n"} |
151 | {"pl": "Trump: \u201eIran prosi\u0142, powiedzia\u0142em nie\u201d\n", "en": "Trump: \"Iran asked, I said no\".\n"} |
152 | {"pl": "Donald Trump napisa\u0142 na Twitterze, \u017ce to on odrzuci\u0142 pro\u015bb\u0119 strony ira\u0144skiej.\n", "en": "Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that it was him who refused the request from Iran.\n"} |
153 | {"pl": "\u201eIran chcia\u0142, bym zni\u00f3s\u0142 sankcje na\u0142o\u017cone na nich, aby\u015bmy si\u0119 mogli spotka\u0107.\n", "en": "\"Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on them so that we can meet.\n"} |
154 | {"pl": "Oczywi\u015bcie powiedzia\u0142em \u00abnie!\u00bb\u201d zatweetowa\u0142 prezydent USA.\n", "en": "Of course, I said no\", tweeted the US President.\n"} |
155 | {"pl": "Napi\u0119cie z atomowym porozumieniem w tle\n", "en": "Tension in terms of the nuclear agreement\n"} |
156 | {"pl": "Francja, Niemcy i Wielka Brytania staraj\u0105 si\u0119 za\u0142agodzi\u0107 napi\u0119cia mi\u0119dzy Waszyngtonem i Teheranem, by w jakiej\u015b formie uratowa\u0107 umow\u0119 z Iranem z 2015 roku, kt\u00f3rej by\u0142y sygnatariuszami.\n", "en": "France, Germany and Great Britain are trying to alleviate the tensions between Washington and Tehran in order to save the agreement with Iran from 2015 they signed, at least to some extent.\n"} |
157 | {"pl": "Stanowi\u0142a ona, \u017ce w zamian za zniesienie sankcji gospodarczych Iran zrezygnuje z programu budowy broni nuklearnej, a sektor nuklearny podda pod kontrol\u0119 Mi\u0119dzynarodowej Agencji Energii Atomowej (MAEA).\n", "en": "According to it in exchange for lifting the economic sanctions Iran would need to resign from the nuclear programme and let its nuclear sector be controlled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).\n"} |
158 | {"pl": "Od wycofania si\u0119 USA z umowy w maju 2015 roku pozostali jej sygnatariusze niejednokrotnie potwierdzali, \u017ce chc\u0105 utrzyma\u0107 porozumienie w mocy.\n", "en": "Since the USA left the agreement in May 2015 the other parties have often highlighted they wanted the agreement to remain in force.\n"} |
159 | {"pl": "Na razie nic z tego nie wysz\u0142o.\n", "en": "As for now all in vain.\n"} |
160 | {"pl": "Waszyngton stosuje taktyk\u0119 wywierania maksymalnej presji na Iran, a sankcje obejmuj\u0105 te\u017c pe\u0142ne embargo na ira\u0144sk\u0105 rop\u0119.\n", "en": "Washington has been putting a maximum pressure on Iran and the sanctions include full embargo on the Iran petroleum as well.\n"} |
161 | {"pl": "Teheran zapowiedzia\u0142, \u017ce je\u015bli nie otrzyma zezwolenia na eksport surowca, co 60 dni b\u0119dzie ogranicza\u0142 swoje zobowi\u0105zania, wynikaj\u0105ce z porozumienia.\n", "en": "Tehran declared that if they are not allowed to export it, it will restrict their obligations arising from the agreement every 60 days.\n"} |
162 | {"pl": "HRUBIESZ\u00d3W: Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem\n", "en": "HRUBIESZ\u00d3W: Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem\n"} |
163 | {"pl": "Mamy dla was wej\u015bci\u00f3wki!\n", "en": "We\u2019ve got entrance tickets for you!\n"} |
164 | {"pl": "Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem wyst\u0105pi 6 pa\u017adziernika o godz. 16 w Hrubieszowskim Domu Kultury. w Hrubieszowie.\n", "en": "Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem perform on 6th October at 4 p.m. at the Community Centre in Hrubiesz\u00f3w.\n"} |
165 | {"pl": "Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem przedstawi program, zatytu\u0142owany \"Tra ta ta ta\".\n", "en": "Kabaret pod Wyrwigroszem will present a programme entitled \"Tra ta ta ta\".\n"} |
166 | {"pl": "B\u0119d\u0105 pogadanki o napojach wyskokowych oraz o toru\u0144skiej geotermii.\n", "en": "The programme will include a talk on alcoholic beverages and geothermal facility of Toru\u0144.\n"} |
167 | {"pl": "Bilety s\u0105 po 60 z\u0142, mo\u017cna je kupi\u0107 w HDK, a tak\u017ce na stronie internetowej\n", "en": "Tickets are PLN 60 each, they are available at HDK as well as at website.\n"} |
168 | {"pl": "Dla czytelnik\u00f3w TZ mamy darmowe wej\u015bci\u00f3wki.\n", "en": "Free entry tickets for TZ readers.\n"} |
169 | {"pl": "Jak je zdoby\u0107, sprawd\u017acie na naszym profilu na Facebooku.\n", "en": "Visit our Facebook profile to find out how to get them.\n"} |
170 | {"pl": "S\u0119dzia Wojew\u00f3dzkiego S\u0105du Administracyjnego w Warszawie i m\u0105\u017c hejterki Emilii, kt\u00f3ry \u2013 wed\u0142ug jej s\u0142\u00f3w i screen\u00f3w z WhatsAppa \u2013 uczestniczy\u0142 w stalkingu wobec s\u0119dzi\u00f3w, zosta\u0142 w \u015brod\u0119 przywr\u00f3cony do orzekania przez NSA.\n", "en": "A judge at the Voivevodship Administrative Court in Warsaw, and husband of the hater Emilia, who \u2013 based on her words and print screens from WhatsApp \u2013 took part in stalking the judges, was reinstated to rule by the Supreme Administrative Court on Wednesday.\n"} |
171 | {"pl": "Pow\u00f3d: nie zosta\u0142o wobec niego wszcz\u0119te post\u0119powanie dyscyplinarne, a wi\u0119c nie ma podstawy do podtrzymania zarz\u0105dzenia prezesa WSA Wojciecha Mazura o odsuni\u0119ciu go od obowi\u0105zk\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Reason: disciplinary proceeding against him was not initiated, so there is no base to uphold the President of the Voivevodship Administrative Court Wojciech Mazur\u2019s ruling to exclude him from his duties.\n"} |
172 | {"pl": "S\u0119dzia Jerzy Chromicki, rzecznik dyscyplinarny przy NSA, wszcz\u0105\u0142 pod koniec sierpnia post\u0119powanie wyja\u015bniaj\u0105ce wobec Szmydta, ale nie przekszta\u0142ci\u0142o si\u0119 ono do tej pory w post\u0119powanie przeciw niemu.\n", "en": "Judge Jerzy Chromicki, disciplinary spokesman for the Supreme Administrative Court, initiated an investigation procedure against Szmydt at the end of August, but till now it hasn\u2019t turned into a proceeding against him.\n"} |
173 | {"pl": "Mimo \u017ce NSA, kt\u00f3ry w takich przypadkach dzia\u0142a jako s\u0105d dyscyplinarny, musi si\u0119 zaj\u0105\u0107 decyzj\u0105 prezesa WSA w ci\u0105gu miesi\u0105ca od jej wydania.\n", "en": "This is despite the fact that the Supreme Administrative Court, which in such situations acts as the disciplinary court, has to address the decision of the Voivevodship Administrative Court\u2019s President within one month of its issuance.\n"} |
174 | {"pl": "W tej sytuacji s\u0119dzia, kt\u00f3ry publicznie opowiada\u0142 o problemach psychicznych swojej \u017cony, \u017ceby j\u0105 zdyskredytowa\u0107, kt\u00f3ry z powodu podejrze\u0144 o uczestnictwo w hejterskiej grupie zosta\u0142 usuni\u0119ty z biura KRS, wr\u00f3ci do orzekania i b\u0119dzie wydawa\u0142 wyroki w imieniu Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej.\n", "en": "In such a situation, the judge, who publically spoke about his wife's mental problems in order to discredit her, was removed from the National Council of the Judiciary office due to the suspicion of his participation in the group of haters, will come back to ruling and pronounce sentences in the name of the Republic of Poland.\n"} |
175 | {"pl": "S\u0119dzia Szmydt zaprzecza swojemu udzia\u0142owi w hejterskiej grupie.\n", "en": "Judge Szmydt denies his participation in the group of haters.\n"} |
176 | {"pl": "Twierdzi, \u017ce nie ma na to \u017cadnych dowod\u00f3w pr\u00f3cz sfa\u0142szowanych screen\u00f3w i s\u0142\u00f3w jego \u017cony, z kt\u00f3r\u0105 si\u0119 rozwodzi.\n", "en": "He states that there is no evidence for this except for the forged print screens and accusations of his wife from whom he is divorcing.\n"} |
177 | {"pl": "Dok\u0142adnie to samo twierdz\u0105 pozostali s\u0119dziowie powi\u0105zani z \u201eKast\u0105\u201d: wszyscy s\u0105 niewinni, nie ma dowod\u00f3w.\n", "en": "The rest of the judges associated with the \"Caste\" claim exactly the same everyone is innocent, there is no evidence.\n"} |
178 | {"pl": "I ca\u0142kiem mo\u017cliwe, \u017ce postawi\u0105 na swoim.\n", "en": "It is very probable that they will get it all their own way.\n"} |
179 | {"pl": "Bo prokuratura nie kiwn\u0119\u0142a palcem, by zabezpieczy\u0107 dowody z ich no\u015bnik\u00f3w elektronicznych, milczy te\u017c na temat zawarto\u015bci telefonu Emilii Szmydt, kt\u00f3ry to telefon zatrzyma\u0142a w czerwcu w innej sprawie.\n", "en": "The public prosecutor\u2019s office didn\u2019t lift a finger to secure evidence from their electronic storage media, it also didn\u2019t say a word about Emilia Szmydt\u2019s telephone content, which was seized in June as a part of another case.\n"} |
180 | {"pl": "Policja nie kiwn\u0119\u0142a palcem, \u017ceby zabezpieczy\u0107 urz\u0105dzenia os\u00f3b, kt\u00f3rych jako prze\u015bladuj\u0105cych wskaza\u0142 w doniesieniu z lutego s\u0119dzia Waldemar \u017burek.\n", "en": "The police didn\u2019t lift a finger to secure the devices of persons who were pointed out by Judge Waldemar \u017burek as the stalkers in his February\u2019s report.\n"} |
181 | {"pl": "Nie ma dowod\u00f3w \u2013 nie ma sprawy Szmydta, nie ma sprawy \u201eKasty\u201d.\n", "en": "If there is no evidence \u2013 there is no Szmydt case, nor case of \"Caste\".\n"} |
182 | {"pl": "Nie ma te\u017c sprawy szefa NIK Mariana Banasia o wynajmowanie kamienicy sutenerom i ukrywanie dochod\u00f3w.\n", "en": "There is no case of the Supreme Audit Office\u2019s executive \u2013 Marian Bana\u015b \u2013 over renting a tenement building to pimps and failing to disclose his incomes.\n"} |
183 | {"pl": "CBA sprawdza jego o\u015bwiadczenia maj\u0105tkowe.\n", "en": "The Central Anticorruption Bureau is checking his financial disclosures.\n"} |
184 | {"pl": "A sprawdzi, kiedy sprawdzi.\n", "en": "It will be checked when it will be checked.\n"} |
185 | {"pl": "Za\u015b Komisja Etyki Poselskiej si\u0119 Banasiem nie zajmie, bo Sejm jest zawieszony (ale Komisja Kontroli Pa\u0144stwowej jako\u015b si\u0119 zebra\u0142a, \u017ceby podj\u0105\u0107 kuriozaln\u0105 decyzj\u0119 o odwo\u0142aniu zast\u0119pc\u00f3w Banasia i powo\u0142ania jako p.o. jego prawniczki, chocia\u017c prawo tak przedziwnej kombinacji nie przewiduje).\n", "en": "The Deputies\u2019 Ethics Committee will not handle the Bana\u015b case because the Sejm is suspended (on the other hand the State Control Committee somehow convened to make a bizarre decision to dismiss Bana\u015b\u2019s deputies and appoint his lawyer, although the law does not provide for such an unlikely combination).\n"} |
186 | {"pl": "Ca\u0142o\u015b\u0107 przypomina mi nowelk\u0119 filmow\u0105, ameryka\u0144sk\u0105 chyba, o tym, jak \u017cona wraca do domu i zastaje m\u0119\u017ca z kochank\u0105 w \u0142\u00f3\u017cku.\n", "en": "The whole story reminds me of a film novella, probably an American one, when a wife comes home and finds her husband with his lover in bed.\n"} |
187 | {"pl": "Jest tak zdumiona i zdruzgotana, \u017ce nie mo\u017ce wykrztusi\u0107 s\u0142owa.\n", "en": "She is so astounded and devastated that she can\u2019t say a word.\n"} |
188 | {"pl": "Stoi w drzwiach oniemia\u0142a, a w tym czasie kochanka szybko wyskakuje z \u0142\u00f3\u017cka, ubiera si\u0119 i wychodzi.\n", "en": "While she stands speechless in a doorway, the lover quickly jumps out of bed, gets dressed and leaves.\n"} |
189 | {"pl": "A m\u0105\u017c \u015bcieli \u0142\u00f3\u017cko.\n", "en": "The husband makes the bed.\n"} |
190 | {"pl": "Gdy \u017cona odzyskuje g\u0142os i krzyczy: co to ma by\u0107?\n", "en": "When the wife regains her voice she shouts \"what is it?\n"} |
191 | {"pl": "Kim jest ta kobieta?\n", "en": "Who\u2019s that woman?\".\n"} |
192 | {"pl": "M\u0105\u017c spokojnie pyta: jaka kobieta, kochanie?\n", "en": "The husband calmly asks \"what woman, darling?\".\n"} |
193 | {"pl": "Tylko \u017ce w sprawie \u201eKasty\u201d czy Banasia chodzi parodi\u0119 pa\u0144stwa.\n", "en": "It is just that the case of \"Caste\" or Bana\u015b is a parody of the state.\n"} |
194 | {"pl": "I to wcale nie jest \u015bmieszne.\n", "en": "And it is not funny at all.\n"} |
195 | {"pl": "MAXIPIZZA: Podpisanie z bieg\u0142ym rewidentem umowy na badanie sprawozda\u0144 finansowych za lata 2019, 2020 i 2021.\n", "en": "MAXIPIZZA: Agreement Signed with Chartered Auditor to Audit Financial Statements for 2019, 2020 and 2021.\n"} |
196 | {"pl": "Zarz\u0105d Maxipizza S.A. informuje, \u017ce 27 wrze\u015bnia 2019 roku podpisa\u0142 umow\u0119 z Premium Audyt Sp\u00f3\u0142ka z o.o. z siedzib\u0105 w Poznaniu przy ulicy Czartoria 1/1, wpisan\u0105 pod numerem KRS 0000540136 do rejestru przedsi\u0119biorc\u00f3w Krajowego Rejestru S\u0105dowego prowadzonego przez S\u0105d Rejonowy Pozna\u0144 \u2013 Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydzia\u0142 Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru S\u0105dowego, wpisan\u0105 na list\u0119 podmiot\u00f3w uprawnionych do badania sprawozda\u0144 finansowych pod numerem 3992.\n", "en": "The Management Board of Maxipizza S.A. would like to inform that on 27 September 2019 it executed an agreement with Premium Audyt Sp\u00f3\u0142ka z o.o., with its registered seat in Pozna\u0144, ul. Czartoria 1/1, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Pozna\u0144 \u2013 Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Pozna\u0144, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS 0000540136, entered in the list of entities authorised to audit financial statements under 3992.\n"} |
197 | {"pl": "Przedmiotem umowy jest badanie sprawozda\u0144 finansowych Maxipizza S.A. za nast\u0119puj\u0105ce lata obrotowe: a. od dnia 1 stycznia 2019 roku do dnia 31 grudnia 2019 roku, b. od dnia 1 stycznia 2020 roku do dnia 31 grudnia 2020 roku, c. od dnia 1 stycznia 2021 roku do dnia 31 grudnia 2021 roku.\n", "en": "The subject of the agreement is the audit of financial statements of Maxipizza S.A. for the following fiscal years: a. from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, b. from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 and c. from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.\n"} |
198 | {"pl": "Kamila Li\u0107winko w finale skoku wzwy\u017c\n", "en": "Kamila Li\u0107winko in the final high jump competition\n"} |
199 | {"pl": "Wcze\u015bniej wracaj\u0105ca w tym sezonie do rywalizacji po przerwie macierzy\u0144skiej zawodniczka, br\u0105zowa medalistka mistrzostw \u015bwiata z Londynu 2017, w pierwszej pr\u00f3bie pokona\u0142a 1,85 i 1,89 oraz w drugiej 1,92.\n", "en": "The participant who comes back to the sport after her maternity leave, bronze medallist of the World Championships held in London in 2017 reached 1,85 and 1.89 in her first attempt and 1,92 in her second attempt.\n"} |
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