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# Batch Face for Modern Research
## 🚧Documentation under construction, check tests folder for more details. 🚧
This repo provides the out-of-box face detection and face alignment with batch input support and enables real-time application on CPU.
## Features
1. Batch input support for faster data processing.
2. Smart API.
3. Ultrafast with inference runtime acceleration.
4. Automatically download pre-trained weights.
5. Minimal dependencies.
6. Unleash the power of GPU for batch processing.
### Requirements
- Linux, Windows or macOS
- Python 3.5+ (it may work with other versions too)
- opencv-python
- PyTorch (>=1.0)
- ONNX (optional)
While not required, for optimal performance it is highly recommended to run the code using a CUDA enabled GPU.
## Install
The easiest way to install it is using pip:
pip install git+
No extra setup needs, most of the pretrained weights will be downloaded automatically.
If you have trouble install from source, you can try install from PyPI:
pip install batch-face
the PyPI version is not guaranteed to be the latest version, but we will try to keep it up to date.
## Usage
You can clone the repo and run tests like this
python -m
### Face Detection
##### Detect face and five landmarks on single image
import cv2
from batch_face import RetinaFace
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=0)
img = cv2.imread("examples/obama.jpg")
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
max_size = 1080 # if the image's max size is larger than 1080, it will be resized to 1080, -1 means no resize
resize = 1 # resize the image to speed up detection, default is 1, no resize
threshold = 0.95 # confidence threshold
# now we recommand to specify return_dict=True to get the result in a more readable way
faces = detector(img, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size, return_dict=True)
face = faces[0]
box = face['box']
kps = face['kps']
score = face['score']
# the old way to get the result
faces = detector(img, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size)
box, kps, score = faces[0]
##### Running on CPU/GPU
In order to specify the device (GPU or CPU) on which the code will run one can explicitly pass the device id.
from batch_face import RetinaFace
# 0 means using GPU with id 0 for inference
# default -1: means using cpu for inference
fp16 = True # use fp16 to speed up detection and save GPU memory
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=0, fp16=True)
| | GPU(GTX 1080TI,batch size=1) | GPU(GTX 1080TI,batch size=750) | CPU(Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7800X CPU @ 3.50GHz) |
| ---- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| FPS | 44.02405810720893 | 96.64058005582535 | 15.452635835550483 |
| SPF | 0.022714852809906007 | 0.010347620010375976 | 0.0647138786315918 |
##### Batch input for faster detection
**Detector with CUDA process batch input faster than the same amount of single input.**
import cv2
from batch_face import RetinaFace
detector = RetinaFace()
img= cv2.imread('examples/obama.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
max_size = 1080 # if the image's max size is larger than 1080, it will be resized to 1080, -1 means no resize
resize = 1 # resize the image to speed up detection, default is 1, no resize
resize_device = 'cpu' # resize on cpu or gpu, default is gpu
threshold = 0.95 # confidence threshold for detection
batch_size = 100 # batch size for detection, the larger the faster but more memory consuming, default is -1, which means batch_size = number of input images
batch_images = [img,img] # pseudo batch input
all_faces = detector(batch_images, threshold=threshold, resize=resize, max_size=max_size, batch_size=batch_size)
faces = all_faces[0] # the first input image's detection result
box, kps, score = faces[0] # the first face's detection result
Note: All the input images must of the same size, for input images with different size, please use `detector.pseudo_batch_detect`.
### Face Alignment
##### face alignment on single image
from batch_face import drawLandmark_multiple, LandmarkPredictor, RetinaFace
predictor = LandmarkPredictor(0)
detector = RetinaFace(0)
imgname = "examples/obama.jpg"
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
faces = detector(img)
if len(faces) == 0:
print("NO face is detected!")
# the first input for the predictor is a list of face boxes. [[x1,y1,x2,y2]]
results = predictor(faces, img, from_fd=True) # from_fd=True to convert results from our detection results to simple boxes
for face, landmarks in zip(faces, results):
img = drawLandmark_multiple(img, face[0], landmarks)
### Head Pose Estimation
##### Head pose estimation on video
from batch_face import RetinaFace, SixDRep, draw_landmarks, load_frames_rgb, Timer
vis = True
gpu_id = 0
batch_size = 100
threshold = 0.95
detector = RetinaFace(gpu_id=gpu_id)
head_pose_estimator = SixDRep(gpu_id=gpu_id)
video_file = 'examples/ross.mp4'
frames = load_frames_rgb(video_file) # simple wrapper to load video frames with opencv and convert to RGB, 0~255, UInt8, HWC
print(f'Loaded {len(frames)} frames')
print('image size:', frames[0].shape)
# it might take longer time to detect since is first time to run the model
all_faces = detector(frames, batch_size=batch_size, return_dict=True, threshold=threshold, resize=0.5)
head_poses = head_pose_estimator(all_faces, frames, batch_size=batch_size, update_dict=True, input_face_type='dict')
# the head pose will be updated in the all_faces dict
out_frames = []
for faces, frame in zip(all_faces, frames):
for face in faces:
head_pose_estimator.plot_pose_cube(frame, face['box'], **face['head_pose'])
if vis:
import imageio
out_file = 'examples/head_pose.mp4'
imageio.mimsave(out_file, out_frames, fps=8)
check out the result video [here](./examples/head_pose.mp4)
you can run the script `python -m tests.video_head_pose` to see the result.
## References
- Face Detection Network and pretrained model are from [biubug6/Pytorch_Retinaface](
- Face Alignment Network and pretrained model are from [cunjian/pytorch_face_landmark](
- Face Reconstruction Network and pretrained model are from [cleardusk/3DDFA](
- Head Pose Estimation Network and pretrained model are from [jahongir7174/SixDRepNet](