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(法院)判決 | court judgment |
法定期間 | statutory period |
近似之設計 | similar design |
侵害專利鑑定專業機構 | specialized institution(s) to conduct patent infringement assessment |
指定期間 | specified period |
為販賣之要約 | offering for sale |
衍生設計專利 | derivative design patent |
重複專利 | double patenting |
面詢 | interview |
海關配合執行專利及著作權益保護措施作業要點 | Operational Directions for Customs Authorities in Implementing Measures for Protecting the Rights and Interests of Patent and Copyright |
消滅 | extinguishment |
勘驗 | (carry out) inspection |
商業上之實施 | commercially exploited |
國防機密 | national defense secrets |
國際承認用於專利程序的微生物保存布達佩斯條約 | Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure |
國際專利分類 | International Patent Classification (IPC) |
寄存機構 | depository |
專利公報 | Patent Gazette |
專利代理人 | patent agent |
專利以外文本申請實施辦法 | Regulations Governing Submission of Foreign Language Application Documents |
專利申請書 | patent application form |
專利申請權 | right to apply for a patent |
專利申請權人 | the owner of the right to apply for a patent |
專利申請權共有人 | the joint owner of the right to apply for a patent |
專利合作條約 | Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) |
專利年費 | patent annuity |
專利年費減免辦法 | Regulations for Reduction and Exemption of Patent Annuities |
專利法 | Patent Act |
專利法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act |
專利要件 | patentability |
專利師 | patent attorney |
專利案面詢作業要點 | Guidelines for Patent Interviews |
專利商品化網站 | TIPO patent commercialization website |
專利商標代理人義務諮詢服務台 | Patent and Trademark Representative Consultation Desk |
專利專責機關 | patent authority |
專利授權 | patent licensing |
專利電子申請及電子送達實施辦法 | Regulations Governing the Implementation of Filing Patent Applications and Services by Electronic Means |
專利審定書 | written decision of patent examination |
專利審查人員;專利審查官 | patent examiner |
專利審查官資格條例 | Patent Examiner Qualification Act |
專利檢索 | patent search |
專利檢索報告 | patent search report |
專利舉發理由書 | ground for patent invalidation |
專利簡易業務快辦服務台(中心) | Patent Express Service Center |
專利證書 | patent certificate |
專利證書費 | patent certificate fee |
專利證書號數 | patent certificate number |
專利權 | patent right |
專利權人 | patentee |
專利權延長 | extension of patent term |
專利權期間 | patent term |
專利權期間延長 | patent term extension |
專利權簿 | Patent Registry |
專利權讓與 | patent assignment |
專屬之被授權人 | exclusive licensee |
強制授權 | compulsory licensing |
異議人 | opposition requester |
被授權人 | licensee |
設計人 | designer |
設計專利 | design patent |
最後通知 | final notice |
發明人 | inventor |
發明專利 | invention patent |
答辯 | provide a response |
雇用人 | employer |
損害賠償 | compensation for damages |
新型專利 | utility model patent |
新型專利技術報告 | technical evaluation report for utility model patent |
新型創作人 | utility model creator |
補償金 | compensation; remuneration |
圖式 | drawings |
實質擴大 | substantially enlarge |
實體審查 | substantive examination |
摘要 | abstract |
撤回 | withdrawal |
撤銷確定 | the invalidation decision revoking the patent has become final and binding |
與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 | Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) |
誤記之訂正 | correct errors |
誤譯之訂正 | correction of translation errors |
說明書 | description |
說明書所支持 | supported by the description |
遠距視訊面詢 | remote (video) interviews |
審查意見通知函 | office action |
廣義發明概念 | general inventive concept |
標準必要專利 | Standard Essential Patent |
模型 | model |
樣品 | sample |
歐洲專利公約 | European Patent Convention (EPC) |
調解 | meditation |
質權 | pledge |
質權人 | pledgee |
優先權 | priority |
優先權日 | priority date |
舉發 | invalidation |
舉發人 | invalidation requester |
證人 | witness |
證書費 | certificate fee |
繼承;得繼承 | inherit (v.), inheritable (adj.) |
繼承人 | successor |
鑑定人 | expert witness |
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