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0.802 | Multiply the minutes by "1 hour/60 minutes.
**"** Next to your minutes notation, write (or type) a multiplication sign and the fraction “1 hour/60 minutes.” This fraction shows how many minutes are in an hour (60). When we multiply, we'll end up with the correct units, too (since the two "minutes" cancel out).
- Our example looks like this:
*150 minutes x 1 hour/60 minutes*.
- **Multiplying by 1/60 is the same as dividing by 60** (or, more accurately for our example, dividing by “60 minutes/1 hour” to cancel out the units). *So, if you’re just looking for the fastest way to convert from minutes to hours, use a calculator to divide the number of minutes by 60.* | 再用结果乘以60,得到原始的分钟数。用小时数乘以60,就能再次得到分钟数。计算时,用数值乘以60分钟/1小时,正好约去两个“小时”单位。 在例题中,用2.
5小时 × 60 分钟/1 小时 = 150 分钟 —也就是一开始的分钟数。 |
0.814 | 5 Ways to Convert Percents, Fractions, and Decimals | 3种方法来转换百分数、分数和小数 |
0.89 | Converting numbers between percents, fractions, and decimals is a necessary basic math skill. The concepts are quite simple once you learn them. Not only will knowing how to convert small numbers help you on your test, but it is also useful for financial calculations. | 在百分数、分数和小数各个形式间转换数字,是一项基本而必备的数学技能。一旦你开始着手学习,就会发现这些概念其实非常的简单,也很容易掌握。了解如何转换百分数、分数和小数不仅能让你在数学测验中大展身手,也能让你在金融学计算方面变得越来越驾轻就熟。 |
0.822 | - Knowing your times-tables will help you a lot. Thanks Helpful 17 Not Helpful 5
- Be warned that teachers can generally tell when a calculator has been used. If you are not supposed to use a calculator, it's probably best not to. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 7
- Many calculators have a fraction button. It may be possible to use the calculator to reduce the fraction to lowest terms. Check your instruction manual for details. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 记住乘法表将会很有帮助。
- 要小心,老师会看得出来是不是用了计算器。如果不允许用计算器,最好就不要使用它。
- 很多计算器都有分数按钮,可能可以用计算器来得到最简分数。具体方法请仔细看看说明书。 |
0.841 | Divide the numerator by the denominator to change the fraction to a decimal.
Interpret the fraction bar to mean "divided by". This means for any fraction x/y, it is the same as saying x divided by y.
- For example: The fraction 4/8 yields the decimal 0.5. | 用分子除以分母来将分数转换成小数。去掉分数线就意味着做一个“除法”运算。也就是说,所有分数x/y都等于x除以y得到的结果。例如,分数4/8等于小数0.
5。 |
0.849 | Determine the number of decimal points.
Many numbers don’t divide evenly into each other. When you divide them, you have to decide how many decimal places you want to give in your answer. Oftentimes, the standard is two places. Remember the rules of rounding when truncating a fraction: if the next number is a 5, round the previous number up. For example, 0.145 rounds to 0.15.
- For example: The fraction 5/17 yields the decimal 0.2941176470588…
- The final decimal can be written simply as 0.29. | 决定小数点位数。很多数字相除是无法除尽的。所以当你进行除法运算时,你需要决定小数点后保留几位数字。大部分情况下,小数点后保留两位数字。同时记住使用四舍五入的规则来近似数值。也就是说如果小数点后的第三位数字是5或5以上的数字,就上位进一,如果是4及小于4的数字,就舍去。例如,0.
145近似为0.15。 例如:分数5/17用分子除以分母得到0.2941176470588… 将上述结果四舍五入得到0.29。 |
0.897 | Divide the fraction and then multiply by 100 to change to a percent.
Just as you did to convert the fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. Multiply the resulting decimal by 100 and add a percent sign to finish the conversion.
- If you had 4/8, dividing 4 by 8 would give you .50, then multiplying that number by 100 would give you 50. Adding a percent sign gives you your final answer by 50%.
- Additional Examples:
- 3/10 = 0.30 * 100 = 30%
- 5/8= 0.625 * 100 = 62.5% | 用分子除以分母,然后乘以100,来将分数变成百分数。如果你想要将分数转换成小数,只需用分子除以分母即可。将上述结果乘以100,再加上百分号,就能把它转换成百分数。 如果你有一个分数是4/8,用4除以8得到.
50,然后乘以100得到 50。再加上百分号得到50%。 其它例子还有: 3/10 = 0.30 * 100 = 30% 5/8= 0.625 * 100 = 62.5% |
0.814 | 3 Ways to Convert Pounds to Kilograms | 如何如何将磅转化为千克: 3 步骤 |
0.918 | Radians and degrees are both units used for measuring angles. As you may know, a circle is comprised of 2π radians, which is the equivalent of 360°; both of these values represent going "once around" a circle. Therefore, 1π radian represents going 180° around a circle, which makes 180/π the perfect conversion tool for moving from radians to degrees. To convert from radians to degrees, you simply have to multiply the radian value by 180/π. If you want to know how to do this, and to understand the concept in the process, read this article. | 弧度和度数都是测量角度的单位。正如你所知,一个圆是由2π弧度组成,相当于是360度;这两个值都相当于“绕圆一周”。因此,1π弧度相当于在圆上绕了180度,而180度也就成了将弧度转换成度数的最好工具。将弧度转换成度数,只需用弧度乘以180/π。如果你想了解计算方法以及理解其中的概念,可以阅读本文。 |
0.82 | - Many graphing calculators come with functions to convert units or can download programs to do so. Ask your math teacher if such a function exists on your calculator. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1
- When multiplying, leave the pi in your radians as the symbol not the decimal approximation, this way you can more easily cancel it out during your calculation Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 3 | - 相乘时,把π保留在弧度中,不要取近似的小数,这样在计算过程中更容易将其消去。
- 很多图形计算器都有单位转换功能,也可以下载程序进行转化。可以问下数学老师,看你的计算器中是否有这样的功能。 |
0.827 | 4 Ways to Convert Seconds Into Hours | 3种方法来将秒数换算成小时数 |
0.896 | There are 3,600 seconds in 1 hour. The easiest way to convert seconds to hours is to divide the number of seconds by 3,600. To understand the reason for this conversion, it can be helpful to set up conversion tables, in which you first convert the number of seconds to minutes, and then the number of minutes to hours. | 1小时有3600秒。将秒数换算成小时数最简单的方法就是用秒数除以3600。要理解这种转换的原因,可以设置转换表,先将秒数换算成分钟数,然后再把分钟数换算成小时数。 |
0.888 | Solving Sample Problems | 解决示例问题 |
0.856 | Convert the following into hours:
12,400 seconds.
- Divide 12,400 by 3,600, the number of seconds in 1 hour: .
- Convert the decimal of an hour to minutes. To do this, multiply the decimal by 60: , or about 26 minutes. So, 12,400 seconds is equal to about 3 hours and 26 minutes. | 将12400秒换算成小时数。 12400除以3600,即1小时的秒数: 12 , 400 3 , 600 = 3.
4445 {\displaystyle {\frac {12,400}{3,600}}=3.4445} 。 将小数点后的数字换算成分钟。换算时将小数点后的数字乘以60: .4444 × 60 = 26.664 {\displaystyle .4444\times 60=26.664} ,或约等于26分钟。因此12400秒大约等于3小时26分钟。 |
0.849 | Convert Kristin's time to hours.
She ran a 100 m sprint in 14 seconds. Divide 14 by 3,600: 14 3600 = .0038889 {\displaystyle {\frac {14}{3600}}=.0038889} . So, Kristin ran the sprint in about 4 thousandths of an hour. | 将小红的时间换算成小时。她在14秒内跑完了100米短跑。 将14除以3600: 14 3600 = .
0038889 {\displaystyle {\frac {14}{3600}}=.0038889} 。因此,小红大约在一千分之四个小时内跑完了短跑。 |
0.898 | Convert 5,000 seconds into hours by first converting to minutes.
- Set up a table. In the first column, write the unit rate of 60 seconds per 1 minute.
- In the second column, write the number of seconds you are converting: 5,000.
- Find the factor of change by dividing the number of seconds you are converting by 60: .
- Set up another table. In the first column, write the unit rate of 60 minutes per 1 hour.
- In the second column, write the number of minutes you are converting: 83.3334.
- Find the factor of change by dividing the number of minutes you are converting by 60: . So, . | 先将5000秒换算成分钟数,再换算成小时数。 设置一张表格。第一列中写下单位比率60秒每分钟。 在第二列写下要换算的秒数:5000。 用要换算的秒数除以60找出变化量: 5000 60 = 83.
3334 {\displaystyle {\frac {5000}{60}}=83.3334} 。 设置另一张表格。第一列写下单位比率60分钟每小时。 第二列写下要换算的分钟数:83.3334。 用要换算的分钟数除以60,找出变化量: 83.3334 60 = 1.38889 {\displaystyle {\frac {83.3334}{60}}=1.38889} 。因此, 5 , 000 秒 = 83.3334 分钟 = 1.3889 小时 {\displaystyle 5,000\;{\text{秒}}=83.3334\;{\text{分钟}}=1.3889\;{\text{小时}}} 。 |
0.944 | How to Develop Software (with Pictures) | 如何开发软件(包含图片) |
0.951 | Getting Work | 获取工作 |
0.894 | Convert the decimal to a fraction.
To do this, count how many numbers there are after the decimal point. With the number .325, in this case, there are three numbers after the decimal point. So, put the number "325" over the number 1000, which is really the number 1 with three 0's after it. If you were working with the number .3, which is one number after the decimal points, then you could represent it as 3/10.
- You can also say the decimal aloud. In this case .325 = "325 thousandths." That sounds like a fraction! Write .325 = 325/1000. | 把小数转写成分数形式。如此做,我们要点点看小数点后有几位。拿0.
325来说,小数点后有三位。所以呢,就把数字“325”放在1000上,就是1以后三个0。若你要处理的数字是0.3,小数点后就只有一位数字,你就只要用3/10来表示它,换句话讲就是3以下是数字1和一个零。 把小数大声念出来也是个法子。在这个例子中,0.325 = “千分之325”。听起来就像个分数了。我们可以写下来:0.325 = 325/1000。 |
0.867 | Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator of the new fraction.
This is how you can simplify the fraction. Find the biggest number that divides evenly into both 325 and 1000. In this case, the GCF of both numbers is 25, because that's the largest number that goes evenly into both numbers.
- You don't have to look for the GCF right away. You can also use trial and error to simplify the fractions. For example, if you're working with two even numbers, keep dividing them by 2 until one of them becomes odd or you can't simplify further. If you're working with an even and odd number, try dividing them by 3.
- If you're working with numbers that end in a 0 or 5, divide them by 5. | 找到这个新分数分子和分母的最大公约数(GCF,the greatest common factor)。
- 不一定马上能找到GCF,在简化分数时可以多试几次,甚至犯几次错。比如,如果分子分母都是偶数,就能同时除以2,直到它们变成奇数或不能再约分为止。如果分子分母互为奇偶,各除以3试试(实际上,能被3整除的数字,其各位数之和也能被3整除;如462,百位数+十位数+个位数 = 4+6+2 = 12,12能被3整除,所以462也能被3整除)。
- 如果分子分母以0或5结尾,除以5。 |
0.877 | Multiply the number by a power of ten that would move any non-repeating part of the decimal to the left of the decimal point.
In this example a single power of 10 will suffice, so write "10x = 23.45454545...." You have to do this because if you multiply the right side of the equation by 10, you have to multiply the left side of the equation by 10 too. | 将小数乘以10的次方,把所有不循环的部分提到小数点前。在这个例子中,我们只要乘以一个10就够了,就写“10x = 23.
454545...”。之所以这么写是因为,为了让等式成立,右边乘以10的同时左边也得乘以同样的数值才行。 |
0.881 | Multiply the equation by another power of 10 to move more numbers to the left of the decimal point.
In this example, let's multiply the decimal by 1000. Write,"1000x = 2345.45454545...." You have to do this because if you multiply the right side of the equation by 1000, you have to multiply the left side of the equation by 1000 too. | 将小数乘以10的另一次方,把更多的数字提到小数点前。比如我们将小数乘以1000,就写“1000x = 2345.
454545...”。同理,右边乘以1000时左边也要乘以1000。 |
0.867 | Place the variable and constant terms over each other.
This will set them up to be subtracted. Now, place the second equation over the first, so that 1000x = 2345.45454545 is lined up over 10x = 23.45454545 just as it would be in a regular subtraction problem. | 把变化项和不变项排列。这样做是为了相减的方便。把第二次的等式放在第一次的等式之上,就是把“1000x = 2345.
454545...”放在“10x = 23.454545...”之上,就像其它减式分解问题一样。 |
0.857 | Subtract.
Subtract 10x from 1000x to get 990x and subtract 23.45454545 from 2345.45454545 to get 2322. Now you have 990x = 2322. | 相减。1000x减去10x得到990x,2345.
简化分数。分子分母分别除以公约数 |
0.924 | It can be a bit tricky to and convert a grade or a group of grades in the form of a percentages into a 4.0 GPA. Here are some simple methods to clarify how a percentage may be accurately converted into a GPA, based on a 4.0 scale. | 把一门或者一组百分制的成绩换算成4.0分制的GPA可是一件麻烦事儿。下面几种简单的方法可以帮你搞清楚,如何把百分制的成绩准确地换算为4.0分制的GPA。 |
0.865 | Converting One Percentage into a 4.0 GPA | 把一门百分制成绩换算为4.0分制GPA |
0.897 | Know the formula for converting a percentage into a 4.
0 GPA. Let's use x to represent the percentage. The formula to use when converting a percentage into a GPA (with a scale of 4.0) is (x/20) - 1 = GPA. | 掌握成绩换算公式。设x代表百分制的成绩,那么GPA满分为4.
0时,成绩换算公式就是(x/20)-1=GPA。 |
0.852 | Plug the percentage into the formula and solve.
Let's say you have an 89% in Geology. Just plug it into the formula to get the following: 89/20 - 1 = 4.45 - 1 = 3.45. The GPA equivalent of 89% is 3.45. | 将百分制成绩代入公式,然后计算。假设你的地理成绩是89分,把它代入到公式里面,就能得到下面的运算: 89/20 - 1 = 4.
45 - 1 = 3.45. 所以89分换算为GPA就是3.45。 |
0.846 | Use the same formula if the percentage is higher than 100%.
The process will be the same even if your percentage is higher than 100%. Let's say you got a whopping 108% in Algebra. Here's what happens when you plug it in:
- 108/20 - 1 =
- 5.4 - 1 = 4.4
- The GPA equivalent of 108% is 4.4. | 当百分之成绩超出100分时,你还是应该使用相同的公式。假设你的代数得了牛掰的108分,将它代入到公式里运算就是: 108/20 - 1 = 5.
4 - 1 = 4.4 也就是说108分换算为GPA就是4.4。 |
0.933 | Consider using a scale instead.
This may be useful depending on what you are calculating your GPA for. If you are calculating one grade at a time to see how they will add up for your high school GPA, then you may not have to follow this exact formula because all grades will fall within a range anyway. For example, if your grade falls within the range of 83-86, then depending on your high school, then you will have a B, or a 3.0, whether it falls on the higher or lower part of the range or not.
- Check out your school's GPA system to figure out how to do this; some high schools have a slightly different range for what makes an A- vs. an A, a B vs. a B+, and so on. | 依据你计算GPA的用途,你可以考虑使用换算表代替公式来简化计算。比方说,如果你打算把高中成绩一门一门的换算出来,看加起来的总GPA有多少,那么也许你不需要严格按照公式来换算,因为成绩总是属于某个区间,假如你的成绩在83-86这个区间,那么按照学校规定,不管你的成绩是这个区间的高分还是低分,换算后都是B,或者3.
0。查看你们学校的GPA计分体系来弄清楚如何操作。有些高中在成绩换算区间上有点小差别,例如一个分数究竟算A-还是A,B还是B+等。 |
0.862 | Converting Multiple Grades into a 4.0 GPA | 把多门百分制成绩换算为4.0分制GPA |
0.928 | Assign a numerical score to your each of your grades.
Each grade that you get at the end of a class has a number equivalent on the 4.0 scale. Find a number equivalent for each grade that you get. Each school's numeral scores may vary slightly, so look into the GPA system at your school. Here is what the typical scoring system looks like:
- A = 4
- A- = 3.7
- B+ = 3.3
- B = 3
- B- = 2.7
- C+ = 2.3
- C = 2.0
- C- = 1.7
- D+ = 1.3
- D = 1
- D- = .7
- F = 0 | 给每一门成绩计一个数字分数。
每门课程最后你所拿到的成绩,都有一个在4.0分制里的对应数字分数。找到每一门成绩的对应数字分数。不同学校的计分方法可能有微小差异,所以一定要查阅你们学校的GPA计分体系。下面是最常用的计分体系:A = 4 A- = 3.7 B+ = 3.3 B = 3 B- = 2.7 C+ = 2.3 C = 2.0 C- = 1.7 D+ = 1.3 D = 1 D- = .7 F = 0。
- A = 4
- A- = 3.7
- B+ = 3.3
- B = 3
- B- = 2.7
- C+ = 2.3
- C = 2.0
- C- = 1.7
- D+ = 1.3
- D = 1
- D- = .7
- F = 0 |
0.895 | Add up all of your numerical scores.
Add up the numerical scores assigned to each of your grades. For the sake of example, say you took English (C+), History (B), Math (B+), Chemistry (C+), Physical Education (A-), and Art (A-). That would mean you'd have: 2.3 + 3 + 3.3 + 2.3 + 3.7 + 3.7 = 18.3. | 将所有数字分数相加,得出总分。把所有课程成绩的数字分数相加。假如你的成绩是英语C+,历史B,数学B+,化学C+,体育A-,美术A-,那么它们的数字分数加起来得到的总分就是:2.
3 + 3 + 3.3 + 2.3 + 3.7 + 3.7 = 18.3。 |
0.877 | Divide your number by the number of classes you took.
This is another way of saying that you will have to find the average numerical score. This will give you your final GPA score on a 4.0 scale.
- In our example, we added up our numbers to get 18.3. Since we took six classes, we have to divide 18.3 by six. 18.3 ÷ 6 = 3.05 (or 3.1). | 将总分除以课程门数。也就是说你要算出总成绩的平均分,你能得出4.
0分制下的最终GPA。 我们的例子中,成绩总分为18.3。因为一共有6门课,所以把18.3除以6,得到:18.3/6=3.05(或计为3.1)。 |
0.905 | Calculating Weighted GPA | 计算加权GPA |
0.884 | Understand weighted GPA.
Weighted GPA is the idea that some harder classes, like honors or AP, should be weighted to reflect an extra degree of difficulty. So, instead of the traditional 4.0 grade scale, a weighted scale can go as high as 5.0, reflecting a harder course load. The idea is that getting a "C" in AP Algebra is just as hard as getting a "B" in regular Algebra. | 什么是加权GPA。加权GPA是指,对于那些难度较高的课程,例如优等生课程和大学预修课程,应该增加其成绩的权重,以彰显难度的增加。因此,这些课程的满分可以高达5.
0,而不是普通的4.0,这样能反映课程的难度较高。也就是说要拿到大学预修代数的C,实际上比拿到普通代数的B更困难。 |
0.824 | Assign a numerical score to each of your grades.
This time, use the same table as above, except add 1 point to each grade that you got in an honors or AP class.
- A = 5
- A- = 4.7
- B+ = 4.3
- B = 4
- B- = 3.7
- C+ = 3.3
- C = 3.0
- C- = 2.7
- D+ = 2.3
- D = 2
- D- = 1.7
- F = 1 | 给每一门成绩计一个数字分数。这次依旧使用方法三里的计分表,但要在此基础上给优等生课程和大学预修课程的得分多加1分。加1分后的计分体系是这样的: A = 5 A- = 4.
7 B+ = 4.3 B = 4 B- = 3.7 C+ = 3.3 C = 3.0 C- = 2.7 D+ = 2.3 D = 2 D- = 1.7 F = 1 |
0.904 | Add up all your numerical scores.
Add up the numerical scores assigned to each of your grades. For the sake of example, say you took AP English (C), Honors History (B), Math (B), AP Chemistry (C+), Music Theory (B-), and Honors Art (A-). That would mean you'd have: 3 + 4 + 3 + 3.3 + 2.7 + 4.7 = 20.7. | 将所有数字分数相加,得出总分。把所有课程成绩的数字分数相加。举例来说,假如你的成绩是大学预修英语C,荣誉历史B,数学B,大学预修化学C+,音乐理论B-,荣誉美术A-,那么你的总分就是:3 + 4 + 3 + 3.
3 + 2.7 + 4.7 = 20.7。 |
0.892 | Divide your number by the number of classes you took.
Again, you're just finding the average score. This will give you your final GPA score on a 5.0 scale. Note that you can only receive a 5.0 GPA if all of your classes are honors or AP and you receive an "A" in each class. Many students are required to take classes without extra degrees of difficulty, such as gym.
- In our example, we added up our numbers to get 20.7. Since we took six classes, we have to divide 20.7 by six. 20.7 ÷ 6 = 3.45 (or 3.5). | 还是求平均分。你能得出5.
0分制下的最终GPA。注意,只有当你所有的课程都是荣誉课程或大学预修课,并且你每门都拿了A时,你的GPA才可能是5.0。许多学生不被允许选择难度过大的课程,例如有些体育课。 在我们的例子中,总分是20.7,一共有6门课,做除法得到GPA就是:20.77÷ 6 = 3.45 (或计为3.5)。 |
0.862 | The decimal (base ten) numeral system has ten possible values (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9) for each place-value. In contrast, the binary (base two) numeral system has two possible values represented as 0 or 1 for each place-value.programmers should understand how to convert from decimal to binary. | 十进制(以十为基础进位)数系的每一个位值有十个可能的值(0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9)。相反二进制(以二为基数进位)数系只有两个可能的值,即0和1。 |
0.891 | - Practice. Try converting the decimal numbers 17810, 6310, and 810. The binary equivalents are 101100102, 1111112, and 10002. Try converting 20910, 2510, and 24110 to, respectively, 110100012, 110012, and 111100012. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 6
- The calculator that comes installed with Windows 10 can do this conversion for you, but as a programmer, you're better off with a good understanding of how the conversion works. The calculator's conversion options can be made visible by opening its "View" menu and selecting "Programmer"
- Converting in the opposite direction, from binary to decimal, is often easier to learn first. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 9 | - 操作系统里安装好的计算器也可以用作十进制和二进制之间的转换,但作为一个程序员,能清楚地了解这个转换的原理会更好 。点击“查看” 然后选择 “程序员”就可以看到转换器了。
- 反过来转换,从二进制转换为十进制通常更容易入门。
- 多练习。试着转换十进制数 17810,6310,和 810。你会分别得到以下二进制答案 :101100102,1111112,和10002。试着转换20910,2510,和 24110,会得出110100012,110012,和111100012。 |
0.887 | Developing the powers of persuasion will help you get ahead in business and personal relationships. Whether you want to convince a client to make a big purchase or convince your parents to let you stay out later on the weekends, learning to construct a solid argument, style that argument, and understand the person you're arguing with, you can learn to convince anyone of anything. | 提高说服的能力可以让你在事业和人际关系中获得成功。无论你是想要说服一个客户下一个大订单,还是想说服你的父母同意你周末晚点回家,你都要学会进行有力的辩论,让自己的论证更有说服力,同时要了解你要与之论证的人,这样你就可以说服任何人任何事情。从步骤一开始,学习如何说服别人,走向成功。 |
0.87 | - Some people will never change their views or beliefs and that is their right. They have a right to be wrong (or right in some cases). Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
- Remember - you could be wrong! Be open minded and allow for the possibility of them being right. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
- If the other person doesn't agree with you, don't argue. Use logic and vivid examples to explain why they should believe in your opinion. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- If the other person is biased, ask sensible questions where they doubt their belief or they do not have answer for your question. After that, explain your opinion logically with valid reasons. Still, it's up to them whether they decide to believe in your opinion or not. | - 有些人永远都不会改变自己的观点和想法,这是他们的权利。他们有权错误(或者在某些时候正确)。
- 无论什么时候,如果别人不同意你的观点,不要争论。有逻辑地向他们解释,并且说出他们要相信你的观点的有力的原因。
- 如果其他人有偏见,在他们怀疑自己的想法、或者他们对于你的问题没有答案的地方问一些敏感的问题。然后用有力的原因,有逻辑地解释你的观点。让他决定是否认同你的观点。 |
0.811 | Koreans use two systems for counting — the Korean and Chinese systems. To count to 10 in Korean, use the Korean system. If you'd like to learn numbers larger than 100, study the Chinese system. Though Korean is a complex language, the numbers are easy to pronounce, and you'll be counting to 10 in no time. | 韩语是一门美丽又复杂的语言。数到十不难,关键看你数什么。韩语中有两种计数系统,不过这些词的发音都很容易。如果你只是想学如何用韩语数到十,包括跆拳道里的计数口令,这并不难。 |
0.93 | Practice the Korean system.
In Korean, you will encounter two completely different sets of words for numbers, one based on Korean words and one related to Chinese (this system is sometimes called Sino-Korean).In most cases, if you are simply counting from 1 to 10 (and are not using money or other special cases), you will want to use the Korean system (this is also true in Taekwondo).
- Korean numbers are written using symbols that are called “Hangul” and are not written using the Roman alphabet. Thus, the Roman alphabet spellings of the words vary from site-to-site and are phonetic.
- 1 하나 (Hana or Hah - nah)
- 2 둘 (Dul or Dool)
- 3 셋 (Set or Seht)
- 4 넷 (Net or Neht)
- 5 다섯 (Dausut or Dah suht)
- 6 여섯 (Yeosut or Yuh suht)
- 7 일곱 (Ilgup or eel gob)
- 8 여덟 (Yeodul or yuh duhl)
- 9 아홉 (Ah-hope or ah hob)
- 10 열 (Yuhl)
- Remember: Koreans use both systems depending on the situation. So, for example, the word 10 might be spoken using two entirely different words depending on what’s being counted.
- However, most objects are counted using the Korean system unless the counting involves money. So books, people, trees, and any number of objects also use the Korean numbers. Korean forms are used for the number of items from 1 to 60 and age. | 了解韩语体系。
- 韩语数字是用“韩文”写成的,而不是罗马字母。
- 1 하나(Hana 或 Hah nah)
- 2 둘(Dul 或 Dool)
- 3 셋(Set 或 Seht)
- 4 넷(Net 或 Neht)
- 5 다섯(Dausut 或 Dah suht)
- 6 여섯(Yeosut 或 Yuh suht)
- 7 일곱(Ilgup 或 eel gob)
- 8 여덟(Yeodul 或 yuh duhl)
- 9 아홉(Ah-hope 或 ah hob)
- 10 열(Yuhl)
- 记住,这两种数字系统韩国人都会用到,要看具体情况。比如10有两种完全不同的说法,取决于你要数的是什么东西。
- 除非涉及到钱,大多数物体的计数都是用韩语固有词系统。因此书、人、树等物体的数量都是用韩语固有词计数的。韩语固有词用于1到60的计数和年龄的表达。 |
0.905 | Studying Other Korean Words | 学习其它韩文单词 |
0.911 | Use Korean words for Taekwondo commands and kicks.
One reason a lot of people want to learn to count in Korean is because they have to do so during stretching and drills in Taekwondo. If that’s why you want to learn Korean numbers, it could be useful to study other Korean Taekwondo terms.
- A front kick is Ap Chagi in Korean (pronounced “Ap-cha-gee”). A kick is Chagi (“Cha-gee”). A Roundhouse Kick is Dollyo Chagi (“Dole-ya-cha-gee”).
- Some important Taekwondo commands include: Attention or Charyut ("Chari-yut"); Return or Baro ("Baa-row”); and Yell or Kihap ("Kee-yah-p").
- Other Korean words used commonly in Taekwondo, include: Thank you (“Kam-sa-ham-ni-da”); Hello – (“An-yong-ha-se-yo”); and Goodbye (“An-nyong-hi Ga-se-yo”). | 用韩语念跆拳道指令和踢腿口令。
- 前踢腿在韩语中的发音是“Ap-cha-gee”。踢腿是“Cha-gee”。回旋踢是“Dole-ya-cha-gee”。
- 还有一些重要的跆拳道口令,比如注意(“Chari-yut”)、转身(“Baa-row”)、喊叫(“Kee-yah-p”)。
- 跆拳道中常用的其它韩语词还有谢谢(“Kam-sa-ham-ni-da”)、你好(“An-yong-ha-se-yo”)、再见(“An-nyong-hi Ga-se-yo”)。 |
0.876 | Count beyond 10 in Korean.
Maybe you don’t want to stop with 10. It’s actually really easy to count higher than 10 in the Korean system if you understand a few concepts.
- The word “Yul” means 10 in Korean. So, if you want to say the number 11, you say Yul and the word for 1, Hah nah: Yul Hah nah. And so on for numbers 11 through 19. The word is pronounced “yull.”
- The number twenty is “Seu-Mool” – pronounced “Sew-mool.”
- For numbers 21 through 29, start with the Korean word for 20. So, the number 21 is Seu-Mool plus the word for 1: Seu-Mool Hah nah, and so on.
- Use the same approach to count even higher using these words: Thirty (So-Roon); Forty (Ma-Hoon); Fifty (Sheen); Sixty (Yes-Soon); Seventy (E-Roon); Eighty (Yo-Doon); Ninety (Ah-Hoon); and 100 (Baek). | 10以上的韩语计数。
- “Yul”就是韩语中的10。因此如果你想说11,就用Yul加上1的发音“Hah-nah”,也就是“Yul Hah nah”。11到19以此类推。10的发音有时候也写成“yull”。
- 20的发音是“Sew-mool”。
- 21到29的发音以数字20的韩语发音开始。因此,21就是“Sew-mool”加上1,即“Seu-Mool Hah nah”,以此类推。
- 用同样的方法再往上数,你会用到这些词,30(So-Roon)、40(Ma-Hoon)、50(Sheen)、60(Yes-Soon)、70(E-Roon)、80(Yo-Doon)、90(Ah-Hoon)、100(Baek)。
了解韩语和其它语言的区别。在外行看来,韩文也许和中文、日文很像,其实有很大的区别,你很走运,因为韩文更简单。 韩文仅由24个字母组成,包含一些简单变化。其它亚洲语言可不是这样,某些语言的学习需要你记住上千个长得完全不一样的字。 在韩文中,每个字代表一个音节,每个音节都由辅音字母开头。 中文要比韩文难得多,每个汉字的写法都不一样,但韩文却有规律可循。 |
0.821 | 3 Ways to Count to Ten in Japanese | 3种方法来用日语数1到10 |
0.808 | - Because the number "一" can easily be changed into other numbers, more complex Kanji characters are used on money, as well as on financial and legal documents. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- Western or Arabic numbers are typically used in horizontal texts, while Kanji characters are used in vertical texts. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- If the idea of counter words seems complicated and difficult to you, remember that all languages, technically, use counter words. You wouldn't say in English that you have 5 dirts, for example – you would say you have 5
of dirt. The only difference is that in Japanese, all things have counters, not just indefinite objects. | - 由于数字“一”很容易被替换成其它数字,所以在金融和法律文件上会用更复杂的汉字代表金钱上的“一”。
- 横排文本使用阿拉伯数字,竖排文本使用汉字数字。
- 日语和中文一样包含大量量词,但是同样的量词在中日两种语言环境下,虽有一定的共通性,但存在着更大的差异性。学习的时候,尽量不要先入为主,望文生义。 |
0.832 | Memorize the symbols and words for the numbers from 1 to 5.
The Sino-Japanese system uses kanji characters to represent each number. The pronunciations of these characters differ from the pronunciations of the native Japanese characters. Use flashcards or a similar system to memorize these characters and their pronunciations.
- One (1) is 一 (
*ichi*, pronounced "ee-chee").
- Two (2) is 二 (
*ni*, pronounced "nee").
- Three (3) is 三 (
*san*, pronounced "sahn").
- Four (4) is 四 (
*shi*, pronounced "shee"). Because this word sounds like the Japanese word for death, the alternate pronunciation *yon* is also used – especially when talking about people.
- Five (5) is 五 (
*go*, pronounced "goh"). | 记住表示1到5的汉字数词和读音。
- **1**是“一”,罗马字为“ *ichi*”,发音为“ee-chee”。
- **2**是“二”,罗马字为“ *ni*”,发音为“nee”。
- **3**是“三”,罗马字为“ *san*”,发音为“sahn”。
- **4**是“四”,罗马字为“ *shi*”,发音为“shee”。由于这个字的读音和日语中的“死”相似,所以有时也会读作 *yon*,尤其是和别人交谈时。
- **5**是“五”,罗马字为“ *go*”,发音为“goh”。 |
0.808 | Have you have been too busy or simply procrastinated getting ready for a test? While cramming probably won't get you an "A," it can definitely save you from an "F." Follow the suggestions below and get ready for a long, hard night. | 你是否曾经因为太忙了或者耽误了时间,而没有为一场考试作好准备?临时抱佛脚不太可能让你考试得满分,但可以肯定的是不会让你不及格。按照下面的建议,考前来一次艰苦的通宵吧。 |
0.906 | - Avoid the temptation to cheat. A fifty percent that you earned is better than someone else's A. Even if you don't feel guilty afterward, you still are taking a huge risk. Teachers don't appreciate cheating and if they catch you, the effects may carry far beyond a zero on the test. They'll begin to grade your assignments more harshly and if you need a teacher recommendation, they'll probably refuse to give it to you or mention the incident as a comment. Some schools even use suspension as a punishment for cheating.
- Sleep deprivation and caffeine intake are very unhealthy and should be avoided if possible. Sleep deprivation can also slow your reaction time, so think twice about driving to or from class after an all-night cramming session. Thanks Helpful 32 Not Helpful 10
- Even if you do well on a test, don't expect to remember the material a couple of days later. People generally learn better if they do it gradually. Cramming is just a short-term memorization aid. If you will need to know the material later—math equations are a prime example—you'll probably need to review it again after the test. | - 熬夜和喝咖啡都是不健康的,应当尽可能避免。熬夜会让你反应变慢,所以通宵突击后一定不要再开车去学校或开车回家。
- 尽管考试可能结果很好,不要期望着过几天你还能记住这些内容。不断记忆才能记得更好,填鸭式的学习只适合短时的记忆。如果你想以后也记住,考试结束后你还需要再复习,数学公式就是一个最好的例子。
- 不要试图作弊。你自己得50分也比别人作弊得A要好。即使你事后不会觉得内疚,你的行为本身也是一个大风险。老师们讨厌作弊的学生,如果被他们抓住,你要承担的后果不只是零分这么简单。他们会更严格的评价你的作业,而且如果你需要老师们给你写推荐信,他们可能会拒绝或者会在文中提到你作弊的事。有的学校会用禁考来作为惩罚。 |
0.93 | Make good notes.
If you have minimal time to study for an exam, having good notes and note-taking skills will be essential for getting the most out of the night before.
- Find out what you really need to study. If your teacher holds a review session before the exam, take advantage of the opportunity. You'll find out what topics the teacher thinks are important and you'll have an opportunity to ask questions (although if you're having to cram, you probably have a few too many questions at this point). Many teachers hand out study guides, so be sure to use them. While they probably won't cover everything that will be on the test, you'll at least be able to focus on the key topics.
- Get out your lecture notes. Assuming you attended class regularly, you should have some notes to look over. If you don't have any notes, try to get copies from a classmate. Your class notes are a treasure trove of important knowledge because your teacher covers what he or she thinks is most important. | 做好笔记。
- 找出你真正需要学习的东西。如果老师安排了考前复习课,一定要利用好这个机会。你会找到老师认为重要的章节,你还有机会提问(事实上,如果你是临时抱佛脚,你这个时候可能没有太多问题)。很多老师会给出复习指导,所以一定要用好它们。尽管他们不会把考试中会出现的都覆盖到,至少你能抓住关键点。
- 找到你的课堂笔记。假如你经常去听课,你应当会有一些笔记可以复习。如果你一点都没有,试着从同学那里复印一份。课堂笔记是非常宝贝的东西,因为课上老师会讲他/她认为是最重要的内容。 |
0.884 | Note the important concepts.
As you go through your notes, find important definitions, concepts and equations.
- The act of rewriting may also help you memorize the content. If you're a good visual learner, then this will definitely help. If you're a good auditory learner, meaning you learn by hearing, recite the words as you write them down on the note cards.
- If you have enough time, consider rewriting your note cards several times. It may seem like overkill, but if you're trying to learn facts and information, it's very helpful. If you're trying to learn equations or more practical applications, this repetition is not as useful. | 标记重要概念。
- 重新书写本身可以帮助你加强记忆。如果你是一个好的视觉学习者,这样无疑会有帮助。如果你是一个好的听觉学习者,也就是通常用听来学习,你可以一边写卡片一边诵读。
- 如果时间足够,考虑把笔记多抄写几边。这一点看起来可能有点过分,但是如果你是要记住事件和信息,它会很有帮助。但如果你是要记住公式或更加实用的应用程序,这位复写就没有多大用处了。 |
0.944 | Study effectively.
You obviously won't have time to cover everything that might be on the test, but you can narrow down what will likely be covered and find ways to best focus on these concepts.
- Identify key topics. Go through your study guide and your cramming notes and look up the important or most repeated topics in your textbook. Scan the key sections of your text and write down any new information you find that seems important. The idea here is not to write down everything, but rather to identify the specific ideas, facts or equations that are likely to be on the test and focus on those topics as much as possible.
- Look at the beginnings and ends of textbook chapters. The first page of a chapter often identifies key points that will aid your understanding of the material. The last couple of pages will often summarize the chapter, define or highlight key terms, and, in the case of math texts, list important equations.
- Contemplate possible essay questions (if applicable) and how you would answer them. By now you should have at least a light grasp on the material. Think about the overarching concepts involved and outline (preferably on paper) your approach to essay questions. | 高效率学习。
- 确定关键主题。通读学习指导和突击笔记,找出重要的或者课本中再三强调的主题。浏览文章中的关键部分,写下任何你新发现的看起来重要的内容。这里说的并不是写下所有的,而是要确定一些可能出现在考试中的特别的观点、事件和公式,然后尽可能多关注这些主题。
- 看一看文章的开头和结尾。章节的开头通常会列出一些关键点来帮助你理解整个内容。最后的两页常常会总结全文,明确或强调关键条目,在数学课本中,还会列出重要的公式。
- (如果可以的话)思考一些可能的论述题以及你会如何回答。到这里,你至少有一点掌握住内容,思考一些论述题中会涵盖的各种观念,(最好在纸上)列出你的答案的大纲。 |
0.91 | Do a light run-through.
This is where the rubber starts meeting the road. Soak up all the information you've furiously assembled, test yourself, and evaluate quickly how you might have done. This should tell you what areas of study you still need to focus on.
- Review your flashcards or cramming notes first. Go through the key topics quickly. If you feel you understand and can remember a certain topic or equation, cross it off the list or set that flashcard aside. If you come up with additional questions, look them up in your notes or online (just make sure to use a reliable website).
- Test yourself. If your teacher handed out a practice test, do it now.
- Grade your self-tests. Be honest with your grading. If you're not, you will only hurt yourself when it comes to the actual test. Look at the questions you got wrong and compare those to your cramming notes or flashcards. You may need to make some new flashcards or revisit some of the concepts you thought you knew. | 做一个简单的回顾测试。
- 首先复习你的快速记忆卡和突击笔记。快速浏览关键主题, 如果你觉得你已经理解或记住了某个主题或公式,那就跳过去或把这张记忆放到一边;如果你还有一些问题,再去看看笔记或课本。
- 自我测试。如果老师发给你测试卷,现在就可以做了。如果没有,可以用课本后面的测试题或复习问题。只做那些和你已经确定是重要内容有关的习题。不要花时间去做每一道题。如果你被某道题目卡住了,做一个标记,等你评完分了再来解决它。
- 给自我测试评分。诚实地评分,若非如此只会在真正的考试中害了你自己。仔细看你做错的题目,和你的突击笔记和快速记忆卡比较,你可能需要做一些新的记忆卡或重新复习你认为已经掌握的一些内容。 |
0.884 | If facts aren't sticking, and studying isn't going well, try some memorization strategies.
The brain never forgets. Forgetting a piece of information is either the failure to properly store it, the failure to recall it, or the failure to store it in a way that it can be found.
- Try using a mnemonic device. That's just a fancy word for "memory device," meaning a quick and simple way to remember something. Remember when your teacher taught you ROYGBIV to help you remember the sequence of colors in the rainbow? Making something into an acronym, like "ROYGBIV," is a mnemonic device.
- Try using "pegs" to hang the information on. It could be making the information into a rhyme, relating it to an image you're familiar with, or telling yourself a story about it you know you'll remember. Try to take information that's digested with one sense (words are digested through sight) and try to digest it in another.
- Try chunking. This just means organizing something under a category. For example, if you're studying Finance, try to group stocks, bonds, funds, etc. under one big category, securities, and understand what that category means. Organize key ideas under concepts. | 如果结果不好或者学习进行的不顺,可以试试一些记忆方法。
- 试着用一些记忆策略。 “记忆策略”是一个流行的词语,代表一些快速、简单的记东西的方法。记忆策略有很多种,包括背诵策略、口诀策略、联想策略等等。
- 试着用些技巧,把要记忆的内容牢牢“钉”在脑海中。你可以把用押韵的句子背诵课程内容,或者和你熟知的某个图像关联起来,或者编一个自己能记得住的故事。试着把用一种感观来消化的内容(文字是通过视觉消化的),再用另外一种感观来消化吸收。
- 使用组块记忆。也就是把东西分门别类,例如,当的在学法语的时候,把股票、债券、基金等放在一个大类,如证券中,再理解这一大类的意思,在这些概念中整理关键观点。
整理好去睡觉。有时候,你可能没有很多时间来睡觉,但是在考试之前要尽可能地多睡一会。最好就是睡前把要突击的大部分都完成了,等起来的时候有足够的时间再复习一点。如果你忙了整整一个通宵,你会非常疲惫,考试中十分容易犯错误。 研究表明缺少睡眠会损害记忆力。 |
0.859 | - Don't get distracted by anything on the computer (music, in this case, will probably not help you but make studying harder) Thanks Helpful 165 Not Helpful 20
- Don't drink too much coffee or too much of an energy drink -- it is dangerous to your health and will keep you up past your desire! Thanks Helpful 132 Not Helpful 19
- Remember that cramming is not always a way out. It lessens your chances of actually retaining the material. Cramming for one test is fine, but don't cram for all of them, especially big ones or exams. if you do cram, you will waste some time trying to remember and then understand what is being asked.
- If you are going to study on your way to school, make sure you are not the one driving; your concentration needs to be on the road! Thanks Helpful 123 Not Helpful 29
- If you can't remember the answer on a test, never cheat, as this may have some serious consequences. It is always better to lose a game of integrity than to win a game of dishonesty. Thanks Helpful 166 Not Helpful 42 | - 不要为了电脑上的任何东西而分心。在这种情况下,听音乐只会让你更加学不进去。
- 不要总是临时抱佛脚,这样你在复习的时候真正记住的东西会少很多。一门科目临时抱佛脚还可以,不要所有科目都这样,尤其是大考的时候。如果你总是用这样的方式来复习,会在记忆和理解上浪费一些时间。
- 不要喝太多咖啡或者功能性饮料,这对健康有害,还会让你想睡时睡不着!
- 想不起来答案也不要作弊。作弊会带来严重的后果。诚实地考砸要比不诚实地考过要好得多。
- 如果你在去学校的路上想要复习,就不要开车。开车时,一定要把全部注意力放在路上! |
0.858 | - Keep in mind that each study guide format has different strengths and weaknesses and that there are many different learning styles. Therefore, appropriately adapting a study guide to a subject or to different types of learning may require that you use more than 1 format. For example, visual learners may find maps and diagrams to be most useful, while auditory learners might do best with flash cards that they can recite aloud from.
- Try to keep it as concise as possible. Avoid unnecessary information. Thanks Helpful 50 Not Helpful 12
- You can use sticky notes in making study guides. They can be removed and replaced with new ones if necessary. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0 | - 课本中高亮的词汇或定义词汇,一般都是关键的信息,在你制作学习指南时是很好的参考资料。
- 要注意,每个学习指南都有不同的长短处,学习的方式也各式各样。因此对于不同的科目或不同类型的课程,你需要用到不止一种学习指南,才能做出对应有效的学习指南。比如说,视觉型学习者可能更推崇思维导图和图解形式,听觉型学习则更喜欢大声背诵记忆卡片上的内容来学习。
- 尽量保持简洁,不必要的信息就省略不写。 |
0.83 | 10 Ways to Find Area | 10种方法来得出面积 |
0.842 | Area is a measurement of the amount of space inside a two-dimensional figure. Sometimes, finding area can be as simple as simply multiplying two numbers, but oftentimes it can be more complicated. Read this article for a brief overview for the following shapes: quadrilaterals, triangles, circles, surface areas of pyramids and cylinders, and the area under an arc. | 面积就是二维平面上的空间大小。有的时候要算面积,把两个量乘起来就得了。但是常常没那么简单。下面这篇文章介绍了一般形状的面积算法:四边形、三角形、圆形、棱柱和圆柱体上的表面积,以及一段弧形下方的面积等。 |
0.838 | The Area Under a Function
Say you want to find the area under a curve and above the x-axis modeled by function f(x) in the domain interval x within [a,b]. This method requires knowledge of integral calculus. If you have not taken an introductory calculus course, this method may not make any sense. | 通过方程解出面积
想要得出函数曲线和x轴之间的距离?假设这个曲线的函数是f(x) ,定义域是 [a,b] 。这个部分需要积分学的相关知识。如果你还没上过积分课,读这篇时你可能会觉得一头雾水。
用 f(x)定义关于x的函数。
求出f(x) 在 [a,b] 内的积分。根据微积分基本定理,如 F(x)=∫f(x) ,∫abf(x) = F(b)—F(a)。
把a和b的值代入积分表达式。f(x) 中,在[a,b]内的面积就是 ∫abf(x),因此 A=F(b)—F(a) |
0.901 | With so many fun and accessible ways to take photos, there is no wonder why everyone is so photo-happy these days. As easy as it may be to stock up on photos, it can be a challenge to keep them organized. One great way to keep your photos in a convenient place, that is easy to access when you want to reminisce on special memories, is by uploading them into PowerPoint. By doing this, you can create a slideshow that is a fun-filled way to back up the memories in your life. | 有这么多有趣又方便的拍照方式,难怪如今每个人都喜欢拍照。仅仅是按下快门保存起来也许非常简单,但这么多的照片整理起来就没那么容易了。上传到PowerPoint上面就不失为一个好办法,即方便整理,又可以随时翻阅。通过制作幻灯片的形式展示照片,让你生活中的记忆充满乐趣。 |
0.874 | - Choose a theme for the photo slideshow. If the photos are from a summer vacation, choose a bright yellow background or upbeat music. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 为照片幻灯片选择主题。如果照片是在暑假拍的,可以选择亮黄色背景或者欢快的背景音乐。 |
0.862 | How to Create a Potato Battery: 13 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何制作土豆电池: 13 步骤 |
0.861 | Did you ever think that you could use a vegetable as a battery? Batteries produce electricity by passing electrons back and forth between two metal plates | 你可曾想过蔬菜可以变成电池?电池让电子在两个金属板之间来回传输,从而产生电能。 |
0.807 | How to Create a Study Schedule: 14 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何建立学习计划表: 13 步骤 |
0.925 | Studying is an essential part of academic success. However, it’s sometimes difficult to find the time to study for every subject we need to study for. One way to ensure studying success is to create a solid study schedule. Creating a study schedule, though, can be harder than you think. Not only do you have to prioritize the subjects and courses you need to study for within a certain amount of time, but you also have to juggle other responsibilities such as family, friends, and entertainment. Ultimately, though, with a little thought and a little work, you'll have no problem creating a schedule and meeting all of your academic goals. | 想要在学业上取得成功,就必须努力学习。但是有时候,我们很难腾出时间学习每一门学科。为了保证成功,不妨制定一个可靠的时间表。建立学习时间表没有我们想象中那么简单。你不仅要给需要学习的科目和课程按优先顺序排序,还要兼顾其它事情,比如家庭、朋友和娱乐。好在只要肯花一点时间和功夫,你就可以很顺利地规划时间,完成所有学习目标。 |
0.886 | How to Create a Super Hero: 14 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何创造一个超级英雄: 14 步骤 |
0.841 | Have you ever wanted to create the next Spider-man, Superman, or Batman? Creating a superhero can be a fun way to build a story and a character to write about. Even if you only have a few ideas at first, you can take those small ideas and make them into something great. | 你是否有想过创造一个像蜘蛛侠、超人或蝙蝠侠这样的角色?创造一个超级英雄能够构建一个可以展开的故事和人物,这个过程非常有趣。即使一开始只有一些构思,你也可以把这些构思变成很棒的故事。 |
0.806 | - The word “superhero” is trademarked, so if you use it in the title of your comic book about your superhero, you won’t be able to sell that book for profit. Thanks Helpful 111 Not Helpful 14
- Don't make your OC overpowered like Thor. Try to create a few powers and weakness instead of adding too many powers or no weakness. Lots of superheroes aren't like gods. (Thor is a god however) Thanks Helpful 35 Not Helpful 10 | - “超级英雄”这个词是注册商标,因此,如果你想自己画一本超级英雄的漫画书,标题最好不要包含这个词,否则你将无法售书获利。
- 不要让你的角色像雷神那样过于强大。试着为他或她赋予一些能力和弱点,而不是拥有过多能力或毫无弱点。很多英雄都是凡人,不像神那样完美,不过雷神确实是神。 |
0.864 | Some of history's most important and distinctive figures have created alter egos for a vast array of purposes. A good alter ego can keep your true identity secret or help you mentally compartmentalize particularly difficult opinions or actions. Whether you're an amateur superhero looking to hide your true mild-mannered self or a subversive writer hoping to protect your reputation from the backlash of a society that's not ready to accept your vision, a good alter-ego can be vital to helping you achieve your goals. This guide will help you custom-tailor an alter ego to your unique situation. | 一些历史上非常重要和出众的人物都因为各种各样的目的有另一面。一个好的另一面可以保证你的真实身份永远是一个秘密,也可以帮助你在精神上对困难的选择作区分。无论是一个试图隐藏自己平日温和性格的平民英雄,还是一个充满颠覆性思想的作家,希望在社会普遍抵触她的观点时保护自己声誉,有一个合适的另一面都是很重要的。这一指南将帮助你量身定做适合你的另一自我。 |
0.819 | Designing Your New Persona | 设计你的新形象 |
0.885 | Define a goal for your alter ego.
Why are you creating an alter ego? What goal do you seek to accomplish? Are you creating an alter ego for fun or for a serious purpose? The answers to these questions will affect your decision making when you make your alter ego. For instance, if you're trying to make a nom de plume so your name won't appear on a work of art that will be considered controversial, you might need to create nothing more than a fake name. However, if you're a musician and you want to broaden your creative range by adopting a shocking new persona, you might choose to craft a detailed story and personality for your character. Scale your ambitions to your purpose when creating an alter ego.
- Generally, there's no such thing as an alter ego that's
* too * thought-out. As long as you don't start blurring the mental line between your alter ego and your true self, feel free to create as detailed of an alter ego as you see fit. | 为你的另一面设定一个目标。
- 通常,对另一自我的创作都没有考虑得“太过周到”一说。只要你没有将你真实的自我与这另一自我混淆,你都可以随意创造你认为合适的新面目。 |
0.908 | Give your alter ego a personality and voice.
Your alter ego's most important trait is their personality - how do they speak and act? Will this alter ego be a mere stand-in for yourself - in other words, will it be just like you except for their name? Or will it be a unique character with a personality distinct from yours? Make your choice based on your goal for your alter ego. If you're writing a semi-autobiographical work, your self-insert character should probably speak and act like you. However, if you're creating a superhero alter ego for yourself, you might want your character to be exaggeratedly dashing and showy - more so than any normal person.
- Often, alter egos are endowed with traits that their creators lack. By assuming this alter ego, the creator can attempt to overcome difficulties caused by their personality defects. For instance, if you're normally timid and shy, you might assume a cocky, confident alter ego when you're at a party full of people you don't know. | 赋予你的另一自我个性和声音。
- 通常,另一自我赋有它们的创造者所缺乏的特质。,创作者通过创作这个另一面,试图克服他/她因为性格缺陷而造成的困难。举例来说,如果你平常性格是胆怯和害羞的,那么当你在一个满是陌生人的聚会上,你可能就会假装成一个自大、自信的另一自我。 |
0.907 | Give your alter ego a distinctive appearance.
How does your alter ego look? Do they have an unassuming, yet memorable appearance or do they stick out in a crowd? Your character's appearance should match or compliment their personality - if you've designed a character who's a slimy used car salesman, you might choose to have him wear garish suits, keep his hair slicked back, and sport a big, insincere smile, for instance. If your alter ego is a larger-than-life figure like an alien or a superhero, you might even need to design an over-the-top costume to reflect their superhuman status.
- If you're planning to masquerade as your alter ego in real life, keep your own looks in mind when designing your character. Make sure you can realistically imitate your character by changing clothes, using makeup, etc. If you're a 400-lb professional sumo wrestler, your skinny computer hacker alter ego might have to remain in the realm of fiction. | 给你的另一自我一个独特的外表。
- 如果你打算在现实生活中扮成你的新身份,在设计角色时,要时刻记住自己真实的样子。确保你可以通过换衣服、化妆等来实际模仿这个新角色。如果你是一个400磅(181千克)的职业相扑选手,那么你那个苗条的电脑黑客设定估计就只能停留在幻想中了。 |
0.89 | Craft a fitting backstory for your alter ego.
Characters seldom exist in creative vacuums. Giving your alter ego a compelling (yet fitting) personal history can give a sense of realism to their appearance and personality. It can also help you decide these things if you're having trouble thinking of good ideas. Your character's backstory can be vague or detailed. It can be ordinary or remarkable. There are no "correct" choices when designing a backstory - only logical ones that reflect the character's personality and appearance. When writing your alter ego's story, ask yourself questions like:
- Where did my alter ego come from?
- What kind of life did they have?
- What experiences have they been shaped by?
- Who have they known and have had relationships with? | 为你的新角色设计一个合适的背景故事。
- 我的新身份是从哪来的?
- 他/她之前过的是什么样的生活?
- 他/她有过什么样的经历?
- 他/她认识什么人?和什么人有关系? |
0.898 | A critique of an article is the objective analysis of a literary or scientific piece, with emphasis on whether or not the author supported the main points with reasonable and applicable arguments based on facts. It's easy to get caught up in simply summarizing the points of an article without truly analyzing and challenging it. A good critique demonstrates your impressions of the article, while providing ample evidence to back up your impressions. As the critic, take time to read carefully and thoughtfully, prepare your arguments and evidence, and write clearly and cogently. | 学术评论是对一篇文学或科技类文章的客观分析,重点在于分析作者是否运用基于事实的合理及适用的论据来论证其主要观点。写学术评论很容易变成对原文观点的总结,而没有对原文真正的分析和质疑。一篇好的评论能够展现你对论文的理解,并列举充分的论据验证你的理解。按照以下建议学习怎样写出一篇全面而令人印象深刻的评论。 |
0.815 | - Avoid style-based critiques that include comments such as "I liked it" or "It was written poorly." Instead, focus on the content of the article. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 4
- Avoid summarizing the article at all costs. It is better to write a shorter critique than to attempt to fill up blank space with boring summation. Thanks Helpful 19 Not Helpful 5 | - 避免不遗余力的总结原文。写一个简短的评论比为了充数而枯燥的总结好得多。
- 避免格式化的评论,比如包括类似“我喜欢”,“写的很差”的评语。相反,注意力集中在原文的内容上。 |
0.821 | Cross-multiplication is a nifty method to use when you have to solve for an unknown variable in an equation where two fractions are set equal to one another. Cross-multiplying reduces these two fractions to one simple equation, allowing you to easily solve for the variable in question. It’s also a useful method to know when you’re adding and subtracting unlike fractions and comparing ratios and proportions. Keep reading and follow along as we take you through the steps of cross-multiplication. | 交叉相乘(叉乘)可以用来解含变量的、两边是相等分式的方程。变量即是未知数或未知量的占位符,叉乘可以消掉分式结构,得到一个简单的方程,变量就很容易解得了。解决比值问题时,交叉相乘特别有用。这里教你怎么做。 |
0.849 | How to Curve Grades: 8 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何调分: 8 步骤(包含图片) |
0.881 | A grade curve is a relative grading procedure that assigns grades for assignments based on the performance of the class as a whole. There are many reasons a teacher or professor may decide to curve a grade - for instance, if the majority of students performed below what was expected, which may imply that an assignment or test was out of range in either scope or difficulty. Some curving methods adjust grades mathematically, while others simply allow opportunities for students to recoup some of the points they lost on an assignment. Read on for detailed instructions. | 调分就是一种根据班级平均水平来打分的过程。教师调分的原因有很多。举个例子,如果班级整体表现偏差,这可能意味着考试或者作业太难了。一些调分方法是按照数学原理来操作的,另外一些只是单纯地让学生多得一些分数。下面是详细的建议。 |
0.916 | - If you do not want any student to exceed 100 percent when you apply a grading curve, use the class high score as your curve breaker. For example, if more than a 3-point curve will end up putting 1 student's grade over 100 percent, limit your curve to 3 points. | - 如果你不想让任何学生在调分后有超过100%的分数,用你们班级的最高分来决定你要往上调的分数的上限。比如,如果往上调分超过3分就会让1个学生超过100%分,那就将你的调分限制在3分以内。 |
0.915 | Set the highest grade as "100%".
This is one of the most common (if not *the* most common) methods teachers and professors use for curving grades. This curving method requires the teacher to find the highest score in the class and set this as the "new" 100% for the assignment. This means that you subtract the highest score in the class from the hypothetical "perfect" score, then add the difference to every assignment, including the highest-scoring one. If done correctly, the highest-scoring assignment will now have a perfect score and every other assignment will have a higher score than it previously did.
- For example, let's say the highest grade on a test was 95%. In this case, because 100-95 = 5, we would add
**5 percentage points** to all of the student grades. This makes the 95% score an adjusted 100%, and every other score 5 percentage points higher than it was.
- This method also works using absolute scores, rather than percentages. If the highest grade was a 28/30, for instance, you would add 2 points to the score of every assignment. | 设最高分为“100%”。
- 举个例子,假设一次考试中的最高分是95%。在这种情况下,因为100-95 = 5,所以每个学生都会加上5个百分点的分数。这会让95%变成100%,其他人都会比原来高5个百分点。
- 这种方法不仅适用于百分数,还同样适用于绝对分数。如果最高分是28/30,每个人都会加上2分。 |
0.901 | Implement a flat-scale curve.
This technique is among the simplest of the methods used to curve grades. It is especially useful for when there was one especially difficult item on an assignment that a large majority of the class missed. To curve grades according to a flat-scale curve, simply add the same number of points to each student's grade. This can be the number of points that an item most of the class missed was worth, or it can be some other (arbitrary) number of points that you think is fair.
- For instance, let's say that the entire class missed one problem which was worth 10 points. In this case, you might choose to add 10 points to every student's score. If you think the class doesn't deserve full credit for the missed problem, you might also choose to only give out 5 points.
- This method is closely related to the previous method, but it isn't exactly the same. Because this method doesn't specifically set the highest score in the class as a 100% maximum score, it allows for the possibility that
*none* of the assignments receive a perfect score. It even allows for scores over 100%! | 加上一个固定的分数。
- 比如,假设整个班级的学生都在一个10分的题上丢分了。在这种情况下,你可能让每位学生都加上10分。如果你觉得他们不应该在没做出来的题上得满分,你可以只给他们每人5分。
- 这种方法和前一种方法非常像,但不完全一样。因为这种方法并不一定让最高分变成100%的分数。使用了这种方法之后,可能没有人能到100%的分数,也有可能有人超过100%分! |
0.942 | Set a bottom limit for F's.
This curving method mitigates the effect that a few very low scores can have on a student's grade. Therefore, it's especially useful in situations where a student (or an entire class) bombed a certain assignment but have since shown serious improvement and, in your opinion, deserve not to fail. In this case, instead of the normal percentage designations for letter grades (90% for A, 80% for B, etc. down to 50-0% being an F), you define a lower limit for failing grades - a minimum score that is higher than zero. This makes it so that particularly low-scoring assignments have a less drastic effect when averaged with a student's good scores. In other words, a few bad scores are less likely to drag a student's overall grade down.
- For example, let's say that a student completely bombs his first test, scoring a 0. However, since then, he's studied hard, receiving 70% and 80% on his next two tests. Un-curved, he has a 50% grade right now - a failing score. If we set a lower limit on failing scores of 40%, his new average is 63.3% - a D. It's not a
*great* score, but it's probably fairer than failing a student who's shown real promise.
- You may choose to set separate lower limits for assignments that are turned in vs. assignments that are not. For example, you may decide that, for failing assignments, the lowest possible grade is 40%, unless it's not turned in at all, in which case 30% is the lowest possible score. | 给得F的人设分数下限。
这种方法让少数得非常低分的学生能得到还能看的分数。因此,如果有学生(或整个班级)在某个课题里表现很差,但是他比以前进步很大,你认为他不应该挂科,那么这种方法很有效。在这种情况下,除了普通的评级方式以外(90%是A,80% 是B,等等。往下数,50-0% 是F),你还可以设置一个大于0的分数下限。这会让非常一些非常低的分数对平均分的影响减小。
- 比如说,假设一个学生在第一次考试的时候表现很差,只拿了0分。然后之后他努力学习,在接下来的2次考试中拿了70%和80%分。按原始分算他只有50%的平均分,这是一个挂科的分数。如果我们设分数下限为40%的话,那他的新平均分将是63.3%,是一个D的分数。这不是一个很好的分数,但是这么调分比让一个显示出良好发展前景的学生挂科要好。
- 你可以给上交和不上交的作业分别设分数下限。比如说,对于那些挂了的作业,你把最低分设为40%;但是对于那些根本没交的作业,你把最低分设成30%。 |
0.933 | Use a bell curve.
Often, the range of grades on a given assignment are distributed in a way that resembles a bell curve - a few students get high scores, most of the students score mid-range scores, and a few students get low scores. What if, for instance, on a particularly difficult assignment, the few high scores are in the 80% range, the mid-range scores are in the 60% range, and the low scores are in the 40% range? Do the very best students in your class deserve low B's and the average students deserve low D's? Probably not. By using a bell curve grading method, you set the class's mean grade as a middle C, which means that your best students should get A's and your worst students should get F's, regardless of their absolute scores.
- Begin by determining the class's mean (average) score. Add up all the scores in the class, then divide by the number of students to find the mean. Let's say that, after doing this, we find an average score of 66%.
- Set this as a mid-range grade. The precise grade you use is at your discretion - you may want to set the mean as a C, C+, or even B-, for instance. Let's say that we want to set our 66% as a nice, round C.
- Next, decide how many points separate the letter grades in your new bell curve. Generally, bigger point intervals mean that your bell curve is more forgiving to low-scoring students. Let's say that in our bell curve, we want to separate our grades by 12 points. This means that 66 + 12 = 78 becomes our new B, while 66 - 12 = 54 becomes our new D, etc.
- Assign grades according to the new bell curve system. | 使用钟形曲线。
- 首先计算班级的平均分。将班级分数全部加起来,然后除以班级人数。比如说,我们算得班级平均分是66%分。
- 将它设为中间范围的等级。确切等级由你而定。你可以将其设为C,C+或者甚至B-。假设我们设66%为C。
- 然后,决定每个区间有多少个分数。一般来说,大的分数区间意味着你对低分学生更容忍。比如说,在我们的钟形曲线里,我们以12分为一个单位。这意味着66 + 12 = 78是新的B,而66 - 12 = 54则是我们新的D,以此类推。
- 按照新的钟形曲线来给学生定等级。 |
0.837 | Criticism is never fun, whether it's coming from a well-meaning English teacher or from your arch frenemy. If the criticism is meant to be constructive, then you can use it to become a more well-rounded person. And if it's only meant to harm you, then you can work on shaking it off like a bad habit. So how do you deal with it? Read these steps to find out. | 批评叫人不爽,不管它是来自好心好意的英语老师,抑或某位亦敌亦友的相识。如果别人的批评旨在帮助你提高,你就该利用它完善自我。但如果意在中伤,你大可像丢掉一个坏习惯那样甩掉它。所以你到底该如何具体应对呢?继续阅读,找到你要的答案。 |
0.81 | - You should be polite with people so that they will not use harsh words all the time. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- Criticism means constructive advice pointing out your faults. If you are trying to deal with insults, read the articles in the related wikiHows. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- If the criticism is faulty, ignore what has been said or contact the person who sent the criticism. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1 | - 批评旨在针对你的错误提出建设性建议。如果你面临的是侮辱,请参考wikihow其它相关文章。
- 对人礼貌,这样别人也不会总是恶语相向。
- 如果批评有误,无视之。或者联系批评你的人跟他理论。 |
0.916 | Workplace bullying refers to any repeated, intentional behavior directed at an employee that is intended to degrade, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise undermine their performance. It can come from colleagues, supervisors, or management, and is a real problem for workers at all levels. It's no joke. By learning to recognize and address workplace bullying behavior, you can help to create a healthier, more productive environment for yourself and your colleagues. Keep reading after the jump to learn more. | 职场欺凌指的是故意地重复对某一职员作出贬低、羞辱、阻挠刁难或以其它方式破坏其表现的行为。此行为可来自职员、主管或管理层,是各级员工真真切切面对的问题。这不是开玩笑的事。通过学习认识及处理欺凌行为,你可帮助为自己及同事创造更健康及更有效率的工作环境。继续往下阅读本文,以了解更多这方面的信息。 |
0.813 | - In your vote of thanks, thank the opposing team first, then the adjudicator, chairperson, timekeeper and audience. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
- Study previous debates. That being said, don't steal the contentions made in that debate word-for-word. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
- There are no rules set in stone. Do what you think makes the most logical sense. If you want to make one hundred contentions, do so. If you want to make just one contention and argue for it the whole debate, do so. There's no "right" or "wrong". Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0 | - 当主持人邀请你说话时,你应当立刻准备好,或者在五秒之内准备好。
- 试着时不时练习一下,这样辩论/争论起来才会更自在。
- 致谢时,先谢谢对方团队,然后是评委,主持人,计时员和观众。
- 研究过往的辩论。话虽这么说,所有的争论,你都不能盗用辩论词。
- 没有一成不变的规则。做你认为最合乎逻辑的,最有意义的事。如果你想说出一百个论点,去做吧。如果你只想使用一个论点,并将它在贯穿整个辩论中,也是可以的。没有绝对的“正确”和“错误”。
- 截止时间一分钟前将响一声铃,结束时响两声铃,超时30秒响三声。
- 永远不要和裁判员争吵。 |
0.901 | 3 Ways to Decorate Your Notebook | 3种方法来装饰笔记本 |
0.906 | How to Describe Your Personality (with Pictures) | 如何描述你的性格(包含图片) |
0.877 | Whether you're filling out a resumé, preparing for a job interview, or simply trying to make new friends, knowing how to describe yourself is a useful skill to have. How you describe yourself is how you represent yourself to others. In order to properly represent yourself, it’s important to be in touch with who you are. | 无论是填写简历,准备求职面试,还是尝试结交新朋友,你都应该懂得该如何介绍自己,因为这是一项必备的实用技能。如何描述自己,指的就是如何向他人展现自己。为了恰如其分地展现自己,你有必要好好了解自己是怎样的人。 |
0.898 | Dynamic, well-rounded characters hook readers and drive the plot of your story. However, describing your character well can be a challenge. With a little extra work, you can ensure your descriptions will engage your reader. Start by getting to know your character, then consider how their character traits might impact their description. Next, pull out the best details about your character to write your description. | 丰满鲜活的人物角色能够吸引读者并推动故事情节的发展,但要想描写好人物的确并非易事。但只要做些额外的准备工作,你就能确保写出来的内容打动读者的心。首先,你得了解自己笔下的人物,然后思考人物特点会如何影响对他们的刻画。接下来,从最能体现人物特点的细节着手描述。 |
0.839 | - One way to decide how you want to describe your character is to take features from friends, family members, and celebrities. Simply find features that suggest traits to you and create an amalgamation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Consider sketching your character before describing him or her. This might help you figure out how to best describe the person. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Don’t over-describe your characters or do it all at once. It’s best to pepper your description across several paragraphs. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 人物角色的描写可以从朋友、家人和名人那里吸取灵感。只用找一些你觉得有用的特质,然后再汇总到一起。
- 在着描写画人物角色之前,可以考虑为其画张草图。这样可能有助于你弄清怎样才能最好地进行手刻。
- 不要描写得太啰嗦或者一次就完成。最好是分散到几个段落中进行。
- 要有想象力,因为想象力是一个好故事和精彩描述的关键。朝着你想要的样子去刻画。 |
0.929 | Decide how much description you want to include.
You don't want to overload your reader with description. At the same time, you want them to be able to imagine what your character looks like. Consider who your reader is, as well as the genre you're writing. This can help you decide if you want to give a full, detailed description of a character or just enough detail to create an impression.
- For instance, literary writers usually give less description of their characters. They might tell the reader just enough information for them to get an idea about what the character looks like. For example, "A gruff voice sounded from somewhere inside the ragged beard."
- On the other hand, genre writers often include more details. For example, a fantasy or sci fi writer would likely give a full description of a character who is non-human, such as a cyborg or elf. You might write, "A metal plate covered half her head, exposing the wires beneath it whenever her jaw moved. A blue eye stared out from the right socket, but her left eye swarmed and zoomed like a camera lens. A long nose pointed down like an arrow over her thin, robotic lips." | 决定描写的详细程度。
- 比如,文学作家可能只会简要地描述人物,传达的信息只要足以让读者脑海中浮现出角色的形象就可以了。举个例子,“嘶哑的嗓音听起来像是来自一个衣衫褴褛、满脸络腮胡子的人。”
- 另一方面,流派作家通常会纳入更多的细节信息。比如,幻想派作家或者科幻作家通常都会对一个非人类的人物角色进行细致的描述,比如机器人或是小精灵。你可能会写“一个金属盘子挡住了她的半个头,当她下巴开始动起来的时候就露出了里面的线路。一只蓝色的眼睛从右边的眼窝里瞪了出来,但是她的左眼能却像摄像机镜头一样移动。而一个长长的鼻子就像箭头一样挂在她的薄唇上面。” |
0.935 | Focus on descriptors that characterize rather than minor details.
You only want to include information your readers need to know, as it’s impossible to say everything about a character. A good description tells the reader more about your character than how they look. Here are some good examples:
- “Thick black roots contrasted with the platinum blond shade of her curls.” - This tells the reader that the character dyes her hair but hasn’t been able to keep up with the style.
- “He wore a sweatshirt advertising a pizza joint that closed three years back. It hung on his lanky frame like a coat hangs on a rack.” - This shows that the character is wearing outdated clothes that don’t fit him, probably because he can’t afford new clothes. | 重点放在一些能够体现个性的主题词上,而不拘泥于一些琐碎的细节。
- “浓密的黑色发根与淡淡银灰色的卷发形成鲜明对比。”——这就告诉读者,主人公染过头发,但却没能保持这种风格。
- “他身上穿着的运动衫还印有三年前就已倒闭的披萨店的广告。身材瘦高的他穿起来就像是外套直接搭在了衣架上一般。”——这就表明人物角色穿着不合身的过时衣服,很可能是因为他没钱买新的。 |
0.842 | Use figurative language to make your descriptions more engaging.
Figurative language uses metaphors, similes, hyperboles, and personification to help the reader imagine the people and events in your story. It allows you to creatively describe your character, rather than listing basic descriptors.
- For example, you don’t want to say, “Claire has long, brown hair and brown eyes.” Instead, you might write, “Dark curls fell over Claire’s face, masking her amber eyes.”
- Metaphors and similes both compare two seemingly unlike things, but similes use “like” or “as” to make the comparisons more obvious.
- Personification gives human characteristics to a non-human animal or thing. For example, “her eyes dodged his questions.” | 使用修饰丰富的语言来让描写更有吸引力。
- 比方说,不要简单地介绍“克莱尔有着棕色的长发和一双棕色的眼睛。”而是应该改成“黑色的卷发垂落在克莱尔的面庞,遮住了她琥珀色的双眸。”
- 暗喻和明喻都可以用来对比两种看似不同的东西,但明喻通常会用到“就像”、“正如”等词,好让对比更加鲜明。
- 拟人是为非人的动物或东西赋予人格化的特征。比如,“她的目光在逃避问题。”
避免使用词藻华丽的段落,否则会过犹不及。词藻华丽的段落会用到大量的描述和华丽的辞藻,但对故事本身并无裨益。这反倒会让读者感到莫名其妙,所以只要叙述的内容有助于故事的讲述就行了。 用尽可能简洁的语言把故事介绍清楚。 比如说,你可以写:“她把头发染成了墨色,因为这会让她看起来更像一位艺术家。”但不要进行过多的解释:“墨色的头发映衬着她苍白的肌肤,就像水面浮着一层油一般。无论她什么时候照镜子都会看到一位浪漫的诗人,就像她一直想要成为的那样。” |
Subsets and Splits