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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 37
900 | {"pl": "Dziennikarze \u201eSuperwizjera\u201d TVN ujawnili, \u017ce Marian Bana\u015b, prezes Najwy\u017cszej Izby Kontroli, w ci\u0105gu ostatnich lat nie wpisywa\u0142 do o\u015bwiadczenia maj\u0105tkowego 400-metrowej kamienicy, kt\u00f3ra mie\u015bci si\u0119 na krakowskim Podg\u00f3rzu.\n", "en": "The journalists of \"Superwizjer\" TVN revealed that Marian Bana\u015b, head of the Supreme Audit Office has not been mentioning the 400 metres tenement house in Krakow's district Podg\u00f3rze in his financial statement during the recent years.\n"} |
901 | {"pl": "Co wi\u0119cej, jego podnajemca prowadzi\u0107 mia\u0142 we wspomnianej kamienicy seksbiznes (a wi\u0119c wynajmowa\u0107 pokoje na godziny).\n", "en": "What is more, the subtenant is said to have run a brothel there (to rent rooms per hours).\n"} |
902 | {"pl": "Z kolei sam budynek by\u0142 rzekomo od 2016 r. zabezpieczeniem sp\u0142aty kredytu.\n", "en": "The building itself was allegedly a security for the repayment of the credit from 2016 onwards.\n"} |
903 | {"pl": "Na nieprawid\u0142owo\u015bci zwr\u00f3ci\u0142 uwag\u0119 Bertold Kittel w programie \u201eSuperwizjer\u201d.\n", "en": "It was Bertold Kittel who noticed the irregularities in the programme \"Superwizjer\".\n"} |
904 | {"pl": "Dziennikarz ujawni\u0142, \u017ce od Banasia kamienic\u0119 wynajmowali ludzie powi\u0105zani ze \u015bwiatem przest\u0119pczym, by wykorzystywa\u0107 j\u0105 jako miejsce \u201eerotycznych spotka\u0144\u201d.\n", "en": "The journalist revealed that the tenement house of Bana\u015b was rented by those linked with the criminal world to use it as a spot for \"erotic meetings\".\n"} |
905 | {"pl": "Klientami mieli by\u0107 m\u0119\u017cczy\u017ani korzystaj\u0105cy z us\u0142ug prostytutek.\n", "en": "The customers were probably the men using prostitutes.\n"} |
906 | {"pl": "Na zarzuty Bana\u015b odpowiada\u0142 niejasno i m\u0119tnie.\n", "en": "Bana\u015b's response to the allegations was vague and unclear.\n"} |
907 | {"pl": "Co ciekawe, wynajmowana przez sutener\u00f3w kamienica doprowadzi\u0142a dziennikarza do odkrycia zaniedba\u0144 w o\u015bwiadczeniach maj\u0105tkowych Banasia.\n", "en": "What is interesting, the tenement house rented by pimps let the journalist discover some negligences in the financial statements by Marian Bana\u015b.\n"} |
908 | {"pl": "Sama kamienica zosta\u0142a w nich bowiem opisana niejasno, a doch\u00f3d z jej wynajmu mia\u0142 zosta\u0107 zani\u017cony.\n", "en": "The tenement house itself was described quite vaguely and the income from its rental was lowered.\n"} |
909 | {"pl": "\u201eMaj\u0105tek Mariana Banasia i jego \u017cony wart mo\u017ce by\u0107 od 6 do 8 mln z\u0142.\n", "en": "\"The fortune of Marian Bana\u015b and his wife may be between PLN 6 and 8 million.\n"} |
910 | {"pl": "W sumie ma\u0142\u017conkowie mog\u0105 pochwali\u0107 si\u0119 dwoma domami, trzema mieszkaniami, oszcz\u0119dno\u015bciami[...]\u201d, pisze\n", "en": "The couple benefits from two houses, three flats as well as savings[...]\", says\n"} |
911 | {"pl": "A jak wynika z analizy portalu, sama kamienica Banasia warta by\u0142a ju\u017c oko\u0142o 3 mln z\u0142.\n", "en": "As analysed by the portal, the tenement house of Bana\u015b itself was worth about PLN 3 million.\n"} |
912 | {"pl": "Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne aktualnie prowadzi kontrol\u0119 o\u015bwiadcze\u0144 maj\u0105tkowych Mariana Banasia za lata 2015\u20132019.\n", "en": "Central Anticorruption Bureau has been currently investigating the property statement of Marian Bana\u015b for the years 2015\u20132019.\n"} |
913 | {"pl": "Bana\u015b zapowiedzia\u0142, \u017ce do czasu jej uko\u0144czenia zawiesi swoj\u0105 dzia\u0142alno\u015b\u0107 w NIK. \u201eWyst\u0105pi\u0119 do pani marsza\u0142ek o urlop bezp\u0142atny\u201d, zapewni\u0142.\n", "en": "Bana\u015b said he would suspend his work at SAO until it is finished. \"I will file a motion to be granted unpaid holidays to the Marshall\", he assured.\n"} |
914 | {"pl": "Opozycja domaga si\u0119 wyja\u015bnie\u0144.\n", "en": "Opposition demands explanation\n"} |
915 | {"pl": "\u201eNie s\u0142yszymy, by CBA rozszerzy\u0142o swoje \u015bledztwo b\u0105d\u017a przyspieszy\u0142o badanie o\u015bwiadcze\u0144 maj\u0105tkowych Mariana Banasia.\n", "en": "\"There is no information that the CBA extended its investigation or accelerated checking the property statements issued by Marian Bana\u015b.\n"} |
916 | {"pl": "Dlatego te\u017c jeste\u015bmy zmuszeni wyr\u0119czy\u0107 organy pa\u0144stwa i z\u0142o\u017cy\u0107 zawiadomienie o mo\u017cliwo\u015bci pope\u0142nienia przest\u0119pstwa [...]\u201d, - powiedzia\u0142 pose\u0142 PO-KO Mariusz Witczak.\n", "en": "That is why we are forced to act instead of the country bodies and file a :notification on suspicion of committing a crime, said PO-KO member of Parliament, Mariusz Witczak.\n"} |
917 | {"pl": "\u201eGdyby normalny Polak tak ra\u017c\u0105co nisko wyceni\u0142 wynajem swoich nieruchomo\u015bci, mia\u0142by ju\u017c 10 kontroli, domiar podatkowy i post\u0119powanie karno-skarbowe\u201d, doda\u0142.\n", "en": "\"If an ordinary Pole estimated the rental incomes of their real estates at such an extremely low level, they would be controlled 10 times, they would have a surcharge and face financial penalty proceedings, he added.\n"} |
918 | {"pl": "Zaszed\u0142 wysoko, upad\u0142 nisko\n", "en": "He raised to fall\n"} |
919 | {"pl": "Marian Bana\u015b jest nowym prezesem Najwy\u017cszej Izby Kontroli.\n", "en": "Marian Bana\u015b is the new head of Supreme Audit Office.\n"} |
920 | {"pl": "Na to stanowisko powo\u0142any zosta\u0142 30 sierpnia 2019 r., na 6-letni\u0105 kadencj\u0119.\n", "en": "He was appointed to this position on 30th August 2019, for a 6 years term of office.\n"} |
921 | {"pl": "Jego kandydatura zosta\u0142a zg\u0142oszona przez Prawo i Sprawiedliwo\u015b\u0107 i g\u0142osami polityk\u00f3w tej partii przyj\u0119ta.\n", "en": "He was chosen to be the candidate of Prawo i Sprawiedliwo\u015b\u0107 and accepted for this position thanks to the votes of this party.\n"} |
922 | {"pl": "Wcze\u015bniej Bana\u015b zwi\u0105zany by\u0142 z NIK w latach 1992\u20132005., dzia\u0142a\u0142 w tej instytucji jako wsp\u00f3\u0142pracownik Lecha Kaczy\u0144skiego.\n", "en": "In the past Bana\u015b worked at SAO in the years 1992\u20132005, collaborating with Lech Kaczy\u0144ski.\n"} |
923 | {"pl": "Podczas pierwszych rz\u0105d\u00f3w PiS-u (2005\u20132008) Bana\u015b piastowa\u0142 stanowisko prezesa S\u0142u\u017cby Celnej, a ponadto podsekretarza stanu w Ministerstwie Finans\u00f3w.\n", "en": "During the first term of office by PiS (2005\u20132008) Bana\u015b was the head of Customs Service as well as held the position of under-secretary of state at the Ministry of Finance.\n"} |
924 | {"pl": "Od 2015 r. ponownie zasiad\u0142 na sto\u0142ku szefa S\u0142u\u017cby Celnej, a od 2017 r. zarz\u0105dza\u0142 Krajow\u0105 Administracj\u0105 Skarbow\u0105.\n", "en": "In 2015 he was chosen to be the head of Customs Service again and in 2017 he became in charge of the National Tax Administration.\n"} |
925 | {"pl": "Bana\u015b przez 3 miesi\u0105ce pe\u0142ni\u0142 urz\u0105d ministra finans\u00f3w w rz\u0105dzie Mateusza Morawieckiego.\n", "en": "He also used to be the Finance Minister in the government of Mateusz Morawiecki.\n"} |
926 | {"pl": "Cooler Master wprowadza na rynek uchwyt dla kart graficznych\n", "en": "Cooler Master releases a new graphics card holder\n"} |
927 | {"pl": "Karty graficzne potrafi\u0105 obecnie wa\u017cy\u0107 naprawd\u0119 sporo, a to w naturalny spos\u00f3b robi miejsce dla kategorii produkt\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rych pr\u00f3\u017cno by\u0142oby szuka\u0107 na sklepowych p\u00f3\u0142kach jeszcze dekad\u0119 temu.\n", "en": "Graphics cards can weigh a lot these days, which naturally makes room for a new category of products, which would not be seen on store shelves a decade ago.\n"} |
928 | {"pl": "Takie w\u0142a\u015bnie rozwi\u0105zanie \u2013 uchwyt dla karty graficznej ELV8 RGB \u2013 przedstawi\u0142 Cooler Master.\n", "en": "Such solution \u2013 the ELV8 RG8 graphics card holder \u2013 was presented by Cooler Master.\n"} |
929 | {"pl": "Nowy model uchwytu dla karty graficznej to nie tylko funkcjonalne rozwi\u0105zanie pozwalaj\u0105ce na pewniejsze utrzymanie karty graficznej bez polegania wy\u0142\u0105cznie na wytrzyma\u0142o\u015bci slotu PCI-express.\n", "en": "The new model of the graphics card holder is not only a functional solution that allows for a better grip on the graphics card without having to rely solely on the PCI-express slot load.\n"} |
930 | {"pl": "Cooler Master ELV8 RGB ma tak\u017ce dodatkowe zadanie \u2013 dekoracyjne.\n", "en": "Cooler Master ELV8 RGB plays an additional, decorative role.\n"} |
931 | {"pl": "\"Rzeczpospolita\": Zignorowanie polecenia policjanta b\u0119dzie karane\n", "en": "\"Rzeczpospolita\": Ignoring Policeman\u2019s Command will be Penalized\n"} |
932 | {"pl": "Jak podaje gazeta, zlekcewa\u017cenie nakazu okre\u015blonego zachowania wydane przez policjanta ma by\u0107 nowym rodzajem wykroczenia, zagro\u017conego grzywn\u0105, aresztem albo ograniczeniem wolno\u015bci.\n", "en": "According to the daily, neglecting the order of specific conduct given by a policeman is to be a new offence type, likely to result in a fine, detention or restriction of personal liberty.\n"} |
933 | {"pl": "Wprowadzenia takiej zmiany chc\u0105 policyjni zwi\u0105zkowcy.\n", "en": "The introduction of such a change is requested by the Police trade union activists.\n"} |
934 | {"pl": "Pomys\u0142 trafi\u0142 do sejmowej Komisji do Spraw Petycji.\n", "en": "The idea was brought to the Sejm Petition Committee.\n"} |
935 | {"pl": "\u201eSprawa jest powa\u017cna, bo ju\u017c teraz ka\u017cdego roku do polskich s\u0105d\u00f3w trafia ponad p\u00f3\u0142 miliona spraw wykroczeniowych\u201d, czytamy.\n", "en": "\"It is serious as more than one half a million minor offence cases reach Polish court every year now\", we read.\n"} |
936 | {"pl": "\u201eRzeczpospolita\u201d ustali\u0142a, \u017ce petycja, kt\u00f3r\u0105 Niezale\u017cny Zwi\u0105zek Zawodowy Policjant\u00f3w pisze do pos\u0142\u00f3w w sprawie zmiany kodeksu wykrocze\u0144 ma szans\u0119 na powodzenie.\n", "en": "Rzeczpospolita found out the petition written by the Independent Trade Union of Policemen concerning the amendment of the Petty Offence Code is likely to succeed.\n"} |
937 | {"pl": "Autorzy petycji proponuj\u0105 nowe brzmienie art. 54a kodeksu wykrocze\u0144.\n", "en": "The petition authors propose a new wording of Article 54a of the Petty Offence Code.\n"} |
938 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142by on brzmie\u0107: \u201eKto nie podporz\u0105dkowuje si\u0119 \u017c\u0105daniu lub poleceniu funkcjonariusza publicznego, wydanego w granicach i na podstawie przepis\u00f3w ustawy, podlega karze aresztu, grzywny lub ograniczeniu wolno\u015bci\u201d.\n", "en": "It is to read: \"Whoever does not comply with the request or order of a public officer given within and pursuant to the Act provisions shall be subject to the penalty of detention, fine or restriction of personal liberty\".\n"} |
939 | {"pl": "\u201ePar. 3 tego przepisu m\u00f3wi o identycznej karze dla tych, kt\u00f3rzy nie wykonuj\u0105c polece\u0144, uniemo\u017cliwi\u0105 lub utrudni\u0105 wykonanie czynno\u015bci s\u0142u\u017cbowej\", podaje dziennik.\n", "en": "\"Paragraph 3 of that provision mentions an identical penalty for the people who, not complying with the orders, prevent or hamper performance of an official duty\", the daily says.\n"} |
940 | {"pl": "Socjolog Andrzej Kowalski powiedzia\u0142 \u201eRzeczpospolitej\u201d, \u017ce mimo i\u017c zgadza si\u0119 z g\u0142\u00f3wnym przes\u0142aniem propozycji przepisu, obawia si\u0119, \u017ce je\u015bli zostanie wdro\u017cony, mo\u017ce by\u0107 wykorzystywany w sprawach politycznych manifestacji.\n", "en": "Sociologist Andrzej Kowalski told Rzeczpospolita that although he agrees with the core message of the proposed provision, he is afraid that if it is implemented, it can be used for political manifestations.\n"} |
941 | {"pl": "\u201eW sytuacjach demonstracji wolno\u015bciowych by\u0142oby to niekorzystne i zamiast \u0142agodzi\u0107 sytuacj\u0119, wr\u0119cz by j\u0105 zaostrza\u0142y\u201d, dodaje.\n", "en": "\"This would not be good for liberation demonstration and instead of soothing the situation, it would inflame it\", he adds.\n"} |
942 | {"pl": "Ze statystyk podanych przez gazet\u0119 wynika, \u017ce 86 proc. obywateli pozytywnie oceni\u0142o interwencje policji w 2018 r. oraz \u017ce ka\u017cdego miesi\u0105ca s\u0142u\u017cby podejmuj\u0105 1,5 mln interwencji na mie\u015bcie.\n", "en": "According to the statistics quoted by the daily, 86 percent of citizens had a positive opinion about the Police interventions in 2018, and the services intervene 1.5 million times in the city each time.\n"} |
943 | {"pl": "Buras martwi si\u0119 o Europ\u0119\n", "en": "Buras is worried about Europe.\n"} |
944 | {"pl": "J\u00e1chym Topol pisanie ma we krwi.\n", "en": "J\u00e1chym Topol has writing in his blood.\n"} |
945 | {"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d jego przodk\u00f3w s\u0105 redaktorzy, t\u0142umacze, pisarze.\n", "en": "His ancestors were editors, translators and writers.\n"} |
946 | {"pl": "Ojciec, Josef Topol, by\u0142 jednym z wa\u017cniejszych powojennych dramaturg\u00f3w czeskich, dzi\u015b wymienianym w jednym rz\u0119dzie z V\u00e1clavem Havlem.\n", "en": "His father, Josef Topol, was one of the most important post-war Czech playwrights, today ranking among V\u00e1clav Havel.\n"} |
947 | {"pl": "Nad J\u00e1chymem zatem od pocz\u0105tku wisia\u0142a kl\u0105twa talentu, kt\u00f3r\u0105 ten stara si\u0119 wykorzystywa\u0107.\n", "en": "J\u00e1chym has been predestined because of his talent from the very beginning and he is trying to make use of it.\n"} |
948 | {"pl": "Po o\u015bmiu latach wr\u00f3ci\u0142 z \u201eWra\u017cliwym cz\u0142owiekiem\u201d.\n", "en": "After eight years he is back with \"A sensitive person\".\n"} |
949 | {"pl": "Bohaterami s\u0105 Buras i So\u0148a wraz z dwoma synami, kt\u00f3rzy jednak nie tworz\u0105 typowej czeskiej rodziny.\n", "en": "It is a story about Buras and So\u0148a as well as their two sons who are, however, not a typical Czech family.\n"} |
950 | {"pl": "S\u0105 w\u0119drownymi aktorami, podr\u00f3\u017cuj\u0105 po Europie.\n", "en": "They are wandering actors travelling across Europe.\n"} |
951 | {"pl": "On jest mi\u0142o\u015bnikiem Szekspira i z\u0142odziejem, ona jednook\u0105 t\u0142umaczk\u0105, kt\u00f3ra nie rozstaje si\u0119 z butelk\u0105 wina.\n", "en": "He is a Shakespeare lover and a thief, she is a one-eyed translator who loves wine.\n"} |
952 | {"pl": "Jeden z ch\u0142opc\u00f3w od urodzenia nie wyda\u0142 z siebie d\u017awi\u0119ku, a dla drugiego czas zatrzyma\u0142 si\u0119 w czasach niemowl\u0119cych.\n", "en": "One of the boys never uttered any sound, for the other time stopped in his toddler times.\n"} |
953 | {"pl": "Ale to nie bohaterowie s\u0105 w tej opowie\u015bci najwa\u017cniejsi.\n", "en": "However, it is not the protagonists who are most important in this book.\n"} |
954 | {"pl": "Wszyscy stanowi\u0105 jedynie t\u0142o do obserwowania \u015bwiata, w kt\u00f3rym nie ma ju\u017c miejsca dla artystycznych koczownik\u00f3w.\n", "en": "All of them are just a background for observing the world in which there is no place left for artist nomads.\n"} |
955 | {"pl": "To \u015bwiat zapchlonej prowincji, spo\u0142ecze\u0144stwa starych, podejrzliwych ludzi i rozwi\u0105z\u0142ej m\u0142odzie\u017cy.\n", "en": "It is the world of a filthy countryside, a society of old, distrustful people and promiscuous youth.\n"} |
956 | {"pl": "\u201eWra\u017cliwy cz\u0142owiek\u201d miejscami zamienia si\u0119 w absurdalny teatrzyk.\n", "en": "\"A sensitive person\" tends to turn into a theatre full of absurd.\n"} |
957 | {"pl": "Narracja na\u015bladuje didaskalia, a rozmowy bohater\u00f3w kreuj\u0105 ten \u015bwiat.\n", "en": "The narration mirrors the stage directions and the dialogues of the protagonists create this world.\n"} |
958 | {"pl": "Scen\u0105 jest Europa pe\u0142na obaw o swoj\u0105 przysz\u0142o\u015b\u0107, ale te\u017c nieustannych pyta\u0144 o przesz\u0142o\u015b\u0107.\n", "en": "The stage is Europe, full of worries about its future, but also full of questions about its past.\n"} |
959 | {"pl": "Belgia: Brussels Airlines anulowa\u0142y 105 lot\u00f3w z powodu bankructwa Thomas Cook\n", "en": "Belgium: Brussels Airlines Cancelled 105 Flights Because of Thomas Cook Bankruptcy\n"} |
960 | {"pl": "Cho\u0107 brytyjskie biuro podr\u00f3\u017cy Thomas Cook upad\u0142o, jego belgijska filia Neckermann funkcjonuje.\n", "en": "Although the British Travel Agency, Thomas Cook, went bankrupt, its Belgian branch office Neckermann still operates.\n"} |
961 | {"pl": "Sp\u00f3\u0142ka ma jednak problemy.\n", "en": "However, the company has problems.\n"} |
962 | {"pl": "Jak informuje telewizja VRT, linie Brussels Airlines og\u0142osi\u0142y, \u017ce odwo\u0142aj\u0105 105 lot\u00f3w w pa\u017adzierniku z powodu problem\u00f3w zwi\u0105zanych z bankructwem Thomas Cook.\n", "en": "According to VRT television, Brussels Airlines announced they would cancel 105 flights in October because of their problems connected with Thomas Cook bankruptcy.\n"} |
963 | {"pl": "Neckermann zwolni\u0142 te\u017c 75 pracownik\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Also, Neckermann dismissed 75 employees.\n"} |
964 | {"pl": "Wszystkie wyjazdy z biurem, kt\u00f3re zosta\u0142y zarezerwowane w Belgii, zostan\u0105 anulowane, ale wczasowicze b\u0119d\u0105 mogli otrzyma\u0107 zwrot pieni\u0119dzy.\n", "en": "All the trips booked in Belgium with this agency will be cancelled but the tourists will be able to get their money back.\n"} |
965 | {"pl": "S\u0105d w Gandawie og\u0142osi\u0142 te\u017c upad\u0142o\u015b\u0107 trzech belgijskich sp\u00f3\u0142ek c\u00f3rek: Thomas Cook Belgium, Thomas Cook Retail i Thomas Cook Financial Services.\n", "en": "The court in Ghent announced also bankruptcy of three Belgian daughter companies, i.e. Thomas Cook Belgium, Thomas Cook Retail and Thomas Cook Financial Services.\n"} |
966 | {"pl": "Obecnie ok. 12 tys. Belg\u00f3w przebywa za granic\u0105 na wyjazdach wykupionych w firmie Thomas Cook.\n", "en": "At present there are ca. 12 thousand Belgians staying abroad on trips bought in Thomas Cook.\n"} |
967 | {"pl": "Kolejne 40 tys. os\u00f3b mia\u0142o wyjecha\u0107 z biurem do ko\u0144ca roku.\n", "en": "Another 40 thousand were to go with the agency by the end of the year.\n"} |
968 | {"pl": "Jeszcze w poniedzia\u0142ek rzeczniczka Thomas Cook Belgium Leen Segers m\u00f3wi\u0142a, \u017ce firma jest obecnie \u201ew pe\u0142ni operacyjna\u201d mimo og\u0142oszenia upad\u0142o\u015bci przez brytyjsk\u0105 sp\u00f3\u0142k\u0119 matk\u0119, kt\u00f3re wywo\u0142a\u0142o niepok\u00f3j w\u015br\u00f3d pracownik\u00f3w i klient\u00f3w.\n", "en": "On Monday, the spokeswomen for Thomas Cook Belgium, Leen Segers, said the company is \"fully operable\" now although the British parent company announced its bankruptcy which caused anxiety of employees and customers.\n"} |
969 | {"pl": "Biuro uspokaja\u0142o wtedy, \u017ce klienci, kt\u00f3rzy wykupili w nim wycieczki, pojad\u0105 na wakacje.\n", "en": "Then, the branch office reassured the customers who bought their trips in it would go for holiday.\n"} |
970 | {"pl": "Thomas Cook \u2013 najstarsze i jedno z najwi\u0119kszych biur podr\u00f3\u017cy na \u015bwiecie \u2013 og\u0142osi\u0142o upad\u0142o\u015b\u0107 w nocy z niedzieli na poniedzia\u0142ek.\n", "en": "Thomas Cook, the oldest and one of the largest travel agencies worldwide, announced its bankruptcy at night from Sunday to Monday.\n"} |
971 | {"pl": "Bezpo\u015bredni\u0105 przyczyn\u0105 bankructwa by\u0142o za\u0142amanie si\u0119 w niedziel\u0119 rozm\u00f3w ostatniej szansy z wierzycielami i potencjalnymi inwestorami.\n", "en": "The direct cause of bankruptcy was the Sunday crash of the last-chance negotiations with creditors and prospective investors.\n"} |
972 | {"pl": "Wierzyciele domagali si\u0119, by opr\u00f3cz uzgodnionego ju\u017c w sierpniu planu ratunkowego o warto\u015bci 900 mln funt\u00f3w firma zdoby\u0142a dodatkowe 200 mln jako zabezpieczenie na okres zimowy, gdy biura podr\u00f3\u017cy maj\u0105 zwykle ni\u017csze obroty.\n", "en": "The creditors demanded that the company should acquire extra 200 million pounds, besides the rescue plan agreed in August worth 900 million pounds, as security for winter season when the turnovers of travel agencies are usually lower.\n"} |
973 | {"pl": "Jednak problemy firmy narasta\u0142y od kilku lat, czego efektem by\u0142 d\u0142ug si\u0119gaj\u0105cy 1,6 mld funt\u00f3w.\n", "en": "However, the company problems had been accumulating for several years resulting in a debt of 1.6 billion pounds.\n"} |
974 | {"pl": "Micha\u0142 Kubiak po meczu ze S\u0142oweni\u0105 (1:3).\n", "en": "Micha\u0142 Kubiak following the game against Slovenia (1-3).\n"} |
975 | {"pl": "\u201eNie uwa\u017cam, \u017ce S\u0142owenia zagra\u0142a fantastycznie.\n", "en": "\"I don\u2019t think Slovenia played a fantastic game.\n"} |
976 | {"pl": "To my zagrali\u015bmy bardzo s\u0142abo.\n", "en": "We played very bad.\n"} |
977 | {"pl": "Ten turniej jeszcze si\u0119 dla nas nie sko\u0144czy\u0142\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 kapitan reprezentacji Polski siatkarzy Micha\u0142 Kubiak po pora\u017cce ze S\u0142oweni\u0105 1:3 w p\u00f3\u0142finale mistrzostw Europy.\n", "en": "The tournament is not over for us yet,\" said the captain of the Polish national volleyball team Micha\u0142 Kubiak after a 1-3 defeat against Slovenia in the European championship semi-final.\n"} |
978 | {"pl": "G\u00f6rlitz w Niemczech oferuje darmowe zakwaterowanie za opini\u0119\n", "en": "G\u00f6rlitz in Germany offering free accommodation in exchange for feedback\n"} |
979 | {"pl": "Bezp\u0142atne zakwaterowanie w zamian za opini\u0119 \u2013 tak\u0105 niezwyk\u0142\u0105 ofert\u0119 przygotowa\u0142o dla przybyszy niemieckie G\u00f6rlitz.\n", "en": "Free accommodation in exchange for feedback \u2013 such an extraordinary offer awaits travellers in the German city G\u00f6rlitz.\n"} |
980 | {"pl": "Dzia\u0142ania maj\u0105 pom\u00f3c w walce z post\u0119puj\u0105cym spadkiem liczby mieszka\u0144c\u00f3w miasta.\n", "en": "The action is aimed at combating the decreasing number of citizens.\n"} |
981 | {"pl": "G\u00f6rlitz to najbardziej wysuni\u0119te na wsch\u00f3d miasto Niemiec.\n", "en": "G\u00f6rlitz is Germany's most eastern city.\n"} |
982 | {"pl": "Pi\u0119kna pastelowa star\u00f3wka przyci\u0105ga rocznie 140 tys. turyst\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Beautiful pastel old city attracts 140 thousand tourists annually.\n"} |
983 | {"pl": "Jak jednak pisze \u201eThe Guardian\u201d, miasto zmaga si\u0119 ze znacznymi problemami.\n", "en": "However, as \"The Guardian\" reports, the city has been facing major problems.\n"} |
984 | {"pl": "W G\u00f6rlitz wyst\u0119puj\u0105 najni\u017csze p\u0142ace w Niemczech.\n", "en": "G\u00f6rlitz has the lowest salaries in Germany.\n"} |
985 | {"pl": "Miasto zmaga si\u0119 te\u017c ze sta\u0142ym ubytkiem liczby mieszka\u0144c\u00f3w.\n", "en": "The city is also facing a constant decrease of citizen number.\n"} |
986 | {"pl": "Po upadku muru berli\u0144skiego w 1989 roku, wi\u0119kszo\u015b\u0107 z nich wyjecha\u0142o na zach\u00f3d kraju, co prze\u0142o\u017cy\u0142o si\u0119 na spadek populacji miasta o 25 proc.\n", "en": "After the Berlin wall fell in 1989 most of them emigrated to the west of the country, which is why the city population decreased by 25 percent.\n"} |
987 | {"pl": "W 2013 roku wynios\u0142a ona 54 tysi\u0105ce os\u00f3b.\n", "en": "In 2013 it amounted to 54 thousand people.\n"} |
988 | {"pl": "Chc\u0105c zawalczy\u0107 z depopulacj\u0105, urz\u0119dnicy wpadli na pomys\u0142, by zacz\u0105\u0107 oferowa\u0107 bezp\u0142atne miesi\u0119czne zakwaterowanie w mie\u015bcie.\n", "en": "In their attempt to combat depopulation the clerks came across an idea of offering free monthly accommodation in the city.\n"} |
989 | {"pl": "P\u00f3ki co do programu wp\u0142yn\u0119\u0142o 150 wniosk\u00f3w.\n", "en": "As for now, they have received 150 applications.\n"} |
990 | {"pl": "Dwie trzecie z nich z\u0142o\u017cyli mieszka\u0144cy du\u017cych miast.\n", "en": "Two thirds of them were filed by the inhabitants of big cities.\n"} |
991 | {"pl": "Programem zainteresowa\u0142y si\u0119 te\u017c osoby z W\u0119gier, Czech, Stan\u00f3w Zjednoczonych i Wielkiej Brytanii.\n", "en": "It is also the citizens of Hungary, Czech Republic, United States and Great Britain who are interested in the programme.\n"} |
992 | {"pl": "\u201eKiedy aplikowali\u015bmy, my\u015bleli\u015bmy, \u017ce program ma przekona\u0107 ludzi do przeprowadzki do G\u00f6rlitz\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 jeden z uczestnik\u00f3w projektu.\n", "en": "\"When we filed our application, we thought the programme was meant to talk the people into moving to G\u00f6rlitz\", said one of the project participants.\n"} |
993 | {"pl": "\u201eTeraz czujemy, \u017ce nie ma znaczenia, czy zostaniemy tutaj po czterech tygodniach, czy nie\u201d, doda\u0142.\n", "en": "\"Now we feel it doesn't matter if we stay here after four weeks or not\", he added.\n"} |
994 | {"pl": "Miasto posiada siedem tysi\u0119cy wolnych mieszka\u0144, a bezrobocie jest trzy razy wy\u017csze ni\u017c \u015brednia w ca\u0142ym kraju.\n", "en": "There are seven thousand free flats in the city and the unemployment rate is three times as high as the average in the whole country.\n"} |
995 | {"pl": "Chocia\u017c w\u0142adze miasta maj\u0105 nadziej\u0119, \u017ce niekt\u00f3rzy przeprowadz\u0105 si\u0119 na sta\u0142e, g\u0142\u00f3wnym celem programu jest uzyskanie opinii uczestnik\u00f3w programu.\n", "en": "Even though the city authorities hope some would stay there forever, the main goal of the programme is to collect the opinion of the participants.\n"} |
996 | {"pl": "Informacje zebrane z wywiad\u00f3w i kwestionariuszy maj\u0105 pom\u00f3c w o\u017cywieniu mniejszych niemieckich miast.\n", "en": "The information from surveys and questionnaires are aimed to revitalize smaller German cities.\n"} |
997 | {"pl": "\u201eChcemy dowiedzie\u0107 si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o tym, czego ludzie potrzebuj\u0105, a je\u017celi zdecyduj\u0105 si\u0119 na przeprowadzk\u0119 \u2013 o tym jaka by\u0142a ich motywacja\u201d, powiedzia\u0142 odpowiedzialny za program Robert Knippschild.\n", "en": "\"We want to find out more about what people need and if they decide to move, what is the reason for it\", said Robert Knippschild who is in charge of the programme.\n"} |
998 | {"pl": "Inne miasta ju\u017c eksperymentowa\u0142y z pomys\u0142ami na zwabienie nowych mieszka\u0144c\u00f3w, oferuj\u0105c im zach\u0119ty w postaci zakwaterowania.\n", "en": "Other cities have already tried to attract new citizens, offering them free accommodation.\n"} |
999 | {"pl": "Pierwszym z nich by\u0142o Detroit, kt\u00f3re wprowadzi\u0142o program p\u0142acenia obiecuj\u0105cym m\u0142odym specjalistom za \u017cycie i prac\u0119 w mie\u015bcie przez rok.\n", "en": "The first one to do so was Detroit that launched a program of financing young aspiring specialists for living and working in the city for one year.\n"} |
Subsets and Splits