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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 37
300 | {"pl": "Informacj\u0119 poda\u0142a prasa nale\u017c\u0105ca do grupy medialnej RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND).\n", "en": "This information was revealed by the press controlled by the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) media group.\n"} |
301 | {"pl": "Wed\u0142ug dokumentu pochodz\u0105cego z biura parlamentarnego sekretarza stanu w MON Petera Taubera (CDU) dotychczas uda\u0142o si\u0119 ponownie namierzy\u0107 dwie sztuki broni, jedn\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 broni oraz 3474 sztuk amunicji.\n", "en": "According to a document from the parliamentary office of Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence, Peter Tauber (CDU), so far two weapons, one weapon part and 3,474 pieces of ammunition have been traced.\n"} |
302 | {"pl": "W\u015br\u00f3d wyposa\u017cenia wojskowego, kt\u00f3re wci\u0105\u017c pozostaje zaginione, znajduje si\u0119 mi\u0119dzy innymi: sze\u015b\u0107 uniwersalnych karabin\u00f3w maszynowych MG3, 11 karabin\u00f3w automatycznych G3, cztery karabinki automatyczne G36, sze\u015b\u0107 pistolet\u00f3w sygna\u0142owych oraz dwa pistolety P8.\n", "en": "The military equipment still missing includes six MG3 general-purpose machine guns, 11 G3 assault rifles, four G36 lightweight assault rifles, six flare pistols and two P8 guns.\n"} |
303 | {"pl": "Ponadto brakuje 30 luf do karabin\u00f3w maszynowych MG3.\n", "en": "In addition, 30 MG3 machine gun barrels are missing.\n"} |
304 | {"pl": "Zaniepokojenie sytuacj\u0105 wyrazi\u0142a wiceprzewodnicz\u0105ca partii Lewica, Martina Renner.\n", "en": "Vice-chairman of the Left Party, Martina Renner, expressed her concern about the situation.\n"} |
305 | {"pl": "Jak powiedzia\u0142a dziennikarzom RND, liczba zaginionych sztuk broni i amunicji jest \u201ezatrwa\u017caj\u0105ca\u201c.\n", "en": "As she told RND journalists, the number of missing weapons and ammunition rounds is \"appalling\".\n"} |
306 | {"pl": "Tym bardziej, \u017ce w wyniku prowadzonych \u015bledztw uda\u0142o si\u0119 znale\u017a\u0107 jedynie nik\u0142\u0105 cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 zgubionego wyposa\u017cenia.\n", "en": "All the more so because the conducted investigations led to retrieving only a small part of the missing equipment.\n"} |
307 | {"pl": "Martina Renner podsumowa\u0142a efekty tych dzia\u0142a\u0144 jako \u201en\u0119dzny bilans\u201d.\n", "en": "Martina Renner summarised the effects of these actions as a \"miserable result\".\n"} |
308 | {"pl": "Skrytykowa\u0142a te\u017c fakt, \u017ce z zestawienia nie wynika, czy jest tam te\u017c bro\u0144, kt\u00f3r\u0105 znaleziono podczas dochodzenia przeciwko porucznikowi Bundeswehry Franco A. W grudniu 2017 prokuratura federalna w Karlsruhe oskar\u017cy\u0142a go o przygotowywanie ci\u0119\u017ckiego aktu przemocy zagra\u017caj\u0105cemu bezpiecze\u0144stwu pa\u0144stwa i naruszenie przepis\u00f3w ustawy reguluj\u0105cej dost\u0119p do broni palnej.\n", "en": "She also criticised the fact that the report does not indicate whether it contains any of the weapons found during the investigation conducted against Bundeswehr Lieutenant Franco A. In December 2017, the federal prosecutor\u2019s office in Karlsruhe accused him of preparing a serious act of violence bringing threat to national security and violating the provisions of the act on regulating access to firearms.\n"} |
309 | {"pl": "Oficerowi zarzucono przygotowywanie zamach\u00f3w na czo\u0142owych polityk\u00f3w niemieckich ze skrajnie prawicowych i rasistowskich pobudek.\n", "en": "The officer was accused of planning the assassinations of leading German politicians out of far-right and racist reasons.\n"} |
310 | {"pl": "Na jego \u201eczarnej li\u015bcie\u201d cel\u00f3w, kt\u00f3ra wpad\u0142a w r\u0119ce prokuratury, znale\u017ali si\u0119 \u00f3wczesny minister sprawiedliwo\u015bci Heiko Maas z SPD, Claudia Roth z partii Zielonych oraz Anetta Kahane, obro\u0144czyni praw cz\u0142owieka i za\u0142o\u017cycielka fundacji Amadeu Antonio Stiftung w Berlinie.\n", "en": "His \"blacklist\" of targets, which the prosecutor\u2019s office got its hands on, included the then Minister of Justice Heiko Maas of SPD, Claudia Roth of the Green Party and Anetta Kahane, defender of human rights and founder of the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung foundation in Berlin.\n"} |
311 | {"pl": "Franco A. wszed\u0142 nielegalnie w posiadanie czterech sztuk broni palnej, ponad 1000 sztuk amunicji i ponad 50 \u0142adunk\u00f3w wybuchowych.\n", "en": "Franco A. illegally came into possession of four pieces of firearm, over 1,000 pieces of ammunition and over 50 explosives.\n"} |
312 | {"pl": "P\u0142acz\u0105ce dzieci w samolocie.\n", "en": "Crying children on the plane.\n"} |
313 | {"pl": "Jak ich unikn\u0105\u0107?\n", "en": "How to avoid them?\n"} |
314 | {"pl": "Jest rozwi\u0105zanie\n", "en": "There is a solution.\n"} |
315 | {"pl": "Przewo\u017anik Japan Airlines od niedawna stosuje funkcj\u0119 opracowan\u0105 z my\u015bl\u0105 o osobach, dla kt\u00f3rych podr\u00f3\u017cowanie w towarzystwie p\u0142acz\u0105cego dziecka to koszmar.\n", "en": "The Japan Airlines carrier has recently begun to use the function developed for persons for whom travelling with a crying child is a nightmare.\n"} |
316 | {"pl": "Za po\u015brednictwem strony internetowej linie umo\u017cliwiaj\u0105 sprawdzenie rozk\u0142adu miejsc w samolocie.\n", "en": "On the website the airlines provide the opportunity to check the arrangement of seats on the plane.\n"} |
317 | {"pl": "Je\u015bli danym po\u0142\u0105czeniem podr\u00f3\u017cuje nieletni do drugiego roku \u017cycia, to \u201eikonka dziecka\u201d pojawia si\u0119 na konkretnym, zarezerwowanym przez rodzic\u00f3w lub opiekun\u00f3w siedzeniu.\n", "en": "If a minor up to two years of age travels on a specific flight, the \"baby icon\" appears on a specific seat, reserved by parents or guardians.\n"} |
318 | {"pl": "Tym samym osoba korzystaj\u0105ca z us\u0142ug przewo\u017anika ma mo\u017cliwo\u015b\u0107 wybrania miejsca oddalonego od tego zajmowanego przez malucha.\n", "en": "Thus a person taking advantage of carrier\u2019s services has an opportunity to choose a seat far away from the one occupied by the baby.\n"} |
319 | {"pl": "BBC podaje, \u017ce linie poinformowa\u0142y ju\u017c o niedoskona\u0142o\u015bci tego rozwi\u0105zania.\n", "en": "BBC reports that the lines have already informed about the imperfections of that solution.\n"} |
320 | {"pl": "\u201eIkona dziecka\u201d nie pojawi si\u0119 w\u00f3wczas, gdy bilet zosta\u0142 zarezerwowany przez osob\u0119 trzeci\u0105 lub je\u015bli w ostatniej chwili nast\u0105pi\u0142a zmiana samolotu.\n", "en": "The \"baby icon\" will not appear when the ticket has been booked by a third party or the plane is changed at the last moment.\n"} |
321 | {"pl": "Jak mo\u017cna by\u0142o si\u0119 spodziewa\u0107, pomys\u0142 podzieli\u0142 internaut\u00f3w.\n", "en": "As one could expect, the idea has divided the Internet users.\n"} |
322 | {"pl": "Cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 u\u017cytkownik\u00f3w Twittera wskazuje na to, \u017ce problem podr\u00f3\u017cowania z p\u0142acz\u0105cymi dzie\u0107mi mo\u017cna rozwi\u0105za\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 s\u0142uchawek redukuj\u0105cych ha\u0142as.\n", "en": "Part of the Twitter users indicates that the problem of travelling with crying babies could be solved by using noise-cancelling headphones.\n"} |
323 | {"pl": "To dzieci, te\u017c nimi kiedy\u015b byli\u015bmy.\n", "en": "They are children, we also used to be them.\n"} |
324 | {"pl": "\u201eMusimy nauczy\u0107 si\u0119 tolerancji, bo wkr\u00f3tce zaczniemy potrzebowa\u0107 mapy miejsc siedz\u0105cych dla oddychaj\u0105cych ustami, \u015blini\u0105cych si\u0119 czy pijak\u00f3w\u201d, napisa\u0142 u\u017cytkownik G Sundar.\n", "en": "\"We have to learn tolerance, because we will soon need a map of passengers breathing with mouth, salivating or drunkards\", wrote user G Sundar.\n"} |
325 | {"pl": "Inny z internaut\u00f3w zauwa\u017cy\u0142, \u017ce kiedy\u015b przeszkadza\u0142y mu p\u0142acz\u0105ce dzieci w samolocie, ale zmieni\u0142 zdanie, gdy sam zosta\u0142 rodzicem.\n", "en": "Another Internet user noticed that he used to be disturbed by crying babies, but he changed his mind when he became parent himself.\n"} |
326 | {"pl": "Ne brakuje r\u00f3wnie\u017c zwolennik\u00f3w rozwi\u0105zania wprowadzonego przez Japan Airlines.\n", "en": "There is also no shortage of supporters of the solution introduced by Japan Airlines.\n"} |
327 | {"pl": "\u201eDzi\u0119kuj\u0119 wam za ostrze\u017cenie mnie przed krzycz\u0105cymi dzie\u0107mi podczas 13-godzinnej podr\u00f3\u017cy\u201d, napisa\u0142 Rahat Ahmed.\n", "en": "\"Thank you for warning me against the crying babies during the 13-hour flight\" wrote Rahat Ahmed.\n"} |
328 | {"pl": "Majorka liczy straty po bankructwie biura podr\u00f3\u017cy Thomas Cook\n", "en": "Majorca Calculates Loses following Bankruptcy of Thomas Cook Travel Agency\n"} |
329 | {"pl": "Ponad 25 tys. zagranicznych turyst\u00f3w nie przyb\u0119dzie w pa\u017adzierniku na urlop na Majork\u0119 w rezultacie og\u0142oszonego w poniedzia\u0142ek bankructwa przez biuro podr\u00f3\u017cy Thomas Cook.\n", "en": "More than 25 thousand foreign tourists will not come for holiday to Majorca in October as a result of the bankruptcy announced by Thomas Cook Travel Agency on Monday.\n"} |
330 | {"pl": "Jak poinformowa\u0142 w pi\u0105tek przedstawiciel autonomicznego rz\u0105du Balear\u00f3w Marc Pons, w\u015br\u00f3d 25 tys. wczasowicz\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rzy nie b\u0119d\u0105 mogli skorzysta\u0107 z pa\u017adziernikowego urlopu na Majorce, s\u0105 r\u00f3wnie\u017c osoby, kt\u00f3re mia\u0142y podr\u00f3\u017cowa\u0107 ze sp\u00f3\u0142kami po\u015brednio zwi\u0105zanymi z Thomas Cook, np. firm\u0105 Neckermann.\n", "en": "As informed by the representative of the autonomous government of the Balearic Islands on Friday, Marc Pons, the group of 25 thousand of holiday-makers who will not be able to have their holidays on Majorca in October includes also the ones who were to travel with companies connected with Thomas Cook indirectly, e.g. Neckermann.\n"} |
331 | {"pl": "Pons wyja\u015bni\u0142, \u017ce 80 proc. spodziewanych wczasowicz\u00f3w, kt\u00f3rzy z powodu upad\u0142o\u015bci brytyjskiej firmy musia\u0142o zrezygnowa\u0107 z wypoczynku na Majorce w przysz\u0142ym miesi\u0105cu stanowi\u0105 obywatele Niemiec oraz pa\u0144stw skandynawskich.\n", "en": "Pons explained that 80 percent of expected holiday-makers who had to resign from their holidays on Majorca next month because of the British company bankruptcy are the nationals of Germany and Scandinavian countries.\n"} |
332 | {"pl": "Jednak \u2013 jak twierdzi Pons \u2013 w zwi\u0105zku z tym, i\u017c Thomas Cook w okresie listopad-kwiecie\u0144 nie kierowa\u0142 turyst\u00f3w na balearsk\u0105 wysp\u0119, straty dla lokalnej gospodarki b\u0119d\u0105 mniejsze.\n", "en": "However, according to Pons, the losses for the local economy will be smaller as Thomas Cook did not send tourist to one of the Balearic Islands in November\u2013April.\n"} |
333 | {"pl": "Ujawni\u0142, \u017ce rz\u0105d Balear\u00f3w rozpocz\u0105\u0142 ju\u017c negocjacje z mi\u0119dzynarodowymi operatorami na temat \u201ewej\u015bcia na rynek Majorki\u201d po bankructwie brytyjskiego operatora.\n", "en": "He disclosed the government of the Balearic Islands has already started negotiations with international operators concerning \"entering the market of Majorca\" following the bankruptcy of the British tour operator.\n"} |
334 | {"pl": "Z szacunk\u00f3w gazety \u201eDiario de Mallorca\u201d wynika, \u017ce w pa\u017adzierniku z powodu kryzysu turystycznego na Majorce straci prac\u0119 ponad 1000 os\u00f3b.\n", "en": "According to the estimates of Diario de Mallorca daily, more than 1,000 people are going to lose their job because of the tourist crisis in Majorca in October.\n"} |
335 | {"pl": "Oko\u0142o 800 to zwalniani pracownicy biura Thomas Cook w Palmie.\n", "en": "About 800 of them are the dismissed employees of Thomas Cook agency in Palma.\n"} |
336 | {"pl": "Pozosta\u0142e osoby strac\u0105 prac\u0119 g\u0142\u00f3wnie w sektorze hotelarskim.\n", "en": "The other people are going to lose their job mainly in the hotel sector.\n"} |
337 | {"pl": "W poniedzia\u0142ek wraz z og\u0142oszeniem upad\u0142o\u015bci przez firm\u0119 Thomas Cook w wielu hotelach Majorki w\u0142a\u015bciciele obiekt\u00f3w \u017c\u0105dali od go\u015bci uiszczenia dodatkowej op\u0142aty za nocleg.\n", "en": "On Monday, when Thomas Cook announced its bankruptcy, many hotel owners in Majorca requested their visitors to pay an extra charge for the room.\n"} |
338 | {"pl": "Sytuacji tej do\u015bwiadczy\u0142o kilkudziesi\u0119ciu turyst\u00f3w z Polski.\n", "en": "This situation was experienced e.g. by several dozens tourists from Poland.\n"} |
339 | {"pl": "Rz\u0105d Balear\u00f3w szacuje, \u017ce do czwartku kilkadziesi\u0105t hoteli na Majorce wstrzyma\u0142o dzia\u0142alno\u015b\u0107 co najmniej do ko\u0144ca pa\u017adziernika w zwi\u0105zku z og\u0142oszeniem upad\u0142o\u015bci przez Thomas Cook oraz wsp\u00f3\u0142pracuj\u0105ce z nim sp\u00f3\u0142ki.\n", "en": "The government of the Balearic Islands estimates that by Thursday several dozens hotels in Majorca suspended their operations at least till the end of October in relation to the announcement of the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook and companies cooperating with it.\n"} |
340 | {"pl": "Z kolei pi\u0105tkowy dziennik \u201eDiario de Ibiza\u201d wskazuje, \u017ce wi\u0119kszo\u015b\u0107 dzia\u0142aj\u0105cych na Ibizie hoteli, kt\u00f3re wsp\u00f3\u0142pracowa\u0142y z grup\u0105 Thomas Cook, nie nosi si\u0119 z zamiarem zamykania plac\u00f3wek w najbli\u017cszych tygodniach.\n", "en": "The Friday edition of Diario de Ibiza daily indicates that most hotels in Ibiza which cooperated with Thomas Cook group do not intend to close their facilities in the week to come.\n"} |
341 | {"pl": "Gazeta przypomina, \u017ce na tej balearskiej wyspie brytyjski bankrut kooperowa\u0142 z 42 hotelami.\n", "en": "The daily reminds the British bankrupt cooperated with 42 hotels on this Balearic Island.\n"} |
342 | {"pl": "W \u015brod\u0119 autonomiczne w\u0142adze Balear\u00f3w og\u0142osi\u0142y, \u017ce zwr\u00f3c\u0105 si\u0119 do rz\u0105du Hiszpanii o wsparcie regionu kwot\u0105 100 mln euro na pokrycie strat spowodowanych og\u0142oszeniem bankructwa przez biuro podr\u00f3\u017cy Thomas Cook.\n", "en": "On Wednesday, the autonomous authorities of the Balearic Islands announced they were going to ask the Spanish government to provide a subsidy of EUR 100 million to the region to cover the losses caused by the bankruptcy announced by Thomas Cook Travel Agency.\n"} |
343 | {"pl": "Ujawni\u0142y, \u017ce najwi\u0119cej poszkodowanych na tym archipelagu turyst\u00f3w, oko\u0142o 36 tys. os\u00f3b, znajduje si\u0119 na Majorce.\n", "en": "They disclosed the most harmed tourists in this archipelago, ca. 36 thousand people, stay on Majorca.\n"} |
344 | {"pl": "Z danych rz\u0105du Balear\u00f3w wynika, \u017ce Thomas Cook zalega lokalnym firmom turystycznym, g\u0142\u00f3wnie operatorom hoteli, za realizacj\u0119 um\u00f3w dotycz\u0105cych okresu lipiec\u2013wrzesie\u0144 2019 roku oko\u0142o 5 mln euro.\n", "en": "According to the data of the Balearic Islands government, Thomas Cook is EUR 5 million in arrears with respect to the local tour operators for the performance of agreements in the period of July to September 2019.\n"} |
345 | {"pl": "Ranking FIFA kobiet.\n", "en": "The FIFA Women's Rankings.\n"} |
346 | {"pl": "Polska nadal na 29. miejscu, USA na czele\n", "en": "Poland still ranks 29th, whilst the USA tops the list\n"} |
347 | {"pl": "Kobieca reprezentacja Polski zajmuje 29. miejsce w opublikowanym w pi\u0105tek rankingu Mi\u0119dzynarodowej Federacji Pi\u0142ki No\u017cnej (FIFA).\n", "en": "The Poland women\u2019s national team still ranks 29th in the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) rankings published on Friday.\n"} |
348 | {"pl": "Na tej samej pozycji zesp\u00f3\u0142 trenera Mi\u0142osza St\u0119pi\u0144skiego zosta\u0142 sklasyfikowany w poprzednim, lipcowym zestawieniu.\n", "en": "Coach Mi\u0142osz St\u0119pi\u0144ski\u2019s team was classified in the same position in the previous league table from July.\n"} |
349 | {"pl": "S\u0142abe mecze kadry.\n", "en": "Poor performance of the national team.\n"} |
350 | {"pl": "Jak b\u0119dzie w pa\u017adzierniku?\n", "en": "How is it going to be in October?\n"} |
351 | {"pl": "Liderkami pozosta\u0142y Amerykanki, kt\u00f3re niedawno obroni\u0142y tytu\u0142 mistrzy\u0144 \u015bwiata.\n", "en": "The Americans, who had recently defended their title of World Champions, are still the leaders.\n"} |
352 | {"pl": "Drugie miejsce w rankingu utrzyma\u0142y Niemki, a trzecie pozosta\u0142y Holenderki.\n", "en": "The Germans are second in the rankings, whilst the Dutch are third.\n"} |
353 | {"pl": "Polki przygotowuj\u0105 si\u0119 do kwalifikacji ME.\n", "en": "The Poles are preparing for the UEFA Euro qualifying tournament.\n"} |
354 | {"pl": "Mia\u0142y je zacz\u0105\u0107 wyjazdowym meczem z Czeszkami 3 wrze\u015bnia.\n", "en": "It was about to start on 3 September with an away game with the Czechs.\n"} |
355 | {"pl": "Dzie\u0144 przed spotkaniem zosta\u0142o ono \u2013 z powodu zatrucia pokarmowego przeciwniczek \u2013 prze\u0142o\u017cone o rok.\n", "en": "A day prior to the event, it was postponed for one year due to the opponents\u2019 food poisoning.\n"} |
356 | {"pl": "W tej sytuacji Polki zainauguruj\u0105 kwalifikacje spotkaniem z Hiszpankami 12 listopada w Lublinie.\n", "en": "In this situation, the Poles will begin their qualifications with a match against the Spanish on 12 November in Lublin.\n"} |
357 | {"pl": "Wcze\u015bniej \u201eBia\u0142o-Czerwone\u201d rozegraj\u0105 dwa towarzyskie mecze \u2013 3 pa\u017adziernika na wyje\u017adzie z Cyprem, a pi\u0119\u0107 dni p\u00f3\u017aniej w Kielcach z Brazyli\u0105.\n", "en": "Before that the White and Reds will play two friendlies \u2013 one away to Cyprus on 3 October, and five days later against Brazil in Kielce.\n"} |
358 | {"pl": "W grupie rywalami Polek s\u0105 reprezentacje Hiszpanii, Czech, Azerbejd\u017canu i Mo\u0142dawii.\n", "en": "The Poles\u2019 group rivals are the national teams of Spain, the Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, and Moldova.\n"} |
359 | {"pl": "Zwyci\u0119zcy grup i trzy najlepsze dru\u017cyny z drugich miejsc awansuj\u0105 bezpo\u015brednio do turnieju fina\u0142owego.\n", "en": "The group winners and three best runners-up will directly move on to the final tournament.\n"} |
360 | {"pl": "Pozosta\u0142ych sze\u015b\u0107 zespo\u0142\u00f3w z drugich pozycji zagra w bara\u017cach o trzy ostatnie przepustki do mistrzostw Europy.\n", "en": "The other six runners-up will compete in the play-offs for the last three spots to the European Championship.\n"} |
361 | {"pl": "Stawk\u0119 16 uczestnik\u00f3w uzupe\u0142ni gospodarz \u2013 Anglia.\n", "en": "The round of 16 participants will be complemented by the host nation \u2013 England.\n"} |
362 | {"pl": "M\u0119ska reprezentacja Polski we wrze\u015bniowym rankingu FIFA spad\u0142a z 20. na 22. lokat\u0119.\n", "en": "The Polish men\u2019s national team dropped in the September FIFA\u2019s rankings from 20th to 22nd place.\n"} |
363 | {"pl": "\u201eRz\u201d: Smog przygni\u00f3t\u0142 rz\u0105d\n", "en": "Rz: Smog crushed the authorities\n"} |
364 | {"pl": "\u201eEfekty programu \u00abCzyste powietrze\u00bb s\u0105 nik\u0142e, a piece w\u0119glowe b\u0119d\u0105 tej zimy kopci\u0107 jak gdyby nigdy nic\u201d, czytamy na pierwszej stronie dzisiejszej \u201eRzeczpospolitej\u201d.\n", "en": "\"Effects of the Clean Air programme are negligible, and coal stoves will smoke this winter as if nothing happened,\" we read on the cover of today\u2019s Rzeczpospolita.\n"} |
365 | {"pl": "\u201eDo tej pory w ramach programu \u00abCzyste Powietrze\u00bb z\u0142o\u017cono 82 tys. wniosk\u00f3w na dofinansowanie o \u0142\u0105cznej warto\u015bci 2 mld z\u0142, z czego 48 tys. decyzji by\u0142o pozytywnych.\n", "en": "\"To date, 82k applications worth PLN 2 billion have been submitted under the Clean Air programme, of which 48k received positive decisions.\n"} |
366 | {"pl": "Zaakceptowane wnioski opiewaj\u0105 w sumie na kwot\u0119 ponad 915 mln z\u0142\u201d, podaje \"Rz\", powo\u0142uj\u0105c si\u0119 na dane od rzecznika Ministra \u015arodowiska.\n", "en": "The approved applications amount to over PLN 915 million in total,\" Rz reports, citing data from the Ministry of Environment spokesperson.\n"} |
367 | {"pl": "Jak zaznacza gazeta, z programu zwracana jest tylko cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 poniesionych koszt\u00f3w.\n", "en": "As noted by the daily, only part of the costs are reimbursed from programme funds.\n"} |
368 | {"pl": "Rezultaty zapowiadanego szumnie programu dziennik ocenia jako \"skromne\".\n", "en": "The newspaper assesses the results of the boisterously announced programme as \"modest\".\n"} |
369 | {"pl": "Samorz\u0105dowcy, cytowani przez \u201eRz\u201d, upatruj\u0105 si\u0119 pora\u017cki \u201eCzystego Powietrza\u201d w zbyt du\u017cej biurokracji.\n", "en": "Local government members cited by Rz hold extensive bureaucracy responsible for the failure of the Clean Air programme.\n"} |
370 | {"pl": "\u201eProgram powinien by\u0107 znacznie prostszy: zg\u0142oszenie elektroniczne, wys\u0142anie faktur poczt\u0105, ewentualna wyrywkowa kontrola realizacji.\n", "en": "\"The programme should be much easier: electronic application, sending invoices via mail, possible random inspections of investments.\n"} |
371 | {"pl": "To by usprawni\u0142o dzia\u0142ania\u201d, uwa\u017ca burmistrz Lidzbarka Warmi\u0144skiego Jacek Wi\u015bniowski.\n", "en": "This would improve the efficiency of the activities,\" Jacek Wi\u015bniowski, mayor of Lidzbark Warmi\u0144ski, believes.\n"} |
372 | {"pl": "Aktywi\u015bci z Polskiego Alarmu Smogowego zauwa\u017caj\u0105 za\u015b, \u017ce w pierwszym roku dzia\u0142ania zrealizowano mniej ni\u017c 1 proc. za\u0142o\u017conego celu wymiany 3 mln kopc\u0105cych kot\u0142\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Activists from the Polish Smog Alert note that less than 1 percent of the assumed goal of replacing 3 million smoke-emitting boilers was achieved.\n"} |
373 | {"pl": "Jak zauwa\u017ca \u201eRz\u201d, cho\u0107 bud\u017cet programu to 103 mld z\u0142 na 10 lat, czyli rocznie 10 mld z\u0142, kwota ta jest wirtualna.\n", "en": "As noted by Rz, although the programme\u2019s budget assumes PLN 103 billion for 10 years, i.e. PLN 10 billion per year, this amount is virtual.\n"} |
374 | {"pl": "\u201eW bud\u017cecie Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony \u015arodowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej na ten rok zarezerwowano raptem 1,4 mld z\u0142\u201d, czytamy.\n", "en": "\"The budget of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management allocated only PLN 1.4 billion for this year,\" we read.\n"} |
375 | {"pl": "Kongres zgadza si\u0119 na F-35 dla Polski\n", "en": "The Congress consents to F-35 for Poland.\n"} |
376 | {"pl": "B\u0142aszczak: Teraz negocjacje ceny\n", "en": "B\u0142aszczak: Now price negotiations\n"} |
377 | {"pl": "Kongres USA wyrazi\u0142 zgod\u0119 na sprzeda\u017c Polsce 32 najnowocze\u015bniejszych samolot\u00f3w F-35.\n", "en": "The U.S. Congress has given consent to selling 32 cutting-edge F-35 planes to Poland.\n"} |
378 | {"pl": "\u201eTo jeden z ostatnich krok\u00f3w przed zawarciem kontraktu, jednak nie koniec naszej pracy\u201d, napisa\u0142 Mariusz B\u0142aszczak na Twitterze.\n", "en": "\"This is one of the last steps before concluding a contract, however it does not finish our efforts\" wrote Mariusz B\u0142aszczak on Twitter.\n"} |
379 | {"pl": "\u201eB\u0119dziemy twardo negocjowa\u0107, aby osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 jak najkorzystniejsz\u0105 cen\u0119\u201d, doda\u0142 polski minister.\n", "en": "\"We are going to negotiate hard to get the most attractive price\" added the Polish minister.\n"} |
380 | {"pl": "Umowa na polskie F-35\n", "en": "The contract for the Polish F-35\n"} |
381 | {"pl": "Polskie si\u0142y powietrzne zasili\u0107 maj\u0105 docelowo 32 my\u015bliwce F-35 Lightning II produkowane przez koncern Lockheed Martin.\n", "en": "The Polish Air Force will be provided eventually with 32 F-35 Lightning II fighters produced by Lockheed Martin corporation.\n"} |
382 | {"pl": "W po\u0142owie wrze\u015bnia zgod\u0119 na ich sprzeda\u017c Polsce wyrazi\u0142 Departament Stanu USA.\n", "en": "In mid-September the Department of State gave consent to selling them to Poland.\n"} |
383 | {"pl": "W komunikacie podkre\u015blono, \u017ce inwestycja wesprze bezpiecze\u0144stwo narodowe oraz polityk\u0119 zagraniczn\u0105 Stan\u00f3w Zjednoczonych poprzez popraw\u0119 bezpiecze\u0144stwa sojusznika NATO, kt\u00f3ry jest wa\u017cn\u0105 si\u0142\u0105 dla stabilno\u015bci politycznej w Europie.\n", "en": "The statement emphasised that the investment would support national security and the foreign policy of the United States by improving the safety of a NATO ally being an important player to provide political stability in Europe.\n"} |
384 | {"pl": "Z informacji Departamentu Stanu wynika, \u017ce Polska ma zap\u0142aci\u0107 za my\u015bliwce 6,5 mld dolar\u00f3w.\n", "en": "According to information provided by the Department of State, Poland is supposed to pay 6.5 billion dollars for the combat aircraft.\n"} |
385 | {"pl": "Nie jest to jednak cena ostateczna.\n", "en": "This is not the final price though.\n"} |
386 | {"pl": "Departament Stanu zaznaczy\u0142, \u017ce kontrakt b\u0119dzie obejmowa\u0142 tak\u017ce dostaw\u0119 cz\u0119\u015bci zamiennych i naprawczych, sprz\u0119tu szkoleniowego, wykonanie us\u0142ug in\u017cynieryjnych, logistycznych i kadrowych oraz powi\u0105zane elementy wsparcia logistyki i programu i szkolenie personelu.\n", "en": "The Department of State stressed that the contract would also include the delivery of spare and repair parts, training equipment, providing engineering, logistic and HR services, as well as related logistics, programme support components and staff training.\n"} |
387 | {"pl": "My\u015bliwce Lockheed Martin F-35\n", "en": "Lockheed Martin F-35 fighters\n"} |
388 | {"pl": "My\u015bliwiec F-35 Lightning II produkowany przez koncern Lockheed Martin to jednomiejscowy i jednosilnikowy my\u015bliwiec wielozadaniowy pi\u0105tej generacji.\n", "en": "The F-35 Lightning II fighter manufactured by the Lockheed Martin corporation is a single-seat, single-engine, multi-role fifth generation combat aircraft.\n"} |
389 | {"pl": "Samolot jest zdolny do wykonywania misji bliskiego wsparcia, bombardowa\u0144 i typowo my\u015bliwskich zada\u0144 walki powietrznej.\n", "en": "The plane can be used to provide close support missions, bombing and typically air fighting tasks.\n"} |
390 | {"pl": "Dzi\u0119ki zastosowaniu technologii stealth my\u015bliwiec jest niewykrywalny dla radar\u00f3w bliskiego zasi\u0119gu.\n", "en": "Thanks to the use of stealth technology the fighter is undetectable to short-range radars.\n"} |
391 | {"pl": "Niedawno my\u015bliwce F-35 kupi\u0142a Belgia w ramach kontraktu o warto\u015bci 4,55 mld dolar\u00f3w.\n", "en": "Recently Belgium has bought the F-35 fighters as part of the contract worth 4.55 billion dollars.\n"} |
392 | {"pl": "Belgowie chc\u0105 nimi zast\u0105pi\u0107 starzej\u0105ce si\u0119 F-16.\n", "en": "The Belgians want to replace increasingly obsolete F-16 by them.\n"} |
393 | {"pl": "Zakup ameryka\u0144skich samolot\u00f3w bojowych maj\u0105 rozwa\u017ca\u0107 tak\u017ce inni sojusznicy USA, w tym Finlandia, Szwajcaria i Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie.\n", "en": "Also other U.S. allies, including Finland, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates are supposed to consider buying the American combat aircraft.\n"} |
394 | {"pl": "Barbie przeciw stereotypom.\n", "en": "Barbie against stereotypes.\n"} |
395 | {"pl": "Genderowe lalki\n", "en": "Gender dolls\n"} |
396 | {"pl": "Producent Barbie wprowadzi\u0142 na rynek seri\u0119 lalek neutralnych p\u0142ciowo.\n", "en": "Barbie manufacturer released a gender neutral line of dolls\n"} |
397 | {"pl": "Chce w ten spos\u00f3b walczy\u0107 ze stereotypami.\n", "en": "It is his way of fighting stereotypes.\n"} |
398 | {"pl": "Producent Barbie wprowadzi\u0142 na rynek seri\u0119 lalek neutralnych p\u0142ciowo\n", "en": "Barbie manufacturer released a gender neutral line of dolls.\n"} |
399 | {"pl": "Obok Barbie o r\u00f3\u017cnym kolorze sk\u00f3ry, figurze czy fryzurze, firma Mattel wprowadzi\u0142a do sprzeda\u017cy lalki neutralne p\u0142ciowo.\n", "en": "Next to Barbie dolls of different skin colour, figure or hair style, Mattel introduced gender neutral dolls on the market.\n"} |
Subsets and Splits