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The maid came in bearing a cake. | Mjakazi aliingia akibeba keki. |
In many parts of the world, there is not enough food to meet everyone's needs. | Katika sehemu nyingi za ulimwengu, hakuna chakula cha kutosha kukidhi mahitaji ya kila mtu. |
It seems as if everything he touches turns to gold. | Ni kana kwamba kila kitu anachogusa kinageuka na kuwa dhahabu |
It's just like walking on the moon. | Ni kama kutembea kwenye mwezi. |
Mummy and Daddy are very nervous. | Mama na baba wana wasiwasi. |
Fires are less frightening today than they once were, because more and more houses are built of concrete, and concrete houses do not burn as easily as the old wooden ones. | Moto haitishi sana leo kuliko zamani, kwa sababu nyumba zaidi na zaidi zinajengwa kwa simiti, na nyumba za simiti hazichomwi kwa urahisi kama zile za zamani za mbao. |
More and more doctors have begun to use the new medicine. | Wengi wa madaktari wameanza kutumia mashine mpya. |
Mountain bike racing has caught on with young Japanese in the past few years. | Mashindano ya baiskeli ya mlima yamependwa na vijana wa Kijapani katika miaka michache iliyopita. |
Mr White said that because of the convention, there were no rooms available. | Bwana White alisema kwamba, kwa sababu ya mkusanyiko, kulikuwa na ukosefu wa vyumba. |
Bob told Jane not to interfere in his personal affairs. | Bob alimwambia Jane asiingilie katika mambo yake ya kibinafsi. |
Boxing is not always a rough sport. | Ndondi sio mchezo mbaya kila wakati. |
The ball rolled on the ground towards me. | Mpira ulibingirika kuelekea kwangu. |
The ball rolled across the lawn. | Mpira ulibiringika kwenye nyasi. |
Paula and I cooked dinner on Sunday. | Mimi na Paula tulipika chakula cha jioni Jumapili. |
I blew my whole bonus on shopping and travel. | Nilipata bonasi yangu yote ya kwenye ununuzi na kusafiri. |
A new team was formed in order to take part in the boat race. | Timu mpya iliundwa ili kushiriki katika mbio za mashua. |
Mr Hawk is a kind gentleman. | Bwana Hawk ni muungwana na mkarimu. |
Can I borrow your pen? | Naweza kuazima kalamu yako. |
Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle. | Benjamin alipiga dubu na bunduki. |
The bell rang. The teacher told the students to hand in the papers. | Kengele ililia. Mwalimu aliwaambia wanafunzi kumpa karatasi. |
Perry decided to gain information from Drake. | Perry aliamua kupata taarifa kwa Drake. |
Betty has a sweet voice. | Betty ana sauti tamu. |
The total at the bottom of the page is carried forward. | Jumla iliyochini ya ukurasa hupelekwa mbele. |
Fred, behave, and I'm not joking, either. | Fred, kuwa na tabia nzuri, sina mzaha. |
Could you gift wrap it? | Unaweza kufungua kama zawadi? |
It seems that Mr Brooke is an honest man. | inaokena kwamba Bwana Brooke ni mtu mnyoofu. |
I like my brandy straight. | Naipenda sana konjak yangu |
I would appreciate it if I had the opportunity to meet with Mr Brown again during his stay in Chicago. | Ningefurahi ikiwa ningepata fursa ya kukutana na Bw Brown tena wakati wa kukaa kwake huko Chicago. |
You should have Mr Brown correct your speech before the presentation. | Inafaa Bwana Brown asahihishe hotuba yako kabla ya mawasilisho. |
Mr Brown is jealous of his colleague's success. | Bwana Brown ana wivu kuhusu mafanikio ya mwenzake. |
Mr Brown was acting in the capacity of ambassador. | Bwana Brown alikuwa kaimu wa Balozi. |
We were all surprised at the appointment of Mr Brown as director. | Sote tulishangazwa na kuajiriwa kwa Bwana Brown kama mkurugenzi. |
Brian regrets starting a relationship with her and wants to escape from her. | Brian anajuta kuanza uhusiano na yeye na anataka kumtoroka. |
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. | Thamani halisi ya kitu inaweza kuamuliwa tu kutoka kwa uzoefu au matokeo ya vitendo na sio kutoka kwa kuonekana au nadharia. |
Mr Ford owns this land. | Bwana Ford anamiliki ardhi hii. |
Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? | Mbona Bill alirarua barua iwe vijikaratasi? |
Bill replaced Jim as captain. | Bill alibadilishana na Jim kama nahodha. |
Hitler assumed power in 1933. | Hitler alitwa madaraka mnamo 1933. |
It is pleasant to shave off my beard. | Inafurahisha kunyoa ndevu zangu. |
Who is the boy acting the part of Peter Pan? | Mvulana yupi anayeigiza sehemu ya Peter Pan? |
Mr Hunt is principal of our school. | Bwana Hunt ni mkuu wa shule yetu. |
A ballet theater is a place in which I can study motion. | Ukumnbi wa ballet ni mahali ambapo ninaweza kusoma mwendo. |
I saw a flash of lightning far in the distance. | Niliona mwangaza wa umeme ukiwa mbali. |
If only I'd sold that property during the economic bubble, I wouldn't have suffered such a big loss. | Laiti ningekuwa nimeuza mali hiyo wakati uchumi ulipokuwa mzuri, nisingepata hasara kubwa kama hii. |
So this is Lady Evans. | Basi Huyu ni Bi Evans. |
Kick with your legs straight to go forward. | Piga kwa miguu yako iliyonyooka uwe kusonga mbele. |
Please remain seated until the bus stops completely. | Tafadhali keti hadi basi lisimame kabisa. |
Blow out all the candles on the birthday cake at once. | Zima mishumaa yote kwenye keki ya kuzaliwa mara moja. |
Nora looks up to her mother. | Nora anamchukua mamake kama mfano bora. |
A rat ran across the road. | Panya alikimbia kuvuka barabara. |
Put the cap back on the bottle in case the cat knocks it over. | Funga chupa endapo Paka itaigonga ianguke chini. |
Nick is by no means satisfied with the reward. | Nick kwa namna yoyote ile hajafurahia zawadi. |
Nicole can speak Japanese very well. | Nicole anaweza kuongea Kijapani vizuri. |
I feel sort of dizzy and I feel like throwing up. | Ninahisi kizunguzungu na nahisi kama nataka kuanguka. |
Why do American parents praise their children? | Mbona wazazi wa Marekani wanasifu watoto wao? |
Dorothy isn't in the office. | Dorothy hayuko ofisini. |
You can pick out any book you like. | Unaweza kuchukua kitabu chochote unachopenda. |
Tracy lost her glasses. | Tracy alipoteza miwani yake. |
A bear is a friendly beast compared to a tiger. | Dubu ni mnyama mwenye urafiki akilinganishwa na twiga. |
We made up our mind to come in any case. | Tuliamua kuja kwa njia yoyote. |
Sales have dropped off at every big department store. | Uuzaji umepungua katika duka kubwa la idara. |
Nobody knows exactly how many races make up the population of the United States. | Hakuna mtu anajua barabara ni jamii ngapi hufanya idadi ya watu nchini Marekani. |
I don't know which dress to choose; it's a toss up between the red one and the green one. | Sijui mavazi ya kuchagua; ni uchaguzi kati ya nyekundu na ile ya kijani. |
Which plan do you believe is better? | Ni mpango upi unaamini ni bora? " |
How can I pick out fresh fish? | Ninawezaje kuchagua samaki freshi? |
Tell me about yourself, please, Sir Anthony. | Niambie juu yako mwenyewe, tafadhali, Mheshimiwa Anthony. |
I can't recall the exact words. | Siwezi kukumbuka maneno halisi. |
Therefore, a center for the development of human resources should be built in Japan. | Kwa hivyo, kituo cha maendeleo ya rasilimali watu inapaswa kujengwa huko Japan. |
The door remaining locked up from inside, he could not enter the house. | Mlango uliobaki umefungwa kutoka ndani, hakuweza kuingia ndani ya nyumba. |
The doors were locked and we couldn't get in anyhow. | Milango ilikuwa imefungwa hivyo, hatukupata njia yoyote ya kuingia ndani. |
Television is a very important medium for giving information. | Runinga ni chombo muhimu sana kwa kupeana habari. |
Debbie! Can you hear me? | Debbie! Unaweza kunisikiliza? |
You can get all kinds of things to eat if you go to the free samples area in a department store. | Unaweza kupata kila aina ya vitu vya kula ikiwa unakwenda kwenye eneo la sampuli za bure katika duka la idara. |
There is an advertising balloon flying above the department store. | Kuna baluni ya tangazo inayoruka juu ya duka la idara. |
Dennis doesn't have rough manners. | Dennis hana tabia mbovu. |
Ted's really got computers on the brain. | Ted ana kompyuta kweli kwenye ubongo. |
The alternative possibilities were resistance and flight. | Uwezekano mbadala ulikuwa upinzani na kutoroka. |
I want a map of Texas on a scale of 1 to 250000. | Ninataka ramani ya Texas kwa kiwango cha 1 hadi 250000. |
There was a lamp hanging above the table. | Kulikuwa na taa iliyopachikwa juu ya meza. |
Please join the two ends of the tape together. | Tafadhali unganisha sehemu mbili za mwisho wa utepe pamoja. |
Don't bite your nails. | Usikule kucha zako. |
Finally, in 1314, these games had become so violent and dangerous that King Edward II made a law. | Mwishowe, mnamo 1314, michezo hii ilikuja kuwa yenye vurugu na hatari hata Mfalme Edward II akaiwekea sheria. |
A little bit of luck sometimes leads to an unexpected success. | Bahati kiasi wakati mwingine husababisha mafanikio yasiyotarajiwa. |
Please enjoy yourself at the dance. | Tafadhali jifurahishe kwenye densi. |
For example, they do not have to go to a stadium to see the World Series or the Super Bowl because they can enjoy watching the games in their own living rooms. | Kwa mfano, sio lazima waende kwenye uwanja kutazama msururu wa Dunia au Super Bowl kwa sababu wanaweza kufurahia kutazama michezo hiyo katika vyumba vyao. |
So, it isn't hot at all. | Kwa hivyo sio moto hata kidogo. |
Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers. | Wanafunzi wengi wa vyuo hutumia kompyuta kwa kiasi kikubwa kuandikia mitihani |
Most people like watching TV. | Watu wengi wanapenda kutazama runinga. |
In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep. | Katika hali nyingi, ajali za gari hutokana na ukosefu wa usingizi. |
There's little chance of keeping slim, unless you stick to a diet. | Kuna nafasi ndogo ya kubaki mwembamba, isipokuwa umeshikamana na kujinyima vyakula vingine. |
The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan. | Majeshi ya Soviet yalianza kujiondoa kutoka Afghanistan. |
They will help you to get warm. | Zitakusaidia kupata joto. |
It is a hall rather than a room. | Ni ukumbi badala ya chumba. |
That's just a cheap publicity stunt. | Huo ni utapeli wa bure tu. |
That's when we learned that the main post office was on fire and that they had kidnapped our president. | Hapo ndipo tulipofahamu kwamba ofisi kuu ya posta ilishika moto na kwamba walikuwa wamemnyakua rais wetu. |
That was the only way we could defend ourselves against all this terrible shooting. | Hiyo ndiyo njia ya pekee ambayo tunaweza kujitetea dhidi ya ufiatuaji huu wote mbaya. |
Then he got dressed, stuffed his lecture notes into his briefcase, and ran down the stairs. | Kisha akavaa, akaingiza maandishi yake ya hotuba ndani ya muhtasari wake, akakimbia ngazi. |
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross. | Kisha ikawa muhimu kuamua njia bora ya mstari kufuata; na hiyo iliamuliwa, kwanza na muundo wa ardhi ambayo ilibidi uvuke. |
Many a man believes the story. | Mara nyingi binadamu huamini stori. |
The old doctor gave individual attention to each patient. | Yule daktari mzee aliwashughulikia wagonjwa wake kwa makini. |
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