stringlengths 2
| en
stringlengths 3
授權權利金 | license royalty |
被授權人 | licensee |
混淆之虞 | likelihood of confusion |
淡化之虞 | likelihood of dilution |
羅卡諾協定(新式樣) | Locarno Agreement |
馬德里協定 | Madrid Agreement |
馬德里議定書 | Madrid Protocol |
授權 | mandate |
備忘錄 | Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |
最惠國待遇 | Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment |
一案多類申請案 | Multiple-class application |
營業未移轉之移轉 | naked assignment |
國民待遇 | National Treatment |
尼斯協定 | Nice Agreement |
尼斯分類 | Nice classification |
非專屬授權 | non-exclusive license |
非政府組織 | Non-Government Organization (NGO) |
北美自由貿易協定 | North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) |
核准通知 | Notice of Allowance (NOA) |
氣味商標 | olfactory mark |
異議期間 | opposition period |
異議程序 | opposition proceeding |
經濟合作暨發展組織 | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) |
平行輸入 | parallel import |
巴黎公約 | Paris Convention |
假冒 | passing off |
專利法條約 | Patent Law Treaty (PLT) |
專利合作條約 | Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) |
審查中的申請案 | pending applications |
幽靈商標 | phantom mark |
育種人權利 | plant breeder's right |
拍立得要素 | Polaroid factors |
可攜式文件格式 | Portable document format (PDF) |
代理委任狀 | Power of Attorney (POA) |
初步禁制令 | preliminary injunction |
初步印象 | prima facie |
主要註冊簿 | principal register |
在先使用 | prior use |
優先權請求 | priority claim |
優先權申請日 | priority filing date |
保護客體 | protectable subject matter |
暫時性措施 | provisional procedures |
準財產權 | quasi-property rights |
預防性禁制令 | quia timet injunction |
互惠待遇 | reciprocal treatment |
移轉、轉讓登記 | recordation of the assignment |
退費 | refund |
核駁;拒絕 | refusal |
註冊人 | registrant |
註冊 | registration |
註冊證 | registration certificate |
上訴駁回 | rejection of appeal |
相對事由 | relative ground |
相關購買人 | relevant purchaser |
相關消費大眾 | relevant purchasing public |
侵害賠償 | remedies for infringement |
延展註冊 | renewals of registration |
反向混淆 | reverse confusion |
廢止 | revocation |
先使用權 | Rights of prior use |
羅馬公約(著作權) | Rome Convention |
原產地規則(made in ×××) | Rule of Origin |
造謠中傷的、誹謗性的 | scandalous |
氣味商標 | scent mark |
第 2 層域名 | second level domain name (SLD) |
第二層意義 | secondary meaning |
先使用人 | senior user |
系列商標 | series of marks |
服務商標 | service mark |
中小企業 | Small and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) |
獨家授權 | sole license |
讀音、外觀、觀念 | Sound, Appearance and Meaning (S.A.M.) |
商標、工業設計、地理標示法常務委員會(WIPO 下委員會) | Standing Committee on the Law of Trade Marks, Industrial Design and Geographical Indications (SCT) |
使用聲明 | Statement of Use (SOU) |
法定期間 | statutory period |
強勢商標 | strong mark |
實體專利法條約 | Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) |
實體專利法條約 | Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) |
實體核駁理由 | substantive reasons for refusal |
暗示性商標 | suggestive mark |
輔助註冊簿 | supplemental register |
緩辦函 | suspension letter |
暫不放行 | suspension of release |
台灣精品標誌 | Symbol of Excellence |
暫時禁制令 | temporary restraining order (TRO) |
內部市場協調局(歐盟商標局) | The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) |
立體商標 | three-dimensional mark |
營業包裝 | trade dress |
商標公報(英國) | trade mark journal |
商標註冊簿 | trade mark register |
營業名稱 | trade name |
營業秘密 | trade secret |
商標申請及註冊恢復系統(USPTO) | Trademark Application and Registration Retrieval System (TARR) |
商標法 | Trademark Act |
商標代理人 | trademark attorney |
商標線上申請系統(USPTO) | Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) |
商標線上檢索系統(USPTO) | Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) |
商標法條約 | Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) |
商標審查程序手冊(USPTO) | Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) |
商標公報 | Trademark Official Gazette |
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