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著作權集體管理團體之申請設立許可各類著作發起人最低人數 | The Minimum Number of Promoters Required for Various Categories of Works in Applying for Permission to Establish a Copyright Collective Management Organization |
著作權集體管理團體條例(修正前:著作權仲介團體條例) | Copyright Collective Management Organization Act (Before amendment: Copyright Intermediary Organization Act) |
著作權集體管理團體規費收費準則 | Regulations for Copyright Collective Management Organization Fees |
著作權審議及調解委員會 | Copyright Review and Mediation Committee |
視聽著作 | audiovisual works |
集管團體管理之全部著作 | repertoire |
搜尋服務提供者 | search service provider |
概括授權契約 | blanket license agreement |
經濟部智慧財產局著作權審議及調解委員會組織規程 | Organization Regulations for the Copyright Review and Mediation Committee of the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs |
資訊儲存服務提供者 | information storage service provider |
電腦程式著作 | computer programs |
圖形著作 | pictorial and graphical works |
管理契約 | management agreement |
管理費 | management fees |
網路服務提供者 | internet service provider |
網路服務提供者民事免責事由實施辦法 | Regulations governing Implementation of ISP Civil Liability Exemption |
製版權 | plate right |
製版權登記辦法 | Regulations governing Registration of Plate Rights |
語言著作 | oral and literary works |
編輯著作 | compilation work |
質權 / 著作權設質 | pledge / copyright pledge |
錄音著作 | sound recordings |
戲劇、舞蹈著作 | dramatic and choreographic works |
關於為盲人、視力障礙者或其他印刷品閱讀障礙者獲得已出版作品提供便利的馬拉喀什國際條約 | Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled (Marrakesh Treaty) |
攝影著作 | photographic works |
權利管理電子資訊 | electronic rights management information |
美國經濟間諜法 | The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 |
國家安全法 | National Security Act |
智慧財產案件審理法 | Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act |
營業秘密法 | Trade Secrets Act |
證人保護法 | Witness Protection Act |
電路布局 | Circuit Layouts |
電路布局權 | Rights in Circuit Layouts |
積體電路 | Integrated Circuit |
積體電路電路布局保護法 | Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act |
積體電路電路布局保護法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of the Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act |
積體電路電路布局規費收費準則 | Rules for Integrated Circuit Layout Fees |
積體電路電路布局鑑定暨調解委員會設置辦法 | Rules Governing Assessment and Mediation Committee for Integrated Circuit Layout |
拋棄商標 | abandonment of a mark |
絕對事由 | absolute grounds |
取得識別性 | acquired distinctiveness |
送達地址 | address for service |
美感功能性 | aesthetic functionality |
與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 | Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right (TRIPS) |
使用聲明 | allegation of use |
爭議解決方案 | Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) |
使用聲明之修正 | Amendment to Allege Use (AAU) |
反網域名稱搶註消費者保護法 | Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) |
上訴法院 | appeal court |
商標外觀 | appearance of a mark |
原產地名稱 | appellation of origin |
申請人 | applicant |
註冊申請案 | application |
任意性商標 | arbitrary mark |
亞洲專利代理人協會 | Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) |
亞太經濟合作 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) |
商業使用聲明 | Assertions of Use in Commerce |
受讓人 | assignee |
營業未一併移轉之移轉 | assignment in gross |
讓與人 | assignor |
相關的商品或服務 | associated goods/services |
聯合商標 | associated mark |
東南亞國協 | Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) |
惡意 | bad faith |
荷比盧註冊系統 | Benelux Registration system |
伯恩公約(著作權) | Berne Convention |
雙邊投資條約 | bilateral investment treaties (BIT) |
善意的 | bona fide |
邊境保護 | border protection |
布魯塞爾公約(著作權) | Brussels Convention |
舉證責任 | burden of proof |
發生混淆 | cause confusion |
存證信函 | cease and desist letter |
證明標章 | certification mark |
交易管道 | channels of trade |
電路布局權 | circuit layout rights |
據以核駁的註冊商標 | cited registration |
優先權聲明 | claim priority |
奪回 | claw-back |
聯邦法規法典 | Code of Federal Regulations (C. F. R.) |
併存協議 | co-existence agreement |
創意性商標 | coined mark |
團體標章(定義同團體商標) | collective mark |
團體會員標章 | collective membership mark |
團體商標 | collective trademark |
生效日期 | commencement date |
商業條款 | commerce clause |
商業印象 | commercial impression |
一般商業名稱 | common commercial name |
一般農業政策 | Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) |
普通法商標,商標所有人因商標使用於商業上 獲得普通法上之權利 | Common Law trade mark |
共同體新式樣規則 | Community Designs Regulation (CDR) |
共同體商標 | Community Trade Mark (CTM) |
共同體商標規則 | Community Trade Mark Regulation (CTMR) |
比較性廣告 | comparative advertising |
主管機關 | competent authority |
聯合式商標 | composite mark |
強制授權 | compulsory licensing |
併存使用 | concurrent use |
衝突之商標 | conflicting marks |
Subsets and Splits