Write the name of the post. Capitalize the first letter of the first word. Do not italicize or enclose the title in quotation marks.Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy
注明帖子的名称。首字母大写,不要用斜体,也不要加引号。 Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy
Include identifiers, if possible. If the post or message number is available, indicate it in brackets. If unavailable, however, skip this step. Follow with a period. - Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy [Msg 14]. - Doe, J. (2008, October 17). New news to report.
如果有标示符的话,也要注明。如果知道帖子或留言的标示符,你需要用方括号注明。如果不知道的话,可以跳过这一步。以句号结尾。 Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy [Msg 14]. Doe, J. (2008, October 17). New news to report.
Write the URL where the message was posted. Include the specific URL of the thread and introduce it with the phrase "Message posted to." - Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy [Msg 14]. Message posted to
写出帖子的地址。在开头注明“Message posted to”,然后写出帖子的具体地址。 Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). Famous discoveries in astronomy [Msg 14]. Message posted to
3 Ways to Cite an Annual Report in APA Style
The American Psychological Association (APA) citation method is used in behavioral and social sciences, as well as by nonprofit organizations and businesses in the medical and social sectors. When writing a research paper or report, you may want to reference the annual report of a business or organization. When using APA style, you cite an annual report the same way you would cite a book you retrieved online, following the APA's *who-when-what-where* format.
3 Ways to Cite an Interview in APA
Scholarly papers in the social sciences are often formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. An essay or thesis that quotes or paraphrases a source should be attributed properly in the text and in the reference list in order to avoid plagiarism. When citing a personal interview, pay particular attention when crafting your internal citation. For published or oral interviews, the citation details will often contain all of the information necessary for someone else to find your source.
How to Clean a Whiteboard: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
如何清洁白板: 7 步骤(包含图片)
Whiteboards are a staple in many workplaces, but their frequent use can mean they are marked up with lines and colors that don’t want to rub off. But it’s easy to get a whiteboard looking like new again, and usually all it requires is a simple cleaning product like soap or alcohol and a clean cloth. As long as you clean your whiteboard frequently, you’ll get years of use from this handy and erasable tool that’s great for notes, presentations, and communication.
- Some people recommend cleaners like toothpaste, coffee, or baking soda to clean whiteboards, but these are abrasive and can scratch the surface of the board. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
- 有些人建议用牙膏、咖啡或者小苏打来清洁白板,但这些都有研磨效果,可能会刮伤表面。
Spark a new direction with hypotheticals. This may feel foreign at first, but give it a go and see just how the conversation opens up dramatically. Here are some thought-provoking questions to inspire more conversation: - Given all you have accomplished so far, what do you think has been the most important to you/beneficial to your community? - If you could be rich, famous, or influential, which would you choose and why? - Is this the best time of your life? - If you could only own 10 things, what would they be? - If you had to choose only five foods and two drinks for the rest of your life, what would they be? - Do you believe people make happiness or stumble across it? - What would you do if you could wear an invisibility cloak? - Do you believe in free will? - What sort of animal do you think you would be if someone could change you into one? - Who is your favorite superhero and why? - Which five people out of all history would you choose to invite to an intimate dinner party at your house? - If you won a few million in the lottery tomorrow, how would you spend it? - If you could be famous for a week, what would you be known for? (Or which celebrity would you choose to be?) - Do you still believe in Santa? - Could you live without the internet? - What's your dream vacation?
通过假设把谈话引向新方向。 这样一开始的时候可能有些奇怪,不过你可以试试看,看会不会带来全新的谈资。以下问题可以用来激发对方的灵感: - 在你取得的这些成就中,你觉得那一样对身边人的贡献最大? - 如果你能从富有、出名和有影响力中选一样,你会选择什么?为什么? - 当下的这段时光是你生命中最美好的吗? - 如果你只能拥有10样东西,你会选什么? - 如果你下半辈子只能靠5种食物和2种饮料过活,你会怎么选? - 你觉得人能自己创造幸福吗?还是只能等待幸福降临? - 如果你有隐形衣你会做什么? - 你想要变成什么动物? - 你最崇拜的偶像是谁?为什么? - 如果你能从历史上选5个人来参加你的家庭晚宴,你会选哪几个人? - 如果你能当一周名人,你希望你在哪一领域出名(或者你想成为哪个名人)? - 如果你买彩票中了一百万,你打算怎么花? - 你相信有圣诞老人吗? - 你能过没有网络的日子吗? - 你理想中的度假胜地是哪里? 记下反响较好的话题。这样你以后就可以选择那些效果较好的话题与人交谈了。同样,你也要记下别人不太喜欢或觉得无聊的话题,以后就要注意避免。
- If you are giving a presentation to a group or audience, be prepared for difficult questions so that you're not thrown off course and left feeling flustered. To remain in a position of communicating effectively, Michael Brown recommends a golden rule for handling difficult questions in the context of a group or audience. He suggests that you listen on behalf of everyone present, including asking questions and repeating the issue. Share the reply with everyone, which means moving your eyes off the questioner and onto all present in order to have the whole group "wear the answer." Capitalize on this shared answer to move on and change direction. - Make sure you do not have negative or apathetic body language. Thanks Helpful 75 Not Helpful 11 - Don't ramble. This will lead to your message not being understood or taken seriously. Thanks Helpful 81 Not Helpful 14
- 切勿闲聊瞎扯。这会导致他人不明白或不重视你要表达的信息。 - 谨慎利用幽默。在你要讨论的课题里注入少许幽默元素非常有效,但切勿做过了头,也不可依赖它来掩盖难以启齿的事情。如果你一直在咯咯笑和开玩笑,你的沟通信息将不会被人重视。 - 切勿发牢骚或恳求他人。两种方式都不能得到听众的尊重或激发他们的兴趣。如果你非常沮丧,请他人稍后,当你有机会想清楚后 才回到原先的讨论。 - 在网上寻找伟大演说家的演讲例子。你可立刻通过网上视频找到很多典范。把他们当作你的“私人沟通教练”! - 如果你正在为一组人或听众作汇报,做好充分的准备应付难以回答的问题,以免脱离主题,慌乱不安。要保持有效的沟通,迈克•布朗(Michael Brown,媒体与表达技巧培训师)建议使用黄金法则,针对群众或听众的情况来处理困难的问题。他建议你代表现场每一个人聆听问题,包括提问和重复问题。与所有人分享回答,这表示把视线从提问者身上转到所有出席者,以便答案对每个人都适用。利用这个共享的答案推动汇报及改变方向。
- Don’t ignore things you don't know how to fix. Just because you have a weakness and don’t know what to do about it doesn’t mean you should pretend it doesn’t exist. Write it down and start thinking about it. However, you might not want to elaborate on that in an interview until you’ve developed a compensatory technique for it.
- 请注意这种观点只能对那种承认缺点的人说。不是每个人都认为承认缺点是一种力量(有些人可能会认为你很弱,甚至会利用你的缺点对付你)。分析情况并适应始终是最重要的。没有一种模式会永远可行。 - 不要忽视你不知道如何解决的事情。可能你有缺点且不知道怎么办,但这并不意味着你应该假装缺点不存在。写下来,并开始好好思考。不过直到你找到了改善措施后,才适合在面试时说出来。
Comparing fractions means looking at two fractions and figuring out which one is greater. To compare fractions, all you have to do is to make it so that they have the same denominator and then see which fraction has the greater numerator -- this will tell you which fraction is greater. The tricky part is knowing how to make sure the fractions have like denominators, but it doesn't have to be so hard. If you want to know how to compare fractions, just follow these steps.
Isn’t it crazy how it can sometimes be so hard to know what to say? You see a girl’s picture, you love it, and you want to tell her about it—but you just can’t find the words! Have no fear. There are plenty of ways you can come up with the perfect compliment. To help you do it, we’ve put together a list of ideas and approaches you can use to flatter and impress her. This article is based on an interview with our professional dating coach, John Keegan, founder of The Awakened Lifestyle. Check out the full interview here.
有时你张开嘴却不知道该说些什么,这种状况真让人抓狂。你看到某个女孩的照片,觉得很喜欢,想称赞几句,却找不到合适的语句。别担心,动听的赞美可以通过很多方法说出来。秉着为读者排忧解难的宗旨,本文列举了一些赞美女孩的方式方法,保证对方听了心情大悦,对你产生好印象。 本文的写作素材来自对约会专家John Keegan的采访报道。John Keegan是网站The Awakened Lifestyle的创始人。Check out the full interview.
3 Ways to Concentrate
- If you want to concentrate, try to close your eyes and breathe deeply, this way, your brain will only concentrate on one sense. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 2 - Concentration applies to all the activities of life. It should be established as a life habit. Make a business of doing one thing at a time with all your soul. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1 - The secret for concentration - sleep. Least sleep 4 times a week for more than 15 hours for perfect concentration. Even the recent studies have proved that sleeping increases IQ levels. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1
- 如果你想集中注意力,试着闭上眼睛深呼吸,通过这种方式,你的大脑在某种意义上只能选择集中精力。 - 生活中方方面面都要求你集中注意力,你应该把它当成一个生活习惯。每次在做一件事情的时候都要全身心投入。 - 集中注意的秘诀——睡眠。每周至少要有四次睡眠的时间总和加起来大于十五个小时,睡眠充足,注意力也就容易集中了。最近研究甚至证明了睡眠会提升智商水平。
Eliminating Distractions
Find a comfortable work environment. There's no perfect place to concentrate. You may find it best to get out and work or study among people, sitting at a coffee shop or cafe, or you may find that unbearable and distracting. Likewise, the best place for you might be in your living room, seated at your writing desk, or you may find the call of the Xbox way too tempting. Try to identify your tendencies toward distraction and create an environment that eliminates those distractions. - Take a day and Try to write down everything that distracts you. If you're supposed to be studying and you click on Facebook instead, write that down. If you should be working on a paper and you're playing guitar, write that down. If you're supposed to be listening in class and you're daydreaming about your boyfriend, write that down. - At the end of the day, look at your distraction habits. When you get down to work tomorrow, Try to create a space where you'll eliminate those distractions. Close your browser while you study, or go somewhere without wireless. Put the guitar in the basement, or leave the house. Put away your cellphone and stop texting the dreamboat. They'll all still be there when you've got free time.
找到一个舒适的工作环境。 并不存在一个利于集中精力的完美环境。可能你发现应该走出去在人群中工作或学习,例如在咖啡馆;也可能你觉得这种环境无法忍受,容易让自己分心。同样的,对你来说最适宜的地方可能在客厅、写字桌旁,或是你会觉得旁边的Xbox游戏机诱惑力太大。尽量在自己开始分散注意力的时候就发现这种趋势,把环境中干扰注意力的东西都排除掉。 - 花上一天功夫尝试写下所有让你分心的东西。如果你应该要去学习,却在逛新闻网站,把这个状况写下来。如果你应该去写篇东西却去弹吉他了,也写下这一点。或是应该在课上好好听讲,却在想你的男朋友,也记下来。 - 在这一天快结束的时候,回看一下注意力如何分散的。第二天准备做事的时候,尝试创造一个可以消除这些因素的环境。在学习时候关掉你的浏览器,或去一个没有网络的地方。将吉他收到地下室去,或留在家里。把手机收起来,停止给你想念的人发短信。当你有时间的时候,你可以随时去做那些事情。
How to Conduct Market Research (with Pictures)
Market research is a technique used both by prospective entrepreneurs and established business people to gather and analyze useful information about the market their business operates in. Market research is used for developing effective strategies, weighing the pros and cons of a proposed decision, determining the future path of the business, and much more. Keep your business's competitive edge sharp with keen market research skills! See Step 1 below to get started.
- There is sometimes more than one target market. Finding new markets is a great way to expand your business. Thanks Helpful 13 Not Helpful 6 - If you don't have much of a budget, look first for reports that are free and available on the net. Also look for reports that have been published by your industry association or in trade magazines (magazines for professional hairstylists, plumbers, plastic toy manufacturers, etc.) - You might be able to get local university students to take on your research as a class project. Contact the professor who teaches a marketing research class and ask them if they have such a program. You may have to pay a small fee, but it will be less than a professional research firm.
- 如果一个错误的决定将会浪费你很多钱,那么你最好雇佣专业的市场调研咨询师帮你调研。一定要多找几家咨询机构,对比他们的报价。 - 如果你没有太多的预算,那么首先从网上检索免费的报告。你也可以查阅那些已经公开发表在行业协会或者贸易杂志上的报告(例如美发师、水管工、塑料玩具制造商等行业的刊物)。 - 你也可以找当地的大学生帮你进行市场调研(学生可以将此作为班级课题)。联系那些指导市场调研的教授,如果他们有类似的调研,你也可以直接询问他们。你可能需要支付一些小费,但这肯定比专业的调研公司收费低。 - 有时候,目标市场不止一个。寻找新市场是扩展业务的好方法。
Planning Your Market Research
Have a goal for your research in mind. Market research should be designed to help you and your business become more competitive and profitable. If your market research efforts couldn't eventually give your company some benefit, they would be wasted and your time would have been better spent doing something else. Before you begin, it's important to define exactly what you want to figure out through your market research. Your research may lead you in unexpected directions — this is perfectly fine. However, it's not a good idea to start your market research without at least having one or more concrete goals in mind. Below are just a few of the types of questions you may want to consider when designing your market research: - Is there a need in my market that my company can fill? Researching the priorities and spending habits of your customers can help you determine whether it's a good idea to attempt to do business in a certain market in the first place. - Are my products and services meeting the needs of my customers? Researching your customers' satisfaction with your business can help you increase your business's competitiveness. - Am I pricing my products and services effectively? Researching your competition's practices and wide-scale market trends can help ensure you're making as much money as possible without hurting your business. - For example, you could set a goal of doing 10% better than your competitors.
设定调研目标。 市场调研的宗旨应当是:让你的企业变得更具有竞争力,并争取更多利润。如果你的市场调研并不能给公司带来收益,那么这样的调研就是徒劳的;你最好将这些时间花在别的事情上。在进行调研之前,你最好先明确这一点:通过调研,想从中发现什么信息。你所执行的调研可能会将你引向一个意想不到的方向,这是很完美的事情。然而,如果在调研之前不能确定一个(及以上)中心主旨,那么这并不是一个很好的做法。在设计市场调研的时候,你可能需要考虑以下几个类型的问题。 - 是否有市场需求?公司能否满足这样的需求?调研客户的消费习惯和消费优先顺序,这可以帮助你决定是否在某个特定市场上经营你的项目。 - 我的产品和服务能否满足客户的需求?调研客户对你的产品的满意度可以提升公司的竞争力。 - 是否合理有效地给产品和服务进行定价?研究竞争对手的做法,并研究大范围的市场趋势,这可以让你尽可能多地赚到钱,同时还不会损害自己的业务。
Develop a plan for gathering information efficiently. Just as it's important to know *what* you want your research to accomplish ahead of time, it's also important to have an idea of *how* you can realistically reach this goal. Again, plans can and do change as research progresses. However, setting a goal without having any idea of how to achieve it is never a good idea for market research. Below are questions to consider when making a market research plan: - Will I need to find extensive market data? Analyzing existing data can help you make decisions about the future of your business, but finding useful, accurate data can be difficult. - Will I need to do independent research? Creating your own data from surveys, focus groups, interviews, and more can tell you lots about your company and the market it operates in, but these projects require time and resources that can also be spent on other things.
制定计划,高效地收集相关信息。 你不仅要知道你到想要获得“什么”,你还要知道“如何”去实现这个目标(这两点都很重要)。当然,随着调研的推进,计划可以,甚至必须做出相应的调整。然而,如果不知道如何去实现先前设定好的目标,那么这并不是一件好事。在制定调研计划的时候,你可能需要考虑以下几个问题: - 我需要收集大量的市场数据吗?分析现有的数据可以帮助你决定公司未来的发展方向,但是,想要找到有用的、准确的数据切比较难。 - 我需要进行独立调研吗?通过调研生成的数据,通过小组讨论(焦点问题)或者通过其他方式都可以让你了解你的公司,了解相关的市场;但这些项目需要花费时间以及其他资源,这些东西(时间和其它资源)同样可以用于做其他事情。
Be prepared to present your findings and to decide on a course of action. The purpose of market research is to have an effect on the actual decisions of your company. When you do market research, unless your business is a sole proprietorship, usually, you'll need to share your findings with other people in the company and have a plan of action in mind. If you have superiors, they may or may not agree with your plan of action, but few will disagree with trends displayed by your data unless you've made errors in the way you gathered your data or conducted your research. Ask yourself the following questions: - What do I predict my research to reveal? Try to have a hypothesis before you begin your research. Drawing conclusions from your data is easier if you've already considered them rather than if you're reacting to a complete surprise. - What would I do if my assumptions are proven right? If your research goes the way you think it will, what ramifications does this have for your company? - What would I do if my assumptions are proven wrong? If your results take you by surprise, what should your company do? Are there any "back-up plans" you can make in advance in the event of startling results?
准备展现你的调研成果并决定行动的方向。 市场调研的目的就是让它对公司的实际决策产生影响。当进行市场调研的时候,你需要将你的调研结果与公司其他人分享(除非你经营的是独资企业),并制定出行动计划。如果你有顶头上司,那么他们可能同意你的行动计划,也可能不同意。一般而言,如果你的计划有数据作为支撑,那么上司一般不会否决,除非你收集数据或者执行调研的方法有问题。所以,你有必要反问自己以下这几个问题: - 我所预测的调研结果是怎样的?在开始调研之前,尝试着去假设调研的结果。如果你早就经过深思熟虑,那么下结论对你来说是件很容易的事情;如果你并没有事先去思考,那么你调研结果可能会给你带来惊讶。 - 如果我的假设被证明是对的,那么我应该怎么做?如果调研如同你所设想的那样,那么这对公司会有什么影响。 - 如果我的假设被证明是错误的,那么我又该怎么办?如果调研结果令人惊讶,那么你的公司该怎么办?你能否提前制定好“后备计划”来应对这个令人惊讶的结果?
Getting Useful Data
Use government sources of industry data. With the advent of the information age, it's become easier than ever for business people to access enormous quantities of data. However, ensuring that the data being accessed is accurate is another story entirely. To be able to draw conclusion from your market research that reflect the actual state of the market, it's crucially important to start with reputable data. One safe bet for accurate market data is the government. Generally speaking, market data provided by the government is usually accurate, well-reviewed, and available for cheap or free, which makes it a great choice for businesses that are just starting out. - As an example of the type of government data you might want to access during your market research, the Bureau of Labor Statistics offers detailed monthly reports regarding non-farm employment in addition to quarterly and yearly reports. - As you research, focus on understanding what the competitive landscape looks like and what you can expect out of the industry.
利用政府部门提供的行业数据。 随着信息时代的到来,商人们更容易收集到大量的数据(与过去相比)。然而,确保数据的准确性则是另外一个问题。要想通过市场调研获得正确的结论,那么收集可靠的数据则是一个至关重要的步骤。在所有数据当中,政府部门所提供的数据是一种比较准确的数据。一般而言,政府部门提供的行业数据通常是准确的,而且这些数据往往是免费提供的。对于一些刚起步的企业,这(收集政府部门提供的数据)是一个很好的选择。 - 举例来说,在进行市场调研的时候,你可能需要用到美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)提供的详细月度报告,在这样的报告中,你可以得到某季度或者某年度非农业人口就业数据。
Use data from trade associations. Trade associations are organizations formed from groups of businesses with similar activities and interests for collaborative purposes. In addition to engaging in activities like lobbying, community outreach, and advertising, trade associations also often participate in market research. The data from this research is used to increase competitiveness and boost profits for the industry. Some of this data may be freely available, while some may be only available to members. - The Columbus Chamber of Commerce is an example of a local-level trade association that offers market research data. Yearly reports detailing market growth and trends in the Columbus, Ohio marketplace are available to anyone with an internet connection. The Chamber also handles specific data requests made by its members.
利用行业协会提供的信息。 行业协会是一些具有相似的(或相同的)经营活动或者存在共同利益的公司组织在一起而成立的一种合作性组织。除了共同参加活动(例如游说、社区服务、广告宣传等活动)之外,行业协会还经常共同执行市场调研。行业协会通过调研而获取的数据,通常被用来提升行业竞争力,并提高行业收益。其中一些行业数据可以免费使用,然而,另外一些数据则只对协会成员公开。 - 举例来说,哥伦布商会就是一个提供市场调研数据的基层贸易协会。哥伦布商会的年度报告会提供哥伦布以及俄亥俄地区的市场增长数据以及市场发展趋势;只要你能上网,你就可以检索这些数据。
Use data from trade publications. Many industries have one or more magazines, journals, or publications dedicated to keeping members of the industry up-to-date on news, market trends, public policy goals, and much more. Many of these publications conduct and publish their own market research for the benefit of the members of the industry. Raw market research data may be available to non-industry members to varying degrees. However, nearly all major trade publications will, at the very least, offer some selection of articles online that offer strategy tips or analyze market trends. These articles often incorporate market research. - For example, *ABA Banking Journal* offers a wide selection of articles online for free, including articles discussing marketing trends, leadership strategy, and more. The Journal also offers links to industry resources which can incorporate market research data.
利用商业出版物所提供的数据。 许多行业都会出版杂志或期刊(一种甚至多种),或者出版一些致力于保持会员稳定的刊物,这些刊物往往会提供行业最新新闻、市场趋势、公共政策等内容。这些刊物往往会进行市场调研并发布调研数据,以保证行业成员的利益。非会员企业往往可以在不同程度上接触到这些原始数据。然而,几乎所有的出版物都会在线提供(或者说至少会提供)市场分析类以及商业策略类的文章,而这些文章往往包含着市场调研的内容。 - 例如,“美国银行家协会(ABA)杂志”在网上提供很多免费的文章,这些文章讨论的问题有:营销趋势,
Use data from academic institutions. Because the marketplace is so important to global society, it is naturally the subject of much study and academic research. Many colleges, universities, and other academic institutions (especially business schools) regularly publish the results of research that is either based entirely off of market research or incorporates it in someway. This research is available in academic publications or from the university directly. However, it's worth noting that much academic research is behind a paywall — that is, accessing it requires paying a fee, subscribing to a specific publication, etc. - As an example, Wharton University of Pennsylvania offers free access to a variety of market research resources, including academic papers and periodic market reviews.
利用学术机构提供的数据。 因为市场对于国际社会十分重要,所以它自然就成为了许多课题研究和学术研究的主题。很多学院、大学以及其他学术机构(特别是商学院)往往会定期公布研究成果,这些成果或者来源于市场调研或者来源于其他数据资源的整合。你可以从学术刊物上看到这些研究成果,也可以从直接从大学那获取。然而,值得注意的是,许多学术研究成果是要收费的——也就是说,你要在支付网站访问费用或者刊物订阅费用之后才能阅读这些文章。 - 举例来说,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院向读者免费提供各种市场调研的资源,其中包括学术论文和阶段性市场评论。 使用第三方来源的数据。对于一个企业而言,对市场的了解至关重要,也正因为如此,一些专业的第三方行业分析师、第三方行业分析公司逐渐出现,他们致力于为有需求的企业和个人提供特定的市场调研、市场分析等服务。然而, 由于这些机构多为盈利性机构,所以如果你想要从他们那获取数据,你通常需要支付一定的费用。
Performing Your Own Research
Use available data to determine the supply/demand situation in your market. Generally speaking, your business stands a good chance of being successful if it can satisfy a *need* in the market that is going unfulfilled — that is, you should aim to supply products or services that the market has a demand for. Economic data from government, academic, and industry sources (as detailed in the section above) can help you identify the presence or absence of such needs. Essentially, you will want to identify markets where a clientele exists that has both the means and the desire to patronize your business. - As a running example in this section, let's say that we hypothetically want to start a landscaping service. If we investigate a wealth of market and data from local government sources, we might find that people in one affluent neighborhood of our town have, on average, a great deal of disposable income. We could also go as far as to use government water usage data to estimate the area with the greatest percentage of houses with lawns. - This information might lead us to open up shop in a rich, affluent area of town where people's houses have large yards, rather than in an area where people generally have neither large yards nor the money to pay for landscapers. Using market research, we've made an intelligent decision about where (and where *not* to) to do business.
使用可用的数据来确定市场供需情况。 一般而言,如果你的产品或者服务能够满足市场“需求”(现阶段未能满足的需求),那么你的业务就很可能获得成功——也就是说,你需要提供能够符合市场需求的产品或者服务。来自政府部门、学术机构、行业协会(前面所提到这些来源)的数据能够帮助你分析市场上是否存在这样的需求。从本质上说,你之所以想要确定市场情况,主要是为了确定是否存在客户,也就是说,是否有人来光顾你的生意。 - 在本节中,我们将通过一个例子来解释一些列问题。假设我们想要经营景观美化服务。如果我们从政府部门那获取了大量的市场数据信息,我们可能发现,居住在镇上富裕区的人们平局拥有大量的可支配收入。我们还可以通过政府部门提供的用水数据来进一步推算这个区域的家庭草坪拥有率。 - 这个信息可能会让我们决定在富裕的地方开设店铺,而不是在一个人们既没有草坪又没有钱的地方(开设店铺)。通过市场调研,我们可以理性地决定在哪做生意(或者不在哪做生意)。
Perform surveys. One of the most basic, time-tested ways of determining the attitudes of your business's customers is to simply ask them! - For instance, a survey that simply asks customers to write about their experience with your business may not be the most effective choice, as this requires reading and analyzing each response individually to derive meaningful conclusions. A better idea might be to ask your customers to assign a number rating to multiple aspects of your business, like customer service, price, and so on. This makes it quicker and easier to identify your strengths and weaknesses in addition to allowing you to quantify and graph your data. - In our landscaping company example, we might try surveying our first 20 clients by asking each to fill out a small ratings card when they pay their bill. On this card, we might ask our clients to give a rating from 1-5 in the categories of quality, price, speed, and customer service. If we get lots of 4's and 5's in the first three categories but mostly 2's and 3's in the last, some sensitivity training for our employees might improve our customer satisfaction and increase our referral rate. - Try to check in with your customers on a regular basis.
进行问卷调查。 调查客户对业务的态度的方法有很多,但最基础、最简单的方法就是:直接询问他们!通过调查,调研人员可以接触到大量的样本,并从中收集到有用的数据,进而通过这些数据制定战略决策。然而,由于调查结果来源于相关的客观数据,所以在设计调研的时候,一定要确保调研数据容易被量化,这样你才能从中获得有意义的趋势。 - 例如,简单地询问客户对业务的感受也许并不是一个很有效的方法,因为单个地分析每个人所提出的不同理由可能会产生很诡异的结论。一个更好的方法是:将业务划分为几个不同的方面,并赋予每个部分不同的比重,例如服务、价格等等方面。这可以很快分析出你的优势和弱势,并将这些数据进行量化。 - 依旧拿景观美化公司作为例子,我们可以调查前20名客户,在他们买单的时候,让他们填写一张小评级卡。在这张卡上,我们要求客户分别对我们的质量、价格、速度和客户服务进行评价,评价的等级是1-5分。如果前三个项目得到很多4分或5分,但最后一个项目却得到很多2分或3分,那么我们可能需要多训练员工,让他们提升服务质量,增加客户满意度,并且提高业务的推荐率。
Conduct focus groups. One way to determine how your customers might react to a proposed strategy is to invite them to participate in a focus group. In a focus group, small groups of customers gather at a neutral location, try a product or service, and discuss it with a representative. Often, focus sessions are observed, recorded, and analyzed later. - In our landscaping company example, if we want to consider upselling lawn care products as part of our service, we might invite loyal customers to participate in a focus group. At this focus group, we'd have them receive the sales pitches for some of these lawn care products. Then, we'd ask them which ones, if any, they would be most likely to buy. We'd also ask them how the sales pitches made them feel — were they friendly or condescending?
进行小组讨论。 邀请客户参与小组讨论,让他们针对焦点问题进行探讨也是一种调查客户态度的方法,同样,这也有利于公司制定经营策略。进行小组讨论的时候,你需要邀请一小群客户到中立的地点,让他们尝试你的产品或者服务,之后,让一些代表人相互探讨。在讨论的时候,要多观察、多记录,在讨论完之后再进行分析。 - 在景观美化公司这个案例中,如果我们打算将草坪护理作为我们服务的一部分,那么我们可以邀请一些忠实的客户,让他们来参与我们的小组讨论。在小组讨论的时候,我们要让他们接受我们所推销的草坪护理产品。然后,我们应该询问他们更喜欢购买哪一种产品(如果有很多种的话)。我们还需要询问他们的使用感受——看看他们到底是友好地接受还是委婉地拒绝。
Conduct one-on-one interviews. For the most intimate and qualitative market research data, one-on-one interviews with customers can be useful. Individual interviews don't provide the broad, quantitative data sets that surveys do, but, on the other hand, they allow you to dive relatively "deep" in search of relevant information. Interviews allow you to understand *why* specific customers like your product or service, so they're a great choice for learning how to most effectively market to your customer base. - In our landscaping company example, let's say that our company is trying to design a short ad that will run on local TV. Interviewing a few dozen customer can help us decide which aspects of our service to focus on in the ad. For instance, if most of our interviewees say that they hire landscapers because they don't have the time to maintain their lawns on their own, we might make an ad that focuses on the time-saving potential of our service. I.E., "Sick of wasting *all weekend* stomping through your overgrown weeds? Let us do the work for you!" (and so on).
进行一对一的采访。 如果要收集一些重要的、起决定性作用的数据,那么最有效的方法还是进行一对一采访。一对一采访并不像问卷调查那样可以收集到大量的数据,但从另一方面来说,一对一访谈可以“深入”调查并获取相关信息。一对一访谈可以让你知道“为什么”某一客户喜欢你的产品或者服务,同时,他们会让你知道如何高效地把握客户基础。 - 在景观美化这个例子中,假设我们的公司正尝试设计一个简短的广告(在当地电视台播放)。通过采访十几个客户,我们就可以知道广告的重点要放在哪了。例如,如果在采访中,大多数被访者都提到他们得雇佣园艺工人帮他们打理草坪,因为他们并没有时间,那么我们的广告焦点应当集中在产品的省时性上。例如广告语大致的意思是:“你是否已经厌倦将周末时间浪费在踩踏草坪上?那么就让我们帮您做这些事情吧!”(等等)。
Conduct product/service tests. Companies considering implementing new products or services often let potential customers try their product or service for free so that they can iron out any problems before rolling it out. Bringing in a selection of customers for testing can help you determine whether your plans to offer a new product or service are in need of further review or not. - In our landscaping company example, let's say that we're considering offering a new service where we plant flowers in the customer's yard after doing our landscaping. We might let a few "test" customers choose to have the chance to receive this service for free under the condition that they discuss it with us afterwards. If we find that our customers appreciate getting the service for free but would never pay for it, we might reconsider our roll-out of this new program.
进行产品(服务)测试。 公司可以考虑推出新产品(服务)的试用活动,在产品正式投入市场前,让客户免费试用这些新产品(服务)。一方面这可以测试新的产品(服务),另一方面这还可以开发潜在客户,为将来打下基础。选择性地引进试用客户,这可以帮你确定新产品(服务)是否需要进一步改进。 - 在景观美化公司这个例子上,假设我们考虑推出一项新的服务——在做完景观美化之后,我们在客户的院子里种花。我们可以挑选一些“测试”用户,并跟他们提条件:我们提供免费的试用服务,但他们需要在试用之后参与我们的讨论。如果我们发现客户很喜欢这样的免费服务,但他们却始终不愿意花钱去购买,那么我们就可以考虑推出我们的新项目。
Answer the original question that led to your research. At the very beginning of the market research process, you set goals for research. These are typically questions relating to your business's strategy that you are attempting to answer — for instance, whether or not to pursue a certain investment, whether or not a certain marketing decision is a good idea, and so on. The primary goal of your market research should be to answer this question. Because the goals of market research projects vary so greatly, the exact information required to give a satisfying answer for each will vary. Typically, you're looking for predicted trends in your data that imply that a certain course of action is better than others. - Let's return to our landscaping company example in which we're trying to decide whether it's a good idea to offer a flower-planting service with our standard lawn care package. Let's say that we gathered government data that revealed that the majority of people in our market are wealthy enough to afford the added cost of the flowers, but that a survey we conducted revealed that very few were actually interested in paying for the service. In this case, we'd probably conclude that it isn't a good idea to pursue this venture. We might want to modify our idea or even scrap it entirely.
回答最初的问题(导致你做调研的问题)。 在最开始的时候,你就已经设定了调研目标。以下这些都是与公司战略相关的典型问题——例如,是否进行某项投资;某一市场战略决策是否正确等等。你之所以进行市场调研,主要就是为了回答这些问题。因为调研目的不同,所以每个调研所需要收集的数据信息(用来获得满意答案的信息)也会不同。通常而言,通过数据分析所预测的市场趋势要比其他方式来的靠谱。 - 让我们回到景观美化公司这个例子中,我们要评估花卉种植服务(我自己的标准草坪护理包)这个项目是否靠谱。假设我们收集到的政府数据显示,大多数富人们都能够承受这样花费,但是,我们又进行了另一项调查,而数据却显示,没有几个人真正感兴趣。在这种情况下,我们可能会得出这样一个结论:这不是一个很好的想法——风险太大。我们可能需要改进想法,甚至完全打消这样的想法。
Perform SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for *Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats*. One common use of market research is to determine these aspects of a business. If it is applicable, the data gained from a market research project can be used to assess the health of the company as a whole by pointing out strengths, weaknesses, and so on that are not necessarily the target of the initial research. - Let's say, for instance, that as we tried to determine whether our flower planting service was a reasonable idea or not, we found that a significant number of participants in our testing noted that they liked the look of the flowers but didn't have the resources or know-how to care for them once planted. We might classify this as an *opportunity* for our business — if we do eventually implement the flower planting service, we might try including gardening tools as part of the package or as a potential upsell.
进行SWOT分析。 SWOT代表“优势、劣势、机会和威胁”。这是一种评估业务前景的常用方法。如果适用的话,那么市场调研时所收集的数据就可以指出公司的优势和劣势,并用来总体评估公司的健康状况。你可以分析多方面的问题,而不一定非得限制在最初设定的目标框架内。 - 假设说,我们想要确定花卉种植服务是否是个好的想法。我们从测试中发现,多数参与者很喜欢花卉的样子,但在种植之后,他们并没有可用的资源,或者不知道如何打理这些花卉。那么我们可以说,这是一个商业“机会”——如果我们最终推出花卉种植服务,那么我们应该将园艺工具也包括在方案之内,或者将这些东西作为一种潜在的搭售。 寻找新的目标市场。简而言之,目标市场是指你的业务,你的广告所针对的人群,从本质上说,目标市场就是你的产品或者服务所销售的人群。通过市场调研所收集到的数据(那些揭示客户反映的信息),有助于你将有限资源整合到这些特殊人去中去,提高你的市场竞争力,实现利润的最大化。 在花卉种植这个例子中,虽然大多数受访者表示他们不会支付这些钱(如果有机会的话),但大多数老人对这个项目反映良好。如果进行后续的研究,那么我们可以考虑将目光转向老人市场——例如,将当地的游戏厅做广告。
How to Conduct a Panel Discussion (with Pictures)
A panel discussion is a public exchange of ideas, giving experts and audience members the chance to discuss a particular topic. Panel discussions are often used to delve into politics, issues affecting communities, and academic topics. Start organizing several weeks in advance if possible, so you can recruit participants and organize the event.
How to Conduct a Science Experiment: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
如何进行科学实验: 13 步骤
Experimentation is the method by which scientists test natural phenomena in the hopes of gaining new knowledge.. Good experiments follow a logical design to isolate and test specific, precisely-defined variables. By learning the fundamental principles behind experimental design, you'll be able to apply these principles to your own experiments. Regardless of their scope, all good experiments operate according to the logical, deductive principles of the scientific method, from fifth-grade potato clock science fair projects to cutting-edge Higgs Boson research.
Pick a specific topic. Experiments whose results cause sweeping scientific paradigm shifts are very, very rare. The vast majority of experiments answer small, specific questions. Scientific knowledge is built upon the accumulation of data from countless experiments. Pick a topic or an unanswered question with a small, testable scope. - For instance, if you want to do an experiment on agricultural fertilizer, don't seek to answer the question, "Which kind of fertilizer is best for growing plants?" There are many different types of fertilizer and many different kinds of plants in the world - one experiment won't be able to draw universal conclusions about either. A much better question to design an experiment around would be "What concentration of nitrogen in fertilizer produces the largest corn crops?" - Modern scientific knowledge is very, very vast. If you intend to do serious scientific research, research your topic extensively before you even begin to plan your experiment. Have past experiments answered the question you want your experiment to study? If so, is there a way to adjust your topic so that it addresses questions left unanswered by existing research?
选出特定的主题。 导致全方位科学思维模式转换的实验结果非常罕见。大部分的实验都是找出具体小问题的答案。科学知识是建立在无数的实验中不断积累的数据。在可测试的小范围内,选择特定的主题或未解决的问题。 - 例如,如果你想研究农业化肥,不要找寻这样的问题的答案,“哪一种化肥最适合植物生长?”世界上有许多不同种类的化肥和植物—一个实验无法总结所有的答案。设计实验更好的问题是“什么浓度的氮肥培育的玉米最大?” - 现代科学知识非常广泛。如果你倾向于进行比较正式的研究,最好是在开始设计实验前,广泛深入地研究和学习与话题相关的知识。以往的实验回答了你想研究的主题的答案吗?如果答案是肯定的,有没有办法调整你的主题,以便回答以往的实验还没找到答案的问题?
Isolate your variable(s). Good scientific experiments test specific, measurable parameters called ** variables. ** In general terms, a scientist performs an experiment for a range of values for the variable he's testing for. One vital concern when performing an experiment is to adjust ** only** the specific variable(s) you are testing for (and no other variables.) - For instance, in our fertilizer experiment example, our scientist would grow multiple corn crops in soil supplemented with fertilizers whose nitrogen concentration differs. He would give each corn crop the ** exact** same amount of fertilizer. He would make sure the chemical composition of his fertilizers used did not differ in some way besides its nitrogen concentration - for instance, he would not use a fertilizer with a higher concentration of magnesium for one of his corn crops. He would also grow the exact same number and species of corn crops at the same time and in the same type of soil in each replication of his experiment.
分离变量。 科学的实验是测试被称为 **变量**的具体、可测量的参数。概括地说,研究人员进行一项实验是测试变量获得一系列的数值。进行实验的一个至关重要的事情是**只**改变你正在测试的具体变量(没有其他的变量)。 - 例如,在我们的化肥实验的例子中,研究人员将施用不同氮浓度的化肥种植多颗玉米树。他会给每颗玉米树提供数量“完全”相同的化肥。他会确保使用的化肥的化学成分除了氮浓度不同,其他都一样—比如,他不会给玉米树施用含有更高浓度的镁的化肥。他还将在每个重复的实验中的同一时间和同样条件的土壤里种植数量和种类完全一样的玉米树。
Make a hypothesis. A hypothesis is essentially a prediction of the experiment's result. It shouldn't be a blind guess - good hypotheses are informed by the background research you performed and/or preliminary data you may have already generated in the lab when choosing your experiment's topic. Base your hypothesis on the results of similar experiments conducted by peers in your field, or, if you're tackling a problem that hasn't been well-studied, base it on whatever combination of literature research and recorded observation you can find. Remember that despite your best research work, your hypothesis may very well not be supported by your results - in this case, you've still expanded your knowledge in the sense that you have proven that your prediction was * not * correct. - Typically, a hypothesis is expressed as a quantitative declarative sentence. A hypothesis also takes into account the ways that the experimental parameters will be measured. A good hypothesis for our fertilizer example is: "Corn crops supplemented with 1 pound of nitrogen per bushel will result in a greater yield mass than equivalent corn crops grown with differing nitrogen supplements."
提出假设。 假设实质上是对实验结果的预测。它不能是盲目的猜测—恰当的假设应该是通过在选择实验主题时所进行的背景调查得出的假说。在你的同行对相同领域做出的类似的实验得到的结果的基础上提出你的假设,或者,如果你要解决的问题还没有得到充分研究,那就结合任何可以找到的文献研究和观察记录再提出假设。要记住,尽管你做了最深入的研究,最后得到的结果很可能会证明你的假设是错误的—这种情况下,猜想被证明“不”正确,你还是学到了更多的知识。 - 通常,假设使用的是定量陈述句。同时假设还将实验参数的测量方式考虑在内。关于我们的化肥实验恰当假设是:“每蒲式耳(约36.37升)玉米树施用1磅(0.45千克)氮肥比等量的玉米树施用不同含量的氮肥得到更大的产量。”
Conjugating verbs in Spanish can be tricky. To conjugate a regular verb in the present tense, all you have to do is know your subject, remove the ending from the verb, and add the ending for the corresponding subject. When you start conjugating reflexive or irregular verbs, the rules change a bit, but you can still do it once you learn a few key facts. If you want to know how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the present tense, just follow these steps.
- You don't always need to include the pronoun. It's just to clarify. Necesito una toalla means the same thing as Yo necesito una toalla. However, with él/ella/usted and ellos/ellas/ustedes conjugations of verbs it is helpful to include the subject. Thanks Helpful 41 Not Helpful 10 - In Latin America, vosotros is not used commonly. You will be more readily understood if you use ustedes, which is usted as informal and formal and is the subject you guys. Thanks Helpful 35 Not Helpful 11 - Want to use the future tense? Just tack on a conjugation of "ir" at the beginning and leave the actual verb in its infinitive form. Ex: *Voy a pasear al perro.* This translates as, "I am going to walk the dog." There is a real future tense, but if you are just learning Spanish, this is a good trick.
- 想学将来时?只要在前加个"ir"的变位,让动词保持不定式即可。比如 Voy a pasear al perro. 意为 "我要去遛狗"。就出现一个真实将来时态了。如果你刚刚开始学,这是个好技巧。 - 要找出模式,比如无论如何 "yo"结尾都是 o, el/ella/usted变位一样, ellos/ellas/ustedes 也一样。 - 拉丁美洲中,vosotros不太常用。如果用 ustedes 更容易让人明白意思,这个词是非正式、正式用语,意为“你们家伙”。 - 不一定要时刻加入代词。代词只用来表明主语格而已。 Necesito una toalla同 Yo necesito una toalla意思一样。不过 él/ella/usted 、 ellos/ellas/ustedes 的变位最好加上代词。 - 这些变位对于现在时和现在进行时都可以用,比如Tocamos el piano 意为“我们弹钢琴”、“我们正弹钢琴”。
Conjugate stem-changing verbs. These verbs are also referred to as “radical changing verbs”, which means “stem” or “root” in Spanish. In stem-changing verbs, the stem vowel of the verb changes in the present tense. However, the stem does not change in the *nosotros* or *vosotros* forms of the verb. There are a few different ways that the stem vowel can change. Here are some examples: - Conjugate verbs with a stem change from *o* to *ue* using *dormir* (to sleep) as an example: - *Yo*: *duermo* - *Tú*: *duermes* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *duerme* - *Nosotros/as*: *dormimos* - *Vosotros/as*: *dormís* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *duermen* - Conjugate verbs with a stem change from *e* to *ie* using *querer* (to want) as an example: - *Yo*: *quiero* - *Tú*: *quieres* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *quiere* - *Nosotros/as*: *queremos* - *Vosotros/as*: *queréis* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *quieren* - Conjugate verbs with a stem change from *e* to *i* using *seguir* (to follow or continue) as an example: - *Yo*: *sigo* - *Tú*: *sigues* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *sigue* - *Nosotros/as*: *seguimos* - *Vosotros/as*: *seguís* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *siguen*
给词干变化的词语变位。 也叫“激烈改变动词”,意为西班牙语中 “词根” “词干”的改变。词干改变的动词,现在时的词干元音会变化。不过在 *nosotros* 、 *vosotros*格中不发生变化。以下是一些元音改变方式,例如: - 让一个从 *o*变为 *ue*词干的动词变位,如 *dormir* (睡觉) - *Yo*: *duermo* - *Tú*: *duermes* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *duerme* - *Nosotros/as*: *dormimos* - *Vosotros/as*: *dormís* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *duermen* - 让一个从 *e*变为 *ue*词干的动词变位,如 *querer* (想要) - *Yo*: *quiero* - *Tú*: *quieres* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *quiere* - *Nosotros/as*: *queremos* - *Vosotros/as*: *queréis* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *quieren* - 让一个从 *e*变为 *i*词干的动词变位,如 *seguir* (跟从) - *Yo*: *sigo* - *Tú*: *sigues* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *sigue* - *Nosotros/as*: *seguimos* - *Vosotros/as*: *seguís* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *siguen*
Conjugate verbs that change in the first person. Some verbs are irregular in their first-person present tense form. The rest of the forms of the verbs will follow the conventions of conjugating regular verbs. It's best to memorize these verbs to conjugate them correctly. *yo* form): - Conjugate verbs that change from *c* to *zc* in the first person: - *Conocer* (to be acquainted with): *Yo conozco* - *Agradecer* (to thank): *Yo agradezco* - *Ofrecer* (to be acquainted with): *Yo ofrezco* - Conjugate verbs that have a *g* appear in the first person: - *Caer* (to fall): *Yo caigo* - *Salir* (to go out): *Yo salgo* - *Tener* (to have): *Yo tengo* - *Traer* (to bring): "Yo traigo" - Conjugate verbs with others changes in the yo form: - *Dar* (to give): *Yo doy* - *Saber* (to know): *Yo sé* - *Ver* (to see): *Yo veo*
让第一人称变化的动词变位。 有的动词在第一人称不规律,剩下其他格的动词就会随第一人称动词的变化而变化。最好记住这些词。以下是一些例子( *yo*形式的 ): - 让一个第一人称从 *c*变成 *zc* 的动词变位: - *Conocer* (和……认识): *Yo conozco* - *Agradecer* (感谢……): *Yo agradezco* - *Ofrecer* (和……认识): *Yo ofrezco* - 让第一人称中有 *g*的动词变位 : - *Caer* (掉落): *Yo caigo* - *Salir* (外出): *Yo salgo* - *Tener* (拥有): *Yo tengo* - 让有其他变化的yo型动词变位 : - *Dar* (给): *Yo doy* - *Saber* (知道): *Yo sé* - *Ver* (看): *Yo veo*
Conjugate other irregular verbs in the present tense. There are other commonly used verbs -- and some not so commonly used -- that are not stem-changing verbs but which are just conjugated in an irregular way. Memorizing these words will help you speak basic Spanish. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs conjugated in the present tense: - *Estar* (to be): - *Yo*: *estoy* - *Tú*: *estás* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *está* - *Nosotros/as*: *estamos* - *Vosotros/as*: *estáis* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *están* - *Ser* (to be): - *Yo*: *soy* - *Tú*: *eres* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *es* - *Nosotros/as*: *somos* - *Vosotros/as*: *sois* - *Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes*: *son* - *Ir* (to go): - *Yo*: *voy* - *Tú*: *vas* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *va* - *Nosotros/as*: *vamos* - *Vosotros/as*: *vais* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *van*
其他现在时不规则动词的变位。 有的常用动词或不常用动词词干不变,但是变格不规律。记住这些动词可以说好基础西班牙语。以下是常用现在时不规则动词变位。 - *Estar* (成为): - *Yo*: *estoy* - *Tú*: *estás* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *está* - *Nosotros/as*: *estamos* - *Vosotros/as*: *estáis* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *están* - *Ser* (是): - *Yo*: *soy* - *Tú*: *eres* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *son* - *Nosotros/as*: *somos* - *Vosotros/as*: *sois* - *Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes*: *son* - *Ir* (去): - *Yo*: *voy* - *Tú*: *vas* - *Él, Ella, Usted*: *va* - *Nosotros/as*: *vamos* - *Vosotros/as*: *vais* - *Ellos/as, Ustedes*: *van*
3 Ways to Contact Fox News
If you have a comment, question, or news tip for Fox News, you can contact the network online, by phone, or by mail. Knowing the correct email address, phone number, or address for your specific concern will improve the likelihood of getting a reply or otherwise being heard.
如果你有对福克斯新闻(Fox News)有评论,问题或是新闻提示,你可以通过在线,电话,邮件联系工作人员。为了你的个人意见和建议,请你了解正确的邮箱,电话号码,或者是地址,这样你的信息更容易被对方接收到。
How to Control Your Mind: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
如何控制思维: 15 步骤
How to Control Your Thoughts: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
如何控制你的想法: 13 步骤
“Thoughts can be our worst friends,” says Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, “and our worst enemies.” Everyone has had a moment when their mind has a mind of its own, but taking control of your thoughts can make you happier, less stressed, and better equipped to solve problems or attain goals. Read on for some tips on taking ownership of your brain.
- If you are having trouble controlling serious depressive, violent, or suicidal thoughts, please call a hotline or professional immediately. Thanks Helpful 34 Not Helpful 5 - Never use dangerous substances to control your thoughts. Thanks Helpful 34 Not Helpful 8
- 如果你禁不住会有一些暴力、自杀的想法,或伴有很大的精神压力,无法控制,建议你拨打健康咨询热线或向专业的心理医生求助。 - 不要使用危险的物品或药品试图控制你的思想。
This article will explain how to convert binary (base 2) to hexadecimal (base 16). Whether it is for coding, for math class, or for *The Martian,* hexadecimal is a useful and powerful shortcut when writing long binary strings. Since both bases are powers of 2, this procedure is much simpler than general conversions such as converting decimal to binary. All you need are basic adding and counting skills to make turn a binary number into hexadecimal.
- To change binary into octal system,you need to group it in set of threes unlike hexadecimal. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0 - Binary is base two (there are only two numbers, 1 and 0). Hexadecimal is a base sixteen system. Can you figure out why you need four binary numbers to convert to hexadecimal? It is because you need four separate two's, since 2 4 = 16 {\displaystyle 2^{4}=16} . Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- 和十六进制转换不同,要将二进制文件转为八进制系统,需要将3个二进制数分为一组。 - 二进制的基数是2,只有1和0这两个数字。十六进制是基数为16的系统。你能弄明白为什么你需要四个二进制数来转换成十六进制吗?这是因为 2 4 = 16 {\displaystyle 2^{4}=16} ,你需要四个独立的二进制数。
Converting Celsius to Kelvin, luckily, is easy. The Kelvin temperature scale is an absolute thermodynamic scale used commonly in the physical sciences. It uses zero as absolute zero, unlike Fahrenheit or Celsius, where there are negative numbers. In order to read temperatures over a wide variety of disciplines, you must learn to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Kelvin. With practice, you may be able to do this in your head, rather than using a calculator.
How to Convert Centimeters to Inches: 3 Steps (with Pictures)
如何将厘米转成英寸: 3 步骤
Ever wondered how to convert centimeters to inches? Follow the steps in this article to become a conversion master. You may be surprised by how often this knowledge will come in handy.
Know the difference between a centimeter and an inch. The centimeter (cm.) measures length and distance. It is part of the metric system, which is used worldwide. It is one-hundredth of a meter. An inch is a unit of measurement that measures length and distance. It is generally only used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is abbreviated as (in.) It is 1/12 of a foot and 1/36 of a yard. - 1 cm. equals 0.394 inches.
了解一厘米和一英寸的区别。厘米(cm)测量的是长度和距离。这是世界通用的公制单位的一部分,是一米的百分之一。一英寸是测量长度和距离的度量单位。大致上这是只在美国、加拿大和英国使用的单位。它的缩写是(in),是一英尺的1/12,一码的1/36。 1厘米等于0. 394英寸。
Know the first formula for converting centimeters to inches. The formula is: [number of centimeters] X 0.39 = [number of inches]. This equation means that, using a calculator, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert, multiply them by 0.39 and you will have the number of inches. - For example, if you want to convert 10 centimeters to inches, the equation would be written like this: 10 cm X 0.39 = 3.9 inches.
了解厘米转英寸的第一个公式。这个公式是[厘米数] X 0. 39 = [英寸数]。这个等式的意思是,使用计算器计算,把你要转换的厘米数乘以0.39,就能得到你要的英寸数了。 比如,如果你要把10厘米转成英寸,则等式书写为:10厘米 X 0.39 = 3.9英寸。
Know the second formula. The second formula is: [number of centimeters] / 2.54. This means, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert and divide it by the number 2.54. | ____ ~~cm~~ | * | 1 in 2.54 ~~cm~~ | = | ? in - If you wanted to convert 10 cm to inches, the equation would be: 10 cm /2.54 = 3.93 inches
了解第二个公式。第二个公式是:[厘米数] / 2. 54。这个意思是,把你要转换的厘米数除以2.54。 ____ cm * 1 in 2.54 cm = ? in 如果你要把10厘米转换成英寸,则等式为:10厘米 / 2.54 = 3.93英寸。
Degrees and radians are two units for measuring angles. A circle contains 360 degrees, which is the equivalent of 2π radians, so 360° *and* 2π radians represent the numerical values for going "once around" a circle.radians to degrees, in just a few easy steps.
度和弧度是两种测量角度的测量单位。一个圆形是360度,如果用弧度来描述它,是2π弧度。因此,360° 和 2π 都代表“围绕”圆形一圈。听上去很复杂很混乱?不要担心,只需几步就可以轻松地将度转换成弧度或将弧度换算成度。
3 Ways to Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin
3 Ways to Convert Feet to Meters
如何将英尺转换为米: 3 步骤
There are many tools for converting inches to centimeters on the web, all of which will tell you that **1 inch = 2.54 cm**. However, in academic situations, this information is sometimes insufficient, as many teachers will require you to show your work. Luckily, converting inches to centimeters using algebraic steps and proper unit cancellation is a fairly simple task. If your initial measurements are in inches, the process is as simple as plugging your values into the blank space in the simple formula provided in this article and following the calculations. See Step 1 below to get started.
在网络上有很多可以将英寸换算为厘米的计算工具,它们都告诉你换算根据的公式是1 英寸 = 2.54 厘米。但是,有时候仅知晓这个公式是不够的,因为有些老师需要你列出具体的换算步骤来展示你的换算过程。不过好在将英寸换算为厘米所使用的代数计算过程和单位换算并不是个复杂的难题。如果你的初始数据是以英寸为单位的长度,那么换算的过程就是简单地将你的数值放在本文提供的公式的空白里,然后进行以下的计算即可。让我们一起阅读本文学习吧。
- 1 inch = 2.5399999 cm, so 2.54 cm = 1 inch is very accurate based on: 1 cm = 0.39370079 inch which also means there is "1 cm per 0.39370079 in" expressed as a ratio, so more roughly, 4/10 in = 1 cm. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- 由于1 英寸= 2.5399999 厘米, 所以2.54 cm = 1 英寸是非常准确的。这是因为: 1 cm = 0.39370079 英寸,就是意味着每"1 cm 代表了 0.39370079 英寸" ,转化为分数大约为4/10 英寸 = 1 厘米。
How to Convert Inches to Millimeters: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
如何将英寸换算为毫米: 14 步骤
Understand the relationship between inches and millimeters. One inch is internationally accepted as being equivalent to 25.4 millimeters. - Written as an equation, this relationship is represented as: **1 in = 25.4 mm** - This official, standardized measurement has been set on international records since 1959. - Both inches and millimeters are units of measurement. Inches belong to the English system of measurement, while millimeters belong to the metric system of measurement. - While inches are used in the United States, you will often need to convert this unit of measurement to one belonging to the metric system (like millimeters) for scientific purposes. - Conversely, there are 0.0393700787402 inches in one millimeter.
了解并掌握英寸和毫米之间的关系。 根据国际上公认的长度单位换算标准来说,一英寸就相当于25.4毫米。 - 将英寸和毫米的换算关系书写成公式,就是:1英寸= 25.4毫米。 - 这个官方的、标准化的度量换算标准起源于1959年国际测量并设置的度量衡记录。 - 英寸和毫米都是常用的度量单位。其中,英寸是英式度量系统中的长度单位,而毫米则属于公制度量系统。 - 当你在美国、英国和加拿大使用英寸作为长度单位时,有时候出于科学研究的考虑,你可能需要将其换算为公制度量系统的单位(如毫米)。 - 相对地,0.0393700787402英寸就相当于1毫米。 写下以英寸为单位的长度。如果你想要进行长度单位换算,你需要先写下原数据。 通过英寸和毫米之间的换算关系可以将原数据换算为以毫米为单位的数据。 例如,先写下原数据7英寸。
Convert inches to centimeters. There are 2.54 cm in 1 inch, so in order to convert inches to centimeters, you need to multiply the original inches measurement by a value of 2.54 centimeters. - *Example:* 7 in * (2.54 cm / 1 in) = 17.78 cm - Note that the number of centimeters will be one decimal place larger than the number of millimeters. If you have the number of millimeters, you can also find the number of centimeters by shifting the decimal place one numeral over to the left.
将英寸换算为厘米。由于1英寸等于2. 54厘米,所以将英寸换算为厘米需要用英寸的数值乘以2.54,得到厘米长度。 例如:7 in x (2.54 cm / 1 in)= 17.78 cm(in=英寸,cm=厘米) 注意,厘米数值和毫米数值相差十倍,也就是差别一个小数位的关系。如果你得到以毫米为单位的数值,你可以直接将小数点向左移动一个数位,这样得到的数值就是厘米数值了。
Convert inches to meters. There are 0.0254 m in 1 inch, so in order to convert inches to meters, you need to multiply the original inches measurement by a value of 0.0254 m. - *Example:* 7 in * (0.0254 m / 1 in) = 0.1778 m - Note that the number of meters will be three decimal places larger than the number of millimeters. If you have the number of millimeters, you can also find the number of meters by shifting the decimals place three numerals over to the left.
将英寸换算为米。由于1英寸等于0. 0254米。所以将英寸换算为米需要用英寸的数值乘以0.0254,得到米的长度。 例如:7 in x (0.0254 m / 1 in) = 0.1778 m(in=英寸,m=米) 注意,米的数值和毫米数值相差1000倍,也就是差别三个小数位的关系。如果你得到以毫米为单位的数值,你可以直接将小数点向左移动三个数位,这样得到的数值就是米的数值了。
Convert millimeters to inches If you want to calculate the number of inches when you have the number of millimeters, you can do so by either multiplying the number of millimeters by 0.0393700787 inches or by dividing the number of millimeters by 25.4 millimeters. - *Example:* 177.8 mm * (0.0393700787 in / 1 mm) = 7 in - *Example:* 177.8 mm * (1 in / 25.4 mm) = 7 in
将毫米换算为英寸。如果你想要把以毫米为单位的长度换算为英寸,那么用长度数值乘以0. 0393700787或用数值除以25.4就能得到英寸数。 例如:177.8 mm x(0.0393700787 in / 1 mm) = 7 in 例如:177.8 mm x (1 in / 25.4 mm) = 7 in(in=英寸,mm=毫米)
: how many millimeters is 4. 78 inches? To find the answer, you will need to multiply 4.78 inches by 25.4 millimeters. 4.78 in * (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 121.412 mm
回答“4. 78英寸是多少毫米?”问题时,你需要用4.78乘以25.4计算得到结果。(实例部分出现的in是英寸的缩写,mm是毫米的缩写)。 4.78 in x(25.4 mm / 1 in) = 121.412 mm
Convert 117 inches into millimeters. Do so by multiplying 117 inches by 25.4 millimeters. 177 in * (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 4495.8 mm
将117英寸换算为毫米。同样的方法,用117乘以25. 4得到结果。 177 in x (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 4495.8 mm
Determine how many millimeters are in 93. 6 inches. This answer can be found by multiplying 93.6 inches and 25.4 millimeters. 93.6 in * (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 2377.44 mm
计算93. 6英寸相当于多少毫米时,也使用英寸数93.6乘以25.4得到毫米数。 93.6 in x (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 2377.44 mm
.101 inches into millimeters. Find the answer by multiplying 15.101 inches and 25.4 millimeters. 15.101 * (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 383.5654 mm
求出“如何将15. 101英寸换算为毫米”的答案时,只需将15.101英寸乘以25.4即可得到毫米数值。 15.101 x (25.4 mm / 1 in) = 383.5654 mm
The Kelvin scale is a thermodynamic temperature scale where zero defines the point at which molecules give off no heat and all thermal motion ceases. In order to convert Kelvin measurements into Fahrenheit or Celsius, a simple plug-and-chug is all that's called for.
- For very precise conversions use 273.15 instead of 273. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 5 - Scientists generally omit the word "degree" when using Kelvin. Say '373 Kelvin' instead of '373 degrees Kelvin'. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 3 - Any temperature difference will come out the same for Kelvin and Celsius. For instance the temperature difference between boiling water and melting ice can be calculated as follows: 100 ºC - 0 ºC = 100 ºC or 373.15 K - 273.15 K = 100 K Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
- 在对精度要求非常高的场合,下用273.15而不是通用的273。 - 科学工作者在说开氏温度时都不用“度”这个符号,都说373k而不是373k°。 - 任何温度差异用开氏和摄氏标度,计算结果都是一样的。比如沸水和融冰之间的温差结算结果如下 100 ºC - 0 ºC = 100 ºC 或 373.15 K - 273.15 K = 100 K - 至于将华氏转换成摄氏,因为没必要太过精确,我们只要将华氏温度减去32再除以2就行 比如(100F-32)/2=34°C。
4 Ways to Convert Kilometers to Miles
A mile is an imperial unit of measurement commonly used in the United States to determine the distance between two locations. A kilometer is used to measure the same thing but is a metric unit of length. It’s a fairly easy mathematical equation to convert kilometers to miles, or vice versa.
Converting Kilometers to Miles
Master the formula for converting kilometers to miles. 1 kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles (often shortened to .62). - Thus, to convert kilometers to miles, simply multiply the number of kilometers by 0.62137. - For example, let's say you start with 5 kilometers. People are often interested in this conversion because they want to know how many miles are in a 5K run. The formula is 5 X 0.62137= 3.1 miles. - You could also divide the number of kilometers by the number of kilometers per mile, which is the above-mentioned 1.609 kilometers (rounded off for simplicity). For example, 5 kilometers divided by 1.609 kilometers per mile = 3.1 miles.
掌握把公里换算成英里的公式。1公里等于0. 621371英里,通常四舍五入为0.62英里。 因此,要把公里换算成英里,只需要将公里数乘以0.62137即可。 例如,假设你跑了5公里,别人通常会想知道5公里等于多少英里,这时就得进行换算了。公式为5 X 0.62137= 3.1英里。 你也可以用公里数除以每英里相当于多少公里,也就是上面提到的1.609公里。为了简便起见,可以将它四舍五入。例如,5公里÷1.609公里/英里= 3.1英里。
Convert kilometers to nautical miles. Regular miles are a land-based unit of measurement. However, perhaps you want to know the conversion for nautical miles instead. - The conversion for nautical miles is different: Every kilometer is = to 0.5399568035 nautical miles. - Nautical miles are based on the earth's circumference and is used for air and sea travel.
把公里换算成海里。英里通常是陆上计量单位。然而,有时你也许需要换算海里。 海里和英里的换算有所不同,1公里等于0. 5399568035海里。 海里是根据地球周长计算得出的,主要用于空中和海上旅行。
Using Online Tools to Convert Kilometers to Miles
Use a conversion chart or online calculator. The charts list the number of kilometers alongside the equivalent miles. The calculators allow you to plug in the number of kilometers to get the number of miles. - For example, a chart would show that 11 kilometers is equal to 6.84 miles. However, 11 miles is equal to 17.7 kilometers. - If you know how to use Microsoft Excel, you could also use an Excel formula to do the conversion. To convert kilometers to miles in Excel, the formula is CONVERT(x,"y","z"). In the formula, "y" is the original unit of measurement, "x" is the quantity of that unit, and "z" is the unit of measurement you want to convert to.
使用换算表或在线计算器。换算表列出了公里数和它们对应的英里数。而在计算器中输入公里数,就能得出相应的英里数。 例如,换算表会显示11公里等于6. 84英里,而11英里等于17.7公里。 要是你会用Microsoft Excel,还可以借助Excel公式来进行转换。在Excel中把公里换算成英里的公式是CONVERT(x,"y","z")。在公式中,“y”表示原始计量单位,“x”表示单位前的数值,而“z”表示你想转换成的计量单位。
Use an old trick to do the calculation. It’s too hard for most people to multiply any number by 0.62137119. There is a way you can do the calculation in your head. - Let’s say the number of kilometers is 144. Halve it. That gets you 72. Then take a quarter of the half. That’s 18. - Now, add the two together, the half and the quarter: 72 plus 18 in this case. You get 90. That’s the answer.
用一种老办法来换算英里。对于大多数人而言,用0. 62137119来乘一个数字太难了。你可以用一种方法来心算。 假设现在要把144公里换算成英里。将这个数字除以2得到72。然后再将得数除以4,得到18。 现在,把两次计算的得数相加,也就是72加18等于90,这就是答案。
Use Fibonacci numbers to do the conversion. This one's unusual, but it works. These numbers are a series of numbers in which each subsequent number is the sum of the two before. - Start with two consecutive Fibonacci numbers. For example, the numbers 5 and 8. There are 8 kilometers in 5 miles. To convert back, read the result in the other direction, as there are 5 miles in 8 km. - This works as an estimate only. For example, take the consecutive Fibonacci numbers 21 and 34. This would tell you there are 34 kilometers in 21 miles and vice versa, when the exact answer is 33.79 kilometers. - In order to convert a number that isn't a Fibonacci number, express the original number as a sum of Fibonacci numbers and do the conversion for each Fibonacci number separately. Say you want to convert 100 miles to kilometers. Number 100 could be a sum of Fibonacci numbers 89 + 8 + 3. The Fibonacci number following 89 is 144, the Fibonacci number following 8 is 13 and Fibonacci number following 3 is 5. So add 144 + 13 + 5 = 162 kilometers in 100 miles.
利用斐波那契数来换算。 这种方法很特别,并且十分有用。斐波那契数是一系列的数字,其中后一个数字都是前两个数字之和。 - 首先从两个连续的斐波那契数开始。例如,数字5和8。这表示5英里相当于8公里。你也可以反过来看,也就是8公里相当于5英里。 - 这只是估算的大致结果。以两个连续的斐波纳契数21和34为例,你可以知道21英里相当于34公里,反之亦然。但更为准确的答案是33.79公里。 - 如果要换算的数字不在斐波那契数列中,那就可以把原数字想成是两个斐波那契数之和,然后分别对每个斐波那契数进行换算。假设你要把100英里换算成公里。数字100可以看作是斐波那契数89 + 8 + 3之和。89、8和3后面的斐波那契数分别是144、13和5。所以,100英里就相当于144 + 13 + 5 = 162公里。
Find other conversions for kilometers. Perhaps you don't want to stop with miles. There are many other conversions for kilometers. - Every kilometer is equal to 39,370.07874 inches, 3,280.839895 feet,1,093.613298 yards, and 100,000 centimeters. - Every kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters.
寻找其他的公里换算方法。也许你不只是想换算英里,下面还提供了公里的其它换算方法。 1公里等于39370. 07874英寸、3280.839895英尺、1093.613298码或10万厘米。 1公里等于1000米。
There are many tools to do convert meters to feet on the web, but most teachers require you to show your work. It's also a good idea to understand the process yourself, making it less likely that you'll make a mistake. If you're trying to convert square meters (m
- If you want to convert from square feet into square inches, multiply by 144. A square foot is 12 times longer and 12 times wider than a square inch, so it's 12 x 12 = 144 times bigger. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 - If you want to convert from cubic feet into cubic inches, multiply by 1728 (12 x 12 x 12). Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- 如果你想把平方英尺换算成平方英寸,就乘以144。一平方英尺是一平方英寸的12倍长,12倍宽,所以它是12 x 12 = 144倍大。 - 如果你想把立方英尺换算成立方英寸,就乘以1728(12×12×12)。
Learn that one meter equals 3.28 feet. One meter is a *length* measurement, equal to 3.28 feet. *almost* be as long as the meter stick. If you add a fourth ruler, you'll be able to measure that extra distance: 0.28 ft, which is a little more than three inches. - If you need to be super precise, you can use 1 meter = 3.28084 feet. Because this is *extremely* close to 3.28 feet, though, you'll almost always want to use the simpler number to make the math easier.
要知道1米等于3. 28英尺。1米是长度单位,等于3.28英尺。几乎和米尺一样长。如果你加上第4把尺子,你就能测量出额外的距离:0.28英尺,略大于3英寸。 如果你需要非常精确,你可以使用1米= 3.28084英尺。因为这非常接近于3.28英尺,不过你通常想要使用更简单的数字来简化计算。
Multiply any meter measurement by 3.28 to convert to feet. Since one meter = 3.28 feet, you can convert any meter measurement into feet by multiplying it by 3.28. If you're not sure how to do this, read about multiplying decimals. Here are some examples. If you want, you can try to do the multiplication on your own and see if you get the right answer: - 1 meter x 3.28 = **3.28 feet** - 5 meters x 3.28 = **16.4 feet** - 2.7 meters x 3.28 = **8.856 feet**
任何计量单位乘以3. 28换算成英尺。由于1米= 3.28英尺,你可以把任何以米为单位的长度乘以3.28来换算成英尺。如果你不知道怎么做,请阅读小数乘法。这里有一些例子。如果你愿意,可以试着自己做乘法,看看是否能算出正确答案: 1米x 3.28 = 3.28英尺 5米x 3.28 = 16.4英尺 2.7米x 3.28 = 8.856英尺
Convert your answer to include inches (optional). For most math problems, all you need is the answer you got in the last step. But if you are curious how long something is, an answer like "8.856 feet" might not mean much to you. Try taking the decimal point and everything after it, then multiplying that by 12 to turn it into inches. This works because 1 foot = 12 inches. It's a conversion just like the one we used for meters and feet. Here are some examples: - 3.28 feet = 3 feet + 0.28 feet. Because 0.28 feet x 12 = 3.36, that means 3.28 feet = **3 feet and 3.36 inches** - 16.4 feet = 16 feet + 0.4 feet. Because 0.4 feet x 12 = 4.8, that means 16.4 feet = **16 feet and 4.8 inches** - 8.856 feet = 8 feet + 0.856 feet. Because 0.856 feet x 12 = 10.272, so 8.856 feet = **10 feet and 10.272 inches**
将结果换算成英寸(可选)。 对于大多数数学问题,你所需要的只是最后一步得到的结果。但是如果你想知道一个东西有多长,像“8.856英尺”这样的答案对你来说可能没什么意义。试着去掉小数点和它后面的数字,然后乘以12把它变成英寸。这是因为1英尺= 12英寸。这个换算就和米换算成英尺一样。下面是一些例子: - 3.28英尺 = 3英尺+ 0.28英尺。由于0.28英尺x 12 = 3.36英寸,这意味着3.28 英尺 = **3英尺+3.36英寸** - 16.4英尺 = 16英尺+ 0.4英尺。由于0.4 英尺x 12 = 4.8英寸,这意味着16.4英尺 = **16英尺+4.8英寸** - 8.856英尺 = 8英尺+ 0.856英尺。由于0.856 英尺x 12 = 10.272英寸,所以8.856英尺 = **10 英尺+10.272英寸**
4 Ways to Convert Milliliters (mL) to Grams (g)
Not sure how to change a measure of time in minutes to one in hours? Not to worry! It's easy to make this conversion in just a few simple steps. We’ll show you how dividing minutes by 60 (or, technically speaking, multiplying by 1/60) gives you the same measure of time in hours. And, if you end up with decimals (like 2.5 hours) and want hours and minutes (like 2:30 or 2h 30m), we’ll demonstrate how simple that conversion is as well.