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en-ru | As such, the agency recorded the first week-long deflation in 2017. | Как таковой, агенство записало первую длинной с недел дефляцию в 2017. | Таким образом ведомство зафиксировало первую в 2017 году недельную дефляцию. | 0.67 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-de | Some reporters would contest that assertion: Sanders has not held a White House press briefing since 10 September. | Einige Reporter würden diese Behauptung bestreiten: Sanders hat seit dem 10. September kein Pressebriefing im Weißen Haus mehr abgehalten. | Einige Journalisten würden diese Behauptung anzweifeln: Sanders hat seit dem 10. September keine Pressekonferenz des Weißen Hauses gehalten. | 0.99 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 独立研究公司Plenum分析师说 :“谈比不谈好,尽管可能只被当成例行公事。” | "It's better to talk than not talk, even though it may just be routine," said an analyst at Planum, an independent research firm. | An analyst at the independent research company Plenum said that,"It's better to talk about it than not to talk about it, even though it may be treated as a routine matter. ” | 0.6 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-cs | Nein, ich - Augenblick - das war wirklich schlechte Körpersprache - die schlimmste Körpersprache, die ich je gesehen habe.“ | Ne, já - počkat - to byla opravdu špatná řeč těla - nejhorší řeč těla, jakou jsem kdy viděl. “ | Ne, ehm, ne, já – tak počkat – to byla opravdu špatná řeč těla – nejhorší řeč těla, jakou jsem kdy viděl. | 1 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-et | Rumors tend to fly freely in Culiacan. | Kuulujutud kipuvad lendama vabalt Culiacan. | Kuulujutud levivad Culiacanis vabalt. | 0.56 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | Большинство и меньшинство важны в плей-офф. | Majority and minority are important in the playoffs. | Power plays and shorthand plays are important in the playoffs. | 0.76 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
fi-en | RT News: Juutalainen elokuvantekijä kritisoi berliiniläistä hotellia, joka poisti Israelin suuntanumeron arabien pyynnöstä | I Re News, Jewish film film film, criticized a Berlin hotel who has removed the Israeli direction under Arab request. | Jewish filmmaker slams Berlin hotel for removing Israel dial code after Arab "request" - RT News | 0.24 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-et | In the near future, a portrait of legendary Queen singer Freddie Mercury will adorn one plane. | Lähitulevikus portree legendaarne kuninganna laulja Freddie Mercury kaunistab ühe lennuki. | Lähiajal hakkab aga üht lennukit kaunistama Queeni legendaarse laulja Freddie Mercury portree. | 0.6 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | В Вагае расширят водоочистные сооружения | Waga to expand water treatment plants | Water treatment facilities are being expanded in Vagay | 0.44 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
de-cs | Die Anschuldigungen werden von der Staatsanwaltschaft überprüft. | Obvinění prověřuje státní zástupce. | Obvinění vyhodnotí Státní zastupitelství. | 0.37 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 美国食品药物管理局(FDA)周五称,将不再允许进口中国华海药业生产的原料药和使用该公司原料药制成的制剂。 | The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Friday that it will no longer allow the import of raw materials produced by China's Huahai Pharmaceutical Industry and preparations made with the company's raw materials. | The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Friday that it would not be allowed to import the bulk drugs produced by Huahai Pharmaceutical and the preparations made of the bulk drugs of this company. | 1 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ja-en | 静岡県は24日、県内のスポーツ振興に協力する「ふじのくにスポーツサポーター」に、県東部の二つの自転車競技チームを委嘱した。 | On the 24th, Shizuoka Prefecture commissioned two cycling teams from the eastern part of the prefecture as "Fuji no Kuni Sports Supporters" who cooperate in promoting sports within the prefecture. | In Shizuoka prefecture on the 24th, two competitive cycling teams from the eastern part of the prefecture were commissioned by Fujinokuni Sports Supporter, which cooperates to promote sports in the prefecture. | 1 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-en | Jetzt ist der 30-Jährige selbst bei einem Fassbomben-Angriff des Assad-Regimes gestorben. | Now the 30-year-old has died in an Assad regime's assaults attack. | Now the 30-year-old has been killed in a barrel bomb attack by the Assad regime. | 0.88 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ha-en | Ya ci gaba da cewar zuwa yanzu a shekaru shida da kafa jam'iyyar, naira miliyan 512 ne ke cikin asusun jam'iyyar. | He said that so far in the six years since the founding of the party, 512 million naira has been in the party's account. | He also said that during/for the six-year term, the party has a mere 512-million naira budget. | 0.84 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
cs-en | Zato v domácí sestavě se v životní formě představili oba smečaři Čebulj i Urnaut a také druhý univerzál Štern, jenž brzy vystřídal nevýrazného Gaspariniho. Poláci doplatili na to, že všechny předchozí zápasy na tomto Euru vyhrávali suverénně, zatímco Slovinci získávali sebevědomí po těžkých bitvách v play off s Bulhary i Rusy. | On the other hand, both scrum-halfs Chebulj and Urnaut, as well as the second universal Stern, who soon replaced the inconspicuous Gasparini, were in the form of life. The Poles suffered from the fact that they had won all their previous matches at this Euros in a sovereign manner, while the Slovenians were gaining confidence after heavy play-off battles with both Bulgarians and Russians. | As for the home line-up, both spikers Čebulj and Urnaut presented themselves in their best form, and so did the second opposite spiker Štern, who soon replaced insipid Gasparini. The Poles felt the consequences of having been clear winners of all prior matches in this Euros, while the Slovenes have been gaining confidence after tough battles in play-offs against Bulgaria and Russia. | 0.27 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | "I think it's everybody's intention here to get this done in 2019," said Rep. Jamie Raskin, an impeachment advocate and member of the Judiciary Committee. | "我认为,在2019年,每个人都打算在2019年完成这一工作,"众议员杰米·拉斯金(JamieRaskin)说,他是一名弹指倡导者,也是司法委员会成员。 | “我觉得这里所有人都打算在2019年内完成这项工作。”弹劾支持者、司法委员会委员杰米·拉斯金(Jamie Raskin)说。 | 0.755 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | "You would have thought I'd had a nervous breakdown," recalled Ms. Schroeder about how the press reacted to her. | „Myslela byste si, že jsem se nervově zhroutila,“ připomněla slečna Schroederová, jak na ni reagoval tisk. | „Vypadalo to, že jsem se psychicky zhroutila,“ vybavovala si paní Schroederová reakce tisku. | 0.99 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 部分记者逃离了他们的家乡,或者甚至离开了这个国家。 | Some journalists have fled their homes, or even left the country. | Some journalists have fled their home states or even the country. | 0.99 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-et | The Cretaceous was a time when giant theropods, meat-eating dinosaurs that stood on two legs, roamed the Earth. | Kriidiajastu oli aeg, mil hiiglane theropods, liha-söömine dinosaurused, mis seisis kaks jalga, hulkuma maa. | Kriidiajastu oli aeg, mil Maal uitasid tohutud kahel jalal liikuvad lihasööjatest dinosaurused - teropoodid. | 0.07 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
tr-en | Dr. Cervantes-Barragan, insanların farelerle aynı dayanıklılığı teşvik eden hücrelere sahip olduğunu ve çoğumuzun mide-bağırsak kanalında L. reuteri barındırdığını ifade etti. | Dr. Cervantes-Barragan said that people have cells that promote the same strength as mice, and that most of us have a host of L. Reuteri in the gastrointestinal tract. | Dr Cervantes-Barragan explained people have the same tolerance-promoting cells as mice, and most of us shelter L. reuteri in our gastrointestinal tracts. | 0.83 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
cs-en | Navzdory hrozbám a zastrašování rodiny obětí paniaiské střelby pokračují v posledním symbolickém aktu vzdoru: pohřbívají těla obětí na pozemku naproti policejní a armádní stanici. | Despite the threats and intimidation, the families of the victims of the Panai shooting continue their latest symbolic act of defiance: burying the bodies of the victims on land opposite a police and army station. | Despite the threats and intimidation, families of the Paniai shooting victims carried out one last symbolic act of defiance: burying one victim's body on land just opposite the police and military station. | 0.97 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-de | The Bells of St. Martin's Fall Silent as Churches in Harlem Struggle | Die Glocken des St. Martin's Fall Silent als Kirchen in Harlem Kampf | Die Glocken von St. Martin verstummenn, da Kirchen in Harlem Probleme haben | 0.51 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-de | Their accounts were corroborated by an outside analyst who is close to the administration and also spoke on the condition of anonymity. | Ihre Berichte wurden von einem externen Analysten bestätigt, der der Verwaltung nahesteht und auch unter der Bedingung der Anonymität sprach. | Ihre Darstellungen wurden von einem außenstehenden Analytiker bestätigt, der der Regierung nahe steht und anonym bleiben möchte. | 0.92 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | Er rechnet allein im Gliedstaat Kentucky mit bis zu hundert Toten, die offiziellen Zahlen steigen stündlich. | He expects up to a hundred deaths in the state of Kentucky alone, and the official numbers are increasing every hour. | He is going with the figure of at least one hundred deaths in the state of Kentucky, the official numbers are rising by the hour. | 0.97 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
zh-en | 综合消息:美单边主义破坏两国关系 国际舆论支持中国对美反制-新华网 | Comprehensive News: US Unilateralism undermines Bilateral Relations International Public Opinion supports China's counter-system against the United States-Xinhua | Comprehensive News: The Unilateralism of the United States Destroys Sino-US Relations, International Opinion Supports China’s Countermeasures -- Xinhua Net | 0.74 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | Police clash with Catalan separatists ahead of independence vote anniversary | 警方在独立投票周年纪念日前与加泰罗尼亚分离主义分子发生冲突 | 加泰罗尼亚独立公投周年纪念前夕,警方与分离主义者发生冲突 | 0.89 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-de | "Some people love grilled cheese and will eat it for the rest of their lives. | "Manche Leute mögen gegrillten Käse und werden ihn für den Rest ihres Lebens essen. | "Einige Menschen lieben gegrillten Käse und werden ihn bis ans Ende ihres Lebens essen. | 0.97 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
fi-en | CBC:n olympiakommentaattori esittää anteeksipyynnön sanottuaan kiinalaisen uimarin ”kuolleen kuin sian” | CBC olympic commentator apologise after saying the chinese swimmer ”died like a pig” | CBC Olympics commentator apologizes for saying Chinese swimmer 'died like a pig' | 0.99 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ru-en | Врио главы Хабаровского края рассказал о своей поездке по региону в эксклюзивном интервью "Комсомольской правде" | The acting head of the Khabarovsk Territory spoke about his trip to the region in an exclusive interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda | In an exclusive interview, the acting head of Khabarovsk Krai told Komsomolskaya Pravda about his trip around the region. | 0 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-en | USA warnen Bundesregierung vor Huawei | crossborder internal market | USA warn federal government of Huawei | 0 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
fi-en | Republikaanipuolueessa moni toivoo, että Kavanaugh'n ratkaisevalla äänellä saataisiin kumottua Roe vastaan Wade -nimellä tunnettu päätös, joka teki USA:ssa abortista laillisen vuonna 1973. | In the Republican party, many people wish that kavanaugh's decisive voice would be able to overturn the decision known to the roe vs. Wade, which made the eu abortion legal in 1973. | Many in the Republican party hope that with Kavanaugh's decisive vote, so-called Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal in the USA in 1973 could be reversed. | 0.98 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 昨天,中国政府表示,将在庆祝中国共产党执政70周年之前,从应急储备中释放更多猪肉。 | Yesterday, the Chinese government said it would release more pork from emergency reserves before celebrating the 70th anniversary of the ruling Communist Party of China. | Yesterday, the Chinese government acknowledged that it would release more pork from its emergency reserve prior to the 70th anniversary celebrating the Chinese Communist party's coming into power. | 0.95 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 无意中看到如下一篇文章,从商业的角度以及保存期的角度谈为什么这个客户要保税区里面的物流公司帮做罐装,虽然罐装属于深加工,不属于保税物流公司的经营范围,这里如下这篇文字也许可以解释 为什么客户想要这么做? | I accidentally read the following article, discussing why the customer wants the logistics company in the bonded area to help with canning from the perspective of business and shelf life. Although canning belongs to deep processing and is not within the business scope of the bonded logistics company, the following article may explain why the customer wants to do so. | I came across the following article, which talks about why this customer wants the logistics company in the bonded area to help with canning from the perspective of business and shelf life; although canning is deep processing and is not within the business scope of the bonded logistics company, the following text perhaps can explain why the customer wants to do this. | 0.93 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
tr-en | "Bu iş bitmiştir". diyerek üzerine yürümeye, vurmaya kalkışması şeklindeki eyleminin, mağdur olan imamın belli aralıklarla okuması gereken ezan ve salayı okuyamamasına neden olduğu kabul edilmek suretiyle "görevi yaptırmamak için direnme" suçunun oluştuğunun belirtildiğine yer verdi. | "This is done". Saying that the act of trying to walk on it, to try to shoot, the victim of the imam to read at certain intervals of the azan and the salad to be accepted that the "resistance to do not perform the task" was stated that the crime occurred . | Saying ‘This is long finished’, trying to walk and attempting to hit him, this very action causing the victim, the imam, not to be able to read the Call to Prayer and the Sala and ‘resisting so as to prevent the performance of duties’ are included. | 0.205 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
de-en | Trump startete seine Präsidentschaftskampagne mit dem Versprechen, an der südlichen Grenze der USA eine Mauer zu errichten, und schwor, Mexiko für das Projekt zahlen zu lassen. | Trump launched his presidential campaign with the promise to build a wall on the US's southern border, and swore to let Mexico pay for the project. | Trump launched his presidential campaign on a promise to build a wall along the US southern border and vowed to make Mexico pay for the project. | 0.806 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-de | She was detained in Texas. | Sie wurde in Texas inhaftiert. | Sie wurde in Texas verhaftet. | 0.99 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 他已经准备好与沙特为首的多国联军开启新的关系篇章,开始以积极的方式与联军相处 | He is ready to open a new chapter of relations with the multinational coalition headed by Saudi Arabia and begin to get along with the coalition in a positive way. | he was ready to open a new chapter of relations with the multinational coalition led by Saudi Arabia and begin to work with the coalition forces in a positive way | 0.98 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 不过,共享住宿市场自3月开始回暖,市场交易额、订单量和接待人数逐渐恢复。 | However, the shared accommodation market has been picking up since March, with a gradual recovery in turnover, orders and reception. | However, the shared accommodation market has started to recover since March, with the number of transactions, order volume, and number of guest stays gradually increasing. | 0.86 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-fr | Die ungebändigten träumen davon, als Bande ins Europäische Parlament einzutreten, neue Gesichter zu zeigen. | Les vis rêvent d'entrer dans le Parlement européen en tant que gang, de montrer de nouveaux visages. | Les insoumis rêvent d’arriver en bande au Parlement européen, afficher des nouvelles têtes. | 0.43 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-ru | There is no fencing on any of the specialty Match channels. | Не существует никаких ограждений по каналам специального соответствия. | Ни на одном из тематических "Матчей" фехтования нет. | 0.06 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-ha | It sounds serene... | Yana sauti mai annashuwa ... | Abin akwai matukar kwantar da rai... | 0.975 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-de | Tough talk 'and then we fell in love' | Tough talk 'and then we fell in love-' | Harte Worte „und dann haben wir uns verliebt“ | 0 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-de | ASX-listed online lender Prospa also would not detail the amount of loans it had issued under the scheme as it said the information was commercially sensitive but chief executive Greg Moshal said the goverment's extension of the scheme was welcome. | Der an der ASX notierte Online-Kreditgeber Prospa würde auch die Höhe der Darlehen, die er im Rahmen des Programms vergeben hatte, nicht detailliert beschreiben, da er sagte, dass die Informationen kommerziell sensibel seien, aber der Vorstandsvorsitzende Greg Moshal sagte, dass die Verlängerung des Programms durch die Regierung willkommen sei. | Der bei ASX gelistet Online-Kreditgeber Prospa wollte die Anzahl der Kredite, die sie innerhalb dieses Programmes ausgegeben haben, nicht angeben, da diese Informationen geschäftlich sensibel seien, der Vorstandsvorsitzende Greg Marshall sagte aber, dass die Verlängerung des Programms durch die Regierungen willkommen geheißen würde. | 0.775 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-en | Kommunikations- und Verkehrsverbindungen sind beschädigt, es entstand enormer Sachschaden. | Communication and transport links have been damaged and there has been enormous material damage. | Communications and transport links have been damaged among the severe property damage. | 0.85 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-gu | Christion Abercrombie Undergoes Emergency Surgery After Suffering Head Injury | ખ્રિસ્ત્રી ડિસક્લેમર પછી ઇમર્જિંગ હેડ ઇન્ક્રીમેન્ટ પછી કટોકટી સર્જાય છે. | ક્રાઇસ્ટન એબરક્રોમ્બીએ ગંભીર ઇજા પછી તુરંત સર્જરીનો સામનો કરવો પડ્યો. | 0 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-zh | Zhan Qixian said that, as long as there are party assets today, no one will give you social donations. So if the party were all confiscated away, then Kuomintang can just ask for social support and sponsorship, "You will have chance to go when there are no assets." | 詹七贤说,只要有缔约方的资产,今天,没有人会给你的社会捐赠。 因此,如果该缔约方是所有没收的,那么国民党可以问,用于社会支持和赞助,"你将有机会去的时候有没有资产。" | 詹启贤认为,今天只要还有党产,没有人会给你社会捐款,若党产统统被充公收走,国民党刚好可请求社会支持与赞助,“今天真的没有了才有机会去要”。 | 0.545 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
fi-en | Edessä on vielä tasokokeita, seuraavaksi lokakuussa, joissa arvioidaan onko koulutus riittävä vaativiin työtehtäviin. | There is still tasokokeita, the next in October, which will be assessed whether there is sufficient training in demanding jobs. | There still are placement tests ahead, the next one in October, when it will be assessed whether the training is adequate for the exacting work tasks. | 0.61 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
zh-en | 据夏洛特当地的一家新闻社WCCB报道,菲利普于近期离开了竞选团队。 | According to a local news agency WCCB, Philip left the campaign team in the near future. | WCCB, a local news affiliate in Charlotte, reported Phillip recently left the campaign. | 0.776667 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Doch wichtiger ist allemal der Werbeeffekt: Für einen Schoggihersteller ist es ein prestigeträchtiger Auftrag. | But the advertising effect is more important: For a chocolate manufacturer, it is a prestigious order. | However, more important is always the advertising effect: for a chocolate producer, it is a prestigious contract. | 0.86 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
de-en | Doch für mehr Kontrollen seien auch mehr Personalstellen nötig. | But more controls would also require more staff positions. | More checks are also necessary for staff personnel. | 0.97 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | As a result, damages to the budget and residents are in the millions of roubles. | Как следствие, убытки в бюджет и жители находятся в миллионы рублей. | В результате ущерб бюджету и жильцам - миллионы рублей. | 0.65 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-et | "I'm a former featherweight," Garcia reminded. | ”Ma olen endine sulakaal,” meenutas Garcia. | "Olen endine sulgkaaluline," meenutas Garcia. | 0.62 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 尤卡布斯低着头说“我的家人被杀了, | He bowed his head and said, "My family has been killed, | "A member of our family has been killed," says Yacobus, head bowed. | 0.51 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-cs | It's great to be out there with a partner when things are going good, but when you're out there individually, then you're tested to the full of your capacity as a golfer. | Je skvělé být venku s partnerem, když to jde dobře, ale když jste venku individuálně, tak jste testovaný naplno ze své kapacity golfisty. | Je skvělé mít parťáka, když to jde dobře, ale když je tam člověk sám za sebe, teprve pak se naplno testují jeho hráčské schopnosti. | 0.68 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ru-en | Аннулировали результаты 2,99% бюллетеней. | The results of 2.99% of ballots were canceled. | The results of 2.99% of the ballots were annulled. | 0.363333 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
en-fi | A trial vaccine is showing promising results in patients with a range of cancers. | Tutkimusrokote näyttää lupaavia tuloksia potilailla, joilla on erilaisia syöpiä. | Kokeellinen rokote on osoittautunut lupaavaksi erilaisia syöpiä sairastavilla potilailla. | 0.89 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 另外,对于和确诊病例、疑似病例有过密切接触的人员,通常需要两次核酸检测才能排除。 | In addition, people who have been in close contact with confirmed and suspected cases usually need two nucleic acid tests to exclude them. | In addition, for those who have close contact with confirmed cases and suspected cases, it usually takes two nucleic acid tests to exclude them. | 0.82 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-de | The country had been on a list of "travel corridor" nations deemed safe to visit by Downing Street, but a recent surge in coronavirus cases has sparked fears of a second wave of the disease. | Das Land stand auf einer Liste von „Reisekorridor“ -Nationen, die von der Downing Street als sicher eingestuft wurden, aber ein jüngster Anstieg der Coronavirus-Fälle hat die Befürchtung einer zweiten Welle der Krankheit geweckt. | Das Land stand auf einem „Reisekorridor“ der Länder, die von Downing Street als sicher für einen Besuch eingestuft worden waren, aber ein kürzlicher sprunghafter Anstieg der Coronavirus-Fälle hat die Angst vor einer zweiten Krankheitswelle wieder angefacht. | 0.796667 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-fi | 'I feel personally, quite strongly, at the moment - where have we gone wrong with masculinity?,' he said. | Minusta tuntuu tällä hetkellä hyvin vahvasti , että mitä vikaa miehisyydessä on?"hän sanoi. | "Henkilökohtaisesti minulla on tällä hetkellä melko voimakkaita tuntemuksia asiasta - mikä maskuliinisuudessa on mennyt vikaan?" hän sanoi. | 0.28 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | Ich hoffe Sie haben auch einen schönen Tag und bleiben Sie bitte gesund ♡ | I hope you have a nice day too and please stay healthy ♡ | I hope that you also have a beautiful day and that you stay healthy ♡ | 0.93 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
zh-en | 进入2月份,CPI同比涨幅虽然略有回落,但仍处于“5区间” 。 | Entering February, the year-on-year increase in CPI, although slightly down, is still in the“5 range”. | In February, year-on-year CPI dropped slighted, but was still above 5%. | 0.76 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
fi-en | Ankarassa ollaan vihaisia länsimaille siitä, mitä pidetään heikkona vastauksena yritettyyn vallankaappaukseen. | Ankara is angry at the West for what is considered to be the weak yritettyyn in response to the coup. | Ankara is angry with the West for what it considers a weak response to the attempted takeover. | 0.77 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ru-en | Миллер выхватил меч из ножен и начал размахивать им в направлении похитителя тележки. | Miller drew his sword from its scabbard and began swinging it in the direction of the cart thief. | Miller drew the sword from its sheath and started swinging it at the cart thief. | 0.95 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | By keeping matches between firms and workers intact, the economy is better prepared for a quick recovery. | Tím, že se zachovává soulad mezi firmami a pracovníky, je ekonomika lépe připravena na rychlé oživení. | Díky tomu zůstanou neporušeny pracovní vztahy mezi firmou a zaměstnanci a ekonomika je tak lépe připravena na rychlý restart. | 0.916667 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ha | It also breaches the separation of powers principle that courts scrutinise the actions of executive government. | Har ila yau, ya karya ka'idar rabuwa da iko da kotuna ke bincika ayyukan gwamnatin zartarwa. | Hakan kuma ya kaucewa tsarin karkasa iko da kotuna su ke sa ido dangane da ayyukan bangaren shugaba mai cikakken iko. | 0.52 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | The vast majority of new cases were transmitted through sex, marking a change from the past. | Подавляющее большинство новых случаев заболевания было передано половым путем, что ознаменовало собой изменение в прошлом. | В подавляющем большинстве случаев отмечена передача половым путем, что свидетельствует об изменениях относительно прошлого. | 0.74 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 值得注意的是,本次股份转让完成后,预计绿地仍无控股股东及实际控制人,但控制权结构可能发生较大变化。 | It is worth noting that after the completion of the share transfer, it is expected that Greenland still has no controlling shareholders and actual controllers, but the control structure may change significantly. | It is worth noting that after the completion of the share transfer, Greenland is expected to have no controlling shareholders and actual controllers, but the control structure may change greatly. | 0.76 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ru-en | Мне очень нравился "Тархун", не нынешний, конечно. | I really liked Tarhun, not the current one, of course. | I very much liked Tarkhuna — not the modern one, of course. | 0.7 | social | 2,022 | 1 |
is-en | Fáir íþróttamenn komu sér jafn rækilega fyrir í hjörtum áhorfenda á Ólympíuleikunum í Ríó 2016 og fimleikastjarnan Simone Biles. | Few athletes have been as thoroughly immersed in the hearts of spectators at the 2016 Rio Olympics as gymnastics star Simone Biles. | Few athletes were as successful in securing their place in the hearts of spectators at the 2016 Olympics in Rio as the gymnastics star Simone Biles. | 0.745 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 27日,南京智慧交通联合高德地图对外宣布:全国首批“互联网+智能站牌”正式落地南京,届时南京将有54块公交电子屏被点亮,此举将全面升级南京信息化服务水平,提高公交服务效率和老百姓出行幸福度。 | On the 27th, Nanjing Smart Traffic Joint Gaode Map announced that the country's first batch of "Internet + Smart Station" will officially land in Nanjing. At that time, 54 bus electronic screens will be lit up in Nanjing. This will comprehensively upgrade Nanjing's information service level, improve the efficiency of public transport services and the travel happiness of the common people. | On the 27th, Nanjing Smart Transportation and Gaode Map announced that the first batch of "Internet + Smart Stop Signs" in China officially landed in Nanjing, which will light up 54 electronic bus screens in the city, which will comprehensively upgrade the level of Nanjing's informatization service, improve the efficiency of bus services and the happiness of people. | 0.865 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | The purpose of deploying troops and resources is to "send a clear message that the United States supports our partners" and provide a "free flow of resources," Esper said. | Účelem nasazení vojsk a zdrojů je ′′ vyslat jasnou zprávu, že Spojené státy podporují naše partnery ′′ a poskytnout ′′ volný tok zdrojů," řekl Esper. | Účelem rozmísťování vojenských sil a zdrojů je „vyslání jasného signálu, že Spojené státy podporují své mocenské partnery“ a poskytnutí „volného toku zdrojů“, uvedl Esper. | 0.77 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
fi-en | Trumpin palkitseminen vaatisi siis Nobel-komitealta ideologista täyskäännöstä. | Rewarding the trumpet would therefore require an ideological turnaround for the Nobel committee. | Awarding Trump would mean a complete ideological reversal for the Nobel Committee. | 0.5 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
fi-en | Meikkasin ja laitoin hiukset koneessa. | I made up and put my hair on the machine. | I did my hair and make-up in the aeroplane. | 0.75 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | Niemand war in der Stimmung zuzuhören. | Everyone was attribute in the mood. | Nobody was in the mood to listen. | 0.16 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-zh | Assange filed a criminal complaint himself, in which he accused the company of violating his privacy and the secrecy of his client-attorney privileges. | 阿 桑 奇 本 人 提 出 了 刑 事 申 诉 , 指 控 该 公 司 侵 犯 了 他 的 隐 私 和 他 的 客 户 - 律 师 特 权 的 秘 密 。 | 阿桑奇本人提起了一项刑事诉讼,指控该公司侵犯了他的隐私权和保密的律师客户特权。 | 0.833333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
lt-en | Be to, aukštaūgis išprovokavo 7 varžovų pražangas, perėmė 3 kamuolius ir atliko 4 rezultatyvius perdavimus. | In addition, the height provoked 7 rival foul, took 3 balls and made 4 assists. | In addition, the tall man drew 7 opponent fouls, got 3 steals and made 4 assists. | 0.11 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-fi | That's what the prosecutor must determine," said Hofstetter. | Se, mitä syyttäjän on määriteltävä ", sanoi Hofstetter. | Se jää syyttäjän selvitettäväksi", sanoo Hofstetter. | 0.8 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
tr-en | Gelsin, Türk adaletine güvensin. | The Turkish adaletine güvensin Gelsin. | Let him come and trust Turkish justice. | 1 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
cs-en | Podle Evropské komise změny, kterými prošla polská justice za Ziobrova působení, ohrožují její nezávislost a podřizují ji politikům. | According to the European Commission, the changes that the Polish judiciary underwent during Ziobro's tenure jeopardize its independence and subordinate it to politicians. | According to the European Commission, the changes the Polish judiciary has undergone under Ziobro's tenure threaten its independence and puts more political control over it. | 0.92 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
ha-en | Tabbas mu na samun dukkan rahotannin shirye-shiryen da ke gudana. | Of course we have all the existing programmes reports. | Of course, we receive the progress reports, | 0.38 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-cs | When Alan was just one-week old he weighed around eleven stone. | Když byl Alan jen týden starý, vážil kolem jedenácti kamenů. | Když byl Alanovi pouhý jeden týden, vážil téměř sedmdesát kilogramů. | 0.79 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-ru | Senate Republicans and the White House spent last week negotiating the terms of the fourth phase of the coronavirus response, which they expect to cost $1 trillion. | Республиканцы в Сенате и Белый дом провели на прошлой неделе переговоры об условиях четвертого этапа борьбы с коронавирусом, который, как они ожидают, обойдется в 1 триллион долларов. | На прошлой неделе республиканцы из Сената и Белого дома проводили переговоры об условиях четвертого этапа борьбы с коронавирусом, который, как они считают, обойдется в 1 триллион долларов. | 0.906 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
et-en | Ma olin vihane ja nutsin." | So was my bed angry. | I was angry and crying." | 0.89 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-ru | Well, because the city government has shown an iron will and has established order, Anatoly Vyborny, a member of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption, told AiF. | Ну, потому что городское правительство продемонстрировало железную волю и установило порядок, Анатолий Виборни, член Комитета Думы по безопасности и борьбе с коррупцией, сказал интеграционной структуре AIF. | Да потому что столичное правительство проявило железную волю и навело порядок, - рассказал "АиФ" Анатолий Выборный, член Комитета Госдумы по безопасности и противодействию коррупции. | 0.64 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ja-en | 都内は積もりましたか? | Did you accumulate in Tokyo? | Did snow settle in Tokyo? | 0.73 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
kk-en | Атышулы Оғыз Доған ЭКСПО көрмесіндегі роботпен ұрысып қалды. | Hatishuly Ogyz Dhim is fighting a robot at the EXPO. | Notorious Ogyz Dogan quarreled with a robot at EXPO. | 0.46 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 据外媒报道,27岁的韩国射箭女选手张慧珍在女子射箭个人赛中获得金牌,继团体赛后再获奥运会金牌,成为双冠王。 | According to foreign media reports, 27-year-old Korean archery female player Zhang Huizhen in the women's archery individual tournament won the gold medal, following the team after the game won the Olympic gold medal, become a double winner. | According to foreign media reports, Zhang Huizhen, the 27-year-old Korean archery female player won the gold medal in the women's archery individual tournament. This is the second scoring of Olympic gold medal following the team competition. This made she become a double winner. | 0.8 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
fr-de | Ce que le secteur demande vivement. | Was der Sektor dringend fordert. | Dies wird von der Branche dringend gefordert. | 0.99 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ja | Manchester City passed 100 goals for the campaign with a 5-0 win over last-place and already-demoted Norwich, a game that marked the last in the Premier League for David Silva after 10 years with City. | マンチェスター・シティは、最下位ですでに降格が決まっているノリッチに5-0で勝利し、今シーズンの100ゴールを突破したが、この試合はシティで10年間プレーしたダビド・シルバにとってプレミアリーグでの最後の試合となった。 | マンチェスター・シティは、最下位で降格確定したノリッジに5対0で勝ったことでリーグ戦のゴール数が100を超え、シティ所属10年のダビド・シルバにとってはプレミアリーグ最後を記念するゲームとなった。 | 0.665 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-en | Am Steuer saßen vor allem deutsche Männer im Alter zwischen 18 und 60 Jahren. | At the wheel were mainly German men between the ages of 18 and 60. | The cars were driven predominantly by German men in the age between 18 and 60 years old. | 0.66 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 在空气质量持续改善的同时,北京官方依据新一轮PM2.5来源解析,于今年9月发布《北京市打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划 》 , 针对目前的治理阶段和污染特征,聚焦柴油货车、扬尘、挥发性有机物治理等重点防治领域,优化调整运输结构、产业结构、能源结构和用地结构,强化区域联防联控,着力加强城市精细化管理,全面推动绿色发展,力争让“最蓝天空”常驻京城,不再“物以稀为贵 ” , 让其回归为人们相册中的背景而不是主角。 | At the same time as the air quality continues to improve, Beijing officially released a three-year action plan to win the Blue Sky Defense War in September this year, focusing on key prevention areas such as diesel trucks, dust and volatile organic matter management, optimizing the transportation structure, industrial structure, energy structure and land use structure, and strengthening the regional coalition defense alliances.Control, focus on strengthening the meticulous management of the city, promote green development in all its aspects, strive to make the “blue sky” resident in the capital, no longer “things are precious”, let it return to the background of people's album and not the protagonist. | With the continuous improvement of air quality, Beijing authority issued the "Three-year Action Plan of Beijing to Win the Blue Sky Protection Campaign" in September on the basis of the analysis of a new round of PM2.5 source. According to the current governance phase and pollution characteristics, it focused on the important prevention and control areas including the treatment of diesel trucks, flying dusts, and volatile organic compounds, optimized and adjusted the transportation structure, industrial structure, energy structure and land-use structure, strengthened the inter-regional prevention and control, enhanced the delicacy management of city, promoted the green development in an all-round way, and strived to keep the "bluest sky" permanently in Beijing. The sky would not "be precious", since it was rare. Let it return to be the background of people's photo album, but not the leading role. | 0.62 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-pl | "Going to see the world on fire," Lopez wrote. | „Idąc zobaczyć świat w ogniu” - napisał Lopez. | „Będzie gorąco” – napisała Lopez. | 0.665 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | The start-ups that will help your company avoid becoming the next Uber | 将帮助你的公司避免成为下一个Uber的暴发户 | 帮助您避免公司成为下一个优步的初创公司 | 0.46 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-de | The 24-year-old said he did not realise until he went to secondary school that "not everyone is like me." | Der 24-Jährige sagte, dass er es nicht gemerkt hat, bis er in die Oberstufe ging, dass " nicht jeder so ist wie ich." | Der 24-Jährige sagte, es sei ihm erst auf der weiterführenden Schule klar geworden, dass „nicht alle so sind wie ich.“ | 1 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-zh | A massive security operation is in place across Afghanistan for the country's presidential election on Saturday. | 阿富汗各地为周六的总统选举开展了大规模的安全行动。 | 阿富汗在全国范围内开展了大规模的安保行动,为星期六的国家总统大选做好准备。 | 0.963333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ja-en | ハイスキルな人材サイト | High-skill talent site | Recruitment site for highly-skilled people | 0.56 | ecommerce | 2,022 | 1 |
en-cs | A drive up the A3 and we're back in London for the week: kids in bed, I walk the dog and have a bowl of cereal. | Jezdit na A3 a jsme zpátky v Londýně na týden: děti v posteli, chodím se psem a dám si misku cereálií. | Pak jízda po A3 a jsme zpět v Londýně před začátkem nového týdne. Děti v posteli, já vyvenčím psa a dám si misku cereálií. | 0.55 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
uk-en | Якщо ще знадобиться поміч пишіть | If you still need a notice to write | Please write, if you need more help | 0 | other | 2,022 | 1 |
en-de | That the ICJ's ruling comes only six months after the final arguments were heard indicates the case "wasn't complicated," said Paz Zárate, a Chilean expert in international law. | Dass das Urteil des IGH erst sechs Monate nach Anhörung der letzten Argumente kommt, deutet darauf hin, dass der Fall „nicht kompliziert war“, sagte Paz Zárate, ein chilenischer Experte für internationales Recht. | Dass das Urteil des ICJ schon sechs Monate nach Anhörung der Abschlussplädoyers erfolgt sei, zeige, dass der Fall „nicht kompliziert war”, sagte Paz Zárate, ein chilenischer Experte für internationales Recht. | 0.98 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
uk-en | Дехто дійсно говорить зараз – як, наприклад, Дмитро Глуховський, Михайло Шишкін, Михайло Зигар, Максим Осипов та інші. | Some are really speaking now - like, for example, Dmytro Glukhovskyi, Mykhailo Shishkin, Mykhailo Zyhar, Maksym Osypov and others. | Some, it is true, are speaking out now, people like Dmitry Glukhovsky, Mikhail Shishkin, Mikhail Zygar, Maksim Osipov, others too. | 0.51 | other | 2,022 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits