float64 0.8
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0.847 | - If you plan on calling India from your home phone or cell phone, make sure that you have an international calling plan before dialing that number. Otherwise, the fees can seem outrageous. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- Alternatively, you could also purchase an international phone card to use whenever you plan to call India. Dial the access number of the phone card, then dial the phone number heading to India using the appropriate format. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- The International Code for India Is 0091. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 如果你使用家里或者自己手机拨打印度长途电话,确保你有一个国际呼叫套餐。否则,费用会非常之高。
- 你同样也可以购买一张国际电话卡,当你需要拨打印度地区的国际长途时使用。先输入电话卡的访问号码,再使用正确的拨叫模式输入印度地区的电话号码。 |
0.836 | How to Call Japan in 5 Easy Steps | 如何打电话到日本: 7 步骤 |
0.812 | Whether your best friend lives in Japan, you want the secret to the best sushi possible, or you simply want to call a business in Japan, you will need to know how to place an international call. Follow these steps to learn how to place an international call to Japan. | 最好的朋友在日本?想知道美味寿司的秘密?要打电话到日本谈生意?你都需要了解如何打电话到日本。下面教你如何打电话到日本。 |
0.86 | - Using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services such as Skype may be cheaper when calling numbers abroad. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
- If you frequently call abroad using your mobile phone, specific SIM cards are available with reduced tariffs for calling foreign numbers. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0 | - 使用网络电话(VoIP)应用,如Skype,节省通话费用。
- 如果你经常用手机打电话到国外,使用特定SIM卡可以减少国际通话的关税费用。 |
0.865 | 3 Ways to Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number | 3种方法来给屏蔽了你号码的人打电话 |
0.808 | Someone has blocked your number, but you still want to call them! Before you proceed, think about why the person blocked your number. Make sure that you won't be bothering anyone and opening yourself up to harassment charges. If you're calling for legitimate reasons, read on for a few ways to get around the block! | 有人屏蔽了你的电话号码,但是你仍然想要打电话给他?最好先想一想对方为什么要屏蔽你的号码。如果你坚持要打电话,会打扰到对方,或是被控骚扰吗?如果你有合法的理由打这通电话,那就继续往下阅读吧! |
0.841 | 4 Ways to Call an Unknown Number | 4种方法来回复陌生号码 |
0.924 | How to Care: 14 Steps (with Pictures) | 如何去在乎: 14 步骤(包含图片) |
0.893 | In modern society, it's often considered cool to pretend like you don't care about anything—what people think, what's going on in your community, and even how your own life is going to unfold. But when you don't care, you miss out on a lot. Caring about the people you love, the values you believe in and what happens in the future can make life happier and a lot more meaningful. Whether you've forgotten how to care or you want to care more deeply, this article will help you figure out what's important to you and practice expressing those feelings. | 在当今社会,假装自己对任何事情漠不关心成了一件很酷的事情。不去在乎别人的想法、不去关心自己的团队发生了什么,甚至对自己的生活都漠不关心。但在你漠不关心的同时,你也错失了很多。去关心你爱的人、你相信的价值观,去关心未来的事情,你会发现生活丰富多彩、美满、有意义。不管你是已经忘记了如何在乎,还是你想更深入地在乎,这篇文章都会帮助你找到自己认为重要的事情,去表达自己的情感。 |
0.91 | Make a list of things that interest you.
Maybe it has been so long since you've really cared about something that it feels like you've lost the ability. But no matter how deep your feelings of caring are buried, they're in there somewhere, and it's time to uncover them. To care is to "feel concern or interest; attach importance to something," to "feel affection or liking."
- Write down the names of people you feel attachment to—parents, siblings, friends, and anyone else who has a pull on your heart. If you think about the person often, and you'd miss them if they weren't there, you probably care about them. You don't have to love or even like them to care.
- By the same measure, write down things besides people you care about. Don't write down the things you
*should* care about, just the things you actually do. Maybe your life is better because you play soccer, or you can't imagine a world without Warcraft. Maybe you care about poetry, or you love a certain movie star. There's no limit to how long your list can be—write it all down, big and small.
- Be honest with yourself as you make your list, and don't leave anything out. Maybe you've been conditioned to act like you're "above it all," or to hide the things that make you tick. People will try to tell you what you should and shouldn't care about, but you'll have to learn to ignore them for the sake of your own happiness. And in most cases, sticking to your guns and expressing that you care will eventually win others' admiration. | 把自己感兴趣的东西列举出来。
- 写下你心中牵挂的人的名字——父母、兄弟姐妹、朋友以及任何给你留下深刻印象的人。如果你经常想到这个人,他们不在时,你就会思念他们,那么你很有可能在乎他们。因为你没有必要为了在乎而去爱或者喜欢他们。
- 同样,写下除了人之外你所关心的事物。不要想着去写你“应该”在乎什么,写下你真正在做的事情。或许你的生活因为喜欢踢足球而美好,或许你无法想象没有“魔兽争霸”的世界。或许你喜欢诗歌,或许你喜欢某种类型的电影。列表的长度没有限制,你可以尽情写,无论多少。
- 列举的时候一定要诚实,不要忽略任何事情。或许你已经习惯于将自己表现得“超越一切”,或许你隐藏了一些喜欢的事情。有人会告诉你应该在乎什么、不在乎什么,但是为了自己的幸福着想,请忽略这些吧。通常,坚持自己的想法并表达出来自己在乎的事情,会为你赢得他人的倾慕。 |
0.895 | Look at how you spend your free time.
Still aren't sure what matters to you?
- Do you spend your free time calling someone for a long chat, texting your friends, or writing comments on Facebook? This might show that you care about social connections, staying in the loop, and strengthening your relationships.
- Maybe you spend your free time working on your art - writing, music, painting, or whatever moves you. Or perhaps you spend it running, lifting, gardening, or cooking. If it's something you're doing of your own accord, you probably care about it.
- What you read about or watch can also help you define your interests. For example, if you read world news every day, you probably care what's happening outside your local sphere. Even the TV shows you watch can point to what you care about. Look for common themes or genres you gravitate toward. | 注意自己业余时间怎么度过。
- 你在业余时间会找人聊天、会给朋友发短信、会在脸书上写评论吗?这说明你在乎的是社交、人际圈,在乎加强人际关系。
- 可能你的业余时间是花在艺术上——写作、音乐、绘画或者其他触动你的事物。或者你用来跑步、举重、养花或做饭。如果这些事情都是你主动去做的,你就很有可能在乎它们。
- 你阅读的书或者你看的影视作品也可以帮助你发现自己的兴趣。例如,如果你每天都阅读世界新闻,你很可能对自己生活圈之外的事情十分在乎。甚至你看的电视剧也会表明你在乎的东西。寻找吸引你注意力的日常主题或情景。 |
0.889 | Pay attention to what you think about as you're falling asleep.
During the day you probably have to talk over subjects that you don't care about very much. Between making small talk, trying to impress people, and discussing subjects related to work or school, you might be confused about what really drives you. If that's the case, pay attention to your thoughts during the time right before you fall asleep at night. During this private, uninterrupted time, your cares will probably rise to the surface.
- Which people do you think about most as you're falling asleep? Whether thinking of them makes you feel good or bad, the fact that they're in your mind means you care about them.
- Do you have thoughts about what you're looking forward to, or what you
*aren't* looking forward to about the next day?
- Sometimes cares take the form of worries. If you realize that right before you fall asleep you're worried about how you'll perform during tomorrow's presentation, you might be worried because you care so much about it. | 入睡的时候关注自己在想什么。
- 入睡的时候你最常想起谁呢?不管你想起他的时候感觉是美好的还是厌恶的,可以确定的是,你因为在乎他们而想他们。
- 你有没有想过明天你期待着什么,或者你不期待什么?
- 有时候在乎以担心的形式出现。如果你在入睡前意识到自己一直担心明天在某种场合的表现,你很可能因为太在乎而感到担忧。 |
0.881 | See what piques your interest.
What situations, ideas, stories or concepts elicit a strong reaction from you? What makes you want to learn more, speak up, or help out? Paying attention to things that cause you to an urge to get more invested can help you understand your own capacity for caring.
- For example, maybe the sight of your little sister being teased causes you to feel a burning urge to step in and protect her.
- Or perhaps you learned that the river in your city is being polluted, and you feel moved to participate in a river cleanup or find another way to stop pollution in your area.
- Less serious investments count as caring, too. Maybe you watched a hilarious stand-up routine and fell into a Youtube rabbit hole watching every routine the comedian has ever recorded, or you read a news story about a cat that saved its owner from a fire and clicked over to several more articles on the subject. | 明白什么可以刺激自己的兴趣。
- 比如,当你看到自己的小妹妹被取笑时,你会燃起强烈的保护欲望。
- 或者当你听说自己城市的河流被污染时,你会加入到清理河流的队伍中或者在自己的领域中找到可以阻止污染的方法。
- 不经意的投入有时也可以被看作在乎。你可能看过一个非常滑稽可笑的单人表演节目,然后就沉浸在视频网站去寻找喜剧中所提到的每一个节目;你可能读过一个一只猫从火灾中救出主人的故事,然后去点击关于这个主题的更多文章。
发现什么让自己心动。当你在乎一件事情的时候,你会对它有情感回应。它会让你感到开心、幸福、厌恶、害怕、伤心或者完全把它当成另一回事。你的情绪可能很微妙,也可能波动很大。不管是什么,它们都像路标一样指示着你在乎的事情。 沮丧是一种对什么都感觉不到、对什么都不在乎的情绪——也就是空虚。 |
0.869 | Learning How to Care More Deeply | 学习如何进一步地在乎 |
0.906 | How to Celebrate Environment Day at School (with Pictures) | 如何在学校庆祝世界环境日(包含图片) |
0.893 | World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated each year on June 5. Like Earth Day, it's a day to learn about the environment, participate in conservation activities, and learn about ways to help in the future. To celebrate at school, you can commune with nature, create new environmental programs, use nature-centered lesson plans, and work on earth-centered activities. | 每年的6月5日,人们都会庆祝世界环境日。和地球日一样,这天的庆祝内容包括了解环境,参与环保活动,学习如何创造人类更好的未来。如果你在学校庆祝世界环境日,你可以亲密接触大自然,构思新的环境项目,以大自然作为讲课时的中心主题,并策划各种围绕地球展开的活动。 |
0.841 | Getting Outside | 走到室外 |
0.889 | Scientific notation is commonly used in chemistry and physics to represent very large or very small numbers. Changing numbers into and out of scientific notation isn't as hard as it looks. Just follow these steps to find out how to do it. | 科学计数法在化学和物理学中非常常用,可以用来表示非常大或非常小的数字。将数字转化为科学计数法或者将科学计数法转换为普通数字,其实并没有那么难。跟着我们的步骤做就好啦! |
0.803 | Converting Numbers Into Scientific Notation | 将数字转化为科学计数法 |
0.879 | Start with a very small or very large number.
You'll need to start with a very small or a very large number if you want to successfully convert it into scientific notation. For example, 10,090,250,000,000 is very large; 0.00004205 is very small. | 先找一个非常小或非常大的数。如果想要成功地将数字转化为科学计数法,你需要找一个非常小或非常大的数。比如,10,090,250,000,000就非常大;0.
00004205就非常小。 |
0.84 | Cross out the original number's decimal point.
This is the first step to beginning to convert the number into scientific notation. If you're working with the number 0.00004205, just write an "x" over the decimal point. | 删去原始数字的小数点。这是转化为科学计数法的第一步。如果你要转换0.
00004205,只需要在小数点上画个叉就好了。 |
0.916 | Add a new decimal point to the number so that there's only one non-zero digit in front of it.
In this case, the first non-zero number is 4, so place the decimal point after the 4 so that the new number reads 000004.205.
- This works for large numbers, too. For example, 10,090,250,000,000 would become 1.0090250000000. | 在数字上添加新的小数点,保证小数点前只有一位非零数字。在我们的例子中,第一个非零数字为4,所以把小数点点在4后面,新的数字变为000004.
205。 这一操作也适用于大数字。比如,10,090,250,000,000变成1.0090250000000。 |
0.91 | Rewrite this number to drop any insignificant digits.
Insignificant digits are any zeros that are not in between other, non-zero digits.
- For example, in the number 1.0090250000000, the zeroes at the end are insignificant, but the zeros between the 1 and then 9, and between the 9 and the 2, are significant. Rewrite this number as 1.009025.
- In the number 000004.205, the leading zeros are insignificant. Rewrite this number as 4.205. | 删掉所有无关紧要的数位来重写数字。无关紧要的数位就是所有不位于非零数位之间的零。 例如,在数字1.
0090250000000中,末尾的零都是无关紧要的,但在1和9之间、9和2之间的零是有意义的。将数字改写为1.009025。 在数字000004.205中,最前面的零是无关紧要的。改写为4.205。 |
0.9 | Write "x 10" after the rewritten number.
Just write 4.205 x 10 for now. | 在改写过的数字后面写上“x 10”。暂时写为4.
205 x 10。 |
0.852 | Count how many times you moved the original decimal point.
In the case of 0.00004205 to 4.205, you moved the decimal point over 5 times. In the case of 10,090,250,000,000 to 1.0090250000000, you moved the decimal point 13 times. | 数数你将原始的小数点挪了多少位。比如从0.
00004205到4.205,就是将小数点挪了5位。从10,090,250,000,000到1.0090250000000,就是挪了13位。 |
0.872 | Write that number as the exponent over the number 10.
For 1.0090250000000, write x 10 | 将这个位数作为10的指数。比如1.
0090250000000,写为x 10 |
0.908 | Decide if the exponent should be negative or positive.
If your original number was very large, the exponent should be positive. If your original number was very small, the exponent should be negative.
- For example: the very large number 10,090,250,000,000 becomes 1.009025 x 10 | 确定指数的正负。如果原始数字非常大,则指数为正。如果原始数字非常小,则指数为负。 例如,非常大的数10,090,250,000,000变为1.
009025 x 10 |
0.921 | 3 Ways to Change Your Attitude | 3种方法来改变你的生活态度 |
0.882 | A negative outlook on life can have serious consequences to your health, your relationships, and your feelings of satisfaction in life. Changing your attitude can be achieved through mindful, conscious thought and attention. Generating a positive attitude, practicing gratitude, and selectively forming new habits that promote positivity is a life-long process that can result in a changed attitude. | 消极的人生观会严重的影响你的健康、人际关系和对生活的满足感。通过细微的思考和有意识的注意,你的人生观就能得以改变。培养积极的态度、练习感恩和选择性的培养新的兴趣爱好是贯穿一生的过程,这个过程会慢慢的改变你对生活的态度。 |
0.905 | - If you have signs of clinical depression or anxiety, you may need professional help to change your attitude. Check with your medical health provider, or call 211 (in the United States) to find local resources. Thanks Helpful 22 Not Helpful 8 | - 如果出现临床抑郁症或焦虑症的症状,你需要专业的指导来帮助你改变。联系你的医生或者拨打211(美国)来寻求本地救助资源。 |
0.925 | Figures like a chart, graph, or image are great sources when you want to support your ideas in an essay or paper. You may need to cite figures in APA for an essay or paper for a class. Whether you are citing a figure from a book, an article, or a website, you can create a citation and format it properly in APA in just a few simple steps. | 当你想在文章或论文中证明自己的观点时,像图表、图形或图片之类的图表是很好的信息来源。因此,你可能需要为一篇文章或课堂论文引用APA格式的图表。无论你是引用一本书,一篇文章,还是一个网站上的图表,你都可以通过几个简单的步骤来创建引用,同时使用正确的APA格式。 |
0.806 | 4 Ways to Cite Page Numbers in APA | 3种方法来引用APA格式的页码 |
0.924 | Page numbers are a small but important part of many APA citations. Fortunately, page numbers are usually only needed at the end of a sentence when citing a specific source. When writing a reference list, you only need page numbers for book chapters and articles. If you’re uncertain whether you need page numbers or not, you can follow a few basic guidelines. When in doubt, however, include a page number if you have one. | 页码是众多APA引用中的一个小而重要的部分。幸运的是,当引用特定来源时,通常只有句子末尾需要页码。写参考文献时,你只需要用到书中的章节和文章页码。如果你不确定你是否需要页码,你可以遵循一些基本的准则。但要是有疑问,也可以加上页码。 |
0.954 | Find the full page range of the book chapter or article.
Don’t just cite the few pages that you used. Look for the first and last page number of the article. This is the page range. So if a chapter begins on page 27 and ends on page 45, your page range is 27 **-**45.
- Newspaper articles may have page numbers that include letters (such as 1A or B3) while prefaces may use roman numerals (like i, ii, iii, etc.). Always use the numbering system used by the source.
- If the article skips pages, write down where the pages begin and end in both sections. Put a comma between these page numbers. For example, 15-20, 25-30.
- Make sure to include reference lists, appendixes, and other supplementary material in your page range. So if the text of the article ends on page 173 but the appendix ends on page 180, then the page range ends on page 180. | 查找书中章节或文章的全页范围。
不要只引用你用过的那几页。查找文章的第一个和最后一个页码。这是页面范围。因此,如果一个章节从第27页开始,在第45页结束,那页面范围就是27 **-**45。
- 报纸文章的页码可能包括字母(如1A或B3),而前言可能使用罗马数字(如i、ii、iii等)。一定要使用原文采用的编号体系。
- 如果这篇文章跳过了几页,那就把这两部分的起始页码和终止页面都写下来。在这些页码之间添加逗号。例如,15- 20,25 -30。
- 确保在页面范围内包含参考文献、附录和其他补充材料。因此,如果文章的正文在第173页结束,而附录在第180页结束,那么页面范围在第180页结束。 |
0.94 | Write out the full reference of the text.
The format of the citation depends on the type of source you use. Since page numbers are generally only used for book chapters and articles, you can use the following guidelines to help you cite.
- Book chapter: Last name, First Initial. Second Initial (if applicable). (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.),
*Title of book* (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher.
- Article: Author, A. & Author, B. (Year). Title of article.
*Title of periodical,* volume number (issue number), pages of article. | 写出文章的完整参考。引用的格式取决于你使用的原文类型。由于页码通常只用于书籍的章节和文章,你可以使用以下指南来帮助你引用。 书籍章节:姓,首字母。第二个首字母(如果有的话)。(出版年份)。章节标题。编者A.
和编者B.(合编),“书名”(每章页数)。地点:出版商。 文章:作者,A. &作者,B.(年份)。文章标题。《期刊名称》,卷号(刊号),文章页数。 |
0.919 | Insert the page range between the title and location for a book chapter.
Put the page numbers in parentheses, and separate them with a hyphen. Write “pp.” before the number. For example, if you were citing a chapter between pages 41 and 63, your citation might look like this:
- Williams, B. and Johnson, A. (1990). Traffic Patterns and Urban Spread. in C. Carr (Ed.),
*Traffic Engineering Trends* (pp. 41-63). New York: ZMN Publishing. | 在书籍章节标题和位置之间插入页面范围。把页码放在括号里,用连字符隔开。在页码前写下“pp.
”。例如,如果你引用了第41页到第63页之间的一个章节,你的引用可能是这样的:威廉姆斯,B.和约翰逊,A.(1990)。《交通模式和城市扩展》。C. Carr(主编),“交通工程趋势”(pp. 41-63)。纽约:ZMN出版社。 |
0.929 | journal article.
Do not use “p.” or “pp.” before the page number. Just separate the first and last page with a hyphen. So if you cited a journal article that appeared on pages 5-23, it might look like this:
- Roberts, R. (2013). Managing Traffic in the Southwest.
*Traffic Engineering,* 23 (2), 5-23. | 在期刊文章的结尾加上页面范围。不要在页码前使用“p.
”或“pp”。直接用连字符把第一页和最后一页隔开。因此,如果你引用一篇发表在第5-23页的期刊文章,它可能是这样的:罗伯茨,R.(2013)。《西南地区的交通管理》。“交通工程,”23 (2),5-23。 |
0.94 | List out each page for a newspaper article.
Page numbers from a newspaper are cited slightly differently than other types of articles, such as journal or magazine articles. Before the page numbers, write “p.” for a single page and “pp.” for multiple pages. List out the pages individually if they are non-consecutive. For example, you might cite an article that starts on page B1 and continues through pages B3 and B4 as:
- Diaz, C. (2016, June 26). “Traffic in the City,”
*The Times Morning Gazette*, pp. B1, B3-B4. | 列出报纸文章的每一页。引用报纸的页码与引用其他类型的文章(如期刊或杂志文章)略有不同。在页码前,如果是单个页面写上“p.
”,如果是多个页面写上“pp.”。如果页面不是连续的,将它们单独列出来。例如,你可能会引用一篇从B1页开始,接着是B3页和B4页的文章:迪亚兹,C.(2016,6月26)。《城市交通》,泰晤士报晨报,pp. B1,B3-B4。 |
0.951 | Cite the page number when using statistics or data from a source.
If you have included data, statistics, or other numbers from a scientific study, you should indicate which page of the study this information appeared in.
- For example, you might write, “According to Jones (2006), 5% of people were on social media 5 or more hours a day (p. 207).” | 使用原文的统计数据或数据时,请引用页码。如果你已经引用了来自科学研究的数据、统计数据或其他数字,你应该指出这些信息出现在科学研究的哪个页面。例如,你可以这样写:“根据琼斯(2006)的研究,5%的人每天使用社交媒体的时间超过5小时(p.
207)。” |
0.913 | Put page numbers after every quote.
Write the page numbers after the quotation marks but before the period. You should do this with quotes from all books, articles, and chapters. For example, you might write:
- Jones (2006) stated that “the top 5% of users were on social media for 5 or more hours every day” (p. 207). | 在每句引用后加上页码。把页码写在引号后面,句号之前。所有书籍、文章和章节中的引用都应该采用这种格式。例如,你可以这样写:琼斯(2006)指出“前5%的用户每天在社交媒体上的时间超过5小时”(p.
207)。 |
0.909 | Consider including a page number if paraphrasing.
Paraphrasing means that you are restating the author’s general ideas, arguments, or results in your own words. You do not need page numbers in this case, but they will be helpful if you are paraphrasing a specific section from a very long or complicated work. For example, you might say:
- “Jones (2006) indicated that addictive behaviors could be seen in a small population of excessive users (p. 207).” | 如果改述的话,可以考虑加上页码。改述是指你用自己的话重述作者的大意、论点或结论。在这种情况下,你不需要页码,但如果你要改述一个非常长或复杂的作品中的某个部分,页码会很有用。例如,你可以这样写:“琼斯(2006)指出,可以在一小部分过度使用的人群中发现成瘾行为(p.
207)”。 |
0.929 | Write the paragraph number if there are no page numbers.
If you are quoting or citing a website or a source without page numbers, you should use paragraph numbers instead. You generally only need to do this when citing specific data and quotes. You do not need to put the paragraph number in the reference list.
- You can cite a paragraph the same way as a page number, except you write “para.” instead of “p.” So if you were quoting paragraph 3, it would look like (para. 3) or even (James, 2007, para. 3).
- To find the paragraph number, count from the top paragraph down to the paragraph you are citing. So a quote from the third paragraph would be cited as paragraph 3. | 如果没有页码,就写上段落号。如果你引用一个没有页码的网站或来源,你应该使用段落编号。通常只需要在引用特定数据和引文时这样做。参考文献中不需要写段落号。 你可以像引用页码一样引用一个段落,只不过你要写成“para.
”而不是“p.”。因此,如果你引用第3段,它看起来类似(para. 3),甚至可以是(詹姆斯,2007,para. 3)。 要找到段落号,从最上面的段落数到你引用的段落。第三段的引文可以被引用为para. 3。 |
0.928 | 4 Ways to Cite Sources in Chicago Manual of Style Format | 4种方法来用芝加哥格式手册(Chicago Manual of Style)的格式来标注引用源 |
0.857 | The Chicago Manual of Style has 2 distinct citation formats: Author-Date, which uses in-text citations, and Notes-Bibliography (NB), which uses footnotes or endnotes. Author-Date citations are more commonly used in the sciences and social sciences, while the NB style is more standard for works in the arts, history, and humanities. | 芝加哥格式手册有两个不同的引用格式,分别是“作者-年份”格式,以及“注释-书目”格式。前者使用的文内引注的形式,而后者使用的脚注或尾注的形式。“作者-年份”格式多用于科学和社会科学学科,“注释-书目”格式常用于艺术、历史和人文学科。 |
0.886 | - If you need detailed information about citing a wide variety of types of sources in the Chicago style, consult
*The Chicago Manual of Style*
, 17th ed. (University of Chicago Press, 2017). You can also find
*The Chicago Manual of Style*
online at
, but you will need a subscription or trial membership to access all the content. | - 如果你需要详细了解如何用芝加哥格式引用各种文献,可以参考芝加哥大学出版社在2017年出版的第17版《芝加哥格式手册》。你也可以在 https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.orgIf ,在线查看《芝加哥格式手册》,不过需要订阅或成为试用会员,才能访问所有内容。 |
0.911 | Put the author's last name and year of publication in parentheses.
Place the citation directly after the information you wish to cite, inside any punctuation. Put a space between the author's name and the date, but don't use a comma.
- For example: (Schmidt 1935).
- If you don't know the name of the author, use the name of the organization that published the text or a shortened version of the title in place of the author's name. For example: (Society for Psychical Research 1935) or (“Mystery of a Talking Wombat” 1935).
- Don't include the author's name in parentheses if you've already mentioned it in the sentence with the citation. Instead, simply give the date (and page numbers, if applicable). For example: “John Schmidt (1935, 217-218) claimed that a talking wombat inhabited the walls of his Illinois farmhouse for over a decade.” | 将作者姓氏和出版年份以括号形式插入文内。
- 示例:(Schmidt 1935)
- 如果你不知道作者姓名,那就用出版者名称或简略标题代替。示例:(Society for Psychical Research 1935),或是(“Mystery of a Talking Wombat” 1935)
- 如果文中出现了作者的姓名,则不需要在括号内重复给出。标出年份和书页(如果适用)即可。示例:“John Schmidt (1935, 217-218) claimed that a talking wombat inhabited the walls of his Illinois farmhouse for over a decade.”
用逗号隔开2-3位作者的姓名。如果参考的文献有2-3位作者,在括号内把所有人的姓氏都列出来,再标出年份。用逗号隔开每位作者的姓氏,但最后一个作者姓氏和年份之间无需逗号。根据文献上的顺序列出作者。示例:(Schmidt, Bjorn, and Prince 1941) |
0.932 | Place a number in superscript after the information you wish to cite.
Unlike the Author-Date style, the Notes-Bibliography (NB) system uses footnotes or endnotes instead of parenthetical citations. The superscript number for each note will match with the number of the corresponding note at the bottom of the page (if you're using footnotes) or the end of your work (if you're using endnotes). Typically, the number should be placed at the end of the relevant sentence or clause, outside of any punctuation.
- For example: “Schmidt's daughter, Viola, was the first person to report the phenomena.”
- Footnotes and endnotes allow you to provide more complete citations than the parenthetical style used in the Author-Date system. You can also use these notes to provide additional information that you don't want to put in the main text. Both systems include a full reference list at the end, typically called a “Bibliography” in the NB system.
- Most word processing programs have tools to help you format footnotes and endnotes. For example, if you're using MS Word, you can insert notes into the text using the “references” tab. | 在引文后面插入一个上标数字。
- 示例:“Schmidt's daughter, Viola, was the first person to report the phenomena.”
- 脚注和尾注允许你提供比文内引注更完整的信息。你也可以使用注释提供不想放在正文内的额外信息。2种格式在文末都需要提供完整的参考文献列表,这在NB系统中被称为“Bibliography”(书目)。
- 大部分文字处理程序都有工具帮助你格式化脚注和尾注。比如说,如果你使用MS Word,可以通过“引用”选项卡在文中插入注释。 |
0.932 | Start the note with the author's first and last name.
Once you have added the note number into your text at the point where you want a citation, place a corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page. If you're using endnotes, place the notes in order by number at the end of the work. The note itself will begin with the name(s) of the author(s). Don't invert the names (Last, First) as you would in your bibliography.
- For example: 1. Viola Schmidt
- If there 2 to 3 authors, list them in the same order used in the publication, separated by commas. For example: 15. John Schmidt, Maureen Schmidt, and Harlan Prince
- For 4 or more authors, list only the name of the first author, followed by et al. | 首先写作者的姓名。在引文后面插入注释编号后,在页面底部插入相应的脚注。如果使用尾注,那就在文末按编号插入注释。注释以作者姓名作为开头。和书目不一样的是名字必须在前,姓氏在后。 示例:1.
Viola Schmidt 如果有2-3位作者,按文献上的顺序一一列出,并用逗号隔开。示例:15. John Schmidt, Maureen Schmidt, and Harlan Prince。 如果有4位或以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓名,之后写“et al.”。 |
0.911 | Follow the author name(s) with the title of the source.
Put the title directly after the name(s) of the author(s), separated by a comma. If you're citing a book, put the title in italics. For an article or chapter title, place the title in quotation marks. All titles should be capitalized in headline style.
- For example, if you are citing an article: 1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat”
- For a book: 17. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*
- If you're citing a chapter from an edited book, place the book title and the editor's name after the chapter title. For example: 24. Bella Baylish, “An Overview of Wombat Folklore,” in
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, ed. George Finch | 接着写文献标题。
- 文章:1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat”
- 书籍:17. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*
- 如果是引用汇编文集里面的某一章节,写了章节标题后,还要给出文集标题和编辑者姓名。示例:24. Bella Baylish, “An Overview of Wombat Folklore,” in
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, ed. George Finch。 |
0.908 | Put publication information in parentheses after the title for book citations.
Publication information includes the place of publication, the name of the publishing company, and the date of publication. Place all these in parentheses immediately after the title, using this format: (City: Publishing Company, Year).
- For example: 17. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946) | 接着以括号形式写出出版信息。出版信息包括出版地、出版者名称和出版日期。在标题后面插入一个括号,按(城市:出版社,年份)的格式给出相应的信息。示例:17.
Njord Bjorn, My Experiences at Schmidt Farm (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946) |
0.95 | Include the journal title, issue, number, and date for articles.
If your source was published in a journal, you will need to provide additional information about the publication. After the title of the article, provide the title of the periodical in italics, followed by the volume and issue numbers (if applicable). Then, place the date in parentheses.
- For example: 1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935)
- The formatting is somewhat different for other types of periodical publications, such as an article in a newspaper or magazine. In these cases, the title of the periodical is followed by the month, day, and year of publication. For example:
*The Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935. | 引用期刊文章时,给出期刊名称、发行号、期号和出版年月。
- 示例:1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935)
- 如果文章刊登在报纸、杂志等其它类型的定期刊物,格式会有些许不同。在刊物名称后面要给出出版月、日、年。示例:
*The Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935。 |
0.94 | Wrap up your note with page numbers or other location information.
If you are citing a specific passage, chapter, or section of a text, include the page numbers or other location details after the publication information. Put this information outside the parentheses around the book publication information or journal publication date.
- If you are citing a book or book chapter, put the page numbers or location information after a comma. For example: 17. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946), chap. 15.
- If you are citing a journal article, put a colon before the page numbers. For example: 1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278. | 最后写上页码或其它位置信息。
- 如果是引用书籍或某个章节,先插入逗号后,再写出页码或位置信息。示例:17. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946), chap. 15.
- 如果是引用期刊文章,插入冒号才写出页码。示例:1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278. |
0.908 | Add a URL if you're using an online resource.
Place the web address for the cited text after the page numbers in your note. If you're using an electronic journal article, use the article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if it has one. This is a unique identifier that also serves as a permanent URL (web address) for the article or other electronic resource.
- For example: 1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278,
- Some older or more obscure periodicals may not have DOIs. If you can't find one on the article or at, just use the web address that you accessed to read the article. | 如果引用网页上的内容,需要插入网址。
在页码之后插入引文的网址。引用发表在电子期刊的文章时,如果可以找到文章的DOI号码,需要在注释中标明DOI(数字对象标识符)编号。这是独特的标识符,可以给文章或其它电子资源的网址永久定位。 。
- 示例:1. John Schmidt, “Mystery of a Talking Wombat,”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278,
- 有些比较旧或隐蔽的刊物可能没有DOI号码。如果你无法在crossref.org找到文章的DOI号码,给出文章所在的网址就行了。 |
0.885 | Put a period at the end of the citation.
Once you've included all the information you need, close off your citation with a period. If your citation includes page numbers or a URL, the period should go after that. Otherwise, you can place the period directly after the publication information.
- For example, if you are citing specific pages in a book, your full citation would look like this: 12. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946), 21-22.
- For a more general citation (without page numbers): 12. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946). | 以句号结束注释。
- 举个例子,如果你引用一本书中的某一页内容,完整的注释应该是这样的:12. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946), 21-22.
- 如果是比较笼统或不包含页码的注释,看起来大概像这样:12. Njord Bjorn,
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm* (London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946). |
0.881 | Create an abbreviation for subsequent references.
If you cite the same source more than once, create a shortened version of the title to use after the first note. This shortened reference will consist of the last name of the author(s), a clearly identifying word or 2 from the title, and the page numbers or other location you are currently citing.
- For example: Baylish, “Wombat Folklore,” fig. 3. | 给接下来相同的注释创建一个缩写。如果要多次引用相同的文献,第一个注释要写完整,之后就可以创建一个简略标题,用于接下来相同的注释。简略的注释包含作者的姓氏,标题中重要的1、2个字,还有当前引用的页数或其它位置信息。示例:Baylish, “Wombat Folklore,” fig.
3. |
0.95 | List your entries in alphabetical order by author.
Arrange each entry according to the last name of the author. Place the author's surname first, followed by their first name after a comma.
- For example: Schmidt, John.
- If there are multiple authors, only invert the first and last names of the first author listed. For example: Schmidt, John, and Njord Bjorn.
- If there are 10 or fewer authors for a particular source, list the names of all the authors in the reference list entry. If there are more than 10 authors, list the first 7, followed by et al.
- If you have multiple works by the same author, put them in chronological order. List the author's name only for the first entry, and then use 3 em-dashes followed by a period (———.) at the start of each following entry in place of the author's name.
- For multiple works by the same author in the same year, distinguish each entry by adding a lowercase letter to the date (for example, 1935a, 1935b, and so on). Arrange these entries in alphabetical order by title. | 按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列参考文献。
- 示例:Schmidt, John.
- 如果有多位作者,第一位作者先写姓再写名,之后的作者先写名再写姓。示例:Schmidt, John, and Njord Bjorn.
- 如果有10位或以下的作者,在参考文献列表中,必须给出所有作者的姓名。如果有超过10位作者,只给出头7位的姓名,然后写et al.。
- 如果引用同一作者的多部文献,按照时间顺序排列。只有第一部文献需要列出作者姓名,之后的只需要用3个长破折号(———)代替作者姓名即可。
- 至于同一作者在同一年份发表的多部文献,需要在年份后面加一个小写字母来区分它们,比如1935a、1935b等。按标题的字母顺序排列文献。 |
0.906 | Put the year of publication between the author name and the title.
In Author-Date style, the author's name is immediately followed by the date, separated by a period. The date is then followed by the title of the publication. This is true no matter what kind of source you are citing (e.g., book, book chapter, or periodical title).
- For example: Schmidt, John. 1935. “The Mystery of a Talking Wombat.” | 在作者姓名和标题中间插入出版年份。在“作者-年份”格式中,作者姓名之后放一个逗号,写出日期,然后是刊物标题。不管是引用书籍、书籍中的某一章节,还是期刊或其它刊物,都要遵循同一个标准。示例:Schmidt, John.
1935. “The Mystery of a Talking Wombat.” |
0.945 | Write publication information after the title if you're citing a book.
Follow the title of a book with the place of publication and the name of the publishing company.
- For example: Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. London: Not a Real Publisher.
- If the book is part of a multi-volume set, put the volume number after the title and before the publication information. Include the volume subtitle if there is one. E.g., Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. Vol. 2, *The Investigation*. London: Not a Real Publisher.
- You can also include information such as the name of a translator (if applicable) or the edition number after the title. For example: Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*, 2nd ed. Translated by Richard Little. London: Not a Real Publisher. | 如果是引用书籍,在书名之后写上出版信息。
- 示例:Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. London: Not a Real Publisher.
- 如果是有很多卷的丛书,在标题之后先写卷数,再写出版信息。如果该卷数有自己的副标题,也要写进去。示例:Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. Vol. 2, *The Investigation*. London: Not a Real Publisher.
- 你也可以在书名后面写上译者名称(如有)或版次。示例:Bjorn, Njord. 1946.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*, 2nd ed. Translated by Richard Little. London: Not a Real Publisher. |
0.924 | Follow book chapter titles with the book title, editor and page range.
Immediately after a book chapter title, write the book title, the name(s) of the editor(s), and the page range in the following format: In *Book Title*, edited by First Name Last Name, xxx-xxx.
- For example: Baylish, Bella. 2018. “An Overview of Wombat Folklore.” In
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, edited by George Finch, 125-162. New York: J. Q. Abernathy and Sons. | 在章节标题后面写上书名、编辑姓名和页码范围。
写了书籍章节标题后,接着给出书名、编辑姓名和页码范围,格式为:In *书名*, edited by编辑的名字和姓氏, xxx-xxx。
- 示例:Baylish, Bella. 2018. “An Overview of Wombat Folklore.” In
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, edited by George Finch, 125-162. New York: J. Q. Abernathy and Sons. |
0.958 | Place journal title, volume, and location information after an article title.
If you are citing an article from a journal, all information about the publication goes after the article title. Use the format *Journal Title* volume number, issue number (month/season): page range.
- “Page range” refers to the page numbers for the entire article within the periodical. For example, your article may appear on pages 275-278 of the journal you are citing.
- For example: Schmidt, John. 1935. “Mystery of a Talking Wombat.”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February): 275-278.
- If you're citing a periodical such as a newspaper or magazine, put the year date at the end of the citation as well as after the author's name. These citations typically do not include page ranges. For example: Whiffle, Ferdinand. 1935. “The Wombat of Schmidt Farm.”
*Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935. | 在文章标题后面给出期刊名、卷数和位置信息。
如果是引用期刊中的某篇文章,在文章标题后面给出所有出版信息。格式为: *期刊名*卷数, 发行数(月/季节): 页码范围。
- “页码范围”指的是整篇文章在期刊中占据的页数。比如说,你引用的文章可能出现在期刊中的第275-278页。
- 示例:Schmidt, John. 1935. “Mystery of a Talking Wombat.”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February): 275-278.
- 如果是引用报纸或杂志上的文章,在作者姓名后面写出年份,然后在结尾给出发表的月、日、年。通常不需要给出页码范围。示例:Whiffle, Ferdinand. 1935. “The Wombat of Schmidt Farm.”
*Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935. |
0.941 | Put bibliography entries in alphabetical order by author.
Alphabetize these entries by the authors' surnames. Write the author's last name first, and separate it from their first name with a comma.
- For example: Prince, Harlan.
- If the work has more than one author, invert the first author's name, but not those of subsequent authors. For example: Prince, Harlan, and Njord Bjorn.
- If your citation has 10 or fewer authors, list all of them in the bibliography entry. For works with more than 10 authors, list the first 7, followed by et al.
- Arrange multiple works by the same author in alphabetical order by title. List the author's name for the first entry, but write 3 em-dashes followed by a period (———.) instead at the start of each following entry. | 按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列书目。
- 示例:Prince, Harlan.
- 如果有超过1位作者,第一位作者先写姓再写名,之后的作者先写名再写姓。示例:Prince, Harlan, and Njord Bjorn.
- 如果有10位或以下的作者,在书目列表中必须给出所有作者的姓名。如果有超过10位作者,只给出头7位的姓名,然后写et al.。
- 按标题的字母顺序排列同一作者的多部文献。只有第一部文献需要列出作者姓名,之后的只需要用3个长破折号和1个句号(———)代替作者姓名即可。 |
0.861 | Write the title after the author's name.
If you're using NB style, the date goes at or near the end of the citation. Follow the author's name immediately with the title of the work, separated by a period. Put another period after the title.
- For example, if you are citing an article in a periodical or a chapter in a book: Schmidt, John. “The Mystery of a Talking Wombat.”
- If you are citing a book: Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. | 在作者姓名之后写标题。如果使用“注释-书目”格式,年份写在结尾处。作者姓名后面应该加一个句号,接着写文献标题,然后再放一个句号。 引用期刊中的某篇文章或是书籍中的某一章节:Schmidt, John.
“The Mystery of a Talking Wombat.” 引用书籍:Bjorn, Njord. My Experiences at Schmidt Farm. |
0.939 | Put publication information after the title when you cite a book.
Write the place of publication, the name of the publishing company, and the year of publication immediately after the title. Do not put this information in parentheses as you would in a note.
- For example: Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946.
- If the book has a volume number, write it after the title and before the publication information. If there's a volume subtitle, put it after the volume number. E.g., Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. Vol. 2, *The Investigation*. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946.
- Additional information about the book, such as the name of a translator or the edition number, can also go after the title and before the publication information. For example: Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*, 2nd ed. Translated by Richard Little. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946. | 如果是引用书籍,在书名后面给出出版信息。
- 示例:Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946.
- 如果书籍有卷数,应该写在书名之后,出版信息之前。如果该卷数有自己的副标题,要在卷数之后写出来。示例:Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*. Vol. 2, *The Investigation*. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946.
- 你还可以在书名之后和出版信息之前提供更多书籍信息,比如译者名称或版次。示例:Bjorn, Njord.
*My Experiences at Schmidt Farm*, 2nd ed. Translated by Richard Little. London: Not a Real Publisher, 1946. |
0.948 | Write the book title, editor and page range after a book chapter title.
If you're citing a chapter of a book, you will also need to include the book title, the name(s) of the editor(s), and the page range of the chapter. Place this information right after the chapter title in the following format: In *Book Title*, edited by First Name Last Name, xxx-xxx.
- For example: Baylish, Bella. “An Overview of Wombat Folklore.” In
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, edited by George Finch, 125-162. New York: J. Q. Abernathy and Sons, 2018. | 在章节标题后面写上书名、编辑姓名和页码范围。
如果引用的是书籍中的某一章节,你还需要在章节标题之后,写出书名、编辑姓名和有关章节的页码范围。格式为:In *书名*, edited by 编辑名字和姓氏, xxx-xxx。
- 示例:Baylish, Bella. “An Overview of Wombat Folklore.” In
*The Enigma of Jules the Wombat*, edited by George Finch, 125-162. New York: J. Q. Abernathy and Sons, 2018. |
0.943 | Follow an article title with the journal title, volume, and location information.
When you cite an article, place information about the publication immediately after the title. Use the format *Journal Title* volume number, issue number (month/season year): page range.
- For example: Schmidt, John. “Mystery of a Talking Wombat.”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278.
- If you're citing a periodical such as a newspaper or magazine, put the year date at the end of the citation without parentheses. For example: Whiffle, Ferdinand. “The Wombat of Schmidt Farm.”
*Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935. | 在文章标题后面写出期刊名、卷数和位置信息。
如果要引用文章,在文章标题后面接着给出出版信息。格式为: *期刊名*卷数,发行号(月或季节 年份):页码范围。
- 示例:Schmidt, John. “Mystery of a Talking Wombat.”
*Bulletin of the Illinois Society for Psychical Research* 217, no. 2 (February 1935): 275-278.
- 如果是引用报纸或杂志上的文章,在结尾写上出版日期,不需要加括号。示例:Whiffle, Ferdinand. “The Wombat of Schmidt Farm.”
*Naperville Times*, February 15, 1935. |
0.861 | 3 Ways to Cite Sources in MLA Format | 3种方法来在美国现代语言协会(MLA)格式下引用资料 |
0.911 | 3 Ways to Cite a Movie Using MLA Style | 3种方法来用MLA格式引用电影 |
0.866 | According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the word "plagiarize" can mean trying to pass off someone else's ideas, work or words as your own, or using those ideas, work or words without giving due credit to the source. You can avoid either misdeed by simply giving credit where credit is due. The three primary citation styles are APA, MLA, and CMS. | 根据《韦氏新大学词典》的解释,“剽窃”的意思是把某人的想法,作品或者语言据为己有,或者使用时没有注明是引用。你可以通过注明引用来避免抄袭行为。三种主要的引用方式是APA,MLA和CMS。 |
0.944 | When writing a paper for a research project, you may need to cite a research paper you used as a reference. The basic information included in your citation will be the same across all styles. However, the format in which that information is presented is somewhat different depending on whether you're using American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), Chicago, or American Medical Association (AMA) style. | 写研究项目论文时,你可能需要引用研究论文作为参考。引文中包含的基本信息在所有类型的论文中都是相同的。但是,根据你是使用“美国心理学会(APA)”、“美国现代语言协会(MLA)”、芝加哥还是“美国医学协会(AMA)”,信息呈现的格式有所不同。 |
1 | APA | APA |
0.921 | Start with the author's last name and first initial.
In APA style, the author's name is inverted, meaning you list the last name first. Place a comma after the last name, then the first initial. Separate the names of multiple authors with commas, using an ampersand (&) before the last name.
- For example: "Kringle, K., & Frost, J." | 以作者的姓氏和姓氏首字母开头。在APA格式中,作者的名字是倒过来的,也就是把姓放在前面。姓后面加逗号,然后是姓氏首字母。使用逗号分隔多个作者的名字,在姓前使用&。例如:“Kringle, K.
, & Frost, J.” |
0.95 | List the title of the research paper.
Use sentence capitalization to write out the full title of the research paper, capitalizing the first word and any proper names. If it has a subtitle, place a colon and capitalize the first word of the subtitle.
- For example: "Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer."
- If you found the research paper in a database maintained by a university, corporation, or other organization, include any index number assigned to the paper in parentheses after the title. For example: "Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. (Report No. 1234)." | 列出研究论文的题目。
- 例如:“Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer.”
- 如果你在由大学、公司或其他机构维护的数据库中发现了研究论文,请在标题后面的括号中加上分配给论文的索引号。例如:“Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. (Report No. 1234).” |
0.961 | Include information on where you found the paper.
If the paper was published in an academic journal or magazine, use the same format that you would for any other article. For unpublished articles, provide as much information as possible to direct your readers to the research paper.
- For example: "Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. (Report No. 1234). Retrieved from Alaska University Library Archives, December 24, 2017." | 加上论文查找渠道的信息。
- 例如:“Kringle, K., & Frost, J. (2012). Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. (Report No. 1234). Retrieved from Alaska University Library Archives, December 24, 2017.” |
0.91 | Use a parenthetical citation in the body of your paper.
When you write a statement that comes from the research paper, include the last names of the authors along with the year the paper was published or written.
- For example: "(Kringle & Frost, 2012)."
- If there was no date on the research paper, use the abbreviation
*n.d.*: "(Kringle & Frost, n.d.)." | 在论文的正文中插入引文。当你引用某篇研究论文的表述时,要加上作者的姓以及论文发表或撰写的年份。 例如:“(Kringle & Frost, 2012).
” 如果研究论文上没有日期,就用缩写“n.d.”:“(Kringle & Frost, n.d.).” |
0.927 | Chicago | 芝加哥 |
0.928 | Start with the authors' names.
Invert the first author's name so that the last name appears first. Subsequent authors' names should be written in regular order. Spell out first names. Use a middle initial if it is provided on the research paper.
- For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost." | 从作者的名字开始。将第一作者的名字颠倒过来,这样姓氏就会在前面。后面作者的姓名应按正常顺序书写。拼出姓氏。如果研究论文中有中间名的首字母,那就用它。例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost.
” |
0.915 | List the title of the research paper.
The title of the paper is written in title case, meaning that most adjectives, nouns, and verbs are capitalized, but articles and conjunctions are not. Titles are enclosed in quotation marks. Include the type of paper after the title.
- For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis." | 列出研究论文的题目。论文标题是用标题格写的,这意味着大多数形容词、名词和动词都是大写的,而冠词和连词则不用大写。标题用引号括起来。在标题后面加上论文类型。例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost.
"Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis.” |
0.931 | Provide the place and year of publication.
If the paper was unpublished, the date you use will be the year the paper was written. If the paper was published, you'll follow the general rules for citing an article in Chicago style.
- For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis, Alaska University, 2012." | 提供出版地点和年份。如果论文未发表,你使用的日期就是论文撰写的年份。如果论文发表了,你需要遵循引用芝加哥格式文章的通用规则。例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost.
"Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis, Alaska University, 2012.” |
0.95 | Include any additional information necessary to locate the paper.
If you accessed the paper online, you should add a direct URL so your readers can go directly to the paper as you found it. If the paper has a database number assigned to it, that can also help readers locate the paper more easily.
- For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis, Alaska University, 2012. Accessed at" | 加上其他任何可以查找论文的必要信息。
- 例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Jack Frost. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon among North Pole Reindeer." Master's thesis, Alaska University, 2012. Accessed at” |
0.926 | Follow your instructor's guidance regarding in-text citations.
Chicago and Turabian (a simplified version of Chicago style) style research papers may use either footnotes or parenthetical citations to cite references in the body of your paper.
- Footnotes are essentially the same as the full citation, although the first and last names of the authors aren't inverted.
- For parenthetical citations, Chicago uses the Author-Date format. For example: "(Kringle and Frost 2012)." | 遵循导师关于文内引用的指导。芝加哥和Turabian(芝加哥格式的简化版)格式的研究论文可能会使用脚注或插入式引用来引用论文正文中的参考文献。 脚注基本上与完整的引用相同,不过作者的姓氏和名字没有倒过来。 在插入引用中,芝加哥使用作者-日期格式。例如:“(Kringle and Frost 2012).
” |
1 | MLA | MLA |
0.937 | Start with the authors of the paper.
Invert the names of the authors so that you list their last names first, followed by their first names. Spell out first names. Separate multiple authors with commas.For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack." | 从论文的作者开始。把作者的名字倒过来,这样姓氏就会在前面,然后是他们的名字。拼出姓氏。用逗号分隔多个作者。例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack.
” |
0.929 | Provide the title of the research paper.
In MLA, enclose the title and subtitle in quotation marks. Capitalize most words, but not short articles or conjunctions unless they are the first word of the title or subtitle.
- For example: "Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon Among North Pole Reindeer."" | 提供研究论文的标题。在MLA中,将标题和副标题用引号括起来。大部分单词要大写,但短文章或连词除外,除非它们是标题或副标题的第一个单词。例如:“Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack.
"Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon Among North Pole Reindeer."” |
0.926 | Identify the paper's location.
MLA operates on the concept of *containers*. Your paper is part of a larger whole, which may be part of an even larger whole. In your citation, list the smallest container first, followed by the larger, all the way up to the largest.
- For example, suppose you found the paper in a collection of paper housed in university archives. Your citation might be: "Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon Among North Pole Reindeer." Master's Theses 2000-2010. University of Alaska Library Archives. Accessed December 24, 2017." | 确定论文的位置。
MLA采用 *容器*的概念。你的论文是一个更大整体的一部分,而这一部分可能是一个更大整体的一部分。在引文中,首先列出最小的“容器”,然后是更大的,一直到最大的。
- 例如,假设你在大学档案馆的论文选集中找到了这篇论文。引文可以这样写:“Kringle, Kris, and Frost, Jack. "Red Noses, Warm Hearts: The Glowing Phenomenon Among North Pole Reindeer." Master's Theses 2000-2010. University of Alaska Library Archives. Accessed December 24, 2017.” |
0.918 | Use parenthetical references in the body of your work.
After you mention something in your paper that requires you to cite the research paper, place the names of the authors in parentheses along with the page number where the information appears.
- For example: "(Kringle & Frost, p. 33)." | 在你的论文正文中插入参考文献。当你在论文中提到一些需要你引用研究论文的内容时,将作者的名字和出现这些信息的页码放在括号里。例如:“(Kringle & Frost, p.
33).” |
1 | AMA | AMA |
0.94 | Start with the author's last name and first initial.
An AMA citation begins with the names of the authors or editors of the paper. Use no punctuation apart from a comma between names. If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 3 followed by the abbreviation "et al."
- For example: "Kringle K, Frost J." | 以作者的姓氏和姓氏首字母开头。AMA引文以论文作者或编辑的姓名开头。除了名字之间的逗号外,不要使用标点。如果有超过6位作者,列出前3位作者,后面加上缩写“et al”。例如:“Kringle K, Frost J.
” |
0.911 | Provide the title in sentence case.
In sentence case, you only capitalize the first word and any proper nouns included in the title of the article. If there is a subtitle, include it after a colon with an initial capital at the beginning of the subtitle.
- For example: "Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer." | 按句子格式写出标题。在句子格式中,你只需把文章标题中的第一个单词和专有名称大写。如果有副标题,在副标题开头的冒号后面加上大写首字母。例如:“Kringle K, Frost J.
Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer.” |
0.926 | Include journal information if the paper was published.
A research paper that was published in an academic journal should be treated like any other journal article. Include the abbreviated title of the journal in italics, followed by the year of publication, issue number, and pages where the paper appears.
- For example: "Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer.
*Nat Med.* 2012; 18(9): 1429-1433." | 如果论文发表了,要包括期刊信息。发表在学术期刊上的研究论文应该像其他期刊论文一样对待。用斜体显示期刊的缩写标题,然后是出版年份、刊号和论文出现的页面。例如:“Kringle K, Frost J.
Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. Nat Med. 2012; 18(9): 1429-1433.” |
0.956 | Provide location information if the paper hasn't been published.
If the paper was presented at a conference or symposium, include information about the conference where it was presented. If you found it online, provide a direct link and the date you accessed it.
- For example, if you're citing a paper presented at a conference, you'd write: "Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. Oral presentation at Arctic Health Association Annual Summit; December, 2017; Nome, Alaska."
- To cite a paper you read online, you'd write: "Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer." | 如果论文尚未发表,提供位置信息。
- 例如,如果你要引用在会议上宣读的论文,可以这样写:“Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer. Oral presentation at Arctic Health Association Annual Summit; December, 2017; Nome, Alaska.”
- 要引用你在网上读到的一篇论文,你可以这样写:“Kringle K, Frost J. Red noses, warm hearts: The glowing phenomenon among North Pole reindeer.” |
0.942 | Use superscript numbers in the body of your paper.
For in-text citations, include a superscript number after the information for which you need a citation. You'll build your bibliography as you write your paper, with your citations listed in the order they are noted in your text.
- For example: "According to Kringle and Frost, these red noses indicate a subspecies of reindeer native to Alaska and Canada that have migrated to the North Pole and mingled with North Pole reindeer. | 在论文的正文部分使用上标数字。
- 例如:“According to Kringle and Frost, these red noses indicate a subspecies of reindeer native to Alaska and Canada that have migrated to the North Pole and mingled with North Pole reindeer. |
0.886 | 4 Ways to Cite a Website | 4种方法来引用网站上的文献 |
0.805 | If you're writing a research paper, you'll likely do quite a bit of research online. If you have websites that you want to use as sources for your paper, an entry for the website must appear in the reference list (also called the bibliography or Works Cited) at the end of your paper. You'll also include a citation in-text at the end of any sentence in which you've paraphrased or quoted information that appeared on that website. While the information you need to provide is generally the same across all methods, the way you format that information may vary depending on whether you're using the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), or Chicago style of citation. | 想将网站上的资料用在研究中,就得适当地在论文中引用。没有说明出处会被视为剽窃,这是一种欺骗行为。引用可以让读者知道文献出处,包括作者姓名、网站名称、出版年份和网址等重要信息。让他们知道你做了研究,如果他们有兴趣,可以阅读文献,进一步探讨有关课题。你得遵循一定的引用格式,每种风格的格式都不一样,最常见的有美国现代语言协会(MLA)风格、美国心理协会(APA)风格和芝加哥风格。 |
0.828 | 4 Ways to Cite a Website in APA | 5种方法来按照APA格式引用英文网址 |
0.861 | Write the name of the author.
In your reference list, the author’s name should be in last-name, first-initial format. If there are multiple authors, list each one in last-name, first-initial format and separate the names with commas, separating the final name with an ampersand (&). For instance:
- Doe, J.
- Wilcox, M. & Smith, R. | 写出作者的名字。名字的格式是“名,姓”。如果有多位作者,你需要按照格式,写出所有作者的名字,并用逗号隔开他们,最后两个作者的名字之间,用和号(&)分开。。 Doe, J.
Doe, J. & Smith, R. Doe, J., Smith, R. & Johnson, S. |
0.828 | List the title of the document.
This is the name of the webpage or blog post, not the overall website or blog. Only capitalize the first letter of the first word, and conclude with a period. Here are some examples:
- Doe, J. (2012, December 31). Statistics and analysis.
- Wilcox, M. & Smith, R. (2010, May 1). Study about citation rules. | 写出特定页面的名称。这里用到的是特定页面或者文章的名字,而不是整个网站或者在线期刊的名字。名称的开头字母要大写,以句号结尾。 Doe, J.
(2012, December 31). Statistics and analysis. Doe, J. (2012, December 31). Homepage. Doe, J. & Smith, R. (2010, May 1). Study about citation rules. |
0.913 | Website with No Author | 无作者的网站 |
0.868 | Online Book | 在线书籍 |
0.891 | Mention the author's name or username.
When available, you should use the author's actual name in last-name, first-initial, middle-initial format. If the author does not indicate their real name, however, you must include the author's screen name or username.
- Smith, A. B.
- JellybeanLover1900. | 注明作者的名字或用户名。如果条件允许,你需要按照“名,姓,中间名”的格式写出作者的真实姓名。如果作者没有透露他的真实姓名,那么你需要写出他的网名或用户名。 Smith, A.
B. JellybeanLover1900. |
0.818 | Include the date of publication.
Due to the nature of online message boards and forums, the date of publication is almost always included with each post. Write the date in year-month-day format and enclose it in parentheses. Follow with a period.
- Smith, A. B. (2006, January 8). | 写出发布日期。由于论坛和留言板的特性,每个帖子和回复中都会注明日期。按照“年,月,日”的格式,在括号里写出日期,以句号结尾。 Smith, A.
B. (2006, January 8). |
Subsets and Splits