stringlengths 2
| en
stringlengths 3
變更 | alter |
讓與;得讓與 | assign (v.), assignable (adj.) |
一般商業交易習慣 | general commercial practices |
大陸地區人民在臺申請專利及商標註冊作業要點 | Guidelines governing the Application for Patent and Trademark Registrations in Taiwan by Mainland Chinese People |
分割 | division of registration |
反網域名稱搶註消費者保護法 | Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) |
手勢商標 | gesture mark |
申請日 | filing date |
全像圖商標(雷射商標) | hologram trademark |
再授權 | sub-license |
回復原狀 | restoration to status quo ante |
地理標示 | geographical indication (GI) |
多媒體商標 | multimedia trademark |
有致公眾誤認誤信 | likely to mislead the public |
位置商標 | position trademark |
更正 | correction |
使用聲明之修正 | amendment to allege use (AAU) |
使用證據 | proof of use |
來源地標示(原產地標示) | indication of source |
具有識別性之標識 | any sign with distinctiveness |
取得識別性、後天識別性 | acquired distinctiveness |
受保護原產地名稱 | protected designation of origin (PDO) |
味道(味覺)商標 | taste trademark |
延展註冊 | renewal of registration |
延展註冊費 | the renewal fee |
法定期間 | statutory period |
非專屬授權 | non-exclusive license |
非傳統商標 | non-traditional marks |
非傳統商標審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Non-traditional Trademarks |
保護原產地名稱及其國際註冊之里斯本協定(里斯本協定) | Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (Lisbon Agreement) |
建立商標圖形要素國際分類維也納協定(維也納分類) | Vienna Agreement establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (Vienna Classification) |
指定使用之商品或服務 | designated goods or services |
指定期間 | specified period |
查扣 | detention |
相對事由 | relative ground |
原產地名稱 | appellation of origin |
展覽會優先權 | exhibition priority |
核准審定 | disposition of acceptance |
核駁審定 | disposition of refusal |
氣味商標(嗅覺商標) | scent trademark (olfactory/smell trademark) |
海關查扣侵害商標權物品實施辦法 | Implementation Regulations for Customs to Detain Articles Infringing the Rights in the Trademark |
海關執行商標權益保護措施實施辦法 | Regulations Governing Customs Measures in Protecting the Rights and Interests of Trademark |
馬德里協定有關議定書(馬德里議定書) | Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement |
馬德里體系(關於商標國際註冊馬德里協定及馬德里議定書) | Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks and Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement (Madrid System) |
動態商標 | motion trademark |
商品及服務分類暨相互檢索參考資料 | Classification and Cross Reference Index for Goods and Services |
商品或服務之分割 | division of the designated goods or services |
商標 | trademark |
商標公報 | Trademark Official Gazette |
商標代理人(商標律師) | trademark agent (trademark attorney) |
商標共有 | trademark co-ownership |
商標妨害公共秩序或善良風俗審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Trademark being Contrary to Public Policy or Accepted Principles of Morality |
商標使用 | use of a trademark |
商標法 | Trademark Act |
商標法利害關係人認定要點 | Guidelines for Determining an Interested Party under the Trademark Act |
商標法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act |
商標法國際條約 | Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) |
商標法第30條第1項第11款著名商標保護審查基準 | Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks under subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Trademark Act |
商標法新加坡國際條約 | Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks |
商標爭議案件申請及答辯注意事項 | Notice on Application and Response for Trademark Dispute Cases |
商標爭議案件聽證作業要點 | Guidelines on Hearing Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases |
商標爭議案審查流程注意事項 | Notice on the Examination Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases |
商標的拋棄 | abandonment of a trademark |
商標真實使用 | genuine use of the trademark |
商標國際註冊馬德里協定(馬德里協定) | Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks |
商標專責機關 | the Trademark Registrar Office |
商標淡化(減損) | trademark dilution |
商標異議 | trademark opposition |
商標規費收費標準 | Standards of Trademark Fees |
商標設質 | trademark pledge |
商標註冊用商品與服務國際分類尼斯協定(尼斯分類) | Nice Agreement concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) |
商標註冊簿 | the Trademark Register |
商標註冊證 | trademark certificate |
商標評定 | trademark invalidation |
商標搶註(商標蟑螂) | trademark squatting (trademark squatter) |
商標電子申請及電子送達實施辦法 | Regulations Governing the Implementation of Filing Trademark Applications and Services by Electronic Means |
商標圖樣 | trademark representation |
商標審查人員提請評定作業要點 | Guidelines on Submitting a Proposal for Invalidation of a Trademark Registration by Trademark Examiners |
商標審查官 | trademark examiner |
商標審查官資格條例 | Trademark Examiner Qualification Act |
商標廢止 | trademark revocation |
商標閱卷及影印作業要點 | Guidelines for Reviewing, Copying or Duplicating Archive and Information of Trademark Applications |
商標識別性 | trademark distinctiveness |
商標識別性審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on Distinctiveness of Trademarks |
商標權 | trademark right |
商標權消滅 | extinguishment of a trademark right |
商標權移轉 | transfer of trademark right |
商標鑑定案件作業程序 | Guidelines for Trademark Advisory Opinion Cases |
商譽 | goodwill |
專屬授權 | exclusive license |
授權 | license |
混淆誤認之虞 | likelihood of confusion |
混淆誤認之虞審查基準 | Examination Guidelines on 'Likelihood of Confusion' |
產地團體商標 | geographical collective trademark |
產地證明標章 | geographical certification mark |
第二意義 | secondary meaning |
通用名稱或標章 | generic term or mark |
減損著名商標識別性跟信譽 | dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the well-known trademark |
絕對事由 | absolute ground |
著名商標 | well-known trademarks |
Subsets and Splits