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Blackpool chairman has been charged by the FA . Blackpool chairman Karl Oyston is facing a ban from football activities after being charged by the Football Association for text messages in which he called a supporter 'a retard'. The unpopular chief has until next Monday to respond to the charge and is set to be locked out of his own club if ultimately found guilty. Oyston - who has been the constant target of fan protests over the course of the Seasiders’ worst season for decades - is also looking at a hefty fine and mandatory four-hour FA education course. The shocking text messages, seen by Sportsmail, emerged just before Christmas when he sent a series of vitriolic volleys to fan Stephen Smith, who he told to 'enjoy the rest of your special needs day out'. Oyston later apologised for his part in the exchange, however the FA announced on Monday that the messages allegedly constituted five breaches of its rules and now has until 6pm on March 30 to respond to the charge. In a another rant from Oyston, who has had abuse hurled at him as well this season, read: 'Stop texting f******, you shouldn't have ever started as you are one tiresome f***** that should spot trains not watch football. Get a life and consider yourself banned from the stadium. 'You are banned because I think you are a p****. 'Impossible to have a meaningful conversation with such a f******* as you.' Oyston has also joked with other fans that plans are afoot to see Blackpool, a Premier League side four years ago, spiral down to the Conference, with another text reading: 'I am a never-ending nightmare revenge mission'. Blackpool's fans protest against Oyston during the game against Charlton . A statement on the FA's website read: 'Blackpool FC Chairman Karl Oyston has been charged by the FA in relation to comments made in a text message exchange. 'It is alleged that the misconduct constituted five breaches of FA rules, and that during the text message exchange, Mr Oyston used abusive and/or insulting words towards a supporter of Blackpool FC. 'It is further alleged that each of these five breaches of FA Rule E3(1) is an 'Aggravated Breach' as defined in Rule E3(2), as each included a reference to disability. 'Mr Oyston has until 6pm on March 30, 2015 to respond to the charge.' The content of the messages first emerged just before Christmas and Oyston came under fire from fans of his own club as well as anti-discrimination group Kick It Out, while the local paper the Blackpool Gazette scrapped his weekly column with immediate effect. Blackpool fans have made their dislike for Oyston clear this season with songs and banners . The Seasiders chairman issued an apology via the club's official website in which he explained he was responding to threats and abuse to his own family. 'I would like to unreservedly apologise for any offence or distress caused by my text responses reported in the media recently,' he said. 'I regret stooping to the level of those threatening and abusing my family. 'My mobile number was placed on a social media website recently and it led to a barrage of abuse about my mother, father, wife, children and myself. 'In hindsight the aim of this was clear, and I foolishly opted to challenge some of the abuse, harassment and threats. 'Given my position, I should have acted with more responsibility and reported the abusive text messages, phone calls and answer phone messages to the police, rather than get embroiled in such an exchange.' Blackpool fans have held a number of protests about Oyston . However, Smith said at the time that he had not accepted Oyston's apology. Smith also claimed Oyston's position at the helm of Blackpool had become 'untenable'. 'The apology is weak,' he said. 'He has said that he is responding to messages that threatened and abused his family. I did not threaten or abuse any member of his family. His position as chairman is untenable. He has no choice but to resign.' Oyston has endured a frosty relationship with Blackpool supporters who have been disillusioned by events on and off the field during a tumultuous year at Bloomfield Road. Last Saturday hundreds of fans protested against the Tangerines' ownership and opted to go and watch non-league AFC Blackpool instead, boycotting the fixture between Lee Clark's men and Leeds. Blackpool are 17 points away from safety in the Sky Bet Championship and their relegation could be confirmed in their next game against Bolton.
Blackpool chairman Karl Oyston sent abusive text messages to some fans . The FA have charged Oyston and he has until 6pm on March 30 to respond . Oyston issued an apology at the time of the messages on the Blackpool website .
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Dramatic pictures have emerged of the moment Harrison Ford was carried away on a stretcher following his terrifying plane crash. The 72-year-old's face is seen covered in blood with his neck firmly strapped into a brace as he his wheeled from the Penmar Golf Course in Venice, Los Angeles on Thursday. First responders are also pictured wrapping bandages around his head before taking him away. He deliberately steered his 1942 Ryan Aeronautical ST3KR into the ground, breaking his pelvis, when the engine failed while flying solo. Scroll down for video . Bloodied: Harrison Ford is carried away from the scene of his plane crash on Penmar Golf Course in Venice, Los Angeles on Thursday . Keeping vigil: Calista Flockhart was seen leaving the Los Angeles hospital after another lengthy visit with her husband who broke his pelvis while crash landing his vintage plane on a golf course . Emergency care: The 72-year-old's head is seen covered on bandages and his neck was put in a brace as he was wheeled off of the golf course and into the back of an ambulance . Response: The Indiana Jones and Fugitive star was then taken to hospital where his wife, Calista Flockhart, is staging a bedside vigil . Ford's wife, Calista Flockhart has stayed close to his side at hospital. The 50-year-old actress emerged on Friday night appearing tired and emotionally drained following a bedside vigil that lasted several hours. Calista was seen at the wheel of a black Lexus pulling out of the hospital parking garage with an older male companion in the passenger seat. The former Ally McBeal star looked like she hadn't slept in a while, her face make-up free and eyes dark-circled and bleary from possible crying. Her light brown hair hung limply around her face and her manner of dress appeared simple and casual as though she'd grabbed the closest clothing in reach. Calista looked like she needed sleep and was perhaps heading home to recharge for a spell with the intent of returning to the actor's side soon. Wrapped up: Paramedics unroll bloodied bandages around the actor's face. He deliberately steered his 1942 Ryan Aeronautical ST3KR into the ground when the engine failed while flying solo . Treatment: Ford's arm is seen flung across his chest as he is treated by first responders. He broke his pelvis during the crash in his vintage plane . Cautious: He is gently rolled onto his side by members of the fire department as he is placed on a stretcher . On Thursday afternoon, Ford received a visit in hospital from his wife, who was seen looking emotional in her car. A doctor has revealed Ford was moaning in pain, slumped over in the cockpit, when he landed. 'He was stunned a bit,' said spinal surgeon Sanjay Khurana. 'He was moaning and in pain.' 'It was obvious by his face, it was Harrison Ford. I'm old enough, or young enough, to have watched all his 'Star Wars' films. So, it was obvious,' Khurana told ABC News. A video has since emerged of the moment the plane started to drop. As Ford descended, the people playing golf at the time were captured on film gaping open-mouthed at the sky before running out of the way. Dr Khurana was golfing next to Santa Monica Airport when he saw the plane 'belly flop' and rushed to the fairway where it came to rest. He told TV stations in Los Angeles and GMA that aside from worrying about Ford's injuries from the impact, he saw fuel leaking out of the World War II-era plane. Patrick Jones, an official with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), told reporters in Venice, California that investigators were inspecting the wreckage as well as reviewing documents pertaining to the upkeep of the plane. 'The aircraft will be examined, the engine will be examined, the records of the aircraft will be examined and ultimately we'll submit a factual report,' Jones said. 'All of that process is going to take probably a couple of weeks to a month or so,' the NTSB official said. The final report probably will not be out for a year.' Impact: A doctor has revealed Ford was moaning in pain, slumped over in the cockpit, when he landed . Support: The injured actor is surrounded by first responders as he is taken away on a stretcher . Jones said that the plane being as old as it is in many ways makes the investigation more straightforward. 'This aircraft is a fairly simple aircraft,' he said. 'A lot of it is old-school mechanical. We'll see what it is, we'll look at everything.' Ford, an aviation enthusiast with years of flying under his belt, flew out of Santa Monica Airport in the Ryan PT-22 Recruit when he experienced engine trouble just minutes into the flight. He was trying to return to the airport when he crashed. Authorities said they have not yet had the opportunity to interview Ford, but plan to do so over the course of their probe. The actor suffered multiple gashes to his head and was left bleeding after the crash. A family spokesman said Ford's injuries were not life-threatening. His son Ben, in a tweet late Thursday, said his father was 'battered, but OK.' Downed: Investigators surround the plane's wreckage. The National Transportation Safety Board say the probe into the crash could take up to a year . Probe: Investigators are examining the wreckage and documents pertaining to the upkeep of the plane in order to determine what happened . Scene: Golf bags surround the crash site in the aftermath on Thursday. Many players on the course at the time rushed to Ford's side when the plane went down . Tired and emotionally drained: The 50-year-old actress appeared understandably distraught . Support system: Calista was accompanied by a silver-haired male companion . Heading home: The weary-looking Calista was perhaps heading home to recharge before making the drive back to hospital . In good hands: Harrison Ford, 72, was last listed in fair to moderate condition in hospital . Fuel leak: The injured actor was pulled from the wreckage as the smell of gasoline filled the air . He and other golfers pulled Ford from the wreckage. Others threw dirt on the fuel so it wouldn't catch fire. Along with his friends who were golfing, Dr Khurana pulled Ford from the wreckage as the smell of gasoline filled the air. 'We wanted to get him out safely and with the fuel leaking out, I motioned to some of the other folks at the golf course to put dirt on the fuel so it wouldn't combust,' he said to CBS News. 'I just wanted to get him out safely so that the situation wouldn't erupt into a fire.' On Thursday, a teary-eyed Calista was seen looking emotional while heading to hospital to visit her husband Harrison in hospital. She had a handkerchief pressed to her nose and her eyes appeared to be tinged in red. Saved: Dr. Sanjay Khurana, who had been golfing when Ford's plane crashed, later said, 'It was obvious by his face, it was Harrison Ford. I'm old enough, or young enough, to have watched all his Star Wars films'
The 72-year-old is taken to an ambulance with his neck in a brace . His face is covered in bloodied bandages following the crash on Thursday . The star crashed on the Penmar Golf Course in Venice, Los Angeles . A surgeon said he was moaning in pain and slumped in the cockpit . His wife, Calista Flockhart, 50, has remained close to him while in hospital . She was pictured looking drained after holding a beside vigil .
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A mother has made a YouTube video telling a boy to stop asking her daughter out. Dr Lindsey Doe, a blogger under the name 'Doe Eyes' who specializes in sexual harassment, dedicated her latest clip to the teenager who has approached her daughter at school, on the bus, and with poems - despite multiple rejections. In a post titled Dear Boy Who Likes My Daughter, that has amassed more than 250,000 views, Doe explains that pursuing somebody without consent is harassment. Instead, she advises, he should write about his feelings in a diary. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . 'Leave her alone': Dr Lindsey Doe directed a message to the boy who keeps asking out her daughter . Doe, who used to work for the University of Montana, says: 'I don’t like how you treat [my daughter.] Are you confused? You probably picked up messages from society about how when you want something, you have to "try harder, go at it, do whatever you can to get it. Don’t give up!" 'Maybe it’s for this reason that you repeatedly ask my daughter out. In the halls, on the bus, and you write her poems.' For his own understanding, she explains the appropriate way to act after asking a girl out. If she says 'I don't know', give her space. 'Maybe' prompts a conversation about her feelings of uncertainty. Only in the instance that she says 'ask me again later' should he ask again - but much later. Doe, who blogs on YouTube as 'Doe Eyes', explains that he is harassing her daughter with his requests . If he wants to express his feelings, she explains, he should write a diary or speak to a trusted friend . But her daughter, she says, has simply responded: 'no thanks', 'stop asking me', and 'no, no go away'. 'Person Who Likes My Daughter, this goes for all aspects of your life,' Doe says. 'If someone tells you "no" in any way and you ask again, it's not cool, it's not attractive, it's not respectful, it's harassment. 'My daughter has the right to change her mind and the ability to let you know if she does. 'Until then I expect that you do not ask her out, do not suggest a relationship, do not talk to her about her discomfort with you pursuing her. Leave her alone.'
Dr Lindsey Doe speaks directly to boy who keeps approaching daughter . She explains that pursuing her is harassment and he should stop . Instead, he could write a diary about his feelings or talk to a friend . Video uploaded to YouTube has amassed more than 250,000 views .
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Next time you drag yourself out of bed and think it's an effort to shower and grumpily start struggling to put on your clothes and do your make-up, spare a thought for Manon Slomkowski. The 20-year-old partially paralysed French woman has released a video revealing how she manages to get ready every day with the use of just one arm. Ms Slaomkowski suffered a horrific motorcycle accident in the tunnel of Nanterre near Paris in March 2014 and as a result is unable to move her left arm due to brachial plexus palsy and the nerve damage it has caused. In the moving video posted on her Facebook page, the footage shows how simple everyday actions have become an ordeal for her. 'I am teaching myself every day how to support myself, how to find solutions,' she told the HuffingtonPost. 'I live with neuropathic pain (unbearable) which also suffer amputees. My suffering is physical as well as moral, my body is heavily damaged and tired faster than normal. 'Normally, we need five nerves to control one arm; four nerves from my marrow have already been torn off, so they are not recoverable, and I have already undergone two surgeries, one of which was a nerve graft,' she wrote in a description accompanying her video. Partially paralysed Manon Slomkowski has released a video revealing how she manages to get ready every day with the use of just one arm . The French woman does everything including painting her nails and putting on her watch with her right hand . The 22-year-old suffered a horrific motorcycle accident in the tunnel of Nanterre near Paris in March 2014 and as a result is unable to move her left arm . 'When I first came back from the hospital, I remember going up to my room and bursting into tears. This is when I first realized what had happened to me and that my life would completely change. 'It took me a while to recover my life rhythm, to eat again, to sleep, and to slowly reduce the doses of painkillers. 'At first, I had a hard time doing things by myself and everything felt painful, every movement or gesture. I couldn't find pleasure in doing anything.' She adds that whilst she looks to the bright side, there are moments of uncertainty: 'I am deprived of my passion but also a lot of activities, my family is worried about me and my future.' 'What's been the most difficult, and still is today - all people who have paralyzed or amputated limbs will back me up on this -- is how to bear the neuropathic pain, also known as "phantom limb pain". 'This kind of pain is very difficult to manage and some people are completely unable to bear it. But there are techniques to help us relieve this pain. Most of the times, I can manage it, so I'm OK. Ms Slaomkowski, above, lies on the bed and rolls over to do up her bra with her right hand . She then shimmies the bra up her body and over her right arm, above . She says: 'I am teaching myself every day how to support myself, how to find solutions,' 'You can see in my video, for instance, the solution for my bra: one of my friends, who is able-bodied, gave it to me, because I was tired of always waiting for somebody to help me hook it up! 'I have always hated somebody else helping me do something or doing it for me. 'There are tons of activities I still cannot do by myself. My single real fear about the future is for when I become a mother and I need to take care of my baby as a single-handed mother... Fortunately, I have heard from mothers suffering from plexus palsy that they generally do very well.' 'If I had to give advice to all the people who have suffered from injuries caused by any kind of road accident, I would tell them 'Be happy and fight for your lives,' because you still have the chance to see tomorrow,' she says. 'To all road drivers, remember that you are not untouchable, and the 30 seconds when I thought I was almost killed me. You don't want that, so drive slowly and carefully.'
Manon Slomkowski, 20, was partially paralysed in a road accident in 2014 . She suffers from brachial plexus palsy and her left arm is unusable . She can put on a bra, tie up her hair and even paint her nails with one hand . 4.5million people have watched her inspiring video online .
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Former world No 1 Tiger Woods will drop outside the top 100 in the rankings on Monday for the first time in more than 18 years. The 39-year-old American is down at No 96 and a world ranking official revealed that he is likely to slip to No 102 when the list is adjusted after this weekend's tournaments. Woods posted an 82 at the Phoenix Open in January, his worst round as a professional, as he slumped outside the leading 50 in the rankings for the first time in more than three years. Tiger Woods (left) pictured with girlfriend Lindsey Vonn at the Alpine World Ski Championships last month . Tiger Woods plays his tee shot on the 17th hole at the Farmers Insurance Open on February 5 . Woods (right) walks the fairway with Rickie Fowler before withdrawing from the event with a back injury . Since then the 14-time major winner has continued a downward slide that resulted in him failing to qualify for this month's WGC-Cadillac Championship, an event he has won seven times. Woods is yet to make a decision on whether he will play at the Masters, which begins on April 9. Woods was ranked 433rd when he turned professional in September 1996. He then jumped to 75th after landing his first victory as a professional at the 1996 Las Vegas Invitational, the first of 79 PGA Tour titles. Woods is interviewed at the Greater Milwaukee Open in Wisconsin in September 1996 . Woods (right) receives the green jacket from Nick Faldo after winning the Masters at Augusta in 1997 . Woods first moved to world No 1 when he finished 19th at the 1997 US Open. The American spent a record total of 683 weeks at the top of the rankings until he lost the No 1 spot to Australia's Adam Scott in May 2014. Current No 1 Rory McIlroy has been top of the rankings since August.
Tiger Woods will likely slip to No 102 in the new world rankings on Monday . The 39-year-old has been out of action since early February . Woods is yet to make a decision on whether he will play at the Masters .
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After carrying the Dallas Cowboys into the playoffs, DeMarco Murray will stay in the NFC East. But he will be suiting up in Philadelphia as a vital cog in Chip Kelly's offense. The NFL's Offensive Player of the Year is set to sign a five-year deal worth more than $40million, with more than $20m guaranteed, according to's Albert Breer. Murray became the NFL's leading rusher thanks to a career-high number of carries (392) and working behind one of the best offensive lines in football. DeMarco Murray is set to join the Philadelphia Eagles after four seasons with the Cowboys . In a career-high year, Murray carried the Cowboys into the playoffs for the first time in five years . With rumours that veteran Evan Mathis is to be traded, the Eagles do have the youth or consistency in that position group. The 27-year-old had a career-high season with 1,845 yards and 13 touchdowns, but Dallas let him enter the free agent market. And it was Murray who initiated the meeting with the Eagles head coach Chip Kelly, ESPN report. Kiko Alonso (LB, from Buffalo) Byron Maxwell (CB, from Seattle) Walter Thurmond (CB, from New York Giants) Sam Bradford (QB, from St Louis) DeMarco Murray (RB, from Dallas) Ryan Mathews (RB, from San Diego) Expressing a desire to play in Kelly's fast-paced, spread offense, he spoke of his friendship with Sam Bradford, with whom he played at college in Oklahoma for two years. After joining from St Louis in the remarkable trade with Nick Foles, Bradford confirmed he played a part too. 'Absolutely. I've been trying my hardest,' Bradford said. 'I've called him. I've texted him. I've done everything. We've been in communication. If we can somehow land him, it would be a great pickup. Not only is he a great player, he's a great person. He's a really close friend of mine, too. I think he can really help this ball club.' The Eagles, who have had an eventful free agency, also announced the signing of fellow running back Ryan Mathews. The former San Diego Charger joins on a three-year, $11.5m contract, with a guaranteed $5m. With Darren Sproles already in situ, it gives Kelly a loaded backfield and the ability to use multiple backs.
Murray has signed a bumper five-year deal worth more than $40m with more than $20m guaranteed . Murray initiated the move, calling Chip Kelly and expressing his desire to work with college team-mate Sam Bradford . Murray is the NFL's Offensive Player of the Year and led the rushing charts with 1,845 yards last year . The Eagles traded fellow running back LeSean McCoy to Buffalo for linebacker Kiko Alonso last week .
From the passage below, list the prizes won by Laia Forcadell Arenas.
Laia Forcadell Arenas (born June 6, 1982 in Tortosa, Tarragona, Catalonia) is a female Spanish sprinter and hurdler. She won the gold medal for the 400 m hurdles at the 2006 Ibero-American Championships in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and bronze at the 2010 Ibero-American Championships in San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain. Forcadell represented Spain at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, where she competed for the women's 400 m hurdles. She ran in the fourth heat against six other athletes, including Poland's Anna Jesień and Czech Republic's Zuzana Hejnová, who were both considered top medal contenders in this event. She finished the race in last place by eighty-eight hundredths of a second (0.88) behind Trinidad and Tobago's Josanne Lucas, with a time of 58.64 seconds. Forcadell failed to advance into the semi-finals, as she placed twenty-sixth overall, and was ranked farther below three mandatory slots for the next round. Forcadell is a member of ISS L'Hospitalet Track Club in Barcelona, Spain, being coached and trained by Armando Álvarez Anaya.
Laia Forcadell Arenas won the gold medal for the 400 m hurdles at the 2006 Ibero-American Championships in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and bronze at the 2010 Ibero-American Championships in San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain.
Does extended screen time cause speech delay in children?
The many other causes of speech delay include bilingual children with phonological disorders, autism spectrum conditions, childhood apraxia, auditory processing disorder, prematurity, cognitive impairment and hearing loss. In addition, when children are addicted to screens, they aren't stimulated to be involved in conversations, causing speech delays.[unreliable source?] Broomfield and Dodd's (2004a)[full citation needed] found out after survey that 6.4% of children who are perfectly normal showed speech difficulty while they lacked these disorders will often show early signs and are at times identified as "at risk" when the speech delay is diagnosed. However, a study done in Saudi Arabia showed no relationship between smart device use and speech delay, although 64.8% of the parents believed that the smart devices are a "problem". A review study from Indonesia points out the existence of contradicting results on that issue.
There is no definite proof that extended screen time cause speech delay in children because there are contradicting study results.
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British holidaymakers face three more years of being ripped off by extortionate mobile phone 'roaming charges' after Brussels failed to scrap them as promised. EU governments agreed that the roaming charges for mobile phone users abroad should stay in place until at least until the end of 2018. The decision comes despite MEPs voting for an end to the charges which they said were too high. The European Parliament had said roaming charges should be scrapped by the end of 2015. British holidaymakers face three more years of being ripped off by extortionate 'roaming charges' for using their mobile phones abroad . But at a meeting in Brussels, EU governments tonight agreed to allow large mobile phone firms to continue levying extra charges on travellers for at least another three years, when the situation could be reviewed. Governments said consumers should be given a small roaming allowance to use outside their home country from the middle of next year, but any usage above it should still be subject to further charges. The decision is a major blow to British tourists travelling to Europe. A recent study showed that the average British person spends an extra £120 on their mobile phone on each trip abroad. The issue of scrapping roaming charges has seen the EU come head-to-head with the telecoms industry, who argue it will affect their revenues. Tonight's decision comes despite the European Parliament's decision to scrap roaming charges by the end of 2015 . Some members of the parliament immediately criticised the decision. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats said: 'The only winners from it are national telecoms operators themselves. Member states should hang their heads in shame.' European consumer groups, speaking through an umbrella organisation, the BEUC, condemned the plan as 'outrageous'. 'Roaming is not justifiable in a single market,' they said. The member states must now agree a common position with both the European Parliament and Commission before changes take effect, so negotiations in the coming months are likely to be hard-fought. Current charge caps are €0.24 (20p) per minute for calls, €0.08 (7p) per text message and €0.45 (37p) per megabyte of data, all excluding VAT. From July 2014 those will be reduced to €0.19 (16p) per minute for calls, €0.06 (5p) per text and €0.20 (17p) per MB of data. Receiving a text in Europe has been free since 2009.
EU governments said the roaming charges should stay in place until 2018 . Comes despite MEPs voting for an end to the charges by the end of 2015 . The European Parliament said roaming charges were too high .
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Actor Vince Vaughn and pop star Lady Gaga mustered up the courage to dive into freezing cold water for the Special Olympics charity the day after cities across the country broke cold records for last month. The Chicago-native Wedding Crashers star was the celebrity guest of honor at his hometown's annual Polar Plunge, in which brave swimmers raise money for athletes with special needs by plunging into Lake Michigan. Vaughn, wearing a Blackhawks hockey jersey and jeans, led the way into a patch of frigid, slushy 33 degree water near Lincoln Park that had been cleared of snow, which has accumulated in the city and much of the US. Scroll down for videos . Icy dip: Actor Vince Vaughn was the Special Olympic Polar Plunge celebrity guest on Sunday, when the water was right around the freezing point . Hometown hero: Vaughn, a Chicago native, wore a jersey from the city's Blackhawks hockey team and jeans to take the icy dip and warmed up with a towel after the trying ordeal . Taking the plunge: Lady Gaga joined her new fiance, Chicago Fire actor Taylor Kinney, at the event with his co-stars on the show . Poker face: Celebrities such as Vince Vaughn and Lady Gaga found it difficult not to grimace in the freezing patch of Lake Michigan . The star of upcoming movie Unfinished Business first went in up to his knees before lowering himself into the water backwards. Gaga attended the event with shirtless fiance Taylor Kinney, who was wearing a baseball cap and shorts, and his costars from the show Chicago Fire. The singer rode piggyback-style with Kinney into the water before they fully immersed themselves into the lake. The couple then played with each other in the frozen surf and retreated to the warmth of the shore. 'Taylor gave me his hat I thought my wig was gonna freeze into and become one with the lake,' said the songstress, who will take different sort of plunge with her beau after becoming engaged last month.. Lake Michigan was estimated to be right at freezing when the event began at 10.30am Central Time. Staying warm with love: Lady Gaga attended the charity event with her fiance after getting engaged to the television actor last month . Before and after: Gaga and Kinney looked comfortable while posing for photos (left) before their plunge left them in varied states of bedraggled . California love: A shirtless Kinney wore a baseball cap reminiscent of the warm-weather West Coast when he carried his future wife into the waters of Lake Michigan . Splashing in the snow: Gaga grits her teeth as she finds the energy to play in the lake despite a winter of record-breaking cold weather . Paparazzi: Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, lost the glamour she often displays on stage and the red carpet when emerging from Lake Michigan . Organizers say that 5,000 people were expected to attend the plunge, and that they had already made more than $1million during the morning, according to ABC7. The plunge came at the end of a February that had seen cold records shattered across much of the US, which has seen snow in almost every state this winter. Chicago, which has seen weeks of freezing temperatures in the past month, tied a 140-year-old record for its coldest February with an average temperature of 14.6. Temperatures at O'Hare Airport hit minus 10 degrees Saturday morning, according to the Chicago Tribune. Mission accomplished: Special Olympics Chicago's annual Polar Plunge event regularly raises more than $1million for special needs athletes . The Fame: The event draws thousands of participants and spectators to the water each year along with celebrities such as Gaga. Above, the singer poses with a fan on the beach . Fire and ice: The Chicago Fire Department had to clear snow and ice from a patch of water for the Special Olympics plungers to wade into . The Windy City also received a combined 27 inches of snow in February, the city's third highest level ever for the month. New York City had its coldest February in 81 years with an average of 19.9. The last time February was this cold in the metropolis was 1934, according to The New York Times. That month it averaged 19.9 and saw a reading of 15 degrees below zero on February 9, the coldest day ever seen in the city. The only other February on record that was cold than this past month was in 1885 - when the average daily temperature was 22.7 degrees . Coast Guard icebreakers are being used to break up East Coast rivers such as the Hudson and Delaware. Cities in Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Maine also broke records for their coldest Februaries. And meteorologists say that the winter weather isn't quite over yet. Many already knew in their bones it was true - but official figures have now confirmed that for some parts of the country, February was the coldest month in history. In New York, the cities of Buffalo, Syracuse, Binghamton and Ithaca all scored their lowest ever averages in more than a lifetime. In Buffalo the February average was 10.9°F, beating the 1934 record of 11.4°F. Syracuse was colder still, with an average of just 9°F. Hartford, Connecitcut, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Portland, Maine also set records. Caribou in Maine had an average of just 2.5°F. While Boston has been colder in February before, it has never been snowier. Its 64.8 inches in February smashed the old record of 41.6. If it managers just another 5.6 inches, the winter will officially be the snowiest ever. Total snowfall for the season is way above normal across the Northeast, according to the National Weather Service. As of Febreuary 26, Worcester, Massachusetts had 108.6 inches, compared to a normal snowfall of 49.9 inches. However, meteorologists at the Northeast Regional Climate Center said the record winter is just down to luck. One said: 'We can't point to anything specific... It's just the way the jet stream bulged and set up. It's random, like a deal of cards. Sometimes you're dealt a royal flush, sometimes you get nothing.' Duties continue: The tug Arabian Sea pushes a barge through the ice on the Hudson River on Friday. The Coast Guard has been busy clearing shipping lanes during the long stretch of winter weather . Record-breaking: Ice chunks form underneath the snow-covered Brooklyn Bridge in New York City at the end of the coldest February in more than 80 years - and two more snow storms are expected to hit the region over the next few days . Texas has already seen six inches of snow as a result of the most recent storm, with Oklahoma - seven inches - and New Mexico - one foot - also receiving additional portions of the fluffy white stuff. Weather forecasters in Colorado issued blizzard and avalanche warnings as Pacific moisture continued to bring snow and strong winds to the Continental Divide on Sunday. The storm was expected to last through Monday, with another storm expected Tuesday. Snow, sleet and ice from Winter Storm Sparta spread  eastward across the Plains, Midwest and Northeast, and Illinois and Indiana each got 8 inches or more of snow Sunday. Heartland states have already seen tragic weather-related deaths and hospitalizations as cold continues to blow across the middle of the country. Two people were killed when a driver lost control on a snow-covered highway in Lebanon, Missouri, on Saturday when the car skidded into a tractor-trailer stopped because of an earlier crash on Interstate 44. In Nevada, Missouri, a boy died after falling through an ice-covered farm pond. Two other boys who fell in were able to be rescued. A 3-year-old Lansing, Michigan, girl was hospitalized in critical condition after getting stuck overnight outside her family's apartment during frigid weather that marked the end of one of the coldest Februaries on record in Michigan. Say it ain't snow: Winter Storm Sparta brought snow and freezing rain to the East Coast on Sunday after leaving a string of cold temperatures and weather-related deaths in the Midwest . Winter warmup: Temperatures on Monday are expected to rebound above freezing, with sunshine across most of the northern US . She was treated for hypothermia. The storm reached the East Coast on Sunday, with up to three inches of snow possible in New York. Winter storm warnings have been issued for Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia through Monday morning, with up to quarter-inch ice accumulations from northern Virginia through central New Jersey. After cold and snow that set February records, southern New England is entering March with another round that could push Boston over its 20-year-old snowfall record. With 102 inches, Boston needs 5.7 more to break the 1995-1996 record of 107.6. Snowfall of 4 to 6 inches was expected by early Monday across the area, with up to 8 inches in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. 'We have come this far, we might as well break the record,' said William Babcock, National Weather Service meteorologist in the Taunton, Massachusetts office. 'We have a couple of storms to push us over the record. Once that is done we won't complain if we don't get any more snow.' Less snow is expected in northern Massachusetts and New York state, and on Cape Cod. Winter Storm Thor, which began forming in California on Saturday, is expected to follow Sparta across the continent, according to the Weather Channel. Thor's hammer: A winter storm named after the Norse god of thunder has begun forming in western states and will follow Sparta with more snow . Winter of two Americas: Climate figures showed that this winter has seen western states experience unseasonable warmth, while the east shivered. Alaska has been warmed by the same phenomenon heating California .
Chicago-native Vaughn was celebrity guest at his hometown's annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics . Newly-engaged Lady Gaga attended with Chicago Fire fiance Taylor Kinney and his television co-stars . City tied 140-year record for coldest February with 14.6 degree average  and more winter weather expected across US . Winter Storm Sparta brings more snow and ice to East Coast after causing tragic weather-related deaths in Midwest . Boston can possibly eclipse its record for most snow in one winter if it receives 5.7 more inches .
What is hidden at Oak Island?
Oak Island has been a subject for treasure hunters ever since the late 1700s, with rumours that Captain Kidd's treasure was buried there. While there is little evidence to support what went on during the early excavations, stories began to be published and documented as early as 1856. Since that time there have been many theories that extend beyond that of Captain Kidd which include among others religious artifacts, manuscripts, and Marie Antoinette's jewels. The "treasure" has also been prone to criticism by those who have dismissed search areas as natural phenomena.
Oak Island is rumored to have Captain Kidd's treasure buried. However despite numerous excavation attempts over the past 100 years nothing has been discovered. There are other theories which claim religious artifacts, manuscripts, or Marie Antionette's jewels are hidden at Oak Island.
Given this paragraph about Chinese cuisine, tell me what are the sub-cuisines, and what made them different.
Chinese cuisine encompasses the numerous cuisines originating from China, as well as overseas cuisines created by the Chinese diaspora. Because of the Chinese diaspora and historical power of the country, Chinese cuisine has influenced many other cuisines in Asia and beyond, with modifications made to cater to local palates. Chinese food staples such as rice, soy sauce, noodles, tea, chili oil, and tofu, and utensils such as chopsticks and the wok, can now be found worldwide. The preferences for seasoning and cooking techniques of Chinese provinces depend on differences in social class, religion, historical background, and ethnic groups. Geographic features including mountains, rivers, forests, and deserts also have a strong effect on the local available ingredients, considering that the climate of China varies from tropical in the south to subarctic in the northeast. Imperial royal and noble preference also plays a role in the change of Chinese cuisine. Because of imperial expansion and trading, ingredients and cooking techniques from other cultures have been integrated into Chinese cuisines over time. There are numerous regional, religious, and ethnic styles of Chinese cuisine found within China and abroad. Chinese cuisine is highly diverse and most frequently categorized into provincial divisions, although these province-level classifications consist of many more styles within themselves. The most praised Four Great Traditions in Chinese cuisine are Chuan, Lu, Yue, and Huaiyang, representing cuisines of West, North, South, and East China, respectively. The modern Eight Cuisines of China are Anhui (徽菜; Huīcài), Guangdong (粤菜; Yuècài), Fujian (闽菜; Mǐncài), Hunan (湘菜; Xiāngcài), Jiangsu (苏菜; Sūcài), Shandong (鲁菜; Lǔcài), Sichuan (川菜; Chuāncài), and Zhejiang (浙菜; Zhècài) cuisines. A Quanjude cook is slicing Peking roast duck. Peking duck is eaten by rolling pieces of duck with scallion, cucumber and sweet bean sauce using steamed pancakes. Color, scent and taste are the three traditional aspects used to describe Chinese food, as well as the meaning, appearance, and nutrition of the food. Cooking should be appraised with respect to the ingredients used, knife work, cooking time, and seasoning.
The modern Chinese cuisine were broken down into 8 different styles of local cuisine, which are Anhui, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan , Jiangsu , Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang cuisines. They are different because of many reasons, such as geographic features and climate which shaped the locals to specialize in certain ingredients or flavors, as well as religion and ethnic groups.
Extract from the text year in which Italy First was launched
Italy First was launched as a "political association" in October 2013 by Gianni Alemanno, a former mayor of Rome (2008–2013) for the PdL. A long-time politician of the Italian Social Movement (MSI) and National Alliance (AN), within which he led the Social Right faction, Alemanno had left the PdL a few days earlier. The founding manifesto of Italy First included criticism of the PdL, its participation in the European People's Party and its compliance to Europeanism and economic liberalism. One of the first political campaigns of the new party was against the euro currency.
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(CNN)A woman who claims she was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing has been charged with stealing money from funds set up for the victims. Joanna Leigh claims the indictment is retribution for her vocal criticism of the way One Fund Boston disbursed the funds. Authorities say Leigh, 41, collected almost $40,000 from One Fund and other sources after claiming to have suffered a brain injury during the attack. They say she received $8,000 payment from One Fund Boston, which was set up to compensate bombing victims. She's also accused of receiving $1,700 from a school fundraiser, collecting more than $9,000 in contributions from an online fundraiser and getting more than $18,000 in benefits from the Massachusetts Victims for Violent Crime compensation fund. The indictment says she also accepted free medical treatment. No one is contesting that Leigh was at the marathon on April 15, 2013, the day of the attack. But Boston Police and Suffolk County investigators say she wasn't hurt. She apparently did not claim any injury or seek any medical treatment until about two weeks later. "When she did begin to make those claims, she billed herself as a 'hero' who ran toward the second blast," authorities said. Leigh says the indictment is payback for her criticism of One Fund. She and others have claimed they weren't properly compensated by the fund because of the way it calculated payments. If someone's injury didn't require an overnight hospital stay, he or she received $8,000. Those who were hospitalized got $125,000 or more. "I don't think this is about me; I think this is because I spoke out about The One Fund," she told the Boston Globe on Thursday. "I think this is about killing the messenger." Leigh will be arraigned Monday. She intends to plead not guilty. The indictment comes as Dzhokar Tsarnaev stands trial for the bombing that killed three and left more than 260 people maimed or injured. CNN's Sam Stringer contributed to this report .
Police say Joanna Leigh was at the Boston Marathon but was not injured by the bombing . She is accused of receiving almost $40,000 in benefits .
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Stuart Lancaster has urged Twickenham to will England to victory on Saturday evening as he prepares to order his RBS 6 Nations title hopefuls to carry the game to France. Lancaster believes the noisy support of a sold-out 82,000 home crowd will have a critical role to play in edging rivals Ireland and Wales for Championship glory on a nerve-jangling final day of staggered kick-offs. England are favourites to lift a first piece of silverware under Lancaster and their head coach refuses to view the match through the prism of the looming World Cup on these shores. England scrum half Ben Youngs fires out a pass as Courtney Lawes and Joe Marler (left) watch on . 'It will be hugely important that the crowd get behind the team,' Lancaster said. 'If there's ever a day when we need the crowd to push us over the line and give us the momentum we need then it's Saturday. 'Whether we just need to get the win or win by 10 points or whatever it might take, the crowd will have a huge part to play. 'This game is not about the World Cup, it's about winning the Championship. And that's all it's about. It's about Saturday night only. 'Our mindset is to go and win the game. We can't play just to hang in there. We have to have a front foot mentality and have an intensity and tempo to our game from the first minute.' England fly half George Ford winds up a pass in training at his side's team base at Pennyhill Park . England head coach Start Lancaster has backed his side to handle the pressure of their final day shoot-out . England enter the final round of matches with a points cushion of plus four and having digested earlier results from Wales' trip to Italy and Ireland's visit to Edinburgh, their victory target against France will be made clear. The scheduling appears to have favoured England, but Lancaster insists providing the climax to the tournament creates its own challenges. 'I don't think we can be seen as favourites. I don't think anyone can. It will play out on the day,' Lancaster said. 'Whether the staggered kick-offs help us depends on what the other scores are. 'If we have to win by 20, psychologically if you concede seven points in the first five minutes and then a penalty, you then have to score 30. 'Psychologically it's an interesting dynamic for the players to manage. The danger is that sometimes you can want to chase the game too early rather than build the score. 'It's an 80-minute game. Knowing that is one thing, but dealing with everything that's around it puts incredible pressure on the players. The England squad gather for a huddle at the end of their training session as Lancaster looks on from afar . Former France No 8 Imanol Harinordoquy insists all the pressure will be on England on Saturday . 'On the staggered kick-off times, we all know the rules when we start. It makes it exciting.' Lancaster has made one change to the starting XV, promoting lock Geoff Parling at the expense of Dave Attwood, who drops out of the 23 altogether, with Nick Easter recalled to the bench. Attwood has started all four matches of the tournament but misses out on the final instalment with Lancaster believing the street-wise Easter is a better option to reinforce the final push for silverware. 'When you boil it down, it's the experience that Geoff brings. He didn't go on the Lions tour by accident, he's a high quality player,' Lancaster said. 'Dave is a very good player who has lots of qualities, but Nick will make a stronger impact from the bench and that's why the decision was made. 'Dave understood the decision. There were performance reasons as well. It wasn't just done because of Geoff. There are areas of Dave's game we've been asking him to improve on. 'It was a difficult conversation but ultimately done on a performance point of view. Dave accepted it and knows the areas he has to work on.' England have finished runners=up for the last three years running with points difference alone deciding the 2013 and 2014 tournaments. When asked if he was fed up at finishing second, Lancaster said: 'Yes! It would be nice to win this time.'
England will know what points target is needed by the time they run out to face Scotland at Twickenham on Saturday . Coach Stuart Lancaster believes the noisy support of a sold-out 82,000 home crowd will have a critical role .
Given a reference text about Tujhse He Raabta, tell me who played the main role in the film.
Tujhse He Raabta is a 2015 Pakistani television film directed by Nivdeita Basu and written by Moomal Shunaid. This television film was produced by Saurabh Pandey and co-produced by Yasir Shah under the banner of White Light Army Pictures. It was first aired on Geo Television on 15 February 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Pakistan. It features Sara Khan as the lead role in this television film. She rose to fame with her appearance in the Indian soap “Bidaai” while her co-lead, Yasir Shah, is a Pakistani actor, producer, screenwriter and model who started his acting career in India. The special feature of this telefilm is the high-red production camera due to which it has feature film quality.
Sara Khan played the lead role in the film Tujhse He Raabta.
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Beef has been wiped off restaurant menus across Mumbai after its state government said it will now enforce laws making possession of the meat and the slaughter of cows illegal. But steak and kidney pie will continue to be served up at one of India's oldest British Raj-era clubs in defiance of the ban. The law was passed by the state of Maharashtra around 20 years ago, but not implemented until now by a new Hindu nationalist administration. Still on the menu: The British Raj-era Royal Bombay Yacht Club (above) in Mumbai has vowed to continue serving steak and kidney pies despite a state-wide ban on the possession of beef or the slaughter of cows . Violators could face a fine and up to five years in prison. Residents expressed outrage on Twitter using the hashtag #BanBeef - which topped the social network's trends, appearing more than 22,000 times in less than 24 hours. But panicked steak lovers will have a safe haven at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, Mumbai, which will continue to serve its steak and kidney pies to customers. The 170-year-old club has said it will keep steak on the menu by sticking to its original recipes using 'buff' - buffalo meat - rather than beef for the pies. Club president Ardhendu Bose felt pessimistic about the ban until he realised that the leaner buffalo meat used in their recipes would leave the club's menu intact, he told the Daily Telegraph. On Wednesday night, the club served both steak and kidney and steak and onion pies, with parsley potatoes and sautéed cauliflower to reassured customers. 'I spoke to my vice president and said "we should do something, we don't want to get into trouble". 'But he said buffalo is allowed, so we'll carry on as usual', he said. Loophole: The 170-year-old club has said it will keep steak on the menu by sticking to its original recipes using 'buff' - buffalo meat - rather than beef for the pies . The 112-year-old Taj Mahal Palace Hotel removed beef from the menus on Wednesday, according to chief sommelier Abhas Saxena - including its 'really sought-after' Chateaubriand steak. Mr Saxena said: 'Beef has been on the hotel's menu for many years. 'Our signature restaurants were affected by the ban so we will have to look again at the dynamics of their menus. 'Our Chateaubriand, the tornado - a cut of meat - the tenderloin, the veal, all of that has been removed. It will definitely affect our business.' He added: 'We still need to understand the thought process behind the ban. 'There are many segments of society being affected by this - from the folks who grow the cattle, to us who would be selling it.' Hindus, who make up 80 per cent of India's 1.2billion population, consider cows sacred. But large numbers of the population - particularly the extremes of the international elite and the poor - eat beef.
Ban passed 20 years ago, but only enacted now by new Hindu nationalists . Makes it illegal to have beef or slaughter cows which are sacred to Hindus . 170-year-old Royal Bombay Yacht Club says it will continue with its menu . Its original recipes uses 'buff' - buffalo meat - rather than beef for the pies .
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Roger Federer set up a blockbuster rematch with world number one Novak Djokovic by beating Milos Raonic to reach the final of the BNP Paribas Open. Following Djokovic's comprehensive 6-2 6-3 victory over British No 1 Andy Murray, Federer reached his 40th ATP World Tour Masters 1000 final with a 7-5 6-4 defeat of Canadian sixth seed Raonic at Indian Wells. Sunday's showdown will be a 38th meeting between reigning champion Djokovic and world number two Federer, who is on a 19-set winning streak. Roger Federer celebrates after completing his 7-5 6-4 semi-final win over Canadian Milos Raonic . The Swiss serves during the contest at Indian Well and will now play Novak Djokovic in Sunday's final . Gwen Stefani was in the crowd at Indian Wells to watch Federer's semi-final match . 'I think it's very exciting for both of us, and also for fans, to see a rematch of the great final from last year,' Federer, who lost to the Serbian in three sets in the Californian desert back in 2014, told 'I'm looking forward to it, and I hope I can keep up my good play.' Federer earned a break point in the fifth game but Raonic saved it with an ace before holding. The Swiss soon broke for a 6-5 lead and wrapped up the set. The 33-year-old opened the second set with a break to consolidate his lead and went on to endure nine aces before saving a break point to claim victory inside 86 minutes. Raonic (left) had knocked Rafael Nadal out in the quarter-final but couldn't claim the scalp of Federer . The Canadian sixth seed produced a strong performance but couldn't overcome Federer . Supporters of the former world No 1 Federer in the stands at Indian Wells in California . 'I felt good. I felt energetic. I felt like I had the right attitude put forward, and I was going to give it my all,' Raonic told the ATP World Tour website. 'I thought a few points here and there made a difference. I tried to put everything out there that I could, and the outcome was as is.' Earlier on Saturday, Djokovic ended world number four Murray's fine run to a first Masters 1000 semi-final in two years by extending his head-to-head advantage between the pair to 17-8 with a sixth successive win. The Scot elected to receive serve after winning the toss but stumbled as Djokovic quickly reached 4-1 before ruthlessly clinching all three of his break points in the set to prevail. The current Wimbledon champion broke Murray again in the second game of the second set and saved two break points to go to 4-1 and 5-2. Then, after his opponent slipped from 30-0 up to 40-30 down, Djokovic gladly served the match out. Murray said: 'The frustrating thing is obviously getting off to a bad start in both sets. 'Novak didn't give me any free points at the beginning of either set and I made a few too many errors early on. Novak Djokovic (right) had earlier beaten Briton Andy Murray 6-2 6-3 to reach the final . Djokovic salutes the crowd at Indian Wells after completing his semi-final win over Murray . Murray reacts to a lost point during the semi-final match as his Indian Wells challenge came to an end . 'At the end of both sets, I started to play a bit better and made it tougher and was able to push him a bit, but not enough at the beginning of the sets to make it challenging enough for him.' Djokovic told Sky Sports 3: 'I tried to start with the right intensity, I got a crucial break at the start. 'Andy made a lot of unforced errors, his first-serve percentage was low. I'm sure he knows I'm returning well, I know he's returning well, so that puts added pressure on our serving.' The women's final precedes the men's showdown on Sunday and sees 2010 champion Jelena Jankovic tackle Romania's Simona Halep, who received a pass into the final thanks to Serena Williams' withdrawal through injury.
Federer beat Raonic 7-5 6-4 to reach final of BNP Paribas Open . Swiss will face the world No 1 Djokovic in Sunday's final . The Serb had earlier beaten British No 1 Andy Murray 6-2 6-3 .
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Johan Cruyff labelled Holland's performance during Saturday's 1-1 draw at home to Turkey in their Euro 2016 qualifier 'a disgrace' - but manager Guus Hiddink insists he does not fear for his job. Hiddink's side needed a 93rd minute equaliser from Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, who inadvertently deflected in Wesley Sneijder's shot, to save a point in Amsterdam. The result leaves Holland third in Group A, five points behind Iceland in second and six off leaders Czech Republic but Hiddink rejected reports on Tuesday suggesting he is on the verge of being dismissed. Memphis Depay (left) and Ibrahim Afellay pictured in training as Holland prepare to play Spain in a friendly . Afellay (right) attempts to win the ball off of Depay in the Holland training session before the Spain match . Guus Hiddink's (centre) team are third in Group A of Euro 2016 qualifying after a 1-1 draw with Turkey . Johan Cruyff has revealed his dismay at Holland's performance in the encounter against Turkey . 'The author of the article is present (in the press room) so you should ask him,' Hiddink said at a press conference. 'I don't have the feeling that they (the Dutch Football Association, the KNVB) want to sack me and I still have a lot of fun in my job. There is nothing going on.' Pressure on Hiddink had earlier been heightened after Cruyff's damning verdict on the performance against Turkey. 'Holland were terrible against Turkey. Nobody did what they had to do,' Cruyff wrote in his column in De Telegraaf. 'The defenders were only passing the ball to the midfielders and they then passed it back to the defenders,' he added. 'The people with little creativity were dictating play. This is not what you want. The problems only got bigger.' Holland have the opportunity to make amends when they host Spain on Tuesday in a friendly which sees the two sides meet for the first time since the Dutch routed the then World Cup holders 5-1 at the 2014 tournament in Brazil. Spain prepared for the friendly with a 1-0 home victory over Ukraine, a strike from Alvaro Morata moving them three points clear of their rivals in second place in Group C. Wesley Sneijder (second right) saved a point in stoppage time as his shot deflected off Klaas-Jan Huntelaar . Spain defender Dani Carvajal (centre) poses alongside Iker Casillas (left) and Isco as Spain head to Holland . David De Gea (left) poses with Sergio Asenjo as Spain aim for revenge against Holland on Tuesday . Juan Bernat wants Spain to avenge a 5-1 defeat to Holland at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil . Vicente del Bosque's side are three points behind group leaders Slovenia, who have five wins from five, but their attention will now turn to avenging their World Cup defeat to Holland. 'There's always a rematch in football,' Juan Bernat of Bayern Munich told Spain's official website. 'That's what is so nice about this sport and what we will experience against the Netherlands after the match in the Brazil World Cup.'
Holland drew 1-1 at home in their Euro 2016 Group A qualifier with Turkey . Johan Cruyff slated the performance level in his De Telegraaf column . Holland play Spain on Tuesday, the first time since their 5-1 World Cup win .
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A rogue Amish sect leader and seven of his followers who were jailed for brutally chopping off the hair and beards of their rivals in their eastern Ohio community have had their sentences reduced. Sam Mullet Sr and 15 others were convicted three years ago of restraining and forcibly disfiguring Amish people with whom they disagreed in a bid to destroy an important symbol of their beliefs. But after an appeals court dismissed hate crimes convictions against them last year, eight of them were resentenced on their remaining charges - mainly, conspiracy to obstruct justice - on Monday. Mullet, who originally received a 15-year sentence, was ordered to serve 10 years, nine months, in prison. Meanwhile, sentences for four other men who received seven years were cut to five years. Scroll down for video . Court hearing: A rogue Amish sect leader and seven of his followers who were jailed for brutally chopping off the hair and beards of rivals in their eastern Ohio community have had their sentences reduced following an appeal. Above, members of the Bergholz community are seen leaving federal court in Cleveland on Monday . Leaving court: Sam Mullet Sr and 15 others were convicted three years ago of restraining and forcibly disfiguring Amish people with whom they disagreed. Eight of them were resentenced on their remaining charges - mainly, conspiracy to obstruct justice - on Monday. Abov, more Amish people leave the courthouse . Leader: Mullet (pictured, left, in his police mug shot, and right, standing in the front yard of his home in Bergholz in 2011), who originally received a 15-year sentence, was resentenced to 10 years and nine months in prison . And the sentences for three men who initially got five years were lowered to three years, seven months. The other eight convicts, including six women, have already served their sentences. None of the 16 defendants spoke in court. Hair and beards have spiritual significance in the Amish faith. Amish men do not shave their beards after marriage, believing it shows their devotion to God. During the 2011 attacks, some of the victims were awakened in the middle of the night by members of the Bergholz-based breakaway Amish group, before being restrained and viciously disfigured. At an earlier court hearing, a sheriff testified that one bishop's hair was unevenly chopped to the scalp by Mullet's followers, leaving his skin bloody. Another victim claimed four or five men dragged him out of his house by his chest-length beard and chopped it to within 1 1/2 inches of his chin. Prosecutors argued the original sentences should have remained intact because of the defendants' religious motivation and the fact that the sentences were lower than what federal guidelines allowed. However, attorneys for all the imprisoned men asked Judge Dan Aaron Polster at the court in Cleveland on Monday to reduce their clients' sentences to time served, allowing for their release. Protest: Sentences for four other men who received seven years were cut to five years. Above, Werner Lange holds a sign reading, 'FREE THE AMISH', as he stands outside the federal court in Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday . Met by the press: The sentences for three men who initially got five years were lowered to three years and seven months. The other eight convicts, including six women, have already served their sentences . Shocking assaults: During the 2011 attacks, some of the victims were awakened in the middle of the night by members of the Bergholz-based breakaway Amish group, before being restrained and viciously disfigured . Edward Bryan, one of Mullet's attorneys, told the court it would be an 'irrational fear' to think his client - who was accused of ruling his followers with an iron fist - would commit another crime. The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed the hate crime convictions because of improper jury instructions by Polster on whether the 16 attacked their victims because of their religion. However, on Monday, Judge Polster made it clear that he remains convinced the hair and beard-cutting assaults were 'substantially motivated by the victims' religion.' He said the defendants inflicted trauma on the victims and trampled on their First Amendment right of religious freedom. 'The remaining eight defendants still warrant substantial sentences,' he said. Religious: At an earlier court hearing, a sheriff testified that one bishop's hair was unevenly chopped to the scalp by Mullet's followers, leaving his skin bloody. Above, five Amish men at the courthouse three years ago . Sons: Mullet's sons Johnny (left) and Lester (right) were among those charged in the 'beard-cutting' attacks . Although Mullet did not participate in any of the attacks, assistant U.S. attorney Bridget Brennan said in court that he exerted tight control as bishop and leader of the sect. She said that he encouraged the assaults, each of which began and ended at Mullet's home. 'These were orchestrated, terrorizing attacks,' Ms Brennan said. Mr Bryan tried to evoke sympathy for Samuel Mullet by pointing out that his wife of nearly 40 years died in November and that some members of the sect, situated near the panhandle of West Virginia, have left the group, including a co-defendant whose husband was resentenced on Monday. 'No one is trying to minimize what happened,' Mr Bryan said. 'It was wrong. My client knows that.' 'Tight control': Mullet (pictured) did not participate in any of the attacks, but assistant U.S. attorney Bridget Brennan said in court he exerted tight control as bishop and leader of the sect, and encouraged the attacks . The community has been shunned since the attacks by other Amish communities and hasn't been able to find another Amish bishop willing to perform marriages and funerals, the defense said. 'A stigma will forever be attached to this community,' Mullet's attorneys said. Ohio has an Amish population of around 61,000 - second only to Pennsylvania - with most living in rural counties south and east of Cleveland. They have a modest lifestyle and are deeply religious. Their traditions of traveling by horse and buggy and forgoing most modern conveniences distance themselves from the outside world and symbolize a yielding to a collective order.
Sam Mullet Sr and 15 others convicted three years ago of 'beard-cutting' They restrained and chopped off hair and beards of Amish rivals in 2011 . But last year, hate crimes convictions were overturned following appeal . On Monday, seven men were resentenced and had prison terms reduced . Mullet's 15-year sentence was lowered to only 10 years and nine months . Eight other defendants, including six women, have already served terms . Hair and beards have great spiritual significance within the Amish faith .
Extract all of the names of people mentioned in this paragraph and list them using bullets in the format {Name}
After becoming a major success by the early 1940s, the company diversified into live-action films, television, and theme parks in the 1950s. Following Walt Disney's death in 1966, the company's profits, especially in the animation division, began to decline. Once Disney's shareholders voted Michael Eisner as the head of the company in 1984, it became overwhelmingly successful during a period called the Disney Renaissance. In 2005, under new CEO Bob Iger, the company started to expand and acquire other corporations. Bob Chapek became the head of Disney in 2020 after Iger's retirement. Chapek was ousted in 2022 and Iger was reinstated as CEO.
• Walt Disney • Michael Eisner • Bob Iger • Bob Chapek
Given this paragraph about Wabuska, Nevada, when was a post office first opened in the town?
Wabuska is an unincorporated community in Lyon County, Nevada, United States. The zip code is 89447, which it shares with nearby Yerington. Wabuska (Washo language, White Grass) was established in the early 1870s. A post office was opened on September 18, 1874. In 1881, the town served as the principal Mason Valley supply center on the newly constructed Carson and Colorado Railroad of a line that went from Hazen to Mina. When copper was discovered in Mason Valley, the town became the northern terminus of the new Nevada Copper Belt Railroad, built 1909–1911. Wabuska waned with declining mining activity in the 1920s. Several buildings from Wabuska, most notably the Wabuska Railroad Station, were relocated to Carson City and incorporated as the Nevada State Railroad Museum.
September 18, 1874
How many points did Jaromír Jágr score in the 1995-1996 season?
In the 1994–95 season, Jágr won his first Art Ross Trophy after finishing the regular season with the most points in the NHL; he tied Eric Lindros with 70 points but won based on his 32 goals to Lindros' 29. The next year, Jágr set a record for most points, 149, by a European-born player. Both his 62 goals and 87 assists from that season still stand as career-highs. His 1995–96 totals for assists and points stand as the records for right-wingers in those categories. After the 1997–98 season, Penguins captain Ron Francis signed with the Carolina Hurricanes, leaving Jágr the Penguins' captaincy. From 1997–98 to 2000–01, Jágr would win four-straight NHL scoring titles. In 1999, he would win the Hart Memorial Trophy as the NHL's most valuable player, as well as the Lester B. Pearson Award. In 1998, he led the Czech Republic to a gold medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics.
In 1995-1996 season, Jaromír Jágr scored 149 points, which set the record for the most points by a European born player.
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Compare and contrast these two manager quotes about Danny Welbeck from this season. The uncompromising Louis van Gaal, asked in November whether he still thought it was a good idea to sell the in-form Welbeck to Arsenal on deadline day, said: 'I don't have to prove that [I was right]. 'Why do I have to prove that? I have already said what I think - he was not a line-up player, he was more a substitute than a line-up player. Danny Welbeck trains ahead of his return to Manchester United with Arsenal in the FA Cup sixth round . The England striker has been reduced to a bit-part role in recent weeks, spending time on the bench . Louis van Gaal wrote Welbeck off as not good enough for the Manchester United first team . 'He was already, with different coaches, not a line-up player, but then with Mr Van Gaal, the world is changing? No the world is not changing. They are the facts. They are not my facts, they are the facts of Danny Welbeck.' And Arsene Wenger, speaking on the impact of Welbeck just the other day: 'He's very important and has played many, many games since the start of the season. 'I think he's played in nearly every single game. His position is one of the three up front, central, left or right. He can play anywhere.' So Welbeck has apparently gone from a condemned man at Manchester United, destined to rot away on the bench, to a versatile and indispensable part of Arsenal's team. But, as the England striker returns to Old Trafford for the first time for Monday night's crunch FA Cup sixth-round tie, has he actually fared that well at the Emirates? Welbeck celebrates a goal for Manchester United against West Ham under David Moyes last season . Welbeck was given a chance to impress on United's pre-season tour of the United States . Well, at the time of Van Gaal's outburst, just ahead of United's away match with Arsenal on November 22, he had every reason to be tetchy. While United had endured their worst start to a season in living memory, Welbeck had made light of his £16m transfer fee. Given regular football by Wenger at the head of Arsenal's attack, he looked revitalised, a player brimming with confidence who looked on course to score 20 goals this season for his new team. Just days after his move, Welbeck scored two for England in their 2-0 European qualifying win in Switzerland, before he opened his Gunners account in a 3-0 win at Aston Villa. The highlight was a hat-trick in Arsenal's 4-1 Champions League win over Galatasaray, a performance praised by Wenger as 'electric'. Arsene Wenger was thrilled with Welbeck's early performances in an Arsenal shirt . Welbeck's best performance in an Arsenal shirt was a hat-trick against Galatasaray in the Champions League . Welbeck pictured here completing his treble against the Turkish side at the Emirates back in October . MANCHESTER UNITED . 2008-09 . 13 appearances, 3 goals . 2009-2010 . 11 appearances, 2 goals . 2011-12 . 39 appearances, 12 goals . 2012-13 . 40 appearances, 2 goals . 2013-14 . 36 appearances, 10 goals . 2014-15 . 3 appearances, 0 goals . ARSENAL . 2014-15 . 20 appearances, 7 goals . At that point, it was all looking very awkward for Van Gaal. Events since then have made him feel a little better, if not entirely vindicated. Welbeck has scored just three more goals for Arsenal since the Galatasaray match. There have been mitigating circumstances though. Welbeck suffered a thigh injury and missed the whole of January, his absence coinciding with a return to form for Olivier Giroud. By the time Welbeck had rediscovered his fitness, Wenger found it very difficult to take the Frenchman out of the forward position. So Welbeck's versatility has become something of a curse. When he plays, he is stuck out on the wing, a position he is less effective in. When he left for north London, he said: 'I prefer to play through the middle. Once I get into the box and am getting the chances, I have got faith in my ability.' And, at this pivotal stage of the season, his game time has dried up as well. Arsenal are prospering without him. Welbeck's £16m move to Arsenal led to a resurgence in form for England too . Welbeck's last goal for the Gunners came in the win over West Ham just after Christmas . Welbeck was left on the bench during the win over Leicester and he was brought on for mere cameos in the wins over Everton and Queens Park Rangers. So the 24-year-old returns to Old Trafford with plenty to prove. He believed Arsenal was a club that would advance his career but evidence of this has so far been in short supply. However, earning Champions League qualification and winning the FA Cup for Arsenal - the two things Van Gaal craves so dearly this season - would certainly make him feel better.
Danny Welbeck returns to Old Trafford for FA Cup sixth-round tie . Arsenal Striker left Man United on deadline day in £16m deal . Louis van Gaal said he was not good enough for the United first team . The England forward started his career at the Emirates positively . But he has struggled with form and injury in recent months . Olivier Giroud's purple patch has left Welbeck stuck out on the wing . CLICK HERE for Man Utd vs Arsenal team news and probable line ups .
What is the Couple's Retreat Garden?
Couple's Retreat Garden (Chinese: 耦园; pinyin: Ǒu Yuán; Suzhou Wu: Ngeu yoe, Wu Chinese: [ŋøʏ ɦyø]) located in Suzhou city, Jiangsu province, China is a famous classical Chinese garden. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The original garden was built by Lu Jin, prefect of Baoning district, in 1874. It was purchased by Shen Bingcheng, the magistrate of Susong. who rebuilt it in its current form. He also changed the name to the Couple's Garden Retreat. This name refers to the garden's two parts and alludes to a couple. It is recognized with other classical Suzhou gardens as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The 0.33 ha garden is divided into an east and west section by the residential core in the middle; an unusual composition for a classical garden. The eccentric design is continued in the form and details of many of the garden buildings, especially the Taoism Tower. The garden is located in the intersection of canals and is surrounded by water on three sides. It is accessible directly from the canal by boat. The West garden is composed of several structures grouped around a small grotto and a Library annex. It is structurally joined to the central residence. East Garden is the main garden of the complex. It consists of a grotto and pond ringed by a covered walkway that connects the structures. A smaller fruit orchard annex is attached.
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Paul Casey is returning to Augusta after securing his place at next week's Masters. The 37-year-old has not played in the season's first major for the last two years but will tee it up on April 9 due to his position in the world's top 50. The Englishman, whose world ranking got as high as three in 2009, came into the new season outside the top 50 but a second-placed finish at the Northern Trust Open followed by a tie for third at the Honda Classic saw him move back in and his place at Augusta has now been assured. England star Paul Casey is returning to Augusta after securing his place at next week's Masters . Casey secured a third-place finish at the Honda Classic as he continued his renaissance previously . The 37-year-old has not played in the season's first major for the last two years but will do so next week . The 37-year-old said he is relieved that he held on to the last qualifying spot for the Masters when the matter was decided by results elsewhere and said: ‘On the outside looking in is hardly where you want to be for the season’s first major.’ Casey's best Masters finish was a tie for sixth on his debut in 2004. Indian Anirban Lahiri, who has two European Tour wins this season, will be making his debut at Augusta alongside Austrian Bernd Wiesberger. South Africa's Branden Grace, too, has earned an invitation for the third consecutive season. There’s still no word on whether Tiger Woods will play, although he did turn up at Augusta for a practice round on Tuesday.
Paul Casey has secured his place at next week's Masters . He has not played in the season's first major for the last two years . Casey will feature next week due to his position in the world's top 50 .
Name some of the cast members of the movie Spiderman.
Spider-Man is a 2002 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. Directed by Sam Raimi from a screenplay by David Koepp, it is the first installment in Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, and stars Tobey Maguire as the titular character, alongside Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, and Rosemary Harris. The film chronicles Spider-Man's origin story and early superhero career. After being bitten by a genetically-altered spider, outcast teenager Peter Parker develops spider-like superhuman abilities and adopts a masked superhero identity to fight crime and injustice in New York City, facing the sinister Green Goblin (Dafoe) in the process. Development on a live-action Spider-Man film began in the 1980s. Filmmakers Tobe Hooper, James Cameron, and Joseph Zito were all attached to direct the film at one point. However, the project would languish in development hell due to licensing and financial issues. After progress on the film stalled for nearly 25 years, it was licensed for a worldwide release by Columbia Pictures in 1999 after it acquired options from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) on all previous scripts developed by Cannon Films, Carolco, and New Cannon. Exercising its option on just two elements from the multi-script acquisition (a different screenplay was written by James Cameron, Ted Newsom, John Brancato, Barney Cohen, and Joseph Goldman), Sony hired Koepp to create a working screenplay (credited as Cameron's), and Koepp received sole credit in final billing. Directors Roland Emmerich, Ang Lee, Chris Columbus, Barry Sonnenfeld, Tim Burton, Michael Bay, Jan de Bont, M. Night Shyamalan, Tony Scott, and David Fincher were considered to direct the project before Raimi was hired as director in 2000. The Koepp script was rewritten by Scott Rosenberg during pre-production and received a dialogue polish from Alvin Sargent during production. Filming took place in Los Angeles and New York City from January to June 2001. Sony Pictures Imageworks handled the film's visual effects.
Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, and Rosemary Harris.
What new economies developed because of the anti-slave treaties?
In West Africa, the decline of the Atlantic slave trade in the 1820s caused dramatic economic shifts in local polities. The gradual decline of slave-trading, prompted by a lack of demand for slaves in the New World, increasing anti-slavery legislation in Europe and America, and the British Royal Navy's increasing presence off the West African coast, obliged African states to adopt new economies. Between 1808 and 1860, the British West Africa Squadron seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard. Action was also taken against African leaders who refused to agree to British treaties to outlaw the trade, for example against "the usurping King of Lagos", deposed in 1851. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers. The largest powers of West Africa (the Asante Confederacy, the Kingdom of Dahomey, and the Oyo Empire) adopted different ways of adapting to the shift. Asante and Dahomey concentrated on the development of "legitimate commerce" in the form of palm oil, cocoa, timber and gold, forming the bedrock of West Africa's modern export trade. The Oyo Empire, unable to adapt, collapsed into civil wars.
Instead of exporting slaves, Africa began exporting palm oil, cocoa, timber, and gold.
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A bright red miniature statue of Karl Marx given to a British city to commemorate his 195th birthday has been relegated to a back garden because a Tory-run council doesn't want it on display. The four-foot tall, plastic sculpture of the communist revolutionary, was presented to Gloucester council by dignitaries from his birthplace of Trier, Germany - which is twinned with the city. Trier made 500 of the statues which were placed across the city, and one was donated to Gloucester in order to symbolise Marx's journey across Europe, because the cities are twinned. Scroll down for video . A bright red miniature statue of Karl Marx given to a British city to commemorate his 195th birthday has been relegated to a back garden - because a Tory-run council doesn't want it on display . But the Conservative council said it 'would not be appropriate' to display the gift anywhere prominent. Charles Yates, a member of GlosLinks, which maintains the link between Gloucester and twinned Trier, has instead given the statue a home in his back garden. He said: 'It needed a home and my wife and I were quite happy to have it here. He is stood in the garden quite happily. 'It is the sort of statue that guests will always make a comment about. It deserves to be put somewhere in the city. It deserves a home somewhere in Gloucester. 'This whole thing started because the German people asked us what we had done with it. 'It is all very well everyone making decisions about the statue but they haven't actually seen it yet. Charles Yates, a member of GlosLinks, which maintains the link between Gloucester and twinned Trier, has instead given the statue a home in his back garden . The four-foot tall, plastic sculpture of the communist revolutionary, was presented to Gloucester council by dignitaries from his birthplace of Trier, Germany - which is twinned with the city. Trier made 500 of the statues and one was donated to Gloucester in order to symbolise Marx's journey across Europe . 'I am just amazed that nobody has come to see the statue.' The statue of the revolutionary Trier-born socialist, who wrote The Communist Manifesto, was donated to Gloucester last May. Transported to Britain on the Eurostar, the journey was meant to mimic the way Marx drifted across Europe. Born in Trier in 1818, Marx moved to Berlin to study law before travelling to Paris, where he became a revolutionary communist. Expelled from France, Marx spent two years in Brussels before moving to London, where he was to spend the remainder of his life. Despite Marx's significance and political standing, the Conservative leader of the council does not believe it should be placed anywhere important. Leader of Gloucester City Council Paul James said: 'We value our twinning links so I'm pleased we've been able to find somewhere to put Trier's kind gift. 'I don't think it would be appropriate to put it anywhere more prominent unless, perhaps, to warn people of the dangers of voting for Ed Miliband.' The comment and political stance of the council has sparked fury with local councillors who says it should not be used as a political weapon, whether you agree with his politics or not. Labour councillor Chris Chatterton said: 'I appreciated it's election time and silly season but you shouldn't say that. 'Whether you agree or disagree with Marx and Engels is up to you. Their theories changed the world. To make that kind of comment is misplaced. 'The statue shouldn't be bandied about as a political part. 'I think you take it on its merits. Just as a point of courtesy when any of us are given a gift you treat it with respect. 'Through time we have been given some very weird gifts and you may not want to put them on display but you treat it with courtesy. 'How many times have we gotten something at Christmas that we don't want but you don't just throw it away. You treat it with respect.' Born in Trier in 1818, Marx moved to Berlin to study law before travelling to Paris, where he became a revolutionary communist and befriended his life long collaborator, Friedrich Engels. The pair co-authored the pamphlet 'The Communist Manifesto' which was published in 1848. It theorised that all human history had been based on class struggles. Expelled from France, Marx spent two years in Brussels before moving to London, where he was to spend the remainder of his life. He lived, for a number of years, in poverty supported by the wealthier Engels, before he produced his most important body of work, 'Das Kapital'. The first volume of this 'bible of the working class' was published in his lifetime, while the remaining volumes were edited by Engels after his friend's death. He died on 14 March 1883 and was buried at Highgate Cemetery in London. Video courtesy of Heiko Zimmerman .
Statue given to Gloucester council by Marx's birthplace of Trier, Germany . Trier made 500 of the statues which were placed across the city . One donated to Gloucester to symbolise Marx's journey across Europe . But council said it 'wouldn't be appropriate' to display the gift anywhere . Instead the statue has been given a home in a Gloucester back garden .
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Glasgow could yet host Britain’s glamour Davis Cup quarter-final with France in July – if Team GB opt to put atmosphere ahead of a desire to play on grass. Andy Murray led the home team to victory over USA in front of 7,500 passionate fans at the Emirates Arena on Sunday and, with all three days sold out in a matter of minutes, there is an obvious desire to see Scotland’s greatest active sportsman in action again. Murray himself expressed a preference for facing the French on grass – but said: ‘I think grass might be a good surface, but we’ll have to see, because playing in front of a crowd like this also makes a difference and it helps. Andy Murray celebrates extravagantly during his straight sets win over John Isner on Sunday . Great Britain supporters would relish supporting Murray and Co in Glasgow again in July . All three day's of Davis Cup action at the Emirates Arena were sold out in a matter of minutes . If we can’t guarantee that at a grass venue maybe it makes sense to play it somewhere we can get that.’ GB captain Leon Smith, a Glaswegian himself, said there was ‘no chance’ of finding or creating a suitably large outdoor venue – a minimum of 600 seats are required – in order to bring a grass-court tie to Scotland. But he added: ‘I say no chance but I’m not a lawn expert. So, if someone can tell me there’s a chance, I’m sure we would explore it. GB captain Leon Smith doubts the chances of Glasgow being able to create a larger grass-court venue . Smith embraces with  Murray after the latter's straight sets win secured GB's quarter-final berth . Murray (middle) is looked on in envy by his fellow GB team-mates after securing a tie against France . 'Internally, we’ve looked at other options, thinking outside the box. ‘The first thing I need to do, over the next week or two, is think about the best surface. Andy said grass there but we need to sit as a group, look at the likely French team and think about what’s best. ‘Then we have to go somewhere with a great atmosphere. If it’s indoor hard, why not here – or somewhere near here? Something like this, it definitely worked in Scotland. 'You have to look at when the tie lands in the summer, too. ‘There will have been an awful lot of tennis in certain regions, so you want to put it somewhere people have the hunger for more tennis. We’ll be phoning around like mad. ‘Ultimately you go with the surface that gives you the best chance of winning. The atmosphere is great – but it will be even better to be in the semi-finals. ‘We’ve got to pick a surface that all the players agree on. We’ll put our heads together over the next week, then go to the suits and ask them to make it happen.’
Great Britain face France in the Davis Cup quarter finals in July . This tie could be held in Glasgow if GB decide atmosphere outweighs the desire to play on a grass court . Their 3-2 win over the USA was played inside the Emirates Arena . Andy Murray admits his preference is grass, but that playing in Glasgow again with the crowd behind them could be crucial . GB captain Leon Smith doubts the prospects of creating a suitably large outdoor venue in order to have a grass court in Glasgow .
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His girlfriend may not like the city very much, but Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea seems to be having a good enough time. The Spanish stopper, who has been Louis van Gaal's stand-out performer this season, spent his Friday night working with children for the club's foundation. De Gea posted photos of the event to his Twitter and Instagram account, and said he'd had a training with the kids. David de Gea stands with a young child listening to a coach as part of a Manchester United Foundation session . The Spanish keeper jokes with several participants as part of the programme on Friday evening . 'A great evening playing with the children from the @manchesterunited Foundation,' he wrote. 'We spent a fun time!' De Gea's status at Old Trafford is under threat, with Real Madrid reportedly interested in the Spanish star whose contract runs out at the end of next season, and his girlfriend, Edurne Garcia, commenting that she doesn't care for Manchester. The 29-year-old was asked, on Spanish TV, 'I've been told Manchester is uglier than the back of a fridge', and replied: 'It's not very nice, that's for sure. You have to hunt out specific places, the nice places. 'But even then Spain is nicer. The reason I like it is because David's there. With him being there, everything looks wonderful.' De Gea has been United's star player during a difficult season at Old Trafford under Louis van Gaal . De Gea was labelled the best goalkeeper in the world by Roy Keane this week, and may leave United . Edurne Garcia is the girlfriend of De Gea, who has fueled speculation about his future this week . Garcia told Spanish entertainment show El Hormiguero that Manchester is 'not very nice, that's for sure' The 29-year-old singer has fueled speculation that De Gea could be set for a future away from Manchester .
David de Gea has been one of Manchester United's top players this season . De Gea spent Friday night with children for the club's foundation . The keeper's girlfriend hinted earlier in the day that he could leave the city .
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Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink has called the Chelsea supporters caught singing racist songs on camera 'a few idiots' who do not represent the club. The Dutchman, who earned a hero's reputation at Chelsea for scoring 87 goals in 177 games, insisted he never experienced any such discrimination while at Stamford Bridge. A video has emerged of Chelsea supporters chanting the N-word and making anti-Semitic slurs on a London to Manchester train last Sunday following the Capital One Cup final against Tottenham Hotspur. A group of Chelsea fans were filmed refusing to allow a black man from entering a train in Paris . Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink called the Chelsea supporters 'a few idiots' who do not represent the club . Hasselbaink earned a hero's reputation at Chelsea for scoring 87 goals in 177 games during his time there . Last month a group of Chelsea fans were filmed refusing to allow a black man from getting on a carriage on the Paris Metro before the Champions League game against Paris Saint-Germain. 'We're racist, and that's the way we like it,' the group could be heard singing. Hasselbaink, the manager of Burton Albion, flying high in League Two, does not recognise these incidents as an aspect of the club he loves. 'I know lots of Chelsea supporters and I've never experienced that,' he said. 'I don't think Chelsea is about that. 'I think the boys that have done it are a few idiots. And that's it. They are not even a percentage of Chelsea fans. They do not represent Chelsea.' Hasselbaink scores for Chelsea past former Fulham goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar (left) back in 2001 . The Dutchman rounds Everton defender Joseph Yobo (left) to score in a League Cup game back in 2002 . Hasselbaink powers forward with the ball against Middlesbrough in the FA Cup third round . The striker has a long-range shot at goal during the 2002 League Cup quarter-final against Manchester United . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Videos have emerged recently of Chelsea fans singing racist songs . Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink has called fans caught on camera singing racist songs 'a few idiots' who do not represent Chelsea . Blues legend says he never experienced discrimination at Stamford Bridge . READ: Police investigate claims fans were made 'racist chants' after Capital One Cup final . READ: Chelsea racism victim in Paris Metro video declines invitation to Champions League last-16 tie . CLICK HERE for all the latest Chelsea news .
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Floyd Mayweather was put through a gruelling workout on Tuesday as he continues his preparations for the $300million showdown with Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas on May 2. The 38-year-old once again took to Instagram to document his rigorous training regime as he stepped up the pace in his latest gym session in Los Angeles. Mayweather uploaded a video to the social media site showing him working on his hand speed as he trained on the pads and the bag. Floyd Mayweather showed incredible hand speed during a pad workout on Tuesday . The American was continuing his preparations for the $300m fight with Manny Pacquiao on May 2 . The undefeated American displays incredible movement while he grimaces with pain as he pushed himself to the limit to ensure he is in the best possible shape to take on Pacquiao at the MGM Grand. Meanwhile, Mayweather has reserved special praise for his personal chef, who will be fuelling him during the build up to the mega fight. The WBA and WBC welterweight champion posted a a video while his chef was preparing food insisting she is the 'best chef in the world' and that she will be 'with me until I die'. Mayweather was also put through his paces with a workout on the bag during his latest training session . Both fighters had agreed to unannounced blood and urine testing without reservation and will be tested out of competition prior to the fight and in competition after the fight. An inspector made a surprise visit to the house where Pacquiao is staying earlier this week to take the Filipino's sample. The PacMan readily complied with tests for both blood – a process about which he had previously expressed his dislike – and urine. ‘No problem,’ he told the medic, with a smile. Pacquiao was paid a surprise visit by an anti-doping examiner on Sunday to take a drug test .
Floyd Mayweather will fight Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas on May 2 . Undefeated Mayweather shares video of latest training session . American works on his hand speed during pad and bag workout .
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Former PM Tony Blair was given an award for his 'global legacy' by Save the Children last year . Save the Children has apologised over its decision to give Tony Blair an award for his 'global legacy' after a furious public backlash. Justin Forsyth, the charity's chief executive, said he was 'very sorry' for those upset by the decision, but insisted it was only meant to mark his work in Africa and not his entire time in Number 10. Mr Forsyth, a former Downing Street aide, admitted it would have been 'wrong' to give an award to the former PM for his political legacy rather than for his work on international aid. Mr Blair was handed an award for spending billions of taxpayers' money on foreign aid at a star-studded ceremony in New York last year. The former PM, who set Britain on course towards spending 0.7 per cent of GDP on overseas aid, was given the charity's Global Legacy Award in recognition of his leadership in international development. But the award sparked widespread fury when it was announced in November. More than 100,000 people signed an online petition calling for the award to be rescinded and around 500 Saved the Children staff members have reportedly backed a similar petition. Questioned about the award on the BBC's Today programme this morning, Mr Forsyth said: 'I know that many of our supporters and volunteers were very upset and our staff, several of our staff too, and I'm very sorry for that.' He said the decision had been made by the British charity's 'sister organisation' in the US and insisted the award was only for his Africa work. Mr Forsyth said: 'Yes, it was a global legacy award. It was called that. But actually it was an award very, very specifically for Tony Blair's efforts on Africa at two G8 summits at Birmingham and Gleneagles, not his wider legacy. 'And if it had been for his wider legacy I think it would be wrong, but it was for something quite specific that helped Africa and children. 'I'm sorry it's upset so many people. It's not really what we do at Save the Children. What we're really doing is on the ground in Syria with the Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone – that's the work we do. 'This has been really an unnecessary distraction. I do apologise to those people that it's upset.' Justin Forsyth (left), the charity's chief executive pictured in Lebanon with Samantha Cameron, said he was 'very sorry' for those upset by the decision to honour Tony Blair . Mr Blair was handed the award for spending billions of public money on foreign aid at a star-studded ceremony in New York last year - also attended by Mike Bezos (centre left), Dakota Fanning (centre right), and Nicholas Kristo (right) Mr Forsyth admitted the row had 'in part' damaged the charity in eyes of some staff but expressed hope people would accept organisations 'make mistakes'. Mr Forsyth was recruited to Number 10 by Mr Blair to help with work on poverty and climate change. He then became one of Gordon Brown's senior advisers before joining Save the Children. As prime minister, Mr Blair set up the Department for International Development and hosted a series of aid summits. Critics say Britain's foreign aid budget – which hit £11.4billion last year – has led to a string of perverse outcomes, including spending millions in countries such as India which can afford its own space programme. Accepting his award last year, Mr Blair said: 'From the beginning of humankind there has been brutality, conflict, intrigue, the destructive obsession with a narrow self-interest. 'But throughout all human history, never has been extinguished that relentless, unquenchable desire to do good. To act not only in self-interest and sometimes to even to act in defiance of it.' At the time, a spokesman for Save The Children said: 'The UK's achievement of 0.7 per cent of gross national income to international aid in 2014 is the culmination of work started under [Mr Blair's] leadership.'
Justin Forsyth, the charity's chief executive, said he was 'very sorry' Charity chief insisted it was only meant to mark his work in Africa . Mr Blair was handed the at a star-studded ceremony in New York last year . It honoured his record in Government spending billions on foreign aid .
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Twitter has admitted it needs to get tougher on trolls and has already introduced new ways to report abuse to weed out the perpetrators. But now it's taking aim at the rising levels of revenge porn and stolen nude photos posted to the site. Its rules now say that users must not 'post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent'. Twitter's rules have been updated in an attempt to clamp down on revenge porn. Under 'Private information' (pictured) the guidelines now say that users must not 'post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent'. The site said it will verify complaints and suspended abusive users . The changes were spotted by BuzzFeedNews, which recently submitted a Q&A to Reddit when the community site took a similar stance against pornographic posts. Twitter has used these questions to address the changes. Both Twitter's rules and abusive behaviour policy have been updated to reflect these changes. Twitter said that an affected user can report a post if they believe it contains photos or videos posted without their consent. In February a law was passed that made posting revenge porn images and videos a criminal offence in England and Wales. Both Scotland and Northern Ireland are considering similar laws. Under the rules, revenge porn is considered: 'photographs or films which show people engaged in sexual activity or depicted in a sexual way or with their genitals exposed, where what is shown would not usually be seen in public'. It covers images shared without the subject's permission and 'with the intent to cause harm. Offenders face up to two years in jail. This follows laws in sixteen US states - including Alaska, California, New Jersey and Texas - explicitly relating to revenge porn. Under copyright laws the video or photos technically belong to the person who took it and who can, in theory, distribute it as they see fit but Twitter's rules additionally considers the people in the footage. It will ask the person reporting the abuse to verify they are the person in the post and that it was posted without their permission. Twitter said 'agents will then act on content posted in violation of the policy', including removing the post or suspending the accounts of repeat offenders. 'Users who believe that content they post has been incorrectly identified is violating the policy can appeal the decision and agents will review that request as well,' said the firm. 'Content that is identified as violating our policy will be hidden from public view and users posting it will have their accounts locked; those users will be required to delete the content in question before being able to return to the platform. 'Users posting such content with an intent to harass will be subject to suspension from Twitter.' The changes follow reports Twitter would start banning users who violate its rules by tracking email addresses and phone numbers. This means that if an offender attempts to sign up for other accounts using these details Twitter will be able to intervene. Reports recently claimed Twitter will start banning trolls and abusive users by tracking email addresses and phone numbers. When people sign up by email they are also given the option to add a phone number (pictured). In the future, Twitter may ban accounts accused of abuse until they provide this number . Stories of abuse, threats and internet trolls have become commonplace on Twitter in recent years. Robin Williams' daughter, Zelda Williams, left the social platform last year after being sent disturbing images in the wake of her father's suicide. Feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian was threatened with rape, sexual violence and death by Twitter trolls during the 'Gamergate' saga after she criticised the way women are portrayed in video games. In the UK, journalist Caroline Criado-Perez also received rape threats after she voiced her support for the campaign to introduce Jane Austen as the new face of the £10 note. Twitter users Isabella Sorley and John Nimmo admitted sending the messages to Ms Criado-Perez and both were jailed last year. When people sign up to Twitter they are required to provide an email address, which is then validated. Adding a phone number is an optional step and is predominantly used if people want to receive text notifications or setup two-step verification. Under the reported plans, once a user is banned these email addresses and phone numbers will be stored and cross-referenced each time a new user signs up to the site. Last month an internal memo sent by Twitter's chief executive Dick Costolo revealed the 51-year-old thinks his site 'sucks at dealing with abuse and trolls'. In the memo, Mr Costolo said he is embarrassed by the way the company handles abuse and that it must take stronger action in the future. Mr Costolo's comments were posted on an internal forum among Twitter employees, after one employee raised the question of what more could be done to tackle online abuse. In December, a blog post titled 'Building a safer Twitter' revealed Twitter is working on ways to make it easier to block and report abuse. The site has since improved the reporting process to make it more mobile-friendly, and it now requires less initial information. In December, a blog post titled 'Building a safer Twitter' revealed Twitter is working on ways to make it easier to block and report abuse. The site has since improved the reporting process to make it more mobile-friendly, and it now requires less initial information. It has also made it simpler to flag tweets and accounts for review . These enhancements similarly improved the reporting process for people who see abuse but aren't directly receiving it. More recently the site posted a follow-up blog updating users on its new safety features. MailOnline has contacted Twitter for more information about how users details will be stored . Under the Malicious Communications Act 1988, any 'indecent or grossly offensive' message that causes 'distress or anxiety' to the recipient can lead to prosecution. The maximum punishment is a fine not exceeding level four on the standard scale - i.e. no more than £2,500. Since the 1988 law came into force before the widespread use of the internet, e-mail and social networking, prosecutors have used a number of different laws to charge Twitter trolls. Student Liam Stacey, who sent a series of racially abusive tweets after footballer Fabrice Muamba collapsed, was charged under the Crime and Disorder Act. Two men jailed for inciting riots last summer were found guilty under the Serious Crime Act, and Paul Chambers, who joked he would blow Doncaster airport 'sky high' was charged under the Communications Act 2003. It has also made it simpler to flag tweets and accounts for review. These enhancements similarly improved the reporting process for people who see abuse but aren't directly receiving it. More recently, the site posted a follow-up blog updating users on its new safety features. Tina Bhatnagar, Twitter's vice president of User Services said: 'Over the last six months, in addition to the product changes, we have overhauled how we review user reports about abuse. 'Overall, we now review five times as many user reports as we did previously, and we have tripled the size of the support team focused on handling abuse reports. 'We are also beginning to add several new enforcement actions for use against accounts that violate our rules. These new actions will not be visible to the vast majority of rule-abiding Twitter users - but they give us new options for acting against the accounts that don't follow the rules and serve to discourage behavior that goes against our policies. The safety of our users is extremely important to us. It's something we continue to work hard to improve.' In recent years Twitter has come under fire for failing to protect its users from trolls. Robin Williams' daughter, Zelda Williams, left the social platform last year after being sent disturbing images in the wake of her father's death. She made an appeal to her followers to report two users on Twitter (shown above)
Twitter updated its rules and behaviour policy to tackle revenge porn . Users can no longer 'post intimate photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent' It said it will carry out checks to verify the people making the complaints . And if a post is found to breach its rules, the user could be suspended . Twitter boss Dick Costolo recently said site 'sucks' at dealing with trolls . In an internal memo he also took responsibility for Twitter's problems . Twitter streamlined its abuse reporting system in December .
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Paris Saint-Germain captain Thiago Silva has shown off his black eye suffered during their 2-0 win over Monaco to reach the Coupe de France semi-finals on Wednesday. Silva took a knock from former Manchester United, Fulham and Tottenham Hotspur striker Dimitar Berbatov that left the centre-back with a shiner but he got the last laugh. PSG remain on course for the domestic treble in France as they made the final four thanks to David Luiz and Edinson Cavani's goals, and their skipper gave a thumbs up on Instagram. Paris Saint-Germain captain Thiago Silva has shown off his black eye on Instagram on Thursday . Silva applauds the supporters after their 2-0 win over Monaco in their Coupe de France quarter-final tie . PSG's David Luiz (centre) and Edinson Cavani (right) scored and their captain Silva (left) took the knock . Silva's caption read: 'Thanks for the messages! I would say to all friends and fans I'm fine! So this a little swollen and purple, but without pain!' Their 2-0 quarter-final win came just three days after Monaco and PSG played out a 0-0 stalemate at the Stade Louis II in Ligue 1. PSG are preparing to face Lens in the league on Saturday before making the trip to London to verse Chelsea in their Champions League last-16 second leg tie. Silva took the bump from ex-Manchester United, Fulham and Tottenham striker Dimitar Berbatov (left)
Paris Saint-Germain captain Thiago Silva has shown off his black eye . Silva clashed with Dimitar Berbatov as the pair went for a high ball during PSG's 2-0 win over Monaco . PSG remain on course for the domestic treble as they made the final four of the Coupe de France with the quarter-final victory .
Where is Rakaia Gorge located?
The Rakaia Gorge is located on the Rakaia River in inland Canterbury in New Zealand's South Island.
The Rakaia Gorge is located on the Rakaia River in inland Canterbury in New Zealand's South Island. Like its neighbour, the Waimakariri River, the Rakaia runs through wide shingle beds for much of its length, but is forced through a narrow canyon as it approaches the Canterbury Plains.
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Australian tennis pro Bernard Tomic allegedly told a teenage girl he had a stash of cocaine worth $50,000, court documents say. The young woman claims the 22-year-old sports star told her about the drugs while they were both at nightclub boss and developer Jamie Pickering’s penthouse in Surfers Paradise, Queensland. The teenager’s allegation was heard at Southport Magistrates court, on the Gold Coast, on March 12, during a magistrate’s decision, the Gold Coast Bulletin reports. Magistrate Ron Kilner’s written decision said Pickering will have to stand trial for four counts of supplying cocaine, two of which were to minors. Scroll down for video . Australian tennis pro Bernard Tomic allegedly boasted to a teenage girl that he had a stash of cocaine worth $50,000 . Nightclub boss Jamie Pickering is pictured here with tennis ace Bernard Tomic . Pickering is accused of supplying cocaine to girls as young as 16, between January and April, last year at his Surfers Paradise penthouse. The nightclub owner is a friend of Tomic and the tennis star has previously partied at Pickering’s establishments such as Varsity and Sin City nightclub on the Gold Coast. Pickering told the Gold Coast Bulletin that if Tomic did talk about cocaine to the girl it would have been a joke because ‘he doesn’t touch anything or even go near it’. ‘If it was said, I know it was in jest,’ Pickering said. Pickering said Tomic would have no idea his name had been mentioned in court and was trying to contact him to let him know. ‘Puffery, people make jokes — if he said it, it was purely as a joke, and like I say it could only have been in jest. He would not have been serious in any way,’ Pickering reassured the paper. Tomic was famously photographed partying at Pickering’s Sin City nightclub in 2013 while preparing for the upcoming Australian Open . He was snapped enjoying a lapdance from two women at the club . Tomic was at the club during Schoolies week with Big Brother 2013 winner Tim Dormer . Tomic’s name was mentioned by Magistrate Kilner as he spoke about the statements from four girls who claimed they’d seen a white powdery substance at Pickering’s penthouse. They believed it was cocaine but one girl admitted that no one had identified the powder as drugs or cocaine. Mr Kilner said in the decision: ‘The only exception to that statement was when Bernard Tomic stated to her on one occasion that he had $50,000 worth of cocaine.’ No charges have been made or considered against Tomic. Pickering also told the Gold Coast Bulletin he strongly denied the charges against him. Tomic currently lives in Monaco but lived on the Gold Coast in Queensland for 15 years . No charges have been made or considered against Tomic, police confirmed . Tomic, who is ranked world No. 35, moved to the Gold Coast in 1996 at the age of three when his family migrated from Germany. He currently lives in Monaco in Europe but returns to Australia to visit friends. On one such trip, he was famously photographed partying at Pickering’s Sin City nightclub in 2013 while preparing for the upcoming Australian Open. Tomic was pictured shirtless while enjoying a lapdance from two women during Schoolies week with Big Brother 2013 winner Tim Dormer. Daily Mail Australia has contacted Bernard Tomic's management for comment. Tomic, seen here at the 2015 Australian Open at Melbourne Park, is currently ranked world No. 35 . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Tomic is alleged to have made the claim at Jamie Pickering's penthouse . Nightclub boss Pickering is facing four charges of supplying cocaine . Pickering is accused of supplying cocaine to girls as young as 16 . He appeared at Southport Magistrates Court on the Gold Coast . Magistrate mentioned teen's claim about Tomic during his written decision . Tomic faces no charges and was reportedly unaware of teen's claims .
Write some important points regarding Family Justice Council using given text as a reference
The Family Justice Council, established in 2004, is an advisory, non-statutory, non-departmental public body sponsored by the Judicial Office of England and Wales. It provides independent expert advice, from an inter-disciplinary perspective, on the operation and reform of the family justice system to the Family Justice Board (jointly chaired by ministers from the Ministry of Justice and Department for Education) and Government. It is chaired by the President of the Family Division, and in August 2012 became part of the President's office.
1. The Judicial Office of England and Wales sponsors the Family Justice Council, an advisory, non-statutory, non-departmental public organisation founded in 2004. 2. It offers independent professional advice to the Family law Board, which is jointly chaired by ministers from the Ministry of Justice and Department for Education, as well as the Government on how to run and reform the family law system. 3. It is presided over by the Family Division President and joined the President's office in August 2012.
Please explain how a perpetrator's state of mind is relevant to guilt in committing a crime
In jurisprudence, animus nocendi (from Latin animus 'mind', and noceo 'to harm') is the subjective state of mind of the perpetrator of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences. In most modern legal systems, the animus nocendi is required as an essential condition to give a penal condemnation. The animus nocendi is usually demonstrated by the verified presence of these elements: knowledge of a law that prohibited the discussed action or conduct (unless there exists a systemic obligation, pending on every citizen, that considers that the law has to be known by every adult — in this case the knowledge is presumed a priori; see also Ignorantia juris non excusat); knowledge of the most likely consequences of his action; precise intention of breaking the law or of causing the verified effects of the action. When the author of the crime had no animus nocendi, it is usually considered that the crime still exists, but the author is innocent, unless a responsibility for guilt can be found in his conduct: the typical case of a car accident in which a wrong or even hazardous manoeuvre causes personal injuries to another car driver, is then managed as a crime for the presence of injuries, yet the author will not be prosecuted as the author of the injuries (he did not want to hurt the other driver, thus he had no animus nocendi), but simply as the author of a dangerous conduct that indirectly caused said effects, and would be held responsible at a guilt title.
In most legal systems, it is required to demonstrate that the perpetrator of a crime had intent to harm, also known by the legal term "animus nocendi"(from the Latin animus "mind" and noceo "to harm"). Put plainly, this means having foreknowledge of the illegality of his act and the repercussions of the crime. Intention is important in establishing guilt for a specific crime. A good example is a car accident fatality: the driver responsible would be guilty of causing the accidental death of the victim (manslaughter), but not guilty of murder -- unless it could be established that the driver at fault intended to kill the victim.
Please provide a brief summary describing Canada
Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, making it the world's second-largest country by total area, with the world's longest coastline. It is characterized by a wide range of both meteorologic and geological regions. The country is sparsely inhabited, with the vast majority residing south of the 55th parallel in urban areas. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, making it the world's second-largest country by total area, with the world's longest coastline. It is characterized by a wide range of both meteorologic and geological regions. The country is sparsely inhabited, with the vast majority residing south of the 55th parallel in urban areas. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Indigenous peoples have continuously inhabited what is now Canada for thousands of years. Beginning in the 16th century, British and French expeditions explored and later settled along the Atlantic coast. As a consequence of various armed conflicts, France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of provinces and territories and a process of increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster, 1931, and culminating in the Canada Act 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Canada is a parliamentary liberal democracy and a constitutional monarchy in the Westminster tradition. The country's head of government is the prime minister, who holds office by virtue of their ability to command the confidence of the elected House of Commons and is "called upon" by the governor general, representing the monarch of Canada, the head of state. The country is a Commonwealth realm and is officially bilingual (English and French) in the federal jurisdiction. It is very highly ranked in international measurements of government transparency, quality of life, economic competitiveness, innovation, and education. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration. Canada's long and complex relationship with the United States has had a significant impact on its history, economy, and culture. A highly developed country, Canada has one of the highest nominal per capita income globally and its advanced economy ranks among the largest in the world, relying chiefly upon its abundant natural resources and well-developed international trade networks. Canada is part of several major international and intergovernmental institutions or groupings including the United Nations, NATO, G7, Group of Ten, G20, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Trade Organization (WTO), Commonwealth of Nations, Arctic Council, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and Organization of American States.
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(CNN)Cabela's not a cat, but the young pit bull mix apparently had a few lives to spare. Tampa police found her shot and bleeding, tied to a set of railroad tracks in the city's Sulphur Springs neighborhood on Wednesday. Folks called after they heard someone fire a gun. Cabela was hit by three shots -- two to the neck and one to the shoulder. Officers freed the pup from the tracks and rushed her to Tampa Bay Veterinary Emergency Center, where Dr. Jamie Davidson and staff stabilized and named her. The dog will have to have her front right leg removed because of the damage from the gunshots, but should be rehabilitated within a week, the vet said. "Dogs rebound quick," said Davidson, adding Cabela is in great spirits. "Really, after everything that this dog has gone through ... she's the sweetest," she said. "I mean she's not angry with people. She's not growling. She's been really really good." The cost of Cabela's treatment will run several thousands dollars, but will be picked up by the clinic. Once she's healthy, Cabela will be spayed, vaccinated and set up for adoption, where she will be paired with a "good family," Davidson said.
Police found the pup after neighbors heard gunshots . Cabela is expected to be rehabilitated within a week . Her treatment cost several thousand dollars .
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Orlando police used a department training exercise Friday to search for a mother of three who went missing the same day she appeared in an episode of The People's Court in 2011. Michelle Parker, 33, of Orlando was last seen November 17 dropping her three-year-old twins off at the home of ex-fiancé Dale Smith, whose legal quarrel over a $5,000 engagement ring featured in an episode of the show recorded earlier that year. WOFL reported about 100 officers searched an area of Belle Isle about two miles south of Orlando International Airport without finding any trace of Parker, whose cell phone last pinged nearby. Disappeared: Michelle Parker (left), who disappeared in 2011 at age 33, was seen the same day on an episode of The People's Court, where she was sued by ex-fiance Dale Smith (right) over a $5000 engagement ring . Police have searched the area before, and though the three-hour investigation of the grounds did not turn up any new evidence, it was heartening for Parker's parents. 'I don’t like it. It makes me angry that we have to go through this all the type because it’s really painful and hard but I’m happy,' Parker's mother Yvonne Stewart said according to News 13. Parker's Hummer had been found the day after she disappeared at an apartment complex in Orlando with the decals for her tanning business peeled from the windows. Her family has continuously pushed for answers about her disappearance. 'It's agony not knowing what happened to your child,' Stewart told ABC. 'They thought they should go back and take a look at these woods.' Stewart says authorities told her one piece of evidence police hoped to find was the missing decal that might have been taken from the Hummer. Training exercise: Police searched a wooded area near the Orlando International Airport for any clues as to the disappearance of Parker . Investigation continues: Though the family still harbors hope that authorities will uncover new evidence about Parker's disappearance, the case has cooled over the past few years . No leads: Smith, pictured during the show, is the only person of interest in his ex-fiancee's disappearance, but has never been charged . Distraught: Parker's mother and other family members have pushed hard for investigations to continue in spite of little evidence noting Parker's whereabouts . 'I don't want to find her dead. I want to find her alive,' said Parker's father, Brad. On the episode of courtroom series 'The People's Court,' recorded the summer before her disappearance, Parker and Smith squared off over a $5,000 engagement ring. The show revealed a 'violent' history of her relationship with Smith, who had been dishonorably discharged from the Marines in 2003 following a reported court martial and military convictions for drug possession and domestic battery. Smith was charged with domestic battery during their relationship, after which Parker filed a request for a restraining order in 2009, which was denied, . In her filing she said he 'smashed the passenger side window in my SUV' and 'took car seats out and threw them in the road'. She also alleged that he yelled to her: 'Your day is coming.' 'He gets pretty malicious and vindictive,' she said of him on The People's Court, 'and he's a mean person especially when he's been drinking.' Smith had sued Parker, claiming she lost the engagement ring when she threw it at him in a fight at a Hilton hotel during a science fiction convention. People's Court judge Marilyn Milian found in favor of Smith on the episode and ordered Parker to pay $2,500. A friend, Angela Launer, told ABC around the time of the disappearance that Smith was known to abandon Parker in out of the way places. 'I know he hurt her many times - dropped her off in areas with no shoes. Took off and left her in Georgia by herself,' Ms Launer, 34, said, describing the relationship as 'rocky' and 'tense'. Police have not charged Smith in relation to his ex-fiancée's disappearance, but he is currently being considered a person of interest in the investigation. Smith currently has custody of the couple's twin children. Parker also had a son from a previous relationship who was 10 years old at the time of her disappearance. An attorney for Smith told ABC that Smith had not committed any crime. The family revealed after her disappearance that Parker left a short message the day before she went missing in which she sounded normal and asked her father to make plans to call her. ‘Hey Dad, it's about 8:40. This is Michelle on Wednesday morning,’ she said. ‘I know that you're at work, but call me when you have lunch or you have break or the end of your day.’ The family spent Thanksgiving with about 50 volunteers, searing within a two-mile radius from a cell tower that had last pinged her location, reported the Orlando Sentinel. ‘I'm thankful that my sister has not been found in a bad way, because every day that doesn't happen, I still have hope that she's still out there somewhere,’ her sister Lauren Erickson told ABC at the time. Her friend Angela Launer told ABC Mr Smith was known to abandon her in out of the way places. 'I know he hurt her many times - dropped her off in areas with no shoes. Took off and left her in Georgia by herself,' Ms Launer, 34, said, describing their relationship as 'rocky' and 'tense'. Parker's mother, Yvonne Stewart, has maintained that Smith is not responsible for her daughter's disappearance. 'Who would want to hurt the mother of their children?' she told ABC. 'I don't see how in any way he would benefit from it. I know in my heart of heart that she's been carjacked.’ 'That the people saw an expensive car and a girl who looks like she has money and I know they've made a mistake and I know that they want to fix this and I forgive them.’
Michelle Parker, 33, of Orlando went missing hours after an episode of The People's Court starring her and her ex-fiance, Dale Smith . Parker was last seen dropping her children off at Smith's house in November 2011 and police have searched for more than three years . The episode focused on a $5000 engagement ring that Smith claimed Parker lost . It also revealed a rocky, sometimes violent, relationship between the two .
What is the Barkley Marathons?
The Barkley course was the brain child of Gary "Lazarus Lake" Cantrell and Karl Henn (Raw Dog). The idea for the race was inspired upon hearing about the 1977 escape of James Earl Ray, the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., from nearby Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. Ray covered only about 12 miles (19 km) after running 54.5 hours in the woods hiding from air searches during the day. Cantrell said to himself, "I could do at least 100 miles," mocking Ray's low mileage. Thus, the Barkley Marathons was born. Cantrell named the race for his longtime neighbor and running companion, Barry Barkley. It was first run in 1986. Barkley died in 2019 at age 70.
The Barkley Marathons is a foot race created by Gary Cantrell and Karl Henn, and named after a friend of Gary's, Barry Barkley (who died in 2019). This race was inspired from James Earl Ray's escape from the Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary in 1977 (he was in-prisoned there for the murder of Martin Luther King Jr). During his 54.5 hour escape, Earl Ray could only cover 12 miles. Cantrell thought he could have done 100 miles in this time, which gave him the idea to organise a foot race in this area. The first edition took place in 1986.
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(CNN)The BBC has suspended Jeremy Clarkson, the host of car show "Top Gear," following "a fracas with a BBC producer," the broadcaster said in a statement. "Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended pending an investigation," they said. "No one else has been suspended. Top Gear will not be broadcast this Sunday." Fans of the presenter expressed dismay at the decision. At the time of writing, more than 147,000 people had signed a petition seeking his reinstatement. Using the hashtag #BringBackClarkson, some Twitter users lamented that the show would not be the same without him. Clarkson himself also took to Twitter, posting an apology (of sorts) to Labour leader Ed Miliband -- for knocking him down the news agenda. "Save Clarkson?" his co-host James May tweeted. "Save empty cardboard boxes and off-cuts of string. They're far more useful." This is not the first time that Clarkson has been at the center of controversy. In May this year, the television presenter asked forgiveness after using a racist term during a taping of the show. Clarkson had mumbled the n-word while reciting a children's nursery rhyme, but that version of the take was never aired. Last year, the BBC show hit the headlines when Argentina complained about a "Top Gear" special filmed in the country in which the number plate H982 FKL was used -- interpreted by some as a reference to the 1982 Falklands War. Forced to stop filming and leave the country, Clarkson said on the BBC Newsbeat website that the use of the plate was purely coincidental. In a previous article on their website, the BBC said "Jeremy Clarkson is not a man given to considered opinion." In their statement, the corporation declined to comment any further. Jeremy Clarkson: Hated by liberals, loved by the elite .
Presenter was involved in an encounter with a BBC producer . 'Top Gear' was due to air this Sunday, episode pulled from schedule .
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Alexis Sanchez has made a blistering start to life at Arsenal, racking up 18 goals, 10 assists and countless plaudits in his first few months in England. The Chilean's work-rate, creativity and finishing mean he's a firm favourite with fans at the Emirates Stadium as well as one of the first names on Arsene Wenger's team sheet. But his form has tailed off in recent weeks, with Sanchez failing to find the net in February, and the former Barcelona star has now gone seven games without a goal. Alexis Sanchez has been suffering a bit of a drought since Mesut Ozil returned to fitness . Sanchez has not scored a goal for Arsenal in his last seven games, providing just one assist in that time . The Gunners forward has been vital to their form this season, but does not look at his best at the moment . A hamstring injury, which ruled Sanchez out of games against Aston Villa and Tottenham, seemed to stall his season, but there are also concerns about the 26-year-old's role in the team since the return from injury of Mesut Ozil. Gunners fans had hoped that when Ozil and Sanchez, Arsenal's two most expensive players ever, played together, Wenger's side would find another gear. But it appears the two struggle to play together. Sanchez has not scored a goal with Ozil on the pitch since October 1, and the Gunners win percentage with their two stars playing together is worryingly far lower than when one is absent. While results have picked up since the German's return from injury, the impact on Sanchez's performances is a concern. The Chilean's barren spell has coincided with Ozil's comeback, and a move away from the central role in which he was excelling. Sanchez celebrates scoring against Stoke City in early January, his last goal for the club . The Chilean has scored 18 times since his move from Barcelona, but none since January 11 . Sanchez celebrates after scoring against Manchester City, but he generally struggles when Ozil plays . In the World Cup-winning playmaker's absence, Sanchez had been operating as Arsenal's No 10, with a license to drift all over the pitch and run at the defence. But Ozil has slotted into that role, with great effect, shunting Arsenal's best player this season out to the left wing. The effect has been devastating to Sanchez's game. In his first 30 appearances for Arsenal he created 74 chances, at a rate of almost two and a half per game. In his last seven, he averages around one and a half a game, with only one assist. It is a similar story with his shooting. His goalless run is the result of having just 13 shots in seven games, of which only five have been on target. Sanchez celebrates with Santi Cazorla, who has recently moved to a deep midfield role, to great effect . Sanchez has hit the buffers after storming start to his career in north London . Ozil has been in superb form since coming back from injury and slotting into the No 10 role . Ozil's playmaking, including both assists in a win over Everton, has spurred Arsenal onto a winning run . In fact he has managed a shot on target every 102 minutes, a poor return compared with the rest of the season, where he had worked the goalkeeper every 57 minutes. It is not just Sanchez's position that has changed with Ozil's return, but also the shape of the team. During Sanchez's best run of scoring form this season, when he notched six times in four games during October and November, the Gunners had two recognised central midfielders in the side. Early in the season that was usually Mathieu Flamini or Mikel Arteta in the holding role alongside Aaron Ramsey or Jack Wilshere, but Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Tomas Rosicky and of course the emerging Francis Coquelin have all been involved more recently. This gave Sanchez a platform, whether from the wing or a more central position, to focus on attacking. He always works hard off the ball, but he needed to worry less about his positioning defensively. Francis Coquelin's emergence as a quality holding midfielder has allowed Arsenal to change their system . Arsene Wenger has played Ozil in the middle, leaving Sanchez to help out in a lightweight midfield . Wenger needs to find a way of getting his two stars to play well together as Arsenal push for a top-four finish . Since Ozil returned, Santi Cazorla has moved into a deep-lying midfield role to glorious effect, freeing up Ozil to drift around the midfield picking his passing. Both men have benefited, and the Gunners have won seven of their last eight league games. But it has meant that Sanchez has had to be more disciplined, tracking back to help out in a light-weight midfield, and spending more time defending than when he was the main man. For now, it is a system that appears to be working - while Sanchez's stats falter, Arsenal have been in decent form since Ozil's return, the aberration against Monaco aside. But with the race for Champions League football hotting up, Wenger will want to start getting the best out of his superstar again, alongside - rather than instead of - Ozil.
Alexis Sanchez has not scored a goal for seven games . Mesut Ozil's return to fitness has seen Sanchez moved out to the wing . Arsenal's win percentage falls drastically when both their stars play . But system seems to be working, with seven wins from eight league games . Arsene Wenger's side take on QPR on Wednesday night .
What were the primary motivations for the Dual Alliance?
The Dual Alliance (German: Zweibund, Hungarian: Kettős Szövetség) was a defensive alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary, which was created by treaty on October 7, 1879, as part of Germany's Otto von Bismarck's system of alliances to prevent or limit war. The two powers promised each other support in case of attack by Russia. Also, each state promised benevolent neutrality to the other if one of them was attacked by another European power (generally taken to be France, even more so after the Franco-Russian Alliance of 1894). Bismarck saw the alliance as a way to prevent the isolation of the German Empire, which had just been founded a few years before, and to preserve peace, as Russia would not wage war against both empires. Formation When Austria-Hungary and Germany formed an alliance in 1879, it was one of the more surprising alliances of its time. Though both shared the German language and a similar culture, Austria-Hungary and Germany were often driven apart, most notably during the recent Austro-Prussian War. Additionally, the Habsburg rulers believed that the promotion of nationalism, which was favoured by Germany, would destroy their multinational empire. However, their common distrust of Russia brought both empires together for a common cause.
The primary motivations for the alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary were peacemaking and protection. The alliance ensured that both Germany and Austria-Hungary would be safe from attack by Russia. The alliance also promoted peace between the two countries and other European powers.
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Betrayed: Controversial critic Brian Sewell revealed once-trusted friends have stolen his paintings . He has built an impressive art collection over a decades-long career as Britain’s most-feared critic. But now Brian Sewell has revealed that some of the works he has accumulated have gone missing – stolen by once-trusted friends. ‘It is surprising how unpleasant people can be,’ he tells Event magazine today. ‘How untrustworthy friends can become. ‘How somebody you think you can absolutely depend on will do something so mean that it astonishes you.’ None of Mr Sewell’s light-fingered visitors are likely to face justice since he has decided to not report the matter to police. The critic, who is suffering from cancer, refuses to identify those he holds responsible for betraying him but makes it abundantly clear that he knows who they are. The thefts have occurred over the past ten years and came to light recently when he started sorting through his belongings, bagging up old clothes for charity and consigning other unwanted items to the bonfire. Friends and acquaintances visiting his home in Wimbledon, South London, have made off with paintings and drawings, he says, and, when challenged, have denied all knowledge. However, Sewell has confessed that he occasionally indulged in similar behaviour himself when visiting friends’ homes – though on a much smaller scale. He said: ‘I have stolen the odd book myself. I have a theory that only men steal books, although when I proposed that to a woman a month or two ago she was absolutely outraged. ‘It’s not really books I’m worrying about – it’s small paintings and drawings which quietly disappear. You don’t know when they disappear but, when you think about it, it’s only... when people have been to the house. ‘This is betrayal. It makes me so angry and helpless because you can’t do anything about it.’ Sewell, whose trenchant views once led to leading figures in the art world demanding his dismissal as the Evening Standard’s art critic, also speaks –with some reluctance – about his illness. 'I have stolen the odd book myself,' the critic said. 'It’s not really books I’m worrying about – it’s small paintings and drawings which quietly disappear. It’s only... when people have been to the house' ‘I think a serene death with my dogs on the bed would be wonderful,’ he said. ‘It may still happen. I really don’t know.’ The 84-year-old has admitted to disliking children but loving animals – ironically as his latest book is aimed at youngsters. The White Umbrella, which has just been published, is about a wounded donkey found by a TV crew visiting Pakistan – and he says he wrote it as a ‘distraction’ from his radiotherapy. Last night he said he had confronted the ‘friends’ he suspected of robbing him but had failed to get any of the missing artworks back. ‘I have always done it face-to-face and I now know it isn’t worth doing because it simply gets worse – the lies don’t help.’
Thefts took place over the past ten years but only came to light recently . Feared critic noticed gaps in collection at home in Wimbledon, London . He has not reported the matter to police - but slammed friends' 'betrayal' The 84-year-old does, however, confess to stealing books in return .
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March 30, 2015 . Monday on CNN Student News: Find out what issues were on the minds of Nigerians, as voters in Africa's largest democracy went to the polls. Discover how an astronaut on a 340-day mission to the International Space Station will become one of the experiments being conducted. And lend your ears to an invention that aims to extinguish fires with low-frequency sound waves. On this page you will find today's show Transcript and a place for you to request to be on the CNN Student News Roll Call. TRANSCRIPT . Click here to access the transcript of today's CNN Student News program. Please note that there may be a delay between the time when the video is available and when the transcript is published. CNN Student News is created by a team of journalists who consider the Common Core State Standards, national standards in different subject areas, and state standards when producing the show. ROLL CALL . For a chance to be mentioned on the next CNN Student News, comment on the bottom of this page with your school name, mascot, city and state. We will be selecting schools from the comments of the previous show. You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call! Thank you for using CNN Student News!
This page includes the show Transcript . Use the Transcript to help students with reading comprehension and vocabulary . At the bottom of the page, comment for a chance to be mentioned on CNN Student News. You must be a teacher or a student age 13 or older to request a mention on the CNN Student News Roll Call.
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The European Tour has confirmed that the British Masters, supported by Sky Sports, will return to the schedule for the first time in seven years in October, with four of Britain's top players taking turns to host the event. As revealed by Sportsmail's golf correspondent Derek Lawrenson, Ryder Cup stars Ian Poulter, Luke Donald, Justin Rose and Lee Westwood will help to select the venue each year, with Poulter first to assume hosting duties at Woburn from October 8-11. Poulter, who has a long association with Woburn, said: 'It is fantastic news that the British Masters is back on The European Tour schedule and I am proud and delighted to be bringing the tournament to Woburn Golf Club, which is obviously a place that means a great deal to me. Ian Poulter, here in action at the Honda Classic last week, will host the British Masters in October . Justin Rose (left) and Luke Donald will join Ryder Cup team-mate Poulter as co-hosts of the event . Lee Westwood is the final co-host of the tournament, which is returning to the European Tour schedule . 'British golf has been in a good place for a number of years now with the success we have had internationally, and as players we have all been keen to get more tournaments on British soil, and in England in particular, so we are grateful to Sky Sports and The European Tour for helping to make this happen. 'As a young boy I dreamed of becoming a professional golfer, and being able to watch my heroes play the game inspired me to chase these dreams. I am now passionate myself about encouraging young people to try to enjoy this game that I love so much, and I'm looking forward to working closely with Sky Sports and The European Tour on staging the British Masters at Woburn and making it an event that truly inspires young people. Poulter (left) and Rose share a laugh after their epic duel, won by the latter, at Woburn in 2002 . Sam Torrance (left) and Christy O'Connor Jnr are among the past winners of the prestigious event . Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano celebrates his 2008 win by diving into the lake by the 18th green at the Belfry . The legendary Seve Ballesteros holds his trophy after winning the British Masters at Woburn in 1986 . 'I know Woburn is going to be a great venue for a European Tour event having hosted the British Masters previously, and I'm sure the fans will come out and really support the event again. 'The British Masters was always one of our leading events and I have some great memories of my battle with Justin at Woburn back in 2002. He's obviously a good friend of mine and a great competitor, so it was a pleasure to go up against him at my home course. Hopefully I can put my local knowledge to good use once more and be up there challenging again this year.' It will be the 17th time that Woburn has hosted the British Masters and the first since 2002, when Poulter and Rose battled it out for the title, with Rose winning by a shot after a closing 65. This year's event will be staged on the Marquess course and have a prize fund of £3million.
European Tour confirms return of British Masters to its schedule . Ian Poulter, Luke Donald, Justin Rose and Lee Westwood will be hosts . The players will take it in turns each year at a course of their choice . Poulter is first host in October at Woburn, where Rose won in 2002 .
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Exeter have moved to fill the void left by departing captain Dean Mumm by signing his fellow Australian lock Ollie Atkins. Atkins, 26, has agreed a two-year deal with the Aviva Premiership play-off contenders and will move to Devon from Edinburgh. Mumm is returning to Australia at the end of this season, and Atkins, who has represented Scotland A, will now strengthen Chiefs' second-row resources alongside fellow new arrival Geoff Parling. Ollie Atkins will join Exeter and replace departing captain Dean Mumm . 'We had been aware Dean might be tempted to move back to Australia, but he has been very open and honest about it, and that gave us time to assess the market,' Exeter head coach Rob Baxter told the club's official website. 'Ollie is actually someone that Dean mentioned, having played with him back in Australia. 'We have looked at Ollie's game closely. He has a lot of qualities that will work very well among the group here. Atkins will join the Devon bases Aviva Premiership side from Edinburgh . 'He is a bit younger than Dean, he has a great engine and is a real 80-minute player.' Atkins played for the Sydney-based Waratahs, Western Force and Sydney University before moving to Scotland in 2013 and becoming a key member of the Edinburgh squad.
Ollie Atkins will join Exeter after leaving Edinburgh . Exeter captain Dean Mumm is heading back to Australia . Atkins will join fellow new signing Geoff Parling .
What is the highest-grossing animated film?
Many films that were released during the 20th century do not appear on this list as figures have not been adjusted for inflation, and as a result all but one of the films in the top 50 were released after 2000. If inflation were adjusted for, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs would appear at the top of the chart with an adjusted gross of $1,977,000,000.[nb 1] The top 11 films on this list are also among the top 50 highest-grossing films of all time, ranking 8th, 11th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 34th, 35th, 40th, 42nd, 45th and 50th, respectively. The top 10 have each grossed in excess of $1 billion worldwide. All except two—the original 1994 version of The Lion King and The Simpsons Movie—are computer animated films. Despicable Me is the most represented franchise with all 5 films in the Top 50 Highest-grossing animated films.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs would be the highest-grossing animated film, if inflated is adjusted, with an adjusted gross of $1,977,000,000.
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When Rachel Abbott sold her successful media company for £5 million, she set herself two goals: to embark on a new career as a novelist and to find a dream home in Italy. With no previous writing experience, Rachel knew the former would be tricky – but what she hadn’t counted on was how difficult it would be to crack the latter. Despite viewing countless properties in Tuscany, she and husband John were left disappointed until they discovered a ruined 15th Century monastery in neighbouring Le Marche. Instantly smitten, they swapped their home in the Pennines for one in the Apennines. Dream home: Rachel Abbott and her husband viewed countless properties in Tuscany before discovering the monastery in neighbouring Le Marche . Resurrected: The couple paid just £150,000 for the monastery in 2000. Pictured: the ruins of the monastery . ‘When we went to Italy we knew what we wanted – an ancient building that had been completely modernised,’ says Rachel, 62. ‘There were lots that fitted the bill but something about them didn’t click – they weren’t right. ‘Then, finally, an estate agent took us to this place and we just knew…’ All that remained of the monastery was the chapel – minus the roof – and the oratory. Yet the couple were mesmerised by the building and its location. ‘It had views to the Adriatic in one direction and the mountains in the other,’ says Rachel. ‘We got such a sense of peace and tranquillity.’ The region also excited them. Whereas Tuscany is teeming with wealthy second-home-owners from Britain, Le Marche is the ‘real Italy’ – a place where they could mix with the locals. Back in its glory: After a two-year restoration project, which set the couple back a further £1 million, the monastery was transformed into a modern eight bedroom home . Luxurious: The property also boasts seven en suite bedrooms, a swimming pool and a five-hole golf course. Pictured: the living room . The monastery, near the hilltop town of Treia, cost only £150,000 back in 2000 but a two-year restoration project on which the couple then embarked set them back a further £1 million. Luckily, the old building had survived until the 1960s, so they were able to find photographs, enabling their architects to recreate the style of original. They covered two layers of stone used for the walls in terracotta tiling, just as would have been done in the 15th Century, and windows were installed exactly where they were in the pictures. Behind the facade, the couple built a modern eight-bedroom home with seven en suites, a swimming pool and, for John’s benefit, a five-hole golf course in the five acres of grounds. Price €2.5 million (£1.8 million) Location Near Treia, Le Marche . Bedrooms 8 . Unique features Converted 15th Century monastery, swimming pool, five-hole golf course, five acres . It was only in 2005, when they were fully ensconced in the old monastery, that Rachel turned her attention to her second ambition – to become a successful writer. She had been toying with an idea for a psychological crime thriller for some time, and by 2010 she had finished her first work, Only The Innocent. Then, however, she was faced with another problem: how to find a publisher. Rachel did not fancy the anguish of rejection, so her solution was to self-publish on Amazon instead. At first her novels sold at the rate of only six a week. ‘Then I thought, “This is crazy. I know about marketing, I’m going to make this book sell.” ‘I set up a Twitter account, which now has 12,500 followers, and emailed every blogger and reviewer I could find. I spent countless hours on forums and Facebook. As a result I changed my life.’ Rachel’s subsequent success has been astounding. A first novel is thought to have done well if it sells 3,000 copies – Only The Innocent and follow-up books The Back Road and Sleep Tight have together sold a million. All three have been No 1 bestsellers on Amazon’s Kindle store, and Rachel now outsells many well-established authors. Price tag: The couple have now put the property on the market for €2.5 million (£1.8 million). Pictured: one of the bedrooms . Life in Italy has gone well, too. The couple have made money by letting out the chapel as a venue for upmarket weddings. And with children from previous relationships visiting them, Rachel and John’s house has often been buzzing with guests – just as she had planned. But now they have put their home on the market for €2.5 million – about £1.8 million – and want to move to the Channel Island of Alderney. ‘We already rent a flat there,’ says Rachel. ‘It’s a wonderful place – friendly and virtually crime-free. As much as we love Italy, we now want to buy a property there.’, 020 7148 6480. Rachel Abbott’s latest book, Stranger Child, is out now.
Rachel Abbott and her husband bought 15th Century monastery in 2000 . All that was left of the monastery was chapel (minus the roof) and oratory . Near the hilltop town of Treia, in Italy, it cost the couple only £150,000 . But a two-year restoration project set them back a further £1 million . Building survived until 1960s, enabling architects to recreate original style . But behind the facade, it's a modern eight-bedroom home with seven en suites and a swimming pool .
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(CNN)If the 20th century was the century of the skyscraper, then the 21st century is shaping up as the century of the "plyscaper." Despite its historical reputation for great city fires -- London in 1666, the Great Chicago fire of 1871 and San Francisco in 1906 -- wood is making a comeback as a construction material. Next year in Vienna, construction will begin on a 275-foot building made almost entirely of wood, while Stockholm may build a 34-story wooden apartment by 2023. Others are in the pipeline from Canada to Australia to Europe. With faster construction times and a softer environmental impact, could the building material of the past be the future of construction? Vancouver-based architect Michael Green says the momentum is gaining as new engineered woods allow for greater strength and heights in buildings. His firm MGA recently completed a 29.5m (97 feet) wooden building, the Wood Innovation and Design Center in Prince George, Northern British Columbia. But he said news of taller wooden structures is sprouting up all the time. "There seems to be a new announcement every two or three weeks," Green said. "We've got one in Vancouver for 18 stories and in Vienna there's one for more than 20 stories. "We've done research in high earthquake zones that show 30 stories is feasible; we certainly think we can go to 40 and higher." He said new developments in engineered woods -- small wood components that are glued together to make large panels for building -- are a game-changer for construction. Mass timber panels, in particular, cross-laminated timber (known in the industry simply as CLT) are becoming established as a quicker, greener and eventually cheaper alternative to concrete and steel. One great bonus of the material is the speed of construction; panels can be made to measure in the factory complete with openings, windows and doors. While the main advantages of working in wood are manifold -- it's flexible, robust and easily worked -- Green says wood may be the only material to address the growing problems of urbanization. "Wood has not been an urban material so we looked at how it could be a contributor to urban environments," he said. "There are a whole host of advantages. "Steel and concrete have huge carbon footprints. Concrete accounts for about 6-8% of man's greenhouse gas emissions, whereas wood stores carbon dioxide and gives us a vehicle to create carbon-neutral buildings." The energy used to harvest wood, he said, is much less than the enormous amount required to produce concrete and steel. "There is no other building material that is grown by the Sun," he said. "We've calculated that the North American forests grow enough wood for a 20-story wood building every 8-10 minutes." Ultimately, building in wood, Green argues, creates an economic incentive to plant more forests. "The climate story is really happening at both ends of the argument -- by using more wood we encourage countries around the world to plant more trees. "About 20% of man's carbon footprint comes from deforestation, this creates an important incentive for reforestation," he said. In terms of carbon footprint, a 20-story plyscraper put against its counterpart in concrete and steel is the equivalent of taking 900 cars off the road for a year, MGA estimates. But the established nature of concrete and steel means that CLT will not replace urban building materials overnight. Concerns over fire and inherent problems with its acoustic qualities (apartments need additional acoustic measures to keep noise from traveling) have meant that the construction establishment has been slow to come to the party. In Vienna, for example, the Austrian fire services are working with architects to test their plans. "The main factor is that everyone wants to build higher and higher buildings. An 84-meter-high building in Europe is not usual and there are a lot of necessities that have to be realized," fire service spokesman Christian Wegner told The Guardian newspaper. "A few of us were upset because it was crazy to present an idea like this that has not been discussed with everyone yet. "They have to carry out special tests on the correct combination of concrete and wood. We also want to develop a more fail-safe sprinkler system. I expect they will pass the tests but if they develop the building as they say they will, it will be a serious project." Green counters that CLT is as fire resistant as other new-builds made by traditional means and likens its ability to burn to trying to set a redwood on fire with a lit match, with any charring creating an insulation layer that protects the wood underneath. Even so, the industry remains largely skeptical of a process that -- while having obvious advantages in terms of speed -- is still on par with steel and concrete construction in terms of cost. "It will become cheaper but it's too new to be significantly less expensive," Green said, adding that the difficulty lies in competing with a well-honed and century-old system of designing, building and budgeting for concrete and steel. "The culture of building and the culture of developing buildings is very conservative," he said. "The hardest part of my job is not the engineering and the design or the innovation, it's really about changing the public's perception of what's possible." Ultimately, buildings of the future are likely to be a mixture of wooden components and concrete and steel; combining the stability of concrete with the flexibility and speed of wood. Leading timber specialist at the engineering group ARUP, Andrew Lawrence, said that shear walls -- the core of tall buildings which provide stability against the lateral force of the wind or seismic activity -- are likely to continue to be made from concrete and steel. However, the real savings from wood come when all the cost elements of making a tall building are taken into account. "Clients are missing a trick with wood," he said, adding that dollar-for-dollar as a pure construction material wood can still struggle to be cheaper than concrete. "What you need to do if you want an economic wood solution is to think about all the aspects from outset. "You will save on the program because it's all dry and is quick to erect and potentially, if you're making an office building, you can leave a lot of the wood exposed, saving on the cost and time of installing finishes." Apart from having a sustainable solution, Lawrence says, clients will gain a building that looks good too. "If you leave the wood exposed, you can have a really nice environment inside the building," he says. "There are studies that show that people are happier inside wood structures."
Wood is making a comeback as a construction material . New engineered woods allow for greater strength and heights in buildings .
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Foreign aid spending could outstrip the defence budget within 15 years, according to an analysis published last night. Research conducted by the House of Commons Library found aid spending could eclipse defence by 2030/31, assuming current spending changes continue under successive governments. According to the analysis, defence spending will be £27.1 billion by 2031, but the aid budget will be £28.3 billion, the Daily Telegraph reported. Prime Minister David Cameron, who has dismissed concerns about the impact of cuts on the capacity of the British forces . In recent years, the Department for International Development has seen its budget increase sharply as ministers try to hit the target of spending 0.7 per cent of GDP on aid. Last week the Mail revealed that the Tory manifesto will not commit to keeping defence spending at the Nato target of 2 per cent of national income. Yesterday David Cameron dismissed concerns raised by the head of the US Army about the impact of cuts on the capacity of British forces, insisting it remained a 'very strong and capable partner' for the Americans. In a sign of the pressure on the Prime Minister over the military budget, former Defence Secretary Liam Fox said he and fellow Tory MPs would find it 'hard to swallow' if Mr Cameron allowed spending to fall below the 2 per cent Nato threshold while maintaining a pledge to spend 0.7 per cent of GDP on aid. Former defence secretary Liam Fox, pictured, has said he and fellow Tory MPs would find it 'hard to swallow' if defence spending fell below the Nato threshold . Ministers are under increasing pressure from Tory MPs and senior military figures to commit Britain to meeting the Nato target after 2016. With deep cuts to Whitehall budgets to continue after May's general election, Chancellor George Osborne is reported to have warned privately that it may fall below that level. The most senior civil servant at the Ministry of Defence said that the department would 'clearly' like the Nato target to be met - although he said that it would be for ministers in the next government to decide. Giving evidence to the Commons Public Accounts Committee, Jon Thompson, the permanent secretary at the MoD, said: 'Clearly, we would like 2% of GDP but that's for the next government to decide.' He said that on current forecasts, GDP growth was expected to outstrip the growth in the defence budget, so that it would drop below 2% at some point in the next parliament. He warned that further cuts in spending could ultimately affect the capability levels of the armed forces. 'It rather depends on how deep the cut is and how much further financial efficiency we can drive. If it were to be more than the level of financial efficiency we can drive, then yes, it will impact on capability,' he said. Speaking at a campaign event in Colchester, the Prime Minister said the UK's defence budget was the fifth largest in the world and second only to the US in the Nato alliance. He said: 'In terms of spending, the promise we have made is that the equipment budget, which is £160 billion over the next decade, that will grow by 1% in real terms in each year of the next parliament. 'Also we have said we don't want to see further reductions in our regular armed forces. So we have that commitment: second largest in Nato, fifth largest in the world. 'And as for working with the Americans, I know because I spend time with President Obama and others, how much they appreciate the fact that Britain is a very strong and capable partner and able to fight with them, when it's in our national interest, anywhere in the world.'
According to analysis, defence spending by 2031 would be £27.1 billion . If spending changes continue, foreign aid budget would be £28.3billion . Department for International Development has seen sharp budget increase . Tory manifesto will not commit to keeping defence spending at 2% of GDP . Prime Minister has dismissed concerns about impact of cuts on British forces .
Given the following paragraph on gene regulation, what are operons and where do they occur?
The regulation of gene expression by environmental factors and during different stages of development can occur at each step of the process such as transcription, RNA splicing, translation, and post-translational modification of a protein. Gene expression can be influenced by positive or negative regulation, depending on which of the two types of regulatory proteins called transcription factors bind to the DNA sequence close to or at a promoter. A cluster of genes that share the same promoter is called an operon, found mainly in prokaryotes and some lower eukaryotes (e.g., Caenorhabditis elegans). In positive regulation of gene expression, the activator is the transcription factor that stimulates transcription when it binds to the sequence near or at the promoter. Negative regulation occurs when another transcription factor called a repressor binds to a DNA sequence called an operator, which is part of an operon, to prevent transcription. Repressors can be inhibited by compounds called inducers (e.g., allolactose), thereby allowing transcription to occur. Specific genes that can be activated by inducers are called inducible genes, in contrast to constitutive genes that are almost constantly active. In contrast to both, structural genes encode proteins that are not involved in gene regulation. In addition to regulatory events involving the promoter, gene expression can also be regulated by epigenetic changes to chromatin, which is a complex of DNA and protein found in eukaryotic cells.
Operons are clusters of genes that share the same promoter. They occur mainly in prokaryotes and some lower eukaryotes such as Caenorhabditis elegans.
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David Cameron reacted angrily to a Tory minister's warning against banning hate preachers . David Cameron reacted with fury after a Tory minister warned against banning radical preachers from universities during a fiery Cabinet meeting, it has been revealed. The Prime Minister 'jumped on' the universities minister Greg Clark after he spoke out against Home Office plans to force universities to ban non-violent 'extremists', sources said. Mr Cameron was backed up by the Home Secretary Theresa May and Communities Secretary Eric Pickles. The extraordinary row comes after it emerged Mrs May is at loggerheads with the Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable over the issue. The Home Office wants all campuses to become no-go zones for all 'extremist' speakers to prevent students becoming radicalised. But Mr Cable insists that the move could force debates 'underground', where extreme views will go unchallenged. Last month's Cabinet row suggests the issue is dividing the Tory Party as well as the Coalition. The issue has come to the fore after the unmasking of Mohammed Emwazi – a University of Westminster graduate thought to be the ISIS executioner known as Jihadi John. Westminster was named in a 2009 report as having invited three hate preachers to give a talk in 2006, and just days before Emwazi's identity was revealed, thousands signed a petition to block an event where an anti-gay figure was due to speak. Former students at the university have claimed it is a 'hotbed of radicalism' where students 'celebrated 9/11'. Former University of Westminster pupil Raheem Kassam, who campaigns against extremism at British universities, said the conditions at the university are right for the radicalisation of someone like Emwazi. New laws passed by the government put a legal requirement on universities to prevent terrorism. Mrs May insists this should include barring people with extreme views from speaking on campus. But Mr Cable, who is responsible for university policy, warns a blanket ban on radical preachers could backfire. Scroll down for video . Theresa May, the Home Secretary, and the Universities Minister Greg Clark are at loggerheads over a clampdown on extremism . The Univeersity of Westminster was named in a 2009 report as having invited three hate preachers to give a talk in 2006 . A source close to the Business Secretary said: 'There are of course cases when banning is justified but as long as speakers don't invite terrorism - which is illegal - there are times when it's better to demolish extreme views through open debate and challenge. 'If the default option is to ban outright, there is a chance the debate will happen anyway outside the campus in an uncontrolled 'underground' environment, with no challenge to extreme views at all.' But Mrs May said : 'If colleges and universities didn't realise before what we are up against, they should know now. We're not talking about regulating legitimate debate — we're saying they need to do more to stop radicalisation on campus.' Since news of Emwazi's connection with ISIS in Syria broke, the Westminster University's Islamic Society has distanced itself from having any involvement. Mohammed Emwazi - the Islamic State militant known as 'Jihadi John' - studied at the University of Westminster . Tory party chairman Grant Mr Shapps accused the Lib Dems of blocking attempts to crack down on radicalisation. He said: 'Yes there is a difference of opinion. Vince Cable doesn't want to do what Conservatives want to do which is that on campus we don't want radical preachers saying things which incite violence which ultimately can lead to the radicalisation of young people. 'We have seen these three girls go off to Syria, we have seen Jihadi John, we don't want think that sort of preaching should happen in our universities. 'I'm afraid to say that Conservatives just have a simple view that people in Vince Cable's constituency of Twickenham or around the country deserve that protection and that means we have to put proper, decent, tough rules in place which don't ban free speech but do stop people from preaching death.' The University of Westminster has hit back at claims it is a fertile breeding ground for Islamic fundamentalism as arguments rage over who is to blame over Jihadi John. Kuwait-born Londoner Emwazi had been pinpointed as a potential terrorist by the British authorities but was nonetheless able to travel to Syria in 2013 and join a group responsible for the murder of several Western hostages. Responding to claims from a fellow former student that the university allowed extremism, a spokesman for the institution said: 'We condemn the promotion of radicalisation, terrorism and violence or threats against any member of our community. 'We have strict policies to promote tolerance among our 20,000 student community, who come to study from over 150 nations.' There was also a renewed suggestion - from a former independent reviewer of government anti-terror laws - that Emwazi might have been prevented from joining up with IS had restrictions on suspects not been relaxed. 'Had control orders been in place, in my view there is a realistic prospect that Mohammed Emwazi, and at least two of his associates, would have been the subject of control orders with a compulsory relocation,' Lord Carlile said. 'If that had been the case, he would not have done what he's done in recent times,' the Liberal Democrat peer added.
PM 'jumped on' the universities minister Greg Clark during Cabinet meeting . Mr Clark had spoken out against banning hate preachers from campuses . Cameron reacted angrily and was backed by Home Secretary Theresa May . PM is also at loggerheads with Business Secretary Vince Cable over issue .
What is Falaknuma palace?
Falaknuma is a palace in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It originally belonged to the Paigah family, and was later owned by the Nizam of Hyderabad. It is on a hillock and covers a 13-hectare (32-acre) area in Falaknuma, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from Charminar. It was built by Nawab Sir Viqar-ul-Umra, Prime Minister of Hyderabad and the uncle & brother-in-law of the sixth Nizam. Falak-numa means "Like the Sky" or "Mirror of Sky" in Urdu. Design An English architect William Ward Marret designed the palace. Sir Vicar's monogram "VO" is on the furniture, walls and ceiling of the palace. It is made completely with Italian marble with stained-glass windows and covers an area of 93,970 square metres (1,011,500 sq ft). The palace was built in the shape of a scorpion with two stings spread out as wings in the north. The middle part is occupied by the main building and the kitchen, Gol Bangla, Zenana Mehal, and harem quarters stretch to the south. The Nawab was an avid traveller, and his influences show in the architecture, which combines Italian and Tudor influences. History Falaknuma Palace, photographed by Lala Deen Dayal in 1900. Sir Viqar-ul-Umra, the Prime Minister of Hyderabad, after a visit to Europe, decided to build a European styled residence for himself. The foundation stone for the construction was laid by Sir Vicar on 3 March 1884. It took nine years to complete the construction and furnish the palace. Sir Vicar moved into the Gol Bangla and Zanana Mahel of the Falaknuma Palace in December 1890 and closely monitored the finishing work at the Mardana portion. He used the palace as his private residence until the palace was handed over to the 6th Nizam of Hyderabad around 1897–1898. The palace was built and furnished at a cost of ₹4 million (equivalent to ₹1.6 billion or US$20 million in 2020), which necessitated borrowing money from the Bank of Bengal. In the spring of 1897, the sixth Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Mahbub Ali Khan was invited to stay at the palace. He extended his stay to a week, then a fortnight, and then a month, which prompted Sir Viqar to offer it to him. The Nizam accepted but paid some of the value of the palace; the Paigah family maintains that around ₹2 million (equivalent to ₹510 million or US$6.4 million in 2020) was paid. The Nizam used the palace as a guest house for the royal guests visiting the kingdom of Hyderabad. The list of royal visitors included King George V, Queen Mary, Edward VIII and Tsar Nicholas II. The palace fell into disuse after the 1950s. The last important guest was the President of India, Rajendra Prasad, in 1951. The palace was then restored after being leased by the Taj Group of Hotels. The restoration, which began in 2000, took ten years, and was managed by Princess Esra, the first wife of Mukarram Jah. Now, the hotel is again used to host guests in Hyderabad, such as Aga Khan IV, Ivanka Trump and Narendra Modi.
Falaknuma palace is a palace in Hyderabad, Telangana, India which is turned now to a luxurious hotel called Taj Falaknuma. Falaknuma built by the Paigah family, and was later owned by the Nizam of Hyderabad. Falaknuma palace covers a 13-hectare (32-acre) area with excellent architectural patterns and lush lawns and court yards. Falak-numa means "Like the Sky" or "Mirror of Sky" in Urdu. The palace has 60 rooms and 22 halls. It has considerable collections of paintings, statues, furniture, manuscripts, books, an extensive jade collection, and Venetian chandeliers. The dining hall can seat 101 guests. The chairs are made of carved rosewood with green leather upholstery.
Which was the longest Wimbledon men's final?
2019: Record third Hopman Cup, 100th title, 1200th match win and 12th Wimbledon final Main article: 2019 Roger Federer tennis season Federer opened his campaign by retaining the Hopman Cup alongside Belinda Bencic, becoming the first player to win the mixed-gender event three times. Federer was seeded third at the 2019 Australian Open, entering as the two-time defending champion. He defeated Denis Istomin, Dan Evans, and Taylor Fritz to reach the fourth round, where he faced 14th seed Stefanos Tsitsipas. In a stunning upset, Tsitsipas defeated Federer in four close sets. Critically, Federer was unable to convert any of the twelve break points he held throughout the match, including four set points in the second set. After the match Federer announced he would play the clay court season for the first time since 2016. At the Dubai Tennis Championships Federer won his 100th Career Singles Title, beating Tsitsipas in straight sets in the final. It was his eighth title in Dubai and he became only the second man after Jimmy Connors to reach the three figure mark in the Open Era. Federer then reached the final of the 2019 Indian Wells Masters where he lost to Dominic Thiem in three sets. On 31 March, Federer defeated John Isner at the 2019 Miami Open in straights sets to win his 4th Miami Open title and 28th Masters title. Federer then played his first clay court tournament in three years at the 2019 Madrid Open and secured his 1200th career win, beating Gaël Monfils in the third round. In the quarterfinals he lost to Dominic Thiem again in three sets, despite having two match points in the second set. Federer then played at the Italian Open and reached the quarterfinals but was forced to withdraw from his quarterfinal match against Stefanos Tsitsipas due to a right leg injury. Federer next played at the French Open for the first time in 4 years and seeded 3rd in the draw. Federer achieved comfortable straight-set victories against Lorenzo Sonego, Oscar Otte, Casper Ruud and Leonardo Mayer to reach the quarterfinals, where he faced good friend and compatriot Stan Wawrinka. Federer managed to avenge his loss to Wawrinka at the same stage of the tournament 4 years ago, winning in 4 sets after 3 hours and 35 minutes. With the victory Federer returned to the semifinals of the French Open for the first time since 2012, where he lost to defending and 11-time champion Rafael Nadal in straight sets. Federer then began his grass court season at the Halle Open where he won his tenth title at the event, defeating David Goffin in the final in straight sets. This marked the first time Federer had won a singles tournament ten times or more. At Wimbledon, Roger Federer reached his record 12th final at the tournament after ousting his nemesis Rafael Nadal in four sets in the semifinal; thus, exacting revenge for his earlier defeat to him at the French Open. This was also the first time Federer played Nadal at Wimbledon since the 2008 Wimbledon final, a match regarded by some as the greatest match in the history of tennis. Federer then faced Novak Djokovic in the final, against whom he lost in a five set thriller lasting 4 hours and 57 minutes, despite having two championship points on serve in the fifth set. The match also marked the first time a fifth set tiebreaker was played at 12 games all in the men's singles and was the longest men's final in Wimbledon history. Federer next played at the 2019 Cincinnati Masters and reached the third round where he lost in straight sets to Andrey Rublev. This was his quickest defeat in 16 years, taking just 62 minutes. At the 2019 US Open, he was seeded third. He dropped the first set against both Sumit Nagal and Damir Džumhur in the first two rounds, but pulled out convincing straight sets wins over Dan Evans and David Goffin in the third and fourth. In the quarterfinals, he faced Grigor Dimitrov, who was ranked No. 78 going into the tournament. Despite taking a two sets to one lead, Federer ultimately lost the match in five sets. At the 2019 Shanghai Masters, Federer defeated David Goffin in straight sets to reach the quarterfinals. However, he lost the quarterfinal to Alexander Zverev in three sets. Federer advanced to the Swiss Indoors as the two-time defending champion. His first round match, against Peter Gojowczyk, was remarkable for being the 1500th match of his career. In the final, he defeated Alex de Minaur in straight sets for a record-extending tenth Swiss Indoors title. Federer then played in the Björn Borg group at the 2019 ATP Finals where in the round robin, he lost his opening match to Dominic Thiem in straight sets but beat Matteo Berrettini and Djokovic (his first win over Djokovic since 2015) in straight sets to qualify for the semifinals. He then lost the semifinal to Stefanos Tsitsipas in straight sets. 2020: Australian Open semifinals and right knee surgery Federer began his 2020 season at the 2020 Australian Open. He reached the semifinals after straight sets wins over Steve Johnson and Filip Krajinović, a five-set win over John Millman and a four-set win over Márton Fucsovics. Federer saved seven match points in his five-set quarterfinal win over Tennys Sandgren. Federer then lost his semifinal match to Djokovic in straight sets, having sustained a groin injury earlier in the tournament. In February, Federer underwent arthroscopic surgery for a right knee injury and subsequently withdrew from the Dubai Championships, Indian Wells, Miami Open, and the French Open to give time for his knee to recover, announcing that he would return in the grass season. On 10 June, due to a setback from his initial rehabilitation from the knee injury suffered earlier in the year, Federer announced that he had to have an additional arthroscopic procedure on his right knee. He officially shut down his season to take the necessary time to recover, vowing to return in 2021. This was only the second year in Federer's career since he won his first title that he finished without a title. 2021: Wimbledon quarterfinal and last singles match, injuries In January, Federer withdrew from the 2021 Australian Open due to still recovering from knee surgery and strict COVID-19 quarantine measures in Australia. On 8 March, Novak Djokovic surpassed him for the most career weeks spent as the ATP number 1 ranked player. On 10 March, he made his return to the ATP Tour at the Qatar Open. He won his first ATP match in 14 months against Dan Evans, but lost to Nikoloz Basilashvili in the quarterfinals. Federer then played at the Geneva Open where he lost his opening match to Pablo Andújar in three sets. After defeating Dominik Koepfer of Germany in four sets in the third round, Federer advanced to the fourth round at the French Open. However, he withdrew from the tournament before his fourth-round match citing knee problems, giving a walkover to Matteo Berrettini of Italy. In 2021 Halle Open where he was seeded fifth, he lost in the second round to Félix Auger-Aliassime. Federer was playing against the 20-year-old for the first time. Their 19-year age difference was the biggest in Federer's 1,521 career matches. This was the earliest exit at this tournament for Federer who was seeking his 70th match win in Halle, and his 18th quarterfinal at this event in as many appearances. At Wimbledon, 39-year-old Federer advanced to the quarterfinals and thus became the oldest Wimbledon quarterfinalist in the Open Era, breaking the record held by Ken Rosewall, following wins over Adrian Mannarino by retirement, Richard Gasquet, 29th seed Cameron Norrie, and 23rd seed Lorenzo Sonego. However, he was then upset by 14th seed Hubert Hurkacz in the quarterfinal in straight sets. This was the first time in 19 years at Wimbledon he had lost in straight sets, and only the second time he had lost a set 6–0 in the 21st century (the previous occasion was against Nadal in the 2008 French Open final). On 15 August, Federer announced that he underwent another knee surgery after further injury during the grass court season. He withdrew from the US Open and stated that he would be off the tour for "many months," but he hoped to make a return to the tour in 2022. 2022: Retirement and farewell alongside rivals Federer did not play after Wimbledon 2021, and dropped out of the top 50 on 13 June 2022. On 11 July 2022, he became unranked for the first time since his professional debut. However, Federer announced that he was set to return to the tour at the 2022 Laver Cup in September. On 15 September 2022, he announced his impending retirement from professional tennis on the ATP Tour, noting that the Laver Cup would be his final ATP event. He stated that he "will play more tennis in the future, of course, but just not in Grand Slams or on the tour." His final match resulted in a loss in doubles partnering long-time rival and friend Rafael Nadal, against Jack Sock and Frances Tiafoe. The match was his 1750th on the tour.
The 2019 men's final was the longest final in Wimbledon's history, lasting 4 hours and 57 minutes. Roger Federer faced Novak Djokovic in this match and lost to him in five sets.
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(CNN)Buddy Elias spent much of his life preserving the memory of his cousin Anne Frank. His death Monday brought back memories for me. We met three years ago in an Atlanta hotel conference room. He and his wife, Gerti, were touring the United States to promote a new book. I could tell instantly that he was related to Anne. His face resembled hers so much that it felt almost as though I was meeting her in person. "Anne Frank's Family" had just been published, based on 14 boxes of letters, postcards, photos and documents that Gerti accidentally discovered in the attic of their house in Basel. Elias told me that it wasn't just Anne who loved to write; everyone in the family did. The 6,000 recovered documents told a story of a family torn apart by war and anti-Semitism. That day in Atlanta, I listened to Elias tell me about loved ones he lost. He told me he was lucky that his family had remained in neutral Switzerland when World War II broke out. I thought back to our conversation Thursday when I learned the news of Elias' death. He died peacefully at his home in Basel, Switzerland, at 90, said an announcement posted on the website of Anne Frank Fonds, the foundation that Elias headed. Like millions of people who read "The Diary of Anne Frank," I was deeply influenced by her words and in awe of her family's courage. Anne received her diary on her 13th birthday and wrote in it for the two years that her family hid from the Nazis in the secret annex of an Amsterdam apartment. I was only in seventh grade when my father bought me the book in 1975. After the family was discovered, they were sent to Auschwitz. Later, Anne and her sister Margot were taken to Bergen-Belsen, where they both died in March 1945. Her father, Otto Frank, was the sole survivor of the family, one of only 7,000 people who made it out alive from Auschwitz. In the course of my two hours with Elias, I learned new things about the young, Jewish girl whose journal is arguably the most famous in the world. She called him Bernd, short for Bernhard, Elias' formal name. In his youth, Elias was an actor and a skater with Holiday on Ice. He was her first cousin and 4 years older. They adored one another. "Bernd, maybe we can skate as a pair together someday," Anne wrote in January 1941 from Amsterdam. "But I know I'll have to train very hard to be as good as you are." In another letter, Anne outlined the steps to their skating routine and drew a picture of the blue, fur-trimmed dress she would wear when she finally skated with Elias. "She never did get to do that," Elias said. On his 17th birthday in 1942, she asked him how it was going with a girl he had met. It was an ordinary letter that one keeps like any other. But it turned out to be her last to him, and he preserved it like a relic, as proof of his cousin's affection, as something to treasure. "That was the last sign of life I had with Anne," Elias told me. After the war, Otto Frank searched frantically for his family and eventually learned their cruel fate. He published Anne's diary in 1947 and helped transform it for the stage and film. He created the foundation in her name in 1963. The first edition of the diary was in Dutch. Elias told me he had to wait several years for a German language edition before he could read it. That was when he came to truly understand his childhood playmate. By the time he read her words, he had not seen Anne in many years. In his mind, he treasured the image of a spunky girl who loved the Jack-in-the-Box puppet shows Elias staged and played hide-and-seek. "Anne," he said, "was always good at hiding." I wondered whether he caught the irony of his own words. Otto Frank kept alive his daughter's legacy until he died in 1980 and passed on that role to Elias. He was devoted to the task until the day he died. In 2012, he helped create the Frank Family Centre in Frankfurt, where archives of his extended family will be made accessible to the public, according to the Anne Frank foundation. Elias was my closest personal encounter with a girl who opened my eyes to the cruelty of this world. Anne Frank never gave up on humanity, despite everything she endured. It was her goodness that amazes every reader of her diary. In Elias, I saw that same goodness.
Anne Frank was extremely close to her first cousin Buddy Elias . A discovery in Elias' attic led to the a book revealing new details about Anne's famiy . Elias became the preserver of Anne's legacy after her father, Otto Frank, died in 1980 .
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In what is becoming a saturated market of smart-TV boxes, Google has launched its Nexus Player in the UK. It builds on the technology in its Chromecast stick to offer live and on-demand streaming of shows and films to any TV with a HDMI port. The Player additionally comes with Google's standard Play Store, Play Music and Play Movies meaning apps can be installed onto the TV. The Nexus Player was originally released in the US in November 2014 and is available in the UK from Google's Play Store for £79. The set-top box, built by Asus, adds smart features to any TV with a HDMI port and users can then stream shows from apps such as Netflix and BBC iPlayer . This will appeal to gamers, for example, who will be able to play their favourite gaming apps on the big screen. The Player is compatible with Google Cast, which lets people control what's on their connected TV using their mobile device, but is additionally sold with a standalone remote with voice control. Google Cast also works with apps on Android, iOS, Mac and Windows computers, as well as Chromebooks. And for gamers who don't want to use their phone with their TV, Google is selling a controller called Gamepad for £34.99. Both the £79 Nexus Player and the Gamepad were built by Asus, and the whole system runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop. Google originally released the Nexus Player in the US in November last year. The Player additionally comes with Google's standard Play Store, Play Music and Play Movies meaning apps can be installed onto the TV. This will appeal to gamers, for example, who will be able to play their favourite gaming apps on the big screen. Games can be controlled using a phone or Gamepad (shown, sold separately) Last week, Amazon launched its £35 Fire TV Stick (pictured). It is a smaller, more affordable version of Amazon's Fire TV box and can be plugged into any set with a HDMI port. It comes with apps including Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Amazon's Prime Instant Video and streams music from Spotify and YouTube among others . It comes with apps including Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Now TV, YouTube, Sky News and more. Plus whatever apps are available on the connected phone or tablet. Once plugged into a TV using the HDMI port, the Player connects to a home Wi-Fi network. It is powered by a 1.8GHz quad-core Intel Atom processor, has 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage. By comparison, the £30 Chromecast has 512MB of RAM and 2GB of storage. The Nexus Player will be available from 5pm GMT today through the Google Store. It is also on sale at Currys PC World, Amazon and John Lewis. Apple recently dropped the price of its TV box in a bid to attract more users, while Amazon unveiled its Amazon Fire TV Stick last week, to join its Amazon Fire TV box. These devices join the likes of the Roku stick, Sky's Now TV and WD TV Play. Amazon's Fire TV (pictured) launched in the UK in October and costs more than double the price of its Stick, at £79. The Fire TV Stick isn't as powerful as the TV box, but many of its features are identical including the apps available and its Fling function that lets people beam content from their phones to their TV . Google's Nexus Player directly competes with Apple TV (shown being controlled with an iPad). Apple recently dropped the price of its TV box to £59 in the UK and $69 in the US in a bid to attract more users .
The Nexus Player was originally released in the US in November 2014 . It is available in the UK from Google's Play Store from 5pm GMT for £79 . Set-top box, built by Asus, adds smart features to any TV with a HDMI port . Users can then stream shows from apps such as Netflix and BBC iPlayer . And with access to Play Store, users can install Android games to their TV . Games can be controlled with a phone or a £35 Gamepad, sold separately . Device rivals Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Sky's Now TV .
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Wasps director of rugby Dai Young described Saracens as a unique team to play against after his side lost a crucial Premiership match at the Ricoh Arena. Brilliant tries from Christian Wade and Elliot Daly, with two conversions and a penalty from Andy Goode, had seen Wasps build up a 17-3 lead after the first 20 minutes. But after that the Saracens pack became the dominant force with Richard Wigglesworth and Alex Goode controlling matters at half-back. Their tries came from Chris Wyles and Mako Vunipola with Alex Goode converting both and adding four penalties. Wasps director or rugby Dai Young believes his side can still make the play-offs at the end of the season . Nathan Hughes surges forward with the ball for Wasps during the Aviva Premiership match with Saracens . Wasps had stormed into a 17-3 lead through tries from Elliot Daly (right)  and Christian Wade . 'We knew what was coming from (them) as they don't play a lot of rugby, (they) kick the ball a lot to squeeze you and it's very hard to play against. 'If you can control it, you get options to play as we showed in the first 20 minutes but after that we struggled to deal with the aerial bombardment as we dropped the ball far too often.' Despite the loss, which was a huge blow to Wasps' chances of making the play-offs, Young was adamant that his team were moving forward. 'Nothing changes as a result of today, we are still a work in progress and we are still aiming for a place in the top six. 'We will address what went wrong today for our set-piece didn't function as well as we would have liked and we lacked a bit of control in the second half. 'However, we do have individual players who can lighten up any stadium as you saw in the first 20 minutes.' Christian Wade (left) beats Alex Goode to score a try for Wasps in an exciting first-half at the Ricoh Arena . Elliot Daly breaks clear to score a try during the Aviva Premiership match with Saracens . Saracens boss Mark McCall was complimentary to his side as they had stuck to their game plan after going 17-3 down. He said: 'We had the clarity of thought not to be spooked when they scored two tries in three minutes as we put the ball in the right areas to put pressure on them. 'You can see that they have people who can hurt you from long range as they've scored a lot of tries from inside their own half this season. 'We had chances to close it up late on, which we didn't take, but we did deprive them of a vital bonus point.' The only downside for the Saracens was the loss of Brad Barritt, who limped off in the second half following a heavy collision with Andy Goode. 'We are hopeful it isn't too serious and we have our fingers crossed because Brad must be very close to England selection next week,' added McCall. Chris Wyles slides over the line to score a try despite a last ditch challenge from Christian Wade .
Wasps suffered a 26-17 defeat at the hands of Saracens at the Ricoh Arena . They had surged into an early 17-3 lead but later capitulated . Wasps are currently sixth in the Aviva Premiership table . Director of rugby Dai Young still believes they can make the play-offs .
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Olivier Giroud might have played a key role in Arsenal's Champions League exit against Monaco, but the French forward's form otherwise is as good as any other striker in Europe. Only Lionel Messi can match his statistics in 2015. Giroud has 11 goals in 15 games so far this calendar year, a ratio that puts him ahead of Ballon d'Or winner Cristiano Ronaldo as one of Europe's leading marksmen and his strikes have helped Arsenal to become the Barclays Premier League's form team. Their French centre forward's impressive streak has helped Arsenal move to within a point of second-placed Manchester City and they look all-but certain to qualify for the Champions League in one of the most competitive battles for the top four in recent years. Olivier Giroud has been in fine form for Arsenal so far in 2015, notching 11 goals in just 15 appearances . Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid's prolific forward, has a lower goals per game rate than Giroud in 2015 . Player . Appearances . Goals . Goals/game . Giroud . 15 . 11 . 0.73 . Ronaldo . 15 . 10 . 0.66 . Ronaldo and Messi are generally seen as unachievable benchmarks for most players in terms of goalscoring, but Giroud is holding his own with the Portuguese forward. Messi, though, has 20 in 19 games averaging 0.95 goals per game. Even the prolific Harry Kane at north London rivals Tottenham Hotspur cannot quite match Giroud. His 13 goals in 18 games in 2015 giving him a rate of 0.72, just slightly lower than the 28-year-old Frenchman. After scoring both goals in Arsenal's 2-1 win over Newcastle United, Giroud's efforts are being appreciated by his manager as well as his critics. Giroud gets ahead of Newcastle defender Mike Williamson to score the first of his two goals at the weekend . The French striker scored a second goal within four minutes, nodding in a corner with ease . Asked if Giroud is world-class, manager Arsene Wenger said: 'I think so and he is scoring the goals to prove it. But I believe there is still room for improvement. 'Technically, he is a much better player than he was. His touch, his link play, his finishing, they have all improved. If you saw footage of him when he first arrived and now, it is obvious he is a better player. 'He is a fighter as well and a player with good mental strength. At 22 or 23 he played in Division Three in France, and now he is at Arsenal.' Arsene Wenger now ranks Giroud as world-class and says he has improved since joining Arsenal . Giroud blows a kiss at full time against Newcastle, and his form has earned him a lot of love of late .
Olivier Giroud has a better goals per game ratio than Cristiano Ronaldo . French forward scored twice in Arsenal's 2-1 win over Newcastle . Lionel Messi is the only big-name striker in Europe with a better ratio . Arsene Wenger dubbed Giroud as 'world class' after Newcastle game .
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London (CNN)Each year, people all over the world gather together to celebrate International Women's Day. We've trawled through all the global events -- most of which fall at the beginning of March -- to bring you the coolest conferences, gigs, walks and other events that you shouldn't miss. The list is jam-packed with inspiring women from all walks of life -- among them scientists, comics, musicians, coders, activists and actors. Whatever you're into, there's probably something for you here. SheTalksYVR Conference . Surrey, British Columbia, Canada 7 March 2015 . Inaugural event features 15 women speakers all from the west coast of Canada with a diverse array of backgrounds will each talk for eight minutes. The topic: How they are changing their world. Slated speakers include entrepreneur and founder of the Ladies Who Lunch network Maria Kritikos; magazine publisher and pro-marijuana activist Jodie Emery; and Bethany Borody co-founder of Ghana-based consultants Amplify Governance. All proceeds from event go to She Talks Scholarship for a young, emerging female leader. 5th WOW - Women of the World Festival . London, 1-8 March 2015 . An eight-day extravaganza of comedy, theatre, literature, debate and networking celebrating women and looking at the issues that matter to women today. This year's focus is on male violence against women and speakers include Caitlin Moran, Sarah Brown and Safak Pavey, the first disabled women elected to Turkish parliament. Highlights include a headline gig by U.S. electro-pop maverick tUnE-yArDs and legendary British actress Juliet Stevenson leading a celebration of the life and work of poet Emily Dickinson. #makeithappen Women's Walk . Accra, Ghana, 5 March 2015 . A 12-kilometer walk through central Accra in support of gender equality organized by Eventstreet Africa. Walk starts near University of Ghana, Accra and ends at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection where Minister Nana Oye Lithur will speak on gender equality and women's empowerment. For more information, email [email protected] or call +233 268 576 249. QUEENS OF NOIZE Celebration of Women in Rock . Sydney, Australia, 6 March 2015 . Female-fuelled rock n' roll tops the bill on this one-night mini-festival, which showcases female and female-fronted bands from the local music scene. Bands playing on the night include Sydney hard rockers Lillye, high-energy party girls Tequila Mockingbyrd and three-piece Brace for Whiplash. Mums and Girls Code . Luxembourg, 4 March 2015 . Introductory English-language workshop in coding that mums and their daughters can get involved in. Presented by Microsoft Luxembourg, Geek Girls Carrots and Workshop4Me. They are riffing off this year's #makeithappen theme with fun coding activities to empower women and girls. WeCon Women's Empowerment Conference . Austin, Texas, U.S., 7 & 8 March 2015 . Second year of this community conference and resource fair for women, girls and anyone else in Austin. A variety of workshops and discussions are on offer for adults on a wide variety of issues including gender, sexuality, race, disability and much more. For teens and girls, there are workshops like Songwriting 101 -- and parents of young children will be pleased to hear that free childcare is available. The Empowerment Bridge: Building a Lifetime of Opportunity for Women and Girls . New York, U.S., 4 & 5 March 2015 . High-powered annual forum that brings together leaders to look at ways of empowering women and girls gloally to bridge the gaps in opportunity so that they can support themselves financially and become more independent. Previous speakers include Chelsea Clinton and U.N. Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. Highlights this year include speaker Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director of the Afghan Institute for Learning, a recipient of many awards for her efforts on behalf of Afghan children. Women in Science Breakfast . Auckland, New Zealand, 9 March 2015 . Eat a continental breakfast at the Stardome Observatory and Planetarium, then hear three pre-eminent female scientists discuss their work and careers. Speakers are Jilly Evans, co-founder of biotechnology firm PharmAkea Therapeutics, physicist Cather Simpson who is Director of the Photon Factory at the University of Auckland and forensic scientist Jill Vintiner, Forensic Programme Manager at the Environmental Science Group. International Women's Day in Tech City . London, 6 March 2015 . Third edition of this celebration of women's work in creative and technology industries in London's top tech hub, Tech City. Attendees will be treated to an evening of demos, food, wine and craft beers. Exhibitors that have signed up so far include: ethical fashionistas Birdsong London and designer and wearable tech researcher LingQL . Women in Peace and Conflict 2015 . Liverpool, UK, 4 March 2015 . Annual conference at the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies to celebrate International Women's Day. speakers are yet to be announced but this year's themes include women's involvement in front-line activities, anti-war campaigns and pacifist activism and how gender affects violence in conflict. Leading Women also has something special planned for this day - but you'll need to wait until International Women's Day to find out what!
Each year, people all over the world organize events around Intl. Women's Day . CNN picks the coolest conferences, gigs, walks and other events . Includes: Breakfast with scientists in New Zealand, mother-daughter coding in Luxembourg .
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From a flat tummy to a burgeoning bump and a tiny cry, a quirky time-lapse video sees a nine-month pregnancy condensed into a matter of minutes. Cole Cuchna, 31, from Sacramento, California, filmed his wife B Zeboski week-by-week as they geared up for their first child together. They used chalkboards to help illustrate the story by writing up the countdown in each shot. As the video progresses, the couple reveal that they're expecting a girl. At week 21 they jet away on a 'babymoon' to Hawaii and by week 35 the nursery is painted with the crib ready to go. Scroll down for video . Introducing Cole & B: From a flat tummy to a burgeoning bump and a tiny cry, a quirky time-lapse video shows a nine-month pregnancy condensed into a matter of minutes . Countdown to parenthood: Cole Cuchna, 31, from Sacramento, California, filmed his wife B Zeboski week-by-week as they geared up for their first child together - in one shot they showed their first scan . Novel idea: They used chalkboards to help illustrate the story by writing up the countdown in each shot - As the video progresses the couple reveal that they're expecting a girl . Vacation time: At week 21 they jet away on a 'babymoon' to Hawaii (left) and by week 35 the nursery is painted with the crib ready to go . Then, finally they announce: 'It's time!' Cole is seen putting up an 'introducing' sign before baby Mabel appears in her bed and is welcomed into the picture. Benson the Boston Terrier also joins the new family on screen so he doesn't feel left out. When he's not make homemovies, Cole works as a musician and a barista at a local coffee house. He also runs a parenting blog called Hype Dad. Many viewers have applauded his pregnancy time-lapse idea, deeming it 'sweet' and 'creative'. One commenter wrote: 'Oh my god, this is the sweetest thing!! Congratulations, you two!! (Benson too).' Cole and B appear to have settled into parenthood just fine. Baby Mabel was born on March 14 - one week earlier than her due date. Her proud parents added: 'Our daughter is literally a dream come true.' Multi-talented: When he's not make home movies, Cole works as a musician and a local barista . Hands-on dad: Many viewers have applauded his pregnancy time-lapse idea, deeming it 'sweet' and 'creative' Ready to pop: Finally the couple announce 'it's time!'. Cole is seen putting up an 'introducing' sign before baby Mabel appears in her bed . Fantastic four: Benson the Boston Terrier also joins the new family on screen so he doesn't feel left out . Proud parents: B and Cole can't stop smiling as they show off baby Mabel to the camera .
Cole Cuchna, 31, from Sacramento, California, filmed his wife B Zeboski week-by-week as they geared up for their first child together .
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With Benfica holding a fragile 1-0 lead over Shakhtar Donetsk in the UEFA Youth League, it was not the time for any player from the Portuguese side to try anything flamboyant in front of goal. Unfortunately, that is exactly what Romario Balde did when he seized control of a penalty for his side. Instead of lashing the ball into a corner and hoping his accuracy beat the dive of the goalkeeper, he tried to chip the ball down the middle and into the goal - a panenka penalty kick. Romario Balde chips a penalty at goal in Benfica's UEFA Youth League game against Shakhtar Donetsk . Balde's contact with the ball was so light it only trickled to goal, despite the goalkeeper diving the wrong way . The goalkeeper had enough time to get to his feet and save the attempt, so minimal was Balde's contact . As the ball was stopped inches in front of the goal line, Balde reacts to his error for Benfica . Balde wa substituted and his Benfica side drew to Shakhtar 1-1 before losing the game on penalties . The skill is named after Antonin Panenka's penalty at Euro 1976 for Czechoslovakia against Germany but Balde lacked all of the conviction that made Panenka's kick famous. His kick was so feeble and light that the Shakhtar goalkeeper had enough time to dive the wrong way, regain his balance and claim the ball before it trickled over the line. And things did not get any better for Balde or Benfica. Italy midfielder Andrea Pirlo famously scored a panenka penalty against England at Euro 2012 . He was substituted, Benfica ended up drawing 1-1 before crashing out of the competition - on penalties. The panenka has been replicated by the likes of Andrea Pirlo and Zinedine Zidane, but Balde is unlikely to want to try it in an important game any time soon.
Romario Balde missed a panenka penalty for Benfica's youth team . He underhit the penalty so much the goalkeeper had time to dive twice . Benfica eventually lost the match on penalties to Shakhtar Donetsk .
Given this paragraph about Himmerland, which is the largest city in Himmerland?
Himmerland is a peninsula in northeastern Jutland, Denmark. It is delimited to the north and the west by the Limfjord, to the east by the Kattegat, and to the south by the Mariager Fjord. The largest city is Aalborg; smaller towns include Hobro, Aars, Løgstør, Støvring and Nibe. In northeastern Himmerland is the Lille Vildmose, Denmark's largest raised bog, which sustains a rich bird life of international importance.
Aalborg is the largest city in Himmerland.
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This is the horrifying moment a mechanical digger narrowly missed busy workers as it plummeted more than 30 metres to the ground. The 17-tonne yellow digger was being lifted out of a hole in Santiago, Chile, when a cable snapped causing the metal machine to drop suddenly. Workers are demanding higher safety standards after one member of staff had just seconds to run out of its way. Scroll down for video . A mechanical digger was being hoisted out of a hole (left; right) in Santiago, Chile, when a cable snapped . The footage shows debris continuing to crash on the floor as workers shout to the men at the top of the hole. They continue to whistle and inspect the damage as dust settles around them. Carlo Apodaca, a trade union worker, said it was only by chance none of the men were hit. The 40-year-old said: 'The safety record round here is something we are no longer happy about and we want more action from management to avoid any similar mistakes like this.' The 17-tonne digger narrowly missed members of staff (left) as it plummeted more than 30 metres to the ground (right) The footage was captured by two of the men, who are currently helping to build the future Plaza Egana metro station. Local council officials responsible for checking safety said they will compile a report after receiving the complaints. The Santiago Metro is South America's most extensive metro system with five lines, 108 stations, and 103 kilometres (64 miles) of track.
17-tonne yellow digger was being hoisted out of hole in Santiago, Chile . Workers are demanding higher safety standards after the accident .
what is the latest top rate of income tax
Britain's income tax has changed over the years. Originally it taxed a person's income regardless of who was beneficially entitled to that income, but now tax is paid on income to which the taxpayer is beneficially entitled. Most companies were taken out of the income tax net in 1965 when corporation tax was introduced. These changes were consolidated by the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970. Also the schedules under which tax is levied have changed. Schedule B was abolished in 1988, Schedule C in 1996 and Schedule E in 2003. For income tax purposes, the remaining schedules were superseded by the Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005, which also repealed Schedule F. For corporation tax purposes, the Schedular system was repealed and superseded by the Corporation Tax Acts of 2009 and 2010. The highest rate of income tax peaked in the Second World War at 99.25%. This was slightly reduced after the war and was around 97.5 percent (nineteen shillings and sixpence in the pound) through the 1950s and 60s. HM Revenue and Customs has published online a comprehensive set of manuals about the UK tax system. Tax revenues as a percentage of GDP for the UK in comparison to the OECD and the EU 15 In 1971, the top rate of income tax on earned income was cut to 75%. A surcharge of 15% on investment income kept the overall top rate on that income at 90%. In 1974 the top tax rate on earned income was again raised, to 83%. With the investment income surcharge this raised the overall top rate on investment income to 98%, the highest permanent rate since the war. This applied to incomes over £20,000 (equivalent to £221,741 in 2021 terms),. In 1974, as many as 750,000 people were liable to pay the top rate of income tax. Margaret Thatcher, who favoured indirect taxation, reduced personal income tax rates during the 1980s. In the first budget after her election victory in 1979, the top rate was reduced from 83% to 60% and the basic rate from 33% to 30%. The basic rate was further cut in three subsequent budgets, to 29% in 1986 budget, 27% in 1987 and 25% in 1988. The top rate of income tax was cut to 40% in the 1988 budget. The investment income surcharge was abolished in 1985. Subsequent governments reduced the basic rate further, to the present level of 20% in 2007. Since 1976 (when it stood at 35%), the basic rate has been reduced by 15%, but this reduction has been largely offset by increases in national insurance contributions and value added tax. In 2010 a new top rate of 50% was introduced on income over £150,000. Revenue to the Exchequer subsequently went down as top rate earners found methods to avoid taxation. In the 2012 budget this rate was cut to 45% for 2013–14; this was followed by an increase in the tax paid by additional rate taxpayers from £38 billion to £46 billion. Chancellor George Osborne claimed that the lower, more competitive tax rate had caused the increase. In September 2022 the government announced that from April 2023 the top rate of tax would be reduced from 45% to 40% and the basic rate reduced from 20% to 19%. The abolition of the 45% additional rate of tax was subsequently cancelled through measures set out in the 2022's Autumn statement. Business rates were introduced in England and Wales in 1990 and are a modernised version of a system of rating that dates back to the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601. As such, business rates retain many previous features from, and follow some case law of, older forms of rating. The Finance Act 2004 introduced an income tax regime known as "pre-owned asset tax" which aims to reduce the use of common methods of inheritance tax avoidance.
45% above 150,000 as of Aug 2022
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Giedo van der Garde stands on the brink of driving in this weekend's Australian Grand Prix after Sauber suffered another defeat in their legal battle with the Dutchman. Van der Garde was axed by Sauber from his role as test driver at the end of last year as the Swiss-based marque employed Marcus Ericsson and Felipe Nasr. But, with a contract from the team stating he was to be given a full-time seat for this season, Van der Garde has pursued Sauber through the courts these past few weeks. Giedo van der Garde, outside the Victorian Supreme Court on Wednesday, has charged Sauber with reneging on a deal to give him a race seat after they signed Marcus Ericsson and Felipe Nasr . An arbitration panel in Switzerland initially ordered Sauber 'to refrain from taking action' that would deny Van der Garde a drive. That decision was then upheld on Wednesday by the Supreme Court in Victoria, Australia, following a hearing on Monday. Although Sauber immediately launched an appeal, that has now been rejected following the latest hearing on Thursday. At present, Van der Garde is now pursuing an enforcement of the order to ensure Sauber comply, which would result in the 29-year-old taking part in first practice from 12.30pm local time on Friday. Sauber are now left with three drivers; Van der Garde, Marcus Ericsson (left) and Felipe Nasr (right) For Sauber team principal Monisha Kaltenborn, she has three drivers on her books, but only two seats available. Should Kaltenborn ignore the ruling and opt to continue with Ericsson and Nasr she and the team could find themselves in contempt of court. In pursuing the enforcement in a separate hearing and in front of a different judge less than an hour after the appeal verdict was handed down, van der Garde's lawyer called for the potential sequestration of Sauber's assets and committal of its directors if the team failed to comply. Sauber have since been asked to provide a list of those assets, which includes their cars and equipment at Melbourne's Albert Park in place for the race. Court proceedings are due to continue at 10.30am local time (11.30pm UK), just two hours before the start of first practice. Sauber's failure to comply could result in the sequestration of their assets, and the possibility of action being taken against Kaltenborn given her position as a director. For his part, Van der Garde is also attempting to acquire a valid and temporary super licence - required for any driver to compete in F1 - as the one in place for last season has since expired. The 29-year-old must do so through his local motor-racing authority in Holland, who in turn contact world governing body, the FIA. Van der Garde had said he was looking forward to going back to the team and driving for them this weekend . Felipe Massa has praised Van der Garde's actions, claiming 'it is a good thing for all drivers' Speaking outside court, Van der Garde said: 'Sauber has to work with us now. There is no other issue. I'm also confident the super licence can be fast-tracked.' Former Sauber driver Felipe Massa, now with Williams, speaking ahead of the appeal verdict, believes Van der Garde had taken the correct steps to pursue his case via the legal system. Massa, speaking in the paddock at Melbourne's Albert Park, said: 'It shouldn't be the way people should be treating drivers. They should respect drivers. 'A driver can be quite powerful. We are working here, we need the work, the career, so it's not fair when people treat you the way he has been treated. It doesn't matter if you are a driver or an engineer. 'Everyone should be treated fairly, and if there is a contract then that should be respected because there are rules and they have to be followed. 'Sometimes you hear stories in F1 of drivers having a contract with a team and they just get kicked out, or drivers who are owed money. 'Giedo is a good example. Drivers should stand up for their rights, so I see it as a good thing for all drivers, but also anyone in F1 as they should be treated the same as any worker in the world.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Sauber lose appeal to block Giedo van der Garde's bid to force them to let him drive for them at first race of the Formula One season in Melbourne . Van der Garde has accused Sauber of reneging on deal to give him drive . Dutchman Van der Garde claims he has a 'good relation with the team' But it remains unclear whether he will drive in Sunday's season opener .
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Washington (CNN)A 17-year-old Virginia student has been charged with helping recruit for ISIS, federal law enforcement officials said Wednesday. The teen, whose name was not disclosed, was taken into custody last week, the officials said. Prosecutors are seeking to charge him as an adult but currently have charged him as a juvenile, one of the law enforcement officials said. The case remains under seal. It was first reported by The Washington Post on Wednesday. The Post, citing officials and neighbors, reported that investigators spent more than a month watching the teen and his home before he was arrested. The teen, who lives in a Virginia suburb of Washington, is accused of helping a slightly older adult travel to Syria. The adult is believed to have joined ISIS there, a separate law enforcement official said. The teen is also accused of distributing ISIS messages to a network of contacts, one of the officials said. The teen is an "intelligent kid," a man who hired him to write for a digital currency news website said Wednesday evening. Dustin O'Bryant, the editor of the website Coin Brief from Alabama, said: "He did not come across as radical in any way." The teen wrote freelance articles for the website for seven months last year. He was told not to bring religion into his writing, O'Bryant said, adding he had noticed the young man had written online posts about his faith. The teen complied, he said. The website editor said he was "extremely, extremely surprised" to learn of the arrest from reporters calling him. He hadn't spoken to the teen since February, when the young man said he was dealing with personal matters but wanted to start writing for the website again at some point this year. Give me two weeks to three months, the boy told him. O'Bryant said he is shocked by the charge. "I hope there's some sort of misunderstanding here, and that he didn't know what he was doing," he said. He added that he didn't realize the teen was in high school because he had college courses on his resume. More than 20,000 foreigners have gone to fight for ISIS, the radical Islamist group that controls portions of Iraq and Syria, experts have told Congress. National Intelligence Director James Clapper said 180 Americans have tried to go to fight in Syria. It's unclear how many of those were attempting to join ISIS. It was also unknown if the man the teen allegedly helped is a U.S. citizen. The names: Who has been recruited to ISIS from the West . Others have been prevented from going there or providing support. Also Wednesday, a 21-year-old California man arrested last summer was indicted, changed with attempting to support terror and other counts. Adam Dandach, of Orange, California, was accused by the FBI in the indictment of attempting to provide himself and material support to work under the direction and control of ISIS. He will be arraigned March 16. California man accused of trying to join ISIS . In February, three men from New York -- Abdurasul Juraboev, 24; Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19; and Abror Habibov, 30 -- were arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization. An unsealed criminal complaint accused one of the men of discussing a potential attempt to assassinate President Barack Obama. One had discussed hijacking a flight and handing it over to ISIS, the complaint said. Four women from Colorado have been accused of attempting to join ISIS. Three Denver teenagers, who investigators say were recruited via social media, were stopped in Germany in October and sent back to the United States. After being arrested in spring 2014, Shannon Maureen Conley was one of the first Americans sentenced for conspiracy to support ISIS. Two men who have appeared in horrific ISIS propaganda videos could be from the United States or Canada, according to analysts. The individuals, both of whom are shown wearing masks covering everything but their eyes, spoke in what sounded like North American accents. One was in a video entitled "Flames of War," which shows the execution of a handful of men. The other militant is the speaker in ISIS' first propaganda video out of Libya, which ends with the graphic beheading of more than a dozen Egyptian Christians. CNN's Brian Todd and Pamela Brown reported from Washington. CNN's Shimon Prokupecz reported from New York.
Website boss tells CNN that teen didn't seem radical to him . The teen, who lives in a Virginia suburb of Washington, is accused of helping a slightly older adult travel to Syria . Teen, whose name was not disclosed, was taken into custody last week, officials say .
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The claws are certainly out in one feline-filled household. Cathy Wallis from Tuscon, Arizona, filmed the moment Lucifur the cat sprung a surprise attack on his housemate, Honey Boo Boo. Footage shows his victim blissfully unaware that she's going to get pounced on as he lurks in a kitchen cupboard behind. As the camera continues to roll Lucifur can be seen peering out of the cabinet and waving one paw in the air. He appears to be judging the right time to strike. Finally, after much deliberation, the kitty springs out from his hiding place. Honey Boo Boo lurches back in fear as her eye gets a beating. Caught on camera: Cathy Wallis from Tuscon, Arizona, filmed the moment Lucifur the cat sprung a surprise attack on his housemate, Honey Boo Boo . He's behind you: Footage shows his victim blissfully unaware that she's going to get pounced on as he lurks in a kitchen cupboard behind . The animals' owner reassured viewers that neither pets were hurt in the fray. She says that Lucifur is often up to no good and a bit of a troublemaker. Along with him and Honey Boo Boo, Wallis apparently owns 16 other cats and three dogs. When they're not fighting, the cats' other favorite hobby appears to be sleeping judging by photos and videos uploaded to social media. Grand reveal: As the camera continues to roll Lucifur can be seen peeping his head out of the cabinet and waving one paw in the air . Not a happy face: He appears to be judging the right time to strike - finally after much deliberation, the kitty springs out from his hiding place .
Cathy Wallis from Tuscon, Arizona, filmed the moment Lucifur the cat launched a surprise attack on his housemate, Honey Boo Boo .
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An Indonesian clothing company has come under fire over washing instructions printed on its sports shirts which said women should clean the shirts because 'it's her job'. Salvo Sports printed the controversial instructions on the shirts of Indonesian Super League football team Pusamania Borneo. 'Washing instructions: Give this shirt to a woman. It's her job,' the label reads, according to BBC. The controversial washing instructions on the shirts of Indonesian Super League side Pusamania Borneo . Salvo Sports, the company that prints the shirts, was forced to issue an apology after the instructions went viral on social media . Social media was quick to shame the company, which tweeted an explanation of its actions. 'The message is simply, instead of washing it in the wrong way, you might as well give it to a lady because they are more capable,' the company tweeted on Sunday. 'There is no intention to humiliate women. In contrast [we want to tell the men] learn from women how to take care of clothes.' The company has not said whether they will recall the shirts. 'The message is simply, instead of washing it in the wrong way, you might as well give it to a lady because they are more capable,' a tweet from the company reads . 'There is no intention to humiliate women. In contrast [we want to tell the men] learn from women how to take care of clothes' The shirt controversy caps off a rough week for the sporting industry, with claims of sexist behaviour at the highest levels of the sport making news. A women's international football match between Australia and England, played near a military base in Cyprus, has been overshadowed by claims British soldiers shouted sexist abuse at Australian players throughout the match. FFA Media Operations spokesman Adam Mark said a formal report was currently being prepared by the team in Europe, and it will be reviewed before any potential action is discussed or taken. England's FA and the Ministry of Defence are also investigating the claims. The women's international match was marred by reports of abusive comments and behaviour from British soldiers watching on from the stands . The match was played near a British military base in Cyprus, where it is believed many of the soldiers were based (Stock image) 'We're waiting for the report before commenting. It would be inappropriate to say anything at this time,' Mr Mark told Daily Mail Australia. The alleged incident comes just days after the launch of the 'Women in Football' campaign designed to promote equality in the sport and 'tackle sexism in the game'. Rachel O'Sullivan, a UK journalist for the Girls on the Ball website, claimed about 10 of the 50 soldiers abused the women at the game in Nicosia, Cyprus on Friday. 'They were making horrible comments, shouting, whistling,' Ms O'Sullivan said. 'One Australian player, No.6 [Uzunlar], they were harassing her over and over and over again, throughout the game. 'These are teenage girls and they were sexually objectifying them.' Football Federation of Australia and England's Football Association are investigating the alleged incident, which comes just days after the launch of the 'Women in Football' campaign designed to promote equality in the sport and 'tackle sexism in the game' 'We're waiting for the report before commenting. It would be inappropriate to say anything at this time,' Mr Mark told Daily Mail Australia . Sophie Downey, who also writes for Girls on the Ball, said she had been hesitant to report on the comments. 'At the end of the day we are just two young women who just love our football and want to support our team,' Ms Downey wrote. 'But we have sat through more than our fair share of women's games and we have never witnessed anything quite like it. Why should we keep quiet?' Servet Uzunlar, pictured in action with Sydney FC, was harassed 'over and over again', according to reports . She also said it was important to highlight such behaviour to ensure all fans understand it is 'offensive and unacceptable'. 'Until the opinion that it's just 'banter' and 'lads being lads' is challenged and dissipates, things will never change,' she said. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman was taking a more open approach. 'These are teenage girls and they were sexually objectifying them,' UK journalist Rachel O'Sullivan, who reportedly the incident, said . 'Until the opinion that it's just 'banter' and 'lads being lads' is challenged and dissipates, things will never change,' one of the witnesses said . The match, which was a friendly fixture, is part of the lead-up campaign for both countries ahead of the Women's World Cup in Canada in June . She also said it was important to highlight such behaviour to ensure all fans understand it is 'offensive and unacceptable'. 'Until the opinion that it's just 'banter' and 'lads being lads' is challenged and dissipates, things will never change,' she said. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman was taking a more open approach. 'Behaviour of the kind described is totally unacceptable and is not tolerated in the Armed Forces where abuse, bullying and discrimination have no place,' a spokesman told the Daily Telegraph. 'We are investigating these claims and if it is found that any UK personnel have fallen below the high standards we expect then appropriate action will be taken.' The British commander at the game with the soldiers said he too had heard nothing. The controversy comes after fans at Manchester United and Manchester City abusing Chelsea club doctor Eva Carneiro were broadcast by the BBC on Thursday night, prompting the London club to call for an end to sexism in football. The Asian Football Confederation also launched their inaugural AFC Women's Football Day on Sunday, hailing the events their member associations were conducting to develop and promote the women's game.
Indonesian company under fire for offensive washing instructions . 'Give this to your woman, it's her job' message of football shirt reads . Salvo Sports forced to apologise after widespread social media backlash . Comes after FFA says it is investigating 'sexist abuse' in Matildas match . British soldiers reportedly shouted 'unacceptable' comments at players .
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(CNN)Under harsh lights in a private, rented room in Berlin, women face each other in violent, sometimes bloody battles of brute strength. There are no official rules to this female fight club. The fighters are both beginners and professionals, anywhere from age 20 to 50, said photographer Katarzyna Mazur, who spent months documenting the club in 2013 and 2014. Led by founders nicknamed Anna Konda and Red Devil, a match might pit a bodybuilder against a martial arts master. They can wrestle, throw punches or "cat fight." There's no judge, just someone who knows the parameters they've decided for the match. The small audience is mostly made up of men, but it's a place for women to shed the roles they play outside. "When I saw this kind of fighting for the first time, I was quite shocked. I had never seen something like that before, and it was really interesting to experience all of this so close," said Mazur, who photographed the fight club as part of her work toward graduation from photography school. "Inhibition and fear do not exist on the mat." At first, Mazur said, she shot the fight club in color, but the look of the blue mat and neon lights didn't satisfy her. She shifted to black-and-white images and reduced her point of view, getting as close as she could to the action. "It was not easy to work like that, because the matches were going very quickly and were unpredictable," she said, although fighters were respectful and would stop if someone was seriously hurt. "I had to be very careful not to get hit. Fortunately, there are chairs on the side, so I could jump on them if the female fighters suddenly rolled under my feet." For all the aggression built into fighting, Mazur said, the project required a lot of sensitivity. She had to work quickly, and she didn't always know her subjects well. The bouts, the motivations, the scene can all leave a lot of room for interpretation. Mazur said she had to examine her own limitations, questioning "How far can I go? Do they trust me? Am I allowed to do that?" Social media . Follow @CNNPhotos on Twitter to join the conversation about photography. "I enjoy exploring new worlds, especially a world which exists in a gray area," she said. She also had to remember that the fighters pushing and pummeling inside the club have lives outside, too -- they're mothers, partners, friends. Their actions on the mat might contradict how they live the rest of their lives. Even years later, the fight club is still running and is "better than ever," Mazur said. "Very often, I was very moved after seeing and editing the pictures, realizing what exactly happened there," Mazur said. "It is important to always remember my role as a photographer and to always approach the subject with interest and (an open mind)." Katarzyna Mazur is a Polish photographer based in Berlin. You can follow her on Facebook.
Katarzyna Mazur spent months photographing a female fight club in Berlin . "I enjoy exploring new worlds, especially a world which exists in a gray area," Mazur said .
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Andy Murray responded to an earsplitting welcome from his adoring Scottish crowd to put Great Britain 1-0 up in their Davis Cup first round against the United States. In front of a packed 7,700 crowd at a Union Jack-bedecked Emirates Arena in Glasgow he recovered from a brief lull to eventually crush American number two Donald Young 6-1 6-1 4-6 6-2 in just under two hours. The match was over quick enough for Murray to remain as the likely option to play in tomorrow’s doubles alongside brother Jamie in the event of the tie ending level today at 1-1. Andy Murray lets out a celebratory scream as the Brit beats Donald Young in the David Cup . The British No 1 sunk Donald in front of a home crowd in Glasgow, winning the match in four sets . Australian Open finalist Murray pumps the air after claiming victory for Great Britain . Murray beat Young during day 1 of the Davis Cup match between Great Britain and USA . British No 1 Murray won the first two sets against the American . 'To play in front of this crowd is very special and I’m glad I managed to play a good match and get the win,' said Murray. 'I played an extremely high level in the first two sets and it was tough to keep that intensity up. I had a slight lull in the middle of the third set and Donald settled down.' After getting a deafening reception when he walked onto the court Murray needed to control his emotions sufficiently to concentrate on beating the world number 47 from Atlanta. The pair knocked up in slightly surreal circumstances to the crowd singing along with Runrig’s ‘Loch Lomond’ and that seemed to inspire the former Wimbledon champion and unnerve the ex junior world number one. Donald Young fought back to take the third set 6-4 but was not able to stage a comeback . Murray saw out the match in the fourth set as Great Britain got off to the perfect start against the US . Australian Open finalist Murray celebrates after winning a point against opponent Young . Murray shows his frustration during the match against Young in Glasgow on Friday . Murray rattled through the first set, not dropping a point on serve as he took it in 21 minutes. He was equally unwavering in taking the second after just 47 minutes’ overall play with Young pressing too hard and making errors galore on the slow indoor court. The American lefthander found his range more in the third and when the Scot put in a poor game at the end of it was good enough to close it out. To the delight of a partisan but well-behaved crowd he regained his focus in the fourth set and took it after another two breaks. His fist pumping celebration spoke of how much it meant to him. British number two was up against the huge serving John Isner in the singles rubber that followed.
Andy Murray beat Donald Young in Great Britain's opening match vs USA . Murray took the first two sets against Young 6-1 in the Davis Cup clash . American fought back to win the third set 6-4 in the Davis Cup match . The Australian Open finalist took the fourth set 6-2 to complete the victory .
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Many wearables record your movements but one firm has developed a range designed to help you track other people. These include bands that keep tabs on your children, your elderly relatives and your pets. Each device is controlled via an app where a parent, concerned relative or pet owner can monitor and track its wearer's every move. A Chinese firm called Haier has developed a range of wearables that help you track other people. Senior bands with a leather strap have GPS technology built in so relatives can keep an eye on elderly people . The range was unveiled by Chinese tech giant Haier at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Its child and senior bands have GPS technology built-in but while the former is bright and colourful, the latter has a more classic look with a leather strap. Both are waterproof and are fitted with proximity sensors that feed location to an app where users can monitor the wearable’s movements on a map. Colourful wearables for children also track their location. They are fitted with proximity sensors that feed a child's location to an app so that parents can see their location on a map . Phone maker Doro has launched a social networking tool for seniors called Connect and Care. It connects elderly people with relatives and carers and the service can be used to call for help and assistance in an emergency. Alternatively, the firm said it can also provide help with basic everyday household tasks such as closing a window. The service is optional and comes with Doro phones, and there is an Android and iOS app for relatives to keep an eye on the user and monitor their movement and communication. It gives alerts to the family if irregularities are detected – for example loss of movement. The app will also remind them to call their relative regularly. Concerned parents and relatives can also use the app to set up safe zones, meaning if a child or elderly relative leaves a dedicated zone, the app will send them an alert. The app also stores a log of the wearable’s GPS history. Although many apps and bands track people in a similar way, Haier claims its devices differ because the microphone on each doubles up as a speaker. Similar to how a baby monitor works, the user can listen to ambient noises around the device to determine their location if there is a problem, for example. Users of the app can also talk to the wearer through the band. And for pet owners, Haier has also developed a smart collar that works in a similar way but for cats and dogs. In the future Haier said it plans to launch an SOS service that can be accessed directly from the band in the case of emergency. The company didn’t announce prices or availability for the devices. Haier has also developed a smart collar for dogs. The firm claims  its devices differ from others on the market already because the microphone on each doubles up as a speaker . The Scout5000 (pictured) - a smartphone for dogs - can monitor a dog's health, track their location and even allows owners to speak to their dogs remotely . Doting pet owners will soon be able to get a dog’s-eye-view of the world following the launch of a 'smart collar' for animals. The Scout5000 - effectively a smartphone for dogs - can monitor a canine's health, track its location and even allows owners to speak to their dog remotely. The device can also stream videos showing what pets are up to, using a state-of-the-art built-in camera. The gadget, created by Motorola and video streaming developer Hubble, uses 3G to send alerts to the owner's smartphone, while they are away from their pets. The downside is that the dog will need a data package for the collar to work, although it does come with ones year's 3G service as part of the £131 ($199) price tag.
The range was unveiled by Haier at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona . It includes bands that keep tabs on children, elderly relatives and pets . Wearables are controlled via an app where a user can track its every move . The Chinese firm's child and senior bands have GPS technology built-in . A pet version has the same sensors built into a collar to prevent lost dogs . All are waterproof and fitted with sensors that feed location to the app . Prices and release dates have not yet been announced .
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There are few British sportspeople who have legitimate claims to being the best in the world in their field. In golden girls Katarina Johnson-Thompson and Jessica Ennis-Hill we have two who are likely to be battling for top billing over the next two years. British Athletics performance director Neil Black is not guilty of hyperbole when he claims their anticipated duels in the heptathlon, notably at the World Championships in Beijing this summer and the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 represent a ‘magical time’ for the sport. Johnson-Thompson, 22, has risen to being the world’s number one in the absence of Olympic Champion Ennis-Hill, who took a break to have baby son, Reggie. The pair’s first competitive meeting since 2012, at the Hypo-meeting in Gotzis, Austria at the end of May promises to be one of the most gripping sporting duels of the year. Katarina Johnson-Thompson (far left) and Jessica Ennis-Hill (centre), pictured with Louise Hazel at London 2012, have been praised by British Athletics performance director Neil Black . Johnson-Thompson is expected to battle it out with Ennis-Hill for top billing over the next few years . Ennis-Hill took some time out of athletics following the birth of her baby son, Reggie . Johnson-Thompson’s first major gold medal in the pentathlon at the European Indoor Championships in Prague on Friday, where she missed out on the World Record by just 13 points, was the realisation of an incredible talent. As a teenager she beat Ennis-Hill’s junior records and is now seeing her own being broken by 17-year-old Morgan Lake. ‘I just think its an amazing set of circumstances,’ said Black, ‘I’m sure it’s partly coincidental and partly as a result of all the stimulus dating back many years, the, striving to beat each other and role models and so on. But to think that they are all going to be hopefully in Gotzis and they’re all hopefully going to be at the World Championships in Beijing in August and the Olympics next year, its just a kind of magical time. 'And what comes from it is just going to be spectacular. I can’t see that you can get much more exciting than that in any sport this summer. You have three incredibly capable, high performing, lovely personalities, with great teams around them, brilliant coaches, all vying for medals in competitions.’ Neil Black insists the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio present a ‘magical time’ for the sport . Ennis-Hill and her coach Toni Minichiello have been tight lipped about how her training at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield is going but she has posted pictures of herself on Twitter and she looks to be in supreme shape. ‘All the feedback that we’ve had is that her progression is great,’ said Black, ‘Peter Stanley (British Athletics head of combined events) is regularly there, meeting with Jess, Toni, and the javelin sessions, the biomechanical support, they’re all working together and it’s going well.’ Black also backed sprinter Richard Kilty - who added the European Indoor Championship 60m gold to the World title he won last year - to join the sub-10sec club over 100m. ‘He’s re-established himself as a serious sprinting candidate. Of course he was frustrated not to have cemented that at the same level outdoors and I’m sure that will be his target and that’s what we’re looking for going into the World Championships.’
Neil Black has praised Jessica Ennis-Hill and Katarina Johnson-Thompson . Johnson-Thompson has risen world No 1 position in Ennis-Hill's absence . Ennis-Hill took a break to have baby son, Reggie in July 2014 .
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Former Liverpool defender Mark Lawrenson has laid into Mario Balotelli after the Liverpool striker's latest faltering performance in the goalless draw with Blackburn in Sunday's FA Cup quarter final. The misfiring Italy international, who has managed only four goals in all competitions since his £16million summer arrival from AC Milan, was brought on after 59 minutes but failed to impress as the game ended 0-0 to force a replay at Ewood Park. Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live, Lawrenson let fly with a scathing attack on the former Manchester City star who he labelled 'a waste of space'. Mario Balotelli leaves Anfield after Liverpool's goalless draw with Blackburn in the FA Cup . The much criticised striker failed to get on the scoresheet during the FA Cup quarter final clash . The Italian firebrand came on after 59minutes but could not add to his meagre goal tally of four this season . Liverpool legend and BBC pundit let loose a scathing attack on Balotelli, branding him 'a waste of space' The 24-year-old has failed to live up to expectations following his £16million arrival at Anfield . Balotelli heads straight down the tunnel towards the dressing room after the final whistle is blown . 'Forget about Mario Balotelli. He is an absolute waste of time. He shouldn't be anywhere near this team,' he said. 'I can see why Brendan Rodgers threw him on today as he might just create something, but 99 times out of 100 he will let you down.' Match Zone statistics from the game show that Balotelli managed only a single shot on target after coming on as a substitute and appear to support Lawrenson's claims. Balotelli's performance comes just days after he posted a cryptic Instagram message suggesting that one of his team-mates did not like him. Although, having angered players by taking a penalty away from Jordan Henderson during a Europa League clash with Besiktas and with statistics that include only creating six chances for his team-mates all season, it's hardly surprising that the 24-year-old's popularity is waning. Balotelli prepares to be introduced on 51minutes as Liverpool try and change the game . Balotelli has managed only four goals in all competitions since arriving from AC Milan last summer . Mario Balotelli's attack statistics and heat map for the 31minutes he played on Sunday back up Mark Lawrenson's claims - CLICK HERE for more stats from our Match Zone . Lawrenson praised Blackburn for their tactically astute performance to earn a replay at Ewood Park, which has now been scheduled for April 7 or 8th to meet UEFA regulations. 'Congratulations to Blackburn Rovers on an absolutely magnificent display. They were never ever desperate at any time,' he said. 'They have looked at how Liverpool have played recently and the tactics were spot on. Goalkeeper Simon Eastwood hasn't really had to make a real top class save.' Rodgers admitted that he would rather wait a month for the replay than have to play 48 hours later as has happened to Bradford and Reading after their goalless draw on Saturday. Balotelli winces in pain after a rash tackle from Blackburn's Tom Cairney (right) The Liverpool striker checks his leg after a tackle by Rovers' Cairney (not pictured) The former City striker only managed a single shot on target, although team-mates didn't fare much better . Balotelli wins a header but could not get his shot on target as Liverpool stumble to a draw . ‘I believe the replay is early April, the 7th or 8th,’ said Rodgers. ‘It is certainly not what it is for Reading and Bradford. That is unbelievable. I feel for them, having to play Saturday and again on Monday. It is incredible. It’s unfair for both clubs with so much at stake. I feel sorry for Parky and for Steve and for the players.’ The game at Anfield was marred by a head injury to defender Martin Skrtel who required eight minutes of treatment after losing consciousness from landing awkwardly. He was eventually taken off on a stretcher, having played only a few minutes. Balotelli angered his team-mates by taking a penalty away from Jordan Henderson in the Europa League . Martin Skrtel was knocked unconscious after an awkward fall and required eight minutes of treatment . Reds manager Brendan Rodgers is relieved that the FA Cup replay has been delayed until early April .
Mario Balotelli failed to impress in goalless FA Cup draw with Blackburn . Liverpool legend Mark Lawrenson has labelled the Italian a waste of space . Former AC Milan striker has scored only four goals since his £16m move . Balotelli had earlier commented on racism row involving Sulley Muntari . FA Cup replay has been delayed until April 7 or 8 to meet UEFA rules .
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(CNN)Closed for over a decade, a trail that's been described as "the world's most dangerous path" will no longer be off limits to the public thanks to a massive reconstruction project. Due to reopen March 26, Spain's stunning Caminito del Rey features a cliff face boardwalk that hangs 100 meters above the Guadalhorce River. The trail, which begins in the village of El Chorro in southern Malaga province, has been around since the early 1900s, originally built to provide access to two waterfalls for hydroelectric workers. Over the years, the boardwalk deteriorated and, following a string of fatal accidents in 1999 and 2000, the government demolished the access points to the walkway. The reopening, which comes over a year since reconstruction efforts kicked off, coincides with Spain's annual Holy Week celebrations. According to the Spanish daily El Pais, the provincial government allocated 5.5 million euros ($5.8 million) to the project. The entire route is 7.7 kilometers long, with boardwalks covering 2.9 kilometers of the trail. The most famous section includes the Balconcillo de los Gaitanes bridge, which spans the Gaitanes Gorge. Tourism officials say it takes between four and five hours to walk the entire route, which includes some steep slopes. Entry will be free for the first six months after the attraction reopens on March 26. Visiting hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. from April 1 to October 31, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. from November 1 to March 31. Those who want to visit need to book a spot on the official website,
Spain's '"most dangerous path" due to reopen this month after extensive reconstruction efforts . Originally built in the 1900s, the trail's boardwalks deteriorated over time, forcing the local government to close it .
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(CNN)The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is the largest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in the United States, says the church has strong measures in place to prevent the sexual abuse of scouts, as claims have been made it hasn't done enough. In the first interview about allegations of abuse in Mormon church-sponsored scouting troops, Church Elder L. Whitney Clayton told CNN that the church is at the forefront for prevention of child abuse. "We feel like there is really no other organization that we know of -- a church or something like a church -- that does as much as we do," Clayton said. "We have a zero tolerance policy or position with respect to child abuse, and we train our people, we teach our people, we work with leaders, we provide materials online and in hard copy." Over several months, CNN examined allegations of abuse that were detailed in at least five lawsuits filed against the church and the scouts. But Clayton said the church today is proactive, even constructing its buildings "in such a way as to try to avoid any situation where child abuse could occur." "For instance, if you walk down the hallway in an LDS chapel, a Mormon church, and look at the Sunday school classes, you're going to see windows in the doorways into those Sunday school classes so people can look inside and walk by," he said. The interview with Clayton followed a CNN investigation into the case of Melvin Novak, who was sexually abused by his scoutmaster, a member of the Mormon Church, beginning when he was 14 years old in 1998, according to the lawsuit Novak filed against the church and the Boy Scouts of America. The scoutmaster, Vance Hein, had been forced in resign from scouting in the early 1990s after reports surfaced that he failed to report a fellow scoutmaster who was engaged in homosexual activities. That scoutmaster ended up going to prison for sexual assaults on minors. Hein's name was added to the Boy Scouts of America's ineligible volunteer files, which are widely known as the "perversion files." The documents, which were made public in 2012, are lists of scout leaders suspected of sexual abuse or homosexual activity. However, three years after being kicked out of scouting, Hein was allowed to rejoin the scouts after getting letters of recommendation attesting to his character. One of those letters was from Hein's influential Mormon Bishop Jack Moyer, who wrote that Hein was "highly respected and liked." Moyer, who is now retired, declined to speak to CNN. But in a deposition taken as part of the lawsuit last year, he acknowledged that he would not have written the letter knowing what he later found out about Hein. The lawsuit charged that Hein "actively groomed young boys under his charge for later sexual molestation." Hein eventually was convicted of molesting Novak. He is now in prison for violating probation in the Novak case. Ken Rothweiler, who is Novak's lawyer, said what happened in the case is outrageous. "This case is probably the most egregious of all of the cases against the LDS church, and the reason I say that is because the LDS church knew that Vance Hein, this pedophile, was already kicked out of scouting by the Boy Scouts of America," Rothweiler said. However, church attorney David Pittinsky said it was the Boy Scouts organization that should have done something. "If the Boy Scouts had disclosed to Bishop Moyer the information they had in their files, there is no way that Vance Hein would have ever become a scoutmaster, and he would have been subject to excommunication by the church," Pittinsky said. In a statement to CNN, the Boy Scouts of America said Hein was removed from scouting "for reasons unrelated to child abuse." The group added, "Our efforts to protect youth were plainly insufficient, inappropriate or wrong. We extend our deepest apologies to victims and their families." Read the full response from the Boy Scouts . The case ended last year with a confidential settlement paid to Novak, who is now 31. All but one of the five lawsuits filed against the church and Boy Scouts of America have been settled. Hein was sentenced to probation in 2000 after pleading guilty to indecently assaulting Novak. While on probation, he was arrested for possession of child pornography and was sentenced in 2012 to 15 to 30 years in prison. "Any case is alarming to me. It's a tragedy," Clayton said. "I'm a father. I have seven children, four boys and three girls. I have 19 grandchildren. The thought of one of them as a child or youth being abused is absolutely horrific to me." Asked what he would say to Novak, Clayton said, "I say to him and anyone else who has been abused in the church or other churches -- I'm sorry that you've gone through what you've gone through. It's a horrible thing for anyone to be abused. No child, no youth should ever have to go through that."
Church elder says LDS church is at forefront of preventing child abuse . CNN investigated abuse allegations detailed in at least five lawsuits . Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is largest sponsor of Boy Scout troops in U.S.
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A youth football coach used his job to groom boys by inviting them to matches and sending them naked photographs on social media. Kane Hutchison, 25, was found guilty of inciting two teenage boys to engage in sexual activity on the internet. The abuse came to light after the mothers of the two boys, aged 13 and 14, recognised Hutchison, from Gateshead, following a conviction last year. In August 2014, he was jailed for three years for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy after offering to take him to watch a football match. He invited a youngster to attend an away match between Gateshead and Macclesfield last April and asked him to stay at his house so they could get an 'early start.' Hutchison forced the boy to share a bed and then molested him. The boy told his mother and he was arrested, hiding in the loft, and prosecuted. The latest conviction relates to a series of offences, between the summers of 2013-14. The first victim knew Hutchison played for a football club in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, and was looking into joining the same club. Predator: Football coach Kane Huctchison pictured outside court and showing his love of football (right). He was convicted of inciting two teenage boys to engage in sexual activity in Gateshead . Hutchison made contact with the boy on Facebook, where he was advertising for players, and they began to communicate. Prosecutor Alec Burns said: 'From the defendant's point of view the communication became more and more sexual. 'He told him he could earn money making pornographic films, he said £350 an hour. He asked (the boy) to send pictures of himself.' The boy told police Hutchison had communicated with him on 'face tag' and appeared on his computer screen via a webcam committing a sex act on himself. He encouraged the victim to do the same and made him swap intimate pictures. Hutchison also tried to meet the youngster in a car park, the court heard. Hutchison targeted another boy, aged 14, in a similar way between April and August last year. He lied about his age and started asking the youngster to meet him, offering him £20 to do so. He also sent him intimate pictures of himself on Facebook and Snapchat and encouraged him to do the same. It came to light when the boy's mother recognised him as one of her son's Facebook friends. Hutchison denied two counts of sexual assault but was found guilty after a trial. He can now be identified after a reporting ban was lifted. Nick Lane, defending, said Hutchison had already had his FA licence, to teach children, revoked. At the time of his arrest, he was working for a football magazine, he said. 'He is a man who in the past has done considerable charity work and good work for the community,' he said. 'In 2013 he was part of a team raising money for Help for Heroes who over the course of 24 hours visited 20 Premier League grounds as a way of raising funds for that charity. 'He has used his football contacts in the past to organise a charity match for testicular cancer. 'He has also in the past used his sporting skills working with adults with learning difficulties to encourage them to participate in sport.' The trial heard Hutchison had been 'struggling with his sexuality' at the time and has been on a sex offender programme in prison. Sentence was adjourned until next month although Judge John Evans warned it would be a custodial sentence. He said: 'Having been convicted of these offences I'm going to adjourn sentence now for a pre-sentence report to address the issue of dangerousness. 'You know only a custodial sentence can follow in relation to these matters.'
Abuse came to light after mothers recognised his picture on Facebook . Hutchison had been convicted of molesting boy, 14, last year . Lied about his age and encouraged youngsters to meet him with £20 bribe . Has had his FA youth coach licence revoked .
Given a reference text about Listeriosis, tell me how how the bacterium is transfered into animals, and people.
Listeriosis is an infectious but not contagious disease caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, far more common in domestics animals (domestic mammals and poultry), especially ruminants, than in human beings. It can also occur in feral animals—among others, game animals—as well as in poultry and other birds. The causative bacterium lives in the soil and in poorly made silage, and is acquired by ingestion. It is not contagious; over the course of a 30-year observation period of sheep disease in Morocco, the disease only appeared in the late 2000s (decade) when feeding bag-ensiled corn became common.[better source needed] In Iceland, the disease is called "silage sickness".
Listeriosis is most often associated with animals but can also infect people and is primarily transferred by ingestion.
Given this paragraph about Corsica, when was Napoleon Bonaparte born and where?
Corsica was ruled by the Republic of Genoa from 1284 to 1755, when it seceded to become a self-proclaimed, Italian-speaking Republic. In 1768, Genoa officially ceded it to Louis XV of France as part of a pledge for the debts it had incurred by enlisting France's military help in suppressing the Corsican revolt, and as a result France went on to annex it in 1769. The future Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte, was a native Corsican, born that same year in Ajaccio: his ancestral home, Maison Bonaparte, is today a visitor attraction and museum. Because of Corsica's historical ties to Tuscany, the island has retained many Italian cultural elements and many Corsican surnames are rooted in the Italian peninsula.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769, the same year that France annexed Corsica. He was born in Ajaccio, Corsica.
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Goalkeeper Joe Hart is determined not to let Manchester City's season end with a whimper. The England number one has made a rallying call to his team-mates in the hope of sparking a charge through the closing games of the year. City's campaign has fallen apart in 2015 with a run of three wins in 12 games costing them heavily in the Barclays Premier League, FA Cup and in Europe. Joe Hart was in inspired form against Barcelona, pictured here saving from man-of-the-moment Lionel Messi . The Manchester City and England No 1 moved to back his manager despite the team's last-16 exit . Hart arrived back to Manchester with the rest of the City squad on Thursday afternoon . City now seem unlikely to retain their title having fallen six points behind Chelsea, who have a game in hand, while they were ousted from the Champions League by a far superior Barcelona side on Wednesday. But Hart is not ready to concede defeat to Chelsea yet and insists City, who host West Brom on Saturday, still have a lot to play for. The 27-year-old said: 'I will never give up, ever, and I could safely say that nobody in our dressing room will ever give up either. We will see where that takes us. 'West Brom is a huge game and we turn our focus to that. We have no excuse not to throw everything at the Premier League now and give our all - to the fans, the owner, to everyone. 'Every game is a must-win now. We have no time to lick our wounds, we have to fly into that game. 'We have to win every game, and that is how we will go into it, and see where it takes us. 'We have had a few knocks this season, but we have proved it time and time again, and so have our fans, that we come back and we keep fighting.' City's recent form has brought heavy criticism of the team and manager Manuel Pellegrini, who could now be facing a fight to keep his job. But Hart, who was outstanding in Wednesday's 1-0 loss at the Nou Camp, believes all the negativity coming the team's way is only par for the course and is not overly concerned. Manuel Pellegrini has been beaten four times by Barcelona since becoming Manchester City manager . Ivan Rakitic scored the only goal of the game as Barcelona progressed at Manchester City's expense . Luis Enrique had praise for City keeper Hart after watching him deny Barcelona a number of times . He said: 'That's part of being at Man City. We all get talked about. I have been the worst keeper in the world recently and Vinny (Kompany) has been the worst defender in the world. 'We have all had our moment. That's the role of being at Man City. If we don't win we are going to get slaughtered.' It has also been suggested the squad needs a shake-up in the summer but Hart continues to back his current team-mates. He said: 'We have nine games left with his fantastically talented squad. We have a lot of tired legs but we have players to come in. They are good players. They can freshen us up. I think we have what we need.'
Joe Hart doesn't want Manchester City to lose focus this season . Keeper Hart admits City are under pressure after defeat by Barcelona . Hart made a record 10 saves against the Catalan giants . CLICK HERE for all the latest Manchester City news .
Extract the stock ticker from the following text
Pfizer (2021).svg Corporate logo since 2021 Pfizer World Headquarters Entrance.jpg Headquarters on 42nd Street in Midtown Manhattan Type Public Traded as NYSE: PFE S&P 100 component S&P 500 component Industry Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Founded 1849; 174 years ago in New York City Founders Charles Pfizer Charles F. Erhart Headquarters New York City, U.S. Area served Worldwide Key people Albert Bourla (CEO) Products Pharmaceutical drugsvaccines Revenue Increase US$100.3 billion (2022) Operating income Increase US$31.40 billion (2022) Net income Increase US$31.37 billion (2022) Total assets Increase US$197.2 billion (2022) Total equity Increase US$95.66 billion (2022) Number of employees c. 83,000 (2022)
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Atletico Madrid have entered the race to sign Paris Saint-Germain stirker Edinson Cavani in the summer. The Uruguay international has been linked with a move away from the French capital after two frustrating season at PSG, with several Premier League sides monitoring the 28-year-old's situation. However Diego Simeone's side have confirmed they are interested in the striker to bolster their attacking options as they look set to relinquish their La Liga title this season. Paris Saint-Germain striker Edinson Cavani is rumoured to be leaving the French champions this summer . 'An interest in Cavani? Yes, there is,' Atletico coach Oscar Ortega told Mundo Deportivo. 'As long as there's a chance, we will see what he can offer us. But it depends on his interest in us too.' Former Manchester United striker and fellow Uruguayan Diego Forlan insisted a move to Madrid would benefit Cavani. Cavani, reacting after missing a chance against Chelsea, has attracted the interest of Atletico Madrid . 'Cavani to Atletico Madrid? It would be spectacular,' said Forlan. 'He is a great striker and he is in great shape. I think his style of play would be ideal for Atletico because he is a fast player who likes to counter-attack and to play in space. 'With the exception of [Mario] Mandzukic, the club has always had these kinds of players; Fernando Torres, Sergio Aguero, Diego Costa, Radamel Falcao or even me.' Cavani shields the ball from Chelsea's Willian as PSG qualified for the Champions League quarter-finals .
The Uruguay international joined Paris Saint-Germain for £55m in 2013 . Edinson Cavani has attracted interested from Europe's top sides . Atletico Madrid are fourth in La Liga, nine points off leaders Barcelona .
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Former Arsenal striker Ian Wright is giving his Twitter fans the chance to play alongside him at Wembley in his last ever football match. Wright won the FA Cup twice and the League Cup on the hallowed Wembley turf during his legendary Arsenal stint. He also suffered heartache at the Twin Towers as Crystal Palace lost the replay of the 1990 FA Cup final to give Sir Alex Ferguson his first Manchester United trophy. Having hit one million followers on Twitter the former England striker, who scored nine goals in 33 appearances for the Three Lions, decided to give something back to the fans. Ian Wright celebrates winning the FA Cup with Arsenal with a 2-0 win against Newcastle at Wembley in 1998 . Wright gets emotional as he celebrates his goal in front of the adoring Crystal Palace fans . Wright said: 'I've watched all the FA Cup Finals from 1970 up to the present day, and Wembley is such a special stadium. I never dreamed that I would actually get to play and score there. 'Because it all happened to me at Wembley, I wanted to have a game there and give my Twitter followers the chance to be a part of it. 'It's my last, ever game of football…I wanted to do something really special for the million. I thought to myself I would love to have one more game, I can't even remember the last time I played. 'It's going be special for me but I want it to be special for them. It's going to be something they remember for the rest of their lives. They've got the opportunity to play at Wembley simply because they follow me. The opponents have yet to be revealed by Wright, who didn't sign professionally until he was almost 22, but his followers will be able to help select the team name, badge and kit in the build up to the game. Wright celebrates scoring for Arsenal with teammates Kevin Campbell and John Jensen . Former Three Lions striker Wright puts in a good performance as England take on Czech Republic in 1998 .
Ian Wright will play fans in his last football match at Wembley . Wright has fond memories of the stadium from his days as a player . Former England striker wants fans to enjoy Wembley like he did . Wright is celebrating reaching one million Twitter followers .
Name a few Bhakti poets from the passage.
The Bhakti movement of late medieval Hinduism started in the 7th century, but rapidly expanded after the 12th century. It was supported by the Puranic literature such as the Bhagavata Purana, poetic works, as well as many scholarly bhasyas and samhitas.This period saw the growth of Vashnavism Sampradayas (denominations or communities) under the influence of scholars such as Ramanujacharya, Vedanta Desika, Madhvacharya and Vallabhacharya. Bhakti poets or teachers such as Manavala Mamunigal, Namdev, Ramananda, Sankardev, Surdas, Tulsidas, Eknath, Tyagaraja, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and many others influenced the expansion of Vaishnavism.Even Meera (princess of Mehwar and Rajasthan) took part in this specific movement. These Vaishnavism sampradaya founders rejected Shankara's doctrines of Advaita Vedanta, particularly Ramanuja in the 12th century, Vedanta Desika and Madhva in the 13th, building their theology on the devotional tradition of the Alvars (Sri Vaishnavas).In North and Eastern India, Vaishnavism gave rise to various late Medieval movements Ramananda in the 14th century, Sankaradeva in the 15th and Vallabha and Chaitanya in the 16th century. Historically, it was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who founded congregational chanting of holy names of Krishna in the early 16th century after becoming a sannyasi.
Manavala Mamunigal, Namdev, Ramananda, Sankardev, Surdas, Tulsidas, Eknath, Tyagaraja, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
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(CNN)A nuclear deal with international powers on Iran's nuclear program is within reach and achievable, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told reporters Saturday. Rouhani said negotiators from both sides have found new common ground in recent days, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. The President believes that "clinching a general deal is easy," according to the IRNA story, but hammering out agreements on certain details "will be a very tough and complicated job." Iran has been largely isolated for years for its nuclear program, one that its leaders say the country wants for peaceful purposes. Others, like the United States, have challenged that assertion and instituted strict sanctions, fearing that Tehran actually plans to develop nuclear weapons. After years of basic stalemates, Iranian officials and representatives of the P5+1 have managed to reach short-term agreements as they try to strike a larger deal. The sides have been working toward that end in Lausanne, Switzerland, hoping to get a framework pact in place ahead of a March 31 deadline. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, joined these talks Monday. All sides took a break Friday, but are expected to return to the negotiating table soon. Kerry, addressing reporters Saturday in Lausanne before leaving for London, said "substantial progress" had been made toward reaching a deal but that "important gaps remain." He insisted that the international powers involved in the talks, the P5+1 -- consisting of Germany and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council: the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain -- were united in their determination to ensure that Iran's nuclear program is purely peaceful. The stakes are high and the issues complicated, Kerry said. "Let me once again be clear: We don't want just any deal," he said. "If we had, we could have announced something a long time ago." There has been "genuine progress" over the past 16 months since a joint plan was agreed and in his conversations with Zarif of the past few days, Kerry said. The international powers won't rush the process, he said, but the negotiations are at a decisive point. "We recognize that fundamental decisions have to be made now and they don't get any easier as time goes by," he said. "It is time to make hard decisions. We want the right deal that would make the world, including the United States and our closest partners and allies, safer and more secure, and that is our test." U.S. President Barack Obama has made clear that he wants to achieve a "comprehensive and durable agreement" that is based on intensive verification of its implementation rather than trust, Kerry added. "We have not yet reached the finish line but, make no mistake, we have the opportunity to get this right," he said. While in London, Kerry met with his counterparts from the UK, Germany and France, as well as the European Union foreign policy chief, to discuss their coordinated approach. British Foreign Minister Philip Hammond spoke for the group, echoing Kerry but saying while "substantial progress has been made in some areas," there were other areas that lacked agreement. "The time has come now for Iran in particular to make some very tough decisions if we are going to see progress made," Hammond said. Kerry also spoke Friday by phone with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The Iranian President's guarded optimism Saturday -- which also happens to be Nowruz, a holiday marking the start of spring and beginning of a new year in the Persian calendar -- jibes with the progress cited recently by the Iranians' counterparts in the talks. Western officials said Friday that the ongoing negotiations have led to compromises on some crucial issues that have long divided the West and Iran. Specifically, the parties are coalescing around an idea that Iran could keep 6,000 centrifuges in any deal, down from the 6,500 that had been under discussion, two Western diplomats told CNN. The pace of relief from sanctions is a sticking point for Iran, according to a Western official. Iranian negotiators want them lifted immediately, while U.S. and European negotiators prefer they be phased out over several years, contingent on Iran meeting its end of the bargain. The debate has generated heated disagreements not only in Switzerland, but also in Washington, where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress on March 3 at the invitation of Republican leaders to warn about any nuclear deal with Iran. The speech was made without the approval of U.S. President Barack Obama. The next week, an open letter signed by 47 Republican senators, addressing Iran's leadership, noted that any agreement made with the U.S. administration that is not approved by the Senate could be nullified by Obama's successor. Late Thursday, Obama reached out "directly to the people and leaders of Iran," in a video message recorded ostensibly for Nowruz, to urge them to back a deal curtailing Tehran's nuclear program. "This year we have the best opportunity in decades to pursue a different future between our countries," Obama said. "... Together we have to speak up for the future we seek ... I believe our countries should be able to resolve this issue peacefully with diplomacy." But Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in his own Nowruz address on Saturday, noted the political divisions within the United States over the nuclear talks, Iran's state-run Press TV reported. He suggested the U.S. President's Nowruz message "included dishonest assertions and his claim of friendship for Iranian people was not sincere," he is quoted as saying. Khamenei also said Obama had claimed falsely that some people in Iran did not back a diplomatic resolution to the nuclear issue. What they are in fact resisting is the bullying approach of the United States, he said, according to Press TV. The Ayatollah also insisted that the removal of sanctions should be part of the negotiations, not a step that only followed the implementation of a deal. "Iran will never accept this," he said. "This is the Americans' ploy. Removal of sanctions should be part of any agreement." CNN's Laura Koran, Elise Labott and Hamdi Alkhshali contributed to this report.
British FM: "The time has come now for Iran ... to make some very tough decisions" U.S. secretary of state says substantial progress has been made but important gaps remain . Iranian President says getting a general deal is easy, but ironing out the details may be hard .
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(CNN)Kanye West is known for rankling people on stage. Now it's his turn to get a virtual smackdown. One music fan in the UK wants him out of the Glastonbury Festival so bad, he's started a petition to make it happen. In his petition, Neil Lonsdale describes the rapper as an "egotistical, maniacal, disgrace." He calls on organizers to replace the "Yeezus" singer at the Glastonbury Festival this summer. West is booked to headline the festival, which runs between June 24-28. His performance is Saturday. "Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world," Lonsdale says in the petition. "We spend hundreds of pounds to attend glasto, and by doing so, expect a certain level of entertainment." The petition urges West to "pass his headline slot on to someone deserving." Lonsdale is not the only music fan upset by his scheduled performance. By early Friday, the petition had nearly 80,000 signatures. West and the festival's organizers have not responded to the petition. The festival is held in Somerset, England, and features various types of music. Past performers have included the Gorillaz and Stevie Wonder.
One music fan in the UK wants him out of the Glastonbury Festival . He's started a petition calling for organizers to replace him .
According to this paragraph, how many NCAA championships has UVA won?
In the 21st century alone, UVA teams have won seventeen NCAA championships. The men's teams have won recent NCAA titles in basketball (2019); lacrosse (2003, 2006, 2011, 2019, and 2021); baseball (2015); soccer (2009 and 2014); and tennis (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2022). UVA women have won recent NCAA titles in rowing (2010 and 2012) and swimming & diving (2021 and 2022). The Cavaliers rank first in the ACC (a power conference) with 22 men's NCAA Championships, and rank second in the conference with nine women's NCAA Championships.
UVA has won 17 NCAA championships.
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It may be one of the UK’s most unlikely tourist draws – a warehouse in the Midlands where everything from books and gadgets are stored before they are delivered to consumers’ homes. An Amazon distribution centre in Rugeley, Staffordshire, has opened its doors to the public for the first time, offering guided tours for visitors. The inaugural tours of the site, north of Birmingham, were offered to friends and families of Amazon employees, but they will soon be available to holidaymakers, school groups or other curious individuals. Amazon will begin offering guided tours to the public at its Rugeley distribution centre later this month . This week Amazon launched an online sign-up for groups or individuals who wish to visit the ‘fulfilment centre’, where internet purchases are shipped, with the first tours beginning later this month. Christopher North, managing director at Ltd, said: ‘ sold more than 5.5 million items on Black Friday 2014 at a rate of 64 items per second. ‘We are now proud to invite our customers to see first-hand how our world-class employees and advanced technology in our fulfilment centres come together to make this magic happen.’ Visitors will get a behind-the-scenes look at how millions of products are moved from the warehouse to delivery vans. And they will see people at work for a company which has been at the centre of allegations of harsh conditions such as zero-hour contracts and tracking tags worn by employees. The inaugural tours at Amazon's 'fulfilment centre' in Rugeley were open to family and friends of employees . Tours are open to anyone over the age of six, with each visit lasting about one hour. The distribution centre is 700,000-square feet in size, which is the equivalent of nine-and-a-half football pitches. Amazon said it has created hundreds of new permanent jobs in its ‘fulfilment centres’ in the last few months, bringing its total roster of employees to 7,000 at eight warehouses and corporate offices. John Tagawa, Ltd’s director of UK operations, said: ‘We’re extremely proud of the efforts of everyone who works in our fulfilment centres and opening our workplaces up to these tours is the perfect way to recognise all of their achievements.’ Similar tours are offered at Amazon warehouses in the US and Germany, and there are plans to expand the programme to more European countries.
Amazon's 'fulfilment centre' in Rugeley will soon open for guided tours . Family and friends of employees were given inaugural tours recently . Visits will be open to anyone older than six, and tours will last an hour . Similar tours are offered at Amazon warehouses in the US and Germany .
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The women's world champion, Reanne Evans, has been given a place in the qualifying round's of this year's World Championship, World Snooker has announced. The 29-year-old - the dominant player of the women's game with 10 successive world titles to her name - will head to Sheffield's Ponds Forge in April in a bid to qualify for the main event at the Crucible. Evans will be one of 128 players to bid to join the game's top 16 in the tournament and she will need to win three matches in order to do so. Reanne Evans (left) will be playing for the chance to face the likes of Ronnie O'Sullivan at the crucible . She would become the first women to compete in the World Championship if successful, having become the first woman to qualify for any ranking event last season when she got through to the main stage of the Wuxi Classic in China. A new infrastructure introduced by the sport's governing body means that all players seeded outside the top 16 will join the 128, while invitations have been extended to former world champions no longer on the tour and amateur players. As such, Evans has been invited to qualify, as have former champions Stephen Hendry and Steve Davis, while James Wattana has also been invited. 'So please (sic) to finally be able to say I've been given a place in this years world championship!!! 3 wins and I'll be at the crucible!!! Thanks to all my fans and sponsors,' Evans, a long-time campaigner for the women's game to be given greater prominence, wrote on her Facebook page. Evans will be the first woman to take part in the World Championship if she makes it through qualifying . Commenting on the news, Jason Ferguson, the chairman of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association, said: 'Reanne's achievements in the ladies game are incredible - to win 10 world titles in a row in any sport is a phenomenal record. 'She is a true sporting great and proved her ability to compete on the open professional tour when she reached the final stages of the Wuxi Classic in China. 'She deserves the chance to play in the World Championship and she will be aiming to become the first woman ever to play in the main event at the Crucible. Reanne is a trail-blazer for female players around the world.' Were Evans to win even one of her qualifying matches it would carry prize money of £6,000 - a fee comfortably in excess of the tariff on offer for winning the women's World Championship.
Reanne Evans has won the last 10 women's championships in a row . Evans will be one of 128 players entering qualifying in Sheffield . She will need to win three games to make it to the Crucible .
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Sebastian Vettel will 'get p****d tonight' to celebrate his victory at the Malaysian Grand Prix. The 27-year-old German produced a stunning performance to win in his Ferrari ahead of Mercedes pair Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg at the Sepang International Circuit. The four-time world champion was visibly emotional on the podium after enduring a torrid 2014 season, his final year with Red Bull before switching to Ferrari over the winter. Sebastian Vettel signalled his intentions to get drunk after winning the Malaysian Grand Prix . The 27-year-old German was visibly emotional on the podium after his win in the second race of the season . Vettel produced an excellent drive at the Sepang International Circuit on Sunday . During his podium interview with Eddie Jordan, Vettel said: 'It's been a while I've not been on the top step, and my first time with Scuderia Ferrari. There was a big change over the winter, and the welcome the team gave me when I arrived was fantastic. 'I've only done two races, but I'm so proud of today. We beat them (Mercedes) fair and square, I guess that's why it's a bit emotional. This is a great achievement and we have a great car. 'Today was a very, very special day, and will remain a part of me. Thank you to the team - grazie Italia. I want to celebrate today and get p****d tonight.' The four-time world champion dances with delight on the podium after his victory in Malaysia . Vettel left Red Bull over the winter to join Ferrari, a move he described as a dream come trune . Vettel's victory at Sepang came in just his second race since joining the sport's most iconic team, a move he described as a dream come true. The German added; 'I remember when the gate opened at Maranello, it was like a dream coming true. I remember the last time I was there I was a kid watching Michael Schumacher over the fence. Now I’m driving that very red car - it’s incredible.' It was Ferrari's first victory since Fernando Alonso won the 2013 Spanish Grand Prix and Vettel's first victory since Brazil at the end of the same season. Vettel finished over eight seconds ahead of Hamilton to claim the victory ahead of the Mercedes pair . Vettel stands on top of his car after winning the Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang . F1 stats provided by F1 Stat Blog . Ferrari's pace in Malaysia was also proven by Kimi Raikkonen, who finished in fourth place despite starting from 11th on the grid and an early puncture that forced him into an extra pit stop. Speaking on Sky Sports, Raikkonen said: 'We had a very poor weekend in the sense of things going wrong. After the puncture I got a little bit of damage to the floor and I think we did the maximum we could. 'It is good for the team and good for Sebastian and after where we were last year it is a good job the team has done.'
Sebastian Vettel won the Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang . The German started second on the grid but led most of the race . The four-time world champion was emotional on the podium . Vettel moved from Red Bull to Ferrari over the winter .
What is the likelihood of the Cascadia Earthquake ocurring in the next 50 years and how bad will it be?
The geological record reveals that "great earthquakes" (those with moment magnitude 8 or higher) occur in the Cascadia subduction zone about every 500 years on average, often accompanied by tsunamis. There is evidence of at least 13 events at intervals from about 300 to 900 years with an average of 570–590 years. Previous earthquakes are estimated to have been in AD 1310, AD 810, AD 400, 170 BC and 600 BC.[citation needed] Cascadia earthquake sources As seen in the 1700 quake, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, and the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, subduction zone earthquakes can cause large tsunamis, and many coastal areas in the region have prepared tsunami evacuation plans in anticipation of a possible future Cascadia earthquake. However, the major nearby cities, notably Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, Victoria, and Tacoma, which are located on inland waterways rather than on the coast, would be sheltered from the full brunt of a tsunami. These cities do have many vulnerable structures, especially bridges and unreinforced brick buildings; consequently, most of the damage to the cities would probably be from the earthquake itself. One expert asserts that buildings in Seattle are vastly inadequate even to withstand an event of the size of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, let alone any more powerful one. Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA's Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, put it quite dramatically: "Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast." Recent findings conclude that the Cascadia subduction zone is more complex and volatile than previously believed. In 2010, geologists predicted a 37% chance of an M8.2+ event within 50 years, and a 10 to 15% chance that the entire Cascadia subduction zone will rupture with an M9+ event within the same time frame. Geologists have also determined the Pacific Northwest is not prepared for such a colossal quake. The tsunami produced could reach heights of 80 to 100 feet (24 to 30 m). A 2004 study revealed the potential for relative mean sea level rise (caused by subsidence) along the Cascadia subduction zone. It postulated that cities on the west coast of Vancouver Island, such as Tofino and Ucluelet, are at risk for a 1–2 m subsidence, relative to mean sea level.
Geologists predict a 37% chance of a magnitude 8.2+ earthquake caused by subduction of the Cascadia plate in the next 38 years, and a 10% - 15% of a magnitude 9+ earthquake in the same time frame. This data is from a 2010 study. Source:
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(CNN)The Iran nuclear negotiations in Lausanne, Switzerland, reportedly have made substantive progress, inching closer toward a provisional agreement between the P5+1 and Iran. While the talks continued to unfold this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu restated his concern about an agreement with Iran, vowing "to continue to act against any threat." If an agreement is reached, the international spotlight will turn to Israel, in anticipation of its possible reaction. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe "Bogy" Yaalon stated that a deal is "a tragedy for the whole world." The question is, however, what can Israel really do once a deal is signed? In recent days, notable conservatives in the United States have attacked President Barack Obama's handling of the negotiations with Iran, arguing that a bad deal will force Israel's hand, leaving it with no choice but to attack Iranian targets. But is this a realistic conclusion? Israel's stated "all options are on the table" policy toward Iran has been in place for years and is based on the assumption that if a diplomatic solution to the nuclear problem cannot be reached or is not to its liking, Israel can decide to opt for a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Thirty-four years after the successful Israeli bombing of the Osirak nuclear facility in Iraq, military experts have little doubt that the Israeli Air Force today is capable of reaching Iranian airspace and bombing targets above and below ground. Therefore, the question is not one of military capability but more about domestic political and geopolitical strategy. With an Iran deal in place, the Israeli leadership may face stern objections from the heads of the Israeli defense establishment, which will make it difficult but not impossible to take such a decision. Nevertheless, if it remains keen on pursuing a military option, the Israeli leadership will have to consider the following set of consequences that will likely result from such a decision: . •A successful military strike on Iranian installations may degrade Iran's nuclear program, setting it back several years, but it would not completely eliminate Iran's nuclear capabilities. Iran would likely be able to resume activity in new facilities soon after such an attack, with more international legitimacy to embark on a military nuclear program, in the face of future military challenges to its sovereignty and stability. A deal between the P5+1 (the United States, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and Germany) and Iran is expected to include a 10-year (or more) "sunset provision" that is much longer than the period it will take Iran to get its program back on track in case of an Israeli attack. •A military attack against Iran after a deal is signed would put Israel on a collision course with the P5+ 1, who were negotiating the contours of a deal with Iran, as well as with other members of the international community. Bilateral ties and cooperation with member states of the P5+1 may suffer, as well as intelligence sharing between the relevant intelligence agencies. In addition, countries are likely to seek ways to "punish" Israel for its actions, in the form of a U.N. General Assembly or Security Council resolution condemning Israeli behavior, calling for operative measures against the Jewish state. •An Israeli attack would likely lead to the collapse of the international sanctions regime on Iran, which Israel has worked to consolidate and which has been a very effective mechanism in pressuring Iran. •The understanding between Israel and moderate Arab regimes on the need to prevent a nuclear Iran would not be likely to dissipate in the aftermath of an attack, but Israeli-Arab coordination and cooperation on this issue is bound to suffer. •Finally, an Israeli attack would spark a direct Iranian military reaction against Israel, as well as an indirect reaction against Israel in the region by Iran's proxies Hezbollah (from Southern Lebanon and war-torn Syria) and Hamas (from Gaza and perhaps the West Bank) and against Israeli targets abroad. In the aftermath of a deal with Iran, Israel's response is expected to be harsh. It will include strong public criticism of the deal, a vow to continue the fight against the agreement in the U.S. Congress and other relevant venues, a call for the international community to continue the sanctions regime, and a pursuit of coordinated public messaging with moderate Arab regimes on this issue. These Israeli public diplomacy measures will be complemented by continued intelligence monitoring of Iran's activities in the nuclear sphere as well as its involvement in regional conflicts. Opting for a military strike against Iran, however, must take into consideration the consequences of such a decision. In light of all that is at stake, it does not seem like a plausible option at present.
Dan Arbell: Israel's leaders can criticize a potential deal with Iran on its nuclear program . He says a military option could set back Iran's nuclear program but would be too costly politically and diplomatically .
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The father of a man killed by the FBI in the investigation of Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev is suing the agency for $30million. Abdulbaki Todashev, father of then-27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, said he will file a notice of claim in the death of his son, who was shot by Special Agent Aaron McFarlane the night of May 21, 2013. The claim will lead to a wrongful death lawsuit, and the elder Todashev is also alleging negligence by the FBI for hiring McFarlane, who had a checkered past. Scroll down for video . Warning: graphic image below . Ibragim Todashev, 27, was shot by FBI agent Aaron McFarlane during investigations into the Boston bombings. His father Abdulbaki has filed a notice of claim alleging wrongful death . Todashev (left) was repeatedly questioned by federal agents in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. Abdulbaki Todashev (right) has previously said that 'FBI bandits' killed his son . The agent settled two police brutality lawsuits while at the Oakland Police Department and allegedly falsified reports before joining Boston's FBI, according to the Boston Globe. Todashev is represented by the Council on American–Islamic Relations, who says that his son 'did not pose a threat of serious bodily harm to McFarlane or any other person' while being questioned about the Boston Bombings and a 2011 murder. The Department of Justice and a Florida State Attorney’s Office have both cleared McFarlane of wrongdoing in the shooting at Ibragim Todashev's Orlando apartment. Both official reports said that the agent acted in self-defense after being attacked by Todashev, a trained martial arts fighter. The Russian immigrant, who lived in Massachusetts before moving to Florida, was reportedly writing a confession for involvement in the 2011 killing of three drug dealers in Waltham, a suburb of Boston, when he threw a coffee table and lunged at McFarlane with a broom. FBI agent McFarlane and two Massachusetts state troopers were interrogating Todashev for six hours before he was shot. The Chechen Orlando resident had reportedly been writing a confession linked to a murder case . Todashev was friends with Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev (left) after training with him. Tamerlan,  26, was killed shortly after the 2013 attack, and his brother Dzhokar, (right, then 19) is now on trial . He was shot seven times in two bursts of fire, including once on the top of the head. Abdulbaki Todashev, in Moscow, says that the agent killed his son 'in cold blood,' according to MSNBC. He has previously said that 'FBI bandits' had been behind the death. Two Massachusetts state troopers were also present and CAIR Florida says that 'none of the agents present sought to intervene to prevent the excessive force, though able.' Lawyers for the group also say that McFarlane allegedly falsified police reports and was misusing government money by working for the FBI while accepting disability payments from California. Abdulbaki Todashev also alleges negligence in the FBI's hiring of McFarlane . A statement from the Todashev family, who buried Ibragim in Chechnya, Russia, said they want to 'draw public attention to the illegal practices, abuses of power, and civil rights violations by the FBI. FBI internal investigations cleared every officer in 150 shootings since 1993, according to a 2013 investigation by the New York Times. CAIR also faults the agency for 'allowing of agents to conduct potentially charged interviews in people's homes'. Ibragim Todashev was approached by FBI almost immediately following the Boston bombings, and had questioned him repeatedly and confiscated his electronic devices before the shooting. The six-hour Orlando interrogation occurred in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston bombings, where Todashev's friend Tamerlan Tsarnaev, then 26, is thought to have killed three and injured more than 200 with homemade explosives. Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in the manhunt that followed the attack. His friend Todashev, who had trained at the same boxing gym as the attacker, told agents that the bombings were 'horrible and unnecessary,' according to the claim of notice. The episode that led to his death happened after the man's girlfriend had been taken to an immigration detention center after allegedly refusing FBI agents' request to inform them of his activities. The claim of Abdulbaki Todahsev (left) against the FBI is being handled by the Council on American–Islamic Relations's Florida office, including CAIR Tampa executive director Hassan Shibly (center) A witness Todashev had brought to his interrogation was allegedly sent away shortly before his friend was shot. A spokesman for the Boston FBI told Daily Mail Online that the agency does not comment on pending litigation. The national FBI office also declined comment on the same grounds and referred to the Department of Justice and Florida reports on the incident. Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokar, 19 at the time, is on trial for terrorism charges in connection with the Boston Bombings. Opening statements in the case will begin later this week. Opening statements terrorism trial of Dzhokar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombings will begin this week. Above, a April 15, 2013 memorial to the terrorist attack's victims .
Abdulbaki Todashev, father of Ibragim, files notice of claim against agency . Father alleges wrongful death and negligent FBI hiring of Aaron McFarlane . Agent faced police brutality investigations and allegedly falsified reports . Official report from Department of Justice say shooting was self-defense .
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Just moments before England’s final training session on Thurday, Theo Walcott’s frustrations with life on the fringes of the game surfaced on social media. In short, he snapped. Walcott responded to a claim by former Arsenal left back Nigel Winterburn that the winger has been involved in a heated argument with his club manager Arsene Wenger. ‘I don’t normally comment on false stories about myself but reports about contract demands and bust-ups with the boss are complete nonsense,’ he tweeted. Theo Walcott has denied a bust-up with Arsenal over his new contract negotiations . The England winger took to social media to deny the claims that he and Arsene Wenger had fallen out . Walcott, who is out of contract at the Emirates stadium next summer, trains alongside Harry Kane . Clearly, this is a delicate issue. Walcott then went on to contradict his manager’s claim that contract negotiations, aimed at extending his £90,000-a-week deal beyond 2016, had started. ‘There have been no talks,’ he insisted. Walcott’s star has fallen for club and country. He has been unable to consistently force his way into Arsenal’s starting line-up since his recovery from a long-term knee- ligament injury. Although Wenger publicly maintains that he wants Walcott, 26, to sign a contract extension, Arsenal will listen to offers in the summer if they cannot agree terms. Walcott goes through his paces alongside fellow Arsenal and England star Kieran Gibbs on Thursday . There is a lingering suspicion at the Emirates that his agent has already been tapped, given the nod that another English team will give Walcott the cash, the contract and the playing time to satisfy him. This time, Arsenal are prepared to listen. Walcott has not played a full 90 minutes for Arsenal this season and he cannot realistically expect to win a place in a congested, fully fit squad ahead of Mesut Ozil, Alexis Sanchez, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain or Danny Welbeck. Despite yesterday’s denial, his frustration with life on the substitutes’ bench is well known. Roy Hodgson, England’s manager, called it a ‘dog eat dog world’ yesterday, admitting that Walcott had little chance of getting into the national team if he is not playing regularly for Arsenal. Walcott has only recently returned from injury and is struggling to hold down a regular first-team place . Walcott has not completed 90 minutes for his club since January 2014, and is spending time on the bench . 1 The number of times Walcott has reached 10 Premier League goals in a season. 2 Walcott’s goal involvement from his 10 appearances this season — two goals and no assists. 2 Walcott has provided just two assists in the Champions League over the past six seasons. 0.14 The forward’s goals-per-game ratio in an England shirt. 4 The number of times Walcott has completed 90 minutes in his 36 England appearances. 38.9 Percentage of Walcott’s 131 Premier League starts in which he has played 90 minutes. 60.2 Average minutes played by Walcott per Premier League appearance. 5.2 Average Premier League goals scored per season. Jan 1, 2014: The last time Walcott completed 90 minutes for Arsenal in any competition — a 2-0 home win against Cardiff. Sep 10, 2013: The last time Walcott played for England — a 0-0 draw with Ukraine. On Friday evening at Wembley he will be named among the substitutes after working with the England squad all week in the build-up to the clash with Lithuania. Walcott has missed out a lot of international football over the years. Cruelly discarded by Fabio Capello on the eve of the 2010 World Cup, he missed last year’s tournament in Brazil through injury. He last played for England in the World Cup qualifier with Ukraine in September 2013 and has only just regained a place in the squad after last season’s knee injury. Hodgson said: ‘He’s been very unlucky with injuries. He’s recovering now, and coming back to the Arsenal team in the last couple of months. ‘He’s been with me in my three years without necessarily playing the main figure. Whenever we thought we could use him, he’s got injured again. Crossroads is probably quite a tough term, but it is an important few months for him. ‘You can see he likes to be with England but he has to satisfy a few critics and make certain: a) he stays fit and b) gets his place back as one of the first names on Arsenal’s team sheet. When he does that, he might be pushing (to be) a first name on England’s team sheet.’ On Friday night Walcott misses out again because an established front line — Raheem Sterling, captain Wayne Rooney and Welbeck — have taken England to the top of their Euro 2016 qualifying group. Walcott has made just 13 appearances for Arsenal this season and was heavily criticised when he failed to take his chances in the 3-0 win over West Ham on March 14. Roy Hodgson has told Walcott he needs to be back as one of the first names on Arsenal's team-sheet . Walcott is likely to start from the bench again on Friday when England take on Lithuania at Wembley . Hodgson said: ‘It’s a dog-eat-dog world. There’s always someone waiting to take your place. ‘Sometimes through no fault of your own, you can be injured. But then your position, which had looked very secure, suddenly six months down the line is not so secure. ‘That is something all footballers learn to live with. If you want to be an England player, you’d like to hope that’s an even bigger thing you’d learn to live with. ‘In an ideal world, we’ll have players like Harry Kane coming through on a regular basis, upsetting the applecart and making sure people don’t think their place is secure for ever.’ This is Walcott’s life for the moment, a substitute for club and country as he waits for Arsenal to show their hand this summer. Either that, or they will show the winger the door.
Arsenal forward denies he has had a bust-up with Arsene Wenger . But Walcott also says he hasn't opened contract talks with the Gunners . Roy Hodgson demands he get first team football to earn England place . READ: Arsenal look to Marco Reus as Wenger prepares for Walcott exit . CLICK HERE for all the latest Arsenal news .
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Paul Scholes believes English football has declined to such an extent that Barcelona, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich would win the Premier League by 10 to 15 points. Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester City all exited the Champions League in the last 16, while Everton's defeat to Dynamo Kiev in the Europa League meant a total wipeout of the English sides in Europe. And Scholes, the former Manchester United midfielder who twice lifted the European Cup, has entered the debate on why English clubs are so inferior to their continental counterparts. Paul Scholes (centre) believes Barcelona, Real Madrid or Bayern Munich would dominate the Premier League . Mesut Ozil's Arsenal fought back strongly against Arsenal but couldn't overturn the 3-1 first leg deficit . Dejected Chelsea players walk off following their loss to Paris Saint-Germain last week . Writing in The Independent, Scholes said: 'Over the last two weeks our coaches and players in the Champions League have looked second rate. 'If you put one of Barcelona, Real Madrid or Bayern Munich in the Premier League, they would win it by 10 to 15 points. 'Even PSG and Juventus look better sides than any of those currently at the top of the Premier League.' While some have blamed the lack of a winter break for English failings, Scholes puts it down simply to inferior players. Paul Scholes has twice won the European Cup with Manchester United - in 1999 and 2008 (pictured) Scholes played 134 European matches during his career, scoring on 26 occasions . 'The bottom line to this season's failings? I think the big two in Spain, and Bayern, simply have better players than the English teams in the Champions League,' he writes. Barcelona completed their win over Man City this week, with Lionel Messi to the fore, while French sides Paris Saint-Germain and Monaco eliminated Chelsea and Arsenal respectively.
Man United hero says Premier League is inferior to European leagues . Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City all went out in Champions League last 16 . Scholes says the English clubs have inferior players to European rivals . Man Utd legend believes Real Madrid, Barcelona or Bayern Munich would easily win Premier League title . READ: Until English clubs learn to keep the ball they will fail in Europe .
Tell me some facts about hemoglobin with the given text as a reference
Hemoglobin (haemoglobin in British English), abbreviated Hb or Hgb, is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein present in red blood cells (erythrocytes) of almost all vertebrates (the exception being the fish family  Channichthyidae ) as well as the tissues of some invertebrates.Hemoglobin in blood carries oxygen from the respiratory organs (e.g. lungs or gills) to the rest of the body (i.e. tissues). There it releases the oxygen to permit aerobic respiration to provide energy to power functions of an organism in the process called metabolism. A healthy individual human has 12 to 20 grams of hemoglobin in every 100 mL of blood.
1. Hemoglobin/Hb/Hgb is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein which is present in red blood cells (erythrocytes) of almost all vertebrates (the exception being the fish family  Channichthyidae ) as well as the tissues of some invertebrates 2. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in blood from respiratory organs (e.g. lungs or gills) to rest of the body(i.e. tissue). 3. Metablolism is the energy to power functions of an organism. Hemoglobin releases the oxygen to permit aerobic respiration . 4. Healthy human have 12 to 25 grams of hemoglobin in every 100 mL of blood.