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400 | {"en": "Baloch's murder made international headlines and reignited calls for action against an epidemic of so-called \"honour killings,\" in which a victim -- usually a woman -- is murdered for flouting patriarchal social codes.\n", "cs": "Vra\u017eda Balochov\u00e9 plnila mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed titulky novin a znovu o\u017eivila v\u00fdzvy k boji proti tzv. \u201evra\u017ed\u00e1m ze cti\u201c, p\u0159i kter\u00fdch je ob\u011b\u0165 \u2013 obvykle \u017eena \u2013 zavra\u017ed\u011bna podle pravidel patriarch\u00e1ln\u00edho zvykov\u00e9ho pr\u00e1va.\n"} |
401 | {"en": "Women have been burned, shot, stabbed and strangled for offences such as choosing their own husband or -- in Baloch's case -- bringing \"shame\" on their family by celebrating their sexuality.\n", "cs": "\u017deny jsou upalov\u00e1ny, zast\u0159eleny, pobod\u00e1ny nebo u\u0161krceny kv\u016fli proh\u0159e\u0161k\u016fm, jako je volba man\u017eela podle vlastn\u00edho rozhodnut\u00ed nebo \u2013 v p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b Balochov\u00e9 \u2013 uvalen\u00ed \u201ehanby\u201c na rodinu oslavou vlastn\u00ed sexuality.\n"} |
402 | {"en": "The killings are usually carried out by a close relative. Under Pakistan's Qisas (blood money) and Diyat (retribution) law, they can then seek forgiveness from a victim's relatives.\n", "cs": "Zabit\u00ed obvykle vykon\u00e1 bl\u00edzk\u00fd p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00fd rodiny. Podle p\u00e1kist\u00e1nsk\u00fdch z\u00e1kon\u016f Qisas (krevn\u00ed pen\u00edze) a Diyat (odplata) pak m\u016f\u017ee hledat odpu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed u p\u0159\u00edbuzn\u00fdch ob\u011bti.\n"} |
403 | {"en": "Three months after Baloch's murder, parliament passed new legislation mandating life imprisonment for honour killings.\n", "cs": "T\u0159i m\u011bs\u00edce po vra\u017ed\u011b Balochov\u00e9 schv\u00e1lil parlament novou legislativu, kter\u00e1 na\u0159izuje trest do\u017eivotn\u00edho v\u011bzen\u00ed p\u0159i sp\u00e1ch\u00e1n\u00ed vra\u017edy ze cti.\n"} |
404 | {"en": "However, whether a murder is defined as a crime of honour is left to the judge's discretion, meaning that killers can theoretically claim a different motive and still be pardoned.\n", "cs": "To, zda je vra\u017eda definov\u00e1na jako zlo\u010din ze cti, je v\u0161ak ponech\u00e1no na uv\u00e1\u017een\u00ed soudce, co\u017e znamen\u00e1, \u017ee vrazi mohou m\u00edt teoreticky i jin\u00fd motiv a p\u0159esto dos\u00e1hnout omilostn\u011bn\u00ed.\n"} |
405 | {"en": "In Baloch's case, her parents initially insisted their son would be given no absolution.\n", "cs": "V p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b Balochov\u00e9 jej\u00ed rodi\u010de p\u016fvodn\u011b trvali na tom, aby jejich syn nebyl omilostn\u011bn.\n"} |
406 | {"en": "But, heartbroken at the thought of losing him also, they changed their minds and said they wanted him to be forgiven.\n", "cs": "Ale p\u0159i bolestn\u00e9 p\u0159edstav\u011b, \u017ee o syna p\u0159ijdou, zm\u011bnili n\u00e1zor a prohl\u00e1sili, \u017ee si p\u0159ej\u00ed jeho propu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed.\n"} |
407 | {"en": "International revulsion at the killing had seen the Pakistani state take the unprecedented step of declaring itself an heir alongside the parents, however, forcing the case to move ahead.\n", "cs": "Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed odpor proti zab\u00edjen\u00ed v\u011bd\u011bl, \u017ee p\u00e1kist\u00e1nsk\u00fd st\u00e1t podnikl bezprecedentn\u00ed krok, kdy\u017e se prohl\u00e1sil spolu s rodi\u010di ob\u011bti za d\u011bdice, ale z\u00e1rove\u0148 se sna\u017eil p\u0159\u00edpad posunout kup\u0159edu.\n"} |
408 | {"en": "Some of Baloch's better-known actions included offering to perform a striptease for the Pakistani cricket team, and donning a plunging scarlet dress on Valentine's Day.\n", "cs": "Mezi zn\u00e1m\u011bj\u0161\u00ed po\u010diny Balochov\u00e9 pat\u0159ila nab\u00eddka stript\u00fdzu pro p\u00e1kist\u00e1nsk\u00fd kriketov\u00fd t\u00fdm a no\u0161en\u00ed \u0161arlatov\u00fdch \u0161at\u016f s hlubok\u00fdm v\u00fdst\u0159ihem v den sv\u00e1tku sv. Valent\u00fdna.\n"} |
409 | {"en": "She attracted criticism and threats but was perceived by many, including young people, as breaking new ground in a country where presenting yourself as a Kim Kardashian-like figure can be seen as a bold, political act of women's empowerment.\n", "cs": "Byla ter\u010dem kritiky a hrozeb, ale mnoz\u00ed, v\u010detn\u011b mlad\u00fdch lid\u00ed, ji vn\u00edmali jako pr\u016fkopnici nov\u00fdch trend\u016f v zemi, ve kter\u00e9 je prezentace sebe sam\u00e9 jako Kim Kardashian vn\u00edm\u00e1na jako odv\u00e1\u017en\u00fd politick\u00fd po\u010din, kter\u00e1 m\u00e1 pos\u00edlit postaven\u00ed tamn\u00edch \u017een.\n"} |
410 | {"en": "The roots of \"honour\" killings lie in tribal social norms, which remain prevalent across South Asia and dictate the behaviour of women in particular, though men can be victims too.\n", "cs": "Ko\u0159eny vra\u017ed ze \u201ecti\u201c spo\u010d\u00edvaj\u00ed v kmenov\u00fdch soci\u00e1ln\u00edch pravidlech, kter\u00e9 p\u0159etrv\u00e1vaj\u00ed v cel\u00e9 ji\u017en\u00ed Asii a diktuj\u00ed zejm\u00e9na chov\u00e1n\u00ed \u017een, i kdy\u017e ob\u011b\u0165mi mohou b\u00fdt i mu\u017ei.\n"} |
411 | {"en": "Three Scottish students named among Europe's best\n", "cs": "T\u0159i skot\u0161t\u00ed studenti byli za\u0159azeni mezi nejlep\u0161\u00ed v Evrop\u011b\n"} |
412 | {"en": "Three University of Dundee students have been named regional winners as top graduates in Europe.\n", "cs": "T\u0159i studenti z Univerzity Dundee se stali region\u00e1ln\u00edmi v\u00edt\u011bzi jako nejlep\u0161\u00ed evrop\u0161t\u00ed absolventi.\n"} |
413 | {"en": "The University of Dundee students were named as top graduates in their respective fields in Europe in the 2019 Global Undergraduate Awards, whilst five other students from the same university were praised by the judges.\n", "cs": "Studenti Univerzity Dundee byli ocen\u011bni jako nejlep\u0161\u00ed absolventi ve sv\u00fdch oborech v Evrop\u011b v roce 2019 a byla jim ud\u011blena cena Global Undergraduate Awards a p\u011bt dal\u0161\u00edch student\u016f ze stejn\u00e9 univerzity porota pochv\u00e1lila.\n"} |
414 | {"en": "Scott Sheldrick, who graduated in Molecular Genetics, won the Europe award for Life Sciences, Chester Cornford studied MSc Mental Health Nursing and was awarded the Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Healthcare prize, whilst Lola Knibb won the Visual Arts award.\n", "cs": "Scott Sheldrick, kter\u00fd vystudoval molekul\u00e1rn\u00ed genetiku, z\u00edskal cenu za humanitn\u00ed v\u011bdy, Chester Cornford vystudoval obor p\u00e9\u010de o du\u0161evn\u00ed zdrav\u00ed s titulem MSc a z\u00edskal cenu za o\u0161et\u0159ovatelstv\u00ed, porodn\u00ed asistenci a souvisej\u00edc\u00ed obory, a nakonec Lola Knibbov\u00e1 z\u00edskala cenu za vizu\u00e1ln\u00ed um\u011bn\u00ed.\n"} |
415 | {"en": "Although all three made it through to the global final, they lost out in the final round to strong competition from some of the 3,500 entrants from across the world.\n", "cs": "P\u0159esto\u017ee se v\u0161ichni t\u0159i dostali do celosv\u011btov\u00e9ho fin\u00e1le, v n\u011bm prohr\u00e1li se silnou konkurenc\u00ed v podob\u011b dal\u0161\u00edch 3 500 \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f z cel\u00e9ho sv\u011bta.\n"} |
416 | {"en": "Professor Blair Grubb, Vice-Principal (Education) at the University, said: \"To get to this stage, our students and graduates faced competition from peers attending some of the world's top universities.\n", "cs": "Profesor Blair Grubb, univerzitn\u00ed z\u00e1stupce \u0159editele pro vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed, uvedl: \u201eAbychom se dostali a\u017e do t\u00e9to f\u00e1ze, museli na\u0161i studenti a absolventi \u010delit konkurenci sv\u00fdch vrstevn\u00edk\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed studuj\u00ed na nejlep\u0161\u00edch sv\u011btov\u00fdch univerzit\u00e1ch.\n"} |
417 | {"en": "\"The Undergraduate Awards are fiercely contested by thousands of students around the world and it is a great reflection of the quality of our students, and the education they receive here, that Dundee is so strongly represented amongst the prize winners.\n", "cs": "\u201eO ocen\u011bn\u00ed za vysoko\u0161kolsk\u00e1 studia velmi usiluj\u00ed tis\u00edce student\u016f z cel\u00e9ho sv\u011bta a to, \u017ee Univerzita Dundee je tak v\u00fdrazn\u011b zastoupena mezi v\u00fdherci, odr\u00e1\u017e\u00ed vysokou kvalitu na\u0161ich student\u016f a vzd\u011bl\u00e1n\u00ed, kter\u00e9 zde z\u00edsk\u00e1vaj\u00ed.\n"} |
418 | {"en": "\"I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to Scott, Chester and Lola on this fantastic achievement, alongside the other Dundee representatives who were highly commended.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eCht\u011bl bych pod\u011bkovat a srde\u010dn\u011b pogratulovat Scottovi, Chesterovi a Lole k tomuto fantastick\u00e9mu \u00fasp\u011bchu i dal\u0161\u00edm reprezentant\u016fm Univerzity Dundee, kte\u0159\u00ed byli tak vysoce ocen\u011bni.\u201c\n"} |
419 | {"en": "Another five students were commended in the world's leading undergraduate awards programme, which recognises top work completed by undergraduates to share this with a global audience.\n", "cs": "Dal\u0161\u00edch p\u011bt student\u016f bylo ocen\u011bno v hlavn\u00edm sv\u011btov\u00e9m projektu cen pro vysoko\u0161kolsk\u00e9 studenty, kter\u00fd oce\u0148uje skv\u011blou pr\u00e1ci vysoko\u0161kol\u00e1k\u016f a sd\u00edl\u00ed ji s celosv\u011btovou ve\u0159ejnost\u00ed.\n"} |
420 | {"en": "Included in the five praised students were Nicholas Gallagher and James Osbourne (both Life Sciences), Ferenc Kohsuke Ishikawa Gutai (Medicine), Caitlyn Scott (Anatomical Sciences) and Waco Yokoyama (Philosophy).\n", "cs": "Mezi p\u011bti ocen\u011bn\u00fdmi studenty byli Nicholas Gallagher a James Osbourne (studenti humanitn\u00edch obor\u016f), Ferenc Kohsuke Ishikawa Gutai (medic\u00edna), Caitlyn Scottov\u00e1 (anatomie) a Waco Yokoyama (filozofie).\n"} |
421 | {"en": "The competition further celebrates top undergraduate coursework and helps create collaborations between students and recent graduates worldwide.\n", "cs": "Sout\u011b\u017e d\u00e1le oce\u0148uje poveden\u00e9 bakal\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce a pom\u00e1h\u00e1 navazovat spolupr\u00e1ci mezi studenty a \u010derstv\u00fdmi absolventy na cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b.\n"} |
422 | {"en": "Oldest galaxy protocluster forms 'queen's court'\n", "cs": "Nejstar\u0161\u00ed skupina proto-galaxi\u00ed formuje tzv. \u201ekr\u00e1lovnin dv\u016fr\u201c\n"} |
423 | {"en": "Using the Subaru, Keck, and Gemini Telescopes, an international team of astronomers has discovered a collection of 12 galaxies which existed about 13.0 billion years ago. This is the earliest protocluster ever found. One of the 12 galaxies is a giant object, known as Himiko, which was discovered a decade ago by the Subaru Telescope and named for a mythological queen in ancient Japan. This discovery suggests that large structures such as protoclusters already existed when the Universe was only about 800 million years old, 6 percent of its present age.\n", "cs": "Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed t\u00fdm astronom\u016f objevil s vyu\u017eit\u00edm dalekohled\u016f Subaru, Keck a Gemini soubor 12 galaxi\u00ed, kter\u00e9 existovaly p\u0159ed zhruba 13,0 miliardami let. Jedn\u00e1 se o nejstar\u0161\u00ed objevenou proto-galaxii. Jednou z 12 galaxi\u00ed je ob\u0159\u00ed objekt zn\u00e1m\u00fd jako Himiko, kter\u00fd objevil p\u0159ed deseti lety dalekohled Subaru a byl pojmenov\u00e1n podle mytologick\u00e9 kr\u00e1lovny ve star\u00e9m Japonsku. Tento objev nazna\u010duje, \u017ee velk\u00e9 struktury, jako jsou proto-galaxie, existovaly ji\u017e v dob\u011b, kdy\u017e byl vesm\u00edr jen asi 800 milion\u016f let star\u00fd, tedy 6 % sv\u00e9ho sou\u010dasn\u00e9ho v\u011bku.\n"} |
424 | {"en": "In the present Universe, galaxy clusters can contain hundreds of members, but how these clusters form is a big question in astronomy. To understand the formation of clusters, astronomers search for possible progenitors in the ancient Universe. A protocluster is a dense system of dozens of galaxies in the early Universe, growing into a cluster.\n", "cs": "V sou\u010dasn\u00e9m vesm\u00edru mohou skupiny galaxi\u00ed obsahovat stovky komponent\u016f, ale jak se tyto skupiny vytv\u00e1\u0159ej\u00ed, je dosud v astronomii velkou nezodpov\u011bzenou ot\u00e1zkou. Abychom pochopili vznik shluk\u016f, hledaj\u00ed astronomov\u00e9 mo\u017en\u00e9 p\u016fvodce ve star\u00e9m vesm\u00edru. Proto-galaxie je hust\u00fd syst\u00e9m tvo\u0159en\u00fd des\u00edtkami galaxi\u00ed v ran\u00e9m vesm\u00edru, kter\u00e9 se sr\u016fstaly do shluk\u016f.\n"} |
425 | {"en": "Yuichi Harikane, a JSPS fellow at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan who led the team of astronomers explains, \"A protocluster is a rare and special system with an extremely high density, and not easy to find. To overcome this problem, we used the wide field of view of the Subaru Telescope to map a large area of the sky and look for protoclusters.\"\n", "cs": "Yuichi Harikane, \u010dlen JSPS na N\u00e1rodn\u00ed astronomick\u00e9 observato\u0159i v Japonsku, kter\u00fd vedl t\u00fdm astronom\u016f, vysv\u011btluje: \u201eProto-galaxie je vz\u00e1cn\u00fd a speci\u00e1ln\u00ed syst\u00e9m s extr\u00e9mn\u011b vysokou hustotou a nen\u00ed snadn\u00e9 ho objevit. K p\u0159ekon\u00e1n\u00ed tohoto probl\u00e9mu jsme pou\u017eili \u0161irok\u00e9 zorn\u00e9 pole dalekohledu Subaru pro zmapov\u00e1n\u00ed velik\u00e9 oblasti oblohy a hled\u00e1n\u00ed proto-galaxi\u00ed.\u201c\n"} |
426 | {"en": "In the map of the Universe made by the Subaru Telescope, the team discovered a protocluster candidate, z66OD, where galaxies are 15 times more concentrated than normal for that era. The team then conducted follow-up spectroscopic observations using the W.M. Keck Observatory and Gemini North telescope, and confirmed 12 galaxies which existed 13.0 billion years ago, making it the earliest protocluster known to date.\n", "cs": "Na map\u011b vesm\u00edru pomoc\u00ed dalekohledu Subaru objevil t\u00fdm astronom\u016f kandid\u00e1ta na proto-galaxii, z66OD, ve kter\u00e9m jsou galaxie na tehdej\u0161\u00ed \u00e9ru 15kr\u00e1t v\u00edce koncentrovan\u00e9, ne\u017e je obvykl\u00e9. T\u00fdm pot\u00e9 provedl n\u00e1sledn\u00e1 spektroskopick\u00e1 pozorov\u00e1n\u00ed pomoc\u00ed W.M. Keckovy observato\u0159e a dalekohledu Gemini North a potvrdil objev 12 galaxi\u00ed, kter\u00e9 existovaly p\u0159ed 13,0 miliardami let, d\u00edky \u010demu\u017e se staly prvn\u00edm dosud zn\u00e1mou proto-galaxi\u00ed.\n"} |
427 | {"en": "Interestingly, one of the 12 galaxies in z66OD was a giant object with a huge body of gas, known as Himiko, which was found previously by the Subaru Telescope in 2009. \"It is reasonable to find a protocluster near a massive object, such as Himiko. However, we're surprised to see that Himiko was located not in the center of the protocluster, but on the edge 500 million light-years away from the center.\" said Masami Ouchi, a team member at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the University of Tokyo, who discovered Himiko in 2009. Ironically, the mythological queen Himiko is also said to have lived cloistered away from her people. Ouchi continues, \"It is still not understood why Himiko is not located in the center. These results will be a key for understanding the relationship between clusters and massive galaxies.\"\n", "cs": "Je zaj\u00edmav\u00e9, \u017ee jednou z 12 galaxi\u00ed v z66OD je obrovsk\u00fd objekt s ohromn\u00fdm plynov\u00fdm t\u011blem, zn\u00e1m\u00fd jako Himiko, kter\u00fd ji\u017e d\u0159\u00edve, v roce 2009, objevil dalekohled Subaru. \u201eJe v po\u0159\u00e1dku, \u017ee se proto-galaxie nach\u00e1z\u00ed pobl\u00ed\u017e masivn\u00edho objektu, jako je Himiko. P\u0159ekvapilo n\u00e1s v\u0161ak, \u017ee Himiko se nenach\u00e1z\u00ed ve st\u0159edu proto-galaxie, ale na jej\u00edm okraji, asi 500 milion\u016f sv\u011bteln\u00fdch let daleko od st\u0159edu\u201c, uvedl Masami Ouchi, \u010dlen t\u00fdmu N\u00e1rodn\u00ed astronomick\u00e9 observato\u0159e v Japonsku a Tokijsk\u00e9 univerzity, kter\u00fd Himiko v roce 2009 objevil. Ironi\u00ed je, \u017ee mytologick\u00e1 kr\u00e1lovna Himiko tak\u00e9 \u00fadajn\u011b \u017eila v kl\u00e1\u0161te\u0159e stranou od sv\u00fdch lid\u00ed. Ouchi pokra\u010duje: \u201eSt\u00e1le nen\u00ed jasn\u00e9, pro\u010d se Himiko nenach\u00e1z\u00ed ve st\u0159edu galaxie. Tyto v\u00fdsledky budou kl\u00ed\u010dem k pochopen\u00ed vztahu mezi shluky a masivn\u00edmi galaxiemi.\u201c\n"} |
428 | {"en": "Nancy Pelosi is subject of book by daughter Christine Pelosi\n", "cs": "Nancy Pelosiov\u00e1 se stala n\u00e1m\u011btem pro knihu sv\u00e9 dcery Christine Pelosiov\u00e9\n"} |
429 | {"en": "An upcoming book on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi comes from someone who knows her well, daughter Christine Pelosi.\n", "cs": "Autorkou p\u0159ipravovan\u00e1 knihy o p\u0159edsedkyni Sn\u011bmovny reprezentant\u016f Nancy Pelosiov\u00e9 je osoba, kter\u00e1 ji dob\u0159e zn\u00e1, jej\u00ed dcera Christine Pelosiov\u00e1.\n"} |
430 | {"en": "\"The Nancy Pelosi Way\" will be released Nov. 26, Skyhorse Publishing announced Thursday. Christine Pelosi's book will examine how a mother of five became the first female house speaker and her current leadership of House Democrats during the Trump administration. According to Skyhorse, Christine Pelosi will weave together \"the professional and personal experiences\" of her mother.\n", "cs": "\u201eThe Nancy Pelosi Way\u201c bude vyd\u00e1na 26. listopadu, ozn\u00e1milo ve \u010dtvrtek nakladatelstv\u00ed Skyhorse Publishing. Kniha Christiny Pelosiov\u00e9 popisuje, jak se matka p\u011bti d\u011bt\u00ed stala p\u0159edsedkyn\u00ed strany demokrat\u016f a sou\u010dasn\u011b p\u0159edsedkyn\u00ed Sn\u011bmovny reprezentant\u016f b\u011bhem Trumpova \u00fa\u0159adov\u00e1n\u00ed. Podle Skyhorse bude Christine Pelosiov\u00e1 v knize prol\u00ednat \u201eprofesion\u00e1ln\u00ed i osobn\u00ed z\u00e1\u017eitky\u201c sv\u00e9 matky.\n"} |
431 | {"en": "Christine Pelosi is a Democratic Party strategist and author of \"Campaign Boot Camp\" and \"Campaign Boot Camp 2.0.\" Pelosi's sister, Alexandra Pelosi, is a filmmaker and journalist who has made several documentaries about contemporary politics.\n", "cs": "Christine Pelosiov\u00e1 je strat\u00e9gem strany demokrat\u016f a autorkou \u201eCampaign Boot Camp\u201c a \u201eCampaign Boot Camp 2.0\u201c. Jej\u00ed sestra Alexandra Pelosiov\u00e1 je re\u017eis\u00e9rkou a novin\u00e1\u0159kou, kter\u00e1 nato\u010dila n\u011bkolik dokument\u016f o sou\u010dasn\u00e9 politice.\n"} |
432 | {"en": "Warren's lemonade money went to a pro-life charity\n", "cs": "Pen\u00edze sen\u00e1torky Warrenov\u00e9 za limon\u00e1dy \u0161ly na dobro\u010dinn\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dely\n"} |
433 | {"en": "When Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) purchased drinks from two girls running a lemonade stand in August, she may not have been aware that her $10 purchase would be donated to a pro-life charity.\n", "cs": "Kdy\u017e v srpnu koupila sen\u00e1torka Elizabeth Warrenov\u00e1 (D., Mass.) limon\u00e1dy ve st\u00e1nku, ve kter\u00e9m prod\u00e1valy dv\u011b d\u00edvky, mo\u017en\u00e1 netu\u0161ila, \u017ee jej\u00edch 10 dolar\u016f bylo v\u011bnov\u00e1no na dobro\u010dinn\u00e9 \u00fa\u010dely.\n"} |
434 | {"en": "\"Our daughters thought [Warren] was nice,\" Dan Michels, a Trump supporter and a father to one of the girls, told the Washington Free Beacon. \"She came by and told us we should vote for her. And our daughters told us she was a nice person, but we don't align with her politically and ... because she's pro-choice, we said we should donate her money to a pro-life [cause].\"\n", "cs": "\u201eNa\u0161e dcery si myslely, \u017ee [Warrenov\u00e1] byla velmi mil\u00e1,\u201c \u0159ekl Washington Free Beacon Dan Michels, stoupenec Trumpa a otec jedn\u00e9 z d\u00edvek. \u201eP\u0159i\u0161la a \u0159ekla n\u00e1m, abychom pro ni hlasovali. A na\u0161e dcery n\u00e1m \u0159ekly, \u017ee je to mil\u00e1 osoba, nicm\u00e9n\u011b m\u00e1me odli\u0161n\u00e9 politick\u00e9 n\u00e1zory ... a proto\u017ee je odp\u016frkyn\u00ed potrat\u016f, \u0159ekli jsme si, \u017ee bychom mohli v\u011bnovat pen\u00edze na hnut\u00ed proti nim.\u201c\n"} |
435 | {"en": "On August 8, Warren stopped by a lemonade stand staffed by two 11-year-old children, Sienna Michels and Audrey Billings, during a campaign bus tour across Iowa.\n", "cs": "8. srpna, b\u011bhem autobusov\u00e9 volebn\u00ed kampan\u011b v Iow\u011b, se Warrenov\u00e1 zastavila u st\u00e1nku s limon\u00e1dou, kter\u00fd obsluhovaly dv\u011b jeden\u00e1ctilet\u00e9 d\u011bti, Sienna Michelsov\u00e1 a Audrey Billingsov\u00e1.\n"} |
436 | {"en": "\"Stopped for a quick drink at a lemonade stand in Harlan, Iowa. When life gives you lemons, make big structural change!\" Warren said on Twitter.\n", "cs": "\u201eZastavila jsem se pro rychl\u00e9 pit\u00ed u st\u00e1nku s limon\u00e1dou v Harlanu v Iow\u011b. Kdy\u017e v\u00e1m \u017eivot nad\u011bl\u00ed citrony, ud\u011blejte velk\u00e9 struktur\u00e1ln\u00ed zm\u011bny!\u201c napsala Warrenov\u00e1 na Twitteru.\n"} |
437 | {"en": "The two kids were excited about meeting a presidential candidate in person. The Michels girl urged her parents to vote for the Massachusetts senator in 2020 after the photo op. The parents instead explained Warren's stance on abortion. The girls and their parents decided to donate to the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, a non-profit that supports pro-life legislation.\n", "cs": "Ob\u011b d\u011bti byly nad\u0161en\u00e9 osobn\u00edm setk\u00e1n\u00edm s prezidentskou kandid\u00e1tkou. Pot\u00e9, co se spolu vyfotografovaly, Michelsov\u00e1 vyzvala sv\u00e9 rodi\u010de, aby v roce hlasovali pro sen\u00e1torku Massachusetts. Rodi\u010de d\u011btem m\u00edsto toho vysv\u011btlili postoj Warrenov\u00e9 k potrat\u016fm. D\u00edvky a jejich rodi\u010de se pak rozhodli darovat pen\u00edze fondu organizace Pochod za celo\u017eivotn\u00ed vzd\u011bl\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a obranu, neziskov\u00e9 organizaci, kter\u00e1 podporuje legislativu usiluj\u00edc\u00ed o z\u00e1kaz potrat\u016f.\n"} |
438 | {"en": "\"My daughter told us she wanted us to vote for her,\" Michels said. \"We talked about the abortion part of things and said maybe we should donate money to stop abortion, and my daughter was all for that.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eMoje dcera n\u00e1m \u0159ekla, \u017ee chce, abychom pro sen\u00e1torku hlasovali,\u201c \u0159ekl Michels. \u201eBavili jsme se o potratech a \u0159ekli jsme si, \u017ee bychom m\u011bli v\u011bnovat pen\u00edze na podporu boje proti potrat\u016fm, a moje dcera byla pro.\u201c\n"} |
439 | {"en": "Why viruses like Herpes and Zika will need to be reclassified: Biotech impact\n", "cs": "Pro\u010d je pot\u0159eba p\u0159eklasifikovat viry jako herpes a zika: dopad na biotechnologie\n"} |
440 | {"en": "New research reveals that the way viruses were perceived in terms of their architecture will need to be retooled, because they are actually structured in many more patterns than previously understood. The findings could have significant impact on how they are classified, our understanding of how they form, evolve and infect hosts, and strategies to identify ways to design vaccines to target them.\n", "cs": "Nov\u00fd v\u00fdzkum ukazuje, \u017ee zp\u016fsob, jak\u00fdm byly viry vn\u00edm\u00e1ny z hlediska sv\u00e9 struktury, bude pot\u0159eba p\u0159ehodnotit, proto\u017ee maj\u00ed ve skute\u010dnosti mnohem slo\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed struktury tvo\u0159en\u00e9 z v\u00edce vzorc\u016f, ne\u017e tomu bylo d\u0159\u00edve. Tato zji\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed by mohla m\u00edt v\u00fdznamn\u00fd dopad na jejich klasifikaci, na na\u0161e porozum\u011bn\u00ed tomu, jak vznikaj\u00ed, vyv\u00edjej\u00ed se a infikuj\u00ed hostitele, a strategie k identifikaci zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak vyvinout vakc\u00edny, kter\u00e9 by se proti nim zam\u011b\u0159ovaly.\n"} |
441 | {"en": "In the 1950s and '60s as scientists began to obtain high resolution images of viruses, they discovered the detailed structure of the capsid -- an outer protective layer composed of multiple copies of the same protein -- which protects the virus' genetic material. The majority of viruses have capsids that are typically quasi-spherical and display icosahedral symmetry -- like a 20-sided dice for instance.\n", "cs": "V 50. a 60. letech, kdy v\u011bdci z\u00edsk\u00e1vali prvn\u00ed sn\u00edmky vir\u016f s vysok\u00fdm rozli\u0161en\u00edm, objevili podrobnou strukturu kapsidy \u2013 vn\u011bj\u0161\u00edho ochrann\u00e9ho pouzdra slo\u017een\u00e9ho z n\u011bkolika kopi\u00ed stejn\u00e9ho proteinu \u2013 kter\u00e1 chr\u00e1n\u00ed genetick\u00fd materi\u00e1l viru. V\u011bt\u0161ina vir\u016f m\u00e1 kapsidy, kter\u00e9 jsou typicky kvazi-sf\u00e9rick\u00e9 a vykazuj\u00ed ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00ed symetrii \u2013 jako nap\u0159\u00edklad kostky o 20 hran\u00e1ch.\n"} |
442 | {"en": "The capsid shell is what protects them, and as scientists discovered their structure, they proposed that capsids could have different sizes and hold different amounts of genome, and therefore could infect hosts differently.\n", "cs": "Obal kapsidy je jej\u00ed ochrann\u00e1 povrchov\u00e1 vrstva, a kdy\u017e v\u011bdci objevili jejich strukturu, p\u0159i\u0161li s teori\u00ed, \u017ee kapsidy maj\u00ed r\u016fzn\u00e9 velikosti a obsahuj\u00ed r\u016fzn\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed genomu, a proto mohou infikovat hostitele odli\u0161n\u00fdmi zp\u016fsoby.\n"} |
443 | {"en": "Why this matters\n", "cs": "Pro\u010d je to d\u016fle\u017eit\u00e9\n"} |
444 | {"en": "When designing drugs to target viruses, scientists can now take their varying structural shapes into account to improve efficacy.\n", "cs": "P\u0159i vyv\u00edjen\u00e9 l\u00e9\u010div proti vir\u016fm mohou nyn\u00ed v\u011bdci vz\u00edt v \u00favahu jejich r\u016fzn\u00e9 struktur\u00e1ln\u00ed tvary, aby se zv\u00fd\u0161ila \u00fa\u010dinnost l\u00e9k\u016f.\n"} |
445 | {"en": "Two researchers who study the structures of viruses, Antoni Luque, a theoretical biophysicist at San Diego State University and a member of its Viral Information Institute, and Reidun Twarock, a mathematical biologist from the University of York, UK, and a member of York's Cross-disciplinary Centre for Systems Analysis, show that many viruses have essentially been misclassified for 60 years, including common viruses such as Herpes simplex and Zika.\n", "cs": "Dva v\u011bdci, kte\u0159\u00ed studuj\u00ed struktury vir\u016f, Antoni Luque, teoretick\u00fd biofyzik na st\u00e1tn\u00ed univerzit\u011b v San Diegu a \u010dlen tamn\u00edho Virov\u00e9ho informa\u010dn\u00edho institutu, a Reidun Twarock, matematick\u00fd biolog z Univerzity York ve Velk\u00e9 Brit\u00e1nii a \u010dlen Disciplin\u00e1rn\u00edho st\u0159ediska pro syst\u00e9movou anal\u00fdzu v Yorku, pouk\u00e1zali na to, \u017ee mnoho vir\u016f bylo v podstat\u011b b\u011bhem uplynul\u00fdch 60 let nespr\u00e1vn\u011b klasifikov\u00e1no, v\u010detn\u011b b\u011b\u017en\u00fdch vir\u016f, jako jsou herpes simplex nebo zika.\n"} |
446 | {"en": "This was because despite having the structural images from cryo-electron microscopy, we did not have the mathematical description of many of the architectures of different viruses.\n", "cs": "Bylo tomu tak z d\u016fvodu, \u017ee i kdy\u017e byly k dispozici sn\u00edmky virov\u00fdch struktur z kryo-elektronov\u00e9 mikroskopie, neexistoval matematick\u00fd popis mnoha architektur r\u016fzn\u00fdch vir\u016f.\n"} |
447 | {"en": "\"We discovered six new ways in which proteins can organize to form icosahedral capsid shells,\" Luque said. \"So, many viruses don't adopt only the two broadly understood capsid architectures. There are now at least eight ways in which their icosahedral capsids could be designed.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eObjevili jsme \u0161est nov\u00fdch zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak\u00fdmi se proteiny mohou uspo\u0159\u00e1dat, aby vytvo\u0159ily ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00ed obaly kapsid,\u201c \u0159ekl Luque. \u201eTak\u017ee mnoho vir\u016f si neosvojilo pouze dv\u011b obecn\u011b ch\u00e1pan\u00e9 kapsidov\u00e9 architektury. Existuje p\u0159inejmen\u0161\u00edm osm zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak\u00fdmi se mohou tvo\u0159it jejich ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00ed kapsidy.\u201c\n"} |
448 | {"en": "They used a generalization of the quasiequivalence principle to see how proteins can wrap around an icosahedral capsid.\n", "cs": "Pou\u017eili obecn\u00fd princip kvaziekvivalence, aby zjistili, jak se proteiny obaluj\u00ed kolem ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00ed kapsidy.\n"} |
449 | {"en": "Their study, which will be published in Nature Communications on Friday, September 27, also shows that viruses that are part of the same structural lineage, based on the protein that they're composed of, adopt consistent icosahedral capsid layouts, providing a new approach to study virus evolution.\n", "cs": "Jejich studie, kter\u00e1 bude zve\u0159ejn\u011bna v \u010dasopise Nature Communications v p\u00e1tek 27. z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed, tak\u00e9 poukazuje na to, \u017ee viry, kter\u00e9 jsou sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed stejn\u00e9 strukturn\u00ed linie zalo\u017een\u00e9 na proteinu, ze kter\u00e9ho jsou slo\u017eeny, si p\u0159isvojuj\u00ed konzistentn\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00edch kapsid, \u010d\u00edm\u017e umo\u017e\u0148uj\u00ed nov\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup ke studiu v\u00fdvoje vir\u016f.\n"} |
450 | {"en": "Biotech applications\n", "cs": "Aplikace v biotechnologi\u00edch\n"} |
451 | {"en": "Structural biologists can now take this information and reclassify the structure of the viruses, which will help unveil molecular and evolutionary relationships between different viruses.\n", "cs": "Struktur\u00e1ln\u00ed biologov\u00e9 nyn\u00ed mohou tyto informace pou\u017e\u00edt a p\u0159eklasifikovat strukturu vir\u016f, co\u017e pom\u016f\u017ee odhalit molekul\u00e1rn\u00ed a evolu\u010dn\u00ed vztahy mezi r\u016fzn\u00fdmi viry.\n"} |
452 | {"en": "It will also provide a guide to engineer new molecular containers for nanotech and biotech applications, and it will help scientists to identify specific strategies to target the assembly of proteins in the capsid. This can eventually lead to a more systematic approach to developing antiviral vaccines.\n", "cs": "Poskytnou tak\u00e9 n\u00e1vod pro v\u00fdvoj nov\u00fdch molekul\u00e1rn\u00edch n\u00e1dob pro aplikace v nanotechnologi\u00edch a biotechnologi\u00edch a pom\u016f\u017eou v\u011bdc\u016fm identifikovat konkr\u00e9tn\u00ed strategie zam\u011b\u0159en\u00e9 na sestaven\u00ed protein\u016f v kapsid\u011b. To m\u016f\u017ee nakonec v\u00e9st k systemati\u010dt\u011bj\u0161\u00edmu p\u0159\u00edstupu p\u0159i v\u00fdvoji antivirov\u00fdch vakc\u00edn.\n"} |
453 | {"en": "\"We can use this discovery to target both the assembly and stability of the capsid, to either prevent the formation of the virus when it infects the host cell, or break it apart after it's formed,\" Luque said. \"This could facilitate the characterization and identification of antiviral targets for viruses sharing the same icosahedral layout.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eD\u00edky tomuto objevu se m\u016f\u017eeme zam\u011b\u0159it na slo\u017een\u00ed i stabilitu kapsidy, abychom bu\u010f zabr\u00e1nili vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed viru, kdy\u017e infikuje hostitelskou bu\u0148ku, nebo ji zni\u010dili pot\u00e9, co u\u017e se vytvo\u0159\u00ed,\u201c \u0159ekl Luque. \u201eMohlo by to usnadnit charakteristiku a identifikaci zam\u011b\u0159en\u00ed proti vir\u016fm, kter\u00e9 sd\u00edlej\u00ed stejnou ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00ed dispozici.\u201c\n"} |
454 | {"en": "This new framework accommodates viruses that were previously outliers, provides new predictions of viral capsid architectures, and has identified common geometrical patterns among distant evolutionary related viruses that infect everyone from humans to bacteria.\n", "cs": "Tento nov\u00fd r\u00e1mec zahrnuje viry, kter\u00fdm se d\u0159\u00edve v\u011bnovalo m\u00e9n\u011b pozornosti, poskytuje nov\u00e9 p\u0159edpoklady virov\u00fdch kapsidov\u00fdch architektur a identifikuje spole\u010dn\u00e9 geometrick\u00e9 vzorce mezi evolu\u010dn\u011b vzd\u00e1len\u00fdmi viry, kter\u00e9 infikuj\u00ed v\u0161echny \u017eiv\u00e9 struktury od lid\u00ed a\u017e po bakterie.\n"} |
455 | {"en": "Twarock said the new blueprints also provide \"a new perspective on viral evolution, suggesting novel routes in which larger and more complex viruses may have evolved from simple ones at evolutionary timescales.\"\n", "cs": "Twarock \u0159ekl, \u017ee nov\u00e1 zdokumentov\u00e1n\u00ed poskytuj\u00ed tak\u00e9 \u201enov\u00fd pohled na evoluci vir\u016f, nazna\u010duj\u00ed nov\u00e9 zp\u016fsoby, kter\u00fdmi se v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed a slo\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed viry mohou vyv\u00edjet z t\u011bch jednoduch\u00fdch v evolu\u010dn\u00edm \u010dasov\u00e9m m\u011b\u0159\u00edtku\u201c.\n"} |
456 | {"en": "Architectural applications\n", "cs": "Aplikace v architektu\u0159e\n"} |
457 | {"en": "The geometries could be also used in new architectural designs in buildings and construction.\n", "cs": "Geometrii vir\u016f lze vyu\u017e\u00edt tak\u00e9 v nov\u00fdch architektonick\u00fdch n\u00e1vrz\u00edch budov a staveb.\n"} |
458 | {"en": "Since the 1960s, these viral capsids have been classified using the geometrical framework introduced by structural biologist Donald Caspar and biophysicist Aaron Klug, which were inspired by the geodesic domes designed by the renowned architect R. Buckminster Fuller. However, as molecular imaging techniques have advanced, an increasing number of 3D viral capsid reconstructions that included viruses like Herpes or Zika have fallen out from this classical geometrical framework.\n", "cs": "Od 60. let jsou tyto virov\u00e9 kapsidy klasifikov\u00e1ny pomoc\u00ed geometrick\u00e9ho konceptu navr\u017een\u00e9ho struktur\u00e1ln\u00edm biologem Donaldem Casparem a biofyzikem Aaronem Klugem, kter\u00e9 inspirovaly geodetick\u00e9 kopule navr\u017een\u00e9 renomovan\u00fdm architektem R. Buckminsterem Fullerem. Ale jak se technologie molekul\u00e1rn\u00edho zobrazen\u00ed vyv\u00edjely, z tohoto klasick\u00e9ho geometrick\u00e9ho r\u00e1mce se vy\u010dle\u0148ovalo st\u00e1le v\u00edce 3D rekonstrukc\u00ed virov\u00fdch kapsid, v\u010detn\u011b vir\u016f herpes a zika.\n"} |
459 | {"en": "\"This study introduces a more general framework than the classic Caspar-Klug construction. It is based on the conservation of the local vertices formed by the proteins that interact in the capsid,\" Luque explained. \"This approach led to the discovery of six new types of icosahedral capsid layouts, while recovering the two classical layouts from Caspar-Klug based on Goldberg and geodesic polyhedra.\"\n", "cs": "\u201eTato studie vytvo\u0159ila obecn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed r\u00e1mec ne\u017e klasick\u00fd Caspar-Klug\u016fv koncept. Je zalo\u017eena na udr\u017eitelnosti lok\u00e1ln\u00edch vrcholov\u00fdch bod\u016f tvo\u0159en\u00fdch proteiny, kter\u00e9 na sebe vz\u00e1jemn\u011b p\u016fsob\u00ed v kapsid\u011b,\u201c vysv\u011btlil Luque. \u201eNov\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup vedl k objevu \u0161esti nov\u00fdch typ\u016f dispozic ikosahedr\u00e1ln\u00edch kapsid, p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e byly nahrazeny dv\u011b z p\u016fvodn\u00edch dispozic Caspar-Klugova pojet\u00ed na z\u00e1klad\u011b Goldberga a geodesick\u00fdch polyhedron\u016f.\u201c\n"} |
460 | {"en": "Priest who sexually abused boys in Wisconsin gets 30 years\n", "cs": "Kn\u011bz, kter\u00fd ve Wisconsinu sexu\u00e1ln\u011b zneu\u017e\u00edval chlapce, dostal 30 let v\u011bzen\u00ed\n"} |
461 | {"en": "A former priest accused of sexually assaulting young boys in Wisconsin decades ago has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.\n", "cs": "B\u00fdval\u00fd kn\u011bz obvin\u011bn\u00fd p\u0159ed mnoha lety ze sexu\u00e1ln\u00edho zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed mlad\u00fdch chlapc\u016f ve Wisconsinu byl odsouzen na 30 let v\u011bzen\u00ed.\n"} |
462 | {"en": "The Wausau Daily Herald reports that 72-year-old Thomas Ericksen received the maximum sentence Thursday on two charges of sexually assaulting young boys while stationed at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Winter in the late 70s and early 80s. He must register as a sex offender for life.\n", "cs": "Wausau Daily Herald p\u00ed\u0161e, \u017ee 72let\u00fd Thomas Ericksen dostal nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed mo\u017en\u00fd trest ve \u010dtvrtek za dv\u011b obvin\u011bn\u00ed ze sexu\u00e1ln\u00edho zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed mlad\u00fdch chlapc\u016f, kte\u0159\u00ed byli um\u00edst\u011bni do katolick\u00e9ho kostela sv. Petra v zim\u011b na konci 70. a za\u010d\u00e1tku 80. let. Mus\u00ed b\u00fdt do konce \u017eivota evidovan\u00fd jako sexu\u00e1ln\u00ed delikvent.\n"} |
463 | {"en": "Four men testified Thursday about how the assaults affected their lives. One of the victims went public for the first time.\n", "cs": "\u010cty\u0159i mu\u017ei ve \u010dtvrtek podali sv\u011bdectv\u00ed o tom, jak \u00fatoky ovlivnily jejich \u017eivoty. Toto\u017enost jedn\u00e9 z ob\u011bt\u00ed byla poprv\u00e9 zve\u0159ejn\u011bna.\n"} |
464 | {"en": "Ericksen apologized to the victims in court and said he has come to realize the impact the assaults had on victims. At least 11 men claim they were abused by Ericksen during his time in the clergy.\n", "cs": "Ericksen se mu\u017e\u016fm u soudu omluvil a \u0159ekl, \u017ee si uv\u011bdomuje dopad sv\u00e9ho zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed na ob\u011bti. Nejm\u00e9n\u011b 11 mu\u017e\u016f tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee byli Ericksenem zneu\u017e\u00edv\u00e1ni b\u011bhem jeho p\u016fsoben\u00ed v c\u00edrkvi.\n"} |
465 | {"en": "Ericksen was removed from the priesthood in 1988.\n", "cs": "Ericksen byl ji\u017e v roce 1988 zbaven kn\u011b\u017estv\u00ed.\n"} |
466 | {"en": "Having Too Much Of This Spice Could Damage Liver\n", "cs": "P\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho tohoto ko\u0159en\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee po\u0161kozovat j\u00e1tra\n"} |
467 | {"en": "Made from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree, cinnamon is a widely popular spice, earning itself a place in a large variety of food and even becoming a flavor itself.\n", "cs": "Vyroben\u00e1 z vnit\u0159n\u00ed k\u016fry stromu sko\u0159icovn\u00edku, pat\u0159\u00ed sko\u0159ice mezi velmi popul\u00e1rn\u00ed ko\u0159en\u00ed, zauj\u00edm\u00e1 p\u0159edn\u00ed m\u00edsto mezi potravinami a dokonce se st\u00e1v\u00e1 sama o sob\u011b ochucovadlem.\n"} |
468 | {"en": "And all for good reason since the spice is host to some very impressive health benefits, such as lowering the risk of life-threatening diseases like heart disease, cancer and even diabetes.\n", "cs": "A to v\u0161e m\u00e1 dobr\u00fd d\u016fvod, proto\u017ee ko\u0159en\u00ed je v n\u011bkter\u00fdch ohledech velmi prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9 pro zdrav\u00ed \u010dlov\u011bka, nap\u0159. sni\u017euje riziko \u017eivot ohro\u017euj\u00edc\u00edch chorob, jako jsou nemoci srdce, rakovina nebo dokonce cukrovka.\n"} |
469 | {"en": "But hold your horses just yet since too much of a good thing can be harmful, very harmful. And in this case, here are some side effects one can get if they eat too much cinnamon. Stay safe out there.\n", "cs": "Av\u0161ak dr\u017eme se na uzd\u011b, proto\u017ee p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho dobr\u00fdch v\u011bc\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee b\u00fdt \u0161kodliv\u00fdch, dokonce velmi \u0161kodliv\u00fdch. V tomto p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b jsou to vedlej\u0161\u00ed \u00fa\u010dinky, kter\u00e9 se projevuj\u00ed, pokud konzumujete p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho sko\u0159ice. Vyvarujte se tedy toho.\n"} |
470 | {"en": "May increase the risk of cancer - Unfortunately, while cinnamon can help lower the risk of cancer, it can also very much contribute to the development of it. Per animal studies, consuming too much coumarin, which is commonly found in Cassia cinnamon, may increase the risk of cancer development. Per scientists, coumarin does this by supposedly damaging our DNAs over time.\n", "cs": "M\u016f\u017ee zvy\u0161ovat riziko vzniku rakoviny \u2013 Bohu\u017eel, zat\u00edmco sko\u0159ice m\u016f\u017ee pom\u00e1hat sni\u017eovat riziko rakoviny, m\u016f\u017ee paradoxn\u011b tak\u00e9 velmi p\u0159isp\u011bt k jej\u00edmu rozvoji. Podle studi\u00ed proveden\u00fdch na pokusn\u00fdch zv\u00ed\u0159atech m\u016f\u017ee konzumace p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 velk\u00e9ho mno\u017estv\u00ed kumarinu, kter\u00e9 se b\u011b\u017en\u011b vyskytuje ve sko\u0159ici cassia, zv\u00fd\u0161it riziko rozvoje rakoviny. Podle v\u011bdc\u016f je to zp\u016fsobeno t\u00edm, \u017ee kumarin \u00fadajn\u011b po\u0161kozuje na\u0161e DNA.\n"} |
471 | {"en": "May cause liver damage - Per studies, too much coumarin can also be responsible for liver toxicity and damage. This is according to several studies made on the effects of too much coumarin in our bodies.\n", "cs": "M\u016f\u017ee zp\u016fsobit po\u0161kozen\u00ed jater \u2013 Podle studi\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho kumarinu zp\u016fsobit tak\u00e9 toxick\u00e9 po\u0161kozen\u00ed jater. To podle n\u011bkolika studi\u00ed ohledn\u011b \u00fa\u010dink\u016f na zdrav\u00ed zap\u0159\u00ed\u010di\u0148uje p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 velk\u00e9 mno\u017estv\u00ed kumarinu v lidsk\u00e9m t\u011ble.\n"} |
472 | {"en": "May cause mouth sores - Not only does too much cinnamon help contribute to deadly conditions but they may also cause mouth sores. This is supposedly because cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which is a compound that when ingested in large amounts, can cause an allergic reaction in our bodies. However, one can only get mouth sores from cinnamaldehyde when they're allergic from it.\n", "cs": "M\u016f\u017ee zp\u016fsobit vznik bol\u00e1k\u016f v \u00fastech \u2013 P\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho sko\u0159ice p\u0159isp\u00edv\u00e1 k \u00famrt\u00ed lid\u00ed, ale m\u016f\u017ee m\u00edt vliv tak\u00e9 na vznik bol\u00e1k\u016f v \u00fastech. Pravd\u011bpodobn\u011b proto, \u017ee sko\u0159ice obsahuje sko\u0159icov\u00fd aldehyd, co\u017e je slou\u010denina, kter\u00e1 p\u0159i po\u017eit\u00ed ve velk\u00e9m mno\u017estv\u00ed m\u016f\u017ee vyvolat alergickou reakci v na\u0161em t\u011ble. \u010clov\u011bku se ale m\u016f\u017eou ud\u011blat bol\u00e1ky ze sko\u0159icov\u00e9ho aldehydu jen tehdy, pokud je na n\u011bj alergick\u00fd.\n"} |
473 | {"en": "May cause breathing problems - This is more of a general precaution since cinnamon's fine texture makes it very easy to inhale that may cause coughing and gagging as well as the cinnamaldehyde in it acting as a throat irritant.\n", "cs": "M\u016f\u017ee vyvolat d\u00fdchac\u00ed pot\u00ed\u017ee \u2013 Jedn\u00e1 se sp\u00ed\u0161e o obecn\u00e9 preventivn\u00ed opat\u0159en\u00ed, proto\u017ee d\u00edky jemn\u00e9 struktu\u0159e sko\u0159ice ji lze sn\u00e1ze vdechnout, co\u017e m\u016f\u017ee zp\u016fsobit ka\u0161el a du\u0161nost, a tak\u00e9 sko\u0159icov\u00fd aldehyd, kter\u00fd vyvol\u00e1v\u00e1 v krku podr\u00e1\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed.\n"} |
474 | {"en": "May cause low blood sugar - For many people, cinnamon is helpful since it's well known for having the ability to lower our blood sugar. This is good, especially for those who suffer from high blood sugar. However, too many of it can make our blood sugar fall too low, posing a new set of health risks.\n", "cs": "M\u016f\u017ee zap\u0159\u00ed\u010dinit n\u00edzkou hladinu cukru v krvi \u2013 Pro mnoho lid\u00ed je sko\u0159ice prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e1, proto\u017ee je dob\u0159e zn\u00e1mo, \u017ee m\u00e1 schopnost sni\u017eovat hladinu cukru v krvi. To je prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e9 zejm\u00e9na pro osoby trp\u00edc\u00ed vysokou hladinou cukru. Nicm\u00e9n\u011b p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 mnoho sko\u0159ice m\u016f\u017ee naopak zp\u016fsobit, \u017ee hladina cukru v krvi klesne p\u0159\u00edli\u0161 n\u00edzko, co\u017e p\u0159edstavuje dal\u0161\u00ed zdravotn\u00ed rizika.\n"} |
475 | {"en": "Tennessee's abortion waiting period trial goes to judge\n", "cs": "Soud v Tenessee rozhodne o \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016ft\u011b v z\u00e1kon\u011b o potratech\n"} |
476 | {"en": "A federal judge will have to decide which experts to believe in a trial over Tennessee's 48-hour waiting period law for abortions.\n", "cs": "Feder\u00e1ln\u00ed soud bude muset rozhodnout, kte\u0159\u00ed experti maj\u00ed pravdu v soudn\u00edm \u0159\u00edzen\u00ed ohledn\u011b s 48-hodinov\u00e9 \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016fty v z\u00e1kon\u011b o potratech v Tennessee.\n"} |
477 | {"en": "Over the course of a four-day trial in Nashville that concluded Thursday, the state tried to show that the law, which requires women to make two separate trips to a clinic at least 48 hours apart, benefits women by allowing them time to reflect on their decisions. Attorneys representing five of the state's seven abortion clinics argued the law provides no benefits and causes significant burdens.\n", "cs": "V pr\u016fb\u011bhu \u010dty\u0159denn\u00edho soudn\u00edho procesu v Nashville, kter\u00fd skon\u010dil ve \u010dtvrtek, se st\u00e1t pokusil dok\u00e1zat, \u017ee z\u00e1kon, kter\u00fd vy\u017eaduje, aby \u017eeny p\u0159ed potratem uskute\u010dnily dv\u011b odd\u011blen\u00e9 cesty na kliniku s \u010dasov\u00fdm odstupem nejm\u00e9n\u011b 48 hodin, je \u017een\u00e1m prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00fd t\u00edm, \u017ee jim poskytne \u010das na zhodnocen\u00ed sv\u00e9ho rozhodnut\u00ed. Advok\u00e1ti zastupuj\u00edc\u00ed p\u011bt ze sedmi st\u00e1tn\u00edch klinik, na kter\u00fdch se prov\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed potraty, tvrd\u00ed, \u017ee z\u00e1kon neposkytuje \u017een\u00e1m \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 v\u00fdhody a zp\u016fsobuje jim naopak zna\u010dn\u00e9 b\u0159emeno.\n"} |
478 | {"en": "Experts for both sides agreed that some women seeking abortions are uncertain, and some women who go through with an abortion later regret their decision. But they differed on whether those constituted a large or small percentage of the women seeking abortions. The experts also disagreed on whether Tennessee's 48-hour waiting period would make any difference for those women.\n", "cs": "Odborn\u00edci obou stran se shodli na tom, \u017ee n\u011bkter\u00e9 \u017eeny jdouc\u00ed na potrat si nejsou jist\u00e9, a jin\u00e9 \u017eeny, kter\u00e9 potraty podstoupily, pozd\u011bji sv\u00e9ho rozhodnut\u00ed lituj\u00ed. Ale li\u0161ili se v n\u00e1zoru, zda se jedn\u00e1 o velk\u00e9 nebo men\u0161\u00ed procento \u017een. Odborn\u00edci tak\u00e9 nesouhlasili s t\u00edm, zda 48-hodinov\u00e1 \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016fta v Tennessee znamen\u00e1 pro tyto \u017eeny n\u011bjak\u00fd podstatn\u00fd rozd\u00edl.\n"} |
479 | {"en": "On Thursday, attorneys for the state introduced a study from Utah on the effects of a 72-hour waiting period there. It found that 8% of participating women who attended an initial counselling visit later said they were no longer seeking an abortion.\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek p\u0159edlo\u017eili st\u00e1tn\u00ed z\u00e1stupci studii z Utahu o dopadech 72-hodinov\u00e9 \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016fty. Zjistilo se, \u017ee 8 % zkouman\u00fdch \u017een, kter\u00e9 se pozd\u011bji z\u00fa\u010dastnily \u00favodn\u00ed konzulta\u010dn\u00ed n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy, uvedlo, \u017ee ji\u017e nem\u00e1 z\u00e1jem o potrat.\n"} |
480 | {"en": "Questioned about the study, Antonia Biggs, a social psychologist researcher at the University of California San Francisco, agreed that some women change their minds about having an abortion or are uncertain to begin with. But she noted that the study did not find that Utah's mandatory waiting period caused women to change their minds or that it was otherwise beneficial to women.\n", "cs": "Antonia Biggsov\u00e1, v\u00fdzkumn\u00e1 pracovnice soci\u00e1ln\u00ed psychologie na univerzit\u011b v San Franciscu v Kalifornii, na dotaz ohledn\u011b studie odpov\u011bd\u011bla, \u017ee n\u011bkter\u00e9 \u017eeny zm\u011bn\u00ed n\u00e1zor na potrat nebo si nejsou jist\u00e9, zda na n\u011bj maj\u00ed j\u00edt. Poznamenala v\u0161ak, \u017ee studie neprok\u00e1zala, zda povinn\u00e1 \u010dekac\u00ed doba v Utahu \u017eeny p\u0159im\u011bla zm\u011bnit n\u00e1zor nebo \u017ee by byla pro \u017eeny jinak prosp\u011b\u0161n\u00e1.\n"} |
481 | {"en": "Biggs also testified that there is no evidence that abortion causes women to have mental health problems. She said a national study comparing women seeking abortions who were just under the cutoff date to obtain them with a group of women who were over the cutoff and were turned away from clinics found no difference in the rates of issues like depression and post-traumatic stress.\n", "cs": "Biggsov\u00e1 tak\u00e9 vypov\u011bd\u011bla, \u017ee neexistuje d\u016fkaz, \u017ee potraty zp\u016fsobuj\u00ed \u017een\u00e1m psychick\u00e9 probl\u00e9my. \u0158ekla, \u017ee n\u00e1rodn\u00ed studie srovn\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00ed \u017eeny usiluj\u00edc\u00ed o potrat, kter\u00e9 byly t\u011bsn\u011b pod mezn\u00edm datem, a \u017eeny, kter\u00e9 byly u\u017e nad mezn\u00ed hodnotou a potrat si rozmyslely, nezjistila \u017e\u00e1dn\u00fd rozd\u00edl v m\u00ed\u0159e psychick\u00fdch probl\u00e9m\u016f, jako jsou deprese nebo posttraumatick\u00fd stres.\n"} |
482 | {"en": "Under cross-examination Biggs said the study did not follow the mental health outcomes of women in states with waiting periods who changed their minds about having an abortion, although there were only three women like that identified in the study. She rebutted testimony from earlier in the week by Priscilla Coleman, a psychology professor at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, who said that abortion is associated with mental health problems.\n", "cs": "V k\u0159\u00ed\u017eov\u00e9m v\u00fdslechu Biggsov\u00e1 uvedla, \u017ee studie se nezab\u00fdvala du\u0161evn\u00edm zdrav\u00edm \u017een ve st\u00e1tech s \u010dekac\u00ed dobou na potrat, kter\u00e9 zm\u011bnily na potrat n\u00e1zor, i kdy\u017e ve studii byly zm\u00edn\u011bny pouze t\u0159i takov\u00e9 \u017eeny. Na za\u010d\u00e1tku t\u00fddne vyvr\u00e1tila v\u00fdpov\u011b\u010f Priscilly Colemanov\u00e9, profesorky psychologie na Bowling Green State University v Ohiu, kter\u00e1 uvedla, \u017ee potrat je spojen\u00fd s psychick\u00fdmi probl\u00e9my.\n"} |
483 | {"en": "Coleman testified that she believes most of the scientific literature on abortion is politically biased in favor of abortions.\n", "cs": "Colemanov\u00e1 prohl\u00e1sila, \u017ee v\u011b\u0159\u00ed, \u017ee v\u011bt\u0161ina v\u011bdeck\u00e9 literatury o potratech se z politick\u00e9ho hlediska zast\u00e1v\u00e1 potrat\u016f.\n"} |
484 | {"en": "Thursday also included testimony for the state from a Memphis obstetrician and gynecologist who participates in a controversial network that attempts to halt the effects of abortion-inducing medication. Dr. Michael Podraza said that through that work he has \"personal experience with women who have changed their minds about an abortion.\"\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek tak\u00e9 prob\u011bhlo sv\u011bdectv\u00ed porodn\u00edka a gynekologa z Memphisu, kter\u00fd pat\u0159\u00ed ke kontroverzn\u00ed stran\u011b, kter\u00e1 se pokou\u0161\u00ed pozastavit \u00fa\u010dinky l\u00e9k\u016f vyvol\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00edch potrat. Dr. Michael Podraza \u0159ekl, \u017ee d\u00edky sv\u00e9 pr\u00e1ci m\u00e1 \u201eosobn\u00ed zku\u0161enost se \u017eenami, kter\u00e9 zm\u011bnily na potrat n\u00e1zor\u201c.\n"} |
485 | {"en": "Tennessee's waiting period law went into effect in mid-2015, and Podraza said he has seen several women since then who wanted to try to reverse a medical abortion that was already underway. Some of those women then changed their minds a second time and followed through with the abortion, he testified. These reversals happened in spite of the waiting period.\n", "cs": "Z\u00e1kon o \u010dekac\u00ed dob\u011b v Tenessee vstoupil v platnost v polovin\u011b roku 2015 a Podraza \u0159ekl, \u017ee od t\u00e9 doby m\u011bl osobn\u00ed zku\u0161enost s n\u011bkolika \u017eenami, kter\u00e9 se pokusily zastavit ji\u017e prob\u00edhaj\u00edc\u00ed l\u00e9ka\u0159sk\u00fd potrat. N\u011bkter\u00e9 z t\u011bchto \u017een pot\u00e9 zm\u011bnily n\u00e1zor podruh\u00e9 a potrat podstoupily, vypov\u011bd\u011bl. K tomu v\u0161emu do\u0161lo bez ohledu na \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016ftu.\n"} |
486 | {"en": "Clinic directors previously testified the wait period causes women financial hardship and stress. They also said the two-visit requirement poses logistical challenges for patients and clinics that cause abortions to be delayed far beyond the 48 hours required by law, pushing some women into surgical abortions, which have greater risks of complications. A few women are pushed beyond the time when they can receive an abortion altogether.\n", "cs": "\u0158editel\u00e9 klinik dosv\u011bd\u010dili, \u017ee \u010dekac\u00ed doba zp\u016fsobuje \u017een\u00e1m finan\u010dn\u00ed pot\u00ed\u017ee a stres. Uvedli tak\u00e9, \u017ee po\u017eadavek na dv\u011b odd\u011blen\u00e9 n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvy klinik jsou logistick\u00fdmi p\u0159ek\u00e1\u017ekami pro pacienty i kliniky, proto\u017ee zp\u016fsobuj\u00ed zpo\u017ed\u011bn\u00ed potrat\u016f nad limit 48 hodin vy\u017eadovan\u00fdch z\u00e1konem, co\u017e n\u011bkter\u00e9 \u017eeny nut\u00ed j\u00edt na chirurgick\u00e9 potraty, u kter\u00fdch je v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed riziko komplikac\u00ed. N\u011bkter\u00e9 \u017eeny jsou tak tla\u010deny za mezn\u00ed hranici doby, b\u011bhem kter\u00e9 mohou podstoupit potrat.\n"} |
487 | {"en": "Tennessee is one of 14 states with laws requiring women to make two trips to an abortion clinic according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights.\n", "cs": "Podle Guttmacherova v\u00fdzkumn\u00e9ho institutu, kter\u00fd podporuje pr\u00e1vo \u017een na potrat, je Tennessee jedn\u00edm ze 14 st\u00e1t\u016f s platn\u00fdmi z\u00e1kony, kter\u00e9 ukl\u00e1daj\u00ed \u017een\u00e1m povinnost absolvovat dv\u011b cesty na potratovou kliniku.\n"} |
488 | {"en": "In determining whether Tennessee's waiting period violates the U.S. Constitution, U.S. District Judge Bernard Freidman must determine whether it places an undue burden on women seeking abortion. It's a subjective standard that has caused some waiting period laws to be struck down and others upheld, depending on the specific circumstances of the state.\n", "cs": "P\u0159i rozhodnut\u00ed, zda \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016fta v Tennessee poru\u0161uje \u00fastavu USA, mus\u00ed okresn\u00ed soudce Bernard Freidman ur\u010dit, zda z\u00e1kon nep\u0159im\u011b\u0159en\u011b zat\u011b\u017euje \u017eeny, kter\u00e9 cht\u011bj\u00ed podstoupit potrat. Jde o subjektivn\u00ed krit\u00e9rium, na jeho\u017e z\u00e1klad\u011b byly n\u011bkter\u00e9 z\u00e1kony o \u010dekac\u00ed lh\u016ft\u011b zru\u0161eny a jin\u00e9 jsou dodr\u017eov\u00e1ny, v z\u00e1vislosti na specifick\u00fdch okolnostech v dan\u00e9m st\u00e1t\u011b.\n"} |
489 | {"en": "After both sides rested their cases on Thursday, Friedman said he would rule as quickly as possible.\n", "cs": "Po kr\u00e1tk\u00e9 p\u0159est\u00e1vce obou stran ve \u010dtvrtek Friedman \u0159ekl, \u017ee rozhodne, jak nejrychleji to p\u016fjde.\n"} |
490 | {"en": "French chemical fire extinguished as questions mount\n", "cs": "Ohe\u0148 p\u0159i po\u017e\u00e1ru chemick\u00e9 tov\u00e1rny ve Francii uha\u0161en, mno\u017e\u00ed se ot\u00e1zky\n"} |
491 | {"en": "French authorities and Normandy residents are clearing up residue from a huge fire at a chemical plant as a foul stench continues to spread over a swath of territory.\n", "cs": "Francouzsk\u00e9 \u00fa\u0159ady a obyvatel\u00e9 Normandie za\u010dali odstra\u0148ovat zbytky po obrovsk\u00e9m po\u017e\u00e1ru v chemick\u00e9 tov\u00e1rn\u011b, kdy\u017e se po cel\u00e9m \u00fazem\u00ed roz\u0161i\u0159oval nep\u0159\u00edjemn\u00fd z\u00e1pach.\n"} |
492 | {"en": "No one was injured in Thursday's fire at a lubricant plant in Rouen, but residents have expressed concern about possible health risks and consequences for the nearby Seine River.\n", "cs": "Ve \u010dtvrtek p\u0159i po\u017e\u00e1ru v tov\u00e1rn\u011b na v\u00fdrobu chemick\u00fdch p\u0159\u00edsad v Rouenu nebyl nikdo zran\u011bn, nicm\u00e9n\u011b obyvatel\u00e9 vyj\u00e1d\u0159ili obavy z mo\u017en\u00fdch zdravotn\u00edch rizik a dopad\u016f na bl\u00edzkou \u0159eku Seinu.\n"} |
493 | {"en": "The head of the regional administration said Friday the fire was extinguished Thursday night after nearly 24 hours. Firefighters are still on the scene.\n", "cs": "Z\u00e1stupce m\u00edstn\u00ed spr\u00e1vy uvedl, \u017ee ohe\u0148 byl uha\u0161en ze \u010dtvrte\u010dn\u00ed noci na p\u00e1tek po t\u00e9m\u011b\u0159 24 hodin\u00e1ch. Hasi\u010di jsou st\u00e1le na m\u00edst\u011b po\u017e\u00e1ru.\n"} |
494 | {"en": "The administration warned of a new odor released after the fire was put out, saying it could spread to neighboring regions.\n", "cs": "Spr\u00e1vn\u00ed org\u00e1ny varovaly p\u0159ed z\u00e1pachem, kter\u00fd se za\u010dal \u0161\u00ed\u0159it po uha\u0161en\u00ed po\u017e\u00e1ru, a uvedly, \u017ee se m\u016f\u017ee \u0161\u00ed\u0159it i do sousedn\u00edch region\u016f.\n"} |
495 | {"en": "Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said people in fragile health should remain indoors through Friday night.\n", "cs": "Ministr vnitra Christophe Castaner \u0159ekl, \u017ee lid\u00e9 se zdravotn\u00edmi probl\u00e9my by nem\u011bli vych\u00e1zet ze sv\u00fdch domov\u016f a\u017e do p\u00e1te\u010dn\u00edho ve\u010dera.\n"} |
496 | {"en": "The cause of the fire is being investigated. The plant is among the highest-risk industrial sites in Europe.\n", "cs": "P\u0159\u00ed\u010dina po\u017e\u00e1ru je st\u00e1le p\u0159edm\u011btem vy\u0161et\u0159ov\u00e1n\u00ed. Tov\u00e1rna je jednou z nejrizikov\u011bj\u0161\u00edch pr\u016fmyslov\u00fdch oblast\u00ed v Evrop\u011b.\n"} |
497 | {"en": "LNG investments hit record in 2019 & the biggest growth is coming from China\n", "cs": "Investice do LNG dos\u00e1hly v roce 2019 rekordn\u00edho v\u00fdsledku a nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1r\u016fst poch\u00e1z\u00ed z \u010c\u00edny\n"} |
498 | {"en": "Investments in liquefied natural gas since the start of the year have hit an all-time high of $50 billion, the International Energy Agency's head, Fatih Birol, told an industry conference.\n", "cs": "Investice do zkapaln\u011bn\u00e9ho zemn\u00edho plynu (LNG) od za\u010d\u00e1tku roku dos\u00e1hly rekordn\u00edch 50 miliard dolar\u016f, uvedl \u0159editel Mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed energetick\u00e9 agentury Fatih Birol na pr\u016fmyslov\u00e9 konferenci.\n"} |
499 | {"en": "\"This year, 2019 already broke the highest amount of (final investment decisions) for the first time ever, $50 billion,\" Birol told the LNG Producer-Consumer conference in Tokyo, as quoted by Reuters.\n", "cs": "\u201eLeto\u0161n\u00ed rok (2019) p\u0159ekonal nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u010d\u00e1stku (kone\u010dn\u00fdch investi\u010dn\u00edch rozhodnut\u00ed) v\u016fbec poprv\u00e9, 50 miliard dolar\u016f,\u201c \u0159ekl Birol na konferenci Producent-spot\u0159ebitel v Tokiu, jak uvedla agentura Reuters.\n"} |
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